The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 08, 1897, Image 10

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for Infants end Children.
o'tunend it a miwrlor I,, any .r.-si-rlj.tli.u
m to liw." Jl. A. Aim in 11, 3L J' ,
lilSo. Wnltl., l:noAljn, Y.
ue of 'Cantor! li SO UfllviTWll and
, nriti so well k..n tut It h iii a w.-rlc
4 jp.-inrH"n t- i' H. Jew " ""
ywl.'lgint fiuiiKI- who do I'"' ll1 Cantorla
iu)a wuj n-ft h.'
C'u Mahtvi, t. I,
J.Vw York Cltjr.
a.tnrla ('Mr, f.mtlitl"ii,
yn,r Kunna.1i, Marrliiun, J:ni'tll"i,
KJll Worms, 4"lvt sli-rj., ai.d proim 1t
Without Ii Jurlous iwdl'-atloa.
"I""r nwul y.-ani I ham hfomni't.'
jnor '('ulirl.i,' awl shall alwn)S contlr ' '
.lo .. n It haa li.vurtal.l prxli-l l-m :i'i !"
l:i.m K. 1'iun, 3t. ft
ir.tli Smx-t Ji'l !lb Ai., K Yrk .ly
Tin ( iT4i fom-aior. 77 MrwuT (7B7st, Yoss t rr
(,OI.I IIO-lltDlM'-
(miM hoard ing is truly the
nitional crini'! of tlio '.'ctitury,
Horo are boiiio fi mires that easily i g),,,,,!,! iaV(. navnl a ft- hurvln
explain the worM wi1 lni'itn-iai
il eppssiiiii aii'l hurl titnes. These
nro tho amount of kiM IimM from
circulation in th several treaa
i:2 ,000,000
Bank of Francs.
Itai.k of Knglund . . .
United Male
Other nations, cstima-
U.,1 400,000.000
TImcc! itiiiiK'iit-e sums lire locked
up rhere lin y are do'iiif? no one
any Rood, taken from tlie e.le
by dilferent syUnmof luxation.
Yet we liavo men among tin who
will lift up their eye in holy hor
ror if you mingi-at the eiilurgemen
of our circulating medium by in
creased uho of silver ami paper.
InHtead of tming thoxo ni' diuum hy
which the public want of money
could bo at leant partially salistit'tl,
they eHHay to striku them down,
and rent the buMineH of the world
on a metal that in continuiil'y
growing Mcarcer by tho hoarding
coiisiimiit on its constantly in
creating valuo.
Think of lliis. lo not allow tho
gold idolator and money powers
to work on your prejudice with
tho old story that the liuaiu ial
Bltitation in the work of crank and
visionaries. Tim m id Kcrambhi f.r
gold i eaiiHiug llm human raw un
told nuH'i riiig and misery. It ha
no compassion, no merry, no soul.
Will humanity ever forge tho
swords into ploughshare and tho
Hpear into pruning hooks? It
fcem not. tireek and Turks are
now fighting on historic ground
whero centuries ago armies tested
their relative strength in barbarous
conflict. Barbarous to modem
senses, for they used spear, sword
Btones and similar weapon Now
th deadly gunpowder of tho mod
ern is used, and where the ancient
Saul flew hi thousand, tho mod
ern l'avid slays hi ten of thous
and. With present aim and arma
ruont war i no picnic business, but
a serious pastime at which someone
i liable to get badly hurt. There
is no foolishness about modern
gunpowder. It hit hard.
The Ueinocralio members of the
senate finance committee are taking
the proper B'and on tho new taritl'
bill. They will make no light for
dilay, piovided the Republicans
have a majority of the committee,
but will allow proceeding to take
their usual course. The sooner
the majority settle the ijiicstion
the better so that business interests
may accommo.late themselves to
any changes that may he decided
upon. Prolonged tariff discussion
cannot help but bo detrimental to
tho business of the country.
