The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 27, 1897, Image 1

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NO. 1
P I MURK Altltll' iit'vi,,, " . - . , ....
IrrVlV FUGENE GUARD. I mon day, march 22. , wuikni.f.rsov unkuu,. Tuesday, march i. lu.u: kivkimn;(.Vi. ! f
Llrli 1 Aiiotier I-hwiI I,.!.-., v ... ...
I , Ewt.l.le f WllUmeue
V . Streets.
ma n -
f ! ' . nn
, : ; i.uv.
I .60.
rates made known
on application.
etches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
L4ilWrh Warre.nle4.-sM
!.lclan and Surgeon.
. ... nnstnrrioe. Hours:
Vpi ud Sew Prices In Foreign nl
,leyrtlesud Granite, Monuments.
itidjwneimJ Cemetery work of
1 til klmli for
4 street. nr Postofflce, Eiigune, Or
j-Ont half block south of Chrlsmau's
N. E, Mahkley.
sey & Markley,
ireltl sod Probate Business a 8eo
L Chriimsn otak.
r.tsidtnt. Vic President. Cashier.
i Loan and Saviags
Hie, - Oregon.
R3-D. A. Paine. J. B. Harris. J. K
it, B. D. Paine. W. It. Brown, J. F.
fUMD, F. W.
IU) Capital, : : : $50,000.
1?al Banking Business Transacted,
illowcd on time deioslta.
aemruited toour care will receive
County Bank:
J Ifctabllihei In 1882.)
sjneril Banking business
) branches transacted on
'o terms.
O. HOVEY, President.
5M.ABRAM8, Cashier.
40. HOVEY, Jr., Aust.Cashr
f!6. S. B.Eaiih.
SxoDogAs.,, Assistant Cashier.
National Ban
yt Eugene.
P Usb Capital $50,000
a u mmis, $50,000
ne - - Oregon.
1 b nlbaineM d,in " reasou-
HEuox NCI300 nd 1OUT
'thsnn. ,M .
l, ;-wei or cerun-
-f PAUK I.N-
f LriTB inJ . , .
'and P ""JpicieglocK Of
L:DyGrri bought
p otber hou in Eugeue
full ?c.j....
Another IMhjv.I l.eiter Kt.nn lt
firv up Mtxioi, Keli.
i'KAU tii-Aiti.: Suii.luy imiruiiiK
quite u riu'iil. r s.f our .mlv vUiU-d Hie
lloatiiiKBurileim .in I,a Vigu canal.
Acn-H upon ikt.h f the ,ht lieiiutirul
llw i r trnnleiiK may lie fdiin.l i.reoii.
Hie pir.lfUH were in exisleine when
Oirtt z llrt nveiruu t liix country.
The M E divine (fve a very iii erest.
inK ecture m Mexico nt ll):Hn tt m UII(
the editors largely attended. Htranye ax
It may iiiimr.
Ihit tlieex. itcinei.t of the ,v WIIM
the liull lIuhtH, !.. at 3
me iilterui'iHi. Nearly
every one of the :tu) e.litom were it
atieiulance. I lie Heats cot f'2 each for
boxes while utheiH could be obtained
for from l to $1.00. The lllits re
always on Sunday a and fea-t days.
The liiiilditiK is built like a rvcloramu
building of Aineiica only much larger
ami without h riNif; lii-i,lc is a mouMer
nnipliitheatre Heatiujr t hotixands of
people, loilay at least 10,(HK) people
are proent. EnciicliiiK the arena is
a liiuli board fence or barrier uith n
foot rail about IS Inches Innii the
ground, cm the inside, on which the
performers step and leap over the fence
when too chicly puistn d by the bull
landing in open i-p:i.e lei ween the
audience and the ring. Tins opening
of the performance is very brilliai t
and exciting. (!ny colors an every
where, bands are playing the live
liest airs, and all is xciteiueiit. At a
signul the pei formers march into the
ring in front of the president's box.
