The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 27, 1897, Image 1

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NO. 13
I. CA.
..... t.Cut l'l!
W ilUmolte li It ecu
..., !
made known
. . .ji-:nn rats
on .hk'
Idles to tit'AKD,
"" - - - r ' J-
DEAI.KI! IN .vii'jCt !
1jck. Watcncs. Cri;i is. Jewelry, Etc.
a-jll WorU VrrU"l.-&l
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
Physician nn.l
,VtoMJn-I.U.-.rt..H.. Hour.:
sMr" "' 1
. ..i.. I.. V.. ..!... utt.1
iMtdtle Mtrblc mid Omiillu. MiiinimoiitH.
Bwdtom-iil l-emetery work
,11 klals fr
(telle Sirrel, ucr re-fiUce. Kugone, Or
I C. W OU JJUU-J-n.,
omrl-One-lisI' 1
ek wutli "I Clul-iinui'.
G.W. Hlfttl
.. K. Macklkv.
Kinsey Sz Markley,
foBBereitl iul r-olisle Itusiuc-s
UlH. . .
umctln Chrlamau li.oik.
'inHtnl. Vict Prtiidenl. Liisnitr.
T H li
and Mm
Of ope,
.CTUKS-li I J. 11. Ilnrtl". J.
ivli, B Ii. I'hiiii'. A. H. liruwn, J. K.
Wbiutou. K V. U'l.urn.
: : : $50,000.
Ei::ril Banking Business Transacted.
iMttllltlloWfcl nil llllltf (lV.8tlH.
Cul.:llnn iiirii.t...l ... ....r imm will r.MiiVL'
r" I'. Utrllllilll.
lane County Bank.
(HiitMItiMl in lvi,
A general Banking business
'n H branches transacted on
favorable terms.
A.C.. 1IUVKY, President.
I'M. AI.KAM8, CuKhler.
A. O. HOVKY, Jtt., Asst. Cashr
".Hnii-iicia, S li. Kakin,
rrsmiimt. I asl.iei
p- E. Snunt.H.vss, Anaintant Catliler.
lid up Usij Capital
yrptus and Profits, S50,tHM
Eugene - - Oregon
kU?i!r"),"li'1 tmiuBM done on reasni.
CHlc. ?'K'ht 'ir" '" NEW YoKK
)-J! ct'Mii.''- ..! l nu f,.r,.i.-o loniitrie
wivod ,!,; t Ui cl, k or eertir
PrwiJ0',nt''trui,t.l tou. will r.coii
J L.
and I ' ul.. te Htnek
lid Fancy (ii.Hi ri.-t. boincht
in the I-,! mrkeiH,
u"fl"r Ihe puhlic belter price
"' "Uief iioUst in Kugelle.
- a Hi Lais lit.a al Mirke: Hues.
U Um Ml
A Iti.tillll l liny,
i A legal holiday.
Wii'.liiiiiiin'N birthday.
! A I' W nil.'iii-k has n in-tv hx.
.i'1 il ion :it tin1 mi i v.-r-n v i
i i
I lit hanks remained c,,i
IIukIi Uruy went to All.:
used todaV.
ii y I'hIiiv.
K II I, .hut ii'tunicl
' day.
I" !'! I itlltil I.
i J M S:ht
; tin- iiu.
I lrC.i!lut' ( i,l. VI' is III
I -. 1 1 t-n.irt i'miucim-h nm
.iviiil en.irt
ii t"il iy.
I. ii
1 1 1 1 1 hi itn i veil Iiiiiim'
II ini-i.ti
hi wan
il pa-stumer In
.lit V.
'i' IM'W KilllU'iiiiu. klnr.. i... It.
I in- IiuihU n lli - I'.iiiiu i r.
A ii'-v II . ir I- Ii.mii ,ti. in
Ir. i.u ..ilii i. at tin- s ' ii'...t.
K -ir.'.-iti:ttivo Ililyni hikI Mm
llll.MMi K'luriii'il In Saliln liuliiy.
MiHSiii AM.'-iui" : f.i.-u (Jr.iv.-,
It fl fill Ti.i'iiinii, Vlllllliylii.
Alioi iify (!.' I; J) ,rri .uu June
linn City a inl'iiiiiul vi-ll I,, .lay.
.-V.'ifu'y uf siaii H Kii.fiilil i.r
S.illMIl, rlflll Sllllilay III III. mi in I III"
V ...... i. i.r I I i . 1 1. it ...u ri.l . i p..u. I ...
S.ik'iii ( tn look uf i-r tl.t Ifi-la-
An liif.i.'t I'lidd 7 iii.'titli. old of M
mid Mr, (i V KiiiiliallV, ilii-.l ul .nut
luxl l'l iday.
Altoi in-y A ! ' Wmulriii'k is Haid In
lit Hit' H.imt H.t htlld.Mit ill I'liif Alex
in I. Um'.i daili'lliK n. lionl.
Tin Kutiviit So.'iitl hihI Daiif inir
i'IiiI. Kitie iiniillicr o lit of llifir ii.iiilitr
.Inn it Sal unlay i.ilit.
MiM Aliliii' I'arroll nf lt'.iliurit ve
iled ovir Siitiilay in iiu1 cny wit 1 1 tli.t
family i.r l)r V K l.iii.iiii.
K F., It Mlldflil i.f tin hi
vinily M'li.iol, l. ll ..r liiw Inline tit Lay
fell Saturday -fur a hlmrt viit.
Mr. Ilallit I'litis-t Hindi's, mI.ii in In
have i-liarnf i.f ll.i jolly lady iiiiiml rt-U
it ri i kid I'loiii S;if III on tin- 3 i.'flnck
Tlie H'vivnl si r vitv ul tit I'liriMiun
fiiuri'li flnc'd lat niflit. (Ivt-r oU itf-
iioii tn tin f Imri'li have Urn made
Hii.ei It foiiniii'lift d.
