The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 27, 1897, Image 3

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. ... llovr. ll.rldO Jo to
t i.ll.iurii '
,.. .,, si.lctii faile-lto adjourn
fli'";, Y ,, the forty days.
friy- ('( () ,,, 14 adjournment was
p.' ... p vi. on .iiomiav. cvii
""r!rt"t 'h" iM,liuf VMt8, .
wr .... .v debate on tho question
;' .m -n was expected. Sell
'Th t Via',, tho senate ml-
M .. . ii..r.i to Momhiv. Tho yean
jpom " J , ,,- ....,1 ti,u votu
rf??.?,;.:' -follows:
b,,s P.iWM.II, (U'HIIIT. Hob-
Patterson of Wash-
Smith, Wwle, Mr.
n't" . .
P'"!I,,ih1I, ('albroatli, Carter,
V nrivT P"'"''. i"Wan, Harmon,
uVvtiiie, II""-- l"l""",n mitt.-rHt.n
Thin,.,,,,. ,r. ,.r , Bu
pllatinl Nth,.
Thirty-on,. nieiiil,,.,,, f ,),,. v,I;. .,,
Joint a-H. iul.iv in, t , ,. , '.' .''
ale, .Mon-laya,,. ,,:,....,, s,,,,atn-n at length ;i , ih ,, .,'
It IK know,, that m, formal act,,,,, ,, .'
''"'"T t' Continue I , ,, , '",
Mitnor huia..v.,,w;!:
Driver, Soiinm i-.,.rh.. ,
3vl,'r- ': I. ""Will. Nosier. I,,.. I
- i . . .
' 0' .n Ullil OH)
these udvoi at
tho i-ij.I
Taylor made sov
i rnrK i-otKKr.
A l ,
HI'ollill. Mil,.),
II to
I f 1 1 .
r, -i -
T ti
:, ,.., Taylor 15.
1'" : .
i ir..Miin. I I H
W . i I f.i.oi tine to viiii.
tJll'II Ul.l'V . .-
vote I" yens, n nuv.
vini' was calk', I lio nan!
..tint- tin'
if" j ....
..... cm 1 1 1 1 j n
' u ., ,v till Monday, lmt tli.i not
T,nl nni -i-"""
vlK i!i,!rliliil'-ly-
wl . ..t. ...... iimiminrp.l l.on.l
tnr i'-ioi "
L 1 ll,.' l'il'-l' ' 111 11 1,11 "OIIIUO W1IW
Kmtt he " who vote,, n.r ino
,111-1111' -1 sio"i ii" i'
Smith tll'U HU'Vr'l U rCCOIIhlUlT UIO
Ht wan S'vi'li'i"i "v uaij. tiiv
trefuK'ttt put tli" million ami it was
lost. This Hi'tiK'iI tho imoHtion of ul-
OiUfiti'""'"' j" iarTooiiimitU'0 ro-
ported the (io'van salary bill with
L,lmfnt. Tin- amrmlmontH woro
jj.pteJ anJ tin' lull onloivil onjjioH'd
fcrjtUnl ri'a'liti.'.
jl,e f,inHiiif iiinonilnicntH wrro
M,ein falaiii- of Multnoinali county
ofirial.': Cmmiy jul, :J,0(I0 jut
inr; clerk. ?;!...; nvonliT, :t,0O0;
ikriff, fl,500; tivasun-r, 2,000.
ffln A-rnillln-l Nutlilng.
Lutiit btf'iri' tin' timi' of tho convon
itg uf tliO"int as-i'inlily Friilay jM-oplo
twin to ! tir tho yallcrii'H of tho
ton AVIn-ii tin- noon hour nrriv.-'l
tt( jjllcrii'S iu-ri' rrowlril ill tho cx
prtutiun that voting for wnator wouM
yin. TInir antioiiiations worn not
rulii), liinvi'vor. Tho inoi't'o.linns
tttt bat ri'ii'lii ion of prcvioiiH oiioh.
When Chairman llrowtu'll ealh'il tho
mmitiiin to ohIit ho aii thai lio was
in mvii't of h ttois fioin ltoproconta
aw Ilu'lfnii, Miti'hi'll iin.l Vautrliiin
tyicj llitT nri' still too ill to nttoml.
it'll bu" tli' ii oalh'il, Hhow iii); that
thirty-six nifiiil'i'i-' wore pnwiit.
B.'pr'wntiitivo au'iior was in liisi
Itat fur the lir."t timo for several dav.
TllA Itl'IOUII I'olMft.
The Bciwn lioiin mot Friilay morn-
icg anJ Craw fori I'h ri'Solntion to ilo
tlre tmiiiit the H-ats of the twvnty
wreti umnialitir l momborH wan calh'il
tp. Simirs ar.'iu'.i tho quostion from
iu legal ftaii'l oiiit ami claimoil that
this n't Hi'tiKI tint lie to expel tlieniem
n, but simply to open tho way to till
their scati.
lliintiuL'tmi took issue with Poinern.
H Ji.l not think the house hail a rinlit
to declare tin' s ".its vaeant. It hail a
wht to notify (lie governor simply that
theMineiili.i l taileil to take the oath
I'ffw ami l-t him net iiivonlinly.
There was suri.i- liiitlieriliseussioii bv
Sosler, Like ami I'rawfonl, ami it was
decided by n vote of 11) aven. 7 noes to
defer the matter.
ral eat o....t i .ll
a lo ine ell t'l't thai tin.
tho lletnililiean i,,ltv ,.
