for Infants and Children. ."jstorU It ki xla;tv1 torhlMrrn that - i'an.-n j ll.ii a'ri ,r.aii in-.'r!'.tlU ii to me." II. A. Am mil, JL , 'tfl i fif TuitrI ti X) n1 ti.ertt m m-il ' f,..un tl..U It s.-.-m wrk - j-n'ruiMtl'n irn1"rw It. I iw nrw tli w-i:iirMt famlllm Uu do lift l's- Contort illi'n cb ri-.v-fi. Cmu Vauiti, I'. I'., 2.'i-w Y-irk City. T11 rTji riifP4VT, 7! ytimur Bra-nrr. w Yum rr rt.rl i-ufsi folk-, OnuHtstflon, U, if st.muy li, Mair.'i'na, rruttl"n, Kill Wuniu, fcl- ikv u& promoti K'i.,n, Wit! nut U'Jiirlou mll'tln. "For Kwrnl r-tr I hT immiwi '( 'anions, ' aii'l shall always ontli j 1I0 i o It lis iiitvutM irui)uunj bom-. J. riwilia." l.i.i. F. I'llun, M. T !.th iiJ Vlli A., Soi York .1; KAI.b UK ItkN.NKN. Nfl.on I'.i ntM tl, wtio in anl 1-S'Jl was 11 inilliiihiiiri! i v-r on the Sound, is broki-n again fituitH-i.illy. About twt'tily ji'iirs him lie l't beavily cm 11 railroinl rniitrart in Ort'non, nhl lie tl 11 m bin carts and griidiinr outlit ut I 't 1 !', in tciiilniK to 'wv up IiiiiI'Jiiik r.til ruuilit iti. a luul j'il. .Suljni''iifiiily b n'lMiri'il a K'M'I contract for 11 Htrcti-li of I In Nurlb em I'ai.'ilii! roail in Washington, mi'l li liurrinlly r in:ki I up iind 1-I( for ttio new !- 1 . Fortune favornl liim. 1 In iinult" big mum-v. He alnu utrtii.'k it ricb at Wanlni-r Wbi'li tin Anucurti-s) boom TiZ'-'l tlie .Sound country jipuplr, licnnct'. went tt W'liati'oiii aid m-curi-d 11 large tra t of land on tbo south of tlml city on which In- built lie city of r'airhitvin. lie built a bin bold and block i.f buiMing-1. bought tbe T'U'.iiii'i botcl in Taco- idii. and tin! LciL'i-r iicwpiiai 1 r of Hint city, Jin had htcainboatM and railroudn and b.tiikn. Ho wuj rated as a moni-y-kinj.', At least m 11 prince; but In-ill), dazed wild huccciH, lie forgot or neglected to look it be td.und before lie realized it, Fairbaven iMTty fell, lie took what bo could get and iul it on tint top ol bin Taoo ma holding, l'ropi'rty there yiulded to the prcphur" of bard tiincH and licnnctl lost the Tiit'iuim and hi bank broke mid one by one lie let go nil of biii be longingx until bo i pun-tH.-M d only of the Ledger projierty, whittli i more or Ichh BUbinerged. Tucnday 11 claim ngaliibt liim for J So ,0(10 wiiii Hold lorl,HUU. I "ride went before 11 full in thin ca-e, and lienuetl lintU linnet If down to working laM iiguin. Hut there are no more rail- roatln to build, and in the tttrugglc to rctricvu wurltM tortunex in Mich a iiuihs td liu ma n 1 ly that it is dilli cult to diHtinguitdi one man from another. KM I (lit I. tb IK I A I---. To run a newpapcr without oc rationally publipliing an item that is untrue or given necdlc-H ollennc ia like ruiimiif a railroad without having MuiiHhuptt and acciilcntrt. It can't be done. No 111,111 in the world in co much i 111 pond upon as nn editor of a nctvnpapcr. l'linticd with work coutiuuaily, ho muni rely on hi-comI iiartic lor inlor- pire. Freipn'mly Htatiinents are( reeeivctl from rcli.tbL pcojilr, but RUtiHi't)Ueutly it ih am-i rt.wucd lliali lliey were uiihinloi uicd. If, there-! fore, ou Iind yourHcll aggrieved by any HlatcunMt in your home paper: keep that fact in mind. lo not "fly oil' the handle" but goto the editor ami in-k for u correction. , At it rule tictvHpiipcr men do not wieh to do lliUHtU't (o liiivouc even to tbos who, linnet themselves Mi()ll.l l:K i:K-Al'I()I.MKI 'I he term of T i Ilendrii ks a regent ol the I'liivernity of Ore,' will foon expire, and it will 1 vulve upon iiovi rnor Lord to 1 p point ins HUcctHior. (iuvcriior . ,t 1 could not do more juht and ;popuMract than I re-appoint .Mr ilemlnekn to tie honorable jiosition Mhicnne bait h long lil led with credit to himoell una nonor to 1 lie university ui il male. Miice tliej incepiion 11, practical work ol building u uni verniiy for tno Hiute ol Oregon , Hendricks Ins takm 11 very im portant part in its allairn. At tin lime it reijuired money and br work to hecuro tin; locution for Ku gene, lie gave largely of Im iiieans, although then comparative ly a poor man, and what wus mini ms undivided time and energy for neverai moulds, personally milieu lug aid and Htihscriptioiii froin till Zens in every portion of the county I ho Hum reijuired was a largi one, aim 11 iouk nurd work to w cure it. l om Hendricks 1- not u particularly asy going man even at present, Willi thu weight of near.y sixty ears upon him h,. ,r June 17 1HJS but twenty years ngo nu nao a hiolk 01 energy and vm. 1110 iikm 01 wnic:i any young ni.u might well bu conteotwiil,, Hid;ii. usetl it, every partial,. (,f it. in th. wt.rk. II... .. . r . . iid uoiiit-Ht ior posnesion, in which bu plajcd a very important jart, had to be Cirnt fought out in me stuie legislature. He b ire hi lurt w t, honor and credit in that btrile, us well us in Hiibseoilenl coiiiciR for etuto aid and support. 