1U nut I .mine N K nf I', t.flliU
CIIV will cIVr I.II..II IT llilel I'lililln Ml
!..r mi ii.Immb mid llirir iven tllld lady
fi lends !oiiie time lit Mnivli.
The Willi. er of llie nral.'l leal ii. nlel
al N-wnuru will receive a imdal fill
from a hheet nf 1U (jnhl I'ffliliK fi--Tin
(il'Altli hnpea to mv it tl i-il:t vt)
in Kunt'iie.
M ii, ( lam (' lli.niiiiiii, the NV (' T I'
teuii'-iaiii'e lecturer, Npuke In it ernvvd
ed hoil-e ill the Cl.nU.iM'iiri.i'il ehlireli
last hiitlit. .Many .enile fi.uld Iml
ju i n inliiiilluhie to Ihe i-ui dini.'.
1-; II I il; l.itiii. w ile mid t-hihl inrivid
home mi llie early train this mnrniiitf
I'r.iu. Sail J. we, t all Ini ilia. lull' Knlif
lin y mad" nil exit I'ded viMt Kitut and
also iutn Mexicn. Tiny n plea
ulil weal her till itlnnir Iheir rnllte if
travel, and u lii"t ei.joyal.le Hip.
Dealll of mi M ll'Sld-ilt.
The fnllnw inn niTiilllit til the ileulh
..f Mm Harris la taken limn the Napu
Oailv HeL-isler, of Keliruaiy -i, pm
lishe'd at Nupit Oty, I'aliforniii. In an
.l,.v Mrs Harris resided nea I
ll'iirisliuri; in i.iuii rinnnj
"Mrs llarri-, un nhl mid respeeled
re.ii lei, I nt iiliu vauev, mvu i -
... .. ... v ui 1 1.. residence id her
f Mm 111 HtlVrt
HIMI. ll'l'lin, V- - - - --
mid Lincoln avenue. .Mrs liarr 11 an
I ,,. i...r u I . IllT I 111 L! HIT. .HS
nee.. .. ' : . , .
Siieter nf Kiilheif"id, Inn fume tn
Xapa for a visit nix wee kit aisn. she
' . i i.. i I no weeks. He-
mwsu-n.'in.i ......... - --
ceased was lrn ill hstell C .illnly, lv'"- IM.). mi i .m i.v ;:,
.........! ... I I. ...rrls. Ill 1S)I
ii I l.- lli.rns innVed to Missouri
and in lM.i;itley crossed Ihe plains tn
Cailfnrnlii and settled in Np valley.
V K Hums, lillslialnl (il iieimsiu, ......
in 187:1. T""'' ehildien. 3 sniis and 1
datim.ler, n.mirna's luxs.
V Harrisol Nap. Mrs Steikter an
II H llilllisnf Itlltlielfnrd, BIM J 1
Harris nf Kuneiie, OreK"li. Deceased
vas i i..f...h.r nf the thristu...
c ure .. The funeral will he held iron,
tl' e Kapti.t church ... Ynunlv.lle Mon-
...i. ut. 1 n'clnck.
111. unv "
iueiiimr.!. fVbruarv -!
Hi kiki) at Hi'.riiKh. -Saiurday's Sa-
If , Slute-nia.:: Yes.e..l..y a e, .-.
at 1:30 o'clock the "'"' ., .
mont llailey was laid to rest ... 1 elhel
cemetery in the presence of a larne
ZuJLottTWna who ha.l known
ami loved him all LIZrL and o .nonius. ruur..
f, the most impressive nature were
. net tl ill li e old iclhel school
' .li V K Wthti, J
iVildm-LunilKA Ma.Uley who
,,. his r? -Alll,
i... ..Ill III t-HM -
,,f hope ami hlk' I''ini.e-
., . i.- i." i u-i A lo'lkte "f KH
. ,u wciii i" ..i,.,i,v" were Wm
h ip o- -, , V(illI s.
... iishaw , ' j j !,. (i. nr.'.' I-.slier.
,1 1-i.e.idly. 1. "'- .; 1)u
, Kl',rsiiian...nll li'"w"'
lisny uiifi. Ki'"'4
III- UKK All s 'i', A1'r!'.','
..iwll in .aim.."
h.ii-elv atteinh
and w.i very
.11 v I. ll. I 11 ''
i..r-,i. iifier wl.t'l''
... 1 r I .
i .1 iii until
n llie ...
s tumished '
lal inil-1'-
IMKII-M" J"'"' K."'"
i IV ve-lenhivatthi i
...lies ll.e Jf ,.
,' d.e.l
.. ., al. .nt
, , i i-o ml.
, l'l, ill' pp.
.,. w as a
Ivals. le.ft-eo -
. ' f... in.-, IV M .
";."r ' "t oul
.lrr, Mrs IVrcy 1.
I ,1.,- cl'.'
. ..- . '
' e . . o. .1.
r funeral was .. . lK.ue
M, ,,,e remains interred m
lery a' Walkers.
O r
id i: ! it i. v.
l Iii alt il
Ii v Hi- I'uMu'
( luliln ii.
M ill ill
I'h .v .i:m'I. Il imirv . .
.idelii'V nf the .r.-elll IHllilil'
'I .iialiacel.ii lit is In insllll as
Intii'li alt ml i-in ii. into the
iiin .Nnl i,' pulie m fhlldreii.
