The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 08, 1897, Image 4

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    I'ugcnc City Guard.
The export of giIJ from tliia
roiintry lias set in again, fay a ttm
Circinnuli Enqu'rer, onl tlie poM
i'Ug journals are calmly diHi'iiming
l ho Hiluation and making calcula
linns as to how much gold cuti lx;
pared from tho treasury of the
I'oited States to meet the demand,
ill is estimated that the treasury
tan stand a considerable drain
m ithout encroachment on the "re-H-rvc"
of one hundred millions.
It seems to he the idea that the
lirokers who have contracts to sup
ply the foreign demands tnunt not
lie embarrassed; that the treasury
jnustgo to their aid; and, of course,
i here will not be a surcease of the
drain when the "reserve" point if
readied if trio broken need more.
The old rjuestion comes up. Why
hhould tho treasury of the
United Slates be compelled to sup
ply gold for privite enterprise?
The gold pirates restrained them
Htlvs pending tho election; but
now they want their pay.
Tho Jacksonville Times is prol
nbly correct when it says the posi
tion of the Dom icratio party in
1 'J(J0 will in no way Ixt dilfernt
trom that of IH'M. It is probable
lliut the Chicago platform w ill be
substantially adopted, and a victo
ry will be won on the ixsues which
were defeated last November by
tho combinations of wealth and
the lack of information on the
money ju ytion on the part of
many. The trend of events since
the presidential election has con
firmed tho faith of the advocated ol
free coinage ol both metals in the
justness of their cause.
The Kurul Northwest says it bus
been many years since there I ns
before been a season w ith so largu u
proportion of warm, sunny weather
while the fruit trees were in bloom.
The conditions have been so favor
ublw to pollination that unless
much of the fruit is nipped 1 frost
there will be a great execs upon
nearly all trees. Unless a great
deal of the fruit which has sel
drops oil thero will bo n groat deal
of binning needed, in order to
relieve the strain on the trees ami
prevent the production of a vast
iimouut of fruit too small to
worth marketing.
EAIthY JlUtt3l.N0 ULAZK-
A IUniiIsmi Fir Alarm Ull Oat
Sleepy 'mil-n.
luiir (jii.m, Hr
Shortly alter 4 o'clock (his morning
a flr alarm was turned In at tli cen
tral station. This was quickly fol
lowed liy alarm it t the Klevenlti street
an (I Lawrence street station and
sleepy firemen reluctantly turned out
I'Iib lire started from a defective flue
In (J HoihV saloon Mid was (Uncovered
liefore It had assumed very (real pro
The Hue In (pjeMioti Ijurned (Jt
early in I lie evening. It was wateheil
until ail danger ua supposx! to '
pant, when at II o'clock the nlooo was
cloned for Hie liiulit. At about 4
o'clock till uiornlnif the huildii,g wan
found to !e on Are and Hip lire ih-pari-merit
whs called out. 'I he fire bad
M-netrated the walls ami was huriilnx
Hie woodwork of the second story hc
tween tin-ceiling and the roof. A stream
Iroin chemical ngiiie No I soon put
out the Hume.
The diimiiue w ill not exceed - and
h is Ix-eii ordered adjimted I li roll li tin
iiKi-nl, (ieore Craw, hy Hie Firemen'
Fund Compaiiy, of San Franclneo.
HusliH'Mi I ruusarl. d (or Hie
of May.
Moii lb
May r,.
Court met In regular M-sninn. 1'n-s-ent,
the Hon KO Poller, Jodie, J T
(.'allium ami W T Itailey, ''ninminMiiiers
A J JoIiiihoii, shrrlll and A (' Jciiiilnifi
clerk. The following lilinlniai was
In the matter of llirf Day rond to
Mulkey cemel ry. Iviiilou ol () L
Day himI ,'17 othein. not allowed.
In the mailer of I he Aolileli road.
Ordered cstal.lished. Ilamajfi to
nlliount of ai-scsned to Kltala-th
llailey and J I- to J F Amis, to he paid
hy petillotli rs.
Iii the iimlter of the Salmon Cieck
roud. J II Mill, I 'a ill llrlntow Hid
Fred Warner appointed viewei and
,' M Collier surveyor.
Ull KVI' MA II Mil' II 10 II Kit.
Weather and Miiuln Pi Califnl
lila One of I lie (hum.
