1 I M S) a il il e t e .1 l e r I I o WTlBLISIIEn KIR Til F DH!tP.TllMTIu OF DEWRlTir rUSriPLES, ASP TO F1F.V H IIlMSTlllINC BT THE SWK IT OF OIR BROW KUGENE, OK., SATURDAY, MAY 8 ISD7. NO. 01 iv EUGENE GUARD inPBELL. PUBLISHER. 1 ..u o( V. llliilllflie mwic. IlA ""v rB)tbtl Street". LoMnWUII' made ng ri ; on application. 12.00. 1.00. .60. known u teller to Ol'AKD, lUCKI Ller is atches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. :Sfl FBOMITLV DONE. Ibrown, m. d. I!"! HI I" T . ' . iKMtuffioe. tliiun; o tii 9 u. tu. 1 AND MARBLE WORKS. ;Vltble.adGr.nlte.MoaUm..iU. Loeisnd Cemetery work ol , kludt lor IMS. ioRK GUARANTEED ! Ut.nrl'n.toffloe. Eugene. Or WOO D 00 OK, 'oruej-at-Law. i i,.btltMock ulb ol Chrl.mam N. K, Makkley. jay & Markley, Jorneys-at-Law. L idI Probnte Buniueiii fertimin Block. a Sped- SIATCON, J.I'l UTTORMEYS'AT-LRW. .... Oregon. lactli-e In all the courts of this Walton i lock. 1. 0. PAINE. F.W.OSBURN. tn4nl. Vic Pmldint. mm THE tan and Savings BANK, A Mm, u.ejon. rulS-D. A. I'ine, J. B. Harris, J. t. 4B. D. Pilnc. W. E. Brown. J. F. .ion, F. W. Unburn. JfCajital : : : $50,000. Banking Business Transacted. c Allowed on time depoilts. KMiiruiud to our carpwill receive to MONDAY, MAY .1 The rose are blooming. Baker City lint 24 atton eys. Itcv Mr Bluck went tu Mont.M' dny. J II O'Ncl.l.of 1.. tltill.l . ! in city. D t Herrin, of Portland, in in (gene. O T lU.tY of Irving, was in the city today. I'lin.oi.m.uN soi ir.i v. Ollifir Inaugurated mi I ntt-r-t intr .hues at last rridiiy Night's Meeting. BOB HUMAN TAKEN. II sKlt.l.l. 11 rsnAY, MAY I. I in AlMiiy bin i et. on l.uz w I he Ku- at t , l'i, (iimrd, Mny 1 Hi" Philoog,,n inriity nut I Fiiday night wilh the usual argi i tftitluiu'f of members. ; After Mil f:il the in w ly tlicdd . Ill j cers were inaugurated as follow : J C I lliggms. prtciiiciit ; V II Stalker, vice- I'Tl -lili hl .1 u 1 1 ( 'mi ri. ,i s, ,t..i ,r, 1. S.lvey Stewart of l'..rt is in ! I: Alderman, assislant secretary; C F. Ru-i,'"' j Wo.xl.on, treasurer; I, K Al.terni:ii , I'i tMliurif, I'a., hail a :t,iNMiliMju lire j ivnwii; Sumrl It Muiini, nlilor; and eaterdav. j M I. Appl. Knte, t.er, ant ut iirni-. 'I lie l'mfMerlKTl Kitlredge.of I,H(iruiide I "m,,,'M '" riione to call ol the in. ni- witli hliorl hearty i.- t Taf Km.cs Dcrgl-s C'tL'j Bd'Jjw. ( :l: oicfrs. County Bank. I 4 I (faubltihifd la mi) GENE, OREGON, n'H Banking business branches transacted en pie terms. 0. HOVEY, President. iM. AKRWtJ r-oi.i. G. HOVEY, Jr., Awt.Caahr Enw, a. B Km. wnlent. Caudei SoouAa, AuiiUnt Caihler. Hationa Bank lffona P Ush Capital $50,000 9 aim muiis. SfOU.UUU ' - Oregon. botn( don oo raunn ail- on NEW YOKK, MUr"1 on 'oriim la ill the cily fjet-relary Kincaid returned loSnUm this uiorulng. J M Shelly whh an arrival hy this afteruiMin train. 8 M Friendly I having the front of I.I Btotv repainted. V E Nilen, of rortland, ii tegiMered at the Molt'inau IIhiim. James I'arvin, the Dexter merchant, was in Eugene today. Attorney Medley, of Cottage (irove visited Eugene today. Abtiut twenty persons ienicked on Ihu McKeiuie yesteiduy. 11 L Djrhuiu, a proiuineiil l'oitlaiid buiuess iL'uu Is in Eugene. MrsDr Hull', of Junction City, is visiting relutives in Eugene. A uuui'ter of boating parties were out ou the mill race yesterday. Hon E 1' Coleman, of Coburg, wan doing business iu Eugeue today. Mls-s Heuiielta Lauer received a new 07 Steams bicycle this morning. Samuel Swift of rortland, is in the city visiting relatives and fiictid. l'osluiater Kniiey of Uoheu went to i'ortlandthls morning on elllciul business. V EHrowuand J M Sladord. U S grand jurors, went to rortland tine morning. Attorney (Jto A D-irris is having tlve acres of his hop yard near Spring Held wired. Miss Catherine C Coggsweil is iuite sick at the residence of (Jeo M Miller in J'ainiiouiil. 