1 ben I'ltiuo the work of securing a u.Vnption ,, if.-,())()ii( with which l' I'urctiace grounds and erect tin """d'ngs acconling to the act ol l,H'ution. Kverv old citizen will lt!lifv to the part he took in w hai 111 'i:res appeired to be a hopi'lcsc ,,ueririHe. Success linally cron l' the ell' rta of the worthy pio lu'ers. The university wus sucured '"r Kugene, ami without the least particle ol llatterv we can nay it tvas largely through his efforts His HuliM'.Ucnt labors in behalf ol me university, in me nails ol the legislature, hs a regent ami a pri vate ciluen, are too well known to require any words of praise from os. T li lleudrick.-t hhotilil be re-appointed a regent and that, too, without a dissenting voice. "Hon or, to whom honor is due." mi rut m Kim ink. Orcgoniun Washington ' graphic correspondence: S imo of the republicans ma king wry face. over the schedule. It is described celled ,ile which is like a man be ing tosi-ed in a blanket. The lirst toss repr-i-enis me specino dufes tele are Wool us a deserve eicligatioii. Newspaper imposed, and jtut as the man feels I I 1 work nrings 11 man into clone con tact with all clasM-s ol men and the editor readily appreciates the devices and subterfuges by w hich it is sought to use him lor selfish ends. It in too often tno case someone is very willing to use the newspap'r lor personal spite and revenge, yet hides the personality behind 11 1111111-ile-plt.u e. The i cwspaper is held responsible for whatever appears in its columns. No one should write, for publication, any article to which he would be ashamed to attach his signature if it became necessary. We do not refer to the hulk of correspondent-., hut to the ocea isonul riter w ho ut ks to use the prese for bis otvu personal ends und purpose. that be is lhroui;h. another toss is given by addinga very large mi valorem r.U( Those combination I rates of duties are hallo 11. . in the 1 way of high duties. 1 1 is bitter medicine, but the country voted for such business when it voted for McKinlry, 'and should take the doso without winking. The proposed wool schedule will not help the nhecp- i men and grower, hut has been trained for the exclusive U'tietit ol the manufacturer. All the country , will pay tribute to a few New ( Kngland manufacturers, who em ploy cneap lorcign lator, upon ncli tin re is no restriction ex- landed THE XOIiLE GAME. We wen- nun Imul that we knew wuiie thing ii'iit irnim In -nr r-wl. We liml a ti-iirm null, nml Wt'llnun, lJli' anil llftiifiiiif ii.ul nu ll n i nnl. litwii. Wu luul 11 .m.iii ( ( lull. We rslii lior-. We Kt up prlvau- thi utrlaiU and fiiw-T Wi ,;iyiA lilliirUn anil hulma. Hut iii-tiny n thiiiuli rUilt fi ll ani'iti us. I t t hi 11 til-rl-lf which MI wim tint revelation Hint tli'-n Is lint onetfumr; (lint Its iiioiii- Is "rlf," ntiil tlint tho! trivlall tlia In wlili li we no vainly IniltilK'il wi-m nit)ilii(r alMiluu-ly ii'itlilnir nut irnm-s ut nil. It wn 'I he Mi (iiiiinn k w h't let this Unlit In iixm in mill inu tlntlly mtred n. 1 hi-n- luul t u n imiiMt to li-t In 'nir ruul, n villa iifiml MdilltK. with n U iinU lawn, ntiil line 1I1T MrtimiMi li liinvnl In, mill thoai-iif us who went out afti-r lin-iikfat int iii'iriilnir olw-rti! a imliitir juiliitlnir nut II11'" ntnl ulntitiitliiR liutil.i r-i. " 'I 'liiM-niiniiiir u hii- pnriU n iiiljulm cl that nf 'llii-Siih--liii' 10. J ho hai nH to ifn Into tln in Is-fnn- lpnlifat on that niurriiiiir follow ItiK the nrrhnl of 'I lie M'-liuiiroi-k, wiw I1I111 In hlii iranlc n 1 iiifaiiil with trolf stlrks inn a llttlr whlu lull Kimii Mil with n 1T0- uitt-rn. inaili- a little Imle In the ti rinls lawn iiml hiw trvlritf to kna k tin- llttli- hall Into It. 