ANOlilKU ;U.tii: tSTALLIXUED. Maria NeccHary In Ord. r to Kit lu pill For I be State lulversity. lull? Ousnl, Fslirusrj l.J At ft tnifUiiK of the Hoard of UItbo torit of IviK'.-nu school district, held lust evening, tliu following resolution wus U(IoiIimI: Wiikkkas, Tliu reti'iiU of Him I'nl verity of Ort'K'Mi, nt n recent muellag hell III I'urllmni, cut oil" two ywtrs of tliu four years preparatory cours, which lour. years court wa recently adopted hy Hit) Hoard or reconimofMleil liy tliu Faculty, therefore le It Kkhoiakk, Tliul there lie estab lished u niiilli yciir Kru'ltt in tliu course of htmly In the Kui.-nj I'ulilln Hchools to take ell'oet at tliu ic-nlriK of school next ycur. TIIK SAM B OLD STORY. Tim lnrtslatito Muddle Cintiuoes WliHt shall the Harvest lie? H.. .: l Hi. i.riHb., February 12 The vote In the Joint pom vent Ion wax the same as jcMlfiiUy. No nor 11 in wax present. Henalor )nfnr, of, made a Sieecli for the Milehclllles, reply Iiik to tarter' W'wh, of Wednesday, creat ing nolle a sensation. Legislative N'jtei. I(i-pr ntiitive Vaoghan, of Lane county, Is uimlilo to occupy hi seat on account of l kill-in. I'm- KuIi-iii ptix-r aru doing a HTt-at ili-iil of mud slinging about legislative matters. It is prolnihli! the legislature, or what I hen- 1 of It, will ad ourn at the cnil of I In- li'kl"liitlve forty dais, which will Is-Friday, February Huh at mid night -uc week from I Ijflit. Journal'. Tim scnule, can't K't aloti( anil do Imslm: without It sixty even cuiiiuilttee. clerks. To be sure, the comiiillteos have nothing to (In, hut oiiie of the clerk have. They are lircilud to herd a few Heuutort Into the rump Joint con vent ion every (lay. Their services iiru Indispensable. The sennit, dismissed all Ha elcrks yifli-rdnv, )i7 In numlM-r, many of them wnuii-ii. Fvery omi except Senator pinion voti-.l In the alllim tlve. Home of the senator spoke, lu Invor of re taining them, tul the Multnomah county senator wiim the only one to Hluuit liy lilt color. Win n n motion wint iiiudo for third rending of hill In the senate yesterday Meriting opposed owing to the house iM'Ing iinorKHiiii-d. Harmon favored the rc'olutlon Driver opposed for lack nt house organlallou, unit moved to adjourn King Mated ll. lit he believed tit pasnigt) of t he I1 1 In would be legal. l'liriKnii of Marlon inMied on the ground that after (he heuso U orga nised the sriuitu can more tluill keep lip w ilh It. Col. Alley Compliment laker City F.venlu ltepublican. l-'rh. V; (iitnplicll l-' Oil Ian! Saturday evening, Mr I I. Campbell, editor and proprietor of tliu Kugene (ll Aim, whh married to Mm N K Fritter, formerly Miss Ida CoggNwell. The couple look , (he train thai night fur Mexico o their bridal tour. Ira Camplxill In one of the best known editor of Oiegon, having pre sided In the editorial chair of the (li'AKH for iiiaur vein. Ho I an In tluialeaud liouoii-il friend of the editor of till paper, and a wo know til fat to he ii'ieoi the iii'ml iinunrauie men in this slate, ll la our profound wish that he live a long and happy married life. M r N K Frn.or w unborn In I .sue county, and I a daughter of Mr John ('uKgsMcll, one of the ploueeraof Lane. I We would gently inform the Col. (hut she hui none (Im better of the (ll'AKH iiiun, In hlrili, aa beofplace too. wa horn in I, una county, out West lu tlie IiIhIoiio and fehelllou Long Tom nelghlKirhood.-Ko lli'AHD. UU'voIr Howl Hook. Tim road book of Oregon, for 111 cycllsts, giving liiformiilioti a to routea, scenery, nooointiioiUtlons, etc, la al most ready for tlislt million. Hon ten from l-:ugeln are given a follows: Portland to l-lugeiio via Forest drove and Corvalll. lluUey to llum'iui via Colmrg (varia tion of rmite Kugene to HurrUI-uig via Cohurg. l'.une to 1 lurrinimrij via Junction --two route. Kngelie to l'l lnev Hie. r.ugene to Koliy and llelknap epringH via McKi'iit lirldge. . - . . i Ml 1 1 lili'd. Tin' following in i-iron It court caea have tx-eii tiled w nil the couuty clerk: Lir.le N Thompxoii v Hen Itunli; to recover J-liKHt. Llrle N ThompH .u v C C .Hell; to recover IiVhi Wm Mollitt v Inter Manvllle; tt reiHver peraon-il property to the value of f l&. in uimrvi. tVI-maryl.'