Kugcno City Guard. HAtURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 To Weekly Subscribers. With thin week we com mence sending out state ments to subscribers of the Wkkkly (Ji;aki, who are in arrears one year or more. We trust subscribers will respond promptly. Tho amounts due us are small individually, but collectively aggregate- a considerable amount. Our bills for paper, ink, employees, and numerous other items must bo paid weekly and monthly; there fore, we must ask our pa trons to assist us to the ex tent of their liabilltes. A PHKMIUM. Any new or old subscriber paying one year in advance, and arrears, if uny, will re ceive free for one year the Cincinnati Wkkkly Hnquiii Kit. The K.(t'iKKit j'h tho leading paper of the Miss issippi valley. Is ably edited in news and editorial col umns, and is a clean, moral family paper, which we can conscientiously recommend. Its subscription price alone is $1.(H). LOOK AT THE RECORD. We take (pace to give the record of the 19th biennial session of the Oregon legislature. It follows: AITKNIMC11H The untimely death of a yorng man near town of appendicitis has called attention to the umiHual dis ease. An exchange, gives the fol lowing explanation of the cause: Appendicitis, which the doctors have hi en telling us is caused by a grapo need or something of that kind finding its way into a useless little sao in the huimin viscera, now appears to hu caused by locl inflammation of tho little organ it si'lf. lirape seeds cannot enter, an it is too sin ill for even a mustard seed ho them is no danger in swal lowing the seeds when eating grapes. Tho disease rarely occurs in women ami rnrelv in children under 10 or iidults over 30. The Hymp'oius are a sudden pain in the center of tlio stomm-h, followed by a sore and tender spot over Mm CRiiiD region. Appendicitis is cured by a simple surgical operation it performed in time, or death will ens i from tho cloggir.g of the system. If the gold of tho world is mo nopolized by governments, banks iiml bondholders how can the u- pin get it to use as circulating mo ilium? They cannot get it for that purpose. It does not circulate, but tliev must li i vo it to pay inter est and tuxes and must buy it at the price fixed by the owners there of. W'u a It those of the Lano eounty farmers and producers who have been hoodwinked into SU- p rt of gold standard ideas to study thif question. Of course this does does not fully apply to the l'acilii) const where gold circulates. Itut in the great commercial centers of tho world gold is bought and sold tho mine as bacon and wheat, is recognized as u commodity, and circulate as money only to a limi tul extent. This bond busiuesi is antedilu vian or very near it. Why should a few people be asked to guarantee to indemnify the electors of a dis trict from loss or eiiibeixloment oo curing by reason of the men whom they elect or aio apKinted to man ugo their corporate or publio affairs? If a man is worth electing he should be as honest and intelligent as the people who elect him, and it is puerile for a large Iwdy of peo- le to nsk a few to stind all the looses without any chance of gain, Tho public that pUcej a man iu position ehould be his lioiitUiran. In an experiment with a mili tary bicycle in France a souave rode at tho rate of twelve miles an hour, went through his part in a sham battle, then foldc 1 his mt chino compactly, placed it on his back, scaled an 8 loot wall with a Intkler, fired his gun repeatedly on the other side, unfolded his bicycle and rode nil'. It will bo bard to keep tho boys from enlisting in the next war, and girls also may want to take a spin. tSTtuo v4Uof IViviw was cWtul we rather expected be would be troublesome in the swate on ac count of his disposition to ruii the entire machine, no difference if it was a horse race, ladies and society, city election or revival. He con siders an Oregon senate a very easy job after the responsibilities