The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 06, 1897, Image 10

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    1 . I JWirf-rmmmmrrr.rj-
for Infants and Children.
- ritoHlowTn.U;itMtoc!;Il!rl!tht
.i'nntt!i) It u auiorlor f w7 jiraacrljitlon
lonw." ;L A. Ani ntn, f. !.,
111 6a OifurU KL, Droolln, X. Y.
. UM of 'Cantiri U v unlrrrnU siwJ
nrin m w.-Jl known lljtl II a"ins a wurk
ii'nirfiii'n t-rnitorw It. f ew a lbs
tirVAgrnt fa.-ulllii irlio do tot kerf CuturU
"Ut)a wujr n ai h."
C'a.u llunn, D.
ji York air.
Til Ctmxrn Conn-, TT Mruir 8twt, t Y Ctr
Caitorl. rur Colle, Conatlpatlm,
Hour Ktouiarb, iJlarrhiM, Eruttulua,
Kills Wurmrn, glfes sleep. And jromotac ff
Without UJurluu mllrtlrja.
"For BTrrnl ran I bt trommr.(.'(i
our ('UrU,' ut ahall always ctittllu .t i
il) no u It ha lurarUlil jmwIuomI Uiu: it
r.nwi F. Piacn, M. P.,
IXth Btfmt and ?th At,, Kn York a:.
The Onfjon City Press liai the
true conception of the causes of the
li-j-islative hold-up. It says:
"There was only one way to
defeat the of .Senator
Mitchell, there was only one way
to prevent the puncago of reform
UH'uHunn ul-olisiii'i- the commis
sions and other uneleta barnaclfs
cn the Mate, and that was to pre
vent organization. The personal
enemies of the senator and the men
profiling In the useless coinmia
sinus have gained a victory which
will he ret usitle the first opportu
nity the people are given to ex
preiB their feeling"."
The l'rnH in right when it in
Urates that scores will Iw evened
up at the next election. A leg's
laturo that lias devoted its time
solely to a senatorial content will
Bland in u sorry plight when the
people aifain havo tho opportunity
ofchoHning and inHtructing their
Carson City, Nevada, will le
overrun by a choice uHHortnient of
bruisers ami thugn on tho 17th.
Manly sport and contests uru do
sirahle, hut prize fighting tloes not
appeal to ny of the h-tter in
stinct of man and slinuM be dis
countenanced. luring recent years
statu after statu hint prohibited
finiidi content, until Nevada, which
never should have been admitted
to statehood, in about the only
state that does not prohibit prize
ring encounters under severe pen
alties. Some of the Southern states
in a kf it a penitentiary olleneo to
engage in such a contest cither at
second or principal.
No one appears longer to care
whether or not the legislature ad
jourus. It cannot enact any leg
ishtlioii cither for good or bad
during the limited lime it will
hold. It is only holding in a des
desperate hoe of securing a quorum
for the election of a United States
Senator. Tho time has passed
when legislation favorable to the
interest of tho state could Im enact
cd. (to home hoys and try to screw
up lite necessary courage to lace
your ronstituunit.
The unfortunate inhabitants of
Crete tire on the verge of starvation
no provisions being obtainable on
account of the bl ckado.
"Nothing ne under the sun" is
an old proverb. Hero, of Ah-xan
dria, a scientific author who Hour
ished 150 It C. describes a ma.
chine strikingly similar to tin
nickel-in the slot abomination
which is now alllicting tli3 people,
Hero describes the ancient ma
chine, which responded, as those
of modern times, only to the Im
liH't of vulgar and sruiu coin
Now, the player, if successful, get
cigars, stimulating decoctions or
-oiiio cheap sort of iiieri:lianlie
I lien sacred oil Howed lor Hie per
son who played at the game.
The result in each case the same.
A parting of the coin and ovtixr
with little or no benefit to Hit
speculator. Hero thus deserile
the ancient nickel-iu-lhe-slot oil
"A socrificial vessel which flow
only when money it inlrodused
When the coin is dropped through
Uiu slot ll lulls on one enil ol
horizontal lever, which, being de
pressed, opens a valve susjwnded
from a chain at the other end aim
the water begins to flow. W'he
uiu lever lias wen uepressxi 10 u
certain angle the coin falls off and
the valve, Iwing weighted, return
to its seat and cuts oil' the supply
llie lorvtUli limes dues not
appear to be happy over the legis
lative senatorial t nglo judging
from the following plaint in tin
last issue:
The condition is chiefly the crea'
lion of a handful of Portland re
publicans, who were iieiitienl in
their insane desire to defeat Mitch
ell's election to the senate. When
the session opened Mitchell had 47
republican votes. He became tln-
caucus nominee of his partv and
tho organization of the house, no
cording to civilized fashion would
havo resulted in his prompt and in
evitable election. II y all rules ol
party discipline, by all obligations
of parly honesty, by all require-
msi.ts ol common decency, the re
publicans should have settled out
side the state house their petty
quarrels, and at the proper time,
proceeded with the organization
if the house, and to the election o!
their caucus nominee to the sena
torshii). That would have been a
decent and manly way of ending
the trouble, and the present
wrethed situation at Salem would
Ml It'll KM. MEN AT ROSF.Bl'Kti.
