The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 01, 1897, Image 1

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A. K 1 ).
. 1
1 CABELL. PUBLISHER. : ! ' : ': : 00
on py,,w-
,1! bail"'1"
fellers to GUARD,
i. batches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
4aibin promptly done.
X.lclan ami Surjioon.
uinMlie Marble and Or.nlU, Xonuments.
IHrtd,ton.udCemeu.ryork of
ll kinds for
. . . rsi TT
4,1-OM h.lf Uock touth of Chrlimana
K. E. Makklbt.
insey & Markley,
mereitl od I'tobatc Business a speo
"u'Jr lo ChrUmsn Block.
lym,, ... Orgoii.
flil, pi art Ice in all Die courts of this
OB'utln Wnltmi i lock.
1. 1 MOWN,
B. 0. PAINE.
Vld Prasldant.
I aim
TOKS-D. A. rlno. J. B. Harris, J. K.
Irim, B. D. I'atnu. w. it. Bwwu, J. r.
iituutikou, r. n. Ulburu.
ail Dd Casual. : : $50,000.
t Rural Banking Busing Transacted.
il allow u.l on time deposits.
r tlom eutruied lo our ca'e wil reoolTi f
lane County Bank.
general Banking builnes
M III branches transacted on
lorable terms.
A. O. IIOVEY, President.
J. M. AHRAMS. Caahler.
A. (J. HOVEY, Jr.. Asst,. Cash'
I frt.nili.nt.
P. E. Soiv:.tsSl Aaalatant Caahler.
Oi Eugene.
I'd op Ush Capital S0,00
Eugene Orepon.
A nnaral banking boalnaat dona on reaaot
( HlrTv S'tht lr' NEW VOKK
-PiltofaKhanwaoldon foralim eounWa.
t7Mo.iJubjartipSfteo wrt
1 wtraaUd to ui will rel
;Oil ntrC!fl)
Loan and Savi
It National Bant
I'leuty of Uusiuet U Justice Miller's
Mis Nellie Diy, the 12 year- U
daughter of (!. l)ny, W, re.idia (ur
lllil.HM.tiifCif.wrll, Ml lam Satur-
lay breaalng her arm. Dr Kr
boriuwh w a called ami set the broken !
Mr Uiih Te jtflt l Iioiiih from sUn
Frant 'Uiii on a aliort vlil. lie will r
(urn Moini.
H C Hunter erwiim a rtsiilenci-
ilj .lulug ,U,t,,rtf wlileli he will in
ciipy an .nui iix ciiin.t'.e.l, ami ,S A
riuliii will move t nt. a llio h mv wliere
Mr Hunt, r now livt m.
LU llulin, Mr Mnry linker ami
CJeo A Verinioo ami f.iinily, of Ku
ene vUiteil In I'renwell tuiitltty.
It In reMrted (IihI Iten Mra in co
Iiik Kaal 80011 to enter a C 1' llu o!.
i'l Hl'lllMll.
Ituv Frank Dny uliippej u crlou ! of
lumber from Springlleid to (.'renuell
lt week preimrutory lo reuio lelinw:
and eiilurifiiiK liln pre-ent c ittae.
F I T...ier cams In fioiu the mii.e.
la t Tliurm ay fur HiijiplieH. He uiul
two brui htia are n .-ucl i ik on
.Slutrp'a Creek and reort fitvorub.y.
He w ill return Monday.
N A V How' health i nuoh U-t
ter than it whh dining the winter,
and he in Keen on theNtrevUof (nel.
quite fruitfully. He li Mr-t !Slieiill
Johuaoii'a f..ther and i one of (lie veu
eral.le ami most highly esteemed cit-
iziit of Lane county.
