The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 08, 1897, Image 2

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I. L. CAM PHKI.L, Proprietor.
Ornnt'a g rent est monument Is not In
Itlversldo Park.
If Captain Nug ('bigger, of Wyoming,
ever enters HI-h ll In n safe iiet lliiit
he w ill come right to Hie scratch.
Uotltenniit Peary WI.VN lie can find the
Iiiirlli polo for $l."io.fnio, would he
about nil ciisy to find one a to llml the
other nowadays.
The local headline, "Itlg Circus In Our
Midst," I slightly mlsh idlng. Tlii' nr
rlvnl of cucumber In tlio market linit
WOlblllJ to ill) With It
Colorado lin n passed a biw admlttlm,'
women to membership in the Slate
inlllti.l. It Ik iiliout time to r;i iiiii I lu
tlit'licw woman n n nuilesijuo.
The best description of that mysterl-
(MIN Iim 1 1ll tl.lJ ,'llr Ship COII1CH from
Kansas City inn n. who savs It "looked
to Ul III Iiliout iim big lis n lieer glass."
A girl In I 'nloiitow ll, I'ii., shot n burg
llir the other night. Hut the nine
apcmlciit doesn't explain what iilie uiih
nooting at when the accident oc
The New York papers which Issued
their l.aster ll II III I ir Neverill week lie
fore p.astcr hope to lie ll Me to bring out
their Christum edition thin year
Iiliout the Fourth of July.
According to the IJIobc, mi AtelilNon
woman ha ligurc, It mil Hint "be
tween the ages of W iiihI 17 her lienrt
was limkeii eleven HmeN." Court plus
ter doc wonders In such nixes.
rillliulelphlii proposes to unveil n
monument to Washington next month
which una begun In INI I, only eighty
nl yen in ago. Why they should he In
nueli a hurry iiliout It no one NeeuiN .o
A New Vol k pllper olTereil II prize for
the lust iletliiltloii of "uewit" n ml n
cloriVlllllll wnlkisl off with II for mi v.
Inn Hint "new Is iinvthlnir Hint Hm
Kciicrnl public ought to know." The
it'll comuuiuiliiiciits, for IiihIiiiiic?
A dispatch from l.nuciiHter, I'n., any
tllilt ".lis. Juke l.lllot Nllot her lius
bilinl three (Illicit yesterday mill grave
fenrs are eiilertnlneil for Ills recovcri-
If Ills recovery In fenreil perhaps Mrs.
l.lllot would lietter Nhoot lilt i a- ill).
Th-i Coroner's Jurv viewed n l.odu
which hail lieeu lii ken from the Clilcn -o
Itlvcr anil retiirueil a verdict that the
tlireiletit 'Vmne to his ileath liy drown
ing from n en use likliowu." This i.t
fully an clear an tin Chicago lilvcr It-elf.
Ill nj In seven-league iofn. -J
t.'ike the form of a iiuihchIh r sorviint
girl, K'Milei Into active hoHllllty by
frultleH tramp down four flight of
Kla I m In response to a fraudulent post
u.nn'it ring ninl nrineil with n broom or
a kettle of hot water ns an expression
of resentment. The mull box ndver
llNer will do well to leave off Ills in
farloi.M piaclleeN lie In defeating hi
own object me I Is courting reprisal.
The mail box Is provoeailve of eunuch
ttorrliiiciil without being made the
target for olitiise person who don't
know enough in Hie proper
way that Is to nay, In the newspapers.
A Huston paper says: "Spring Is here
at last. A liuiterlly was caiiKht at the
South Mud yesterday." ThU may In
the proper way to-cateli u butterfly,
but when you trail u wasp It Is better
to cntcli alioiit I, I, lie, shll'iln-
liorthwcHieily toward the head.
All virtue Is cumulative. Ivxecptlnn
nl deeds uf uioiiil excellence or herolHiii
are but the richest of the fruits w lil. li
a noble character Is coutluuiilly yield
Inu. Our admiration ami respect thus
t-nllcd forth hIioiiIiI lint be cuiitliieil to
t lifin, but should extend far back Into
the past life which has made hii.Ii
things pnsslble.
The NfWN calls ntietitloii to
the choc of Nonli Itnhy, a JcrNcyiiiiiu,
U'ft yeniN old, who Mailed to Ninnke
Ills uiothei'N clay pipe I I'll years n
and lias Ninnkcil ,.er uliiee, mid asks:
"How would It have been If he had
mucked Hum cites';" If he had smoked
clt;a relics he probably wouldn't liae
been oer To yea i n old now.
The k:iiiiIIth have n maxim on w hlcli
they b.ise their calciiiatl.iiis for their
dally bread, that "a sucker is born ev
ery minute," ii "su-ker" in their par
lame t.eliijj a gullible peisnli w ho di
Hiltu repented wiiiiillisstaudsreiiily to
five ll I his money ,o the Hist sharper
he meets. In fad, Ihe sharper does lint
iilwnyH have to g to mucli pains to
et the suc.'.ei's money, as lie is ready
to deliver It on Hie I rst plausible op
portunity, or curse, a sucker ln-lli
born every mliiuie, ll Is always harvest
se.isi.n for tin. sharpers, but we do tint
remember of readl i' an necount of so
bltf a b:-- as that rei enllv mmle bv il...
i:. S. I lean (Jninpniiy, of New Vo'rk, :l
bucket-shoi concern that has Just con
venlenlly failed, leaving a host or pa
tron to llioiltii their losses. The hen. I I
mid front of this . orcein, the match
less contriver of ih eolossa' fraud. Is
said to he a woman, mid If this is true
she most assuredly "hath Hie voice par
excellence" In mpliiji vlcilms. Oil),
er Nclieini-s are but mere pab he to
her. TliroiiKli plausibly worded ad
vertisement, poliiHni; out ho easy It
I to yet rich, she iitirncted palronane
from half the Stales, mid . en ready
Mliipcd the sprlnu of the trim nod t...i
away with a million and a half of
money . I tie only ambiguity about Iter
iidverllsiiieiiis was that Hiev .li i
explain wLlcli jiarty wa to j et rich.