The advance in the price of cattle
is verv encouraging to the stock
growers of Orcgi n The additional
amount of m ney which will le
brought into Oregon this year as a
result of the ir.creased mice of cat-
tie and sleep will bo enough to lc j!url
Tim Alhai y Democrat i of the
opini'in that Doctor Chapman
d tllar from tlm handsome salary
paid him. If he ha the u-es-merit
roll in Lane county don't show
it. The Democrat says:
"Tim Ci will) siivb that Doctor
Chainmiii though receiving a salary
of 1:5,00'), only give in cnou;li
i,r..i.irlv lo liV II cent taxes
ii.ix im h ietor Chiiiiiiian' hworn
Ktateiiif nl that he did not have one
dollar of money, notes or accounts
on . hand. Certainly in several
e;iM on such a nlary the Doetur
i i.v. ii few hundred
Doctor Chapman and the I'niver
sity are getting a lot of free udver
tising throughout the state on an
count of hi nou tax paying pro
clivities. No use sending him out
to lecture any more. Mi record
fur keeping do n hi assessment
wiM draw thrifty student from all
n.rtion of the stile to learn tin
noble u ud useful art of dodging
i.v.j nml keciiiiii! cut of th
cloche of the tax gatherer
U'n itre nut aware that Doctor
I'haiunan need Miggestions :n
siihiect lor hi popular lectures,
v.t v bone for n.'irdoii if tho fol-
J '
loiing suggestive h not taken
in good part:
' Tumi t, 'i n ii 1 1 'I', lion i in! '
luit Shermau tail tlie Attrution
of I lie (i A It to the I oiiiiif
Caul i) C hln-rniBii. ilfiarlnieiit
Cinnriianiler of the 0 A It of Oregon,
bus Isnued if enera I orders o lo Hie
coinrmlin throughout the ttate callliiK
on them to lUtlnily olwierve the com
liiK Mem iriul Day. In a ciicular bfar-
lug on this matter, lie says:
".'mirale: Airain we are calico
UMiu to psy our tr.l.ule of respect and
honor to l he nolile men w ho so cneer
rnllv uh.vh tin tlit-lr lives that the peo
ple ol this (treat nation might continue
..... in.......
to enjoy the niewonijH to iimi iiw-njr
which their aneestnrs wretd from the
Vtrasp of ileppoiinin. Tliedebtof grat
lujile we owe to the horored dvad can
never lie nuid The principles for
which their it .ve their lives were,
equally of man, the supremacy of 'old
glory, and the retUBtlon of that
1'lenl form of govirnineiil erecteu iy
out Itcvolutlonary sires, hsndeil down
to us hy patriotic fathers, and so
termly described hy our martyred Lin-
polo: 'A Bovernment of the liwiple, by
the iiennle. and for the people. While
we lovlniilv strew the graves of our
comrades with beautiful dowers, let U'
not foruet that It Is our duty to le
ipieath to our children, undellled, th
eirnul nrliieiiilen for which they died
Let on cherish a greater fraternity for
our living comrades, resolving within
our hearts, as w de ceiid the inn oi
nruinlbut river which separates us
fiom the great beyond, we will do all
lhal lies within our power lo unnieii
their cares and brighten their lives.
"1.1.1 in with a kind but tlrm spirn
try to p event excursions or other fes
tivities which would deirsct irom i
pn per ol.w rvance of the day.
I'n.t poinmanilers are earnestly re
(pu nted to appoint committees to vUll
the public schisils In their viciimy
kri.inv. Muv "Hi i. for Hie purpose ti
fxiilaiiiinir tJ the children in simple
words Memorial Pay, anil inviling
them to parllel, ate with u in the
"Meinoriul Dav (Sunday May 30th)
having been decland a legal noiiuaj
l.v lek'lslutlve enactment In this state
w III, in cordlnii lo public ussget, be ol
ei ved on the fo.lowlng day-.Moliuay,
May Hist."
i 'mil Slierinaii lias also called the at-
letition of the seveial posts tolhecom
inir deimrtiiieiit eiieanipineiit at Inde
oeinleiice. comnieiiclng June loin. At
live preparations tor this are now g on and It bids fair to tie Ihe crown
ing aiiccem over all previous ellorts In
ii... .1. i.uriim nl. The cominlltee oi
arraliiiemelita of IndeiK-lidelice win
in.. full circulars of information soon.
nud full details and Una! orders will he
i.. I finm I hi' ileiKirliiient head
piarters in May.
