The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 27, 1897, Image 2

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    '. B rT17""5- 0iTIIWIsTl5r
SUB ruu. p ... - -
i . i1 i
Interfiling rollrrllon of I'tirm Kvnl
In omit-inrcl fnrin From
Until (uiillnrlita.
A I'ollih rukurlan,
Chicago, March 72. Adarn Adam
lck, a Pole, Iihi just celebrated hU
112th birtlilay. wife ih mill liv
i ii(J in 87 year of nge. Both ar
niaoWi tully blind, ami yd their g.-n-vmJ
kwdth otherwise in remarkably
fod. A-J.UIilrck in believed to bo t li
o1-Um bm in Chicago, and an fur as
kw Ui oldest in lh United Ktut.-s.
Until M'fiitly, noun knt tin parish
priest iiml kin Polish neighbor knew rouiarkablu story, although his
habitation had stood in the stretch of
muddy prairio near t)n railroads for
over thirty years.
Adamicok'a abnormally largo head,
Five men were injure!, two fatally, I his short stature anl hi-nt form gave
In railroad accident at La Grange, j hlin a brownie-liko ap'ariinc This
111. A meat train hound for Haniinonl : in ln-irli tiTi-.l by a Hiiri-ricimf activity,
jumped tho truck on tho Holt Line," of Kin long gray hair straggles out from
the Chicago, 1 Iitm iiioikI & Western ' under a .oked hut, and he wears ii
roal. The engine waa ditched, two of thin gray beard. For the laHt twelve
. .i ... i i .t nr.; hi
tl.ecariworo teieeo,,e., aim ... re- years, ev or sine c , pass.- ...... " , (( f lli(.n ,.,,. r.l(t a f,.w
mainuor oi mo irain tiiruwn ir.nn um . marK, nuuiin. .-a im i.-. .......... ....... These four na-."l through an
i. ' i.iu i..ioiiir ii iu iiimuimi'm urn inn
llltUeW II IH lll'l'l'i; '""III. main .
hi. i i t ..w ; ulirnnkcn. nor Inn form hri vll. It
A .mall band of i in pltifu, m ,.. uncertainty which
men have begun the, construction of a .. .. , ,
boulevard in Oold-n Oat., Park, San j give" to Inn walk, 1 ''
' . . . , ... . . .. Ht.-iw firmly about thu house aii'l the
i-ram-isc, ... j ............ r ,.,,, , , Ti u ...;-
Exposure, Starvation, Mad
ness, Then Death.
4a Orrmn Trdjr of
Horror l.o.l
Mlorlra of Hiirtlr.
New York, March 22. Of i-ity-two
ITHOIlH COIII.riil. .!H.IT inn I
crew of the Pt.-uim-r Villi! Mc Nazairc,
uhich Huilcl from thin iurt March 11
for Tort an I'rin- , H.iyti. only four
an. known to have curVI.e'l tin-illaK-
fit Vmj
l.-a l-M. I' f"
T.rllT Da-bala H III ( onllnuv
-llouir Itulr. Aw.l I I"""-,.. March 22.-TI.W
t..r..,T llaT ill the hoiiw of l I
til--.' I'm lleti'ibli.-all
...... ..,.... 11' - 1 the U
,,H.. ial or.l-r f.xii.K the limit, -t
tariff -lel-ate, an.l two of th- r.-.u...
ai.i.roi.riutlof. hi"- '"'' '"
coin., Ia. at the b-t
.... I I., the R.uaie.
r.r.l U...I the ifi.cra
The Kull.n.- -r tbrnnir-l
then, a h - v.-'t " "
fl.K.r. At t:m- I'.f"-"' '"J
, ,;l e. I.U-I tlx-
,.f ..I....-I!i"l. " ll.clf
.1, .,. n.a.le ctlective
H O.ftrt ta Withir
Tore From Crete.
.leli.M. ic y bill
an inveterati, Hiiutllaker, iiimi nan
niiioke. nearlv nil bin life, lie Ihik not
been u total ulmtainer from liquorM.
pcriptioiirl have been taken.
Hutr.j warnixl the workmen to keen off
bio lun.l, an. I an thu boulevard cxten.lri
arroM riutro'H .r..i-rty, work bad to in.
mmiH-n le-l. Mitni una proiniHci io uign ,Ull ,, ,.
a deed for th ulriji. however. j fl,attaii,. Mur.-li 22. Newn
Mips IJlanch.i lierard, thn oldent junt li-en rvecived here from 'oh1 ity,
rf.rtiiiiKtr'rH in Hit, country, who hat (ia., of a terrible railroad accident there
held oMlcu for a half centir.y, ban re- ' at ikm.ii. A Bwitdi eintinc of the Dade
ilned. Adminiritrationn and .reni- ! ('oiii.any, roni.ii.k' betttcen the
denla, M.i.tiiiaHterK''ncraln tnineit and the furna.ei., ran into mi
cam., Btid went, tH.Ht.illiceH were reor- ..en bridK'S wanhed away by hinh wa
Ifani'd and re. aMilled, Kreat K.litical ter. The locomotive ltii.K''d down an
iinbeiivalH uimihilated every branch of I'lnbai.kinent, carryinir with it the en-
tin, Kovernii.eiit, but hIi.i remained uu
diuturlxd at Went 1'oint, N. V. j
A Havana Hp.'cial to tin, New York ,
World nay: Through Cul.ann here it
in leamci that a train carrying; Spaninli
irineer, Stewart, and the fireman, Caulc
The liK-oiiiotivt, turned ii.Hide down,
and the coal from the flrcb.x fell acroi-
thn ciiKinccr'n breast. The lireman
wan iinne. to the ci'le of the cab, and
could not render Stewart iiHHhitaiice.
