The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 27, 1897, Image 10

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    I l t
' o
for Infants and Children.
fj.t.irln lio sv'IsiIii'mI tflchiMnti thai
'eninMnl It a 'i-rior to any imncriitlin
.fi lom-.H J!. A. A in lira, JL U ,
Ill bo. Oxford W., Lruullyn, N. V.
. inn of C'uUrl ti no unlrrnuU ui-l
i,.i-riu pi m il known Hint It -iwi work
ia'ri'rri.'alin f -nitri' It. )Vwrtl.
-"IllKMit famlli-si ulio (.; hot kj CiuturU
Ui(ii CH7 reach,
Ciuix MlUTT-f, T). P.,
Vrw York Clly.
Tm Cimn Ctmrun, Tl Mnuur ftiifi, w Yo Orr
Ontario run Colle, OnMUjsUloo,
fiir KUkwIi, IiUrrhtat, Eructation.
Kilk Wumia, (IrM deep, and prooioUa
Without lu jurfcma nv1k-aHon.
" For ftrat jrrt I h rooomnMifX'O
jour '('trl,' and ilult always eoulln t.
do hi m It Itaa lorariabljr produwd UwwVul
turn T. Fiaim, M. I),
lXtb Btravt and 7th Ara Nt York til
coin jiL'tcnt,
nut liuhle
might h e
HVHtflll in
But they
We Lave always roiilcinli"! l)iul
a publii! iilliciul in tin; niioiiilcu of
tlH pulilur, uii'l a few citizens
ttluiulil n ' t lie ln'll respniihihle for
till! NllHlloillBH llf Hlicll oIlilMT. It
htm.1 iniiilo a man
truntwortli y a n 1
t t IK'I'illcilt j t
I'ontiMi'li'il that llio
rojjuo in tliu correct one
d. tint.
An ofli'' r i rt plui-eil in position
hy tlio i-niic, or iheir representa
tives). Innocent men clioulil (Kit lie
ciiiiiM'l IimI to hear tin jtiHt bur-il.-im
in ease, of H-ronfr doing fur
which they are not in lliu leant re
sponsible, Thu recent rccjrettuhlti incident
in thUcily in it cife in iiiut. The
K.ihI takes tliu correct
view. It Hityx:
'I ho Orcgonian mma (!
ii(?. ir
iiwr :
vuiiniU nii. a Imuil (if an olli.'ial,
elocttil hy lliu people, to guarantee
the people tliiMiiHclvt'rt from loss in
c tMit tint H.iul nilii'ial prove a do
l.tultir." ThH iiifnrn to have
hi t a m in y uiind'4 at wurk mid
iilmtlt all nf thi'in have coiiii) to the
IMIIC'lllrinll t tint llic e lilur (if the
UiiM'liiir l'laiiiih alcr txpreHM' in
tin-he wind in liin iaer: "Tim
inquiry ol the I'l'iiilletnii niii r in
I crtineiit. If the n'nile liuve nut
riilliririit i -1 1 1 1 lit I 1 1 in dm integrity
t a fellow i i t i z'ii tvho may he a
imlidiite fur (illiie, then they otiglit
li t to eli'i'l l iin; and when clcrlnl
he hIhiiiIiI tint he riniri'il to eniu-
ii I a few iif hit c rMiintl friendx to
I ' ! 1 1 1 rr-Miii-iliit to 1 1 1 t-o who
( lei t liiiu hr llie faithful (lich,ire
of hix iluli. h. I.el the whole people
hear l lie n-poiiMihility."
Our ieople will watch the di
eoinpoKul granite nidenalk at tin
depot with intcreM. From preiieiit
indieHtioiiH it will prove splendid
ma u ial for walk. We fuggest that
the city experiment with it in the
building o f croohwulkt. I t
could be keiit cjvered at wagon
crom'ngn until ul!iciently cement
ed I) withntand travel. The
avkig, in ultimate coH would hi
coniderable, IxsideB a better walk
would be tecured. The Itnguf
Uiver Courier nuyn:
'I hi lime is not far distant when
trainloadi of "dcuinpoied granite"
will be leaving JoHcphine count)
daily fur K)ints in the Willam-Hi
vulliy and 1'ugel Souii I to cupir
ni'ile the unaiglitly, exieniive ami
dangerous wooden sidewalks now
happily fulling into disune. Our
own iieoplo are just In-ginning ti
poiiudeil the following realixu the vast (litrerenee ill favm
hv hlmiilil a few imli-1 of tiie natural walk, and very fe
if any wiHiden sidewalks will In
built in (J rani' l'ans hereafter.
We suggest the city council
make inquiries as to cunt and
ither details in regard to such
walks. I'rolmbly arrangement.
could be madii with the r.iilr.nul
eoiiipauy for cheap transport tt ion
of the material.
We cniiiin -iid Ihin, from a Mo
.Minnville i r, to the younv pen
pie of our city: Amateur photog
raphy i liking Willi Hi'Verxl
the young I nlies ai d gentlonifn of
the city. Ihes enerv of Oregon
ih without a peer in the world mul
ban been worked but little. There
ih a vhhI field for work in thin sec
tion ami the organization of aciiin
era imd walking rlub would be of make any levies for stats purpose
vnKl advantage lo the young pt o- Tho money would bo tied up in tl e
pie in iiiiniHement. ami health, state treasury, or, more probably.
