EUGENE CITY GUARD. tLL, Praprtatar. IUOENE CITT. A New York lawyer linn Im-cii over come by gnn. lit wasn't saying u word at tin time, cither. A New Oilcan contemporary any Hint "Chicago doesn't pack anything worth while except pork." Aren't pri maries wo rili while? A young ninl nretty girl In M in nc-i po ll ha been "holding lip" the ly late ly. The new woman evince a illp klllon to reverse thingn every w here. A N'evty Yolk KcciilUt say tip hi made ii ri m.ilysln of love. Some day a dear girl with no scientific training whatever will make a i:i m ly h:h of hut theory. The Kansas City Jouninl In quite right In spirit when It say Hint "Mis France Wllhird could Illy be spared," hut that word "Illy" would i-nnily be cpnri'il without n regret. Thieve threw a liook nnd line tliroiiuli nn open window of a house nt Monterey, Mexico, ninl stole tin- bed clothe nn li-r which the owner of the. house mux sleeping. An Abilene (Kim.) clergyman In prciiohlng n series, of sermon on the general subject, "Making It Hot tr the lli'vll." Thin would Nltiko the un prejudiced layman un unnecessary trou Mi. uibh c mi in I mm liluoflchln. Nlfitr-l-Kim, stit thai the iiettiycleiied in.ivor of thnt pliiri' "In n lawyer and Id full name In Marks." Tin- w horeiihonts of tin' rot or Hip "I'mie Toiii'm Ciihiu" ti iipc nr" not given, however. A Michigan young nnin'H mind I n lilnlik because of cigarette smoking, nml tin- rrport calls It n "strange ef f tet " There I nothing strange nliont It except Hip Imbecility of parent who permitted Hip nlroeloii self sncrilicc. According to Ihlltor Miinlork there are hut four women In K.ldormlo, Kim., who liiiow how to rook n pot of beau III an artistic iniinner, nml from this fin-t he pro.eecU to point a nionil nml rnlorn a tnle hy declaring Unit no girl In lit to iniirry until she musters Una ac Voiupllslllllcnt. Some hlea or the liimfiiltinle of the gnat Siberian railway, now In course or roiiKtrui'tloli by the Russian govern inent, limy he gathered from the filet t tut t hy chiiliglng the mule a thousand mile were saved. It la expected Hint through trnliiM w ill he run over the rii. within two yen in. A Massachusetts mini Iiiih dlm-overed Hint hy using KUUHhlne during the day and electricity during the night he inn mUe oeveiiil eropH of oiiloliM In one hi'ii aoli. At the a.-inie tline It limy he up proprliitrly reiunrkeil Hint there hn liei n no crying di'iniind for aevernl eropn of oiiloim In one aensoii. Mnny ieople eould et nloliK Willi neverill wu olm II nd one crop of oiiIoiih. 8i'vernl i:u?ton hoyn hroke up n ho BUH "Hpli'ltuul ninli'iliillntioii Ki'linee" reei'lilly mill expnHeil Hie friiud, ciiplur Ini; nil the "xpook" piiriipheriinliu. The huyii who eXpoNed thin Huludh', how ever, hne heell lined foil apiece In po lice court for "illHturhliiK n rcll;loiH llU'.t I Ii IT." I'oNtoll llillhl ih'llKht In he lutt liunihiiirueil. The clll.i'im of Tupckll, hnvlliK tried the Kuelpp cure for rliciiniiillxiii with Indirfeiviit Kiiccesi, are now try Inn n courHi of filed milt pork, which In mild to he much more cIIIciicIouh nml plcim anter to take. Some or Hie youiik' Indlcn of Hint city Hud hollcd hncon nml call hnue n plcnmiiit it 1 1 ii 1 1 it fnun the rck' uhir courNe or trciitnieiit, with Jiini iih Kood ivkiiIi. It li.'in heell dlHi'overed Hint the llinr hie plllnrn which iiiluru the rear or Hie speaker dck III the ANneiuhly llallo' the New Jersey Stale limine lire made of white pine nml covered with plan ter. The himcN are mnrhle. There nnt nil of thcxe column, from twelve to rmirteen liichcn In illnmeter nml ten feet liltili- They were mipponed to he of white mnrhle, mid the discovery hnn made (ulle n xciikiiiIoii. The Ameiicnu pcnniit, the "cooher pen" ir the Smith, lu the lumirlilnn or whl. Ii the iir.ntocrat and the plchchin alike III d, In rlnlni; Into comiucr cln I linpoi nun e mole and more every ymr. 1 1 m ell In highly vnlucd In Ku n pe nml fully J.'