be Irs shouldered during his event ful life. President elect McKinley is suffering from nervous prostrstion brought about from incessant hand shaking from would-be office-holders. The life of a newly elected president is not a very pleasant one at the commencement of his term, especially when the political complexion of the administration exjieriences a change. The outs are alwavs persistently crowding the ins for place. "The intellectual giant from Lane county" is the language the Salem Statesman uses in referring to our junior senator. Not a few wtio read what Mr Ruhert Row Is, of Holland, Va., has to say be. low, will rtmember their own exper ience under like circumstances: "Last winter I bad la grippe which left me In a low state of health. I tried num erous remedies, none of which did me any good, until I was Induced to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. I wai enable to attend to my work, and the second bottle effected a ones." r or sale at 25 and 60 cents per bottle by O.burn & Ddlauo. Tba ftoToll aftha INwikUn. Why cannot mothers and datiKhtxra, likn any two other woiimu, enjoy them selves alongside without driving each other crazyf If people's braius are not pf a siz, Umlr tastes not of a kind, liey can lire their separate lives with out evil speaking, lying and slander log, can't they? No, history says, not In one honsa, "Two In a houso" must eutlroly syiapathlzo or one nmst mlo. And the head of the house cannot lis tho daughter. Funny enough, and most lnoonoluslve, are the explanations given In the recent racy discussion a must useful discussion, too, for If It bas put revolt Into Uio head of a few nnrovolt- Ing daughters, who were stilt twilight edly honoring and obeying, it has been a ray of comfort to many a puulcd par ent and a glorious illumination to many an Innocent young eligible. Home peo ple say the mothers aro too strict, and Ilarbara, with her latchkey and her Zola, has their full sympathy. Others say tho mothers are too lax and try to drive into hideous marriage tho shy, re fined Virginia, who ouly asks, as she as a right to ask, whether the man alio it expected to lore has "a past to bury. In ray opinion, the mothers have very little to do with the matter at all Many girls at a certain age seem to like a grievance, and when they feel bored at home hunt around for an excuse and mistake it for a reason. They are sure to find something that will serve and most likely iu the hauditt target- mamma. Hhe is usually most innocent Dut when this unfortunate parent real ly does enter intothequestion of revolt ing daughterhood, Mrs. Ftttroy Stew art hit the right uall on the head It is the pretty parent. She actually is, in a manner, In her daughter s way, though not knowing it and not wishing it There is not tho slightest doubt thai tho daughter is oftener jealous of ths mother than the mother of the daugh ter. I know scores of caaea. "Give ns back," cries one kind of jealous daugh ter, "the portly, dowdy mother of old. She was not very wide awake. She no ticed nothing but the koy banket aud that is how It ought to tie. She has had her day. " That Is the note of jealousy, the tocsin of war, "she has had her day-" Nineteenth Century. A Waauui Oarbaa laaaswlar. An interesting development of worn an't growth iu affairs t exemplified by the reoout appointment of a woman fot garbage inspector in Chicago. She re ceived this distinction through the so HclUtion of the Municipal Order league. and the ladles report the city officials as bulug in perfect sympathy with the new order of things. Women have eertaiuly become desperately in earnest in their interest In publio matters when they can deliberately seek au employment which must neesaarlly be so very repul sive. The experiment bids fair to sue coed, however, as the woman who hai nudertaken this new line of work is am ply fltknt for the place. She has perfect health and a flow of spirits tint can