The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 27, 1897, Image 2

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Vrrn vva CITY. . .77. 0M0
Tl. . trouble with most "good i
HrtV I that limy are n..I g"'l t-r
1,11:1 i of niiylh'ng
It ,-ein that ''' Victoria Mill
, !! n ulty f'T llHi'',l" '"" "my lr.U ninl u' t'ti ' "
Thi. man Him l.iillt 11'" "rt bouse
In Chicago U mill nil mi i i'" " 7
rlvr wa ever built throtigii -"'
The bubm,!,-plague h ,wnuml
It worst f..rm. 'I h" niliM'iit hcIoi.IIsU
I.,.. 1,.-.. I.f nMVlilMT
space In .pianoling about what It really
U- -
i.....,.i.K ii I.i.vm who started out
't 1.111 Indian" it- iim-sted ln'f'r
....... i..,i In having town.
many .-illicitly ha had i"rr"w
Cll po.
. ..... w. 1 t. tin. l.illliirillm. Ml off
a Chicago street car and p.-rinnm-iitly
. . .1... ,.f 1,1 cm' arm. ancl
injure, 1 .. " - . .
N,,w niiIiiK f..rl'HMiH.l:iiiiii-H. lt
a HiiiT prlxe. but II I" " wn" '
. ... ., I ... sl r. linoincllt of oru-
I lo con.IM l licgroe I' "l'KK" '
0 il.t I., a tluUI. Ifor- HirliwIi'K '
i., l-. iIi.mi. lit I Ik- atnke. N hats
the use of sending mUsl'-mirlcs "
u:l V -
Tl. Indianapolis N'" l,r,l" " I'""
elm,,.. ai.HI- " l-1" "."
.. i .... ..ill riiliUMIIUOriliy
kindly si,,,,-!, 1.1 tl.u with a stickful
of instruction 0.. how to gel nil imoii.u
tO Kill-till? .
.. ... ..... .....n 1.. full Into Stole cxng-
n 11. in.. . . ...
gcru.l ninl th.n say tht """" "
Vu.. si.lllelc. to generate"".
..... In. Willi ArWIotli".
wc 11111.1 -,. ,
that tl... ilrtiii-.H uiau will never
wholly mlMiTiilili'.
I... 1 .11 tiio imprisonment
jjl.iiiu mi" - - ,
. ' .... ..l.llHh things tho gov-
....- 111. . .,,,. ,.., hl..
li.Mliutloiia would 1.0 a large
Imrloim undertaking.
i:i...Mrl."lty-it hast that "' 111 "
Hr.H.UI-iil.rl.1tfe.laiit '"'"t If ' ' "
. ...I...l!.,tf MOft of iin.lii.l'i.llHt.
fr Ml.ll- a.ror,ll.. to law foot p. a-
W.K.. ..." '" cruM fr"U ,UU
liaii.l rail nn- char:".l.
.,o'..- .."i..-ti'-. A rule I'll'- '" no I"""- '"""
. i, u-.mllv hn-'ht. ill. U iili'l ' '"r-
.,, l i v.T mi in"'''' I'miikT
iii'.' '!i iii i.iiv hoy ran 1"'. T.-tli..'.i.y
upon 1 in- p.:..t !. "' " ""ii;1"";"4-
,,,, ,,, f Hi.,...' who Lav irl.-l "I h -.
li .-liii.. that iH-viT aaain will lli-y
h ,i.. an oil!.-.' iM.ynri.iiii'lih" J.r.-ni
Oh! rh.-rW.-.! TovKr, drifting down
Th.- .Ini'low h"i "I " """" " "
With wlint .tr.ii.iti-. hrlifht mils In thy
wh'I hrown.
Ami wI.h! wou.lroui mil on thy Hp
iiiiv-r, .
Whal un eii li'l l thy frail banju.
Wh.-n I' A Spl'-'T K-f.l'-l I" Kaiina All. w,lk Bt our biiMintf. tl"'''
Wrii f'.i.i.'i fl". nrta,v H"11 ",'
,..,, f Hill f.-t. llll' i";r",'1' We ,, ..ay !,. would lp !hy
1 t.irt. IlK- woi-kiin-ii loiin'i ..". ,aii.l,
,1,1,1 wat.T. Thi 1'i.nh which iih iTcmi pi,inK .-i-t l that li-mh-r nn ).
out wiih fomi'l ovr-l In th- .. . .,-,, ,,. fi.r. M-ll to li.'l.
...,ih,. of n f. w w.'. k with 11 rl' h All ni. i frtl r away 1h wl.ii.-.
,;.:, of ,,,.,,. v,KHa,..,.T,:re yr W -
W"r- lU,ir ""l". "Z." ' Ll ,. AlrTnd, thy .nift fn, r m.h, ... .,..-.
ri.-ll.-H or piinii - 1 1 .. l (r-n. it. i..'riii ani un.-i
. 1 ...... ....... ...ill tl M,-n ... -
. llll, " ' ' ' "
itiiiiilicra, nil totally ihiIIUp
hh h P"w..r Kn,w Hi i n-!"
nlr throi.Kl.011t II... Ji'ar In that tll-
i... ..1. - i.,.rr,,r im 1 hut at thi- f.n.lmn-
nXu n.iir I'.illaH. wh.-n. nlx'U c h'l-
ur.'ii p.TlMh-.l in I"" II",H
WlTU HITlollhly llljltrcl. ..-v ...
fa. t that tl." II." hroko out at ti.hlnUht
U a n-iiMoii for tl..- Iimi.uny -o
,,,. of II... ,-hlMn n. l.ut in""-- "
flaumiil al.ti"" "f h" llmt prim lpl'-s of
K,,f.-ty In I.o.ihImk 17 "tiii"'""
l,,,,!,,,,, . oi.Mri.i t.-.l H.IHly of W.M..I.
Kv.n If tl.u llro I.n.l o-.urr.Mi .. -
.lnillin.'. Ih"i" Ih H''h"",
,.r ih.- tli..l. rl.ox w.-uhl not Lav,. I....-H
.ntli.'Iy I" Ihii.i" '"r,,r"
innt.-H .-..til.l lmv h""ii r.H-u.-.l. Any
lure- l.i.lhlU'lf tlml ' I'"""""" l" " '
coiiiiiKMliite n viint liiuiih-r of -opl'-'
HhouM iii..ioui.i"-iiy 1,,lllt "r, nrr
. -i,.i 1 tin- inilhorltl.-w In
pro.. 1 in.... . ,. .11
every Slate ulioiild ulwuya w-i- to II
that thla fiitiilaiiirinai ruiu -
lll'u la hIwiijb taken.
Tin- 'i,.rn-l,t .- tl I'"t H I" ""
,.. nil. I l.inU . ..II th'-". hot no rrply.
Thou hull wuku to tli-ir no uwre
nu'iiin. , . .
