r ,1 ? il EM A. WTiBLISUEn MR TIIE DIMENV.TIu OP tlKWmTIl' ri!li:iPLK!, ASH TO F1KN 1.1 noiEHTLIVlXB BT TDK SWEAT OP OL'B BROW ML 2'J KlViKNK, OK., SATURDAY, MARCH NO. M l ' i V Ilk 11 WEEKLY EUSEfi: GUARD. . L. CAMPBELL, PUBLISH LU. MON A Y, MARCH s m r-r S a V 11 I'll II' U TlllTfll -ejH nn.i l inn n mt u hp mvnv : ; w wuuuUHl IU1V ....u, ii ; in rvp m wp VI T'fiTiniT an ini.i,.xai-i.. u-i-i... unrtlf n mrnnntt iiAmnn .. rT solium Jiuauiiuit. Alli ,,.,..,., DUUlJb AAUU1K Uil iiUiin). I. -tweea greiith nJ KlsslUh Ktrrci.. TERMS OK Sl'IIM'tiHTI tS: Out ! : tli MonltH. Ihrll onM. Advertising rate 3 made known on application. $2.00. 1.00 .50. Tli? BaUos o! o?er 150 mm Wert' Mm al lb; 8;toil El'ltloi Tils Aiteraaoa. jug-eiie.0"'""' j S. LUCKKY DEALER IN lui;.- tu lil'Altli, A gis.il day (r fli-i-tloti. ML V'eazle returned home to.l i v Today's freight trains u.-ie annulled. The loburg hills arc still ,-,,v, ,,, Willi SHOW. i..rr. - . I ,Wv K lurm-ll lurried , . ,, ,... - mis morning. Ii ly l.u.rd. JUrrli . ,, , -f..re tl.e poll, opeuedal2 o'clock1 Lurch of C..pg,- ;,., I hi- afternoon fr i, reKuttr" annual today. clio., election held forth- ,,rp(wof; The Cottage (ira.vv I . a I clccliugoi.c director and a , ,.ti, (le ' ver"M'tl for :le. e.i IIIHI ICCII tl.rou.li li.I.. .. I. ... .. Ml.. l..- " irirr in, v v ii o .. Will be relumed !i,im- C!::: Crs'.-r.; r..i.:r: D:e1 n:::l-v;.::: Tj . fi.w Cnv, ,.- 2? "Xeilemeiil U-csu.e ofu difference of afternoon. V'.-iLZi "I""" nlni ii I i: I'iiiimi on a ,.,jt which it wastta!.! IwoiiM he settled by force if ,,ary Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. i ih- polls this arienioon i 1 lit point in question was In REPAIKI" riiiiAini,! iwi.M'i f-A II Work Warranted. L. W. BROWN, II. D physician tu mii .in;,-. ii'l n-iili-iiLo nvi-r piwtiiiii I hi 1-iii; ; Vi to 'i, 0 to 'J . ui. CRWilTE AriD MARBLE VCEKS. (( Dwlpi 1'rh' l Kur.'lBii mi l Iwmwilc Mrlile anil Gnuiitc, Mniiiiiiii-iiin. Hf'ttoiio '! Cemctury ttoik nf ill lilmU for IKC. ALL WOIUC (iLAi:,NTi:KI) ! R'llltmelte Slrwt, iieir l'itoiliiv. I'.'iin'iic, Or a.. C. WOODCOCK, Altorjioy-:Jl-S.:i'.v. Orru -0uc- l.ulf Unvk nniitli Blwk, if " li r i.Hinun'i El'liENK. Q.W. Kl.i'IY N. K. .Vjumitv, Kinsey & Markley, AUorneys-at-Law. rfirHrJ lu ivpiwy rwoim.i, who art 1-n.piTiy II.M.ltla votilllC I" K-huul fli'' lion. Many uialioritit-M wi-re couultetl and virioiiH opiiiinimiin Hit) utattiie lawn of tin- Muttf hikI I he foiiHlltution of Hit' t'nil.'il Slulin in refereiii-e to whool ( Ii rlionH iiuve l-en puhlUlied. At IIh hut im-elinu the board of school (lir. clorK, by a majority f iu luvmberi, l:iiM-ii a iVHniuiinii h.liiiii that ao ttordniK to the coiitttitutinn of the IJ 8 woini-n ar not eulllled to vote In a M liool t-lectioii and appoluted Judaea noil ilerku of election whom they In slrucU'il to cary out the purjwrt of the resolution. I.x-coiin.y Judj-e A II Fisk, 8her wood liurr and S M Wallace were an pointed. When akd thia moniliiK If women would lie allowed to vote they replied Unit if a woiiiun presented liar- elf ui the polls for the purpose of vol Hit; her ballot would he rejected. "Ii' pent l.wii Ii, 1 1 1 1 I : i : t ! d.it Attorney Joe Yi.uiii! CotttiKu I i rove, Imac Larimer j uoine in thlt city. John S McClure reiiirni il inune fimu Saleiii Sitlurduy ninht. Secretary of State II ' Kmraid r. -turned to Salem toduy. Salem Joiirnul: Mi-slM-' Sn.itli i. home from it vi-il ui r.uc n,,. Ko-eliu-Iich mid fhr-ili - i'l :iriM about the city are leafmi; mi: . L C Mitrlin, a htmlciit of the liivini. ty school returned fioin I larii-huii; today. Salem Journal: J S McClure, i f Ku. Kenp, arrivtd up from Portland il.tr lliollllllg. K K Wilxon, L 1 i I and J, liu Smeed left forCalil'orni: I;it ni-ht r. overland. MissKdyth Vinceiil is cpiite iu.li, posed at her Inune on Turllih and llilyurd streets. Mrs PlyiiiaU', a former roiihut of Kueue hut now of JlaU-y, U viain j l Trl II i 'I. I , I i t lie '!no el, , ' ! , 1 1 I iy a; ; 1 1 iiiinii ;, w ' ! !,.. diicctor nv :i tl, v,i!r uvrr I'minlv .lu.l,, 111 ll'- i' polll llt. li.'