The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 27, 1897, Image 10

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    .....nm'.-.S X-O WVWlNWVWrW
for Infants ond Children.
,.nmnd ,r-acrlntloii
4r,tanA" Jl A. Aw nw, M. I ,
111 So. Oxfl fct . rrwikln. N Y.
u of 'CaaVirla 1 ao urdn-ml 1
. urtUM wlUi-n ll work
i K.-rwvk,tl"n C- enduran It. lew vv ll.a
wl:iiriit famlll'Si wlw do Hot k1 CaV,ri
lUJn muj tit
C'uut un, T. I),
Krw York tltjr.
a-lrla rar folk, Cmatljatflon.
Sum h, IHarrlwaa, r.rurtttla,
tiiOa Wonua, glee alwu. x,4 promota
Without lujurlouf rw"Htl"0.
Tor mfm ji-mn I hat. rewrniiwr. o
j,mr CMtorla,1 "1 '" always "" ,"
V) m It Laa UiearUhlr pruduoisl Urm-iK kJ
r.iwi r. riau, m. p,
lXth Blr.-t aj.4 7tli A, S" York Jf-
Rrii tint t Forced Sale. lw Prlfe.
For i('iU-J Iboroacbbrtd
Hiofk.-Fancy Hi(ir
Kr-Hl.aVra frrnl
Dr Powell Itve, formerly m Uic
famous Lane couniy McKenzle Stock
Farm I lo trouble, In Portland, ami
I lias been forced lo r.flr for sale his
highly exploited and muchly adver
tised stock farm. The many Lam
outity acquaintances of the genial but
erratic "l)t." will read w Ull Hitcre-i
lb following from the Oregonian, con
cerning the public sale.
"The much- heralded sale of Dr 1'ow-
ell lb-eve' Ktaiidard-bred aioca at
Irvlngton track !st Monday had a
vry unsatisfactory termliiatloii, ow-
liK to the peculiar method or proce
dure. A consider1 1 nun her of
t n.ry. 1'. T
I birth.
I him "? a
- Tur rA-J.Pf.Ht. ' . . , that M
A SKir-li Ur ink w ... I T tt.- i .
. ....... :.,.. ::'"';V iu.rt.d4
Oh. tr. .i-irkl. "f lh -.wi-nr. on in"-. ( ( ( r d n"' ..w
bll;;:;.:::; - -! ;i :r ; ;;,; ;;!.;;:;"". v;-
&tr. bow tU ; q.. I.-T . ,..(,1. h'1
t.i,t u lin " . . 11
disjunction City : Milling Compai;
M Nl KAritltKlw ui- -ihk
, 0 ..FLOUR.LJL.!
A tb tumfi.' r n. ttr ''
flumi) liiuin I' u
hod on the itArlll w-
( b.1c In tb wllJ'r-1
Uyond It like tb
Tn Ciirrir a C'ltn-irr, V ''Wlt
8n-r, 5rw Yo m
And lt jni:if trw
We bve Crun h r:n o!
Da and Kl'xi.'n.
And th d.trkn" 1"
wall "f '" v r'oni.
O.tbr. now th t;;.lt cirri., wch l"Dl
AndnVaJ'i onU.Ud andtb.
mnom in thw !r,1
Tbn th. .tory an 1 t,.- Uu.Ur pa-tb. n..r-
ry circlB r uri'l.
And tbe liiti-rvt-iiiiiii 1
NowM'-irM of th.
Now ri'Kt'ofa, -,h-ward
'in :itli n.'"".
, thrill with minr
on hv r i'T ""r " " , ftcJ th. -n.
ninrniiirf that a -ni " ,nra,r.r wnuM
waa .I!'! "'? 1 , ; .'Ud that
prlMy Bunt that dtf. H
ha.1 nothln to f.iu-.buty u.
ajflm; our fuditiir.
Ju. liti h.rd fur c.
lti-jirc'iiUtivj KM, "f On-Kon,
is only on: of inuiiy wlio has wr"
tled witli Hie firv&nV girl t.roblein
in Vaaiinton. "Our Kreatent
trouUe," b.i'pI Mr Kili recently,
"lnn ht;;ri t') gt a it-rvaiit who Iihh
not lived with the (iuatotnalan
rnini'trr, or cook.-d Mr I'-iU"
tre. or l.n liou-tke-nr at the
Kngli'li l.'gitwm. We have ljad
cwking in neventeftn (liferent lan
gua'rt, form! of tlieaj d-al, I imag
ine, iuduine from the cremation
through which the thinRH nrrved nt
mnl li:id im-"-d; hut not one ol
them ha x 'in able to do Rood,
plain American cooking Wo lave
liad moro hlue hlimded mrvar.tH,
it BMMn-d t til'.', at our h0U"
i)n hdU to tin; lot of m:st (!ole,
ri.. i,.ui , left u. infurmi d
A iiav v.-
Mr Kllia confidently, tliounh mitm-
wliutlmtiRhtily, I take it, she came
o! a very good family herself, and
hir nir-t-r w:t!i nutrried to a German
Ai i Kit run: and vki.k.
l,iivr were out to the track, with the
Inlenlii n of bidding In aome of the Ah eharm n.-t l m'- ' "jand, but from the be In- JgJtZ' ' w fa "
IiIiik or llie naie ii wa appaivm.
the owner had no Intention of dmpoa
mg of the aloek unlina It ahould bring
fa ni y price, which In nearly every
ca.' were eutlrtly too extravagant for
;.i ,n v . ted the HolV ihe tirew nteoiidillon oi me norr ma.