. Tkk Wratiikk. The wind changed iiddenly fioni Hi -until to the north lat cve'nlng and lu i abort paie of time the tctnp lutn-c dropld and deiily Hcveral .1. ;( .. The rain turui-d to now h i. I light iHwt of the lieaiitlful covered the land tbla morn ing. The temp uttii'i- wai not many tio'.cliu naove tl fin zing point at an early hour thl morning, which I iiili a coiiti"i to the c hi nook eatlu-r of ycteid:i . TKl.t'l'lluNK 1 SeiilNKIKI.U. Ueo. Craw now ha I i i-;phone line to Springfield complcto nid in operation. New trnutinliter buve tu put In at Utli eudiof the line I'lie Springlleld dtlli-e It lu Valit-imi A Son' mill olllce. Thl line will grvatly facilitate communication Ih-Iwicii Kugene and SprlngtWId. Hcretof. ueall quick com iiiuulcatiou bail to U- nil by telegraph tv wav of WiHHlburn. l it f liliant, Krl-ruity 1J. tifN Aixii'KM. A r;ort of a gun accident come from I amp Creek. J ami-. SiU-r, a young mau, while handling a rule lat eveiilt'g at that plfci, lu toine manner ditcliarged the weapon. The lall pael through the part of the riglit lliigli, canting a painful but not tlangerou wouud. HENOKICKH-X'KESZIB BRIDGE. Oar Correipoadent Ftvori Hie llulld- lor of Urldfe Kieoratfi Camp Creek. Kditob (iUAKO: Aa our' rielghbora of Camp Creek are again to the front with their remonstrance a it l nut the building of a bridge at the Heiidrick ferry, and alao with iietiiloin to tlie County Court for another appropria tion for their Camp Creek road, and a they propose to circulate nix of thine petition In every part of the county to defeat the petition now before the Court for a bridge, we wlh diainter ealed partlett at a distance to be some- what acquainted in uie matter. For the paat fifteen year the fact baa len proponed and admitted by all tbe McKenzle neonle and travel and concurred In by tbe trade and mer chant of Kugene, and also recognized bv the Lane Couuty Court, and alno Justified by the continued Increaaed travel, that a bridge is now needed at the Hendrlcka ferry. Hut at any time the -ople have asked for this bridge, the Camp (.'leek people drop all their differences, re ligious, political and line fence, and pull aa one man to get the appropria tion to build a road for the McKenzle travel ou their aide of the river, and they use our necessity for, and as their opportunity. And this is no new thing, and their promise to make "this good road" la no experiment They have already at different times, reoelved many hundred dollar from the County Court In this way, and the people of the McKentie have alto given volunteer work for said "good roid," but every time such appropriation and work were followed by a wet winter aud all would sink nut of s glit, In that natural road bed, as Mr Hillegua terms It, like a ieople used to sink Into the old timet natural feather beds. Now I would kindly auggeat to tax payers when tbey are solicited for their names to one or more of tald six peti tions, that they (juration the beater that as times are too hard to build the McKenzle people a bridge, whether It alao would uol lie ecouomy to let them go together, and not make their said "good road" till llina get belter, as tbe McKeuzlellea neither desire ur du serve anything of this good road. Aa a sample of their anxiety In our b h tlf, there is nearly a mile of road running east from JM Dick, which i tlie county road turning up the Mo Kenzie aud In the Camp Crock dis trict. Not to my kuowledg", in twenty years, have they worked s, day's work on this piece of road, neither has It ever got one dollar of previous appro priations, and six months of the vear II it almost Impassable, and rarely a vehicle then passe over ll on that ac count, aud funerals from up tlie river, coining to the cemetery, have to leave the road and go acrosa lot, and their excuse it thai they don't travel that piece of road. When I came ou the river twenty one years ago, the population of Camp Creek and the McKenzle was about eijual, and while Camp Creek remains stationary, or hardly hold itt owa, the people of the McKenzle have more than trebled, and business on t t-e Mc Kenzle la yet In itt Infancy. What with Its tliiilwr, mine, health resorts, rich river ImiUoiii lands, increase lu the l-'.aatern Oregon freight and travel, alao Increased popularity as a summer resort, for