Thrr (jave a Ire Know lo Tbe till-
,' Senator Driver out ,f the
Several of the Mitchell member of
the legilMturr Improved His l'(ilatlve
rectus ly lio diiijf a meeting at Itone
tiing Friday evei, lug. The correspou
drill of Die Half in Journal reports It as
"The iJilvcr-Iiriixon Crawford I teed
SKIreKattill jthvu their IUmI show ut
i he court hriiiMe In (melnir( rrlilay
evemiiu, and each iiiml the. usual
siieeeh delitered o often at Salem.
"Iliey cl l 1 not ineti wnn a very
lurxe crowd of supxirlers ifr en-Hte a
very fhvorahle linprmiofi. Iteed
made l.l u-ual upeveli Inlerlurded with
oaths mid lt mnii uimmI rrlenot.
"Driver ilklined he w as ullereii j(u,-
000 to leave the Joint convention.
The sirM-t paouers mniie iiiiiil'
lively w'orkiint una crown. tney
stopped everytnuly Unit came in Ihelr
way and uri;el llieinn repuiiiieiin to
lurn out and make the pop, hick, ii
wan tin- Mitchell ksiik trymu' to lilter
op n laxt caue and secure pulillu en
dorernent of their chumpioii.
"The lans ciuiity Uiill-nuht"r wa
on hand and said that na eouni nave
made mors than the rift of the small
fry. hut he would'nt. He hui.I thai Al
Keed was filllv lUMlilleO in Uiol' wnai
pro fa ii 1 1! he did. ThU mining from
liny ur I u priver, u u , i cmise
'lot out hII sin which '.(he sweHrinu
lt-ed mnv liave committed, ror
little wl lie lirlver played I'ope, and
fnrunve the profanity which lint
disgusted decent (teople from one d
I the Htate Pi the oilier, nut now a
Pope I)ilver ha wiped it all out, It. e l
"tatnU free frotn the cure or sin. II
bane county winil-mill was put in
notion and when he got hi leg, head
ind arm all going he made quite a
'There was nulla a reMpectahle at
tendance, owing 'o the fnet tliat th
early part of the evening wa devoted
to henring a lecture by alaiiyw uo niio
pirvioiiMly ail vert Iwd foraliee lecture
tt the court hoUHe."
t(UU'i:aiit. t'leoM, nliJ
"Th.. iri r ak." tD-l -
With kUmrnci.h tf f u.'.nht
"Tlw't ner i k '' o
Wen tluuJi 'W ( u j a 8'1 m tlt
Kut miui-t to tMl'ili-; SiihU
"MonU iy bir. ' 'nii mr dr
'fi If they'd bt f t PM'.
An Twlr an W n'n!r t".r liifr a la
Wiln tir nn Is I' n our .penu flg.
bat hafitajr cnn at !'.
"Win v- r'.ri(, JiV wp a' lo
'At time "I . t 'em n flit.
MiLIjm tin. Urk:i. ' kin-rn u now
l menl to try u- n len'h ut kow
Tu ' hut iiuy muni.
"I'ru t.lli.l nn triul 4 an n.irowid mocli
I'yn Ut tliMk.-h i''f"i " i"1
fef I-1 m m '!.! ' hint th" t'iO''h
An Tfi-i ut I. nn. l iit th' rim Ut clutch.
Hut hot -Uy ii..'ht hriUKi b'm.
"An o." I n :- Pi. "y'll and,
Ef y T.ih.e y. r I' nifht,
Thu' hain't n'. I : t t ni'irtul mind.
'1th the h'il I, itnuh' '.I nn th week brblod,
Like p-tful Ml '! -V I.' '
J. L. ll.alou in ' The (,'uii. -if Bee."
Burgnrs Kilter W. il. Vainloyne s
Store at I'oburir the I'iliU
Time iu a Year.
llurglurs entered W M Vandiiyne'i
general uierehandiie store and the
po'tolllce at Cohtirg lut night. They
got altogether ahout fl.'i In giMids,
tanip and money.
The entrance to both huildings
nade by prying open the front hira
rMils to work with were procured from
J (.' (loodale's hlucloniiitti shop and ('
Power' wagon shop.
This N the llflh time within the paxt
year that Vandoyne's store has heen
hrokiu into and iiatiirtilly no money i
left in the building. The ufe wnn
lihiwti open mime time ago and since
that time hit not heen in u. Ihe
hurjlars lu-t night secured a pair of
men' shoes, some men's hats uud a
ipiiuitity ol canned goods, amounting
ii all the auiut f'.HI.
They then broke into the itolll
which is conducted hy M II Skinner
ud secured about f-'l wortli of Mtauip
and aboul ti In nioiiiy. They left no
Inn. Mr Vaiuluyne oilers a reward ol
)0 for I he espt u re and conviction ol
the guilty parties.
Tl'KSDA Y, MA Kill 1.
not now ho on. a ilii?mi'it i, tlu.