.ikmi.i'ihi woiih of the Ii ii I m me Mill o .Mai'M'lllcn, rrnuce, fur the ni.'iinuncture of the oil, which In iiNcd lor toilet hoii ' and for oilier pur poM . I'cniiul Hour In nlno extensively lined III Ciuope for the liinkllnf of bltild, caUi N, etc. A New Jersey row, recently killed In that State, wnn puNscssed of an appe tite thnt would put to nhniue the hcM crtoi'tM of the henlthlcnt 01.11 1. Ii or cut aownty Hint ever lived. Ninety live plecea of hnrdwarp were found lu her atmnni'li upon which hf hnd freUcut )y ruminated while clielii( the cud of aweel nml hitter fancy. TIicnc nrtlcliM Included eighty nulls, a lot of Heron n. vmioun lctiiilha of wire, three lnrt;e tmicn. nn Iron Npll.e three luchen loni;. a padlock with key to fit, a he rtiij;. and a ille. ltiiNhlaim ate roud or ichitlnc Hie to IowIiii: nuecdote ahout the t'xar when III M.i I' My pinpoNi-d to hln future wife: lien the joiine Crnrnwlti imp lied the ijiii'Mlou he mild: "I'he I " in ( r or, my father, hn commanded me to nick you the offer of my hand and heart." To which Princes Alu of llie rvnponded: "And my Kwndmoth rr, (jticcn Ylctorln, tin rommauded me to aeei'pt the offer of your hand; your heart I will tnke mynelf." And Hi ' the royal troth wn pIlKhtctl. Till" IVtiivsylvanla Hnllroad Omnpnny tin recently adnplel a new del)iti of wsipt acoop. kuown a a tmUueel aiiMp, hy winch It I poiwlhle to taki ou water w hile the tra.n la ruuulni; at the rata of ilxty or lereuiy mile an liyur. blUi 1.' all ucr pnaaeuer ....ORKQON locomotive and fnnt frelifht HlffltiM hnve heell denliflied to Uulinl water Kcriop, hut ivilh the old form of acoop It wan iieeN.iry to slow ilown while t.ikinu' wnter, uhllc with the Improved ili ni'ii no time In thnx lost and more wnier In taken -r himilred feet or tnmli At ni-veiity mile nn hour it h now pii-ilhle to till a H.illoil tell ih r In nine iiecoudn. WHY IT DiDN'T WORK. T C PCIIUT. SUi'J'OSIi WE SMILE. 'I he lute ('apt. Jiiine O'Knne, who rc'intly died nt hi hoinu Heir St Iillin, had h en III the lilt mi I of tin- I iilicd Siaii-x for forty yinr. He eiitcrid the navy iih a llililNhlpfiiail from Missouri In ls.V!, nml wu on the. veHNi-l wl.hh drought over th first .Iiipmieni! Minister tj till routitry. Whin the vl war hroke out all of the i. II. i l is of hi vessel deserted and entered the I olifeilerale navy except hlii'M '. lie remained stenilfnst. how-I'M-r, mid wnn placed In lommiilul or I lie rrlL'iile llrooklyu. He w an wound ed while running Hie rorl In-low New Oi'lcmm, a ml wnn placed on Hie retired list only a few week hefoic hln death. There are some entertnliilni? plcturen of l.fe lu '.i-lnii'toii aeveiity ywim aii In Siraifurd t'aniilnu'n diary ami let tern. "My predecessur," he write, "had Krenlly the ndvuntnge over in.; lu hln collection of K"od atorlim. I re cord one of them to serve nn a pattern of the rest, lie wan Hlr ('harlcn ItiiKot, n man of wry attractive miiiiuern. Intel ligent, witty nod kind. An Americnii minister nml hln wife illnlui; with hi in one day, he heard l-inly ItiiKot, who w an at snine distance, any rnther iUm k ly: "My dear Mm. 8 , what can you he ilulliK'' The salmi howl had heen offered to Mm. S , ami her arm wnn lust III It up to the elliow. Her reply wan prompt: '(inly rolllckliitf for an onion, my lady.' " A new electric locomotive of lnr'P d'.iiiensliilis, calculated to draw trains of dolllih' the weight of those attached to ordiary cnlin-s at a rate of sixty two iiiiIcm an hour, has heeu tried with ailccenn on the Western Itallrond of I'lame line. The first experiment, or tills kiln! were made III ls'.i:i hetweeli Havre mill Itcu.cvillc with nn electric locomotive, which hehaved well throughout the trial trip. ( )w lug to the success or thin maiiilite the eoinpaiiy'n I'liglneenn coiistrili'ted two larger loco motlvcH, nml It I one or these which ha just hen tented. It I tlf ty-scveii reel long and or L.'l.V horse power, lu spile or their size they wear out the mils less than ordinary locomotives, an the weight In ilinlrlbuted on eight axle Insteiid or rmir or live. They are aurer limn the other owing to their elastic character, which enahlen them to make curve with security nt full speed, i i rent thing are, In fact, expected rrom these eoiitiivancen, which, when per reeled, will do I HI to 11. 