The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 27, 1897, Image 5

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    IL.tX CTLTl RE.
Ffftrti ftt luff Made t- Introduce
product"'" la Oregou-Our
t'roduci Unexcelled-
i.ilr iiimt 1. March JU.
Jj. luvintf tliut theie Ih no ue w
H.D to uur statu ut the priw-m
Ju-try 1
iu. u 1. r
tilUe llmi """ T ,"V. it In Im,,,.,! Htk.r to establish
.,. ..inviueiit uinl us izreutui..i ... .... .. . . ""'
errtii" ;
protlt tc H' pr.MliicH-r u the culture
iud nwiiur-cmrw of tlax into llm
..1...... .is.. to which It I put, tliu
women of Oregon have taken It upon
themselves to Hiic iurugo the produc
uouttiid manufacture of thin article.
Afcw women 111 I'orlluud heuded by
Mm WiiiI L.(,r,,i "e Oovernor
Lord, llrst tiHik up the movement In
i'ortluii'1 and ure pushing out Into thu
uiutund women's clubs are taking
hol.lof the bleu. l i'""
Lord delivered an address in me loii-
...iim.ul cluircli lust night under
the auspices of the Fortnightly club.
Mrs Lord was accompanied to tl.ii
city by lr Thornton, of Washington,
who br night with hlui sample of Mux
that had been grown in dill'ereiit
cuuu tries.
Mrs 1'iof Washburn presided over
at night's meeting, which wan open
ed willi a vocal nolo by Miss Ida
Mrs Lord was introduced, and gave
t Uriel history of the culture of tlax, its
u-esand Hie eliorls that have pre
viously been made to encourage its
Induction In Oregi n. The finest
grade of flax are ut present hiiO uU
a-.v have been produced in Ireland
slid Jielgiuin. The climates of these
countrii h are ieculiarly adapted for
lu growth. Oregon has a similar
CJiimle to those countrb's and, us
linwii by pint experiment, will pro
dueeus Hue a quality of llax lUire us
they will. The ll nest grades are Used
fur Hie manufacture of a delicate and
costly lace, while other grades are Used
f,.r linen fabrics, binding twine 1 nd
oilier articles. The twine ue-l by
Oregon firmers in binding their grain
1 manufactured from tlax fibre, uud
millions of dollars' worth of the article
are imported into the Mate muiially
Tlieol i countries are. unable to supply
theiiiiutity of tl.tx ll .re necessary to
meet the deiuaiid for the manufactured
goods and are looking for new Holds in
which to pioduco 11 ax. lli.we iulur
ested in Us manufacture have learned
of the natural conditions for the pro
duetiou of llax in Oregon and Wash
ington and are now looking to these
states, hence the eltorts to iudiice its
At present thero is one 11 ix mill in
Minnesota, while Canada has twsl.'e,
allot which liave grown from the be
ginning of one small mill, so protltable
Was Hie industry. Other nulls ure
located in dillerviil parts of the Kusteru
etates. It is estimated that GM0 acres
are required to furnisli one mill.
To show the advantage which Ore
gnu has over her Eastern neighbc rs
and Cumula in the culture of tlax Dr
Tlioriiton, an autlimity 011 that s .bjt ct
who fo luH fd Mrs Lord with a few re
marks last night, quoted a few prices,
The .Miunesoia prouuet sells at " cents
Per pound; C'anuda, 8 t'euts; Orrgoli
and Washington lj to 25 cents; li d
.'ium mid Ireland 2't cents, llesules
exceeding in price, the Oregou yield is
much greater per acre than that of the
Eastern ttutesuud Canada. The owner
otttie Muuiesota null makes a clear
pmlit of 31 ceuts 011 every pound of llax
tliut he handles. With our better
prices and greater produo' ion per acre
tlie prullis in Oregon, ehould the in
(lu:ry l.itciiii.e estublisheii, would Isf
very great
Ir Thornton eitiimtes the expense
of Hie production of flax ut $-0 7. per
cre. Ivich acre will render an income
of from Jl to !(), leaving the producer
a profit of from jj to $ 1 1 per acre.
A II ix mill was a few years ajjo m
tauhslied ut Turner by a Mr Miller.
