The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 08, 1897, Image 8

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I. L. CAMPBELL, PrnprUlor.
Chlrasja I'n.mplo.d Propnaa In Marrh
fa I'lah.
will lunl III.
Int.r.atlng Cnll.rtloai of Cnrmnl Kf.nta
In Cond.Baad Form From
Vulh Contln.nt.
Knur livcsjwcre lost ill tenement
house fire in llrisiklyn, N. Y.
Tim hanking firm of Hchar, Koch & ,
I'n. f . i i I - I for f l.i.OOO in Chicago.
Kirn consumed tin elevator nnd other
Ona Capaliad In " Br.aler at
ni.ip in.
i Astoria, Or., May 3 Th- flut Senator Jones,
drowning of the fishing -a-on o urn:-,
about 8 o'clock thin morning. "Ij'-n one
of Koaborg's boats c.p-iz-"l in tli"
, breakers ru-:tr Clat-op p;t. In '!'-' I'"'1'
were John I fend r i.-k-ori and hl- boat-
organized, an.) it in said that in June WEKE IlKAWN 1XT0 AMBl'SCADB nulb-r Au"ut Ko-h'-U The win I
II will move," having It Marling' WJl, ,
point In tli in city,
With. ring flra Ma Poured t pon tba
Chicago, May 8. The Record says:
Another movfiniiit iimiiur to thut Spaniards Repulsed at Pur
which General Coiy organized a few . .....
years ago, and which is designed to take galOry I111IS.
un army of unemployed men on a long
trip across the country, la leing ijuietly
of Nevada.
Joins the Opposition.
l:I.AM E F I'nwri!
It Hitlers Irom that which wa pro
ductive of tho f.itllnii "kei-p-off the.
grass" by-term, in that it doc not have
the national capital at ita objective
jxiifit, an I it ia not designed to -k thei
national government for aid for imy
one. If the present plana lire camel
Hit, when the "armv" reaches the end
property of the Iowa Elevator Coin puny work at a co-operative couiiiiunwoaltli,
Hii'l tlie lea leia w ill iittcmpt to prove
that the Working penplcoaii provide for
make the trip to I'tali, but it i I
Moved by men prominent in the move
liient that the army will move with
several thon-arcl men, uiel that it will
pick up more on the way.
It ia pioiscd to organize the co
operative commonwealth along the Name
llhf a those laid do ll by the siM'
ists, the ineana of pro aid ill
trihntion are to he the common prop
erty of the I'oiiiuiniiily, aid may lie
used by any member thereof.
Whether the pi'oiit ion will he sub
mitted to the convent Ion of the railroad
organization has not Imch .ii-i.b.. hut
it said that it in more than likelv it
will lie.
at IVona, III.; loss, f. '00, 000
Lieutenant Fluff, grandson of I'resl
ilcnt Krugcr, ha been aciinlte. of the
charge of slander against liieen Vic
toria. Train w 'rockers threw a switch and
wrecked a train on the UoiiHton & Tex
as Central aid killed one man aid in
jure! M'Vcial.
The nchiNiiier Annie waa rrnsln-.l in
an ice Hon oil St. Join,, N. IS, The
crew of twenty -five men barely escaped
w i tli their live.
N. Iltirris, Son A Co., of Norfolk,
N il., one of the most pioiiiinent uiel
widely known hanking firm in the
South, hua failed.
The insurgent against Spanish rub'
in the Philippine island are still 2',,
dOO strong ami offering stout rcsiatcnoe
in the iiioiintaiiiH.
The Hansard union of printer aid
publisher in Iy.ndoii, which collapsed
in IS'Jl, haa pad a quarter of a liullion
(telling of ita indebtedness.
The luihcow tier of Icadvillc, Col.,
met aid subscribed f.'iO.OOO toward
draining the iiiinea, and it ia estimated
that (qs'iiihg the miiiea will put 'M
men to work.
The Democratic member of tin
finance cominittie object to repotting
the tariff bill direct to the aclinic.
They rely iikiii the .Nevada aenator to
B.-cure aiiieniliiienta in full coiiiiuittee.
Tim French finbing eaael Valiant,
Captain I'ierre, from St. Malo for Mi
queloii, struck an iceberg on the Oraid
bank, near St. John', N. K., on the
J Hlli iiiHt., and alinoat immediately
foundered. tjh had ae vent y three
lir-hermcii on tajaid, ami ull tixik to the
iHiata. Only ono of tlieae taiata lia hi
far been beard from. When it h it the
veaael. ita complement waa ten men. '
Three periahed fiom ciKiniire and bun
Ker. The laidiea of the llrat two were ;
thrown overboard, but the aurvivoia, in j
their desperation, were driven to can- '
liibaliHiu, uiel ale the third. The I ton I
waa picked up by a achooucr. The nur- '
vivora are in a tdiockiiK condition, and i
arc ao badly froMbilten that their iiriua
uiuat be amputated.
It ia rcMrtcd that the Oregon dclcita- i
tion in coiiKrcxa haa reiiimmemled I'ro- '
feaaor II. li. Miller, pleaiilcnl of the 1
tato agricultural college t Co.vallix, A , ,
for a diplomatic uppomlinct to (ler- ; vcdid that the (oiward
Ulllll) .
Company i. Oiegou Nalioiial (luard,
Allan .1. Walker, captain, han Wcndi
banded by order of Uovcrnor lird.