Nr I.M-k in th,- .unhiflit; ww! friiii.l,
U I l,y!
A vii.. of aunlilflil hllii'l" our .ilfhl.
V. f. .1 it. u!..ry a. l-r.- wi- .tan. I,
",,r n tin- voviitf.. U toward th liicJif.
Tor Hi..' ti- lior.-i of th unknown
IVnii.yltaiiln !rit.
I-.IVI.T 1 1,1' Ill-TV liwiM-ctnr "f th-
r.v.-ini,iii-.' 1111.I Sa ik f.'iiti'r Itallroii-I.
wa-. not tl." only .iti.ii who lni'1 l-"ii
IKtolliKhl-.l ill tl." Hl"t H'ht Of Hi" kl .'P
..r l l ia.-i.-'.'.. Illl'l Ih" ro.-k I'll
I,,., I. -I.. f. I..H'. S.-i-tloii -JT." !
ha.l na.l 11. hi huh' l'"ok wllh th"
t IiiimiI...! I. In.' rover, ami h" had
1,., 1 t,i k.-i- ,1 L-riz.h' l.i-iird.-d 111a. 1
1 fa.-i- iiikI a .111010
..hi. n n.iiL-li r.'d f:i and a
II..r.. II.- a poor woioan who alwny. win ,,,. k .,-... -r ( -riiyU-'H wa known
hin ; . I ,. f ilir woiHt ". tl"!' on Ih"
Klirllvi-d iiiid. that r. n.W.-l li. r ( k,.1.1M.). n.,,, ,,.,! Wnl!;
1 i...i,. .J Itruwn- th.-mil" li-oni in.-"ii'i 01 -
Hhow..::':,, and am. would ,., a,n, miiniii.-r and ,, of-
Tl, fanili." In lii'Ha I" 'l-l'l'"-"''1";
,t It ha a l..lht .Ide In th" way of
pnonotlni! th" " of Ain.-rl.-nn .-..ra
s a food pn.-lu.-t. uii'l tl""" t"'''l'l
,. world that It nUKht t' '"
, or.' of that i-h'-nu and miirl-
lluii nrll.-l".
Na a nun. h.v" K"W. lrIr
tlon I..- hat" to h" linpoH".l l'" ''
.in,t,..f.''.i.; ninl l propoi-tlo" a .
, r-nard for that wh Irh I
m... 1 h.-tliT than K"l'l.
nl.lH.ra II..' hyi rlt-jr wUU-U Ih hut It
..-I...... la n mid,' whl"h I "oiiim.-nd-
... 1 ,. 11. ,1,1,'. a nmn. If
..mild of hi honor "- l"l"rlty. proud
..d ... I l,L .ilT.ii'la Id
f hU Miiiiii-l""" i"- ,m "" ' " 1
Vrnolll 1.1- rn.". hi pil'l" I" pnil-ivoi-thv.
lint. If 1'" I" I"-"1"' " , ' "
,.U. hi" i-lotl.i-. hi w"iilth. hi hlitli,
nr hi h ai nliu. h" I" f""l-
Tlu iMiJoviiH-nt of amii"iii"Hl l '"
,mm.i1.-i.I ni."..n tl..- of lal'-r. "Hy
thioiih It "ini -nr, " r,'Ml r'iUi
( ivrmilloii. or Ind.-.-d H.vuri' thi' p.m.
IhllltV of .-njoyl'itf lf ,m" U
truly nil-.-ial.l.'. It I" h" who him tiolli
Inu'to .h. who ha no "mum" l t
IH... ninl who la t-vi-r on llu "-ar.-h for
Ilxpr.'.. and tuaiiac'r In
t'hl.-iitfo h'iv" ii..-.i'ii-i nt.'l
...... 1- to nhiHit to kill all p.-r-
h,.ii4 who n...l.'l H'"' wl,u
r,,l, Yiiiinu lion who an- makiuu a
11 v i hk I'V i-olili'ti tia't." will pl.-aM-t,U,.
noil.'.- wllh a vh'W of .airylim
,i,. liiMiiiin.-" r i-haiitflni: th.-lr hn.l-I).'-
Tli l ill.i N.- I" Mx-aLlnC of tho
cnon .r... of that Stat.- lv.- th.'
S,.ii:tt.-ru pl iuK-r sol advU-o. It a.v:
Lot him d.v.-r.lfy l'l "rop. If h" I
In ,,.ul. wh.-ili.-r lo pluil t.-tl or twen
ty a. n- In i-of'.ii I"! hlni liiak.. II ten.
Ni,t.' and Kifeiy nr.' on th.' a hi.' of
,iu.-i -.'il. utU.u. l. not atako your all
,.ii ,-,.t..ii." The an."' wU.' word
wvtild apply l lUilenlturlm In .-very
.,1,1 of th,' .-..miliy. It 1 K-inptlng
-,-v'leii..- and th" law. of 11 at nr.' to
plant win.!,- farm wllll out' prodilit.
,M th" tlni" 'f Ai.mln I'oil.ln'a death
1,1 iai" w Mm"""')' -it lii.nt.'.l nt
N'Hit! w-.lti I.".. -'"..)..,.tm to U. iti.i Mr. .'oihlu'a al.illly to
If.), alh-at risky iMmmlal h.heme I
..... .y..i-.l l.v tl..j who hav. lol-
.-, lilui an.) his rlelu-a Ji-ivo taken
iii.'iusi wIiil. m. that I,-day
piaetteally iiotlitiig nnialna. That
Ml. ll last w.'altl. .Ii.-llia l.ewepian.v
hIi.U'I n thu B.-. IO. alli.-wt Ineied
(. I-ut iK'tlili g .om.-a an lowly "f
f i,'il--kly a HK'in-y W 1 l' rai'l.Hy m-ovor-
..... (.....1 t.'.tf leut flu.''.' of l.v... III.'.
tn..i of Im ia"C tr--.'a ei klll.-.l.
t.ut r...i.i.'' rv.'j.y ranuot b ha
1 mI...ii. iUivx vai- fr.-iu a-.w. TV
.km ': d.'tru.-.l- of rln rr-n-
-t-u iiu ,111 t a'WB it' "
ym. fcot r'a ia t" "ut
iW ll U rily U th rnrd'
1 (h IWda (' t'jat thry bar
.r. rv ta'.ifurtoB m i-Uih. pti e-
1 V .: i "'
fruit AN
MM'l!) Tr aaw !' al
tiW 'M of
ar Introducing otfu.' glrU In
iO ihuM- who hxv tliein In
. ..... ir .1,.. ...i.'lii-
Kh acrvt-d on a aelim.l hoard with co.iraK
and .-l;
Kht golf.! and .1." kodaked and rode on a
She reVl'VoLt..! and lh.-u. knrw U.I-
i tiiIk m In- iiauie.
