The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 27, 1897, Image 9

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    . . .....ra more trfiie to hit
1,1 v ullier uniimil. They
"UM , ri ..f' kilt phut with a Wan
iV'-i ii-'t very fa-hlonubl.', but U
I'. ..Lii,.. iiiri'of MlniM'ir. Nunc'11 ' , n list". t 1st or cull-
' ,.!- ..s tellil.lll. Illl'l llli IS
" "i I .ill sprain. If ln-Klci-ted,
I UHll ' "'I' till' I'lllll,
I ' II III- 11 IS v,"r
.,, hut I'V tin-' prumpi
i.. ml. the friction r run.
is"' ,, hi mil lll lim rumiin
rr.l-' '"' ''
,' ...II. 1 11111 "
.Mill 11
i 1 I
r. ' -I'''"" '
Tl,.. Im-in'
......I. ilcllt
. inn '
(I mil i ill) mil i iiu
I i l.u t. .. i ii
n.i-c linn H' "
u lii-re it will ri'iiiiiui, re-,
,,l. nin-il. rr.iiiiiliii-n '
... . t.i..tnt cure, uh'I w 1"" j
,, ,1 ii i cured fur good.
i. l'
I11 11
( f;irmiiivr i" Npain '
,.. that tho K"V'rii-
. ... ,.. . ..e.iii. m i .iivi.uiiu uj
J illMHU I
;,.( that industry.
l.i it in.- in- in rt i.'-i in nu
ll liii-li t.hik i n lliu irmaii.
i, i.r..l,lii- 'Hi-''' ' ")' I" l'
l.u ..r rlir.Hiif (iiriiin. Itul II
,. i hi tislilrih llli llnsleiler
, h . Ii, Mill kf till' Kiinll III
,,,, .n... ril.i. I I'TII, l .erfwtly
,! k :.ill.. , ll.hl'll", il ".i-.l;i- 'r
."il.f ll.ticra i riTiuiu amino
a I.
i in:'"1
Ii '
.11 I
u: rtt r-
ivurt re
r.iv photograph wero ad-
!.. .. II '..!
. 'V I'll'lld' I" l H" l W'1'!
Incipient Insanity.
i,r K Morjr T..1.I I iiilt-r Km-
liitrriflnu In'mnsliuicr.
r- m tli. f vi1-". Aiik : . rnHd.riila.
Xl. inti't vi- it'm lines sonn-tinics
(4!1 in ii"''''' places. lVopIo who art'
talk'"' tn maj ih' mi ini wu in in
I frames of imiiiiI, Imt one
f. I .
... an
i.111,t0,n,(.ivi'a tiiiifh iiiuri' I'lnnarrass-;VtliiM'-
fr all parties concerned than
aTi:i-!i-,""i,"llt t" interview II mother of
, t.i ,.iv-i nil infant. Sum" things am
i.i-nri.l f ar I'Vfti the rallnUH tifivr-
11 ..... . . 1 . . . . I .
rinan In IVliliy ignore, mil .nr.
r lia'l a siory m icn mm
nj-l-t'l1. 1111,1 thu nmtlKT i,'Xiri'H.-f.
ier amiahiliiy. f the n-jKirti-r waH
t-lit-nil iiitu tin- riinni.
Mrs lli't l'-r tisi'.l tt hi Johanna
llln'k'T, an 1 livi'il fur cevoral years at
IIinT-i li', Sh wan a iltunci-tir
rk- 1 v. iy haul. l'i'rhaiH it wan
ii.- ii'iliai'S the I'liinatr, at all
rr,-nti. I'll!" f' ll Diii'ttirs uinl i
m.-liiintu ili'l ln-r no 1IT ii-
j.tite vaiii-lu' l. Slffp t'lmlril lit-r at
i. fh, always ami I'Vt-r that ilrcailful '
Willi nf ia-nittiiln anil tlcprfsiinii, wi 1
hmiliar I" w fti, niailc itci'lf ai'.aifnt !
tn hi-r. A ii' 1 thi'ii hIic iM-fian tn im-
a;ine tliii.K'1- "ne niKht whilu tlrivini;
ai'iuMK a lui'L'i' that hIic knew ierftvlly j
.-lla' tlnTf. hlii- crit'il out in friuht j
l.v.u;-e A- tt'tihl HfC imtliiiiK- Tin' I
lUt'ir tniclit tall thin insanity, but
until tin' li.illii'-inatinnH ami tlflusinns j
p. tn N' a nii'iiai'o to lift or (iimit, (
ii. t miii-li hi t'l in iaiil to thi' imagining
uf ni'aklr jiii'ls.
Li-t itprinic Mrs. Ht'i'ili-r, fur hIii 1i:i1 !
ni.trrifl in tin' infantum', oiinrlii'li''l to
vi-it h.-r nil In !) at Dali'villf, IihI., '
iii. l it waii while there that her mother, ,
Mm. t'limliiie Leaser, toll her of the
W'.n li-rful iniiertif of Dr. Williams'
I'ihk Tills fur I'ale I't'iijile. Mis.
