The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 20, 1897, Image 1

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V Ulainotto b-lweeu
fcath andKllhthHjreots.
IN . ' ' '
, Maattil. .
12 00.
Advertising rates made known
on application.
gl! business letters to (il'AHI),
docks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
fav.AU Work Warranted.-?!
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
ohvalcian and Surgeon
Office uA rmideuu ovvr postoRioe. Hours;
J to s. o.i w " " i"
M Dliu l1 New Ptlct ,n foreign ""'
Dowiilt Jlsrble and Granite, Monuments,
Bea-utones aud Cemetery work of
til kind! for WA.
llkatu ilreel, ner Poitofflce. Eugene, Or
A 1 1 o rn c j - n t- Lu w .
0rmi-ODe hl( block loath of Chriaintn'i
S.W. KlKilT
Kinsey & Markley,
Commercltl od Probate BuilneM Speo
tlllT. tt
otlM Id ChrUmtn Block.
f. I. BROWN, B. D. PAINE, f.
("ftilOnl. Vict President.
km Loan and Savings
Of tope, - -
"ICTOR9-D. A. Paine, 1. B. Ilarrli, J. K
Utrli, B. 1). I'aluo. W. K. Brown, J. f.
Koblnwo, F. W. Oiburn.
rui dd CaDital. : : $50,000.
Beieral Banking Business Transacted.
luKut llowod on time deuoalti.
Million eutriuied; to our ore will receive
lane County Bank.
(Eitbllhed In mi)
general Banking business
111 branches transacted on
fvorabl terms.
A. O. HOVEY, Pre8ldeut.
J. M. AKRAMS, Cashier.
A. O. HOVEY, Jr., Asst. Cashr
T-0.HnrnRiCM, S. B.Eahn,
rrwuent. Ciwhiei
P- E SaotwRAss, Aie'etant Cauli ier.
Paid II Ti f Ocl r.nll.l itlEA AAA
surplus ana Pronts, $50,000
- ? Oregon
VEUV'1" bvineM done on reason
iBKlrt " NV YORK,
fcCfC" POKT-
flWjta ,ch"Ke eold on forolaTi countrioe.
Wfir"Ayd'ubieotto oh o' oertiti
I All iT
fUvlDl a I . w.
P 'nd Fncy Grocerlea bought
n the beot markeU,
h 0fler th publi(0 better prices
nj oth house in Eugene.
iU llifiBUkEi it Market Prli.
National Ml
Ot Eugene.
I Pmim.l.t . "
-'.i-iuiiniumT V OUrl. " - -- " -. .. 1
Allowed ailj j,Uhn
March 3.
lourt met In regular scion. .r,.,.
enr .Judge K O Potter, Commissioner
J."1' 'l"k AC Jennings.
i.c iifoow injj IIUMIIlf
ss Willi t ni it.
. I lie r..llowli.B ,IU were allowed acd
clerk ordered to draw warrant on the
Keiier.1 fud in payment therof
Hi U fuller lllilua'a anl..r.. ...
--s - ""ill J mi
February, 1.SH7 ; ,;8 ,;-
A n alteiNon treamrer nalary
for February, I8:i"
C 8 Hunt eounly nu riiiiuiid
ent for February, 1SH7
AJ JnhiiHon ulieritt alary for
41 1-;
.M) (KJ
renriiuiy, 1KI7
t'baa L 8ott deputy nhcrili'iiul-
100 f")
aiy for February, IH'j7
A C JenniiiKH clerk nalary for
75 0U
Februarj-, ISH7 o
F L (iihb deputy clerk culary
lr February , 18U7
E ilowen ferry man nalary fur
7j ( 0
February, 1M)7 1.-, 00
Grant HendrickH ferryman ml
ary mr i-eiiruary, N97 (in
Ira McFurlaml Janitor woik for
February, 18H7 1
JTCallixou ilisiieclllii: briiliiea
per uieni fxptnee 8 0(1
WOOD lllll.S.
