The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 24, 1897, Image 4

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    Eugene City CJuard.
U'Jtll- M
The Or.frouian we ll pavs:
"It il necessary to rcmim! I llrl
once more tha', if wu h.ivc our Ne
vuila ni Malm, r Iki ul hn I" ''
Delaware awl Khoile; Ihiml. It i
past cotnpn-ln i - i - i that thu hint
em nnv..mnr c m tn-vcr iiin hi
occasion rcmi-tnhi r lln ru arc nnall
Btaten in the Katt, aii'l slim u
UtiotiH repriM-nttil by two vote in
tha eenatf. '1 be slim ranches !
Montana east 20K)i) mure- votes in
18 than the (mhchi stato of H -It-ware.
Murylarnl will liavit t
coujhino it vut with ' York'
to i-ijual that of J 1 1 1 1' i nml Mi
eouri. On-Run Inn nnm voter
than anv onn of the seven I' -i-r i .
Btatcnof J), Flori l i, Mi--
jfiBii)i, New Hampshire, 1 1 r . . I
Inland, Souib Carolina ami Ver
mont. All New Kiifli'lnl ilnl 1 1
cant as many vote , by - "."'J'l, n
the two Western stales of Mich gn
and Win toiisin."
Th'- K i"t shotiM al-n r-im-fi I i
that the i i' it I i
thoroughly oii-i'l'Ti'l tin; nniti'i
of senate ri .r - nt it i'n, utnl in
order to protect th'- nn.ilh r state
froin b-i(i overri'hb n ami virtu. il
y lemit-rcil owi rl'S by the vnii
of the larger cofiinioM wi-.ilt hf No'
York for llit-t nice, Innlo the i-t.itt
itself the l.a-ir fur ri in -eot.iti .i
in the senate, while tin- ,oju!.i' ion
of the fctat- wan math- tin- h.i-is tm
representation m tin hou.-e of rcpn-
l'liat our fathers ft tl wi-clv in
tliun fti)ortiiiiin p-prc-n iit.i'.hn
him been often .r-vt-n. W'nl
eiiiiil rt-preciiiitatioii in tin- n-nati
the (treat slut' cannot overrule tb
Miialh r, but inn t m-cupl th' m
oijintl riKh'M aii'l j i i vi ! h. Ti.
voice ol n ei, n in us pott ntial n
the M lialc as that of New Yolk oi
Telili'-y Ivuniii, W hlh- III the hmi-'
of repr niitntivcs sin- Is practic
a lionenity, ho fur in Iimvii j nn
uppreciuhiti controllinn inlluein t- i
conceriieit 1'ltUl'Ku A l II 1.1. 1 It 'I It AIM Mi.
Tho Portland Telinnn, com
roeiiting on the tuiilcmy nf on
llioilern iilucitioiiiil svstciu to car
ry athletic cxerciMf beyond u h
gitilliale oi lit, envs the thief einl
of to! lne iiit-trut tioiiH is not. in tin
tho direction ol'nllih tic process. N'
harm can come from moderate
gymnastic or field practice under a
proftHHor, but matched n"1"'", will,
their piifoned preliminury naming
aro a distraction from the pursuit
of scholarship. The moment yon
liavn rival cluhs in ililliniit col
leges to contend for inusicily yon
lmvu business and not pl i.V. and .i
bllHilienrt wholly autaoiiHti: t"
College bllHinecH. Tin .-e lire tin
viewb of every person who nhor
under the imprerion that Iiovh are
not Bent to college to become ath
letes. If the .Stanford ierkeh
gained had not been declared "oil"
by tho team ni.inaerii theniM-lvc-,
it would have In i ii proper for tin
college nuthoriticH to interfere in
order that tho chief aim of college
life might, he maintained.
Tlio enrolled copy of the i-lu t
constitution of Orepm, hipne.! b
the niemherd of the eoiiftitutioiial
convention, i in the handrilinc
ofJildj:eV V I'litewho died tin
other day lit i'orllind. Tint in
btruuieut Will adopted fully
lijjo, and but few- of the inemberr
who took part in the woik now
stand a i no n n the living. It a
very appropriate that the funeral
nddri'HX over the dead pioi.eei
xhould have bet n dehvend by II n
li V (i rover, ex nieiiibi r t.lte eon
stitutioual convention, ex-con-reHcinan,
ex nuxernor and i 1' S
The tVeon I'ny lulls i ' tin
Willametie j;ivc a water p.nvrr ot
Mi.lHK) horse power. This isneaih
three limes greater than that ol
Minneapolis; live times iliat el
Lowell, Mass., or Manchester N 11
ltut why mention t)repn ('it
particularly, when Oregon his in
lilltlieruble water horse power "i n:
to wasle on every hand? tirejson
I'ity's advantage lies in her pr. x
iinity to deep water, and the eac
with which the water can he con
trolled on account of !o!id rock
bottom and banks.