'i mile an hour. Among the old young men or till dec ade io n. CiissIun M. Clay, of Kentucky, Is conspicuous. Though he piiNcd hi eighty sixth hlrlhday Inst Octohcr, he still hn more vigor ami go Hum many Hie u ipiarter of n century younger than he. (icii. Clay Iiiih always heeu n lighter, lie was nn ahollilloulst In Kentucky nn far hin k n ; is:, J, mid no one could Itiiliiiidate or Induce him to slop his fnt' and violent dciiiiniintlon of nn Institution which he considered totally wrong. He printed n paper Hie picscH of which had to he guarded hy armed men against an olfcmlcd and iiugry moll, lu 1MI1 he went a United Mules Minister to Itiissln, mid he lijn I n generally credited, ami ijultc right ly, tisi, with having done great sect Ice In Itillueniing l(us.sln to stand hctween the I 111 t cil States and the threatened alliance of the Kuropciin power to rec ognize the Confederacy, lien. Clay, so ns to show hln contempt for the limita tions of age, took to himself, within the last few years, a young girl as hi wife, lie lives where he was Is. in, In Madison County, Ky and wn most act ive lu the recent political campaign. The changes wrought lu the Tutted State within the last century are graphically dcNciihed hy John ltncli McMastcr lu the Atlantic Monthly for .latiumy. He says that a cltUeu who wore a hadge or mourning In memory of Washington lived nt a time wheii our country now here touched (he tiulf of Mexico nud nowhere crosned the Mississippi Klvcr, nud when there, were hut lift ecu State In the I'uloii, none of (hem hating a population or ti million souls, or n city ir rm.oiai In hahltaulN. The watchman with hln rattle nud lantern still went his rounds nt night, i:ery cltlaeti wn required to serve on the watch nud to keep lu his house near the front door n number of leathern buckets, with which lift must hurry to any lire to which he might he summoned by the sound of the market or court house hell. Only two title In the country nt that time had waterworks. There wetv tio oui nlhuscH or horse cam. Therv were only seventeen dally uewpiicr. There were no typewriter, no envelope, no postnge stumps, no letter Ihxo, uo tel ephone, no electric light, tu blotting paper lu those day, and It cost a tjunr ter to scud a letter rivm Hoatou to Washington. The plague now raging lu aoin por tion of India I thought hy many phyi hiaii to he Identical with the "black ilcnih" which devastated Kurope and Asia In Kit?, mid at subsequent peri ods. Ancient writer give graphic de scription of the frightful virulence of thin linn go malady, It course lu Italy being lldly dcscrlU'd hy IUkvbccIo ami Petnirvh. In Venice more than lov.iXH.1 people died of the til sen sc. nml III 0)pmn nearly the whole mpu!atlou wn ihwtivyed. while In tienoa nix sev enth of the Inhabitant mvumted to It fearful rat ages. At Sienna the erec tion of the cathedral wa stopped hy Hie plague, and It ha never siuce Ixvn resumed. Kimiii Italy the acvurge made lis way into rrance. Kuglaud, (iermany, and Spain, and l salt! to hnve hecu tarried Into Scandinavia hy a ah!p which left London In the uuimer of i;il!. The whole of the crew died of the plague, and the vessel, after drift ing alH.ut on the ts viiu for a long time, wa cast ashore with It grew some bur den at liergcn, and the Infection avn apread all over Norway ami Sweden. In Mot, scarcely a portlou or the known world escaped the diw-jse, even entire colonic lip In HrtvlihWd Is'ili' uhllt erutftl, and whole In If of Ksquliuaux, wer deatrtiyeX An Aothorltr on Old-llm Fl(h(, bat f'ullrd In New .-tbol. "So you've had a fight, have you?" a Id the old man. The tsiy wa so hudly out or brentb that It wu a minute or two before he could get wind enough to aay, "Yep.' mid somehow the old limn didn't scijd to regard the hreiithlessiies a a par ticularly aiispliiou omen. "I)ld you ek him?" he nsked. "Nit," replied the hoy, with that bril liancy of repartee that I peculiar t Isiyn. "I guess you didn't follow your jssir old father advice," said the old man. "I suppose you thought you knew more alsiiit It t hn n he ever had a chalice to learil mid went lit the other fellow with aouiH new-fangled npperciii or awing 'or something of that sort mid let hnn got In under your guard w lille you were figuring out the cieiniOe point of some 1 new Mow. Si leiice 1 nil right, ! sup pose, III n fight hy rounds, where theie have heen all the lismil prellmllia lie. i hut I've ni-oii the time wlnii a Mi' iitllic 'lighter would get the tar licked out of him while he wnn getting hi science ready for use. Now, w hen I wnsa Imy Slid I saw there was a tight coming ou I 1 alined to get In the Hrsi Mow." 