Trusts do not propose that Mr
DiiiL'lev and hi new fangled trust
ttiill'lull shall u el ahead of I hem
They propose to he on the grotim
ready to take ad vantage of the con
dilion of all' ii i when the iuw trust
tariff scheme i promulgated. Tin
Utcsl i the patent leather trust,
with a ti:,(.0,000 capital, that
propose to take ml vantage of leg
islntive favors. Ill i needles to
say the people will pay for it.
The Bethlehem and Carnegie
work are "holding up" the gov
eminent for an excessive price for
armor plate. The iconpauies
until recently charged the I'niti
State government $li00 a ton for
armor plate while at the same tune
thev sold the same product to Bus
sia for IJ I'Ja ton. However, the)
hive formed a combination with
foreign manufacturer and resolute
ly refused to make armor plate for
thi K.ivernment, or any other, tin
les they receive llieir price for it
flic president of the companies do
claret' he will receive no orders for
les th in sf 100 a ton. The beueli
claries of special legislation appear
to be especially ungrateful to the
iDiti'rintl cnvernmciit which I
largely resMnsihle for their auto
cratic greatness.
Judge Maguire ol Astoria got bit
rutin r hard tho other day. He
attcii.lnl a picuio where lunch
baskets, having number therein,
were sold at auction the purchaser
bavin; the privilege of dining with
th" lady holding the corresponding
numl'cr. A fine basket wt oll'cred
at mi. (ion and the Judge got an
int'ii ation that it belonged to a
very j retty and vivacious young
lady, lie never ijuit bidding until
he C''l possession, but wa rather
i-cd when lunch tune came to
1 0. "V. W. KS f EBT A I M M E N T.
Address la (lie Opera Ib-nne bj Krsod
Urturer U t lierrin.
appreciably felt in all line of busi-
nad Tin. MT...lf nr.iivir4 nrif .ilso
encouraged by this advance to hn-jh-freai cr lies out of ihe market in
orove their stock bv the tin ol . this uiisighi and unst-en basket
belter blood, and to give it better
cue which will be permanent tcne
A Delaware fossil ha been heird
1 1 mil. Mr Bayard declares thai
Mr Cleveland is the logical hadtr
of the Democracy in this country.
! hi reminds us Mr Bayard was
minister to the St James cuiiit
hj grace of his Ugliness U rover.
l'oiigtil to a Finish.
Long Creek, Oriint County l'sle:
"MrsMella Keeiiey and Mis Sarah
Ivy foii'lit lo a llnish out on Ihe road
east of tow n Siilunlay. Ihe Ugh'
was the result of ill feeling thai existed
between Iho parties for some tune
Hitlr, liliHiil ami dress good Hew in
every dlrecll on, and to tell Ihe iruth,
It wa n't safe for a man to interfere at
anv stage of the scrap. Henry Flood
happened by, and made an ellort to
separate them, hut he was knocked
down and tun over, and so badly dis
tltmred that he left the s ne. They
were finally separated by some neigh
horswlio liappenid that wsy. The
scrap w aa a severe one, and while tlie
two were 'airly matched, the latter is
sulil to mine out victorious.
"The readers of Ihe Kagle no doubt
expect us to deplore any such conduct,
but it's a free country, and as such of
fenses are larely ever published, we fay
let the women light If they want to
Will. liKMST. Salem Journal:
Secretary of State Kliieald will em
ploy ctiuuscl to resist tlie suit brought
to coniixd lilm to Issue w arrants for
claims against the slste. Ills under
stood lliat Altorney-lieneral Idleiuan
tins pol(ive views on side against Mr
Klncald. Ills not known dellnltely
wlioall will tie lawyers lor the slate,
hut N It Knight of Salem has U-eii re
tained. Mr Knight has earnest con
victions that Secretary Kincald has
pursued the right course under the
constitution, ll 1.4 probable that A C
Woodcock ol Kugene, will also be em
ployed. The case a ill lie contested to
a llnish."
The Cincinnati F.miiirtr ays
m my of the Cleveland bolter will
not tl;a'k their chief for attacking
tie republican administration.
They w.uile.1 office from president
McKinley as a reward for deserting
tie Dci.uocr.toy. A usual, though,
t ic ex-president has mj considera
tion even lor hi friend when thy
stand in the wy of s.miething he
ha hi heart set on.