. I '. ' l.l.'la r II ,,
those of any one man; l,,,t . ;l .i, ,
nun ine me ii i rs ..f i .,
fllL'lit to 1 1 .v.. 1 1 . ,i . .
- ..... iii;iii in , .in,,. ,
i.imiia.lte, n 1L ,s Kl.,. ,j
I'.llllllit he (!,, (,,!
liee.l wallle.l to flht it ,,(
" i ; all Hummer. ,. ,
iM'iievo in
it-'. !,. t..t in
I' a.,rlliiut ,ir.
''n. . ar.iin.l in
IV. l' y .',l...,..t;
' U' i- ,ii t. ov, r-
' i'i ti, i' Inn..
." 1' 'I lo Mt,.
' - h., I,,,,,;,.
''1 IIH.iy , ,,,.
o..iy .iii.l r.'.,.,lv
"' I'I' II Initio
' " w.iiiM 1.
i l! if of ll,,.
r-i l"".i'..,.. ,,
';'i -innst f,i..
1 -!"! v r
' I i i.r.v
-.'I If.. ..'!.!
I Co,,.,
'it Mi:
It I
in.-, r.
"lo h.'.ir
telu'e .r
the van.
l.ol.l Ol.t
lill'l he in i.
o.'l. M.,..iiir."
oii.lay thai it
Pl-oi-itioll to
" lllll il",'
was williotit
owina the milioiiiv 1 1 1 ,f...
tate to the inajoiity.
Senator I'atti.i.-on, f M i,,n, ll,o,i..),t
uie niiriy one eoiiM alloi l t
III XIK'ir pli-ent littltli le
e. the opta.-ition to "lav
l nere was h,iui. talk M
Wan the pui,u,. ,,f ()
nnne in an, I or-nn,. the ,u
tho arteri.ooii.
While tin- ntimhi r of absent,.,. f,,,m
tho Jlitrhell joint a-i liilily was i-ix,
there was just one voluntary with-
irawal. 1 hat w.ih 1
.Mitehell. of .Marion.
Mr. Mitehell is no orator nii.Mi.l not
think it lie -..Mary to net oIT any lire
worl.s in j-.iiit aisomhly, atiiii.iineiii
liM purpoM.. He cimoly jitayeil out,
whirl, is iniiie as cll'eetive as uny wav
of ir. lliu: at it.
Tin- il. In 11 rait-o has Hiiffere l se
veiely thioii"li sirkni-s. I;e.t.s.., Ma
live Ihi.l-on, of Va,ii,k.t.,n, w,o ha l
hern in hi I Hinre last Wi-.lne.-.lav, was
lit to ihe Salem ho-pital. Ill's phy
sirian says he has typhi.i.l f,.Vrr m a
mil.l fin in, ami that he w ill po.hably
not be able to leave his room f,,rM V..i:il
we !:s. bepreseiilalive Warner is ill
at his home in IVillatnl, an. I it is sanl
that it w ill not he h.ife for him to vn
lure out for Hevetal ilays, if, imlrel, lio
ean be hero ilm in tl,u yrvk. lleprt
Hentalive Van.'haii is still cpiito i.,ek,
hut ho may Ih- able to answer roll-rail
tomorrow, thoii,'h this rannut be slate.l
with certainty.
The Davis lions.' met at 11:13 Mon
'lay ni'ht. Sixteen inemln'is were
present. A ljom nment was taken till nway,
live minutes alter 12. ben that time
arrive., the house was ,ijaii, rallr l to
orilrr, an. I a.ljoui'lie.l till l:0 A. M.
Wo.liios.lav. ,
r l :
: i . .
I'i .. r.
I . v;.'.rt,
ti ' I irl
1 .i.:", an I
y '.'ivefor tbi"..iii,e.
'" I!. at l'"'.!i Mark a'i l
l'..'ii the sin,,.
' .'- .1- see l ' ro 4 a
'1 he seel its-'.l' i
To nia'rf" hla k
n I it - ext.-i ,.,,i, r.
lllle the w h:!e 1,1..
1 aloii" "lout. I up. l .t,.
''' ti. in k. the K,'. a'.. r
"- iii tli" ever.
'' I" I I" of the iMVeills
I'" sil, li, to inr u sl uu'
V (hat it woul.l l.n, ii...
mouth. Ihel,.,, krovelili
per see 1 contains the o.l
Inter lirean
I !" r ti:
I'. aie .!,,,;,,
I ' I' I- the .,,',
1 "I'I'.' 1- II. lh
I in of Ihe
in. A j ,.;.
al"iio Woiil I
t.'l'lll. hot M,i
' I
I li
.( the ,i"
' rl,ira.
Like An Old Clock.
Ir. llliuma ti, r lii.iriiiiint.
t r.'Uitln. li. ni.:i. .in. I n -n. i, i ni.
A rase reput.- l fiom 1'iesno rounty is
that o( a well-knowi, bo mrr lesi.h nt of
Kill;.-. hill, ih, .I,-, I, ri.,i,;,lp, .
Mr. .1. M. 1'iMvrs
i-kunln ami KijillrrcU Are I'rirn.U of
the Kiirnirr - torn UIi h
tlonil t'cril - I ume if roW" toil -Tullc
for Sorting Ai,il-.
l'rtrmcr Frlne'.
I :ift sinnj; 1 .lanie.l a xteeti :i (-.
IVM In ruin. I'art of t!ir ti..,l ha, I
brrii nioiMal the year bcfoic an. I pa;t
ha, I liera paturril after harv.-si. The
lit, cut a ureal ileil of it oIT.
