for Infants and :torla Uao wit ilapbsl tru hlldren that ..''fiiiieiil It ajtB'ii'ri'r to&i.y .vii to me." J I. A. A y in , M. I' , 111 S. Oifurd lit, Irooll; ii, N. Y. ai.4 u.x of 'Cost'.rU li fco ur.lvcrwil an! u.rjt , . !J Lumn (i. .1 it fc.-.-iui a work ' ij.eren.titloii t,. ii.'ton'lr. 1'cwarath., wllIirMil fan. Ill" hu Uo H"t 1-J Cafcrl MLjU iur r.nch." , l.'cw York C'.tjr. KMiKI. : That nUunrh pulliraiim).TIlf( the t'orvullm (niz. tit;, m hi Uvor of noun: whil-om.MiiM-i.line wnu- in iiany urn . j mi r.-wr,,,, ,.-.,.,- , live nic. tniK was too much lor iu ncrvi-n, ami it pour! forth u Uli; of woo upon tin; earn of a :oM uiitfyiu pathetic world an follow : Tlie dir-pluy of uu-n-hy ut the tttiito cipit )1 i over. 'I'll" iliM-cnt (lenient in the li inlaturf nhouhl have ejonr. home long ngu. It haM h-cit evident for week: that there was no intention on the part ol the ohbtructionirtts to organize, llioiign no demand of tlim'it I'XcumuI in any degree their ikhuuII upon ular government, yet every ucmami him heeu granted hy thoe llllXloun to do their duty, andnlill they have rtfuHcd to net uh the contttitulion directs. Tim amliitiou of llourne, the hatred ol Pinion and Scott, the greed of Lord, caueed the diHgrace. I'ojiulirtlic dinregard of law and de cency, the I K IIINH i of Home men elected uh rcpuhlicaiiH, and tllO i KKIil l.ol M UMi I'KoMlilMi ill' Cokiiktt have inuile the e icrilieeol the people' intervMtH complete. There ure home coinpenHiitioiiH. l'lipuliHiii ha killed itcelf hy a preiliature exhiliition of itn danger oUi dinregard for chluhlitdied iiihti tutioiiH. Simon, the Orcgonian, L'orhctl and the whole crowd of anarchy hreedern, who have looted the people ot the xtate through their political manipulation), can never again f.iHten theniHclves upon the leptibliean party in Oregon. The liouft) cleaning in the jiarty it complete. The Mate hat heeu tlixgr.iccd, the people have been looted and out ragnl. Meek olliciul will fatli-n for two yearn more at the public crib. ThebucincHH a Hairs ol the htate aro in diHiirder. The taxpay er pay for this and pretiy expla nations will not Hiilicly them. It is well that the traitors no longer Haunt lln-ir infamy openly in the face of the people. The thii g is over. Now tor puuihhnient and correction. This was wrote hi fore (,'orbett was appointed I'niti'd States tcnatr. What will the (lazette nay about him now? "Kund providinn of (.'orhelt!'' If true it is a lasting disisruce to thehtatc. The outcome jirovcd he was not "credulous." rUOMlsl-.S TU"H I. Mil." HKOKKN I'bl.l'lil-.S. The Oavis house is willing to be called hack. Oovcmor Lord, how ever, is not willing to assume the responsibility , as is evidenced by the prompt appoiutniciil of a sena tor. The people w ill call a lej isla lure together two years hence. The rolls will not bear many of the names of the late body. The Pa vis house resolves: llcsolvcd, hv the mciiihcrs of the house now in attendance and who have signed this resolution, that wo will return to our respective homes, at all times during our term of oftico awaiting the call of the governor of the ulata for a session of the legislative assembly, hoping that the members may yet in a legal and constitutional organiza tion fulfill the pledges made by their respective political parties to the people of Oregon. A WAY 11'. The tii'Ai;i cd'tor got rather high in his Mexican tour. The city of Mexico is I'ot'O bet above the sea level. This extremely high altitude may be appreciated and U'lter un derstood by our po lo when wo con sider Kugeiiu is but loo led above cu llvel, while the Three Sisters snow peaks, whom heads are crowned with eternal snow, and may be seen from the top of Skin ners Uutte, look down from an ele vation of lii.OSt'. feet. Uather a high altitude for tho weak lunged poriiouofthe iditoriil fraternity. An Astoria man claimed he was robbed ol lPiH th other day. Ol' course he was afra'al of the hank at.d kept the money in to ulJ trunk in a IihIimhk house. W'sb-uve some doubts as to the truth f h tory, V .. . . r I rl-,r". nuie..u, r...... .. - ..-v-r, "Hp or sfe. SMiiHtit rueitte III an minded man could have fteaer,t;ft,SBttt)fWt it will chirk i uv.