. . . . . , i. . i
experience HI' I. KM loriunairiy oeen
tin, lot of but few, feeinif oi. after an
other of the thirty-one other v. ho hd t
the Hteaincr in a laie .erihh of
cxiioioire to the cold or die of liuiik!cr,
KHi.e Hiifferini.', during the even dayn
in which they drifted helplely with
out fail or, .:u.H that drove
them to before death l ame to
their relief.
Anion;.' thcfiirvivor in Senor TiiKado,
a San I.nniliu'ian, who wan c..nidled
to w itnei-H the death of bin wife and
four children without bcinir able tuni
leviate their HiitreriiiK''. What liecame
if the fi.ity four iHTwinn bifidef lhee
mentioned above can only 1m- Mirmifed,
ultboiiKli there in a remote jk.HHihilitv
that oi r in. .re of the three lioatf in
which they left the finkiliK ft.-ainer ill
the iniiUt of a fierce Htorm lf 'a.e
HatteraH, ban In-en .icked up I.y a n.ul-
iiiK VCHHcl.
The Villi- Ste. Nazaire wan H f in!l.-
K. rew baik-riK.'cd fteainerof 2,'.I0 toim
,.y fyii.'t.imt that
t'.i y'h- into ti"1
1 wh-ii the f leaker
. i.r l. r in-i.i.i.
the up-
I.ll. el
. , . , . i i.tiiiti it... r-vcw.n. rr.iiM.,ii -
troop wnn blown up by dynamite while . Kl(.wart , tl)ki hill. r,.,..,Ht,r. she wan owned by the (on,
Stewart wan burned to death.
.a;.'iiie Trai.n-Atlanti.pie Oeiier;!!.1. The
ac-idelit vividly recalln the fate of the
name c.inpany'H fteumer Ville de Havre,
which went down November 1"":I.
w itb .'.'! pie on iH.ard. The Ville
Ste. Naaire wan c..mmaii.i."i i.y ap-
lUHHinif over a deep L'orKe fouth of 1'aii-
ilclaria, l'inar ld liio province, and
lieary 250 No I diem Were killed or 111- li.rl.n.lrr l.rl III... Iirli.k.
Jiircl. Thn I.Homotive and nix cam Kt. Jon. pl. , -Mo., March 22. "Either
were demolif lied. Thu tragedy incurred lm, w,iHkyi or ni drink Huh," ex
alrout the lOlb innt. I vUii, ll 2( yearn old, iih
In the executive M-naion of thefenate, be hI.hmI btfurn the bar of u faliM.n thin tain .lancna, a nailorof experiei and
Kenator Stewart ofTered an amendment afterniH.n boldii.K a finall phial in bin ability. Hard weather wan experienced
to the Alankan boundary treaty, which bund and addrenninK the burkeeiH-r w ho f,,,in the time the nteamer left tbin pint
in in the imltiio of a nul.ftitute for tho bad anked him to pay for a round of until the water bivan Ikhii iiui into an I
provinion for ancertainiiiK the meridian. , drinkn. The barkeeper diil not fee fit over her, and it wan deteriui I to
It providen for the nurvey of the whole to forKive the debt and I'W in ix.uiv.l uhandon her. The paHsenern iin.l crew
Injumlary line, hut llx. a (lellnitely the tin, contentn, three ounccH of cailM.lic took four lmatn, the lifih having be n
boiindury an provided in the treaty of acid, down bin throat. I'win was crmdicd in the utt pt to lower it.
1H57. Thn lMiiiudary linn in that curried to the K.lice ftation, where he There bad I n no time to Jirovii-ion
treaty in Incorporated ill tin, amend- died in a few minute in horrible the lmatn. It wan ni(,'ht, and in th.)
Ii t of (Senator Stewart, and, if our- HKny. Ilia father in one of the midnt of it ftorin the tran.-fcr wan made.
rie.l, i made a part of the treaty. j wealthient bunincrin men of Kim: conn- Captain Herri, manager of the We-t
tv. M... .Nu ream.n m annc'iic. lor tl.m In. in. line ol ll.e I ..lui.aL'UU, ii.ui--
(lover nor Itoern, of Wanhiuk'lon, baa
innued bin Arbor day pto Imitation,
rc'.iiiuieiiiliiiK that Friday, April 110, I A liny .iil.l..n.
1KU7, In, devoted by the of Han Franc'iHco, March 22. A colli
WanhiiiK'ton to plantiiiK treen, nhruhl h'k.ii, fortunately unattended by Iohh of
and vine and in other way humility- life, occurred on the hay thin afternoon
iiif their lioincn. In connection with between the nlern-wheeler Sun. .1, hound
the Kovernor'a pro. laination, Statu Sil- for Napa, and the bark (llympic, in
erintelidcut Hrown ban picparcl a ward IkuiimI fioui l'hiladclphia, while
prorainuie to Ih rendered ill thn lif- th latter wan heat iii up the harbor,
creiit (jraden of the public nchouln from Although the Siiind' engine room wa
thu Hint to the Kiau. mar Knelc, i m la- wrecked, hIik only purtlv tilled, and
wan towel to the Mat. I ler paH.-en'ci
and crew encaped by clinililliK over the
bow of the ( llympic, after nhe crushed '
into the ntcauicr. The nccidi nt was
due to catelessnesH of the SuuuI'm cap
tain, who tried to cronn the Olympic'
bow K.
KIII..I I.y Ml.
Sun Luin ( ihisMi, ( 'al. , March 22.
P. H. Dalidet, jr., one of the best
known business men of thin county,
and member of a well known and
highly respected family of this city,
Wan fatally nhot by his Vounner brother,
.loli ii Pali. let, at the family residence
yesterday. The shooting wan the re
milt of a family dilTcience. The tragedy
caused a bi) Kclisatiou here, i.wiii) to
tlie prominence of the family.
N, n I.ll llefeitl III riilllpplllea.