T he On gouiii) ha thi caustic
comment on the mainspring of
much so-calhd sympathy flaau interests:
'It is said that there w litlle sym
lutilii' with (irivce in
Pennsylvania, one of tho richest Most of the li reeks debt is sai to
and largest states in the union, has h" Imld in Paris."
come to the conclusion that a cap- j w
itol building to iMt y,0.0vK) is. Another pugilist is dead tle to
ample for It need. And it is, too, I ,. , ., , ,. , . .,
. i ,i . t . .. .i... .. ; ii.. i suit of a blow deliserei while a
ill rui lit iiiu lai i iimv u m mr -
habit lo construct public buildings i f'tht was in progress U'fore a e?an
Pallf Outrl. '1
The oftleere and member of F.u-
gene Ixsdge Noll Anrleiit Order I
I'nlloil Workmen, reivivd a VIBIl
from their grand lecturer, DC Herrln,
and Id honor of the event gave a ire
entertainment at the oiera bouse last
An excellent program was prepsmi
and was well advertised and long
before 8 o'clock, the liour for opening
the exercise arrived. lli house was
rilled with people and hundreds were
compelled to turn away, as there was
not even standing room left.
The meirraru consisted of vocal and
Instrumental music, recliailons, magic
lantern scenes arid sn address oy
Grand Lecturer DC Herrln, who was
hilrudon-d In.- Prot I) VS Iteid ana
gave a very lntriatlng talk " Work-
An unusual feature connslen or
ulnitee i mi glcl intern view, show li g
a life-like picture of the rounder oi vne
order and many other scenes appro
priate for the occasion.
Th Workmen .pared no pains In
ilo.lrelTor.aloirivja II rst class enter-
...... O
lalnmeut and certainly suceeeiiea niosi
Prof. Tlies. l oiidon.
Mr '.'arev K Martin, of Haleiu, ays
this following well deserved tlibute to
I'mfl 'oikIiiii:
"Pmr Thomas Condon, the noted
ireolnulat of tlie state uiilversily of Ure
gou, once told me that the study ol
i he rocks, i lie animals and Ihe vegeia
Ides of this and past ages had led blm
ia rellglou-belief far In advance ol
ihe nr-eiit ueperation. He said he
round in nvervthliiK a force, or au eu
ur..u ..r .f.lrlt u or k Inir to uplift S
- ' ...r.
fon-e or spirit directed toward me i rue,
I. a Ititull ilful anil Ihfa Good. Tlllf
selei ce some called Nature lie called
it Nature or (Jod. He did not In ape
cillo words deny the existence of a
literal heaven and hell, bul led me 10
understand that when the bible aud
s lence conflict, tlie bible must give
ww. Theaa doctrines Pr f Condon
iielieved to be fully tlfty years ahead of
the then organi.-d orthodox cliurcnes.
' than ten vesr haveelaped and
the very same almost word for word
iliK-lruie lias been proclaimed by the
most learned orthodox minister in the
L'ui ted Slates, I)r Lyman Abbott, as
the true rellelou of Chrlat. Ur AO
imtt has recently cloeeil a series of ser
mous on (he bible aud In the course
ol Ihelr delivery In ills church In
Brooklyn, New York, has made many
starllinir denials and frank statements
"Prof Coud.m though in the advance,
I lis fi out rank, so lo speak, ol the
thought aud science of his generation,
was not bo far ahead as lie Mleved
There are a nuuils-r of very learned
divines bolh In the Kast ami the West
now preaching substantially Prof Con
dun's Ideas, proving t vo id as thai
have for many years been upHrmost
in my mind -the one that Prof Con
don deserves a place In the front rank
among advanced thinkers of the l'.Hh
cetilu lyllie other that he lias often
spoken wiser than -i'ple Mleved or
Pailj (iiunl, Mat I.