-i, riiU-d so much money. , . . , . It is not pleasant to Wi ncss a mail like "Nei;ro t'olc ca-t I. is vote without iplesti ill or hindranct .t.s.1 . iliu'H.e.l mi, I intel-I UH. , licent womeu sland i.s: side aid are,:.,.: ..r iiiicd that privilege. Our suf frage laws need further nuiending. Children. rtorl rurr follr, CunitljaUliin, IVmr t t-.uuv h,, 1 nK-tallon, Kill V.'omu, fc-lvc tlwp, aid promote (t Willi. li.Jurloui in1l-ltn. T"r tiTrrul ).ar I lia iwimiwrio jour 'i'at.rl.V aid klill always emtln . u lo t l It Lu IiirwUhl (iruluoiil Urnc. J ri-milu," I'.iwi F. IViaurr, M. I), K.''.b fitrwt aud 7th Axe., N York ivy Tin CiKTii a rvmrawr, 77 Mi-uut Btbttt, Yk Crr A(.K AM) MOSKY. About tlio iiiool potent argument tll(. )oint(m,llof jj u- jor ,)(.tl ,0 ( ttlt, vacant Op-eon senu Ht()rilll aj,,,,., to be that he in ln,i,onil,re Corhttt ih neventv f i : , , :. ir Bi.0ulil tveharred tlie appointment Not tliut dh) in a diH'Hialiiii'alion, hut our inany need-t requiro the eer viccH ol a younger and more active man. The United HtatoB senate in to a certain extent a fineciire for mill ; iiiiiittri'U It 14 tu iL in tim leiisl ((.r.)lillil)lellllil BUuh jH lh(J Whether or not it in true, the ,.,,. ;n BU(., CUHPhi ;)(.rj.,, the oniniun thattho coveted and hon , . wllMH)CUre,l ihrouijh the inlluence ol money The senate has, leen perhaps justly, entitled a millionaire club, and men are elected thereto, who, if the choice was submitted to the iionulur will, would not bo accord ed even a serious consideration. It is no wonder that social disorders are bred hy reason of such apparent contempt of the will of the people. The outcome will lie the abolish meut of the senate else an election of the members hy the people. The fathers of the country did not ap preciate the temptations that would assail our body politic through the rapid growth and development of the country, the creation ot nil incuse wealth, and rivih gi d class es, with resultant weakening of po lilL-al virtue and manhood, else they would have placed a more latent check, than li e 10-ordinate branches of government upon what is now an aristocratic noi represen tative part of our national house hold. It takes time to eradicate evils of long standing, but the inlelli uent progressive people will at last correct the wrongs Iron) which thee duller. The senate must he reformed. We believe it mav be aoeomplitdied only by a direct vote of the people. If such was the case Oregon would not no bo hearing the odiun) and disgrace of a legislative deadlock, and failure of thaObody to provide adeipiate means for sustaining the statu gov ernment and to pass ii'cdcd remedial legslation. lir.LUtiKKKNT IfcXAS. Those Texas fellows showed a mean unpatriotic feeling when, by a rising vote, they tabled a resolu tion instructing the speaker to wire President McKinley congratulating him on his inauguration and ust-ur-ing him of Texas' "hearty co-operation in the maintenance and en forcement of American riirhts in foreign count! ics, regardless of party lines.'' We hope their prejudices will not lead them into open revolution If we rightly remember they had some experience in that line about furtv vears ago. Ml'LTL'M I.N niiVO. It is not often that so much is expressed in so few word ail the following t nun the Corvallis (ia ictte: Senator Carter is at l ome, dis gusted with politics and legisla tors, Wo do not believe there is any considerable minority in this state in favor of the recent legisla tive hold-up, says the ltaker lie publican. In the first place there was a vast number in favor of such action as would remove much of the cause for complaint. They can be hriclly told in the doing away with the railroad commission and others that are useless, together with ap propriations for certain institu tion, that should U le, out of the race. The condemnation for men wh.i rei'us:' to obey the holiest ol the people will grow with sober re lied ion. McKinley hss had a cold. The open offices on all sides of him prohahh account for it. Tho school election ended with the usual result one side being dt- tea led. March is susuioinj thai time disagrvt-ahl fvpw Wtitv.o . Uls1slfl.fttrt.KUKK the , fs vt Ua Iium In On-iron, t 'a iior- M'av. Nevada, t'lah, Arlioua and New NJ.