She knew all the tin.i. u Hl. tvi.-Ut
nre played every year, but no one ever
" I'i'olit by ll lr exposure. A
dozen years ago Hie irrent "fund IV"
scheni,. In Chlcai.'. was brought ,i
fc'l'lef, hut nobody know how nnmv
rillid Mclii-meson the oilier letters of the
alphabet had hrouitht form ics to Ho.
projector. Thl wa to b H...I- n
coup, and it failed, but nobody surrer-
ii iiiiicii, except tlie victims. Truly,
the Kiiuiblcrs are rllit. for the crop of
Nllcher seems liiexhaiistlbli A fe
week into Mr. Illll. of l( Chicago
Monrd of Trade, exposi-d the ,.H f
bucket shop Keepers, but they Inlfhi l.
exposed every day In Hie week and
there would still be nn al lance of
Hie walk Into i hi- hiicKct shop par
lor. The web Is too beautiful and too
ll tin: 'live to be resls'eil Aid I lie
(.'nine look no easy' u.nn cmi ul
'l" n. c In bm,,!, ,. ri.m., ,
and itatlsilc ,.r the wheat or stock
iiutrket before him, mid tlure up n for
tune In less than i time. I,ct hi in try
It In actual practice and bis lllltllMI' I'flll.
Isbe a f it ,.re fairy money. -r.
while It I Hie maxim of the j;ambler
llml a Hii. ! e Is horn ,.v- v iiiliiiin. it
It t' maxim of the buck'i shop man
that Ihe slicker' luoiiev vlien ti .l.l Is
his and i.nder no clrciiins ances to be
I' ll. out. except at: ball. I his Is the
reason why the bucket simp t an-r
woman -can mil and vet trow rich
Blip of ptrebmrnt, dim and old-
. . . . ...
i a in it autn uafoia;
Farwtll, loTer; you'll rfrt;"
Tbla wai all, aod-'-Marjaret"
Tfllow bit of goiilp! for
Ninety yean the ncrltoirt
Ilatb It lecret kept and yat ,
I would know it, Margaret
I cao in the lorer sow
He batb curia about bla brow
I'owdiTPil; rins with ruble at
All bi tboiiKbta fur Margaret.
Phe with irirnient of tb flow,
Of a rcntiirr atro:
', Hweel tit fliHIHtsilirin
j How your heart ached, Margaret!
i How your heart ached a you taw
I mm Kiine other beauty draw
In the reel or minuet
While you flirted, Margaret!
For InrAp'a nnnprnl mtnm
And you thoiiKht your pnmlon' flume
ui; oiii men your eye were wet,
nay una parchment, Marguret
Fellow feeling bind o; uc
I am ruriou to know
If he ever felt regret?
Well, I hope o, Margaret!
-Iiutun (jluhe.
The aimless In life mv t t. gt c !.
Tliey drift with the current. They mv
of little necount In themselve or to so
ciety. A worthy object I essential to
bring out the best that Is In u. xi.
man of hlc-h and useful Ideals lm,.,n
upon their icnll.ntloii, I full ,,f ,N,
ami eneity. lie get Ihe most out of
"1H1 nd Kliiddcns, cnrlchc. u
aplre nil. I bclp ns he ha opiortuulty
The Tennessee Coal. Iron tin. I Hull.
Mild Company, which employ n.ikhi
rnai miner, ami w hose wiikc scale gov
ern that of Ki.tHHi miner In Alabama
lin asked It miner t,i nccem ....
iluciloii of per cent, beglnnlin:
-one i, in,, rtvsniciit say thai this
will enable the company to take several
largecontraci for export shipment. In
oilier words, If the nu n will work for
oneelghtli Irs thuii their prescnl
wage the company will abli to
pocket a lot of money.
Lieutenant I'eary ha been detached
from Hie Itrooklyn navy yard mid or
dered to report for duty on the I'aelile
roast, but miuoiiiice that his plan fr
renchlng U. north pole will go on nil
the same. Ilclsst pivsent hoping t h:i t
noine person or pcisoii will give him
II.'xI.ihhI, and he will then start on his
trip. The greatest part of the money,
he explain, will be needed to maintain
colony ,.r Kskluio at a point further
north tlin ll any previous colony has
ever locnted. There uiliHil be some
thing lhat would thrill Ho. v ot-1. 1 In i ..
accomplishment r thl plan, mid yet
there are practical minded people who
will think that the money asked ror
could be belter used III rounding n col
ony of poor w Idle people In sonic lower
In tit tide.
Chicago Chronicle: , word Willi Hie
advertiser who NtuiT the mall Ihixcn
full of printed mailer. It doesn't pay.
It repel trade Instead of nltiactlng It.
The householder who sec through the
Clan darkly what nppcnr to be a mall
letter and opens hi M only to Hud a
eulogluui of Smith' soup or Jones' link
ing Kiwder or lioblusou' fa pant Is
tMolutely certain lo pas Smith, J.m,.
and Itoblnson by when he I In need of
oap or bilking powder or pant, lie
lift been fooled, slid It I only human
nature that lie should "get even" If htr
ran. Aa for the brigand, w ho not only
inff hi circular Into the ninlPIs or
ballwar. but rlnc tt bll t
ttvutloo ta it retribution U coining 1
At X.mmt the Little White Itox tlrranie
III I rl o .
The tailor' wife bsik tier tun.. iu..-
out for a walk Hie tiny after they moved
next door to the undertaker'. The little
fellow Ntoioied lust onlsl.le ll... 1.1..
windows ii ml pointed hi chubby foro
llngeral Hie w hite colli n w llliln."
lint that, inoilicrV" he nskivl Me
had never seen a collin.