At thin time the court mened the
bida for furnihhiiiK wood for Lane
county m per advcrllHcmeiit, which
bids were as follows:
C A Applewhite 3U cords giub
oak at $ 2 .
C H Sanders aOcords grub oak at 2 46
Thomas (irav crub oak ner
cord 2 4-
L Simons pine per cord 2 75
Eli Perkins grub oak 2 20
E N Foster pine per cord 2 64
E N FoMter grub oak per cord...
F ii (Jordou 20 cords tdue 10
2 SS
Inch at
2 25
Isaac ISlantou grub oak per cord
2 20
2 24
II Pickens ' "
John and Adam Smith pine per
John and Adam Smith grub
oak per cord 2 00
The contract was awarded to John
and Adam Smith.
Today's tax collections will amount
to about $1800.
Ed Parksof Pleasant Hill, was doing
the city today.
P L Rristow of Pleasant Hill, was in
the city today.
E P lied ford of Cottage Grove, was
iu the city today.
Mr aud Mrs L Hendricks of Colnrg
were in the city today.
John Harger aud liert Miller visited
at Mohawk yesterday.
John Keeney came hi on this uio.u-
ing's local from Gosheu.
F L Chambers received a carload of
wagons from the East today.
Ren Lurch of Cottage Grove spent
a few hours iu Eugene today.
Miss Ollie Morrow arrived from
Portland on the afternonu train.
J Ikushima was among the passen
gers who went to Portland this illum
ing. Max Bollock of Oregon City epent
Sunday with the family of A Gold
smith in this city.
Miw Maud Kerns, who has been
teaching school In Linn county arrived
home I liia afternoon,
The pi P repair train speut a few
houis iu this city today and then went
to Creswell to do some work.
Mr aud Mrs J E Parsons, who have
been visiting relatives iu this city, re
turned home to Halsey today.
Mrs Nettie C Rowers of Raker City,
is visiting In this eity at the lenldence
of Mr and Mrs P ESuodgrass.
Secretary of Slate II. R KnUl re
turned to fialcm thli nioruing, after
his usual Huuduy visit at home.
J I Jones was Iu the city today.
Jones' saw mill is Bliut down now
because of three feet of snow at that
Nick Schrum, who has leu visiting
in California lor ab.out Uwe months,
arrived home from San Francisco on
the early train this morning.
Mr and Mrs V H lloflman, who
bavelieen sojourning in San Francivw
for sereral weeks, arrived home on
theea.'ly train this morning
C E Brown, district passenger ugent
of the Union Pacific railroad, and wife,
came up from Portland on the l-ai
today, on builness connected with his
m. . ...ill ......... . Ilia Inr-'il
agency, iney wm reium ..,-
Th i .roioilan's exeliange editor is
vr-o - - -
0 instantly getting l.'ine aim
In the le-t I
sue of
that pater It Is stated that "(!ie I.ane
county grand jury p now In
Albsny," An.a'irof faet Albany
is the onuut.v seat of Linn county and
the grand jury referred to Is the Linn
county grand Jury.
t'sffi; of T!B;'ik.
. i f..,i.iu- desire
lit A M .e inao sou i
. . . .1.. .. a. -I. I. HI,
to exteud their tiiaiiM to uc -
li.ji. ..1....I1..I tlo 10 a it 0 Iliesitk
aiuuij .ii"vi .......
ness and death of tir eoiQat $
brotber, LluJor Newman
Entity llrrk Jennings Till Why
Hie Tax KolU Were N..I
, KToknk, Or.. March 15, lvi;.
Km roit Guakh; In is-ne (,f
I March 7 ls'iT i . .. ...... .
mi arucio III
, ",,,e,!,x " IUU year, in
I , ,"U"' "1Ml "''''ill'
-r'-r cu i ne roll and
that they were too full of errors to
admit of tax collection'' nod v.mld
probably take several days to uia-( I lie 1
correct ions.
I pronounce this statement liil-i-nnd (
llln alled for, no ditlerem e who may '
lie the author of It.