S'Une of Ill's was repbllite.l ami s uiie
h"t. briiu' a I'm ill I wouM .u it too To a'.i yell some ilea li.nv
ti,'.' k t!i,y wi ve I will t. late a little
illri.h nt whleli orriiri'e.l oar in. riling
win II I wriit out to sec If tlir s.i, riel.s til, 114 up the eoni. I was on
ti." point of rcturiiliu h.'iiie w In n 1
sa ,v a I. tile ".roiinil, ! rutin iiz
iii a titmp an. I sitting .Iowa to sun
himself. I thoii::lit It was my riiaiire.
1 k'i.'I ::hi, hat before he ilii , lie threw
r r;'l thill ollt of llis liowrl. whirl,
he had M'liireil for his break:. it, ami
iiuirli .. my 1 la 1, ,1 to lui.l
any r.r u hut numerous uorn s. I " j ,i !
r. milt. 1 foiiiul exanly tw .".ny-oiie;
ui"-:h rill .. onus. 1 hae n.l killr.l
iiiij y,Mi!i.. -.iiiirrels sl'.i,r. Ami 1,
Iherefole, 1 1 . . : . ,x that the Sll.ll'l'l l.s
fir fa: inr:'s f i-i.-ti.l. i
The corn .Ml lo well all sum- 1
tniT an, I hr.m to .by up very carl,. '
lieu we wcic .".it : '. IIU It, 1 llotirel
w hefeier the xvv.'i wei'in hail bothered
I: a hole I.. i'i I,,., ii 'hi.' arouml tli'
M s k. aii.l 1 .ti l.T.-. I w hat couhl b
the i an-', when s. :ii" one suu'este'!
the vk.n.k as !..';; the ralise In Its
M-aivli of ..r: 1 eouie lo the
AitonithiHg Record of the Creat Paine's
Celery Compound.
To Rullil l'i.rtKi. Itnltnity.
Tie feature of Tluirsilav niornine's
fionuf the senate was the adoption
rfimbstitm- for the bill introibice,! bv
Sftulor Jliiliell relating to tho con".
Winn ami ot.eration of a liortairo
ailw from The Dalles to Celilo. Tho
ittotute was n porteil by Senator llar
A chairman of tho committee on
O'tumeree :tn, iiavk-ti. which coin-
fflittee had nia.le a viit to tl... u ,
J Personally examined tho jrroim.l
which the proposed road is to bo
Milt The siih iitni,. bill .i;r.... t
,1 u'" V.IHIO lll.lll
I'rlise,J by Senator Michell in
provision is made for the nmrore.
f trackage farilities from tho
""Pn Railroad .V- .Navieation '..,.
P!-and the sale of material now ow ned
J the state in the event mid. tn.eLv,,..,
wrantreiuent with il,.. a u x- v iC.
Mm. 1. . " v" '"
m'ie. o a .,..lo...i il...
0,Ie apiimnH ,ii,,.. f ...-....
., - ... nig inu mil was
Wrtnf C ivil Kneineor S. I. I.v.
He reeiiMo,, m .i... , . .
i ,, , '"'." inui consi ruction
" u ma,
cost of tho
iiiim.... ..n - L 1 " ni
.c..,,.,,,,,,!,,: navIKation.
- ts niiimvs:
'Jtiiverinr. , ":lll:ls""B. ?D,000;
COM f "U'na1, 2'50: cK-vntor,
''W, total, m2,3o5.50
Hudson, of 'Washing
's ill with tvnl mill
CtHlhtr .
ti-fli'tiiriul bTUl 1H 0fti"' "'""t?
faith '""'"r 11,0 cl,ro '
h.i,?JTima,ive,romMa,n. 11
ti IT! " "'"'"'-''wasinaveiv
1,5 """' 11,11 Smith ivh
,. v , l "I'niist), of Clacka
tital - y"-r.lty taken to tho hos-
Lv,n:!lt ;,,.H l"""-' "i'-k. and it is
SUtive V1'1,"i,, f"Vl'r
' Convalesrent.
Tlx- ,v, oie
l.lTea of i "0 m,,t tts "dial and
IUnK ut, ''r":"'''l n diversion bv
Wn i,; "1"" ''- action of the
lit,,.,, "' ""'kins to derlare
: "'isririr'.i".' H'w"t(dto know
Hlni.,'1' . rl"' fhair would not
'Wm "i'.vcn then asked
"r,n,inll, KU;' opinion on the
Utit"-'l"ii, nh'ak"r D;ivis '"l'11'"1
Urd h.,ns,. Ii0 relation us a
Thlrty-tlirrr In ,l..lnt A mlily.
Monday's session of the joint conven
tion developed nothing new. (.'hair
man Dorwiiellcalled the joint assembly
to order at 12 o'clock, lie at once sub
mitl.'il letters from Yau'ban, Hudson
and Wagner. They were not read, but
the clerk was cliiectcd to inaik thru,
The roll was called and showed the
following thirty-three in attendance:
Senators Hrowiirll, Driver, Dufur,
(biwan, Harmon, lln.-hi-', .lolniMin,
rattcisoi, of Marion, 1 rice, Taylor 10.
lie, -rcsclitatives DcIImiII, lil id.'cs,
lirowii, Chapman, t'oliu, Crauford,
David, (iratke, (lurdane, Hogue, Hope,
.lenniiii-'S, l.angell, Marsh, Men ill.
Nosier, l'alm, llighy, Smith of .Marion,
Somers, Staulev, Thomas, Thompson
Absent Senator Heed, representa
tives Hudson, Mitrhcll, Yuuhan,
Vcness, Waj."irr (1.