"Thai' w hnt Ihcy put .little Isiy In
w lien they're iiautlity," said the moth
er. "That'M Ihe way thxl punishes."
The bonny, boisterous lad was a great
trial to her soincilinc when she was
weary with household cure nn.l ui...
resorted to almost any tale to keep him
Everyday afler that the brown eyed
lsy for ninny minute and looked
at the tiny colllns behind Hie heavy
glass, lie grew very obedient, too, but
Ihe mother had becoiue so aii'iintoiued
to fault lliiding that she never noticed
how well be minded, but coiiilno...! i..
sivl.l. Just the s. With every re-
proof his hcaulll'ul. brown eyes would
grow dark with a mist of tears, and he
would ask, half fearfully:
"Will you put me In the w hite Isix for
that, mother? Will tid punish me
Month pas-sct. One day the resiles
feel went astray again, and Hie n,,.,i..
er. In the moment of her extreme vexa
tion, punished him more severely than
"Hon't put me In that white lsx,
mother." lie pleaded over and oer
lif.illl Is'twccli his sobs.
So saying, he fell ashvii. Wl ien ti.t
awoke the fever wa. on him, ami the
pattering feet wand
It'll tl It
c.vis locked up Into hers, the pale ll.s
liuvereti, ami nesnni revluy:
nave you got the while box. m..iii..i-i
11. is nod piiiiislusl me yet'?"
I wo day Inter Ihe earrhiires .........
nn.l bore lit tit away in state, tiod'tt pun-
isiiiiu'iii nn.l come. - Chicago Tribune.
I'l ml In it Water In iho Hesert.
The Western man who got water In
the desert by the aid or a reed and a
sponge evidently got the Idea from the
bushmcii of the Knlahnrl desert in .f.
Hut. These people tti ll ll. scores of
nine from plans where water route
lo the surface. Ouriiig certain time
of the year sharp storm pas over the
Kalahari, covering the npparvntly mid
region wiih the brightest of verdure
and tilling for a few short day the
water course with roaring torrent.
The hiislinicn Hud water by digging in
the bottom of these dried up raer
bed. They .tig a bide llirct or l.'....
fevt deep an. I then tl. a sponge ;, A
hollow reed. The sponge absorbs ttui
moisture at Hie bottom of the bole, ami
the tin the draw It up into their
me nib through the reed.
I'nraou I'rol x- Hi;nW we mar .-.
that all rcf.ii nu. are Intermittent;' .n.ii
in Hie eliurcli fold the ,1.
I.aymu - Ve; I not mil thai n.i t ri
rase th. mornlin when you pro
n.uned the betiedictlou.-lvtou Cnu
Within 1K) mile of my town there
ive a girl. Her uge I somewhere be
tween l.'J and IS) year. Kliu I uot
ixaclly jiretty, though she come very
cur uenig o wtien she viiiile; neith
ir I alio exactly homely w Iil" she I
lot snillliiL'. ihoui'li Mono ..r imp fen
aire i classical and ahu I slightly
reckled. Slie iIih- not tires III thu
Jelglit of fnshloii, nor, on thu other
land, doc she ever look sliabhv or old
'lishlolied, Ihougli she doe Noinetlme
enr imide-over dresses and n-lnu t.
iver hill. She caiinnt really bu called
iccompiislied. Ilioi gh sliu can sing In
differently well, play it very Hide on
jie piano ami w rite an Intt retting let
:-r. in company mIiu iulte often can
lot think of anything t any, thinigh
Mien With the girl she I Hnliictimo
iccused of talking bsi niiich. She I
Jot u brilliant "holar and ahe Is not
iiy any mean a ilui: one. In sin.rt.
jiho a Just a common, everyday kind
i f K'fl. like dozens ymi see every time
jfou go where there are inaiiy girls to
)o een.
j Perliap should not give the Im
pression that she 1 exactly like other
(III, for Nhe doe have one peculiar
: .1 i ..... .. . ... '
tin, no. i jei, ancr mi, the only pn-u-lar
thing about It is that Jie choose
:o use It right along, w h'le a goc I many
Ither girls-and boy and grown peo
ple, for that inatler-lhoiigli they have
uie same gut. keen It lo. Le.l u.
11 uie nine, ami us-; It only on very par
Jciilar occasion.
The only thing Cnn compare this
101 10, in ine iiiomeut, I 11 bit of n10
inn. mid It iiiIl-Iii In. ei 1 -...
lunshliie geiierntor. though 11 pocket is
.ne noisi possiote place ror ll.
To allow how tiserul this II 1 1 1. girt
nnj ne mane In cloudy weather I mv
reason for Introducing you to Winnie,
.or nun 1 tin. name of thl everyday
1 mi 01 a gin - w ninl,. sinltli.
Winnie' life has not bee n ked by
iim sini-iiing event, ami M certain win
-i.P On. ..... I...... .. . . ...
. iimj , ..... i,iuK Kt w ill serve my
, as well 11 iinv other
She rose, ihcti, 11 Hi He later than nsu-
11 mat morning. It was cot.t w.
fl '.'""I "I'e laughed to hear her Icet Ii
.natter together a she made a quick
louci. ami then run downstair to
area k rust.