1' Frank & Son are moving the Ilackel store Into their uew location one door west, today. Attorney L llilyeu weut to rortland this luoruiug on busiuets in co'iuei lion with the Craig case. A splendid rail oad croming has beenltidon 1'earl street. It is aUiul twenty five feet in length. It snowed ajl over Uhlo yesterday, and the temperature was uile low doing considerable damage. A Mis Marsters.of Youcalla, is niov ing into the south loom of the Young block and will oieu up a resiaurant. J (J (.'uoier, the ludependeliee bauker, is lu Eugeue visitiug his daughters who are attending the U of O. Several a O V W oOlclals arrived here this afternoon to take part in the entertainment at the Opera imuse this evening. Mrs M 1" Spiller has leturned to Eu- . .i . . ... 1.. l..urililtir ht gene, aid -t tue presem u" - the Butler residemv, corner Willam ette and Tenth si reels. Cms A Harlow, of Rirlow, Clacks ruas county, has been indicted, charged with the embezzlement of IXHi I om the Barlow WW Mercantile Co. Horace Mclvinley, well known in Eugene, is In Washington, in, ween ing a Federal appoiutnu til. Mr M Kiuley's father Is a cousin .i rrese.e.n McKlnley. Prof T M Oatch, at one nine a pi- fessor in the University 01 wieK has I een dh missed from the faculty ot the University of Washi'ist"" '- Regents. Mesws-rdHend.icks, S II Friend ly and Geo F Craw went to Portland .i.i. forunonn on the local train to ap pear before the U S grand jury the Craig cse, A r.ropo.ltion has been made to run the trained He Shasta route (.f the S P H H by electricity, and It Is thought that President Huntington endorses the scheme. There was a young lady of ( rewe Who wanted to catch the 'J:l'r, SJaid tue porter, "D'U:t hurry Or scurry or tlurry; It'a minute or 2 2 '- 02." Doctor W T Houser, of Portland, the successful specialist in the treutn.eni Her: la ny n" hers favored the soriety spieclu-H which elicited plilllse. After llie report of the program com iiiiltte the president aniiounctd the f.'ll.iw iilt. standing cuiiiiiiiilii s fir (he term: It Alder- Fitntiice J II Cariico, I man, W S Young. Piograiii-Eeslio Scott, F M Teni pleton, M I, Applcgate. I In- follow ing tin in Ikti we placed oil duly: On dehtte for two weeks lien e, W I. Whittlesey and C W (ill bell, dn prepaid! mldnss fur four weeks hence, W ii Stalker. On decla mation two weeks hence, l-'r, il Maid ing. Prof K H McAlister then favnn.l lliesi ciety with an address upon "The Origin and development of language." Prof MoAllster w as greeted w ith hearly up luileaud held tlieeloest 'itleution of all pnseiit 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 i 1 1 his di-eiuise. Me traced the growth nf l:iiiguai;e irom its rude hckiiuiiinus in an atleuipt to iinitiit- natural suiiu Is for purpi of cnmiiiuui'-aliiiii up thioil Ii tin vaiioiis s'.ages of growth and expan sion to its pres -ol state of complexity and abstraction. The address was greatly appreclutid and arousitl uiueh iuu-rt-pt whlcli was i linind I'V the members during the recss that fol lowed. After recess L It Aldeimail spoke extemporaneously upon the siiljid: "The Concert of the Powers." The debate for the evening was th n taken up and the