(il ,,., f in. p..r,si to x liwliueit. The lm of the Nailheru 1'aeirtc 111 the valley will he Vrrv isinvwnleiit lor heehuni deairlllij I,,,,,. rt.l.M. ..i.r..i .sm.ilti. i hes-U cluvked frvv u.ure to tw apprw- cnO-'d- Jjritt. Tin) f.illlji-Uly chili i Uklli dp a line of work iliui Mill 1 uiHl-- re kull in Vi-iy ijii-at practical Lmmh III to the (.oopU In till part of Oregon. A Woman's tluli wlitrevi-r organized aoon ,(Dt ili nlil to ri-cu'iiiliiiti u a potential factor ill the aoeiul ulid in dustrial life of IU loi-uliiy. To i in.'iy be due in a imasur, l.i the lai-l lliul no liuirowinjf limit uru allrd lo Ik. setup. No Imrriers U-yoicI whieii it lit f.'nU'Mi-ii to stray mid w liirli p-i-ive to km-p out lliu hU-rul ihIimIi-,1. Tin outlixik from tin: vaiiliij.'e ground ol a wuiiian' cluli iiicludt-n Hie wnrid. Its raii(( of uelulnes rraelitii u u huu.aii I hou'lit and ai l ii aie ti veil to And i't willial II H illiiiieiitly practical in itn undeilakiet. I haw yrt to learn of a woioan 'a el uli u1 tempt ing lo attuiii lo any olj.-rr williuiii aueee-s. Ami It la imt at i. . 1 lik'-ly tlial the fiirlliUl.tly eluli will fall Pi accotnpliili v liiiievt-r ii r--l upon. One ii( I in: 1 1 1 -1 dun no ng h i Hers id tudl.y in tl.e lield of lilit III. n. Hi r. Jernlliw K. Jeimne, llie edllur ol " 1'lie idler." Indi.d 'Tin; Id!.!" is throughout tlie nii'st il j 'i alili! i.f all i the luauazilii'H that enme i ui-Ii imintii (o my sliidy-lalile and lU diii-f di-lidit is the keuii'diiliiaiiphleul uprr i t couiiueiil and ri-triirpt-cliiin Iroin tlie editor'a own pn and wliirh he c.ilU 'Letlera lo Clurin I ." John Kendriek tine s very nearly appraaelie the iiiisiie Imneir of the Kriut London ullhn, Put he lacks Mr Jernuie' iinderlyiLK -uriii-i - nths. He seems nut to uiili- with unv other purpose than very naturally often fails in this purpose. litis Cuiiiipii and Iiu l.iiid Ib.vey have published another volume of poems. These two kimlird spoils King In chorus. Their profile photn- Kraphed loetlifl ornaiiient u pj.'e in nuinher of the "lliHikiii.tu'' and also lend lustre to the new vol ume which uppiared in l eluui.y. A!urioll (.'iswfold sitlliH unahle to wver his connection w i!!i the Pinions Saraelnem-a family. In his serial now running iu Munsey's Muiinzine en lltlid ' C'oi Irene," und w hieh mi iiis to bo a second eililioii of lmi Kruno's love affairs. Whole pun's are devoi. d to ih-M-riptituis of the uiiinniriiplid Cnl'jUKl hlippiliesa of the ori-mal sarucinricia. t iuw find loves to lin ger over thrsu two people. They repiesenl til Ideal iloiue-lic hli-1. Tlial Is, Mr l'ra ford's ideiil. Ileie is u lilt ( e.invtfiiatioii between t'orona and her husband, pamus of f ur grown Mini: "What strange people there are in the win Id!" ahe xclaiuied. "Il is fortunate ihey are not all like us," answered liioranni. WliyV" "Tho world would slop, l fancy. People would ah be happy we are, slid would abut thwinselves up, and there would be universal peace, t he iiiilleniiuiu and a general cessation ol business-. Then won. d come tin of all lhins." All of which is pleasant lovers' tulk for p. o;ile have been uiariad nearly half a I il r jr. ill. I very xx ho The lsst wish, or "the Wish f..i I ..v " xx l.l.'li coliclud.'s Therou .' l,rxxford'a"M'ili rn l'mry Tale," up pvsrs in lh Maich iiuuiln-r of the Cosuiopolitau sud is, if not so thiill- iit( HI the wishes that xxelil Iwlure, by far tht bst. "Kveiy evil and every aorroxe In the world could be traced lo . . ..........r. o l.. a lae'K oi him eieiuin ... ioe. .'. "i lunar Itollimer. who IctulUili ol.e Very strongly of a certain sciid-divine Peru of Marie t'uilvill. en all. Hi. Is made lo iay: "The only reform worth laUiiiK about in this world is to be found In in Inculcation of llie com IllMlid to love otie's neighbor. When this ll done then all l-c " l and de sirable w ill follow. If every one loved his nrldib ir there would lie mi des titution, no itarvatioii, no crime, no misdemeanor. Indeed thrnudioiit this history of xvi. In a which pretends to be a fairy tale there is a at desj more truth than lldioii. Hv the w av it may In1 a matter of Interest to know that the t oiuopoli t oi claims a million und n ball nadete every mouth. Kverv lover of the beautiful and the heroic should rend the malchli-ss battle mihk, "The Sol. .' nl the Kappa bannock," in Met 'I ure s fur Kehruary. 1 should not creatly envy the man or woman w ho Is ntile to read il throne,!! uniiioxed by the rythinli stURe and It at et Its inlglily miMe. . All of the i.boxe named periodicals tonether with Harper. St Nicholu. the t'entury and many more are to l e f.iiind upon the tat'ii in the l ive Kcnilnii; K.Mm. Oak Hill Item.. March till. Pick Kree.e has leilted b's latin to Will l-'isher. Misa Kate Mexer xxill s,.,n e'lii- niein-e a term ol s lioei ul I anther MwloHUv, on Wolf I'm k. X Anileri;er xx ho ie.