The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 27, 1897, Image 7

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    jXV ANP COUNTY. .wi:ixri)Av, MAI;i,I:1
ii . n ' 1 1 ns
f niY lirtiw. 11 i.
a. fiada of Lans County
! Ut "- ., ...
i "3 Setter Systonnuzo mo
. .-B.nlin.w with the requlre.mnf.
"C.r,,I.Mtl..u W, Ore-
i'bool L. ('ou",y Hul)t,rln-
wn Hunt ha prcpare.i .... iw..i..
K. of Study the Pu.-lic ban county, Uro..."
jniirte n urn,iiiu
lln; ue or me country
llVlillcrsDII, l.ClltUt.
J. J. Wallop, ntloi iirv-ut-luu.
Tr"'l' l'vi U-Kiiii (.. visit Us up,,.,.
The river hit raised H.Vl Tlti fw,
f bun Henderson returned r. ..t 1 . ,. '
today. M) l ,r li"ptcb from
T.rl.Ufmi.Hrv,,,viX "vZS '!' Ci.l'AK,
! . " ' -u v.oaiea uy in wile. 11
"Fighting Mock."-! In. ttn.
""U a Daughter of l.eorgel.lark.
'"Huge drove Precinct
fu.iidi ' arranged that tin
L,tt.uiiy''",, '" elht n,,u'" ta
I..i.ii ill H e, Hiub giving ll.o
fVorkl t rlit-r f.w classe while
BuiMiuouia' d quality of work
.J)0 In the same time.
tjtl,PH.ill't. which Is ve y com.
L thoroughly explains Ihe plan
it 'i,i tain valuable suggestions "
1 I .. ...... II.... I.t
tlrtdier, III r Kru i giuMing in
jol,M well outline test for pro.
ionud ra.!uull..n.
j:briielliirWinr ff"' graded
iwofatudy tire man I fold ; for in-l.-anuoil
iioiii' from one school
I uotM will Hud fiw exactly
to bin n -ed. IJy adhering to
ieoorsea child of ordinary ability
jld comitc-te the common school
icbrtlu sixty-nix school month
fa time. Pupil receive full credit
I ill work done and a new teacher
kiio wbera claM should begin
i I ilmu ,1,. nu'au H.n n. latum
fgolog over the same ground time
Vrtlaii. wbll parent will ue Utter
Jilonnke a correct estimate of their
ildrto'i progress.
Varberi will Hud that the time
the detail of the
to niasier
in till be well spent and the exper
Jet jiioed by classifying their school,
JtKoffreat value to them. Par
tndicbool olllceis should render
iDKMMryaid and encourageiuent.
1 oopjr of lb inuuuul ha lieeu sent
i neb cWrk who will furnish the
i to Ibe teacher upon application.
J A Chc.hlre of Irving, w, .-.
k'flie tmluy,
Freh jrurdtn red.
'' I. CIllimlKTH.
Mrnml Mr Jo, r.yoim returned
Drain tliiH afti rnoon.
Olive nrchnril hh.I I,.... ..i. ....... ...
I'' L I hiimiii ri. 1 '
A. Hunt lm returned from n t.
relutlve neiir i 'rewell.
rtmiiiit..r Shumate, of Waltervillr
"pent lat niuht Km;,.,,,..
The new "Siivajre Kill,.." cu Hnl
exumiiie at Morn A I'ulue'N.
J It AI lllk.'V. of forll,...,! .!... ..
.... . . ..r'U..
...I. M11I reve collector, I in tile
J V Kuiilliii'iii moved into Mr
IViiktrtt' liouw, comer lih and ljKh
st net.
Mint. Carrie llovey will have Siitur
day on a time month.' vilt to rela
live In the Hut.
rruiilni tool, ttpray muterlal. nnrav
pumpf, 70 vent and up.
I. I,. ( haiiiiii rx.
('TdrilVm mourn the Ion of hix
ohlckeim, (.cine one lu,vlni vMted hh
heu riHbt hint night.
The Weekly (ii'AKp and the fiiicin
nattl Weekly i:niiiirer hotli one year
for IJ.On in advance.
Mr I'Mahon of Junction,
been rpciidiuj; the winter in
returned home today.
J'lanet Jr K'lldell tool.
F I. 'hauiU m.
Mr. M A HuiiHiiker went
laud on the local (hi morning, for a
hort vinit with her son K I, Campbell.
" .",""u, mwcity who ha iwt.
"'l".n..d with Mr cORlM for ,or, 4,1 yearn, fumUhe Uih following
"All the olj uler. in Lane county,
"'f -.pecially i,IIMat tht. 80Ut, u,
"'eiuot-r me Clark who titled
ll Cwrt Fork and it. trilmtaric.