I promistd your reporter at o to 1
make a full and complete st u tt-incii t us !
soon a the court adjourned, aud sub- j
mit the following: j
The rolls were turned over t the I
sheriU'on Saturday afternoon, l-',-i. l'7, :
and were kept closed until .Match
!. during w hich time. I presume, th.-'
iwoaeputy Mlierilli were employed iu
ve'ifylu the rolis at tt cost to tin
county of about 150.
The total numliernf errors disi-overed
by them was 211, divided in follow;
Eirors iu computing fpe(-ial m-IumiI
taxes j i
Errors in computing pceiul city
taxes r,
Errors In adding cross psgca u
Errois in footings i
Error in school dist not votiing tax.. 1
Ommissioii to extend (list tax 4
Errors in erasing wronir unioiint
school district ol 3
The last three errors were ma le in
changing the levy iu district No
51 in volume 1 after it was completed,
as it was found that t'le rate extended
would not raise the amount of money
needed, and to correct each page where
any taxpayers tax of said district was
extended requiring four erasures and
corrections for each page one of these
changing the total tax of one taxpayer
but none of them changing the total of
the page. The total number of tax
payers over charged was seven in
amounts ranging' from nine cents to
two dollars and amounting in the ag
gregate to 110.3-j and the change of the
grand total of both volumes was just
20.00. There was not a single error
discovered in the amount of
any individual's slate aud county tax
in either volume.
As few taxpayers realize the inauiii-
tude of the work of making a tax roll
aud extending the tax thereon, I will
say that this year's rolls have a little
over 600 pages of .'10 lines 40 inches
long. It will average about twenty
lines extended on each page or leu
thousand extensions; each line has
from two to five items, consisting of
poll, special city, sH'cial school, state
and county, aud total tax, making
about twenty thousands multiplica
tions, ten thousand additions besides
live fool nigs for each page. This gives
over thirty-two thousand opportunities
for mistakes after leaving out all
stimates for change ordeied to be
made by the state board of ntialia
lion; and there being found bu
twenty-nine errors all told is, I think,
remarkably accurate work.
Further the law dots not require the
herilfto verify this work and it was
purely voluntary on his part. Neither
doc the law require the clerk to make
anv corrections for the sherill aft ir the
rolls have been turned over to him for
Co lection.
Hie tax rolls have not b.-eii out of the
sheriffs nlllco during ollh-e bouts a
single hour since Feb. -7, the correc
tions having all been m t do in consid
erable lesii than one day's tlino outside
fofllve hours.
I feel sure that the pubJlo will agree
ith me that tbero is no good reason
by the tax rolls should not have
beeu opened at S o'clock March 1st, for
the purpose of receiving taxes, alio
that the delay of ten days and attend
ant expense was tinnecessry .
I should nut have made tins state
ment at all bad It not it lnn put li.l eh
br .adcas' all over the slate that Lane
county's ta rolls eere not in condition
receive taxes on, this bringing on
UK' unjust ami unmerited criticisms
A. C. Jr.XNl.vns.
County Clerk.
ljly i.uanl, March I'..
Last Skhvic ks The funeral ser
vices of the lute Mrs E P Whip
ple were held at the Raptist church at
2 o'clock this afternoon, after which
the remains were conveyed t Hie I
O F cemetery fur interment. Tne fu
neral was preached at the
whurcli by the Rev Rols-rt Leslie, pas
tor. The services were very Impressive
. . l.t n t.riru rti ilu.ilir.l.
unii were ai .vii'b-'i "i .
f Mends, utn'oi"-' whom were ipiite n ;
i, Limber of it'ieiiilwrs of Helmet lodge,
i a L."ari ....... r i
... ... . ...I :..i. i I... I....
tloral decorStioris were very
lieailtllul. i
pallj diianl. Matcb fi
AI'.K'IKXKH I'M II. Onni!Klt.--The
Advancement Club at the close of the
regular weekly meeting In Mount's
hall hist night adjourned until next
her. The meeting n"-
lugging ill barest sine, the openlh;-
of the spring t " """"
are 1.0
tu. mug their SpIihiiuoo
other thiug.