(ireut isljiatu a mistcrable meinory for peo-
: . ... i i i i . i I . . .
iniernuuonai unuomacy which p0 to feed upon hereafter.
comiicls a country to sutler al the
. .......
hands of nations which have not Although it is claimed the house
the least shadow of title lo control " l,ot rgniied, says the l't'iidle-
and regulate her alhtirs. The rule 10,1 lnbunP' u ' bM u,e ",",'
of thu unspeakable Turk is not im
proved by the sellish grasping
Hriton. Conimrrcial spirit may
become as great a tyrant as relig
ious fanaticism.
It is reported that butcher
CtpUiu Ctcneral Weyler of Cuba
lias forwarded his resignation to
tho home government. If true,
public opinion in the United States
is responsible for the recall. The
Spanish government has no com
puuctions of conscience and acts
only from impulses of fear.
When I'reto had a Mussulman
governor the Christians complained
that they could not get justice and
rebelled. Then a Christian gover
nor was appointed, and the Mus
sulmans are now bombarding the
governor's residence. It is little
wonder that sulUns go insane.
The death of a son of
Meade at the age of o3 serve
cannot adjourn sine die will-out
the consent of the house. There is
certain kind of elm club, referred
to in profane history, that might
be used with good effect in bringing
about adjournment of the house
and senate sine die. The first nec
essary step in this direction would,
of course, be to clean out the
Bourne seraglio.
1 he latest is a new preparation
of caffeine, which is to do away
with all the Imiling and clarifying
and fuss which makes the coffee
barely worth while. It has ju-t
been discovered by tw Herman
chemists. If their eHvtations
are realized, the miking of coffee
will be simply tho matter of a com
pound pellet, con taining the coffee
ingredients, along with the milk
and sugar.
The Oregon Agri 'tiltura I Ueg
is working a rather riky exi eri-
to men t on a yearling bull calf. Theo
Dr I) A I'jine returned to Salem
Dr Ktivkeudall went to Junction
on profcHnimial biiKluc today.
Ilinhop Kurd returned from atrip to
wnn hern Oregon this morning.
Mamotil Pay sold an iiupoumli'd
hori yesterday to Dtinc.iu Scott fot
even dollars
Uev J V Day, who has been con
lin tliig Hcrvlcv In Douglas county
lis returned to lugrue.
The Woman's Hellef Corps expend
ed f 11 IV1S for relief in the Male ol Ore
yioi Iroin June .10, v,r, p, June .'10.
JMevL 1 1 race mown reliirueii to
iwS!lh ytntenluv to rvniime Iter
tiloie In the ktnte normal nehool at
that place.
V V. ltniler of l'acltlc iiiilveoity, at
Forest drove, wa awarded wcoiul
prie In tlienlate nrotoi leal content held
at Newberg hriday night.
Mrs J S I.uca, w ho ha been viit-
Ing w ith Mr and Mrs McMurphey the
past two wei'k, returned to her hoitie
hi lVirtlaml thi niorniiig.
J V Wenco of rorllaud, who rrivnt
Iv secured a uuinU'r tf iliotogrnpliic
view s iu thl city for o by the Pwcillo
Northwest Immigration Hoard Iu ad
vertising Oregon in the K.nst, visited
Itl t.ugtns today. Iln Is returning
home from Southern Oregon,
An A I'I'oi l l kn r. The Stumhird
Oil Company I lis appointed Kohen
Slieltoi, as Its I.H'sl anetit for the city
ofSalrni. Mi Sliellmi went to 5aleni
from this city a short time ago and en
gtged in the trucking businc and
yesterday entered upon his dutie as
liH-al agent and delivery mtii f.r th.
Standard Oil Company. I!.. I,
rustler ami will give th compan'
patrons the U-t of salisfaclion. i.e
position is a very ii,..,livr ,.i,e taViti
I i ...
in i-imi tire, n n wun irucking and hi
many friends here Willi- i , :ll ,
that he has gotten II.