Y"' I" Ibe -Wa, and wlu., ,ome of
"'in at least, were at all time in
tiouhle win, their neighbor, ami it
seldom that our circuit court
w',,, ""I t'Unteued with their
'. One of the brother, Cieorg..
lived on what wa rorly called 'How
liiver' and had lor a neighbor (iordon
Mcl anley. Clark wa de terinii.ed to
run hi neighbor out. whl.-li ri.. i,.
finally accompli.!!, ,t t.reiy
"p"i i.uuei rrom McCanley' wile.
tieorge Clark wa hot to death om,.
year later by hi nephew, IScll South
well, w, wa confined in the penilen
Hary for one year for the crime. Mr.
-oate u a daughter of lieorge Clark
1 ouiu seem to come from a tight
lllg KIOCK."
rVcmms Pnviless to
Directors to tie
Vo;e !cr
StKlei li
tie Courts.
lr. W. V. ileiiderson.
w ho ha
t hi city,
to port-
Ibt Ktw b'ullcry FmUbed.
r.tb tbe exi-eptiou of having its
painted, our studio is complete
i ir pleated to announce our
iUrttJy fur business the 23d.
fit next three weeks will tie cle
iti largely to preparing a display
rfrnir forisl opening which we plan
i give about Faster. Later uotice
31 be givMi).
't shall be glad however, In the
otltue, to receive all friend w ho
tfebeto waiting our coming, asur
ttbtoj, aud all w ho may desire work
iie, that every attention known to
a proftwlon wl'l be glveu toward
Mtiog the tuuat pleasing results.
Dorris' art Oallkkv.
Willamette 8t, bet Oth and 10th.
friii Farmkks Qwlne to the
irut court being in ewstdou ou March
ibetioiaaet for a meeting of The
fneri Protective Ausociatlon, said
:io( has been postpoued to the
fi 8aiu:da, the 17th, day of
f His nieanliuie the olllcers will
on Saturday, March UOlh, to
'iapli,0f action aud to attend to
ft. . i . .
"uiwuMjorthe association.
H. West, I'resident.
Cha II Vamey of Cnnv, I agent for
all the lending magazines and iicwh-pu-r
i i 1 1 J i I i . , I Can
Mr M K Turner of Linn county,
who ha been visiting w ith her son,
Arch Kice in thUcily, returned home
You can make, more clwar inoni-v on
a small patch of onion than nnvtiiing
else in the market. F L Chamber ha
the Oregon yellow Danver seed. It
yield Hie heaviest.
The electric light cor. 13th ami High
street wa lighted lat night for the
first time and on account of itselevated
position wasij'iite prominent.
The fund to erect a monument to
the victim of theilver Luke liie
now amount to H'juii, and negotia
tion for tlio marble have beeu entered
Do you lack fuilli and love health?
Let us establish your faith and restore
your health with DeWitt'sSarsaparil-
la. City Ditig Store, II. A. Vincent,
Dr. (J. W. lii.MIe may !e found at
his residence on Olive street, between
Fiftli and Sixtli streets, one block west
of tlio Minnesota hotel. He is pre
pared to do all dental work in the best
II A Vincent, who with Mr Walton
of llalst-y has purchased the Heineli
way drug Moie, will discontinue the
City di ug store, lie w ill combine the
"toies at the present location of the
llemeii way store.
Whkhkas.Oii the loth day of March
'' ""I" esteemed brother, Walter
Vernon Hendersou, while yet in the
oioom of vigorous mni,lio,l u
stricken by the icy hand of death; and
Whereas by hi departure Lodge Xo
H P O E ha lot a valued iniin.
br, the community an honorable citi-
Ken, an aged aud widowed mother an
alleclionateson, and a motlierles and
helpless daughter ha been left an
orphan; now, theiefore be it
Iteaolved. Ity Lodge 3.17, Henevolent
Protective Order of Klks. of Kugene,
Oregon, tliul our tenderest sympathies
be extended to the sorrowing family of
our deceased friend and brother and
particularly to the bereaved and
stricken mother and daughter; and
may we hope to lighten the burden of
sorrow by bearing testimony that h
left to them the priceless legacy of nil
honorable name.
As he had a heart for oth, r u'om
I and a band ever ready to respond to
the generous promptings of a noble
nature, ao may we be to those who In
life he held nearest and dearest. May
they be the object of our tender soli
citude and though they may feel deso
late, may they never be friendless,
liy his honorable, manly course In all
the walk ol life, without ajtectation
and despising hypocrlcy; by hi sym
pathetic hvart aud broad though mod
eat charity, Walter Vernou Hinder ion
held the esteem and resjiect of the
community and the ailcc-liou of a
large chcle of friend. He was an
houeU man and a good man. II is
virtues we shall write on tbe tablets
of our memories; bis foibles on the
shifting sands.
M S Wai.i.i.s,
L T Hakki,
Oko A Dokkis,
Attorn.-) iVuiler iiielr Serricc tree
ilr. Harris Hie Coniiitaliuint
t ........