camping out, ruxllrutlng, hunting, tlsliluiT, berrying etc., tlie possibilities and opportunities of the SlcKeuzle country are hardly yet known and a great future is yet ahead. lutplteol hard times, quite a vil lage aud business place hat sprung up at Wallervllle, with a good prosect for future progress. Twenty years ago Waltervlllo got mall once a week; al thl time a dally mail, aud there Is more mall now distributed daily than was twen ty year ago with tlie weekly mail. And at this time there are live post offlcea on the river, two of which get dally mall. Our friends (?) of Camp Creek, may again deleat us, but that neither dow ns or settles the bridge iiucttlon. An outlay of tlfty thousand dollars would uol cause that road to turn the travel from crossing the river at the ferry, for loaded teams, light rigs, or bicycles will not climb mountains and wind around narrow and dangerous grades, when by crossing tlie river they have good level roads all the way to town. And should the Couuty Court leave us out In the (Mid, the two-bite would get usover the river as quick aud safe as it ever did, but It would be an Injustice to the whole McKenzle people to put any mote money on the Camp CrevK road aud reckon it for our beuvtlt. The McKenzle valley will, in a short time, again double Itt population; a wedding takes pla.-e every few days aud fresh aettlers are constantly locat ing, and there It room tor many more; tlie clamor for a bridge will liecoine louder and stronger, and until a bridge It built their future County Courts will tlnd ll It a subject "To be con tinued." S. Smkkp. Lincoln's Hlnh-liay. Ptll; Ousrt. rvtmisry 11 J W Oi.rv I'ost nf the tJranil Armv ofthe Iteptiiillc, celebrated the anni versary of the blrili-day of rrcildent Lincoln last evening at their Im II lu (hi city. A larce audience was pres ent. Commander Anderson hud charge of the. xerclsee of the evening. J Tbe formal address or tbe occasion was delivered by I'rof K It MoKlroy.l last lVpartment Commander, who paid a high tribute to the memory of the great war president; setting forth hit ability, integrity, patriotism aud I magnanimity. Lincoln lived, thai greatest ornament of the country he' died, regretted by a mourning world. I The addrvsa wa followed by a pro gram of appropriate music anil recita tions, after which asocial season fol lowed, the Isiliea of the W K C, hav ing prepared an elegant luncheon of cotte and cake lu great abundance for 1 all present. The occasion wsa greatly1 enjoyed by all In attenaauc. i Al ts Ki.kctuv The Soph-' more class of Hie university has elected K I) Hoone aud M Its Maud Ccrtisll I, delegates to the state oratorical cVi- test, which niseis in .ewiurg rviru ary 2H. The Junior claa h elected 1 V Kuykeudall aud Itlanch Tat lor. ' The freshman and senior classes have not elected delegate yet. ' BIDDY'S WM'.M. Tlio owners of tlie O. K. rini'-li worked tlmlr men curly and Into tdrMighiut the summer, but lu the wlnt-r ii.onln the n hole duty (if tnnn roinr.rlwd In rid ing tlm psnture and waiting fir spring A ihiiii K'"d enough ' ' IikI J ei.ougli fo I retained through tho winter w.i mi i I vet. Of ten men in.uu!ly k- thruiKli, two were sufflcleiit t" rldo thu itun- and keep the formes In n-pulr, and eight could wait fur spring. There were other uvomtli in, s-n-h a learning to flddla lilnm J"-nk worked at that for yi-ara Tho third M-n.Mi I asked biro If he could yet t'l"7 any tunes. "Nt yet," wild he hopefully. "Itut I "in start a few." There was slwnys mho ninl lnjlnir, there wat snuie reading, and w-aslunal trlpUtiwn. l he ynurgter did ennsld eruble letter writing fi n.rn-i 'Hid'-nt w cured through a .iper known on tho range as Tho i,l.nril and Kl-t. These various Industrie, were ad litutum. The one occuputlon whleh m er mils en the cowboy who has w-erkid hard all turn mur and whose pay Is going right on through stormy weather I. waiting M tjirlng. The O. K. ranch h.y In u unrMW and furtllo valley, and alut this time the i n cronohment uf actual settler, l.