The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 08, 1897, Image 7

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... . 11 l v
..MAY 8
4.1TI i1"
lietUHUtl Vuuiigt lilrl LY
n...ll 111
1 pnide
that Crime.
May 5. IH!7. - The
.uiiiIV l 11
dclllcKWy iouujt reqiiestco:
. . 1....
democratic cahdl,
a.i. for .r huii-iii
t speak litre la
u.uiiivii. May 5. 1S7. Police
I uii -
mm Maher and I'Hlav
jtfrtinJ Herman Grealuni for debauch-
jp-Gm Uarii.ian, ageueicveu jrais,
. 1 ....... kVlckaoii. aired seven
Tilde re 'orMt ea,e', brouKl,t lo
light here in H'' annals.
Tliw arrest makes eight persons w ho
hive bee" srrtsted here w 'lie
, 30 day charged wmi mai crime.
School Report.
Th folluwIi'K a correct report of
'ihstVar Like school, District No. 2.1,
Line cuiity. Oregon, ror me moim,
beginning April 5, and ending April
Total iiion.. .ur,. '.
total number day" taught, 20; toi ,
'number nays siieniiance, 010; ioimi
rumir . ........ - r
f. ..... 1. .1.11.. -II
rlimea laruv, .i ." nnr
anc, I'tipH" neither ab-ent nor
tardy during the month: Echo Clande,
pl and Ino llonil, 1' 11 1 L,ynn,
Mi Zuinwalt, Hkhaid Pall, Hoy
Wilhrow and Charlie Mlahler.
I Arbor day w observed with ap
I VUitnr during the moth were as fol
low: Mr and Mrs A J Zuniwalt, Mr
A V Howl, Mrs Uarker and Minnie
M. s E A Rom,
Tat Bimlni ! ftlrsuf Nrvri
I rtfoHrliI. not b) lh um of mineral ieU-
'itrl. tut I un uii lo erTcctusI tonic t it
,n( I I'UIri and the Ilka holiUI mi jr be I
el luilliiilen, and then at pirl.'Kljr m
(rt-ll. VIiiomui i.erTesar quiet ouet, and
fit mutt dlm't vi j to rvuiler tbvm o ! to ri
fcluR-t Ilia iIIhi energies. Thtt bU-rliMK InvU-
ktnt- llui clt.T'i Htiiiiiach Bllleni, will be
rand all uf)u-i-in for Ihli iur,oe, ilnce It en-
tltlj rrraciTes lninMllmenH to thorough dlgeii-
fua ti d l.iliiilinliin ol food, so that the bod;
I aiu-i-l In due mount of nourishment, and
katdiuentl; of i.nilna. Kheuinaile teinliii-
ilfiiDdtilicilmn ol the kidney, and bladder
rf a wtounuracled by the BUtem, which U
Wnln a thorn mh m.dlclnal atliiiu'ani. lull-
UK;' purer I hnn the raw excitant. i! ciiin.
Mrr. nhirli react lujurioutly npoii 111 uer-
Wliulcule I'roduce Market.
I'heat 00 to W
0U 40 lo 6U
flour-ptr I arrel 4 00
tlMens 1 60 to I 75
turkeys-per pound
08 to 10
3 00 to 3 50
Dui'lts-per dozen
fciwse-per dozen
3 60 to 4 Od
25 to 40
08 loll'l
!lioulders 05
to 07
to 10
to 50
futaloei 40
fWilniig has long been sought t.
Kr the u I hi of i 1 ! mu,,,.
Un tieeu tried and fouud wanting.
fiivsic till, the bill. It U not drastic.
- ...... avi uui uinniiu. I
f tl"ei not grip-nil I. free from
conda-y cousllpallng effects. The
I'lij lie for children, 25 doses 25
Jim. Ak Yerlrgtun abont It.
S-llte to Fruit and Hop Grower.
I The Eugcnsv Soan Uomnmiv 1 iuhn.
juciuriuu a first class Whale oil soap
if -
me D'jriuw. if 1...... 1 I
kuii . J . , .
i l T,'' d' e0ff,,r "U 61 '
rasoiiab e in- '..ii.., ,i. l'.-i
, luii v me rai.iuiv
UU Haillllm llm.uiAo
k's-TEioiini St., Nkar Ckeamkkv,
Eugene, Oregtn.
A Stray.
I Tiiereianie to inv nlaee In Octolier
f.ssletr 1 year old, slit in right
'.color red. Owner can have mw
'5 ct linir at mv ni
r.uette. nrovillir nronerlvl..
'I pay l n , expense of keep and adver
a .
John G. Schmiedt,
FaW Or., March HQ. 1897.
T- .
hVklen-, Aroi-'a Salve.
Th lnhil .ul... 1.. ... . . .
Imi . worm lor cms
HI". SOrtHI. II lM.r- ..II .1
i ' phi, i.ieuiii, ie--ei
l,",' nd " "kin eruption, ...d
Ma i , ,,nlwlll) P've
'f'lon or ruonev refm-led
Wilts per hox. Foraalehv
Henderson A t,tnv
Farnn for Sale.
r 1.
Will.r ,!. . ".Vr,y fi"e farms In tlie
. 1 - r villi... . r.. 1 . nil
1.. .. . - " J mr kiue. 1 uese
for sale. These
rio i.. . ' ' ' .
every variety In size and
roruescription list, address
U-nut ;,K. M. Mil I.EB,
Wilklnslllock, Eugene, Or.