Approved of', wa. a "Kaughtcr
and I'a.iie ;
ll.r elLldreii went In fur tin- tu r luea
1I..11; Her hukhiind went a.award for n.rvon.
jiruni 1 n 1 1' hi.
One day on her tahlet. .he found au hour
fr."- , ,, .
The ah.H k wn. hxt great, and n .Hcl
I.IHt 11 1. ll.-.-!
rhlladelpl.ia ll rd.
Pr. I'. J. H.-IUi, f I'hl. iiKO. I" thiiH
(pio'.-.l 111 the Chicago Tin." Ilcn.l.l:
"I do not hellivu that physician
Khould war hiiHhy l.i-iir.1. In fact. I
think we will nil have to come ! Ih"
wicrlllc "ml k'" "I"!"')- ahiiv. n
Ilfler. I lie lelll in ill '.""'"-'" ' ,, , . ., ... 1
lii tor f ..- f.uni,- will liav" a an.-tH 'or. I wNI.;- o l-
...1 1.1. tin. 1 ii 1 Lin tittn
,,-e the tramp fr.-Uht that thin.
,..rc. hack and forth w ith a.-cinll'-' "H
repaid for tin." 'iir.l a'"1 rinmiiu
The new lnp.-clor had 1 1" ''""'
from Criui.-,.walklii' the wh.-l" ld'l'l
of Hectloti II" I'si'l f"1""1 "V.-rylhl"-'
In Hie l.i-M ,.f ol der, not a l."li I'"""' ""r
. ...11... 1. ml he fell, after th an-
ner ,.f new In-: tr. like coiiipllinclll-
1 1 1,.. . I i iii-e 0 f Hie keeper.
"I I.. C. I'.dl.y iu'r" h" a-k.-.l when
1,1. r..,., hed the k.-ep.-r-a l.o.wu on Ih"
1. hi
Ve. nlr. will yon walk MiT' asked
Hi., rosy checked nut who came
11.. i..,iii.-,1 Into the neftt.-st of H"l"
uiniiiL' i-,,iimi-i. Then- were llowei" in
il. windows and a cheery lire on th" 1I1 In front of which a la.y inimy
en 1 MUMi. d a g I humored greeting.
..'i. 1. f..iMer. the new llisp".
iioiny, io-
i. I ..f ,1 l.i'lild. M.V father I
hlltelly opposed to heard lor physl
china. 11 ml doea not allow hi" lutein.-"
lo wear them. 1 think H '" po-sll'h- to
. o.. radical In the nmiter. nn.l per
hap he I. 1 w.-ar n closely cropped
lirard. nn.l I '1 ""' "'' lj"w " 111,1
1. 1 1, ,i.r..:lillllu- colltnuloll. With It l.i-ai-.l. Illl'l especially In anrglnil
nisi'. It ia ditltflcllt. lareiui puis,-
china who hv" 1'enf'i proi.-'i moo
Willi gauv.e, or conn.... mk.i .10
..... nii..u- Hi, 'in to cme In contact wllh
or illsti ll'lite disease genua III 11 wound.
It Is Letter, peihiip. ir all pl.i.iriaii
t 1. clean ahait-d. iin.l I ceilalnly l
Jleve we will all hue lo conic to ll."
While the of the world has
heeii coiiccnlratd on Tin key nu, I 'u
,a twine oilier ImporliC't foreign af
fair have been pcrmltled to 11111 w ild,
as ll were, and have only Just succeed
ed In forcing a pu.u-" t" puLHclty on
Hi,, cahle. r.-i-liiip tl.u most exiraor
.Unary event. If It I a. seiion. it. It ap
pear t 1"'. I ,!l:'l ''.polled from
",i,,.-- c.iliieA .-oust." Alth..Ui:'.i
Itias I" other loi-rtlllle ha In-eu I','-
,' for many atrlkltig liu-l.l.-i. 1 .
recently, they have not 1 11 so a,ui
hlng a thin report irui me i.rass 011
i. tlulneil f.aist. "ew s lias just i.cen
I' here." It sil. "that tin- cpe
.,,,,.. .,,t t.v the Ho ill Mg.T I "HI against the Kmlr of Nupe front
l.okoja found Hie l'"Viau arm oi-peis
ed and I" tUt:lit when It anUcI al
Kahl.a." 't'lil. must have been . cud
lugly unpleasant for tin-po"i' oi.t i.mif
..f Nupe. and ll must have annoyed
in )ulah army .-xcessivciy 10 .an a
victim it.u to l.okoj i iprol'.ihly ineanj
lockjaw). W. viewed a a atru-.ccc
movement simply -u nu- pan or mo
Niger t-oinpany, It canuoi "
that alnce ll seeking the du."!M
.1,1,1-.. ..f ih.. Cmlr of Nlipe and the Ton
1 1I1 army the let way to a.voiuplUli
It wa to pr,s-,s',l to kabbt.
H-tll.K lultirm at Cornell.,w , . fiiiiiiers will l'e ph-ised t,'
learn that Cortwll I ulv,il:) .ain-tlon
the li-e of pli'.uel'i- spell, ug. in t ,
Journal of Physical Chemistry, puMVIi
ed miller th" auspice 'f "'at "u ; or
ally, such wolds a sulphate, eh '.or: .1,'.
i,li ,.lde. MC are spelled plioi.e'lc.t'.ly
and wi-'i Mlenl without the Una! ""
or Just as tl.. - atv pronounced that Is,
aulfatt., chlorU n.l oxl.l.
Tier. tk my s-at, lady." hoU t
llttW 1-7 ' th car, in Ik- H-raag f rv-m
bis fatU.-r kwv and 4 -tf,4 kU k.
Tlw W.dy kkJ UX a Uusk r.-.'.
r, UWd, tk fatUi- mwk-J ta-
l aM Wlf
n,vB wi" a'.W ura'tm ( WJjf to
vii daw a - 1 w-iivu 4'ie rt
their employ are try well pieaaed with
., T!. aar that th t'ttlc girl la
enperlor to the ollle boy lu many l"ir-
Uculara. In Ihe nrai J'tac au uo
,,f -'7 lie said
I- 1,1 ilu-vlied Hlighll.v. He
Heri.-d I hat h.-r hair was cut short like
,1 ,ys and lhal he- chill was llrni and
I inn the keeper.- M.J answered,
"mv name Is l.clti" C. P"lhy, and l' "
had the plaee since father waa Injiirud
1:i-t winter."
"That's fight, aii'l B'""' !,, 14 mil''
she I, loo!" rime a grulT voice from the
iilln r room.
1 it- llii-hed tun In.
"tfs father," she whispered; "w-on'l
you step In and I.iiu'f He's very
j;;id lo have visitors."
p.axtcr had not yet recovered from
tils siiipfsf at that the slim.