A l'oi tland policeman deserves n
medal, lie hit the man he shot sii
instead of an innocent bystander
as is ususlly the result of shooting
on the utrcets.
An exchange savs Phil Mets.-han.
the elsver state treasurer, isulreadv
inenlioiied us a candidate fr tin
republican giiU'riiatoi ial innnina
tion. Secretary Kincaid is also
mentioned in the same eontuetion.
Hither would prove formidable be
fore the peorle.
iol.mi' totur.
ilu-ii rM iranthcti il f r tliu M nih ef
Ap. ll .
bi t Lyons wilnehs slate v V. V.
Lyons 2 00
T It Ainlersmi tiiul Juror Hil-
J j r ('! term elreult eourl 6 20
i; 1' Wllliaius t.luljniur u'lj-iurii-
eil term circuit court 0 10
M I'ttehf r tiiul juror u'lj iunie'l
l rm circuit court 0 10
A !" .Sli.riiiaiit trial Juror ml-
Joiirin d term circuit court C 10
J W Mornmiil triul Juror niljurn-
"l term circuit court 4 10
I '1 1 1 1 on trial Juror uiljouruwl
n rm circuit court 0 10
1 1- llolmin trial juror siljoiiru-
e l li-rru circuit court , 0 10
(i I) ( hiiioU'l lain I rial Juror K'l-
I .iirnfi- li rm Ireuit court 6 1;
J Jli-nliiH trial juror mlj.iuni
i ll term circuit court... C 1"
.1 M Slo.ui trial Juror S'ljourmd
ti rm eireuit euu-t 1 10
I J I '..ill liuil joior iiiljouriieil
I. i m circuit c .hi - 1"
VV K Amli i-oii trial Juror ut!
.,uru'il (-rm . ireuil emir' 4 l"
I .i n I' I; I'p-r trial Jumr ml-
J .ii i in-. I n un circuit court ti l'i
li A Viiuliali I rial j'iror ud-
joui i.i il t i in circuit court 0 In
.1 V I.aUiu trial juror icljouriu-il
I i io circuit court 0 I I
i; li liarnci liVil j iror mlj turn
i il In in circuit i ourt " 1"
II lb llinaii (i hi I juroi ailjoui in d
ti l io cir. inl e in t 10
o n It i i.l jury tail in ul-
i mi I lot in circuit court 4 00
Il J i' U-oii Jury tail-man ad
join i.i .1 ti rm circuit coiir. .. . 4 till
( m t titioii nflV M Taylor mul 41
oil.' ts, a wire cut. Ii- was iipproiTlateil
lor a fool liiiilue aerosi l!i Fall Citek.
Ilills iiIIom i (I:
1 1 in -, lloil-oii ('oiiinoiy, sia-
lioi.i iy t'W -r,0
i; s-cliv a'i liilil, stalioni-ry h .'l'i
A ( ' Ji-niiinU", st itioneiy CM
, I'atli i-oii. statloiu ry I oO
II U Kiniaid, piiotiiiK - '0
Autuil (iat, rltitn .MMH coun
ty warinnU I1 fs
Uaiiciofi, Whiiuey ( oinpaiiy,
i o.r lor JtiMic. s of the peuce
mi. I court 110 Ul
(ilii A I 'i ii 1 1 i no. Hteel lllu
IBM-, cliiiiii'-.l jll'i Wl, all.oviil.l tl IK)
Star Joli olli.'c, 1. 1 1 1 1 1 li -r, claiineil
t.'s li"., nliow- il .7 (jU
M M:irj' o-iitnl, care of .all-).-.,
rlaiiin 'I ''', liul nllowi'd.
W T Ka-er, hupplim for pan-
Ilnnl A- I ia vi npi'l I, supplies for
J I. I'iw, supplies for paupers ..
i.raiiiV Son, .'I pails kImk for
Ii.iy V. II. mli Tw.ii, .111 ii and
r In-
Va-.I.Miin A Son, Hour lor uu-
K J ("row Juror county cmitt.. X 00
(Jeo J'Htrlck -3 4')
A Itotrsrt ' 4 to
L A IVhaw - 4 to
A Klrklmi.1 I 4U
MJxiikiiiM 4 l'i
J l Fo.liee " " .. 4 )'
M llaiter -.4 10
A V sti.-r 4 to
V HOiilttipio - 0
LA ( luiftian anil V T Cor
nelius luiiilM-r 10 0t
( H ( srlriKlit. viewer Allien
road 2 !'