Lind a ft- year, ago wrote aa lol- Wet. Thldiguted buyera, h.i.I the
Lind a t ve j earn n i flBl waH
luwa: "Keaciiing i'i- ,,. Tl,aale waa then poal-
remarltahlo of all the neau and laken u(i(( We,,IM,j.y l0rnlng, but
oftheglolH) (the Dead Sea) we pre- ,, ofl)ie ,u.erB w(,o were In ai- kru.l and rll.k. bi-ini with "-.r. nd rk.:
Andlulll ol.-",nlyto .lu,i-UT by prln"!
-Jmm In Youth' rompanlon.
.. ULili' hi- f :
ANCFIi". Mny 15, 1171
we ftp,', my lir IJliuiche. cmfort-
t.ared to take a bath, -uch as I can ten.lanee Monday ahowed up, a. they
Lrdlv exct ever to take again, existed a repetition of the taitic.
hard y txc I evtr i i b otk.,tt,le at Monday', a.le. The re-
I had previously Uthed in nutner n were
ably i-.t.iMl-!..'l li.a ro.inrry l.oii-e n.r
Anircn Ul'.niiinn to ! n Ste. t'ruK'i
limther ln-l.iw and have lx"-n hen- f"r tt.o
piu.1 wei 1:.
by (ill
II:, t 1 am -.111! ) l-wiiiien-u
... .,....!
tlmt l;. trial I I'll i.
i ,.!.
..i I n.llr. ally lK-nn.1 ln a
w ,,r -'-:!:;'h';':!w L.t.
loeket; you n-m- - . ..
w,l thoaa- it tl;.r 'fi-n
Ull, who W . o.; " .i,e t .Kl
tlmt day. ' ' . ,1.1 !,, what birf
ALU- Juwlin, vui "'
Uterdid. ... tM.tin itae o
C,.nf..;.nover a.. . ; iUlU, , ,
a very aoieiuu j u4 to
time of RK-at f i.r liv to CL
make th- .-rt IW .rf ' .
t .11 ta L' K ui lllimi-
he nriMiim ".. - - ... ,
1 (l!ltlliuui'' -
. . . . 1 "u i v wp" i I , nil ihiii imi,-ii
out ean. l-ke and river", but netr . . t ow figUre.," ,.. .. Ul. .u yu know,
. . . I ! . Tl... ' ... ..--"- - . ... I.I.
lid I en ovmicll a batll uh nils. 1 "e "Waketa and aciuina, a nne pair in , p.M,ail, t therunvent at .-.emuy
. :r. . ..; 1 ..( t,u water IH HUch I nuru. w hieli I)r Iteevra ncently pur-
iiiv lit 1 - -
(M'l'llltl V I 11 I L V VI - - - . , - I
from it holding in solution so
1.. rii. m nf aalt Z)S per I " ... ....... . ...1... i.wnv. T here wen'
- . I I.ouvllla. a 3-year-old aauguier A,firt,.n
...i.l llttl.t ia 111 I Illlir 1111 ICU atiii-.
Feru.,wa. aold fo. Hl un. ar.,1 MvM11 mon,
,..,,! tl.itt ntin UIIOI1 itl HUT
f ice like a cork. At tin? timo there
- ,j 1, nt 11 ifcntlii riniile upon the
...... ...
..... .11,1. .thlv 11(1 IllOn ir, un "i
letter colt, handicapped by the "ame 'nvltnth.n In tl.o nftern'-m
of llryan, wa. practically given away f r fil( NV(1 ,,.,, the day In the park.
. I ...I.... ..n.r.i 1 tii'l llilt 11 I . .....);.... ..,..MUltiii iva-iK-l i 11
-ea, ond being a good iwimmir 1 t i . k(ii, wit wrrl(,li and
mfiiiu -,J R I .
III. II 11 l
The Bona of their fath'M, the
Lcgiina, HaMHCH, (Irani and Ar
thur, keep the new pn nident hun.V.
They aro not at all particular about
tlio position", hut are perfectly wil
ling to fill the fimt clacs miK-donn.