-e.unniversy wiilcll aros,. out of
til.. r.. .. .1 . .. ..
.... .mrui neuooi election a to wo.
men' right to vote I to be settled in
the courts A case entitled l.aurn
uarris, luintitl, versus Sherwood
"urr, K It Henderon and M S Wal
l's, a Judges of election of school
.1 : . . . . . .
oisirici .Aii i of Lane county, state of
Uregon, defendants, wa tiled yester
day afternoon by (ieo It Don is, attor
- foi plaintill. Ills exacted that
Hi" case, will bt. trli-ii at the adjouriit-d
term of circuit court in April ard then
ajipealed to the supreme court fur Until
decision. The case I not hro.uht on
for tin- purpose of gratifying any per-
s 'iiul desires Lit 1 1 is simply being t- ted
to settle the ijtiestion of whethir or
tii.t ..- i. . .. .. . . . . . .
"" u oo are property hosiers
hall he permitted to vote ut school
eleel ions in the future, and Mrs II mis
by ropiest cons, uted to allow-
to he used
The pr.-sccution is being m ,le by
friemls of County J iilgo fcO Potter
the deflated candidate. During the
prog i ess ami immediately after the
election It was anno. meed that the
h lends of l;, v W S Gilbert, the sue
e. . i . .
irwiui catiiiniate, would tiring suit,
oui up in tii,. present time n,i case ha
been filed by them.
ft t .
Mr norris, who is .u-ting ,ls Btt,r.
ne lor llie prosecuti ha tendered
hi serv ices free of charge, and will
invite olht-i alt, )iue s to him, or
to take up the opposition side, as they
may ch e I he following I il,.
Korio si ,Vtf Ht (ioklicn Hiirglarleil
-Aliotit Worth of dondu
Midi u A Sliot-iiuii Watrii
In-r run
Hurglars very likely consider Koncy
rm' general country merchandise
store at (ioshen, n very aafe and easy
place to operate and do business, i h,.
store building was broken Into some
time last night, the second time with
in the last three mouths, and about
$-10 worth of gmid carried oil'.
As near as may bo determined Mr. '
lbuiey i Kiser six doen pair of socks,
live pair shoe, one nnzen pair gloves,
two pair tdlppi rs, leather suspenders,
and other articles upon w hich he can
not give any certain estimate of the
amount taken. The liusheu potoillce
is kept in the same building, Mr K.uiev
being postmaster, and the burglar
Helped himself to a quantity of stamps
and aiuped envelop, .
Mr llotiey was absent attending a
session of the Maccabce lodge in Port
land. No one sleep in the iore build
iug ami the burglar had hi own lime
and convenience in which to ciforiu
tlie wink.
This is the sixth time the store has
oeeii iirokeii into and Tin
irequelicy oftlio robla rie would lead
one to conclude local talent wa in'er
ested in tlie work of relieving Mr Ko
n ey ol hi good
one tiling is certain, Mr Koney, at
tills rate, will oon la.-cleaned out an.
the buighua will have to look els
where for a scene in which to operate
Jlrs l'ciigra Wins Her Suit.
tnMI-1. VIM'.
in the llrcuit Court of Ihu slato of
Oregon for Lane county.
plaintill, 1
Laura A. Harris
Shmvooil liurr, it. It. Hen
derson, and M. S. W'lllis,
lis Judge of election of
school district No. 4, of
Lane county, slate of Ore
gon, ' Defendants.
Weather Condition.
SlMUanl Putterus.
r'ueliave thu imoresslon tlmt u b
f no longer Interested in the sale of
.dwj Pattern. This I a mistake.
and pattern are in and
Uk ord-rs for the Slaudard
price eighty-flve cent, per
H. C. Rankin,
A8t. for Staudard Pattern.
foileeto the Pnhllp.
ll hftraaKat n .i t
..?hP."v'u,eft my & J
rd whr.V V." Vu ,eu
.i, votuow ut iiiuvwn-
l .. I. ..- .
to ,D "ereoy warneu
trust or cr-ilit i.uv ..... .
""11, aa I n.i,i " J "u
"acuiilr. PSy 1,0 bilii of ,ler
UJl.vvllJMra W- BCHRIMI'F.
il!!l!i0r-' MmcI 17 mi-
Bva our -aiu.
"XiUm!!16 ""tt each squirrel de
Wa el.K, .o11' f,f rln annually.
C1 "e V"11 'tive and
dtS MJ1pol!).,mk"ou-
LIUo, agenta.
"mil for sale.
now ii,:,-,,. a . ..
.. huh lurmo ina
iMuV'alU,y for 8nle- Tl'ew
Pflce. Fo-T ev"y variety in size and
I ror ascription list. ,i,ir.u.
Mklni Block, t,e,pr;
"J -
'.v work i"001 horse for a
.Tillable yuugand gentle.
onn,!..?"Uruce will b." naid.
J A fin utv"
prlngneld, Oregon.