Tho absence of representative Mitch
ell of Marion, was sivnilicant. ll is
known that ho has drlinitely declared
that he w ill not return. It was expect
ed that Mitchell would formally with
draw, but ho appears to think a speech
unnecessary, representative Ycnnr.-s,
of l'olk, was probably not able to renin,
from his home, whither he went Fri
day, on account of the storm. Senator
Hood remained in the senate chamber
during the entire time the convention
was in session. It is not known that
his absence indicated an intention to
slay out hereafter. There weie no After the reading of the
journal had been dispensed wilh, the
convention, on motion of Senator Har
mon, adjourned.
A number of republican members of
tho oj. position have received the follow ing
self-explanatory disputed:
"New York, Feb, 15. Hon. (Jeorgo
II. Hill. Salem, Or.: Failure to elect
a republican l'nite.1 States senator
will jeopardize republican reorganiza
tion of tho senate March 5, ninl en
danger tariff legislation. Oregon then
would bo resimnsiblo for continued hard
times and the embarrassment of the in
coming administration.
"American Protective Tariff League.
"Cornelius M. llliss, President."
Tho senate comntitleo, appointed to
fxaimne tho giound of the proposed
portage railroad between The Dalles
and Celilo, was shown over the ground
Monday by a committee from the Com
mercial Club of The Dalles.
is an old L'rntle-
man of To. who, during llis long rrsi
'I. 'lire in Kingshuri:, was beloved alike
by young and old, and be is eipmlly en
deared to the pe of ,is ,. home.
It was about July 15. s;i,t, ,ia, .,
leporter of the Uepilbliran met Mr.
I'urvrs, and w.h a-lonished to see surl,
improvement in bis appearance, lie
I. Miked ten years younger and niiicl,
stouter than when be moved away (ion, (,,r the benefit of his health,
and be was congratulated on bis im
proved appeal. line.
1 was all run down when I moved
Mr. Turves said; "somethim;
like an old dork that is worn out, hut
I have umleigniie purl, repairs in I
think will k. ep me in running order
for many years to conic if no accident
"What was the n.ent (bat wrought
the change, Mr. l'urves,"the reporter
a-ked. "Was it pink i? tln-y seem
to li.' doing all the healing in Fresno
county. "
"Pink Pills are the very things that
hive built me up," Mr. Purvis an
sAilcl. "I happened to read one ol
Ihe a KertiMiiieiits of their healing,
qualities, an I tlr n read several more,
and soiii leov there wa something in
the way the test oii.nii lis lead thai us-'
sure l me they wet" till". One in the .
sail Flan. :-'o liaio:ii. r r-perially im-pr.-e,
in", and 1 sent at on. r ami '
boiii'bt -nine of the pills. 1 took lllrn, i
a- .llir 'tr 1, and 1 do not think I nerd 1
I'll you what liie.v have done for me.'
I am iiiite ree.ive:e, and set bark in
the joiuoevot life at ea-t twenty years.
1 have il uie more work since I have
taken t In-ill than tor a long, long time
before. Indeed 1 may say siuro, long
. -fine you Wei'" Is. in. I
"I look only two Ik.xis in all, but I
shall always keep thnu by me as long
as 1 live, in cae of relapse."
(SLned. .1. M. PfbYKS.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain , in.
1, rondeli-eil form, all the elements
iiecesaiy to give new life and richness
lo the blood ami restore shattered
iieives. They are al-o a speoitie for
tumbles peculiar to females, such as
suppressions, irregularities, and all
forms of weakiie.-s. They build up the
blood and r.-tor'- the ..low of health to
p lie and salh'W cheel.i. Iii men they
t llerl a ra In al cure in all c a-es arising
bom mental wony, overwork or ex
cesses of whatever n. ituie. Pink Pills
are sold in boxes ( in va r iu loose bulk)
at .'ill rents a box or six box. K forf'.'.'ill,
and may be had of all drng-'i-ts, or di
rer! by mail from Dr. Williams' Medi
cine Company, S. hrn.vtady, X. Y.
ron, iiiou i i a i i. .el t i
i ris and skim us be. u
w e w otild h.i v e ha I
bushels of corn - :
do Ihe leaders think?
e ground s.llir.
a little pleuliiT
more than
. ii neiw. What
New York Wil-
I'ee linu I iiliu.i.eil Torn.
Some larnuTs have learned that tars
of corn merely brokm from the stalk
and imliiiskeil arc ratrii by cattle with
less likelihood of injury than If corn Is
husked and f. .! . n the ear, the Usual
way. The husk makes a porous addi
tion to the ration and prevents the
grain from , t n i. hi , I'.ut w lieu col n
Is snapped ti.. in the sialU. there Is a
hard, -.tub ;it the butt of the
ear that has Utile tint i i ion. and may
very easily bo injurious. If the slock
Is valuable, ii will pay for the extra
cost of busking and grinding the corn.
In the givuicr amount of nutrition the
animals will get Ii.uii iheir food.
nl. I .. l.
What Is usually railed 'Void" soil
Is due mostly to execs of water whirl,
limls no oiiih i by sinkin. Into It. ami Is
foi-eed to eV!inirule from Ihe surface.