SiiAKisrKAKaA. KkaI' Ar
thur Loiulng, lh Sli ikespeareati
reader aud iniiersonitlor, apeared at
the Congregatioiiul church last night
In the second nl a course of ihree pub
lic entertainments, which Is being
glveu In this city under the auspicies
of the unlvtisity Y M C A. Last
ui flit's entertainment was up to (he
standard and was well worth attend
ing, Mr Lolnlng as a reader and Im
personator Is highly interesting and is
especially good on the latter subject
The Y W and Y M (' A ate to be eon
gratulated upon the high claas of en
tertainment which they are providing.
learn that the basket belonged to
hisou wife. The Judge says
buying business.
a. - I I - r
TiiRwisHiso iut. ! junction Uty : iuig company,
...... a younir eouU wboss ,
to bis nnj i - - - . , , ,
rsavgrsnoiauic. '- -- - f .
they r.v in-.iigos ,nd little, all
:e things, nd so. li ' mil"
uioneT Hi'" aiij'i
"iT7,rle. sad though cur jroi
bee,... eLHI . n 1 tl!e
llalljf U.urS, SJ I.
Arm Ouokkn -Omnium Anderson
who was riding with her diughter,
Mrs W Peterson, in a cart on J'.leventb
street lit 4 a bone broken In her right
arm. Tlie borne became scared at the
street car and rati and ovrturiied the
vehicle throwing out the two ladles
wlili the above result. lr Loom is set
the broken Ihnb. Ihe ladies live
alsiut three miles southwest of this
To On TO CohYAI,U.-l'orvallis
Os.ette: A Fountain, of Sulem,
writes tint he will be in this city
shortly lo open up a business, lis
states thai he has been following the
samj! business tor fourteen years In
Portland, that lie is known to the
traveling uien of Auieiica ami Kume.
He Is a boot black.
Coaa'V AKMV. ltoaeburg Iteview,
May 3: Il la reported that the north
bound freight (No. Si) pul ott 10..
tramps at Ashland yesterday. The
army c4 unemployed may be exiected
(KHui iu Hixseburg.
)kikn - In this city Msy I, Iso:, to
Ihe w iff f Johu Haines, a son.
El Capitan General,
U other popular brands l cigars at
I.. i! . - nil iii-
isiiH a ran r-.----
,.i . ,.osl ,.! of ll iiroiortiou In J .si mlitetic club. The I art ci. TU'' Llne ' JbCCO QJ Canjy
the needs for the liuihling bec.iuse pint or spectators descue
it can bo done at Ihe cx nse of tl.e lyiuf)alh v io tb,.ir tr0Uble.
.iple and with proiit to Ihe few. J
HaadQuarlere fur Ihs Euaina
Sod Work.
'"e.-.g. . in .h. titles M6 safeeiiu iith.
k idi f'-ituneaslf he bad lso we -ITuie
buteber. the bakeror tl.ecaudlo.tkk
l'"ker- l ,.A imrM said
When lie was going,
to him: . . ,, , fl-.t T0U
Count Bufus. ii you - .
Oreatwall..r.n,adofl U . b cU
Aud the cunt ren.era V" :".,
v.nsji iieLorun waa i
.nd M,eV said anythlpg j' W..
fount Hufus lea iu a u - .
tie od the top nf a mountain. AU m
,'un Jn wa.Pcov..rl with I
.othathehHd bard work 'u1l"?dd'Sl
to avoid a t Me into the ltucW, de. p .
Use of the mountain was """V" t.
through wblcb be mu.t pss before It
could roach tl.e n,ad tbnt M M court
"What can't be cured must be I'lidiired,
however," said tlio count io uini o ,
walked slowly down tbe uiountuln.
On the way down be saw bung ng on a ,
lusb an old bat that looked as If It baa ,
been dnpiied th. re by sumo roor -rsun
passing that way-a .rrubby old bat,
enough It looked. Hut the count reiurui-,
hered bis nurse's saying, and ricking It j
up put It in bis pocket Hardly bud le ,
dine so when sn ugly little M uiun start
ed out from behind a tree.
"Urlng tuick that hull" screamed tl.e
little man. "What aro you robbing honest :
'Honest miin," answered the count,
laughing, "if that but IsyuuM, how blip
pened It that It was banging no a tree In
.teud of your bead" Aud In a rirlt o!
inlHchlff be put the bat on his own bead.
"Itllts me very wull," raid be, "Ibavi
Uilon a fancy to the bat, my friend."
"Oh, you make gums of Infi do you?
cried the little man In s rugennd begun to
run after tbe count.
That was nut much matter, for the count
was an excellent runner, but presently be
found that tbe little man, Instead of run
ning on two legs, like hlnifelf, turned
round and round on one leg, end that bs
could go In that way two miles to tbe
count's one. .More tbini thut, the count
camu preseutly to tbo forest, mid tbero It
nua nearly as dark as midnight Ho stum
bled about, and as he did so beard the
wood elves laughing at him.