V. II Maw kins, view er rtld- ii
roiol - I-"
C Witliner. vlewe' Altletl roml... 2 M
A M A Men, cliuiiiiuaii Ahl'li
r- h.I - hi
Lrnll (ii-rxU-i.'k, cliiiiiiuaii Al'ten
roint 2 (Mi
Lvhihii Allien, iiiiokiT Allien
roml 2 Hi
C M Collier, Hurvevor Aldeii
r.m-l 5 Hi
r, C.e.,'.od, to.lth. M-tf't ofouf
and r A I IN I '3's'-'-
1 '
. mul l.r
J-..U III V -' - y ,u
if i i
tilt '
Sdoon .ut el Pol'o"it"L
1 li
5 110
It 4".
I ..0
:i .-,o
l to
I i.iy .v. IIitiiIi i-oii, tin ii it (i ro for
couil liou-e 12
It I' M 1. care ef pail-
pi is lor March, claimed iJHSTI
i.lloweil 2211 71
John L Stewart, 2 Collins for
12 on
J 1 Ciilliton A Son, pauper sup
pi n 1" ir7
tico 1' Hall V Son, pauper sup
plies 11 2i
J unes Pioviii, pauper nippllks...l2 no
I I, I aiiiphell, pi intuit '' '
li J K.oolall, cougar sculp 2 iki
It 1 1 l'ui in-, cotii-at' scalp 2 On
A 1. 1. in II, coyote Mitlp 2 IH'
l I', o coyote scalps 10 IKI
.1 II Voiinu, 2 coyote scalps 4 I'll
W 11 .M iiilcoiiiery, coyot.- scalp 2 no
tico i:e Mi-wnrt, coyot scalp... 2 W
ti ion Wallace, coyote scalp... 2 tut
April 10
I! A lloiid, tleplltv Assessor K'O W
I. I' 1 1 o ii, dcuut v illsiric' at-
l.. ney , 1 1 a Cox, lel'ni in school ," lH
I. T Hauls, (I, (.illy iliMrlct ullor-
I i y, i s ilc ol S A larainl 7 on
I. '1' Hauls, deputy ilistiict uttor-
n. y xtato vs McCulil'iiis 2 ."'I'
J M i-liaiili, ih puly slieilll 3 7"i
Janu s YVnriiick, deputy sbeiitl 1 -'."
I ml C li an, deputy shcritl .'(
I .1 I' nil, deputy fliellll, elaiilied
UU, hllowed 1 2i
J 1 1 .M illt r, di puty hhenH II 7
V II I'als.uis, ih puty shelllt 11 7.")
W C Vuiau, deputy slieilll' .')0 On
J I '. Jciillinus, ilepuly clerk,
el iliiu.t KM HO Hllowed 17 '!
lie. ii.e K Croner, special lillit
ualeh 2 fill
A J Johnson, Imai'l of prisoners lit 22
A J Johnson, miscellaneous mp-
p ii 0 00
l Hunt school superintendent
I, p.ats of It-..' ilistnels at f 2 ."id. 4iV"i 00
C Hunt, slumps .. S t 0
Ji:U M Willi ins, taking Cox to
li form si hisd 11 70
laiceoe l.iiiht Coiiii-ny, servlivs j
f, r March 2S 00
Luene Water Company service
I' r three inoiillis
CI- (loinr, Iuu'iuk box from
ill ol
Ira Mi l'ailand, janilor wolk
C M Collier, surveying
J 1 Siair repairs of water closet
at J ol
I! I' llolli-nlaa k lsvcl
A 1 Ham iMyote scalp
J li Sellers coyote scalp
C ! t 'ouil-s supplies for panH'r..
(ost-ii 1 1' Ills
April 21.
II. r.- we are nsin.
Fnr.iier are neiirly tloiu- wnlii.i'.
I lop grow ers ure l uy plow inir.
Mr ami .,r Henry i'.oi-k wi-r.-'lown
fiom Cewe!l yeslenlay.
A proifriirn Hpprorlii'e ! Ivi'ter
w as reiulere.l in tin M K cliuich Sun-
L W Lavert, ho leei-nilv if"l a U u
l.r..k n l y a lior-e f illiuji I'h him, i-
10 .r . v i 1 1 1 a well a- could he ex
pected. I'.erl Mul hew, w ho has tin- Ki-eln y
loi yard rented, has '.I or 1U liu-il em
ployid pushiiiir Inn wurk of cultiva
tion. Mai hew liro art- iiistli rs.
A son of '' Wad" I'aloil, ni;. l ahuil
1 1 years w ho liv. with his parents on
I in" Matheiv Urns' farm, cut otu- of
histhiimh o w hile enaUeil ill split
tioi wind Saturday.
MrsSnn'l IIoIIowhv n tun i d to her
home In Ivnr ne Motiiluy iiflt r vinilini--evenil
day w ith InT Sell-Ill- "W, C W
H i el, aril. "
I r Kiiyi-eiidall was out Suii'lay.
loivniK lacii cali-il upon to vi il Mr- p.
K Ki-eiii'V, w ho Is in delicate leallh.
