The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 27, 1897, Image 8

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I. Im CAMFBEIXt rraprUtor.
t . i i t . i u:.u i- t
An Interesting I'nllerllon of Item Front
III Two llenileilieree, lreeiiteri
la 'iftitiif-4i 1'imii.
Governor Bradley, of Kentucky, tin
fixed March 20 a Uio dato fur tho !
:utiuii of Jackson and Walling, tlio
murderers of Pearl Bryan.
I Tho Havana authorities, In view of
;hf scarcity of U-ef, have divided to ro
juest the, government to allow tlio free
uuHrtuti(iii of cattle from the United
States and Mexico.
Frank Castile, a sbskman, stubbed
in. I killed John Jlei k at Cleveland,
Wash., in mi altercation at a mas
querade ball. Catilo surrendered him
elf to the sheriff and claim tha act
wan ono of self-defense.
Dr. Arthur Dnestrow, tho HL Ixuia
millionaire, who on February IHU4,
hot and killed 1 i m wifu and child in a
fit of drunken rage, in that city, was
handed in the courtyard of tho county
Jail in Union. He hroko down at tho
last moment and confessed to the crime,
Hooission liaH entered the MircclingS
of the convention of tho I"aguu of
American Wheelmen, now being held
in Alhany, N. Y. Colorado will tul"
the. initiative and will probably bo fol
lowed by California nnd several other
state. Sunday racing Ik thu Urns of
lleforo thn legislative investigating
committee on trusts in New York, John
F. Hcirles admitted that the average
margin of profit between raw and re
fined sugar during the tivn yearH before
Ihe trust was foinicd was . h.'.IU of a
rent a xund and during the subsequent
livo yearn 1.00.
A letter r dyed by an ofllcial in
Panama from La I'aft, Bolivia, states
that the lloliviaii congress will di'claru
war tiKin I'eru. Tho letter also slates
that there in great activity in military
circle", tho army is being placed on a
war footing, and recruiting has begun
throughout tho republic.
A special train form Chicago to Di n
ver, a distance of 1,021) miles, made tho
run in 18 horns 62 minute. Tlio jour
ney (men into bintory nit thn greatest
railroad feat ever nccompliidicd. Tho
train was a special conveying Henry J.
Maylnim, a mining broker of Chicago,
to the death bed of big mm. He arrived
a few bourn too lale.
Tho battleship Oregon ban returned
to San Francisco after her lirt long
cruise. Klin went ait far an Acapulco,
Mexico, and Iiiin been absent live week.
Il.iring her Voyago nho practiced with
her gun and ban been tented an a light
ing mat bimi and seagoing craft. Tho
Vessel proved satisfactory in every ro
Ipect. Hint w ill ni oil pioeeed to Seattlo
and enter tho drydock.
Dr. Langlcy Hall, 811 yearn of age, u
pioneer of Oregon, died at Oakland.
Tho olHcit of the Pittsburg Post wan
almost totally destroyed by lira. Tho
loss ix fliO.OUO, well iiiNiired.
Harry ItampiiHl wax knocked over
board hy tho Ihhuii of bin tlshingdiout
and drowned in tho Columbia near Ali
tor Li.
' J. Danaeli, a traveling man, wan held
tip mid roblx'd of (70 by three, masked
men w hile driving through a grove near
('apt. Chan. Hwansnn, of thn pilot
Schooner Jexxie, wan drowned in As
toria hailsir while attempting to board
bin vcsncl from ft nmall rowboat.
Cuban sympathizers hcl.l an open-air
meeting in Tacoma and denounced Pre
mier Catiovan. Thn Spanish Mag wan
trailed in tho mud and then burned.
A resolution wan adopted praying that
Weyler might be subjected to tlio name
torture by hia victims.
Tho arrangement for tho initugurit
tlon of President McKlnloy am rapidly
Hearing completion, and tho indication",
aro that in Ki lit of brilliancy and at
tractiveness theocreiiionics, tho dooora
tionn and tho festivities incident to
inauguration week w ill bo more lavish
than those of burner yearn.
A prominlent church member of Pen
dleton, dr., ban headed a subscription
list with 3 for tho relief of Jim Hems
Worth, tho Pessimal miner who saved
tho liven of bin two companions by
thruxtlnK' bin aim into tho cog of a
rapidly turning windlass nnd in that
way prevented a heavy bucket of oro
from falling on tho lieaili of bin com
panion! in tho shaft below.
Charlen Frohninn and bin manager,
V. It. Dillingham, of tho tlardcti thea
ter, itve a special tcrforiiiaiicn of
"HeartHeaxe" (by courtesy of Henry
Miller uinl bin company), to tho clergy
men of New Yotk. Tho theater wan
cloned tit all except tho clergy, and no
cat w ent notd. Thn box otllco men
and Usher w'ero dressed ill long black
coatn and black tics, and the playhouse
and itn nuango au lience had every ap
tearance of a ohuich. Theto were
I.Otl'J iniuiHterH and their friend pren
out, iiiclii.ini a number of minixter
from New Jeixey. The only tlenoinina
lion thai cent regret wu tho Metho
ilixtn. The nale of the Noitheru raciflo Kail
nioi Ctuupaiiy'ii proH'ity and tiannfer
to tho Northern P.icitlc bailway Com
pany, the purchaxcr, ha liecu fully
completed, Ju.ltje Jenkiun, id Mil- 1
waukee, having euteied au ortler in tho
United Satten muiI cintiiiuin( the ac- i
tion of Mahter Caiey in extvulmg detvl I
transferrin); the pioi'rty and aitiu'tion j
1 i a the dixmcitioii id iorct'cdn an made j
by tho master. Thin in the hint act in I
the linHtitiin of tho propeity, but '
yeam will claw before thu court i .
done w ith lui(atuu.