Iliflrr Infill tu take them. AVhen she
tirtivl in sin- rtiulil not walk the tlnee
ipi.irti'rs tif a mile to the jiostoftiee, she
Was si weak. In about three weeks she
t"i'k aivurilin' to ilireet ions about live
Uni tif tin' mils, ami at the expii.i-
' Th. B.nau I. ri.,... with New U,
of All
Wwhlngton, Mar.'l, ls.-I,, ,,P.n.
Oto to'lay, 4I1S bilu ami eiht j,,j,.t
j rt'solntioim were iiitr,u.v.. 'n.v ,.',.
I ,,ra,'("1 "'"'y i-very iil.:,. f t. linhi 0
wrvij-e. Allen' hat, , of hills ,,,.
' '",'T ,",,l,'.,,t "'"y tive. Tl.v i,,,!,, 1.
cl billn,lir.., tii,w fiir.vl,,,,,,,. ( thl. ,v.
eminent lien on the rnim, l':l.-ttio r..:i l;
, to prevent profi'-sional; il, til
! 11,0 I"'wern of the ju'liriarv; fr
neniee h-iisioii, ft.'. ii,tr..,lue..,l
by Hale relate.1 to a fabl,. b. t.eii t;,e
Unite.! Stat. s. Hawaii mi l Japan, a:,.
to tho twelfth iviisih. Theie wat a
U'eneral lan.., at m f ti. p,. .;,',
bills of White, "fur the n ln f ,,( Vil
liam J. liiyan." .,,. i,jis i, i,:i.
i"l those for a Hawaiian iii,mijrati..n
law, ami for a Hawaiian I,.. Hank-
ruptey bills Were pri-el,te. by NeN,,M
an.l Limlsay. Morgan r.-int r.'lu I ti.
Nifiiratfua canal bill an.l a joint p m.Iu
tion to abrogate the t'laytnn-linUer
treaty. hills reiatinjr to Pa-
C'itll) roa.U Were piesellteil, itll'lll.linu'
that of Morgan to ereate a l n(
trustees for tne Uniim an.l Central l'a-c-itii'.
One of Thurston 'h bills provi.liil
for the inerea-e of all pensions.
A resolution by l'rye falling for in
formation as to the application of civil
service rules to river ami harbor work
Was a'recl to after some criticiin of
civil service oporat imis. ('.u krell a-kd
if the bill was a step towanl abuliihinK
thu rules. Fryo mi.l it was a step
towanl uhilishiiiK the rules kh far as
they relate! to tho labor on enj,'it r-
inj; works of tho K''cnuiient. The
prcsi.leiit has extenilc'l the civil service
rules to all classes of labor, so that an
engineer ullicer way up on the Colum
bia river w ho w antcl a laborer for river
an. 1 harbor work ha. I to apply to the
civil service commission. It is inter
fering with all manner of public work,
tleclareil Five, ami it in ubsnlutely uh
sur.l aini ctupi.l.
The chaplain's prayer referred to the
devastation of the Mississippi (lomls,
and he sought divine intervention and
publio assistance for the sufferers.
The mea-ures introduced were re
ferred to the several committees, w ith
the exception of the hill pensioning the
widow of lircadier tieiieral Stevens at
$75, which was passed, being the lirst
bill passed at the Session.
l'rf illicit I'll Ntilnltiiittmifl.
Washington, March IS. The presi
dent today sent to the senate the fol
lowing nominations:
Ambassador extraordinary and min
ister plenipotentiary from the United
States to (treat liritain, John Hay, of
the District of Columbia.
Ambassador extraordinary and min
ister plenipotentiary to France, Horace
Porter, of New York.
Secretary of the embassy of (treat
Britain, Henry White, of Rhode Island.
I'liSlli.iiC. W..rl.l-ri.iim.l,.ii.1p
IliUlll I'Hxril (In,
'at"ii. Nov., March ly Under a
i"tMl.-, s!;v, and in a valley 5.000 feet
atovi'ihe se.i, cin I. d by s'now.eapH'd
jii-'in.t.iii.H. whi.'h gli,U'iu..l j ,l,0
,"1,t "'"''i-ht, making a picture micli
a- was IM.v, r seen before on an occasion
"( the kind. James J. Corbett Went
diiwn to defeat yesterday before Hubert
l'itsiiimi..r,s, wl, became champion
heavy-weight pu.'ilist of the world.
The was l ot gaine I willioutu
s'.i'i.'.de. In fact, victory did not seem
j ..--ill,- f,,r l-'it.siiiiniui.s until the last
ncmei.t t.f the tight, when the Austra
lian, who was giving indications of
'lowly going to pi s, delivered a blow
m a vital part, and followed it with
two otlien. whi. h sent the California!!
to the floor with the agony of pain and
depair. imprinted mi his face, and un
aMc to rise within the limit whi.h
Would save him.