The president was the governot of the
state and has full direction or the
fight. The excitement is great as the
tight begins uud continues to the con
clusion. We will not uttcinpt to
describe the particulars of the light,
tjulllee to miy that upon this occasion
six bulls and thirteen hor.-es were
killed, but not a sii glu Mexican was
Injurid. The horses were generally
ol.i and it was probably a blesiitig
they were killed. Jiy a law the meat
of the six bulls was distributed free of
charge to the poor of the city. The
bull lighting in Mexico is but another
chapter added to that of Kpain, simply
changing the names if the stars of the
profession. The people of Mexico in
herit the bloody f.isoinatimi of the
sport, and what has been w ritteu of
tlieexciiiug functions iu the phiz 1 de
torog of Spain will describe us well the
fights in the arenas of Puebla, Toluca,
Tlalueptintla, t he t ity of Mexico, or
any other city of t'ie republic. It is
witli the masses that the taste fur the
sport teems ineradicable; the upper
ten as a class do not, as a rule, frequent
the bull ring, though there are ex
ceptions. The Mexican small boy
plays at bull fighting as tiie American
does ut base ball or as the more oporty
one puis oil the) tthives with his fellows
and does w hat he can to knock them
out. Is it, then, any wonder the cus
tom prevails, w hen the children are
taught to admire it?
Thediinks peculiar to Mexico are
many and varied. Pulgne is the na
tional beverage, drank in public
places by the poorer people, anil hi al
most every family of all classes. It is
the juice of the maguey, taken from
tin' heart of the plant, and after the
fermentation of 24 hours is ready for
use; it has the taste of buttermilk a. id
yeast combined; after standing a day it
is worthier. IVquilu and ui-'siul are
a distillation from the different
varieties of the maguey, the heart of
the plant leing roasted and then put
throiiL'h a process of distillation. A
email quantity of tequila is a drink
taken with a grain of s:dt; literally
the salt is placed on the tongue before
drinking. The wines, it is stated, are
for the most part good, the sherry and
claret particularly so. The cham
pagnes are all imported, 89 are also
brandies and whiskies, which are used
in moderation. Heer and ale are manu
factured in Mexico, though large
quantities are imported. During our
stay In Mexico only one drunken man
came underour observation.
I. L. C.
lUin ac.ttln.
J W (iulley of Dexter was in Eugene
Dr Wall of Cottage drove, v as in the
toy lotnty
linmirit to Dkath. Corvallis
Times: Ukorge Smith received a letter
a few days ago from J E Sorbin, who
is now at Rosklaml. In the letter Mr
rather criso statement
of the condition of Hflirs where be 1-
tint country is boomed to
death and men of all trades and pro
fessions are there, and tiieie is noum.
for them to do. A house of I'O looms
will rent at W per mouth, and
others iu proportion according to si.".
City lots sell at from JI.OiKi to J,"0;
board and lodging is from " to flu
per week. The avenge laborer will
get 2 per day, while profe-ioiial men
receive from 3 b. H per d..y l"n
they are lucky enough to find employ
ment. There are now l.OoO idle men
ill Itossland and those who command
means are leaving, freight from
Portland there is ' lr "
there Is 3.-1 per ceut duly. 14
now four feet deep at Kosshmd.
'ScJB-HlNK" Sot I A 1..- TheJjnlor
Endeavor society of tho t hri-t ;n
church gave a sunshine social In tie
church Saturday. A program
n.n,lur.l i men ts served and a
Q neral good time was hMd by tl
E K Cse has opened a barber shop
in Jellerson.
D E Yoran whs a passenger on the
north bound train.
Walter Kiddle, of Albany, visited in
tlds city over Sunday.
James Hoffman made Junction t'iiv
a brief visit yesterday.
1 Umbrella repaired, recovered 01
made new at Horn A I'aine's.
(!eo Robertson of Portland, gave
tills olllce a pleasant call today.