-,-it!x Ismd t the Henry fisher pl.o-e bus inoxid m to tne house. I i i k. Km has rel oi n. .1 It.. in I v. , t. Ur In xtei l P. bu aJ, H " . J tsl Si 1 1 k rm tr Powell l I'll 1.4 'mi n,ar -ai;ei.ii and a ill n ove P. this m :di isithisid -ihoi. School vx ill ts-i.i.1 w in in the 1 ir Unite seh.s'l l.i.u.e with W: Miil. i a. l s. l,. r. Arthur and Oia and K,ed ' llosxi ll starte.1 (or llasletll Iiii;,m, hist j w.vk. fs-x eral laililtlrs li.l. i.d to start I from here as soon as tl.e sum of', the mountains. j I-11. IV. - l" All r.. Ti.. r. - I Alt li. ' Tie r- - i. An il -r .. I I J ! i.l l.le- IM-- I.:i!. I !. I. .. i.i i.-.tu ti.. jr ail v r 1 ii I I - . r lie .it 1 . n c. -iron ti.. ' r..i.t l.r.i. ,1, i.;lt as ), ua I An I An 1 I v.: Till i A i. i' , I i I r :' An .. An . NCI.K T(H!K. '1! My I I .! . : I t 'i .: Hill'- I : i! the I th- -., I h tin. v., I t..'le I ritfl.t t. !. 'r -CT:!:.' ' II t- f l.r ...I, ,' .r 1. t ..- iift.-rti' vi I I I v :.l il .. !.' I..:r: ,,i.i. r-, t., I- r v- .-.ll II It x ii t.iHur.l .1 till,.' Ill'il. ,' . .' tl em' I .. ii.- Ih.t I lie.'. . -II t ii - p. i p,r l XXIl-tM I f tr: ' I lliluht t. ' Ini'i.i.ii' Ir ! II. M . the -erl h.' llie m. .t ; iiiotii v inn-' r 'I ol u Kill . nl witli tl ' . He Ihl.'ht I. o he v.i.t t. ... f. r thi.t. lie i - II . l.t. it U- ' he U- V. li.i-i it's : . I ..t I r I!.- . f life. . i - I ri li st f. r t he ise Of w-.ii.hli. t iinil.r n in r-t.mi! . " ireii a in..... y In ..'.'I 1 e s.,x. ..i.-li mi I:-hlv. I'm le , h -.ii l ite h.-.s hi:r..-n-.mi ! 'it-. . I. - i hil'lr.-n. . I lit tl. I.-. I. - II . .' i. i h hi. I iinl.'i.. hut . i.ti' ii-i. t"'i liniiiirahh. e i . i . ' y I. hilix.'tn xxlii'lii i .- ii iii:.-ht. r "f Id-. I ', r - -ie,-.ii. i,;ill X' i, -ii 1 1. t... k us i. Il i-i ill. X'.IK Xlit'lllS. It!l -f 'rroxv. 1 am I II e .t.l:. t vet I e HTl lillll Is inure Ul.e'Heril- ihrii X'.e lire t. e. iher. xxe i-eliltl turn I. t t. r. in il I'l l! :. I is We xxi-ie i.i..te Illtn his le.l-'-. tx-. (r ir. n l.t . xx- 1 pi yiar. hi t .lay .-. lil.s l.l.ll .! mure P Itl.le eu ii ti l. I. 1. xxu I null n' d ih.itt.-r iiiirea-i'iiahlx I'.llil. t le "i i ! " II. t 1 e i-i i .ilnral- J.-il t'. drive r: fn m I. is- r eii' i-. .-.illy y. t.fe-:. r .. vx l.n t ti.'l.t lave yi.u tu hnii-li-" When let.. I; n;e ii iu h.s In rue. 1 e turn- 111 II... (;.r lohisilil h" . r, Mis -Mit.-ii. It. Kivil e: ' Ihe Utile tliti:;'. II. r ti;.r. nls had tin hii-i! i---i t i I i. n1. n the xx rhl xx ith cucli u I).. I' - s l;t: le x. rm. " Mis. Mm. 1 i 11 M ,.!, h. r white head. " l.i t her (.'ii xx- ut. xmi Ii t he l.:xx-. r.. " sho niisxMTi.l. "All siie w a little mn iihl'ie. " Ve. xvu t reilill Ulli-I il.e, I'llll I'Vetl inure than 1 llexx,. ti e i-l.l. r hy f.iur years .-.i.i! full of hiily imti. n., t n.-le ''. .1 said. Ileearri. . hi me nil rt.ef ariiinals, Illlleh ti. tl e ill. tre.s ..t l llele '1 . iv, I. II t when he Ii :. .te.i the li.-n-e anil the el, tire In-1 i-l. l. rin . ii xv it !i xv hiie ini -e ir xa d.i-i-lde.l th.t he si., hi III I .. -.l.t to a h.iauthijt I'lnlil. xv.-is -uii...';. il. It e.ii.ldri't Ui any Wi.r-e I null nr I, i line, lie nnii d. ilelieed.rtll Ms life t. n.k mi a (li;T. rei.t hue. His t.-in-li-ers i-i.ii. lait.ed i f hi. . an '.. -s his boyish ranks, hut I hey . ..i.ld nut itnhiniy hi t. .l.-l. is m il In ii-ht, in tlxe iniial. lie exji, 1!. .1 In. in ten s h... Is ..ti nee unit i.f I.;, ni.nily i . mlu. t. .-mil w i,en he l ee e, .1 t ii, le 'I ..!., t.i s. ml 1:1... to ('..Hep' thu '..f. r r. tn.- .1 ..i. he nni-t leurn a trade. 1 .len t kii.-xv I.. .xx- iii.-my ihlfurent lines ef xvi.rk l'hil In. il. I nt he liex. r teiiinliied n. thai, a h v,' weeks III liny nruv At I. i-l he vv. i. i ; r. mi. . .1 tu ilriifel-t. llw xx ,rk e-.;i .1 t i Milt hi ill. 'Mi. re xv. re emu- . f . . nr-e. of ii iliff. rent mi tnie I'l ;h;i i-.ii .laiilly e . riinerit-hn- Ii.-e hi... n.-iir I limine tip the linuso .ii'-e. y. t hi. i in; I. er liaised hi.elexer ... - an. I I .. in.!. :..;i:-.ihlei'e.i:el..r study. I.v, ry Mil ,!,. 1 1. 1 1 : ii l ,,id a x i-it to his ll. a i ,i r! r: 1 'i i e I u,l iii. ea-rh s i.f xviill .' I s v. Mel. I e x. ih ill... nt tn .-' .1 I f. hi '1 ol e tn ii.lvaneii I... mld-liis well haxe .r. ... Ii- il. rlul iiim'i ; Illllke II .1 I , linn n. i i . Ill to li. ..f . i-'.'l.e. I r I tvve. li ! ll i , ,iiil"'..r .! .,. Slttllii: -i day alt. r. i i I v li t . i: ,. ; Jolly e, f his'v ,. ih If;;- 'f, i. I '!'