There should be at leant twenty loaned out bv the state treasurer
believers in oom shoes and cornets through favorite and confidential
in the city. Hint luimlrr would banks. Tho money would b
make h very good club. Whv not taken from the neoide and uiven to
Mr. John C. Young, of Mikii
City, chairman, and I,. M. Robin
tn, secretary nf Iho I'opulisl stall
central committee, were in almost
constant attendance on tho legiula
lure. In other word!, they are
lobbyists. What do the hone-'
rank and file of that party, and
tlieru aro tiiiinv g will men itiii'un
them, think of Btndi leadern? It i
too true that many of the o-calltd
reform leaders are in it for personal
pelf and aggrandizement, havini
long ago become hack numbers am'
worn out political hacks. No mat
with any pretense of decent"
would hanf about Salem suhnit
ing on tho crumbs that lall fron
the legislative table.
If this legislature fails to org
nizn and make appropriations, th
iiilierent counties should reiuse t
A C'nrrrpnnirut Tells of the Country
bj The ta.
Pimxlhly .dine Items floin lliU litllo
corner of I lie world, by clianee, uilbt I
nun a nonce In your valuanle column
V have one ol the giumd-nt of (Jol'
aiilen siot aurreunding the IwhuIiIuI
lake south or rlorencH and thsniu
law rlvrr, ant at always the caw,
how living here don't fully appreciate
it. The climate U perfect, purntl of
water, anil one list to wander nlf to
other tlliinn to II d a caiine to jull
t ne gra'iu aim iilclureiioiie iartn.
It U oflrn well ami trioy naul, that a
laniiiy rnu make a llvng here with
lea loll uml struggle than anywhere
elxe; as clover, rye, oats or any cereal
grow rank ironi hum lug on a hum, or
hy acratching over the aoil. 1'olatoeti,
cahliage, and other of the root fuinily
'ow extremely rank stall ncawiii ol
the year. The IiIiIh aiiouml wild game
or (lllieient varieties the hrook anil
lake are alive with the finny ril-
nikI here are a siring of lake fion
UlHiiada lo Oiirdm-r, one teutylwo
ami one nliiely-thn-e miles III circum
ferenc. (Jnecaiimw from the Iiikck
or 1 1 . the mi-aii heach. The In ken
are dolled here and I here with llanil
from a few aeres to near a hundred
acre In extent. The lurge Inland
have been bought up hy Hun FraiielHi-ii
catiltallnls, and report says in the neai
luiurea larva and inuKUillcelit lintel
will adorn the larger Inland !ra I'leu
Ore resort. Arrangements are Im-i g
made lor steam launches for each lak
and the right of way haa mnnlly In-en
cured fur nil elt-ctric line over the
iHirlagcN, and at (Jarduer and (ileinulu
end of line. Some raHroml ollii'lsl
have lieen limklng tiut a route south
from V h 1 1 1 i f i as far a Cih buy, and
iflhalOl'lt Kin at the head of all
this couteiniiUteil Improvement ot
eourre no one hint know, hut It oiiick
ena the un) III these parti to think
thai Itnully we will wake up to lind
unielve living on a ti rutiuh line ol
rallroail from Hun Kranclnco lo I'm
land, and that Junt In our vicimu
will be lis-ated the grandel pli-a-ui
rew.rl for siiiiiiner or wlulel
Halhlng In the lane or Us nullil.
frexh or null water S out chno-en. A
Itimton nnorllng club ha nei-uie-l
Krouui s on the noiltli of a large Ink
anil an early as the neanon w ill ulluw
ire Intending erecting Nome niii.n li
(! iit nlructuren, where they will nojniirn
through the game in-bhoii of each year
I'here I no Ihmiiii liimiuen In aiiything
that I la-lug done or said hereiiliniiln.
for It Is all done In a quiet anil tai-i
n "-l Ike m 'liner. Come down ai d
Molce with lis.
A deal Is alnitit cniiummuted lo w-
ciire and fence a low unhip i hiinliiik
renerve fur the Ho ton ro and gun
I II the (liferent of boinelex finniiii
ne rvsldeiilM around the hunli-r of
I bene lakes have concluded tooller t
place forty (anil lien thai have a many
I two Nchonl children under lilleeli
year of Hge, on twenty acre plow
rfoiMl and ptodiictlve garden land, uml
ve each one free, a huiialU-d litlt I
Hie land, they paying the nrce.nar
fee for Irannler. taxes, etc. A hnno
lor dead will II ml he l-mn-il, uud al li e
-xpirai Ion of ten yearn the deed, ami
in which time they innnt aciuiilly re
Ide anil make their Home, clear ti
fence and have laud all In eulllviillou
I'hl Is no Nchctnu or land Ihmiiii.
I bin country is generally npeii.ex-
-epi along wnler cmir-en, are alder
willow and maiile; purenl of water.
Iloent cllm-ile lu the world, im dm-loi
inn to liny, goon umrnei lor proinice.
creamery and cheene factory clow hy
nine and nee IH In lillllic4 or pie.
'Junction City i Milling Compi
attempt the nrgniiizt'.ion?
ho may say the pugilint is not
great in the land? Kvcu that
taithful cxamplar of peace and
mommy, the- t'rcgnnian, devotes s
column or two of tho lust Sun
day issue to tho news of tho erest
speculators for twri years. Hotter
let it remain in first hands. We
are sure our county court would l
unanimously sustained in such s
Tho informer does not always
come out ahead, bix Chinamen
contest, soon to be decided between played the seductive game of pokrr
C'orbetl and lulznimmons, ns which 1st Corvallia the other day when
is the greater brute and can punch one came out a heavv loner. He
the hardest mid most icienlifiViilly. wnr out a complaint charging the
Sticll rr-tolim? id ent-e i.lnii.niil , . I I 1 1. .. !.l. I ... . i
... , iintiii mid i inner who gniuunnir, anil on iris'
cnu -running lor the Isnnly circle thev were lioetl 11 each. Then the
alter the excitement of church scr instice llmil the informer ilfl tlf
course, the other five were happy
and willingly paid their lines.