Hue c.c. I girl who !ood hefoie him
tins really keeper of Cfaglw'a cut, uud
lie allowed himself to be bd Into lliu
ll,er room. There, at a big. bright
window, sal a man In a rocking chair.
11, fa.-e was of the chalky whiteness eomon t'."'ii being always Indoors,
and lm lap was .(..cld wllh II plaid
,-oiiiriter. lie looked promuuircly old
and "..'in.
"Mow are pjii';" h- asked. "I'd get
. . ,. ;
lip, only ami ni m". ion.-., to ,
t'i-i,;.U. legs wiih a faltil inlli-.
"Thai s .ill fight." icpoti.led lUMer.
t '.ii'.illieilally; "keep ur seat."
And P-axl.T. slllliii there, heard Ia!t
tio ,'plain 'the eoiidilloii of section "T.
,i, make her reports as promptly and
veiy much ir '"' clearly than any if the
hri-pciM he had vtcr m't. She spoke III
a Hank. alino--t bojSh w.i. and she
.tii.lers.oo I her work as well a.s Himur
i.ui.-,ir did. Her fatln-r sal watchai;
her iiulelly. ad.l'.lig a wold here and
Ihcie. I're-entl) the clock In the fur
llier room struck ", and l.ettle starled
to her feet.
-It's time for me to make the round
of t'u- section." she said, and a uioim ii;
Ian r Pjxter saw l-er lithe form, wrap
,c I It, stoul, dark cloak, disappear
om'I' u brow of tlw hill toward Hu
ll... k
As In. i,., !,ed back lie found Polby
w.ii. V.iu I1.111 'uloiMly. When he
i'.ic.glil li s ce Ihe cilppli' leaned for
waid e id Ion '-lied Pox;, r's knee.
There l-o'l a p.iKk.r girl between
St. Paul and Montana hiittes," lu- sa.d;
"eteii if I do say It, who shouldn't."
"I do-.i'i .,, how she call manage tli
section." icpb.ed P-aXlcr.
"Ih. 11 what 1 Miy." excla'ioed l,d
. ; -,f wonderful." aad Ii pin, lied
fa,v I .:!.ic.l tip !'. a o,lle that waa
U'iMt.l'ul to w. "It w-'iild go hard
ill ef n If It "'! for I .on "
"l,. iii i M h(T' apoolal
, ti lo a ..ywayr
I l.,..a 'J.' iV., aa.vrrrA.
I II oiauy r.'ol. ol .111 iva
11. . rte.ii' , he au.wr t La
to, nt 00J tie jjal'ura ta k-;i
w . h. aivai .u fcuM hoj ia wt' t
Wlf .gal t eo.-ft. Cr,r fs5 rmtTU 6 6-4 W'-
Ua.",a tV '-' V" "'J -- " '-
out hurti rs a i-n. lai-e u kzvcj ux .'tMi'T, s
ail. I am more ayliiticl aj;iMn.l ttcB t,.H 1-4 ixu w 'J '"" "
.'11 , ' I J. ..v -WW '
siru.k if tfj.a couv'r.v. too. Came
over the ti ll from ki k wf the iietifo
nly in the morn iu ,yd long t.f.-e
ji'elo, k there wa-oiT'a fence to he
,vQ l;i the countr.G 1 ftte'a mother
.,1,1 1 Peiur n -t go down to the cut.
-Mm- e a alt.iid I 111
.kinnlug "- Cincinnati llu.l er.
Amoug all (S- ll' tues. liuiulht,u) he
lowest, la pre einllient. I: I the snf. st.
Ims auu- It la an anch,; and
I loil nuin may truly It' ald to Hv
m,s. In hta calling who atrlna
lo live within the ttwupiisa of It.
get lost Poll
... . ... . . .- .... ....
Crlth-tam acta on a man nit a ujiui- j ,1 tn.-n ai 1 rng nu j f -
Urd I'lanter: If any la given you, iug moin year, and 1 thought Id 1
It tlUt uwlU It do. you good. j acn ih jrl ih weather iduU do.
Bo ! went down lUf bill. " Jef,jr '
. ...... tl- hoiiae thi? unow
had wiped It out. and all I 'M
were Ihe whirl, ng dr.fta and the put I
fr a do.-n f.-t nloM'l "f "'p- An;
wi.n I r-aehed the cut tli-re wa-n
any cut there. It a filled to he I ,
1 i,.r.. what the llai-
Willi son" . " I , , .
)UII,l ,,ND frC.n-"-wou ldo.
It wa pretty sharp an-l '""1 ' 1
reneh-d t! truck thi a.-l- "f
l.rldg.-. and I had to g-t .h' "
luuidsandk.......,.! - rawl InMu fr
t,o.ieJusll.keal".'.y. was r,,
in those day-. ' w
the snow wei- ' ' r, !l1" ' '.' . '
couldn't stand. Ai,d lir-t thing ', '
. ...... ..,......,1 .... late kimll at ll."
i.ndge nH.t 1, r;,:J;;,:,:I
j over the ed-"- ! ' ' ,
like a bat to a raf-r. -:-W'"" '
knew It. ........
You're .Ion- f-r. ' 1 -v-. '' '
myself when I -.w h-.'-v ' ' '
from falling li.f. 1'" '
Jl.) f.-et lo th" 1". '
. .... .. ,..wti. I"'l 1 1111
roc mi 11 1 " , , r , -
grim .leaih. w ."1 1 - " ;" " ,,"". .
beating in" lib"'" I -' " ' ' . ,'
knew well e ..-."-';. " '
o..".,.helpni.-.a.'.-' I;"' '1'''
,,s,lf; but St II 1 '- '"" ' "
doesn't like to 1"' 1 . ' ' '" 1 ' 1
l,.g,. of ro-k mi' - ' i" ''"'"'
lul. ly tie.. - ny. ,, , i
..,T,y a...... ! I- -ir-l ";
s.pi. aling I' ' ' 1 kl'"vv V'
J.inCroO.y.r r, ash"iit,' "r
lllui!,.. si,.,.,. Isadt j-.f tl-"
if .nt,, i-i '" ro.tii.-.'
wllh liis-iigaiel nilgl.l I vl. "
k..W well .-.."liall tl'" I- o-lld'lt
succeed. It would tal." f'.'tr "
,,,., ro ary plows to di" a l'h"!