H Mitchell and J It Cruz.n, of
Pleasant Hill were in town todsy.
SamCnse has received a handsome
new chair for his Eighth street barber
W A West, a Portland traveling
man, accompanied by his wife, is in
the city.
Ellsworth, w ho was charged In Port
land with poisoning hn wif , has been
Dr Driver went to Salem this morn
lug. He thinks Mitchell will be re
elected yet.
Isaac Larimer returned to Cofaiie
(rove this afternoon, after a short
visit at home.
The Eugene Social and Dancing club
vave one of its popular club dances
Saturday night.
It E Morris, a Portland cuttle luver.
shipped a carload of 'JiJ head of entile
to that city yesterday.
A marriage certificate w.s issmd
Saturday evening to Nicklous IV ld
erverl and Mrs Theresa Ltaltzal.
Dr A I Xhklin, of Poitland, who
has been visiting here tor a couple of
weeks, returned to his home this
The Eugene Mill and Eleva'or com
pany will ship a carload of flour to
Sail Francisco on tomorrow morning's
freight train.
Ke ptimus Spencer of Irving precinct,
has commenced foreclosure proceedings
against the Corvallis Opera house. The
amount sued for is $1720
The city council of Astoria has
passed an ordinance making It a mis
demeanor to spit on sidewalks, on the
floor.- of public buildings or stree' cars.
Mr and Mrs M W Clearwater, two
old pioneers, both of whom are over SO
years of age, are both lying at the
point of death at their home east ol
Spring Held.
E H Willer, representing the 1 111
perial Oieratio Comedy Company Is In
the city and has secured next Thurs
day night for the appearance of his
com puny at Parker's opera house.
At a mealing of the creditois of the
I, E Illaiu Clothing Co., which re.
eently failed, in Albany, Saturday, K
M Uedlleld was unanimously elected
assignee. His bonds will be about
Col Frank Parker, ol the Walla Wal
la Statesman is In luck. He took a
claim iu Rossland U C lor a t-o bad
debt. He couldn't sell it, and now the
adjoining claim on the same ledge Is
turning out f7j ore.
The S P company's locomotive w ith
the screeching whistle whieh for a
time startled the ; natives along the
Woodburu Natron branch, is now
used In pulling the Company's lover
laud tralus on this line.
It is the business of the newspaper
to stand In with home Institutions no
matter whether home Institutions
stand In with it or not. This the pa
per is always glad to unselfishly do, a
fact worthy of consideration by those
who are always warning home institu
lions supported.
Cottage Grove Leader: It is learned
that the Champion niiusiu Iloheinia,
which has been shut down lor the
past winter will agalj begin opera
tions In the near futuie. Home devel
opment work will be done In the mine
firs, of next month and the mill will
start up as soon as the snow goes away
so that the tramway which carries the
ore from the mine to the mill ran Ik?
Junction City Times: Robt Clow,
administrator of the estate of Win
Weber, deceased, has disposed of the
W.btr saloon, fixtures and the build
lug on the corner lately vacated by J
M Howard & Co.. to Mr Wellington
Waddle, of Poitluud. Mr Clow has
exercised good busiue.-s Jndgmeut and
has disposed of the prnjerty to profita
ble advantage to the estate. Mr Wed
,e and f.imily w ill niove to this city
ob ut April 1st.
At a meeting of the eoinuioii council
at Astoria a license bill was passed
I censing gambling bous.s. The
licenses are for a first-class $'00 r
year, and fornix months f-00 Second
jse-s I ice ft H'u, a year and fiV) fr
aix months. Third class lu0, and f'iU
for six months- Fir-t cla-s rmits
any and all kinds of games and second
da's liors js-rrnits ihe holder t'yun
any one of the game mentioned In the
ordinance. Third dsns permits bill
iard, curd- and any of the c lyuoi.
including nickel in wie-sioi
A 1-argc Attendance fvrrct Societies
1 and Firemen Attend as (itgau
I i.alions-Hoial Tributes
from Friends.