A.' '-oidiiily iveiy national holiday
I .at is kept in memory "f tin men
who r.lli;ht and ill.. I for He ir e.iunlrv
is;aicly nli-etved hy the school
Ill ft till tl it' 111) r III i ll t'f Waslill'tou'n
l llllelay i xerchis Wele held III ll.e
opei a house last lil.'lil, ." In p.nllrl-
.al, . in l,' al. oill '.'I II ..ill 1. 1 r. i.'eue s
lino or 7DU sell. ml i hll.llen, Tlie i'o-
i:raui, ll.nuwh iittht'i lni'ii, was ety
lliler, -lliii; and was cxeeuled Willi
VcrV lilllt delav cll-ldel III ' the I ir
I. ll III t.i l uf children In lake I al l mid j
limit, d iilif.iiiit uf un tin
slae. the pr.raui consist, .1 nf(
snn, lecitat lol.s, tal.leailX, paflo-
llllllies, etc , all of w lllell well' III keep- 1
il. it Willi IhecVent in honor nf which I
Ihe eX'T. i-cs we'e helm; reiidend. '
I'Ii-soiij lv lour mils w as very pretty ,
and was tin milv iii.uilcr that I.-
I ved an encre. llnniirli u'.lier mini-.
In is nil the liroeiuiii would have ..ecu
repeated lia l .1 h en iio.-ilile tn have t
done mi. I If shadow pantomime, r. p-
reseiitini; the nallchl V it-nice W'asli-
inntuii. his halehet and Ihe cherry
ll.e, . miliary drtl , Yankee li.Mi.iie
kilchcii. ami uiauv .tie r thiniis un
Ihe program U'eie all well executed
and showed splendid t.alu.iik'. The
V....U.I llo.ille klteh. II slire V ll. set Ves
special ineiilioii lor the excellent man
ner III whleh It w as reml'Teil. I'.MTX
feature uf a colonial household was
lepn-eliled and cViTV .illlllher worked
111 peif.ct utiisoi. with every other
iiuti. )t r, t the lime of or 'In str i iiiu-ie
as if the w h..' was op.Tated t'.V Ilia
chinerv. The entcitaini.n iil wa repeat.'.! at
Ihe oieia hulls at - o'clock this nf-
ll.. l.ii. lit uf he rchool
ehildrei. olilv. w ho were ii'llliil :t'tl llee
of charge.
An me f.-" or l i ami . i cents chalked I 1st uiL'ht ill older to tie
I ray expenses. It wa expected Ilia' a
pridit wt.uld he netted and this will
Oe Used III pilieli isin hew flak's fT
hi. Hi the I'enlial an. I tin' (ieary suli-d
hUlldin's. The I ' w as paeke I tn
its utmost capacity I. .-I liliiht.
A Kuli Mm.
Th.'V had jusl arm.. I IV llrooklin
fmin the l-laii.l. They walktd across
lie L'rei.l l.ridui. As they i.pprnache.l
the New York si :e they stretelied
Iheir licc s and viewed Ihe ina.slve
Oil, he must he I it'll. she Ven
tured. "Win .7" ,, ,
"Ihe mall who owns a. I th
"One man tU'. sli'! own tin in all.
"Oil ves he does," she a uict! mill.
"II. iw tin nu kiw7 ' he asked.
"Itecall-e,'' slit- s.tld "Ills name isi'll
them." . .
"I ulless that's so," he iik-recd lis he
I....I ...I .... ,.t lh kv el- ll'-T or.
Castor. a iiiu-t
Ids' Ink.
he pi
nt:.." I'riu-
fati I Ins lc Tn""
We cannot helleve ll.e Tele; ram-'
r. polt nf pmceedius ia the legislative
joint cniivcn ion is true.
Alter giving a repmt of news uf nieiii
heis on a purported h k'tied pi'per
pletlL-iiii! meinheisto pr. veiit ail elec
" llcr a dlsciisslun intt"sper-ed W illi
hursts of profanity hy Keel and "river
s to the hoesly i f puipnseof the op
position ii. pitftniiii! Mi.'h a paper
!l. convction mli"inn.d til. noon
''senator Pilv. r lias lone heen a min
ister nf the Methodist church, and It
seems inere.linle.lmt he would he so
indiscrete as in Use prolan.' h.liKU.iue
sn such a .uhllc place or lor that mat
ter, in any other plait
Hoiei re llcllis.
From the Wet.
Florence school closes next week.
The lirst simw al Florence this w in
ter fell last F. iday.
r ...I mirk on tin1
A crew n i me.. .-..... -
..ii. .ii..'i 1 1. is. neck at rlor-
H'lioouei I.e....
e lice. . , ,
.... I ill... . I. ...... I im ll rut (11 IUIII
1 lit l.llinu -- "I ...
,cr for ("has Davids new mill
School Talk -The O..'-"'"".'" -respoudenl
in this cty expresses h m
H,. nil theschoo!, ion as follows.
"Considerahleinleiesl is a re..d n . -irested
ill the wlmnl elcetloll,
will take ,', March hi. ex -
tlldate. have heel, sccet e l Mil 111.
strife is hci.ik' wak-ed I. .H
faelioii'tl eleu.etits. Ihe (Uesllou
vil'thcrilisproptrtn h,ye s.Tjp.Uta
r.adiniss in the schools tally wid
pVohalilv he hroi.ishl helore 'J '
some manner this elect inn. A
nnc c.' nt, .1,1- i-slle lias heel
w, edhy, r.a:.'..l;.n.i f -h "f
time, llli'l ll ni .... "
f i . ,11, 1,11' voieis, ..vs....