I calls the kettle black.
I he Orcgonian howls that John
II Mitchell is "holding up the leg
: ,. i . n ! i,'. i , ,
isiaiure. i ne .iincneii men are
i -1 i i , .
iiaiiy on imiui to help make a
quorum. Tho Orcgonian contin
gent has himmcss on the outside
w nen me joint convention is in
order. The l'harinecs are vet in
evidence in this comer of the
woods. We are purer and better
than the other fellows.
When military and
sources nrt compared,
lavid against (ioliath
against Turkev.
of the f. riner is
men. Of i he latter, 1Hh),000. Nuni
hers however do not constitute
the n id ntreiiglh of a nation. It
is the quality of manhood,
naval re
like unto
is tireeiY
I he war strength
A New ork hoy found a well
tilled purse on the streets and
hunted up theow ner. Thinhonentv
is so exceptional in New York
that it wan accounted a great news,
Ic.iturc Iv the journals of that city,
ami the hoy s picture and a sketch
of his fe appeared in them.
Messrs Carnegie and Kockerfeller
seem to be niching things. pre
paratory to a taritl'that will protect
homo induntrics they are laying
the w ires for a trust that will drive
all infant steel rail mills out of
There aro a few gentlemen still
living in and slmut Charle.ton, S.
('. who could give the lhilphiu si d
Dauntless pointers on blockade
The fight over the proceed of
the sale of the Ysuuina steamer.
Willamette Valley, well illustrates
the uncertainties of litigation.
The steamer was sold at forced
ale for 140.000. Of this, I JO.OOO
was tmed to pav cost and exposes
ol the litigation ending in the sale
And now other parties are suing
for the remaining 120 000.
The leginlative 40 days ,'ension
has expirtd and the patriots who
are supposed to be law makers of
the state must work without nav.
in the future, i f they stay with the
job. We would modify th!s hv
saying pay from the state.
The Salem Journal ouoies Sen.
tor Driver as replying to a state
ment in that paper with the words:
Mlofer, thou art a liar ' Our l.ane
countv senator is not afraid to take
the warpath when, invasion d
C ... . I f .1 II .- .
.-rumor .oncn-11 j rep irteil as
ssying that a far as he in (ernon-
-ii..... i i
any concerned ne ocs-s not care
whether he is returned to the sen
ate or not. Mavlie a cane of knur
The little (5 reein kingdom does
not fear lurkc and her hack er
The Kus isn hear with his formid
able teeth and clsws is her protee-1
.... .
I I e "en tie has iul mism'iI oil'
fi'tieral p-nsion bill against whi
nr.ii.pia irom the public are no
I-,.. . .
HKeiy to he many. It incrc.o-ct
in-ii'ions of the Ntirvivors of the wai
f ISI2 from -t!2 to t.!0 a
Phere ore only 12 of these pension
ers, nini the youngest is VU year?-
A New York iinlge has decided
i lint bah shows are illegal. Thai
a ill keep many a man out of trouhli
V judge at a baby chow, after th
exhibition of the wee hutiiauitv
gels litllesyinpiilhy much abuse and
iccanionly u free piece of tongue o
'ho acid sort.
The ''advance agent of prosper
ily" has forgotten to bill the cot
'on niiiiiuhicturiug towns. Coitm
mill owners have agreed to shut
lowp one-third of each week
object is to work off surplus stock
so that prices may h" advanced.
t . : , . . , ,
raiinuc occasionaiiv run in
families. The father of the hoy
who had the top of his head kicked
oil' by a horse at Cobum. yesterday,
was killed in a threshing machine
accident near Spokane Falls a le
years ago.
John I. Hullivan is said to he
gradually regaining his spirits, lie
will have a bi collection, of ti
misellancoos nature, if be gits
them all back and will need several
t II - :
.mi. iiiiiniirnT is once more re
quired to devote himself to the
monotony of assuring an incredu
lous public that a trm-l is a public
From our exchange east of the
moun'ains we learn that eutle are
in good demand. Indications
point to hcttcr
The New Vork legi.-latuie has
Is'gun a crusade for pure beer. A
New York politic! in is uUivs f.
tcr a drink of some sort.
The Ueform Press ,s ciatioii in
in iesioi) at Mcmphi. M ,t rc
formers nsvially n.el reforming
in rc than anyone ,dt.
i"'rcg ui furnishing u wit'oa
line njie, ,,o..i of Weather
"i '"Hy f"r one of tl.e .,,t .1 J
of F lirii iry,
V ... : . ,
w.,,i Kr I? a. I.tllUll
Ha r ittiiiitv thee times
diir. e kul m the
circuit court.
She (with nun rise I Ymi, Mr Comp
ton I Aru yo'l ln-re "till?
Jlu (With c.Tifii'l'iri) Well. ye y5
' -1
Mie (ckIiIIj ) I iiiiiiiTt'.'l that vol
mi-ant Vi li'o the Twi-r I t tiio flM
tniln this ii:',rnii.
lln (iwtliJlNK) 'Dint's no; Unit's it
tlmfn wlmt I mI. ('i')y. 5"tl ". I '"u"d
tho flrt-t trul ii left jic-t "'"'tit when I was
wiring It.