His venture bade fair, to bo a profitable
o'l' , but in order to prevent the start
'"K up of an industry on this const
which would ruin one of their best
uiarkeis, Kaslern dealers pluced their
aftielt in the l'ortlund ut such
a low tlure as to render compi titimi
lnipisible, und Mr. Miller's project
wint under. Of course the Ka-tcrn
manufacturer lost money for awhile
out a-. siHin as he froze out the Turner
Hill he again rai-ed the price. Oiv ing
to the manufacturer's protective asso
ciation, which bus been organized
" ee mat tune, no such dtlUculty run
linw urise.
A sample of (lax grown by Mr Mil
lti was sent to tin Centennial and in
C"mietition with al! the world b ok
fir--t prize, not even excepting llelgiutn
a"d Iieland.
Theefleort tb induce llax culture is
penally encouraged just now because
"fan attempt that will tw made to ee
Off a higher duly on the fibre. Cali
fornia has been attrcted tiy the t llorts
of Oregon women to Mart the Industry
hi this slate and leading newspapers
f that slate are now agitating i's pro
duction there. California ran never
Compete with Oregon, though, as tl e
climsteof that state is too dry to pro
d" a (Inequality.
The women of th Mate are not only
talking but are actively at work. An
"fyanization known as the "Oregon
Women's KlaSand Ilttnp Fibre Asso
slatloD'incorjr;! Qltb L pii!W
tocu of $10,000. im, ;
I The Association Ih now securing ato,.t
audio's already secured 130 .m, p)!
ucresof which will be f,iallt01 t0 j
and St) .ere. of which will be ,,,,,.,, J
neinpiuL euon. A suitable l,UiM-
ingaiid p-.rt of the machinery l.uvei
bei'll MmI'III-...! In W.I I
i " uuu I Du llrrt
. scutching mill u ill I,., t. ...... .1 1..
: ,. ... - mi nun 1
in an uiu principal t. win
, throughout Vlll
At the , Mw
uuiiiiir or -xir,.ui them
selves on the subject, and it Ih hkely
that considerable slock will U secured
in thistly or th assoelution.
Kyflxnt'T IAI. t"Toiiis.-Mr l'ugue
has llgured out tlmi there Is no truth
In the accepted theory that storms a'.
( tend the equinoxes that occur March
-i and rvpt. 21ft. mid quotes 'hese
ami other weather proverbs as pleas
lug nursery ami survivals of
HUperstitii.tiH folks rather thun weather-wi-e
saying. The rf cord of l'ortlund
for 2:i const cutive years shows that the
daily iverage ruinfull for live days
preceding the live days following
.Much 21st is less than the average for
the month. Die maximum full of
rain at Portland is from IVe. Ii to
Jan. 1"), after the latter date there be
iiiit an average giudual decreuse in the
amount, and this gra uial decrease i
not allere I by the resemx- of the tqtii
nox, at least It Is not so shown In tin
23 years record at Portland, Oregon
Thin provis nothing so far as equinoxes
are concerm d generally, but only in
reference to Oregon.
Pally (iuard, March JO.
Haskkp Si ni a l. The basket social
held in the purlorof the Hotel F.iigene
lat night uudi T the auspices of the Y
P S 0 E of the U 11 church was large
ly attemled. Thu house wai crowded
and a goodly number of beautiful and
Well tilled baskets were disposed
of at good prices through the skillful
auetioiieeriiig ot Mrs J S IlL-gills
Music aud oilier fetture helred to
pass away the evening. It was a very
pleasant as well as a succesful all'air.
W Diet of Frankfort; action ol
Prussia condemned; Austro-Prnsslan
ISM Parliament established a coort
of referees to examine private bills.
lSfi.'i Tlio thirteenth amendment to
the United States constitution adopted.
1SC The diet of the confederation
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its
100 The diet of tlio Germanic con
federation held its lust sitting.
1G7 Mooting of North German par
liament; 21)5 deputies from 22 states.
U?67 New legislative reform meas
ures carried through parliament by Dis
raeli. 1SG7 Hungarians granted autonomy
and a separate parliament and ministry.
JSCS Vote by proxy in the house of
lords abolished by specific- action.
1S6N The fourteenth amendment to
tho United States constitution adopted.