Knithts or t'vtliini, oi unii no.- ii..--.u,r, ... ...
hand of deceased is a memU'r. The , saw ing luinl r for Geo r rlssell's sum-
OK., SATURDAY, MARCH 20. 181)7.
Country people were numerous ou
tlie streets today.
Miss Daisy MeMurray returned home
from Poithmd today.
I i (-.,....1.. ii .... i .. :r. i
lampoui iiii.i who are expected,
. mm woe
liome within the nexl few dav
Mrs Walter Ross came up iVotn Sac -
rametito on this morning' train.
Mr. Grace Osliiiru went to Junction
City to-diy to visit with friends for a
lew days.
I i-t rii-t Attorney Yati returned to
''orvallis today.
Judge J V Kullciton relumed home
to Roseburg this afternoon.
The lauiene Mill ami Elevator Coin
piiny w.ll shi,, tt carload of Hour to
I'.'iilund on tonight" freight train.
The many Mend of Mi. peggy
i nin-momi u HI u pleased to learn
she i, convalescent altera months ill-
1 It -s.
s (ieorei- 1! ilii r of l'm-llmo! nr.
lived on the nfteriioou train and will
visit with her Miieiits. Mr and Mrs V
M I".
The ininer nauiud Rniiio, who was
eiiiicht in n snow slide at the l'..v
heniia inines
escaped with only slight
Hon. ('. I-:. Moore, of Corvallis, w ho
has been iu our city the past few days,
li e gue.t of .Vr. and Mrs. E. R. McEI
roy. returned to hi home to-ilny.
Fred C linker, nronrietor of I lie
Troutd.Ie, dr., Champion, is here on a
visit, over Sunday, to his daiiehter
Mis Lillian, who Is attending the
President H. R. Miller, of theOiegon
Airricultural College at Corvallis, ar
rived on this morning's freight train
lor a visit of a few hours with his
daughter. Mis Laura, who is attend
ing the C. of O Mr. Miller delivered
an address before the schools of Junc
tion City last night. He reports the
school doing very nicely at Corvallis.
Volume 1, number 1, of "The Mes
sengei," the new Cottage Grove paper
has reached this olllce, It Is a bright
aud newsy local paper.
Twelve passengers were on the over
land last night bound for the Corbet
Fltzslmmons pugilistic contest at Car-
sou City, Nevaoa, on the 17th.
The Mohawk valley is the home of
plucky as well as pretty girls. A few
days ago three young ladles w alked all
the way through the mud from that
locality to Eugene.
Senator-appointed Corbeti. Is in
Washington, but has not yet presented
bis credentials. It is reported that
prospects for seating of the three new ly
appointed senators are not favorable
A lard.
Ei'iiDit Guap: I have bten in
lorini"! tlial the won en, or some of
them at least, lay their failure to vote
to my counsel to the hoard of directors
For the Information of any w ho enter
'aln such a thought, I wish tosay that
I was not consulted by any member of
the board or by anv one iu behalf of
the boind as to the propriety or le
gality of women voting at the school
election until after tho board had ex
pressed their determination to pursue
the course it did.
. tier ine noaru nail determined up.
on a cotir-e id procedure, some persons
agreeing w ith the views of tho majori
ty of the hoard, sought my opinion as
to tin- legality of the statute under
w hich women had heretofore voted. J
sustained the action of the board ol
course. I have ul ways been of thel pili
ion the above statute was unuonsti
tulional, mil and void, and Hint it was
tlie duty of tlii board to see that the
ele.-ti"ii on the bth inst. was conducted
iu tli' manner it wa conducted.
only came, suinewhat conspicuously in
the matter a one of the counsel for
ihosc holding similar views to my own.
I was not more ealojs or conspicuous
on and hi tore tho shctioii than h r
bap a hundred or more other citi.ens.