This lakes so in ii. li heal from the soil
that vegetation will not grow readily
In it. II. 'lire tin- rold soil is very olteli
thin as well, coining qui. My to the clay
on whh h It rests. II' Ibis clay Is 1111-ilerdrniiu-il
air ninl frost will pulverize
it. enabling ileri looted plants to pene
trate Ihe soil in ol nil U li it. So long as
oil Is tilled w lib stagnant wan t' it w ill
only support ferns and mos.'.rs, whose
roots run near Ihe miiIih c.
rounds It. The better way Is to plant
potatoes on some rirli laud. i way from
the jiai'd.'ii, choosing a clover ley, wlili
w lih h not inn, li inaniirr w ,11 be lloed, , I
lo make a good crop. On a clover ley
the caily polalo bodies will hi ly
the s' al 'ei'in.' ones that have tlowu
iroiu a d;taiire. The crop will also.
In most eases, be more easily cnlil
va:., ami kept from weeds than In Its
cramped quarters Iu the garden. -A uicr
Iran I'uliivatof.
MarUelioa liriitirit i
Crapes, like other fruils, nerd to be
carefully handled to bring the best
pl'lrcs. 1 lie ilirs Herd lo be gone over
Irr.turntly during the li.riiiii.' season,
tailiriing only those with full color,
because graprs do not, like oilier fruits,
color after being gathered. The bunch
es should be cut oil' with a pair of srls -sols
and so handled as Hot to disturb
the bloom. Ordinary varieties may be,
at once pa. krd from the vines into the
baski I that is Intended for sale. ('Imire
vai'iriii s should be gaihcrcd iu shallow
trays or baskets. In which they should
sla ml a day or two on shelves Iu the
fiull, mi. I then repacked. Hy ;
this treatment the slems will wilt, and
the bum-In s will then keep without
molding ami park more closely than
when given.-Canadian Ilorilciilturist.
I Fruit Trc.s bv t lip
I Tell us If you know any good reason
for planting maples, elms ami the like
along the roadsides in place of the
I practically useful cherries, chtsinuis,,
! walnuts ami other fruit trees, cspe-
chilly out In the country where Ihe
depredations of frull hiini.Ty city boys
are not much to be feared, of If one
must have forest trees, whv not the
linden, that w ill after n w hile enable Paine' celery coiiijhiuii.I has never 1 have gaine I twenty siiinds in we'ght
our bees to gather Ihe choicest honey J'.'l tailed to cure. 'and am feeling llrit rale.
In i.liundaiircV Where all oilier me.lirul treatment j " My w i(e has also liccii taking it for
W In n a Spaniard eats a peach or pear has failed to relieve Paine's celery coin- nrivoii- s, and thinks that there is
by the road(-ide, w hcrcver he Is, he digs pound has succeeded time and time nothing like il. We Imth rcroinmcn.l
a hole in the ground w ilh his foot ami again. ( it to all of our iiriuaiiitauee-, and you
covers the seed. Cotiseiiiently, all ov or John W. Hoy. I, of Mishawaka, In. I. , are al lils-rty to u-e this letter as you
Spain by the roadside and elsewhere, says of his own case: see lit, for it truly worked wonders in
fruit In' great abundance tempts the "Last winter I was taken down with my case."
taste and may be picked and calen by 11 v,'rv ovcro uttiick of nervous anil j And Paine's celery compound i
anybody. This fruit Is a great boon to muscular rheumatism, so bad that 1 w.uking just curb wonders in every
tired it ii 1 thirsty travelers. The Car- -'""''I not lio down, sit up, or stand, state, county, city and village of tha
,!,., ' , w ithout the most excruciating pain. 1 country today.
was all the time under the care of two I The reader mii-t know some one who
of the Ih-st physicians of the place, but has tried it. Ask that 'rsoii if he or
1 did not improve. I took different she was net at nine benclitcdt
rheumatic cures and used an electric ! Ifcin't lot a dealer palm off ativtbini
half hour each day for ten else on you, however; for thcie is hi
..". . .. ..'AVAVsNi I
1 '.e '.-'.', ..i . . ' oW-r
T 1 ."s V r ' .V W. W
One Dollar the Avrrnup.
I'xpei'iinents made 111 different sec
tions show thai Ihe cost of feeding il
hi n one year Is about 1,1, and that the battery a
profit Is about the same, the gross re- days, without any relief. much dllTreure between Paine's celery
ceipts from the In n being about a j "Finally I concluded to try Paine's coiukuii, mi l all the ordinary sarsupn
year. I f course, this varies aeeordlng celery ronisuind, and to my surprise uf-' rillas, tonics, nervines mid compotiiidii
lo the breed, cost of food and location, ler using onrhal f of a bottle I was able to us there is between tin electric motor
being sometimes more and sometimes get out ami vote on elect ion day, and and a Ihiv's w indmill.
copied that $1 pays before I used the whole bottle I wont to There is siwer to cure iu Paine'i
but It Is a,
the cost ami .! protit Is made I roui Work, and have Worked every day since, celery comsiiiti..
each Inn. Wilh small llorks, where
table sera u are put to use and when
Ihe labor is of but little value, the cost
is reduced and the prollls larger. Poul
try Keeper.
I'oullrj ricklnua.
Always select Ihe cream of your Mock
for breeders. It pays lo Improve.
There is not one half the amount of
labor In keeping fowls In health as
there Is in trying lo cure disease.
Do away with condiments ami condi
tion pow ders; cm-h triuls to weaken In
stead of strengthen your poultry.
Don't fail to supply your birds wilh
plenty of grit, pear iu mind It takes
push and gril lo make poultry prollia-ble.
His Father If von marry oh
er Vol,
han't have a rent of my
The Son Put. fath
marry her I can't get a r
Stubb-' money.