Win n the defeated champion finally
aio-e, with the a-sita!ice of his attend
ants, and regained sufficiently from his
da.c.l condition to realize the calamity
that had befallen him, he broke out
with all the fury of an enraged animal,
and, discarding all rules which govern
the art of which he is a disciple, rushed
at his victorious, opponent and made a
vain struggle to get at him over the
I ropes, only desisting when his own
friends forced him away. The new
j '-hampion was borne to his dressing
room amid the cheers of the 5.000 pen-
pie in the arena, accompanied by his
j seconds and trainers, and by his wife,
j who had watched the contest from a
j liisition within a few feet of the ring
! side, and who had taken in every detail
i even at the time when it seemed her
husband would be knocked insensible
! at her feet.
The light which lasted for fourteen
rounds, was fiercely contested through
out, and is generally conceded to have
been won on its merits. During the
liist few rounds, however, and in point
of science throughout the tight, Corbett
seemed to have the best of it. but a tre
mendous blow over the heart from Fitz
siiumons' left carried him to the floor
unconscious, and he did not rise until
after the referee's, fateful "One-two-threc-foui
- live-si x-scveii-eight-ninc-ten
and out" had l-en counted, proclaim
ing to the world the advent of a new
pugilistic champion in the person o
Hubert Fitzsiinmomi.
I'linsiiiK llm Will t" 1 Wisp OIT Vmi
rtttivrr Itluntl.
Vancouver, U. C, March IS. Last
night an expedition which has been
tilting out for the last two weeks, left
' Vancouver for luecn Charlotte island.
J The sloop, which carried the adven
i Hirers, is called the Stag, and is in com
mand of Captain Sulliuun, formerly ol
Cotpiitlam. The crew consists of three
others, H. Tod, J. Klliott and H. Lew
; cllyn, the diver. The latter has his
full equipment, and diving parapher
nalia, and expects before ho comes back
to make his fortune by it. The objec
tive point of the party is Mitchell hay.
tii ii uf that time could eo dow n into on tho west coast of the largest of the
tjueen Charlotte islands. Sumcwlicre
in tho bottom of that little inlet they
expect to unearth many thousands of
dollars' worth of the precious metal,
which has been lying there since the
'50s. The story is that a Hudson's Hay
factor, with the help of an Indian, dis
covered a pocket in a clitT, in which a
blast was made with the result that the
greater part of the "yellow" went to
tho bottom of the bay, while tho re
mainder was worth several thousand
pounds sterling. A few years ago a
diedger from Victoria went over to tho
bay, but the gold was not recovered.
Destruj i ll ly Kire.
San Francisco. March IS. Fire at
tho planing mill of M. Hansen, on
licrrv street, near Sixth, at 10:30 o'clock
tonight, ended disastrously for that
establishment and the factory of the
l'acilic Woodctiware A- Cooperage Com
pany, adjoining. Tho lire threatened
adjoining buildings at times, but the
firemen finally confined tho flames to
4i... ...ill mi, I i nerage places. The the
...;.,;,. i. ..I from a defective flue
loss to the Hansen mill is estimate,
.-.n ooo Valuable machinery
used, an.l the damage to it may increase
tho total. The cooperage company's
loss was nearly 75.ouo. The insur
ance is stated at f.'S.OOO.
t.wn and cine back and do a big day's
washing ever tho tub at her home.
Her Mood came back into the pale
fli'i-k-i, sleep once again refreshed her
night, tin-cold sweats left, and she
cull cat and enjoy all the pleasures !
at.d diversions of life where before she
l.i.1 Wen aveise to society and amuse-ini-iitsof
all kinds. The aw ful notions
u.4 hallucinations left her, her brain
'ain resume! its normal functions. ;
l',"m that time to now she has taken j
i." niiili. ine and she is well in all re- .
fvts, I
"s.-e my baby, (tod bless its heart,"
Mid the proud mother. "It is as j
mr.g and healthy as any baby ever ,
b.rn. It weighed nine pounds." As'
it lay there, its little pink lists clench- ;
l ever its thumbs, its little eyes
pu.-k.Tt"! up in sleep, a bundle of pink,
wtiny infantile loveliness, there could j
Ii' little d.iubt of tho physical health I
its parents. j
1!i' U Icr lives at a cottage mini- !
b-n-,1 40;1,, Fast lVo street, Los
Aiig'-l.-s, Cal., ami the lust wins she'
Mi.l were, "oh, you are perfectly ex-1
nKil.l,. I am just as glad to endorse
Dr. William,.' 1'ink Pills as you can :
pwihly . to hear my story. If all ,
MiUering women only knew their power
and good, there would be less sickness
ti'l misery in tho world, I'm sure, j
'iind-hve. " j
. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, I
a CHI. el,s,..l f, ,,M tl, IS
iry to give new life
' flood and restoro shattered
They are also a snecilic for
lr"ul'les uliat- to females, such as
J'l'I'i-cssiuDs, irregularities and all
'ni.s f weakness. They build up the
U1""d, and restore the glow of health to
Me and sallow cheeks. In men they
! ' 11 radical cure in all cases arising
lr"m mental worry, overwork or ex
,v" of whatever nature. Pink Pills
ar'' k.. in boxes (never in loose bulk)
at cents , Nix or six beget for 2.50,
may ,e had of all druggists, or
'''"' t by mail from Dr. AVilliams'
slinl nml Killi-il Ills Kim, Wiiiinili'tl
His iii.ilili r .mil Kllli-it lllin.i ir.
