The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 27, 1897, Image 6

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Accen t tlie County l lerk of Employ
I Dir Incompetent Help.
Kl-oknk, Ok., March 18, JHOT
Editor Guard: In your Issue of
the 17th, I notice "a statement" by
County Clerk Jennings, In which he
refers to a statement InlheGl'AKD of
March 7th, pronouncing said statement
as false.
I l-IuIiii that the statement of March
7th wu true In every paitlcular, al
though neither my deputise nor my
nelf gave the ttalement to the Ol'ARD.
At Mr Jennirigt ay, Iherolla were
turned over to menu Feb. 27th, at)')
being naturally Interested to know
what my own ami my wlfe'a lain
were, I turned to them Immediately
id discovered there wail mistake of
iH.ilb III the extension of my wlfe'a
taxes. I was v. ry sorry to find thla
aa I had h .d ihat Mr Jennings
would to ll thiil I had a reasonably
correct roll to collect from thin yiar
well knowing how much linuhle we
had last year alsiut thla same matter;
therefore, I did not feel Justified la
going on with the tax collection until
the roll were verified, and the eeijuel
proves Hint I acted wisely.
Mr Jennings devotee aome anac to
orroia In hohool I)latrlct No. CI, elat
ing that the amount aaorlgloally ex
tended would not rati the amount of
money needed. Now t am Informed
thut District No. 61 bused their levy
on the amount of the aseabl prop,
erty In their district as furnished them
by Mr Je-iiilnga and they afterward
ascertained thai he had given them an
ncorrict atatement of the aiiiomit;
hence the necessity of all those
He alto goes on at aome length In
regard to the liingnltudo of the work,
making that an excuse for aome ol the
error. Now I have alwaya euposid
thai It la Juat a decennary to add
long column of figure correctly aa It
la to add a ahort column of figures cor
rectly. He alao state that the law
doea not require the sheriff to verify
thla work. Very true; but the law
doea uot contemplate Incompetency on
the part ol the county clerk, and only
J uhI Ice to the taxpayer demamla that
hla taxea fhull he charged utiaolutely
Aato Mr. Jennings' taking the rolla
hack, he did so vulunlurlly. lie rame
Into my office Haturday night, March
Oth, and took (he rolla, with our notca
of correction, elating that ho would
make the proHr coneoi Ions the next
day, Himday, and would alao go over
aa much of thu uncorrected work aa
he could that day.
The who'c trouble about thla matter
seems to originate In thu fuel that Mr
Jenulnga seem bound to work In cer
tain inemliera of hla family In hla olllce
work and make the coiiuly pay tliem
juat aa much or more than they would
lie obliged to pay competent help for
the aamu work.
In couclnalon I will aay that 1 bin
noipiarrel to make with Mr Jennings;
I simply contend that I am eutltlcd
to a correct roll upon which to collect
the taxea of I. aim county, and I ahall
lualat on the name, and I alnurrcly
trust that he v 111 eventually learn that
A. J. Johnson, Sheriff.
A I.ivk Pknnoyer Hit. Mr IVn
noyer returned compllnieiita wild the
Ongonlan In the following live man
ner: 'ltecaiiHe Etra Duiand had iwwt
truthfully alated, apraklug fiom the
Multnomah county Jail, that "thin
country la ault'crliig from that gold
adoring, unprincipled, vlcloua duck
hunter Cleveland and hi million"
you kindly suggest In your editorial
oolumiia that "ll ought to move Pen
noyer to hull that old man out," t felt
somewhat disposed to do ao, until I
fojud out Unit "the old man" im
foolish enough to vote for McKlnley
and a continuation of the duck huuler
Cleveland's gold adoring policy. 1
will now let nu hall him out. A man
thut talk right and vote w rong really
ought to atay in Jail anyway."
I-oil Ci.kam.inos. The county
tmard of commissioner at Ita laal ses
Ion passed a resolution Intended to
restrict spitting in the hallways, olll
ce of the varloua oftlciala and court
room of t ho court house. The nsolu
tlon of course, la uot a law and there la
lio penally tiltaohcd, but the count
ottlclals are uracil by the board to do
their utmost to prevent spitting about
the court house building. The city
council at it Ut meeting Introduced
au ordiimiicti prohibiting spitting on
certain sidewalks and putillo places
and the county court haa simply seo
undrd the action of the city council.