overcome all ths depressing effects of her occupation. Her appearanee Is coin man ding and htr diva simple. She has taken up the work seriously and allows nothing to interfere with her business. She is obliged to know how to detect auy flaw la the wagons which convey ths garbage to the lake and see that they meet the reqalrtatents of the law, Aa.Uat RmhOm IW MIiuhI, Th hiccough seem i to ha a modern and dangerous lle a, but l ha ancient knew II aud prvaerlhvd remedies that lutglft dom be tritsi adPt4truV. kissVu avoaii memted meeting. Aeliu approval af a eupplng luttrumenV wllh great heat, to lh hmaai. AteiamW bellvvad In an ox rmal of squill. AiaaJutravtua maiW ua af refrigerant draft. Htuum put bla truat In ralefaclanu, aura a eumla, pep per, me and lha Ilk In vinegar. Ilegwiu kieked kindly oa oalrfocleol, allenuant and earailDatlve niatllrlnea. O n n -mi n fl PLOW ounro THURSDAY, FKURL'ARY 2-i. Wick up four driving horses. Willauietle street I dry once more. A heavy frost and dense fog this morning. Itsv Itrooks return d from Salem last night. Lar In UrUtow returned to Cot luge Orove this afternoon. i Chris Marx Is having the Interior of ! bis barber atiop dvcoiaUd. j hWuator McClung and Driver n-1 turned home this afternoon. Ilosa-d Rowland returned from Si l.tu on thU morning's overland. rroflluut went to Cottage (rov this afternoon to attend a teacher' In stitute. The Weekly Ul'AHli and the Clnc-ln-n iltl Weekly KiuUlrer both one year for 2.00 In advance. A number of Kouthern Oregon leg islator passed through Kugene thl. afternoon on t litrir was home. FO Kiuersou Is o:i the sick list. tm ll(bavss sVi.it tul It iiuiika r l fit iu.P. " " " .j I iiIhii's much Mtii-ri'r to toe prr from . surglcu. operalloi, to relieve his 1 1-;'-';, , allliction Rev Al C Wire came up from Al- bany lat night and preached the lit'e j Mrs Relsliaw's funeral mtiiioii this aflernoon. K Kvenson appeared before Rncordor This is the time of year when Plow Shoes are In great demand. We have a large stock of good Shoes at prices that will interest you. $1.00 to $2.50. Give us a trial when you need Good Shoes at Low Prices. YORAN & SON, The Shoe Dealers. I have a doe M ..I ( nlif'-rnia privet r lo the privet in trees ul'":. , , i u iM .t thi.t night life f..rin-i n-mini.- and slirulw fr m''- le iip. . W. Cl.Ol.llHiK. I'HFSthe gd onl nhni llie line. I'llesean leipii' kly '-"red illiiulii oM.rutiou by simply applying ! WHfa Wil. h Ilu7..'l Salve, l ily liB Vllieelil I'p'l' " t"r- Dorris this afternoon on a charge of . .j .... i . i it. ii assault, lie pieuu guiuy ami was noru : . t,,..n t.vfrv nieht. on aecolllit of a liekll'iK J r . ' and costs. Ray W Iigan, a student of the'U of . O, left for I'ortlsnd this moruing, h iv Ing bH called home by the serious llluetsofa near relative. Mrs. N W Allen, of I'lutltinil, who Is prominently connected with the inlay selKKd work of the tnte, ur rlvid iu Kugene this afteruiMin. KIKLOH'ri CURK, the great Cough and Croup Cure, I In great demand. Mellxlttioli in the throat, III.IV overe.nne itlltoiK-e ! u li of One Minute Cnugh Cure. City Drug Stre, H. A. Vincent, Proprietor. It would I hard In eonvi a Mem Hiiirering from bilious colic that hi agony is tine lo a uilciobe with an tin-nronouiii-alilo name. Hut one il"-e of Ik-Wilt's Colic and Cholera I lire will i convinee hi f Us power to nllord PiH-ket size conta s twenty-five doses hlHt relief. It kills pain. City Ding only Sic. Children love it Hold by store, II J A. Vincent, Proprietor. Henderson A Linn. Park' Sore Cure Is n ss.itivess-cille KARL'rt CLOVKR ROOT will pu- Uu dlse-s of the I.iver and Kid rlfy your IiIimmI, cleat your complexion, Wy. Ily lenioving the uric m-id in regulate your Uiwels and makes your n,,. ,,mi, i( cures Khciimnl -m. S It head ns clear as a bell. 