11 .. 1. . .
i.icnhiasi wiiMl t quite ready. Th,
j limn, ins usi 1 on 1 1. -.1 nn
in. I very red In th,. face; Mrs. Smith'
Mill nil anxious brow, was trying to
:l""" " wiuie .xir. Sinhh was re-
i reading the Insi night' new spa per with
, 1 moon expression or couuiciiance.
ln" "'xhint e iq a red 011 the
K'cne iticre wa a change, though nil
I Ihe Niild w a "Hood nnu nlug." The
I baby stopped crying and held out his
inn to Winnie, who took him mid hi-
,iiii uniting to him; Mrs. smith' ,tl,w
oecanie suiooili and tranquil a Hh,
.nme to Mulsh setting the food n the
:m...... nun .nr. Miuiii smiled over the
: lop or his new spapcr. In less th.iti live
j anilines the baby was sluing In hi
uigu cnair pouihllng the lrny N
...... '""'I crowing, bu,. ,!,
ir,M ,, rauilly were laughing at 1,
nictgy and good spirit s ,.v ,(
i " oiciiKiast and cheerfullv ,
j cussed their plans for Hi.. .1...-
At nhout S o'clock Winnie Vtartcd to
..1100, ,r inert, was an errnnd to b.
...... .... ,.- n , store. Tl. ,.,.
,lt the tiiimter had sat up nenrlv nil
u,g i, . nrsutg sick M other and looked
llld felt ns cross us t.i-.. -.1 .1. .
; ..... , , .V .-..ess. iierore
, - ... ..e ..a,, intriy told her errand Ihe
.111 ioone.1 picnsantcr; before the par
'Del wa done m. .1... u
.... , ,, ' -..- "iiineii 11 11,1 us
i ...1.1. .. uisappcHicd through the ,r
ie K .i reauy tookcl as though sli,.
itlmugbl the world a vcrv m,... ..1....
j And all that Wlnni,. had iloue was to
;....e u .cw tuensaut remarks ab,.,,,
the weather mid invvent 11... ..1..1
... . ' " sill liuil)
taking down a lot of unnecessary boxes
; " ' ' "icncs, oceans,, she saw th,.
Klrl wa tired, and lo smile and nod ,1
.800,1 by when she turned to go.
I A Winnie cum,, out of tl. store Mie
"Might sight er a lit, I,, ,-ugged 1-ev sit
ting on the curbstone. . .nw" tear
was rolling , ,s grimy eh,.,
lie looked the picture ,.r woe. Wlnni,.
topped and spoke to him and ,1
, t loitcd 1,1m, and fotiud out that 'ie was
rold, yes. and hungry.
"Pear n.e. this will n.-vcr d,.:"
' ." "HH me, mv iUh,
man, nd she him acres, tK.V(,t 1 ne grocery store. A her s, l.ool
was nt a considerable ,Imu,... rmi,,
...., ..nunc usuaiiv rode n tl.,i
rant one way. ,) .-ul Jlb
c, ,.r ,lu ,!,,;,.,,,,.
""gin a puny lulu,-,. :riiovr,- and a
Miiy bun. and when she had asked the
storekeeper to let th,. h , ,si , , ,,u,
radiator while he ate these 'ellca. Ics
he went en her way rej.)i,ij
' ll"l' ". Rainl after "iicr hi
cluck distended with pastry, ,ind a
grin of perfect content ok I ! ,iinv
i ill
The torek.vpT. to-, a ka.J Ki.n"
oI.I:ng 1,1s ,!-,. Nor I frightful
"" r " l.tnl,. .qvu.d the ,,vr
now looked as mild a any lamb, qultj
, beiiciolciit. In fact, mi l tK- chorv lut
, wa h;stln,c sr,v , i,.M,f n i,;
w ip.d Hi,, dust from a stidf.
I Winnie walked briskly along, for It
j getting near school time. . good
I '"Jr l,f h Pvpl the met gUincvtl tt j
Iter M ther ped. nnd the r'.in.-
ef)pl aomchow lo hare a cheering ef
fect on them, for the;:' t-ye lirl-jht-ned
nd tbey tcpped more quickly nu'l
bold their iii ad a ll::!e blgh'-r.
When quite limr lUi lioolhoiiso
1t'lr.nln .....1. t .llir 1-1. iSslli.'ltl'S
There wa a cloud on hi face, but the
HiNtnnt ahe spfKe -o nun u .n-.ip:" .n.-..
and be nctually smiled us lie tuiicd to
ward her, tliniigh Jie bile' i.f int "olc;
wa Kill KOinerthat lugubrious.
"Hove vnu done those two problems
In fllgebruV" In- asked.
"No," liiiiglnd Winnie, "have yon:
I'l .... I..t .1 1..I.I tfl'lll:' .Hill
Mil I1JI llllll .1'- IJ'S"! " .' -
I don't believe they cull be tlolie." Mild
the hoy, hitler!'., ..,.i..i...,i tvinitii "v 11
lialley told ine Inst HH'it Unit h- hoi
done one of tln ui mid I .in an to get -jr
thelil In good i-nriiest as ooii 11 I get
the lilslory i s..n my i.ilnd. I
we can do tln in.
"I..l.....u ....... n " .11 1 i t lii. bov more
hopefully. 11 nd by tin- 'Ime 'l.i.v reach
ed the aclinollionse v;i l, wa m l
only fouvltici .I ti nt l.c 1011 d but resoiv.
ed tliut he would do '.cm, mid wim
qulto cheerful in coiisequeiice.
A I nn Ll before. It w nit a cid tnotti-
(tor nn.l 1 I... K. 'room Tell I 'ie l-ITl ft
itf It Tl... I... ii 1'l i iiliie 11s ll should
and the tern In r and nil the si hohns
hud blue 11..-. s ninl their shoulders
were drawn up.
W'llllllii 1. Mil tin. hov iveri r 11 o sec.
Olid late, and Miss Miller frowimd I
ll beiiril tlielr footsteps In the hail.
hut When she snw W innie hel 'row 11
finleil nut Moreover 11s Winnie .'.alk-
ed to her sent nearly every pair of
HtllllllilerH III Ho. l-oolll ill-Ill lloll II 11
til lie, 11 though her coming had. in
Home mysterious way, t . 1 1 1 1 -1 I the
prevailing, frigidity.