1970 France declared a republic, with
a constituent assembly.
180 The fifteenth amendment to the
United States constitution adopted.
1871 Bankrupt peers disqnulified from
fitting or voting in parliament.
1871 German parliament proclaimed
tlio empire, with William I German em
peror. 1873 The secret ballot system intro
duced by tho Gladstone administration.
1874 National banks authorized to re
tire circulation and receive their bonds.
1873 The civil rights bill adopted by
congress after much discussion.
1870 Constitution proclaimed in Tur
key. The chief provisions were indivisi
bility of tho empiro, freedom of the indi
vidual, of the press and of education;
legal taxation, a seuate and lower house
of parliament, general elections by bal
lot every fourth year. St. Louis Globe
"Plaisanco suitings" are among the
novelties of the coining season. Their
effect is much on the Persian order.
So far as can bo judged at present, the .
Brring indications ure for quiet, rather
neutral tinw xor rouuu nw, i- ,
bonnets in straw and chip.
The very popular surplice or serpen-
tine waists are now imiuewiiu ooiiB1-
ettes, spreading shoulder frills aud mut-;
ton leg sleeves edged with embroider". '
r.a.t.l r.nnis coats Of velvet,
with deep cape collar made without run-
ness. are worn with sleeveless ruuim r
.aiut nr vests of soft lightweight cloth,
silk braided or otherwise decorated
Tl,.. ,.r,omenew honsacking weaves
. Into costumes that
Willi n niv ,.'.... t
. .....i. i.i....ta ...r.jr.i aleeves.
are uimie upwim oi.n ..." t
revers, blouse and direotoire neckscurr,
with long lace edged ends and wide bows.
Sashes of every width and color ure
'in- once again, and a directoiro sash of
soft watered silk, satin or faille accom
nta very many of the b.ack gray er
violet costumes to be worn during the
Fashion ill .mil'- W'
I all the ecntneitie. emijloy
-oadeniiig the feminine .boulder ltd
L,,.,.. n .ii..,.., ...vnrs
i .1 .f,t..I as cine cutiai.s,
uri i uu.-t -
i s and ull sorts '
lace, velvet
Ulg eiegam.
Little Domestic Kc.umnJN
''S tho
,-ittcr wnn I .."".-
..wir I, went h'rm
with new m.
.i, a tli.-r diiT. sua
it didn't tit very ".
. . ., . .... lil
R i,is wn -,. bnalar.
Evtwin n.p tunkt It wind. l.,ng.
0 irbuiis witu l.afy tm thorn tri.
rrom whuh la prtDs lh ihrutb's sona
1 lost ftly mi Die .oft fc,uth brselo.
TU.-r l ,-nrlu.t prlniro found,
AnJ mo..-t (mrpls Tlulets f row.
Ami trembling win-l Itmnnnn the ground.
And rsKwe.1 robin How.
Thrro, t.wi. on f Men iiminni (Trs
Tb oM f. lkt liks to utroll nd Ulk.
Or (lowly, uuili r w himpering Ith,
The ii'lf al.xirbnl young lovers wlk.
While, frrth M youthful hoiwe, unfurl
New growl he .bout thrlr lingering feet,
Aud t iiili-r f romlt of fsrn uncurl,
And til the balmy air li iweet.
With mlngl.-d econti of thyme and mutk,
And wilding r.n, pawuon rale.
Ae trembln through the dewy duk
The mulo of the nightingale.
And, Healing from some hidden nook,
Adown the lane and o'er the lea,
By pit-aunt waya, a allver brook
liuni, mt-inj. to the illrrr era.
E. Mjtheaon In ChamU-ra' Journal.
It win Shrove Tuesday night In the year
1S31 a lilKht memorable In tho kingdom
at Saxony as 0110 of almost unproi-rUetited
coldness. Three travelers on horseback
were on tlielr way from llreslnu across tlio
Ilresrngeblrge, tho giant mountains, to
Dresden, a dWnnoo of somo 150 miles.
Railway In those days were utmost un
known in most of the (iermun provlncm
Jlen of means rodo In caravans with tlielr
mints, while tlio Kvnrer classes wero
either obllpil to walk, or, If their uimns
so allowed, nxle on mules.