0'y to Loan.
a. 'fro'DrWW McCormlck,
I'Plv In
- J- McClasahak,
-ugene, Uregon.
In the matter of tbe leluoval of the
Thlrtet nth street arc liglit one block
east from Oak and Thirteenth to Pearl
and Thirteenth streits, tlie injunction
has been dissolved aud the light has
been removed.
Small in size, but great in results.
IHfWitt' l.iitle Farly Iliscrs ad
gently but thoroughly, curing indi
gestion, tlyspepsi't aud constipation
Small pill," safe pill, best pill. City
Drug Store, II. A. Vincent Pro rielor.
Mrs Carey F Martin of Salem, ar
rived on the afternoon train and will
visit with friend in Kigeiie. She was
accompanied by Mis Jennie lieattie.
of Oregon City, a member of thu class
ol '90, University of Oregon.
It would I; bard to convince a man
HUirerlng from billons colic that his
agony is due to a nilctolw with au uu-
pronou ucable name. Hut one dose of
DeWitt'a Colic and Cholera t ure will
convince him of iti power to afford
instant relief. It kills pain. City Drug
Store, II. A. lucent, Proprietor.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no plea
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected cold.
City Drug Store, II. A. Vincent,
W Saumler accom,.aiiied F M
Il.'alr to the latter' farn in the west
ern outskirts of the city tbi morning
Saunders fell Into a ditch, which
was about tire.- feet deep with eight
Inches of water in it. He lost his foot
ing aud went In bead tlrst, being un
able to extricate hlin-eif will, "in as
sistance. He had oil liis new gra
suit, which is more mud than w,s,
Kll Hill, Lumler City, J., ven it. :
"I have been sull'ering from pile for
5 years and thought my rase incura
ble. DeWitf Witch Haicl Salve was
recommended tome as a pile cure, so I
bought a box and it performed a per
manentcut.)" Tbi Is on'y
thousands of similar cure., l-.eema.
ore and sUiu ilisea-s yield quicklj
when it Is used. City D'l'rf More.
H. A. Vincent, Proprietor.
Foster's storm wave is hilled to close
it engagement not prior to tlie -.'Id,
followed by a warm wave. Ho says
March aud April will go in partner
ship In weather making this spring.
The reversals coined by oi e of tlie
planets in March will result in great
weather extremes aud will have a de
cided influence on April precipitation
and temperatures.
The storm arranged for by Hicks to
occupy tlie hoard during thu eqiiiuoc
l ial period is not due to depart until
Prof Dunne has been making weath
er for the sunny Southland for so long
that it seems difficult for him at first
to aeeoni nodata his predictions to lit
Oregon. He has all along bten trying
to give the North Pacillo states warm
er litis snrinii than the elements w ill
accord to us. His c,tld psriod I du
on the 'id and sli uld remain, ac
cording to his map, tiutil the Tt 1 1 . He
promises a warm period from the 27th
until the 20th, and the severest storm
on the 23d.
Pally (.usid, Murtli
OKAND LmtiiK. The Maccabees or
ganl.ed a grand lodge at Portland yes
terday with tlie following olllct-r
State past commander, J F Kuticigh,
of Enterprise; stale commander, J S
Van Winkle, of Albany; state lieuten-
unl-eolli ii, under. F H Robinson, of
Hiliiene; atate record-keeper, Ira M
Hunter of Corvallis; stale finance
keeK-r, ( (i Mayger, Mayger's Land
ing; statu chaplain, Rev 11 Harris of
Cove; state physician. J P Tae, tf
Portland; state sergeant, K A Hildreth;
of Ahland; state master-at-arms, Dr
A J Prill, of Scio; tlrst state master of
guard, M llaylt-r. of Dallas; second
stale master of guanl, Oeorge IWidle
man, of Union; state teutiuel, C P
Houston, of Junction City; state picket
V T Rigdoii, "f -"saleni. l-.ugene
lodge was r, ir, sei,lnl by O W Kinsi-y.
(.iosbeu by A L Roney and Irving by
C p Houston.
-The following Lane county teachers
have been granted slate diplomas and
cerlillcate by the state board of ex
aminers: State diplnmas-Jeiiuie An
J,.rn, WT (iordon, Kugene Bond,
Alice Parker, Mrs Sadie Warbintou,
a id Kmma Idd. State w-rtiflcates
M-s Klla 1- i.her, Mr Kdith Fi,l:r,
Mr. Isals lle P-tterf. Mary McUetD
ani William Martin. Miss Myra
.Norris wmgrauled a life diploiua.
ii:e plaintill above named complains
of the defendants above named and
Fiit. That the plaintill' is a citizen
ot tlie I inted States and the state of
Oregon, a female over tlio age of
twenty one years, and is a resident of
school district Xo 1 in Lane county,
ate of Oregon, i,i ,1 bus been mch
resident continuously for moie thau
one year prior to the commencement
of this action and was such on the
second Monday of March, 1 St7.