.. c,"ie I r (l.ri-' lnr
, . . , 1 1 ,. i r wishes
I .1 i '
I'H-yci.i-i l ii
.. .. s;.. I v.. l inn A
, -Lieut Il.iwks,
I.ll-Vl' Wits
lilt-' "' , , ,
a... .1 i.v I'. eoi.h i 1'
i , .t Moinlny
fm ridiiik' on ""' ""'
,.,. street. I.ielltel
from Mr lleiiien w a.
tl,,- I'Mimr of Ninth
to Ihe ll-" in .'i;. I,
Win II he
walk on Wiih
,l Hawks r-de
, .Iiu.' -.or-, on
and Wl ! nn.'tte
, t til-' -
Was air.-l.'l he
stated' that "'I'1
,.,., .. In. e'l
f W ti
urn- allow
1,1 ette stiect a- nil
iuwii. H" l !' '' -
ui. I .v- '". -
,,s l Waii -I"
I...I,' ..llll-t.'-ls.
.. . ' . I...I. l .Ml W I , I
ll, c o'l.-r s' reels nf
,-iv to th-' 1 h-tt"
- Jolly
show s
,.! li'T
IH ' ' "' " '
1 ,.r..,lll.-ed II, ll'" '
laltr iv-.-,11.
-'s he-l
.-I s lead.
. rv.d
en . a" '''"'; ,1r",'lr
. , ... ... ii, .t v-ir
i i . . . , .
',,.-,.iv, M
-., at H 1
.n .V
n-: ,;nu.i'-"
,,.H"i- '"' I " s"
.. . . f a' '" "' "
r th"
- I.i.'.'l
" 'r
1, ,V'
,e Will .''
1 1.
,1,- n..-' I"'-"
,.,,y I ;'-'
gainri J, c.t"
. . r
- al-;
ITKsDAY, KKlilil'A KY i;:.
FitruiiTs a'e busy.
Frosty this morning.
Kiep j our doors locked.
n l.aue Is seriously ill.
1. 1st ipiar.f r of the lie .,.11.
It's a (.lino of "free. Mil I" at Silciu.
Lots of wheat will he luUcd this
11 II S.lrkuey rvluriied to i'orvallis
Mis Will Smith relurmd to Saliiu
"s M Yuluii returned lr..u balcin
Wid Mcl.te is now at F. lsoiii, Cull-
I", inu.
.Mis D.ividsuu
rct.iriii'd from I'or-
lal.ln loO.iV.
J 11 Yi.iteh ,.f ColtM
(irovu was
III l.l.. l c liainy,
li V W (fleshy is a Junction City
vi.-iiur In tin- city.'
Mr and .Nlis 1' I'lHiieys Hie vlsiiiiig
in pi ii.yin i, 1 1 1 ci net .
1 he .siliiiu l...y wlin was seriously
hull al ( ..iiui is st id alive.
Mill its Wile lllllied In the public
M l., .on- unit uii.iiisity this lliul lilli;.
M.s. l.ui. tia D 'lie, ut I'liiisaul Hill,
Is iisiliiit; -e Suillli, o.' this
I he st c ul mollis will keep thu (rail
on, k until tin p.,ipir tune cullies lor ll
In laid.
Out uf thirty examined for tiiichcrs'
I'eUill, ale. til loivallls only tell
Memorial .lay is the next holiday
that is Kciicr.illy oh-erveil. ll oceuis
May 30.
Tlie F.ks are haviii)' a Kala day at
Ail. any iiisi.iuiiiij tin- new lndje llns
A K'fi.t slir has heen created in Sa
le, u liy a change ol lociilloll nl ll.e
l'cicy I.oiik went to Walker this af
tt ruooii to alieiid the llllieral uf thu
late Mis K.ui.ey.
Hin ts ul tlie state (nine law have
i.ei ii Icil at uie county clerk's nlllco
I,,.' I lee tllsUll.lllloli.
Tue S 1 in upauy now checks bicy
cles tlie same a- oilier luitfuagu w lllinlll
asMiit; i.xila i liaise.
liver tlii,i"i will he paid llimuli
the Arlington National Hall k lor val
ue all, I . Iici p wlllilu ll.e lll'Xl lour
1 ii shiMit.ui; m.ilches at live pigeons
in Siit-ui yesieitlay, fki Alteks lietl lor
Iii. -I place lu one malcli ami got thud
in aiioil.i r.
'l l.lrl v'.l ltr... Mlt.-lt.-ll 11. .Ml itA tn-
.,. ...... ...... -
Celher HI Salem tasl iiIk.iI and said
liny would stay Willi hint until Ihe
eiitl of nine.
S.iiiinl.iv (leu 1 !nl nu. a
oiiiik li.ruier residing Willi Ins father,
.i.-.ek It . i. ii. i. ..,.r Soring 'allt'V. I'lllk
county, voi ii m. l led l.y liaiiKU'i;.
MifS .Neva .Sola. nl of Lrtawell. wlm
l.UM ls....l Vis ,P I....I..U III till CIIV
reluriicd hu mo this alu-ruiHiii. She
was accoili nan led hV .Miss t.u ace. V amp-
Yestertlay morning al II o'clock,
Win Kieimer, cisik un the sieanur
liauuiiia, was drowned while llie
slealiier was lied J al llie uock iiir
Hi on fie. gilt.
Misses Kose I'oleman and Vinnla
Kmipp went to t'nllae Uinve, on the
local this alternoon, lor a couple nf
davs' visit. Mlssi Coleman will llieii
reiurii to Salem.
One ur t wnstage tableaux and Kallery
scenes thai did nut pH-ar (in the pru
Kiainal the public email entertain
ment last iiIkIH were Just as interest
iui; us some of those that did.
The Salem Journal laments as fol
lows: "ll does seeui as lhoiih our
Is'iiveriimt'lil were able to Ut up a post
ulliee for the capital city of a stale
w ilhui.l passing the hat fur it."
