The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 13, 1897, Image 2

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I. L. OA Mr SELL, Praariator.
Am lutarraili.a; t'ollaetlun of llama From
IHm T If anilaptiaraa fraaant-si
In at f oiol.naaai foriu.
The On-ut Northern west-bound over
land piu-scnger train u wrecked near
Weiiatcheo, Wash. The wreck was
cunsisl by t)m spreading of the rail,
nrnl ihn entire trHin left thft trm k.
Koine of tin- coaches went over a twclve
fix it embankment and landed on their
ill)-. There were about thirty people
in each coach, hut almost miraouloualy
n one was k i ) l- I , ami only throe per
sons wcru painfully injured.
Th IVnrisylvuiiia state cnpitol him
been destroyed by fire. The legislative
hullx aro in ruins ami a new structure
must rio from thrushes of the building
that has served ua a meeting place of
tho Mute legislature since l,82. The!
flames within the ahmt apace of an
linnr, lite up l,fiOO,000 worth of prop
erty. Tim inefficiency of the Hams
burg volunteer fire department i n -cr.illy
A special cablegram from Frankfort-ori-the-Main
to the New York I'ost says
tliat tliu Jterlin committee of holder of
Oiegon Hallway A Natation Com-
puny 6 per rent Isimla Iiuvo received a
jMiint hiil of l.'i from tint Northern !'
cilie anil Northern rail mini com
panies for all the stock of the hallway
& Navigation Company represented by
them, the purchase price to he payable
July 1, with 9 xt rent intcrft. The
Mil i it conditional on ltd nreptaiire by
ut leaxt :l,000,0(IO of xtiH k. It is u n
derstissl the, Union I'ueillo will also
Imimiiihi interested later in the pun haw.
The commit tec recommeiiileil acceptance
to the bondholders.
Uenrgo Kdwurd Ilutler, the iiiohI
noteil I'liininal of late y rum, Ihih just ar
riveil in Han Fruiicieo on thcHwuii
liild.i from Australia, lie wu iuime
iliutely arrested by Australian tlctco
tivc ami will bo taken bark to answer
to bin iiiimeroiiN crimeH. lie in known
to have killr.l ut h unt twelve men, ami
it id said bin crime may reach forty.
Ilia rolil IiIimhIciI nu t IiihI wax to insert
an "iid" in Australian paper for a
proH't Iiik partner. When hefotiinl a
man that suited hin ptirM.o be would
lure him to Home desolate Hxt ami
there request llilll to dig. When the
tiiiiiiectiiig victim would have dug
deep enough in the earth, llutlcr would
comu behind him, ami either "limit or
tab him. lie would then rob him,
bury the body In the newly made
grave, destiny nil truces of lux crime
ami return to the city for a fresh vic
tim. Ilia erimca show that lie wax ut
terly devoid of any sense of bumaiiity.
It ia understood among Munchuctt
licpuhlifuii that ex-Congressman John
1). I sing baa been tendered and hiix no
ccpted the ollho of secretary of the
navy In thu incoming adiiiiiiixtratiou.
The Chinese New Year in San Fran
riwo wax a ghMimy festival. No fire
cruckoi were discharged, the edict of
thu chief of k1 ii i oilivcly forbidding
uuy noisy demonstration. A high
liinder riot wax feared and many su
jiiciuiix diameter have been urrcxted
by the pull.e.
A Washington special says President
Cleveland haa decided to veto the inimi
cal ion bill passed by congress. He haa
disclosed hit inteiithina to Senator
l'aluier. The chief executive will uc
uoinpany the veto with a strong mes
sage Minting out the alleged ccocntricl
tiea of the bill. The president ix very
bitter in hix denunciation of the bill.
A lleilin dispatch xaya thu eontt ut
M.iyenoo haa condemned l'ercy Hur
tholoW, l ulled State consul ut that
place, to pay a tine of SOU mark for as
aultlliK and xcverely Injuring un ill
mute of hia house by ilrikinu him on
tho head w ith a revolver. The uxxuult
wax committed in Oetols r last, and in
November it wax rexirted that pro
('cedilla had been ahalidoiicd llxin his
vcttlinK with the mini privately, but
thix iipix'tired not to have Is'eu tliocaso.