,l,rivl. so h a I I 1- u '1
sl. s-i-i-alcd ninl Hhrlek.-I for
H,.,.ni.-I to !"" wh I" my i."
arms grew- in numb a chil'-
"And l.ett '" -what was s!i n- '"i
,u . V hell Ihenmw . .ai led th"
woo'1-.l.ed i.t.d began lo creep I th-
iilwa i," wa fi-lghi.-i.-l- ' "'
afial l that falher'll n.-v.-r g' t ho k.'
she told her mother, who's alwaya bee'i
lidgety uud nervous I k'-. began io
wa'k up an 1 down and wring h"r
KUW, i,t knowing what bid'.. Twelve
o'clock el"", ami 'I" " ! I-,',1'r
ed up and -aid: 'Mother, I'm i'ohig '"
to ...... If I can't lln.l father: i""'
aplte of all her mother could do she
I, ',e, Into her ch-nk ami uoo'i .".
ipelied the door,
i-i,.. mow- was im to her iva'nl, but
the wind had -lly g""" down. I'l
the cut Jimitii" Cio-hy cnglno wa
i-alllu' and a.-ree hiu' f'-r mercy, and
l.etll". when she looked over ll." IHf
i. the i i-.i ill tit all "lily a b'g
black led" W 1... the smoke from the
stack had melted the I-ut Lett "
w:in't strong enough to get down in
iliu track, for the path was drifted
full, and a kllui l;1" l"r ''""'''"'l
v.-iiiure lu without losing l,.-r life. Sin.
kneiv well en . ugh I as down ti,"
MM-lloii s w he re- perhaps .ml oil th"
bridge. Poll she d.dn'l gim nj l1"'
1 etll... There wa-u'l a man around the
place to help only '.n the train, and the
trail! wit lit the b'.i'om of the cut
1. ill-led III the sn .w. She thought thai
If v she could g' t word to .1 .111 Cros-io-
I,..-'.I hi'lo her. f..r she knew him Well.
s", .tin a.i'l ' '" 1 "' r"l'"
lied on." . let ..f i' !-' siubhy oak -I
here )oil can tl al I hi, c Igu' of th"
lull- and tie 'I she ' "' " 1
.ii.1 I..,., i'i.' , ut. That tools grit -Ihero
aren't many men who would have rNU-
L', ll let al 'lie git '- I if course the
snow got huo h. r eyes an I nose, ami
Ih,. rocky (edges . '.' and i.i-iim-i tier,
I, ut she never si,'.-. nut I ..he was at
tl,.. luitioni. J'tn-ule Cf.-! said he mw
sonielhlng tloun.h r'fg? In the snow out-
sldi. fit "'" U'1'"
" .l i in. oh. .Pin.'
"It wa I.ettie. Tli'-y drugged her
Into the cab. and Ms s....:i a s!n- could
talk she told Jim that 1 was loct lu the.
"'We'll :lve 1, n..' sa d J in. and til"
,li man iigiee.l lo hill", and so did a
dozen t.ther n,e.i who had cine dowa
from the tra.n. And Jim. he.ii' a good
climber, went up ihe rope hum! over
hand and lulpcd a d '. '-'i or more men
to follow Irin. l'-y Ih time It had slop
ped snovv'ng. an I t .e sun s'aoiie bright
In the wot. '.i-y w allowed .low u
through the dr.fts m the t.r'.dgo, I c-i;.-following.
Tiny tt-.d to leave her at
home, but she weal 'n't stay. 'If fa tit
er'. In danger.' she said, 'I'm going' to
help Ibid bin. '
"1 heard 'em w ir u ihey reached Un
bare knoll ths s do of l hi bralge. I
had crooked one leg around a sleeper
and 1 sllll hui.g i acre over ihe chasm.
1 don't believe I c-iiM have let go. 1
Hues. I was f .-.'.-' n there. 1 tried to
shout and h'i ih'u 1. now where to till, I
111.., put I coil'.. la'; gel n. y tnoiitli open.
It was clean s.iiT- , ng. lhal. Pgr tliciv
wa. help wiihiti ic.uli and I colli. la'l
make a aouud.
"Hut I.ettie knew the path I usually
took and llrst tiiii.g I knew she was on
her knees at ihe end of the bridge cry
in -
' 'lien' he Is: oh, father, father.'
- .vfter that I tlou't renieuil'er inu.'li.
Jim said they carried me to the hoiiso
and laid tin- en the bed, bin 1 didn't
eet 1,,, k to niv right ecus,, for two
l !;"-. day.
"1 almost forgot to tell you thai on.'
of the incii who helped me was lira I
lev. the superintendent, va Leu l.e saw'.e and heard of what she had d .i,e
he Ju.-i look off l.'.s hat, th'jt may. and
he! I It bt fore hlii'.
" I, .lira th bravest j.rl l'va avur
ai't,' n'.J."
lV'l! y pan.-.! aa If lv I Hed to n-iueiu-N-r
tS.a of ll m-t.
"T:. olv, tti.-y n. aiJ by
1 :: .' ti aJ wf ra di.o iuio Ct
(, I t t'tJ.1 a ib wh. a tb tuper
is'itt.K t!k oa aK.ui w bo .hall
it .i.' -t fc-tM8 I? Lcu.c ipoke up,
l 0 I i
" Mr. fr ada.. ka twt HiM. It; 1 caa
0 . it alin.wi a .11 'tf'
" Hie superltiti'U lent h" ! t tf Ut
a nioment. and then he ndl: "
' I l elleve you can. 1 cttle.'
Prom uat day to this 1.. C. IVlhy
has Ih-.-tl keeper t-f .7- I've never re
covered - ii. y leg and my ba,k lu! the
u , ...r still lite hep.-. And 1
couldn't g il."i; without l.ettle 0"
P. ut the l man' voice broie. Pen
ter, shak ug hand with him ileutly,
went out toward Cr.lgie's. where ll
sent a glow lug rip-rt of the excellent
iv.sjltlou of aectiou I'T, U C. Do.'cy.
' i,7t hiitir. aenann with aalt
imle nieltcl " r' tlien 1
i .....our hid i o...--- .
llrrp IMowln. N"t Nece.r, to J"
ld-lo-.oirow -- .
to...... "rl.P .
ItrriiklnK I"."' F,'!; ,., k..irv
v ,-v .l.-P i-lowiii-' i t"",v'irj
X el '1' ' 1' l , 'I'l.r.'f or
i, i .l,l ti, rot sod. l iir' '
... .... . u ill n-i in"'
I 1 V f I I I I - M
. , .. 1 1 iiti th r.i i"'
"'" ''I Mi, .... I-wa furm-i-
turned .1". i ' .. . .......
,,,,,, ... has toiiml ttMllll'-ltel W...
nohow mg"'
, ,.H merit. ....l.-ii'ltl'i"'!".-;-,'
, , h- ,.ci...of cin wiih
i an d he g"' ' '''"- ' ,. ,c frr.
I , ,1 the tl' t venr the it.r
,,t a We d. ..let "" " A ,.
. ,1 . el, Iii'" 'I' l't ll "f tl" "
.,ii wiiho.ii a i-1"' ,u "" ,. .. ;
; ,s,. pud al ly . he under M'il whs teg. -ta.
le inoiill and rh -Ii. and the S"''
a.iv heavy sods mad" ..up."""