'Hint evi-nlntr, while Wilklnwiii was stiiiikinu 11 In his ifunli n nml trying to wim r 11 fr-nt onk with n half Inrh ho'-, euiltlltiK a rpiarti r of u pint in live lulu n t , 1'i ti-r Mriioiiroi k I'M.k'il ovrr tin fi in- anil ihI the time of day. "Ye'll have a rluli hi re, of intirx-:" iisknl I'l-ti r. "i)h. ruthir'" ri-illiil Wilklnuw. "No etui of elnlm. Wi-'i n rapllal li-ntil-' eliili, uml 11 rro'ini lull, anil n river i liih, ntnl 0 l.lrvrli- I lull, mill" Hut W llkiiixon drew up mlcli uly, thrown on his laiiiii'hi s, for the (rrny eye of I'rtrr Mi liounn k, whlrh t-houltl luiM- Iki ii with i-niliii-la-tlc liiti n ut, was pule with a Mnitiu Mil, t nipt. "Ili.fow- nlioiit 'the' i-luli?" In-n-kitl. 'Iiil.f w.l.l Wllkln-m. "Why well we've all thoe elulw what more" "Iw.mi.ot a-kliiK nlioiit then- tn-evlal things," muiI .Mi lioupM-k. "W here Is your (toll I 'lull? "Kli? Oh why we haven't irix iwtly hut (Mir eltili that li, not JiM vet. Is It a c'kkI sort of (fame" Milil mor Vi) kln-on 1'eter liikul Mm nil over very lowly; thin liHiknl I he Iiiim! nil over very slowly; tin 11 W IlklnHoii's (innlen; then Wilkin son's lioiiM-, rlt'lit up to the top of the new- I'iiv re pot. I In n re' iit inK very slow ly, r.s i-l n (ftBHl mint of kiiiiic?" In tiiriinl nuuy nml iliapi inreil Into his draw ing nHiin. l or nays niter Hint im mr wilkln-on, while watering Ike hlu! k with the half Im Il I , would rant furtlcp-laii'i-at 'I he .Mi m k tiippliiKthe little white Kill In to the lltllii hole In the lawn, mid lit tlnii n he could ere Ive, with the tail of hli eye, 1'eter .Mi-iioiion k eyIiiK him over, or ir IIoiih of hi. pnipeny, and at llmex lii'iniilil hmrtln' luuttered word-, "Ks et n ohI sorrt of (rami-? At li-nclh Wilkinson iiiiuli- n hemli- elTort to put mutter on 11 Im painful footing. lie lookul over the filln-at I'eter, who was doiiiK Homeihliix to n (Mlf iron with a llle, mid Nild i hii rtully, hut with It dread fill iicrviiiiinc within: "Is It er when you could imv ten iiiiniiteti 1 hIioiiIiI take It ns n favor If you would trin li 1111' to play (folf. " "Ti 11 liilniiti-rt, yeay?" wild peter, ll-lnu that horrid eve of hl. "Will, well of course I don't mean to nay 1 could learn In ten inlnuteN hn. ha rlil ii uli nm, of coiirNc," wild Hur Wilkin mm. "Hut If you'd kindly bitch me tin stroke" "Hrr," Mild I'eter, "n iiiiin ciiunot U tnii(,'hl (folf!" "Well of iniirn' I don't 11111111 to kiv that Is hut a fellow ml(ht try to learn." "liulf," Mild l'eb-r, "U not a thlnu that u 1 1 ti ii inn h arn. " 'Well, hut haii(( It nil how do pupli- ever plnyy Tiople do plav (folf, don't thcvV I'layy" mild I'eter. "And what ml.-hl )e 110 11 11 ly 'play? Well well confound It! Don't ymi i' people klUMkllirf iiuiroiitidul little vvhlt Inlli o?troonfinindid olidaiM w ith thltiK" like that you're llllnu at?" Poor Wllkln-on was liiiiiliiit I'.ven Wil kliiMitm w ill turn. 'All, ti l llill Peter, "Vi- nv laiiplo do that und many s the nuiiiUr of thein Hut ye talked of I l.ivlli(. Mrr! Kf a iiiiin lyln (mK when he n l ut Into nhort cloihcK mid devoti H his life to It (i nvptinii tic rNililmili only, that vvn Kpivlullr or dallied for him to repaint NilK mid hv to lliliiK), mid if It (.-ranted to tluit 11 mil at the clone of n Ioiik llf.. toarrlMi nt the kliowhilue that he know nothing of L-olf, that Iiiiin can die a hap V man. and when he dually I oled he will not have lived In vain. Aye'" continued I'eter niddnily 'lies it pnd n.rrt of pone. It's Jut a (.'ran (.-n inc. It s jut the only piinc. '' TEACH EK! A.-E.MIil.EI-A Pr lltahle Loral ln.tliu:et lrvinir r.f Iml. -innlfylnir I' eili-ottf' any nwual tin m nnii-b-l w Ith t'K) pursuit of tlie u lltne. '1 her.' U-liif nn fund fti yet avnll-!!- mid a t-owil llity thut then- never would I.-, i hp ' iletlrati ly ah- i u.iii.i r i r r ... ,,ti,n to Pillli i The local Institute this tuintcur.lar I'eni of the counr, Jmlk- ! ioii on KriilaV. March -l st Inrf It would l-kinder fo h t him Cud It . . . ..,,.. ()f kiiih, ;;,'l,!i'f,,,;r,ll'v,''',u'n''l'''''l-Tln "' . liimn, tW., mo i- m Prof J-.dgar Met lure, m r."P-o function City Milling Compan, A ".I -MANUFACTUKEIW OF THE ut Irvitix w k i tn reclla- It wa-nrr.iii. d tint thctfifT Isynnil I'lti r'n hole kIiolIi! ! fnim the rs if of 'I ul.l.'s tool Shill. It was ins. ' to (.i-ntly loft ovir tli' fowlhoiiMi nml l.'isnti luhli dpm lot nml loi.liir tr.s i.n to the (Travel Jith III the loriier of i'l"' kitchen. J Mill tml(fht this point om- iseild th" ronil, und' r farther ide n id I-' itii'l n lion- wall, to I ruhhl-ll lllflp, W'hi' I, oftielal hufik'-r r;il I 'I he drive m p-. t! Iss-iiiiM' It was In, "--.! know w In -t her nny id-iiitf the ptrnl t r i :' " wiry to iirnniie th I.. n nicely, mo that it;' l the fsuiil lit JlM -i.' f: l the hind of a ' '!