1'he company' headipiar let ucie at
Myrtle I'olnt, Coo county. 1'lu
rexignatioii of Captain Walker, made
licecHMiry by hi removal from the
Mute, wa the caiiM1 for making the or
der. The president haaciit tocongrc the
rejNirt of tho Ihiundary coiihuihnioii ap
pointed to locale the boundary line be
tween Mexico and the I'nitcd State,
i't of the liio tliando river. The
ircnideiit'a mei.iigii merely tiaiiHiuila
the paper tiled by the foiiiniit.ioii
With the Mate depai ttneiit, coiikiM ing of
pi luted volume and map.
A dixpatch from Coulee City, WiihIi.,
vara that while OritT Jotic, Clonic
IVeter and Kay Wcaton were rounding
tip a band of young Iioihc on lower
Crab creek, they undertook tiiHwim the
home, below Ivocky fold, ucrox the
Mrcam. While ctoteiiig the horxca be- '
came entangled and tiiiiuly, an. I .lone !
and Wciion wcie thrown into the watei
ml drowned, while IK'ctcr managed to j
reach the ahore.
Private John N. Slaniui, of Walla j
Walla barrack, waa ats-idcutnlly allot j
llnrhiK target piacticc, and it i not
Hiibh for him to n'vovcr. Sergeant '
Mane' pistol cnnppe.l while aiming !
at the target, lie icturned to where ;
Stimuli waa atandin, and wan explain
ing to him the reason why the car
tridge failed to explode. In doing thi
he pulled the trigger, and tho revolver
waa dichuigi"d, the bullet striking ;
Stamtn In the gioiti, and passing entile- .
ly through the Naly, perforating the
intestines, and coming out of the back. I
The governor of Oregon and Wash-
Ingtou have received copies of the call j
for the annual meeting ot the trans- :
Mississippi eongiesa, to be held this
year in halt Lake City, July II to IS, i
with a re.uel that they designate a
number of cilucn to icpicse- I tin I
Hates, including, "at least one speaker, '
who will be picparcd to present soon !
general subject in which the state is in
toiested." The object of the congicst
are to secure closer trade relations and ,
national legislation of U n. lit to statei
West of the Misiippi. W. J. ltiyai
lias Is-cn made president of the ( gres.
The fouitli annual meeting of t lit
racitlc Coast Wonien's Cuugrcaa ha
Upeiusl in San Kiaiu isco,
John I'oM'paugli and two proininen
Spaniird were killed ill a tallica I ac
M.h'iil near Tampa, I'la. A can lesi
Qioloinian left Ins post, and the tudl, y
jar was tun down by a fast mail tiain.
Mipeivi-or Kakcstraw is piepaiiiij.
(irtlie national educational lustitutt
o be held in l'oitland, r., in August,
at which it ia expecteil all the
cluml and ilgeiico ill the West will bt
At NewHrt News, Va. , the broke
Oilt ill the Chesapeake t tHiio lailrcid
pier. llelote the tlaiues wcie i-luvked,
ilamage to the extent id $ .'.ooO ouil had
been dune. Two of the company V
uei were destroyed, and ei. l.t peiaon
injund, some seriously. The llaiuc
Wiie dlM'oveied in pier No, ,', hi
f tcu I with such tapi l.ty that it i
iuiuissibK' to niiike any hca Iway ., i,i,
them. A tierce wild fanned t tic llam,
and swept lllcm acios tl.c do. k. to .,e
No. tl. which was i.ipi.ily consume.!
Two ships, a steamer and a li;,1 iioh.:
lu ar the ;ui wcie I nine I to tl.c w(.
Npanlarda from All Mlilr
l o.. .. II..,,.
New York, May 3. A Herald di
patch from Havana lays:
Ih -ngagement which the JSpanish Finn, about :i" years
bad with (ieni-ral Hislerigm-x in tho ried. lie had livel
of ita destination it will at once go to 1'urgatory hill, and whicdi waa rejairt- ei 'lit Vear. and ha I
e'l a a H-clive SpaniNli victory, turn
lowing heavily :
few men had their
IH-arest the capsi.e I
assistance, and sue. .
the hoatpullcr, but H
It i probable the I... ly
covered. The ijecea.
it tl nl
. out.
'.lit W
!. I in
!.i. k'
m.;I n-'
I u.i- a
.! I. an I
in tl.i-
time, and
Tl." .oat
,e,l tO it-
r. uii.g
.li sank
r In- re-l:u--ian
unm ir-
and sis-
.1 o.
themselves out of the ill. Hid. nee of the
earth without dividing the pr.slucts of
their lalsir.
It ia said that w ith the adjoiiriilueiit
of the convention of the Ameiican
Il.iilway I.'iiion, whl'h will meet in
this city ill June, the time, w ill have
arrived for the oider to march, and it
i further said that 1'residefit K. V.
Ilehs and other men pniinim-nt in rail
road orgaln. ilions are among the prime
mover in the scheme. I'tali is to Li
the haven of tct, aid Oliee there every
man will be on an e.pial fiaiting w ith
bia neighbor. There will be no city
councils to do business with when pull
lie improvement lire needed lilel the
people decide to make them. The
H-ople will do 'his themselves.
It in said that figure have been gath
ered which show that there are now 1
100,000 men and women out of employ
ment in Chicago. t is not exiscti-d
that anywheie near this niiinls-r w ill port in the direction of oliiin.
I ark. I he net was
and tangled in the v.
the unfortunate man.
not learned. It is p
puller wa nl-o
It in rcsrte ton
Uootli'a lioat ca.:
I. it" tl.i- af
,f a ho ly of an
I Kinney' boats
He ir l ) can
,.; to t!,e l.oal,
,1- the body of
111- n one was
I ,Mc the boat-
ter living in Astoria.