Four indictuientn have Wen found
anainit Sylvtwter Stvvel, a oorn,iipoiid- ;
ent of the New York World, recently
arretted by the hpanixli autboritie. ,
The timt aivunea SiMvel if an act of r
bcllioii in having travelts.1 i the Held
kt a imlit.ef nlirt; thentsttuul i
t - pew-ao.-tPta it tea
pS4, i4 tlajt
1 wnk '
AtCAtl oleV)iotXA vAW
place . . a. !
The Trannvaal republic hftw:iO lej
of Kii(land i.afj.000 indemnity on ao
count of the raij of Dr. Jaiuvnon, i
CritiaU iufjcflf, Ol
I'hlllppln llad llciolt Verging
t'pon a Collap.
New York, Fob. 22. A dinpatoli to
the ileraid from Manila nay:
Oenitral La diamine, who ban oecii.
pled Santo Dmino, in now advancing
on Hillinx, Cornell and Marina and
will attack thn rclxd furcen within
three dayn. The riumlxT of troop em
ployed in not ublixhed. The liatterien
employed are two Krup batterien of
eielit ceiititnetern, one l,attery of nine
Itnd two loortarM of fift'-en ceiitimeti-ix.
With (ii-neral I.l Chainhre in (b-neral
Marina, who taken one battery of artil
lery of eitfht cetitimetern.
Froui all rexirtn it would - iri that
if tho (-aiiiardx are lucky enouxh to
inflict a ilcciMVit cha"tin.-ini-iit uxm tint
relx ln in Cavite, tint entire revolution
w ill collapse. Tho ulmenee of a real
leader luiir-l tell lixll the relnd', and
nil their principal men ant either in
tlio fortrenn here or have been nbot by
tho authorities. Francisco I'.ojan, the
inilliiinaire and friend of (b-neral
Dliinio;, the dm'tor mid idol of
tint Philippine ludianr; Luna, tint ar
tist whom- picture hoii n trold medal at
the Pari i-Mitiou, and every other
native or balf-c.ite of wealth or inllu
ence in the Catipuna or inner cinden of
conspiracy, which the nativen created
for their own jurH'nen iiisi.lethe hsl'i n
of Masonry, into which the Spaniard
confidently initiated them yearn iik",
are in the toil of tho law and may Ixi
nbot any day.
An iminerixe amount of niifferinn ban
been inflicted on their families by
these misguided men. In dnxcii of
Cl'cs larfe entatei) of tlliwe llnplii:atel
Jiavo been embargoed by thn (fovern
inent, ami -'ipe formerly opulent lire
reduced to jniverty. Kven Koine native
Cutholii! prientn ant annuitf tho prison
em, seven at least havintf been tempted
into the plot.
The luaehiiiati'inn of the rebel poem
to bavo jiermeated all ipiartern, nnd
they have taken in their withering
jrrasp nativen and half breed in every
atation of life, from tlio millionaire
iroH-rty-ow tier, local governor, K"Vern
lilelit clerk, ofllcial il.ietor or professor
in rollere, to tint most ignorant and
s sir est llslierillail mid douienlie servant
in foreiin or Hpanish employ. Indeed,
it would b difllcult to lind a p.iralhd
for audi w idespread treachery.
If the rebel on Mie island caiict rid
of the Spaniards they can run the coun
try nnd pay no more taxen. K.vory ono
will have plenty to eat, nothing to do
mid pay no "cedula" or other tax to Thin in the simple urKUiueiit
which tho nuent use everywhere to
Wat up recruits and p't tint ,,.asants tu
join their ranks. Their idea lire
l.liccly socialistic. .
An no illustration of these delight,
fill tenet the wasbermell, who have
inoHtly all turned rdsdn, walked olT
with half the wardrobe of male and fe
male Manila, for every one use white
tropical clothing the year round, and
coiiHcipicntly for u time tin- rebel were
the In-st dressed (jent lelileii ill the Phil
ippines, while their luckless custoluei
Were getting new i lotlie together.
Miirtlrfr lliitlrr NrvHl an Hraman an
llimrtt II. M. H lrlliiii.h.
San Francisco, Feb. llntler ha
been a marine in her majesty' seivice,
in addition to hi other occupations,
lln ban Ireen identified by I wo of bin
former shipmates. John Conway and
Thomas Collins, of tin city were at
one time H.iilor on hoard II. M. S.
Triumph. There wan a marine on Isiard
bribe name of Ashe. When the old
sailor naw the picture of Duller they
reconi.ed the face. Collin wan sisi
tive the man wa their ol.l shipmate
Anlio, and to make Hiiro Conway wont
to see him it few day a'o.
Ashe wa with Conway and Collin
in IhsH, when the Triumph, while on
her way out hero from baiejand, put
into Chile. While there a detachment
of men was put on boa id from the ship
I.itlVy, which wan then lining duly an a
prison ship for tho contiiiemeut of
minor ollenders. Aslm wa nmoiitj!
these, lie ha l Is'eii confined on Imard
the LttTcy for stealing it rin;.
At Victoria, Conway and Collin,
whose term bad expired, left the ship
and lost nielli of Ashe. At the city
prison Conway and Duller revenue I
each other immediately and talked for
Home time. To Conway it i undeist.ssl
Duller outlined hi proposed defense
when be return to Australia, and said
he ha hi reason for heniK known it
rol In a Hurtling I'nelllng Warned
r 1 lirlr I'rrll.