,-ht At 4 (I'ehn-k lliin 111(111111
lie Oli, ', wn-n't It Hun wai
up, I know, imd Ht'l" Mnlnill ilrglrifr-
Hi ( t!;. ) I fall t'l
lm to i uj'.'i li
e Nil, ( i i,re not. ltlmiii't. Only,
yon hv, It wm f'M'h a jolly innrnlng. and
thii fl r-t train nn.-plrif o!T hl" tl.Mt and
no I rami! ( .it f r n Mt "f liolinn when wi
got Imi-k I: t.-;id of tii"ilii In, iiu-iiiilng
to g'i l.y t:,.- o . , i .1 trnln.
i-hn (nana-i:, u'.lyi I nf .u(; that start
ed Junt n i ,'i ! v oi to .l
)(j V. l!. I i'. n't know. Kiiet Is, I d
fnriciltcn to - whin It started. Ho I
pi.lid up to ' mnt'.n for l.rcakfii-t, f
li m to ho oi.t of the way, uml then drifted
hhe (In. i.l. .lijl Meaning tog" hy tne
thlnl tnili.'
lln WI nf- N', lit leant, well, I I
tliiillKht I il "l iv on ll hit.
Sho (Ii i!;. I N it iinual to "ntay on" Id
n frli-nd's ii' ii-e with llie lady who has re
f lined you?
lo Oh, v.. !l, fi llow-n do go, you know,
Ulilenn thir. omethlnir n eeiiil to ntoj
till-Ill nho.MlJ.'. or, I llienll, Kollietlllllg
Mia (Hitl.. in. uly ) .-oiiiothliiK to dis
tract tl.elr i ..ii.iU from mil Ide, I np.i-
lln ( l., liwkwiirdlyi Well, niii.e
thing to eiiMi them i.lf a Lit. y.ii I.ihov.
Only, except it chiip'n ery Lord Mt. 1 don't
we why though 1 meai.t gnli.i inyel( thh
,hiw .S'liduiilil liefon- yi. ii n ali.i d
you were only nlightly d.
II. Oh, 1'iiiM'. .Min l-'.lh r-he; I didn't
iiicmi that. Uut 1 thought I d try t
worry tl.roiiuli.
.-!. 'Unit Van very hravii of you, Mr.
Conn, ton. I It did not occur to
you lliat I in luh c not euro for tho worry
Ih Vim, Jan I mean MKn Kllerhlle.
No. 1 didn't w i) what there was for ymi to
worry. I thnui.'ht If I could it you
could. And then, it. n t you know, it
n'i rather rough on old (leaver my
runl.iiig off lit," that just hecaiiM 1 mean
nimiily lltnt Is (she gives l.iiu tin assist
an,. I I i ciii.mj of vthatn h ini eneil. Votl
.. hi 'n got a lot i t .n tiy girl-down here,
mid thev re nhoit of men as It Is.
Mie Ho vou ih-teriiiincil In nacrillef
yourM '. on the stern altar ol duty?
He Oh, well, It s not so very stern
Vou I. now. Of course, ii fellow- wants to
In nlnit'n light, lint a gill like Nellie Hey
mo nr. fur Itotaiice, makes lilui will
want in do It inure.
he Is MIm M-yiiiour, then, no Irresl
He (wurmlvl Will, she's ll il Mt!le-t
1 mean (ciiiuicrdlyl olio i f the .icttiet
Kills I know.
( Ih, I'nu't mind what you .said tills
morning. A man cant he 1 1, rnally t he
wiine, of coiir-e. lln must all. r w 1 1 It the
age-. Mill, I think h. oiurhl lo grow
inure exacting instead of less. Ni llie s-ev
ii o hi r now!
He (aiiolog. tlcallv) ( ih, well, of coiir-t
you know, I., ere s let much in In r. I
Wasn't n.i in;t lhat. Hut she's very j 11 v
in. I siii.ii t (0. d
Hlic t'oiain,..
He Oh, well, i crlia; s ju-t u little
Jiut It's rutin r lc tehing. v..ii knnw.
Hhl, llal t v tl.. -e ho inn l e fetclii d no
easily. '1 hcv iaii't ci me In m h.r
He (liulMv i - I didn't sav it wan so i-asv
either, .Mi-i :ilerlie. I know, jut us
will as liny i n. , what's leallv t he thing.
lint when a lell.ny lias keen chuckul
Hhe ( Inn l.i il ! Mr. C..n ton!
He Oli. well, It comes to that. Mill
Hhe- Why, j.-u had never mentioned It
In fore this no: ring.
lie ... I l.i; ,.iv I lindn I Hut you
must ha.. m . ii. .1 c. you 1, t It
go tin, in. il v.. ii s.-mul to l;!,n me In lug
about, and ..ii i., vcr said iinvtldinr. and
so 1 lliought natiii- ine.'in, then, 111
the end. ji: ! a- oh. well, vou know
Then, w I , n
Hhe (reihvtni lv i I ,,,ly said It wan a
great ih.,1 o ,. , .r. fomi.ton. 1
was no nn- iis, ,1 1 couldn't think. I I
wanted I think. And mid It wasn't
easy to w n h ,,u al -out.
He I ..-. '1 hat's why you wanted un
to nllng it. (II. ml i ally ) Well. h rlia'S
i u iH-tti-r., hi, t i- uft. r ii 1. i-h
Ofla,.M,.;w,f.,h.M.k.,,orr:eln witn joi.i.n
-well, ,t any rate. . met, ''"''11lU'r''l,11
,l.g.T that! h.r-elf. M.ewill havo ll
hat the effect of this In to mako her niu
i M.. uhi.-h m.v have a mmis-on (,I
rati. In It. hut it In. h r nil tl at times. It wa. n. for ex
am: le, n wis-k ng". , .