. 'is 1 i f belli , I 11 1 1 1.1 Me ji be I'.t .1 .;. rs. I xv;.. i:h,. w hen he xvih . '.. s that in. k I hi. .. I e i .1 I in le lnhe l.i, .1 l ei-t mo 1 I . ' v H at !. xel . Siin I s . I . .1 ai .1 I'aeil ilrealie .n.i i; i.i w.'i i. i , vend. My ii I Is .. vv x...s . i.iitineil to i rs in t,,u i,. ,,.t ;n ,0 . X't-.a sat-,,. 1 ea I iii a draft i Mn. day ratinti i h lll.e-r .-' W r. What x didn't n i f Ills e eeted x' ateli n human I n. le 1. I I ..i .1 I in,. i. '.h!l,'t hi.v IIVV I.. tl. I.I 1 1. 11. XX ' in h- i: . 1 1 i. V il 1 1 i i I ..I . -y r .1 ..t I. nl ad i i 'e I. Pi. .li ' 1 .... l.iillnd : i "l : i' here 1:1 I "Hf . t.l le I Is-. P til It l.p ' 11.. I 1 Tlnl. at., lis. Il.s ,' ltapi x 1 , I'l.ll l. vv s, ' ' he i. a! iv.ivs .s I .1 I II-ii . pi ... 1 Ci n't xv.'int in he I n to hi I I . i I .. i a i ."Ire inn y my I.,.,,,,) ,,, liil. r I i stni .1 l efnre xv ill. j.-y. Ki vv t i 11 lihal t!,a ( ey 1 1 linn .1 ihav n I Are inn h. t. " H , v , aid, ;.. .1 l.n ,' upon i T f; : i.rr I'fele 1. !.. I. I s I r. vvs. "What nr.' v : y i Jen i,t ;,t w, l i," i. in I", und i.oxv 1 1 ii ti.i'i x.-iluahle. yv . t.... all I t i, :, x; . r'.". lit xv uh ai'd i.,ke 1 '' 1' "' ''. n il I -!. me I li.i . xv : t x oi, " you .1 ii -l.ii," ' It s M.mhiv Ivallx ix. III. .1 eni 1- xi r ..i s . little iiiniuy p. i nut a J i.ti tit 1 nut J li -1 this i., N t If I I t i t . , ,1-,,' d ti,, tl e anieiiiit y u xx.u i. " "It tl-11 " t il 1 t;-e Mil l. ju-t," 1 e I. I . with li int. 'Ia'iixu c o i n o i ' Telv. " I in i t l. I . f u . that yen at. i a ... ! x, I rend i f i;r.n e l'i i v , . tn the way 1 - n t i r , en are tn. h r r .. . I "'. 1". 'I ry me '1 1 1 h'ud.d ed t'tiele a f.-rpt . ts i h, li 11 either v nr i. xx n. ' l on are i I . el is.'ks athi l: ex : : K-.r a el.lhl 1. . take iiliiis If li.-. i, has U ,-n tie I I iias. fi ' "Anil sti.rv '.t f I trend h i -. . x. : .1 l'l il xx ith I ..i-l fa I mi. '. .1 I ...1.1 s X, It ' i ii my way I ' l' ta le lobs. ! It hud tii'vor i ' El TELEGRAFA, ! I El C'pitan General, Belmont, Stanford, hi ether popular trar.ds a! cigars at Juius OclJsmith's. l ull Lint' of TotxKco anj CanJy. HcddQu jrtf rs far the Eugene Soda WorktO A LORN ROVER. : h.-nasll t).!W Ym"- ' IU...H wlntroil K.v." I -ViT'-i . : -V,,. 1e.o,.t.".!.. l .n.M,.'l' P. I Kor a mometii P,.iH. st-l ! 1, -.t : l--n l.e.l.i-hed. ;wn !- i sr.iir. ami i.t tl.e sO-an.i r w liirli . ... ... t in ti t. trf. IntliecrnwUI lot sitfU of U.!lral.g..tsUr,lT. I 'a "!r. It. me '""l 1 ,"'lt' l' ' , 'j, t LI... p.. Vr!... 11.11c''1' ; riU'tve Mm tV ii:mm-v a.'t. r iiwlnl;-. l- ,-t in.w. yuui.&MW- ur.)Pili"l''iiHit. Vu should liaeKlen It Pi Mm M w. liir.wend will. tlcklnK I'hlllp Mid not returned. Hi" r.,.ut.f my life, lher-lllektru'cl).. was ,!.-...!. The ihij. were nr.iy in.'l dr. arv, the l.ltfh's lijteriMi.aUi-. Sf h.A I." frlecils. lUruwas mi i tie to n.e to u I.mi-u tlmt h.ul no i i-n do..r, M. I..n.d f Vil'-ulne. I hel- I. he Willi I'-'IC - 1. ... f.e il o; the ..tie r Milf I..- ilex..!.-.! t . hu-i-I.,-., .rn.i:.!-. In thenenit: lo th.' I ,--: a i rs. 1 wa. a i! a! mute. -J -ike a t-d I..I -' xx.ih. ' rV ll 'J"; Miv-.-t.l ii mpasslotiatelx- Mr-. J!:;.-:.. ' U-'V , ..,k like a ki.' "t nu nr.' l AI ..'. there X'.i.H l 'i i r e I'.r xv ,- n. would hi.xe . j. rte.l my-. If t.i U.-.-;. f:--'i hi d x. ur.' 'Ihe w oi,,r I p. w . i 1 n: I er.vthe letter I xxoiihl lit n x-Mi: M . ..I ... I r . i: : 1 n 1'. r l'hil. i 1 erh il hit:, r t loie never ii.ei.llorieil tils run rour 1. Id liiiiti. He mti-t I rr.Ie . f y.iii V l.o XV I' f ll.ll l.t to t. I ..ih," Mrs. Mltehell xxus xv ui.d then win 11 I xxer.t tn I., r rm m t" t.i! i; i f I'liillji. "He is xv .rh n' him-. If l'i trvltitf to I ny this liitl.i linii-e. My l.i j.hew't.'Iln me this. s .'ini'loyed in tne . thee nf hin attorney.' "I hiite the I'hiee Mr ee l'hil U e,,ti,-," I bitterly. Kverythlinr U p.m the 1, the Il.iwi'M i.l.d ll..