.i 1 l elei-s I clerk, lie belli.: the lie d. It, llll held yc'i-r I'ill'iit i:i ij"iity of n I. Potter. I 'raw Mas rc-tie- ol.lv cau.ll- MKKIIMI. All i 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 loll iiieei'tiit(? will lie held by the women and friends tonight at which tiiiic President Chapman, Dr 1'iir, U I and others will deliver ad-clii-.es in thi'ir la half. The time und pi. ice of tli" meeting is aiilioinnvd lu . u i 't In t ( i ii in ii. I lie i n 1 1 i c 1 1 :i t li ! I mceliii may be turned paiiially Intuit rati Ileal ion ora jolliilca' ion meeting I'tvause of the eli i tiun o the caudiilale who was liu clioiiv of the ladies. I'll!) l loll S Ml tll.NO. 1'lic board of direct ois held a meet mi; at I o clock this lllteriiiMUl, at which time it was e peeled I hey would hi-all the new director and rednlall the ill ll and accept his bond. M:i to "ImDlCie Holy Water" A IwX out Blow lor U GUARD Man Caolit Not ie Natnral aacbir a "Bridal Tour." I The e!e. 1 loll ft a hilt .. I,, m, ,.,, 1 1. .;.! uii-i'ltl.'d. i pr.'P'-ity 1 1 . . I . I . t -. have 1 1 1 1 1 1 vf of the p ist, is still lufof,, be Women, ho i ere Vott i In -rhoi'l In I I lu red. lore ill ti,l, c.ty, r ilin mailt' hv the ! tii im tots was Unit w.'ineii nnittcd lo vote in the as belli visteldav Iteit ,,!i ,1,., ju,..,., curried out ' iihru- a- niado by the board, ill-ot fie i,, nun's eioi-i. i !, ,1 hi!.' the el. . Ii. n uus in pioti -s that 1 it would cnte.tcd. i It is sal, I II election, but t lie Umi.I ., eo.lM l el,c; ,:, AT Mil: HOT M'UIXU. Tin' Kdilor f I he biiard Tells About I'lienl J. Mi'.. Waterllli,' PUres. .I..,, be ,.. the Kile At ii is Cai iiimm, Mexico, I'cb. I'll, !;. I'i: vu lit aki: This it it orltibraled waterlni; place mid has it population ol al . it ,1,110,1, ,,,! it, name Indicatei hot water, and is tleiived from the hot spunks Incited In the suburbs. The waters of Hi, s,. sjitins are used ill the public baths, time laruu housts belmt "' Ver, Unit the iiiuic ti.il locattd in the liiiiiieilini vleinliu .r i .. i . ' - ' - itie w. .men w in. mcic : the railroad station. Two of the three ri'iu-i .i i:,e prn il, K'e i.f voting weic in favor ,,f II v lii,.ert's election and f.i' t that Corainfrcll mil I'robale lallr. Oiioe in Chrisiimn Illnek. Ullllii'-s s Sieu- . tdROWH. B. D. PAINE. F. W. OS'.IURN. I'ftlldtnt. Vict Kraiitltail. Cashier. THIS km Loan and M BANK, Of:'ugene, - Oregon. -n'rnKs-U. A. I'uliie, J. It. Iliirris. J. K Utrlt, B. 1). I'Htiiu. IV. K. llruwii, J. K. Kdbliiaoa, K. W. Diljiirn. imopcijitsl. : : : $50,000. t (Seieral Banking Business Transacted. Ioettm allowed ou tlmo dcmiis. Collntlnn eiitrmteil to our euro will receive fisillttteiitiiiii. lane Ccuniy Bank. IKntabllsheil lu 11.) EUGENE, OREGON. they vote at all" raid one of tbe relul,v' '" ,"U Judges, "it will bp in a ballot box of Mraod Mrs Willouhl y, nf Col urc. their own" are vlsititii; In lv.ieno uilu their The women have announced all duuKtr Mis Stroud Lou alont; that they intended to vote and. After a serious illness of two inoiut.H Il is said, were encouraged In tit is by duration we are plca-ed to ! arn that J a Kooilly number of the masculine pop- K KUisoti Is improviue; in health uiaiioii. AiilidpatlUK trouble, besides Mrs Kruuk Spcrcr of Alhanv, is the regular police, three upeclal police- visiting her inolhtr, Mrs lieu Divis, at ineii were appointed and hherifl John- Henderson Nation for u lew days. mill U'Usi Tfit nitkif ttt tit unruiliit f hhin I . . ' I"-- Imv J A IjOiiLOultoin. w in u i n iepm.es aim ue present auu neip 10 ,,.. erv1V!