'Sic, .Klc, ami Hatford, of ' 'nrlliitue, S. Dtiknla, says: 11.00. Ileiitlerson A I. Inn. ' H-lieve Parks' Sure Cure excels all Tears, laughter and surprise In store other medicines for Rheumatism und for those who will bo lucky enough lo ! Urinary disorders." Hold by A Yr:n s -cure admission to the Jolly I.adits! iniiton. Minstrels entertalumeut. Tickets 'e are uiixiotis to tin a liit'o koihI in reserved seats W cents gallery 11 ceiils. , t, Wl,rid and can think of no pleas nif.i i...i. .i.... i.r..L-i anier or Is-tti-r way lo il.i it than hy 1t RIIV Ur, iimilll, mid noj in mi nn- Ing!" so suld IVWitl's l.litle Karly Risers to tho la Itaaksv lis (on Um botsd pUaaar Ttieaa leetrU Itghu ar wry uurel labia. baa Thai's eo. A girt never know waat snlawl saw's uta So he klajeS lira. One Minute ChiiIi Cure as a prev.-nlive of pneiiiiiniila, eousiiiiiptinii and oilier serious lung trotilili-s Iiml ftillow neglfi-leil rolilf. City Di-ng Store, II. A. Vincent, Proprietor. I've a secret iu my h. iul, Hweel Marie, A tale I would impart, Hw.s-t Marn-: If you'd even lain r he Votl must always ti . Puiks' '1'ea The improvement you w ill see, Hweel Marie. Sild by A. Y HU Mi l". The American l "iniy owes her pres tige more to a clear cninplrxioii than The surveying class or the college to Miiy oilier ntti ilmte. A cup of this nioriilng esliinatt tl lh ilill'ereuce j Parks' Tea ill enable anyone to ma in altitude tietween low witter mark sess this. Ii ch ars the skin ami n aml the court house porch. 'I welve moves pimples ,: Ihat sallow, nnid olmerval Ions were taken It. all, w hicli ily li"k. Parks' Tea is iimsI bv tlioiis sliowsd the tlillervnee In be 11) 30 feet. I amis of ladies for Uu- complexion. tl ,. ... ,, , Wllhollt Is-ln' a eathai lie it cures con Doll t go I'.ast ll tl 1 11 you have seen . ., . . , , ' ! stipatinii. Niid bv A S KlilMII'ii.N. the undetslgned, who can tplole you 1 the lowest rales, furnish you your " e iii-gni icu " mole aooui . me ii..l..i. -I.-...U... i,n. I Minutu Cough Cure, lull you luoliahl,- ami arrange for a pleasant trip via the Union Pacific system. K J McClaua Iihii, agent, Kugune, Ore. Mrs I man who hud taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. City Drug Htoro, II. A. Vincent, Prop.letor. Pure bliKitl means gtHHl health. IV Witt's Harrapaillla purilles tho IiIimhI eun-s eruptions, eczema, scrofula and all disei si-s arising fiom Impure blood. Clly Drug Htore, II. A. Vincent, Proprietor. Hnmllln sl.e, but gleat in results Ik'WItl's Ml lie Karly Risers ael gently but thoroughly, curing lutli -gestion, tlyss-is t and eonslipatioii. Small pill, safe pill, lest pill. City Drug Htore, II. A. Vincent Pro rlelor. 1 lless. 1 1 is mi S. Hawkins, of Chattanooga children, beuit; p: i know that It fins a cough. Kv.-ry 1 one ils-s w ho has it i it. It is a pei- i feel remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse Tlw wsltliiig was nM r, and the rich I,,,., a.'-.Hi", Ml on ihe train ls-.We" brltlc I'd. anil In nnli-rl ,ir. w iijiii . I- . .,... i.i.f in line in I..1 I k'i.ii" . "Hh.k.-!'' -h-i'-l tb.-c-..i..luct-.rrsthey "'.Thall..".....! ftl,ellrsti....nlever . t.,ii,.-g.n,iws"kai,itii.i J";1;- Thefluur.- hv his l.l.-gau. a ! ghl -tart. W" w, le-. and what wm hi. rriia" '',",;!: i!n ,....... tw."wM rl,u.!i..nil. 'Vim -'. when I w.i a ig,, I ,ra.-ii.-.-d Li out I" Kansiis, wliii h mi. tin n a fruliti'-r state. :.,,..., air'i"";1 J"J""'' ls-f.,r,-1 li.nl Is-""""'" "w,,,W1)"k IllaLii" "yes; that W.-1- hi- name. lie was ,-h,.riMlwlth murtleraiHlciiil'l'sl. . Ihe ,.vi,, -,....-aii.-t Mm was purely re urn Munllal. but tlm jury (..und a venllrt of KuiltV. and 1 had " '" ''" "vT.iiMnt.-ii.