Wr.'t '""fBy horse for
ft ' w"rK tenm. i.n,i.j ,i.
iT""Wt 01 tier;
T'l 00 ora,t.1r..
C. ,. a,"S a fll. n.i,n- m ill ft.- . A
Will M IIU1U.
J A nimrv
Springfield, Uregnu.
I('nf to
On frm l. 1 . ,
-1 f'V v
Eugene, Oregon.
l7de bargalus.
if. r 1 . -
thto.Turco,L L'"11 nd examine
wkdxemuv, may
MmC.., II, Fug.
Vi.eDingley inritr bin 114,
thit senate.
got lo
H P Baker, (,f J unci I
'"'I. Was ili (I,
city today.
Attorney Mo Wilkin. arrive ,
this afternoon.
W.SLee, ..fjuhctio;, , ,
K"K. ,lt. in, Hfirnoon.
WUII .!l.r, 1MV t yl,.
P L Chambers.
Al.ei.dy woik of r. t,i.lrii, n.. 11 . .
1-ugene has commemt.l
l . II;. . ..
.mime i-o.s hrrii- I U.i
'"Ml Tuenlnil. Wi.,l.,i,.
Judge V I. While, of (lr,
lied IW....I . ..
'" City.
v . "Ken , yea's.
li.ivare guaranteed Uot to rust
"r.e years at Kl, Chambers.
Thefirst ri,.e Oregon straw buries
u.e reH.rte. fr,i T,, )al,.Hi
Mi M4I.I.. Uulerv is m.ii- ...
1.. -1 ....
""" Mxlh a.1,1 Hijj), ,recL.
Admiral M,.ie.,1 .1 1 a
Washing!,,,,, I) f, yesterday! aged
Mr. l'i..r 1.. 1... ...
-nil mruuu ami miii u..i,i
m I ..rtlun.l today. The hitter I. ,
..imu 11 ji, ... al .
Mrs U
Woodbu.n uriiv.d on 11,.. r,
. C. Hendricks ..1..1
I .. milium uiui
rr..nny ret un id from I'm Hand iuxi
i V 1 .
v icMt 111 u i-ifif ,u. h.iUu to anv
i- ...
j wneei iimue. S-e them at PL
h L Williurd of 1'iiion couiitv. an
fileuidve cui lie buyer, urrived 011 the
aiteriiooii tmiii.
t i nuriiy imziiHr burned in ra.i!..
Prance, yesterday aftenuion and over
NKJ persciiM 1 eri.lml.
A family by thf Hume of Jlodi-kiMi
ar.lved this morning frem Li Angi-
les, 1 uii ornlu, and w ill locate.
I'r huyketidail arrived li mie
this moiiiing Ironi a vinit to Dra n anil
a short outing un Mnith river.
A 11 Seul, the popular Fun, is in ! he city. He report
Californiu much in need of rain.
We tti.l take Second Hand bicyi les
as cash on t lie price of a l.V.7 model.
luvestigute. L'urrie i Hu.tou.
Two fiiinilies of lininigmiilt arrived
" early train thin morning from
.Ni.riliulle Id. I llliols.
Second Hand goods ol every tlescrip.
lion. Clirrle i. Ilu.iton, Mount build
ing corner Dili ami Oik.
lUiU-f, carts, hacks, and wagoim,
new and second hand. 1'iices aa
down at F L Chambers.
t'hlis 11 Vuruey of Clow, is tigellt foi
all the hading magazines and news
papers in the United Slates nd Can
nil a.
John Infhaiu and wife arrived ben
front Sail, al., this morning ami
v ill spend the aummer in Eugene ami
Lune county.
Mis Phillip Woikmun, of Mohaw k,
sttllvrcd severely from vouvu.sions yes
terday until relieved itu au operaiion
by l)r Urowti.
Mrs K II Shacklrtt, who was re
W'l'i' Injured In a rutiaway, and lalei
had au allack of erysijielas, la now re
covering nic ly. , .
Little Kalph Kobiiison has a very
... mi
of slamps. They are
iroiti neany every couimj .i e.un.
and number lui5.
Press Anderson, a I'ullmnu conduc
tor 011 a railroad running out 01 1 tuca
go, is in Eugene paying his relatives
and friends a short vinit.
The lirst box of On gon grown tame
strawberries for the 1VJ7 sea-oti were
received at I'ortianu yestertiay. ine,
were giown in Wasco county,
The "Cheap John" store lias tcthed
from business mi account of a lack ol
patronage. It is needless to remaik
that the concern didn't advertise.
Now is the time to tlx up your
(..H im Kirst arut a ictoria lawn
.....uer to miuHith It down, then 60 cb
worth ol Gypsum and -prinkle on it.
K K Chambers has both
1 ....1 !-, lf.,1.1 M.'I.eiiii. 01
1 hhii.iuui. anu ,
Grant's Pass, the baccalaureaie ad
dresses to the graduating class of the
Ashland Normal school.