"A tig f"r uurso and her advice!" be
aid In a rage. "What did I want with
this old bat? I only wish 1 was out of the
furi'Ft "
He hud not time to finish the sentence,
for the moment be said It bo felt himself
lifted up In tbe ulr, nml, clearing tbe en
tire forest at one Jump, tbero ho was eu
the other tide, walklngalong thoroud that
lod to tho city.
"That Is very odd," be said to himself
and rubbed his eyes and nnso to soo If b
were dreaming.
"It would lie very comfortable," be s.dd
to himself, "to gi t one's wishes as eauily
as that If I could say now, 'I wish my
supper would come walking out of the
biifh,' and thereon a fine sirloin, with a
bottle of wlno, should prance out"
Hut, before he could get any further, out
rams a noblo sirloin nf steak, with k ill fo
and fork, on a silver dish, aud a boltlo of
red wlno, marching along sedately, and
planted themselves before him.
"This Is wonderful," cried the count,
"but since It costs so little I wish also fur
onio salnmn, of which I inn very fund, a
dish of partridge and a buskot of fruit"
Instantly the boughs of the tree under
which be was stundlng bent down toward
blm, aud bo saw hanglug from them Mini
on, baskets of fruit and partridge.
"Hollo, hero Is wonderful Learlmt nf
frultl" said the count, laughing. "1( the
trues do such things In the w Inter, what
would they not yield In tbo summer?"
Out all this tlino It never came Into Mi
stupid pate that the old hut ou bis bead
had anything to do with these wonders.
When bs had eaten and drunk to his siitli- I
faction, he said to himself, "I with I knew l
which of the two roads at the angle there
loads to the court " .
Out whisked a etjulrrol from among I
Rime stones
"Take that road to the right," tail the
squirrel, scampering up the tree.
The count stared after blm, with his .
mouth so wldo open that Master Squirrel !
might have, jumped down If he chose. j
"Why, tlio squirrels talk, rather than 1
should hot have my wish. I wish I hud a
tine horse mid knew hoyr ( looked. ) have
not seen myself since I left home, und nr.?
wishes to bo decent at court. "
Instantly pranced out a hiirno from
among tho trees, saddled and bridled aud
ready to mount.
At the same moment ho beard some
roblm tittering: "Did you ever ice such a
hocking. btnj hat? Ho, bel"
The count pulled off tho )mt and throw
It In the road.
"I can wish for a fl no new one," said ho.
"Hut, no, you can't, you blockhead; tin,
you ran t:" cried the little man on one
log. jumping out and dancing around blm.
"That was tho wishing hat, pud you have
thrown It u way I"
"Oh, dearl Why did not my uurim tell
me?" fomented this booby of a count.
''Hut I shall know bettor the neit tlmo!"
And sowrhups he might Hut tho neit
time never camo. 1'eople do not pick up
wishing hats twice Iu a lifetime Xow
York News,
leading grocers.
Hilar Hour in tho market. Sold by 4j
sVflISJS r-
tarsal la Kiki'-iio.o"
This l KJMHlr eurrs qm;tlr. ,,,,.,
ll.-sjulio. WfUllleS, ll VllMlllr, s.ji",.
,uiulmn '. l"ul"''M'l'ii.
Mil ood Lolldrr. llO,l..,.p.,,,,M.,
nnl.l. li e " u-nltrn ni.ironlornimrf..i..i,.. Wrlto.'iC
..ellrl S.H.S. sesli-.l P'ln wrsm-.r. will, U-UmZV!?!
lUlblklVIU,, lUMl ft
J.!TnitiNOfcio'-l a iA.NN.aiHi brosmiiw a iwLAM..uUMjy
Are You
Look about you! See for
yourself! Who suffer most
from sleeplessness, nervousness,
nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia,
despondency, general weak
ness? Who are on the edee
of nervous prostration all tne
time? Those who are thin,
Opium, chloral, bromides,
headache powders, only make
matters worse. Iron and bit
ters are only stimulants. To
be cured, and cured for good,
you need a fat-making food.