If the
It wns nil n Siinci it evning early last
winter that I u the li'k of AlUtuli
Kennedy. MnMlm l-f"re. I" tulklng ol
the work anil iinii.ltlMis iniioiinii t'i li. In
hud mentioned that l liad grown bold
and wa writing ut length. Then and
several time si tics I l'i! linked lilm to tell
mo more than tin' n.ero fin t, to demerit
Ids motive ninl rliarw ters; Imt always lit
had lauglilrigly refu-id. Kriendi-lilp win
wnitniit In evervthlng nave In alTalr ol
initli'irslilp. He iniiltl y that he had
found a vein of lifnus yet ntnvurki-d hj
the novelist. When the bonk was HnMied,
I Nhnnlil ee it nml .ral". I'ntil then my
curiosity niut lie iiiisatirflisL
A d iy or two before the ed'tilng lie lnd
written nm that his work was done, and
that the hook wniilil Isi If-light out lit
( hrlhtmas. Tho nililphers hail returned
tho maiiiis' rl t w ith aoiuu euggi sled nl
ternalions, and if I like 1 inliiht wsi it lv
fnru It finally left Mm. My answer to tlx
letter was a vinlt to Ills rooiusmi the even
ing, and nf tlii vllt nnil nf what fnllnwed
I write. As fiillhflllly lis 1 ran I will tell
the im lileiits (if the two ( r three hours
from the time. Kennedy repliid to my cou
" Vi s," he said, " Ilrown 4: Iioivyer havs
nreeited It, mid I cx-eet a hlg wile. I
limit think tho hook Is badly done, but
then 1 am prejudiced. You shall judge
for your lf. Hem It I. Ho you read, and
I will hiiH'ki- and watch If thu approve
1 look the hlllllllu llO p.l-Sill Kl'MnS tilt
talile nml turned over tue tvis-wrltten
In els nml learmd what was his Issik vein nf life was the Silvn
tl"ii Army, tin a gray haikgroin.d ol
li.-irr.n k Mom mill shelter lie bail sliown
gray picture of men uud women. With
the cirei'iiislatiees that gives iilrof truth
he had told the loves mid hates of ratitiiin
nml lieutenant, bandsman ami t nnhourln-
1st. It was an iiiikiud Insik. Ill.mie wa
wiiiniled often nml clearly, ral-n li'mn
Slid in ii fal-etto nf c) niei,m. '1 ho writing
was thu writing of a wnlTer. I'
though the hunk was, It was cleverlv
tuailo mnl wouhl find it fc'iM:c wIIIiiik t
oiiv. v i.ainer liner i n il t. r iiuieKlv rcail.
All were written with .kill, and all had a
certain power. The Imok would hao the
lucees that Was Imped fi r. lint It wiif
kol, had us It was clever At tho end of a
bittCT l!llM-!climc!,t CIllHllsl " IlllHxl
Itoynl," I tired of I he rending. I'lishlnit
Imck my chair, I looked to Kenncdv in re
'NVi II," lio mid, "what do you think of
It? Will It LI"
I ho liisik Is u it gocil," I ald. "It I
Very easy to utilise usiiu ii:l juirtles of
H-oilii to l.rin forward the had mid hold
luii k the good. It Is '
I hat Is not what I menu," he Inter-
riiicd. "is the I k well writlunf Will
It sell"
''s, I Kild. "Tho writing hn
strength mid will le nnd. Hut the whole
thing is unfair. I cannot understand bow
you, Kennedy, nu emotional man, could
liawi written it. Whciu is the moralltv"
If the honk takes. " ho Mid wmiuw'hnt
angrily, 1 shall lecntcnt. The morality
Is clenr to me. You k I mil hhowing
u. uie iiriny. n cn, er..a s I am, and per
...," i Mill fini, in n, m,, !.,, i,u jmjj VOU
it Have von ever been to a hub
Mitlonlst mooting, or slept In u shelter, or
uokcu in n suhiiur;
"No," 1 mid. "Hut "
ton ronfiNs." he nterrimt.Hl "Vnn
know in. thl, ,u f the or. ii, lo i t their mcih.
oils, nml yet I am unfair. Why, mv dear
fellow, I have livtsl tho llfo ItlP lllllllf till
nun navo wrntcii from facts, It Is you
wlhuirt. unfair. Hut it Is not Psi lato to
Is'gin to sluily. lam not quite KilMh-d
iiii me c. iiiringer tla.thin tho eiiv..r.
noil eniipter nml should like to Wntcli nn.
other meeting. '1 here Is a hall hut a few
vards away, and i rv-entlv ill ... i.
V i ... 1 1 u . - '
ion run 1 1 ii, un to the Landsmen .s u-lrh
inune tiu-y ciinrin the world. Y,.n nl,..!!
c.. .im hsuts us win, ih.urhih f tamlMnir
me uicy enarm tl.o lsiuU,iucn. Yon will
ion i. iik as vnn w-r til. K'eliiw.l.. t
.i i .... . "v .
sou. us, i will come. Wlu-u do
"Now," he said, eal hcrinif ,,..,. I,... .i,.
tvpewritien h.vls. "I will , ,.H,
i win nring th.-iii with inc.
ou may want to refer to theni-and ws
"III go. i no snow Inarms ut r im
... , .. ..."I "V w 111
i" nine as -.i,,iiii,.
ins anger n id g nu. nl the tlmnnhi
tuillng mototiu. ,o had found, and be
.....K,,i ,. ,..aU. ,., mv Klt im M tUl
.i. io i no Mi-ivi. Arm In m, u.. ..u.i
to tlio iMrner and across to tho low r,.,f.l
building, which as the hall
'It Is late, mid hiiv..e.nii,.,.,..i i....
I think there Is standing ris.n, i- !. ,..
tied bless you," Klld lli.i ,.,1,1,.,. ... .i ..'