-idlihiil.d'-allir "C rtainlv. I tlnl. 1' was my first ex-.s-rlriice In that line, and I irave the .ris oner a very ln.prcs.ive talk and wound up hy w-ntenelng him f hanged hj the k until he was tleatl, und when I a.k.sl (iisltohave mercy on his soul I put much solemn empha-ii Into my voice that lllakeliirned paleand ireinliled nkea leal. -I felt si.rrv fur I lie 'r fellow. Ho haiUg'sid f ee and looked like a gentle man. hut the evi.lene.i was against him, and I I ul lo do my duty." Wa- he t is iin df" Thequestlun tamo In a tP-muloiis t one. " Ve; he du d nil ll"' gallows, Kllll tll judge, "lie prot.Med liis lnniK-encu to tho lat?nnd his. on.bn t all the way thniugh was that of a brave mall." The bride, with averted face, was look ing through lliewiiidow Into the darkness, and It was t a-y to see that shu was greatly n.-ll.-iOil "Tl... uorvt, of It Is." continued the judge, "Hlake was Innocent." "lniusetit, you say!-" 'l-ndouhtedh-. After his death the real miir.l.T. r turned mi anil confessed. Tho Imys lynched hlin ls-foro I hail a chanco to trv Mai The girl I.N.ked steadily through tho window, 11ml the judge thought that he l.f.ini a .iohrc.-.c.l sob. lie alm.M regretted that he had told her sii. li a sad story, but It was loo late to uu do I lie tni-i hli f. 'Hid vim ever Iiml "lit anything alioiit Hlake" ll-kisl his li.telier. "Not very iniieh," was I liu n-spoiise. "I heard that he Is-loiiged to a good family homewlicrc in the smith. He was a splcre illdl.sikiug man. imt over an, with picrc Inu erav eves and hair like gold. His love uf adventure tarried him to the frontier. and when he was tried in my court his rtL-ewas b.i.llv managetl. I ladieve that hu left a w ife and child In his old home, but I have forgotten where ho lived." Slill the listener maintained her droop Ing attitude. Apparently slio was very umi-li Interested In the story, or perhaps she was fatigued or ill. The judge In gall tothlnk that the hang Ing episode was not exactly tho thing to tell to a young ami tender heitrt.sl woiuitn. " J he la'.y occasionally makes a mistake," he said, "and this was olio. Hut It Is hot ter hr an Innocent man to suffer once In awhile than to administer jnstlco too loosi Iv. ll. sides, for all I know, lllako mav have (s en a had man. If his life had been spared, ho might have develoHsl Into the worst kind of a desperado. Tho cao has never given 1110 any mental distress. After nil, tmo life more or loss Is a small matter.'' Not a word came from tho nhrluklng woman at the window. The Judge grow restless. It was very dull sitting there with a pretty bndo who would imt talk. At last ho rose and said that ho would go Into tho smoking car fir n few mo ments. An old friend was there, ho said, aud ho wauled to say a word to him on business. The girl merely nodded and said some thing In a low tone which the judge c.ui ptrueil Into assent. The solitary traveler remained motion less for soino time after the d, parture of her companion. Then, wen' few tiasseit- f gers In the car, and she was nut acquaint ed wllh any of them. As the train rushed onward through the darkness she ipiiekly matured her plan and made up her mind to earrv It out at all 1 hazards. Drawing a notebook from h,r Up to Date Prices and Goods. Vincent, ' GO TO J. T. CALL130M & SOU, Vnt Door Writ ol iuil Siort. 9th STREET, EUGENE. Tenu., ay: "Slillo's Vllali.er 'Saved My Idle.' I consider 't the best reme dy for debilitated system I evet used." For Dysepsia, I.iver or Kid ney trouble it excels. Price 7 cent Hold by Ileiitlerson A I. inn. Articles of Incorporation were Hied Tuesday with ths secretary of slale, by J II Hutchinson, A K Kalon, YV R Hutchinson, W Tarter, II C Hmdwhid, J M Carall ami Ham'l Trucs.lale, for lh I'nlon Wtsilen Mill Co, at t'nlon, Oregon; capital stink f.V.UK). When w e c insider that the intes tines ar. a'siut five times as long as the body, we Can realize tlie Intense sulVeriug exH'rlencetl when lliey are iutlaiued. IVWltt's Colic and Cholera Cure subdues Intlaiuuiatlon at once and completely removes the tlllll cully City Drug Store, II. A Proprietor. A felt want Is that guaaiug at the stomach afttr you have eaten a full meal, and can't eat anv more, and vet f 1 T ' Pp"'''"'-DG,r''" s"i l,c ' IS. B.k CiSH I.IP Prtu tr, ml Inn. inert- is Hint tet'iiog as tiiotigo you na.i ealrn liothli g. What is