)lly liuanl. March I.
Easikkn Star I.oihik. Mrs M H;
Coiikllug of K webnrg. grand secretary
or Hi grand chapter or Eastern Mar
Lodge, who Is visiting with power to
organ! local lodges of that order, Is in
the city and, with the assistance of
Mr Helm of Corvallls, graud matrou,
who Is exacld I arrlv, will or
ganic a local lode. A mwetlug was
held last night, alHut 'JO ladhe being
present. It U thought that at leant
40 meiulr will l ecurd for the
new lodge. The Eastern Star lodge it
the ladies' auxiliary lo the A F aud
A M.
J C--1 K ' n cuttle.
Sunshine and snow.
Wll Owen I In from the ranch.
Flood pievailing aouth aud north.
Trout can I legally taught April
Hen Lurch, ol Icmuti, visited In
Eugene today.
Rome auii-hine tin afternoon. It
was scocpUhl.
lir.U-o are liooling nut ill. standing
llif aturm wesllier.
A Lille aioiw tin forenoon, hut the
toll ill melfvd it.
Mrs D M ltidoii i ipnle ill at the
family residence in thli city.
The Hotel Eugene olllce wind.
are ornami-ntei' m ith lii-at new sign.
flnu May, of II irrUburg, unl T A
Milll iin, of Jui.ctlon, arc in the city.
Mitt lluwv ha re 'lied homo from
a vlsil lo r lulive at ancnuwr,
I'lie county Ju lg.V meeting lit Port-
lan l It atill ill m-lo-. J I I'lilttr
is in atteiiduiice.
Halein Journal: Kxn-iI Driver all
god tiling In Oremi h-iii to cmie
from Lane county.
The Y V and Y M C A n cepti.iu
Iiiih laen Miat polled till u weik from
Mitunlay night, March .7.
Venus la now the evening Ntar, and
whrncleur enough can bo miii it a
blight luminary in Hie Mi-stern a .y.
A II C I)iinlNtou, of I'ortlund, gu-
eral agent of the (ir ut Northtrn
Rjllway, wua in 11 e city lu-l vciiiiig.
Win Church, Jr., of I'lirtlnnd, died
in thut city yesterday He was ipiltv
proiulneiil In democratic ilitlcl
1're Auderaon, fonurly of F.ugenc,
U now a PullmiiB condiii-tnr on a train
running out of Chicago on the K ick
Island railroad.
iltxter Young, of Fall Creek, In In
lliocity with a badly awullcn foot
after medical advice. Hi ailment l n
hurtted vein.
The Camp! ell Woodcock hull. linn,
which will ho occupied by Mins Sue
Dorrla' photograph giillery, la now re
viving the IohIiIc fluishiuga.
Public ralicuraal were held ut Yil-
lard hall thi afternoon hy the chiM in
elocution. Oulte a iiumher of friend
of the cla were In attendance.
We have recelvfd the report of tlie
llllniater of llnance of the republic of
Hawaii. It aliowa that country to he
In a highly prospeious condition.
Ysnterdny'a Lohanon Advance: Kev
J A LonglHittom and family arrived
ytsterday from I'.ugvne mid hiivctuUcn
up their re-hlence in the I P pai'min-
John R Markley, foruiHrly of Cm-
vallla, Is In the City of Mexico and Im ,
p irchased ahmit UKn) acre of luml
aouth of that city suitable foi the Mi '
lug of coll'ee.
Over the dour of a MUsmirl church I
la an inscription wlm h rcHil: "Thla
is the gate of heaven." Jut Ih-Iow It
U another which ayt: "Clcaed by!
th American Loan Company."
In the Yoncolla, Hiught county,
schiail district, on of thu directors l
lilted a man to teach the school, and
the other two hired a woman- a former i
auceensful tendlicr-aud now they have
a fair sized row on their hand.
The Helping Hand, Philomath: It v i
F 11 Neff, of Irving, report presents
from hla charge valued tit 17. A nice
new suit of clothes wa one of the gifts
that made th pastor's heart cjud and
back warm.