Philadelphia, March lib Frederick
Franks, in a tit of insanity, shot and
killed bis son, William, aged 'J, shot
and badly wounded his daughter, Ame
lia, aged 5, and then sent a bullet into
his ow n breast near the heart, at bis
home in this city this morning. Franks
and his daughter died in a few hours.
Franks made elaborate preparations
for the terrible work. He arose earlier
than usual, told his wife to go to the
grocery store for something for break
fast while he made coffee. While she
was gone the tiagedy occurred. After
bis wife went out Franks locked Ih it Ii
doors. The two children wcie asleep
in a second-story back room. Neigh
bors heard several pistol shots, but did
not know where they came from until
a few minutes later, when Mrs. Franks
returned to the house. She found the
doors locked, and, failing to get a re
sponse to her pulls at the bell, called
to her husband to open the door. Tho
little girl, hearing the calls of her
mother, staggered down stairs and
opened the door, and fell at her mother's
Picking up the child, the woman
rushed into the parlor, and found her
husband, with a bullet wound near his
heart. On the bed upstairs was tho
body of the hoy. Death had probably
been instantaneous. The murderer
had gone upstairs and sent three bul
lets into his son's head and body. Ho
then shot the girl under the chin, and
went down stairs and fatally wounded
himself. It is believed the man was
suddenly seized with a tit of insanity.
Downing, llopklnt A t'niiipmiy'i It
uf Trail.
The dominating factor in regulating
wheat values during the week has been
the weakness and indifference of foreign
markets. Advice still indicate Kurope
must rely entirely on America and
Hutsia for supplies, but for the present
the cash demand for export is absent
ami foreigner! have Iven speculative
short sellers in American markets, in
dicating that they have purchased more
than enough wheat for their immediate
requirement. The fictitious stiength
injected by the tiracco-Turkish com
plication ha disappeared with tho
subsidence of war rumors. Value de
clined 4 'a cents at Chicago, although
there was a moderate recovery on Fri
day and Saturday, leaving the net loss
for the week atalxnit 2'4 cents for May
delivery. Kxport clearances have been
small for the week and indicate another
large decrease in tho amount on pas
sage. The milling demand at home
shows somo improvement. The pros,
poets of tho growing winter wheat in
America are favorable, but we are now
approaching the season of the year
when crop damage reports abound.
Tho present decline i due partly to
speculative causes. The local trade
has been persistently bearish, mid by
overselling has afforded strength to tho
market and caused the frequent rallies
by trying to cover. The extreme lew
prices have been made on liquidation
by tired longs. If the situation ever
was bullish on this wheat crop, it is
equally, if not more so, today, and we .
regard the present decline u a favor
able opportunity to W taken advantage
of to buy some Chicago wheat.
Corn has been steady to firm through
out the week. The feature was the
barge buying by Itartlett-Frazier, that
firm taking at least a million bushels.
Commission bouses generally worn
buyers. Heceiver and the local crowd
were sellers. The cash market was
firm w ith an improved demand.
Country offerings are not largo and
the wet weather will probably retard
( the movement next week somewhat.
The eats maiket was narrow and fea
tureless, but with a steady undertone.
Market Quotation.
Portland, Or., March li), 1897.
Flour Portland, Salem, Cascadia
and Dayton, M Hcnton county and
White Lily, .25; graham, 3.50; su
perfine, ''. 75 per barrel.
W heat Walla Walla, 71M 80c; Val
ley, SOe per bushel.
ats Choice white, 38(tl40o per
bushel; choice gray, !it'iCii37c.
Hay Timothy, I ;! ji) 1 3. 60 per ton;
clover, ! l.OOi.i 12.00; wheat andoat,
f'.i.OOcl 1 1 per ton.
Harlcy Food barley, 18.00 per ton;
brew ing, 1S(,( ID.
Millstulis ltran, 15.00; shorts,
lii.50; middlings, f.'t;.
liutter Creamery, 45(3 50c; dairy,
;!(!.. i 40c; store, 17 "... )':ioc per roll.
Potatoes Oregon lturbauk,60(if C5c;
(tarnet Chiles, 70c; Early Hose,
h0( '.too per sack; sweets, tf.OO per
cental for Merced; new potatooB, 0'gO
per pound.
Onions l.'5(V? 2.00 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 2.60u?
3.25; geese, l(it5; turkeys, live, 12e;
ducks, 3.00(1(4.00 per dozen.
F.ggs Oregon, 1 0 per dozen.
Cheese Oregon, 12lc; Young
America, 13 ',,0 per pound.
Wool Vulicy, lie per pound; East
ern Oregon, 7( 'Jo.
Hops (Ma 10c j-r pound.
Iteef Hross, top steers, '.'. 75(3 3.00;
cows, ii. 25 (ii2.50; dressed beef, 4
5 b.c per pound.
Mutton Uross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 3.00(1(3.25; dressed mut-
The Foremost Athletic Trainer in America Reconr
mends Paine's Celery Compound.
ton. 5 1 u oi tto per pound.