ElUENE H-Ol'll MILL (-01.1).
Hill Oo Hack l lliu Old Italu of
Forly I'ouinl of VI sr to Hie
Tbs tale of the Kueiie Hour mill
was consummated today. This kale
mean aomelhinif to the farmers of
Lane county, since It will under the
new liiaiiaKWiient go hack to the old
rale of exchange of forly ound of
flour for one bushel of w hi-ut.
T'le purchasers are J M Shelh-y of
Portland, ex nlierill' of Lane county,
F W O.burn of KiiKcne l.oitii A Sav
ings bank and A L lirattou the pren
ent miller. The rctlrlnir firm are A
Mathews, A i Mathews and C 8
The new firm will take po sennion
at once and will retain in It employ
(.' H Wil laniN and A O Mat low
The new new llrm In a strong one and
I well ah!t- to carry out the prim iph s
in favor of the farmer which ii
will inaugural. Mr J M (Shel
ley the prenident and luaii
UL'ir in well known to luiint renl.
dent of Lane county as be formerly
r. nided here and nerved un slur lit" from
In.n0 until lssj. Mr F W )huru is
eanhlerof the Loan A Having tank
an I senior partner in the druij firm
of Onhurn A IMaiio. MrAL ISrutton
Iiiih heen itli the mill ever nince It
was establlnhed two year so. He I
one of the ln-st miller on the l'acllic
count, and with hi service the new
flrui can r nt antiirtd of popular pat
roiuis;e "siNKl.NOKAl'IOI.Vr
J inline I.. I..
I FalliHK
Mayor Pcnnoycr and one of
Portland a scnnatioiiul ni'iiiMtcrn
liavo locked horns. Sylvester say
the preacher, lr Locke, "is a sell
confessed fraud. l'rcucbing tin
doctrine that the religion of L'hrini
nlone can save from sin, ho lam
evening virtually abandoned thai
position, and advised, instead, inann
meetings and rtlorm liikcts."
A dog ca tcher is badly needed on
tho comer ol (.'live and llh streets
1 lie collection may be lnlcrchiinu
from n toologicul standpoint bul a
is offensive to common decency
The dogs should be compelled to
"move on."
Komi making time is at hand
Kvcry good ciluen should ul in
full lane. The roads arc used by
ull, and no shirking should be ul
Huston is happy. A gorilla hao
been imporud into the town ol
baked beans.
Col Morby llie noted uM guer
I ilia died the other day, (hie ot Ihe
lew reuiaiuuig prominent figure
of tho great relit llioti lliat ended ili
tragic svenes mailya third ol
century bko April ISti.'i.
(.! rover Cleveland is rather thick
skinned, but if ihe comments ol
leiuocratio papers throughout the
eountrv could lie brouKht to his
obtuse attention it certainly woulo
cause a tingling of lb cuticle.
Another pugilist is dead the re
sult of a blow delivered while a
tight was in progress before a San
Jose athletic 4club The partici
pants or spectators deserve no
wnpalhy in their troubles.
The annual outtlow of gold has
commenced. It g' aoroud to
eltle trade I 1 inces at this season
i I the year and will return when
ur crops are harvested in the fall.
Man is naturally a combative
e imal. This is forcibly illustrated
l. the interest taken nthe (1 raeco
T rkish wr by many persons who
I. f ire were barely aware of the
i xif'.cnce of such countries.
.1 jtaphorically speaking it . has
L t i raining twenty dullar pieces
ii. Oiegon during the past twenty,
lour hours. This raiu insures grain j
and other.crotn a good start.
lt'cml tu lh oi aiiu.
1.1 VKKI'ool., May Ii ( aree on
pnnniiti ,'l pence oearer; Liverpool
option pciiy dearer.
Nkw VoltK. , May 11 - Finner and
higher. Maikel elo-eil at 77J cm.
Ciiu aoo, .May li. Firm ami higher.
Market c mnl at "It.