wauled then is a tl.ste of Slmniotis I.iver Regulator, the Uat Dytt-lli cure, for that is what Ihat gnswlng uieaiis. "Sim. mom I.iver Regulator I all that Is leconiniemlcd for Imligeslitiu." A R Dyche, London, Ky. Kit Hill. Lumber Cltv. Pa., writes: "I hav Uhui suirerlng from idles for year and thought my case Incurs- tle. ivw lit s witch llsiel Malve was retMUinieuded to me as a idle cure, so 1 bought a (six and it performed a rr luanent cure." TUN Is only outs' thousands tsf sssnku niw. )-., oresaMs) satia ssi;m Jiel1 tpilekl wUks it ks sm4. City lvii .tcre, ll. A iint. Fri'sriclor. The Kugene Relief C.os bit at all time led In lh Ut atiiUitrtiielits iu ' etilertslniog to the puhti.t, t t Ihi time lh" entertainment will I eilr ordlnarv, having arranged with Mrs Halite Parrtaii HiiVfaa lo train ,V.) of h.Ugeiir'a tiret tslellt (j liferent the rUsteru novel suU-itsluui. lit of I.a : siiMiiiriiii.il (irrsvni luqicailc . ant the isiuiing rvvuu sign will U .01:. splcUfU Uf.sreQbe door are o;rn. Tlekeis on ale st Henderson A tn . i II. iiiit-k In eiirin :. t itv li.-ug store, A. lucent, linpueior. lor a 1 ain in the t in s! a plc.v of tlaunel ilailiiciieil ilh f hainhc Haiti's Pain It 1 1 ill and hound oil over the st a" of the pniii, ami niiot her on I. v back between the s'lnuUlei's, will iilhoil prompt relief This is es,crially val uable III eases u hi re the pain is cans. ,1 by a colli and Ihere is 11 leniency to ward pneumonia I'or sale by 1 -l urn ill I'el.ano. lull; 1. m rl . I . I,riisr J. A P.n IV. A pmv was given lat night at thlouie ol Albert and llr tK'rt llordoii on I! 1 t I'.leventll htrccl. About IS young people we e prcscui ami the time w as veiy pleasantly spent III social converse and in playing gaiiu s u.itll 11 o'ch.ck wiicii a ilclighttiil lunch was ser, ,, aliervt Inch (ho.. present left for their Immn. ' ' katehel slu. lii, 11. 11.1 rv f,.u- u-,.r.U ,,.! ..In. tut to lake alio ,.. ... ,.,',. ,, , ...... . . . .-.! ll..' .... I 1,1. ll. .1 JI...U.' iiiitmkii. 1 which hung over the hack of tho seat. .Inst I hell the train Mopped. The girl knew the place well. It was the junction, and at this point she could in half an hour lake a train which would carry her h;tck to the village where her uncle lived. I The drowsy passengers saw nothing, and even the conductor failed lo ki-0 a slight form passing through t lei car and Mopping on tho .station platform. The old judge had a Jolly time with his friend In the smoking car, and before ho knew It an hour had slipped hy. With Home regrets and compunction ho made his way back lo his seat. It was vacant, and there was no sign of I the hrlde! The judge picked lip tho Bote plunod to his overcoat and road this brief message: Ji iHir.-Ki. lmr.l Make m my father. AfteT lus ,1. atu 1 t.s lt ilia luum t.f mjr unelo and lni ,1 iih him from my tarljr rhtMhood until my niurnace. ll woul.l have Wen well for us both if wu li.nl known ea.-h other's history. I go t,i my mi, !,' Ii..tne to remain there, wul I nest . .ini. stiv r,.uest you never to cross my p oll again. I .-aim, ' t In ar the night of th' man ho nl my f.itlj. r to the iritllnw. I got off at lie, Juti -ti,!,. yt nt Tim judge nvid the n it.i through and Silt I he remainder of h,. night with his hat pullid d,in over his face, without looking up or saymg a wortl lo nnylsidy. The net r..,y an outguing steanier from New I.. i;uis.H.,ad the judge among Its tmssonj-ers. Atlanta Constitution. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Do asuiiil of the istor heallh of our f unilv e are (vmiwlletl to clos." our store and leave Kugi .much to ibe regn-t of ourselves and family, lint as (he dealt o .f our family demands It we shall t oiiitiniice oil ' ' SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, '96, Our o Qrcat Qloy o Out o 5al. it 1 a lliis sale evcrvl'iing w ill t sold at Aueiimi i,i.m you aish to buy gthsls Cheap now is Vour opp trtuuit v Come rarly before the stm'k I bMken. Nothing reserved! Every- Hung iti our siuim g.e. "VVJVTCH THIS SPAOH, J. D, MATLOCK & CO., I i Men's Heavy Boots at Cost Until April First .... Mt it'i t-'0 fine shoei, t.'