The season lielnif favoiahle to (heir
rai-ioL.', litis n i l loo proi ic io
aliuiiilant supply of ' tirk'-y text fall.
J I! Kei-ncv iind ( M ( iiliow ire k pi
1 . 1 1 - V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ir lie-t, iialher nu rifi."
and celtinu hroody hens of a Ihs k ol
a I ion t li-'i. C W livelianl A 11
llovd also have a Joint thick of iilnail
In hens, mid just now one mini is re
quired to Ih- w ith tliem tlilllin; I he la
to keep uti eye on. for the sly old heii
l hat nrt ever ready Io WHlnleroll tor a
mile or two to s crete her ect!. While
these Hock tire the laritesl ones, al
most every farmcr.iii the vicinity has
fiom half n dozen to 1" or 2U tuikeys.
I n the iiKureuate there lirs (.'cat iro--peet
of a luice 1 11 1 key harvest ahoul
(loslieu when the holidays come.
Soiiiu ii it-1 I d ii i wuh made in the
(it'AKIt rvceiitlv as to a con. plaint ot
ilaiinied l raw lieiry plants down the
valley The plants in (In cectiou
never look- il liner. The fret ." ha
ii.jnn tl llieio lu the It u-t. Fine po
tatoes lire now helli2iluu from ll.eo
ileus In w hleh tliey ;le.v last hcasoli,
without the sltKh'vut inoitslion ol
damage fi"lll the "cold snap" ol' the
w inter.
We n-uret to note that our friend .1 A
Finch has sold hi newspaper, "The
Silver Imprint, '' puhlish-il at A 1 1. anv
mul w ill lelire fr -m llie editoiial -line
turn. Jim used to make II lively tor
us u hen In- lived at Clesllell ami was
a "Cyclone." Wu wish hltn sin ss
in what ever may he his next venture.
Horn. Sunday, April s, ImiT, to Mr
ali i Mrs W L Wheeler, a daughter.
A peculiar coincident e is the tat (that
all ef W ill's ohl liens hecaine hiooilv
on this eventful day- ami he set nut
next nioriiiut! driving like mad to
wiml livimr. where he claimed lie was
i noiiij; for "Ihnroimh lire I e-," hut
In tliose familiar Willi Hut tacts, it was
tlioil-ht more pr -leilee that he wanted
to apprise lather It.. ml and other lel
Hlives of the .idd.tlnii t i his house
hold Con.
1 1
III 1-h
iM-r c.-nt
hi. 1 1 m ure i
hip. nil I.-
act Ollllt i f Is ; :. .
We also I. a . - I.
ev, rcairie , m F
to suit ti e Hue -
. , i. ol : ami
.. ii I. inn. The e
. ;,i,y ill our store,
il.t- reduction oi
!o-u -i. .
i .-t lint.- of sh tj
. i i , mi. I a', pi ;i e
The Shoo Dealers.
Ni t"i. 1 anl'it e
Wn, I' ll,
, . ... .,( ..ia.
Da i Henderson, Ur.dertaksrs nt
Maimers, Cor. Wil- and
C-W . J . ,J s - l J.J-
JV,!l mska ti e seassn o! 1SS6 as follows:
. i . n L.o earn. W idii-l
viuinray u' ........ - - - .
rue-day " " "
Wedtn-ihiV ' " ' '
L-...I...- ... I i I imi I!" hvt rv stai .e.
llt'lie. . ,
sejtui.laviit Fli ISH's's I'er stuhle
LilUe; e.
Description and Pedigree
l,l':tl l il l's '! . '
, 1:1 'I'-l- "
v., ..I M..v "' ; " '.'.i,' 7,;
K. t.nir.v s r.. n I
l .C ' I '
1:2 f Ck, -. v: .! P- tin
Miiuinl I u in.
We have heen liavini; veiy nice
-eallier lately, lull it looks rather
rainy today. Haiti won1,! a line
tiling for out L'laiu and cjimci s.
Mrlieoiki' I'le-ttilt lilt I his place lor
1. 1 -I a lie Fi I day. He u 1 11 o houi t lit I e
to Ivlclii' oil I'Usluess.
M l .loluison, w ho has l ien In Coy
ulcplicinct I t't II I In tl I ii oi i- M-t.iday.
A (i I'ost and wife, who l.ue Let n
stavuii: witli lluir son, Frank, who
.esides i.l the MtKilole, Irlliliuit
home Friday.
Miss Lot lie l'.uice nml M Inula
loli us.. n ii re llie lie-Is of M irs i ;iii lue
Lav ne today.
A few men have heen u. il.ii.e on
the liver loatl ilow n I.. low I , re, lor a
day nr two Wenieinhoi- ol hav
lui; a run, I clear lliioiih to :lu II, a. I
ot title hfloie fill.