San Franclneo, May ii Firm and
higher, and cloned ul V '- n' cental,
a ralne of I; cvntH. The market I alno
excited on account of the hut weather 1
and wind prevailing all over the
To bum It May l oner rn.
llavhiK thUJday wild all out slock,
ilg' t, title unit In tcrt nl In the coipoiu
lion known an the Kuen Mill and
Flevaloi Company, lntliucl;y of Lu
nelle, to our former fellow towimman,
ex Klierill'J M Shelley, toetlllr with
ihe good will of the concern, to whom
nil ilt-titndiie Hie mod company are pay
alilcauo who anniniuH ad liahlllties of
Hie same; we lienpeak for him a liberal
nliare of the palrnuiiLMi of Hie fanners
and luiNiiienn men of Lane county.
laled at laincne Dieh'on, HUn titli
day ot May, I Mi;.
A. Matiikws,
C. H. Wll.l.lAM.H,
A. (1. Maiiii.wn.
Keferriii to tin above nmlc the I'm.
K lie M 111 and F.levalor Company here
liy aiiuouiicea Hie re-ork' ion of the
company with the following vtock
ooldera a (lie nole owiieln of Hie eilliie
alock of aald corporation, to-wlt : J M
-li lley, F W (.Miuin, A L lirattou.
I'nder the Hew ma naemuiit w Im
mediately return to the lon ontah-il-lied
( Xi lialige f FollI V l'iS'Ms oK
Fl.ol'K I OK O.NK III SIIK1. OK WllkA l'.
Anniniiit; (he public ol courteoiin and
enilriiiauly trealiiienl ami aolicluiig
your pa roiiae, ve are
Ken ev I fully,
F.ft.i.'NK .Mi i.i. A Ki kva ins I'o.
Ity J M SMKI.KV, I'tmidellt and
The Hervlcca ol both C8 William
and A H Mathews w ill I retained for
die picM'iit.
W ai.I.a WaI.I.a, Wah . May .", 2 p.
in. Jude L. L. McArlliur In aliikinx
fant and nearly all ho, in abandoned,
Me Is at the homo of Levi Auaeny
Ilia brotln r In-law.
A gllini) l alf.
Albany I'cmncrat: There pa-wd
tlironuh Albany hy ex pren today a
bull calf of one ol the faiuoua belted
ntock. Il waa nhipped from ll li
K elianl, Laatoii, Pit., to II F Fi-cher,
one of Ci.rvalhn' wcalthlcnt eiluenn.
The Value of (be calf wa flo"0 and
the ex pren chat urn were Vi. On the
riKhtarwaa (he riKl-lvml ti No.
.'i-'.'l. Inntructloiia on the canva ul
crate niiowid the tolieiludu and (are
lieee-ary to take a calf .'innn mile It
"Feed and care liive four ipiartn of
nweet milk inoining and evening. Or
der milk by wire to avoid di lay.
I'hII utlacbid locrale. Ke p bay In
front pom Ii. Feed one meanllie ill big
morning and evening, (in not place
the erule beie there w ill be want of
air and do not e) pone to cold draft."
The excellent condition of I bin 11000
; bull call Indicate that the hint ruction
had been carefully carried out by the
CXp enn lnneugil.
A fllHKI bllll calfi pretty good tlienc
tiinen; but Hie belled ntock come hull
and Ihe cou-igiive In ful'y able to f
the bill.
! ArbuckienCoflTrt
fls L. ilUUU, 1 ki,t,rn.irgli.Mrcb..
7 lntHosp
Jiried Apple
DEALER IN ; quality aud Quantity Tobacco ..u
A $12 Washing Machine rsa
Staple end Fancy Groceries. i. tt,ckt that Kill lt 2"
, ,,, , . v that I am not ... mu. l. intercted in 'f
!n IiciH-i Turk an I am in .he matter f informing lb
people ol t. vicinity thai I have added a line of
I . i 1 1 . -. ; 1 1 ii 1 J . 1 1 1 h St r. i w J I M t
1 islerv,
Neoilles MM'l I 'ill-..
.Nuti'Ji is, Ivtc,
Which are marked at prices that make sales
Call and be convinced that this is not idle talk
Highest market price paid for produce-
W.V.CHESSMAN, - Sppingfield,Oregon.
Low Shoes
High Shoes
All Ihe late-t tvh and
color call l e found at
our more.
I inly Item
rhe county court pa-id here Satur
day reluming from a nip to Salmon
cn-ek to In-put a location fur a btide.
The Hill brother pa-ed Saturday
enroute to their mining claim on l ull
Creek, where they w ill prmpect for a
few day.