-gan t"I er plex tho owner and minor the men. In one season a great part f the valley had been pre-empted, and where lat ymr wa an unlimited open wntiT front, with not a house In sight, It hnd become dotted with settlers' ralilns unci lintln-s to keep off tin grass Only eight miles Ix-luw the rinn h. In a liend of thu river where we hud man; a tlmo held a hlim-h of eattlu while cutting out, a school lion i had Ix-n Imllt. NVhi r. Settlers come to star, the big cattle herih have to move on. S-hoolhoiises are i rett; gisid evidences of permanent selth-iuulit. This niiuo.ned for the first term In chsrgeof a tcnchi-r Imported for the pol tlon from the !ttc. and every man en the ranch rode iiroimd that way to Insjeei the fein-es. A bright eyed, fri-ch fie-ed girl Is a plensalit nlglit to a mnn, whetln-1 lis be nfoot or on In rclmck, and a ih( stood In thu door, with a look of curiosity at ti what manner of men Were tlnst trooping I y, any mini In thu compim; would lni given hi. ImioI. fi r the right to doff his hat a in I ,v 'ij. d luoriilng. ' After we had a d by Itohert rulsinl the question whethir he, u. thu old manol tho party, hhoiild not have done so. 1 don't think," hi' said, "that no hhovved proper renpect to the young hely to all gv. by li liMikllig out of the corner of our evi and nary man saving u word." Tho Ihivs, but HoUrt w.i- ri ous. Then Illddy iiffi-nd him n wagir. "l it liet you that I get a h-iter from that glr) before you do. " "Illddy, you r,. a fool," said Hubert. "That's a M-nxlhle girl, and you Im n m Iik-oiI with t In-lit i rre-p. .i.ib-nt - In I In li lizard and Klst you ih n't know enoiigl to know you'll mer git u letter from n tenslhlu gill. I'll t.ike ;onr bet, and ll you don't get your letter In ono month you got to do my work all winter " "Done," s.ild HI, i,ly. On rvlleetlon lllilily would not l.avi olTeriHl such a wugi r. The hi amy i f llid (ly'schurneter was that hi. eond thoiightf oil it 10 no long lifter hi. llrt th'ii-lit. thai there was time for line li le-tlon I i t . n. In tho mutter of this bet he tot k a, lion at on by writing under an ii-miiiihI mum to the teuiher iihoiit three if hi. ehihlrei residing In another eounty and a-h;ng or what terms they would I e roeehi-d Inti her sehool. lu due time bis letter w.o answered by the trii.ti e to whnm It hail been referred. He next wr te Ml. 4 Hell, saving ho she w Mu d to buy n suddlo horse and might he I ru one f n Inspii tloii. No uiiswi-r to thl. 1 iniill; bo tried what heeuiild il" at i-h, rter ranee. Ho iMViirtd mi liitrodie I ioii 1 1 the lady. nut her several tlines. and n -i inly I. It second thought, began to ilir. Whit seeiuiHl to him tve-y enough eti the ihiv hi riHlu by the si-hoolhou-o was now Impo. slblo. He did not n how he i-otild bavi beenmii Involved In siieli an afteni t. Jit heartily srurucd himself. Hiding home ll this mood, which hefiini lnl showitl raihei flno fueling, but whleh really nr, -e fr. i, conscious failure, Illddy h-okiil up H-d. rl to ill-knowledge himself l.-ab v, but Koberl wus oil to town and did not shun up agair until after t'hrl.-.tiuas. Hubert, who had ridden by the s, -hool house muny times Klmethe teim legal), had bnpH iietl to read a iie p.,er Item about a ciihtom In some foreign land ot sending gifts to the incst beautiful l ady. I suppose It was a fnlry tale, f.-r there ne'v erhus Nvn In any pluee any ei e m,.t lieiiiitlful lady, but It strin k K -l.-rt a. an eminently pro or custom, lie nit tin Item out. He rode by the , h, , lho:,se i la i again to confirm his judgment. I to imnh his disposition m-eordingly. Olio morning the young te.ielur v,-o surprised to llmi lit her do, r Kot.rt s I l hors, with saddlo and bridle, ami a in ti saying that Hubert sent th.-m on tho an ' thorltyof (he luelo.el ne ,i; el .lip; that ! ho really could use the 1,,-r-e no I .-tiger I too old and would she do him t !. favet I ti tako the old way tun-k oil hi. hand.? I Miss Hell, who was loirnlng t- u- a: typewriter, sat down to the imielui e and wrote a note of thanks, declining tho hurx ! at a gift, but accepting the u.e , f fot tho winter, slid iihsurliig Mr K, I , rt that tlie was not the lady referred to in the, story. I Two dart later Hubert brought this let ter Into tlio uie..iihoufc while the l. y. werv j at supper. ' I ve N-ut you," said he to liuhlv "l didn't want no letter, and 1 i'u!n t (p,vt none. Hut here It Is, and l.o tlili k. can't read writing. It's prmtiM." i "Why, that thing," wild Seotty, "1. ta letter. That's a eireular. Mu seiid. them ' out to every fellow who gives h. ra hore . " "Hint's straight," Nild another. '1 hear she has a w hole Umd of saddle lior- down In Johnson's p.isfun-. " "Hoys, shut up." s.,ld Holvrt gently. "I ll leave It to tho f. reman whether 1 win." Tho foromau divided that a printed coin, nuitileutlon I. not a letter, and that a Hlddy hnd received no letter Ivth had lost the wager. i That night the Ivy. oon.Mored tho mat 1 ter over their pipes ami rendered the unanimous eilnh-n thu letting Is hu mors! when jou l.