Hogs (truss, choice, heavy, 3.25('i
3.50; light and feeders, ti.Mi 3.00;
dressed, 1. 60(.i 5.00 per cwt.
A H iu't Or.llti.imt
tn Vninciseo. March 18. At
.1 V ... I ..f oiii.iirl'Uilt U
mooting ol me isunn "i "r'
to tl
'oniny, Schenectady, N. Y.
A N,.w York export firm will soon
t'"l' 3."iui pairs of shoes to the Argon
Ih'publio and 2,500 pairs to Cen
tral Am,.ri,.a.
I-!.(,"''' " '" prompt ii f Piso's CiU'
W tl' '"' ,, k consumption. M rs. I.uiif, Kan,., Dec. l:')ls'.i."t.
and richness yesterday, Mipcrws .r ....,.
an ordinance which imwn n.
mcanor punishable by both line and
imprisonment for a woman to war a
high hat in the theater. Owners and
manager of theater, are prohibited
from admitting women to their tln-atei
wl.os.. bats are above the limit pic-
.....;i,...l -l,v b.w. The ordinance
...f.. l t' thu iudi.-iaiv commitl
I. will report on
the next meeting of the board.
:..,. Zt tli fP'ianil'
Havana, Man 1
i bat (ionoral
. i . i . ,' i el
. . l.ieli or. 'lit red '
in a m." ,-t .
rrovo Hlan.-o, S.u.ta I 1-;
Spanih under iwuc
T',r, io.'r
ll,.ri- Mynlrrliiusly llii pi'lr.
St. Louis, March P.). Ella Hiirdcn,
11 years old, who is heiress to a largo
fortune, has been missing from ln-r
home since Monday. She lived with
her grandmother, Mrs. Uiirdoii, at 6032
Minerva street, and left homo Monday
for the Dozi.-r school, where she was
regarded us one of the brightest and
prettiest of several hundred pupils. At
3:30 in the afternoon, the usual hour,
she left the school for home, and went
part of the way with other girls ton
point where she usually took a car for
home. Nothing has been heard of her
f.ineo. Th ily theory for her disap
pearance is that she has been kidnaped
and hidden by ln-r captors until suffi
cient ransom is offered. A large reward
is offered for her return.
Tit. (lie I'lUiiiois tlt-I'ltuiit. Klllftl
Hi i,f 'i-iioi!, Conn., March 1U. Tip,
a big and vicious elephant, was stran
gled to death yesterday by the employes
of the whitequarters of tho Hariium
circus. The animal was in such a con
dition of I'nrv that there was danger of
its Licakiiiit shackles and creating
havoc Tip was eleven feet high and
"-1 1 , , ..... tl . 1...
bed three ami a nan ions, in:
with the show twenty years and
vilued at ti,000. Tho ivory in .
Seattle, Wash., March 10, 1SU7.
Wheat Chicken food, 27 per ton.
Oats Choice, 23(24 per ton.
Parley Holleil or ground, 22 per
Corn Whole, lO l-r ton; cracked,
mm 20; food meal, PJdi 20.
Flour (Jobbing) Patent excellent,
5.10; Novelty A, 4.75; California
brands, 5.35; Dakota, 5.65, patent,
Millstuffs Bran, 14.00 per ton;
shorts, IH.
Feed ChnplK'il feed, 18.00 iter ton;
middlings, 22; oilcake meal, 2'J.
Hay Pnget sound, per ton, 10.00;
Eastern Washington, U.
Hotter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 2 lie; select, 21c; tubs, 23c;
ranch, I5n' 17e.
CI st Native Washington, 12 bje.
Vegetables Potatoes, per ton, I7n
20; parsnips, per sack, 75c; l ets, per
sack, (ioc; turnips, per sack, tioc; ruta
bagas, per sack, 40c; carrots, p-r sack,
35i.i 45c; cabbage, per 100 lbs, 1.25;
onions, per iuo ids, .-.uo.
Sweet Kitatoes Per 100 lbs
Poultry Chickens, live, per
1 1.-: dressed, 10m I le;
college, who after year of patient in
vestigation and study, assisted by nil
that was best in the progress of medi
cal science at home and abroad, first
discovered tlu wonderful formula of
Paine' celery coniHiund.
There was no doubt of the interest
that would In- awakened at once by the
announce mctit of any discovery by Prof.
Phelps.' The formula from the first
was furnished to the best physicians,
and forthwith this remarkable Paine'
celery compound WHS personally used
and professionally prencrils'd by them.
The result of the closest investigation
might have Im-oii expoi-ted. It noon re
tpiiied a considerable intlilstry to pro
duce the remedy, and rapidly but
steadily, without ceasing, the demand
for Paine's celery coiuimiuiuI has in
creasetl, until today there is no other
collego sprinters in the leiueily that in comparison Itegin to
! hold half the publio attention that it
John Graham is the foremost man in
American athletics.
It was he who managed the success
ful team from this country that attract
ed world-wide attention in the recent
Olympic games at Athens.