I had a right to have an opinion as a
lawyer and other people who wanted
it could aud did get it. 1 bad nothing
tosay as to the propriely of women
voting; I only -xike a to the legality
of the matter.
I have no apology to oiler for any
thing I said or any part I took respect
ing tne election. 1 thought then and
think now that the majority of the
houid of directors pursued the right
cour-e, and I heartily commend tlmm
for it.
E. it. Skii wokiii. OTiar 1, Uit-cti 1".
'inn m.mmi;k Hoiki. W T
'II left this morning with Jim
( 'ampin
iSelktmp f'.r 1
tipper Mr
CilinpU 11 ha- a -oa! :i mill mi the
I. t. 1, 1 1 U I klull It t.
mer hotel, whlen v. in ue uuiu ai .lie-
I liridge. It is hoped to have
the hotel completed time to accommo
date the coming smbsoiis trade,
pa'. I ' naril, Marr ti III.
inventory of the es'ate of Mary II Mc-i Springs has been carried away by the
Murry, d-'.s avl, w4 bled iu the high water. Frlswll says trout are
e:uiuy of Miilliiom ih county I b ling and just walt'n for April 1. He
yesterday. The pro-rty in Lane reports the roads In very good condi
isiunty i m 11 l at I'lW.lO, and liP tion down t' Ieuburg, but from
Multnomah county, $1000.
Interesting- Description by Our
Ci I V ok M KAli ii, Feb. 7, ':-.
Iikak (i'i'aiih: We tiro now in the
capita! and leading eilv
of this colin-
trv. It I ii i io..t loo linn- to
' numee this article, as there Is so much
to write about and so little space at
i our command.
j The city was lirst settled in A ltll
! and today it number li' iuhalii-
taut. Our Hist visit wa to the Ca
thedral, the most ambitious church
building iu the western world, Is built
upon the site of the great temple of the
Ar.tecs destroyed by nU. shortly
alter hi occupancy of the city. The
lirst church, a small one, huilt iu
1-VJ.S, was enlarged " few Jetus lah-r.
Tlie enrner stone of the present church
was laid in 152.1 and completed in
b15. The building co-t f .'.(Hhi.ilinl, and
the furnishings probably
the railing about the ihoirl com
. I .. . . . .
posen oi a composite 01 gopi, silver
anil copper, and recently the City of
Mexico Jewelers oll'ercd,OiM for
the railing. Tlie length of the build
Ing I Its" fift, the width 177 feet with
sn interior helghtll of lTII feet. Tin
tower are 201 feet high, very hand
some and crowned with bell sliapei
domes. Hie Interior is 11 model of
carving ami gilding, llutcd columns.
valted roofs and altars gorgeoiis y
adorned. 1 here are 20 (luted column
supporting the vaulted roof, w hich is
in the shape of a Latin Cross, and iu
the center of which I tho beautiful
Tne Mower sale held daily in front
of the Cathedral is a great one and Is
not excelled, it is said iu the world for
tine specimens and for the tas(y man
ner in which they are mado up. They
sell from 25 cents to f20 per bunch.
Tho." next place visited was the
.National Library, which contains
200,000 volumes; the next the Nation
al School of Fine Arts. It contains
thousands of master pieces. The school
was lirst opened in 177H; then wo vis
ited the National Museum. This
institution is tilled to ovcrllowing
with relics of Mexico. It contains
interesting relic of the later people of
Mexico In the time of the Moiitv.umas.
rhere are examples of Atec picture
writings, representing the wanderings
of the trities, among w hich is a shield
of Montezuma 1 1. There are also the
silver and state coaches of Meximillaii.
It is a place that would require weeks
to thoroughly Investigate.