Nine counlicn have paid their taxec
In full. They are Jackson, Clatsop,
Columbia, Coos, Luke, Morrow, S .er
man, Wallowa ami Wasco. Most ol
tbe others have made partial pay
ments. Dr. G. W. Hiddle may If found at
his resldi-hiv on Olin- sirec', Mwccii
Fifth hikI Sixth struts, one hlm-k west
of the Minnesota hotel, lie is pre
pared to do all dental work In the best
1-rof Thomas Condon, of tne L'niver
..ti.. i.t iir.'Lino. mated his class lo a
drive to Spriiie.hVld this afternoon.
Hangs' large f.uir horse stage coach and
a two horse carnage wern mo 1.
Uell rerxiits for
1 ne i--
March, 2 davs run: Bullion ship
ment, HV-W; niilM,llC4J tons:
.il'iihurel. treated. 4 l tans- ''";ll"'
tu.r wifhurri. li..::.;,s forth, ptrl-sl l..l.4-
pew p.'oHcetbul she will M"t
Other towns that hav. to l coiite...
.1 Tiix .1.11. run.
lib ordinary i.,-. .... - ,
s-v.tbe new boxes UIU
Mimdav morn. rg when woik was le
st -J at
The I'P ooxe- iiuml-r V-, .J-
W,lch.rUBH'X-. lik" "um!r
Of e w hile the n maimh r.
numls-iings. are of me.I.uni .He.
evenly tiv. rr cent of th. ... bavebeeu
A Lecture h 'ir. Letelier.-Interest
ll Si'H().
I Tlie Ins liuts bil.l at CrewcM on
I Priday and of last week, was
j the II. ih he d by Supt. Hunt since lie
wan elected June.
I I'hi Methodist church was comforta
; hly tilled on Friday evening to hear
the mlilr.M by J'rnf. John 1) Litcher,
"fine C. of I). After some plensliie
exeici-es by the children of I he Cn s
Wella.hool, 1'iof. Letcher was intro
duce!. He an imti ,ced as his subject
"A Trip to Hawaii, or the Sandwich
I'lanus. ntMuii i situated in the
central part of the North 1'ailll
11 ... ......
v... u.i, uui. in ,ou in 1 1, h or a seven
days vi age from Sail Fianciseo. There
are eight inhabitable Wands, havinn
altogether an area of about one four
eenth that of Dregmi. Honolulu
. 1 . . . .
me principal city ami has at out 2') ikh
popu:ation. h has exc-llelit hotel
and s'or s. A large free library am
reading loom is ois-n to all. The Y
M C A docs Its tiaiial work here. Tin
principal churches are of the Cmigrc
guiionai type. Excellent school, botl
public anil private arc conducted
K-itih1 meiilion was made of the in
dustrial scho .Is foiiiided by Mr liishoi
The highest mountains ot IlicUluni
are about M.notl hi t in height. Tlo
C imute of the island is the same the
year around and I licit fore on the bik
Uar plantutioiis may be seen a gaiiv
of coolies plowii g, another planting
the caiicaiitl still ai-otber taking it t
the mill-, all at lh same time, fins
plantations, oflen thousands of acies
in extent, are worked by coolie labor
w hich Is paid hut lour 01 llvecelits pi 1
day. About tXl oOO.OtIO is investe-l li.
the sugar linliwiry, uiid Americans
w ho ininilirr about .'.,iM)Hiid wh.ii.rac
ticul'y control the islands, ow n a'siui
t2-"),tH.J,iJ0, while the natives and Cln
in se each own about J2.V.,(HN, the resi
being held by the English and Ger
man residents.
lliecollee industry is new 011 the
islands, but it is believed that it call be
made a success.
On tlie islands are louml KVI specie
of llowi ring plants, 0VS of w hich are
lound nowhere else; among the Ion
kinds ol ferns are fount! those that ar
three feet in diameter.
Fruits of all kinds grow in such pro
vision that it issdd that a t rso.i can
live without putting forth moieelloii
than is re. pared to pluck and eat the
banana'., biead Iruil, ciiiiyuus, dates,
nit Ions, etc.
Persistent and bloodthirsty mosqui
toes are about the only drawback to
this paradise.
A vivid discriplioi. of Kiliuitit, the
only live volcano on the Uh.nd
closcd the uddiess. Tbe crater is I'll'-
ecu acres In extent and until 11 few
lays before tbe Professor's vMt it was
iMiiling full, but when he was theie
the boiling seething ina-s was about
2o0 feel below the suilaee. Ill .til
burning lava as many a six fountains
ould lie st en j laying at one time,
whi e the lava ever Mild a. 10.1 surged
and beut along the sides of the crater.
I'he native name of this volcano means
"Houso of everlasting lire."
The lectuie was replete with many
personal incidents and laiiglinblc ant e
loirs and w us ihoroughly enjoyed by
be genial Professor's auditor".
The Saturday morning session whs
.pellet) by singing w hich w as follow ed
by a class exercise in primary reading
liyMrsSatiie IWuing The object
aimed bt and attitimdi to have the
11 pi I form a mental picture of the
word, and thus retain it. "The '-word
method" whl h was used, was higl ly
iiiiimiii'lcil ami a full discussion of
lillU'iillics ami helps followetl.
Oral Physiology was presented by
MissGertrude Grousbeck. In piimary
grades the It Hfhing in" hygiene should
be made mn-t prominent. Oral Icsmi s
are belter remembereil than thoe tie
rived from books. Let tint children
ue their surplus animal life in exei-
I so song". The pernicious ell.-cts of
alcoholic drinks and narcotics cannot
Ih too strongly dwell upon.