Oakland. Cab, Feb. 23, Nine liven
wcio saied by a parrot in Piedmont
jcsleiday. The shrill screams of the
lu id aroused the Hume family from
slumber to discover that their mansion
on Piedmont avenue wan in tl.uocn.
denize W. Hume, the well known ship
owner, wa the tirst one alarmed, lie
and hi sou I'Mward s'ot the ladies id the
household safely out of dinus, Fdward
tried to telephone to the tire depart
ment, but a be calbsl he was com
pelled to leave the m-tiuinent, lvin:
diiveu out by smoke and flames.
The In'.iuliful home, w till much of
it valuable contents, was totally de
stroyed. Within A sort time alter the
tiro wan discovered, notlutii! was left
but a blackened mass of ruin.
tirilinil l.oaut linraluu Hill.
Deilin, Ftdt. 3'J. The Dim man loan,
ivuversioii lull pas-isl its second lea l
g ti.l.ty in the reietista, after several
amendments prtsised by Ib-ir Ku htcr,
the people' p-nty U'.ider, bad been re
jivttsl. l.sttril.Mt ttlrlk rlll.l,
(bilveston, Tex, Feb. 2. The
street ear strike wan settled tins moin
in),'. The men rctm mvl to woik at the
scale in effect pt lor to the trouble. The
iicrecinciil in to .s a year.
Fslsl (.Istalur Arrlilnnt.
San Antonio., Tex., Feb. lt. Due ol
the pasviiucr ilevatoi ill the St.
James hotel i'ot beyond th iMntiol of
the conductor today. It went up at
full speed, clashed through the roof,
turnisl over nnd fell down (lie air shaft,
a distance of tive slur ie. The elevator
conductor and a itucst w. in the ma-
ne at the time. Dolhie dy m.
Wasbiiuton, Feb. ii. Pitstmaster
(leneral Wil.ri thin aftei mm II an
nounced that be bad accepted the prenl
ucy f the Washuiijton and Us uni
veiiity, at Lexington, Ya. ,
McKinley Rates Restored by
the Committe.
Tha Coming Wttk to Ita ! otad to the
Rf-hcitula of Muinlrln1 bo I'rleo
lo II fold fur Armor I'lata.
WiishiiiKton, Feb. 20. Tlio Itcpub
liean ineiuhern of thn way ami mean
committee timk an iiiixrtaiit step to
day in their work on thn new tariff
bill, by ilecidiliK to restore tint McKin
ley rate on coal and coke. Tln-Mo rati H
Were cent per toll of 2S bushel on
bituminous and shale, and !)0 rent on
coal sbo k, such it will pas throUKh a
ball-inch screen. Thn present rate
are V) rent and l. cent. Coke i ad
vanced from l.'i to 20 per cent ltd val
orem. The ebani;en hits made, in re
xiiise to a general demand from tho
coal interests, whosit representative
declared the Wi I'on rates had increaned
Canadian comjH'tilion so ly that
the American mineownern bad Is'en
obliged to reduce waK'1 to kee ill the
Thn first ronfereiicn of the Week dealt
with tint tobacco schedule, and, al
though no final agreement bad been
reached, there i n practical Uliderntand
iiiK that the new bill will return to the
McKinley rate on tobacco, except on
the Kadit known ax filler. The rate
on thin will Is- 70 cent a isiund,
double tint McKinley duty, which was
!tj cent. It wan represented by the to
bacco manufacturers that most of the
tobacco iuix.rtel from Cuba nn filler
wan used for wrappings, and that this
evasion of the law (avit thn Key West
f ictorie all lid vantage over those lining
Sumatra tobacco. Tint McKinley du
ties on wraps-r tobacco were fi per
xiund on stemmed and .'.".' on un
steuimed. (In snnlT the rate was .'ill
cents; mid and ciiaretten, ft and
J.'i ht cent ad valorem, and on tobacco
lint enumerated 40 cents.
Tho committee w ill devote most of
tho time this week to the schedule of
sundries, which includes button, ex
plosives, matches, musical instru
ments, furn, jewelry, glove and miscel
laneous manufactures, and on most of
these tho McKinley rate will be re
stored. Horn Cmnmlltro-
Washington, Feb. 20. The house
committee on naval affairs, which in
win kiut; on the naval appropriation
bill, spent must of the day in iliseiissint!
the quest ion of the price to be paid for
armor plate. Tho question was finally
di-uoFcd id by the adoption of an amend
ment to the lull authoi i.iiik the secre
tary of the navy to contract for steel
armor, of domestic manufacture, for
tint three battleships now bciirK con
structed, and appropriat im.' a sum not
exceinlintf :i,il(l,000 for the purpose.
It in estimated that H.Oil tons of plate
will ls needed for these ships, so that
thin provision lio.nts the cost to $ lot)
per ton. A substitute was ollered by
Mct'all, limitiiik' the appiopriation to
$i,sns,7.Ml, which would have limited
the price to nVi.'il) per Ion, but this was
t Voted down.
I Another propo-ition wan made to
strike the words "of doiiiest ic manu
facture" from the armor clause, which
, also failed. Members of Iheciuoiiiittee
;who favored thin promsrtion meed
that the hcarum's showed then1 was no
competition Is'twceu the American
fir ins encased in the manufacture of
1 armor-plate, and that the eoicinment
did not have an opportunity of buying
1 of foreign linns, as American linn
' were selling armor to Kussia at ('.'."ill a
! Arllvo Wink uf tli ('ioiiiurlat I'lult
t.r I. a tlrmitls.