A lively place Indent I Jumii-e Mil
ier'a court room, icaruely a week pall!e
wilhoiit the j'ldge'a aervice being ri-
(Uired. Uii Friday April lit Sliermaii
Morns hIioI a valuuble dug h'-longlng t"
Frank Eby. The next day Eby caught
Mortwi on the mreet and proceeded lo
severely chnntitie him. Kty waa ar
rested, plead KuiHy'i allu wal '
and cot4,which whh paid by wimeHe
oflhe all'ray. On Wedneaduy, April
!M, iu relallation, M Eby lauatd the
a r rent of tslnnnaii Mor.-a on the cliargi
hof viulating II e Hut. kanie law l y un
lawfully catching Irotil iu a lUh trap.
Moia plead not guilty, was convicted
ulid Hut d and cbti; total f 19 7 i
Much had ft-linKtxit in the vicinity
and more trouble in anticipated.
m tilling loSnim the Mirli.
A hort time ago a man put in hi
appearance at our city and at cured a
e'iippin place iu ihe country a Miort
dintaiice front to n. He Mated thai
he waa from Chicago and had cuuie to
O.egon for hit health. One niornii g
after he hud been at hi atcppinv
plai-e a few Uy li Hbketl a fnrm hai d
lio far it was to th' f'"t of the mono
tain. The distance did not look nior.
tlmii two mile, and mi nc-lving tin
eplv that U wa fifteen miles. In
-miled and said he ttl over to tl
foot of the mountain and back belor.
breaklust n he lielie d It would glvi
him an appetite, and accordingly et
out across ihe bottom. Alter bnaa
at the farm hand and another man.
wlm was dloppli.R at tin l-luce starter
I . i. i . .1. . .Ilw.ll.alt lit
Ut on imrHelmOK in u"
had (aUeu. After lliey hail gone num.
three miles they cume upon him tak
ingoiriiisolothesaud atan-llng "csid
little ditch about three leel acri-,
which wo runninB full of water, u.
ilng asked what ie meant, Im ''
lliul he had been fooled W11S u"'
going to be M.led a.air. On belm
io. that lliey c uld not unuersiuno
what he meant, he replied:
"Well. I urted out to wulk over f mountain, thinking it w
more that two miles distant, and hae
got fooled, as it looks a- far oil as ever
nd I am not going tobj mourn aB."
I am going t sw im this ditcti .
Mibtakk. -Albany Democrat
. a . I . I
Cll in J a
t.i....t 4'ti till
nde in Eugene on iTesnivm v
...,,. itm State Liiiversny.
...... ... .... ,
i r'i..,nii,nn Is at me ii"
mate Institution and hence a atat.
..... . I.ul IlllO. till I IU
nailer, not
cunt also, the preUb.nt .houiu n
.tu uiih local anlrs. in im
peel IVesident CliapuiHU nat ma.
1 1 Ko far as i ne
i :, H,u.n't care Very mucn
concerioru ,v v.... -
i. .......i.i il,oiich.liketosia man a
.he head of fuel, m-l ,1, "
muoh 81 powlble keep oulull imga am
Dally tin .tJ. Ai.rll
rnuK celkukatiiiS. The ct
..... ......,ivik.'liih aiini
.rullOII OI iur rev..., --w
. 1 1 i.i.t rViiowmiitt by
(.ruiedoneoflhepleasa t ftaturw .
.. i,v.i.iHl functions. I lie
ram consisted of vocal '"'
...t-i.tal music, an addf.-. by J
v,.lH-ttpa.ur -MlMEcburcb. -u
rema.k, by. few others Ji r all o
NH,keof.hehi,loryof lW "'
..'.accompbsbments and oijeC a
aims Iu an InU-n l ,
of l'r"k'" "
fjaslou was held.
SfCKlBK I.II.KU.Y.-.-u'-"i'
1,. f..r iI.h new 1 liriaii "
. . .... 11..,. 'i
0 up h art
Ifliikt clrcuiaieo 1 j
G Hendricks
and Fld.r .M u
Bu acn e liberally ".,;
1 he 1 li"' S" "
Monday, april so.
Wliltmy the .print', U in Fug-ne.
Father Illmk returned from Mm. roe
Today's freight iruiut were an
unlit il.
stV,..y -eighth an.iiverm.ry of Odd
Ft il..v .'.hip.
lr I'nrtM tiylit. of Salem, wa In t lie
i lly yerl.-Muy,
I. N I'riiv has returned from a
to ll.-iitoti county.