In the afternoon the association was
given a private reception by Presi
dent Porflro Diaz at the National Pul
aeeon the Plaza Mayor. It is built
upon ground that was once the proper
ty of Cortez, who seems to have had
an eye for valuable real estate. Cortez
built a place hero that remained iu the
possession of his heirs until 1502, when
it was bought by the Crown for the
residence of the Viceroys. The Palace
of today occupies 1111 entire square,
fronting nearly 700 feet 011 the Plaza
Mayor. It Is .occupied by tho l'resl
dent's officer aud his cabinet. The
Hall of the Ambassador is a magnifi
cent room, running nearly the entire
length of the front. It contains por
traits of many of the piesidents, stales
men and soldiers of Mexico, notably
thii'e of Hidalgo. Morelos. Alletide.
Mataiiioras, Juarez and Ilia, ami our
own Immortal Washington. The Sen
ate holds Its session ill the palace, but
the House of Deputies occupies tl o old
i ttirbide theatre.
Tho reception was a very pluasaut
one, hpeeches were made in behalf of
the association by tho president and
t he president elect and were respond
ed to by President H it In an excellent
speech. All Interpreter of course was
President Diaz is a Hue looking man
and is suid to Ut of pure Indian blood.
Ho has been president of the re
public ever since 1S70, with the ex
ception of three years. He Is a won-
leifiil man and Is working for the
good of tils country. He it the Czar
of Mexico. It Is a republic only Iu
It is not possible for a republi
can form of government to exist in the
outitry under conditions.
Diaz is surrounded hy thousands of
troops all over the republic, and they
are removed from one section to auoth-
r every few months to prevent them
from forming plans for revolution; the
governors ot tlie states are appolnlel
by him and are his s-cial friends.
He l a staunch Mason although a con
servative Catholic and compels all offi
cers of the government to Join the or-
r as well as the general of the
army, rl'i Is a rrleml or the Ameri
cans and give them every privilege
k isslhte.
I. L. C.
Pal!) ouaril, Match 17.
Fhismki.i. Talks. (ieorgo Frisfell
of McKeu.le Rridgo arrived last night.
He remrts a foot of snow at the bridge
ami 10 Inches at Foley Pprlng. The
snow extended as far down toward the
valley as Wycoll's The bridge across
tho McKeniilo River at Itelknaii
there to Eugene they are very bad.
Tin: eu v
tit.shav, march
Mis E D M.-Weimoy went
re today.
Yesteiday' tax colli 1 lieli-
to M'i!l-
niiM m l-
ed to i-is-,7.,11.
Mr and Mr C E Jones returned
Portland today.
Mr Wm Mayer h i returned fioin
a isit to l'lM'tland.
Mr and Mrs W II Moon came dow 11
from Roseburg (hi 11101 niiig,
Editor JF Amis, formerly of the;
1'itoad-Ax, was i:i the city today.
I K Peters reei ivc I :i tar load ofi
rbran Inmi l'oilland this morning.
Frank itud Luke Fit.patiick are two
recent arrivals from Mauruc, Iowa.
Mis l'aoiiy Condon is now lady
principal In the Academy at Forest
(' J Eddy, gcncral'iigciit of the C, M
& St P i R is visiting hi cousin, Dr
C E l.ooiiiis.
('has I li'iuh rson, an attache id'
st ile insane asylum tit Salein, I v
ing rehit ives in Eugene.
Dr L W I'.rown went to Kiddle
isit -
the early train tlii looming to
form a surgical operation.
A carload of oil in case arrived for
the Standard oil company tudav. A
carload in bulk U expected tomorrow.
A ton 1 1 1 attached to a light hack
took a lively spin on West Kighth
street this afternoon. No serious dam
ago resulted.
Two fight occurred In I rvin-r yes.
teiday. A a reuli Iteit Whilinorc
and John Lindlcyeacli paid j7.50 into
the Justice's court.
Roseburg Review Match 15; V, S.
Moon ha sold the bow lin ; alley and
will return to Eugene. Willis Urns
urn now iu charge.
Roseburg papers announce that Kev
Father Black will hold services in that
town Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
aud Saturday of this w eck.
A small civil case entitled E C Smith
vs ('has lleadle was heard lieforo A E
Wheeler yesterday. The Jury gave
the plaintit.'a verdict for $25 t5.