T J Crai ''s Imndsinen are J S
fonper of Indepeiideuee, Mrs A A
('nitron and K 11 t'aitn f M'm-
iiioiilli.aud Dr T W llanis nf this
cilv. They have (pualilled In tin sum
Murk It llanimlias been ai pointed
i-i, ...i V1..1..U Su.imlor fmin Ohio by
(iovernnr ItUHhl.ell tn succeed Senator
Sherman who will resiun to accept a
p. -it ion in President McMnley s
I.iulitniliK ftrilck a font ball I" "'' ft"
it wms about to pluva match at Liver
pool recent I v, killing ne mail anil
l.u.llv injurinir two others. If they
InulViMi I' of O men ll would ""l
have phiised them.
T'.in Kearny, tlii Sniitheni raciflo
c.indueloi-, was KllocKeu u..i. 'j
,1,, tl th-r day, re-iilt .nit I" "
sprainofakl-ee joint IMi'miid I inir Is
dank-emus, but this lime a -l"K ditched
Tom's train. 1
.... .......... i....... u, ...ii. calm at 'Ills
I nere iuii- " -
..file.' for if.iverniiient Harden seeds. Ni
far I'lu le Sum ha- lal.e.i uus . .
, ,ke hi-annual remi' tancB nf seeds
....... '.. . .... ti... .. eh it Is time lit Is
in in ... .. - - , .
duini: so if be wants his samples tested
in the soil (if old lnif.
Mi l, ui.,if Kin Knll. from the
,(,,. Ashland Itecnrd. will Is nf Interest
t 1,1- obi friend- in ;"k'ene: K K
. ii....,.,,, .... .. irM srrnduiite.
Kiin.i, HU' ll u , r ...
I'upl.i- l leHHilnif wit I.
i !,lL... Ilaiinaiit J lek-nnvill.. ami will
Lw.nHpnlvforii. s-lontn the stale
siii.reiue court for a si p skin.
'I-I,,. Salem JoumHl railed !)r Trlv.'r
,,.., nf lh Ivnrene Divlnll v ScIi.m.I
,! then tak.- ,t I s. K in llio followinti
' ,, ,,L,e: " Ur Driver I. iv.4
I'licn.' D.vinitr eh.l. IU hs.
, ,...,;;.., forth. i - ' ih"
1 .I,,.,.:,...',.'-,' s, I nf the ( ,i-i-'.r
: h and -ks a hill e.""l I"
il ., charter so it can irrnilt d."r an
;t,iv,. dipio'iius to persons taking the
' the.. in.'i. 'Ill c.ilir-e.
,.,.v ' . 1 is 1 1 . I'-'-nisfT -I-Kuril
llt -IIM I I- DVIVO A tel.
l,r!,:,:,N.Veeelve, here, liiils after 2
,. ,,'k thl- itfi-rn '"". "'H'inir !
K,.., liM-l '"-ll wasdvimrst the (lond
I., , - b.'-j'i'sl In I'nrtUnd Mr
IM-I II wenV.o I'or.lsnd ye. Prdsy
,, r.e. ive ires'inenl for p.endlrll.i.
... ...H-ra ion was performed Is-t vmii.
1 i,,,- h' apparently unable to rally
I from it.
Sfiialc Mm In .Vliium Sine
I. oaks A tl ll Vt mi 1.1 llav l
(oiill'tue In (trstloti l III
Indal llltli.
Sai.i m, l cli 'Jl The joint conven
tii.u held sevral sessions today hut
failed to acctiiplisli any tl.ltitJ. A mil
call was llnaly reached after which Ihe
ciinviMitlnu ii'liotirned in a rather lu
ll, tin ate manner.
The Senate met and adjourned until
'J o'clock. The ell'orl to adjourn slue
die f illed lo take i lici t at 1.' o'clock
today, as chairman Simon declared
that according to the constitution nf
the slate the senate could not adjourn
sine the w ith. ml a concurrent resolu
tion from Ihe regular eriimnint orgn
I, ion of the house. As the house
is mt yet ornaiil.e.l, and not much
pnssihilily that it will Is, the senate
mav have to continue it. session unless
ihe'chiilrii. no's riilinu Is reversed.
I louse adjourned sine die.
The setiale ti.ljmiriicd until tomorrow
in. .mine,.
Sixteen senators are going home to
nlk'ht. The joint assenihly adjourneil with
out dale.
The Simon and Davis houses w ill
Irv to fllccl an oriiiini.ationw Ith less
than two-thirds in eit er ho istt.
The entire lleiison tl legation is
leaving lor home.
A I'l rii simiuh nt llesrrihes Hie ClioU'f
l.uiigiiHi-e I seil on llie Floor
ut llie Senate
A curicsimndcul writes fr nu Salem Monday evening's session of
ihe joint rump convention as follows:
SaI.KM, Or, Feb'JJ, ISJI7.
F.HIK'K (il AKH: At the evening
session of the joint rump convention
which met at tl o'clock a large crowd
prese m led themselves ill the halls and
h.bby nt an early hour expecting to
learn something or rather hear soine
llilug out of tlie ordinary course of the
Mi.chcll push.
The joint rump rotiveiition was
c illetl to order hy Chairman (leo C
Itrowiiell, who ordered tlie roll to he
t ailed. Senator (iowaii at llie call ol
bis name amc in his seat ami ad
dressed the joint rump convention,
slating that he would stand by
Mitchell till Ihe last dog was killed.