I Van EC Sin.di roii arrived home
on the atle moon (ruin.
There are I'O practicing attonn y and
! phisiciatin iu Eugene.
f II Edward hua r turned fro'ii a
visit to t-iriii;tt ltl ptii'inct.
(ie.rge V I'kkclt paid
Cny a brief business visit today.
Wallt'l Jacks.. u, tl e well known
drummer spent .-'ninl.iy In Eugene.
The frame work lor t I. Chauibcis'
new wikieliouse ha bwn completed.
Mr and Mrs E I) I'ool are visiting
with relatives iu Sprlnglli Id recti ct
II E Ankeny Is home again, having
arrived here on yesterday morning's
Arther Comegys Is s .J-mriilng with
relative in Springlleld precinct for a
few days.
Judge L L McArthur, of Portland,
a regent of the I'ofO, is seriously ill
at Walla Walla.
Mrs James Maikley, of tirusham, it
visiting her daughter, Mrs li U Chris-
man iu this city.
Mrs John Hunter of Walker's stution
was visiting friends in the city Satur
lay and .Sunday.
JFSiarraud family returned this
afternoon from a short, visit with rela
tives at Junction.
It is rumored that a new dry goods
lore will occupy the old (loldsiiiilh
store when it is refilled.
( !.Hta and sheep are said tu be dying
111 large uumia-ra Irom unmiown
causes iu lie litoii county.
(2'ilte a number of Eugene people at
tended the base ball game at spring-
tield yesterday afleiuisili.
J A Ebhert.of Springfield precinct,
left this morning 011 a business visit lo
Faimingtoii, Washington.
Secretary of State II It Kincaid re
turned to Sub 111 today, after speinliug
.Sunday at home iu this city.
I'lie Ort goniaii says Mayor IVnnoy.
r wants tho dcmocraliu iiominath.u
for governor at Ihe next election.
The Easter sign of lain for seven
Sunday a failed. Ildid not ram yes-
erday. but has mane up for it t .day.
Spencei'a hullo was lovered this
inoriiiug Willi a wreath of fog. I'sii-
lly a rattier certain ludieatioil (T lain
Mrs. ti. H. Fileiiiily, nmi ilaugh-
ler, Mis Carrie, and Miss Alice rrieil
lander were pits-eugers to Portland to-
Cluis Sy 1 vi Mvr of was in this
liy today. He giss to Aslorlu to-
.uorrow where lie lias secured fill, loy
me ul.
Mr Walter U ss, who h la-en em-
..loyed lo the Eieclno light stall n in
acraiiiento, Cal., returned home tins
Tlie fieo dance given Ihe Eugene
diliil and Dancing Hub hulurtiay
iglitby l.lnk'a orehw.ra was a very
,.pular allair.
Miss Winnie Miller of Corvallis, who
nas lanu visiting with frieuds and rel.
.lives iu this city ailioelast week, 'e-
lurued liouie today.
MissLuella Ilrewsttr, who Is tu-
,u.,M.I In "itaehltiir the young idea
tow to shoot" at Lynx Hollow
. tailing her parents yesterday.
The Eugene Mill and Elevator Com-
....... u hi a carload of Hour to
Itosehurg ai.d one to San r rancl-co on
.omorrow moruinu s frelgiit nam.
Mrs I.ischeu M Miller and Miss
alherine C Coggswell left Chicago for
iim-eiie Saturday avening
Coggswell will Visit
luring ihe summer.
The Lawler mines at Auidem have
losed down temporarily. There are
,i,y four men tliere in w looking after
ihe property. I wo l ei w snow I 011
,he ground
Fx City Marslial II J Day, who has
..urcha-ed a half Inlerest iu a black--milhshopat
Collage (J rove, will go
10 that city tonight to take possession,
clisfatiiiiy will remain in th B city
U .til school closes,
I'rofJ N Johnaou, today, sold J L
I'nge several thousand pounds of hams,
,l,.,uldei, buc.n and lard produced ou
,a Lmu county farm. Til- Professor
. . ,.f v .-r .rvrral
always si.s in." i"i'v - -
loiis Lf leg product.
i..oriaNewi: "Miat the citizens.