A hat plu five inches long, with a '
fancy porcelain knob at one end, was
recently found in a hog'a liver ut Sp.
kane, Wash. No further search Is
ladng made for thu young holy, the
relative having nlen up all hope.
The hills about the city were covered
with snow atialn this morning and w
light coating of the white ultniice
w a spread over the valley: ll con
tinued to snow foi aw hile this morn -i
log, but sixui turned into rain.
Herat I.nchmund A Co., tiled in
Oregon City, a contract w lib K I. lin
ker, of SherwiHHl, for lO(Hn) lbs. of
18l7 hop at I' cent a pound Seven- I
ty live dollai were pild on execution!
of the contract, tltM are to U ailvamvd
fr picking, and the balance at the'
tlmeof the delivery of the crop.
A gentleman residing in Vira
county ifcvntly In vested aonicf(iH) In
two lots In Border City, Cel., supposed .
to be a Hiiburb of l.os Angels, and de-
tiring to learn something of the value;
of his Invest i rut nstiested hi ao'iit i
to correspond w ith the county nss,,r
of Los Angi'lcs, ami was Informed by
that oftlcUl that llorder City was 75 1
miUs from Los Angeles, and the two
lots referred to wer asseased at f".
Salem Stateeinau: In th olllc of'
State Siiiliitendeut O M Irwin a
life diploma was yesterday issued and '
forwarded to Myra Norris, of Lugenc, 1
granted upon the recommendation ot
the county board of examiner of Lane
county. A state ceilthVale was also
Issued and forwarded to Mary Mc
Qleen, of Collage liruve, Uhu a like
.Nitrne of the Xew OrgJliiiatl'"1
J'rfci flo Coaat Venture-One
Olllce from tugeur.
A privute letter lo Mr Moilurphuy
from on't of Oregon's delegate to the
Woodmen's Ciicle Huprmue Forest at
HI Louis conveys the Inf'.rinulWii that
the uhovu will Im the nunc of the
new Jurisdiction. They ay the rea
son they walked out win then- w:n no
rhaiice for them to get their reforms
through, gain access to the books, or
any thing else; also their resolution
akirig for a separate jurisdiction wan
relu-ed, then they asked to be excused
from further attendance, which was
i hey have etlected a temporary r-
ganiitlon, will Incorporate and be
ready for business by the 1st duy of
April. Oregon get the executive
oilier, two munugers, one physician
Dr Kuykeudull of this city; ami the
Orove are advised lo pay the March
aasensuiellt t rtil rellie Forest US Usual
and hy A pill 1st liny may go Into the
new organi.itiou at rutes sumo as Pa
cilh: Juiiadiction, W. of W. The let
ter closes W i! ll the hope t hut Oregon!
will have in.oul.ers by Aug. ''Ji.
I'm: Oimtoki Sociktv. The F.u
Kc-ne Oratorio Socirty, orgauiz.'d so nu
time e.'.i I . y . inn of our leaders ill mu
hi. -ill cl'i l. , is now engaged in regular
practice on one of the choicest oratorios
ot.tuiuuhlc, and splendid progress is be
ing inii'le. i he socit ty bus a meuilar
Hliipnl about llfty, providing one of
the strongest chorues ever heard ill
Ivigene. The oratorio now rt lieursing
is composed of solos, duetts, trios and
choruses, for both iimlo and feinule
vnlcia, itrrang-'d with tin sweetest mel
odie ever In aid. I'hts.H'lety is under
the len.lerhip of Pn f Nash, of the I'.
o t.)., w hlch ciisun s thorough Instruc
tion and excellent iuteipretatlou ol'the
tonipo-er. It Is the intention of the
society to pn sent this oratorio to thu
public in the near lot lire, and in order
to add to the strength of the orguni.a'
(ion mi orchestra of six pieces has been
lidded, which commence. I rehearsing
at the lust meeting. Ill the production
of this oratorio are promised a mu
aical treat which hu never been aur
pa-ml in Fugciic.