Our three frletnls ns-med to belong to
tho fonner class. They were not atu-nded
by liveried servants, nor had they a larpo
supply of Lrovlslons, Imt thoir rominaud-
hiK llKiires and general appmranee would
lead imo to supsj that they wero moo. In
the higher walks of llfo.
As tliey npproachixl the side of a runun
tain torrent one of the three caught sight
or mi old pilgrimage church. "Come,
walileniar, he ficlulmcd, "we enn take
an hour's rest here. Our horses nts-d It,
nuil we still have sufllclent fissl for one
lunch." All threo dismoiintisl, and, huv
Ing tied tholr horses, wero atsiut to enter
the church when a veusant came up, with
two dugs at his heels. "A Uid tilglit,"
said the former ss.-ukerns tho man halteil
tK-foro I1I111. "I fejir wo will not reach
Dresden before daybreak, und tho weather
Is not improving."
"Thlrty-flvoiiioro miles before you," ro-
plictl thu iH-asaiit, "und It's a terrible gale.
Hut If your lordships rare to tarry there's
an inn not so far distant"
"Where?" asked ull three together.
"Just ono inllo from here," ho replied.
"You'll hare no trouble lluding It, sirs,
bevuuso you'll sec tho lights from tho ull
room us soon as you llnish the forest."
A thousand thanks, gisvd man, re
plied the strangers, and, dropping a plive
of silver into his hand, they remounted
their horses.
They had not lsvn rldlnu; more than ten
minutes whey they rame In sight of the
old (iennaii Inn. It was a large, dreary
looking stone houso, tho ruins no doubt of
some noted casllo which had taken an Im
portant juirt In the ticniuin wars.
An old landmark, 1 suppose," remark
ed Waldcuiar, who seemed to Ivo tho loader
of tho party. As ho Bjsiko ho knes-ked vlg
orouslyat tho door. Ills summons wero
answered by a neat, smart looking ticrman
girl, who appeared ut a window to ask who
the strangers might U at such a late hour.
Wllhclm Hons, Henry liuls-r and aldiv
mar lileiieau," one replied. "Wo d llko to
put up for tho night, miss, If you can fur
nish us any kind of hospitality." Without
further questioning tirction, the Innkeep
er s daughter, opemtl 1110 msir, irave mo
visitors scats ami told a boy near hy to re
lievo them of their hapgago and put the
horses under shelter. Sho then led the
newcomers Into a small dining room und
ordered tho cook to prepare upver for
them Immiillat.'ly. A meal, no matter
how plain, always has un-llsh after a long,
tiresome journey, mid so our rrlenils en
joyed a heart v sup.ier, although It was cn
tln;ly devoid of variety. They then retired
to an adjoining apartment, where the
gtiests of tho Inn wero asslng away the
gloomy evening. It was a large, bare
room, containing a numls-r of wooden
chairs and n wide, ihii fireplace, orouna
which wero iruthfred a dozen or more men,
aomo smoking, somo dozing, while o few
wero trylna U kis-p up a conversation
which seemed to Is' lagging.
As tho thn-e men entered ono or tno
group whlss'nsl, "(!ssl gracious, here's
Waldemar Ulenciiu, earl of , tho great
r,.vr.rti.of thaemnemr." Waldemar walk
ed up to tho group, und having returned
their greetings drew lorwum emu nr ma
comimnlons, who him. The con
versation now began to bo of a nmro Inter
esting nature, und for moro than an hour
tho guests discussed tho various cUcstlons
of thedav, when suddenly a dreadful storm
arose. Tho wind, which mm ieen nown..
alnco dusk, was now accomiuinled with
hall and had lieoome so powerful that tho
hugo tnvs groam-d under It and the old
Inn uisin Its foundation. Iho guests
.. . . Ifl.t ..! tlictll-
i were somewnai -mi.i
seh-es to telling ghost siorn-s. uiv...