- -' " l'IIOII(fh to avert tl.e tor's koiip over t !.- not j..'is ovi r tl ' I '" i then collie In I ol,': nml fall Into n the (rutly It would ilrihlih-, n (fi iiil.' I ! Irr.e tnd(fht iv-ro-s . tor's lump i n tl.e -'il n conservatory . foot of the doctor' ii n-:ltii!cd nnothir !i I linker. f .ill a u diflieiilty ! :. for the plflV'iT to . i.l-nit to flans i- therefor" nisi-- " t of the strike to .11 -l.oul'l pa ovit i l.i ijlit ns to avid and yet low i."-l.iiilf of flic doe I In-t all could !- :iu-- It would t w Ith n "niop" tn-e .: cully, and fnun I tlins' stroke", a '.'.. r a 1 1 1 -r hole, ami The few luet stignr growers and matiui.icturcr are pro'ostinj; ui;:i:nst the admission of Hawaiian Hinar free of duty. I ere will the protective tut ill ma'ii.t end? The millions of su'.'ir users are taxed for the Ih-ih lit of a few sand Miyar producers. to lie thou The board of recent of the l-Diversity of Washington Ijas accepted the rerignation of Mark W Har rington, pruideut of the univtrsi ty. It it ossible the resignation fever may work outh? : !? Max Traeht, he of the eternal mouth, may y" to Alask t as over nor. Anything to t him out ol tliLa country. wl cept such labor may not lx us paupers. This taxing id mens, women and children clothing to the e tteuie limit is the crowning in fatnv of the policy represented by McKiuleyisiu. Jt is the worst fruit of the mad protection dK'- trine, and cannot but crievoim the U-iittit of the favoreil few ' ,,f W.ih such an object lesson in view ' " I noil puis- Inal'llity to Isar the severity of I'eti r s eye, our nvid ihs ldi d to form a If cluli, and n ih piital ion waitisl on l'e ter to In n him to show lis how, to Is-cotne president and every other nlllccr he cun-d to Is', dow u to caddie. Ami when-do te 1 roisise to make rci links?" he ii-In) We hud thoU(.-hl dial nut Kfore. '1 here ls'lii no aailalile land within .i reason . nhlc ill-lame, tte had aensd i rov i-ionallv that we ml(ilit utilucour tin k nardi iis f,.'r the purl oe. '1 lit HiM In le was to Is. In Haiitlnn's (tniss plot, seven (innlens ,-iway. It would have Is-, n quite s.smI.c to pi ,,n to Run ItiC's Kevtl In one pssl drliu hut for the pri'vldetitlnl Intcri osiuon of l'onllc s cher y ttiv. It was iirnintMl lh.vt 1'nrdlc' siinnoer lious some way out of the straight line should constitute an ollicial hunker. Now, to loft the Kill well from nnv s Itloti jiear I'onlle's Imtikirttns no ec.v, sis nirf that the pint er had toitvvid the l raiu In s of n latv i Im, mid the Kill, If stopp.dlyn I nuu h, tt.iuU Incvttahlv drop Ihmuch thensif of l'onllc s i-hvn hoiisi'iiml lv vei-v dillieult to cxtraet lv nny sort of Iccitinmte pl.iy Hof-y fur this hole wat tlvd (it thnv. Kmiu limiting t- uij cnt n to 1'eter liolcwtn n single drive altalr, hut Is set with dllVieiitttes 1 he 4iis,.on of ii few f,t t to the richt would dash the Kill ii-.iiii-t the t 'tti-r of l'llllittt ' sialic, when ui, a the Kill would Is- lomid to ilril I 1c into ti e water hiitt. w lull- a slight int. rp-e.v tot!,, hft wtiihl smash (he v. n il.".'. ,if Pillusitt' MIII.ipI ris'in, and t I !tlV isii'll.'ll isoillnll . Itlipo'e t.v f i.. isss..... i ....... burden on the UiailV lor1 t'- f"rmntlon of tli. , li.l .... that ., ,,r: i..ii few ' in.-elut' s ur; li.s 1 ii i .! m.;,I ii." at l set (-.siile tor t: .i:iv I'unsiM' iinother loft to hric;f I' t" rnhl'l-h l iinker. 