1 41 i ramie, Hr., Feb. Si. Decently
Turner t lier, in lsdialf of the Com
mercial Club, applied to the tlrep'li
Kailroad iV Navinat ion ollicials to make
' it rate on sncar beets, in ant ieipat ion of
1 establishing a sugar factory in this val
1 ley. The rate applied for was ;0 cents
it ton from all points within I'nion
county. In renmnse lo this request,
the railway company gu.oanlee to cs- ,
tablish the follow itii; rates:
, Within 2a miles, oil cents a ton; 2,"i
to Til) miles, J5 cents; fill to 1U0 miles,
' This is equivalent to a rate of oil cents
i a ton from all points within tin" coun
ty, except Noitli Powder. A icqiirst
wiII1k made to have the latter point 1
included in the ,'0-cenl late, the dis
tance from Ninth Powder by tail Is ing
!i mile. A letter ban lnvn leccived
from Fuginecr Silech, the const inctor
id a beet factory at I! Idy, N. M .,
ami in it be sax that the factory at
that place will Iv tini-died very
A simn an the woikis finished ar.l
some minor detail ate settled, Mr.
Siloeh an I hi a-ts-iatcn w ill fume to
La tirande.
t r..t ll. li In It n.I lllih.
Datouiu. Feb. Si. t i .ui,t Duke
t)eoi).'e of liussi.i, the c.aro itch,
youiiiier brother ef the c ir. and lit ir
presumtive to the tbinne, who has been
in bad health (or a Ion; time pa-t, b.ts
started oil a M iciui-e. llewillpio
cetsl to Coi.staiit,nople.
11 IVrsoim M iirtlr.l.
Disniarek. N. IV, Feb. Si A rcs.rt
fiom tiioua. to miles south of here,
ms Mrs. W allien, Theiua ;-picer and
Wife, their daughter, Mrs. bouse, and
the latter's two clnl ben were mur
dered at their heme near that place.
Vhi Trtt.v In tlitusfl. of t'liimitmiv.
Iaui Ion, Feb. Si A copy of the gen
eral atlutiation treaty and Pusideiit
Cleve'.aul's iuemii on the subject
was issued to the hou-c o' commons to lilsnv Too Vt wmk
Dakelstlfld. Cab. Feb. ii K. L.
Willow, the slayer of Percy IXh'I.iss,
has Iss n d-.sch iK'il f 'fin eiistisly in
the ju-t;ce iMurt. as there was insuffi
cient evidence to warrant holding huu
to auwer.
X Irllma uf the fl.jue,
Dombay. Feb. ii. Since the out
break of the 1 I.iue. tl V"i3 case iiav
bfii reis.rted 111 tlmuty, and .,4t3
death have Isst. In D,.m
bay piosidenc(2)iU 1 fa,,. unlS.lHHl
death fivui the p'.auc bate oecurrvsi.
f mmlf ration It
.IrlrlO.n Hill to
Washington, Feb. D" The immigra
tion bill now CO to the pre-1 lent, trie
lat leuinlative step h.ivii.,' I n talo-n
In tho senate ti.d.i.v hy an iire.-ment to
the conference report on the bid.
fctron;,' ops.sition w in made to the re--irt,
but on the final. vote the friends
of the measure raile d a -mail major ity,
llm Totu bein,-: Ave ;14, i ' "I.
Tho bill a- pa- I, extend tin -1111111.-(fration
restrict. oi:- ...uinst "a" er-ons
physically eapahl- i.nd over l'i y.-ar-of
'aire, who cnt.ot rea I atel writ" the
Kmrltslt Lti or,.,.- or -.toe other l.m
euaee; but a ri--t -o all' to x I
an write wl.oi-,w ') yeais of u
and in the p 0-1.1 . r j;raiidparent of a
qualified imm i-' ii t on-r 21 year of ap
and eatable of -i.t toitina- su. h patent
or erandpan i.t
imuiik'raiit; or
parent may
join the family
over 21 years rl
mid capable; a .
not no able t, 1
'coin puny or b -
ti, iv ie mpai.y aueii
.,e h I arent or erand
for and come to
f a eh. Id nrirtaiidchill. qualified
I ,1 h ,fe or minor chill
.ad 111. I write may ae
s..;,t f .r and come to
join tho htl-l
i I
parent similarly
qualified and c.,; I.-. "
: For the pur 1 f ! -t in-' the immi-
' yrant'n illiter.i. y. I in compelled to
read and write !i..m twenty to twenty
live words of t! l i.ited Mate con-ti-
tlllioll. A-ide f 1 these extension
of thn pre i,t In. the bill inanurates
I a now system of restricting immik"ation
fiom Is.rder countries and designed to
npply principally to immife'ratioii fimi
In thft Hons.
Washington, Feb. P.I. The house
tislay, after a two hours' ib-b ite, pas-ed
a bill of considerable importance to the
ari l ri eioim of the West. It opens to
use and o. cupatioii under the riidit-of-way
act of March :t, Isul. all the n -s-ei
Voir site- reserved by the domical
. ailivey. There are i:tS of the-e sites
scattered throtirhout the all I cumtiy,
and thi act will enable them to lie put
to practical n-e by individuals or cor
niations. Two amendment were nt
: la. le d to the bill, oiie of whiill per
! mils stall or territories to m-eupy
; these sit., if they choo-e, and the
other emxiei tho state and terri
tories in which they aio located to fix
i water rati s.
liiitiirtMiirn ot Inrrrnatlig th Artlllrrj
! 11 raui-U of lli Army.
I Washington, Feb. IX Senator
Haw h y, ihairman of the committee on
military affair, ban filed a wiitteu re
ply, urii',' the importance of ineieas
ti'K the Httillery branch of the military
ei vice by tho addition of two regi
ment. Ho fayn thin increase in essen
tial to the care mid preservation of tho
I cosily woik and new enn already
completed. Senator llawl y adds:
"Splendid lii.dr-powcr emm and ex
pensive liftinu' device are absolutely
without a eiiard, while theie eu.'lit to
be a catefully enlisted body of men be
in taught to iimlerstand how to work
111 d p reserve the nuns nnd machinery.