! iiimr.l, Starch
; The funeral of the late Dr. W. V.
I lb iiderson ua held yesterday and
I one uf ihe largest ever known
I In our city. The funeral nervicn at
1 the residence were colid'lcted by Rev.
; W. S. (iilbert, of the First Pre.byter
lau church, ami were very impressive,
I The choir, under the leadership r Mr
I L. (. Adair, render. 1 a number of h.
lei limis in an i.dinirable maum r.
'I he fuii.-ral college was made i.p of
the Eugene File IVpaMlllt'liI, Wood
men of the Wei Id, Itclievolcht Pro.
hctive Order f l. ks, Knights of
Pyihia, Knights Tunplar and Eugene
Lodge A FA A M, lushhs hundreds
of cilieiis on foot and iu carriages.
I he services at the rave were con
ducted by Eugene bulge A FA A M,
under the H-rsoiial direct ion of Acting
Mister S. M. Yoran. They were
solemn, impressive and giand.
Idled to.
The casket was covt red with inuny
e.egaut ll irul pieces, contributed by
lodge, and Clliclis.
Teachers' Institute.
Piogramiiieofthe barber' institute
to be held at Irving, March 2'i and 27,
IS! 17.
KltlbAV, .MA Hi II
7..U III.
R -i ilation.
Lecture liy Prof E MCIure, L
ofO, Fui;euc,
10 a. m.
Singing institute
Numbers from I to 10 a class exercise
Mrs KjKer
Measures am! in n or. ini iits
W. T. (Jordou
Alcoholic drinks ami narcotics...
R. F. Andrews
Change in our school laws
Eugene H ind
l.'io p. m,
Singing Institute
History, a class exercise.. J O McCrady
Friday Afternoons Mrs E A llond
.school Ooveriitucnt D J Kleiner
Drawing In the Country Schools
Grading Country Schools E A Rood
The lecture will be givuu at the U It
church. 'Ihe day sessions will be held
in the so 100I building. Patrons,
officers and teachers of schools iu (lie
neightiorhood of Irving should attend
each session of lie institute. The lec
ture by P,of McClure will be a com
plete explanation and demonstration
by exis rimeuts of a new system of
lighting. Everyone is. cordially in
vited to be present at this session.
C. S. Hum,
Co. School Mipt.
F irtuiglitly Hub.
The Fortnightly ciub hold its regular
meeting Suturduy afternoon, March
20th. The program was under the di
rection of Prof Iluright and the de
partment of Dramatic Art.
They presented the laughable farct
"A Rox of Monkeys," and the holies
of the town who were fortunate
enough to be guests for the afternoon,
were entertained in a most enjoyable
inuhiicr by the charming Impersona
tion of the cast.
After the play, the club tendered a
reception to Mrs Lord from live to
seven o'clock. Luring these hours the
gentlemen added the pleasuieof their
company, and the dainty lunch, which
added so much to the pleasure of the
afternoon w as served from a beautifully
arranged table where Miss Friendly
and Miss Vcnzie poured tea.
The club room was very attra' tlv.dy
decoruted, the yellow of dallodils and
the shades of tjampict and piano
lamps, lending a deln ate glow and
warmth to the room, whi!" couches
and portieres made the surroundings
most cozy. The after was such as
the ladies of the Fortnightly Club al
ways give, one of pleasure and lieauly.
To Eahn A Doi.i.ak. -While wend
ing his way along East )2lh street
.Saturday morning a reporter for the
Daily (uaki) observed a young lady
acquaintance wielding a h-ooin in a
very lively manner In a vain attempt
to keep the sidewalk free from the fast
falling snow. When asked If there
was 11.) pelsoll of Ihe mile per ia
sion to jierform such labor tho am A i r
was: "Oh jes! but grand-pa promised
ineanickle to do this, and I shall
apply this on the dollar I am going to
raise for our social." It ems the
uiembors of Ihe Y P C E will in the
near future have a social at which time
each member Is cx-citd to contribute
a dollar that they had earned by their
own hlir. Each one w ill have to
explain how they have earned the
money, whic h will be very Interesting
ti the audience a-smnled. This
111 niey will go to assi.l iu building a
new churcb.