.Sn to el . la.ys' aliis-s, 1.1S, II. I ', aiel m-IkmiI sIiis-s i.'i, Nl, IIJKl. II..'.., i,,, Iji.Ius' fllil- kid Up luce sin 'i', . I silles' line kid Up b .Hon -In.. ., I miles' line button h.s-, 1 i'., ,u-' losvy ulioes, (l.ixi, l.i . bailies' tilut-ksiid lull oil, i, I an I ul to-t. ill '-li: i !, o Men's a'ld t-oyn' elulhlm ul c,,. Mst-, liiin.lie. t tost, M.-ii'i tiik Inns. J.', I'l.i.', si,, I tivi-ralls, lj, '. , and -l e Our new shirt waists, up to date, 50, 75, DO, f 1.00, tl.:':,, Vi-rv best 30-lnch percales, all colors, Kit; per .var.l. () it'ng flannels, 7. 8, and 10e per yard, best makes. e,l nil wool serge. 60. 65. 7"c I'er art! All wool ntl inch serge colors, li.c per yard. 5"lt u,n.ll ami plain, 10, 14, 17. 20 nnd p. r Lonsdale blea( bed 4-4 mii-lln. 8e per yard. Cnhleacl.ed IllU-lills, 6, 0 J, 0 Btal .! r J'l fJ. in rifuo rlncs harnains'than ever colore. TIB arts usucr Ji 6,Jiu d m kh ' an object lor you to by your shoes of us this season. I. FRANK & SONS. RACKET STORE. THE HEATING QUESTION, Let us solve it for y oil. We have a lurge ami well (.elected line of healing and en king .loves with which to do It. If you are inler es'eil don't full to call on us. The Lett'ltrofnll wihhI and air titflit healers, j to found on our floors. GRIFFIN 4 HARDWARE COMPANY TT-srr r. W'tnTMn rmnll.rjeu.ly euros qtsli klT. l-i-rsiniifrf. M 1 11 rv ..- .lis-..-. -.Me.. I VI.' . l.-s I ! I:,,,,, H n i r . 1 1 1 1. 11 1 .1 ll. -nl. u I.e. Wiiki-f nine.-.. In.' liiilllv. N.iunrl-. "EvTF ev.l ilo jiiib, li.isit.iitr ni.,1 wn: iin- .u- n-.-.rsMHii. 16,1 TS"""""1'""'""'"""" ' l'""'"'n',"l'ml""- 1 nrsu,, 4vsSSs -. ev.l lle.illlb, Ilnl-Ol.'liir Ul.,1 worn.," ill , .1 ra.lH . Ihl V '" ' ' l'"li'o,iin.i,M'liile. I .n iii-rTi.H, alii' 'Afl im.l IiI.mii! hllll'l. r. o.k,'thnti'-l""ii"leii vs-- 'ik-amlrlir: IIP TJI i:s.lresrrii,,loiv-.ti.,i ::'. hi i-rli,'.t: v I r,-.-.. inr.e w fU ,,4fJ- I pin, I. ii o.n: er,.f-ti ,ei ,r oif' ,in'f rri l-,i. V. rl'.n.rm JLl "23f'J""U-l "-". e..'. I .'lo rrains-r. a-lili l :in,,nli iu: ".V".. .. s.. ., 1. ...... ... -I.ola-.r.... IUoi.: Jill., lu,u.. l,.Wlk i:H:Viti'ki Ml. ia!eiaBimMio.on-K,brUESlKll.'.N D A N.n' ly tir-lti. UN & Do I.A.N. linisi. I'liliy Items. Feb 24, M'7. Mr Hirshbaruer, llie con-table of tspriliKlleld, was in this vicinity on ollleial business one tiny Inst week. MrShep Smith paid Kugene a visit Saturday. I J Curler occupied the pulpit at Kjrypl Stintliiy. .Miss Maud Ilolbrook of Kuypl has been speutling a week here. Ci is Muttesoii paid Ejjypt n visit Suiitliiy. Mr Sam Stirts is hauling -aw loi;s for Kugene I.uiiihcr Co. We are sorry to hear of the death of .Miss Kinma Howard. The bereavod parents and relatives have our sympathy. Mr J M Ket ney of Jasper made" a business trip to K:ypt Tuesday. Con. Notice of Annual School M.ctiii''. ' ,laser Ileitis. Feb. H V It Scott niutle Mil- juiii. , business call last week. Walter Uussell lias b, i n ijiihesii hill is now nuinilii; fast. Mr J S Hills has rente, I his firm A Mi-Cumber for I lie next itinjrn J S expects to o down the va! ey woi k. Mrs Iviene Bond and -h i l-iren Ui'iirene nie visiiini- hi nei ti-ireni,.i and Mrs Tho. Hard; of thi pirn". Miss Dllie tliini litis reiiirtii'l l from Springfield, wlieru sh , I a lr Hoinj; to u liool. Mrsl'liilip Sylvei ler in I little t of Mt tih'ti, spent a few d iv vi-il friends anil relatives at this 'so". "Dow n by the Sea" wn-plujoli' ifood aiittieuee last Saturday tik'ii I he school house. The mtiii iL'er ht-i yet tlecitletl which tow n tolnlliirit Miss Kai le ltrown ol Sprimil.' was visiting with Miss O.lie tliiuu lilslie was suniuioiieil home In I bed side of her sick praihlinolliT. (ieorije Moores left Mond iy m " Notice is hereby i;iveii tu the legal voters of moIiooI tlistrict No 4, of I. nil county, sliile nf Oregon, that the un- n,...l m..i I r... .1: ,1 ""V"' "V 'inittm the trtiin. bound for AsMrii U'lll I ma lit Ll nl III) it.mr li.iiu.i 1.. I.'