New Vui k. M:irch 22. A social
..... .,... ' 1
timid, llio pasneiiKci cncapci wnn 0ll,e to the Herald bom Manilla says
comparative case. trois under Sol. .do were led on
In revenue for Is-inn cj.vted from March U by the native guides into an
train, tramp caused a wreck on the ambush near a Htnuin position occupied
iouinvillo V Nunh.illo railway tliia l.y the rebels. The latter, N.otio in
The that the O. It. N. Co.
wan couteniplatinit an extension of it
line to the Kootenai country ha been
ii.Hcially denied al the olllcc in Port
land. No nucli enterprise i at piesent
under cons i.lcrati.ui.
The Misnisnippl river in on the rise.
At Memphi it ban reached Ult.N, the
biKhcft rtvord Kince the cstiiblinhmcnt
of the weather bureau. A loon the low
land of Arkansa there i Kr'at sulTer
in anions people who have Immui driven
from their home by the oncoming wa
ter. A Minmrnrl Pacific passenger train
ran Into a bunch of borne near Wolf
Creek, Kan. The engineer and llro
inan were killed and a score of other
injured, niontly train employe. All
the cum but the nleepei were over-
morning. They spiked a itch, do
railing and demolishing a ficight train
and canning heavy damage. The
tramp had intended w recking the Chi
cago limited. They huvo been cap
til red.
Pontiiuinter (lenernl (buy ha Hindu
tho definite announcement that the ad
ministration hud decied to adhere to
number, attacked the Spaniards and
defeated them. The Spaniards re
treated in confusion, after almost a
hand to-hand light. The extent of the
Spanish los in unknown.
TMrU Hm. m (Icnitlm lit. el.
Paris, March 22. A duel with
words wan fought this afternoon in the
...t. lr i.f SI. 1 11...,, It.. I I lie i 'l. .v.
tho ft.ur-yeai tenure-t.f t.mceiH.licy for H,i(r viuea, master of the Italian school
all Httuinstern, except in a few cusei
where removal for cuuse wa retuiiisl
on account of doliniiiciiey, iuctiupo
teney or unsatisfactoiy conduct of ad
ministration of olUce.
of arum, and M. Thomageiix, a Ficn'ch
iiuiatcur Hwnrdsman. The lucetiug
which excited intense interest, arose
from a letter insulting l'iuea as the out
come of a recent assault at arms.
Professor J. P. McMastern, of the Thoiiuigeux wan wounded in the face.
university of reunsylvaniii, will arrive
in Chicago this week with a bundle of
inanurM'iipU of the new nchool history
of tho I'nited States, in which patriot
ism in the keynote. The making of
thi history has been undertaken at the
urgent request of a committee of the
(hand Army of the l.cpuhlio.
An eXHdilion U to Ik, sent to North
eastern Aia and Northwestern America
to discover if possible the ancestry of
the American Indian. Mori in Jcssup,
president of the Auieiican Museum of
Natural History of New Yoik, in the
originator of the expedit ion, and w ill
pay all tho lull connected with it,
which during the six year of it con
tinuance, will reach considerably over
Chnrlea Kodatinsky, a fanner, with
liia wife ami baby, suited from Omaha
in a covered wagon with a gasoline
tovo. The stove cxphhled, the team
run away, and tho ocupauta of the
magon Were fatally binned.
W. C. Wills, of Hay creek. Crook
county, acting upon the icipacst of citi
Ken of hi section, ban ncd Gover
nor lord to intercede in behalf of tW
Ksstcrn Oregon peple in the tuatttr ia
the exclusion of sUn'k limn tha C.,Mt
Mlirr .f TtirkUli Tr..t...
Constantinople, Mart'h 22. The Im
perial Ottoman bank advanced only at
tho last moment the i't'.OO.ooO repined
Atlanti.pie (lenerale, was one of the Ha
men who embarked in the larger of the
Is.ats, and Uui him developed the
command of that fiail refuu'e for m
many fouls, lie, S. nor Tagadu, I.ant.,
the third crgii r, and Mailt', the
hhip'n doctor, are the only ones surviv
ing. They were brought to Perth Am
boy yesterday by the Kchisiner Hilda,
which came upon them March 1 1, as
they were drifting at sea with the dead
bodies of four of their fel low -pas-enu'el s
ill a small boat. The survivor were
almost dead from starvation and expo
sure, and Here tot. weak to relieve the
small boat of the weight of the corpses.
The four rescued men were brought to
this city from l'orth Anils..- in the tu'
Idlewihi list night. Captain Herri is
being attended by lr. I.. ). pi. ..., who
entertains doubts of his recovery, and
declare that he must have endured
most terrible harships.
The Sic. Naaire cleared from New
Yoik for l'ott au 1'nnce on March ti.
On the following day, according to the
atorv t'.i. I by one of the suivivois, the
leak was discovered, but it was not
thought to hesufticicntly serious towar
rant a return to port. Hy the middle
of the second day, however, the leak
had incicased to a dangerous extent,
and a p.ution of thecaigo on the pott
side of the vessel was damaged by the
water, which bad commenced to )h.ui
in in great tpiant it ics. A terrible
storm arose on the night of the second
day, and the heavy sea-, together w ith
the big leak, rendered tliecscape of the
vessel from shipwreck an iniptis-ihiluy. that the ship was doomed,
the captain ordered the four lifeboats
to be lowered, and into them crowded
tho passenger and cicw. The lmatn
were soon swept ap.nt by the wind and
The boat which was found by the
Hill. i six days after the sinking of the
steamship is the only one of the four
Is.ats that has been hcaid of. Thirty
ti v.. persons, it is said, were crowded
into the boat from which the survivors
were taken. One by one all but the
four rescued mi'O tiled bom cximsuic or
hunger, or were swept into the deep by
, waves which broke over the small boat.
The bodies of the . ho did in
the boat during the tiist days of it s ter
riblc voyage were thrown over board
bv the siuviors. Hut these who with
high, un I t!.
the iiiuj.ii ity
fis-.tive rj'
All the ! iii"i I"
the hoii-e w.i" -t
work In-fore it
rUIUS-d the lll.-ll.lel
Th .,ks w o- l-.h-l b-U'li '
t.mpriatiiui hi 1- that failed.
l,n.ed...'. ly afer th- reeling of the
journal, I". gL v. u-uid s.,m-applau-.
reis.rtcl ti." t i' IT '-ill.