(If cs1r.c-sll.e..Jul! . ,-odwa,b.Tn
hu has too much la .ne hi ns-ii(l s
great ileal nf Una' ""r ,"",,M"' '"''l "
Maria Mis node to talk 1; I ait . usaD,
and she !... lolely grown gruni y-i all
,,ld s. rv..i.t do nt tu minimally l i"
who 'ir-snlow-r the fad , f thcr i.eier ha
lug had a miliar.-of ini.rr air.-tl.iw
sal,.l .ii-..-s l,il the life wl.l.h ncike
Maria's i v. s light -h.-M'. s Harol.l
i.rnos .f'i oii.f hack from I '"'
11 u h.'in made m- fi" !' tl""''"'' 0
,d d. il for h.r kikc u is o. , u.-
r I,.., . I a na.-r .!! e anil ' '
to r. inii.U i. r m .-" i;
li- war It .I'sU .'UTia ron.t that I d r goto the
take (...'
times s.
MAN I ' FA ( T L" R F. 1 IS OF TUi:
o O II
The ninnt jiofnilar Hour in tho market,
lea-ling grocers.
i luh, a. my ul -cii'
tnv eternal noi g of
Hut 1 am
t Crrat Iiim-BM- I" 'rime ! l-tltulloo
Jlur lu luilii.lriul Ih-prt-Mion.
A lviicii from Au.-tra!ia by the Meauier
old I,.- Utter than 'Warriinou mow- nu ui.uiuiu um
riii.e. castialli.n, crimes and acute (listress.
tui.g .Mm. Minner iiiiu The tmlice are tiliaiue tocojnj uu ueo-
Thrlr Origin and Wlut si,.,
Jluq. '
"Tho O's aro above, th0 jj.
This was ouo nf tin- old sayiu
which ouo faction ton often tat?
Mrs Cr.iwl.-v, h'th i f whom hm.i nomo pt.raa. laaisebreaki rs, wlio bwiirin in tlio Other, but it is
i,ow .-r.-i t h.'t. .Mar.a n life, f latuiiiid look j a few that have been or- ! that tho O's We:
rented give as tin cscut9 that lamino
drove tliem to d-clsof violence, r-'everal
is only trtjaia ,.
weroiirst ontlu,.
UOtU UlOaU tllO bailie thif i. ,
nr "r,t ho lo.r,,, II 1
i.l-,. -ililn.! J r.. .-larn-igii ui.
Well, tl.e.v h. Hi came up to our Jim.-
t, if 'r. . ..'.I er-si'that divine lady, of the policemen attacM by btirglarsat 8I),i Spanish. Van in Dim.h "
la r ii sin i .1..:..,- ti, K,,Pv ,.,,t j Iiiiva i.. vi'..i..i. ..a i.i t.-.. , . "'.a
Mrs. i r . k, l o uxn ioiho jun uu i r; uu- j ,........ - i t: i """"" ""kii-ii. lyji;.
Jieilt. rd Uarc. Mr. t r.s.K, 11 w-cui, lino iji-en .ronioteu auu gui-u iwim"" "
I,.-.,,, , ,i .ul nt Card i If for the iiaiuc-o ljl.,,r,'() (iililig.
. . . it- " . . . . . ....
Isles, h. he has large Hit. rests, ui.u Oil 0110 (lu)' Llt Week at ."syuncy, DO-
.Mr.. Crook, who In l.ol overiieau mm e.o. g (J u Kiin of . (.v rt,i,irt.rlW tlio city
hi love with tho Welsh H iitiort. Had writ- . . , robb,.j of ju yl
..... ... i..... ii.-.. r..,,. 11 im irteiiiis in i oiiici ..
" . I I.,. ,.,,s,... Mi.rcr.i IH A! ureW. Ill an U-
facturers, w.-re robbed cf toO.000 by em-
i irs ( ran i, v in ono hreath. "There's bv au einiilovec of u large sum. Three
. ... - ... , .
Hill. day league train starts Irani 1'ail- j-OUllg WoUlell imcceed' d 111 passing a
dingioii at ii.idmght on Mituruay n.r o i numiici of count.-i-feit t-lit'(-ks. tliarlei
shillings return, lhlnk .r dear, j.y q , tn,ntGice clerk, unbczzleJ
...ii. i... , .i.itn.wM mil Mr .Shutter mid T. . . .' .
'."I-- i r I -nil from tin, isisi, iTUi'l.
.union w i .m..... , . ...
A I1U li'n i- ll li. e ii, o v. ..,,. ., -
einployed problem is t.m complicated to
solve. In Sydn.-y each week is
spent in uidirg r.iRi fami.its. J: lvo uion- caaon9 tho nniuo has 1,, coim.l.JI
asked iuli.. n, .i.u . I
And we urn going,'
, men, however, claim that JIicSi
tho samo root as tho Latin
therefore means "gn at. " iSi
no snrnatues beforo tln ttuth tT
many a family or clan took tht-t.
its chief or foamier, as th ni
"kef. I
to her two f. iiilliilK' Ineimn Hi nmie
i. .,.,., ,.ll , ,.vt lu lu her to ntave otl
the mono.uny. fac-turers. were robbed (f f-iO.OOU ly em- , nn(l iat()r Qeil flim the -
Mrs. Hhotter ployis-s. c . t-oxon. inercuaui, iwouuv jsaart was old tdtic fnr"lif I
tlio iMac,aarIs were Lit ttZi
Quoen Machapavo liana, to At J
or Ariiiiign. uweii .iorfji.
tho Ureal." Corinao l llj
Mr. t'rawlev lire Imth c
t' li slatii li to see Us oil. IJo say vviietner
van can clue, mid write mid a-k Mm,
Htarl. lgh; It would Is) Midi a splendid
quartet, nuiitie," lidded Mm. Hhotter. Hhe
ulwavn calls Maria auntie, mid this Is thu token of the difference In ago thai
en r leaks nut In the lour-oof thulrrau
ncrie. and without consulting me In uny
nhai.e Maria coiisi-nti tl, and whi n I ro
turned home in the lifter II I was Iliad
mid remonstrated, hut nf no avail
"Mrs. ( rook has wired to nay sho wl'J
Ih- In her hil.atid'n carriage willing f..l
us at f a. in. at Cardill' station.