KuHfll llarriaon U the only one
of the Hons of prebid. nti who hanim
yet not put in appearance. In the
en of l'red tirant, Iiib wilo n
tnunuiiini: tin) tumiiieHH. SUe l a
,.f Mn Poller l'uliner. and
Imi the Hiime t;tcl, it ii Hiti.l, an her
relative, who wai a particularly
Buoeedi-ful political manager for Inr
It in rumored that ltb llend
ricks, miperintendent of tho Stale
Ueform nchool at Salem, will he
removed fuon hecau"0 ho rightly
critioined in hi paper, tho Salem
StateKinan, onod M Irwin, whoia
now BUempting to till the ollice of
auperintettdeiil of puhho inclrui'
tion, fur hi luinmaniigeu eiit of the
I M. ..,.. viu I 11,1.1111 HcllOlll. (ioV.
once ntruck out in deep water. 1
,o..n found out that I could not
only wim and flat with wonder
fjl eise, hut that I coui-l ucluail)
walk in the water, Milking only to
Itm hhoulder. Diccovenng thi"
f.u t, I made for t!i nhore, and tak
ing Dr C , one of our party,
wlio could notiiviin. by th tand,
led him into tliu t-ea where the
water wai many fathoma dup. At
lirrt ho wa reluctant to follow mc,
......i i:.., Ii.l,tiir ur
(entry price., aim me mm 01
deuceekiMing betwee:: the buyer, and
the owner after the aale tarled pre
vented aeveral of the Ih-hI anliiiul
from pnlng Into the hand, of men
who went out for theexprei purpie
I of ..curing them."
Oregon State Convention.
The Joint edition of the Oregon and
'alifornla F.niUuvor oran, ha. the
f.illowli.irto aav of the Oregon Kn-
hut mon hu gainol coniKi' iiio lU.HVorconventioi,
finding there wa no dinger of sink'
ing, and he enjoyed th" novel hath
a much ai if he had been an ex
pertHAimiucr. Should the bather
allow ti e water lo get 111 inn evf
or mouth, he would tiller coiiHid
erahlo ahatinteiit in hi et.joj ment,
on account of iu extremely fall.
I.', 1 1... irrit ,tilll ii.itore. No
UH V I . . D
fili eun live iii thin aeu; lut vari-
mi kind of duck abound here al
certain Hi iifoi.ii of the year. The
water wa an clear a ordinary ft a
water; iia temperature was agree
able, and it ha an oily feeling."
m... i-iii. i.i liuli I t ho lime, hu-
,uaj imii ..... -
L.ene. Oreiron. I the place. Are you
Koinu? We cannot yet name you the .,.. lt ,,riit man
rale, ou the Southern Pacini', but we
expect It Willi at leal a one and
one- Ibird fare for the round trip, and
hope It may be even lower than that
Tbe river hteamer. wilt be at oui aef
vice again till" year If the nlage of
water U audi at Hint Ucno that they
can run that far up tho river.
"All who attended lal year will de
-ire to be at Kugeue thi year, and w.
bo for quite a large a delegation. It
ih too early to tle Jut what we will
have, but Huuhicnl progrrs ha U-en
made with tlie program to warrant the
amnion that It will be"lholit ye.M
I'hrlNliiill Kmleavor ktiown no t.ack-
ward movement, we are ioohihk
toward Kugene expecting great thitig.
ta t (he more limn 10,tHm Fndeavorrr
In Oregon meet at the Mercy Sent w III
Tim prmerie carried lv the ICu
gene grocer are not good enough Mieeon.n.on n-iirt that your ..ffl.yia
for a highly paid univcmi.y X - ' lU.
cinl, mid ho pntroniiea outside deal
Many of our people who reuietnl r
lioiv the university was "ecu red f"t
, i 1 l.., ,,.,,,.,,, ,1 nut reeiate 8UCh
Lord and Secretary KiucaidsiiouKij 'k v.. . -
neltv Morn, nun ui!iiiii.n..i
l.n veiit tlio currving out of Irwin
spleen. l!oh is a good officer and
.hould ho retained in the position.
Public spirited women of Salem
aro agitating the uction of llax
culturo and manufacture in Oregon.
We admire- their pluck and hope
they may bo miocessful in interest
ing capital in a venture of that
sort. Oregon coraumea largo ijuaii'
tities of fabrics manufactured from
llax, imported from abroad, that
ehould be niaiH'factured nt home,
from lint grown at home.
and that all may come up wuu one
imrulng therefor a great measure ol
the Miuder'aiplrlt 0H.n every wion.
The central tlu ught of the program
m ill be "The Power of the Individual
life." This I not t" be a convention
of ncaltered hap-ha..ard llnog It i
l be sharp .hiH.ter.' praethv, and II
will be aimed al you."
Oak Hill Hem.
The t ad weather htill coiitinm . and
a good many cattle nie dying.
Ml Mabel Haggard and Mi Katie
Mcvera went to Wolf Creek thi
week to take charge of their revctive
Mr I. V Hull ha. traded his place
here for a ranch vat of the .. ouutain. tlieriv
and Intend to go there tin spring.