, .". i.i UIU I'll-
trance as we pas-,! mto tho meet In
cs, the w-aisim. nil taknn vv.. .m
wall here," Mm Keiitiisiv. nl ...i'., 1,1, i v.
cn th,. IliK.r. and near the lvgli,,,( ,U
iiiiiiiiioiiinewo st,,, ,id lo,.k,sl,.iw,..i,-
Across the farend was rals.sU platform
on niio side of which sat men who plavod
en tins mid that Instrument and wore tl
hand, and nn the other W till l, It I... -I U
iirim-s nml King In high, shrill
ami wore now tho follower. ..i
now the leader of the men. lt,.ow ,ht,
platform, ml with face sometime toward
and sometime. iiwmt from it, ,,,, tho
; '" waving ruiio time with tl.e hymn
Kx'k In his hand, thecaptal,, ttnJ
eur pl.v o of winching were ;ieii or too roo.
pie. who sang or lanM their f,s t on the
Ihs.r, , r wore silent ,i.r m(SH,
AMimd platform, cij t.,ln mid,. were
thin wissJou walls, with Phi decoration f
tens and luottis-s nml ndn rtieicnts ,.f
Army tucrviiKiidist and Armv tius ti,lk.,
l-otli,.rsm,,s,t,.r,-' Kild the en lain
'as some of y.m knw. wo havo a visitot
onlgl.t. tJr.iv Im, IMln. (,,
KUlnlHirgh to sieiik to tianinl h. ,.,,,..i. ..
. - - ...... u w
.Vnj the hies her w,Mt w,;;
f.iu l ers,
; -willliiglT.-nldagtrl In the front rosr
ot the platform .. he ioob lu
trrpi toh.ssldo. "Willingly, captain,
wl.h to speak so thi.t you may all hear and
like well to be among you. Truly I bav
n,Q-h to say. and may the Lord Indeed
bless the words."
"The lieutenant Is .rctty," whispered
Kennedy as, raising her and throw
lug bark her head, she begun the address,
"-he Is very pn UT. I wonder we did not
notice her before. What to yoo think ol
Knr a time I gazed down tho aisle to the
girl and listened to her worn, .-ne u.
more than pretty; she was beautiful. Th'
hUck oval bonnet was setting mr a um-v
formed fiue, made bright Iy earnest eye
looking from the shadow of dark waving
hair. T he rudely cut serge gown could Dot
friiimt.h over tho grace of the slender Ilg
lire, but fell closely and win sen-ant to It.
Thu hands that moved tonnd fro in gesturt
and persuasion were small and very white.
Like nu Ideal of gentle purltanism h(
stood and spoke, and her voire was sweet
I.,.,. mil her words were clour and
".-tie Is, Indeed, good to ,'' I answered
Kennedy. "I, t.i, wi nder why we did not
notice her U-foro. Uiero Is nothing Ilkf
her In vour IxM.k. Is she mi exception!
He made no reply, and I saw that her
word hud moved Mm to Interest, and
that he was smiling and leaning forward.
The thoinzht rame to me that he wai
studying his third chapter and added tc
my dislike of all that he had written
The minutes passed, and her sjH-akins
grew very eloquent. The people censed
their ' (ilorles!" and hearkened In silence.
The sinilo left the face of Kennedy, nnd hh
breathing beramo more quick nnd his eye
more earnest Though less moved than
some, I felt upon n:y cheek the Hush ol
Still sho spokoon, and her words were
fast and high, as of one who wrostlod with
souls unto prevailing. And now l saw
that the girl In the corner had forgot tel.
her boy lover and was crying silently. Ano
how I saw that Kennedy s lips were clos
ing and unclosing, and that his hamh
were grlp-d together and were trembllnp
In tho grip.
There was a sob In the woman's throat
and a stay In her words, and then tho sot
was gone, and again she spoke. Now slit
made passionate entreaty that the sinnet
In the hall would repent that very night
and give up his soul at tho penitent form.
And now It seemed to me that with eyef
that were wet and wistful sho gazed uloiig
tho nsiiii to the envt of Kenncdv.
"This night, sinner, tills night and hero,
cast off your load! Kneel at this form
and pray for help and pardon! Then
stand and give thank for tho merer. We
will pray with you, sinner. Wo will pralst
with you, saved olio. Oh, let not the time
go! Kepcnt this night this night and
hero," were tho words of her entreaty, and
at their end sho still gazed along the room
nnd waited for an answer. Tln-ro cnint
tho answer. Korn moment Kennedy stood
nt my side, bowed ami trembling. Then
In quick step ho went toward tho plat
form, bis hands outstretched and his fact
broken like tho face of a woman In lira
torln of shis k. With look of joy nnd trl
umph, sho came to mi-ct him and Psik lili
hand In hers and led him to tho form t
which sh had pointed. Together thoj
knelt, and she prayed aloud for men-v nn-
on him and for the lifting of his sins, and
with her prayers wont up his soulilng nnd
Uio aniens or the moil and women.
T hey stood again and faced tho room
and I saw that ho, tho sootier of nn hout
before, now shook mid went. And sho.
tho girl, too, saw nml laid her hand upon
ms nrm and looked to him In beautiful
111 you speak, brother?" sho said soft
ly. "Will you testify tu tho change you
;'JuacUot City . Milling Compa,
The most popular flour in the market,
leading grocers.
'old b-
It was a great cross to Mr. and Mrs.