Second. I hat on the second Mon
day of March. ISD7, the plaintiff was
and now 1 tlie owner of property
situated In sahl school district No 4.
upon which she pays a tax.
Third. That said school district No
4 on tlie said second Monday in
March, 1 S!7, wa and now is a duly
organized school district w ithin Lane
county, state of Oregon, having a
clerk and three directors aud a school
taught '.herein ami ou said second
Monday in March, Ih'.'T, had in said
school district over five hundred qual
illed voters and a population of over
one thousand.
Fourth. That pursuant to a general
law of tlie state of Oregon approved
Oct. IS, 1S7S, authorizing aud direct
ing school districts containing live
hundred or more qualified voter to
hold annual elections for directors aud
clerks from 2 o'clock p in to (I o'clock
p in of the second Monday In March to
elect one director every year for each
district. The director of said school
district No 4 on tlie day of Februaiy
LS!7, duly appointed the said defend
Hlits as Judge of an election to lie held
on the said second Monday in .Mai eh
1V.I7, lu said school district No 4 in
said county and state between tlie
hours of '1 o'clock p in and G o'clock
in of said day at the City II ill of Ku
gene City in mid school district.
Fifth. That said defendant afore
said did qualify as Judges of said
election and did sit at the time and
place appointed to receive and canvass
the vote aud report the result to the
Sixth. That K O Putter Is a citizen
of Ibe stale of Oregon over the age of
twenty-tin years and a resident of
said school district No 4 lu said Lane
county and had been for mole than
one year prior 'o the said second Mon
day in March. IW, and wa such on
said day.
Seventh. That he was a candidate
for theolllee of director of said district
at said election an I received a large
number of vote Ihep-at and became
such candidate uo"ii the petition of a
large number of qualified voters of said
school district.
Kighth. Plait, lilt' aliiges that on
the second Monday in March, 1SU7,
she appeared at the Uy Hall or Ku
gene lily in said ,I;tiict, the place
of voting in said di-tiiet, Is-tween the
hour of 2 o'clock p in and fi o'clock p
and tendered lo the ssid Judges of
election her vote for the said K O Pot
ter as director of said school district
No 4. Thai said ,l, ! ndanl's then and
there acting asj'idgcs of said ileetioi,
wrongfully and unlawfully refused to
receive the vote of said pUintifl and
turned her away without permisioii
to vote, contrary t" law in such cases
made ami provided to the damage of
t)l plaintiff in the sum of II fly dollars
(V-Vi no,.
Wherefore pluiiilifl demands Judg
ment against said defen lants in the
turn of fifty doiars, .iuoo,, and for
costs an I liubur nn-nt of action.
oregonian March 2.": "The suit of
Mrs W It Peiigra vs Mrs Kmma (III-
more, to recover f loot) on account
the alleged sale to the plaintill of the
luisylu boarli::g-houso through mi
representation, was yesterday decided
lu favor of Mi Pcngra. Thu trial was
concluded yesterday mornlnir. lust
before I lie noon hour and thedelilnr-
allons of thu juiy occupied several
lion rs.
"The furulture in "Tlie Kosyln" cost
Mrs liilmoro over frh'OU, Mid wa in
cluded in tlie sale, and was all paid lor
except fcjuu, which liuii Mr l'eiigia
assumtd. Mrs (iilmore, on the witness
stand, denied having misrepresented
tlio business. 1 he notes given by Mrs
Pcngra weie not at issue in thu case
fust decided. Thu equity pioeeeding
between Ira Russ, C A Ruickhimll
and Mrs Pcngra, to determine who
shall receive the balance realized from
Ihu sale of the furniture by thu alien II,
a recelvtr, aboulfljo, is set for hear
ing today before Judge Stearns.''
Our ! if.
It l t-tM-ntlal to the toll belli of the i hysl-
enl leonniny II, Ht the kidneys hii.I hlmlilcr
should ho eteriinlly evo, that th. y h,il,
never no "oil duty." II they ,, t. lu.lncvi
mil to scereiu lioni thu I.I.hmI ii, wm.-iy fi,.
uielit and the l,iiir,ll,'a llml nhi.uhl Is- tliriimi
,)It l Ihu liUihl.T, HIM linth i.rmoia sillier In nr.
tlKMlf health Iroin llii-lr iiihiiioii. ,,.! ,i,,-,,r
Iniilierons iimlHilu s Aiih.iik these are llnalit'i
illsease ol thu kidneys, dliihel, ., relui.lliui l
the , inn, Kiavcl, ilr.,.y. Ac II Br
tnilx. Liu .,lunntu liHes. , level, cnu
ly and teriiioistlliK too ulleii lalslly. I .1,
vent i.rehei ii tlieiii. the safest m,.,i i ..11.... 1
'"' nasi, lie, g SI mi' 1 lli,,..r . ,..
ilea, 11,1,1, oel,,a l, Iiul never l'X',1, rr-iia, iiia,i, iko Ulu llery. ,111111, -.ln sl,
silinnlaiita ut eoniineree. Malaria. , I,
eiiiisiuiaiiun, over tniiilile, liern.ii-n,. and ,le
uu.iy are r. le,lli y the Keloal inislleme
Uselul In Convalesce nr. anil i.l.l mu.. A 11
hd-",,!, oiree liinesa ,lny.