'Thut'a my way," mild the loy. I "It In. cli 7" returned the old man. "Well, I don't see how a lny call get licked If he goe III on that system, un-li-sn he' too easy with the first blow. I tell you when I wnn n loy." nml the old man began to get excited, "my aim ! wu lo swipe Ii I in first mid swipe hllil hard. I'd Just laud him one over the eye or under the chin mid It would he nil over. You see, when you paste a ' fellow In the enryoii want to paste lilui i a hot one, mid then " I "And then suppose he land on a i htlck plle7" Interrupted the hoy. "W-w hnt7" asked the old mini, rnther startled. "Siipiose lie laud on n brick pile when you hit him and get up with a half a luick In each hand, what' the ;iiext move In the system that never falhKl when you were a boy 7" j "My Imy," said the old iniin, severely, after a minute of thoughtful, culm con tlderutlon of the subject, "fighting I a had business nt best, mid I am Mir- , prised that you should cxpi-ct your father to give you nilvlee that would he sure to lend you Into trouble nml very likely would tend toward the cultiva tion of a boisterous, ipiarrelsome dispo sition. Now run out mid play and don't bother me nny more."-Chicago I'ost. .Mcnsiirloii a 'l eer. The hoy In the following story, bor rowed from Itrlght Jewels. ! described ns never saying anything rem.ii kabk nn eating oatmeal lu large ini. unities, , chasing the cat, slamming tie1 door, II lift otherwise conducting himself ifier the manner or boysr, with tue ex. 'option that lie askn few iim-stloiM and doen much thinking. If he docs not under stand a thing, he whistles, w hi, li Is not n had habit - on some occn-dnlis. There was much whistling in our y n 1.1 one summer. It neeiue.l lo lie nil iill-cummer pcrfurniniice. Near iie end of the season, however, our boy an nounced the height or our tall maple to be thirty-three feet. "Why, how do you know 7" wan the general question. "Measured It." "I low 7" 'Toot rule nud yardstick." ' "You didn't climb that tall tri e?" hln mot her asked, nnvlously. ".Win; I Just found the length of the shadow, and measured that." "Hut the length of the J.iadow changes." "Yea'ui, lint lit Ice n day the shadow lire Just ii n long ns things themselves. I've been trying It all sumuici. I drove n stick Into the grouni, ami win n the shadow wan Just an long an .lie sth k I knew that the shadow of the lie.' would he Just as long as the lite, and lhat'n thirty -three feet," "So that i.n what you have lcv:i ling nboiit nil Minimer?" "Hid 1 w lilstlc'.'" usked Tom. Tim Spanish, Males. The Hurciiii of American licpubllca nt Washington entitled to no little credit for Its Industry and ent.i.rNo In collect lug mid publishing statlMhiil handbooks of all the Spanish .American State. There Is destined to be a much doner connection between nil these countries and our own In the near' fu ture, mid the handbooks published by the hurciiii have proved their worth hy the demand for tlieui among mer chant, lii.iors ami travelers desirous of establishing closer rela tion with the Spanish American Slate. The publication now cover the entire list of Central and South At iciienn commies, and It In believed their Information is ns recent nml ac curate n could be expect, d. 11 Ougtit to Work. Iloih Wuv. A minister once submitted an ac count for tithe to a blacksmith, whose exclamation. "Hut I didn't go to your church." wn met hy the rejoinder. "No, hut the door of my church Is ul wnys open!" Next day the blacksmith mihuii'tcd nn account for shoeing to the minister. "Ititt my homo me not shod at your smithy'." exclaluictl ih,. mnistcr, with some heat. "No," wan the quiet reply, "but tha door of Hit smithy I ulw.ivs opcu." llostou Hu.lgct. 1 ealticr or the Ostrich. Ostrich plume owe most of their beauty to the skill of the dyer. 'I here lire some varieties of the bin! which produce plume .almost a pure white, othci hate closely nppn l milling a Mack, but the plum, are oftciicst of a gray th color, it. t very decided III hue. The dyeing (,f on tiich feathers In a very exlei :e hush lies, requiring gtvnt tact and skill, for the material I so delicate that the least mistake In manipulation imij ru'.a the t nine of the plume. I'rly lists. Hit Is are said to have been o,rt s.vii !ut the tear which time they became of use for country wear, rol.tig etc. K. I'aulel relate that when Cleirh 11. made hi public cniry 1m,, l.'oucii. In Mm, he had on a h:i n.-, with ri velvet an. suruicuuicd vti:h a plume of tuft of fe.v.hcr. q If a woiunu 1 rcsilly anl,n: te Ic.irn, he vwlhly b arn f.isicr to to th talk of a Joulou utuu. .in i- ' i- .-r u t 1 i l,int lit" Fom - I nt' r-si (rest live-eel:,. .t e;ll!, alld .-.iri-l'!- liliyon,. ki.oits ani n-: I -s al.'