'AftLrug,.,,! deal of cr..:-ln..;g -tween
I.i.igley a.-l . it wa
linallv arrai I ' "
of th' aid minority l-l-rH.
and also:.,' -I'-' "f :'"""l-
atatemeiit -i tin iff, I
Dalzell. fl-lll the cmiulttceoll rules.
pr.s.-M.-l tic sp-ei-d rules under whn h
the hou-e was to o-late .luring th
taull d-bate. The rules provided that
general debate will continue I ve da.-,
with night s.-i"i.". after wl.i- h the
hill should be o ii t" amen in"'"! nn-
the tive-iiiinnte rule iciuiumt
In, el, IS to h.l.e .rece. l. l.ce I . un
til March ill, when the bill, will. 1 -elid
ing Ullielldlliellt, fhiiUl-l be reH.tlc.
from the commit t.f of the w lmle and
the picvioiin quest ion U- coii-idered us
orrdered, on the third n-ading and linal
pas-agcof the bill. The rill- - al-gale
leave to print for twenty day-.
I).il..-ll demanded the prcviou- ques
tion, which was ordered by a strict
party vote, the populist Voting with
the iJciiKH-ratn.
In deference to the request of the
iniiioniv, Dalell ugr I to an ext.-n-ioii
of debate on the general order to be
thirty minute on a side.
Tlie Hrlialv rr.ri-eilln.
Washington, March 22. The flr-t
copy of the senate calendar was on the
di'-ks of senators t.slav. The two l'a
citlc railroad bills, resiit.d yesterday,
were numbered I and 2. These and
Tnipie's resolution for tl lection of
senators by the pie c.m-litiite I the
The claim ot X Edward Addicks to
a scat as senator from He1. made
its i. appearance by a s-titioii f um Ad-di-k-,
presented by lluir. . s of Michi
gan. Fallowing this. Chandler Tcnted a
memorial fiom liovernor W. I'. land
an I the secret. ny of stat.- of On-gon,
. I . -1 . . 1 i . 1 1 the circlinistance of the re
cent failuie of the Ic.M-lalute of that
slate to oigani.e aiid elect a -eiiator.
The ,lo. iimeiit slated that as a re-ult of
this tallille. Iio sesMotit.f the Olcgoll
legl-latille had I II held, -Ilice Fcll-
lllaiv, I "-'...'.. The pun f the
n.einoiial W.I- to e-labll-h the right of
the go.eiii.M to appoint a n.itor. The
inemoiial. like A.l.licks' petition, was
leferred to the t oniin it too on pi i lieges
and election'.
The caily opening ot the I.ll iff work
ill the senate was indicated by the
agreement to a r. l ti t i t i for the pn p.t
ratioii of a . -omp. native statement on
revenue ipic-lioii- and for an increase
of the cleii al of the tinain'e coin
mittce. A resolution hy licir was agi I to,
calling mi the altoi for in
foinialion a- to the l'acitic
foieclosii'c -'ills.
A resolution by I'-ltigieiv for a com
mittee of hve ii.i',..r to look int.. the
I "... i lit" l.uloud- tpiet ions, le
feried. Al I .' .'.o t he senate w cut into
executiv i - t i on the ill hit rat ion
treaiv, and al I o'clo.-k :.l j.nii ne.l.
Senator Hi
mittce on f.
length in th
senate tod iv
the luajoi uv ot ih
to the aibili.iiio
listened to tt ,th
bv the scn.ttoi-.
aii In. ill of the coin ion-, spoke at
'iti.e sc-iou t.f the
I, ting the iews of
t'ommiltee favoiahle
ticaty, and he w is
,e utmost attention
AFTER TWENTY YEARS. Kit , to 1 I ii tl
III I. to. kel l.oi-k.'l'.
Vinelanil. N. ,1
in. m ir..
March 22. Tw cntv
Evidence of Steady QrQ
and Enterprise,
lo lErlMlll l...irlHl
T.klnl l '"r"' "'
nonl Trllrulr.
n. . lentil. ly
March l'...-Tlle-cret:iry
1. I. doll,
the Jivroli .s.K'i-iy ha' r.
,.,. from Alio I.-, statue
. . ,n r to nr-er
ran. ,' t""
I a tel.-
: that the sill-
,. pel , has
Tuiki-h gar-
ign ine
to I cupl.'d
e, With im-
.1 ii ii I iLll.L.'
tint V I' i i
jliliiial tribute. Hie
tl,.,t t! term.- ine
r..,,,l le tothe IH-lt.-l.l " l-.tlllll. t.
. I ... ,ti...l'O.S.
II :,. to thel retail ..ion....
h pi. f.-r annexation to autonomy.
to will
ri-oti from d
. . . i -: . .
i. an to r.n
and a lmii i
ir. si.'
the f..rm of a
tel. -.'ram -tat
.s w
I raw the
te and t.
t ieolge;
Mere I by Or
.. . t..roii "0 Tlio i.'Hsion
w' .sh tigton, ..larui -v.
r; .';.:.'u S '... .
(orliitt. ii 1 Tltrlvln. hi..... '
1"!',:;:':,f the u - introduced by
liillingerproHiscd un amendinent to
he . ons.itu.ilin prohihitit.K l-KishiUon
in h-half of any religion denom.mi-
"'Turpie gave notice of a speech on tl.o
election of senators n. i-i- --.
I .hat he would introduce a resu.,.
Ilia Tlirlvlim H,t,r , "
The Grant county ,
that tuxes for the ye,
delinquent until .May 15 il..
The county treasurer of ;m ,,
ceivetl from tho sheriff t.. .
r-.-l -o .. 1 SJ
o,jv. n.o uini iii.-talliij,
ntrodlice a resont- - . ""ill
"ur . . ... taxes turned over by t . .!,.:.