Joe Mack, Al llatkcr ami Jim Mul
against lo'-al iiiteretd.-. I hey re
member how the university loca
tion was secured for this place, and
how many sacrifices wero made to
obtain it. The hard earned and
needed dollars of widow", common
everyday working men, boy and
girls iu their teens, in fact of every
grade and condition of society, were
! cheerfully contributed to the fund
with which the first building was
erected. No contribution of money
or labor was considered too small
to he accepted. It waa by such
sacrifice and commendable spirit key went to the Jone. null Pi week
it,., i, i, i i-.,r-il e i-i iii, i,t 1'iii'iMie. Ill to work
Newspaper sometimes contain
BOnievery freak announvHments of
marriages. Tho following have
come within our ncent observation: j
A Mr Hanon wa married to a Miss;
15eans; Miss Payne married Mrj
..i i -v .....i i,i, t.i
tlAS. ,ltr HI uinmi mm.-... .-- . . I 11 I
,. . i ii ... , management are loo shallow and
M s Kett e: Mr ! mli to Miss Hook, .... ...
should be the endeavor of every
one connected with it, of every 0 ti-
z 'U of our town, to promote its
wrllfare and extend the limit of
iu uscfulm'-. Thi cannot If
done if those charged with executive
Klnier Kloher and I.lie Haggard
are cutting WikkI ou Mack', bulle this
Mr 1. uch who ha. two alck for
tome time I reported no belter.
come and ga.
The university will
The St l.ouia Methodist confer
and a gentleman by the name of
Parrel wa bound by an oath to a
Mis Hoop.
The fusion legislature of Wash
ington wa rather a thrilty set.
After all t!-.e rwoletatioin about
kwwey tuid relor.w the legislature j enco has voted to admit women
Iwk-d to pass an net prohibiting 'b'legate to the general conference,
numbers from riding on railroads For year Methodist women have
on fno j ,. We ventuic n po.l j ) asking for what the American
would have shon a niaority , cdonto had to tight for the right
riding on fr.f tickets. to bave say in the d.sjnisition
of the tithe they paid.
A Nkw l'oi.KY. Oregonlan:
l'ielletit Chapman, of the I ui-
veraltv ol Oregon, while re-
'litly Iu IVttland, ntateil that the
too narrow minded to rooogniie- the
worth and importance of local aids
and environment. Put men will (faculty at I'.ugeue wa about to take
milon (hat w ill ulai-e athletic at the
university on the hl oi ;orl for
port's sake only. One of the rxwull
of Ho ititngo of ilicy regrding uni
ViTity athleilk., ;iild Pnident Chaj
tuan, would tv the probll ltioii of all
game wilh club tram. Another
would U lie entire lii.iiinNtion vf
tlnanclsl c uol Ii r iilou from univei
lily alliletlc. If PreKideiit Chapman
and lii. faculty lnUt thai ll.e irl ol
the university li coliducttd ou them
tint It will rvfiill In the culling oit of
future fiHilball uiatiiie. Ivlucci) Mult
tnnuah and Fugeiie. Put the lie
policy would probably not be felt t -
;r clllet (Ull lull l.l-l
'ii von lime Ni'li a year in
..i..,v v.. ii I, ii,- ni,!. 1 mil iir'. lortroiwn
i.iie'of 'the 'MJist eiisNim at the (hr old
Kvi-rv lit 1 1.- while, you rvmrmW, ilur
un nn. Hi-none "f the moth, r enrwd
tin- iniiri ii'.d wmnilnl her i lapi' r.
ihi wa- a lik'in.l o stop our play and
remain -il nt w hile the mother n' iit,'(la
-cre or two of the U'e-liel or the ' Imita
tion." Then theclaiiper wniiKl'il iiiniln and
rent loll a r suiiikI. Thi was to remind
in that we have soul to wive unit that
our jrames nf enspn t or Imll must not
make us ftiriret It.
Well, (.in day --the tf.'ith of Man-h, I n
iiieinti.T i wen' aUnit to play hide and
..L- vli, ii Men- Ste. AtiLi'le rami' out
will. In r i l.imn T ( lack, cl.u k! Kvery
I..U t,K ,1 till. The mother U-inm. "What
If he nam the w nolo
ll'iiiui. Imiini! It was a shell, my dear,
thrown by the rumn.iiiie. It lnirt I" a
tns- not ten fiet nny. Mere ie. An
p ie had not lis- eoiir.ii!" t" liuUh her s n
t. l'ci'. i he elii.l r Ml from Ikt hand.
The little oiii-s N'poi to cry. 1 t-mk l.lli
In my arm and we ran to the study
'Ihc nt of l.'.e day and the l.lrfht lwisil
without lie -al. n'. and we 1 nan to unlet
down, I. lit vl'i we wei-e In the refwtory
and the sou had ju-t lni served:
lloiiin. U.u'ii! A -hell hurit oil the nsif
of an uiljoiioiiu' l.oiiM'
To the cellar., children, quick, quick."
cried the s. .prior, Men- Me. t'rsule.
"Take your late and napkin!" Aud
down the stall' we ru-lml. plale ill hand,
Milllltm half "ur niip on the steps. The
little one thought It very auiiidntf tills
lime, nnd Ull delilil, d.