Out to liavo lii-en the reverse. New was receive. I
The Spanish column encountered tornoon of the tin hi..'
the insurgent Hid attacked sharply, other fisherman. One.
lelying on their auperior force. The drifted up on I.on.' I:
rels-l relreate-l toward their camp, and I'ark. The net was f
iuw le i in playing their old trick of
drawing the Spanish into an iiinhus
cade, (ieneral Castillo arrived with
reinforcement while Ibderigucg was
engaging the Spanish and fell on their
flank. The fighting lasted five hour,
and III killed, wounded and prisoners, near Clatsoii stiit. an I ih
the Spanish lost 2H0 men. and Is.atpuller dio i:..- .
New come from Santiago do Cuba is evidently true, alihoug!
that BOO Volunteer headed by a priest number of the b ut nor
and a prominent physician have joined the men were giv n. Th" n
the insurgent because they were dis- hiought up by a li-her m.ui, w ho had
satislh-d with the conduct of the Span- learned nothing more,
isli authorities, and believed that
Chlcl'o. M IV I T
lli.'toti sp.- -i.i I
M-n itor J."..-, "I N'-va l i.
th- hal.m f poA-r. I. i- j
the 1 iii . -ia. - of Illl HI v
iii oh: -t:ii' to' to
il iris- I- tic1 s
I .ill
T.riir mil Mi"
uiel Mai "
I mil . b n- -
ho li-l
cncl with
land b;il
framed by
Th. r.rk4 H.Id Omn .1 V.lM
lino Junction.
then, Mav 8.-A telegram junt re
cci'ved here .ay. a great halt la lia. been
fought HtVeleStino, between a u , ,
force of S.000 utid (J-ueral Smolensk I,
hri.e,de The di-patch utate. that thf ,
,..,.e i,ed charges of tl'- Turks were re-1
m,l..., with cnorinoil los-es.
The head.ptarter staff of theOreck
annv ill I' ha b completely
.-hanged, Macris and tolo.icla
sa.-inul.akis, Mastropa and An
,iades h ive resigned and atarted foi
Athens. .
Evidence of Steady Grown
and Enterprise.
This movi
i- ii
I t
that .one of
is :.: t.-! ii..oii
b.ili ivp'aii.
The lepoit
iii-it !i'-r tli"
tie- n inn s of
"an lie-inn
in nun --lit t- I
rs in coiigr.-s and to th- ad'uini-tra-
The hill will have t- b rc!.ore
lull commiltee. and th" V nio-
,,f ti c . oiiiiiiit!'-.
v .l.i no! intend 1
;re tle-V I t-l t" L'
h-i lel.rioll heful"
hefore the s..;,at".
to let the llepllh-
r the report, and
in ciiminittee for
Th" chanivs for
before it
cia would succeed in retaining hi an
premacy in the eastern province.
The situation at Ham-s continue to
command attention. Four cruisers and
several guiilxiat have. Im-n ordered
there to land a force to march on the
Allen Miosis III llnsslitflfl Mnv Mate
lloione llllll.ll i Illens.
near lianes ia
! relx-l toree in an
' mated at H.OOO.
ieneral Weyler came quietly back
to Havana yesterday morning after a
aix week' trip to Santa Clara, during
which, if be nccoinplinhed anything
from a military atandMiiiit. the fact lias
been most effectually concwaled. It is
now rexuted that he Is going to Spain
siMin, but Ibe rrsirt ia probably due to
the fact that hi sou sailed April iiO.
It wa reported last night that an in
surgent chief of inisirlance had been
sent to I'liiardel Rio. He i believed
to have been (iiintiu Handera, but the
statement lack continuation.
From Mataiixa and other town in
Havana, Santa Clara and I'niar del Rio
come the new that starvation and dis
ease, uie on the increase.
Itcaseil l jr Jury for I'urllalol
Mlrrrl-( ar Ai-i-lilnil.
I'orlland, Or., May ,1. Thecoiouer's
Juiv impaneled Wc.liies.lav to hold an
ill.piest over the Isslies of Catherine
llaillie, Newton Hansen, W. W. III. inch
ard and M. C. Ilcuninger, who died
from the elTects of injuries n-ceiveil in
the slriM't-car accident on Fast Morrison
street last Tuesday, rendered a verdict
yesterday afternoon in which thc
found that the accident wa mainly dm
to the high rate of speed liaveled bt
ir ISO. (i- at ( In- time of the a cnl.-nl.
essed ill till
axle of th.
' front truck was broken at the revets
. curve, where the car showed indie. i-
lion of having lit Ht left the tails
I Much evidence wa taken duiiii.- th.
, day from both pei-ons on the cur at tin
tune, and from other familiar will
I mechanics and the tiack on l.'.i-l Mm
risen street.
The majontv of those on the cai
stated that it wa traveling faster than
i permitted by the city old ices.
One witness, Mr. I'hilip Fhsid, win.
stood on the rout platl-rui with lb
iiiotoiuian, Mated that the car was not
going faster than was customary at that
Hint, and that it was thoroughly mi
tier the niotorniati's control until (In
curve was reached.
I ntrllril at llallna Willi a tlllngi mi,
.Irtti-rsuii- Hat Is.
Hallas, Tex.. May II. The Confcd ,
crate inoiiniiieiit elected thiougli the
effort of the daughters of the Conic I
eracy, at Pallas, was unveiled tin
morning. It is of Texas gtauiie, th.
shafl being lifty feet high. At the
top of the column stands a private. Ai
the base on four pedestals me life si,.,
Statue of Jefferson lavis, li. K. ,
Stonewall Jackson and Sidney John--ton.