.nt t.f.u- Tin- M IIMI! el , I. I lie ' ti.'' 1 ' ' pn -II futile of i:.- Hi- Tin- yearly production of -j Tii-- in th' ' ' '''y lllioilt t.iis i'i ii hi; : "f '.".' I I .'1 each, the hop: of t! or In h - i d lee. I In V.r.-io.a f,.:.r. a. i "I; HUMOROUS PARAGRAPHS FROM ThE COMIC PAPERS. rie.oat Incident. Occorrlna the WorldOttr-fr.Tlnaa.tArelhcer. ul lo OU or Vouini-0"0 l'elcc' lioo. (bal-.rbodj Will l-ojoy. mid North bl!il!s ci.f:-'1!' lb. ii of th" 1 the e. oi tiit ! Ii Ti to Kurope III -' .;ill.l Ini.liOO pi.i:ni. to Marx'lll. . t.. b - i 'I'he larg'-t a cri p Is kohl hy liiaiilitle ai ' i:-I line olate iii.-in I. aet i h.i.i. 'I ... but .'i Te, I ;n A .ini" l.tll' i;.a.i .f ll III 1 1,1 . Jl .'I vvoi'l 1. as : i. all I 1 1 J - - - - l;:e I I lO'.-ll l.v of vv hl.-h w til ;mo ii l. ,t i,f i he Aiiierb an .t-l te,.-S. but by enllfei t otle. s. ers and olhnakiT-. oil I f pibrloMtii.g and g ... ,nl ititt.' for and butter. I in.i I; tig. know ii n Is highly till- I I. r.' ii ltd Is a No ur ami u-'d a bu- l'i aunt for so:ii, nn. I i' olive oil. I. ii I. The reshlu,. fro "peilllUt cal.e" i! in-. I nn a i.itii'' ground Int. i in,. man food. The Virginia t ' g variety or pea nut I I In- lypi.-iil Aii..rienn peanut. I' vine ure large, with . reading branch es, growliu: fl it on the ground and N'lir Ing pods ou r llo ir entire length. Th pods are large mil white. There nr many other variolic grown lu the other Stat.-, some of them being Up right llllshes lllsti'inl of tines. '1 he peanut Is sorted 111 the factory Into four grades, the first three being sold lo venders and the fourth sol 1 lo fonfeetloiier for milking "hiiriied al mond" and cheap caiulh-s. The 1". bmi.iiini worth of peanut America ns-n are not counted III the staple food, hut lire en ten m nil Intertills nn a luxury. The peniiiit In used by the planter an a fatteiicr of hi hog. Ill the old World millions of bushels lire made Into oil. In which the lints are very rich, .'!' or In per cent, of the shelled nut being oil. It lian nn agree able tasie, mn I more limpid than olive oil. I'canut oil I used us a light ing oil, but not give a very bril liant Ihime. The peanut cake left lifter the oil Is extracted Is sold for SMI .1 toll III lo'iinaiiy, nml fed to the entile and sheep. l:perlllietilH were llillde In (iermany on nn iiruiy biscuit to he made rrom peanut (lour, hut they were not successful, though the Hour Is most nourishing. A (Jr'il 'arc e, am wr.tingn Pl-iy M fall t., Is-a g-.-.t s.i-"-. :'il'"Mr- -What in i'n ' i.i.-f feature-' "In the la-t net t! ::.e.rn "In. tlls perpetrated all the clo-stnili d.e I uii'-erable .l:l,"-V.U C-ron- I, li-Telegraph. 1 1n-re V ns 'nine No e. ".,' is a:', ti"" 1" 5tl(? nix', ;;.'" a-!:-d Mr-, o'llotilihur. -Sure. 1,'ti,.;'sl'..t a -mash l. "f New Yearn r a..!....:! 'tis." re,.l!e: Mrn. M. M.ill.g in -r.ttshur,' Chronicle-1 cl eg rap h. lrri'-ril'nr Kegularlty. The Kef. Mr. W.lgu.s-My good man. ,U yu attend relg-ot; aervlee every Sabbath'; , ,. Ki.mal I'avts,.n -I nllur. do wheu I ui lu Jail.-India napol-n Journal. Srlf-'-ucritice. "ir' a;r!" giped the dying tinn. The b'rave g!rl heard liim and bd! t.ued not a moment. Leaping fnun her wheel ..!,- punctured both her tlren with Oil possible h.iste.- Detroit News. Horrible I'milshment. "No wonder you have come to grief, nil. the magistrate " t1"' l':'1i,l,:l1 ,lrut.l...rd and tramp. "Volt nee you have I n going on tears Idle team. - New York World. Her System. She I'm h iniitig a lovely nklrt dance, but of coiir-e I don't lot any one nee me. I practice 111 a room all by my self. lle-Ah. I see. You follow the Aus tral, an ballet nysteiu.-lictroit I'rve I'ress. Hi Lot. f. . 1 Ml 11 "Somr. Voiing I'cIIohs." An Ann w ho had llvi'd In Mexi co for twenty year came back to IhU country a few months ngo, and visited the place nml people that were once to him. Hln op.nloii of tils na tive land, as reported by tho Mexican correspondent or the Huston Herald, In hy no means Haltering. There are "nice people" here yet. hut he think that the prevailing tendencies In Amer ican life favor extravagance, preten tion, hurry nml worry; ami along with the overdriven man we luve the lazy man also. "Just to test this labor question," the visitor told the correspondent, "I went to plantations In Virginia nml to farms lu Ohio, dressed in my old duds, nud asked for work. There wan plenty of It. The planters and farmer were ull wiling to give me H" a month ninl good board and a clean bed all the year round. 