An artillery force cannot be improvised.
A plololie;ed education is indispensable.
Since UW toneless ban ajipropriatcd
for the purchase of sites and construc
tion of (ortifl. ations, for the construe
tion of a .'nn factory at Watervlict, tho
carriage factory at Watertown arsenal,
nnd for expenniental purpose under
the board of ordnance and fortitica
t ions, 1 1 1 .4 1 1 . 7 and since Septem
ber, l-'SS, rli,i:,:l,i;i; for armament
a total for for 1 iti. at lonn and pinn of
iil.:iri."i,2,.i7, and the pending fortifi
cation bill grants 1.1.111111.11110, a total of
f :l."i,'i00,ooo. In the meantime not one
foldier has been recruited to care for
and handle for ts an I emin. And be
fore that per io I there were many old
foils, Ktir.s and batteries, for which not
even a's l could bo de
tailed. "The present condition of affair in
wasteful in the fXt'eme. Tho appro
priat ion ha e l en ju-t and liberal.
Put the is'iins and tor is, without trained
men are useless."
lluii0 l.nlmr I'uiiiinitts Agree tu
t'm ursliln tli-iiirt.
Washington, Pel. P.I. The bouse
committee on l.iU-r today authorized it
favorable report on a bill introduced
by Mr. lairiiner, of Illinois, to prevent
conspiracies to I la. Mist. U provide
that 11 combination to prevent the em
ployment of any pet .11 on a tralisitor
tation line bccaii-e of p.11 1 icipatitii,' in
any strike or laler le or 11 mem
bership in any lawful union or orani
lation, shall be an unlawful conspir
acy, and punished as such utiles ille
gal act were committed in connection
W nil the strike or l.,!,r trouble.
Any person injured l,y such conspir
acy may sue ior damages sustained,
nnd in cases wheie malice is shown,
full exemplary d images may bo recov
i ted. Letlcis wete teceivci from P.
M. Aithur, of tiie ltroiheih'wd of I,o
im motive Fucincers; K. ).;. Clark of
the Kailway Conductors, arid W. V,
Powell, of the liailway Telegrapher,
all ai'jeovinj: the bill.
A teievratn from tbo Lowell obnrrva
tory l'la...tatT, Arixomt. announce that
the M.i;t;.m canals, Phisou and K111
pin.itcs, h ue been observed doubled.
Tu Tar llepttsiturn In Full.
M.c:, s.111,1, Wash., Feb.
the Dank of Monti'sano closed its door
.lanu.i y iti 11 was announced at the
tine' !y the dinvtorn that the dessit
oi w. ni I ! paid in full. That was
iv r. 1 esterday iitHui, when t. W.
1 Ic li:. -. 1 . inker, opened the ibvir id
the k of Moutevmo nnd depositors
wete leiitied that their money wa
rea i for them. However, very
w .ti. Irew their money, and today
ot l!n; is quiet.
Thiirstim fur the Kugnr Men.
W.,-' .:, ..ton, Feb. 19. Senator
-t ti today naio notice of an
i n i.t to the sundry civil appro-
'i b.'.l for the appropriation of
led, to pay iinallowisl nicar
t - im !er the act f lS'JS for
''biets in 11'4 and lSslj. It
1 q I tl.Q this is tho lul.iinst dutf
..n, which havo already Uvn
Is l'i
O'l ,
It t ikes thirty -seven pivially con-strict.'-!
and equipped steamers to keep
the . .'.ina-ine telegraph cubic of Q
He: ;j m repair.
Gomez is Now Between
Weyler and Havana.
Weyler. Il..werer. Head. rd Th.t
the lu.urgeut Leader and
Men Ar. In ll Unreal.
Jacksonville. Fia.,Feb. iiv-A
eial to the Citizen from Key We-tsais:
Private information l.-heeii r.-eeiici
f thewhereal-utsof (iera iai (.0!,,. ..
He ha s. ed.-d in s',i pin-' by .di-
,.ral Weyler and in l.-iv between huu
and Hav.itia.
(iel.eral li .tncz eave the colilllialld
for an advanc. strict orders that
any man that s-ruck a match Woiil be 1 1-then advaneed on
the Moron tro-ha. in the eastern end of
the island, w itii a.nuO cavalry and UK-
Mm'v. lb- adva I on the
tort at and wh-n I." saw he
Was ,liscoerel by t'e Sp.mi-li. who
fired on him. he ord.vr 1 the cavalry to
,.,arKe. Tie V S'.l.',.;.e. down upon the
fort and it. and the whole
iirmv went thioii.d. the liocha. All of
the arm mil ammunition of the fort
wa- capture I. The army then contin
ued to inarch, and was encamped at
Vc-uite when the new wan sent to the
eitv by a courier. II: order in takiiiR
the fort was to use the machete only,
and the cavalry made a eallant fi-dit.
Weyler lu Tureult ot tinmel.
Havana. Feb. ii. If ofllcial report
are correct, the insutneiit army under
I iei.eral (ion.ez ban been divided into
small corps and (iomeu himself i in
full retreat before the continued ad
vance of Weyler. Dispatches from
Cit .'o ile Avid say the insiirp'iit commander-in-chief
with 1,000 men re-ero-se
l tint military line in the prov
ince of Puerto Pincipe, 1 xteli liiiK from
Jiicaro to Mmion, and is print; eastward
throned! Puerto Pincipe in the ditectiotl
of the capital of the priviin'e.