Burtl, tt that Koger was apparently quite
-I... n worthv ambition. He was
"Is that
ui. ...i,.,. i.ikeil hlttorlT. "Do you sup.
nn that any one wants a follow who lias
willfully wasted his best opportunities!
iiut KOger said nothing upon .
subject, uud Fred looked at bin,
creasing surprise as ho judicial!,,
the respective merits of tho op,-!
ball teums ntid called uttontiL J
most vulnerable points.
"I'll turn In early t iiiliAt im.,
to football. j yawned us ho withdrew from th
iat tho height of your ambition?" j roolu. "I put pretty solid work l
i i i....i. nn.i vnn nn. , latt. Imlf of that iiitmi o ,
- - nun Iielt-i,
wended his way up stairs.
lilwUh tt,.. M.w....
bad even aspired to seeing you some day I solid work Into souietlilugcUe,"-)!,,
In our leading law ouiee wim ; .iuiuu..
friend-Wilkinson Smaller, but it's no; At this Fred, who had in tlrnest.
use. Smalloy wants only young men of peatodly scoffed at his hrotiKt J"
the highest promise." And Sir. llnrtlott -jn-cllvltles, lnsUintly lln d up.
sighed wearily. . ' father," he burst forth, n-
It does no good to tulk to Roger," ha ing a big inUtuke atxiut Ho-er. B
nnfldwl to hi wife afterward, "for hardly more gonulno stulT In liini tii J
ten minutes had elapsed after I had heen , tost of us put together." And thaJ
remonstrating with him ulxiut the evils of ; ceeded to givo a graphic iungIt;
f!Kitball before ho Inquired if I wouldn't j afternoon's eiperinnee, which est, '
. . M ... tl. ,,imn nn Kutlir. ftiflmr til lllntv Ilia tmu,. I, ....II .
iirmif vnn nun u vi n.i mu... v
day, and Informed luu that he hud saved
Ho enven-d his faco with his hands, anil
lora time was silent. l ieu suddenlv h
lifted his head anil licgan to sH-ak. fp.r
most Iu his mind was tho memory of the
nook, nun in a voice that sometimes broke
anil sometimes was clear ho told the story.
liowthat for months ho had labored te
wl n fame for himself hy bringing shame
upon tho Army, he told; how that his oyoi
nan ever been lillnd to thoirood. his under
standing ever sleeping; how that on tlili
night lie had eomo Ui scolT. hut had miwi.
luny iH-en led to reHMitaniv.
What shall I do what tlmll I .1,, ,..
show this repentaiin-V' ho said and lookid
appeniingly to the girl.
uruthor," sho said, with n smlln llf Ml
Jolclng, "let thodcstruciloii ,,f tho book bt
your act or lalth. Together wo will I. urn
iniiino penitent form. Will It ,.,,t i,.
wi n, orotner?
ies, jo, on, yea," no said In wild
earnestness, "I Wll in-t It. uud wo ill
uiirn it. ios, yes. oh. ves."
.i.ini,-uiy no u-it nor nm iR.i
where tho IsH.k lay ut my feet, (ilving me
neither word nor irlanco. ho it d. i.i.
in nanus; then turned nnd curried It ur
tho room. With uulck tolli'li )ui nntiw uoh
el tho tape and spre.,,1 tho bundle about
uiu iiiriu, men paused as If lie uoeded
"Here, brother, here."
and loaned from tho platform nnd gave
...... .. i.kuivu iiiiin-n. unco tnoro ho bent
to tho form, with the damn I.., t..,.,.i,.-i ....
.rriwiiging aiiivt mid another mid an-
. .... r. ma lhsik tiegan to dim A nu.n.l
... ne ,u mo, anu 1 covonM my eves that 1
im'siii mil pee.
Again I 111, ltli fltn
aianr of the sluvts wero hh.el.- ,..,.! i..i.
tho rest were burning to blackness A
...M,,..el ,,,,, wllltM) u,.r,,S! the
II f i i ' y 1 nreasonlngly
. .,11,1 IIIJICIHI IL 111 l,,t. V.m. 1 . . . I .. . I.
T, . , I"" tciiniOK.
Iho imxxl returned, and 1 liw,k..i r
group by tho platform to one mid nnothcr
a Hint tl.o room, and then to tho bov and
girl lovers In tho corner. For moments I
watched them its thov n
and went through tho d.ior- .,.i ,.i...
tho tr,vt. ji-rom the o,ien windows tlure
follow.xl an uprnnr of nmu., 1 1... i ,. .
w!x"klvr K""",V w,w 'l'ad.-l.rsur
tun Hi LeLS for us.
What did you say to hliu tben?" sno
"I told lilm 'cfrtaiuiy not,- air. uari
lptt exchiliind warmly, "and I expressed
mv surprise ut his daring to suggest such
a tlilmr. '.Show me soma lusting Isjnofltor
uny abiding good that Is to bo derived
from tills ridiculous game, ' 1 toiu nun, -ana
then come to mo to uhet you 111 such lolly,
but not till then.' "
And so Mr. and Mrs. Bartlott fulled to
witness that momorablo game In which
their younges; son gained (or himself such
enviable lulircls.