After receis Ilcv M O H.ii.k was in-
troducetlantl took the sul j.ctof "What
religious instruction should Im tivei"
in the public schools." The three
places where the diameter of children
is formed are at h. me, the school and
he church. It is necessary that these
co-operate in securing the proper tie.
velopmeiit of tlie child. '1 bat man
only is perfect, who I" perfect In body,
mind ami spirit. The latter Is ton
ofte'l li. Rlected. The present divisions
ill the Christian woId, the hug tium
U r of criinin .-tls coiiiing from the irie
ll;ious cla-i ami the coiiseijilenl heiivy
expense" all arguments for ethical cul
ture. T" lids lid introduce n g. od
textbook on Lines. The following I be taiiL'i.t:
1, There Is a Cieatoraml Killer if
IbB Wi
rid, w bom we know in (.od.
It is necessary for iim.i'i ell be
in. nud will doing that he know
. .. r.
ollietliing of ' 'd.
3. It is lo-cess iry for God to reveal
liiui-eif I ' inall that mail km W
J The Ihli'e o-ntalii- the reve
lation 1. fleid to us.
5 Tins life I" I reparation f,,r a
future .0 e.
li I lint love t" " ' t1" highe.t
duty of man an I tl'sl I'.ve to man is
like il.
Al text k on F.'bl.-s the Itible
( worthy ofs ' l "or s. h.H.I..
U-v Ka'ilcr si.pi"r:r'l ibis iew,
(i ,,,.,,, , V.M c.,o,r,ry
,, ,,-.. ,.
Uil.l.. mirlilnf ill M'll'Sils.
I'ruf I.etcber thought that morls 14
m,t lli'.i.g I'mght l
r school. The IS.l.le i- the only
"ur ., f.,
IrXt .""'I
K oil moral" .11.. . -
In "tute Uhivers'lics III
v- 1.. ....I ..ili.-r lii'tliutl"
the E'i-t. Ill
is the llil.le 1
"i rad.
Mental 'lls.ll!n
alone will not make good cltien, but
moml tru nlug is iit..sai .
Other ti aclivrs present louk yn,: in
the discussion and It seeiued the . ,.iu
ion of marly all present that a text
book of some kind should he used for
teaching moials and manners.
Tin- afternoon session u spent nv
singing and cxeicise in U i.tal Anili-
metic, by a class from tin. ( 1 11
sch.Hils and Conducted by I'rofes-or
.Miller. The three obj.cls de-iied ale !
instructing, testing and tliiumg. Much ;
iritt-li Work should he i.,d. Let;
recitations be conducted mill elosett
is t.k.
Prof Geo Mori Is of the li
lie school .hen took tin lli
slieli pub
'I'leslion :
."iioilltl l.orpore:il I'll 11 1-1 1 nii-i 1 1 be
Abolislud am! Why?' Co: Die u pun
ish II Plit should lint be Itt'olished as no
an iseOleielit unless it has a penally
attached. The way to sicure obedl
ence to law Is to begin in ibe home
in d school. ,SusK'lisio,i and expul
sion of pupils aro poor sul'sii'.ulis '..r
.' puiiis .iiieut. Toe teacher
I. ould exact implicit oLedienee, kind
y it' he can, forcibly if li-11,11-1.
Pn.f. Let -her saitl that il should
rarely be Used, but when Used should
oc well done.
Miss l. lia Hollman presided her
views on 'Jtusy Work." Three
lung" are necessary to hi. -ess: Firsl;
"'illly .111 the part of tlie teacher to
"cine smlahlu material: Second; the
'ik must t,u pleiisurable ami p.ollta
"If, uiid: Third; it must lead to
observe and think.
Several inleriitiiig forms of woik
we.e Kiveu by Miss li,. limn:: and the
'llier teachers; tor instance, number
and ulphabet, cards, counters, such as
tiaiis. j.egs, tooth-pic s, etc., dissecletl
pictures, the coloilng of outline jiif
lures, sew ing pajn-r folding, etc.
At (Ins time Mi. Melton of the Cres
veil W C T C, presented the work of
Hie Demoiest and W C TUeloculiou
ry contests. 1 he hooka, costing 10
cents, for the l.emortst contest can Is'
blamed Ironi the Medal Coutisl Hu-
rcau, 10 E. 1 It li St., New York: the
W C T I' lionks, hUo costing 10 cents,
may be obtained from the W T P A.,
I he 'Temple, Chicago.
After recess ami a song by the Crs-
wcll scbool. .Miss I, lie a Hrewstu
poke of "The lirst day in a country
school." Let the teacher consider her
mini lulu n lo bt r si I tol, and visit par
Ills and school ulllcers Infore the nrsl
lay. Sell. Mil ollieers should be present
ami assist in the opening of school.
Noiules Hhoiihl be laid down at llrsl
xcepl 'Tlo right," or the old Quaker's
rule, "Mind your own business." '1 he
per gave many practical hints, too
many to lie noted here.
Win E McQueen, of Cotlaco Grove,
poke of "II .w I grade my country
' hoid." 'The teacher must have a
well defined object ill view. In Ml
M. Queen's school he has lour grades
ami 23 pupils ami but two are out ol
grade and that in only one study. Tlie
.urse of study laid out by the County
Superintendent was commended.