1 reckoned It up that I could ate $im a tear at that rate, nml get fat, too. 1 have worked hard in my time lu rough employ tiietil. and have no fear of sweating. "Well, then I met some young fellow III Washington, .,ni!ng about the bur rooms and In front of the hotels, talk ing about hard times. "'Hoys.' I said, 'there is 11 o nerd of loallng nud gruinbl ng. 1U tell juii where you tan get work; go over to Alexandria, and thole's Mr. Soand so wants n man; another want Hirer, ami still another two. Wages $111 n month, bread, butter and meat, and peaches and cream In the c:i-.ti. " You can read Sunday nml learn something, nud neoiil with money In tour pocket ill the end of the year. Why loaf on your friends mid talk politics'.' Hotter work.' "My reception by llmse young men was not enthusiastic. Some nald they had never wmked at hard manual la bor; others hated fanning. It wan so dull III the country. All sorts of excuses were git en, but not one prompted by good sense ami a willingness to do lion est, hard w 01 k. "Now that' a tine lot of young men for you! You call them, I suppose, the Hope of America." mi. I all that"' i'he fact I.n. our cities are crowded with men, so that there is a surplus in every depart 11 t of labor. The coun try h.m 1 11 emptied of the brawn an I muscle that should he given to ngliciil lure. On a farm a man can nt least raNe food enough to avoid starvation; nud If he In not able to purchase land ami cannot llml ocu;vitlou lu our cities, there are farmer in nearly all part of the country who will be glad to employ h 111. -Youth's Companion. A lrj lUin. According to the Uaiis.i city star there Is one place In the litite, States win re a man may he out In a heavy rain and not get wet. cteu though he has neither mackintosh nor umbrella. lu the Colorado desert they have rain storm tinting which not a single drop of water touches the earth. The rain can he seen falling down the tiou.N high above the desert, hut when the w.tier i-e:iclic of hot, ,ry a r beneath the clouds It is entirely all soi bed before falling liulf the dls;.mce to the ground. ll 1 .1 singular night to witness a I city ,bw upour of rain, not a drop of which louche the ground. These s 'range r.iin storm occur In region where t'u' shade temperature often rmg.s .is high as one hundred and tvtcu'.t . ' gli t degrees I'jhreuhcit. Mutable Autre. toung Wlte twinning to plcascl -Now, dear, what tires would you n.l t;e me to wear for the concert this ft t iilng? l oud IhisUnd - Well, I think an no coition skirt, with a brass baud "round the wnlnt and pijet sleeve, ni ght tH the occasion. - I'liihuhiphia bulletin. 1 y v CI.. I practiced riding on a hike Around hi my hack yard. And after every fall I thought, ".My lot in. I. i d i hard." A rrrjii:lii'iiil Term. Spokely -What In the definition of the Wold "hike":' Jokely-A Word used to signify bicy cle by those w ho never rode one. New York Tribune. An Atslnl I'lluht. I.lttle (Ilii-liease give me n penny, 111:1. 1111. Mother Is dead mid my fa ther can't go out nt night any more hy the doctor' order ami so can't earn any money r.encvolcnt P:iser l'.y Can't go out nt night' Why, what's your father" biisino-s? I.lttle (ilrl-llo's a burglar, ma'am; and before he was laid up with bron chitis we tisci to live beautifully! Now York Tribune. So Thoughtful. Iloleti-Oh, yen, he always thought the world of me. I'.cfore we were mar ried he used to say that he was willing to die ror me, Nellie -Hut he didn't. Helen -Of course not. He was o thoughtful, jt.u know. He said that he did not da iv to do It. lest I should he tillable to replace the loss. Household Wor.l.. Love' "Ion. lu Hresm. Aunt Susan-What, sitting up writing at this hour? Carrie -Yea, auntie; It's ouly a little note to Harry. Aunt Susan-Why, Harry left you only live minutes ago. Carrie Yea, hut there I noniethlng I forgot to ask him, nud li s very Im portant. Aunt Suan-Yes? Cartic -1 asked him If he loved me, nud he said yen; hut 1 forgot to ask hl.n If he would love me always.-Pos-ton Transcript. The Horae-ltntT lo Yon "tomaelf T Vts-s Idle e It -': -: "'re,. 