lnnki-eiH-r's daughter, being anxious to
listen, and having gnit popularity wi 11
tho ()ld cllBtomers, was invited to Join tho
.)lir.T onestory aftcranotherwas related,
wn ' . ' innriinrtofcimiMJ
outlllt,'11,Htrm and walk asfarasagmvo-
,irJ uwir t,y ,! bring htm a pu-eo 01 ui
iedfP,W(KKi .urroundlng It. In return for
lt.r bravery ,,u pr""'1"''1 f"1"1 '"'r B"y
tuvor sno woi.m
(ireticn (ioldst.s'ii was a pretty (i.-rman
( ThllU(jh Bhc had little cd-
lll'UtlOIl, SI1U Y.I1S 1. H -
was owing to her genial ways that the Inn
.. -I... . ...... .mi rnviiriifv atiiii lb
retained uny of Its old customers, .-no
had light wavy iia.r, "'""'" "V' "
. nd wen "right '"" . ' . .. "
Won Ull eoillllij' a.w. ... .
Hut sho n Jecti-d them all but om Uans
Varol. the s.-iton's son. Hans was poor,
but (ireticn thought him tho Is-st and
..,...f hid In ull (.criiiuny, and sho was
.. t m in vri.t vii-iniiv.
only waiting until he could procure m'n
for a humble homo to become his wife.
for a humi
It was not an
unisimmon tiling for me
- he ,U.r -Ul. "3
..A, K,Mius e
' . i n sir Litiih.
And how
ever, she
. ..u ..r with a s v luugu. awn'"
n IU1U lin""i
ttl h.T Urge eyes f.iir.y
w H ) d,( m mmh fr
a he thought, pcrhn.H tako Mm to his ras
...i ii..,n in., I make him chief steward
r clerk or iimyl' start him In soma husl
. ' . .v.... i... nik'l.t s-mio imy Is) a
wmlthv cUUen. Awl. affr all. she was!
mtatall ufnud of gbos.s ";?
votiMn-turn she u - "
i. !. V-.r Hans along All th.. thoughts
'i.i .i.n.mrh hur mlud In an
Vt Wlt.oa ah. acospud tU
nobleman's challenge, much to the sur
prise of tho guests Having ndjusted her
Ii.ksI ar.dwrapis-d a larg shawl about her,
(ireiicu opcmtl the heavy diHirof the Inn,
ai d utter once m M exacting tho promlso
fMiu Waldemar closi-d It after her and
went out Into the night.
The graveyard was not more than a
quarter of u mile from the Inn, but It was
hidden from Its view l y a small mission
ary chapel, which was falling Into divny.
(irellen walked bruv.-ly down the path to
ward the chapel for some few yards, when
the wind Ngnn to howl furiously. On she
Vent evn faster for several mluutvn, but
la trying to protect her face from the huge
haiUtoues sho had taken the path to tho
farmyard by mistake and had to retraeo
her steps almost to tho Inn. This did not
ilio.iiiruge her, and, singing an old familiar
hymn to keep up her spirits, she skipped
nlung tho rviil. Hut tho howling of tho
wind deadened her voice, and Ciretlen's
courage begun to f.irsako her. All the
ghost stories sho had ever heard ut the
Inn's Ureslde now came up In her mind.
The trees seemed llko huge giants wreak
ing vengeance on her Imldneas and the
voice of tho wind sounded In her ears llko
the groaning of unearthly spirits.
At last, unnerved from fright, she halted
and was alsmt retracing her steps when
the thought of meeting Waldemar and con
fessing her timidity stung her to the heart
No, she would not return to the Inn with
out the liedgcwond, no matter what It cost
her. The church was only a few yanls
fi 'tn her. and would It not 1k eowortlly to
f'-rfcit Waldemar s promise now that sho
had gone so fai And, then, how grateful w.mlil ho when he heard how
much lils ( J n-ttcti had risked fur Mm. And
with this last thought toeiicouragehrr Hho
hurried toward the old church. Having
rcai'licd It safely sho tuvat bed a prayer of
tlianks and stepped Into tho vestibule,
w hich was disirless, for a moment's rent
before fiillllling tho rest of her mission.