JelTersoti H.ivis, jr., pulled tin-cot. I
that unveiled the statue of bis gi.m I
father, l.ucy Hays did the same for
Robert l.ce, and a little gialidaughtei
of Stonewall .hicksou completed the in, -veiling
by pulling the cords which re
moved the veils (nun the statues of
Jackson and Johnston.
After the young la.lic icptcscut ing
Siulhern state ibsiuatisl the inouu
I incut w ith Mowers, John H. Reagan,
thi only surviving member of the Con
' federate cabinet, .l.-liveied a milogy
1 iihiii l'lcsidcut Davis.
I Wrut Ttirmiih a llrlilg.
Warrcnton, O., May II. An engine
I and fourteen cai of a freight tiain, on
the Wheeling iV like Krie railway,
went through a bridge near hero today,
and plunged into a creek. Kiijineer
Janic tlarlctter xva scal.hsl to death.
Fiteman K.luar.l Miinn and Itiakeman
C. K Kcyscr, both rcccivtsl biokeu legs
and were otherw ise injured severely.
I'ntti?an ttetolullun I'allhtg.
lluenos Ayres, May It. The I'm
guayaii insuigent accuse the revolu
tionary committee here of inaction.
The leading chiefs ate withdrawing,
fiom the movement, and its f.nlutc is
fierly ircdictc.l.
tlankrr 4'eut leteil ut K ml-- Ir iu. nl
New Oilcan. May 8. William IV
Nichol, president of the defunct Rank
of Commerce, wa tonight convicted of
the embezzlement of f .'ad, not) of the
bank' funds.
rrttotsri tu Mk rt tap.
M.vlical Uike, Wash., May S F.
IX Waldo, a Chicago capitalist, con
template putting in a liiaiiufactui tug
plant for reducing the waleis of Medi
cal Lake to soft aoap, ct,.. M.sli, al
Itkti HMplc ate prcpansl to giv any
reasonable Umus for the plant.
Twenty yen ago there were onlv S.'S
mileaof tailroad open in South Africa; 1
now there are 3..VK) mile.
A I'lilian llnle.r
New Yoik. May 3. A World dis
patch from Havana aays:
Advice from Sagua la (irande say
that Rafael Fernandez, adjutant on tin
' staff of the insuigent (Ieneral Rohan,
baa been captured, lb- i an American,
lie is conllned in the military prison
' at Sugila. Hi case i receiving atten
tion at the hands of Consul Mar ker.
rilbnn Itrrerms In II. Aitllrtl.
Madrid, May II. The ipiceu regent,
at the cabinet meeting today, signed a
decree providing for the application of
the iigieed Usoi refoima for Cuba.
The action was due to the receipt id a
cable message from Captain (Ieneral
; Weyler announcing the western part of under
the islainl was pacified.
Ileroratlon Wrr. Itiiriiril, hut lln- si
Kprrrhrs W sr. Mail..
Flushing, May 8. The eleventh an
nual banquet of the Americns Club, in
memory of (Ieneral Urant, was held
tonight, in spite of the tire in the bin
tpiel hull w Inch destroyed the decora
tions and thicatcncd for a tune to put
a stop to the ccreliioiiicM. The lul.
had made great ptcparat ions for the
event, and the decorator had been at
work for several day and had adorned
tho ceiling w ith lour row of inverted
pyramids, coiisiructed of red, white and
blue hunting. The pyramids, several
hundred in number, entirely covered
the ceiling, and the points ,,( them ex
tended to within about eight feet of the
floor. An olivine light was suspended
from the top of each, and a bunch of
sinilax festooned fiom point to point.
The effect was very beautiful. The
windows wcie artistically diaped, and
in the center of the north wall was a
lifesio portrait of the hero of Appo
uiattox. The cluli management wished to se
cure a photograph of thcdccoiatcd hall,
and in the at tempt to scenic a Hash
light picttnc an explosion occurred
which was followed by flame which
practically desttoyed the entire decoiu
tion of the hall. Men were at once put
to woik to remove the debris, and the
banquet was delayed only an hour, the
dismantled condition of the ns.iu ptov
ing but a slight detraction from the
evening' enjoyment.
There were UJ I diners seated at the
table, with 1'. S. Trent a toastuiatcr.
Rossl.ud. H. ('., May Tin- pro I a as to alien miners having to
declare intent mn to become citizens
; la-forc they can take out a miner's cer
tilh'.ite is causing much talk Ic and
there an- ftill hopes that it w ill not he
come a law. although it has ,i I the
legislature. Mnuig petition- agiin-t
it are going up I mm all parts of lit it i.-h
Columbia, the piiucipal argument h--ing
that w ith-ut American energy the
inning wealth of the loiinlrv would
not have la-en discovered, and without
it this wealth cannot he .let -duped.
' Fighty-three Atuei icaiis today applied
for milter's lieen-es at a fee of each
per annum, huh,' for one year, some for
I two, and some for three years, There
! ine many pio-pectors from the Ameri
can siile who have previously taken out
licenses for several years, and tin-",
the new law, if it becomes a law. will
Hot be nhle to touch. There will pioh
iibly be a ru-h of American miners at
other iints to get mini-is' cei l III. -ales
Is-lore the law is signed.
Klv. Mora Hnilles llri-m ernl Irion
Kansas City, May II. A special to
the Times f i mil (itithrie, it. T., ,ii:
Five more bodies were recovered fimn
t he debris left by Wednesday's -toiia
in West tiiithrie. '1 lie I, ..he- .,f
( ieolge Owen and Mis. I.Vtliiis
were found on the w.-l I .ink of the
river. The Indies of Henry -un:uons
and Mrs. Wat-oit and cli 1 1 I found
l pile of hay Hear the Ciinai iuii.