0f j-hnme. Wicks There Is one thing I will sat for lihix-er; he ucwr talks about his ovt 11 tt ritlngs. Ilitks- I .'Hit m nl.,.t ..... .... -l" l" near tliat. W here there s a sense e,f st!:,,m. t-t ........... me,,,. ,or reformation - l.on'.oll Tr:il;ci Ipt. An I injtiT Tillr. "Htitigry lliggiuv;" , k(ni, lady. "Oi" tvuisc. that is Uot tour real Hume':" "Nome." answered Mr. Higgin. "ifg wet might N called au emp;y title "" ludianaimli Journal. The horse, w lien brows ng, t guliled ftit, rely by the UoetriU In It choltv of pn. per food, and blind hore are tiett-r kuown to uutke oilstake iU their J.iL t rii.he.l. Loverly -Ml, l.,,lr0y, J na niy thought no longer Pearey-Wliy. Mr. I.overlv. l ate you'y h.t, thoughts all a etc-t II.... . , , ' ' ' ') you nave eoa eca.c I then., to W ure. oh. hit 1 ' cmetnl , i,.f . .' I North Aaiencan. 1 1 ' ..ria rine Tark.-I '"n remember before I wM Jlr ed.lntl us tired ofeveryiblus Utterly I'-''' ., IaI,e-Th;ugnnredlfTcrentuow? i should nay so: now it's a real I;a the cltih.-lirooklyn Life. A hurt He proof. , wer-WIt ne. I l''"'!',Te yu are the blggent Ii-"- l'"u""'5'' . .lu.J,-sir. you for.vt that I am h.'K'.-rpto-Iate. lixrij'""'- T!,( foiirt-Voit ":" yu ,vor0 unab,e t .s. the fii'.-; hotv wa thnt? (it d.'e'!l-Sd he!!"'!' B't'eloll. It is a dark (light, your vorshIp.-lto-luc. lilonins lilmnclf. 1 1 v 1 J V,' l:7 L2U - f v "y Pastil (who hail fallen Into money) -How much yonh panih, hoy? The Hoy-One cent! "Not foiih me! Hit gome dat'a nionU expensive!" Otttr onslr. "Two liendn are better than one," K.ild the barber when he had Unlnlied cutting the hair of the Siamese twins and wan punching out ' cent on the cash regLntcr. New York Journal. Unfortunate. Count le Pniug (rapturously) Zere la only vim vord In ze ICeugllsh language to descr r-lhe your beauty, Mees tiold- MX. Miss (iohlrox Oil. Count Count le l'riiug And. unforclmnatc- . ly, I haf forgotten vat eets eca. liar ter'a ltazar. The lncorriirihle. Til teach you to play pitch and toss," nlioiited 11 u enraged father. "I'll flog you for an hour, I will!" "Knt her," Instantly replied the Incor rigible, us he balanced a penny on hi thumb nml linger, "I'll toss you to make It two hours or nothing." Tit-I'.iis. Interesting Information. "And now, little children." said the Sunday school superintendent, "If you lire good children some day you uiay wear 11 golden crown." "1'iiw'h got one on his tooth now." chirped the siiiiillest and newest boy. Indianapolis Journal. The Criminal. "Jealousy must have been the orig inal poster girl." "Why 7" "Slip Is said to have had green eyes." Philadelphia North American. Must I'uvr, Profoor You disturbed my lecture yesterday hy loud talking. Student Impossible. Professor Hut I heard ynu. Student Then I must nave talked In my sluep. l-'liegendo P.laetter. Insult to Injury, I 7 V-iV r" Us 4- P.ill Sykes-Sny, Swipcsy, hurry up. We got everything. Swipcsy "til I git dla burglar iilnriii. We might git some thing ou It! f'rohuhl jr. "I've noticed nn Indian hanging around the entrance for several days," said the theatrical manager. "Do you know who he ts7" "I strongly suspect he la a scalper." replied the ticket ngeut.-Phihidelphin North American. Not Corrrcted. Miss Flitters I don't know whether Mr. Touilins or Mr. Briggs Is the best man. Miss Revere (from RostonN-Excuse me. but I presume you mean better man? "Kxcuse me. I'm talking nhnut a wed ding.' -Cleveland Plalndealer. No Other requirement. He-i shouldu't think you would have the face to play "Trilby." She-You dou't have to have tie face If you have the feet-No w York Journal A Case of Iltetlnfr. At n recent "literary dinner" In Lon don, Mr. I. .angwill told a stor- of a certain fnt lady of his acquaintance. Her corpulence had so grown upon her that she resolved to consult a phvslclan about it. She had had no previous ex pericnce with "banting" of any sort. The doctor drew up a careful dietary for her She must eat dry toast, plain boded beef, and a few other tulugs of the same lean sort, and In a month re turn and report the result to the doctor At the end of the time the ladv came' ami was so stout that she could hardly,usu tL,? duor-TLe uctor wa ..Si! you Mt what 1 ,olJ your be i:cllg!ous!y." ,he an,wen His brow wrinkled In perplexity. Bud--';; y e had a rash of Inspiration asked aDJtUlBS ht th?!ad5i.u,en,rorJiDar3-m,a!g.,'"'j HOLD BUT LITTLE siLie rpnnis tnit Are ."ci0 Craters and Drcrlvs ti . ' Pam Slick ha mn oiit,, ohl-tlmo YankiH who f,K,i,.. .', tomera wlfh wootlen tuitu,,.;.,, ' made from shoo pegs. child III the hand of n,,. tr'-t, the present day. Hi ti,.