question, " Ke-olvi V, that the pulpit exerts a greater iullu ence for good than the p'e-s," was oiipported alllrmatively by I. E Fai ringlon, (. Ford, S D Manna and I. A Keed. The negative in maintained hy V L Molt, Frank Strand, Piof Mc Alister, M I. Apple-ate. The debale as largely one of definition and seaicely two members agreed. The president decided III favor of theal lirmative. On next Friday evening the seeietj Will have a pliotographel pte-elil to lake a II ishliglit picture of the lociety. All meinbers are urged to he pieehl hi this meeting. CAM. Emkshkd - Brownsville limes: "Last Satuiday inglit Bev J E Snyder received an informal call to ihe pastorale of the Third Prcsbjteriau ciiurch of Portland. Mr Snyder has q it yet answered the inelr ipolitaii congregation, and iisl what his reply will be wedo not know, but fear it will I t t- r l r I in I ii I , 1 ln tiutiitiolis (li-pirildil, Bell Mill , man, who ceiin d the Iiouglas couut , J iil s, viral uioinlis ! was retaken i i Yuii.a, Ariz. ..a the other day. The ti l eitniphlo dipatch says lie has a broken lei:, probably an Incident of the recap tore. I he lioelurg ItevleW has thi CMii-i ruing the vermlile desH-niil': i II. Il r l allraeteil atli'iitlou when Sam liruwn bloke j 1 1 , beintr coulinei! .there on a ehare of atteuiiting to I shoot a lady Hear Botierts hill. Me jtold very coiillntiiig htorle abolil j Brow n's escaH'. After erving tins sentence, lliiinian cane into public I not lee aeaiu when be waslioiind over at liiddli Ihe charge of huritlari.iug Mayes' st. ne at that plaee. Me dog out of jail w ith a cotip!cof holm thieves shor ly iifier and made ui od his es cape, beiu tiaibored ill (lie uii'iintiiiiis near Kiddle by friends. Mr JSDuii nivau came near reeaiuring linn, but after a hand to hand simple, lliiiinnii eeped. Then W M Mugtius,of Kid dle, went after Ii i lit in company with a companion, and liiniuaii shot him thnugh the thigh. "Next (lie outlaw proceeded to leave the country, but was confronted by ollleeis at Mcdford, who hill been warned that he w a- on the incoming In Uht. Ilinuian drew his gun, I lulled ihewhele posse and walked a A ay. I heli the ullleers here I.M-ated him at AlUi Is Camp, Culif., and wind the oiliii rs there to take him. The result was a lively battle belwei n a consta ble and deitlly and the fugitive, the latter escaping, allhouh it was Iho ighl he was htruck by a bullet." Niud.iv 's Alii.m.v ll.'ial.l: Yester day (lie inli rcoll, giate Im-i- ball e:ioi ' as iuaiicniaii d b. agan.i' between 1 he Agricultural College nine and (he j Albany Culligu nine, on the Albany ; ( Vlei;,' cailipil. Tiie name is it poilnl as luimiiii: Vely relily, being hotly contesled. I'.olh sides yt in several runs at t he -t ut, but later got down to woik in i;-iod earne-t , mi l allhoiig', making -en-nil errors, played a Very fail gnme I he seore w as as follow s: OA C, Is runs; Albany ( ollege, ill. Tins haves Albany In play I'.ugi lie, and the game will come oil in two weeks mi M ay I j. Of Ihe other teams New berg foifeited the game to McMiniivll'e by n fu-ing to play, w hich leaves the latter team in the le.ul. They plav Monmouth May 1.1. (J'lite an audience gleeteil the ln.ys ill t' i", tiieir tir-t game of tin- season, and there seeiiu-d tn he no lin k of en thusiasm lor the oee.i'inli. Tin1 Albany Colli ge land wasout for th" invasion. l'eioiul. lie ill the form of an acceptance. Mr - I I I.I ....Inr tvlin . .