Uneo III the field linger wus like one
transformed. Keen, alert, cool, rising
inlendldlv to every emergency, no one
would havo known him for tho sumo slow,
Indifferent, easy going sioclmon of hu
manity who L-riovcd the iiiubitiotis souls
of his parents by his small uptltude for
Not that linger was by any uicans a
dunce for his class standing was fairly
gixid but what pained Ids father and
mother was tho recognition of what ho
might Intro iiccomplished hud It not been
for that arch enemy, footbull.
The great game over, tho victorious
team hastutiid buck to tholr gymnasium
with all possible speed. They had some
Uttlo distance to go, as tho gymnasium
was not very near tho ball grounds, so
that In order to reach It they wore obliged
to traverse tho center of tlio town and
cross the railroad tracks.
As Koger stepped upon tho platform ho
became conscious that something unusual
was going on, and ho immediately per
oelvod that tho eyes of tlio multitude were
riveted upon a llgiire half way across the
tracks, a figure pausing there in bewilder
"There's a train coming each war,"
somebody gasped. "Why doesn't he got
oft tho track
The station ngctitiitid one or two other
oflicials wero shouting loudly, but tho
man, w ho wi.s old and very deaf, appeared
thoroughly dazed.
As tho crowd of bystanders shrunk back
with horror stricken faces a llguro in a
much begrimed canvas jacket sprang out
from among tboni, and clearing the tracks
at a bound alighted lKsido tho swaying
form nf tho other.
A shudder mid a wave of pitiful rogrot
swept over tho motionless crowd. "He
can never drag him hack in time," they
iireaincu. iliey will lioth bo klllod."
Hut tho football man had no thought of
dragging tlio unsteady llguro In front of
cither approaching engine. In un Instant
he had tackled tho man and throtvu Mm
flat upon tho ground between tho trucks.
Then ho dropped lightly on ton nf him.
and lay there motionless while the two
trains thundered past on each sldoof them.
uud the crowd stood waiting spellbound.
Abashed and unite overwhelmed llV t llA
cheers Uocer made hasto to elbow hi war
through tho crowd, and In so doing nearly
overthrew his own brother Fred, who hap-
penea to no standing directly in hi path.
"For heaven's sake, was that too !!,,..
ert" ho criid, confronting him u astonish-
"Do let mo get out of tills." Ids hrotlie-
" "U'U impatiently. "They needn't
make such a fuss beeausn I k-nneL-..,i i,.
urn miner over. - Alid 110 bolted lo this .11
ovuou oi ino gymnasium,
tin this particular ritsnilnr ovenlnn .,11
W.irtl nu... 1.1..., Q
..u.uu,, ucinro linger ciuno In
r ecu was an ngng todescrllio thu scene
.... iu nau witnessed, but ho tinselllslily
laid his tonguo. "I ll ,,,. ,n M
for him, but will Klvo him cliam o to ,i,
iis.leo to It," ho mentally ejaculated ,,,,,0
father to blow his nosu loudij anT'
edly, whllo his eyes gllstcnoU win,
pride, and scut his mother tren?
si-arch of the sleepy othhite, whond
understand what ho had dons tin
worth making such a fuss about
A fow days later Mr. Harriett rx,
note from bis old friend. Wilt,
Isuiulloy, which ran somuwlmtaif
DEAR BARTt.CTT I hear thatrotirE.
golng In fur the luw, and Ifaolrui,
When he guts through with tlii'lswick,.,
can hand him over to me, for h' Jmt
teriul that I'm on tho luokuut for, tt'
may well be proud of him.
IIo soured uio out of a yir'i piii:
other afternoon at the station, lutur
that I wish you would tell him to eon,'
snd take dinner with nn, iwiotitrt;
want to tulk to him.
With kind regard to Mrs. BartMt, i
me ever your frluiid, WiLkiNson buu
When Koger ciuno home tlioM-r
Saturday, his father handed him tit;,
remarking: "I'm afraid I haven't ri
dated your football, old man, bull:..
Ing to do bettor In future, nnd, S a
wny, liogor, I hear that you're to J
me game next wook. is that so!
Roger nodded.
"Very well, then," Mr. BartrJ
tinned, "your mother nnd I woul;ii
havo you get us the best seats l.'iiJ
bought, for wo ve set our hcarti c
ing up to seo you muko tlioll.ntl
down." Odd I tenia.
Where tho Telegruph Tik
There was a man who lived lite;
many years ngowho had oiireUvti
member of parliument untl netertar
rd an 0,-iportuiiity to emphaslM tifc
und tho new sciences, being prrfice,.
lied that If tho world should luraiiw
the wuter would spill out of kiirti.i
only giving In to steam locomocw
slow degrees.
uuiuu too vims (ii ills cocteurtip
poured out niKiti tho ideaof afe'iax
and ho was wont to say th.tJM.J
try to coino "tho green" over trail!
wuy, for ho had been an M. I'. F.i'
highroad was built, nnd pno da;jti
oegnn to put up telegraph pustir.;
I roue of Ills house, and to stretch Un
His exultant neighbors promptly iw
"Well, old follow, what do you t
tolegniphs now?"
Ho was cornered, but died game.