"Into the c,,.d e. that U s.ifet!"
ericil the iii ,:h, r sii ,ri,,r frum nlsive.
The Livsl"ler I'PMdklin Hon the irround.
and we Heatcil ui Ive on stick of WiskI
thrown dow n hen- a! d lb--re and llnlslied
I his hlk'hly ilr.nn it .c hn akfa-t riaht mer
rily. Not the h .i.i l-n "f a shell till night
fall. We well! to lul In the dormitory,
a u-iial, but. a- u m.iv suppos,-, we did
not shi ii inn-'.. i c, 1 1 urn I. ill, whom 1
had taken Into my bole Iml. The lights
h id Ucii extiii:: ..lied, and we were much
more alraid In the dark AKuit 10 o'clock
a (treat Ida., -of lili! ..iddciily illuuiliirtl
our w indows. .lni,,-tal t'ae s-iiue moment
the gl.i was l.i- rcd to at-ims by a vlo
lent ni l-i ion
Jeu -Maria' ' cri,il Men.' Ste. t'r
ule, whose l -1 .! n-:.r ours. "Quick
to tho parlor, childiv n!" .V lira iimh
stun was fonmd. nuv melancholy than
that of the morn. I he lay sifters fol
lowiil, earryiiiK our in ,: : n while we
dracmxl our h,i . and i ovcrbd along by
the light ol th. it . a l.,',!.'ru.
I carriisl I .:'... t -r ui all this noise and
confusion she I I i!,, md only a moment
and had fall, n a-1 ai.iill nt omv. Wo
nrrangeil our l"d- in tlie una! jurlor and
kiy down as we m n' told to do.
Hut further e loi,m were heard near
"To (he cT.' !, to theii llars!" erhsl
tlio superior n.ii:i. "Y-ai will 15 safer
lie p-si lit: 1. cirls and pray to
We staid th 're a f' -'tilght. The nolsC
of tiring was aim, ! coii.iuuinis. We avv
throucli the loopl 1-!!'.,- Ivautlful tns-
In our luirk shall, r-d I y shells. We read
we idavixl gunic- ce:i blind man's butl
and hide and s.v'.,. ( r then' wero psst
biding plaissv U l.ind the pilis. of w,sl and
ruhbWIi, unly, unfoi-.una!. ly, wo knew
them ull In a lew it ays. l little miit
isn-vv vi rv weary, and the cirU erled
now and then. I iv)itrolll iuy ,!( not to
alarm little bill. Suiicliincs Ivtwisn
li.sui and '.' o'lim-k then" was a little lull,
and we t.'lo eiutiously out and picked up
pii-o ol pl shl shells in the ganl, tl
1 he time vv .is very lotin. lat Mert"
Ste. 1 , 1.- :i - you reuionils. r In r, howh-i
wont thr--ii ;h iho l riiiim'l war eoiild not
lour the : tiling nlr of tlio cellar and slid
quite vr:.-u!y to tho mother siqs rlor.
"Pray, iii.-thcr. lei me go out ; I will take
an umi r- ua wo nan iss'ii lour or nv
days in hiding, when a oniiany of f r
Nkil'.-I -idicrs timk sis.sevsl-in of the eon
vent, ii,- i.-pt-'ii'l lod Its a v Imi to en
courage lis. an im Kild, Ltl nriy. I fancy,
to gratify hi curiosity, lie w , v, iy 111,-4
ttul-sAl. this c.iptnln, nnd quite arit,srat
lo 1-s king Not very gvssl Usiking, per
U:p, b..l V I'll a slender, grw ;ul ilgus
uuJ nil air of tfoujm'. fraukl.isai hud as-0
t popular flour in tho market. Sold by
The most po
a-ling grocers.
. .. Iho Kublect if
The Salvation n""i " "
ptbate-utuer n
ti,, .ocie.y wa culled to order Frl-
, i.t bv Pr.sideiit Uoone.
i , . t,ri.M-
i.n.ini-. on which 10 i'
...1....U .11
. .11 I....I llial. IlieillOvio
I.., I u S esiaoiisnru ,
Then '- ' ,,,,,
,,.o ee.iar . - -
.m i:. TVantol! you. and we
?-l7 like tbe early Christian In thecal
Ttui't evening Captain d Orvinne jam.-u-kwith
hi. company. 1 hey won v i..
.. , I w ill confess to you that
i had made s,,'lal pmyer. for tho c,m-
tuin). but they bMtigtil
WOloiiesi. , . . . -
ft,... nf tho cellar wa. cleared out lor
th. lr n-vptlon. aud the nun too euro 01
them. I waiifd to help nurso them, but
.. .1... .r,,,,l,l not lei me.
mo siii-..". -- - . ... ,
plained to the rnptain, ....... v -
.millngly that my duty wa to stavwi h
., little sister. Hut we could not stay iu
th cellar forever. The captain said tu.'ii
the war would certainly hist a motitn i-;n
m we must d.- ido whut W uo 1 ..