Our school opened Apiil '
How plo;i'es-in I leely i
1 1 1 : 1 1 1 I i llielll of M I J, lid
of Funeiic. Miss Taj lor
al islael loll and oui dine:
hlied her f.r the lull (elm ot
Miss Frances Hiercc Is t
c.illj ills! the mail lor her lath
us toe loads an-a little he lei
w eallier is selth il.
Miss A, In I'iciiv of Alma, i
this vielnlty last week
liollln Johnson of Coyote, w a- at
(his place last Meek. Hi- tl lit -nine
win k mi his place up the liver lo in
"Clll l.i; ."
Apnl 22,
Kate Hand,
Mr- M.u v Skinner
,1 nil ! mm. I.- nn i.l
I .-.' . , . h i.i.t I iT" I" H l"r
., ; . ..- V.iU - In n li'l O"-'
J ul s. M ' i.l to-. I
j i i i . -M.s II I. Hoardm in, wife of
Ph -id, id liourdinan of McM iunville
... di,.,l of coiisiiuintion in Me-
M in ii Milt- yc-ii r lay April 21, Is'iT, at
i. . in I i-ide tl hll-halid ileceiisi d
leiiMs two chilureti. The family
fornii I J li sldeil in ivlellf, l'residelit
Hoaiduuin U at that time a-lnr of
the baptist church.
j,h . i,i Dick Kici-r, Fdw in
-loin- and Al Johns ill, who went to
i In- nay country Saturday mi a Hsbim:
trie, r-turned home Monday with
lout, some of them l'i or 2' inchc;. The trio llshi'tl at F.Ik City and
wen- ilelitfhleil with Iheir cstch.
( tirvallis Tillies.
..I -i . .1.
, M. tol.r
'I' ..
. 1 . ,
hi r
-l u
I ...
. It'll. 1
tmlV litntnl, A p it
In-vNK -Joseph Nnrri. aged .'Hi
years, was examined before Count
llltle I'olter.Heputv Hi trict Attollle.V
I. T llatrisainl Medical Fxainiin-r Hr.
W Kuyketidall ami oinmittcl In llie
iisyurii today. This is Hie ml cum-
Il l voil lack faith ami love health?
Let us cMtiihlish yi hi r faith and re-tore
vniir health with HeWitt's SarsapHnl
la. Corner Hriik' Store, Vincent A
Walton I'ropi iettirs
Pure blood li t itns i;ood heallli. Ie
Witt's Sat-apai ilia purities Hie blond
eil:!'- el u Moms, eeeina, s.'rnfilla and
all tli i-i s ari-imr r r 1 1 1 impure IiIihuI.
Conn i .i. .--.oie, Vmceiit .V Walton
"Wake ii., .1 teoh, the day is brcak
nii;!" .-.-nd U Witt's I.lltle F.arly
IJisers to the in-ill who luiil taken
them to an i-i 1 i- shi.-.jisb liver. Cor
net iiu- -ion-, Vn ei nt A Walton
i'ropi ii loi-
We u.'iit ti II ,
Minn'.' i in
know that 11 i i . -
II innle ahoul One
i ut Joli prohahU-
a i mull.
one tl. .i' w I
feet reiiii I y
til st. 1 1
. I.
; i . ii 1 1 1 is
ider the
Taj lor.
is piod
is nave
. honl.
iknu: of
r as -oon
and tin- !
a pel
r ..'ilis colds, hoarse
an t -i ccial favorite for
i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n, 1,0.4 1 1 1 n - ii 1 1 1 to 'll.ll'j
luh k in e.rm::. Corm r l'riii; Store,
Vincci 1 .'. a.lo 11 I'lo . 111I1 rs 1
It won..: li Ikii.i to coiivince a man j
-utletnu' li eu hilititis enlie that hi-!
lU'tinv 1- .1 1 a iiiicinbe w ilh all 11 11 - !
pionolim al' 1 nan, 1
HcW ill'- 1, ,1, i.ntl Clioleial lire will
I Us power toallord
It kill pain. Corner
met nt, Walton
,-i. f --in
. I. .- Ulnl .'
il.'.n I. -,.'i "
, . t! XT I 'I'O
. ,.n 1 1 r ..a; I. I'.
W it i.l V-is si,''.. ; l V" :..'."'
.ie iit.-i'l -' ' ki
M I . v Jf . 'I'm 1 ''!
. ml.'l l'i ' M..I-UT
ni....t,.l Me 1 t
j. . I. :..
l.v A I.
0 1. t .-. I
Il liM- limn in-""'
l.u.i " 11 il I..' t.n-i'irt'1 tr. .
t.i , -el. 1.1 nil I'l'-lltS I.Ul
t!,..iiil any
, l."
. li- I v
ll.tllt- II'"
.'11 mi. -1 1
.. l II'. 1
.. v .( i.. !
'. Ill I
-ii, :0, . Vn
I 1 fsi
J . - V i
I,- I , II. I- I
I , 1,1 I I.II--I.