-siijner is o uoo-, r... .t. ... , ,uri.hl,M. etc. .. .... r. i.. ..i...t.i;.... ..r ' laimrs arutiouaiy ior uie upouinunn "i Hit cause ho represents." Mr Snyder as at o. e time pastor of the I' B church iu tills city. I.uureiitl .Nuclei)- Notes. liubv lei M, Msr I The meeting was called to opler by l'i siib lit Kb hauls. Koll call being I a-ed over, the minutes of t lie previous ilieel ing were read, corrected, and ap proved. On motion a committee of two was appointed In 'onfir w ith a like committee Iroiu the F.utaxlall soeiely lor the purpose of choosing ipiesiion and appointing leaders ami colleagues from their number forjomfilebato two weeks hence. After recisH Mr C N McArthur gave an exleinpoianeatis address, Milj.-cl, "Kussiall Ceils ir System." Ileliale followed, subject "Kesolved that the United Slatis should annex llm Ha waiian Islands'" Mr B E Spencer led ior the allirmalive and Mr McArthur billowed lor tlio negative. On the allirmalive Messrs Barber and Camp bell. On the negative Messis Angell and Wilklns. T.ie paiucipal points for the alllrmii tive were lis follows: Hawaii isa strong strategic point and shoul I be annexed for if we do not other powers, ei her England or Japan wi.l. Ani'fXailnn is in accord wilh Amer ican principles, as shown by the LouU- I'sl.y i.imr.l, ln) I Edy the Vincent has returned to Jasper. TJ Craig went to Portland Ibis i morning. ' Hon V S U'Ki ii of Milwiiukei , isiu I the cily today. Sherill Johneon paid .lunctioii Cily a brief visit today. Waller (iiilllu went t drove this afternoon. lion (' K Hale, of Male, was doing business in ihe cily today. Mrs I.uciuda Laird is visiting at her old home at Pleasant Mill. Mrs M T Awluey returned home front ( ottage (irove (his n.oriiing. Mrs Darwin llii-low canif down from ( 'ullage (irove Ibis m ruing. Waller Jackson, the well known Poilland druuiuiei, was in Uiigen.' to il a . The county court i o-.it looking a I'd r j (" ids today. .Judge F.illertoii is huldii g circuit j conn in Coos cotinly. I Mi-s l.e i.i Sto.'Uwell has purchased a lo w- averly bicy clc. I Marry Midden's bicycle repair shop has p ceived an orange colored coat ol ai.it. M T Awbrey isconliiud lo his home on llighsticet with a severe atlaek of iirpy. A new eloth awning w as ut tip in flout of J M McChing's dry goods store today. Mrs Annie 1'. Mars etswill op n her l sinuialit in llie Yonng building to morrow morning. Smith Bailey , of K 'seburg, has sold his trotting hoise Wiiu luster to a Port- laii i purcim-er. 1 he lugeiic Lumber Company sin ppi d a cm load of railroad lies to Ogdi'ii, Utah, yesterday. A new sidewalk has been built in front of J W While's feed store and Y W .dailiu's marble winks. lieceiitlya litter of young coyotes w us iliscovcred under the bank build ing at Wc-toii, the llrst ever bom iu captivity. Some niiieh needed improvi incuts are being made oil East Mill street iu (he way ol new sidewalks. Isaac lliggius, of Dexter, has been g allied a i original soldiers pension by lartiueut ut Washington, D. C rTl.a . 1 1 '"Vt iSlMMOHSf. 'i rv- s- i 1. , 'wiTiw..,...,; th: i.'jr,- r.'-isl BEST SPRING MEDICINE in A KoYAI. Fl.lll. - U-olee of nickel in thl-!ol maeliilles will be interested to know there is a royal llush iu the box. H may he necissury lo explain to the uninitiated 'hat the royal llish coiuniences with the ten pot ami runs to the nee of the Mime uit. Tiie Junction 'I imes says: Mr Waddle threw i royal Ihisli in Hurl hurt's niekie-ln the slot machine and .1 f..-.. ,lr.,n. IOO , bo.rs I I . . I 1 1 , 11 f I llieieiuiv . w , . .. , ., v. .... i.. ... l'o to w ar any lline, the Islalius w i sheil liars aim uio.iii ciioii.