I lie Mi.ei intemlelit Ibeil gave a
th.nough explanation of the graded
course of study recently l-siied by him
men invitetl tl teachers to feel
Ireolo call 011 him for any advice
The Ins'ilute whs then closed by
singing "America."
"A Country Ob"errer?"
An anonymous correspondent -In
s ashamed to.ign his tru.
iinme lias a communication in Mini
lay's Oregoniaii criticizing the open
light mntle by the Gl'AKO iigaiiisl
Doctor Chapman. "A Country On
server Is the noiii-tle i.luiiie In-hind
which he hides. Tin assumed Illino
is intended to lie misleading, but tin
lisguise is so transparent that we an
urpiisc'l that a person with any com
mon sense should neck to hide tlie
leisonality by use of a name tl al in
Itself I" a falsehood.
A Country Observer" is not s
country observer, hul a resident 01
Eugene. 'This person docs not an
swer one single charge made ngaiusi
Iloi tor Chapman but seems to lie i ur-
ilened with a load of fear. hat thellin
versity w ill be hurt by any criticism ol
ibe Iloctor. He docs in I si cm lo rea
lize that it could not bubuitmmh
worse than it has been by the employ
1ne.1t of a man for piesi.leiit w ho lia
not the nece-sary truluiiig and discre
tion, not considering lack of men. a
.alitor, to manage lis nllairs in a
-traight forward impartial business
il.uarr al Oliimii-iiia I111 t alsrib
Hint ('lain .fieri 11 ry.
1:. . irurj will surely ileatrny the na 01
.11. .-11 and ei'llipli'trly ilerallKi- tlie holt? y
.em RU t-i'l.ili'K il thru Kl. tin' liiileilDio
iiil.iei. rueli arti.'i.-s slum, 'I li. ." I usis.
xii'iuiui (ir.-rrii'.i"ii Ifoii oi'UiHiil." -h)i-
. ISH-. III.' llHUIBU- 111' 1 WHI d'l . t.'ll ll.l'l tl'
1 k,kI jiui . au i"". ''ly .i.'rim Ir.iiu Hu m.
Inu' 1 atairl , nisi iis'lilred by K j
tit'iie) .to, 'I .'"..' 1 .'"' 'a' ,B 110 i.ieteur)
ml i uki ii ii.ii-rii.ii. ' onu ilir.euy iisi,
In- lil... si simI 11 "-ol. til IliB SU'lll
,11 li , 1 nu Iil' 1 s'sill. ' '."'. I"- "U.e y"U .el
,,......'.' in,-. 1 l 1- t -.-i nu. Tii liy. . it inmli
.11 : 1. ed.i. Ohio. I 1 J' he 'S t.'i. Tuatuno-
1 ' '"'" .. . .
.m . iy l.rumi I nr. .sc. ,r hotlli
Teller 1. 1st
May (i, 'U7.
i W Krep,
I ' Nelson,
n N Itoblns'in,
Altx Underwood
nt w;l) is mad. un all
Mrs Win iyer,
James Morretti
Harry New mull,
Ha.vey 'Tlioiiois,
A cliari'
, .,.. . Hum ir i.-ti
lit '.
1 ol.'- U..-I
1 1 .1 nr., V M
J lis
I'a.i) (mar. May h.
Vkhv L"W, Prof ritrauh received a
dispatch from P .rtlaud this afternoon
saying hi" son Vinia was very low and
thai b"l was aU'Ul aWnaohed. Hi.
parents b It tympathy of all who
b,, tr.4 ... may yel recover.
! - In Crvallis. 00 Sunday
after a l.ngeri.'g lllnes, Mrs E J
'In, MiLsoo denarted Ibis life. She was
tlie w lie 01 in v 1. J 1 uniiipwiii, un:
el know 11 pastor of Ibe Presbyterian
Clin 11 '...-.
I. ..II,... Ilv-
'iit'iuis lor Hut Pearl' Street ai.J
South I'm k Maitti Ut.
The committee ou tire ami water fo
t he ity of t ' Eugene yest. rday nts'lie.
bltls advertis d lor the consli uclloll t
the p,.r street ami Sout'i l'a.k s-w.
extensions. Tl e bids w ere as follow
I'K A K .
F H liellinaii
tiriillu (laid Aare Co .
Uarker 1 And 1011 ...
I'oiitract awaidtd to
.In 1011.
tl.l'iT tl'
I 40 1 IN
l'..nkir A An
! It H.'llniaii f.'Hn
lirilllu Hardware Co L'7'i
lo'rkerA Aiidi i" m Zj . t0
Contract being aw aided t F It li. n
The conducts hpicify that the Pear
slrei t sewer shall he completed williu
I'd days from tlie time of letting tin
contract, and Hie south square sewn
t'O days from the lime of letting tin
The South I'alk pioposi d estell siot
begins at KI11111 hai I's collier 011 Gas
street ami extends ea-t ah ug the o . 1
"t eet i n t lie soul h side of I he city park
to within 40 Iret of Peail street.
'The proposed Piarl slu ct si w e
Commences at a point I'll ween I'm I
and Sixth sti.ets ami extend" 11011I
along tlieeast side of Pearl strett to
w 1II1111 lllil feet of Scout! stret t.