, tv., thr " by t'.rnin up
, .1. 'lay st. 11 wi"' I''" -'!'
in., s. iii a dry season, a ..p.-t-;,,,,
sod -.ill! be found .... r. .1 t
,. 1, atom -f a .1"-1 tmmw. wl"i
,., suls.,1 has leu llirovvt. ov r
1, ' , such cases ,, crop cmil! o
ep.wn until the old sod. eut-rel.v Ml'
U,h ..... r.U.d. wn- ""i"-'n
h..l.fil...I,d..x,!.lr. It then ilo-
,,........ ,-,y iiu.hl'y. bm the -l'" l'
plowing means .. .v-i.r's I- uf time. ,
( rowing roliltot". :
A success;. .1 poUl.oglower gives hi
iii,'lh"d of gi"W lug potal"' s as toll'.vv sl
,,,,-.. .! gf'.un.l In I'"' ''""
, Mar. li spread
,,. n.uil vv.ll sprouted. When th"
. ,,,,,,,,1 is snillcleiitly dry, work It;
when warm . .loiigli furrows two
.,,,,1 half feet "I'"" with a horse
..- Cut potatoes with "lie or two eye
i tl,.- pie, .-, drop them SIM". 11 illl'llCN
using care to have pieces with
yes up. sp..ii: being unbroken. 'lh"U
'iik over a liitle dirt and strew phos-
.,1,,,,. ,,i ml ihe seed, covering wllh
not too deep. When the
! six Inch, a high cultivate, continuing
Ihis everv week or iiulll the top
,,, ,,, large. Corn may be planted '
'twe. !. ti e lows after the last h-ellc'
fiei- potato.- lire dug. g" ahead with
tl ., cultivation of the corn. The result
will be satisfactory.
"I . 1 ..volllV
,,r(.d,-ri...ih. and fry uu .
i,n uieii' frm wrnl'liH'8-
v lit,!,- bornx in baby's W J
p;., ;I,,hesh:, from chatiug, nn.l
s 1,-ss liaU" I" have nidi.
"'Tr1; .' , he very narrow spa""
As. ..r. hii,...U.i. no "oh";'vy; '-
be,'- edbyn.'."."" t
n.ark will .li-iipl"'"'.
u..l;gi:t I a capital Mimnrj
,,, ",,,,,. 1,,,,1-h ami clieerltilm'
'.light I.'"'M l.c n.l.nliU-1 n
ilucl, not glaring.
T .vstore.he elasticity of tl." seat
(lf a can" -hair, tmu over the fl"'''
and will. Lot water ami W" '
tl: ,,l,.u,'k so .hat It may be th" -
,,u,,:,v soaked. lf tl'" '"'V"A -
l..,.IIv solid, ..sen lilih-soap. I'U 1,1
,p, n'lr ui.dll will be ii good iis new.
inexpensive and simple plum pinl-
I ,:.e with rice as It Mmi'l
;. A(.l;i,' ground fh e lb....', chop-
s,t. sugar seeded raising nii-l
mixed ...geili"r thoroughly "" n
1.,l,l,.sp,.l,f,fiil of vii"r "" 1 ,,,a'
I!,,,!,,, of soda ihl"'l. Tbe ...ixttire
H ih.-n boll.-l I'"'"" '"'"'s S,'m l
with a l-utoti or wine sauce.
,ak,. of nituji.-Hla and a ch.thea
Maish are n frugal ' woinai.-S b"sl AUcr brushing a. Utsty gown,
" . . ,., nesl,. rubbing both
Illl'l 1 ,l"ll .tun ,'".- ....
side ol' any soiled spots. It should In!
l.ung ..nay fora day or two. tun tin i n
Pnished iigal... The spol will b,
found to have disappe.-ire-l Care Hike"
wiih ilainiv gown I the Kcret of
dreeing well ou a limited allowance.
I'aefnl and Wonderful In ventlon lb
XVorka with the Telei h.,ne, 1
ScleiitlHts In .Europe are talk'ng
good deal Just now about a i-iirus '
....... ...i.,..,. ,.
maclliue io iviiici, mi- na III,' u-lw
t A u .1... . ..
11.18 ueeu lio.'ii, o oi- iiniuc .lMl aM
tin; object of the iiiiichine Is t Hr;,
down word spoken or aent fr,,,,,
liuice. The telephone, as at ;,r,,i,n
constrttcteil, ciiableH one peiv,,n tl) )
another who la talking perhaps 1.mS;;b
a way: the telencrlptor. It Is -!a:i',',
will eiial'li.' any person to semi Wr)t
ten message to iiliotlior person overt
I. . nrii lo Kann V ell.
The farm I about ihe old)' phlC"
where a complete trade cuu be ear I.
I'he no-, h.iuic learn now only a por
tion of ii Had", but the farm laborer
inns: know soaieihlng about it great
mauv ihings and !w '" l" l'-' wo.k ,
,i-oi'ci ly. It ii. ay be . (alined that there.
U plenty of room on ftinn for eoin-pct.-iit
help and nt good wages. There
no bill few fanner who would not
w illliigly advance the wages of one who
knows w hat to do and Is attentive to all
the details vv Ithoiit r, '1'iirit.g the super-
vlsj f lb' ci. ploy, r, and the t'.u in
hand has au opportur i :y In "selelit'.lb.-"
r i-uil its; well as Ihe uriner, as It
will open the door to ii position for linn
al ii ii v time.
I'ilj.1 all t'.tcon.
The bacon, which Is one of the imt
popular nursery dishes In English
households. Is iiiite .11 tT.-r. tit from that
usually eaten here, It Is not smoked
in I Is home cured, sweet and delicious.
It is sllei'd very th'tl. ,s."ked very quick
ly to be Just done through, and I eaten
not but not dried up on slices of bread.
English pn.tsl, hit' consider this the
best of food for growing clillureil, and
as valuable ns cod liver ell III (Issue '
building. A typical nursery breakfast
In a w ell to-do I .nglisii Household is oat
ni. al porridge with rashers of bacon,
marmalade an I cambric tea and coffee
ma. b- wiih rich milk and very little,
Alaskan Curiotillle.
Prof 1.. I.. Pychc of the I'nlversit.v
of Kansas, returned fi'"i Alaska "'
tl.Cltv -f Topeka, and hTt mst mgu.
Pv w ,"v of Ciilir.'inlit for his home.
l'Vof Iiv.-he went to Cook's Inlet cspe
(..,1V search of natural history b.eel
lueits lie ascended to the source of
ll, Kuik Klver wllh mi organi.e.l ex
pedition, which was a success, althouch,
tl. obstacle to be ovi.r.suim were up
lulling. The native boatiuitii stripped
nak.d and with ropes pulled the boat
, up the turbo-h-nt river. Prof. P.vcho
iil.laluol sp.s-iin.-iia of a new mountain
flu-i-p. twelve Imtiieme in.s.sehciuN,
caribou. " a otter, bird ntid other small
I animals'. On July 17 Prof. I'ycho saw
' eight inches of snow fall, and on Aus
' 11 six inches fell. Ho miw three smok
ing mountain and t-xperlouce.l an
earth. Hiake. II" found largo coal
ledges, but the coal wiih R0 soft that It
could be whittled with a knife. Prof.