-' I '-'. I I"- "' u we ure rhiiil.ed tn this uiili.' old s,ot.", Miss 'r.'ihi. Wnil; Liter mi, er tinfs" "1 hnt'ii vx h it t'lielo TmI Kiys, then it will lie too lute. " "Not f..r Yon urn yniitn.', Mi-- Vredii, I nt yinir uncle. Nnhndy iiiuhe l.lni hisj wlint lie niiiiht tn tin." We lived nnr In. ely llxrs, mill 1 liml Inst nil le. .e tlmt thltik'H xxi.nlil extr eh ine. Otii) innriiiiiir we found 1'ni-ln lull' tlenil 111 Inn i-liiiir. lie hmkeil in If he I1111I ilMIIid Into 11 1 eiiee.'iil sduintier. Mrn. Milehell I h.iiried tnrneil tn t .i:o when wo disri.xer. il him. I felt .10 unrmw. but I Wild terribly fritrliteneil. When the ilnetnr in me, hesiiiil tlmt liernuld (In imtli Iiil'. '1 he funeral wiw veryquh't 11 ml titinsteli tiitlniis. Theru xv ero no tear, .1.1 lnineiitii tloiis. .10 llnvers, mi friends. Aftirwn liail Inld hlin nxxiiy It nrcurrod tn inu tlint the hi. 1110 In xx lib Ii I li.-til lived sn 1 ' I . -T wniild now he elnsetl tn lne. lint th" tlioiiltht hud tin termr. It wnu 11 relief rnther tile fn-e. I knexv ).. t l.liiix iilmnt Ciiriilnir my hreuil. l'reeili.rii wns nil I mixed. (111 the iliiy after tho bnrhil I'lieleTnl v' test:. 1111 nt w.ih i.petiiil. l'liiliji nnil I were. Ills heirs. lie liml hoiieht the litllf In. Inu mid had left tin eiiniiiili iiinni y to live in cninfortiilile eireiini-t.iiii-es. "May (Ind lil. su y.nil" ho wrote. "I liml no nun mi i-iirth but you." I wiblied alnuil lis I li-tened. "Oh, if liil I. nil only ejien 1'liilip thu 111..111T xvlien Iu lieed. .1 it !" 1 must e,. nut mid liml him. Mrs. Mitrlirll null rniivllin d 1110 nf th.i futility nf mi. h a I . ej lining, l'liillp xvonld entile Inline t-iiniier nr Inter. "l'lmr linele. Your wan till lio worked, fnrl" lxm Mm Mitehell's iidinuri cry. "Ibi Ii.'ih taken It from me," I xvnlled. "llelniB iiimle me iiiisenilile, unit him riilllp. he may he 1. st forever." 1 lived nuietly ..n xx ith .Mrs Milehell in Mm little house hy the river. Frmi day t.i day 1 walled. '1 ho trim tnnk rli fre-h Mi 11 fe, mid then e.iniu the initilluli mid I he winter. 1 xxalt.d In nilein-e. With tin) fpriint Iiiih) xxu s retiexved within me. Suddenly. .ii the brightest ih.y 1 f nil tho year, the tell riinir Willi n elan I kn. vv the sniind rind hastened to the ilnnr. I'hll lp mood befnre me, but m t the r.illii Line; ymitli xvlimn I rcinc:uhei.d. '1 he innii in whoso arms I lay hnd a n rimis,;ht ful faee. I iib.i.d. "Ilomill," hexvhi-i'ered. "I iloii't xviint linele tu know. I doll t want to m .i hini. I want ymi, imly y. 11." "I liclel" 1 repeat ed. "Dmi'l y.m l.r: iw that he Is dead:" "I am lint sorry," he si. Id Litterlv. Ho took frnlll lne HIV Xiilllll. Wai t, in. v. lety xvero my ciimpiinl. 11s en the xvuv. Alt er niiii.y Ktmeei, rrnxv in-.l mv ef forts, und now wo luiil tin longer 1!. 1 , ml lip.ui hlin. My factory is fur iivxay. .;.x in ventlnn was worth its weight In Mold. " Ills eyes lieanied down upon me as tl ey did on that fateful .-1111. lay. lb, t, , , ,' intn his arms. "1 ei.n o I n, k fur Von. n.y liiippinuss, my youili. C nie, tea, h 1..0 bow in laiinh iiain. " Wo erli'd and l.uieh,.,) , , win 11 ho had told 1110 every thine, !,w, . hini L'licle 'laW 1 List will and tci-t.inict.t. .Mil a cent or this money will I take." rriod llereely my lover, the' i-omp.uu,,,, ',,f my iliildhoed. "lie has made onr heari-i tili-ed often eiieiiL-h for it. " W e were married and tinned t, tho lnr ,) -Ity, where I'lulip had his f, t. rv. li.o little hou-e wo turned over t.. Mrs.' Mirrh ill's ciiro. Kxery suiiimer xvo . ..n ,. . bri.!lii(i our children with us. Mv lun.' band s heart has Miftei ed toward Ihe e ly old nrnu win. had driven Inn, f,,rti ,,, the world, and on the 111.11iveis.1rv . f his death our little Tohe lays sxx.etv.'. lets im bis Louis Ucpul lie. 1'iuha. llairt'ddin Tiishii, who -.1 venrs hi;,, , ro. rinsed tho reforms reivmlya.hane.d hvtlo ultiin to placate tho Youiie Turkey artv jvas in ,ii,, respeets j,!,,, jio-leui' He was strictly l,on,t and al.-,,. ..... i ncxcmi ti. r.ii.-h f eorruiiii mi in ' . i.'nii. nexvas h devout Moslem iin.rnied that, railroads, cleetrieitv. hut 1.111- .... . it, iii.Hicrii IniiMveinenis i f k 11.1. wore as necessary to the bc'.h v, r ill exirv .... ..amineans they were ti. the I ell. vcr In l.n-t Ho was called t, ho ,r.,i.d V, in. mediately after the ch.-eof tlel'u.s,, lurkh-l, war, when At-dul llan.iil xxs iiiaklnc his hrst e.pcrimci,u In riilini; llaireddu.-. Urst move was p t rul, fl) far as possihlo, of crowd 1 f court otlicials. 'lhUr.iiti,r.,ll.VilM,M,, ,1,0 .... .. .'..I.....!) ,.i 1 110 entire ofticial Rtid they used every mean, t0 ha,', class. vrth. ir ... llie clerks Iii Lis oil., ..e t-ar-1 I era- (icxi .11s umpatehes. tlio teleuMtl, tors mivs...,. .1 ... . , .' 