Nothing of . articular luninetit luiti-
pencil during the forenoon, tiubss It
was the fiillliii: out of Nellie I'linerson
and Julia I'livls at recess. Their eies
were Hashing ninl thev were making
lie must ill mil 11 red remarks in c.-n h
"ither. when Winnie elm in ed their way.
1 don't know whether she said any
thing or only looked In lln lr eyes till
thev cotlliln'l belli Imiil-IiIiil' but I do
know Hint two 111 1 11 11 li s later Nellie and
Julia were pacing the hall .11111 In arm
mid oil the best of terms.
There were seven scholars who lived
so far nwiiv that thev nhviivs broii-ht
their dinner, excepting when they for-'
got It, as did Annie and I'rank Carroll
011 this piirtlcular day. Winnie spied
Ilieiti standing apart from the others,
staring disconsolately out of 11 w ludow,
ninl Immediately divined the ti bb-.
Almost before you could say "Jai l;
lioblnsiiu" she had gone lo them and 1
before you ll.l count titty the Ihree
were seated, with Winnie's linn h has
ket In their midst, making merry ov er !
the snort lies of their common. Then 1
Ihe other four joined the groiin nn.l di i
vldcd their lunch al-.., nn.l as ihe moth '
els of some of them had been parti. mi j
larly bountiful in the Uiatli-r of food
that day the whole scicti fared well'
enough, ninl 1 dare say ate all that was !
good for lliem. I
On Ihe way home from sehool at
night W lunle saw two boys mi the side
walk ahead of her slyly upset a linit
stand, behind which sit nn ... n,
woman. A polleeinau w ho h;n rIIH,
ll) III. perceived seized .f the ,Vs
Hie other took to bis heels, and Ihe old
.'in gesticulated ninl m ,1 hi,
rage and rlhi - lmli.11 ition
Winnie hastened her slot., .-in, I 1,, .
lug her hand on the noli, email's sleei'..
asked him very eariiesily If ,,. would
Hot please let the bovs . Insi l..o .
enough to help pi, k up ihe fruit, which
was rolling about the sidewalk and out
into the street.
Ill an liicred.bli short tl if
had been there, y,i Would Inii,. '.....,
the poli, email walking ser.nelv ,l,,u,,
"'' I. n strange gentleman ri-hi.
lug the fruit stand. Winn;,. .,11,1 h...
two boys picking in. nnnles. r.,.,...
banana mid p, aunts, as f fir a
wager, wliile ll , , '
laughing to see so many uorhlng f,,,-
ucr wiuie she sat st:, iMn saiin
leniently, thai -,',." 1 1 . I I !.-,.."
.. I . . !
sue s,q.iose,, as g . ,. .. ,., , ,-.
held together.
The boy the p..i,vman h i, I 1..1 ....
1,1 1 running after , ,, sh,
had started on her w . ,1 1
thrust a t.vtei,.ns big';lpp, u m,.,,
he had Just bought r ,1.,, ,.,,.,,.,
Iicr hand, and then sp,, .,.,, w jj
'"r-splluiug w p ,0 J, ,h,. ,her
When Winnie ,;, n 1,1,1,.
doors of her own sin. .... ,1, . . 1
.'graph messenger l,,,ve a mess,..,
with Mrs. A 1.1, 1, i,s it.i .
in the doorwai afler leolin,. .. :,.
a pcrpiexct ami ,,,lM, V,,s,iMl
and glanced ,n ;ls sh(i
11..11 11 uiiiiii 10 sa.v s, thing , i,,,,.
"I It bud news. Mrs 11.1.. ......
Illli'd Winnie, syinpaihclicallv
Then Mrs. .v,,,, s,,.,i .,' , ...
.... - I illll'KIV
enough "es." she said, "my sister U
111. mill I ought t go t I,,.,- n ,,
next car. but I let in, gi, gnawav to',
the afternoon and eienin .1 ..'..1 ..
. ..... ..". 1. unci
silt feeling ,. and I doTt ,a,v
leave I1I111 alone "
'Why. I will come In
him," said Winnie heartily. "V,! JllM
s 1101 - I II ,KC to
"Would vo,,5" sa:.l M,-s am,..,. .
troubled k vanishing - ;,,,;,,
so much obliged."
"I'll run home ami ,,.)) mother -uul
'e hack In a inlnnte," s.,, Winnie ,
rying r'niig.
When she returned Mrs. am,.,,
coming .mi of the gale with bonnet and
cloak ..y,,,, .., h ( ) .
,1,,"'c th in an hour, she said as she .,'
Ill i .11. t ... I '
' S....CS, tor .nr. a Men will come
'""ne nt I'..' and. giving Win,,;,. ,v I
direcilons, ,),,. hastened away. I
"Id Mr. Aldcti was in 01,,. of his n.. I
ancholy moods and Insisted. In spit,, of '
W innie's protestations, (hat he h ,,' I
011. iivci his usefulness; that . ,,,k
no comfor, f,. ,i, was onlv a hur
'cn ati.l an expense; that ,.v",.rvh...h
wotll.t be better off i-u,l happier' if I,',,
w.w out f ,i. -...; ,.,, vutUl M
have died year before, and th,. l.,,ti
had surely forgotten him.
Winnie knew the old gent !,.,;,
fond of telling stories of h:, younger
da. and s... when there cam..' .. n.,i..
puis,. u,( 1,;, lamentation, she artfui,
led up io the subject of n, ',,'. '.
younger day, and It was h.irdlv mv
1 1 ......... 11 1. . . . . . "
' o i.eiore ine om ma-i wa t, :
lug with great gusto the store .,r . ,.
v.vl;, horse he had onco owned, and
W Inule wa, listening a Interested:, ,
though W,e had not heard lre.i,lv"ti.
t-nTon l ".rM mil .M Mr AMcn HU)0Il OF THE VVLLK
was laiighitii 10 gr-it gl"e over the .'lb
mat It nn time v gei u. .-
nie t.j.isteJ hi bread and tiiaJe the ten
by th" sittltig-rootii Are. 'lueu, wben
young Mr- 111,1 ",Jt Col,,t'' ol'' Mr
AMcn said Winnie ur st eat miiuetlilug.
so s!ie toasted more bread and ate It
while lie srartej a new st-ry. wblcli
she aad heard only once before.
was a long t one ami 11 ui.iik.i-
any other stor es ma.