( i Lebanon veslenlav. - ..I ....I.I .. J 1 .1 I ' ,..r.ve K',.ce uuiu auu uprising uc- wturled to Kujielie this afternoon nr. -pi, ..:... ui. r......i..,l it,., nil, I . un iiiinni' .v. .... ... .. P.y 2 o clock an eaer crowd llnoiiged llWnnM re,)or, ,,, t, ilur,i ,,f trtistc I ... .1 !... . . .11.. I .11 iioom uieeoK.iM room ui me uiy '" of tbeOrefim llt insane a-vluiii. in wiiico iiib eieciiou was to oe w III live. A Qeneral Banking business I" M branches transacted on favorable terms. A. O. HOVEY, President. J. M. ABRAMS, t'ashier. A. U. HOVEY', Jr., Asst. Cashr T U Hwnaicis, S. B.Kakin, r'rsiiidt.nt. CVh'i r " E. Snoimirass, Assistant CaliUr. 1 1 i tm . i , f IfaH Ml Ot Eugene. fld up tasb Capltfil $50,000 jrplus and Profits, 000 Eugene - - Oregon. wntral banking btmineu d. U6 no reniinu CHiT. 8iht rtrf n NKW YUKK, Uvn ,',?,'.SAX F'lUN'CLSt'O and I'DHT- UU of eighanu, oM on f..riik'n countries. P"iU rsi-eivul subject to cheok or oertiti ai u,l't lm.?,ll,,cti"M Dtratl tou will iw oivt held When Ihetioiis were thrown open a fow men entered and voted. Judue Fisk declined to serve on the eieciiou board and It It Henderson was appointed ill his place. The tlrst woman to approach the colls whs Mrs Anna Hosteln. Slit tendered her ballot and It w.,s refuted. She insisted upon voting and a section of I he I' S constitution was read to her. She was of foreign nationality and did not understand the meaning of what was beinir read to her. Her hal'iit was rejected and she was shown the way out hy the oflleers. After a number of men had voted, Mrs I, Uilyeti and Mrs J II McHuug were admitted and offered their bal lots. Their votes were refused and A President V H Chapman reluriid today from Dallas, where he Icctuitil before a teachers' institute atutilay evening. The Herman bakery on Willamette street has been closed. Whether the proprietor w ill n sume bu-ini -s in Ku gene Is uncertain. j Albany Democrat: U I Kineliarl i of She Id, left today for I .., (iiant county, where he will reside, and jro Into the Block raiinK business. West: The ChilUat arrived nl Florence yesterday hiincJiH machin- erv for O W Kurd's cieainery mid a new stock of nmnU for some of our merchants. Albany Democrat: A C Woodcck, the well known Kuifm- bachelor, was in the city yesterday noon. If Ira a w be it Is taiil Weif built by the city for the freo jise ol the poorer people. The entire party a majority of nil (In, woiu, n p u took of the baths ami snent th. .HV ...... .1.1 ii. . ... : - '-"IT"" ir i,iii.ert. me i.ut inti,0 city. The waters are heavily ii i iinnuaie n as men clietcl ; eliared w ith electricity, so it is said lleie the ladies of the pnrfy pur based t!n ceU'brated Mexican linen drawn woik, which is inanufaclured neic. iiunuteits oi .ticxiians were present w ith samples wanting to tell them ul many dillt-rei.t prices. They would !