A P.r th. r t.r Hon. A. I.. Il". ) ll. ud
Hon A G Hovey this inorini g re
ceived the sad new s of Ihtf tlealli ol
his next oltler brother, Major Jhii.ks
H H .vey, at Marielta, Ohio. He wa.
one of a family of six brothers ami
two girls, lour of hom are living.
Major Hovey was descended direclli
on his mother's side from Mis Hannah
Oust in, the sloiy of whose brave ts
ape from tbe I ndiatis during the ea. I
wars wilh the savages is well known
tlii'oiighout New England. Gi-u Slink
of revolutionary war fame wasa rein
live, also Govermr llov vm Indiana,
I lie hitler a cousin The Hovey family
came from New Hampshire to Ohio
hen Major Hovey was sixteen year
of age.
He occupied a prominent position in
biisinesi circles and was president o
li e M 11 r it 1 1 u city council for a nun.U r
f year, lie was very prominent as a
Mason ami had tilled the highest
position of that order ill his stale.
I'ally, May .'
Prune At'OKKss Hon WS I 'U. n
populist representative lo tint legisla
lure from Clackamas county, spoke to
a fair audience in tlie court house last
night on the initiative .ml n fo . n.luin.
sir C'ltcn spoke for over an hour,
keeping his audience well interested
He con II mil himsell entirely within
the bounds of his suliiecl and to the
llsappoinlinelil of a few did mil
refer to the actions of the last legisla
ture, though heullcred to answer any
piest ions w hich might be uskti I con
ceruing that body.
Gntili Cow s. houglas A Levlng. r,
dairymen, have some of the finest
cows in this portion of the state 'They
huve forty cows thai have made over
25il lbs of buller each during the past
tear, ami two ol the number produced
.T.i.'t and 3S3 lbs of butter each respect
ivelly. Ouo of these is a Jersey and Horn. The held is
composed of Jerseys with the one ex
t'p ion. Tills is one of the buat con
ducted dairies in Lane county.
proprietor of tbe bricK yard v.esl ol
Eugene was severely injured hi a
runaway accident near Irving Mat ill
day evening. He wis thrown out of
ins buggy ami .1 rugged foripnle a dis
tance. Hi. heat Was cut open ami he
leceived a liilinber of oilier bruises anil
ilso Internal injuries. He Is con II m il
10 Is room, bill today la reported a
ultle belter.
liaiu (, .Ma li
Visithii A Fossil, Hkii. The ad-viiiic.-d
autl tint general geology class
of Oregon, through the kimlnusH of
Prof ton. Ion, were yesterday per
mit let! to visit the fossil he.! along the
euat hank of the Willamette river ex-
enduig up the stream from the sli tl
nrnlgo al bpringll. Id. The classes
found time very nice speciuiens.
Foil Cai.ikoii.nia. This morning
Aldeu Lawrence, WT Heed, Andrew
New until, Atloloh Weber ami Waller
Wilson left lii a wagon for Chlco, Cal.,
wnere they expect to pna'ure work
du. ing the summer, return ing here ill
the full. 'I hey w ill hunt anil llsh ou
the hiv. Mr Lawrence is going h.r
uis lieal II ami also to html a locution
10 whirl, to move his family.
county courl has ordered a county
bridge across Salmon Ciei-k on the line
of the M liiury road across the Cas
cade m "Uiilains. The specifications,
w hich w II Is- advertised in a few days,
call lor 11 101 f.s.t span wilh 20 and 40
fool ap roaches.
. I.
Pally 'jiiat'i. May ''
A It.ii HikiKKN. E J Crawford, of
the l.u cue Liiiilsr Company, while!
working 111 the null today , sli. ed and
tell on a limls r susiaining a nroaen
riii. Tl wound wbhe not dangerous,
Is very 1 ainful.
Sin iK hivom K Mary E Liver
more has institutes! a mail iu the circuit
court of Lane county uiiiusl her hus
band, L H Llvennore, for Uivorci-.
Cruel and inhumau Ireatmeul is al
leged iu the complaint.
To I'klhl'ay. Ha lem hlatesriian:
Km nor has It that Ir J M Keene I
see kina the appointment of consul kl
Monteveld", Uruguay, the salary ol
which Is ,' a year.
Pel soal.
Sam G. M-lliltli of Por.lalid, is in the
Arch Kiev went toi ieswell this after
10.111. Col J A Stralglit i now In New
Yotk City.
Or l'lui. 111:111 uas a pas-.'i.g' r
his morning.
Altoniev Woodcock has g
"I vallis for a couple of da) s.
M i s K K 1 'Iiling an I clul In 11 wi HI
o Albany today to is t il lative
Mrs James l.upcr of Irving, 1 etui ned
1. "lie last celiing oiler a -liol 1 M-it in
'his city.
II (' l'.-niiil"ii."l 1',-ill. hi, I, a.', hi
.1 tlie (ii.-iil Nul I in-Ill lailload, was in
ivueiie today.
H. ios l Neer, ol Puitlaiid, i" ill 111.
I'y. He was the arililb t fur th.
oiiniy j ,, building.
Mis K T Smith of Salem, deputy
rgaiiior of the Ladies of tlie M.n . a
' i in the city
Press Audclsoll of Chicago, wliohti'
"' Il vi-i ing wilh hi" parents in (lib
Hy left for home today.