It was ll mi'. S o'clock before It 4i
Jtit I hell .voting Mr- Aldeii came- lb'
had been delay e l ami :is ex.vt ii.
tire I and dispirited, having been oiv!
d by n foolish wlttn ss urn I Io"t a
. for he win a lawyer. He u.i"
,.,- ! coining lu:o his on 11 Ii"""' '"
his f.rher' uiuiirnful v;.uc and
1, . ,Mi,-i :il his i '.i : 11 : 11 -s.
,i,..i-,.f.,r.. he fniiii. i:s fnilicr wniow
falrlv radiant wl'h 1 ii. i-i fnlii--. wnn
tilug be. hie 11 1 III.
Hid drew II deep
C.J off ill'O .'J 111:1
C.I si
a siiillltig la. .'d girl
he sank ln;. a chair
bre.iih of feiief.
When Winn:.- explained why "be :H
tin -re and p-o to go In- l'"se nls.i to go
Willi her. tli .ngli she told llllll nhe
wasn't Hie least hit afraid. 1ml I.
she would have preferred to go al
for young Mr. A I.t. ii was so polite ami
ilignllie.l and '.new so very much that
she stood a g I ib 'Hi 111 awe of llllll.
As ihcy walked al nig !ic wished she
lid ihiiik id something to siiy to
him. Tin- s'ars were shining ami It
suddenly occurred to her that she had
forgotten the names of three very
bright stars that were always close to
gether in a line, and so she asked him
timidly about them.
Nmv It happened that astronomy I' '1'
ulnars been a fav.ultu siudy with
young Mr. Aldca ami lie not only an
swered Winnie's ipics'iuti gladly, but
si I for several minutes after ihcy
bad reached the gate, telling her about
the different constellations.
Then lie th. inked he: irteoiisly en
slaving w ith hi. father, bade her good
niglit and went li.i. k. looking up at the
stars ami feeling re.le.l and refresbe I
Winnie tripped up the walk and Inn
the house, also thinking of the stars.
Af'er she had had a litile talk with
her mother and gone to look adoringly
a I Ihe baby sleeping ill his crib Wliiu'i
111 a lamp ami went upstairs to Icr
room to bed.
So einlcil the day for Winnie Siubli.
and she fell a-leep. never siispis-ting she hid a gilt or dreaming that
she was otherwise Hi. 111 a most ordl
nary, 1 iiuoiiplace kind of a girl, -
t,i, oorcQ
Ur I nt r n.-ww.
Odd, Carlon and Laughable Pbauea
of Human Nature Graphically Por
trayed bj Kmlnenl Word ArtlaU of
Our Own Day-A iini " "
- S.. . 1 In 1.1
Ti, use of electricity." wilil Hllklna,
...n't seelll tl) be HlH'll 8 lllOllcril
a after nil."
11..... u licit''" risked Wilkin
Well. 1 011 see, N011 li 111 lift bave used
ark liglit.'-l Tee rres.
a, ff Hmi U'at.'lMMly must be culilvnting the
t r .
Anyway hit weed have dlsuppenr-
' Jletl-oit J 1 1 11 run I.
The t'nl,mi,rr
MudgO-I I hint,. 1,
. on. or ,u m?ZS.
Uhaloy-She Isn't hr
. . . 11 1
a nertnele ns
with your own U'Zh.
. -
I wonder." ...i.i ..
"Whether tl , lue hit.
nm.k. by KrmilK ,;;:5
'.V2it(iii ..i.
t ' 1 IJIIJIN,- rjmli .
Rional nmiiiiiii'iiNU ..i.. ' lt
! tjievrliiii,r
"What 01, en
Toil L'iivo Hie w,ii...... ' " II
...- t. w ror
"": ""mi I ,.f.
A r"or Kscnae.
.'V TV
I'ollccn, nn-What are you doing up
I here
l!urglnr-I beg your pnnlon, I nm n
atraiigLi in the city. rilegeink' liluet-
Si IV IllVCIIllollH in. I 11,111 fiince ts.
There have been many not cities In
veined for ocean navigntloti, but one
of the most extraordinary f these, and
the latest. Is Ihe so-called roller steam
ir which Is being buili by M. Ihixiii, a
l i eu h engineer. The steamer is In the
form of a large raft, supported by ho.
.w ir.,n wheels which revolve In the
water and support the dirk some twcli
ly to twenty-three feet above the niir
fa e.
M. It.izlu claims not only enhanced
I I. but greater stability. II .iln-
: tains that the surface friction will be
( initiiiuized by the boat's rolling ver
the water instead of cutting through It.
'I'l 'ial steamer for service 011 the
Itritish I'h.-innel is now being built, and
the lii-st test is eagerly looked forward
to by the inventor ami hs friends, win.
nre c mil, lent that the vessel will mart;
the beginning of a new era In naval
The which Is 11 , being built will
be i:il feet In length, and will have a
bleadlh of ::il feel. S. s t, sis (f
a platform having ;., ,!,, f
enormous wheels. .1 n, I these will be iv-
M.nci ,y the engines, which nre to be
centrally,. The lirst ,np ,s ,
be m.i.le fro, 1, Now haven to lliepp,..
tlisl.iii v uf ..bout siMj- nil), s, ,,, .,
1 "'. win ne se led. There Is
nsu.illy a choppy sea at thi.s point, w ith
lutle. short waves, which ,. ,-,,i,,r
' It i rv -tel. easilv ride.