,., 'l. i,... r. I
. I m.. 1 . ' 1 1". 1.
nil . MuOle II. I'
. l.v V.nnH'i. .'r
I... 1. . .1 '. Mil)
li :
i.,r.-- ii -iil s 't
I '. 11 1 l.r Inl.
H a K- r. -i''ii..ii..i
.. 0. WAl.KI'l:.
V,.iim is l.t rthr ciieu. Ill it I V virtue nt
.in 1 ivt nil. in. 1I11U is-U' J "ut 01 It'f I ireini
I uart i t ttif Msti-nr 1 10 hi " " """
iv ol Fine, on lii :!"iii d ')' "I ll ireli. ls.n
in a I'l'liiineiit reii.l' mi in sum 1 nun ui
Ih.. sili il ot Jl.iriii. is.ii, tor im- sum
line Ibiiiilrsil, liiiti-ti mul no HI'' I'
inn III i. I'll C'UIII el Hie I'llltid States witb
iiitin-t tlifreou Irom sail sill uiy
March, s:i7. t Ibe rate ef t. u pt r et iit 'f
tiuiuiu ainl lil.t live dollars Htttirrit)
In. nml die turilnr sum el live ilullai
i-ts. ul-so Hteiuii i easts 111 a suit III so
I'niirt wliereui W K Itrnwn was pluintitl
ale I Voliit v 1 1,'iiinii tiwsv hs tiilmitilstiatt.r 1
iLet-tnte ol M'irtb .1 1'H rl, liiiausitl
nml Charles Walker ll'U't. StelU hegsrt
aL.I Ktlna Hi'Ksrt were iMeinlalits; li
niuisl die ulu.Vf niiiiid d teUiia'e, Vol
uvv IF u rn- liw .y as a.uuini-trnier ot 111" e--Isle
ot Mnr lis. I linii irt, il. , f.i-t"l. mill till
decree i f forti'l -ine and or ti rot ssh- mi
. r, .1 in mi i.l ( ilirt, et 11. nun me in
iinler In kiiI 1 -t sail judgment Hint
ami ttt'iuiii t-t.sls tu st II tin f - IK its i 1
li sei 11 il re.d .i.pi 1 ty tuwt: l lielmnu of the u ullifs-l i) 1 irti r I 1 an. I tie
ni llll I. ef ft til" lli' i I ,11, r ( I el
Set tion Jl, ii Tnsii-liip pi, S n t ti Kiln;.
I W. hi VV M . 1' Uiia iiini; Pin nert-s in
I. Hie (Viinii, ( rii'. ill . Now II . refure, I
ll 1 th r fi r s ili- tli" al i ve i, -iil't d rial
lu(t,J, i.t 1 '.L'lli all. 'II .11. f.r c.i-Ii. at
I In- Court II u-e da. r in Kn,-- in-, I.hih
I'miiitv, (ri'i.'"ii. on M. in lav th,' In Ij d.iv
, f May. lsl'7. I', til. .1, i'l,,' le llts nt II
u 'cli ck A. M. Hi d I ii'tloei; P. M. to (til:
al 1 t.V'e -k I' M t f Mil I .t o.
Fut. J il.i- :i,ii d ,j ,. Apnl, ls','7.
A I .Ii'llN-UN,
S! i- ul i f I'eiuiiy, Ur. nun
in iin 1, 1
;t :',..-ri ,,f ii,,. ,t..
l -r I. line i',.iint .
1 1 ii ;.r l'.i.ii.t :!
ul Or ioii
.1 II. I'.i
.... I I,
M. 1 .
M. Stt-inl..
eoiiviiit c Ii
luMiliit I' !
Mill;,' S I
l lopl lelol -
This 1- a l d 1 line e! the year to
lake S;ii u. : - l.;vt r Kce,ulatcr. It is
I lie t ty I 1 -l u.i ,l,i nie to take in the
fspiii'i: t". rile M ., ,1 and to eh utise the
system i t' :i I 1 i in ,ty. "1 have in tl
Simmons I : . 1 K, .ulalor as a cur
1 1 ui il'n r .-iiitl think it
a -ly. I always keep it
in t o lert me to other
d llt-ell, Mi,hlen,'tt.
To I -if C.
f 1 . ,',i.
I.. ( .1 .. ...
Hut "ne dose of j,,.,,..'.. ,. 1 ' ,;,,;,
.a ,.r I t i, lhe ..e,, M.
th .t I" 11 t!,e tir-t ,1 ,1 ..
t, llll ..!' il l e. 'ill at. ! ,i,.
, t t:.v 1 : ,n,:;if i.:,., 1 ti .T. iii
,'r, ri ' w Ui I v t.i'',, n f,.r ti..
f, 1. lu.ts.
al'i.Ve nam.