Tiik Firwr Pa i-kk. There is in thu
private olllce of Ouorgu T Clurk, the
hbriiriuu f tlie San Francisco free
putillo library, and w liich may he seen
iiiioii reoiiet, a rale publication, s;is
the San Fniucisco Cull. It is a copy
of the lint new spuper pliplislied on the
1'iicillc coa-t, and witii it ure issues of
the huiiih paper. It is the Oregon
Spectator, the 111 st number of which
appeared ill Ou-gon City, Or. Ter ,
Thursday, February 3, 1MH. It was
i-iic. by the d'egou printing Co., J
Fleming miiuager, und s.lite.l by W tJ
T'Vuiilt. The papers In the collection
run from the date of the llrl i-stie to
and including llio LMlh of January,
ss. 1 11.". papers contain much of
interot hi out the cuily hi dory of
( i.'fgou, and they wei at one time the
property of the Rev R F. Purrih The
Oregon Spectator was issiiud several
month before the first California pub
lication, which was the California,
w hicu III st appeared at Monterey on
the 1'ilh o A.lgllst, lsp!.
I ion' i'. A giumblwr in the "don'i"
columu of the l-lorence West eases up
hia mind in th following iniiuntr:
"lon't, e llupcno people aud others
from, try to make the poor Flor
ence pcopl.. think you are siip-rior be
ing from the stars, ee Kuhr Hag
gard's story King Solomon's uiiuca.)
Somr act as thongli they were mna
(iirnnling a Sir Henry Curti, w hilo
others might reprssent Capt John
tlood.or lie of the iK'iiutiful while
li s. Tin majority of the people hei
hne Ispt'ii In other places, some of
t hem nearly is large as F.ugeue or
Pol l land, for Instance New York, Chi
cni and other anmll places. Kugetie
is not cry faraway and your political,
social and oratorical standing is at
well known here as there."
A Ni:v I.oihik. Cottage Urovo
Messenger: J H Metzlcr, Deputy Su
pieu.e liiand Master of the United
Artisans, Im has la-en l.eis for the
pt ten dayt, has succeeded In organ
izing a Imlo of thnt order here w lib a
large membership. At their meeting
held lat Saturday veiling an orgaul
at ion was i tt. cted and the following
..Ulcers elided: M A., Ralph Whip
ple; Superintendent, Mr Ella Whip
ple; Inspector, Mrs Minnie Culp; Sec
ttlary, N II Martin; Treaaurvr, P 11
Sherwood; S C, Mr p It Sncrwood; 8
I, Mrs Emma Cogswell; J W, Mr M
11 Maitin; Wstd.r, C A Van FUt;
P M, Dr A Suapp.
Foil Siui'MKM--Harrlsburg Ri
vlew: Two four horse team have
b vn engaged hauling hay from th
Cook farm Hits wrek. Ret ween 2ii
and SO Ions will he delivered In tip
pi y iu tune for shipment to Portland
on the lit py willed will t up again
8 uidav.
Dimi Al Loraue, on Saturday.
March IS. 1mi7, Mrs Wiu (utbati, of
pu -uuioiua. Sue was an old resident
of licit seclkHi.
A Goldsmith is improving slowly.
The prettiest suow of all this morn
ing. Jo Ltne Is lylug fct tbe P""'1 01
K II Ingham received a carload of
rugur today.
DrArtrnaii of Junction City
gone to Kans:is.
Secretary of State H It Kincaid cume
up from Salem today.
HP Sladden t Portlauu ws an
arrival on I lie afternoon train
J T C'tllisoti 4 Won received a car
load of bran from Portland toduy.
Mr Helta of Albany Is acting as tem
porary night operator for the I to.
Mrs Petigra is moving- one block
west from her residence Into the
Christian house.
Mr Wiutert and family have moved
from Willamette and 13lll Streets to
12th and Hllyaid.
A F McClaln left for his home Id
TscnniH this mornluir after a very
pleasant visit in this city.
Fred Fined I now in Spokane,
Wash., and has accepted a position
on the .talfof the Evening Chronicle,
Vernal souinox tomorrow. The
days and nights will then be equal,
but afterwards the days will begin !0
grow longer.
A It C Deiilston, of Portland gave
tills ofllce a pleasant call this forenoon.
He is traveling passenger agent for
the Great Northeu railroad.