She had luinllydono so when sho heard the
sniind of footsteps coming up tho path
which she had just left. Yes, and the
voices of several men who were undoubt
edly mining toward her. Her heart sank
within her, and as the voices became loud
er and louder sho felt her strength grad
ually leaving her. What should sho do? To
call fur aid would lie useless, for sho was
tK far from any assistance; to fly would
be ridiculous, ns sho would soon be over
taken. In this extremity sho concluded to re
main where she was, consoling herself with
the Idea that the men might probably Is)
strangers lu tho forest who had lost their
way in the storm. Si sho crouched herself
up Into a corner of tho stone wall, pulled
her IhmhI over her eyes and waited anxious
ly. How long she remained there she could
not t.-ll. The mliiiiU-s scorned llko hours
ns she heard tho men rapidly approaching
her. '1 hey rame up at last, and all hope
left her when she heard them stop In front
of the church. "It's all right," said ono
In u low, Indistinct whisper. "I knew tho
storm would keep all danger off tonight,"
At the same time something blew uist
(ireticn Into tho vestibule of tho church.
"Thero g.'S your hat, old boy," said au
othcr voice. "It went over toward the
church disir." Ills companion rushed for
ward to II nd It, und after groping around
In the dark for somo minutes had to give
up the si-arch, much to tho comfort of tsair,
trembling (ireticn, who expected each mo
ment to lie wrested from her hiding place.
As ho left the church the man who was
waiting hailed htm w ith an oath for caus
ing the delay and told Mm topi-is-ccd with
his work unless be was particularly anxious
to Ih handcuffed.
Doth men walked a few yanls from the
church, where they halu-d, and from tho
tone of thoir voice seemed to bo engaged
lua lively dispute, (ireticn, now feeling
more secure and lielng somewhat curious
to see what tho men were doing, lifted her
hood and moved near tho ontiiince of the
church. Hut what a slgbt met her eyes I
Tho two men who hud Just Issen lwsldn her
were engaged lu stripping the ski!1s from
u human corpse. Tlio dreadful truth then
dawned usin her for tho first tlmo. These
men wore murderous robbers, who had
waylaid o traveler In the storm perhaps
some ono on his way to tho Inn. Hut be
fore (initlcn could realizo her own danger,
tho men, havlngdlvhU-d the Isioty between
them, carried tho tssly Into tho graveyard,
where they hurled It. Then muttering a
fow words they hurriedly walked through
tho forest, (ireticn did not hear what they
said, for sho had fallen Into a swoon.
Twenty minute later sho oiicncd her
ryes to sco the bright nusinllght streaming
in on her, for tho storm had entirely aliat-
ed. Housing herself, sho looked around.
Could It Ik that tho forest, now bo beauti
ful and still, could have but a few moments
Is-foro been the wvne of murder und plun
der. 1 ho sights sho hud witnessed and tlio
dangers alio had encountered that night
neoinoil llko a frightful dream, and recall
ing tho awful ilisil sho shuddered from
head to foot. Drcnchi-d from tho storm
and weak with fatigue, she mso to hor foot
with dlllleulty. Then w rapping her wot
i-louk around her, sho hsiked timidly
around and rushed from tho church. Hut
In doing so sho stumbled, and stooping
down found tlio hat for which tno man
had nuxdo such a diligent search, ricking
It up und placing It under her shawl, she
unco moro left tho chas-l. Then without
during to hsik Ix-yond It sho walked up to
the fence of tho graveyard, puiusi a pioro
of tho hedgcwisKl, and pressing It to her
Ik. m run at full sjssd up tho putn to me
Inn. Hho reachi-d ll In safety und knocked
at tho disir. Hut In kms klng tho hat fell
from under her arm. I lifting It from
the ground she thought she saw something
Inside which might Is) a name, and hold
ing ll up In tho nnsmlight hsiked at it
cj.rcfullv. Hut suddenly her fuco liecama
inoriurd. her llns lost their color, and with
a scream of dcs.ialr (ireticn fell against
tho tbs.r of tho Inn. What a revelation!
There In her hand was tho rap In which
ho had lately embroidered tho namo so
dear to her heart-Hans Varoll.
VValilemiir Mciicau, having Isx-omo anx
ious, ns (ireticn f.ilhsl to return, hostuiied
to admit h'-r nml rtswhisl tho door a slio
fell. II o assisted her father In carrying
l.i.r to a chair, but her Hps were scaled
ami her i ves "ere i-loacd. I here, with the
capon l r arm and her hand still clutch
ing the l.islgcwmsl, (ireticn was dead.