,.f Amoiiaarea aw aoiding people
-videl.C-d by the iel but up
tu this
i..r vmlallou of the '.
hua been Uiade
i' ordiuauce."
fc,ukeu lihele.
Ji.dge J J Walton and re ent to
C fiiu t;.-"e lbi aft. room. The
ju.i .will deliver an ad drew at a cele
Lraiiouin that ci-ytotiig..twbleh will
l. i.r:d HI cuiue ir.irs.loll
...t.oi e h ai.i.iv.i-..ry .
of the
f Odd
A Jlnunl Tior Street Car lonis
Into a Sloiiijli tirly Tins
I hree
Killed Two Mis'lng
- Mny
Oilier Injured
Poiui.AMi, Apiil L7 special: An
other hoinble accident was added to
I he already long list of street car fatal-
iiies hi tin rit v early this morning
w hen an electric car on the Moiiisou
a r.-et line, which whs coming into th
city from Mi uni TulsT uueXpi cledly
juuipi-ii iiie truck near Ihe megar
factory on the East aide and pi u need
into the dead ali ugh beneath.
I lie jump wi.s made while the car
wa rounding .: shaip curve Just over
he idd slough which extends lack
r.iu t lie river
W W lilaiichard, Fred Hanson and
nu unknown woman were killed.
HtiHn had legs broken. There
were thirty people in Hie car and of
this number two have not yet been ac
counted for and it is probable that
they loo, have Hrished. Starch for
their bodies is being carried ou among
l he debris. Nearly all the other pas
sengers were nioret r less Injured.
tiller Hrpori-Tb Head anal
Portland, April 27. 2:15 p in
Special. Electric car No M on the
Mount Tabor line running through!
East Portland left the track on the
Haw thorneiiulcli bridge at 6:55 "'clock
this morning and plunged through the
oiith side of Ihe Iruslle Into the water
Mow, carrying with it alx.ut thiii.v
passeng rs. A greater number of those
inside the car tscajad through the u p-l-r
windows, as the car lay on lis
right side iu the water.
Three dead bodies were taken from
the w reck within an hours, ai-d two
1 mtsoiis seriouly Injured were rescued.
Three men and a boy escaped froiu the
platforms of the car as It left the track,
one of them being M.ilori'iiin John
Keifer, who It-ft the brake just an the
-ar made the fatal plunge through the
tu icLe.
There w ere thirty-one cash fan a
lakeil and a number of tickets which
the register di-s not count. Of the
passengers In the cur two are still mis
sing, though oiversare unable to find
any more hodiesi iu thealrugli.
The dead leported Up lo the pieseut
lime are aa lobowa:
W W H anchard, residence No 34,
East Vainliill street.
Fred Hanson, aged 17.
Miss Kaiheri ne Itailey, of Illinois,
w ho has lieeii visiting friends Iu Port
land. THE IXJL'KKI). -
The Iniured so far as can be ascer
lamed are as follow s:
Sieve Outline, conductor of cur No
; head gashed and Internal injuries;
at (iiMid Samaritan hospital.
John ICeifer, inoloruiau of cur No 52;
right arm hurt.
A Maltesoti; arm broken
A Teller of Mount Tabor; injured in
right shoulder and arm.
J N Casey, clerk for Oadsby Fun. I
lure house; injuries In cheat and leg
J C llullcr, right arm ft'id bauds
l buries (ial.ka, a boy; head cut.
A Malsou, of Ham, Nickuiu A
ompatiy; arm broken; thsal
Samartalu Hospital.
I.ATkK 4:20 t M.
It la believed that all pas engers are
accounlsd for and none ure dead save
lhoo reorted. The accident was
caused by the oar running at a reckless
..u.v.l down hill when It lilinis-d the
trac and the rotten bridge gave way
Floretira Creamery.