G I'. I'l-lm.-riiig of llaytoii has re
11. ved to (his cilv witli his f.iunli
md is locatetl ill G W Kiiapo's lions.-
J A Cm ric w ill go o Salem tumor
ow morning to lake the exiiiiilnul no
for si com! Ileuteiiaul of Company C,
O N G.
Clifton Mi'Arlhnr, a student of tin
I'.fO.ln answer to a telivr.-inhl.
u in nu .n ". left this 111 'ruing for hi
fin hei's bedside, Judge Mc Arthur.
Win Smith and w lie, of Santa It-.-a
'nl., arrived In Eugene this morimii
ami w ill visit with relatives In Fair
nioiint for a time.
II T Condon secretary of the Oregon
prii'till iirul colh-gii at Cotvalhs re
turned to that city today after n short
visit w ith Eugene fi lends.
Gus lliidurd, who has been working
111 the (Ir.-at Noil hern railroad h.
Molilalia lor the past two years, Is In
ugene visiting relatives ami fiieiids.
Edis Kineliart of Soiuerville, win
has In vn in tills city since yestettlay
went to Oakland (his afternoon w hen
w ill suiN'rinti-nd the loading of a
1 ruin ofc ill I for E E Willmrd.
Miss li I, Smith, lleputy Silprelin
oiiimamle Ladies of the Maccats'i's
f lu.lcpeliilclicc, arrived on theloca
this afternoon, and will make tin Eu
gene lodge a fraternal visit w bile hen ,
M E Hotchkiss ami family of Ven
tura, (al., A Pax'er and wif nml
Henry Drcuuiiu of Auburn, Illinois.
arrived here this morning and an
iking locations. They nre pcopb
ith means we nude stand.
Jas A Fbbert returned from a trip to
I he Palouse country lust night. Ilesavs
the spring I hackw trd in that section,
and that only half a crop of grain It
sown nl this date. The fall grain Is
too king splendid.
Med for. I item in Jacksonville Times
Miss Mamie Wilson, w ho has been
conducting the Pos'al telegraph olllce.
eft lust week for Eugene to assume a
like position. Miss Eva Wilson has
resumed charge- of the olllce here.
J I. Zieglcr left this morning foi
Toledo, Iowa, to iitlend the Interna
tloual c inference of the I'uited llreih
ren church as a lay delegate from Ore
gon, 'The cenfcreiifc convenes May
I.t, and Mr Zieglcr will be absent
alsiut a mouth.
JE Holt, of Kan Jo-c, Cal., arrived
here this morning to look after his In
terests In Lane county. He says his
wim wants to move hack to Eugene
ami he will probably do so as soon as
he can dispose of his valuable reside no
properly In Han Jose. Ho also In
foi ins us California crops will he short
on account of the lack of rain.
Pass the good word along the Hue.
Piles can i tpiickly cured without an
operailtii by simply applying He
Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. Cornel
Drug Store, Vincent & Walton Prop
l'elsons who have a coughing sjieh
every night, oil account ofatlcklln.
sensation in the throat, inn over.-oin.
Hal ome ny a dose .i . n M iiMila
Cough Cure. Cormrlhiw lore
Vincent A Walton Propr elms
Pure bl. Kid melius good health. Ie
Will's Harsapa.lllu purilles the IiIinhI
cures eruptions, eczema, scrofula anil
all diseases arising from Impure hltssl
Corner Drug Store, Vincent A Walnm
Small In size, but gteat Iu results.
fieWltt's I. .tin Early Klscrs am
gently hul thoroughly, curing Indi
gestloli, tlyspepsii autl collitlpalloll
riiniill still, safe Hill. I"t Pill. Corner
Drug Store, Vincent A Walton Prop
rietors. When we c msiucr mat the Intes
tines are nbout live times as long as
the body, we can realize tint Intense
sullerlng exix-riencctl w hen they an
inlhimetl. DeWllt's Colicand Cholera
f urn .nl, dues Inllaminatioii at out
am! completely removes the dlfllcult)
Corner Drug Store, Vincent A Walton
CahloaI) ok CuNKiltKNCK.-Graiil's
Pas. Courier: twenty six hoboes
cmiie in 011 lop of a fruight car Tues
day iimming from the south and the
Itiiliim.-n sough, the protection of the
authorities and so marshal Johnson
herded them all Into the city hall and
the mayor with the marshal autl chlel
of police held a pow wow on the side
walk outside to llnd w hat was la-sl to
tlo Willi Un 111. It was decided to buy
I belli some bread ant! meal to keen
them from going among our private
Sfe) Mil.M.-lo'Hl shingles, in tiiar.
' ter Jgiousaiid bunches, for sale. Iii'iulie
I at Gcahi) oltlco.J
Tlll liSlnY M.W. 6
.11. 1. 11a (jrow lug lln. ly. "J
A lilt!., hail fell this afiiviioon.
Pictures .'sv up. ( aliliitts f 1.50 up.
El liKNK Pip Jit) C'O.
.-"raw h. rr . s ie 1 - .rt.-.l to be
(flung at Md i.m's pari,.
11' I. reeks lepulsi-d the Turkli.ll
tr..,. s yet. rday n
of tin' 1 un.
the big-est battle
A ' I'.riio v i
at li il,.-r l 'ity
pr..!' .11.
a . 'ii,.;.
o Hotmail has locatetl
for the piaetnv of M
t" Inn. of ha iniiocks, tent 1
II 'I'l
1 1
1 A
I '
"tit liis ami ll-hing tackle at
Pa ii.-'s.