I'hlbidulphta llmi
U'hrre WfMMlrn hpuajua Ar M ada.
A curious Industry lu liussla, and olio
which, nevertheless, finds employment for
thousands of men, Is thut of making wood
en spoons.
l-i thedlstrli-t of Scnionovsk, where they
chlelly erne from, no fewer tliun 7,000
men make a living at the trade. Thospsiiis
are gi-ni-rally miulo from birch wood, and
a skllllul workman cun turn nut several
htindnsl a day.
Iso fi-wer than IJ,osj,isS) kjoii a
nuniifactiinsl during the course of tha
jcir. whh h are si.ld ut fl to H rubles (lli.
to P's ) s r ll.ousaiid.
1 i,.-v tinil a n-ady market and pcnctrut
as fur o fvrsia, Kllvu, Uoktutra and
ON MU.IU (.ItUlM).
It is probable suits will bo
bt ought to compel Secretary Kin-
,1'aiilto draw warrants fur money
that was never appropriated. Mr
Kmcaitl Heldiim acts on the im-
1 pulse of the moment, ami it can b
t'jiiliileiitly usiinieil lie is re.iroii.i
bly nure of the ground on v ) icl: lie
stands. Our .secretary of state is
nulit when he refuses to shoulder
the responsibility properly per-
' tainitig to the legislature. The
Salem Journal outlines the pot-i
! tion assuniPtl by Seen tary Kiueuiil.
It mys:
"Mr Kiiicaiil (-ays, if the claims
hail been 'uiidited und allonrd'
I'llicisllv liy the secrrtary ol state,
the varim' boanls and ollicials ami
iiietnbers of the legislature would
shield t hi niselves behind the eec
retary of t-tate's ullicinl act and no
reduction in s'.ate txpciiscs cuiild
be secured,
that is to he issued hy Secretary
Kincuid is aa follow.-: For till
salaries fixed by law the olliccrs
can file their vouchers certifying on
honor, or under oath, the amount
due, at the same titnu ccrtiiymg to
a duplicate, which with a printed
use'gniiient on the hack, will he
sent to them with a statement
signed by the secretary limb it is a
correct copy ot the original on file.
The duplicate can be transferred or
Among urrivala ut the statu pris
on is one from Luke county V I.
Kiyes. lie wan un eusiern de
tective and had n partner in tho
wooil-cloppit. business who got
away with the little wages they
had earned. Keyes him
at the point of a pistol to give up
half of it as it belonged to him.
This cost the taxpayers of Oregon
hundreds of dollars. He is only
sent to Salem six months. lie
might have teen sent to county
jail u month. Keyes should he
An unusual incident of a prize
fight was that at Cumin City when
ex-Senator Ingalls reported the
contest. Not that any impropriety
attached to the act, hut it looked
akin to sacrilege to witness the
brilliant Ingalls, who (or eighteen
long yeurs yielded thu sharpest
brightest intellectual sei meter in
the Wuchington senatorial forum,
prostitute his brilliant talents to u
description, und a well written oik
it was, of a physical contest bo-
tnten two brutes in the shape of
England spent $8').IHX),0()0 in
ishing tlu king of Abyssinia for
imprisoning eight h'nglinhm'i) w ho
visiu-d Abyssinia in spite of the
express orders of the English gov
ernment. Spain paid us if l.ODU.D'lU
in s -tlii'iiiorit of tho Mora clu ni,
and apparently in payment foi it
license from our state dcp.irlinmit
to do with American ciliz iiH
extctly as she pleases.
Oregon taxpayers urn supporting
.r)0 pupi.s in school for the deaf; '215
pupils in the school fur the blind;
1,111 tieiits in the state insHne
a liin,; 131 hovs in the Mate re-
fjr:u school; lio convictB in the
state prison. Total, l,H(i'J. All at
Chief of I'oliee M vers has noti
fied l'ortlund saloons to (dose their
doors at 12 o'elnek-midii'glit and
ceasH hiiineis. They have, com
plied with the first clau-'e of the
request, but there is doubt if the.
latter one is complied with.
Next Mondav a farmer will he
uppointtd tor the Stale Reform
school. The present "farmer" was,
rstwhile. u Salem burlier. His
farming whs not satisfactory. Civil
service rules sh.'uld bu applied to
this position.