Florence people are getting interested
In a creamery enterprise If lid from
The West may be taken as an Indica
tion: At the dairymen's meeting held heie
the 17lb lust., Oeor.e .noma was
chosen chairman and F E Fremont,
O W Hurd made a proposition to
those Interested, saying thai for ruilk
testing four K r cent butter fat he w ill
pay during May, June and July 40
cents 11 hundred pounds; during
August 50 cents per hundred pounds;
and during SrptemWr and Outwher 0
cents er hundred (Kiuuds for the milk
delivered at aiiy H"1 uU U,e ,v',
where II can I lakeu into boat; or if
preferred he will mike the butler and
b..x It ready for market for 4 Cents al
the creamery or will make the butu-r
and ship It to market for ft ceuts jssr
1 . .
Huok-K fXiWN C H Williarus and
family, while returning fruiu a pleas
Si.t day's visit 1 the country had the
misfortune to break the front axle to
their bugiry, J""1 brvond Judkln's
point. Afier considerable li ne spent
iu trying to tlx U wlili rural inaierisl,
' it wms BuMlly rea.lj.Kled, ami ll.ey pm
t e- ded hoiua w illioutuy otlier nils
hip. o
Tl'FSDAY, AI'KII. -'".
liardi'ii growii g nicily.
Alba M:.tle.n of Fall Creek, is 111
Miss Ktitkeinhl: went lo Ptaiii th
Mis I.i nil ltiuir is vi-iiing with ul
nllves in I'orthin l.
Henry l.ang, of ihilnl. was .'..11 1
business here I .l;ty .
David Allis.01 and wife, of I'ln.ii.i.
S sent lust night in I'ii-ji lie
The IVikio I I I. us I..-.-U s..M t
the morlgngce for tl' '
Editor S I. 11. 1, of tin .luio
lion City Tunc. I 1:1 I'ug. ne
Whitney, the splinter. t.'uii.l l
Outage drove this nfti moon.
Hon C A Slielhred.', of K i-cbur.;
wii again in tin' -ity la-l niclil.
Phil N is, the Salem hop hint r, uus
iu Eugene oil l ulne-s lai night
County Judge E O Patter went I
Corvalli to.tav on a short vi-it.
Mis Maud Hurlhtiri of .Mhcny i
visiting w iih friend iu this city.
W ill Mnver II a moved lii leiilcnce
lo r.smis un slain in the Titu block.
I. ate letter bring the uoo.l news thai
J.nlge McArihnr i now iui rovlnir.
Mrs S II Erietidly ami Mi Alice
Frledlander are visiting rclallv.ti in
Claud IUvIs rxpei t to leave Tlnir
day morning on n visit to Porllaml
ami Spokane, Washington.
Mr Kcheeen Fisher, mother of
Councilman Fisher, lpiilesiek at the
family residence in this city.
Mrs I L Campbell went to llal-ev
this forenoon lo visit wilh her brother
and family, Mr am! Mrslloliver Cogs
Salem parties have leased the vn-
Oinl proM-rlv on Ihe coiner of Wii
lamctteand Tenth street. for a feed
A beautiful ll.iweriug L11-I1, called
Azalea, Ihoii display in the show win
dow rf Preston & Hah'. It belong lo
Mrs Win Preston.
Mary Spillcr, fount' ly profe-s r of
elocution In the university (,f Oregon.
arrived on Ihe uftcruoon train, mid w ill
pay Eugene friends a visit.
The Ihirrisliurg Dniuiallc Comtdt
Compuny idayed al C ilmri; lust Friday
night and 1 tlatterlngly referred to hy
residents of that ell v w ho attended.
FarmciN will w'fli'oini) cool, cb lidv
weather and occasional ruin. Many id
them In the eastern part of the county
are not through seeding yet nil I whiii
ofth.iin have ground to plow Tin
image wl I prohahly he a liitle ulinrl.
owing to the late spring.