His Father i w ith a grudge
M v ovv n bi.v ! Man v her
that ol,
if I don't
cent of old
sati-fy i
ski ii Hint penniless. Pitt-burg
SlK. H U K
1 I V I I V.
N l AC-
From now on to the close of thfl pres
ent ses.-ion cf congress it is expected
that everything not on the active list
will make way for the appropriation
bills, w hich must bo passed before linul
adjournment on Mar. l, 1.
Tho San Francisco police made a
general raid upon the Chinese gambling
joints of the city, rounding up a total
of UJO Celestials, all of whom wen.'
found delving deep into the mysteries
of the enticing game of fan-tail.
A reort is beingrirrulat"'! in Wash
ington, D. ('.. to the riled that Hi: g. r
Hermann will be appoint. "1 g-'iieial
land office commis-ioner, as soon a"
President M. Kinh y gel- a'.nii to
where 1 an make app"in!incn.i. Tli"
oflico mentioned j ays ifl.aou a y. ar.
Tins i w
111.' 1. 1. III. '.
1 1,. tlllO ,l
I' ., ... I. .II I
Mil, II," 111,
the ell., I
I.. Ml'!,: ..
v. it!i li,"'.
.-.. tot.t I rl"
:n. iii
. ,' I. ,. I I' ll,.
I 111 . I. .''.. i
el k:
1 1:
Still iee y III"
husband. It
sl,e Cllllld be II. d
moral diinn.' th.
- lb
1. 1 v
s t'll
HHI.T-, l.i' li ler.'
ell. - 'I- III ILlit 'I -
I,.. . i:t.-rs, iii-", ler
III, , 'IV,, US, ln.Ml-l
of Patteliburg,
, death of her,
ditlieulty. that !
remain at -,f
the Czar.
I h'er tiii.ety-live p. r
sols which p.l--'d th
canal dm it,.' I s'.O u
li.'ht. -' - t" l- "I'I"
tn). thioii.'h th gi"t
the nigi.t.
of t
ii tie
the i
o nun
i sy
sil.'i e, til,
ai ii
Sortinu Appte.
The case ami convenience in assort
ing ,'lpplrs rail be gli.llly eulialii rd by
using a table ctuisiruried for the pur
pose as follows: I.ellglli feel, wiillll
o'j I'ert, height .'I feet. The top should
consist of canvas or oib loth securely
nailed to the I'l'Mine, strips tlin e inches
wide of Inch slulV. ami. for i-unveiil-eliee.
o,riilm.'.s should be l. fl In each
eotii, .f lar.'e em mull to adniit a h ill'
bushel basket. These lest on .supports
fastened to tho logs of the table, the
latter bring Inilde three iiiehes wide
mid two lllelics l liii-k, all Weil I, rare, .
The writer can voiieh for the case,
comfort and fai-iliiy of the work per
formed by Its aid, ninl eoiild n,, be in
line., I to return to t In ih. son,,., barl;
,.. Ion.' uieihoil of sorting on the
ground. Not being pntrhie.l, ihey are
free loall. and lire truly n treat ae.iil
sitioli, not only in the apple on ha i d but
are desirable fur handlim.' pears anil
iiiin. es us well. Farm ninl Vineyard.
Iliiryiuic l.nonc Kuli'il-li.
It Is well to bave Iii ihe g anion In
vv inter an open trench, Inio may
be thrown the waste from the house
that w on Id ol lierw ise lie around , as rub
bish. The earth thrown out of this
tret, eh may be used to reieive the
waste from h:i inbers, and being ex
posed lo freiiueiit freezing and thaw
ing, this soil, when throw n over Ihe
rubbish In ihe tri'lK-h, will he an e
cclletit plarr lo plant Ihe v i r. earliest
Vegetables. I'.y hllVillg lee Irdli'lieS
mad" In different purls of the garden
eaeh fall, in Mine Ihe soil of the einir"
garden will be deepeiinl. thus greatly
iuelellsillg lis pl'Oilllrtlv i ll. s.
f now in I'orrsl.
There Is lio place on the I inn where
a uniform level of simvv i- . i i - as in
the forest, and hardlv a i,.v vv lure It
does more good. 'I I"' lilnl lln depth of
snow molting and s.nk.i,.' in the soil
supplies the in . s wi'h vat. r, ami at
Uie same time prow nts th" deep freez
ing w hleh injur. 1 1... I'.ois of trees ami
often deslrovs tie in. Whenever wood
Is to be got out "I foi-'-sts sleds on i,
g I snowfall .an he loaded much
easier than wug.-i.s. a ml run be got
out of the woods with labor and
danger of brea l.,-i-e. Snow In maple
groves delays the I" winning of sugar
making, but It al-o protnn-ls Ihe How
of Slip, besides li lil.illg it lllol'e 1 ,t t in 1 -
mil. .rirr a '.hi v.miei-, wilh little
snow, there N a I vv a v s a short and poor
maple sugar I
Cheapest Power
i-i II. P. Hercules, Gas or C.nnline.
State Your Wants and Write tor Prices.,
40S-7 Sansome Street
San Francisco, Cat...
I''nrui Not "it..
There Is no blink grape today su
perior to the Concord for general pur
poses. It Is the universal market
grape. It may be a long while before
a superior variety comes lo the front.
Much of ihe manure hauled on farms
Is not worth the labor of so doing. Hun
dreds of fanners haul straw several
miles to livery slafiles, ami haul a lot
of dirty si raw home, valuing il as ma
nure. Wherever there Is a low place be
side Die areiiiinilatiiig the wasli
from the roadbed the soil will prob
ably be rich enough to pay for plowing
up and curling Into adjoining Holds.