:::r::!:;::t,,;:ir;::; l.!-
.r, . ' , r,.ort of the session was i'ay couuiry io :!o,Ui)0
I .... ,i, h leen. II tlnit nun
lir-t rel'ort Ol HI" senr. - - - . "v.
,1 ,v O.-ar of Iowa. 'ro lf 'i'11 "'""'"T chii I
for FUSS & Co , SilVs
llsil the
llielit, sil!
r... I.i......
. learned this
have il revoc-
e illltoll- '- siizcr-
ecui ity OI
11,1 t..r. l.l ....llrmalhl"-Can.-...
Ma"'!. 111. TI..- admiral of
.Lined lb-els in i reiau
;1 rmal p.o. lamalioii of th" in-
ot the go al poe,-
. ,-land an aut"tiomoiis govern-
. . .f . Le
t to the SU.-I...II1.'
1 he rr.n li...o.l'u"'-
Caii.a. .Man h I'.'. It
,, that th'" iK.M.-r
;.l,lV d.-cld-l t'l U--Hre COllipl
,.,,V l.f ('let'-. llll'I'T tl
nintv, but th-y have agreed upn nieas-
UM -'lliteli lcd t golate theadnllllis-
t, ,t... u of an autonomous i''g to
,,.,,,.,.,. and order and to guaran-
v ...... di-tiliCtioll of
ra-e or religion, liberty, the
.....i., uv the resumption of
i,.l industry, and th- development of
the i.-uuucs of the country.
A t..ry ll..rrll.le K.'.i In Hie ol
1 1. A I.' Ilea...
New York, March !'.. The steamer
Vilh-de ft. Nazaire. belonging to the
French line to the Wt-t Indie-, -ailed
from New York March ii for Poi t-au-I'tiuce
with thirty ."even p.r-oiis on
boanl, and has not since been reported.
Mi,, was a h.irk-rigg-d s-r-w steamer of
2,1'. 10 tons register. The World this
morning publishes the following:
The sch. suier Hilda, that plies along
the coast between Perth AlllboV illld
Savannah, t itnio into srt la-t night,
hearing a story horrible even in the
annuls of the Atlantic o.can. She car
tied in her cabin four pa-s. ng. rs whom
she had picked up in a luat on Monday
te il. s off shore. It was Captain
lleitns, skiprs-r of the Hilda, who III st
sighted the bout. As the schooner drew
neater, the outlines of human figures
were made out. On tin' prow of the
but they saw the words. "Ville de St.
Nazaire. " A boat was lowered, and
the chief mate rowed to the helpless
ctait. Nearer and nearer they came,
and the faces of the sailors gradually
came into view. At the bow of the
boat, and apparently in charge of tin;
party, was an old man wonting the
uniform of a ship's oilier. The mate
ptc-eiitly recognized the face, hollow
and sunken with the cold and want of
many days, the features of Captain
.lilies H.-rry, one of the hot known of
the coiiiinaiidcts of the Havre I. ranch
of the Flench line, and now long trans
ferred p. the We-t Indian service. He
hind him mi the ct titer seat were two
half dro-cd, coathss, hallos men,
hugging themselves together from the
bla-t of the cold wind, and gibbering
at the staitlcd fan s of the Hilda' sail
ors. At their f.-ct was a fourth man.
The old man at the pn.w opened hit
lips, hut un sound came from them.
One by one the men were lifted ill.
In the stern of the craft was a tilth
man. One of the saihus touched him
on the aim and began p. draw him
gently forward, when he slid quick!)
off the seat and settled a lifeless hoar
in the boat. Three more corpses wen
in the boat. Then the s.ulois Pme!
the dreadful freight hack to the Hilda.
Nothing could he done but consign the
ilc.ul to the sea. Captain Perry and
the three men were looked after and
partially brought back to lite and rea
son. All they could tell was that the
St. Nazaire had somehow ltcoti wrecked
or abandoned, and that these men wen
the survivors of those who ha. 1 taken
to the boats, but how many w ere dead
and how many were living remained
imtol until midnight Tin-day, when
'.. ii r.v.dn and wan
fommitt u ' " ' ' ,. . .
f.vorabletothehill for un adjustment
of the I'acilic railroad debt by a com-mi-ion,
consisting of the secretary of
,he interior, secretary of tl.o treasury
.1 J...f nuke.1 that
and attoriicy-g.'iic..... . ; ...
... i... ... h. the nnfinishcl uusi- i.rani's russ, in tlie n
nn- on. . . i
e.s of the senate, with 11 proviso ma.
it should not be taken up for a month.
There was no objection, however, from
Cis krell, and after considerable dieii
fiot. the hill went to tho calendar.
There was an objection also to (.ear
resolution calling on the attorney-general
for information as to tho foreclo
nure proceeding against the Pacific
road-. Morgan gave notice that ho
would later submit a minority report
f the bill for a commission.
In the executive session, tho report
in favor of the arbitration treaty wan
...... . . t. nil eleiir-
preselltcl I..V M'liaior i'.n
man of the committee on foreign rem
" Eat-
President William II. it
.... .... . " '.
till) sillier Association, of 1
Oregon, lias called a n tit,..,,,'
ecutivo committee, to i'
ar fiitn..
Georgo nnd I'M ward S.dly t,
who were born and t.mV-bt
uaner coumy, were s.-nt.-nce.
penitentiary by Judge E.ikin, i;
City, ueorgo to two years, anj :
to one and a hull years. (;,.,,.,
year old, and Edward in 19, '
Tho Grunt county court la. .
tlio contract for putting jD
turcs at tho countv jail i0 tl,.