"Whither," ipierift the Petersburg
Index, in a lachrymime tone of voice,
'are dnflinii?" Can't tell yet; tho
wave may have an undertow.
EJ Frasier returned on the early
train thi morning from a short visit
with his wife who is now receiving
medical treatment in St Vincent's hos
pital. Roseburg Review: Mr W H Kellev,
of Myril Creek, ha moved lo Eu
gene to give his children the benefit of
the excellent educational facilities
US District Attorney Murphy, of
Portland, and U 8 Postofllce Inspector
Gordeti spent last night in Eugene,
returning to Portland on this mon
lug's local train.
Win Dunn, H P night operator in
this city, who was culled home to Sa
leiu to attend the be 'side of bis
brother, telegraphs that his brother
lied last evening.
The Sunt hern Pacific. Company ha-
begun to raise it track between Ore
gon City aud Clackamas bridge, a dis
tance of about two miles, so a to bp
above the Willumstte river flood. In
oiue places It wi 1 have to be raited
four or five feet
Temporary Postmaster.
The bondsmeu of ex-Postmaster
Craig have sslscted John S McCiuro to
take charge of the postofllce. Thi bin
been rendered necessary bv the death
of their former appointee aud fellow
bondsman, Dr W V Hnderrou. Mr
McClurt hat had former postofllce
experience, having served as deputy
under Mrs Washburn and Mr Craig
Hie death of Dr Henderson will
probably hasten the appointment of a
mianent postmaster. The work of
ths office has lieen conducted as ui-ual,
without jar or friction since It has been
In th hands of the bondsmen, yet tho
general public would be Utter talis
lied if a recognized permanent head was
given charge of tho olllce.
Utter Mat.
Maroh 17 'i7
Unroll, Miss lleryl. Fields, Florence
lloswold. W II tier. Joel 1
Hired, MissO. Murray. D U
Roe, Mrs Ann. Skluuer, M J E.
Thomas, Harlajy Trynn, Walt.
Arhsrissol on csal will t m.lo on si,
letter given out. IVumis i-',liu for lette s1
tll vli'iuo ittu.-whi-ii .lv. rt1e.l.
w . V. UsNixascN, Act, P. M.
To-Hate PrlM-Figlit Poetry.
Salem Journal:
He is no more,
Tlie pm, who wore
The pouipudour.
A Pocket H t ntkk. The Graut's
Pius Courier tells how the miners lake
out gold almost In sight of that town.
It says: mil Fltmme, the pocket
hunter, is following a rich sea.u of
gold up the side of a hill within three
miles of town. He has already taken
out several hutldred dollars and the
pocket is by no means exhausted.
Loss ov Cavti.k.-I he rough weath
er is causing the death of a large num
ber of young and old cattle throughout
the county. Lack of fd it reported
from every direction. We are in
formal that buyers of young stock for
.-irri nave iosi 300 bead out of
sw. i t,e loss tails upon the local buy
ers. nil Duinl Mrct 1
Herald of yesterday says: "Miss Elta
eapecia l,j reiuru
Thursday to resiiui Uer
to taleui !
poller n th. pubho schools , that '
oflhet phonleiMurge In that city ,d
U- -i muuih. work."
wut Brief.-r.lood VoU'.n
lug tLe Cu c.
ti:!y (.iusrd, Msch W.
Dt W V. lUnih-rson died at the
Henderson home ut Eight!, and Pearl
streets at 7:3J P yesterday, M.rch
19, 1S1.7, after an llluew oa tw0,
wtk,' duration. The direct cause of
death was Hood poisoning, which re
. . . .,lir niol llnt'lUSS-
wlli,u ..riginuted In his
! riK,lt 'i',e Miitn was carried all
tirUK, t,e system una utaiu io..on
very quickly.
Deceased w-1 USV& 3;l )'l'rf lu
moiithH and 29 days, having been born
1 mi ci.lleire Hill, a suburb to thla city.
A.,ril 3). hsj7. His father, E P Hen
d-rsou. well remembered as "Uncle
Pinky" Henderson, being at that time
Mesldelit of Columbia college, which
stood on College Hill, but was later
ilu.lrr)l'lll tiV Are and rebuilt Will)
n J
tone. .