Ills in.
K M mi i'i
' It'll. I suit
e t" recover
1 1 ' 1 1 :
tl ' ''I
Col .1
i I. to
Might uc
i l'-'l as one of lbs
the grainl
marshal in the
1 irant ineiii Ti il inaugural parade held
111 N. w V"iU City, April
ll .rn.V Paine aic 11 . prepared to
I" all kinds of bl. icl.. repairl.ig, sell
.Ici cles an. I bii'iclii sundries, i.t...
S T Is.iin has coiiiineiiced suit
ig-iiiisl S It dliaiii", administrator of
the estate of ; 11a, ,. 5 ( ye
.s.ver . I Jo
While Oregon towns are full cf
Mew s, ii, r Stamford, Conn , w ith a
population of '.Mil si his only one
naper. Alio her one is il. sir.-d.
The Fug. no cig ir factory Is maun
Oo'tiiring a "pi" nil, I quality of cigars,
111. 1 people who smoke will do well by
patronizing this home Industry.
The Oregon National Guard n
''iiiiipm.-ui will be held at Hood River
lining the latter part of June. Seven
hundred men are expected (o be pres
ent. Doyoiilack faith ami love health?
Let us establish your faith and restore,
lour health with IVWItl's Snraaparil
i. Corner Drug Store, Vincent A
Walton Proprietors.
'The S I Co., has taken oil '.heSalelil
Its-ill (rain, w hlch throws a iiiimU r of
men out of woik.iti fullllment of Its
promise of prosperity If they would
vote for McKluley.
"Wake up, Jacob, the day Is break
ng!" so said DeWllt's Little Early
Kisors to the man who had taken
belli toaroiise bl" slugL'Ish liver Cor
'tei lrug Store, Vincent A Whiten
Albany D u'rat: Prof E II Mc-
Mh-ter, a former Albany typo, lias
i.lviiticcd until he Is able to deliver
'eel ures on " The Origin ami Devel
.pnieiil nf I. ungua a'." This ass the
subject .fills lecture to the Philologlan
society of the U of O retaqilly.
Ashland 'Tidings: "Mr Nonis Hum- y anil family , of Eugene, who ar
rival! here a few days ago lor the ben-
i llt of Mrs ll's health, are located at
Mrs Angle's, on north Main street. Mr
Humphrey w ill return home within a
week, but his wife will probably re
main for a mouth or two, finding al
ready much relief from the asthmatic
1 rouble from w hlch she has been softer-
It will he an agreeable surprise to
I'crsotis subject lo attacks of bilious
olio lo learn that prompt relief may
iu. liii.l liv IhUIoo- CliiiiiilM'rhiln'fl ('nllp.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Hcmedy. In
nany Instances the attack may be
nreventetl by taking this remedy as
.sin ns the lirst symptoms of the db-
ase aniiear -' am! 60 cent bottles
for sale by Ostium A DeLano.
We might tell you inoie alsiut One
dinilte Cough Cure, hut you probably
now that It curis a cough. Every
me ihs'S w ho has Used it. It is a per-
eel r ly for coughs, cob!., hoarse-
less. It Is an especial favorite for
bildreii, la iiig pleasant to lake aud
mi. k iu curing. Conn r Drug Store,
Vincent A Walton Proprietors
Eli Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes
-I have been sullerlng from piles for
y years ami thought my case Incura
ole, DcWItt'a Witch Hazel Salve was
'(commended lo me as a pile cure, so I
isiughl a Imix ami It performed a per
.iianentcure." This Is only one or
iliousamls of similar cures. Eczenia,
ami skin diseases yield (iillckly
lieti It Is used. Corner Drug Store,
Vincent A Walton Proprietors.
This Is a good time of the year to
take Simmons Liver Kegulator. It Is
he very Is st 1111 dlclne lo take 111 the
Spring for the bhsid, ami to cleanse the
system of ail Impurity. "I have Used
Simmons Liver Kegulntor as a cor
rector ami blood purlller and think It
an excellent remedy. I always keep It
on hand to take In preference to other
medicines." I M Hysell, Mlddleport
The(iUAKl) is iu receipt of a copy
of the Free Press, published at Hankok,
Slam, In which W A Pea Irs, the clever
liavellng agent of Chamlierlaln A Co.,
of Dcs Moines, Iowa, Is mentioned a
having arrl veil there for the purpose of
Introducing the famous goods manu
factured by his firm to the people of
the Oriental Kingdom. The good
qualities of their medicines has made
them deservedly popular lu every quar
ter of the gluts', and Mr P succeeded In
placing several nice orders for them.
It would 1st hard to cotiviuoe a man
sullerlng from bilious colio that hl
agony Is due to a mlciolsj with an un
proiioiin. ablo name. Hut one dose of
I )e Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure will
convince li 1 fix of Its power to afford
instant relief. It kills pain. Corner
Drug Store, Vincent, A Walton
We are anxious to do a little good in
Ibis world and can think of 110 pleas
anter or Utter way to do It than by
recommending One Miuute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
cnnsuuipti'Mi and other serious lung
1 ron Lies that follow neglected colds
1 ru i Drug Store, Vluceut A Walton
I'i onctors.
- - Morn Pain,-.,