-se. and that Holvrt mid Hlddy, hnvlhg K-th le,t. should rldo the pasture all winter hl,i the rest i f US wuluM for spring ti It. Dunham In Argonaut. ; Wrlghlus t iling KUh. ( A visitor at the New York a.juarlura 1 who hml wondered I ,-w (J,ev matuigixl to got the weight ,f n luo I.',', aivuratoly ' loarnud that t' n w.,. n-ally n vtrr sltuple Ihlu to do lie ...!, j, ut i'ton of wut.-r. Mhnh I, in-ihrti with the llsh lu It 1 hen ti e .!i 1. Oikeii out and pall anl water are w. gl-e 1 tiitut It j A inKY ul-' IMHA. ,u,,.fU.e.-f . :--.r ; tl.u g'.rrl-M, ut (.' ' h' -t'-r A-.. . captn'n if drag-.-,!,, s..-n.-l the m- d.i ply li t'-r. -.ti.l. t Jt )i rettaltily r..!.g-." ' ' 1 ' young l.ei.t m.t.t. ' where M; : '.t,i lav.- ..-d to. 'H-.t :" : t In nio f , . ! . - -1 1 1 tl. re I- lte ii. y n. 'i. -. : dure to . r; 1 I.!,. W I i, a. -'.r- wl.-. U t.'a r r .' meh ii irn:a . la.t, V.'. 11," f ti.rn-d A-nhy, - i tin re 1. a la in n above n I will lit.d - r, If I h.v.u to -.i l-li rv l-ala. e Bhll I.Hel III ll.d h tj-n-'t-'it l. !.!h- men, -he I- my nlhan .,1 I ,:,!.. 1.I..1 I i-.' ... ..a,., ii, , i..r I will' " A. tl:e voimg s.-!di.-rer.,-.dtho ara..o groiitidiiwhite r..l- il. ilu-l.y f- rm f- ,e :. clo.v U hlnd him. Wa n th- two t.-.e led n spot w h. r.- the light whl. ii-:: .o-a I' '" thu burnt' k wind .ii.did i. ! p' n. '.rate. t:.u lialliu touched l..e Lur- p. an g. ntly m.d whl-per.-ib "Would A'ltl.v s..hlh l.i-'l the ma.d en- If so, All en dire, t h.m to where she lingers " What! Volt." '.--ahlb, She I. ive'l l.o.V a ptl- la T til the palate of tin-, of ,li;dp r- " What! Ill tin- ow. r f that I '-.ithen prime1 liy my snord, I II go to thnc'lo l.el at (,hc and a-k irn,.--,. n to order out my dug. on. and tear his glitter. ng lit., de d"W ri at "lit his i ar. " .-tay, wtltlh!" nuicUy r.j.llied the faithful servant. "If l.n,-li-h soldl'-r. W. re s.etl ll' -a.t the 1 -il ee . f the Mih, the feehle surk ' f life V.h:- ll -t.ll lli.ll.T. In the Ij. sunt of the vvhitu n a al.-ii would (He." What? Would ta" villain n.i.r-1- r la r:" '.-.ihlb' All ha. .aid ihc :i 'ihl din and l. aie no tra- o . f I .-r u- .t' It. l.i ten, sahlli. '1 la- s'ai.-s , f the r..;,.h arc the friends i f All. and It I. th- y w ho I ave b al him of their ma.b-r's ra t. n -. W. uhlAtli- by t-.lhlb el.t. r till) p.llaee i f the la.all U!l- ace- mpaiileil, save by Ah:" "Why doe. tin' light of tl." raj.ilt'siyes woe It should bring Joy to th : la-art to he the ohu.on one t f s great it lord'" and n loioly 1 1 ir.ii' o girl knelt nt Agm-s' liford, v. ho v... ho! Ling bit terly. Mi" i ifcred no r. !y to the kindly I. . peich'.f Ii r c j.ti.lon. I'n.-ciitiy t!.t dali.a.:. 1 1 a :c at no i J.d ' f t;.e ki1-s.ii vva lilt, il in ! the ra.ah him-i if . nt.-red. When will the light of my hie e. a-c V i.-plng'- A ml t la n v ill a sm.le lah.ri: the face of hi r v ho 1.. 1 n d I y t he rajah of Jiidpon 'V Agnes lilaleiif. rd spramr to I . r fe, tarn! tun ing upon la r pel -cent, r ov-laini"!, "Neier, wrett h, m u r, until M.o is re stored ta tho ic iiio of la r fatla r." I ho n.i'iie rm, it might hui.' n.ade nn kivi r had It in l I ecu for the i ntratc o t f a sable Nul Ian. '. falling I'., it upon l.i face, legged f -rglvci c-s for the in;riisi..n. ".-icaU, slave. What lull at this time:'' "Mn-t li.liih'.y i:nd . in rfnl rajah. ' Said the I la. Ii "Willi! h a-o the soil . I it king tolm k n: .-n that v. hi. Ii b.s m riant lias brought him " 1 ho curios;: i i f ti.o la all U i,ri,M d. Let lllm see. " The Nubian an -o i.nd 1 ' t Ineiit. I lit I-, appe ir.-.l In it i .