Formerly trainer for Columbia col
lege, then for Princeton and finally (or
Harvard university, Mr. Graham bud
much to do with raising the standard
of collegiate smrts. A small army of
gentlemen have been guided by him
since he left Harvard and took his pres
ent position, supt'iintcndeiit of tho
famous gymnasium of the Huston ath
letic iis.-iK-iation.
Three of his proteges, White, llrewer
and McCarthy, have just won the New
England championship at the mile,
quater-iiiilo and live-mile run. Ho has
trained Week of lirowll university,
one of the best
Many another student of what makes
men and women si rung has used and
has recommended Paine's celery com
pound as the best known remedy for
those who are weak and dispiiitcd, the
overworked and enfeebled persons who
aro most concerned in the general
awakening of interest in outdoor exer
cise and indoor attention to the proper
rules of health.
It was the ablest professor of ineili
cino and surgery in any college, that
giant among men. Prof. Edward E.
Phelps, M. D , LL. D., of Dartmouth
consequence of omo particular organ.
When Mr. Graham, writing January
18. 1807. said; "I have used Paine'i
celery coiiitouud to my lvoncflt, and I
have no doubt that any person under
going great physical und mental strain
would find it of (treat service. For
students especially it ought to be ol
great value." When so prominent a
student of Willy health, who ha no
equal, unless, perhaps, ono mention!
Dr. Sargent of Harvard, with whose
method Mr. Graham became well ac
quainted at Harvard when Mr. Gra
ham say bluntly that after hi experi
ence ho Itcliovc others would find
Paine' celery oopmounil of (treat pert
ice, what man or woman out of jtcrfoot
health can afford to neglect his well
considered and expert ndvicel
There is no doubt that Paine' celery
compound cloan tho blood of ocroma,
salt rheum and such humors, not only
in the spring, that i so favorable
lime, but at any time during the year,
so thoroughly that nothing further ii
ever beard of them.
Paine's celery compound Im been
tested, tried, scrutinized and heartily
I approved by so many impartial phyai-
cian ami men and women whose word
In untold number of case where 1
every other remedy ha Won tried and
failed, Paine's celery compound lis at
tained the wisbetl for results, making
the weak stiong, purifying the Mood,
rebuilding the wortiout nervous tissue,, Ht.-k neHM. iiriivituf a
iiever-failiiiK and permanent relief for in any matter would not bo questioned
rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney disease for a moment, that one must lie itub
aud disorders of the liver, all due to the j born-mintled indeed who prefera to
impairment of the iersou' lierTous nuqto around half sick instead of Vcrify
svstein, the consequent liiiHiverishinent iiiK these positive, straightforward
of the blood and thu breaking down in stateinont.
Wp offer (int II. in, In , I lli.lliir. Ki-Httnl ..r
miy t'ttiM uf i tttiirtli Hint imiiint Lo t-iin-il ly
llu'lPM mitrrli i lire.
K.J.I IIINKV .Veil., ITi'i ,, (I.
lit. Hit' tin, li'MKM'tl, lot vi- It tin it K.J.I lii-ttt'jr
fur tin- Inn 1 ' vi iits, tool l.i-lii-vi' hint .i-r(i-ell)f
liiimirHlilt' In sll Inisim-fi tnoiMu-iinii" hii.I hit-iii.i-liilly
h 111,- In curry mil any uliliKiitl"ii iiimli'
by Uii-ir linn.
W hnli-soli' ririitiKlst". I.ili-.l.i, O.
Wai.mmi, klSSAt .V Mahvis,
W lli.ll-snlf IIMU.-K1SOI, I iilf'l",
Haifa Cnlnrrh I lire l litlo li liili riinlli, ' l-
li.K ilirf.-lly iiin On' I'l I ami no
faces nl tlif nvfli'lll. rni-ft-N'. l"-r l.nltlf. Hi.lil
by all IiriiiiKli. 'l'.-i liumi im Is Itee.
Hall Kamlly l'lllf an- tin- In sl.
The queen regent of Spain smokes
more than a down cigarettes a day.
All Kasli-rn Svrt. m-allttl, tnually t.h-v
liltltl i-tiltiri 'l an. I uf l.i'.ivv I n-l; , is lua-lf (ruin
Ltlll-eii'. "''t hrti'i" i tri.lil
Miliar I Mil e ami In MMCtly .un. II l (or fait!
l.y lirsl-fla-s ir"''-ri'. 111 ( si1" t.nly. Miiliular-liirt-J
l.y llu-I'ai mi t hast sviii h i o. All ten.
Hint- "V"i (..ii.l'ii ;ir,i-" lnoi' On' minimal-tiin-r'i
iiaini' liiln.Kia.l.-'l mi aver) can.
Colored photogiiiphs taken at a single
operation aro shown by Dr. July, of
Dublin, Ireland.
Walter Baker & Co.'s
IS tsreaktast uocoa.
Vttiuse it is iMniuteiy rure.
ItMiii it 1$ not nude by th so-called Dutch Process In
which cliemicals are used,
ftecause beans of the finest quality are used.
tVcau'.e it Is nude by a method which preserves unimpaired
the exquisite lutural flavor and odor of the beans.
IW-ause II is the most economical, coslinif less than one cent
1 cup.