!'tcti-,.r claims that nu'occnn
steamer built upon this plan would rock
but little, evin in the stormiest weather
"l" " '"'U"' Wheel which sup.'
I""'' h,,r in Hie water Hill give her great
stab.!"'. 11,. expects t be a I, I at-
' -! rate of speed wiih th,, roller
sic;: tiler.
A water bicycle has 1 ulIl upon
'i somewhat similar model, but it.,
" N "',v "'"''I wiihiitusthat caught
tl"' water as they revolved, and thus
I'ns.ici in,, machiiie forward. M. Ita.ln
'"" s,,,,' to have thought iff tics
cMc.l etit, as the wheels iff the boat 1.
. '"-'-'I I" '"'idling are,
"" itli shari, edges. The axles of
"ll,vls be heavilv con-
Ml",'!'''1 '""I wheels will l. h,.r.
ti, -ally .sealed.
ci,.. 1 . ... . . .
' " o.ii is to 11,. steered by a ritdd
omwccii tn,. mo sets of w heels.
I here arc .some tieotih. I
"'is remarkable boat will 1'
e n on .,r 1 ,.. ..... .....
... ... , .1 .11, p OIllil , I 1 . . 1,... 1
1 icier shelving bead, may be
'"'""''""I li-'it I' l-roperly cons.,,,,.,,,!
,S' '", ,,""'"'li.' a.nvailabl,. f
ever couniry roads a
l"h ",. slok0
'"er tlie Women'MclulsS ,.,,
.his ami the Hon,
1 'ounce.i against their
"e writers' i'i
"icinbeiship r which Is
syb' composed f -
"''tx or authors, ,.,.
c alto-ether. s,ii,, ... ....
"I'ich Sexchlslvelv .
ell loiirnalisis .... .
. . , ; " ""nor, tabivi
.u,,,.ei ner. .Sotn,,
". .1, . S 1 ml . ..
iind a great,- .1 , 1,1
At the Pioneer inemhers ,.,.,
""' 'Vtireme,,, ,0 a . , Tl
"' " " -are1,!;,!,
f't'-irnte. and woi, .. , ".' 10
'""re. Thev are 0:1,..,, " ' .
!.cre the c'garette lln, ' " "
hi the most ,s t ,r', , ,
..v.'l-.n CgatvttJ 'for V1'"'''" In
;u,lamvslywl,i, c'garf!;r n2,,,,!,r
a r,i....n..,.,.. l',..,..n.Hfl.
"Von say you hate to visit your rich
relatives' Why? I'on't they treat you
well ; '
"li. yes. Ihev nlwnvs do event blnu
they can to make ll pleasant for us,
hut mv Wife never eels lliroin-li com
plaining until about two weeks after
eacii visit iieciiuse we are not as well
off ns they iire."-(.'lcvclaml Leader.
I!,.et T 11 r, 1 n. 1 11 1 1 n 11 .. 1 v.t
"Oh. Mr. Suiiildlg!" exclaimed Mrti
Iloiiiewooil lo a late arrival at her re
ception, "are yon hero nt last? I have
been dying lo Introduce you to Mis
(ilmp of Chicago. She paints heatitl
'Taints, does she, Mrs. IloinewoodV"
"Ves. '
"I'ace or ranvasV" I'lttshurg Curon-Icle-Telegrnpli.
A Grateful .Memory.
"You must miss your husband very
much. Mrs. de l.ytin."
"Miss lilui! 1 should say I did. He
wa the only man I could ever trust
darling l ido with." And she wiped
away a pensive tcar.-Dctrolt rive
Tliat'a Just It ,.. .,T
..,...... 1.1... . ' '"'"r. I..
i-oiumi.- nun 10 r,. 1 ,-...,. -
.Tl nut n
"JoladelLdi t,t.
tnin of Hticcess ,1 ; ;.an.i
"Whyr "".,.r.
I'.Vfll hi wife ll,ll-.,
fiiiinv."-('l..i-..i . ""i
' i.uiuit
f.flMlt Si-' nere, young i,,.,n ..,. .
"if you d,,,,', . ..T""-
after thl. i'ii k ....,. ir.
t;i,l to hear It. i ZT
n--. .1 uiir- 11.
Ml.vp III! nvi, ,., .1 .. ' l
s--i""".iiioimon Dittii.-
trolt Fr.. I' 'Wit
Mfel.llken g:.i.ofdi
1011 shake th. 11,0.
And Hud a banea 0f ,('
l-'ltlll ..1,1.. .1. ... S
Clcveliiiid I.uder.
The N.-w v ..
The fioveriiess-l t,.n .f"
vi.-i IIIUU
Mra. Iiiioil.n.i'ci
. oi.ui some one w ho cim tMck ..
flri.ii sti.i.i..!. 1 1.1 ... E,
'M 11111,1k I fa
Science Ton S:.
"Ob, dear, denr me," snid 1 il.mui
How detiressed thin
I bey ve gone and inventwl ,'.
And I haven't y,.t learned tob.
A FllverlteV w-.u,
"You will he married . kiJf .
FiippoaoV" suld Teiisiiut t0 kin.
ver friend.
"I Klinll hp married nt Mi,
1," replied the white nietM nun
trolt Free I'ivk.
Hard tn Sntl.r.
'It I.s very ilillleult m nu.
people with reference to a mi,
I'fiimrkeil the active fhurebwort-
Ollle peoiile like out' atrlvim.
like another."
'Yes, but I have refereniy. tut-
tlrely distinct class. 1 nastliict.
those who If n minister li u
enough complain that he Ik sean-
ninl If he la not sensational m
that he la prosy."- Wiisbingioj&:'
lican Took la
WI.e Advice.