I .1.
el 1 ire.., 11, y,.ii are
"ir 111 -till f.uit
11, 15 in . I line I :7
f tli- ii"t r.'.'iil.u
" 1 t:.,- 1 ui. 1 .l.tint
" i.i.l.'iitfi.t and
f' Tv. ;,,ure ,.f tlie
lltd ill
ri ch r in d I i,
an t '! la 1 t i' in
on hand 1.. I. k.
Illl'llil lilt s. " -'.
lllllliu; l! 1
Martin, , ; I . 1,
cmillaited a -' t
w ill) a coll.u. J
t llll .1 It lie - .
i.'it of I :;, y j
Htiich, Wit V:i
' l" d Which left li.lll 1
-'t akino ,,f n,w (.
1 U-t 'I M li kind-'
The mayor of Salem find solace
from the weightier circs of ollice iii j T A Anderson relief Ind' iit
coimidcring the dcK tineslion. lie soldi, i s w Idow launtii-i .. ..
. ! . I S F Hrow 11 im l for jurie and
Bays the more poverty the inure , .4 ul
.logs.atul seeks to maintain u.V . ... . arr(,i juo,r Maivh" Im.7..
fair name by wajsinjj a relentless . j.; i,tterf lumts-r
war on the K'trplu eatiines. JM Withrow wins ill Hen-
- j dnck'sfeiry .
An Indiana man recently Jjo i;rt(lli llilr V"--nilatiy
religion aiiuscohfcsK1 1 r-om of bis
pact tini. The result U a tuit for
divorce ly his wife.
is tn
F'i I
2 .W I
fto !
2 m 1
2 m
2 IV
ti lu
2 10
2 10
1 00
vali For fn tin'.) Mat rants
Notice is lit reby jtivtTi that lhe loF
ow ihk w ai rants w ill he panl mi ie
M'lilaliou al my cilice, lnleiist in
name w ill cease April 1, ly,'7.
All Lane county warrants I'
registered iiuuilsr Pli'jto pi;o tmih
Paled Lunelle, Ortjjou, April 12.h, j
l'.'7. i
A. S. l'. l I'UiMlN,
Ci unly Treasiiit r
Iso'.y loiti i A;ri'. . .
M A K HI At, K FlllNslS Coin ty!
Ch Ik Jennings ttnla- tialit, , luar.l. t
licenses tt Fiank Hutil artl, acid :1.
Hint In ,le I'aM.UI sunt P. nil. I Iti UiO.
F Millj;iatidl and .vlary C l'lth r.
of ci luh s rnp but loir.d no r. Ii, f ui.ti:
1 boii.-ht a hotile i f t hnml.. r'ain'.
Ci nh Lilllilly, Vthnli tel.llid II. e
aiiiii-t ii.staritly, mul 111 a si,, rt tine
ho '. 1 1 1 I libollt a complete cure ' ., t,
ti' nl Inl with a colli; It nr e, ,, u-e
t li- ti im tl v and you wul u,t 1 r . . J it
nitf-arylo try several kinds l,i,
a ft t relief. It has lua ti in tin- n,tr
, vr'.H . II. '11. .1..' , . It' , I ti.: Hefelehim
S 1 i'.,r-.,n Bii.l i;,..r.'- M.l'ar-m in fnior
. ftli, I'. iii.uil i, ii... foil ,in.. t-eri-.i
t".il I l" Itv -i:i.,-,., 1:, I .an.
nr. a t nit. Cu.a.'ii' i . at t!. N,,i,luiet
s no r "I i.i ty ait.-v .. n.". n
do -I a lint- I.tavii the .-l ,
1 ' ' f 'I- .i ' t'i n ' Ul I 1 ..i ef .1. 1 1,
II 1 1 1. -I,-, N,,. ;.. ii, ti ,ti l'i in I".
.h I W I lei ,' N id, ti tie, enter t.f the
' ' -i till. tl. .. . ..' ,..' tl. 'enter
1 " :.i -I the .v.,' 1 ti. n .tin in,. ,,t
,. 1 ..111 ; t' ,'..r F.-t t,. t ,. N irtlieast
i- r if mi, I ,'Uiii.; tie lee Nertti on the
i:.-t I.;," ,' ,i.,iti, t.. ,e .,rtl..t
. ' ' ""'' H'"V X . 17'.; ttl-loe
r- s', le.-. I . ma, v ...t 411 isi el, .lint to
1 '.t . f ii.i.u..- .- iit.enin.' : 1:' 1: 1.1, ,,f
' ia I f-.ii'jr Ur-.. n. m I f,.r t re
ry -HI e s-iiii f Sii..i 'Hi ui l'iiite.1
-1 . ... ,. in with interest at s .r Cent.