Mis. Walsoii ha I hei dill I clu, he. I to
her brciist, in w Inch p i-uioii l..:h met
death. Scores of oigiuiz-l searching
panics are at woik. hut , n
nv, since tons o debus mu-t he .ho
over ill the scaicli. I: i- heli.-ve I the
rushing watcis of t he t 'uu.n i-u conceal
many corpses. The Cnunioii is two
miles north, and w hen l!,e II I eame
the waters of the CoIIokm,,,, it.
The Cituarioii's hoitoni contains ipiiek
sand, and it is one of the mi tiea.-her-oils
sfeam in th" country. It tlow s
into the At k, ins is iu Raw m-,. . ouniv,
and it is believed loll,-, i ,,,i
to th"
cr.ltl" llie!lb.-.
thilt. While tin
Stril"t III" lllel-
tini" for li can
periniltillg It t" ' "UI'
The Demo rals n-fu-licin
name a day f1
say it In IV b" In I I
two or tlir. weeks.
early pis-age of the bill are
iiiL. and it iii.iv b August
goes til the .H-idelt.
Ill Hie s.-lolls I 'Ilium-. ( loioollle..
Wa-hingloli, May I. The senate
linan." coiiiiuittee was in si-sioii an
'" hour to lav. lour 1" crats and four
Republicans h ing present. The ab-
...... i i : . tii ..
sen tees were 1 I lit, liepuruicari, oi t on
i,e ti ut; Join . D.uiio rat, of Arkansas;
and Jones. silver Republican, of Nevada.
No ci.ii. lii-i..ii regarding 'I'" UritT
hill was reached, although th" Repub
licans said they hoped to he able to re
port t he hi 1 1 to t li" full lllllittee on
Moll. lav. The l.'epublians a-ked that
a time he tixed for reporting the bill to
the sen ile. The Democrats Would not
llglee to tu a date, saying they wanted
a reasonable tini" to consider the bill,
and tie n- would be iiii undue delay.
The I iii.-rats were not shown a copy
of the hill, nor did they receive any
infoiiiiaiioii regarding its character.
1 III- I t I Of It- Sl,hltlllll.
W.i-hiiigtoii. Miyl. The question
of w liether bii-ini-s was to Is-done by
the senate next wi ek was raised bslay
by 1'ettigteH. when the senate met.
I'ettigrew proposed that the senate
direct a conference on the Indian ap
propriation hill.
Chandler, however, gave notice that
he wi.ul I obje -t to any business being
done, In- -au-" there was a general till-del-tan
ling that none should be taken
up during the absence of so many sena
tors in New York to attend the eoro
uionii s of dedication of the (irant mon
ument. Other senator protested that
there had been no such agreement
made. Thereupon, tjuay suggested
that, before the passage of the Indian
app'opiiaiimi lull was disposed of,
there should be an investigation of
lea.-es of ml lands of the Seneca In
dians, t em iikiug that the senate should
know whether the Indians were being
rruin am in. a turn .,,,)
. Hi Thriving H.i.r
I Wild flying ,0 f
river, and the gunner arc dut. '
Six carloads of wheat were i
from Engone to Portland lust
There ia much activity jn ,
county hopyard tl.i year. ,,, .'
any, yunla will go uncultivated.
In A'tttainn a
riiiii(a i-Buruiiuil rivem
"'lies an.t i.t "
Haul. OI lay.
Athens, Mav S.-The battle of Veb r.ig-1 fiercely from s.ii.dt.wii un
til 10 o'clock this morning. llx'
tireeks have 1 n reinforced, the rein-
(orceiiieiits arriving at a critical stage
of the tight, (ieneral Slllolcnski tele
graph that the Tti.k- will be unable
to capture Pharsala 1 ause the (ireek
position is strong and the moral" of lb'
liieek couiplelely restored.
Why Hie Tiirltl-li Ola. fc
London. -May .-Tli Chronicle's
,-orressiii."itt at l'hai-ala telegraphs:
The Turk attacked Veleat inn Junc
tion Tuesday night w ith four squadrons
of cavalrv and a battery of horse ar
tillery. The large foice of (ireek beat
i t . .1 .... I .... I
the Turks otr, but not nei,. e me. , KMWtM 8m0UMt(S to 13001
displa I half a dozen rails .l'u I the reaourceti to S7,tl-i-l ,'",0W'J
the wires. The latter were repaired -... . '
a, o Wednesday the train service was Two pair of Mongolian phfl
- umeil. i "u T" haV9. v '"rM 2
Fighting was renewed Wednesday ! ' f. i'"',. "'''.
night, but without special result.. .. ' 7 ref ull, ,,,,,,
Thursday night, the Turks assembled j l'ff,,rt n8 n"lu I'ro.gate tl.em.
in great force in the directi.tii of ele-j Hie linn to aeoiire the governmfX
. .. t. t. : ...I. ..I ......... - Ml .
1 1 no.
KraiiKu found human I
a depth of forty feet.
Six or eight Greek in AaU.ri. an
out their nota and other !i,h.j,,. M
last week, ami, with the i()m.T ',
hack to aid the mother countrV i v
Mrugghj with Turkey. '
The ieiniaiiniiiil
oi orioit
.tlarcn at last anowei) that the
Htatclnenl ,. .,
financial condition of (ir:.,,. .
The Tin ks made an attack before i work oi the upM'r liMjinlb. i,nM
..I I I l,e tl,.. f.rk.1t-k.,.,.,.n....4 . I .1
aw n, lull were sticcessiuiiv renos.-n. . .... ,,-,,, , ,e t .