Cuihett cried like u laby when
he got lit ked. He will never face
another man in the prize ring. If
he does the spectators should pelt
him out with rotten c?ps.
l-allj (.uart, March 31.
I-katkrnai, Visit. Mrs KWIovts,
president i i the stute assembly of lie
Iskabs, paid the Kugsne l.rslge a
fiaternal visit last night. It was a
special meeting and refreshments weie
served during the evening.
If it was the right and proper
thing to import a university presi
dent from two thousand miles,
who can object, or find fault w ith
a iinivt-r-ity president for itnpnl
a Japanese or (.'hint-so mule bouse
servant from six thousand miles
The people have been thoroughly
disgusted with the Japanese ser
vant bushier indulged in by a
person drawing an exorbitant sala
ry from the stat for mediocre
It may be the fault of luck of
aesthetic culture and training that
renders our western people inca
pable of appreciating the propriety
of taking such u male servant into
a household composed of hut man
and wit'-. Our training, however,
has been ttopuirrd in the wild ami
woolly wist, und we may not be
capable ut appreciating the cosmo
politan spirit and broi herhoed-of-iii
it u ethics displaytd in daily
household association with the
brother of the yellow race. We
hope we shall never advance to a
stage of culture where such com
panionship will he agreeable.
The action ot the county judges
hud a sort of paralyzing i Meet on
the Salem Statesman, ll feebly
"It will take an extra session to
break the hold up of the county
"The taxes due from thecountics
to the state will bear interest, any
way. So, of course will the author
ized claims against the state lor
necessary expenses of the common
wealth government. They shall
sell for 1011 cents on the dollar."
We give (inventor LorJ credit
for being a careful conservative
sort of it man, w ho is not liable to
run li i h head unnecessarily into a
dangerous trap to favor a few Sa
le.n and Portland hankers who
will use every etlort to obtain the
taxes due the state for private and
HMi'iilative uses. Furthermore
would an extra session result other
wise than the regular session just
An Illinois man has raised a new
but important point in a suit for
damages for alienation of a wife's
iill'eelious. lie contends that the
wile who would betray the confi
dence reposed in lit r by the litis
bnrd never hud any tiflections to
alienate. A well taken point and
one that always can assuredly be
counted upon in such cases. No
damage should be the veidict
without the jury leaving its sent.
Dr S A Lnmla rson, savs tho
Lebanon Express, has applied for
tho appointment as consul to
Osaka, Japan. The doctor has the
endorsement of forty three of
our .best and most prominent
citizens, regardless nf party. Dr
I, iimbi icon would lie a good man
for this position, and the Express
hopes President McKinley will
favor this section of the country by
ins appointment.
The Teh-gram is invidious. It
had this ii'iout the prize light at
tendance: It is a t'reut day for
exposing 'he latent animalism of
man. AH the people who und
business in the vicinity nf the bul
letin ho nls recording the goings-
on ut r. i on are not "iieud-gnme
KpnrU' ' v any mentis. It is a
small u-. ul that does not include
at leu;-' ,,: " deacon.
It !s orted cx-rresidont Cleve
land win write his "reminiscences
for a New York magazine. They
will lie interesting reading. The
people are particularly anxious for
full information regarding the nlan
hy which Cleveland contrived to
a maps a large fortune he is esti
mated a millionaire during two
terms of office.
Corbett stood before Fitzsimmom
only one round more than did Jack
Deuiasi'r, the Portland lightweight,
'the lighter who fought," a world
wonder in prize-ring contests.
Detnpsey, however, never recovered
from the punishment Fitzsitnmous
gave hi in.
We cannot believe it is seriously
proposed to ally the State Univer
sity and Eugene public, schools by
placing a woman superintendent
at the head of the Utter. Enough
of a good thing or nther a bad
thing is enough.
The great powers would willing
ly consent to the dismemberment
of Turkey if tiiev could agree oh
the very important question as to
who should g' t the choice bits of
tl! fiird.
Mrs Sarah M McCown.the newly
elected school el.'ik al Oregon Citv
li.. H completed her bond of 10,000
and entered upyi lift official duty.