At Springlleld, Ohio, the new l
eiecied mayor I to he iirosecuted ..i
alleged violation of tJ.e election ex
is'iise law. It allows 5I:IH. mid the
schedule tiled shows that the 1111,1.1
pent only lit. TIiiiI'h a crime in
Ohio, iu the HumIiu era.
A farmer's team, which wa lef
.landing In front of F f,
liurdwtire stitfe early Ibis inorii'i g
started to run awny but was slopeil a
the McCluug corner by Claud Ulan
who happened lo he near and
caught 1 he unruly team
I) J (liver returned llm afternoon
from Iowa. He reports a wry hack
ward spring in Mint stale, t lit thaw
having Just taken pla.-e Is foil' he left
making the country a veritable nni.l
hole. Mr (lover expresses himself a
very well pleased lo get hack lo Ore
gon. A inutility of Klickitat pine w ill hi
shipped lo (ilasgow, Scotland, from
The Dalles. The planks are two feel
wide, three inches thick and about 14
feet long, and ure perfectly clear, Mi. re
not being a knot In the w hole lot. Tin
lumlier is to be used for veneering, u:id
is said t i le worth I0 pe,' thousand
feet Iu the market of Scotluml.
The outcome of the trial of teamstei
vs blcyl st at Oregon City Ihe othei
day leaves the question of relative
rights where It whh hefoie. The Jury
viewed the ground w here the accidciil
la said to have occurred and concludi-ii
that both had plenty ot room to turn
out and the action was frivolous. The
coats were taxed to the wheelmen,
Juat before tho election lust fall a
man and his wife in Milwaukee made
abct.lho conditions of which wer
1 hat ill case of the el.-c.ioii of.McKir
ley the h shaiid was lo get up every
morning for six months ami build tin
fire; hut if Jlrvan was successful tin
woman wa to do it, as she had always
done since her liuirriage. The saddest
part of the story Is thut her hushaui-
died a few (lays II go. ft U dilllelilt lo
Kid some men to live up lo tln-'r ugri e
Jam1 s f i 'hamhet Iain, whi lor the
past twoor three jears, hns been hold
ing the position of Western Union
telegraph oH'ittior in Mil city, hula-en
assigned to the company's olll.-i
at Vallac, Idaho, and left for hi
new field of labor 011 the early train
ibis morning. Mr Chamberlain Ism
capable s-rator and has U 1 n a fail h
fui servant for the compaii v and f.ill.v
deserves the I. rw position he hu re.
reived. W liieh is ll.lich more lueraliti
timn the one he held h re. The . -
I1Q1 L'ol Illi II, this city is l.ow
iu charge of Cecil Doiry.
1 1 lll.K l
Nu ullt go
pti it Only
a Few Mi 11 1
In 11
t line
t 1 I . -T k c illeg- spirit i exhibit! d ,
1. vi - utlil.-ticsat llu ptcselil
in I .1 i'v it f.w men are at Work,
it i-. tunc if any thing i lo be
n .lisb I, hat a giH-d team is ;
. ly ut el.. j
:. lo. 11 a e dici'uriiged, nlid i
l e
I ;.: Ini hoi., s of re taining the
cli ..o t. 1 1 -1 1 . i cup this year. The,
.011111! i on hai .1 for a good teain J
.11 I 11 1 I'oi ini.lable opposition is an-1
in i' .t -I, l ut the w hole trouble In s iu I
a re. to of nil. s pussi , by the faculty rf
t t in viT-i'y of Oregon which (ducts I
-11. ii 1 !o-n ret lie! Ions upon men who'
.1- I l ed to .ider the state contest,
Ineli w 111 I e held In Salelu Jllili I.
1 hai it is almost impossible to get a
; good leuiii,
Ai.oth.-r monster ililllculty which
' confronts uiiivelsity athletes is the
nihil-; of the fueully thai none but
college eranuutc shall bo cuiployvd as
1 1 u 1 . n 1 -.. Iraiuer who are college
gradual" 111c s. -nice und come high.
No rubber arc employed a d the
.1. en or so of men w ho are (raining are
doing so individually. Each man
must (rain himself and take his
chance on w inning.