... .. i. ,1... .iii.-rlor told tl that vv
wen' Kolng'to Angers, where ln r brother
1.. 1 .... . -..,.lihv matnifactiiror, had
...1 ..o m. .,isit..tirin and a shelter. Wooac
....b . bundle of clothe, and. In or
d, r to carry a muih 11 isiUc, won.
two pairs of fs kings, two eheinls'' ni
,.-., or thn ix-ttlcKits. The nun, by wi
of precaution, put on ordinary dr."" ""'
1 . m I...I.I. n.-.l .U4
hat, Inst'iid "I incir nanus
inch dn-sMS. my dear, aim sum i""
Men Ste. Fclieito. had unearihisl them
fn.m heaven know when., and tho ins.r
mothers l.kod like frights, eni ptlngp'sT
little Mere Sto. Agatha, who Is so pretty
that she looked quite a fine lady.
Wo left the convent at nightfall by the
little gate at the end of tho jmrk. and Cap
tain d'Orsanno acsimpntihtl 11 to the List
outiot. On the bridge over the S ine a
putT of w ind away Mem Me. t r
silly's Umncf, and we nil I1111gh.1l a little,
hut just a the captain wa almt to leavo
u a shell hlsMil over our heads and made
us scriou enough again. 1 ho cai'tain
Unlo 11 farvvvcll, and Mem Mo. Crsulo him warmly hi kindness to
tl. Hu ii'kisl leave to shako hand with
her. then with me nnd with Men" Ste.
llelte, nnd he kls.s,il I.lll w'venil time.
Vv heart wa full lit the thought that I
should pmlmbly never again wo this poor
captain, who had Isvn so g.i to us.
We soon rcachul CourU'Volo, whom two
cart won- wailing for us. and at 10 o'clock
we Versailles, when, wo tisiK tlio
train for Anger. And. now, that Is nil.
Wo should Is- very hen- at any
other time, but everything that hapiicns I
so sad. Write to me hii, dean-sf. I em-
bnui. von fondly. Your, Kkskk.
Fragment of a letter from Captain d ur-
sjiiuie to Jean I, :
Nki ii.iv, Visitation Convkst, May 1.,
Just faiicv. inv fellow, I have Ivocn
hen a fortnight with my company ln a
convent full of nun. Wo found hero, lie-
sides the sisters, half a dozen I murders hid
den ln tho cellar, for shell wen; fallin
almut like hall. These sister wen) regu
lar trumps, not much scanil, and I lived
on the Is-st of terms with them for about
ten day. Ouo old sister knew our forim r
chief In the Crimea.
Hut tho pluckiest of all, tho prettiest,
tho merriest, was a little Imunlcr almut lrt
or 17, 1 suppose, iiaun-d Hemv. She had
a little sister, 5 or rt, to w hom she made an
adorable little mother.
I escorted the wirty to Courlu'voie tho
other day, for they could not stay any
longer In (he cellars. A I left thein a
shell vvhlsllnl jvist our ears. Mile. Koine
liftiil her little sister and put her In my
arms without a vvonl. hut with such a con
fiding air and such pn tty, apaling eye
that I was quite overcome. I shall prob
ably never mi tho little girl ngain and on
ly mention the pn tty apparition en ims
ant. Your. JvcytEs.
Fragment of a letter fnim Hetui? L
to lllaiicho fi :
r.vitis, S-pt. 21. Is74.
I-'ist Sunday my guardian and I wont
t-i dine w ith Mine do I.v, an old friend of
psir mamma's. Mine, do I.ys said to 1110,
"You aro going to meet a charming man,
Coinnianilant d'Orsanno," and Just then
In ho came, not changed ln tho least, not
a bit older. I knew him nt once. Ho
l.s'ked nithori mlvirranscd, as If he thought
he knew me, but wa tint quite sun Then
I Ivgan to laugh like n little goose, and
ho said without preamble, "Well, Mil
itoniv, now is little l.lll ami Mon Mo.
t'rsule and More Ste. FcllclU
Mine, do I.ys and my guardian did not
understand lt at all and looked at us in
Binaoincnt. In short, wo mot like two
Md friends, tho commandant nnd 1 for
he Is a ooiuniiiiid,iiit at ilo, niv dear
lo l' sun-, ho Is not a count or a mar
quis, 11 1 fancied, but that make no dif
torcnee. Kknkk.
Fragment of a letter fn.m Commandant
d'Ot-Niune to ,1,-an L :
r.VHlS, Sept. 21, 1ST.
lines whom I met the other day at your
Aunt de l.y . My UtUo convent girl of
Ihc commune. I)u you rvmoniliT She
Is id now and perfivtly charming. We rv
l.ewrd our camvilgn rxprrleuce.
Pari, Nov. 15, IsTI.
M. P ha the honor to nnnotin.-e
the nutrrlagi. of Mile. Hemv 1. . Ins
want, to M. Jim-iiu,- d'Orsanno. chief of
Imttalion nf tho Thirty-first lino and chev
alier of tho Ix gioii of 11, nor 1 rum th
pr.-aeh For hort Storna.