-k for a piece "live dollars how much you nive?" (always ex pressed in Spauish you know.) They would universally sill the aitlcle at from one-half to otic-lifth the original puce. 1 he liiaiiiilactiiri) of woolen gixxls is cugiiited in extensively here, and a smeller ives employment to iiullo a nuinhcr of Americans. it Is a line agricultural country, collec tiiul corn being the leading pro- duets. iiissani iiiioui li. u Americans are in business in thu city and surround -iui; uiii.vs. One, of lhc.e tell us that all w ho have money are getting large returns from it. Jlu informed us that il was impossible In purchase prorty in the city, as the holders were recelv- Ini; I a rye returns from it. I. L. t may cail-e thelil to illon th,, nuitler as to carry I he case into tin) courts and t would unseat their Icpresciitii ll iweVer, those who arc oppned t'i .Mr l.ilbeit may urge it Into the im .il.and in this way bi bucked by the women win. wish to insert their ritlits for future elect ions, lu Mr (iilbert's letter of acceptance I he announced that be whh in favor of judicious lediieiiii; of salaries and e.x- ; peiiscs n the city's scliools. This was I understood by his fiieni'sto mean n cliali',' ol iiiiuipaU aim pu.hally some chaiio's in the corps of teachcts. It is believe I by Mipportels of Mr. (iilhelt that he will take the same stand (hat Mr Frank, who was elected i"",'im .ois inhi'ii luminal ins elec tion w ill give the hoard power to biiim about the ehnies desind by the ntiti le id clement. Tim change cannot be made before the end of the present school year. Il In sal.-obien said that Mr d'ilbt rt j is In favor of placing the liihlc in the school, and 11 is ipinc certain that he was supported lit I he polls by those vho wish to iiitroilucii llieliible in Hie eily schools. In hi letter of ac ceptauce, houcvur, Mr (iilbert stated plainly thai he is opposed In the com pulsory reading of the llihlo in the school. I Ins, tliouh, would nut iu die ite that he is oppo-e,l to iiiakini; il optional. Should this in- his view it Is lint likely that he Would be sup ported by a majority of the bunnl, Mini thus (his change caunoi be biim-ht about al present. TFESDAY, MA ltd I 0. 1.' I .iti.rftait.tjl In luvltttlf tit lliA 14 M lllTiri HH.IVh.iii I . , . ii 1,1 U111,ni aaie, The Judges remained hnn.ov- --H- -; able on Iheir uecisiou agaiusi women. n,..ii,rli wvi'lieniHi.t was IiIltIi no attempt was made to n-tort to force KuseI"' i.. ii...: n .it-A mil in urrrii im m. I y. iiiiiiiKfa "win wu fc . - .... h- bU8y penwiw iters auu rri v iimu " " .., r ir - . . . ... . . .i. DOMll UIIH. .nei:iiii.liil 1t ut WHH IHU.HI1 Llf HID InJHm I .hi iw i i a" " ' lliey tin: vuii:. l'he vol" was as follow. (iilbeit, f.r director for director ID ; " .. ,, lhatceilalnly Mr W .odemk stands a uieir uci-wii.il 8.u.v i.. . . . . ciiaucc lion iiii ic"" " i rotter i.,..,..s of soother bachelor weddiii;; in i I (iilbert's lllliluiitv I 'in 1 ... I I I I... .1 r.. ..I ,. .i..ti. ... . .. . . and the election passed off very quiet- -- Tl" ,7 who i;;;s bv friends of women's suffrage. were conveyed to the polls lu large numbers early iu the day. They were admitted to the polls in groups of five hi n lime and each iu turn teudered her ballot to the Judges who as often as they came declined to accept and they were shown out by the officers. The friends of the women s cause are mid unenviable' Total Vole east gives notice 'Mi me votes were thrown out. that small boys caught on llie slieetsi Women were iillou i .1 to voto lust at lllght will be arrested unless they ! year and the total vote was hT'l, of carry written permits from their par i u Inch Mr Frank ieei ivnl ."i i.t, a mu enti, aud that parties owningchicKeiis jonty of i:td over his opponent. must keen them up or they will be i wii.i, in: 1 1 ,m i.n. prosecuted; the latter imtihYs the pub-j Th ril,ltH )lf ,,. , v,)to lie that ashes or otlnr rul.bi-h will not I ,.h,Hi election w ill be bvally tested, be allowed iu the streets or allies. Unybi and early this innniliiL' the J L. PAGE, DEALER IN ERIES (pROC 'lQ8 Larire and Complete stock of "Ple and Fancy Groceries bought in the best markets, EXCLUSIVELY FOS CASH, 1 n ofler ?he public better prices llan any othefhoue In Eugene. teoruiiuis!tf:Dat im prjCEJ( u i LKO AMI'fTATKH.