-ij m - - making ai. asignuieii( . Hawaii isa valuable property and would he n source of revenue to the gi.veruineut. The present governiu -lit of Hawaii di ires annexation. The chief arguments of llie negative were: The ciiiiracli r of Ihu inhabitant of the Hawaiian 1-liilids istuch ihut mi ne.iition would be Ulillersiable. Aniii xatlon would be fontrury to the .Monro, doclrine, which prcvelil the United Sliitcn from lie d lllng w ith fon ign C'Uiiitiles. Since Ihe United Slates is unlikely to nl. I not lie i spi claliy ucsiraoie irom a Mini- i-t'lc iiniiit of view. A Corvallis dispatch concerning the' 'llie i xpeiise of running a govern YW OA i (invention being held in i,,,!it no he Islands would be all oin that cily says: "The c mvctitloii ,,f proportiuii to tin; gain to the gov I ut l ie I're-liVte.iall clilireli einineiii. open with an excellent address upon the work and achievements of the associa tion by the K-v Mr Brooks of F.u g i.e." Salem i:isa',eh: I'h" railroad con .i.,..i,.r- l, live not u t made any nr- 1 he ii. cisioli negative. was in favor of (iKKA I I.V OVKItltAI KU -W I- Wbes who Is in.w ill Siilina-, Califoriiia writes that that country is greatly ovei ruled and gros ly ii. . .- lr -eiitH in HWHTl TSTHCBOWEIIN 1 . j i p. ri tier la uv m- . and cure or jvup'"'" ; . .. . .1 i . i., n,o i. iv and m eleot ic tneinou, u. - . . be consult, dut the Motel Eugene for s to M few days. raiigements for Iheir ani.ual summer h,i,md in pampliU ls m ill out ''y rei j exclusion, l-ut it is probable it will bejt.sate men. For instai.c, l.e suys held. They bu.v had uc.'cssful ut -1 ,,,,e pamphlet contain-' a purported ings on llie stale fair groun s I l.e past-1 pictnie and dicilptn n of u huge silgai twoytars, and i-oli.e of the conductors r, Unery, when in fact then- i nt i are in favor of Imldirg their Icnie ,g:ir n I'm cry in the coumy. Tin here again this )r. w.,ni, try is overrun with Japanese lu- Mairi-bii; ',:eM Hou.iie iviMe i,r T,e Japs work fr w hatever tliey ind llrowu 'will li i -- tli' ir cattle to ,.u gel and even the t hii.ne ate una Troutilale, a few mile-eut "I i'oitlan-l. ,,. tofJU.pite with tbuu sndar. t'e- -U , awng in large Mill, ta rs lie sia e hioiii ! i u, i ihe couiilrv I overMiiiviih lln I . . , ,, - ...,I .Im.ii'I. I. llll KHI'IS. BOO John Sllliw. a sheep hllyi I', repie willing I', i; Willard of La (iraude, is iu the city. J Arthur Luiniiig, the reader and impeisoiialor was a passenger north this morning. Ed Whitney of the Eugene Photo Company arrived home today from a visit at Albany. Attorney M O Wilkin left early this morning on his wheel on a business trin to (trov nsville and ol her points. Dr BF llaininill hasg iiiu to Port land, where lie will locate for the p ac lice of his profession, we are Informed. Captain Hatch of the govt riiiiient so g bout, Mathloina returned dow n the liver ibis morning altera short visit iu this cily. I.I". lining and family, who have In-i ll vlsltii g In (Ids city for a few days, went lo Portland today, here they will reside hereafter. Herbert T Condon, secreiury of the Oregon Agricultural Col lego at Cor- vallis, is visiting Ills parents, Prof and Mrs TIkh Coudoii, in this city. Captain John O'Biien, of Sins aw llie veteiiin printer, was In the city today. Me bus been doing a vast so nt of work on his ranch tin- winter. In a few (lavs he will return Portland to work ut his trade. 