-.u,-- ii al r- lug In at lo. d palan.juiii. u l.lch v, a - i , i m ii .. n tho shnuidcrs ,f f :i,r I : ,, :,s 1;k. lilmself. A sardonic smllo pl..y, -I a! . u: ti.o K; of tho rajah as he -lej ,, , ( r,-.:.: I to !.;t tho rich .uriailiof ti c l:',..i I ho I i xt moment ho started I a ii l:i I. t l. wi'ii his right hand el..-, log the 1..1; i f h i-lini tor. Hut before I o eoiild di.nv ti c i ! .. tin sword i f Captain A-h'-i at ... t i, ,,(. " Wretch' ' e. Jul mi .1 t ho soldi, r. " W, :, yoll n I, 1 Mm, hi iitval-.l m ii a n,o mcnt to maho your j.a.o v. nli mighty! lint. iuhd. 1 d-.g that Al-.-iro. look your .i-t U cn ti.n- . f"t your time has coine!" '1 ho rajah i-mjuI to call for', but thu call ill. d aiiny ti on his h; -, mt his eye. fell upon n body of dra.;. t.s that were rapidly idling tho itpartu.i :.t. Ll. u- tenant t all. t,.n rang (. rwatil iilul Up the blade of I.U la; t;i::i. 'Your ai ! .ii. sir! l-o i.ot frg.-t and overstep y.'iir author',:;. I lii . r.i.h Ii a man In lil-h oslthn. 'I lie 1 : r 1 1 1 -1 1 gov i-rninent shouhl deal with I, tin." "Lieutenant, 1 th.mli you," n luriu d tin captain, ll h more cotnp, sure, ei ure our royal pi Noin r vi 11. 1 h. Id you re sponsible for hi. safety. " It wa. la w that l a tain A-l.l-y hr-t seeined to t.iKo iioth o i f ti e :rl wla-n, U had re.i-uid. Spritiglrg to la r :d,. ills regarding the preseiii-e of his li!i, r. tin captain ela-ped her lu hi. arms. The fnlt.'iful All had. a. he .aid, ob tained the Itiform.-itl n n-i t-- the la ro il bout, i f the young KhglMi girl fr. m tin Serv.ll.t. of tho native irlli -o !-,, ivltl, out i eei tlon. lialed the t r.mnleal ilesi., t it .... i .. .. i : . ...... t.i .,,1,, Bllk.' -ll ll I 'io on; tain t. elleet the re."ao of M. Ill, tel. ford l-v tering tlie id,,,,!,. n r,.,, f, r '. , lt that If his masti r eoiihl r, a. h tho sid.-1 t tho young lady he eoiild t I or r ii. the fury of the rajah until hN ...,l.-r could gain an i and co-no to hi) support. led. ;y th-i ha pleit Woman In India Is the young Ifo of the captain of dragoons, while the rajah of .1 udpore has I eeii de' posed from hi. high rank and to pay mi enermeU. sum f. r 111. amlueltv In ab ducting from her home an i:i,, '.:.':i I v -Omaha World-Herald. t Who IVeume no Archbishop. Year, ago n young m.m entered i'.(- r-l college, l'.t gland, ai plyi: l,ims,;f to tho tu.iy cf tlnsdogy. Mtialeiiiy lo ill-,-,. J-eanil and was ( t s,vn a.: o:, f. r several Vcars. when he ntcnad a -a ll t : the . , i hgo. IK- gr.:du.-,tii!!:ut:-e h:gl.e.t l-.-n-i rs, entereil the ,-htircli and r -o to the dignity, f .-,:. ar.-lih;..op ,f ,tk. M.,nv were tl-.o sts-.-uhi;!, i.s ,-o,a,r: u-.; his '. terlousiiivipicaran.e. It I, t, that coin, cident 1 :s ,, ; ar.ore a da: u. crs-dr "Piv.ind lu t;. Me,!!!,rMiM,!i, who wax laid tho .a',; ., f ;i i ..u,, t, In a f.-w ..,:, la , ,;n.H. ., u:u: u-o aiuoi.nt i f trcasaro in a i!,s,rt -l whlea 1 o made his h.-.oh;uartors. Hero ho roi-aalv.M with bis f, ll, ,rs. !,.llv,i.g th.-m at Itu.rvaU for the ,-, mimny , f ..woman who as tho partner of ,. -h , ,,,(, day l.e el, d, ami Imn ..lia-.-lr the treasure wn dn , ,.;1 ; - ,., , ,Os; ,-rs, , f-!iert:y a::, rwr.t.1 the y, Upk- ,.,., ,,u;0 Ills roa; ; care o at Ovarii a ., student HitislHirg ii. Mi Meslil 11,,. 'M.t. An Fi gl:.a w r tor , ,. tish r--tu.!:e!.,tl -n I. : ; .' ..;,., 'oa l:'o I in - ... j , ., x "Ve..' fc.l, he. :: : m ' nult.iua ra:-:. , :,n.l : . ,.-r, . , , . .. ur.'U s!t Hu.heil ami . x; !., .... d i h..; ' .Vio mrsnt tbo p et, U,, i , i ai: i i.i:itK .s'i ku!'I-- j j,-litli.tiv.n ir.Ki. Ill'' du tcle,rai!iic corn'oiidcncL. ol t ,. im 'ooi.t. tini-i I'leafiwt r. Hla.-'t r fri !- r- Utiveiol t'. tlirc orc or mor-i lem-in i. w:,.arc i nr'- red n th-1. r-'" it ire! It,...- -i ....!' 1 th- i a-' ' I "'" '' 1 w: '-ii a :" h . .I I r a ! r til i-s-.-.l h'-r. I: o i 111 l-Xlo i l t'i !l. I" ' a'or t'.iric." ) ' ' ,.,,.-e., uf in ' fatter, tint: . . I lie ilill 11" ,i.e, lit llif- iiMcl libit v.-r. tli it Sen- i ol. I nun. It n m Harmon, too, U o:.l.'' f i:r i to - V 'ii it oiiiiiittce ctii Ii. t-i.-c .ti.'l li.iV :-'-. 1 1, re.- i !i -r 'ii. 1 1 .11, was alloui.l .lismisscd out- uf t a cw .l.n -." (I i!!o ; . 11- .". l.C" IjttWC-t n til'.' ft-:i .!..! h m i.v I"' that the lb tvir.- I fe- '"' :i--::isl the latter .. lMt ', ... uiu.i r.