Ing himself up an Inch taller, liesu
"(ientletnen, when I was In pariitJ
I gave this subject my very ntuntmi
sidcratiou, and I said then, as I !
that It may do for letters uud uul
dies, but it never will take a cullon V'
uovor !" I Wsnn 's Weekly.
0. S. Land Commin
velci s
Th Coiin,i..
Tho Hussimi isinouinr n... .-
M toward the end, ,f ;, of
1. but had not its perfection till its char-
er was (Mtillrmcd hy net of parliament
K".H-th in latV Thi Z Z-
U i.'' ' Z ""'."WWwi to trade f
.Ulna by a northeast initio., ., , .
aitrldontallT dlsever.wl i""J.."
" ""iimiiin, IIU'V
UilcU ft veith t
Our lr.t Savlnn :nk
T he firs, u,klu,,,ll(Ml ,
InlU Mat, was Ddladelphia, wl, h
, " :". over tho
a ikit. , IO, ,,.,i
reiuuia oia soldiers that tune if professor are f,tlinn hi in a husli
runniiiRoii. ins son leu est el of wild jiarsi.ip bulhs to settle
rofnt during tho war to enlist a tlie question of tin ikusoiuhis na
private, aim tuade an honorable ture of that root.
armr recont of his own. is getting tlw U-st of tli test rx
Speculating cabinet makers will Jrinient.
I'rieiul ,,f the N
fx '
bill ha l been as a.-live in bui!,i ne
the canal a they hive Ikyh in trv
iig to pd government, il.
o far the cs!f ' ou ojh-ii f,.r business t, -
.It v.
me n I l ,..
soon b out of a job. President- Oregon is not the oalv st ite .It), fset I ,, i".
dect Mckinley will unounee the a legislative, deadlock. Tuu is court d vlet tl,i. t..P.,.
choice ol ins advisers lliursday. I doing busiues in a similar line,
s a i
the 1
El CaDitan General,
IL onogram,
w ouier popular brands of cigars at
eount.T .
IV imtil.ul iL
o"!J ?"''? -f l'lilUlelUla"-,
n v.,U : . klml .Ttoi.iishd in :
- - -- - .iiiinen,! ov. "5
went mm HtuinoM juiy g 1S1J
t-lit I'. n . . . .
I- - I U I nn nf TAk.....M
I, ,,.. ""--- "u vandy.
; lo eipeiue for t!,etai,i.,v, r. j Headquarter for tho Eu0en.
i SvJia Work.
ArrhltvrtnnU Taults.
One uf the rnaun faults In Ati.orle.n
an-hluvture, sltliotigh happll, U u ,,,, '
to t noth-vxl lu tho hulldlnga of a st
generation thJti thie of the pnwnt. is u !
uw prvifu u i f ornamrtitAtlon. It le- '
svke a low f puMlc Tjl(
most nlru.fc lusmnn f Uils fault are t !
s.s-u in th. h,iu thai were ereeud it, !
In! til ",,d I'Teni..,. wit;, !
th. rTrnch r,fs, their hideous and , b
truslv.imo wlndww .ill. nd their gin g r
tiread work ev-.-rj-wherv,. Kv-o build,, ,J
put up fr hu.lm-M porno-. f,.it t,c off,,
of ihis linpul. f, this wa ths u-ri. d f
inn front. thl d.d not hw . fo, t I
(.lain tl.l.urf--UdonK.wrd
course o' Aycr's Pills the
system is set in good working
0rdcr and 3 man begins to feel
that life is worth living. He
Wh0 has bome the gradual
prey of constipation, 'does not
realize the friction under which
he labors, until the burden is
Wted from Lim. Then
mountains sink iat0 mole
hlIIs, his moroseness gives
Place to jollity, hew a happy
aa again. If We doe3 no.
seem worth living to you. you
may take a very different view
of it after taking
Aver's Cathartic Pills.
Joel Ware, having bee
pointed U. S. Circuit C
Connnissioncr for tliedi;
of Oregon, is now pre -
to make Homestkad Fil:
Final Proofs, ami take
tiniony in Contist 0
Having had thirty years
perience in this line, lie
guarantee satisfaction
every ease. Ofl'iee in
Fello-vs' Ikiilding, En:
Oregon .
i ii
Sjlti'M cur 'tif
MfiKluCl.r), Hi
.-Ms-vim or i-. i.f: ' m i
:m. . ,tv nn i. a 1
TUG A DMA! Tl fM.Tl.ll
IK1 K U Hiiu-iiK,
OF,. ruwiX '.il C "'JN9
I lUiviil i; J
arthn-,inl ii.l i.i'l'- 111'"
li.hlucr-. on th. iniirK.-r. f
Uatiuina niM uuli I.i
run ii i M t
l-ant, r-rquir! rlrjW
nvn-toui, ire" ' loUr4
"as a PSVe!3
hVtiiiiT !.iir;.,
4nr Vril
tictiitA. i:,, un'it..n.
1 MCVrs THE BQfS''
;B TKE MOnlNSi j
1 Kami it mr, n aAyj 1
Itr uiu Vi Mt (t, r.'i i A '1