(ieneral Calixto de tiarcia, Home.'
second in imand. was rerted four
days ai!o in the vicinity of Puerto Prin
cipe, retreatim: towards the same mint
as liomez. Weyler arrived yesterday
at Mincti Spiritus, the most important
town in the eastern part of the province
of Sant.t Clara, m ar the boundary of
Puerto Principe, in the territory where
the insurgent hcadipiarter were re
cently located. Weyler will push for
ward to Moron. Cie.-o de Avid and
.1 uraco, thus sweeping across
the island with a larije force, and dliv
itii.' the enemy before him. lie expects
to entrap liomez between ti.o wind's of
the Spanish column and force a decisive
ena.'L'emei.t before the rains put an end
to the military operations. The Cu
bans believe, however, that (ioineZ
w ill, as usual, slip tliroiii:h the cordon
before Is'inn completely developed.
I'aluier Wlline. a Firieen-Yenr lMd line,
Ari'ldentwlty llrowiteil.
Skatiiokawa, Wash., Feb. 22. News
has readied Skainokawa of au accident
that took place on Deep river, in the
lower part of Wahkiakum county, la-t
Saturday eveninc;, hy which Palmer
Wiln. e lost bis life. It seems that
Wiline, w ho was about 1.5 years old,
and another boy of the same ano. Max
Iaitu, had cone to the postnftlee at Deep
river, to yet their mail. Havinj; se
cured their mail they started for their
homes in a small boat, taking with them
a man, John The boat was one
of those little skiffs used on the creeks.
It was barely safe for one person to
travel in, much less three, and in
ohanniiii! seats it was capsized and the
occupants throw 11 out. None of them
could swim, but John lame; hunt; to the
capsized boat, while the two boys stniL'
1,'lcd to jret ahsore, which was only 100
feet away. Their cries for help brought
(ieotiio Uarey to their assistance with i
a bout, and he succeeded in savini; the
two Limes. The boy Wiline went
down and his body was not recovered
until Sunday, when it was found near
the scene of the accident.
Wilme's sister Wiis drowned neat
Astoria about nine years ajo.
Waiting fur the Opening of the ('ulvlllc
ltear at.uu.
Wilbur, Wash., Feb. 22. This town
and other alone the south half of tin
Colville Indian reservation are tilled
with strangers, awaitiiitf a proclaim!-'
tion openiiu; that section to mineral
cutt ies. There are a number of men
on the reservation now, and they have!
located mineral claims, and it. some
cases have been prosecuting work there
on. In a letter to Spokane, une of the
miner on the outside say that the piv
eminent officials are interested with
companies in locating valuable mineral
claims. It is said that the Indian ,n.
lice stand in with them. One location
on tlie reservation .tear a paper which
ban the signature as witness of Sam
Vinson, deputy I'nited States marshal
at Spokane. New York and Spokane
companies have the "cinch," according
to the writer, on all of the best claims'
and. where their a.-ents are seeking
new discoveries, all other miners lire
kept off the land.
Kyle W Klerted.
Pierre, S, lb, Feb. 22. tin the son
atonal ballot today, the Hepubli.-an in
the bouse voted almost solidly for Kyle.
The Kepublican of the senate began
lit once to change to Kyle. Before the
result was announced eiumLdi changes
had U-eii ma le to give Kyle votes",
three more tlian were in',ss.irv. Willi
the solid Kepublican vote and 11 few
Populists who stay,.,! with him. Kyle
seemed euoii.'b votes to pull him
Ketenue Cutler W.ilcott Sold.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 22.-The Uni
Its! states revenue outlet Oliver W.d
cott was SH.l-l t.slay !lt auction, f,,r
:!.0;,0. to hval shipping ,,. T1,
Ivatwill Iv inspivtisl and repainsl, an-l
may Iv sent to Cook's inlet, alihlui.-li
the new owners have 11,1 definite ph.u.
Sleam.hlp t hin. Jilrntlned.
Sun Francisco, Feb. 22. The steam,
ehip China .trrivtsl toniji.t Yoi,,.
baiua. iiwing to the prcM-nce of .mull
pox ou Is.ard, the steamer w oi ie ,-d
into quarantine, and no mail or
j;er weie lau iis;.
Will Trovlrted for ! '
rjirnprUtlon Bill.
! Wa-hi.iKton, Feb. 22.-The navy p
..rot.r.atioi. bill for the fincitl year bai
L e M ra''ti-'',ple.ed by the house
. 1 ed to the house by Chairman
. LI,;,!,,; tinim. Tlr W
about :i:i,ooo,ouo, which i uliout .J,-
.000 more than the appropriation
for the cimrrent year. Tho committee
deeided to put in the new battle-nh p
r ,mei,.led bvtliesulsoinmittee. It
is to cost, inelndiiiK I'Ull. ""nor and
ehinery, no, more than 3 750 000.
Propositions for new dry-docks lit Aide,-
I.a., and Mare Island, Cab, were
voted' down. The appropriation for
n.vv-vardn include '. er ,1'p
Mar'e island yard, of which 30.000 in
for extendim.' tho seawall, f.'O.OO for
dredL-iii ' and 10,000 for (rrinlinu nml
,,.,vi.,KaiHit the drydock. Tho Fillet
sound naval station p-tH 100.000 fr
wbatf and 10,000 for eradniK. Tbo
total for repair and preservation of
navy-vard is b)0,000. There i an
item of fiO.OoO for moileru machine
tools at the Mare island yard.
The new appropriations for the ma
rine barracks ate: Frection of buildim:
at Port Orchard, Wash., 1,000; olll
cers' quarter, .1.001), and gradini,' pa
rade "rounds, :l,000.
The appropriation for armor for ves
sels authorized fiom lSllOtothe present
date amounts to 7.720,000, and for
hulls, outfit and steam machinery, 5,-
Ilia. 000.