.. . .. , .. 1. ..1. 1 il,u nrivi-
ibeb. raryl.siwuo
Wes ol the society are .uoje-v -
for disorderly conduct, the usual receas
followed. B
After nce-s Mr l,d.r
exleiiiporamousu.i....-". v--
propagation he , ",,
llrct upon the miuic ... 1
' . ., .. 1 .iii, . nronared
m. u'i L ,,a In oweu w 111. i
.. .!.. ....I llullUillff
II..,.. ., lllH ".Bll"n. "
au.-iTs ,
System." l-i evident ki.ow.cuk- -
the subject and the inter. sung .y
which he brought out m
iKiint. made the addres. very proBU
b to P.e society and gained Mr W 11
kin, a hearty round of applause. Le
Oate followed, subject: "lU-.olv.d,
.1.., .bo inllueiice of the Salvation
Krwy u liciellcial." Mr Cheshire
lead for the iiluiinntive, with Mr Uar-i.-rs
coll, ague. Mr Vanduyno lead
for the negative, with Mr Angell a
.. 11 ti,m ii.llowiiiir were the
Ulllienuv. .
tirilieilile hruuments: ror the ainrma'
iu.. Nt. -The Salvation Army is au
..t..,1....,t of order. 2nd.-It religious
inllueiice is genuine and lasting In
ii.o.t ease-, ord.-lt charities are sy
1 li.-'.llv conducted. 4th. It l the
milv good inllueiice upon uie ium
elas.s. The principal hiiui 011 me
negative were: Ist.-Tho Ivnllon
v no v calls most of its uieinber Irom
the lower classes and their motives iu
toi.iini. iho nnnv ure low. 2nd The
JOIIMI'fj ...
leaders are uneducutid. 3rd. It is a
foielgn element. 4th. I' i frequent
ly n cause of disiuibunce. Mr It P
Kichards, Mr Hemenway, Mr Howell,
MrCnmpbell and Mr Peiieilict spoke
on tlie t 111 1 umtive. Mr Cleveland, Mr
McArthur and Mr Wilkius spoke on
the negative. The decision of the chair
wa in favor of the allirmntlve.
The ouisiiou for debate next Friday
U "Pesolved, that U.S. army ollliers
should be selected from the mill s, iu-
attad of biing specially educated for
that purpose." Mr Hammond has the
alllrinative with Mr Vatiduyue as col
league. Mr licLushiuult has the neg
ative wilh Mr Pichards as colleague.
Mr I ainpbell will give a prepared ud
dnss, subject of bis own choosing.
Among tlie friends preseut were
Messrs. Lewis and Howell, who also
favored the society witli intereslfhg
talks during the debute.
Tlie meetings nre ulwnys full of in-
tere-t ami Ml ,.r fri lids, towi speople
as well a faculty, rcuciit aud student
are most ci-roially invited to attend
vvbei'ever Knivetiieiit utid we promise
you a heart;, welcome. Come out and
Sfe what wo are doing.
la Meniorlsiu,
WllEKEAS It ha pleaml th. ,
preino ivuiti ui in universe to
feom us our laie sister, Mary r,,
theremre De u
Itesolved, by the W. R. (;
while we bow with humUemU
to the will of the Mi it High ,
not lea mourn mr our siattr tho J
1,1 1 1 .
been caueu iroui ner lanort to rot
Resolved, that In th ilfalh of V,.
Hayea thla ioclety loses nitmU,,
waa alwy active and ealoai t J
work, ever ready an! prompt t
vance the Interest of th foqJ
voted to lis welfare and pnrrlti
Itciolved, that the W U C Uodw J
heart felt Bjinpaililfs to tie u,
and relatives of our decatd rneitJ
Ihelrsad sftllctlon
Resolved, that a copy nf tbett J
lutlons be spread upon the tulnuuj
thi Corps, aud that a copy i m
(he family of the deceased rum1.
and that a copy be banded to J
editor of tbe Guard for publicity
Florence Tavuh,'
Maky Anhkhsox,
VsinS r
Will IU.taix It. A " ecia' un.
of t he Lane county court will prcU;
lie held in a few days, at which t
an order will be Issued liilruclic(
couuty tensurer to retain about SO r
cent or 20,000 of the tax uioott J
the state from thi couuty. TLIt
lion is iu accordance with tbedra.
reached by the couuty judge'iawn
lion recently held in Portland
20 per cent which will be paid Id
be Lane county's p Minn tuwaidia
ing accruing expenses of the stattu.
iho legislature convenes and
npproptiullon bills, which will btir
years hence unless a special rki.
called. The $20,000 retained
applied on the payment nfeuUtu
warrant and will leave a very
indebtedness. Of course the stale r:
have to be reimbursed after IbeVp
Inlure meets two years Inure, bit
county, will save 8 per cent lulnm.1
the amount retained opto tint lib
ahot llrr lluabaiid Twit
HosKBUKO, Or., Maich 2I-Sritl
Mrs Ed Coata betame luvoltrtai
tpiarrel at tin Ir home, ntar Oil'itt
this afternoon. Mr Coals ihixf-
a shotgun, loaded with fine shot,
her husband'a back, and a ecm.dlai
Into his legs. Lcniestic tri'Ub
the shmitiiig. Coat walked lb
nnd half after being shot, ltd
n messenger for a phyiciin. I'
Coats, who Is In Oakland, hunot J
sen arrested.