Safo Company, of Portland, f,.,
Among tlio improvements viji'.l
cell, closet, bathtubs, ct,', j.
in to be done this spring
that it i hoped there will t
, est aper. .1.1111 ....!-
lions, and was in t .0 snapo ... - ,
lotion for rati ication. .Morgan n 1 . ... ' 1
T 'X was a statement of bin position, ; olnon in iih ecent gel,.!.,, ,
u those .if Daniel and Mill were in "."' tI A,..Ilg uiLr I
....... ttl oil. lotllltl ..n 010- ... .lie u.ivi'rtln -
the nature of a minority rep.ut III op- k 'in-
, ., ,, Iiui poiiim in me court mtvi
position tothe treaty. . . t:llr,.
r-l.l.-i.ii Miuili.l im.. ; line of 2o0 in provided forjr-j
Washington, March 20. President conviction ol tlio parly or part..
..a.... .., tl,,. follnwini.' dliui' w ith or defacing tlu'r.
nominations to the senate:
Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, to be
envoy extraordinary and minister plcn
iKitentiary to Mexico.
William Osborne, of Massachusetts',
consul-general at London.
John K. Gowdy, of Indiana, coiisul-
...1 ..1 iciu
e. 01.11 ,11 . .11 .1.
John M. lirigham, of Ohio, ussistunt cause of tho
Bccretiiry ot agriculture.
Perry's. Heath, of Indiana, first as
sistant postmaster-general.
Captain Charles Shalcr, of the ord
nance department, to he major.
Henry L. Marindin, ussistunt to the
superintendent of the United States
cast and geisletic survey, to be a mem
ber of the Mississippi river commission.
! J. U. Tucker, a fanner .. '
says that wheat in his
ciinry is looking line, ainllit
think that tliero is any ilai-t
being hurt from tins tinii'i.n.
that where he lived the wL
much more likely to l. jrj---
111 the wheat belt west of ft
cause of tho allitule, iil.i.i
more thawing and freezing.
Three horses licit miring k;
1 Cleveland, of Beagle. ,la,k-.i
died last week of a disci. r
spinal meningitis. llir.if
to weaken tho spine, and the.
grew rapidly worse, resulting :
deaths within four days fnu
of the first symptoms. Duri::
ness, they ato and drunk lirr:
w ithin a short time l 'fore Ji-.l I
lleB.-t. of W..,...Bt..l. S... AKr.e,..- 'l McKeliZu' the
tini.1 .. ,countant tippoiuted l.yJnl.'tF.
... , ,r , . to go through the Umbof
Ovini.ia. Wash.. March 22. The .. : . .. :t
-.---- 1 1, .. coiiuiy, i now iiii-n. flip
governor i.siay a.po..nen iiiiun ...
Windus to be regent of the state agri
cultural college, vice K. S. lngrahain,
of Seattle, w hose term expired March
ii. IsllT. H. S. Iliaudford, of Walla
Walla, is reappointed to be regent of
the same institution. Hi term will
task, lie says that lus it-
from tho court are to i;o tl'.l
hooks and accounts of thf !;''
and treasurer, checking up a
and find out how iniiili 1
been received by these t
what disposition has betn nui
! Garfield is working to himl
cry established there.
I William Kowc, an oM VK
! county pioneer, was hurit'J It
111 Wullii Walla city.
Fishermen on Willapa lx
1 M.,.,-1, i l'llCI
The governor has announced there
will be no appointment to the ollice of !
ndjiitaiit-geiieial. The duties of tho
position will be performed by Major
Hallaine, the governor's private secre
tary. The governor gave an audience to-
.iL'Lt to . eo. ii... it tee licit unhlii 1 1 1 e.l
for the executive's consideration rea- busy tun ing their nets Mid
sons why he should approve the cupitol preparing for the fishing si
The governor today vetoed senate
bill No. l'.il, which gives holders of
tide, shoal and oyster lands certain
privileges. This bill is held to be un
constitutional, as it attempts to take
away rights already acquired l.y certain
parties under the law, without giving
them any remedy; also that bill No.
22 I, which has been signed, gives the
improvers of tide lands all of the privi
leges asked for in this bill, and lire.
, .... x. . .
vents infringements of the rights of
upland on tiers.
The other bills Vet 1
The nennle of Kel lie Fill""
... - .... j
nig a bridge ucros-s tlieU'iv.-'
for tho use of fanners cnmiEf
Frank Smith, a tree pn
near Walh. Walla, drank ll'
of a l.atent medicine one Jl?
and died the next day.
A tmiiiirit v ot tint Ill.lilS!
Y.iL-iiiia reservation art'
tho proposition to sell their It j
a few of the more wcaltnyiB
are against it.
Ah Sam and Ah
i ...te.l ill I''-
1 ue tuner niiis veioci are: lanofcrs, were ar n -o ;
House bill No. Is2, to construct a 1 lust week, charged with
wagon road from Lyle, in Klickitat ful'.v in tho United Siiit.
county, to Washougal, in Chirk county. ! bo sent before I'liiicd MJ
No. 2."iU. npproiiriatiiiL' l.:on f,.s I llunford. in Seattle, fer I'
I h.
by the pot to for military expenses. The H((l)i ,l0 i,.,,,,,,,,, .,,,,1 managed to live
misery of the liukish troops is intense.
Their wages have not been paid (or tho
last nine month, and many otllcers ate
selling their arms ami uniforms to get
aw ay. 1 1
was supp.
went away h
daiightcr. Hi
wotk the faun
Jiort. To ta .
the fields 11:1 I
many yen s
dress for thai .
kllickei bock-r -have
lntsl: ii, d
Th I.NiKeat Meltniiiter.
Path, Me., March 22. The sclmoiier
Frank A. Palmer, the largest of its
class on the high seas, was successfully
launched here this morning. The es
acl measures 2 til feet on the keel, and
from the end of the jiblsHMii to the end
of the spinnaker 412 feet.
I. li.llour.l Hull.
Oifotd, F.ngland, March 22. The
honorary ib'gree ef d.s tor o! .ivil law
was conferred here today i1hu Pi.
NauiH'll, the Norwegian exploier.