M F. I'Mwan! had to came hi ncbool
Tliurnday on account of nickuen. but
wa able (o o mimic the nau e on Mon
day. Ilev lllackwell preached an excellent
inlnnioiiary fermoii Sunday to a good
The Sunday school I iirtiinliig a
program for Children' ).y, winch
iiecui June pi.
Mm Maud llolbrook hit been viMt- ,
lug w llh Mia- Jtnnle Mal'.a-ou Ihe pant 1
Week. I
llcorue llreedlng made a bimi'ien !
trip lo Fiigene Fiblay.
Women's Low Shoes
$1 00 to $3 00 a pair in
black, Tan, Ox Blood,
and Chocolate
.Men's 5lioes
In Black or Colors from
$i 50 to $4 00 a pair
call ami me on when
you want gi..l nhoe
and leanoiiable plice
The Shoe Dealers.
Successors to V. Hemcnwaj.
. . Oesltfi In . . .
Trurs. !.I:d:.cis3
Chosiclcs. Pcrfus.c:.
Tuzzj a d Toilc: Articles
C:r:s Combs Crushes
and a C:rr.p'.c:: liz: sf
9tS ind Wlllimcltt SIS luqert. Or i
Day & Henderson, Undertakers nd
Enibalmcrs, Cor. Wil- and 7th sts. 1
Will make the season of 1896 as follows:
Momliiv at ( O Walkir'HbHrn, Walkfr
Vliiilv " " " "
Thurwliiv " " " " "
Kriily ul Kli liangs' livery htftble. Eu
S:itunl)iv at Kli BangV liver htuble,
Description and Pedigree
-.riiK,:l' ll At-l;lrili i ft drtrk truMli, ifi
I.hi.'I- hitih. Hiri uhfi In l.'hm1 wt-lk'lit
'it t M'linli'1 ii-iM'iltnn. He Wat
( ?j.ritiLt .I'M, Kfiitut'kr. Mrv. WiHHMra At
Im ' Ik Ii. p r. irl hii-1 nir o' K-nll wnrtli
I nbviiv,. MnifciiiH. 2 .'i1.,, mnl inftiir uthcr
fn-t inai n. he v l'intnno 'hn'f. re itf ijuljr
i Intnl. J Wnm(om1 ANUIUir Uin ly
II. iti'l K''UikI - -'1 lv .'ml (Ihiii by ( rurkcr,
lliir'iiti(-rl. him i.f IUln nre if .-ttlilt'
, tin- km'iiI ilm il MhuI s, ; no., mid
fttr. - mi ihriiiL'h t vtuwn of (hiiroiiKli 'nl
If r l MMiU nr So iU m-Hiii,
i r 1 1 ur H ' I .MIhIih1i'k ilntn, Si I lie a-h, wh liy
-pii-i jiifi.l Jtil. ty Ke ilurky ( Iht. hy CtiaMlim
m ri-v jr , limn i'V ictiittniio if-f!iiff r, ny
Nl- iti'i'luit t'nyiiiHittT, h ty n i Mctiitiriiin. by
iini"'rtel Mfiviitfr; Ji iIhiii, Mm tit K. hy
j.-h-ii, . r i iiHtn, Kfitif nrown, ir nnimti. Jr.,
hv i 'l-r nritmn. tirvof l.tiltt, , II ay
''l-rll, i IHHI'K VI MK II"J ouurs
1 1. KM- lie tn histirp, Mrire fmm ft )is
tiit.iv will ! I't-lurt 1 fn c ( at will he tnki'ii
l-t p:'Vint Mi-i'llrii, hut will nut Lh rlHillalhle
'iiniiiii any ortiir.
A'-'V'ii will lin'i Ht lUnvk r table the mine
iivmtl s.iiii" (iru-e, l!ie rfii'hrHU-l Knulnh
n :i n-.r", un u ri. .:h;k, yi Hme.)
ii Sale
Commenclnjj April 8th,
We will wil many II net of g
utcont. Our proent quarter nrt
nt large eiinuub for our Iticreua-liiK
We -hall move Into the lnrp
(Inutile room ailjolnlnij ur hIm.iu
the IjIIi of May, and until that
time hIiiiI) make prlctn nn inany
linen of ahoos that will make the
move pay ymi. . . . , . . ,
h Elegant Line
Ladies SeparateSkir
I'll WW I I 11-11 l llfV.
M.i.V il. 'H7.