D. W Coolblge is on the sick list.
The days are now grow ing longer.
L X Honey went to Portland today.
James Robinson visited Hanlshorg
FJ Itachelder, of Sail Fiacisco, is in
the city.
Tho lax collections for ycslcrday
were f 122:5.
Dr I D Dr vcr arrived homo Ibis
Jos Lyons and wife, of Drain, are
iu the city.
F C Potts is confined to the house
I with lllmss.
March ought to Uf prep iri 11.5 to de
part lamb -like.
Mrs II A Denton, of Salem, Is visit
ing friends hi Eugene.
Dihii E V Sanderson came home
on the afternoon train.
The front of the Walton block Is
receiving a coat of puiut.
I.nughmillci A Peter have secured
the agency for the Monarch bicycle.
Miss Reek of Medford is visiting
with her sister, Mrs Itradlev, in this
Win Dunn, night operator for the
SP company in this city, returned
from Salem today.
Sol Abrahams, of Roseburg, has
been npHluted a trustee of the Sol
dier's Home by (lov Lord.
W A Weatherson, of the bright and
newsy Florence West, gave this olllce
a pleasant call this morning.
The Eugene Mill and Elevator Co.,
will ship a car load of dour to Port
land 011 tonight's freight tram.
(lovei nor Lord Is of the opinion that
the taxes for the state must bo turned
over. Lane county, we hope, w ill not
follow his opinion.
MrsC R Couistock of Portland ar
rived on tlis 2 o'clock train and w ill
visit a few days with her daughter,
MrsC M Young.
Arthur Comegys, who has lieen
acting as night operator for the S P
company at Salem for several months,
arrived home oil tho 2 o'clock train.
The decomposed granite sidewalk at
tho depot Is wearing down rather
smooth. It requires Home slight lin
ing in plux-s on account id unequal
Tiie sherllFof CriMik county preven
ted a jailbr. ak lust week by discover
ing in timea hole in the jail wall that
one of the prlsloners had dug out with
a cno knife.
Roseburg Plaindealer March 22:
Miss Reglna ltut und Miss Helen
Smith are in Eugenu today. They
represent Roseburg Chapter of the O E
S in the institution of a lodge theie.
Mr and Mrs Oeorgo Klnsey went 'o
Portland today for a short visit. Mr
Kiusey is a delegate from tho Eugene
lodge 'othe state convention of the
Maccabees which meets ill Hint city
The latest thing In bicycle bags lor
feminine use contains purse, card case,
powder box, scent bottle, and, Willi
watch and mirror 011 the outside, it
promises to le very popular with
many a fair rider.
Fx: The Indications for a large fruit
crop iu Southern Oregon wero perhaps
nevermore rncouraging than at the
present time. The continuous dump
cold weather has held the buds in
check so that they will not corns out
for the nip of the earley frost.
The spring run of hobos has begun
In lliiicr City. Dining tho winter
there was hardly a tramp seen in that
town, but last Friday about 25 came
in on the diflereut trains, and the
jail was filled with t Ik-mi. Home of
l hum will be put to work on the
Astoria Daily Budget: It has been
istliiiuted by close observers that there
is at least tlu.OOOdue the city treasury
for violations of the "Spit" ordinance
up to date. II a policeman, working
on commission, wero kept on the trail
of the Hplltcr he would break tin
town iu 11 mouth.
A New Yorker recently carried
a toss the ocean a bicycle for which he
had paid tlOD. Thinking to astonish
the natives, he paid duty at the Ger
man frontier and rodo Into a town,
where lie was led to a local agency
maintained by the American manu
facturer, and shown the same wheel
011 sale for the equivalent of $71. Draw
your own conclusions.