According to the Hotanical G.uclte,
a notable cactus garden has K-en estab
lished at the l"nicrsity of Aruou.i.
It i thg intention to bring together
ventall nil thn cactaceae which aio
i i :f (w th I'ulttsl States, and
1 ..- .1 . ..1
reHcrve, by inakii.i a .pecid imMk "" -l''"
the prcitleiit. ,
The final t'gregiition of t' t4 inni. ij g..iiQ.lOil.
fhort Line from th I'n ion !i'aci4" r- S.tFuil, iyint., arch 22. TlPit
tern ha taken place, and all train mt jornicj Theo nvkiQan as shot by
inoiii under tha new OiekM Shoi .j,lr. iViOettt lh0 tunc, it the lat-
Line management ,.r ri i jp.inQo hotel. H.0ii men are
Tb monthly Utjment of .JAf 'tl' rtmoidhO l ) .lis ignvinciit over a
and import of niorvliatidnj. cjM vS UCnPbill. 'I0.e Ooun.U w ill p.otbly
ilver, Inijji and iii-$i the L'niiol &3Z3 tOove faiAl. Ihvkman was mu-teitsl
irCiry 10, lauisl by !); bureiiO out of the I
without tootl or drink, at last became
too weak to lid the bout of its gha-tly
freight, 1111.I were compelled for .lavs to
ga.e upon the stiffened corpses of their
unfoi tunale companion. Agent Forget,
of the Ficncli line, is doing all in Ins Uvkcrs.
power to make the survivors oomforta- Lucu-
Captain Herri, who is ,t,"i years of age
and a trusted employe of the French
line, is under the cue of doctor.
The physician found his patient's throat
fcaifully patched and Ins lungs in the
same condition. After examination,
the doctor said that with careful treat
ment he might nvover. It won!, I be
over a week, how ever, b. fore be could
take any solid dssl. Tho captain's
Istily is coveted with bruises from being
thio 11 nlvut the while flic Was
ot heaitl Mom au
was .lead. When he
I. it behind a w ife and
v have continued to
w 1 a h gave them sup.
tale movement about
i ii nyaid th.-y donned
1 .1 111010 lilting style of
1." k than skii Is. Since
L.vainc fa-hi. .liable they
their die-s to kni. k-r-
I alitainn llcrrv. the hot 1.. 1
US ago Ctpium MoseS Lll.M Went as utile to e .'n out ..,,..... I.. . f I .: '
, . re- e ' " ' ...-i.t.- 01 ol!
"Fight." were his tiist words in an
swer to a question. "Fight then
were more than eight; thete wen
eighty souls on the boat when
abandoned the St. Nazaire. of all
these, we four are only left. T,(
others starved or froze wheic they sat.
They died in all ways; they sank,
dropped off one by one, except w licit!
they went mad and then some jumped
into the sea, and ended in that wav.
The captain was the first to go. The
men were quiet till they saw the
women die, then they got raving, Maik
ma 1. .aii are here now
comrade. Or. Maire, Slants,
1. cci. ami, the tust
That's all I can tell now."
Hut .), old man gradual!
stronger and able to talk will
thing like coher.
I'r. Alane, too, reeoVeted hi
ttciigth enough to talk.
x.. .1-.0 .... . j. , f 1, e 1 1.. .. tor h ii-.
the relief ,.f George Hahcock. of Walh. I i.',. tl,.. ..heat raising
Wa,lla' Wallu Walla has its mint'- M
ine governor appioved these house of L'old-bearing ore froiu c"'
bills: I ,.u ,,.,., .hintH'ilt.'it
No. 4,i',i, providing for a state wagon
rioa.l from Marcus across the Cascades
t 1 Maihlchcad, and appropriating 20.
000, '
suildcnlv rcturncl and in .i
carnage wii- driven to the .loot. Mrs.
Lucas and in a minute she
and the stranger were cla-ped in each
other's aims, the man U'uig her long-b'-t
husband. Lucas is said to have
be. nine w eallhr.
1 uc, my
our engi-
i.t','itittit i, tt. r,..
Home, March 22 The p,qs has
conferred ihs'or at ions Usin several
French otli.-cts who saved Uotiian Cath
olic icligious houses ilurtii,
at Canca.
tlu'jj tires
London, March 22. A Time, dis
I avh f'om St. Pctcisbuig say- over a
thoii-und stiitlents have U-en artc-tcd
al the il.sus of the cathcdial of Our
La It of Ka-an. They were endeavor
u g lo attcn. I prayers said for the soul
"f a student named Vitroff. who it
1- a'.', ge l set tiro to a blanket and
be.' in d herself to dentil ill her pn-un
c. !!0,, ecas the in-iilts and violence
of .1 p- ts.ui official. She had boott im.
pn-one.l since llecembor on the charge
of U'li g a political agitator.
and , 1.
1' glow
1 s.tiiie-
an, os.
No. 42S, to survey and estaldsh a
state road from Puckley across tho
Cascades to Yakima.
No Is.",, appropriating f 15,000 to
establish a state road from Wenatclieo
to the mouth of Methovv river.
!'i'rul tlin ilenii. I.ll.ei-aleil.
Havana, March 22 t.mi- n
. '.., 1111 J.1IU n-ii'i'i.'-t.' . ...
Allien, an. W ho v.-w 1 ... 1 . 1... , M.vrsN-
... , ' -if. ni, i.egiui ing poies neiiii " .
last December and ctdincd in Cabanas kano. Teams arc d uly lu;
prison has hec, set at liberty and ex- 1 between the falls and iV'
jvlled from the island. Charles Scott, i ident Oakes and '''r''w? '
the American, and Venero, a natural- i thov expect s 1 to li.of ".
izcl American I....... 1 .... , .1 i...,,.,.cn tw '
1 "...v e.en orneroii unr ,'iii-L-i.iir nr. e '"
at libertv. It. 1
creeks, has been shipH t"
smelter. Should thefXI1"'-
.cf,.l .. l-ii-ee force of w-'
tint, to work lit the niilli
Tho reference library of tf
,.,...,1 vol,. d ha- receive.! 1
.. 1 1:. : f ..!.....! -i.lll VellW1-
lliltlllioii o. ii."-'.. . . 1
ing of literary, scictititu' J "
works by the ni-t cniin' f
niicient ami nio i' i " IM t.
nry work consi.- of t"'1" '
Tlio telephone oompw
1"". h.i.,,1
Chicag...'h l;i..f.,,r
1 r. 'parations p. ci,,-,..,) !.,. ,.