Tliii nun ii 1 1 k i-n tie f'niiiiT fifl
Walhti-r ni: l S..iin an- tiilkinir of
Iimv i Ii tin ir t ii.- 1 - 1 1 1 to H otlu-r
mlnt on lire. nut i.f Ink of ilriilniiije at
tht .ri'"iit nit...
Kvv J A l..ini:l' ttniii of l.i'l.nnoii.
r , Will .h :n Il l:t tl.ln iC( llcxt
Siiniliiy, Mny .'lh
It in rutin Ur I Ilia! I'.. !l l, nnllHIII Hill)
Minn Lilly ,,,it u,n iiiiirrit.l limt
Win v ilic ihiot pronC't
for a orop of -ii:iv i ,.M 1 1 n t w Imve
kith In nmi.y n .lay.
Sotlll' ( Hn, 1 1 ,,. ,.,,,. ,.,,( (low ii to
Oonlii-ti the oil.r .lav, thinking it
out tin. f.'i -. iii.-t y to l.rt'ak into
IJniicy'M nt..r... I ut tin y found It V
Kirn.'V on kii.-ii.I, wat. liinir lh roa.l
i .-. ainl they hlirriid
Willi liin ciil
I'rof Hum , a t arln r'n iiintitiil..
li.'IO hint Saliu.l i . hlrh wan r-l t v
vill atti'inl. ,1, ii.lfriiir the lnwy
1 1 men.
"i'rof I..'Mr. "fit,,. T ,,f o, ,.,.r,,
onllauiiii, ji! 1 1.,-, -1 1 1 1 re 1 1 on Kriilav
veliine I" :i ,. , Imhi-iv ii . 1 l., ...
Mr Moroni Inn K..ut to liln i,,iuiiik. ,n, ,if .r,,, ,., ,.viair.l the l.rlure
olal.n on Kail frevk. j WlVlUI ,,0 j,,,,,,,. ,()llil(, w
Verule, (he little .Inu 1 1 1 of K (' 'hope lie will in.. Huain.
I'.dwanln, u iiiie ill with lnri..e nt i lheyoiim; ,,.l,.,,f Walkers have
thin wrltliU'. oruanied a ( I.m.i i hi Kml. avir So.-it-
MrJN Itruller han .iiit tunini ! ' "'I Vl' t;l'M 11 fmnU for the pur
lo on tko.'oiiut of low wnttr. ; ohane of an oicui fr the chiiroh at
liotlien Ittliii.
M ay 4.
J W Kitcluti went to Harrlnlurg to.
tiny to vinit w ith relativen.
ltevival iiitetiiiKH are Mug cntnliic-
tfl hy ilv Itrink, of ("res ell, annintid
liy (ieu Ivohlcr, in the M E cliunli.
J II 1 1 : in II t on 1ih purchased" the
llrewer properly ailjuiiiiinf (ionlitn
eoiinUtinir of 14 neren, and w ill anon
have a l. ire residence ereeted thereon.
We lire pl. ed lo realize that Mr and
Mm Hamilton intend making (hid
'heir permanent home for they are
exeeliVnt people. Mr H is ihe aection
foreman of Hit S 1" li R at this plaee.
Ml-n Niinnle WuIIIb who U teaehiiiK
the Niitri li ucliool npenl Humlay in
(1 .nhen.
J M lierkMiire luist liakd hU blaik
-initli nhop (.. H V Ehy, who hail al
ready takt-H eliarK)'.
Mr mnl Mia ('has Smith were down
floill ll'Wti Itivtr lunt Wtek vl.lllnu
Min I.iii'inda lleiknhire han re
turned froinfrenwell, where nhe has
Ue. ii ntoppim; fr wveral weeks.
H V Keeliey, deputy iinninnor for this
p i eiiii't, in ii k froin house to house
Ki cmand up
Black and FarJ
S. H. Friendly 's
Dry Goods Emporiuit
Lawn Mowers nd Garden Hose,
Garden To Is and Spray Pump?,
Poultry Ncitino and Staoles.
Screen Doors and Screen h
f argest Assortment
Lowest Prices' at
S L.
Tinware and
Granite Ware.