You want new blood, rich
blood; and a strong nerve-
Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos
phites is all this. It feeds the
tissues, makes rich blood, and
strengthens the nerves.
Book about it frre for th asking.
For salt by all druggists at 50c. and
SCOTT & BoWMi, Nw York.
ff rill l"-'J--li'll"i H r" J' ' '' jTCrl
The Sum i f i?!I,UT0 Sublet ihed.-S:CI0
Yet Needed.
We are plcneii to learn that tlie snli-
soriptioii I si of the t'lirWian churci
la progrcs-ing nl a rapid rale with
-very as-urn nee tlint tlie anioiini
necilid-foiir (lioiisniid (lolliirs w ill 1
raUed before ninny days.
I'p to noon today '.lie sum of $.1.(170
linil been siihu'rilicil, Icavlnc W.O yel
to lie r;ii'd.
Our ciii.i'iit s'loiild sulisorll t lie
aiiioiinl iiceileil at so llie work
could he coiiinipiipctl.
It has not hci'ii folly dcleriiiined
upon yet, whether to build upon the
ite w here Ihe present church I lllhl
liiK stands oi procure another location.
- - - -.itrs.
.llati- l lklnt.
CoTi AiiK (imivi:. Or., May 3. Mrs
Mary -'lkin, f How itiver, died last
nitrht after an illness cf two year
She h it a
If you want
Mens ioums ana boys
Oregon all wool
Suits- Come and
See what spjeial prices
In discounts we will
iive you for CASH
At Brownsville Clothing Stun
Notiur i herehf nifon, (but ly firing
u elocution, duly imjiiivJ out ol ibiCimi
Court of Ihs Suteof Un-Koo, (or IbeCow
ly of Line, ou lbs 30th ily of ilnrcb. Iff,,
on a j:d(Uienl rendi ied iu rnuJ Coin
the hih diiy of March, 1W7, for tbtna 4
Cue Hundred, tweiih-two and no KM Di
Inrs iu Kod coiu of 1L0 t'uiliil til
interest thereon from mi I 8ib dij i
March, IH'jT, at Ihe rate o en pit edi p
nullum and tw nty-flre dj itlcuij
fee aid t' e further sua cf fit dti
costrt, lrto kccining coKt-i in a mt is 14
Court wherein W E llrown wu p'nj
mid Voluey HeiunienwaymiadmiDUimat
the estuts of Martha J llcgrrl, d(Mt
aud L'biole Walker Ilofiirt, Strlli bojid
and Edna Ilogart wire d fi ndacO: ta
Hitainst the above naniid l ft-ujnie, Tal
uey iieuirnenway Raadmiu istraior ol lata
tnle ol JlmlbaJ Uouart, ne.eieieil, udoti
decree of foreclosure aud orlt-rol aU na
dered in said Court, ctimn.aDding a
order lo satisfy said jinliu.ut iuiIm
tud a oiuiny costs lo sell the follunaj
ilescril.ed reul properly, lo-wll: Tbe Mrt
half of Ihe noitbeasl ipiirltr ) ud Ik
north half of the northwest ipiitrlrriY'
Section 21, in Township l'i, South it
I Wist W. M, CJiilsiuinif 1GU umt
Line County, On-Roii. Nmw Ihrrrtcnl
ill cfler lor sale llie above described raj
property, at public auclmn, fir ca-b. I
the Court House doer in Eugior, Lai
County, Oregon, on Mon.l.iv tbe Kb at
of Muy, lhU7, between lbs benrt SI
o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. II. tn
... t ..'.I....1. I If 1
u. a u uiui ft & . di. ui boo. unj .
Dated this 2nd day ol April, K1.
SI ei iff of Lslc Couiily, Orej
fhe Got a Seat.
tias pmin In a law quick lunch pluc).
A young wointm, VMnplj- as vell n if t)).
limit, entered and glanced dclibcriitcly
sMtind In senivli of a vacant clmlr.