Three time ill the course oi tlie morn-, i no iini.roemenv will It) g,,
ing was the attack repeated, each time ; largely t,o pointa between liobort'a land-
ing huh nai-mcn a mill, or alsjatoti
mile ladow Myrtle Point,
n. ....I i:....- i i. ... i i ..
I, mm on. Iiouilleil til. acrtji
from a different direction, ami
time the result was a repulse,
parent I v it was intended that th
tacks should be simultaneous
hut this
plan failed, ow ing to lack of proier or
ganization. The Turks, however,
pushed the attack with the utmost de
termination for six hours, and only
abandoned the attempt to seize the
junction about imk.ii.
The (ireeks liehaved well. The third
brigade and artillery particularly dis
tinguished themselves under (ieneral
Snioleiiski. The Turkish losses were
heavy. The (ireek loss was much
lighter. Colonel Janninosta. with the
Kighth regiment, pursued the Turks
Several mile.
Full-grown and mature men. well
armed, though without tin i forms, are
arriving here w ith every train. They
are supplied with ammunition. The
transport service is improving rapidly.
Heliograph and night watching signals
have been established, covering the en
tire territory occupied by the forces.
An exe.-lh-nt spirit animates the men,
who woik hard from 5 in the morning
until 7 in the evening, besides sleep
ing on their arms at night.
Th. Turks ( Inltn II.
Constantinople, May 8. The Tin k
ish government has issued the follow
ing announcement: "Far from being
repulsed ut Yelestino, the imperial
troops continued their victorious march
forward. "
A lues, i g. from the president, trans
iiiitting the result of the commission to
a Ij l-l ihe boundary between the United
St.t'. s aid Mexico, west of the Rio
(i aildc, W IS read.
V-iay pre td a resolution calling
upon the secretary of the interior for
of it atrawberrie this spring.
new plant will not hear this year bit
next year should have a full crop,
this next your should furnish l.Juo.or
suind of crimson lusciousness, or 'it
tons, say The Dalle Chronicle.
Dairying in Curry county ii jnfjji
blast. The number of cow lm M
been decreased by the hard winter, but.
owing to the inrceased demand for at
tic and tho better prices paid, nor,
calve will lie raised and the outpntd
butter will probably not equal Uutd
last year.
Tho Tillamook Lumlicring Compi-t
is oH-rating ita water pipe factory niji'i
lis well a day, forthepurjstseuffilli-j
an order for ubont 2 mile nf j,
which is required to ext I the wi:k
system at Kalama, in Washington, i
will require about OO.Ow feet uf lua
her. The pia will Im shipjieil on t!a
steamer Harrison.
Union connty butcher" are Isoconiisi
somewhat uneasy over the pMpscttf
scouring beef cattle for thin -ino'i
business. Heretofore it haa bee o u
easy task to secure all the been tin;
needed at any time, but the unusual it
maud for cattle thi season tlireitrnt v
change former conditions. Nut oilj
are buyer purchaHii.g all tlienlibii
steers they can find, hut they appear
just us eager to secure dry cows.
Another Iteti-ent rri.tuil.le.
London, May 8. The Times cone
sKiiieiit at Athens says: "The news
from Thessaly is unfavorable. Fight
ing at Velestino was resumed this morn
ing. The (ireek right resd led vigor
ous cavalry charges, but their left was
compelled to retire. It is feared their i Kllenshurg
nil iinialioii as to whether the lease of position at Pharsala will be Juno.
me . -em- a s on li.. been made thus compelling a retreat
Potatoes are plentiful in the K ittitat
valley, and are Helling at f D a ton.
Tho business men of Siiitliuuiifhi-t
working to get u hospital for tlmlci?-
A farmer' institute w ill be holdii
luring the first week n
buried in the sand,
the A i k. uis. is, w hi.
d to
in the ii-unl manner, and whether there
h;il been any corruption. It was
agreed to.
D.iiiiig the presentation of memo
ri'K net ottetel one "from sey-
nien who were working
the lumber districts of
king for the enactment
schedule in the Dingley
senate was deluged with resolu-
lltl Miles W III
(" In lln- Seal i,f
t ll--l.ll
ll aeut I
ted Hip I.
f Ihe
talal swmill Ki.luli.u.
Pittsburg, May 8. A Innler explo
sion at Aldei man' sawmill in the
Kanawah valley, W. Va., last night,
kilhsl (wo men and seriously injured
five. The killed are: Perry IVvers
and Oeoige Couley. The injured are:
W. Hickman. Thomas Hickman, Will
nun Halton, William Alderman, John
M.Oaulcy. The thteo former will
piobably die. The mill was badly
wrecked, and the loss will bo heavy.
Trillion fur a Italy an Hlil.a,
Coulee City, Wash., May 8 Tho
Stix-krainet' Association of the Rig
Rend has sent a petition to Washington
asking that congress place a duty on
hides. Kateni Washington cattle
men want the Dingley bill amended.
Washington, May :l t
today received the I'm
president for his pint.
key and (I recce. The e
"The president gr.mi
sion to priK'cad, as soon
to the seat of war in ll,
if authority thcivtoi' be
by the icspivtive g..
ce rued, to visit the Tu-1
armies, or Kith, a-, in y
may lie desirable. Tl,,.
thcr giants you autlioi
i'.urope, to visit such,
may, in your opinion. ,
opportunity for iniin.u v
uud at such times a- ,,
most expedient."
vieneral Miles will Iv
thiiH" months, as m a l i
ing a personal sin ly ,,f
feature of the contest
Turks and I Ireeks, he p.,
spect the ntiliiaiy e-ia!
the principal Kuiop.-.m
many, r ranee an. t l-.ngl.ind, and s,s
tut i.ussia. I lie result ol his obse, V;l,
tion will IvemUtlicd in an otVn-ul ro
Hirt to the president.