-Kx Senator J N determined to assert their rights at jjolpb Is in a dying condition I hi" claimed by them and It Is said a test boms In Portland. For a number of case will be made of today's election, years Mr Dnlpb has sull' ied frmu thev have already stated that they will diabetes, a lute manifestation of the carry tho matter luto the courts for disease being soreness and swelling ol decision. the feet. A few days ago an ingrow fhe ntimesol all those who attempt. hng toe nail was cut, mid gangreene ed to vole were taken and the e'ection intervened. His foot and leg swelled will be contested In the circuit court to au alarming extent, ami u counsel m It is unt likely that it will be brought physicians decided on amputation u." i at the term ef court uow lu session, being the only chance n pnuong me. An ntteniDt was made to have the The operation was pertormeu yesi. r- Judges and clerks of election arrested day afternoon at four o'clock, the l.g this afternoon on the charge or mai- being cut on anoui i"r .... ,.es feasance In olllce but District Attorney the knee. Mr Dolph stood the i.p.-ra- Yates gave It as his opinion that they tlon well and ii"- are euteniuneu , not. Pommlttlni: a crime iDU thai that he win rec.ei, m c" : ... .... .....J I . . . ... .....a ill, ...rtiilltef biro the matter would nave to ue reierrru enauces ie v to the civil courts. . ,,AK J ,uk.-A former Lane C iUUty bey lias llli' loin, inn nun "1st BiRTiiDAV.-Frank VVilkinsycs- cuiplimeut paid him by Un- J.aker terdav reached the 21st mile stone in city Republican: "Th-re i- litt.e to the journey of life. Iu honor or me wondereu at tnai ju.ig.; i..h.n n.n nsio,. n aftertxHin party was given flir aheail or ins iick-i ... .ms ....... i,,.nf his narentt, Mr and when vie mg iii n,uiio,i in o.-l SI IUC "V " r ... Mrs KM Wilkin, Eighth ami Li.ar- work of iiiscoun. I.unch was servea ai even ng sessions are un ptiuii' movers in the woman' cau-c wtiu out hunting up attorneys for coli-i.llali'ill. They weld not. ill thu Ica-t daunted by the ini.Muii! of show and tain which I'el m r was their ardor ilaiiipeiicd iu toe b a-t by it. They regard the action of the Judges who refused to allow thein to vote yc.-f. rday as an in-ult In their woman hood. When a-lod if they would i'ollte-t the election they all IIDtl III'. (I that they eie not out for that ur pi It they Men' goil.ej to find oil win llier i, i not a tin mall can vole in a school cli ctioii .iii'lthat they had re tained AttoN.M- I. Uilyeti, A (.' Wniii cod;. J M Williams ami A K Wheeler for thai puipi-e. I'ntlla ileieiiee -f the alturtieys is had the mode of proceduri! will re main uinle I'leil, It Is prolnible. r. n I . . ... . , . Pallj Guam, March . C-iUDty "", 1 ""'- """ t tiongli, t liai i it mi criiiiinui proe.iilj .ties or a -nit tor damages w ill be I brought agaiii-l the judges w ho served j yi-'i,ay. Iln V are held responsible,! 1 1.-1 all 1 1 lo'.li day aii'l order ol ei.cb raleiular well .A .1 ,.li.... .iwlii. I.UIIcn was srr.ru "o'clock and about a down of ins day thus Keeping me young friends were preseut to parllcl- cleared ca Date in it. D.i;y -rl. ! ca CirOV STORMY. I UC wr.uoe. nas..... .a Ii 'In- . ., i i,i-u. C'oLtage A.NUinr-" - i .lormv s.liee M-t.-M-.y CM II- firnVH II 10 it.v - -i itirw I .ie ..-in in-.'., i.i e to." - . o to about 4c, and mixed uo an I r.nii the r.-.wler: "rdttage noiher newspaper. Ti.e plant of S.ayh.n Times, which recently us ,K..,de,ll'ythedethoflti editor, iu shipp-d to this Horace Mann, of Stayton, will be IU eiliter.and intends to get the tint i- i ' i- cl ii ii, ed 1 1 ci I I he board of din I ,. - I, i'i lei lljl.l to Hist rue IV, ii (n.