The roll cull proceeded without In
terest until Senator lt-etl's liamo was
reached, when be arose ill a howling
manner and addressed the chair and
holding In his hand what he said Wks
a eoiiiuiil.ilcallon from the opposition
stating Unit If the senatorial ip.estion
la dropped and n ballot be taken this
session l lie v would come III ami or
Uiinl.H the" house. Ibis seemed to
somew hat aroii-e the blood of the .al
lium cannery seniitnr from Douglas,
who broke out in a voice nt fury and
asked: "What lu h-l do they tako in
for; a lot of d u fools'."' And read
ing n Utile further and getting some
what mixed up anil distrusted at him
self, knowing fill' well that he has no
bush. ess here and that he ought to he
home slicing salmon, he demanded:
"Wh h-l Is liuldlng up Hi legls-
At this Juncture the Hon Ituv I I)
Driver, l D in all his dignity urose
and said: "I don't know who In li I
is holding up this Legislature, but I
dn know who I. Oregon Is holding It
up "
Itv these methods ami many mor
eipially as bad the Mitchell push is
making enemies nvery day. Hut peo
ple who know .Hcnaior Driver and
Keed know that they are not wholly
iiccouiitahle for their actions, as they
are like ll.e while man with the Indi
an; It is anything to get the turkey,
lu this case it is any thing to elect
Mitchell to the U li Senate.
Senator Johnson, of Lin. I, seeing the
disgrace those gentlemen were casllnu
iihiii the state moved an Immediate
adjournment till Tuesday at 12o'chiak.
Jiiiprurciiiciii of Oregon Ultrers.
A dispatch from Washington says:
The sundry civil appropriation bill
contains an Item for W0,i K for com
pleting the work proposed for improv
ing the navigation of the entire Wil
lamette river, fio.n KugetlB to Port
land and also for the lock and dam on
the Yamlilll river, which Is to give
iI.h... whIit at all seasons to the town
of M.'Minnville. The estimated cost
of hutli Improve, netits Is fLlJO.nlX), of
which f IO.iKK) was Included lu the last
river and harbor bill, and now the
present appropriation of H.iU.UOO gives
ul. the money reipnreu. i ii" imin j
of war Informs Kepreseiilative Her
man, i that he reserves the right to
contract for the whole or a part of the
work, as he he shall deem most, eoo
mimical and rapid. I he various oh
slroi'l Ions at Salt-Ill. Orek-nll City, III
nf linr tiliii'i'M 111 Ihe Willamette, will all
bavu substantial works constructed
improving navigation.
Ii.iljr liutnl.K-lirusrj il.
Dikii.-(ieorife Shiiuh, the tsiy who
bad his skull crushed III by a kicking
horse nt Coburg Sunday evening, died
hi an earlv hour this morning. He did
not regain consciousness at any tlmo rec-lving the ii.Jurisn. The
funeral will be held tomorrow and Uio
remain taken lo the I'lenourjl Hill where they 1U bo tnterrtd
al 1 p nr
Ar,Mi!lsritT.B'8Hl.e TU !
u jt .,rw. nek m M-1 t itdsulor-aeu
tor'- ika ('.!. ttiif, nfWn-
ii.H.uloJ l'udiid i V Htoivo T
i v.-ji 'l'l,.. ..I., will nmbahlv con
i"rJ, at tlni Murch term of the
county court.
,li t.utnl, Ki-l.rusrjr :i.
a I'i kimi-ss CiiAMiK. A WOillierl
a Member of the lirm ofdillierl A Hut-
i,.M .i-hIith in furuiture. etc, on Mnth
si r..1 l.HH H.lll I bis inleresOu thabu I
Mr K 1 rsinith. Mr Miiith
ion this inornliiC and lb
lirm wQl hereafter bo know u as Hulton
ft Slllllll.
.pFrUTON FtHl M H'MM. l'l UT.i'l OIL
Voters of Kugciie Srlimd lhstrii't .t-k
Judge I'ottTto Allot the t u
of Ills Mimic.
K.i iiknk, On . Feb. l'l, 1s t .
T hik Hon. I). O. I'.i i i Kit,
Sir: W e, the und i r-ium .1, It in I
voters of School District I'mir I , ul
Line County, Oregon, would must re
spectfully solicit yoti to allow your1
tin. no to ho used as u candidate for tint
olllce of School Director of said dis
trict. Kugei.e, being lecogiii.eil ns an edu
calloual center on account of i he le ca
tion of the I'liivcrsty of Oregon lure
ami on account of our most cxeclli utf
public schools, we ib em this ollicc o
more thnii ordinary importance.