" V"U peinilS-
i- pia.-tiealde.
' Levant, and
g' anted to you
'll.tllelltS con-
i -h and I ireek
"ii judgment,
pies, 1,-ut fur
H . while in
ci count i n-s as
tier the best
ol.s,-i vat ion,
I may deem
gone two or
'"it to mak
the military
Ix'tHcen the
' to in
lislunents of
powers ( i,.r.
eral llioii
for wag.
Wisconsin, "
of Ihe hiinl
ti ms.
A ies,,,i,, was offered by Morgan,
and adopted, requesting the president,
if not iuiompatihle with the public in-teie-t.
to Iraii-niit to the senate all cor-1,-p
ci h-iice w illi the consul-general
and consuls in Cuba, since the begin-
ning oi the war, not heretofore
isle .1.
Ill S,-sSI,
j"tll nal
that Ibele
II I lit ll,,.
-i-liiiigton. Mav 1. The lions.,
n sever, minutes today. The
was not read. The obieetuo,
s -
was no ouoium was i,,,..r.
p.-.- I by Simpson, wlicreii Payne
ma le a mo: mn i adjourn.
The chaplam, in his invocation to
day, prayed for the recovery of (ieneral
ll'-n lc:-..ti, of Iowa, who "lies danger-mi-ly
ill ai his home in Dubuque.
Mio-i- VI re. Uuge SIK,.,.
uia. Mav 8 The ..1i .i
, - - mn. fi
at rived in port hito
H'.mg me e,,a-t. .
W'luie off (I,,. California
pick" i up a small b
to Deinokos.
Tiirk.y' Terms or I'rar..
New York, May 8. A World dpecial
from Washington says: The terms of
peace which Turkey has offered (ireece
have reached the Washington legation.
i ney are as loiiows:
The restoration of the boundary tixed !
by the treaty of I:t 1 , which gave to;
Turkey all of Thessaly, including its i
exlensive seacoast; the evacuation by
(ireece of Prevesa and other points iii ;
the province of Kpirus; the withdrawal 1
of (ireek troops from Crete mid the
acceptance of the plan of autonomy i
oiiereii the island by the porte, and the
payment of a war in. I nity large
enough to cover the expense' of the
mobilizing of the Turkish troops.
Iliitlt Willi I to Ill-lit.
Loudon, May 8. It is scnii-offieiullv
stated that there is reason to believe
that European intervention between
Turkey and (ireece in the present posi
tion of affairs is regarded as wholly jm.
practicable, both Greece and Turkey
having resolved to continue tho war.
The powers are thus obliged to stand
aside until one of the coiuhaiitants is
finally defeated.
Or. Ttaell r.r..n Until.
Fasten, Pa , May 8. Dr. Traell
Green, an eminent physician and fa
mous scientist, dte.1 today at Ins home
tn tins city. He was St year old.
Ailtlmrltl.a Mill ln-rllal..
Washington, April J;!.The treas
ury department has unofficial advice
from Poit land that the steamer Vic
tori I. a. amvtsl at Tacoma with over
100 Chinese on lsard, who are said to
hold forged certilicate. 1 tie collector
at TmiViii ha Iven mstucted to make
a thorough investigation, and to hold
the Chinese, iviiding further instruction.
AIoiim Lowe of Greenfield, In 1 ,
lift.vl one of his horses clear of
ground, and he can shoulder alone
cany a carrel o sugar.
rtrre Karl hiia k..
Washington. M.,y 8. The United
Stales cot sul at Guadelontv, West
Indies, has telegraphed the stale de
partment, tin ier date of April in. from
Pointc-a I'nie, as follows:
A severe curt hquake oivuire
-t-i . i .
i no loss is heavy and
jiiied. "
er Kate and Ann
la-t night, after
M8o skins,
coast, she
at. containitur
11 ''" were lost from a coast
ing schooner. The vessel i,.,.i, .1....
, . I "' toai
' oltuiilu.i, she sighted a
wreckage, intuitu. mI.i..i,
Was a sadly demolished lif..K,0. 1. :..
i oi the captain that the
"-is that of the lost coal ship
wlnle off the titv of
the bell
r vkage
ti liiiiiir
ha" ordeie
were in-
even miles an hour is the ca I'j
limit, nor can it maintain tin- rate
over tw.t h,.-.s It, usual Ssv. is live
miles an hour.
I tu. In, I 1,. thrlr linn Ita...
Hou-ton. Tu., May 8 For three
mill. lets, the lavi-hmg of two giils and
the burning ,,f the humble home of
their ssT l. Inns and ineitiei ,t, . ,1,
six, peihaos seven ite.-r.s-s I ,.t
the death penalty hv
ban Is of a mob of tiu-ir
lm.. Ili.-ii.ert,,,! Arr'ilriit.
ton, May.l. Secretary Irt,g
1 a coin t of iiiuoirv ... .....
" ilrenierto,,. Was!,., , repr, on
",' ,mv""1 1'' ttrou.i.l
,!'s of the Oregon l.vontK- Tl
i.e I oil
'in posed of Rear Admiral
ot me .1 are i
''"!. with Lieutenant Heth,
i, i . . .. i.. .
J" at.sare. 1 lie in,lu,ry
W'.' si.-t nv ( .,p n.k,,,.
) r
, "' ,r"i" '. far know,,
" t:,.,t the will he relieved
... ... ,, -,H.i;sil-lluy t,,r
w 1 , 1 be
bind navy,
cringtoti us
was re-
of the
Issl le-
night surb-t.
lynching at t,,
ow n lace
libt.k .la.k Wa. hlll.