Tim funeral services of the late
Joseph Lane were held at the family
residence on Eighth street at 2 o'clock
this afternoon. Rev I) E Ijoveridge,
pastor of the Episcopal church, officiat
ing. Members of Eugene Lodge, No
II, A O C W, attended in a body aujl
coudiieted tiie remains to the I O O F
cemetery for Interment.
The Philomath Helping Hand: The
Hoard of Itegetits of the State Univer
sity has recently ordered that when
the present classes have completed
their work, the preparatory work 1
discontinued. Their preparatory work
covers much of Ihe work of the ordi
nary college. Therefore this w ill leave
larger field and a greater necessity
for the high schools and colleges of
tie state. We are glad to see our
University take the place of a 1'iiU
Petition lo llieCoinifv Court for rii
I Appropriation. oiler for a
1 (Jiiiul .Mill. J
! We lire pleased to -0 a petition be- i
, ing cliculated asking the County Court j
j to appropriate siillleient funds to com-1
; plete the county road bei;inuing at the'
Gale Creek bridge on the!
I river and ending on Ihe summit of j
j Gold Hill, known as the Hold 1 1 1 1
road to the Hltio River mining dis-i
I The road Is already c.tmpleted l a I
! point within Illicit miles of lint top of-
I the hill w here nil supplies, tool- and
I iipleinclits have to b-tiansfeled to
i tin1 pack saddle, necessitating u great
0 usuinpt ion of time and labor to the
I miner and prospector.
j The completion of (lie road would
not only be an encouragement to Ihe
miners, but would be 1111 inducement
to capitalists to investigate and maki
investments, as it would be bona tide
evidence on our part as citiens, of nur
confidence In the mines. There is
liotliing that would be of greater im
poi taiictt to the of I. alio county
than the development of these- mines.
Tie completion ol i good wagon
road into (he Hluu River mines means
added life to the mines for Hie coming
season and much bciicllt directly or
indirectly to Eugene and Lhiic county.
The court has rendered considerable
aid for 11 wairnu road into the Hohemiii
mines and now attention might be
prolllably turned to tho Hluu River
A prominent iiiiuii g and mill man
of Fresno, California, ufier testing
samples of oro from the HI 110 River
district, has oll'ered to put in a quail.
mill on comlitii 11 that tho wngou road
be Completed to the summit of Gold
Hill and the miners agree to supply
him with sullh'lciit oie to keep his w ill
Ptttly lilianl, Mltiell J I.
Evangeline Chapter, No M, Eastern
Star Hoilgo, ladies mixllliary lo the
Masonic order, was instituted In Ma
sonic hall last night by .Mrs 1' A
Helm, of Corvallis, grand matron, as
sisted by Mrs Allen of Albany, district
deputy grand matron, Mrs Coiikllug,
of Roseburg grand secretary, and Mrs
Li1, of Corvallis, grand marshal
Among others Jwho wero present
and assisted ill Hut otgaui.ation were.
Dr Wall of Cot t ago Grove, who repre
sented tho grand patron; Mrs WINon
of Corvallis, past grand matron; Mrs
Prof French, Mrs Dr Farm, Mrs Rur
uett, Mrs Cannon, all of Corvallis;
Miss I ast and MIns Smith of Rosunurg,
and Dr M M D.ivis, of Corvallis. The
lhauy and Corvallis delegates re
turned homo loilay and tlioso float
the south will r 31 urn tonight. The
new lodge is a icstiscltatioii of the de
funct Eastern Star Lodge of this city.