R aura that you fat ha ftnulna artlcla anada by WALTER
BAkl.H CO. Ltd., UorchMtar, Man. I!itablltht4 170.
II, im, I,
w as
the mcasuia at
his tu-ks
lie is c
stimated to be worth una
4. 5.00; dressed turkeys, 10. !
Kggs Fresh ranch, 12.,1'. J
Fresh Meats Choice ilri"St-l beef, 1
steers, C'c; cows, c; mutton, sheep,
7c per isiund; lamb, .V; isuk, Co per
pound; veal, small. .
Fresh Fish Halibut, 4 ' Ojsalmnn,
6(n (i; salmon trout, 7"lo; llounders
untl soh-s, 3". b-. ...
provisions-Hams, large, 11c; hams,
I i i .. ( tiieaktasl Dacon, iuo,
Jry salt side
mt pound.
1 It is reportt-'t
Maximo (totiiez, the
was seriously
cent I v at
between the
liernal fid an
(joiii.iit .
,.,,t u.tervnw
tliat tin
iv ini.-nau'i i" '
t" his Wif".
id all insu-gi-nt
M us so", n H
sl.olll'l '"' a
Vc can
it -
ct ever
afford to
'frv ci-irf nf
' JSl VI ....
i - "tu ica oi vour pto-
. j o
, r' anJ get )
our tea-trade for the rest
f Vonr lit".. u tu :.-b
' -i "Ul HI llH-liaft
there is no rkkr.
i a
In a re
la(e- compelHt.g e
Ol.alf of his , O", i"
Lo,,,. March J --J'' '!
. I - T" . . (. . at' .n L It1 ......
ptlt (it I lt' i "-I"
tl,e i MM " I"
glllllie.".. '
soi Vel' were P W'''-'s
gun bur-iOl--,'(i,!,y,"l
Fourl.-ein.-UJ) '?.-'
killed. .'1 sINte.W"'
O. - y f ...A, 1 7 rtsis 1
II.S !
.1.1111. g-
l!v wa- Ii a
ous J!,1 '
Aft'T 1
i,!i,,i'l,t in
,.it lli, oust far a I.lfa.
Vancouver, H. C. March 19. About
., ve-ir eo a tree Ml across the North
;,n,,' road and k.ll-d W. H. M-eve.
Rho a- diiving a 'tage along the road.
,. liii.ugl.t -uil lor fi.j.uou
a a.'iin.-t the "iith Vancouver
cl. liming the municipal--,
a- the tree was dangi-r-,ii.
have la'cn cut down.
day-' 'ial the jury
v.-r-Ii'-t f"r l'l,000 for tho
rly i:.
March 19, IH'Jl.
' Durbanks, UOcra;
.... 70, a SOe; Kiver Hur-
swei'ts, i.25(i1.75 IT
I of year .. ..
r when men ..
and women ..
become weak
ened by ..
the weath
er, and run
down gener
ally The
first parts that
the weather
affects are the
known to medical I
men for prompt
ly clieckine.
troubles of the
kidneys and re
storing these great
organs to health
and strength, and
that is by the use of
Sent Free!
To iinv person Interested ill htiiiinn
iniiilers, or who love nnimnls, we
will si'iitl lice, u pi Hi nppliiali
copy t.r I In- " A l.l.l A M K," tlistirgiin
ol this Si,,, n l v. In toldllioli lolta in
liiisely Interesting muling. It run
In. ii-ii list ol the viillliilile ami mi
usiiitl pri iiiiiiiiis given by the paper.
4UH11 l itlli-.K liarllli-Allullillli, N" V.wk.
I C.
' I...ii-t',n.
are many r
Th- I,
S1 ''
j ra
il :
l.-f-. I.
s -"-Ufta
t.Van Hi"
CaneV.M.i'cn "
bursting of tin
tt.irshil' Was d,
Tl... "f tin-
i :i . .1 . ri. in.' i el. lis "I
Willie ii. ".- - . i
structure killed and wUuud,J
t w
1 ill
. r, ... h.
v k,!.'-i
H l. ,... in lil.ilm.
I I th... M ifh 19 There
i . ....... i
It. it ! --S oi so" a .ii
,,, ....;ti. of Lewist-iy
,.,i ., who i,w, large
le, tll'le'l Hient Olll I'l
.'...'Ill of bl-t Week.
,; ,,.,-( i..- . -- try. i-'-'-au-e me
. w .- n, n-.u.y ii.-ianees t-x-
II." -. :
,,,.). 1 11!
San Fraic -is
1.10; Karl
banks, (ioi.i ,
()ions fl.5'
Egg K.iii'h,
Butter I.
aeennds, 15-i 1 ;
geetiti'ls, 1 2 "' 1 :'''-
i Kmi,.v mild, new, 10c;
fair to good, 0 -'7c; Voung America, ' but is forced
(,, yc; Kast-rn. 1" M.V. , upon thc
W.H.I-t l."i'- mouniairi, .u, , .
t 'itrf r,i. ! "K-F
case results
caused by
,f 1.75 ix-r cental.
1 1 ci 12 'uc 1st dozen.