She aw one that appeared to he unoccu
pied, and providing herself with a cnin
berry Uirt and a cup of coffee atoned to
take possession of Iu llut a mnn'i hut w ns
on the clmlr, and the owner of the list hup
Wiied lo hv at her elbow with his modest
luncheon In hit hand. pr ion, hut
this seyt Uengnued," he aald. '
Kt'tumlng to the counter, tbe young
woman put down her tart aud coffee and
anvt;) to find an empty chair. She fmm.t
oue lu a Niiiotd ,:rner of the big euting
nxmi, and raising her liana to her h-xiu i
die pulled out a couple of hairpin, ttUj j
flung her bat Into the chair with a defiant
."there, tliofi taken!" '
Fhe thcu bmuglit over her tart and wffee I
at d enjoyed them In the consi Ioomu-m that
she wa dependent ujwn no man's gnllan. !
.rf f-r tbe couiforta i life. Pbll;;hu I
A man who had tas'es atithiomt,m ,
Kxplrvd of a evern) esophagi.
They laid him a way
I'nder six feet "c clay,
In a hlerojlyphlcked arcophaeua
-Hsrpfr's IWar.
Max Pracht
Would like a si'lil.
Hut hla orhif,
Llk thai of Corbet t,
I and md in wl.hln'
Fifty Years Ago.
This Is the cradle In which there (trew
That thought of a philanthropic brain;
S remedy that would make life new
For the wultitu U-s that were racked
with paiu.
Twas sursaparilla, as made, you kuuw
By Aver, tome 50 years ago.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
was iu its infancy hnlf a cen
tury ago. To-day it doth "be
stride the narrow world like a
colossus." What is the secret
of its power? Its cures I The
number pf theni The wonder
of them I Imitators have fol
lowed it from tho befe'inning 0f
its success. Thoy are etill be
hind it. "Wearing the only
medal pranted to sarsaparilla
la tho World's Fair of 1893,
it points proudly to its record.
uuiera imUhfo
they can't lmlta?
0 tho rcrord)
SoYears ? Cures.
j L. PAGE,
'"lug a IjlTim un.l - , .
staple ami Fancy Gnnvria.
iu Hie U-hi nmi kela,
a ivT l"JWIo a,tf0
"au anyoHuTt,,,,,,
In the Circuit Court of the atite at Onf
for Lane coiintr,
Cliarlea Lauer l'laititilf )
va I
H. C. Carniin, (Jeo M. l'ara (
.1' 11. Iiish ell, SttTuherf 1
lenders and Isaau Cameo ,
Defendants. J
To Inaiic Carson, the above nsnwl
In the name of the State of Dregns,!"
herehv auiuniimed to appear la iJ J
on or before theaeconil Monday in J us 1
that being tbe first day of the neit
term of mud court and aner tlie coo
of the plaintiff riled therein r juilgnisj"
decree will be taken for tlie &.reil.wir
certain umrttfae eteuuteii bv the
8. C. Oarsoa and Uwirne M.'t'uson iiJ
of the 1'laiutitf upon tlie f.ill.iaisij
real property situated 111 n.ii'1 IJ
tlregon towit; I'ouimenciug at the orlt'T
coruer of county survey Na ( .
divUion line between the Kant "?
halves of the donation l-ia I claim ' S
llorubucKle claim Xo. o. in neotion W
SK4W thence North to the centjr
lake on said claim tline e alr
of the line of the hike to tin V'L"rJ
add claim; thence Kat to ths orJ
omer of said claim; thence ortl
Eaat line of said claim t the
corner of County survey N .hdi ' rT
North 8'.' deg. 15 min. We.t 4ls j
place of he. inning containing MiV Sj1",
land in Lane oouuty Oregon anil W."
every of the sum of
States gold coin with inleret S W
ier annum since .rauuary a
axaeaaed againat said sum and -f j
fees and for cats and din'mmmenu
avainattbe Defia. S. V. I'srs'S uO'
M. Canon, au l such rehrf JJJ
Court may seem enmtaMe. n w" .y
by the Court. The Hon. J. C. l)f;e at th regular Marcb tern
that service of this summ mj M
you hy by publication in ti e '"Jjgn
Ol'AHli a newapaper of general w
liuhliahed weekly jn sai. couqtr r
ecutive weeks. Vl)m
' 1'itrTl-A
Central Market,
DfOUBD .fi inTC 1
rwi Diuv iMiw
Will keep constantly rtd a Ml i
PORK and V?
.1.- Ie
VTaWU they wUl sell si .rh
t iisr"
V Vsl ft ! I';;"''
t(.atle, H.'s""
aTMeat dliereJ to
ire of charfe.