Hinildv Insanllv," 1 runarkid and
argued the point for nearly half mi hour,
hill all to ll. i tniriiose.
Vet nt midnight I inn on I'addliigton
latf. rin, and manage thanks ton most
nrliane reiresi iitaliM- i f the league, to get
them a ('iiinlortahle carriage to themselves.
Hhotter mid I 'raw Icy wi re both thin-, but
Hl.u li lgli was tun ill, yet sc. mul gian,
fn ui w hat u a could gather, to l:u left by
his w lie at home.
We all sympathized deeply with Mr.
Htarlcigh nnd Mliilsid to go up lind mo
lii th on the uu , i row, and then, amid many
h, in. l-h. ikes the train Mi an, i d out of the
'1 heii Hliiilier i-ali! w e had better adjourn
to his i luh, which was a Hoheuihill show
noiia w Ihtc ju-t nut of the Strand, and wo
went and heard l.eaiitiful songs hy pn.fcs
Moiial Ulig. is anil ilrank Scotch whlskv,
and when hi- came out (ho bright dawn
was hrcakiug. hut Craw ley, who Is In the
wine trade, said If wo would only drop In
at his 1 1, ice on the wav Iniiiiu ho would
give ns a drop i .f rare lssl (iuiig'l, a brand
that only cni.i r. is culd afford In bur,
mid we nil three got Into a cab mid Craw
wh i iims near r.-rtlal-il It -ad station,
iii-oiigni i . in jiis 1 1. ami ague, w i eh was
rtainly very gm .1. I ln.ia-sllv helli-ve
wo should hawi staid tl cro till church
tunc If It hadn't I .hi for a nolo- In the
What a row'" said Crawl
out his head.
(inly soin i-one w. oiling to fight a cab
man, observed Sin tt- r. J.. t s go cut
mul sci the Inn.
which we did. ju-t as the c.ihinan gavo
inn iini.-igoiilst one tun and ilowncd hini
lu the gutter. We help.d to lilt him nil
very niiicii ui-iii vi ii ii. and, toour horror,
louiui it was starlcigli, who, despito nil
our reinoliMraiiccs. was taken Into rn
Beard, "but it is hardly thecal
the McCormacks nro his 4
Laiglmiro was tho nmnarchti"
tected St Patrick, nml bytr.
.1 Al.- . , . .'
sand niPti in South Ansiraiia liavo asked .i10 i.rtir of tho nim. ,..i
... . . . , D-- - 1 Pf 1
the governor to can a sj-ecmi session or tnrioi, woro of tho Hy.Nia,iae. ...v..., .o'Aollsaro nu exti n-ive tw
""n""IN o.'."j-"' Scotch Uearmld uml In-li
on Tremi 'i' Kingston, but tho premier cmKcd tinturally to Ih rnwit
would lnoinise not limy. Ilo told them i .it, ,i.i.,j ,i. . ... , 7.
though they were in want of food
they had refused to break 1 yards of
rock t r week for rations, nnd ho could
do no more. The delegation said they
would not brink n ek for food alone.
Thousand are sleeping it, ihoopen air,
and several havo starved to it -nth. At
Doiirke, Afglmi.3 and l.uroi uns c.uar
reled over a thvi.-ioti of labor, and a
bloody row occurred. Tlio lno.-t tragic
miiides out i f is in or.o wn k, directly
tho result of 1 linn s, are: F. AVil
5on, the liiictiit laanuf ictur. r ( f Lns
bano, nliot liiuis. lf; William O'Connor,
lodger in the Fur.. p. an hotel, Melbourne,
lumped from the fourth story and dashed
!iia brains out on the pavement: Kato
Crooks, n pntty Ijiglisii girl, starving,
got drunk and killed ln i self with poison;
Joseph Hani roft, a miner out of work
said good I iy to his family and eiplodti
a cartridge in his month. San Francis-
zo Clironicle.
clansmen nddod tho .Mae. Ia ii.J
ner King Uugli probably garetrj
tho great sept of tlio Hunk
Tlio Dnnos left ns a fur nisJ
those old names i-mlnii; ,
chiefly names of placet tr,-
Watcrford, eta Among their trJ
appear tho grent Urian aud J. J
or Jlalachy, well n j, resented a J
names of today. Soon after the J
war begun wo find nu. h nanwsM
asUluu-dubli, or "Ul.-i.-k Km"
nnd Ivnr tho last eK-arly Drkl
tlio .Macivors are g.iod Irish. G.J
I utting
l - (ih, I couldn't ask
' tow n at this tlnio nf
ai might liossililv ,.
house w hen- tin v'd
! iv t all al.out me.
I is head ncriou-ly i
'. .V-s Kllerslie;
'! - If 1 In- low a g.ssl
: h e way, you know, i I,:-
! i -W.ll. it wouldn't do
i "i t of the way or is',,; .,
.1 ti c oil. er girls migi.t
in- er they'll U- sure to
c thing r,i)f
' i'-t n 0. 1 11 oarrv . n
s anything .,n my
, !
I Ah,
il- t.i them.