-o ninl navi(;:i t;..n." r'.;'.ireil si..ial asci-tance. 'l'la- -elll'or :i -'-.ireful, llOWCVlT, ii . in i-iinlny iii-ire help than was r. ,..tftj !'.-r tii" work on hand. II .; - oi t',c lk'i7 croji arc htin . ..iir t- l l r in W lehiiijjton for Ii.. hi- ;i .ouui with part pty t in a Ivati.f fr cultivation aid , i. kin.-. Tliis i mi indiciition oi (..!. r lino - it'n-.i 1 for the hop j f i or. i'l.c ti.i til. led native horn houk uf ( r --.'ii ai.- C ru II Walker, i-f Aio tn v. ai.-t Ca i mi J 1 H tiray, o' A.'oiii. Tl." f inner was horn on I b . i in lu-r 7, 1 "i.'i"., ntid the lat t r .fi M in-li -J'J, '1 I t tir-t loll ii In du((d in the I ! i!i li L'i-l.iture hy a w. man rep i ii t'lv .:m tiiiind ut the high l:io itrc hat. I', i- 'iied thai Hun Kiiis'! r 11-no u ii, ieprc.-"i.tative in run if - th" lii-t Oregon district, . i i i,t! i la'e fir c(itiiiiiiMion"r of thoti' I.tudilliee. Mr 11-r-in iiiii's t--rin us cmij;riMliail (X . t. - on tin- l:li .riixi.iio and hh h - and Major Mi-Kif.ley were ood li :. ii I- In ll they were l- aio. s j,i 'he huUse, h'' 1113V FtUl-c-,,1. Ti." I. .:, i.-ratii- tnctiihcrs of the I . '-I .t in- arc in initvi-tj ri'.-p.iii"i-I I" l'.t. the hold tip, says the I..rt hi d i -iii. 'i. Keprcsentative Kil w ii to I'li-.I luth I'.ictintis at the ' tit that i !is:n v.-r otj other incin-I.- : s a i -.v ri d t!: roll call, the Im.r !.- h i. r.i'.s vcnlil hi- in their scats '. i t: ...k .- lln- rtij'iircd tjiiuruiii. If il." n j.ijLli - t us want io organize . 1 I'.cy have tit tl-1 is t.i drive in I i- ; ulil.c.i'..-i. 1 1 v i..h ..Hi r in ( irogaiii I'it v . :, -Itt r '-.r.ijhl in a saloon, thc r i t ii'lo r ph. i c of :tnuisc:i tut, d r ii.o I, t-xci .- in the p.-i for- '' ' ' "I In duly ur I'.tr drinkn i y ! 1. 1 "i 1 1 1 i ; . 1 1 i 1 1 4 liijuur or : ..: to any t mi" in any pnKlic 0,-- sll lii I.I- (liseh;ir",l'.. No p i . -. r sh ill - licit or receive -1 !f on ,ri at . irtii'-) or cii-i!e i .i :i v Hi-! ii- -is, mi penalty of li--.! liiri'.' il :Keiy fired out of the . .i-e. :i--i proof it, the door iicracy ! " 1 ! m il Pi. dor the prc.-i-nt ''"-tii" i" liirnix i" i hy the election a- a:ii :i:, at I'.intiirlicr, of Jir 1 '' ih'T, in ecocntric liuliviiliial. n l.o !,.,. I,, ale n ..,t!i h.s utln-i-lic I -I "pptll tlllii-t. Ifihav-eai ill. I., I ! i 1 1 rciiicr is si con v. -it to Mh:mih- 1 1 1 1 ; -1 1 1 and a iiieiii'u-r oi i ;. iu iiii. c,....-il ( p.osjrL' s, il. on In -;ti.-i:lly ho g, en pr.istr.-Hii, h 'H-' '"I tl-" p:ii':i."i,t lici'.,re the llof i !' Ville at Hour-.-, htioiv ' I'"' r.r. ; l.o .i-rfoin;s his nbhiihuis -' -' 'I 'fly in the bin r,., ,,,,,1 'i. ii' .i s intention , ( ihiina the - 'oi- I. ii it;: ih tin- St inc at !'.i,-s,'in lire iron kit'.' Cirne jic, wh . !,.,. I o n i ne of i he c i f Uwl- ' 1 d lii turrets on a i , , r ,,f 1 r. d ie. d tanli on t.u ,. tA I a- iidiai,. id the price from 1j to i - p"r i .i, on lucotmt of an in- t' -i-d d- mai l?. Yet we do tint '"' " on increa-it.i wages. The proil'-,. ,-rs of the coiintrv pay trih "''' t- the IVnnst lvaiii'i iron kin-x. I - ' 1'iN rs on tho faun, j n",, i ''"! ii i.I workshop, p.u- ,i,u "'il'ioe. Vet there arc men who I rtt, i,d t,. lavrihere ena. tiiient 0f t 0 -M t w ill' iiit'ii-ure that ivonhl "'i "' sole siv.ll his already vast luiMiii... (;,,.. prolictii'tn to ''- li ailli , 1 1 :oo: de clerk l.u.sin.- i th, " - .fire this se-si.m is covered i:i' '' 'liiuinp il,t pnlixt-s Mr '''" tl, -I name. They r,'a ''- A r i: ' 1 ' as the case ru n- I,... i '"' ': ' '" ''"V"r ''I' the'ftct of fa. ! "-- 'cot e.,iU, ,, L.e.j.i.,. " !" 1 " ''' !"i"ti tint lhoV "'lt "'' " thoe.tpit.,1. Not ;'''' '" are ivotthy ,-:.. '' --t ::s the m;,l, ,, x ,,u, hi, K" ' nr ;-d!v unMiitai ;,. ' ' '' '"ll.especidlf :t. ,h--,,- i. : th it .. .v; ,,.,; j t i ,t( i ' " , : 'i:"1 !l "'-in.' -ir .1. .i , . ,',V';,!-;,;,V ij - and d -rvn ,,,.,, -', ' " 'title-1 t-t ,.;.-.. ' " ' 11 h " ti" t'i ..I. V. -., ( '' - ' "' '' I'-ld ..;i r ?- ,v . JIc( I.I N(j mi. ItANHKtl.. Tiie KegUter printed tho follow ii'i? very pointed article in iu , ... li-Mie: 'Jf ever 11 worthy tervuiit of i ... icop:e ot L ine county was haii i: ea":d in trying tn work fir i ,,. Iitst interests of hU '.oiistituciits u is Senator John II McL'hiti'', ,., de..ervt-.H tin; t'ondolfiiii.' i aij Lane fjuuty people, in that he ;. hanifsscti up with that man Im. er in the statu cenate chain! ur. h is hard enough for a man t w(,r,; through hits mcaHurea without v nig to tight against the bullhiaih-. ne.