A Nkw I'.wkk. Sulem Slatismau:
"Again I hi iv is talk of n new piier
for PoitiM (1. Thi time tl ere istit',-
(.00 ot Im ni ii oi.ey behind the enlei
pnse, nn.l i" it a Hundred thousand of
l.asteru mi i,al U lo be udded. Kutuor
connect some prominent Poillaiid
lepubliciiii- with l he enterprise and it
is said no lias been bent East
lo u.'gotiiiu- i loan and purchase ma-
Ulml .Mill lu ll Think..
WasiIixoton, March 22. Ex. Sen
ator MiUiioll relumed to Wustiiugton
tialay, but was not at the capitol,
He iloes not think the seuate will seat
Corbet t, ucd i elieves that the prece
dent iu the Mantle case will be sustained.
The iiorkar WW!, lik k w Vm
r wvUi.- tWiM tJai- i-. 4 ,r a u
Whenever you can keep your
money at homo do so. Ho not, Mr Lincoln once said: "If ever
patronize itinerant when home this free eop!o, if this g ivernment f,.n tl. football season, a. II J lioseu
men in the same business can ' itaelf is ever entirely deSoralniHl, l"-rg. chairman of the athletic eoni
... i e :, ..;n r..... ,i.' i.....r m tti-e of the Multnomah t lub, I. now ,
serve you better. Hon t you think , it will wine from th a incessant
' ,. ,, . , I, . , , , . j trying to anange for field and track
it ia belter, cand dly, to give the, human wriggle and struggle for . iU , Mwwu Mullll(m
money to those identiliid with our ollice, which is but a way
citvt without work.
lle I. .,, I 1-'oii,.ii. A n aiiaw t-r frmii l-'ii..uii
A new word bai been added to
t 1 1 mTIT t-i Tl A T"l A .11 . .
jl J. ItjLjlliVjrJrVi-ir t wt langirage. ana when the tutuie ,
El Capital! General, lexicographer mikes a diitionary j
Monogram, ;MC u,u 1 rw w,mn i,)u
Belmont, i ''cyclienne' and the dofini-.i n
Stanford temaiecycler.
' ; o.... 1 1 1 a
JO JUS QOlaSmith S. ; even at that price d9 not guaran
l ull Line ol Tobacco and Candy, tee to win. lie should have no ob
jection to working on the "no cure
,'5 ?J '
Is being auxii ualy a ailed.'1
Headquarters for the Eugene i
Soda Worka,
no pay" principle.
taj (or ej
The Hit
of the
Is made by
Ayer's Sarsa
parilla. Just
at this season
when Spring
aud its debili
tating days
aro with us,
there is noth
inglike Ayer's
to put new
life into the
sluggish sjs
teni. It sweeps
awy tli dulk.
6 , Uk of
"PKtito, lan
guidiiess, and
pain, as a
broom sweeps
away cobr
webs. It does
not brace up.
It build up,
Its benefit is
la-stiiit-. Do
you feel run
downy Take
U. S. Land Ccmmissioner.l i
Joel Ware, having been i:
pointed U. S. Circuit Cor
Commissioner for the distal
f Oregon, is now prep-
to make Homestkad FiLissel
Fivai. Proofs, ami take m
timony in Contkst Cm
ir..: it, vv vn!ir3 fl
HUVlllJj lllliij j
perience in this line, lie
LMinrrintPfi satisfaction
no'ipo in
y iiiv w
everv case.
Fello-vs' Building, Euge
Pr" Pi!
. ..a ! .m
iimmi B.'t.A. tvrn.ii !. " .f
mct or ci'r.prn: ' :i Vk- -id-f I
mall'm Cimil tVltlllfV ' 1 .. I'..1 I V Ana:ni. An' ilttdl
anil othnr ejkvtftMittfk li"--- I
: r.i
I.. 1 1.
lilkli,.ln, onle H-1 - ' ''. .." 1 1
liahleco-. on th- niark-t. I n- -J' "
mad. Usnuina -ld onli tf
.r.rt. e-.sI
LE BROH'SssafesSiS
T i, i,w"Lj I
ra""T '.'.::... ioraiI
U lrl'1 ' S.-.HCI
. . . . .7. . . r, I, ',U
i s CRN OS- '
Mteuia. i.u.ene.l'rcgon
If Pacta.
J C. Aver Co
Lowe U. Hut
8L00 Bottle.Vl 6'f V atm
J.i.u t id.?.? caMS csasr-
nd la the Ua Oouali
Sold bT Henderaoa Linn.