The action of the olllecrs of llm ath
letic assiciulion who resigned Inst
week has been declared illegal and an
minor contest has ben arranged loi to
lake place on .At ay 7. I lie special in-
dm eiiient w ill be 11 medal. On May 15
ihe regular tield day collltst will he
held, at w hich time the usual run of
events w ill be worked out and suita
ble medals given. The first five men
iu each event in the field coolest Will
U- ipialillcd for llm slale field day con
test, provided Ihe faculty w ill permit
1 belli to go.
leHchcr AssorlHtioil.
The I'lolence West of April 2:1 says:
East Saturday a number of teachers
of this vn-iiiity met ill the school
House in l-'lorcnei' for tho purpose of
o ganiing a ,.. chcr's association. W
II Weiithirsou was called (o (he chair
and Mis Chin I. iltc Vauderhurg chosen
ecicliiry of the mct tiug.
The follow ing olllecrs were elected:
W II Weal hersou, preslilenl; Miss
Y.ib.i Huston, vice preslilenl; Miss
'aiiderbiii k'. v-ei-i eta ry ; Miss Delia
Monis, it-slsiaiit sccrclary; Edgar
Furnish, tiiasiiier.
It wa then voted (hat the committee
on constitution should consist of five
memhirs of which tho president
should he one mid tho other four be
selected by him, Tim president ap
.oii.l..l: Miss Yamlciburg, Miss Hua
ion, W 1 i Martin and Scott Mori is as
neiiibi is of that committee. On 1110
11.111 the pnsideiil was directed to
i--ign nibjeci for discussion ut the
.. .t ine. iliig to the dill'ereut teachers.
I'll.' in. . ling then adjourned.
Ihe next meeting will be held ill
Florence on Saturday, May loth, lfl'J7,
il in a m.
Frost and skim Ice.
I. u-t night wasipiilu cool, a decided
viaiige iu the temperature having tuk
rn place w illnii (ho preceedilig twen
tv four hoiiis. At live o'clock this
111 .ruing thn thermometer on Wlllam
0 te stieet registered from 31 to 35 do
.t. es, a lilt le above, the freezing point
a Inch is 112 1I1 grees.
In souii' phices w here the ground o
A'alks'were damp the frost was notice
hie, hut us almost everything is quits
dry the Irost was not conspicuous. Sev
eral persons report a skim of ice In ves
sels about their residences
It is not thought any harm has beeu
'one to fruit as the blossoms are Mr
i.c ly dry, und under thut condition It
would take ipiite a hard frost to injurs
P. The wind has been from the north
mil northwest all day, uud a harder
frost may be expected tomorrow morn,
. m- -
Mi-Mi 11 11 villi) Telephone-Register:
"Prof. Irving M. (lien, of the depart
uiriit of English ami Latin, McMlrin
vllle College, will have charge of the
department of English during the next
meeting of the Oregon Chutauipua Ho-.-ii-iy.
During l ho meeting he will
deliver ten lectures. There Is only one
way to force Oregon upon the atten
tion of the educational world mid that
I by giving Oregon educators an op
portunity to be heard ami evidence
heir tali-ills. Till applies also to
li'erature uud art. In mailers of this
Kind it pays to be insular. The aelec-
loni.f.Mr (ili-n Infill lliis osltloii Is
n itiHid one." Prof (ilen is a graduate
f 'he 1' of O.
ri ilem Journal: The reHirt in the
I'orvullis (iu.wlle thut (iovernor Lord
no! Secretary of Stain Klucaid are liol
.010.1 fiii inl is a fubricutloii made to
.nl.-r. 1. f course L dd ami Kincaid'i ugr.-e on everything. They differ
01 111 my ipieslioiis. Hut they ure the
vet v best i.f fi iciid ami uru together
uiiicli of the time. Men don't have lo
-.-long to the sumo church, think alike
ui u 1 ipicslioiis of a social, political or
.'oniniiicat nature, iu order to be
in ml. The "Odl.'iul fiimily" which
ho (iaellc speaks of I composed of
1. 1 f the best uud in .st Independent
in I i 1 1 .1 1 v 1-1 uit I thinker iu Oregon am'
.. -ay that they a' ways IiqIi Jul
illy alike would be far from a rca
liable 01 real (.itc liu-lil of the cuse.