New steam tiiL-n are provided for Port
Jioyal and 1'Uiiet Hound, each to cost
Arbitration Tremlr Again ConlilerU
In Kn ullve Heinlou.
Wiisbiii-'ton. Feb. 22. The senate
adjoiinicd at N:a.- Mnieht, nfier liaviii(f
spent almost eiuht hours in continuous
executive session on tho arbitration
treaty. No result was accomplished
beyond vol i ins down the motion made
by Nelson to iMist,Hine further consid
eration of the treaty until March 5.
Sherman made icpeatcd efforts diirinc;
the day to secure a vote on tho ratifica
tion or to (,'et the senate to lix the day
and hour when it would UKree to Vote
iilui the treaty, lie was defeated in
both purposes, and when the senate at
last adjourned, because of the absence
of a quorum, he did not say w hether be
would make another effort ntwin this
session to secure further consideration,
but it is supMised that he w ill renew
the motion for an executive session to
morrow. The feeliiiK throtU;h the sen
ate amoiii! the friends, as well as tho
opponents of the treaty, is that any
effort to secure a vote w ill bo futile.
t'uuiunl and Iiivnliintarjr Feat of an
San Francisco, Feb. 22. An acrobat
it the rp hciini fell forty feet from 11
trapeze yesterday and crashed thiouh
the bi' bass drum. Incidentally he
au-ed two woo. ell to faint, broke two
music stands, scared tbo wits out of,
but did not kill, a tiddler, as he miht
have done, and bruised himself slight
ly. The acrobat is one of the llenfe
biothers, who perform a number of
d.irine; feats on Ii iv'li trapeze suspended
in front of the curtain over the orches
tra. The trapezes are suspended at
opposite sides of a horizontal roctaiiKU
lar frame. From one trapeze Jules
llenfe hail" by his feet, while his
brother Jacques sw inc;s from the other
trapeze, his back turned to .Jules.
When Jacques has obtained suflicient
impetus from his swine;in; ho lets pi
the trapeze bar and so Hies to the out
stretched bands of his brother.
They were perfoniiinj; this feat yes
terday cvenine;, when, somehow or
other, Jacques succeeded in getting
only an insecure hold of one hand.
Jules could not hold on, and made a
straight drop.
Will Hmi I Siipp He, Kree.
San Francisco, Feb. 22. The com
mi t tee of the India famine relief fund
announces that the privilege of free
transportation for food supplies with
which to load the steamer provided bv
the I'nited States government lias been
granted by the Southern Pacific fur Pa
cific coast points, and for donations
from Kastern contributors by the Ccn
tial and Union Pacitie roads, in connec
tion with the Hock Island, Burlington
and Milwaukee & St. Paul roads.
Contributions of supplies, which will
be received all along the lines, are
earnestly solicited at once, and will be
received for shipment at McNear'g ware
house, Port Costa, Cal.
ratal Train Wreck.
Kininuiidy, 111., Feb. 22. A freight
wreck occurred on the Illinois Central
railroad Hear Boskydell, 111. The en
gine and fourteen cars with contents
were demolished. The engineer, tire
man and one hrakeman were killed.
The cause was the breaking of nil axle
of the engine drivers.
Klre 'nii. i-i 1" ri. Ic lu School,
Boston. Feb. 22. Fire in the Everett
school building this morning caused a
panic among the pupils. The polico
ambulances were quickly on hand and
w ithin a few moments thirteen injured
victims were on the way to tire eitv bos
pual. The fire w as extinguished with
out any considerable damage.
Washington. Keb. 22.-Scnor D
Puyde I.,,,,,,., tm. Spallisll mini
has received the following telegram
from the pres,,!,.,,, f ta.
commerce ,,t Havana:
"The snjar plantation,, i the larirer
manutacturin, ,itri,ts K '
i. me. bailroads aud teUraphic coni
"''" '"" o regular. Fernandez.!.
The lar.-er sugar produei,,.. district,
uha, ,, explained, are , Kast .r
,., ,,,,,,l"m7ro:.le,.
t levelan-1, Feb 'i ' ti, . ,
T . . , Ih" f:lllll V of
J-itohtircles. at .;;!( i '
.'Ttio and .1 i.l, ),.r.... i .
a.badiy '
ke!s.'.'';,M"k"l:'l'';i,- lamp for a
k' r i-e lamp. Th..'.. ...
'Md-sio,, ,' . terntio
UK! ? " t'l'CSi
To Stimulate Cultivation
bugar Beets.
IS TilE XOimiWK.ST stCT'
K.rtner Will IWva ,
fltorklinlilere-An K,.rt
Will Instruct 1ituii
M. Ilidiard Kuhiie, of Tigar,r
Or., was in Portland no-in,,'
showed much interest in thi '
.....l.iiui.i.... .1... 1 "u:
1UI i rirti'i'nun'ft niu i.e.-i S' . i
.1 V..-.I... S. .. 'H'1.''
in too .tin inwesi. .ti r. Kudu,,
graduate of the National Arimi."'
college, of Berlin, nnd f,,r o '
twenty year Im devoii d hi ,;, J
. . . - 1 I .. i. m U-'
the Htudv and work of i . n,
from beets. Willi an extend,.,!
I.. :..r.., ..,v i l. :. . 1
-"- " '"-ing oris j
prime-movers in establishing thei;.
islatul sugar iactory, in .ebra,j, , i
in position to iiirnisii vaiii.ihli-ii.f ,.
tion on tho subject. Mr. Ktihne ',
coniiecteil wltli that i.ietory until,..
three years ago, nml dm m. the r 1
Wiis for some time hl'ii. ultuial ,i 1
of the state. Who n iiiii-rvii-witl,,!-. I
practicability of the industry jc.
seition, ho was eiitliiisi a -tie, lt,i,
pressed great tonfidence t. j
inent on find would result in fcitiin
stantial benefits, us it wa a .
condition of depressed maikets thy
.1.. I .1... X.l.-..oL...