Limr. Child's wiiit.- Angora itiutf,
Sunday, ib-ward ir nturu to tbi
Uui-kleu's Arnica Salve.
The best salve In theworld for cuts
bruises, sore, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, aud ill skin eruptions, and
positively cures piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give per
feet sat ir fact ion or money refunded
Price 25 lent per box. For sale by
Hk.nukkko.n & Linn.
Utter 1,1st.
March 21 '1)7
Rur, Peat. Itanium, J 10.
Kdward, Howard (Jroom, Miss Mary
Mathews, Ralph Riley, Miss II race
Aeharxenf one eent will Is- mail., nn al
Item lovennnl. l'rmiM i'.IIih. f..r l..i,H
win iiease amm wnen a,lvertl-ei.
John a. .M . MeiU KK, A-l, I". M
following, from the Roselmrg Review
will be of interest to the Lane county
friend of the parties mention,!: "Mis
R R Houston wa 'at home' to
large number of her friends Friday
afternoon, the guests meeting Mrs J
i'eeblerfnee Mis Minnie Houston.)
The West Rosehnrg residence was
decorated with ferns and choice plants,
being transformed luto a la-rlect bower
of beauty. The rooms were darkened
and lights turned on giving a height
ened illect to the beautiful decorative
art displayed. Delightful refreshment
were served aud the event proved
social success lu all n specls."
Slit On -Mrs Win It Pcngra of
this city, who recently purchased the
Roslyu boarding house in Poitiaud,
from Mrs Kmina Oilmore, and who
wauls her money back ou occount of
alleged mh representations, is having
tlie case tried in thu metropolis al tills
time. SI, e say the house was full of
Vermin, aud that Instead fit paying
a prollt off-VW per month, a rcpic.
settled, it wa losing ilDO per month.
FlUV IXll.l.AKS A Wkkk Kasii.v
M AIK. Ak'elits' wanted In every lo
cality for Hon. W. J. I'.ryan's great
and only book, "The First Rattle."
Tbe best se.ler ever produced. Agents
aiu taking a mini) as 20) orders per
week. Iteware of fraudulent Imita
tions. Send for outfit and Is-gln work
at once. W. R. Co.nkky Company
Publisbera, 341 Darborn street,
Abn Bal,r u ifc k, w bar CaitoA.
Wlirn ai.a u a CliiLl, a.'." crlxd fur Caatorla.
Whet, till bn-anm Mna, alia cIuiik to CaaturU.
A'bso ah bad (3uldna,ah gave tLu Caaturte.
Last quarter ol the ut, ou.
Mis llDi-tlu li inii:!i retiiincl b)
Oregon City today.
R II Miller of the W'oodtHirti Inde
pendent, I In the city.
Attorney .xklpwoilh has been em
ployed by the defendants in thc-rlio, I
election ease.
President Maik II Harrington prcsi
dent nf the Cniversity of Washington,
II I resigned.
Miss Ada Millicail of Wallet v die.
is VisitliiL' with Iriiods iio.l nil.
j lives in this cii v.
Hop poles that ucr. not s,i in.,l
fclica liiu...,n i' ..r .... : I , : !
.. , mi- ,1,1 S ll, ItllllllUI, CH',
have suffered Iroin toda.v 's w in, I storm.
V R Smith of Creswell. Is shml
lb. nit bushe! vitliolcl seed oats. j ,
secuieil a search warrant but it failed
to reveal t he oat.
The Oiix-onlan dl-atche today
seem to be nmro favorable as to tin
seating of II V eibttt. the uewi.v
appointed Oregon senator.
Master Sammy Haiidaker foiineily
of Pleasant Hill will leside in the
fill lite with hi grand parents, Mi
and MrsS Jt.uidsaki r in Kugene.
I'K orni arrived home ou the
alieriiooii train liatless, the wind hav
ing deprived him i.f tl. arlicl.' ,d
headgear a few miles dow n the road.
"Wake up, Jacob, the day is break
ing!" so said IVWilfs l.'ntlc Karly
Riser to the man who had taken
them (o arouse hi sluggish liver. City
Drug Store, II. A. Vincent, liopiielor.
Pass the g.snl word along the line,
lilescan be quickly -tired w ithout an
operation by simply applying Do
Wilt' Witch Hazel Salve. City Dniij
More, II. A. Vincent liopiielor.