-t1Hu'' crude and awkward u t.,in with thiwe now In vogn,., ' 11,11 Oue of the Intent device, f, Ins people In trade I a dunul'1 which, when wound with a f V of Hewing or knitting . n u pi arnncc of a full-si.e 1 j,,,,. " unless closely examined, nii even oxpertn. These iiii:,.r 7 bought largely an "lemhTs" J"r'" ciai aie ua.ts, aim a 1, done III the imiiiuraoMny uf A resin limn s;moi. in., j iy fipoiislblo (inn, hohls al,.,.llt , . ........ ,.f i,..t . o. In length, and at ro-.iii s .is liry VI to Hi Olllicen. This s;,.,l u ' etiiln and Is cut away in t;. make room for the silk, -t j ' spool I made on nn oppn,. the end nre (he s iine size a ,, of tho bona fide spool, htit ti,,. , llinteud of being hollovve.l ,ti with a flaring swell ns shuiiu u ii('oinpiinylng picture, Tli' r w hen wound with less titan lmrJ of silk, liKiks like a bargain at' 1 ;i'. S3 DKVICE TO lXtllKAsK 'ori:i half the regular price, ami lvj offered la snapped up in iia u tit;, women shoppers who do imi jv,, the f rami until the llk I iiiiwun:,; The end.n of these ilutntny sinml.J the mark "full sl.e," ninl'tli! , the deception, the Idea he lug t Hie buyer think she Is getting an nary oiM)-yard spool of silk furoof; of the customary price. It Is easy to detect the fraud, fur pushing away of the silk wltti 1 thumb nail from one end of the if will (pilckly expose the "stTcU" Jn wood, and also disclose the fa,i there nre only two or tliree layer silk wound on It Wife eeite I. sc rrc.'.;t amnud town for ht. w'ouJerful memory. LU Never stand still In cold weather'! nny length of time In the outJior 1 especially after having taken arc exercise; and never strind long on 1 Ice or snow, or where the person in posisd to the cold wind. The vigorous and strong may fe! early In the morning, ninl on nniri stomach. The young nnd i nre weak had better bathe two orii hour after a meal. The best tto't such Is from two to three hour vie breakfast. Skin disorders very" often nri!" sleeping In badly ventilated he'-f'-liming the whole of the day tin room should be thoroughly nlrm at lihtht tho window should life slightly nt the top to allow tlicl air to escape. If the hnir Is to he of even thii nml beauty on both sides of tbl one side of tho hnir ami of hVr. should be brushed ns evenly si ' oilier. The ttsiuil practice Is lo W all of the hair over either the ti'i left shoulder, so that only oiie; the sculp gets the stimiilatlon ttj comes from the briishlng. Nervous headache Is the kind j w hich Aiiiprictin women nre most d Jected, ns It results from theeff""l make the nerves do more than ought to do. The tlrst step In tM this heathiche Is to drop workarJ' ry, ami draw the Mood from tlif; by soaking tho feet In h"t watet putting cohl applications t the' head and the back of the neck. The Magazine of Pharmacy pi" following recipe, which It dn'Uiw go far toward cratllcntlng 5IU' scars, burns and other cicatrliw by disease: One-half ounce f l" twelve grains of salicylic ncU. drama of glycerine nnd six 01111 rosewater. I.lne soaked In t!w Hon and allowed to remain ov sciii s for hours nt a tlme-at ni Instance will help to remove the more rapidly, nnd they should k' ly anointed w henever com -ciilcnt. the stuff out of the eyes. Where They May M Of the fifty-seven commit''H' . House of Representatives e" hard-working. Industrious 00111 ami others do not have so tn"'1'' to perform. A gentleman wiio" terested in a certain cotninlt:'' latter class iuqulred of the clea' er the committee had met. , J "No, sir," wplled the clerk. answer w.19 made to each luijulry day nfter day. At b''' gentleniiiu after repented vi:,-,j "Wheu do you think the -vr" will meet?" "Well," said tho clerk, .1 ,; thought, "If the mcmlH-rs U'1"'. tnlttee nre gisvd men I 'l'1"1 them If the members of the . are good men, nnd lead nn "I""'' ( tuoiuj life, they may meet iD They will, never meet here.'' A Lltlle Ptrone. , Mr. Eastman I am told til !l ' blows quite strongly here at ':m j Prominent Kuiisaii-Tc!l ycu ' a fact; I've knotted it b 11 l( twelve days an nights on a 'rf, hold a sheep tip against the t barn, fourteen feet from lh,'f, all that time, an' never on 'l' K fall."-Trutu. The Mushroom. , j The chemical constltuci.: r.iu.shroom are almost hh I11:,1VfJj those of meat, and It posses t-' nourishing pQipertles. r.flrntuit nra nnve nh.'-C'!'' chine-made, a very sln.r clever, contrivance staini ,r. Into proper rthAp. o