1 , "i. ami is., re In,.,.,.,.. ataM..i:d-t,ll, H.esnlt..,, u;-the contest ,;d !!! a -UKlraxv in,,, honorahion, ,!;:,, ,; ' ; l.uo on the H.,s,(ri,s. .lK-u t,(, , .r iiiaiiy years, eiij.-yn-.e ,,,, sti.dKsai.d vk wi, ..pmrenttriiiimaiitv u , , he,li.1m.v.rnt.11 , f the . ,, ,, , viiexcxlliiexiuihlyresul,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,.0 tlouary course thut wa, . , ur, 1 M a Th (lres,IK of c.Hlt'.l, .;; p,,utiot) rss, 1 r..,. 1 ,11 - . . , . 1 11 - """...mi rai'iuiiy. . m xl the "t;.r,ter" ruts tho !,,- n,l rips it oi en mid . ,. . ir c.,. ., - . sr " - .. vvi . ,,e n, 1,1- er xxl, MUl,,,s ltlll ,uJ ,ll;ill,Iit:i,, ri.. i.r i'..,'i iiieu split, t,(, , iind titkes out 11 iviirt .1 th.. 1. . ... , ii e;,n tho,.- .,.,';::. '.: "ii". a one, and Th otlirr Mralus. . " 1 U'liCVe UjU U hlC.'ll. "-(T r. Und Lndur. is vo Junction City : Milling Co- MANL'I'ACTUHIJK.S OK ',.. "WHITE ROS oFLOUR,. GUARANTEED BEST QUa( The most iojular Hour in tlio market K-atliiiL' grocers. A HAW IIKCIJIUT. A 1 m, l.mic. half st.-irv. .1 looking In- iliv iili.a! 11.ii'.!' hlsiii: eaninco mm day oArly ruitiii' oili. o In 1111 eiistcrD --. d a dcslro to ' ;o fur 0 in lv .. . ritv iii.d a r. ejpi p.. Idler." Ilexv.,- nee. pt.-il iind 't.t nt 01,113 to join his re;-l" t.t. .1i.1l xxithln a xxcel; after Ills e:,li-:'ii :it v .s.'.t xvork In uniform le.irn I . a , .idler. Il.ixv. s Hhnv In lie innrit .. Lie ix1. .!..- . f his ilutli s and win i- nstantlvi!- !:iir iih-urd ti lin-'H lbiK'it ill! . tl.e .. IH -Ill'S tel.t I I.I.' (I.iy LV, union r ii.i'ed ....n-loiis wl lo-t in the ot.i. r re -iineijsof the dix l-ioii. Ills nil), t, in xv. .s h .n.evxhat Irritahle at Ik -t mid lulu h itn to ho I'X.ietin. Ho C'HI eeived nxh li litdi-ilhc for the '111 xv inail," as he win-: r m. mo nly railed, anil for a nioiiihor in. re in.ide his life lnl-eralilo. Nothiri'.' that the recruit could do pleased j, I in. iio Hid mt stand siiiiiro III the ranks, ii. r sil erect at Ids meals, nor do ntiythiti , in fact, nsthu raptnln wanted It iloiie. 1 l e "iiexx- niiiii" l o.-u It all patient ly, lint vim." it wns observed that Ills f u-e irr. .v pale utidir the captain's reproof in. I ti.nt I. is eyes burned like cuiils nf lire. Hi" not throiieh Miiiicliiixv lit Inst with his preliminary training and wan taken up linaliy on the morning report as a private mid i.ri the nc.t day mulched on miard. t'lif.irtiinately his ca tain uiari'hed nil the muiiii inornine i.s olh' cr of the day. 'llie "liuxv man" was I lin ed on nil nutpost of theciiiiip j.-iinr.l ami at unci, Ix-can xxalkiiiB his heat iiid:i-tri'iu-!y in tho lint nun, repent im.' iiiietly to himself ns ho wont back liml I' nil " the upeclal Instru.-t bum that had been plxen him ill order that ho niljjht Im ready to "rattlii them oil," he mid, if any of the ollicers nhoiild eoine nr.. und ami ask fur then.. Some tlini! Into In the afternoon tho ollieerof tho day ap proached him. and nlur iiekiiiiivlciluinit his salute (liin tca hini to repeat hU 111 htriielioiis. "I allows no otio to monkey around here." said the "Ilexv 111:111. " "What's thai: ' exclaimed tho uSecr (if tho day severely. "I allows no 0110 to moiikoy 11 round here," repeated tin' sent i 1.1 1 in a iniieli louder t"iie. "I alh. vvs" "What's that? Whin's tlmtj" repeated tlm olllecr of the (lay, 1,1s vnico pHched at u hiuh key. Tlie M'iitini'1 Instantly (lmppi'd his rifle to the order, nnil risin;? mi his t'K.s fuirly scrc.iine.l: "I ; 1 1 1 1 s liooiHi to mi'iikey iiruuml here. I told you so before. I've tlio rest (if it. but" "That will do! That xxill do!" exclaim ed the ."ie. r of tho day sharply, "fall the corporal of the i.-iiiird." "I il'.ii t l.n 'i xv his name," replied the sentinel. ' t'.i'.l the corp. .rale f the ytinril," persist ed the oilie r ol' the u..y, and ait. r sonic furt'nr empli'itie ii.sii'uetieiis from the captain a civ xv. 1,; up f. r the "corporal of ihe U'll..f.l. post No. -1. '' The corpor..! eanio promptly, and the sentinel sn-.n after found himself disarm cd, stripped of his equipments and a pris oner In the r;i.ard tei.t. tin investiatlun it ixas found, principally throui;!) the state ment of the prisoner himself, that tlio In structions he had attempted to j;ixo to thfc oilier of the day hail hi en enniinuiilcated to hini ns correet. by sonie ronlsli (Mini-j r.iue. no was tnerciore rei. iis. u Iroin cull llnemeiit at h rierh arid ucain trusted with a s, iitin. I s i It xvi.s nearly nildnlnht xvi eii ti.eoi:. -it i.f tin-day i.r lin ap riiiicli cd liiin. lie vi ry promptly rlialleiiiieil. mid mi roe. ' im; Ua, reply, "tlllieer of tho i d .y." a:;.iin a-tiinislicd tlio captain by n c.irili .l 1 n.,11:: you; 1 Ic.i.