-e vot. nl women an, I u.en having i,"' i omn.ilt.-d the act t - !m e u let I.,, held t.i answer. 1 !,.- -r.ii d jury is i ow in sis-ion, b it it i- let lilo-ly that uny eltort will be made lo secure ii criminal ca-e tl.ioiih the pie-ent grand Jury us (lo - vt ho an- pushing the. matter lo a II II I.aiii r is up from Portland. II I II Met 'lung went to Salem (oda '. J 1. Page is thu retiring school di rector. Postmaster Henderson Is sick at h home at Eighth ami Pearl street. Fifteen new cu mbers were received by the "Artisans" lit thill last meeting, Tho venial iiuluox occurs March 111 This must be tho equinoctial storm. I-aac I.aiimer returned to Cottage drove this afternoon after a short visit iu Ibis city. F I, Chambers had one of his thumbs badly mashed w hile bow ling In Hunt's alley last (light. John (ieorgo and daughter, Miss Rlietta of I, inn county, are visiting relatives iu this city. Cicswcll Is to have a new school house. Arrangements aie now being made for thu building. Mr and Mrs Jus Willoughby of liar risburg, w ho have, been vlsltiug rela lives in this city, returned home this lliollllllg. K McMurphcy went lo Portland on the overland this morning on bust nes connected with the Eugene Real E-tatc. and Investment Co. Mr and Mis M It Cockerllne, of Tur ner, urrived here today audi will visit a few days with Ihulrson, Alex Cock erlini' and family, after which they w ill go to (.rants l'a.i to visit friends. The I'llneville city marshal Is a busy I, inn these days as the following from the Review iilte-ts: 1 he marshal was HUlhori.ed to sell a pistol put up by Tom Paine, lor a fine and not redeem ed. He w as also authorized to tlx up a dog pound. a (ioldsiuith Is still quite low. Two I'ny-iciaiis are attending him con stantly and have but very li t to hope of his tecovery. He is suffering from erysipelas ami also a large carbuncle j ou his in rk. He is also quite feeble, j being Tii years of age. ( orviillis (ia'.ctte: A "j.lgln a jsuk" Is a hat I i.in.nai lo manage. Lawyer II I'I Wilson bought several notes of i the ilefiinel Hamilton A Job bauk i that Assignee liryson deemed uucol-I'-ctahlc. ( lim of these i utes wu signed by Lawyer M I. Pis-s and Wilson bts 1 sued Pipes therefore. X'phlu Job, In giving evidence U'fore Referee Walter, A Hull. light rosier. We take a number of items of Inter est from the City of Mexico Two Re publics, newspaper, of Feb. 111. It ap pears that others than the til'Altl. representative took occasion to cele brate a press and bridal excursion nt the same time, Tho Two Republics says: "I'MyLK IMHTKH." "The) following poster was got out yesterday and by the management of the llucareli bull-ring in English (?) as compliment io t'e visiting editors. nc i ww iirioiifs win say lor me Information of the excursionists that tho bull-tight Sunday will he Is-ll.r than the English of this bill:" lU'CARELI PLEACE OF DOWELS Ureatest bull-baiting for the aflermsui I of the Sunday 2S of rebruary 18H7th at 3 o'clok presily .11 SIMMONS .'.TV . I i. VJ." " t 'tV V t,-iv.,v , THE BEST spring mnoiciNE h simmo; i.ivl"! P: Ut.-l bill!.' it. i lie-1 j (Jutin ; tli Vi.iti r, y , t an J til.' sv-! 1 i l;,. inc Jv.iiiili'.l.it.'j v, i !,', M.tl.ui.i, I ever ;ri I A't tism. V i . 1'it 1 1 . .i now, n:t ; y v,.n I LATOR -don't rg-.tssluggsti hi-.' all nature. i lickej up by v. .'il.li brings on ii." ;inJ Kheuma -' c; v-Mir Liver tiki; blMMONS i.im.k '.. .'