- uf hi colleague who, in u,e case of Driver, lias praftieahv dashed to pieces Lane 'ouu'v''. chances lor favorable legitdatioi, "From beginning to end Dr.v. r has proven himself to be a hum!,, ,, lie has personally antagonized ev. r measure or nearly every mcasuri; brought before the senate, whether it concerned him or not. He his made enemies not only for him-i if but for senator McClung uml f .r Lane county, at every turn of th roat!. Any fool ought to know that he has to be possessed of at least hioonftill of diplomatic alrhtv when he assumes the, . lies of a senator Kut Driver did.t'i know it, or if he did he was I m bullheadcd to profit by his knot. . edge. "All through thu June eatiip.L' i . . .it.. tlie management, nau mm (-instantly in tow and for a time it as thought he would exercise it little intelligence; but no. Just tl... ininuie he reached the st-nute cli.uii tier he slopped over and be b i been sloppint! over for nigh tnr.t -10 days and 40 nights, making m uhomiuable ass of himself, huilioj i his county's chances fir lavoraii legislation, biindicapping Seoator McClung, and making many .., those who gave the obi man th.-n suiport heartily ashamed." Secretary Gage is ilercrihtd .1- a democrat in priuc'plo, but a r. publican in prac ice; a free r from conviction, hut 11 protci li 1 i.-t from policy. The supreni" c o.i. t of Olii.t in sustained tin' inh'ii'.ancc tax hm. Thi-t is a source ol revenue shoiihl h utiliz ill every s!iif im derate and well adjusted lax ! this kind isct.iircly fair und jo-t. It is I'. iiv time f .r one or 1 :i other ".-plits" in the leu -lot. ll e 1 Salem to tit a-Iiaui'd id il-ell niol jive in It il Mi'l niatlcr : 1 1 1 1 - ' i which lit ",, I-, j They ii'ii illy "give in" v i ircii'-ily. Thi.s t-:otl of the ! ; J iattir" nny be an ex -"plain, j 'I'll" J ' J tl I i -1 h "i-l it lire ov. I- :i U'a ft" s.. ttiti w ill nut In- such a ' a i 1 1 hi t u )-! the .-tale uf ; r a'l i. ., kee-ts Up tlie record for ed-'I! "iv thus tar iimue. .Numerous m.-i-- lilt-.- l i cut iltiwu ex; en-t s been pas-ed othci.- are il'g. tilt' peo-i- Due o oi,r eeh:i:ig' s Verv einly ,-i-erts iat t ,,. jh" ,,,,,. joy in tl." reform i,e'. paper oil) over oil" sinner that .:ns iii il- vanec and abu-es the idit.-r every occasion, thanlhe nitielt alol ' nine, who htrro-.v ti.e p.-. per aid ,-il g his prai-es wi'hout eot.tnti . 1 tii g a cent. A nung man over tn-iir t'o' i'a !l:is week was en-rusted with i I'.v to lirinj home a g..od f .011,0 j S"tving maehii.e. Tile hopeful -oi I'linitd i U'a neighbor's dau-''ite.-j married her and took her lo n e. declaring that she was the best hitlilh M-wint; m.ichitie that he cotlld proem-,., '1 he "X' r lys, when npplie ! t t liie heal to Incite bullet.-, -ire lollinl to prodlii-e I, 1 1 mess. is hard on the sufferer, hut iiiny prove n blessing in disguise to the army ot heautv doetori.. whosliotild promptly anifuince the "X"-rav remedy ',,r th,, removal of femin ine beards. It is reported that a new law firm will open lnt-iiH ss in New York cityshortiy alierthe-lih of March to consist, of I'resiiletit Urover l-'ievt hitid. Seer, tary of the Tieas ur J (! (.'arlisle ntid ro-im tstcr (iencral Wilsim. The same on thoriiy says that this distinguis!,. d firm is to he th,. 1,,1 a,,.r ,,. the sugar ttu-t. It tuigiit he a g i ,1 plan f-T it." seeieiary of t l,e Haw t have ali he r cks and r. els iihuig the cas' I"!'' "I this country lejihl, lahi h-d lor the j r ttefit.n of US cruisers. 1 he cumii.and'-.s ot.n p, . U!l ild" oth-rwis- '.. ;l ti r thetv-.-'vf "t the exi-l.-n, ,. ..I- m., Ihint- - ll" by the ,-rud" -nd disastrous ti-t ,t '"'bll ' Oi,l.,,-t. li" v tr;o i- i-..i1m:f,sions ami the "'t l' :iiie pr.'t.-.-tnr's office i"e '' '' ' ' r.,ti,. MieiiniK. nts ' '"' : ; ' i' ofh "hold-t:i" of ' 1 ' . . i 1. L-islatiire two ' will hold Oil f"r iu ease the t.r et '!. r t.. '''"' '' org.miz'. T le v '' ' "I ' " " r -;V, !,a i. v r. '" '" i" ...,il .I.!,. 1 1 "It ' I 0 lib lis. a