1 ut that
would i
if re fnsi.
it might l a
prices in the near
Sh i i i ri -..Im,
you to g i I .., I
year. I
going on I i
help yim t,. - I,
lie (sl..'o
I'ouhln t il.. ti.
eould. i:;t 1 1
deal k.'cp on!
ho id. i,!'ii
tO klt.p too mi,
llllgllt hot 1. ,'. ;
think you- 1 i.
nee there was -,
He tih vou
They shan't s;
-ho (i-i i v ,
wouhlll t I c in.
Ho What
She To 1,-t t! ,-. tliinl; v,
lhs-N, U, i u.i'i
Mt rough.
Hhu--liie . ( t
llo-II'm, y,
tralghl. would i
ho Not at
IU What's t,
She 1 siipi -
tiw nivn-t s. uuw
you phuiil-c i,i K1V
Ills. lit it hi 1, 1 m
vou were
Ilo Hut I was ul was will, ..
he-Oh, woll. then.'w,- niu-t trv i,.t
gel along llko that. Aud perhaps 'you'd
letter tako IllO out III the mint lw.r.,...
luueii. .lust to nhow that
pencil last night.
iicuig!it: 111 just run up and tell
Seymour I forgot 1 had an engage-
Hi e tih, I don't thlt k that matters,
and it's so late. Hhe 11 know you forgot
w In ti she st s ynu on the water. (They
s-!o i, it. I Francis l'rviust In I.,,n,l,,u
l.i a, k nnd White.
hi inigiit get to (are f r
i ;
and it might ls very
1 ' o dune, thciiy
"- inii-i uianago to keep
t I ctwei n us, nnd If
not lung mure iihont
hire, hut ho jit ns
nothing hap.
A i
is !
Some Metaphor.
ergynian In an eastern town warned
ip rs lately '-mt to walk in .-. stm.
isiy path lc-t lin-y U'siukhI. m.iel-:r hi
like, mt, i lus iia-shes." this metaphor
negg. sts that of auntlK-r i-leigyiuan w ho
I "i d "that the word might U- as n nail
ol' e I in u ,itv laiv, si'i. ding Its r, tK
-1 w i.wanl am1 its t ranches upward."
And Mrs. ( n k met In r friends mul
made much of tl.eni mid shownl them
rcn.'irth, mal tl.e inn. and the
Uoeks, t anlill c.i-il, . I.landatT cathedral
mid nil sorts , f things 1., t them all at
her place. And ti e point i f the thing la
unit tin y iiaien t yet come l a, k. although
we've nil pi. ul written wverul
times. At last 1 g.-t Juli a to write and
expostulate. F r nl.swer she received the
following new. ;.ar,cr cutting this morn
ing: harlis 1. Htarlcigh, 34, as an organist mid composer,
waschargi.l !,!, Mr Julie with ln-llig
uriiuK mm iini, nil riy mid furiously t-
t.icKing it cahniaii nt 5::iu . m. on Huiidiiy
nioriiing. Mr. .-hotter, Mr. Crawler nnd
another gentleman, w l:o did not attend,
were witiii.. sof te affair, nnd tho two
I Tincr ter.-.lcrcd evidence to tho effect that
Mr .-t.irh lgh wasu friend vvhu - In ill
health anil had lvn III this case thong
gricM d party, lin y milnuidvertcd stning-
iy on tne cunuuet of the jiolliv. lln Iving
u-.-ii ,- mo niagisiratu w hat they were
doing out at that liuur, they did tint noein
im io tu give any lucid account of them
(elves, nnd ns tho inspector on dutv urn.
liounccd them Intmlented the dofi'inhiiit
was tinetl 4u shillings ur inonth, mid the
vvltnesses were severely cautioned bv the
i no iuesiicn is whether there Is no law
to cmpel thesi- misguided Wniiien to mine
en. h. i nine coiisi.ltisl n liarristcr friend
mill no nays th, ro would have U-on if we
iiau nni snuun ciiisclit In seeing them off
We men have nil lour met mid have calcu'.
luted that th. yen hold out till Christmas
fur their jew. Iry will letch at ,,,st AUuO
..u. III.UI a nicki'hlng world It Is! I
-a., go now n ),, I ;,u.J
An lntcre-lliii; uiilcst In tlio l.nnil Office,
anil tin- lining Woman W ins.
The final decision of the secretary of
the interior in the html ta.-e of Francis
(,. Hex inn 1J. rry Damnum at'irin-t Jessie
M Sinclair has leu r ceived. The case
was tried in tlio local laud ollico in lslll.
The decision was in favor of Jli.-s Sin-
ilair. Uox nnd Daunnon iipin nled. and
the coiiimissioiier of tlio general land
oCioe ufliruad the decision of the local
office Aug. 2-.1, 1H9'.'. Uoih defeated
parties again appealed to the ner olnry,
who has now coiifinned the colr.i:'.i. sioii.
w's d.'cision in favor of .Miss Sinclair.
it is M'ldom there is a tiliteof l-oniaiim
about a land ollii-e case. There is in thui
0110. Miss Sinclair, w hose bumn waft n'tf
Duriind, was a schoolteacher. Her niton-
lions had been Laincd byavvortlivyonng
man win so homo is i,,',t far frV."n .i,
Sinclair in I'i county. Uoih were
poor. She determined to" do her part in
K-i.uii- iierscit mni nor future husband"
6irt, nnd with this purpose she settled
on the land in question, a purtios of tin
famous water reserve territory. Tin
land she gets is worth about : .-.In'i
ing valuable i im- on it. rhe young
lady's friends statu tho tvcddinij will
take place in the near future. Sueretnr
Hoke Smiths decision has nettled that.-
Cau Claire (Wis.) Special.