Salem Journal March 15: Rev and
Mrs Geo Kahler, w ho have been con
ducting revival meeting iu South Sa
lem, left this morning for Eugene.
Tho Monogram cigar i tore Is now
pleasantly Installed Iu tlie Coleman,
building two doors north of tho Lano
County Rank. It will hereafter be
known as "The Magnolia."
T R Anderson had his right eye
brow severely cut yesterday evening
while doing some carpenter work at
Geo T Hall's resilience. Tho wcuiid
was sewed up by Dr C E Liximis.
Messrs Hardy and Thompson, two
young attorneys who arrived here
recently from La Cross, Wis., have
secured rooms and will open 11 law
olllce over the First National Rank
Mrs W P Lord, of Salem, wife of
Governor Lord, will visit Eugene the
last of this week In the Interest of Max
culture iu Oregon. While here she
will lie the guest of Prof and Mrs
Jame Harliin, a former resident of
Mohawk, Lane county, but for six
years past Iu the employ of the Water
loo woolen mills, Linn county, left for
home on the local this morning after a
business visit over night.
Miss Rose Moyir, of Pitoskey, Mich
Igun, arrived hero on tho train thii
morning ami will spend tho summer
with Mr and Mrs A Yerlngtoii, While
coming to the coast she was snow
bound lor five days 011 t lie Canadian
Pad II ' railroad.
Mr W L Rrlstow, aud brother,
John Handsaker, drovo down from
Pleasant Hill last evening. The latter
Is geatly improved in health during
his sojourn in tho country, and has
concluded to postpone hi studies at
the I' of O, for nil indefinite time.
Oregoiiian: Sheriir Johnson, win
brought a prisoner to tho penitentiary
yesterday from Eugene, set tho pieced
ence of charging the nctual expenses
incurred for transportation. Instead
of the usual fJ 50 "bach bite," the
state wa charged 25 cents street-car
Harrlnhtirg Review: The many
Mends of K A Iluliu will learn witli
pleasure that the grand jury found
"not a trim bill" in tho charge against
him for selling Ihjtior without a license.
Mr 1 f u ti 11 was carrying an internal
revenue license and romltictlng his
business In Just conformity to law.
The charge was unjust and no doubt
preferred with malicious Intent,
Harrisbtirg Review: "K J Seeley, ol
the Albany creamery mid county
school superintendent, Richmond
Wheeler, have perfected plans for
building a creamery at I'laiti view w ith
a .'ioO cow capacity. Material U u the
ground and IheVork 'll b ptlvhsJ l
completion." Mr Seeley learn.! the
dairy business at Douglas' dairy mar
iSprU-gllcl'l and I now 0110 of the best
butter makers In tho stale.
RoK.v.-ln this city, March 15, 197,
to the Wife of Charles Huiius, a
I'.oKV. In this city March 15, 1 ill",
to Mr and Mr I' D GUI crt, a daughter.
NO. 1 5
7r r.'ri v -pi. ,-ps
tt" K.
I f(tCUtAT0R7 1
'fli'Z CE3T
mm medicine
. . . :. 1 1 c 1 iir gets slugguh
.: t.: : it -, ji: t hl:e all nature,
t -v 1 l . . . !,., ihokfj up by
' i 1 :. I w 1 , whi. h hingi on
' I r .1 A ; .v Rheuma
1 til :p ,ie up your Liver
' ' w 1 tV. Sl.WMONS
: :'. .11 MiU ti Jo It. It also
!: t..t I l.s.-ps it pt.iprrly at
, v. .. t y t.r s stcui will be tree from
t i l M .:!. I.- !'..Jy invlgor.itej.
" M'l'.li: HI-:mT Itcooirwhen
s1. it 1 h iii A I, nnJ tha'
:'v : v.!: ;i t.'tc Liver Is kept active.
1 It..; I'.-ii-Jv once anj note the
1. ' Hot t iKe oniy SIMMONS
t'l .
t .
I '' .
1 IV,
i .'. i'
v. .1! .