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let t
The season t f 'bTwill 111 I ir-s by
w ithoilt the ll-ilal . 111. unt rf building
and Improvement 111 that line. The
Hotel Eugene Is to le iviivi tttil into
one of the bamlsi 11.1 -t slim lutes in
the clly, Hie Hi 1. dm k", b in i rly the
(loldsiiiilh building is 1 it ml under
going cliangi li.'iii I be old to (he
modern style rf iiicbilcctuie, and other
similar Imptovi ipi iits me contem
plated. The luttst in ws iu ti e I tiildiiig line
Isallftv foot addition which II011HH
Friendly will end rn the west end of
his grain uud hi p w an In use on the
west side of Willamette stru t I ear the
Southern Pacific th 1 t. 'Ihe tetitract
hu been let lo L N Polity and work
will be commenced mi the extension
ill u few days. W hin er:iipleted it
will give Mr Fiiet.illy 11 liihtii;e of
Pill led.
Wheelmen Shrinking In llallininre.
llalliiuore piohibils llic'li'e of bells
oil bicycles by "w liccliiien longer than
three Inches In diameter.'' Wheel-'
men In llalliiuore must have 11 great
tendency to leduci llesli and diameter
t'atljr 1. 11111. 1 , 1 r 1 1 j.
Pnl'I'AHI.SU lull F.M AMI'MbSI-.
Cnptain Moon hud Company C out
lust, night (or (he !hst outdoor drill
this seus The company was
divided into platoons and did sumo
skirmish work about Ihu city. The
boys were also given lint double quick
to place their muscles in (rim for
future woik. The company is In
splendid shupi) ami turns out from 3D
tu 40 nun t very drill night. On next
.Monday night thn company will
inarch lo Springfield, and In lliecouise
of a few weeks will rnhubly also
march In Coluirg These long distance
marches will be iiiadu lo place the
compuny iu trim for 11 march to Su-
lem if an sncampinciil I held there
this summer. If an encampment Is
held II Is expected that nil order will
be Issued Instructing tho Knscburg
and Ashland coinpauka to proceed to
Eugene by rail and that they will be
Joined here by Company C und ull
three companies will march to Salem.
Ham- In run it Ptiu haskh. R H
Pralt lius purchased a hi. If Interest Iu
the Ninth street blacksmith shop from
Sherman Heller, and hu begun work
intheahnp. Ex-City Marshal H J
Day is now blucksmltlilng In Cottage
Grove while hi co worker 011 the po
lice department, It It Piatt, i fui
lowing llm same vocation in this city.
These gentlemen wfre formerly part
ners In the blacksmith busines In this
A H1CKAI1 ami Pi 1 1 i:h SIOKV.
libation Ailuiici' says tho Waterloo
woolen mill bus some very extensive
orders ahead, und among tiitm one for
27.000 blankets. That means bread
and butter for Iwo tiiouih for the boys
and girls of Waterloo. Eugene needs
something of that kind to give em
ployment (o Idle labor. We send
abroad for everything uud produce
Nkw Pamok Comi.mi. Lev W Q
Teinpletou, of Dallas,, who has
la-eii culled to lake cbargi; id tho C P
Church of Eug' iic, i expected to ar
rive (hi week, preaching It 11 m and
7:30 p m Sunday, .May 2nd. Members
and irleiid are cordially Invited to at
tehfl. E.Miolisi-:ii.--DiHpiitcli fioin Suleiu
III today's Ongonluii: "It reported ly
reliable uuthorily thut the O.cgon del
egation in emigre hu r commended
Profit II Miller, piesbl, i,t of the state
agrlcultiiial c.illi-;i', nl Corvalli, f r a
diplomatic appniutuit nl to licriuiiny."
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