Ninth Strut, W
fMile An)luiii and Militia
Mituiln hi Hie lln J
Alls J llocel, the leading ditigint of
Shievesrt, I. a, a : 1 Pr Wind's
New limeovery i ll.e only Ihini: thai
l'he Salem Journal ayn: Stale eure lit v eough, and It In the t t
SiiH riiitelid.ut I'alne han tiled Inn re I n,.lf r I have." J K rampU'll, iner
port for the month ending Mareli SI, 1 haut of Sluliotd, Ari.., wnten: -Hr
and II nh .Wi 77.S inalen, M feinalen, f Kln'n New Jmeovery i all that in
total II :.S anaKailint 1110 lant month 1 elaiined for II; It nek er failn, and in a
under e .ie and liealiiient. During the j mire eure for t'oimuuipUuii, I'nuiihn
nun tli 17 rtvelvr.1, II death, !U din and Col, In. I ealinot av .noul. i,.r
harmed, I vloed and n'llirued. E-; its nunu." I'r Kinit'n New DiMMVerv '
for, Ought and cold In
ii..t an evperiiiieut. )lhuUii tried
j that place; all ..' I. i. Ii nhows coin
I llieiidalilecnt, ipn.,.. 'Hi,.v con'd irive
, nome (irayh. :...U a p. iiitet on iiii lll.h
nHiiiiig lino other people's lill'alis
particularly as to their lliiancial stand
in K.
V II Dillard ai d family accoiiipHni,d
by M' Dillard's mother, Mrs Iterk-
sniie vmiieii at llei ry Hock's
(Venwell ."Sunday.
Since our lat report Mr mid Mrt
Dmd i:tij have removed to near Har-
jr.l.urctorenile. i his we regret for
: Mr mid Mrs i he vtill i,-...t ....
I their ninny frnuln lure. We hoc,. fr
Let uj. solve It for you. W. have a large and
well selected line of heatinvr and co. kinir
stove, wit I, which to d It. If y(,u ore inter
ested don't full to call on ug. - ,,e
X 3L. 33
Lea Ur of all wood and airl'glit beatera, li
found on our floors.
I'K.v Si u.m iiKHIim s,;,. siales
man: t- roin iruit grow, rn ho
studied thr Iruit nituaiioii thi.ioughlv
It In learoi .1 ll.nt iI.m tr..vel...rr..
the .a.he.t fruit In H,.. wJi '' f' of this place,
' ,,,,, ur
va'ley, k. ill he from , to tii is hi
their return In th near future.
lf-v N,-t and wife, of Irv;iiir, wil0
japeiit la-t week viniiing Mr, ,.,pg
j father and Ujolh er, Mr and Mrs I.o..l,
returned home Sat.
, urdav.
nliori tliin car. Thi u the
in 'I
Tims liyd, who sreut the winter
only in the immediate ticl:hl.orlio,.d f ' wuu hl" brother, A ll l,,yd, left lagl
N. .in ami the hill south of the citv ' " '"r S-ll,'m'
pt'iiHcs f,.r moiiili V.4-'!' 01.
Of In. On'Koii National tiuatd
this yesr w ill ut. douhlvdly be held at
or neai kiem. urigaiie kieueral H. -Ut
and nt . It came up on the local and
InnprcLd Kniuuds near this city, and
tho encampment w ill tw here or at
Alu..ny. Atlroiu IM to Ahti nu
w ill l in camp for a few w.vks It U
a .natter of nr.t Interest for our city
from a himiiienn taudH'ut.
J U l g .VrAitliar t 'itnlllion. ;
1'oHTI.ASiH, May fl. -Judge L I. Mi
Arthur w lio is lying at the point of
death lit Walla Walla tallied ll.ia
morning, hut there Is no chance lor
rrcovcry. i
l fir a .juai ter of a century, and today it
Maud- at the I icad ll tieVtT .lis
appoint KieelrUI hollies at llen
d. 'non A I. Inn's driiit stole.
Au AlthluMI.
Thin IsliMvritfy lliut on May lllh, I
walkcil to MclVk'a tliugntoiv on a pair
ol crutchen and houglit i Inittle uf
t'hamlieilalii'a Tail. IU: .or In lain
inai.iiy rlieiiiuiktiMii which had crip
pled me up. Alter lining thrrw bottles
I am c-iiipletely cuiid. I cull cheer
I Uy r.v.uniiieiid It. l'jf,-.n H
I, Sunhury, Pa.