1 Ii" mimv fliellds of Judge L L Mc- ithur will regret to learn Hint lie hi s akeii a suddeli change for tin worse nun his physicians entertain no hope r his recovery, lie Is at the home f his brother In law, Mr. Levi An keiiv, iu W alia alia. Mrs J E Broiiitugh, of Spokane Washington, arrived on Hit! afternoon lain and will vl-it wilh her parents, Hon nutl Mrs (ieor e It Dorr Is. Mrs Bronaugli was accompanied by her sister, Miss K-tclla D irrls, who has In eu spell ling tint w inter in Spokane. F.llis Ki lehart, of Union county, ar- nvi d on t'ic early train this morning. Me Is buying entile fir tin; Eastern markets f. r K E Willard of La (iiaude mil w ill rlilp four cHrloinls from this cily Frld yona Hpeeial csltie nam if Mean, from Oiikh'iid which will ins tlnoi gli this city. Wl.lle liere Mr Kinel art will also make relatives a nrief vi-it. years ago edu w 1 1 j 1 1 1 r nvi ,y will raiiLe in h tmiiil tin y will ship M." H li .N t. ,i. , .i u to the (inn t colli' y. last cf l W WJ O0drru Dallas Member: A fvw rVitim'vel to Eugene io i...- i f..ur ehi dren. me ew . .... t,... th,tei rlu,u? ,r,,m r, ' ivity,nJt,:: rt''Un to their old IV l"""e- While a marriage ceremony was being performed n-ar Danville, . kerosene lamp Hailied up and mut t'. xplode, When the bride s,iz,d il and hurled it tbr-ugh a win . ii.,i emne out Irom low. ine gris.io under the t.bl.. where he bad hid; I -ft and the cremony prcctded. i.i. stun 1 ley 1 will have about fini-hed l.r.tndn.if hkelv get awaV ''", 'n'.s T1.'; T."Vei voiiveiiliol. of lb. Chr . (-au chureh wil; be Uld Jj" ''h lo 2.1,1, inclusive. Itev M I. W - ! r C -aniii r,o;i . .il !" Ws.ii I pai'.s U; tb u'' et'ii. two clne of special ward livery .lay lb" il at cr.. s lu the .'i iherii i-uii "l .N.i I,... -.ui.ly have belli bad;) da nuge for w unt of ruin. metit I A i in ..-ted I'V I Ki.ge"'- Divinity ' j (-r-oii.il wolk I )' ihu.- till I uly c.'itri'-'l f-.ir-,;!, el hi p .,1, ,,.', ry w ill n . f the in e .n of Ka- C -:. I. '- ,1 1 in. d M I. I: ."KKVMi HIM r.o.ii i -A man by il . i . I l.-veli!.d. . .lllif lieui Co ', ul l day lust week inallrtate' b; hoi' terribly, Ix.au-c it bulked 'inatly k'.os kio- I he dumb brute (low i nh an axe and b iting it remain oi t l.e i;i. d and mtl" r for a nuroU r o I, en. Me wus art d Frid iy an rt'.e l .) and co-ts I )' Ju-tnv lien A D ii y I WlM.ll.ltd: prt-elliel. Il rve.l l.liu right oi ly heavltr d' si ((jild hsvi' 'Q'-n appreciated. I I ".M- I i'i '! Ft ;;! t.ii? -d.in't I t 'lit, i'. I ! I i.i; ,- t -.biggish Iu' .ii : l i i i.i! i ; : b .. .ill nature, in I t'l ' ". I I '. .....I ol.ej i;p t-y t':.' .a. u;' .! :'. I v. .'. v. I ; Il I'lings on M i! i i. I c. r ... . ! .. ,i i I Kliriniu- t:s:: .. i- u .. i-t t . v .in' t:; V ur I iver I'- 'w . ! ! s s ii t i .. MMMONS I l . : ! i I '.!''.( t i J it. It also ('.'. - d ' ; ! I i.i. ;...' it pr.'perlv at V' 'i. . w ': .1 v ;.r i . i I lv Uve Irom p.'i- ii ...a.' t, v.!i : b.i.lc i ; igor.iti'J. v. i; .: t I'.'i:: iiixr iti.ooDwhcn y.HT sx'. :- f. n e.'Mdltian, .iiiJ that w ill -iilci v.h'i t':.' I i i i- Ivpt .utive. Irv i I ii. r LVm. Jv o:kc and note ths d. I a. '. Hit til,,' on,',' SIMMONS I iu ;' I.. . ii i n iu --H i, Simmons I l i i" id " I A I !; v. ! ii': makes the d'lb'lell -. I i,e' I' 111 poudC ' Ml li.juij 111 CI Iv I l.'p.uej. or i,i.:lo- ., i,-.. it th p'Wuei; I'd I ike l l . As 1 ( KLUU LAU.K. You'll tnid tin- b'Ll) en every p. ihagc. Look I t It. J. li. Zs'iln: Co., l'blludi Iphlo, I'a. FI.IIKKSCF. AMI McKKNZIK. The Singe Now Trips Makes Three Umiiiil I'er Week. As laliltnr i il li ipi't hhiii ab .. Iig l.t the aid, and u a stonj .ily i. sei My I i rt tu. n r.