"If ymt riinnot make a friend of n
inn 11 in nny other way." said the elder
ly gentleman, "buy him."
"Hy lending him moiiey?" asked the
"(Vrtalnly nt. i;y ,ITOwlng of
.....1. -iiiuiiinapoiis .lolirtllll.
flTl Thin.
diss IVkasle-li,, v believe In co
education, Mr. TonnnevV"
Mr. Toininey-Indeed I do. Miss Per-
,s"' 1 sl" ver rest until , nI.
iow. mi 10 take a postgraduate course at
A Krlenliv fiir.-
Lnwyer tioodly-Whnfa wrong, old
I'gllmugge-i wmi n iss from sS
1 uiuesi on ,.eetion; she won't lav tu.
I ll.l I OS l 11.. k . '
' uiy-.cver mind, ij
nan. 1 11 collect It for you.-T.-iitti.
Hi ('Villi-:. I II...
l'llllmx Jr. twho Is hound to be nn
...iisu-ino met is,, wedded to
IT Plllhox-That bo. ,y hov
v,,,.v "I to ine that yoTl
..... . . . oinmn tilganiy to live.-New
urk I rlbiine.
The OI, Sat, o",ej7ll7voni, Frc.h.
will I I
1 t
er, have
'. thu
,,f the mem-
" ;. chsagenient. ,,'
rmS r. mar-
rnther Look here, Tommy, til
you think of the new baby brotlr
doctor has brought?
Tommy Why, he's got no hilr!
nml he's cot no teeth! You're bffl
In, father; he's brought you in
Epidemic Coiirtur.
With a sudden gesture tlieTte
terriiiiteil the tnttonhii' nriMYSl'V
I stiirted on tills African trip." b
"I certainly expected to be nosp.i
received, but "
He ngaln resigned lilinsolf toik
"I did not nnticlpnte such nrW
tent Ion." New York Press.
Not Kiilly K(.ilP"il.
Hedhot Pete-Take a band H
poker Biline, stranger:
stronger Kxcuse me, picaw-
l;...llw.t ..,li V. moniir tlfV?
i.iu.ivi . vu .... . '.- 1 .
Stranger Yes, but 110 gun.-!"
r ree l'resa.
I'l Mnrveloua Ear.
1 believe."-
Glux-Orent guns
getting denf, old mat).
(illks-rm not. Loiiiu
better In my life.
(link inroiluclng n watcn-vU.
hear that wntch tick?
Uilks (triiimpliiiiitlyl-Dlsiww
Gltix-Tliafs nueer. The
Bolng. PIck-Me l'p.
When a Mablen Know
Wben a maiden knows she 11 ir
Willi n lint nml n L-oW 11 tllilt fill tlw
She wants to wear lliem all nii j"1"
Her iHTfoct self to her niraum
i neu a uiauieu mho. n.
Yet a vouth encased in his first
Is the dnrmlest foul of n ivyS"'
Uut think of the ecstasy ''"'
When ii mniileli siuoVS.
Pittsburg News.
Woman's Hnk
11 ins .
calU'J '
ano nooicil hoiiiii - t,
a ..i.i .. i.i, i- living in tw
. g
Mine vVry at least thrv times.
U tu long In tb t!llug, tod when
K'Puar.h.,.. r ". "
A nmtry t'ouflo, nVWv ,
.', ,o a Hoston r,,t lr" ,
'l:'.vi"!iegr,,,in e,l;e, r " ' ""'r
to biieaml L....O. ... ... , . ,ft'n Kgln,
hl'e worth .,r u'"u fug,,
Jour mom
.... .. W"en ut,0e.
to"2rum " "I'ostuia,,,,,. .,
!.- . ' talking about ,,
Stood under ,.- " ,".''tl. Willi
iu .n,i; :; ZTr
"li""' t"e is',,,,,., i r " ,'"alu' It
ci v ;;,M: ,, ,ii'-vt think
' ""I
M iil i?" Th,,u8blc..
ctuitit, 5 a" " my
I'aiilliie-How is Oaf
M.iud-W,. wci t
'"sh ,1. J1 "' we,,,
b,H,k. "What to' I . , . " r"u,,n tny
t. 'an, r ; lyya"t a. .
woum 11t;,,,lJ,rrawlo,,out
Fren.aa 'Ue Uru"cd.-Ajuuig
III..I. ..... o
.l.g.l....... ...l-s
n.v n gcuticinau u- ,. ,.
iur v-
Hint iilii. wiiu in need
i..i i I.... ....minion
ctllllllli'tlllf ,1 ,11 nil .
U e
..... ..I....1 !... I.... ...,l, ll.'IS
mill &.-1, ,11.11 lll-i c-.. ,
llllt I HI'S "f"
and doing well.
mred tli
In., t. I, .-.t.''" Ill, III
" ' .. ., hit
'.o. nothing, wns me "r'.Vk
. ... . H iii.,
-1.1.1- '
little P'""-..
celvcl. and (ound ca. n ' . ;
be n drnl't for tell poinnK f '
condition of many oi ,;
. . . mr 'i'l"
II.. loitt c-u-ell US li--i.'. - i
ra.i "
writes me regularly
onlv sends me tl
his letter." The g'
sen .,i,n'..r tin. iilctttrcs tin'! t
great nud precious
broiirlnte. Many of
we eituer nre ignomiu
of or I
Idea! prf",
rest hut are not ni'.r' l'rli'
thai helps in daily li'
or these promises is
than the assurance of -'ll.r: ''
. if i'l.
pretty nictures of nn "- :.,.a
open Hlblo places tltc.n "'""...y
c'.ll W 11."
,,,ri.i'f '
' ' l:.i ,
io Jl
. ..
i Post.
nil, and we uiny "I'l""1 , ', hrtf
lug which such a knowiei
Dwlght U Moody C