... 1 -.. s.. 1 ... .s.1,... 1, ii. .111 .. 1 o'colck 11 111 oil the llrsl Mnmliiv. In in,. the Hist day of March, A. I). U'7 I"1"1 Sl"'dy Tl. ...... t 1 1 ... 1 e .1 . ! 1 inn inn 1 ui; in ruiien iur c ll e pur H)sWi.f hearing the annual report j , ( ur(l ft j.,, , ,. My. directors and clerk of said tlistrict ami T.lke fixative ,, (J ,iui:i- T toe trans , , -t.o i 01 misiness i.lm All tlniLlsts leftltnl llie 1.1 sne'i meeting I'tiR D.1I.1I this pith day of Feb., lV.i". Attest: W.M 1'i.KsioN, Chr. Itottrd of Directors, lino F Chaw, District Clerk. All druggist leftltnl the . if it fails to eiire. 25.'. a . 1. . 1 1 ... ., ll-U JT. Un.rfn.... Ilnrf 1,1. 1.3-1 ' i. iw n ' I , i I ll I'l I ,.L . . , WJ SS IIWIIUUI WWII, ll,, i tmiiamers, Cor. Wil. and tu sis. Second Haw ion iitvnrtt, a i no. Thfre,,rsolil,,,,s,vr i; ,. ,.Hs,.,t , ; It-urn noil Hi re I. t l,..t ,,,. .1 r.-H.1. .1 ,1 , ,,. ( Oinl seieme tins Is-eii sole in r,,,,. ,,, .. I -is.:.-.. sm.I ths, t. ctrrli. Hsil's ftrrh i-,m. l'-HltV fill.- klKIW 11 o . u..-.lil-Hl iHternily. "l.-Th tieim c,.n titiilim,,,! ,! ,'r-;-. '''"'"". 'II'HioiimI treimnellt ,.,..:'.::r:,,',r. "'.'"" s.-u..8 ' " "uu llUlfiUls hlr Sri'H i.i ... Uiest.ii m. lln n liv ilestmnin ii,.. i,,,,,,,!,. " Handles IS csnts, ,.( .he .1 .s,e. n, nivnm ,),, Vsiiem , . . . ci 'one Bloock South oy Lull Iiikiip ii,,. , ,i,it! M,, . 01 CowtMtms "h ii .'r. i lie )iroi, H ium 1HV1. oiniieli (mill in lis euralivi, iJ.u. r, tliri.,,e.lrl,.,i,lrMr ...,'. ,,,. ' ! fj A IMT IVH DA flCD m"- mi' n- sioni ,,r .1., i... . - t- u i ixi i anil ru rli: i.',., .... VJ. '.. .1 i.d-. o. : up for ihe moud$. ! Tart of our 1897 WALL PAP We have Bargaims. Come and Sec luisnr f Lth bur.ML 8 'I I, inks. lure. We h. unilv il.,.L- street. Three iBV N'nii, is II. u lii.,.. tn 1 . 1 1 tthilfp' nr. lini- ut miCDTflM'S l-'li' I'-l (if A Hi ..11(1. I n loose W lit) iissMed Us iu mukiiij j ttieiiie,li,,,;sf r ;.( ,! ,,, j Mis Mry C Holluiun, so id.-iisanl I sliceofiil. To paslois, siiiseis, I-Mj. 1 ton, ushers mm others vie I ! ,hu r ,;. r I .1. s ,.t. f ' ciirtiial -1 nutik l,." F.iiKene W C I ir i i mi- i sii-ii OVERTON'S, e dools w t si 1 I 1 Summons. ns Kir th .1 ( l ii. I lo rel y hi, iiou nee myself a catuli. goo, lor Lane C i'1 Oeo. n Dorris. Aisiiiiue, I I vs. Q W Crowell and Helen VV i r.i Well. hi. a ifn. lii (i l: ' o t' To rt V rv.,..ll ,ii. ,1 11 eD ' Well, Defendants. In lh name of Ihe State . ! . srehtrehy suniuioiie.l to Ii"','.. I' . .1... Ill '" i .i ,,,,. , . . .i.iui ana answer to u" .. at the animal ,.,V' ,, MHn l, S, M,T. ! l'liti, tifl flled thenin. en . r l-ferr; ()o. F. Ck aw, i'lsyf March, liejT. Tun' i '1' f ; ii) t'l me Ui XI If till 01 s.i. ' , .. "8 'he lime ol the i spir .'.' ' ' . ... i .... i .' VI JUIlkttlirill HU ii ie ' , . "SitlUM A'JII noil r, ., , t ! tiMte iur le t I. Mi, in i i, ,,,. .., 'liotilCldk, Kim.i.e (,,ool ilhirl,,, . OS) i SomcFUus Walnuts small per lh tflOoi barswhiiBlairax lii lbs No whit e beans (iood prune er lu (os Mhitr ligs H r n, '"" 4 lis good corn siarch 20 lbs jisvl rice. . ' Dtied apple per lb 3 It fancy ltcM d'riVd applU'' 1 lb Seil North Carolii,. Ax 3 ILLY. nils, r. in Ihe sum l.'-'d us iu q. .Ul d in t ii O . wuli bit. list Ibern.ii i;' l'i J ' nnui since lh- iil'h il.' .-. i ''5, and for J.'.OtU iitio' . 1 1 ci sts st il disbursi uo uts . 1 -J0 ersf of forfclostire ol the V 2j No. 'J3 in block Xo One, ' j,. Addition to Eugene C'nv. ! j tuA S'tf , ii,j (, f ,u, h ml., r Court oih) ss. ui itpiitnbe 2oc bv the Curt, The Hon. -1 1 00 Tht service of '' on Jon by publicti,ni i; i Vt'LT Grnt, s .- circul.lion, publisbt-d e. . 4oe 'J. for n roustcnliv tl." ban-d Janmry 1H.'7. GU 1! I An Ii - . t vl I , .,1.1 I . Ill'' ; j Y l ' ' 0 4 l- O O'