'I ln n rami n l I' ,:tv The only !" -1-hle war to nlitaill a 1 1 r : t . fisiin In re was to iiii the two I'i'oois of Cr.'irkleti ill's washh.iis.' (ltd -'ui the K-ill straight throiiKh, w h v. old etiahl'- It to pros the piiid ni'iiin a' 'I n-s U twi. ti Wilkin Mill s (fate "-I - I 'he (rate lil-o Islflir left open) to W il!;iniu s du-t h"Ie, which hl's It. II. m e. I y n short drilihle, tin Kill could le I III :o-itio to loft It ot'rii holly h'di'eon to W Ilkin-on's ( the I "if r law n where the hole was. Ho( y f-.r tl i" wns four, mid thlscomph t id the round of i i'hf holes, K.;i v for the w hole round '1. linn a Kit- turmsl iiti none knew W II' lice nr I,'. W . lie WilS I llet I d to llllVP eoiia- from a dirty Kick stris t a little way olT, loir whv tl.e w fusil hoard allowid liim to win lit- sii.h ml his ntt. nilaiii e and tie tot.' himself to us e could not make out, We fi.-ind that hoy from the first moment we set i re on him. lie was n Sotch Isit with iiiiliii roiii;. . nee In himself, mid he mi 'oiiI to Is-an nlisoluts ppifesTof (Mil. 1 he l!r-t day we ls .-an to lay he somr how with whose authority tve know not con. t it ut. .1 hiiuxlf ciidilie, mid simply sat on t he I it of i; In fact, our dnad of t!ie sei rn of hisi-ve w ns onlv Inferior to our of thai of the eye of Meiiouns k. I mli r I lie tuiti ui of Mel loupH'k mid the lot-we luade our lir-t round. It was ills a- Irons. I ir-t, Wilkinon, tatulllijf tisi closely l hind I iipps vt In u the latter was attempt Im his !r-t in-1. IT, sulT. n d n isimisiiind fraeiiin' of the hat iind n considi rahle f-on fusion of the scalp. Next, I lipps, having w ith if rent effort h i-fornntl a drive of seven ynrd. made another mlchty strnko lit the Kill on the straw Is rry ltl when" It had liiuihil. I h. re was n wild scattcrlnc of enrtli mid strawherry haves, and liipp Kn7iil with (ftiat pride nt a inls-lle llylnif throuch one of the next ihsir windows. Hut when he l.s.kitl attain nt his hrisscr ho head was tint on It, while the Kill lav Innocently on the straw Is rrv Ksl as lfon It was ihcrefon' ismcluditl that It I. ad Ks-n the head of the hras.ey and Hot the Kill which had (rone thnuich the m l(thlsiriti w indow, and this was stihse.pieiitly nsii r- talm-d to Is- n fact. Wilkinson, foIlowiiiL- on. pnunntlr lost thru' Kills. One was leln vul to havo lamlnl In a roof (futtir. Hut no man knows to this day w hat Ks-amcof the oth er two, nor what dii-is tioii thev tis.k. and some hold that they are still whirlltiK tliftnicn spins', to tlie rof the puhlle. Then rattUhiiry il. ntisl Wllkltisoti' shin, for Wilkinson -omul exiremclv unluckv nt (Mlf, hurt hisown Icir. and finally drov Ids Kill throuch tlie window of I'llllmtt i hllllanl risun. It was av' that this should not Is- cells;,!, ml ns a disaster, sisi- Inifthat such a ea-iialtv I ad Isvn ant lei- mtcil and pnoidnlfor I v the provisional eommllt.v of siirvev. lipps made n nnlly hrilliant stmke fnun the corner of '1 ul.h s klt.-h.-n aems tho road, hut a carrier's cart hftnis iilmi most tinfortaiiaft ly to passal the momctit. the Istll l.sik a tufl of hair olf the Kick of the carrier s head and. d- from It true course, sin.-i-lud the i!i cior's lamp on the farther side of the mad. l'lllli oti n ,iiln d III strokes for the space Is'twcon the tci-offon Tuhh stool sluslnnd l atth hurv's tun U s psvn; Wilkinson, 111, mid IMpps no few. r than a.'., K. p v K-lnII. Then Hauling iinf.irt lv kilh-il Mrs. Cattlehury's pu and woiuuhd tlienM-kn- t.H). On that tltM mand the casualties were: Windows limken. i; contusions, etc., 6; pdf sticks ilainaiMl, II; ii-s kilhsl, 1; C'K'katisis d.iiiiii(o d, 1, Kill, lost orstmvetl, s'.'. Total casualt :, s, ;,.i At each in ilort line the 1 oy lauchisl In a way, and t. s.,.ru In Met ion ris k's eye was tearful to ,.k upon. '1 hat ctcultti: we in. t at ilkitison's mid ncttsil that the oM:,:,. ,i,n .,.,j.Sj ,lu- , ws'iii proiiil.lm.'. hut Mnlour.s'k ihflansl his Intention ol (.'oincm, -rthe round n afu larly until we should s:arvd In llndinc more suitahle l;nk, and .Ueh was our dmid of hlsi ve I hat we dan d not hsiiest him to ahstain. and he did (,-,, nuiml nil day, every day. a. . oi;. i pv ,,, i,,v ve vven mis. m i, -. ..i ,hmwn up Ininki-r In our t.nnis cis'iind. and we i-ould not pl.ii.aml les irriti.t ion when any of the lcdi.s a;t, , t,, cyellnn on the road was tcrnhle ,. ,, fv. ' Hi- ohj,s-tisl to our even plat in-; t. nm.. or cm.Uct, or anything In ouroiwi cnl. ns, It was risky to p. Into thru; at all. At last, when the (.-anli'ticrs , .-'t jivtod to U-" Il th, 'cad" vvith'plf Kills, we s,s-n.t!y ui -niie another to uke some ihclslte step with Metionns k At tins crucial time late interposed. We found a suitahle eoimnoti s..ine wav off, and ti e .