.rim, a, .l.iie;.rv :'ltti. Is'.'.', i t,,,.s
I i...iu,-t i,l aiel y',-, ,llt,
ti 1 l -r ,,(. tel .ii-' i.r-io. i.ts ,,f ait
-.. ..rot 11 - 1 .fis. s. C. Cars-11 and lie a.'e
"i 1 r- ', an., lath relief an tn t ,r
-rtn.-tv .,ci't.ii le. It in. ,,r 'ereil
1 11.. II, n. .1. C. 1 ul!ert,,i,
. : : - r-.-i' tr Mn Ii term th,re,.f l-o;
"-.. : it, hiimii ,1,11 I nu te u, ,n
1 1 t .' a-in in the Ku.vne Wrtki.i
'' i.-t-r "f k-rin-iiil tiieiilti,,ii
. , en-! -k,y id uid innty f,,r m e n
11 Fi -LSts,
l'ltrt . A'.ty.
Commencing April 8th,
We will sell many line of cm,.L
Htcost. Our present (iiartcr uie
not large enough for our lucim--Inn
NVe -hull move Into the larue
do utile nsuii adjuluiii im nl,i,i
the loto of May, and until that
lime shall make prices on innnv
lines of shoes that will make th,.
move uy yntl
iii Elegant Line
lik Separate Skirls
rrkand up
J Black and Fi-
vp vh r cap
S. Si. Friendly's
mr .i m m i
a v m m m jj- -
Pcultry Helling and Styles,
Screen Doors aril Screen I
Lawn Mowers .nd Garden Hose,
6ardiii To Is and Spray Pin ps,
arrest Assortment 01
owest Pricesat
Tinware and
Granite Ware
ii iij.jt k
i'.nn Tni ui
lill Ul UUtu'l"
Let ii-solve It f,,r y.,,, Wu httvc a lare and
well (.clectctl line of hctilimr and ecu kitiK
stoves with which to do It. If you nreiuU-r-cs-t-.l
ilon'i f,ii to call on ub. The
B C B S e K. tr m
Liniet rofull wornl nud air tight li''t:i
f hi ml on our lloors.
nRiFFiM uADnAADc sk r.nrvlP-
v-iiii i im t- i mtiu VVnlil. t w
Thi Normal E)(.
Eugene, Oregon-
lesis w
hT over tWl'lity Vel ni , e,
iy ftrow n in favor ni.,1 1 , i i, n:,i
r -:t e at lit ami oil cetiN j,r l';
o-mii ii Al Ik
Farmers! !
r. i- !',l'"i,'.'l,i" sii'isl'v are Inv leil toeiilUnJ tnvfu.ii'ste ley i"' ' l' '-'l'i'
"',.'"",' " ' ',.' . hcHiinclie. iieiirslK's, iiervmiMHSs. Intiil'i; V ,. e
i,..., "-.'iiii , iuihk mn.i nit t, elnlilieu .e Hue i"
i. r'..'',''.?'."1 ' '"" I'rer.smllneli im. tid pro rotiwcl i
I'li'i'. r.) .'HUM .ii. ,-.,..
,U. nniU, elc li ; 1
S.rl I hoi I el s hinilvr I TO
j I ' to-ilio.' Iiiint-r .
W I' l'urkeiiii, Mml wink f I V
A h.-n tv-it-v w t k, ' ea
W ;h-;i U.e .All v'le'.l. vie i
W h.i, ilij tv- n, Mb .e
it." . .
A'lkrllh tu i'-uUix-ll, ' nitU-l 4.
Art ... . . sml I. Ion r Ih ; 4
I ,. I . . U'X'.I eht w nit; lol hi co .t,
1 in m; 1 11 1 1 11 I.'it 1 il ti n i'-eo
'. J l-c l.nckv it'll, ot- . ,(
.' ' ,' i"..:! v l'':r .h cent t. t.
I t o'.t e itiiiii.oiiiH IV ft ;..
.-il,:i!l while Inn v II) ' ,.
t io. tl 1,1,. 1,,-HI t-r ill
'. it'- 1 ne fo - ,
Orangss f-esh from the cmer
If yen want
Mens, youths and Beys
Cregar. all weet
Suits. t Ccms and
fee what sp cial pries?
In tiisccu ts we vi.l
uvs you for Cas:i
At Grawnsville Clcthmg Store
Staple r nd Fancy Groceries.
Arhlickn-s I'oio .
,ky l.aklt'e.' P'
4 ; k-rs miml "J
4 ik corn or
2.1 Km lies!
Ilrietl Apl'h
i' ,- rr
II $12 Washing Ki
nr.e '
lTflV d-J ,-fS ySLS.' - ., .. ell (I..IM.IH'.'1" ' "
I1IH1 t)rmil Ixi'l ! 'V "
:st. t-i- ii i.""'' f " r ;:
IHthUi -. I l , ft ' v. Fj '
s '
w:ioiaiiMiM.o,(iri utXliLiUHTN A C 1 if-