I it . he said
' "That country Is one-half made. It
' will 1. n g"".l country when It id Mu
lshed. The glaciers are slowly doing
their work; the mountains are smok
ing and the rivers arc vomiting out
oiianilties of mi'.cksnnd. It is a new
country. Ia t It tilolte. and some day It
w ill bo a -good country."
Prof, liyehe n et Princes Tom. a
famous Yakutilt prl.icev., wealthy bti
jond all other Alaska Indians. (She linn
e'.r.Ji!"' Ill gold twelilics. Oil her right
arm sh" wears live bracelets, each liilin
ineivd out of a gold twenty, and on her
left arm she wears ten bracelet, each
made from a $10 gold piece. She has'
hundreds of blankets, sea otter skins,
.it-., and ownsi a schooner and two
sloops. Hie Is ('. years old and has Jusi
obtained her tlftl. husband, n man 'gU
years old. for whom she paid .Vni blank
ets. The Thlingit vvoiuen manage the
households and hold the purse. The re
lationships are traced buck through
the mother, side ll In fact, almost
a savage realization of l.yituiis "Coin
ing Haeo. Correspondence St. I.oul.s
telei, hone.
The telescriptor lias been lux i-m, t
a Herman scientist, and In h;, ,,
"its object Ut to Dx telephonle traiismk
.. ... i i tu i ..... ti... ,.... . ..
sious. .ii- ... inn-ii;!,!
which has been made In this .Ptoeti,,,,
'l'he phonograph una been used fr tll(
same purpose In connection vviti, ,
telephone, but It Is generally ad;nitt(,j
that no very auccesHfiil re-nlis iUVr
been oblnlned. At nny run-, th, n. i,
much evlilent-e that the phoimgi-aiiii a
. . .. ,,u,l f.,r ,1,1a .......
ll,llll IJ Ufli'l io. Mr. .ltl ,i,.s,..
The Cormau scientist, by the way,
a r ignl.ed authority on nn enilMt
diffet-elit plan. Ills niaehlii,. U ,1,,,,
s combination of the typewriter anj
telegraph, and without It ihe lnv.-in0
claiins that the telephone cannot he re,
yarded ns ('omph'te. The maiiipulmi,,
of the machine Is not mm-i- .Vm.-n!i
thai. thn( of (he typewrite" and
the typewriter, the new iiwtlriiinim
a keyboard, above which Is pia.ej.i,
box co.'.talnUiK the niii.-ltlliery.
Thy ame wire which Is used for w.
idioiilc c-ominuiilcatloii Is i-oim,.,!
with the teleserlptor, and by mt-uns tat
n simple ..iiililpiilntlon the ennvnt t
be dlrerte.l either Into the (.'h.rlitor
or Into the telephone. Tim, xxhen i
norsdll w Ishes (o use n tctchum. hf,.
It has been furnished with this tin
no,, 'liin,,. nil ho will hnve to do will I.
lo turn on the cttrreut nn.l then ft;.,
his message ou me i.vpew ru.",, ,.c,M
ino na It Is written the nn-asag.. nini.
flashed ncross tho wire ami nn nuifi
will be sent lo him lu the same m.-inurr
Tho nilvautauea of this niru-Iiiue, u
.-ti se It should nrove to be a sue-, ,. ,
self-evident. European j.,iirualt.sij n
already greatly (iiU-rn-!"'! 1 Hie V)n
and .-1,111 m hat for ninny years
gi-vatei- aid to Jouruallsin than
sc-lptor has been Invented,, They p,jin
out that lu ftiUtrv many nw?i
Moh an. now- sent bv telograiitifanl.
sent inure easily atul more expeilitluM
ly by the porreeten leiepnon-. i-or
ample, a correspondent It. Ilostun wish
es to send a ineBsnue to h s p.ipr li
New York. He goes to the ti'l';;iW
turns on the current, nn.l In a few c,!l
ites his written conimiiuicaii.iu n i
the New orh ulllw. N" uu-switM
boys are required; Indeed, no Hinth
lost between trnusniLssKiu mid wty
of the message,
Y, aro llkelv to h"nr a good (I.-1
more about the telescriptor In the mi
future-tlint la. If It l really Html
prnctlcal machine ns the Inventor 1
f,',.l.rn liiiiniiillats cLillli. New Vori
ltiitler Xl.iking la rrofitiible.
A ton of butter sold from the farm de
pr.vcs the soil of abotil ."') cents' worth
of fertility, while a ton of wheat eivsts
the farmer ten li.ncs that sum. When
the fanner sells an article that does not j
take a large proportion of fertility from
: he soil he is Just as much the gainer as
ihoiigii he had got his price for the!
same, as the plant f.s.d lu the soil Is al
ways ,f..p:ired and stored as so much
raw material for. producing the ncxi ,
crop. In fact, when a fanner sells the.
fertility of his soil he Is really selling ,
the farm Itself, as he Is compelled to!
supply in some form to the farm that '
w loco he takes from It to be sent to
l-rnlt Note..
Large crops me not always the most
prolitable. Consumers desire ar:;e, i
Cong fruit of a good .piaHty rather!
than Inferior g;ad, . j
A low nee Is hast affected by the I
winds and will grow belter. Yolllig
tret can be pruned to any desired
shape by Judicious pruning.
If the young orchard is well culii
vau d inn,; i! is well established It v. ill
av a much belter pivli; ;tud for :
loi.ger number of yeais than If left un
i ultiv atcd.
Ctmings of .nlck growing herba
eeou. plants, HWe heliotrope verbena,
phlox, nerauluma. root ,pu,kl,v, tiny,
auihcmuii ..saiest f all.
With Kixpe ground Isuie nmy be
pl.t id In .iiilset ttliu ,h riso
nn--'., injur), ou. any ouir rrliti.t
houlj lie ih.roughly iioi.d aits ii-
If. at !a r'.jta.ej. tie fi:i,':ar
cf Itt (oil t.-i (uorU to Jv tth'tl:e
ke.i'108 itoitry rf i.vUa th should
te ll'V io 0 ci 10 l .t the site for
.0 eitCVi,
I'M. and I n it
If ou tlnd jour icing Is ant to run,
pi Inkle the cuke lightly with Hour.
Salt tlsh are most .nilckly and best
(r) sheu, si by soaking in sour milk.
If you heat your knife slightly yn
can cut iioi br. ad as sti ,s", as cold.
Soda Is au excellent am. lo for clc-.u-tug
uiiw.iA- Q.'i ly dan.p xx Uh a cot',,
then rub dry.