-lull for s rtuission t.i practice the punp on It. 'I hen came friction. I-'Irst, the ladies to j,,;n the cluh. Hut Meilourss k did Hot I k, ladies, nml refused to h. at-of It. ncd 1 i. tcto was sternly i. ly the K.y I n ni (iuu- to time ccrtiiin ..f us hate to vary (folf with ntiisvu l.'tial turn at our tennis. Hul the Me will not isrmlt that cither, m. ho mvs It puts tlie hand out for tlip (rami'. Wo are learnlns pdf under tho stern eye of l'n sii!, ;it Meliounvk, and well, wo like (fit. lint we nre In ynh of another tern dctet.v, a Stclmiiin for pn-fen tn-p. t.i (fi t In- round vt ith hint and eii(m(.v hi attention, . t,at wo may U- nldo to onjov eurs. Ims a little now nnd ninvln. If t on happi-n to know of such a man, we nm unite vv il'.ing to hln him, er even htiy him out and out for a lump sum. Riduilnton M.tarlnp. of it at ion wus institute, "Acetjlioe Light." A a full account of this s Midititir waelveti a few uiont.. since space will not I taken t rep'-io tins Unit. Tb Situnlsy iiiorniiof iM.nie.l h slnfinir I'V the i - " followed by ati exercise in M'MI.KKS hy Mr .er' flas". This wu all In tereliii( exposition of some of the many way of t. n. liini. Hie various eotnliiiiatiiins of iiiiinbei f'"tn 1 to R V T (lorihin tlieti prescliteil liis m. hod of tmclili g MRASt 'fir-S AND MFASI RKVIKMS He illmlraled it by tjiinjrams mi the 'ilaekbiiard. Tliu mo-t praetiealile w ay of tcaclillij,' is In u-e Hie enil llioll ttieasuri s vt ith w hlcli all are rmnillar, as, to measure a risnu at iiome ior u earis?t. Much patience Is rupiited to Kive the pupils a correct Idea of thi most practical ul tnhjt' ts After rnvss. dun n ir winch the en rolltiient of teachers wus made, 1! Andrews ilicusseil Hie nuljeet of ALCOHOLIC HK1.NKS AM) XAKrollfS The jieriik'ioiis ellects of the- i.oisoiis are rsiieeinllv hit in tin nervous system and the ilUestive sys tern thu destroy iiijf the nieittal, moral and physical foiei H. A iles.-i iplioii m the process ul lortninc alcolnd wits ex plained, a was also It ihlhieiice on Hie various organs in its course throuch the body. Teachers can Mo much for thu cause of temperance by. fieiiuelit talk to (lie pupils. At Hip clo-e ol this talk the Mi t tin te:iilelit ex)'ahieil that the law pro vl led that tihysioliii'v ami hycieiie sliotild Ihj taught with pspieial refer nice to tlie ellect of alcolmlie drink old narcotics upon the human system At the noon hour a bounthul hnicl wa furnished the visitini; teachi rs by ihe Irving people.; ,j Many of our teachers ft-f that ntir chool laws might I gteally iin loved mil Mr Kucelie lloiid addressed tlie leachsr on. J 2 C1IANC. K IN Ol'K M llnul, LAWS, "WHITE ROSE" GUARANTEED BEST QUALITY The most popular flour in the market. Sold lca.lin grocers. ri'iuite a lilgli and especially in the training It is now tisi easy to nei'ure a license Li teach. I Ins results In a gnater nuiulier of teacners than sclnsils, ami t mis i ; . v . : i i .j. of Coniiteiit as well a ilicompelelit teach rs. To remedy this let the lliiid grade certificates be abolished, and let not stale tl.ploiiias be Issued to gjiiduatrs of chartered ii.stiliitions with (lie exception of one normal school w hieli should standard of work thorough preparation lepartmeut. During the discussion which fol lowed other interesting facts were brought out and opinion presented, among them that no pupil should ! allowed to enter school until the tie of li years. Object lemons ate vauahleto teachers as well as to pupil and by mean of a lass txerebe J 0 Mct'iudv showed his plan of teaching I' ,s History. I he subject of f'KIHAY AFTKHNOONS was presented bv Mrs K A lioinl, win, sad thht Ihe afternoon should he given up to the study of nature, litera ture and url with the end in view ol gaming culture and knowledge and elileieucy In Using them. There is no l i.e. time for the enlti I'llliflO ..f I I... vvers of observation. Natuie es- H.