This will Improve the loud us well, as
ll makes a place into w 111. Ii lis sur
plus moisture will llovv.
A .sheltered yard would be very ser
virrable iii winter. This may be so
rilled by Ihe use of boa ids or ,y grow
ing an evergreen hedge around the in
rlosiire. lo serve as a windbreak. If
the cold winds can be kept from slock
Ihey can stand qlllle a low degree of
cold and enjoy ihemselves In the open
A Poiinsv Iviuihin has n simple plan
of feeding bees. As he has never lost
a colony thut had a ipiedi ami enough
bees lo keep it wiiriii, the plan is worth
tesling. He makes camly of granulated
sugar ami pours this into shallow pans.
When isiol lie lays It on top of the
fill lues right over II duster of bees.
I.ow-ilovvn wagons wilh wide metal
wheels are being used wilh good re
sults, as they are more easily loaded
lllld the wide wheels do Hot cut lip the
roads, but assist to pack the surface.
v iile win-els are not necessarily heavy,
us linprov enienls In wheels have gulli
ed width ami lightness, metal Is'lng
substituted for the heavy hubs ami
spokes lo be found In wheels, made of
w I.
Tin-re Is much work on the farm that
call now be more cheaply ilone ,y
Men m power, even though It leave
horses Idle III the stable. The horse
. .. . i. i..i ... I no
uas s.'neu i...... inn. o .... now-ici ,n 4 , ; I . v,.r. , ., N,JV.H, Mr.,
Use the cheaper ileV Ires of million, -
volition to save the horse whenever
this Is possible. There Is no danger
that steam power will supersede horse:
power, for the latter can be used In
wa.vs thill will be pleusunter for llu'i
fanner, besides being less expensive. I
There are plenty of uses for the horsy1
that the steam engine rallliot fill. j
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Breakfast Cocoa.
IVdine it Is absolutely pure.
Hfiiuse it Is not nude by the sivcalled Dutch Process In
which chemicals are used,
becau'.e beans of the finest quality are used.
Uecau.e it is made bv a method which preserves unimpaired
the exiinsite natural flavor and odor t.l the K-.uis.
Ik-cause it is the most economical, costini; If .s tlua one cent
a cup.
IU iur that you get th frnuln article maJe by WAI.TI K
RAM.K CO, Ltd., Dorthrattr, Mm. I (hllihcJ 1 7 BO.
2 VVVriLXll.
Rebuilt Gas and
.Uasoline Engines.
II. I'. Hercules, das or Gasoline.
1 II. I'. Regan, Gas or Gasoline.
i-j II. 1. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline.
14 II. I'. Otto, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 II. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline.
1-6 II. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline.
1-10 II. P. Ileuiihs, Gas or Gasoline.
Hercules Gas
....Engine Works
Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines, 1 to 200 H. P.
lh t'lir.rfiil Mint.
"At this moment and at other mo
ments," said tho Cheerful Idiot, "there
lire thousands Buffering for bread."
"I suppose so, " said Mrs. Hashcroft."
"And yet women w ill persist iu wast
ing it by milking pudding out of it.
Please pass the prunes." IudianajHilis
All ltirn Syrun, o-ral l ft, titiially very
HkM chirr, I aii.l uf fieavv bo.y, Ir iiib.Ih trulii
Klneoi... ' 7. a HiiritfH ftriin" ,a' Iroiu
SiiKHr 1 Bin. ami In ainraly pure, ll la (or Rain
l.y llrsl-1'lnRi. vriM iTk, In i-HiiM only. Manilla.-,
tiiri-.l l,y ilia Pai inr Cnirr hykcp t'n. All ai'ii I
11I111. "7'.n li'tuhn iini.fl" liavu Ilia nianular
turri'k uaitii; 1 11 !,..&( r.lie1 on vury ran, '
Leading dealers
everywhere sell
Don't nil. Ih Ium nt Urn, labor ind rrnand
, uw pitjnii( ! nr tin mown uui
Uf. 1 Um mttrhft it f'lll uf 1 hfip,
nriitS rlRRT IliOl
. M. FlftRV CO.,
Dtroitv Mioh.
m 1 r .
I'i-o'n ( urn for ( '. oin in 1 ,t i. in is our only Pf1 "rf" -H tfC f
ii'duiii" for coughs ninl col. In. Mrs. t . Vl I L 1 1
!m - 1 EVERY HEN
kf m I Hn-hti m rtalum
VtT11imiJl-l Inoubtor 'utrt.
H'Prl" d rlBhl. ! ! Im-iim
k. : ' M ! profit-
I"- H I iblf'tU'tilUrauHllitM
ill PT 1 1 ' ! ty am
'id ftfhl. I Mtj thfaairM bl-h pn
i"vJL I' Mtrsl4 lfl iu,a t,, tMiMl Butnti
1 lnPBLir fniii. i ua,
Fatalan Inruhator Co , Fottiltima, 0I
t. In.
U : ,rT"U Mr. Kanvas,
W(.r, .'''t '"rk of art?
p. nu',ni v ;: i':.''11"' paint.
,n the
V. World.
"':"y railroad
Tii r.i.i.iiii" i
Tin' postodi. r appi'
the tisoal vear b.-jir';
has been colli h't
llliltee oil po.-tolbr
i,.lo.l Irtl loll.
opriati'.n bill
.Inly 1. i
by th- bo U-e
.11, d po-tl.'.el-
is an i.i....;
u.-iiri, ririi,
.1. 1 ' 01 I ,u .... - ...
Ut, ,. ' SO'p. it IS
o"Miieear is i motion.