..... . 1 T'l I
I- an.-y r.-amery, 1 1 I -5c; no klUneVS. I lie
I I..: i r... . I
urea is not
thrown off,
fancy dairy, 15o;
do, 4 "' ;
,1,, foothill.
Hay Wheat
r "t.s-kmi-n
similar con-
r the
into i
l.:-t -
: Jii.y-
Joaquin plains, 3i5o;
c per jstund.
and oat, 7('4lO; ls-st
barley, .VOO'tf B.50; ullalla, f .i(M;
clover, 'i4 compresxsl wheat, '(''4
j.50; do out. im 7 per ton.
Tropical Fruit lianana. f 1 . 00
2.00 js-r bunch; pirieajiph-a, 2it4.
Citrus Fruit Orange, navel, J
id 3.25; do, 75cdil.25; nn
lii..n lemons. 7-V'al.OO; good to
c-ht.i.-e, 1.50"' 2.00; fancy, 2.25
per b x.
A.ple Fancy, 2.002.25 per box;
common, woe il i-25 ir box-
weakness of
the kidneys.
OtMaU ftljruwr
It has stood the
test of time; it has
saved thousands of
lives; it has restor
ed millions of suf-
fcrers to health;
it has done what
was never done,
never attempted
before; it has made
men stronger and
healthier; it has
made .. women
brighter and hap
pier; .. it stands
alone in all these
qualities. Do you
not think it would
be wise for you to
use it and thus
avoid the dangers
of the season i In
sist upon having it
'on Models 8"0
97 Models 2
'00 Ideals 39
s. .mi.! Iiaiol Mat ttlin " "I all makt-a (mm
n, u i ifh, t.r tin InaialliiiriiU. W rile ferial
Hl..r an.l h.-1-.ili.l lialel l.l.l. K AliK.MS
W ,M Hi.
Ill.l T. MKIIKII.I. VCl.K CO..
Wlien you
plant seeds, pla
Always the best.
ror aala raryabtr.
0. M. FERRY CO..
Ottrolt Mick.
A. M. W.
A rnmlilnnl Rlnitlnf and
KurltiK I ill l rar all olhera.
..... niniun liiiiili'riMil.waU'rprtKii. i an
DRESS FACING ii....rlk or rrlnhl.. .n
r washatl without rftnor
Ihk. Ma lira His -Ot Itaim uracpfully. If your
t.-li-r alll not atii'l'ly nu, aililrM Wim
Mainifiirliirliia- "., (I'a.'tllc l oaai Altiryl,
Mil Markrl SI., Kniuiia ibia, San Kranclarti, ( at.
Entire la lunlrrt W are oivii to prttpoalllona
lur I'Xi lualva aKin'lf.
Vl 1 ft'llhl. I 1 ttHiriblirMwl
akLa I I ituait-Hiatal Eail.lnral th KMIMl
f tllnfWM OatlW
UrtHitnr fress t up.
"Jmt Opn't faal Wall,"
,fevUlVER KLL8
ara th On 7'blDC louaa.
Onif On for Ooaa.
Sold t r Itniaciata at tto. a ant
BaaiplM aiatlad fra. Addraaa
Or. Soank M4. Ca. ItUia. fa.
9 Vm H iM' irfaiiiimm
aa . ........... I..II..I.U K ,
w a . - a i.. i at fla otrnU A
iN.tttf It I I Tif TNt f ll
rinck'i "C. C." Raiqr
In .l.a I H. VK an. I IVK I'rli-a, 1.MI.
I nil Ih- I'll liat.Ki-l II IH't Sal lalai'lur V.
St ml l,,r t.ent ral ( 'alali'Kuc r I alal.iatic til
Sporting Goods or Barber Supplies.
nio Marltrt Ml. Nan Krnnrlaco, "!.
I I'll KK anil I'l I. ICS eurf.1; no fay un-
I l-tirf.1 . MI1 lr iH.t.k . I'M NariKI.O
uariarikl.u, 3a Maikal 8t , Han Kram-'nu.
Mak inonay by 111
eaaajtil pn'tifatliyi In
t:iorano. Wa buy and
li wlirat thrra'on
niarKlna. riarniiiM naa iM-n maua "n a aau...
UkiiiiiIi.k hy ira.lutal In tuliirsa. Wrila lor
full i.arllt-ulara. Ural ol rs(rnea lrn. sa
rral M-ara- rifarlrni't un th l hli-ai Hoard ol
Ita.le. anil a tlior.iiiKh knowlnlita ol tha bual
nr.a. mwnlii, llui.klin M Co., hli-a(o Boartl
( 1 ra.le Hmki-ra. OIHi'' tn I'orilantl, Orton,
SHikan and (k-altle, Waah.
SURC CURC for PILES aaa ..d. SHII1 rr.a.aia riltlja
toa. lataaauiaac aaalk OH. UuaAlakO. rkUala.
isl tu'dtristrtk Ainianwt 1 1
l 1 aaak Cuuaa Nrrua. Taawa Uuu4. Vat r 1
lii Via M "st""- 1 L
N.'r.St.U. No. 894.-S.F.N.U. No. TTI