son of bitrick, was thu fim J
chief to proclaim himself a Cb-
tut ns ho did thin in a year of i-J
and when ho had path, red riw!
tlcstroyed all tho churches of Ei-:! j
I A. D. Dill) nnd buiiicd 1 jOptori::!
tiratoiy nt Druiuvee, w o must i.v I
Tho Norman coiupie-t Irutpj
great variety of nnim s anil ti
thereafter all had surname. Ti-H
itz, nicaniiig "son." yn tizl
in Irish names, ns 1'itzMv, IrA
l'itzgcrald. eta Tliu li.-Eurchir.
formed n gept, nnd half thefifiir-J
of liahvny became Utirk. -s. Oth-.rf
(rs of Irish-Norman hon-is
Du Clares, Do Cogans, Do
t'onrcys, Lo Poors and the piU Htgerald, coinni. a aiicW-l
lleraldinea of Dcsni. tnl mij ti
Later caino such imn-'y English'
lies ns Jackson, Lee, tc, ami Us
the Ilannveriiians, and sotlnre'
I a mixed set ns to names, holiiiJ
hy time, nnd soon, it is toln'k;-
bo united Irishmen ind vi
! J. IL EtnJ
0. S. Land Ccoisdctil
Wn.liril Ilia ll,Hrt.
A K'-y-car uld bnvnt l'-.s i
1. 1 . , llilS
ins noart washed. JI,. w.-
onto pericarditis
just had
;u(T. i-iim frnm
I, Is ,i ........
Ill Instrument Invented I y I'l-ofo-sor Itlvii
drew off tho purulent s,rs,
ao anil I hen wash,,, , ho heart m,d l
nerollbMus coveriiiL. w in, ' ... ,' 9
hatoi.rnoila. Thehev nv' . . '
- i(iiiiy,
Joel Ware, ha in,u boei
pointed U. S. Ciivuit M
Coniniissionor i'ov tlit'di
r y .
ot Ureon, is imw pre.
to make IIomi'.st kap 1'n.:
Final l'noors, nnd take
timonv in (ii:s'r 01
Having liad thirty years
J'viivilVlv All llll- ll.'" I
iruaranteo ssnti-factioii
every case. (.Mice
Fellcvs' Buililinir,
OregoL .
in '.
en. i -
M.'iiiliu"it, ir .1 . ot t" f. i
IDffi-rn, (i(ii.
("if An.- i;
fin-1 tnr- it;-- . ,
ti:lur vouu
(SI S. Western . i
Not " I E1 Car -tan General,
Very True,
An excellent re.riH.f once (jlren by Hen.
eral Holu rt K Ie lo two luemU-rn ,( ,,
FstetU' I'ri'''U1 ,lft, wrU'-n by John
Ou one iKvasli n two tnemU-M (,f ,js
staff sat up latent Ii 1 -l.t .lis, ns.-ir,,, ).,.,
of whisky mid a iroMon, liuil-hra. l'H,n
niivtin,! one of them in the m,,, (,e.
era lav Inquired as usual after his health
and lu n , y that he was sniTentiK
from a "
"Ah, ii'loiicl," remarked the , Id ,,,
I liau-eltcn olwrvid that when the m,.'
.... H.,,,lM. j,,,,, y ft
y a ken f wliNkv m.d 11 tin eup. t
' ' iluariou is Usuall
uehe. "
rtht-o final nnd 1 I" ' 1 , "
liahlocr-. . 11 tie- rnai ... .
mud. ttenuitin s.iid 01 ;
a head
Fifty cars A.
Wlw-.h" . V, ,v?r: ef wmcdy.
creup, "M.imj, Bronchitis or
Or v a, ! , , ,.., ., .
whoip, me House with
With Avcr's n,.. .
iure "torsi Cnn thtr
no eclj or 01,1,1, .
cure. '
ouU e'er fail of
r.i .. r- "j-, pJ
. ii- ."7
"Mcs chan... t .
oi show " lilc rccorai
I'tirrent t.-rtn of
It is definitely iettlisj tint M.rk
litnnit will ntu-iitHl John Sherman
in tin seiute. Tlut must he bit
fr ill for itlf-rrelirtg wnttort.
l' a reiit
ntm furnnntir! for.
rti.ii...i. l.nlH-rv ami politieal el,;.
ranery tnini- resi trt tble t
ift iietnl-er of the I.Kisl.iture
art" n. working Korv. t
lft tht i all there is in ik'ht
Belmont, I
Stanford. !
hi other popular brands of cigars at ;
Julius Goldsmith's. j
Tiill Line of Tobacco and Candy , j
Headquarter for tho Eugem
Soda Works.
Th ham, f lnnlu.
I'ivkcr-1 sat iuais.ker g:e f. .
bourn str.,lKhtaivay last wti k, tmt '
won I am Mils lied.
s-hurHe How ii,ii,a dm Vl,u nltt?
I h'.. ai'oli'hu Will Alliericuu.
No ljr r
"MsVaiii Isn't at nil musical" '
Heiv do you km w '
"1 . fterisd to !., oh. l-n.U.XIe"W '
C.Kht..nd . ho M1,t .,, u , ,h,luWMt J
H rccurida.thtywr59).e.r,.SOi
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
cbeap coih syrL j? ?
soot boo t...r , gyrup, which
:t. .uulQe3 not Strong.
I DSli: KN ,l- I.H.lM.
sit-ms. Kutii-uH. . n-ir n.
"I ft TJCfailr,-.- .
en; it
USD. II hn-
i -st''. ;,', ..'r. if- .4.
I XX-T. n.l " , ,M'II
51.00 lkt. 'Xl M "
toaiiUi boat Couga '
by heiiilvrvoa & l.i
o o