Illli vil iiivt .'i.ti-ni. '.II llier s ty Jj. I
into tho business. Several tiin, J
experiments ho ha made in i.ruli
tho beets were said to lie mu.i M:
torv. The Northwest llei'ds an I
iation, lie thinks, which will t,,
of tho matter in a systematic nur.'
t , , n !. t
a 1 .1 1 CO II I" til - IU till? lllll.' Ilil
pio lo mo vast weaitii tiii.t mast f..;
intidligent cultivation of I t, jJt
manufacture of sugar, lie kindlr,,;
his services gratis if cxpeii-i-n
frayed, to give instructions to antrl
lection of farmers that will tab
interest in the matter. To a repc
.Mr. Kuline sani:
."The belief prevail that the
weather wo have for a period ilnrirj:
summer and autumn months will br
jurioiis to Ix-ets grown for sugar mrJ
facturc. I have iiroven tins to U;
truo by actual experiments. Beetc
quire u deep soil, and ranful n,
tion. (tiven these, whn li tlio J
w est is more capable of furnishing tl ,
many otlier liM'alities that aieiwi;:
niensely prosiierous in the the ttl
business, beets retpnre le.. rain ti.
other vegetables. While I wasmntr
en with the (irand Island fat(n
Nebraska, this quality of the Ivrii.J
fully shown. In 18'JU the sea-en , I
so dry that tho grains on cant of n:
would not form; oats, bur ley au-lwhr.
as well ns vegetables, were a tiilr
Everything was dried up by the r:
winds, except tho beets. Tl.i'T k,
it finely, and yielded from six to
tons per acre, with from sixtirn
twenty per cent of saccharine nut: :
This was the only income the fjra--
had that vear, nnd inline liatdy l I
state gave tho farmers a Uiucty. :l
recognijion of the iuiportaik ol L
"Boots thrive best in sandy i!,t
a little clay mixed, or in a clayey f
with it little sand. This cenil'ir.i:.
of soil has been proven to pr.Ninni.'
best and richest beet. Bottom k
along rivers grow greater qnaiititii. ' I
the beets contain less saccharine n.
tor. By careful cultivation, tt:
lands can lie made to produce be
yielding from twelve to fifteen per it:
saccharine, while uplands will
from sixteen to twenty per cent i
urine. Tlio uplands have about tfr
aged ten to .twelve tons per ncrf, L.
bottom lands go much over this.
"During the three years that lb'
been in Oregon, I have each year raft
sonic sugar beets, part of winch w
been submitted to analysis at the i I
periincntal station in Corvallis,
few have been sent to other I'lai'Sf
tests. My experiments witlitxvtK
the uplands has been a yield nf tr!'
tons an acre, with saccharine cvntf.'
from sixteen to eighteen per cent. T-
test of siiccharino was made by thertl
periiiiental station at CorvalliMi''
careful cultivation the net cent
have been raised tn lu-entv easilv. - I
same beets, after many neavy K'-
occurring nlniiit the Ot)i of Nevi'iiil'
still showed fifteen to sixteen perc:
saccharine, with the great purity '
ninety-one per cent.
"What we need is to get a facte-1
started in some manner. The P'r
who will then bo eager to eiiLMitc in
business will surntise vou. 11
farmers are not ublo to jay cash f'
shares in a factory, arrangement lV;
bo made to have them pay tlnf
beets. This method of obtaininc '
cient support to start would h"'
double iiilvantacro. The f.inm'r 'c
reap u profit, ami the factoiy would a
receive a bonetit, us it is iieccsstr;
them to have tlie beets anvlit.w.
pean countries have adopted llf r,Jt
and in (Jermany it is seldom thati
side capital is used to erect a fa1-
There are 400 factories in o'rat; '' j
there, and in nearly evcrv one lxtw-
are stm'kliolders.
"The nnickust solution is for f-
farmer to sow uliout n qr.a'ter of M
aero with beet sugar, and Uciiiciir" ".
for himself what the irround will.T:"'
In sowinjr thisamount of ground.
tive liutids of seed should I"' u'e-1'
getting seed it is very essential tee-hl-the
best, for in this" rests aboJ'i':
centageof the smrar content.
The most approved kind I ''-'"'J
use. i is a mixture of hall ''"' ' .
1-biner Original and half i!n;i''
Blanche Amcliorec. If i.r''r' tf
procure seed, and tret toevt: '"r in 1
kind of a mooting, I am wi;
...! .....i. ... it t . ... M-hutr"1
" "'i 'i n ana iurnisn tin
instruction I may be able to ''
vidtsl Iny expenses are pai d.
l!tnM.,i...i!. :.. o .r. tl'.n1'-
. s.ii.., I ion in nunc ... . 1 y
wnicn information can bed -t -producer,
individuals ci.t' : . .
beet-piislucinK busiiu'ss e..l. w
inimen-aK- ' 1 .-... .1.1 n. -e tarnn'" '
take thosf preliminary stc; "lt
US tb..v .1.. ..... l ... . f'f
-i uoi ii;ii- o r
pctise, rgid the H.ssibilities ! , ,''1'r'r
whatever information i- t ""'
piaiiuy advanctsl. If tlie t.
ganization is known, the otV "'
n institution will be coint:- nf'
Isnh for receiving and s"
knowle,lgo n the subject.
It cost N'eVVorki-itvuvr
et rid of the last "UaiWf-: :.v-