Pure blood mi aus good health. De-
Witt's Sarntpaiillu punlles the blood
cures eruptions, eczema, scrofula and
all diseases arising from impure hl.snl.
City Drug Store, 11. A. Vincent.
A large tobacco sign was blown from
(lie top of tin, lien, hick's I till lililltr
" p
liagually across the street and landed
m front ,,f the Holl'maii House doors
Ihi morning. Luckily no damage
Person who have a roughing spell
every night, on account of a ticklinj
sensation in Hie throat, may overcome
it at once by a dose of Om-Minnie
oiiglilure. City Ding Store, II. A.
Vincent, Propijelor.
Ten wiliiesse from Natron are in at
tendance la-fore Referee M O Wilkins
today who Is taking evidence In the
use of !; L Smith v W II TalliiVro.
I'hl I to determine who 1 thu ow ner
of a tract ol laud which has Ion;; been
in dispute between lh parties.
When wu cotisi.ii-r mat the intes
tine are alsmt live time as long as
the body, wo call realize the intelisc
siill'crlug experienced when I hey are
inllained. DeW Ill's Colic and Cholera
'ure subdue lullammatioii at once
and completely remove the dilUcullv
ity -Drug Store, II. A. Vincent.
Mr II A Denton of Salem, president
of thu Oregon Christian Woman's
Hoard of Mission, w ho ha been in
thu city conferring with Mr Dr San
deison, secretary of the board, returned
to her home at Salem yesterday, aftei
completing their program, which will
occupy one day of tlio Turner i7 O. C.
W Convention.
Prinevillu has developed a nuw and
profitable amusement, it being noth
ing less than thu driving tlio timid
Jack rabbit, into a corral and kililnu
him numerously wilii club. The
second drive of tlio season was made
about a week ago, resulting in the
death of nearly 4lK) of thu long caicd
Wo might tell you moie nlsiut One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know that it curt a cough. Every
one doc who lias used It. It is a pel-
t remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse
lies. It is au eH-ela! favorite for
children, being pleasant to take anil
piick in curing. City Drug Store, II.
Wincent, Proprietor.
For a aiu in thu chest a piece of
llanuul dampened wilii Chamberlain's
Pain Halm and bound on over the si a'
of the pain, aud another on ti.e back
U-tween thu shoulder, will allold
prompt relief. This I especially val
uable In cases wlicro the pain is caused
by a cold and there Is a tendency to
ward pneumonia. For sale by
Osburn A DeLaiio.
Mrs MO Wilkins gave a surprise
dinner patty last evening in honor of
er hukbaud's 2ilh anniversary. A
bounteously supplied spread of g,d
thing and friend wailing greeted Mr
Wilkins on his arrival at home. After
liiiner tliu evening wa spent in card
laying and conundrum guessing
Those present were: Mr and Mr M
O Wilkins, Mr and Mr LN R-.ney,
Mr and Mrs W C Voraii ami Mr and
Mr J W Rays.
Von hear it almost everywhere, and
read it in thu liewspupers, that Sim
mon Liver Regulator I till) best livel
remedy, ami the best spring medicine,
ami the Is-st blood medicine. "The
only medicine of any consequence Unit
use is Simmon Liver Regulator."
Ho w rote Mr R A Cobb, of Morgatitoii,
C. And W F Park, M. I)., ol
racy City, Teiin., writes: "Simmons
Iver Regulator I thu best.''
Not a few w ho read what Mr Rols-rl
Row I, of Holland, Va., ha to say In,
w, w ill remember lln-lr own exper
ience under liku circumstances: "La-t
inter I had la grippe which left Die
in a low statu of health. I tried num
erous remedies, none of w hich did me
any good, until I was induced to try
Ixitllu of ChaitilH-r!'s Cough Rem
edy. I w a enable to attend to my
work, and the second bottle t IT', del a
cure." l-',,r SM- al Hound 6) ct lit I tr
Kb. I'K. Mc1MLJ;KF.
iu Wulla
ll' ('read a Sensation
"alia, Hush.
I oo-
-pnkanc, and
conducting service on
emlletoi, .;. ,,. Mmhal Jake
Kantl'man and the Ihu-. Dr. Mo r nt nrlT,
a Spokane el, rirymiin, nt- having It
hot and heavy over in W'all.i Walla.
.'icioiuiii u p.r of ii,,. V
I'lei I uiti il Church "f
he has hem
me st ic i, f Walla Walla, lie look
occasion ( tt,.r H,.mo vehement crili-ei-n,s
against ti. ,uv oillclal and
county h,-nil, and on Saturday night
waso.,1, ,,.,1 to.hsist by City Marshal
Iv-iull'man. I his apparently amror.-.l
i'lM'-lniiiitr, and ho denounced the
police for allowing crowd to congre
cte mi the sidewalk to listen to the
"i""'t of the Coibcit.Hi.slmnion
Hbt, whereas religious gatherings
were prohibited.