You, being a graduate uf Die I niver
slty ami having the lute . sis uf e.hi
cailuu at lieiirt anil beifg also thor
oughly well iplillitled t" perl'oi 111 Ihe
onerous duties ol the t ill v, we deem
it a public duty which you should as
sume lu (urn with your fellow citi. tis
and wo hope to receive a fivorahle re
A C Woodcock
(1 K Chrlsiiiau
Win Scarbrougli
C S Hunt
It D l'aiue
J W Johnson
W F. Hrow n
A 1 1 Flsk
C M Horn
K. K llemlersoi.
V W l'rentlce
Shuiwood llurr
W Kuykf ndiill
(leo T Hall
Jas F Itobinson
W V Hemic. son
(leo 11 Dorr Is
Cheuer D Ccuibs
Hanson 111
J Wiiteuker
J It ill.phell
11 J Haw limi ne
A J 1'lckar.l
K It Kellman
V. Schwar. chlld
K L dross
F L ( 1, an, hers
David Link
W ll Andrews
J W K tys
C M i oiing
(i w (iiitn.i
J C Watkiiis
Jerry Horn
I lowr ic Itice
J S Luck. v
C Marx
K llauiii
l-:i 1 Hangs
Jiiuies llullmau
M L I) Luiio
K K I in ti it
M S Wallis
J V I diwegeu
F.UKene Sklpworlll
J W White
I; It llenilersiiii
F. It M c Kirov
li W Fisher
Yo.'tn A Son
A C .lc. dings
Tliey are the Talk nf II Town
Coming liiinstrels are always vuhject
of general tlisc isiinn b c.tuso theh
slimlows cast h 'fo.e ciiunot e elu led
by any person who walks a broad with
eyes lo see and ears lo ho ir. but n.i
previous n.insirci pel lormaiit o nits
elicited nlie-hiilf the advance cuii.uieiit
thai Is now heslowed upou the show
that is to lie given in the opera home,
Tuesday, Murch '1 That Is because of
tlie strong local iutt rest that attaches
toll. All the performers are Kuiieiie
young Indies of high social standing
and llie general puld.O Is preparing to
turn out en innsse lor the dual pin use
ot enjoying the entertain. nent and
swelling the treasury of the well do
.tvimI "Itsllcf Corns" fund, for who-o
benellt the allalr Is to be given. Mr
and Mrs Hinges of Salem w ill have
the irallilin: In charue and the rnllie
company will Imi composed of young
ladies. .Mrs Hallle l.irisli Hinges win
also render several numbers on the
program, and old lime melodies ami
plantation representations will be nf a
most reallHtlo kind and rendered with
nrofesslolial tkill. Although there
will boa htrk-u demand for tickets the
price will remain as u-ua1. Further
aiiiionncemeiiis win Bppear uum ujr
lo day In the local press.
MUs Kill th HoITm til's "It II .me."
Mist Kdith llollimin g.i.u u delight
ful "at home" to a few of Jier many
friends, at tho elegant apartments 01
Mr hi.. I Mrs Jas I tollman iii Hie 1'ickel
building, on Saturday afternoon, Feb.
'jo, from a until U. ...
The guests were cnterlBltien uy me
new and ncvel game of "A trip across
the U H hy rail, on a special excur
slon ticket." The hallway near llie
head of the stairs was arranged to rep
ticket olllce wherein sat the
agent clad lu a huge overcoat tightly
hu Honed up K Ills (I) Uimpiuu iinu.
Tho lierce mustache, and Huge noi-e
surrounding tho dellcatuly moulded
mouth, betokened llie oniciai ca mcnj .
Tho tickets which were headed
"Kunvllle Frolictowu Hallway, Ureal
Continental Itoute," were subject lo
many ludicrous rules and conditions,
among which was noted, "Doctors aio
not provided, but ir jou uave me hh
It can be checked by the bangng
master." Theie were ten cltns al
which stop were made, one iiiiiouk
them belnK: "A city whose ond ami
aim Is go." In the blanK toliowiug,
the holder or llio iickim was "-i.,
to write "Chicago." After leaving the
ii,.iM.t. ont th tiaHSfliiLrcrM were inh
ered Into the spacious and arlitdically
decorated pullman, whose walls w- re
adorned with such placards as "l'afs
engers may tip the seals," "The por
ter is nottt-bourd," "People running
their lace for ticket on tins ira.u
imiHt have it iiunched." etc. The pas
seuger being able to correctly guess the
names or the clues w as miti...'..
prize, which was secured uy ftiiss
ria Friendly, while Ihe booby was
awarded to Miss Dollie Aukeny. Ihe
trip was happily enlivened iiirouguoiu
by etiolco recllalions, popular music.
and gay social con verso. A t u tun
Ihe delightful excursionists wero con
ducted Into the speeiitl dining car
where a niosl elitboruto lunchfou was
...u.l In.rii.u ilia nrouress of the
lungbeon a number of toat aod re
nouses were iriveo.
TI...M holdn.s' ticket 00 UiO xrur-
.i..n avnt: t L-ss-s 1'uderWo.nJ, 61
I -I... II llniiaii. Hurt. L JubnsoO,
HaDdiich, V Lirned, trttud j. Me
Jr, llaushiiW, It Jf ri.odif, f. X'a'OO
AokMf, E WaU.o. li Aleoy,
MruiT Fsieodijf, M ZnMu Lwr
Wait,, t Apkcny, Jl.
UucT9 Al' Siliilh. "
Dslly OaM, Fel.rutry ;:.
It'-A Skiiious ComViVimn - Fred
Ililshnell, it young Itiimwho has le
sidtA wllh Ills prflrlits across the river
north of rHietlty wus taken to
porllaml t.Mlay to receive tieatineiit ul
the UihhI Mamaritaii hospital for an
ohstiuetlon of the Ih.wi Is. The young
,i(i)il has lieell seriously uU'. ctctl situ e
last Frlilavnitu l an liinii.wiite opera
llmi will lr nice-Wry lu order to save
his life. He was accoinpani.d lo
Portland jy his sister, Mi- Cora
llushnell, anDr W Kuykendall.
l ',-
--- ss A- ill X.
k. -i .
7az v.zzr
IsS:m' ' ; I ivr"! I". ; i.tim don't
I '! '. ' 1 ' t . . i:. I ! I I. .' cilssliu'cish
tliilti. ; t . ;
.Tl'. Il's.
t! : ::. ,1 !
,'.u:. i
t:-.: I
Ml', ! ' '
I l '' .
! j t l...c all nature,
i I . ' I..J up by
I v. . n li I'Mtij-.l on
, . '. .', : .' P 1 Ulleumv
. '. : i v .i i ,i your l.lver
: it .Lc SIMMONS
i ':i ii J it. It .ilso
... i !.,,;-s it pr.'prrlv at
i .' mm ill he tree trom
pel .1
wi:. , ,
l.y i
t IV i '
1 IV l !
P .u l
I All "
r. . I
. v
. .'' . .v iiivigor.itej.