As a hat. go from the u.ore ordinary
methods of utilizing chicken, tut the
uical Into mat plccva, J.p each into a
Modern t.uiia Mender Oil.raltur I.csw
Viiluitblo tluiu P.iruierly.
All article of exceptional Interest,
evidently written by a Spanish military
otllcer. appears In a current number of
the Memorial tie Anilleria, showing
that ihe extended range of modern in
tilh'iy has eoinpleiely revolutionized
the conditions which have hitherto ena
bled Cibraltar to protect lis own arsen
al and dock yard and to afford safety
for vessels at anchor under the guns of
the fori ivss
When Clbraliar was taken by Hie
English In ITi'l the greatest range fot
arlillery lire was only nls.ut o.nut
yards, so that a fleet under (he bat
teries of tllbraltnr was secure against
attack from the Spanish eoasi.
It is iiovv pointed out that with a com
par.i lively small expenditure of money
, by the Spanish Coveriinieut batteries
constructed lu the Hay of Algeclras
upon the ridge of iiioiiiiiaius known n.'
I the tyueeii of Spain's chair, would lie
I tually eoiuniaud tilbriiltar at a disian.-.
1 of li,i,ll yards and would be capable nt
demolishing tin- whoU- length of the
j fort lib aliens froni the galleries to Eu
ropa i-ol:,t. These Spanish batti'i-h?
would aNo threaten the entry of idrps
; of war to the Moles. The ,l;i tl would
merely i'ev 'li - ihe niciinj ;ng ,,f s,, tin
forty heavy guns ef I'i'.eu J 7 iu, l p,
, 1--In. !i c.ilil.e:' and a sfnuiar f
how I;.. :.
At the preset,, moment l he strategical
; point on ih,. par: of the Spanish eoas!
are em. rely uiiforiiried, xml with
Hl-aiu'i pr.cut etiibarra
I'vilaj .ud foe I
-sstneut. la
.i'pili. s il is not like
a tic I'.:-oad Arrow p-.luts
tl.e Madrid liov
tnc I a
lies' I'a'tei',, s 'av t,,. ,v,,,.ii,,L ... i
I-'.t-vciitrlc tiencrosiiy.
Nicholas I.ongworih, one of ti
wealthiest citizens of Cincinnati a fn
yiars ago, was noted for his iwti:
i-harilh'S. Those vvhoin olher-i n-fil-f'
to help found a friend In him.
tent paupeis will tilwayg liml l'H?
lo help tli.-iii." he would say, "t'Utr cares for the Movil's peer.' t
.-rylxiily coiulemim then., so 1 must tur.
to nnd help them."
Mr. Longwoi-lh was plain an,! M
less In his dress, often looking ni.v
lil;,. n beggar than n iiilllh.iiairt'. It
leid, il iitTonled htm no imle n"'"'
mi nt to he taken for a ni.-iitlU-anl.
he several times was In the euurst
h's life,
one cold w inter evening n piwrtr
ailed at the house very thinly cb.
and Mrs. Longworth lniprv ed tb( f,
!ortiinity to suggest to her lm,j;
that lie should give away a "
"Hard Times'' overcoat whiel' s1'1'
grown tired of seelug htm w,'iir 1
readily assented, and Mrs. Lonr,
much pleased that the objection was .u! of the way. I'l-"
n liny broadcloth one upon the n'1
where ho would easily nnd '"
l'.ut Mr. L.ingvvorth went off tni--
. . . a . liilllll !
uess wiiiiout it, ami can " -
noon, greatly to his wile
wearing a new cont of tlt! "I11
riiue." variety.
At another time Mr. Loiigwurtn -iiecosied
by a deserving b.'iigar t -eutrau.-e
to his warehouse.
"What do you need most ':" Mr.
woi th asUed.
"A pair of shoes." was the rep'l-
"Ah. yes, I sec.'' Bald tin- tnlll"
with a tuilck glance at the'i
He kicked off his right shoe-Ins -''
strings were seldom tied ami
"Try that on, my num. "uW d'
"Illlgant, yer honor."
.-'l...,, ti... tlx., nlio to
Longworth, ns ho kicked off tl'-0"
il "How will they do ' f
"Illignnt, yer honor! ill.
ninny n blessing "
"Well, well, go now." sahl tW
ll'ell. CII'1"'
hov. he sent him to th
, Mrs. Longworth for am'
The boy soon returned.
"Mrs. I.ongworth says
-air of shoes left In the
ihe lad, "you've give 'cm
"All right." laiiglc'd Mi
Uiin down to Mr. Hurt s
io send uie up a pair of si
I alwavs buy. nnd mlml. hill, but don't you -'v?
i dollar and a half for 'li :il
Imiise to ' 1
..'.id' l'alr
., ,-, I--;,,,itsi',
all iivvn?"
'and "'
,.. til"''
here' "
, IC''-
ut, that
""m-nt will take ini-
ae:l"ii In ih" ii,. liter. I'm that
'a'ter'., s ay l'e .v ,.,si en,
Hi. Winning , i
s, or oil,, ;- is lar fr.u im.,,-,,1
at'ie. and m view c the great i:i,,,.;t-aii'-eto
England of i ;.b: a'.iar as a n.i'al
i,. and the renewed ex;.eiil,.u:vuilU
' It .'..n.b'.ne.l arsena: :.,! dockyard, the
sul.j.s t is beg'.n-.i'.-.'.if to attract the
' ''"'" -f "av:.l and luilitary au-
I t' New ..i-K ilcra'c!
1 tut rlslnln.
, "M.i.u'.e hasbts u in to ',. , tosiav
; s,;d a little :. y.-ar old. "and she 1,-hav-,-.1 a lady."
j -A"d 1 l"';e y.e, did. too," M,j lu.r
I Mother.
"Ye. ! 1 ,1,1; 1 tnni,H,
sets f..r lu r eu the bed. "-New York
j Tribune.
Mrs. Klrtlatnl-Aml
think. Mr. IHmley. thi
beiter now apd more be-
w :.y
wtii tiurty-nve yeai - ,
.. . . .. . ... ,,r-er lu'f '
Mr. I'uniey uviiu . .. r '
dan g h t e r t 1 1 eca u se o . -
not in It then. tli
Papa Klrthtud's obje '
your.g man have l'ii ,tr
'.'leveland Leader.
Mi-t Ancient Copl" r M .
'1 he must c.'l 1 ' !' ' "''' .
.. ., . .. ..r fl.., S . I I"" .
ItOlllJ lilt' lli.'r-c v. - TV.V
mar the tiulf of hud- - -tJ.
llbatldoued 3.H) years
beeu worked for nie '"
vi'jr. The l.rocCSS Us''' '. .
iluetlon of the ore Is aa'el :'',, r,,
In prluclple to that used a- -