While he was a young chi'd de
censed' parents removed to Sonoma
.iilllltV I'll lllornia in IbGO where
they resided three years, after which
they relumed to Eugene, remaining
here ever since. Deceased, alter react)
liur niiiiiirii v. client a short time ill
Washington aud in British Columbia,
but most of hit life wis t-jient in
Eugene. He learned the dental trade
while a young mau and mude tin'
his life profession.
At the time of death deceased was a
member of the city council, represent
ing the second ward, and ouly a lew
week ago he was appointed postmas
ter, to Mil the vacancy caused by the
removal of T J Crulg. He was a
prominent leader in local politicul
atlair and had occupied positions on
the county und state republican com
1 u October, 1SSI, deceased was mar
ried to Miss Mary Miller, daughter of
R ort Miller of Luhunou. Shu died
lu March, ISsT, leaving him with two
Children, a daughter, Veruila, who is
now 10 years of uge, and a sou, Larry,
who is dead.
Deceased was an enthusiastic lodge
man. H! was a mumui-r or lour dif
ferent orders, namely, A F & A M;
Helmet Lodge, No 33, Kuighta of
Pythias; Eugene Camp, No 113,
Woodmen of the World; nud the re
cently organized lodge of Elks. He
w as uu attentive worker in lodge mai
lers and held the title of past muster of
Eugene Lodge, No 11, A F & A M;
pal chancellor of Helmet Lodge,
Knight of Pythias; und past commun.
d -r of Eugene Camp, Woodmen of the
World. He was ulso a member of the
Eugene tire department, having held a
Certificate with the Eugiiie Hook and
Ladder Com puny.
Reside Ilia daughter, Vernila, de
ceased leaves a mother, Mrs E P Hou
derson, one sister, Mrs George Thurs
ton, and three brothers, E K, who Is
engaged in the drug business In this
city, M S, who is now in Eustirn Ore
gon, aud C S, who is employed at the
tutu insaue asylum in Salem.
The fun -nil servicei will be held at
the lute rvsideuc ut Eighth and Pearl
streets ut 2 p m, Sunday, March 21,
Rev W S Gilbert of the First Presby
terian church ofllctuting. At the
close of thu services at the
house the Masons will take charge
of the remains und convey them
to the I. O. O. F. cemetery
for Interment, being attended by mem
bers of thu other lodges of which de
ceased was a uiemle , members of
Hook and Ladder company, relations
and friends of the family.
There will be twelve pall bearers
six active and six honorary two each
being selected from the dillerent lodges
or which deceased was a member and
two from the tire department.
Ern'iNoiTiAL Storm Period.
S .iu iyeks ago Rev Ira Hicks, ot St
Louis, who claims to be able to figure
out far iu advance weather conditions
which are lo exist, predicted the re
cent storms, aud his weather program
will uot be completed uutil Match has
passed aud u foot or two more snow
has fallen before April 1st. His fore
cast schedules a big blizzard to begin
March lSth and eudiug on March 2.5th
Inasmuch at Hick't predictions have
been remarkably correct so far during
1S97, this prophecy will be theeceasiou
for the public watching the clouds
with a great deal of interest. Hickt
has uuiuerous followers all throurh
the country, who uecept hit predic
tions as of much more value thau the weather bureau't prognos-
,i, oecause ouee in a
Ulcksrtrikes It rightly.
.i.Km:i PiiYsuus.-The bolting
delegate, of Oregon and Colorado from
he supreme Forest of the Woodmen's
Urcle, the ladies' anrilir.. ...
... . '-'J Ul 1111
,,7 "" f"'e WrW, have organ-
jurisdiction. Dr Kuvken-!
AM has been elected phy9eiao of
1M1 III I .. -I- 1 . fcUC
-"..iin jui ism, Hon.
n!lv, M.rch u.
I mutton mm, i..." i .... y, '"' I
son'. ,,., ,.,.. .. . , le 'n 1 lter-'
u. ........ i. . Il,e 'been
ateMi part of the lh
old and wel,h" ,To T , Snn
Iiutw.trE" drd' ,
Active luUreit In Society Affairs
(Juestluus Debated.