-cially furnislie line materials ..r llii mud of work. Spicial dulls in history, which may be vi.rie.l in many ways, will i-uUivate the piwer ofnu in- Ifa child i to uiiders ati.l, m. I'rce ate and enjoy the study of geogriphy, for insli liiv, he must lmve good iiiiBginalioii. This -'n,h iisel, furnish,., valuable nuiletinl for 'several afterii.s.ns" vihu i inav be snent in the , u.tivatioii of this power by piclur '"gtot.ip mind tin. t ii,s ni nes etc. i me t- xt tun k. A lessson reader my ,,. dividtd into '""'anil tlie ;.rr , , ru)lMr,.d lo w.iik sbi 't iHimpositioiis iherefroiu. I'ar tils may often tss indued to visit the schools by carefully ltV,hr,,,, ,, ee.ut.',i for I'ri,l-,y IIOO 'S, Thin teacher much neediest repetition of work. Whatever time l gaiutd by tin- teacliei is that much gaiu to tbe pupils. The first thing to tie done Is to group student of the same attain ments into the same classes, the next to pontine all to a dttluite courae or study. This plan increases the elllciein y of the school and no tend lo Die elevation of the mas. Tbe coutse of study recently prepared by the futility school sutieriDtendeut la excellent ami teachers should adopt It ut once. If possible some peDalty should lie ptovided for those who re fuse to adopt the prescribed course of study. Let no one think tbat tola work can all be done in a moment, but the time reijuired will depend upon the condition of the school and the amount of encouragement giveu by the patrons. A conscientious teacher will he fully recompensed for faithful efforts to crude his school. Full discussions followed this, aa iwll as all the other papers. The recitations and songs which were interspersed throughout the pro gram gave a pleasing variety to It. The follow ing teachers were preient: '.' .S Hunt, county stipcriuteodeot, W T i.orchui, Mr and Mrs E A Bond, O Ii Hiirvvood, II F Andrews, J 0 Mc t'rady, Adam Mishlvr, Miss Jennie Spencer, .Mrs Hattie Speer, Miss May Xuinwiilt, Ktigen ISoud, D J Htviner, John Hamlsaker, Miss Eliza Spencer, Miss Nora In wall. A Huh g close of the Institute wu the organization of a Local Teacher Association with I) J .Steluer a pree). d.nt. Whitney B A Alhn, Jnror, state v Whit" urjf wl.nesi, state witness, KtHte stale Commissi oners Court. from a various alter t i j j t .... . - .1 I i. . .: -H. . m mill rrninui now uiu-i u ivti'hnrsi w.n. ....r . lionaio. are mail,. Law brines that wool is selling i tarn Ow-' El TELEGRAF A "''" 't "is'iivo. ;,'anat: cents a iv.vun.1. In 'V. I 171 PU n i ' . with th"free trs.le" Wilson bill.., -'WU VCUOlill, Troviding more rcvetuie i a tie- full fori' ami i tV.vt it was in tie cess'ty tl at all seem to recognize, mnnd at ironi 12 to H cents ami nut lew give anv consideration to ' year it from n to II on the opisisite ami even a better rein-' sccount of Hie elivtion uncertaintv eily decreasing the eiK-uJ. Cures. Now with a high protective ilntv w i atoMTctl it drops to 7 cent'. March came in like a lion and is going out like a lion. No lamb business thi vear. 1 Mrs Fitisimmons is no gentleman Her rude conduct at the Car. on rinfcidp,ir(1)W(nrittj tj,4t ficL iielmont, Stanford, hi oihr p:pular brands ol cigars at uU IUsi uuiudiiiiivii a. Tull Line o( Tobacco and Candy. Headquarters for the Eugn Satf Wcnin. was followed bv 1) .1 si..!.,.,- .... St'llisil. IlllVKHNMKNT. Hie mu-t have self govem meiit, elf relimice, decision nnd firm-n.'-s and I entirely ini In se euriitg g.Hiti onler be must be careful si to tlrst Impressions, avoid entertain tig a suspicious spitu, give credit for g si.I tnteiitiotisRiid try to s.c s,mie sotal in every one. As soon as po..ihb. he given regular and full employtneiit. L ' I nn im kebtit few rules. ' Vocul music is a powerful allay of good order. An interested school in easy to govern; Is almost ef governing. Mis. Jennie's pH,.r on I'KAWIMi. was Kiveti close attention, , ,u Ject is greally negleeted by the averse tsacher. Drawin,, i? f tl. .r,.ate.t value in teaching mny of the cm,, moil branches and is ii-hJ I,. ..,, tects, designers and others more tl,,, j any other thing. To bring alsuit sue I cessful teaching of drawing, teacln-r, i must l Ulter e.iuippe.l to teach It ! Itegin as at the child entets ' sch.H.l with rimple drawings nnd pro- I fted to the more diftloult ones. K A Itond then HOK lip the oiiestiou 1 of I "RAl'lMl IXC. NTKV .'CllOOla. One gtat end to be Kied hy lugtheduntry whoWl, to Mv the o o John and Adam Htuith tiled bond on ci n tract to furnish the county with 50 cords ofwoud in the sum of 1 100 