U stints out with about -10 charier
members ami promises to be iiiospurous
It is the last one of the defunct organ
izations In tho state. Meeting nights
au the first and third Fridays of each
month. The olllcers ure as follows:
Worthy matron, Mrs Emma Preston;
worthy patron, Prof J 1) Letcher; as
sociate matron, Mrs Eli.'tbcth Pren
tice; secretary, Miss Libbio M Yoran;
treasurer, Mrs Sarah M Hull; con-
luctress, Miss Anna Whiteaker; as-
slant conductress, Mrs It J Haw
thorne'. Adah, Miss Louise Yoran;
Ruth, Minnie McClaln; Esther, Helen
Rushiiell; Marlha, Amelia Combs;
Electa, Margaret Klnsey; warden, Mrs
R M Prult; chanluin, Mrs C E Loomls;
marshal, Mrs Alex Cockerlinc; lyler,
V McFarlaud. After the organization
last night u light supper was
served to members of tho new chap
ter, Dr C E Loom is pieshlihg. Evan
geline chapter makes 51 with a mem
bership of about 3000. The Eastern
Star lias been in existence about 12
years, and Is confined entirely to the
United States.
u a;j. '..js 1 ,t-'i
. V ; - vr J 1
r t?? s--. ' -
A Joint Ksci:. The first joint issue
of the I'acilii! Christian linden Vorer,
published at San Francisco, and the Ore
gou Christian Emlcavorer, published
at Salem, bus rei chu I this (illicit. Thu
issue Is devoted particularly to tho
Oregon state Endeavor convention,
w hich will be held In Eugene from
Muy 1.1 to May 10. It contains cuts of
the University of Oregon buildings and
also of thu Cumberland Presbyterian
church, In which the day sessions of
thu convention will be held. It also
has a brief write-up of thu city. Fif
teen thousand copies have been printed
and circulated In Oregon und Cali
fornia, Another joint tdltion will
be issued Iu May.
DlKli. Mrs Margaret Hustings, wife
of George Hastings, died of paralysis
at Thurston, yesterday, March 22,
IS!)7, at the age of 00 years. Deceasi d
leaves three children two sons,
Charles and John, end a daughter,
Miuil. The funeral irnt held today
and the remains Inti-ried in tho Yu,ar
cemetery, Rev Schroeder oIli'CliaQ
Have y 11 got u padlock on 0
hen hou eV If not It would hcOg'ft
(dan to have a good bulldog near at
hand who would not hesitate to "nab"
one of these fellows when he is rob
bing your hen roost, or else have a
shotgun loaded with tine shot, say
lills. Severul parties of this city
have been complaining of their hell
cats being robbed.
I; r.i.VAO::-; I ivt;i? Pi va'LATOR Jon't
1 t t l t .:. 1'. I he I iwr gets sluggish
Ciii.-i.: t!:.' W 1 it -r, ju-.t Ike all nature,
i a 1 I.' ; a -.i :;k ihokej up by
I t'i.' .;. a.;; .! .1 .i i, uhkli brings on
I '': U". r .i:; A,y.:o anj Rheuina
t;v ;. 1 ' r t 1 1 u tie ud vour Liver
n ! ' ' u tike SIMMONS
I h '. . 5 i ;: t J.i It. It also
if.-.. : In. 1 Uvps it properly at
v :., u.i 1 vr.r ..;:i will be free from
po o.i .:-.! t l-...!v invigorate,!
v t i n:: r.ii.sp iti.ooiwiien
y. uf - .!; ! m iu Al condition, .111 J that
u ;;' 1 lv !'. . Ii -,i t'i - I p.-cr is kept active.
I iv 1 I 1 r K. :.i,ly on..e and note tha
i 1 : 11 :t t.L ouiy Simmons
I 1' "1 HI 1 vr.iU - it is SIMMONS
I i -' ' 1 1 U' v. l-.i.'t makes the
J .: -1 - 1 iu- it ri p.evder in liquid
-ill-'i 'v t .v lie I. -r .1 tea t the
l e.v !: t.i- :MMi i.N' I IVI l KUOU
Lf" . .iu' tmd the RLL) Z en every
. I.omk .-r it.
J. ll. s illi: A Co., l'htludelplilu, !',
I1i1.1l of Cousiimption ut II O'clock
Tins Morning.