Pallr Outrd, Msrch JO,
The society wa called to order at
the usual time wild President Huuin
lu the chair. E J Pearl was appointed,
on declamation for two weeks Leuct
and W 8 Young on prepared uddress
for four weekt hence. L G Bradley
aud U L Templeton wero appointed on
debate with L A Read aud A N Eui0q
as respective colleagues.
W H Ross gave an extemporaneous
address on "The Value of a Collet,
Training" and C E Woodson favored
the society with a prepared address on
"The Dangers of Altruism."
The subject for debate next Friday
evening is ,"The ;iultlatlve and Ref.
erenduiu" with Carl Narregan aud
O E Heinenway as leaders. M L Ap.
plegute will have a prepared address
and Geary Kimbrell will deliver a
The question "Resolved, that on ths
whole during the last fifty years the
improvement lu machinery has been
beneficial to the laboring classes," was
debuted; on the ufllrmatlve by J 0
Vanwinkle, A II Eutou, C E Wood
S3ii, (1 W (iilbert, J 0 Hlgglns, M L
Applegute aud Chas L Templeton.
The negative was maintained by V
B midman, Mr Straud, Oil StarosollI,
Mr Holt, L It Aldermau aud V H
Young. The range of the debate was
very wide. The effects of improve.
incut iu machinery wait discussed in
all its phases. Muuy economic princi
ples were applied by the older mem
bers and taken exceptions to by the
younger members. After a careful
summary the president rent red his de
cision lu fnvorof the affirmative.
We note with pleasure the interest
thut is being taken in society work.
During tlie present term the average
attendance has beet) good. With many
of the meruliers everything is subor
dinated to the society on Friday ev
enings. Tlie action of the riophomoie
class in giving their entertainment on
Saturday eveui::g Instead of Friday
evening is to bo commended. The
constitution of the class wus changed
to bring about this event. From the
stuud-point of an attendant upon so
ciety this is one udvuutuge. It is to be
hoped thut the other classes will take
similar action.
Mfxlcan Theatre Custom. Tke
I'luy-lioer Buys What lie Wants -May
(Juit the Aliow With
Any Act
The Guard editor tells the local
man about a very curious theatre cus
tom in Mexico. Admission is sold by
act iu the theatres. If the show Is
satisfactory, and the Mexlcau has
more money, he will buy another
piece. If it is bud he can quit ut any
time. The show is thus sold, compara
tively k peaking, by the yard, the same
us if a customer should go to a store
and buy a certain n mount of calico or
If tlie custom was Introduced Into
this couutry it might Improve the
quality of the shows. They would be
surprised and palm d to see the audi
ence rise en maese at the end of the
first net, and walk out, leaving noth
ing but bare benches for tlie actors to
pluy to. We vote for the extetislon of
that good old Mexican custom to this
ueck of tlie woods.
A Widely Distributed Pest.
In auswer to iuquirles by J A Jack
sou of Cottage Grove concerning a
worm ofteu found by him A 11 Cordley
entomologist at the Oregon Agricul
tural College writes as follows:
Dear Sir: Yoar letter with en
closure is at haud. The "worms" sent
are the luwae of a well known and
widely distributed pest, the ludiau
Meul moth. They not ouly feed upon
wheat and other graius, but also upon
bran, meal, Hour, dried fruits, seeds,
nuts, roots, herbs, etc The lawae are
hatched from eggs laid among the
kernels of wheat, by a dull reddiili
brown moth about J of au inch across.
Laid in the warm summer mouths
they are capable of multiplying very
rapidly and may do considerable dam
age, not only by feeding upou the
germ of the gialn, but perhaps by
"felting" the grains together with
their webs.
Tlie best method of destroying thetu
is us follows:
For each 100 bushels of grain take
one pound of Risulphlde of Carbon,
place in an opeu dish on top of the
grain and If nnaslhla cover with a
..v ,UB9,IMW ......
blanket, or shut the building tightly
Rnd kP closed for 43 hour. Then
ventilate the building thoroughly. I'
no light about the building until it I
well ventilated.
DiED.-William Gearhart. au old
and well kuown nlnne-r citizen, died
of old Ba ot i, u r., ll. . west
of 7710,1.
tw 80""- Th funeral t.H.k place
V. .he remain, being In
the Mulkey cejtoifay.