- John A i.dersni', f the Central s.liool, lint an incident ye.ti riliiy after l J i.'c oek. lie w as work- r. siilct.cc of Hon. H K Kin while In the wood shed and ing position sverd licks o1 o f Kit wood rill Upo J1 (riilirs.17 iirled '.liru. He was ii Ukun tsit mil fur a time It whs ferid had re-elv.-d s ri'.us Injuries, l k luckily lit s. 8 cd only Wth scveiw bruises. His ice on the right side ami his right rm are badly briils.il, and also his boulders. He i , ubU to Is-alsiut the ireets today, I ti it will If ft-vcrsl ...U Isfore he can d 1 any work. I r D.ow n drc-cd hit wound . II 1 1 Thompson of Salem has taken out a medical license. Dr Thompson is a son in-law of Hon Hen B Dorris. A new sidewalk has been laid in ( "( Itage i front of the Mel 'lung properly on (In I corner of Willamette and Seventh st reels. (ieo M Miller has Instituted an in junction suit against Hubert Mclntyre, Frvan Smith and Mvron B Wood iu he ciieiiit court. Douglas county advertises for pro- p .sals for the construction of a steel lattice jail cel . Douglas' criminal faniilv must be on the increase. There is a movement on foot at As toria, lo have the presentation oft'ie battleship Oregon silver service take place at that cily during Ihe August regatta. J It Lee. of Lee's brickyard wtst of town, was thrown from nl uuggy iluiday evening while returning from lodge at Irving and quite serious ly injured. The case of the slate vs Newman, (he boy who plead guilty to thecharge f larc.'iiy of money from the Jap camp has been taken under advisement by Judge I'ottci' for a few days. Miss Mabel Baker, the little live- y, 111 - olil daughter ol ( tenrge lluKcr 01 Portland who is visiting with het grand paieiils, Mr and Mrs It M Blair in thlscily, was run into by a careless Id ') clist last evening and sustained slight injuries. Mrs Ida Schrimj f, a wo nun who resiiles iu a house on West I'.iglitn street, is said to be ill destitulu (ir slnuc 's iiuil ha not even a bed to sleep upon. Shu gave birth to a child a few days ago. Kugenc's charitable women should investigate at once. James Monro has resigned his po. siiion li OM Young's meat market ami leased Dr A Sharpies' stock much -on 1 h of the city. Mr Moore lias been in Mr Young's employ for nearly lour yi iirs and during that time has been constantly oil duty. His place has been II I I1-1I by Dell Keed, a Port and butcher. An Interesting itory Is told of a young man who recently r ule Irom Omaha to Portland for only V.'S. At Iho beginning of each division he bought a ticket for a few miles and then borrowed the long distance tag ol a man having a ticket, when the con ductor passed acting as uiiconcerni d as a nabob. The citiz 'lis of L11I ec, Me, are golnif to buy a new hearso for the town by popular silb-criptioli. The proposition uiade is this: F.ach subscriber agre-i to pay l, with proviso "that If he should have list; for the same" (the hearse, of course), w ithin two years, 1 e shall be entitled to a rebate ciUiil to the sum subscribed. It is evident that the si b crlbi rs w ho have occasion to use the hearse w 111 be "111 it." Pio-l i'i ts at present are for a splen did Iruit crop in Soiilhern Oregon. Frost now would do great damage, but it Is not anticipated A conserva tive esllui iti; of Urn pr ibable amount ol pinches alone for shipine. t from or chard In Ashland and Immediate vieinlly, ba-ed oil the present outlook is ".nO.IHio, boxes this sea-on. The