..I i,)i t r Jo it. It alsn regul.iti's tli.' Liver :..v's it pr-iperlyat work, whet yo. r '. -:. i.i w ill t-e free from poison -imJ th- v. !i .1 1 )v invigorated. iouK.ti';:i; isj::-, r HLooiiw-hm your svst-.'i'i n i , a I njiti.m, and that will cnlv he vv.'i - i t'i l ivr is kept active. Try a Liv r "v en,,, .mj note the (Jith ruu c l!it i'... milv SIM.MONS LlVi 1 UV' I Alt ii - it bIM.WONS l ivii: h'l-ii; i.Ainn v ;.ui, lliak1 tne dllliTi'li. .'. i .iRc i! i.i pu , ,k r r l, ,uj j alro.uly pr.'p.:rej. . r ir.ih,- K ,f the powder: I'l't t.ikcM AHi ). -1 'i KUOU LArok". You'll find t!io KLL) . en everv P-vk igc. Look t,.r it. J. II. Ztilln X Co., I'latail.-lplitu, Pfc 6 There wen tieaderlng 1UJLI.H FOR TO KILL and oue Spaniard 6 of which was piked and put lo beon. uerillyah three very good killers. Very dow u prices - Uveu the programs The enterprise. KKITSKS TO PAY. lilarlou County aud the State Probably Have a Law Suit. Hill Marlon county has refused to pay into the btatu treusury the amount claimed as taxes by the state. Th dillercuce In the accounts of the state and those of thu county are about $384o.7!l. Following Is a copy of a letter drawn upon order of the court of Marlon county by (leorge It Ringham, and forwarded to State Treasurer MoU chau. "I am Instructed by the county court of Marion county to say to you lo a coin- auswer to your letter of Feb. L7, 1897, was the that Marlon county is not ln.l..M.l in tho state of Oregon In the sum of S30 The till fallm almo-t nice ir.tty . hills ah .ut the city ate c .vend ...rl Indus of -ii'iiv and doubtlsW quite deep f irth-r up iu the mountaioa- l: is i,.,it,.t like the make up nf t..--iill.-d llmt the note bad beeu paid, o ly I f a en il a 'tioii is brought althu:ii;h not so n.arked on the bocks. t be tried in the ci'- lb; tli. ugl.t Pipes, after paying the e note ha I I. ft it lying on the counter to and II h el been pill back in the bill the supreme court. book. lega. tl, it ' the e ei,,t I cole, I If;: Will til i : and 1 1 1 . 1 1 . v T w ay it is ,11 tnk.bly U' appealtd "The excursionists have come and we are theirs." "The reception committee showed up 00 strong at the depot, but when tho train rolled In it appeared that 'we were very few.' " '"Do you speak English?' said one or the fair excursionists to mltteeman. 'Why, little reply." "Tha editors will And their mall at or any part thereof, or any amount on the office of The Two Republics at any account of current exaeuse tax ISM. or hour of the day or night. Make the In the sum of f 5 ltl.02 or any sum what office your headquarters," ever on account of Interest state tax "The party will have au excellent for ,8!)5 allJ llmt Marion county will View or Lake Toxcooo aud the vol- P'8 11,9 tatu or Oregon (.11,070.05 on canoes when they visit the auclent aC0,)Unt cur'put tax or lN'JO which church of Guadalupe today. They "iouut will bo paid as soou as tho will also have au opportunity to Im- wx collected. our charge or (34,- bibe In holy water." 1 342.23 for lsixi tax is erroneous. Tba "Quitealarge party oftheexcuraIon- C(rrecta,lloulltiH oove given (31,. Ms attended the regular Thursday 978 05 " night band concert last night at the The ahove Is specifically drawn up Jardln, and expressed theiuelves de- Mn answer aud will precipitate lltl- lighted with Mexican tnuslo and the 8fttl11 wltu tlle Btul-'' Mexican way or making It " "It waa not the original Intention of me promoteia of the Trees Excursion From the Newburg (iranhlo wa take to convert It luto a Ukidai, Touii, hut the avotago standing of the coutestauta man propose and nothing can stop an as decided by the three Judge, whose editor or editress as the case may be." uarne uro not given, lu the recent With Mexican njuolc, holy water, state oratorical contest: aud a bull fight our editors must have Fred Fisk, University of Oregon, 02. Their Standing. enjoyed themselves lmmeosely. IRVINU Jl'STICE tOUKT. A Lively Time In Justice TattV Court. One Man Fined. Another Un der ArreiU. The generally quiet and peace-loving P. E. Bauer, Pacific Uulverslty, 02L E. J. Htuwart, Albany Collego, 01 Badie L. liond, Pacillo College, 87 6-12. H. P. Early, Willamette University, 85J. J.S. Wallace, MeMlnuviUo College. M 2.1-72. Blanche (leorge, Monmouth Normal community or Irving Is excited at the 80 1JU' present time over criminal trial oM C. P. Kalght, Portland University, young men disturbing the peace on HI 1U- the eiahbath day, I Dally liuard, March s. Lsst Buuday evening llert Whit- Christian Ahhociation Mekti.no. more, ayoung tnau about 20 years of The two Chrlsllau Association of go, rtlntoa row with two young the Uulverslty or Oregou held a lolnt lusnou the oultlde or, but uear the meeting at the Congregational church church lu which services were being yesterday afternoon. Mr H It Kanna, conducted by the United Brethren do- president of tho Y M C A., conducted noinluatlon, aud used profane and the meeting, the subiect for cousldera. abusive language. Hon being "Personal Work." A fair A warrant was Issued for the arrest number was lu nlteiidance and much ofWhltmore and he wa arrested by interest was manifested. The next Constable J E Martin or Irving pre- meeting of the series will be held in clnct,anda trial had before JusUce iVV.." w ay W Jt Yate this morulug. Whltmore plead guilty and wa lined (10 aud uouiinci isairaiuisir, cost or ft day' linprltotimetit lu the At'HTiw, Tex., March 5, Tho house county Jail. He said It would take a has tabled by a rising vote a resolution mouth' bard work to earn that Instructing the speaker to wire Presl- amount, and concluded to accept the deut McKinley congratulating him on Imprisonment rather than pay. Con- his Inauguration i.nd assuring him of slable Martin brought Whltmore to Texas' "heart v ex oneration In the Eugeue today and turned him over to maintenance and enforcement of th tender mercies of Sheriff Johnson. American right in foreign countries. John Courtwright wa also arrested regardless of party Hues." for a similar otreuse, and hi trial will take place Yates. Saturday before Justice Diku. At her homo uear Junction City March 8, lB'JT, of consumption, Mrs Ingeraliul Feu.ie, aged 37 year, 8 mouths and 20 days. The fuueral will be held Wednesday and the re- Itev Oroll officiating. Dally Cluard. March A Good Lay For It. This Is a good dav lor moving. Desnlte the n""'" ren 'a UP" cemetery, snow and rain, J H Stiles aud family movea into me .Miner nouse ou i Daily iiuar.1, U.r.tnl, Eleventh etreet, which they have Sh.vkk VVkddi.no. The neighbor purchased. Percy Long, who resided and friends of John Pollock, who re in the Miller house, moved Into the tides about two miles west of town on VVauershauer property ou Oak between the Blair road, will give him and his Thirtieth and Fourteenth streets, wf0 tt surprise party this evening, the which lie haa purchased; and A Brown .liver anniversary of their wedding who resided in the VVauershauer house ,ittT j - has moved into the residence ou Fifth and Charnelton streets vacated by Mr Utiles. The Lamberty bakery, which I... I ...... ...... ....... 1 I., II. .V'.. UM lTC U ljU.lir.cU U IIIU VU.CU.HU building ou Willamette street too ay moved In a house on west Seventh street Pall; Uii.nl, March 1. No HuoKtM. City cuuucll met last night aud adjourned until tonight, a there was not a quorum preseut. Bokn. To the w Ife of Ag-h Itlce la this city, March S, 1S07, a sou. UtiiA nut next week. W