S'!o:,,,iv,lle, Ariz.. May ,.W(,r
" ' ot-ic lo lav that Ml.. ...
J"alcr of th,. drsper,,',,,,..
i ' ug:n
uai Miggma an
i .tioore,
XI ai
Parir i... ,r .-I. i
ton v...t... I . . ' v
' ' , insiej.i v
Ain.rlrana lla.l tl.. Ailtanu,,,,.
London, May 8,-In the house of
commons today the presidelnt of the
r::,;''.,,.t.r' )T- y
v ...oies 1 1 ow am incent, con
servative and free trader, said the gov
eminent was not prepared to compel
companies applying fr mnv niihv',lv
charters to buy their equipment i the
I nited Kingdom. In the case of the
WaterliH, n,y rui,WilJ.f Mr
i dded, twenty-two cars had been or
tiered in America. Is-eause out of seven
Lnghsh firm tendering bids for the
worK, not one was able to deliver ,u
"fvkin the time required l.r tho rail
road company.
Ar.l W..,u Torlur., I.," Thl.v...
isterville, W. Va V ir 'I T
7jMrs. Shivk, a,; A
; Adonis, was to,-,,,,,.,! and rohWd by
. .'g.,t and white man, who force,
' h ,e 1 'r th switch
r,, the hair f,o, her head
roaste.1 ou ... i-. "
lot I -.1 1 '"' W,"-l
told where her . .
ti, . ,,, '-' "as ii.,,en,
the robbers secure.! -.o,. .... ,
Ti t "'vj it ii, i eseaoeil
The woman will probably di,.. 1 ''
Cirtersvill,., 1U.,M7., ...
: .ieh broke out early JTrx Z
h a loss ( at least ;.VOoa
people were injured. Th , "
Minon Si .... i , - :"""" 'i
- il 1 1 I .1 I I V ..,
is's iroiu tv
A inoveiiient has been started il
Oakesdale to raise u fund to liilptia
Frank Terry is to lie the now InJin
ngeiit for tho Crows at Puvullnp Win
Klickitat county fanner rtiirpsi
three tons of bacon from The Dulle t
Russian,! hist week.
Mate .Tenner, nn old 'slier, dmind
in Pemiahmoo bay, near Bluinf, 1
week. His boat capsized during l
heavy wind.
Stevens county millnien are tep
ning to ship their lumber to British O
luinbia. A great deal of brick ttl
lime goes the same way.
Tho monthly report of the Spukaa
! public schools (or April shows tlmt tin
I enrollment is 6:1(1 larger than W
the end of April last year.
A 10,000 damage suit again
town of Asotin was decided
I by a jury in favor of the town.
Tekoa is said to have a Yonnfl
dies' Pedestrian Club, the niemler
w hich get up at 5 o'clock in the nrioni
ing and tnko walks for their lu'ulth.
The injunction restraining the
otruction of the Snohomish
courthoiiso has been dissolved. awl1
more Everett will try to get thewtuf
seat on a firm foundation.
The corporations thrum,'!"'"'
ingtou are generally complying '''
new law remiirimr the ii:iyinctit of
annual fee of 10. Last weeki'
layflOwas received from this
by the secretary of state.
Indian Commissioner
turned to North Yakima from
tana, and will be joined tlii
I 1 Mil Itl 1 tJalli tllatr IlilVt it'll IH'K"""-
with the Yakima Indian
suiued. Commissioner (til'1B
gono East on a leave of abseiu.
A resident of Walla Walla
took 1,300 stock hog to V"""
Tb tt.,. ..nrn Iw.OL'ht (r 3 C" ,.
-'S,r' 'v s...n.--
jiounit ny it wenrnsKii man. "" . .. u
iv - ,
80,000 bushels of corn at
win' i!
cents a bushel before the not. - . j
m, . , ... !,,,
i no experts at worn on o.. -
Whatcom county have finw1 wtJ
work in all the county "ffilVS,,''f jf
treasurer's, and are at wo
rk "l i ' S.
partnient now. The work in' t
will take about two month 1
there ure over lrl.OOO rcceir' 10 1"
There are 800 Indian iu tJ'
end ofClallam county, the ,
tribes living at the Hh, 0f,',,( p
layute and Neah bay- 1 1,1 , i
of Neath bit. ! at the
as r,,w
Sw nrerland 1. the onlv civ Mired
country 111 t!. ,l,l tt,icii grants no
.: 1 , , .
"ii (11 liar.
'"'K humed in their
the India (ajivernnictit. n
The bauka of Newfoundland are
formed by the aand, ice and atone
bivtnght from the earth by the ioebei,;.
patents (,
r intention.
The meal extensive tvmetery in the
wori.i is that at home, in which over "t' ''! national Mag in the world
6,000,000 human bemga have beeu in- ,,( IV'nm.n k. which has been in
terred. ue aiuce the HI
Atnil '' 4 .li... .. , .
Havana, the Pha sayi that ,11"
i-K'reases.aiv. The'
to me Ph..;; for. ,rZn
III in. ,,,, ,1.,,.. 1 ., . V
, - I Illl
S'li as th.. ,.;i
P'eted. a 1.-..- j..'; l'"r "' co'u
. 1
"I t United tates V
iJ oli,j ,rt,sjr. Chief F'"'Jt
h council ftith all th- d'" a,
neftly-elected justice of tne I"
f..rmeri "--
lives in what was
house, using the
s,, 1 Tl..(..rH Illl"
"ii.iiiier. cuincii cnanioer. e,"'- ...sha.
term ine,! the controversies w
in the tribe, but hit decision
Ject to review by ths In "n