- : " :-' IM.ooiiwhm
'.... ' I . -J.;; mi, .nij that
--' I .1:1 i, it active.
.' . ' .-. and note the
; ' I '..- ... iv SnONS
1 ' ' ' i 1 ' - i - Simmons
- "i M .' y. '.i '! n.ikes the
1 .: i, .. i p. . ... i 111 li.'lllj,
i ; ...-I, . . . .1. .. . th
n". ! i ' t i-TviU
: II t-.J f I.'!.: ).,,. ...very
lo, .TIt.
J. It. .,.!. .1: -V. Co., t'illllldclplllM, I,
A IMONLT.Ik tkr' T,:i.
Mi s. IUI.sli.iit Oics Suddenly of Heart
' Psllv luiiir.l, Ki-I.ruiiry :' I.
Mis Myiiah llelshaw, widow of
I'ln. mas jtelshaw, tlietl unexpectedly
al her mi. ui- on ll'iili street, at 0
o'clock Una uuutiing. nl the age of 71
y ars mid .'lie month. '1 be immedi
ate cause of dealli was heart failure.
Den-used hasliecii sullen nir from ail
attack ol hi ti ippe iluilugthii winter,
mil ll witsthoiiisht 'hat she was about
itcovcicil Iroiu ii. Lasl night grand
ma 1'aisons occupied the Mime bed
with Mrs Itelshaw, Shortly before
six o'c.ock she awoke and spoke to her
hut received no answer. She was un
able to amuse the old lady and felt of
tier pulse, ll was s.leiil and beads of
sweat wee gatueniig on ht-r forehead.
Mis r.iisuiis s,tiin out of bed and
lighted a lump. As-lm ilitl so the dy
ing la. Iy drew her list Incatli. Before
she died she M raighteued out I'. tho
beil and foltlc.l her hands across her
Mrs Itelshaw, wlm. Ili'lidell
was I'aisous, wat horn lu Oswego,
New York. She it moved from that
slate to Indiana lid n S.',3 crossud
ihe plains w ith her husband tn Oregon.
I'licy settletl on what is now a part of
Ihe (ieorgc It. Ishaw place. They re
sided there and lu Kugcuc coiiliuiluua.
Iy since coming to Oregon until
overtook t lifin.
Defeased haves out) son and one
daughter, Louis A Itelshaw and Mrs
I I) Linton, boil, or w ho.u reside near
Ibis city.
Defeased was u IIU lilbcr of the M E
church. The tunc nil has mil yet been
arraiiLieil f.,r but will take place before
rhursdi.yand will be uunoiinced to
NO I.F.l.lSL.UTYr: UlANt.U.
llie I siial rmgiiiii nf H.uiy Adjourn-iiifiit-.N
i Vote on Senator.
Srnuln Will Adjuurii Urdiindajr,
Hai.k.m, Feb '.'.I; 2 p in. No etl'ort
was maile use). peeled to adjourn the
senate sine die today.
riilriy-llvo member answered the
roll call of loin t convention. Adjourn
ed to i, inu o'clock this evening.
SAI.KM, Feb L'3; 3:3(1 p III. ltefore
the session closed the seiiide voted to
adjourn ut uuo.i Wednesday sine tlie.
The ltensoii house may also vote to
adjourn at 4 o'clock.
Letter nf Acceptance.
To A. C. WoonnicK ami Otiikhs:
Your petition asking inu to ullow my
mime lo be used us a candidate for the
olllce of schoool director of school dis
trict No 4 Is received. I fully ap
preciate the honor thereby conferred
upon tue. I will do as you wish and
ll elected .o that most Important olllce
I promise to do everything 1 can that
will, In my best judgment, tend to
promote the welfare of the school.
Feb'-' I, 1S!)7. K. O. FoTTEK.
Springfield Observing-.
Feb. 24.
James Wyunt is home agul.i.
Ml-ses Kate Kelly and Laura Mil
ler spent Sunday wllli Miss Kelly's
pu.eiits in this city.
Willie Peiigiu I- III with a cold.
We see I hut Mr Olds is home from
Miss A Adams spent Sunday In this
Orandpn Roberts wus better today.
Doiiol HY.
Hiiak cscgaiib Ct.rii. The Shakes
ptar club rti. t Wst i'tii-day evening
at lbs b'.nie i f lv Wiu H (lill.crt and
mni.i.rii'sad the readin- and study of
arioiauu. Tl pirsi.ieiil outlined
the play and a Vvry inlrwllutf dis
cussio.- nl the lii' ctukm'twrai Wat
bad. Tbe eliih oxt'l I6u atvoiaij u(
t.hO hi 0 of i'rofiaj WrvJ'ib e-UliaU
jltt 7-K f On
j Diii.-Mr Klijih Preston AaAff
tlii-d suddenly ut his father's home I
j I'm llaiid, i'H )' he morning of lhvK--l
l iu-t, of peritonitis, iifier a lull. I Iniin
ol typhi. hi lever. He was aged about
' 4J jenrs and four inouths. deceased
I wus rorti-.rlyQ'' Kugene. His daugh
I ter, Miss Tin I fTe 11 Huitt, left on this
i moniiiig's overland train t attend the
! ..metal.
! A I r.M ui - J T Wilson ,.f this city,
has uoi o to I'ottl.tnd to receive treat
ment I .r a tumor. Tin tumor Is grow
ing nn his lonuil' and ail oHratlon
removing in aily all of thai organ will
1 l e iii'c, s-arv In'ordcr to tiled a cur.
.v - - .-1 - X . ' -'-.