with H V Owen as surety aPDraved. In the matier of the Alden road 0 Q Cartwright, K H ilawkius and (J Wiilmer appointed viewers C M Col lier surveyor to meet March 29. ti the matter of the West and Mitchell road no damages allowed by viewers. Ordered established and opened for travel. March IV Hills allowed; KMarliey, ri bate on errone ous tax sale f jn,n(), when sale cetut'icatcs No is and 111 of ltui are surrendered for cancelation. V K Wheeler, iusliee of thi. s'ate vs Len Jiicksou et al S r. I.eeler.Justife of the peace state vs Hat gs A K Wheeler, j-ittre of the peaee Mate vs Al Whitliev A K Whet lor justice of tlie peace sta'.e vs ( i iirtwright 3 Mdti t M o-i, constable state vs 1-1 t. r.d loin- s Sulii v S. oit, e instable slate .... , i.en ,rii-.;s.,ti j Md'u-v .v, o 1, .toiistalne slate vs A1 Whin -y , ,0 Sidney Sc.. i,, constable state vs Krwin ( "iirtwriglit 1 30 L I' Harri., ,i,.puty district attor 11. v. si., o ts Jiieksnn 5 00 L T li.11 1 is, deputy district attor ney, siaie vs Whitney 10 00 1. 1 Harris, deputy district attor oei , MHIB VR ISUIlgs; 5 00 1. 1 Harris, deputy district attor net sunt- t.s 1 ourtwright 2 50 a 11 laliafero, juror, state vs Hi 4 30 9 45 43 00 00 Jesse Eady, Whitney .. A P Crow, Bangs R M Pratt, witness Bangs OeoFCroner, witness, state u Bangs In the matter of th v . a. ...,.... . 'ts '"""1 vuuuuueu ir furth, vestigation. ""it In tbe u. at ter of the r .01., i.u. . mntlniieil for tin tar... Bills allowed. 8 E Brown, rooms ami nieal f, circuit court Jurors "ou iticuois, roan work ete, R W Hosleton, coyote scalp.... , OA Rowlaud, deputy sheriff'.' j B H Lyons, deputy aheriir. i A C Jennings, stationery, . pressage, etc T B Anderson, relief indigent soldiers and families ls WB Vates, Justice of thepea,, state vsCourtwrlghtand W'Lit- more ( W B Yates, Justice of the peh state vs H Harris ' i J E Martin, constable, state Courtwright and Whitninre .. J J J Montgomery, special cmisti' ble, state ve B Harris ; Isaac Bowers, witness, state vi " Courtwright George Allen, witness stale vi Courtwright Bert Whilaiore, witness state vi Courtwright E A Courtwright, w itness stale vs Courtwright John Pennington, witness state vs Courtwright Wiley Maxwell, witness state vi Courtwright js WP Ferguson, witness state vi Courtwright J J Butler, justice of the peace state vs C Carson, claimed t3.70, allowed J h Miller, constable, slats vsC Carson J J Butler, Justice of the peace, state vs James Lettelier I J H Miller, constable, state n James Lettelier U I K Zumvalt, state vs Jatuet Lettelier tl Emma Lettelier, state vs J mud Lettelier 1J M J Hadsall, justice of tlie piat state vs Ham Harknruai), claimed 112.65, not allowed. A E Hadsall, special constable state vs Sam litrkbroiid $10.75; continued. i- 1: II. S. Land Commission. b B Joel Ware, having been a; pointed U. S. Circuit Con Commissioner for the distr;. of Oregon, is now prepare to make Homestkad Filisg; Final Proofs, and take ter timony in Coxtkst CA.t Having had thirty years noripnpo in tliia lino, lie W guarantee satisfaction every case. Office in Oc Fello-vs' Buildintr. EuaeD' Oregon. iV:-- i:( u bit K' ' t-ntsndlil enr -tlvi. an n : ir-.l.,-l.. V '..!.. ,. sl.Sl.BW- .Niwrul or ri:rs' N'ltn . "-'i.0'.t. iflnfflnwnnMA I'riLi . u. - tUvrvascenU tuc SDHinin c:n.".ll"iL CO- . ' u r 11 1. wus . . . - IBIS. MlMtara ivanus CHIC Tlfty Yeart Aq, h,l u I.cwcll Doctor Ayer. One to govtrn and one to fcL AnJ..,.rldtnt., pow.rot wttt Aycr's CalhartJc PUls were desiened to .uppW . model purgatire to pJoJlVwk; had so long inured theWeS KredientaajuateJtolwS necessities of the bowel liver their popularity Btantaneous. That ,,-. M ' larity has been I13 yarded thLe d WorldFair 13937 X9 50 Vcars of r.. LADIES M !:y)W DR. FELIX :z cn t steel m mm retfBio-'niJs.nd onlr FHKWM Z lublor-s. on th nurkit. n si-' ui. Crnaineslil oul ty I m Ptniisi.. ru "Hs . , ?! uuiiu'v tr. s i.i ii reel it i fcsinf InjKMd d tKilf '.r,t tbMdiisssn ol u.i-ii s-"rj, rioin "'k'Zm suMoua. msirw.unr lTjl IS.DM K M 1 r Jul Eg"i8APBEvl2l .isl1 I kV.CfTl llW- m ws wild sksiJC-'i -a OSBCRN A PE lJs.N0 DiuT'" nil. KiiRenctirrgiin OiumsI a rssL Jtl TS,JJ t J U mm Itia aislrl nn m. si.n.ntosil tr '1 r(t t. .T f,i.n CornuKTT a la U bail CouU sjul ouo cw Bold br HennertDa A Llun.