.laughter of liii-tave s,.
u. tractor of Wo-,.i
'( St. l.i..;;s e,
'ti'.' hers. If in a I
"tv. I.e I,;, 1 p', . !v
fher.'.i..'. :,. ,
l'.ll.l Hl.ll,,y (ulll.l,,,,.
Henv,.r Ml,,.,, S3.p.ltri.k r
l..,'I. M. Ibidc, aged 15 and 13 year's
vcc.ivcly, were , (, ,
till- lllorill.l.r III .. I- . .
by sho.
in tl.t
and th.
". a
. a
e. a
, ,, , " " 11 ci. canseii uv a
" ; '""oiiof eiig,,,,.,.,,,, ,he rio 'pa.
-'c. nenvervVtittlf niilroa.l, i
',.'.. '',1".v. :-cd iiti, was
1 . :" ' M in a few
.it'll, s. ,!,.(
'. aged 40, was
1 n o-'
1-5 KubrOry
ft UtUtnw, ihowi O t'dliivTcj: HO- :.7i.Sl0; ww
impirtail. 1 50, lus. lo?. of
w!7iij.i ivi jifiy $':;,ocA,ooo ho of
lirty, fjil. r,-i,Klel, Otlil.BllP, toM
iinportedri l'.( M,'H)i ilver eiport!,
t,CO,8X2;; iilver iuiixirto.1, ;04,W3. State army at Van-
.x.iiver barrack, with a revrd as
ibarphtHiter. O
It take thirty -nevcn ss'ullv .mh
ttructisl and equipssl stenmer to keep
the iiibuiarine tebiaph cable of tho
world iu repair.
I NlMlul.1 M Allta l.lto...l.iy.
Parceloii.i, March '.'.'.The Cata
lonia coiiiuiisMoO issued a manifesto
demanding autonomy similar to the
scheme proi-tsi-d 111 the case of Cutva
for Cutalotiiuns. The authorities are
taking pre. .unions in view of the poo
nihility id an outbreak in Catalonia.
Julillr T hi.kgl. lug l.ay.
London, March 22 It .. an
nouru'.sl this evening that June 22 h.ii"
livn feil iis.ti for the jubil.v thanks,
.ivc.g .(.iv (or the .t'lcbiatioii id the
liOth year of the reign of lueeti Vic
ten. June 22 will b a bank LoliJaj, '
V. IIIUiii Veil I'uiir Shot.
n.sifoid, Ind., March 22. Charlie
Winter and Willie Halitt. two Uv n. ar Linton, played William Tell
.11 .1 111 li. u of iin apple Pabbitt placed
a cm n, oh on bit held. W inter, t'.-ing
a revolver, -hot at tho Corncob and the
ball stru. k Pubbitt iu the forehead,
killing him instantly.
( I rl.l In llutrU.
Si ti... March 22. It is rumored that
a clciiet ciisis is ill progress, and that
M ..loff has Uvn lutrnsttM with the
ta-k uf reforming the uunistrv. .
t.'ie -ul'j
. ..iiV u.'i.r, CO e
''i' gt-tl. Match '. i
.. 11 uiios r ,.t q (
a plolot ge l ...,., ,
c-letv ,Jllr,.,. T fllr W(,ro vm
1 . - . hi ,.1. o" les
the city 011
ili-l ..ere ridim, to
an ei.gim. tender.
. 1
-11 that.
Co p. 10,
be. ter
. I of I
1:1 tl,
for t!.,
-I "ii
I g Vi lli,
. of the
M'mii hi hi
.ten. d
1 al I.
fl- .1
feoa ! ml
1 o -o
:i n
Ii 22.
v 1
- 01 .,ari
oOOi, OC(. ti
1. 1 . . . . . -
""w '"'.?.. hnopl
tiilt.ti.'... : . -
' uv is a -
t ot 0 tfc'lll I. ...I...
e minister of
nt In ui.
groat sensu-
tlio ali
as Villi.
A tree on the Nortla-r" PV
1 1. ... 11 Sli
nciweeii -." , 1,.
. v.. , H.imldt'
caiisen r iieui "' - .- jji
from tho engine eiu .
The engineer stuck to U" '
, . .1. . 1 ih.. im'. '
engine kiioo' . :tfl-i
out to be rotten, a- 1
tircinan was foci ' " i,
bruised, and blccdi''' fJ
cring from his in jut
. .. .,,1 i'iif"
Fltty-three 1 v
odist church durir? i"
meetings in Polh.s-
,tv o-
The Clieliaiis
Scnniinon .v
.....1 m.iiittain .1 -l'1'
harbor wharf in NX '"
" ."' 1 lster of tm. main street' .'I ' '
w ;0" ...Na'r.C3f the Arnio- lM,,eh. W
ui . una...,,,,,, ... .
t ru
!" ..ui up- once, .vi.uei 1 1
-Mdti.esu,,i,t: vir;:1'
ir. I'
r;" continued. road, and it vM" '".
Three Vr, t.Oii.i ' f,xWr O'"' .'''.''.'; '-''''
Kev Wo., n ? months. Th- pa , s , ;.9; . , '-i',b;U18 ,1,,rOyear, Tholitc-
ti' have le ,' Iar' "Mi- I . .
road, and it wi
avr. V ':
1 . .
'!, ti'f '"'' V
1 in- 011... , B.
upon its furuai a-J u