Un.... 1 : "
1,1 "ler,,.,, , "'.tno P"vr transmis
r"; Cul V,1" '"""i'1 to be at
'"ail T, 1 is thirty-
ltft:i b," ''?V,'r 'I'rivcsl from
saw. rni-lu, j 6M horBtf
carries I'j.'i.til I," 1 1. or
than tlu'urtriit, Ji-a',
than iv" e-tiiii.itr
tcr-g. in ral. There is
tic allowance for
vice which is i'.'
of th
an ii-1'
the f lei.
",'.(.".. I iii t!
I - -
The v.ny t
tiling is tn Ii.Ti""'A
(let a Lii-kac
;,, ta
Iff j ..r.s
I'r.l'' It.
Iniy any
it first,
nf Sclil-
i.f your
, -nii your
wu dun't
1 url t l oin no .
Almost el I V fa I'll h of early ."'-'
lK".'IUse lisuaill lh
' earlier than m v ' lu
ll often happen- 1
t.'lt'.es eoll.e V ' 11' .'
s.llnesoil. No. 'III.'
make this mi-.
excessive llllioillit
pr-'li-."s"S tie .
eiallv ii t ho s.r
ill (i.ttileiiH
r s fard.-n has lis
..s. pl.ilile.l til-o
garden is plowed
o r land eipially rh h.
, i' these yard-li po
aftrr oil the
iiit of manuring will
s-ful. In fai-t, the
of s able loamites to rot, esio
..f I he disease ma y
; Steels t":npel - I in
found by M. ."() t"
er hardness and rl.i.-t
I teiiipereJ iu watrr.
' -it 5"
i..iV,' I'P'Vl
oPep cl
I l a
: 'sy
be b'lt in Ihe
year's . r"p. P
taio.-s :(n)
the polilio
AaJ.lV Willleled Ll
Ve.'O thai lh- t
I Idaho, or Uieb r
I 1 VV 11 V
i ; -
.1 fr-ni the previous
I s these garden po-
lll .-arl.v mark for have prob
h r ihe rul.lils.Ji u ml
1 1 1, ii too often Tur
tle. llll'V lllUt .r".
TrfiiMg Mine in Mlnnesola.
An effort Ik being mude In Ihe Legis
lature of Uiwiiesoia to hiivo thv Iron
, mines of tl. Hiat Inx.-d for t-m-thim.'
ii'pi.el,i j rbrir nra lllll
tioiis. As illi.a'iatir4 4 the present
methods. It Is i one of the es
timated value of n bout Mo.lioo.mxi Is
us-, -sed nl b ss than ?L1.'..ihhi, ami n
olher eapit)! d nt li;,."iu.isai H as
sessed for Sllll nnother,
world famous for Its great vulue, Is
tav.-d for less than IflTo.isn,.
There is soi(g)'hli.g about a girl with
money in lo r own right that Is awfully
hard to resist.
A man with a boil has something to
show for his suffering, bid a Inau Willi
Uiauinl.ia has led.
a. ri raiirnc
AKnla anlail.
RASri.K, liv.
MFC. CO. i Mull.
fMIUml, Or., II. H. A.
'Vua Don't PmI Wall,"
r h On 1 Ulna luua.
Only Onm for Ont,
' Tunny r-ion Intrrtttul In Iminnna
I mutter, or win in vps itniniuh, ma
w ill mcihI fn-f, iM. m iii'ili-utitui, m
cuv nf lli "A I.I.I ANi'K," tlif iiyitu
i.t lfiH Sm Wty. In u'l'lih'Hi to iti iu
lfiii'ly intt r Mlintf n'iutinn, it u?i
(aiiiH ti lint tf tlit vahiuMo ninl tin
u-1 1 al pri tiiliiinrt given hy the IajM r.
41 Mil rnlte.H linrliU-i. Iluil.liinf, Ni-w York.
lilt tiiunfr fy miv
rtful ipfoulminii tn
( hit'Htcn, W Iiit1 fttitl
wll wheat tlitTtf tin
ma-tk t hi, KrliM it aw hfi'H maJ mm amnil
a' i m i m yf i Ma tat hi I nm'h. U r I tw (
tail aihftH aliw. few4 wt HMrt'ro Klvfll. 1S
ni 9ntm aa Ibm hinuo MoHrl o(
fwa, tti 4 a iaat toiiowlt'tltr o( the huat
tvM, I Mi til , llujik I in ('., I'lnniKo Hoard
nf lrHl MmkiTN. tntici-a Iu rurdaii'l. rvKun,
bHikniir and rvitilU'. !h,
ttiaui'iiw ati
il Ir. Friat
lM. HllNAM.41. Illa I.
ll l'TI UK an.l I II KS ciin-.l; no pay until
Cliri'.l; avll.l Inr Imok. PK.. Mansiirlu A
Joia I,mai.iaaio. a boa fuTaMriu, Ms Markui St.. San Kraiiclaco.
aiplaa aiailrd tH. Aitnm '
Pr. Bunnlio Mad. to. ttilla. l a.
RODS a i:
rai l ni and lo Bl ii CluM or Hllv
-t .r ItHi.ini ir-Mnri'. M I. 'uW
Hoi ii; niuliiiiitftiu, I Mini.
'r4 la I t Mit imj
i tunts ittiit a ns us.. CI
Li Bt brrupVTaatMO.sjO. Vl I
Fl In Un a. '1 S. dm, ia f -I
car4. Jj.iaTtPHtNS(i.iiaARM,waia N.P.N. U. No. OUO. S.F.N.U. No. 76f