1 1 . 1
,,1 ; r.M u 1 Simmons
i 1 1 1 'K wlik'i ni.ike the
I ii.;- it iii p ivvjcr or in liquid.
: ir, ,1, . r 1 1 . 1 1 v- a tr.t .it the
.ill.' '.!.
I. Mi l-
1 1
:ii;.rMVi)Ns IV1KKEGU
'1 .m il inij tuc KLL) Z en evenr
J. U. JU lliii Co., I'liilmlelpliU, p.
KOI.I.s H lMihl) HACK.
Shi' nil Ihiy May fclapse lkforeTaxei
Can lie Paid.
I 'tail y liiianl, Msrcb 7
Tho experience of last year with
the I. alio county tax roll Is being un
dergone again this year, though at
tended by lcs confusion than it was
one year ago. The roll wa delivered
over to Sherill' Johnson several days
ago by County Clerk Jennings, but
Saturday night It was handed back to
Mr Jennings for tho correction of er
rors whieh aro claimed by the slier I (I
to exist In the toll.
lieforo attempting to collect any
taxes Sherill Johnson's deputies made '
an investigation of Its correctness.
Though they aro reticent about the
matter, it has leaked out that the sher
ill" deputies claim that tho roll Is too
full or errors to admit of tax collec
tions. Accordingly it has beeu handed
back to Mr Jennings for correction and
The mistakes wsro made hy deputies
employed by the county clerk. Several
day's time w ill probably be consumed
iu making the necessary corrections
and until then tho man who Is anxious
to pay his taxes must curb his pa
Minnie Lord t a Whipple was bom
pi Western Pennsylvania March 2,
IS55. Early In life, she, with her par
ents, moved to Wanls-cke, Iowa,
where at the (lie ago of nine years she
was left an or,, ban, Her sdolesceut
was period during tho next seven years
spent iu the homo of her relative Mr
Hood. On Deo. 5, 1S7I, In Marlon,
Iowa, she was united In marriage to
her now bereaved husband, E P
They resided in Marlon until 1877
when they moved to Cheyenne,
Wyoming, where they lived for six
teen ytars. Desiring a change ot cli
mate ti nil better educational ad
vantages they caino to Eugeue Iu the
spiing of I YH, locating on High street
lie! ween Twelfth and Thirteenth
strvets. On the eveulug of March 13,
Mrs Whipple was suddenly stilcken
with paralysis aud heart disease, re
sulting In death Iu less than thirty six
hours, or about 1 o'clock Monday
morning, March 15th.
The deceased became a Chllstian in
early lifu and Joined the Raptist
church, remaining an active and
faithful member of sumo till death
called Iter. She wa always held In
tin) highest esteem by everyone who
knew hrr. Though a resident of Eu
gene hut three years she had a large
circle of friends who will ever bold In
a rest remembrance her noble llfo,
deeds of kindness and words of love.
Resides a host of sorrowing friends
ho leaves u bereaved husband and
two sons, C yrus A aud Herbert J,
xemplary young men aud students of
tho University, who have the deepest
of sympathy from the people of Eu
gene. A Friend.
Wm. Adklns, ,w hosoj wife It will be
remembered committed suicide at Cot
tugu Grove, bus beeu ill Eugoue for the
past few i ay i. Hi mind Is seriously
allected, duo to strong drink, an I he
imagines that ho is to be hanged be-
ausu his wife killed herself. He In
formed Marshal Day that Lark Bilysu
and somu other persons had a tree
picked out to which they Intended
hanging him and he implored the pro-
tticUoM of that olllcer. A complaint
Iwm kit fyiH suit f his commit'
incut to the he haa not-
been examined yet.
Co.Mixu 10 OitKi.ffN. On March 30'
Gen T H Clarksou, commauder-ln.
chief of tl Grand Army of the Re-'
public, will lie in Portland, aud a re
I'uptioi' will bo tendered hlui tO're by
his fellow comrades. It Is possible a
delegation fn 111 Eugeno may attoud
tho rvci'ptiou.