-o iidxancp. sir. 1 ai.d I ' I'' .ih'il." Mo much i f 11 draft upon both f thu captain and tho disci--er h e, and the sentinel found di'.y a prisoner mice moro ll) h. A.'aili. on llivesti'-atiiin it 'lli'S vv;,. tli.'.li -l.ity plil:.'"! tiie iiiius. li , th" (.-a iiii t xxas dh-eoi tht pri-one, rail, s f th,. viTid. 1 rineiiiall,--, as licfore, on a' s own ex n.ence, tunt tlio com i. ' "ti-. xv man" had been playing ii. i.i. and !i;'pr, aeliini his post had iinnouneed themselves 119 (ri.'Ks 1 n utter d ti. " ", ll., , In- , therefor.. n f tae day ' or tho"coiiiiniiiid- . ' '.s suiicd their laticy. llu win .ik-aiii rileasul and onen mum lilaeed on 1 , ,st. Ju-t I o;o;v dnxlieht tho ..Hirer nf tho day 1:1.1. h' the rein .1." of tho sentinels. 111 a; i-ro'ieiiiiie .,, 4 found tlio '1,,-xv 11 too,'., 1 his ii;;, M'.i.V 1: to ll, hi ill oil the po-r. e .- 1.1:: r-i.Mi f s ho iidvntieed ' e .-L'iil inel bmiij-ht l::i. and In a very i. e directed hini lie would kill him :..'; i:r:;-' .'rrt il vvn i.p ,;i id. I loll.' of ;. his -....I The, Picking up Knowledge J3 e"7 cnouch if you look r it m the right place, w.o is the right place to Jwa just vrhat to do for t-at debilitating conditioa -"CuPriS'alway3bringg you waat to be cured c fcj lan-uid deling. Bet J"0-" appetite, sleep E0Cy, and feel Uko a new man? 'er's Sarsaparilla slo it. it has done it rorthoiu-.r.nds. It has been - : it for GO rears. Try it. "Cur -ox '-" im pirt, lrea 1 1- . , ..." vxV" Vt RH"' ,,Y s,,i...,'iii , , 5 m U rA i-iirrK: svf friiL:iJ instantly ami .i.wT' rain-ely taken nd..M fore tho .,!,.,., OTW j l.iK him by t .,,,,); ,JJ j niu ki.jiiim;. . ...... .. .., pHJ M- .,,1 ... .. II . . . 's- ' ....... ... . ; . ....u I. 11,1- -1., ,., w hiimanltr v , ..... .' ..... . .'I. I inu leiopia-.e p, (,( yon. You i.,., u liml (leservu h it: -h,., '. you knoxv," , wt xivuyhln't b .',ir. si ,,,' It I. lit nil lil"r.' Is In O.s.rei.i,'' I,. froin .Millcde -.ilie. yr: und any mio in t.n-B.'i' Jivo. I hiixep.ij T c-t nf the cot .'iii. ,,,.,; nave, to (let aiiotliMn; tiuodby, old man; (,.,,1 lloturnedai uutiii.J ',' In the darl.i.i Tli cin-e tu his f. 1 i,m Kiiard. A l:'"i'.'iiar.t,,3 ti..,. r..i,.i,.,, , . ,. ' - 1 'uif.; of tho (illiu r of i, ,1., , rapidly In 1. ..r h J u'. coinimitidin ot'i.Tt. (.j, ricdly Inform, d iif t!w BtrouK ilet.i, Innriit 1! jiutelicil to join In tixfj. day wns spent In tl V.hiitiivor of ti e niiincio Tho colon, r hVi r. mlsslnir from the plcU:; Inu, and near xvh,ru .j,. whito curd xv is f,,uu,i .j, p'.st by ii pin, on t,e ij. been written In :i!iiirj.t by, Yanks. Wo shall t, euiro Tribune. A Flnjrr K- The flnp-r Ui fully In tho parish d-. Ashliy-d.'-la7. .11. li unj ;. "An riireient n:;d ml,,,. Is ik fliiRer pillorv. T!.;. to havo liii n iis.d f,,r t. dl.sorderly per-.,ns durir.. It consistsof txvuupri,':.' fi't hi:h, which nii;.,r ly tlio K.111111 leneili, in 1 holes nf various ilim.n.. l.ontally, and then lurt.: dor that tho first joint it, bo Inserted and tlm t; I nn ntiiiular form. Tic! ms'tin'il by hrlnlnn i holes another beam wliiiii.-: lil.llTo lit thu etui tu (ml'.l fasti'iied at the other brih. Times. riorlJ ii: I Thorn urn liu ru nctsts: In l'Torirlii than in m: tlio xvorld. TlieroanirBt I uro moro than lin.'i'iai:-!,1 then there. 11m anufi cJt I Bsnrcely b'i secti maef .'i' eyo. ( l.4 (ill. "jniv, I'eto, von lner,i Very near to death." "Y'tuej, Kill. I xviin't s. from it when I Lent J-"'. j Intiulu oil iUiee"-Utr! Ii., 11 UiPi: "I'a. why il. . .' l.i-'...i r . "lieenuse (in ir is 1." iiroiind to i:.a'..e it f.'-t lieooriL 0. S. Land tec Joel W;iic,havi:. iiointod 1'. S. Cir ( 1omm is.-iciier for of Oregon, is ih.' lo make IluML'sTt Fi.nai. I'litiors, an timonv in f'"1 Having lia.l tliirt perienee in tliii guarantee oiiti: ever case. Oft Fello-vs' lUiiltii:- Oregoi. . .eel ,,' I tllelV'..e TH Ae .j'-'i lE1S..ei"'A,tu STEELE!' nxlhfto iirnil Ki.d ' .' llahlocD-, ell tn ',' mini, titfiiuirio s',!-. i-J - . ..Hi" I LE Ei'S U ' . Btl IMS-"' .'s ll-HI-RN .V I't I .x) teuU. Kuneiie, ('nil '" yt"' ,.ix-1 :: mm --' T .Vrr.. and 1.0lll!olt! UDecent a n-w. 1 ilia o;a v. ; , trLata. It cuifj 1 ftsidiiUi bent x- bold by lieii'it r 4 u"