geii .rsl pr is pi ct In the valley are excel, lent thu fur. In psm Mate the bicycle has been legally termed a road vehicle, and, as such, Is entitled to the same pllvilvges a other conveyances on the public highways, 'i he unwritten law of the road Is that vcld' h s divide the In. V led space, but courtesy di mauds that Iho hghllv laden give wy to the that is loaded. In Oregon, however, 1 here Is u sis-eiul statute nil this ml- 'icct. O For the next six months the mall routes In Florence ami Foley Spring respectively have been expedited t three round trips per week. The following is the sche lule, of KM Bangs' stage hue: 'l'i I l.nilbNi K. Stage w ill leave Eugene for Florence Mondays, Wednesdays ami Fridays at II a m returning 011 alternate days. TO I'Ol KY SI'lilSdS. Singe w ill leave Eugene for Foley Spring on Mondays, Wo ucsday ami Fridays at ii a m reluming on alternate days. boil i.KAurnu. Singe w ill make daily trips from Eugene to Lea burg and return, leaving F.ugcnc at ii a in and arriving nt Lea burg a' 11 a 111 and returning stage leaving Lvalmrg at 1 p m and airlving ut Eugene at ' p in. Mongolian Pheasants in ltockliriilge. Kockbrldge, Va News: 1 The much talked of Mongolian pheasants I ill ported from Eugene, Oregon by Major F W Houston, arrived Saturday. On i'ucKilay Major Houston and Messrs J P Welsh, J (1 Petllgrew, A A Wad- lell ami Daniel Welsh built two wire enclosuics nnd placid a pair of the birds lu each. One pen is ou the Welsh in Alone Mills neighborhood and the other pen Is 011 (ho adjn 11 Ing farm of John L Tenfold These blrda are prolllle. layers, laying Irom sevent ty live to eighty egg a season, but they will not raise a brood while In inflnement or when first transported from their native soil, as has been shown by experience. Iu crder to overcome this dilllculty the eggs will hu placed under hens, and will be hatched and Ihu broods raised iu this ay. After the young birds been ne large enough lo care for themselves they will be turned looso at different points In the county. These birds are very much liku our own pheasants In (dor, but the plumage of the male is much more brilliant than that of the inllnary mils pheasant. Iho total cost of the two pulls was :),'l, and this cost will he shared hy Major Houston and seve.'al other Lexington sports men interested lu the movement." Self Kxplaiintory. Ei uknk, Or., Muy I. 18l7. Editok flCAUD: Dear Sir. It might be of Interest to your readers to know the rates of transportation to the International convention of the Young i'eoples Society of Christian Eudeavor lo be held In Hall Francisco, California, July next. The rate from Oregon has been fixed st one fare for the round trip I. e. $20 as points In the slate are over 400 miles from San Francisco. Yours Truly, L. O. Adair, Agent. Inns WuKK.The Eugene Foundry has finished the pilasters and lintel for Ihe new front in the building formerly occupied by A (loblsmlih. This re minds us Ihut it is seasonable to again suggest H ut there Is no use going away from home to get any kind of iron work. Mr Frn.er has a well equipped foundry, understands the hiisiuiss thoroughly, and furnishes iron work cheaper than outside foundry that must meet freight charges. Brownsville Times: J W Vaughn, a photographer of Faigene, moved his family to this city Monday, and 1 J gone to housekeeping In the Sanders residence. Il has pitched his photo teuton Nlaiu street and saysh? ex pects lo make his heme with us. I e V , a i 0 1 1 , 1 1 I 1. , 1 ' , i'i ! i 1 1 O