."nkkoin and nnt.ncrilHd lo In t.
t'io li,..
soul ll.
of tl,i.
!S court
name isuiditlons eint ,i ti H I'ont master Honey wna 0 rortland
.. iiini oi .iu-any, aiut tuHlu r -""nuay an a w itness in the U
It in 'houcht (hat U.r
nhortage is not then, f The w.ntei n edition of the Farm
- .-.. mis iii.niot., plililinlie.l
"i ni, lut ralhei that It in chum.I hv 'Ohio, com.- ..nt l,
I'll ,
heluavy funis lt fall, when the
leld. r p'.mils sulleled fr.'lii He ev.
iiv.' ..,!,). Phi in the only fmit
that thun ar has in i nreporid an hav
ing any other hut the hrlghleid ros.
-ii. in the Willain. lie val'ey tl,
j eur ever. . -' 1 1 -r fruit tu-e or nhruh
proii.lnii. up'.t hountil'ul yield,
n r
Se uut l.rsiu.
with a ,i...
lure oft h.rle, . I'l-apman, Ph D"
our i.oP'ark-. state l-niversitv prt,
dell', acionipaiii.d hy a short hi
-graphical sketch of Inn hfP 01. , ,le ,
lrll.iw arf
MAMUnnn DccmDrn
ginrsqten, to cure U ncrmut diwiKS. such as Weak
uisia ronrtr. ln,Url,. u-.k.i... u.nh,J. Kiin7T
' 1 ".a(iH,urv,vn mim . ifrtl I
crvousncM, ill drtiui, lout of power iu Groerti W"i
v. r,,h.r nu hf or exertion, youthful rror, ei"'" -f
I 0P'morstimulnti, which lead to",,',ii
v'"t tu., diuribuiinj agenlfc XhirJ auJ Ymhilt St.. PonU1
urn x Uel.ano, AaeuU, Kugene, 0 g
Tfiehers' Ki
Schi-ol Kf p.irt.
Fbaskux, Or., May 3, 1807.
1 IlA II lltiU-lki.. I..
,.';. ,. ' L .'" VOTre r'P-rt of
K-. Vll!! C '-. district
--. - -..nun, uiPgO.l fnr lu
month ending Anrd so- v' ,
, V ' "' 1 "".vsanseme si; Xo
-r days attenda,,, ,. Xo '
v '.-,:,,,,ai "r-ned.u
'") aiieiniaiice, 3j
, . . tt rt-Il in. ll....
isr.iv ., i... 8"8iot nor
r ,r"i: bin ni f).
u; averuue
Hie following
e tie-
nd Tina
K. reiki i .e that each miuiirel de-
siroyn ti ni w.-.-tluT uraiii ainiuallv.
k. ler'n .iiirrel and liopher K.i-
' tl-l illlhMli.r lm II... li...! ....
V.1...I.I 1,1 w. ... - . .
v, j - ..a..., .-.uipumii .-. M poison known.
.V ' illl.s . I.i . .. L...
' ..uartetly na.,,,,,.,,,,,, for u-aehL " ".T" El,ie "J Cr Car.
vert i Heat. s, will tw t
it ni, cu, rii.'iu-i ii L. i
May U ly,
!ii Motidav
J I'. Kor sale al il o-tits js-r tail tic ly
tnt uru a IVLauo.
Hie I'ourt
o'chvk p rui
Hi' M de.
"euiah and
rfl Custia,
ii i.
""i iesie
A iVI.ano, agents
vsky.Totiy Bryant. To,,' . "n!.
I'm re- Mringio obtain state eemrt-, Hrn''y Hjan cu...
Mm d,.iok;anShoM 00 , ,,enr' B-J i&ZJ?
A writing tahlet fr
ev.ry pair of shoes "OW J
(rardleaaotco-l-f'110 j
may be with Pr.
C'liild'a Tan or 111
for cts. or
Our Men's
r . . . Ul.w J ti- - s
i.aiiitn coin iih' i'i II.,---
Ladiea' black Oxford
Lames' heavv shoe for 'j
Ladies tine dongola o.i w
For La i osst Assortment
ana li'w1',v
ftlien Babv si. . '
. if.C
When sh waa a i-Tkil l. '- '
. oaf I'
Whea tn Nn-ame M .
v Mil. nt, Marion F, Hor.v
l-'t,t- Te.chir.
nan thAi (Wren.