H'- op. nly as-eitc, that he opposed
t lie lir.. ii ..i il .., . . .
o. Liiiooiers an, mo '.
Io-mi keepers, and wa there to make a
light t, suppics, such binine.
Satin, lay evening, Dr McInturfT,
Lev- 1 inner and another man calling
bun-elf Kcv Day, commenced their
""I door service on tlio corner of
l-oiirth and Main streets, In the heart
of the l.u,,,.,., ,vnt,.ri lt - 0.t,,(K,k(
l'""r to t,u indoor servii-rs, which
',MV'' ''"'" hided in a small hall.
In hi previous services Dr Mcln-
III II had ,t cn lieu III bis ,l..,.l,l....
f -Mayor Jacob Ilelz vho he said wa
'ibrewvran.i saloon, Marshal
Kaiilluiai, ami si,..riir i.-iu. ........... i.
hi naturally created strained rela
and fuel wa added to the llama
h'-n Rev Day, said to be a converted
Pugilist, join,.,! the rank.
At I he Saturday evening meeting on
the si reel, Dr M, -Intuit! begau to talk
in tr.mir terms f t. p,.0 ,,.psrt.
nieiit. Ilesal his uudieiicu had been
I v- on by a "big fat police-
man, vv ho had nothing elsu to do,"
whereas when report were coining
Wednesday of the Crhett-lii.slm.
"""i" pi'zc light, (ho crowd wa al
lowed lo May a long as It pleased aud
block the streets.
W hen Marshal Kauftinun r.u,ii,l
tlie coi ner i, r Main and Fourth street
h- moved into (ho crowd and raid,
"Mr. Miinturll', I want you to din
perse Mils eiovv d and movu on." Dr.
Melniuiir replied, "All right," and
the crowd followed him down the street
to Hie hall, astheout door meeting had
about reached au end, anyhow.
Tie, to he continue, I hi the same
strain a on the street, much to the
delight of hi he irer.
Marshal Kaulliiian Is extremely
angry, oi f (ho main cause Imlng
that ho issciisitivu a to thu teim "big
fat policeman." Hu states that all
public crowd ou t lie streets must cease.
This w ill take in thu Salvation Army,
ami the marshal will II lid opposition
from the citizen In this resolve."
Hiu i: ol 0 Already Preparlug for
Colli IllctlCelllellt.
Although commencement at the U
ofO doc not occur until lu Juue, It la
customary to select speakers consider
ably In advance.
Rev Charles K Locke, the Portland
M ii divine, ha ac:cpted thu Invita
tion to deliver the baccalaureate sermon
and Judge Northrup, of Portland, will
deliver (he annual address before the
New Hop Coutlacll.
Salem Statesman: W II and A M
Holme of tills city have contracted
with the Horst & Leachmuud Co. to
deliver to it .iO.oiK) pounds of hops to
be grown by them on the farm owned
by II P McNary, receiver of the Wil
hams tt Knglaiid llankii g Co., about
41 miles soul Ii west of Salem in Polk
county. The consideration 1 0 cunta
per pound. Tt u crop is to be delivered
at Salem between Octolier 1st and
November loth.
Frank Hushcy and wife, of near
(iervuls, has entered lut'J a three-year
hop contract with A Lehman A Co.,
of Cincinnati. They agieu to supply
to tho Ohio firm lO.OUO pounds of their
hops to lie grown aud harvested dur
ing 1vj7, lS'iH and lsu:. They are to
receive KJ cents per pound.
WKHmitli and wife, of lit Paul
precinct, aro tlio partlc of the first
part in a similar contract with the
same company. The amount of hopa
lobe delivered by ilium annually la
H.IKM) pounds.
lu the vicinity of (lerval during
lint past week hop contract have been
ottered at 11 cents per pound.
Fakkwixi, Party. Mr C 0 Rower
a tendered a farewell party by a
number of I! of O student Tuesday
evening at the homo of H H Stickney
on Willamelto street, Refreshments
were served and a pleasant evening
enjoyed. Mr Rower won many warm
friends by hi short stay among us.
I le left on thu local train this morn
ing for Astoria.
iiiK Rivi:ii Raising. Tlio warm
winds if ihu past three days have
caused the snow to melt In the moun
tain and the river at the time of golDg
to press register at the bridge 14 feet
above low water mark and I still ria
ng. Tho llouring mill has ceased
operations ou account of the raise and
tlie electric light plant Is compelled to
resort to steam as a motive power.
bottle by Osburu A lk.-lauc
A Rr.siNKss CiiA.NtiK. Voluey
Hemenwuy has sold his drug store on
the corner of Willamette and NlnSi
strut U to II A Vincent, of the City
Drug Store, and Mr Walton of liaise
w 1(9 will continue the business. We
wish thu geiitlemeu success aud also
Mr Heiiieuway iu whatever line be
may engag,)