Joseph Lane, w ho has been linger
ing nt death's door for many months,
passed away at S o'clock this morning,
March 22, lv'7 at the nge of 51) years, 8
mouths ami 1 1 days. Thu cause of
death was consumption, from which
deceased has sull'el'eil for a number of
years, having l en con lined to the
house for many mouths.
Deceased was a native of the South
S a Islands, but for over 30 years has
been a resident of (tils city. Ho re
sided on West Eighth street and own
ed (he hall, known us Lime's hall on
that hlreat; also a paint supply store.
lis was an active member of Eugene
Lodge, No I"), A O U W, and the or
ganization w ill presldu at the funeral
Deceased have four children two
boys and two girls, nil of whom are
liviniug at home, excepting one girl
who Is now In Alameda, California.
The funeral has not yet been ar
ranged for.
Kill rlttiucil.
I tally (Ouir.l, March --.
Mr mid Mrs PE Suodgrass enter
tained a number of (heir friends last
Friday evening at their home on Willamette-
street, iu honor of Mrs Nettle
C Rowers, of linker clly. Tho even
ing was pleasantly spent In con versa
lion ami games. Light refreshments
were served during the evening.
A general hunt for peanuts hidden
iu the corners, nooks and crovices of
thu rooms proved of interest to all pres
ent. This was followed by the main
feat .ire of the evening, literury leaves.
Each person was furnished with pencil
and t-core curds, on which wcreprluted
numerous questions or conuiindrums.
The object being to answer tho ques
tions by writing the name of a well
known author. When time was called,
all the cards wero collided and correct
answers counted and prizes given to
the two giving thu most conect an
swers. .Mis lii'onks. Airs Mc.Murnhav
und Mis McClalue cucli gave the same
number of correct answers; by guess
ing the page, of a book, the prizes fell
to Mrs 11 rooks und Mrs McMurphsy.
Those present were: Mr and Mrs Mc
Clalue, Tucoma, Wash.; Mr A McMur-
phvy, Helena, Mont.; Mrs Nettle C
llowers, HukerCity; Mr and Mrs It U
I '.rooks, Mr and Mrs ,M O Wilklns,
Mr and VrsD Link, Mr and Mrs W C
Yorun, Mr ami Mrs Robt. McMurphey,
Mr und MrsC M loung, Mr and Mrs
D W Coolldge, Mr and Mrs V E Hnod
grass, Misses Hessio Day, A Osle Wal
ton and Dell Wulton, Messrs L II
Johnson, 11 X Cockerline and Win II
Another Pioneer Gone.
Aaron llhirhley, u Pacific coast
pioneer, died nt ihe home of his neph
ew, Win Hlachley, In Lauu precinct,
Thursday, March IS, 1307, aged 77
The deceased was born In Wain
county Ohio in 1 s, JO. Ho cauio to Cali
fornia in ls5o, returning to Indiana
the ..ifuu y'eur nod emigrated to Ore
gon in IVjI nsidiug here uutil death,
lie took part in the Indian war of
IS",o 0.
Mr Hlachley leaves a brjllu r, Eben
Rlachh-y, und a sister, Mrs Geo Kov
ems, with many other relatives, and
friends w ho w ill regret to learn of bis
ii iiK lib. Hon John Kelly, of
aipriiiglh-ld, I quite 111. 11. win tataa
okk nly leas usiaj a:4 Ira os
t:efde m ht. w w tjo
nev ) ) Xto
&l ak saf y sUk y garj;
uO-ei5MiU-Msjs ssssyUlV-jt
We tniOt f'uMisbe tfmmrnvtd QS
iiiuin wjth CO 2ftto jka(Sis4 0 q
Sim FlI.Kli. e. ffVsat C"i;lj)
lb-eves A How all, S Cft 3' tCoCsJ
H'ii). UltlkjjG rosjT J
t'rulg; to r.cover 1113.
liliUtrjW Pries.