V. ('oiircrsniiin .tallica Wilson, of
Iowa, bax announced his acceptance of
the cabinet poitfolio recently tendcreil
bint by 1'iesidciit elect McKinley. Mr.
AVilxou in un interview x.iid: "It ia
true I have U'cii invitisl into l'rexident-t-lei't
Mi Kiulev'a cabinet. 1 have ac
cepted. That ia ull there ix to nay
Klxitlt the matter." It Ix generally
known that Mr. WiUm will lx xeeie
tary of iiKriculturc, ho having wiii-d to
Senator Allison that that portfolio
had been oflen-,1 and insvpted.
Attoi iiey-dencial II. union ha k'v,'
lnstructieiia t the I'nitisl Statea attor
ney ut Jacksonville to proceed agaiuxt
the iillcK'cd lilihuxtcr Three Fncinli,
under aection i'lVt, of the reviacd xtat
iitcx, for en(jain in an net of piracy.
The uitionlx taken by the attorney-:
general in view of tlm recent divisioa) !
of Judiit Ii, -ke, of .l.icksouvilU, whica I
held in rtT.vt that the t'uban inaur-'
(Tenia were not a people, atate, ilixtrtct, !
or colony w ithiu the ineaiuiiK of "no
tion fr.'.1-;) ef the iavise.1 xtatutcx, un
der w hich the lihcl waa luought. In
other woids, that the exslition in
wliieh she Has dig ig.l wax not a po
litical iie. 1
A house k de-troyed in t'hin-
town, l', by tiie, the hwa Ix-ing
In the neihd.boi hood of f 1 S.OOO, w ith
ciy light insuiance.
One half of I'io famous Naglee bran ly .
of San Fi.meix'.i, 1ms Urn xtiipped cant
'li route to Fuio. Thia biatidy be
longe.1 to the estate of Ueneiul Naghi, ,
who made pai t of it in IMU, and waa (
the propeily of his daughter, Mia. Kob
bins, of San Jose. The shipment con
xtcd of acvui cai loads. It ia probably
the moat Valuable thipintnluf In
iver made fiom t'alifoinnk.
Darranl Ballanaa Hallar laavMBt.
Ban Franeiaco, Feb. 8. The anpreme
court of California haa handed down no
decision on the appeal of Theodore Dur
rant, found guilty of the murder of
BIiiikIk' Lamont tweuty-onn imfnthx
H. It ia understood the apix-ul haa
not yet Ijeeil colihidered by the ailpreini)
Juxtii'ea, bat many iittorneya Ixdievc
tlm justieex will grant IJiirrant a lo w
trial. So many inixrtunt civil ciuu-a
have precedence over the Uurrant cawi
that it ia aaid a diidxion will not be
handed down before thu end of the
In an interview today Durrant ex
jirexwl hia Hvinpiithy with murlererj
Iluth-r, "hH-uuae the llowxpapcrH ure
hounding him," ux he said. Durrant '
expreaoea hia Ixdief in liuth-r'a inno I
Wublagtoa llaa faaaad a lugar Houot;
Hill aad Oragua Hhould rullow.
During the past six or eight yeura it
hail tx-en, ami ia, the dexire of cities,
town, vill.fgea and the country at largf
to aei'iire the erection of beet migar fae
Uirie. There are two factoriex in Ne
braska, one In Utah, thru- in, California
arid an additional one ulsmt to Ix- er't
el. All the ahove atate ofTered a bonoi
of one cent x-r pound on the linislied
pnxlunt to eneouarge capital to invi-t
the necessary amount required to build
and equip a fair-xized factory. A few
duya ago Senator Houghton had paused
a similar hill for the atate of Washing
ton. The farmer throughout Oregon
should jx-titinn their representative
at Salem at once to pax a hill.
It will require the cultivation of from
11.000 to &.000 acre of land to supply
un ordinary sized factory, and with
a little over half covered liy ! l" l I" r mere ix a K'"'i iuiiii
Ilexidea the great liuiincial ' " wriner. hriim the prix-cd-
trig oi the tlnnl general convention ol
the Nebraska licet Sugar Asxix iation,
the Ix-et farm in that state nettel on
an average :,0 s r acre, which should
mean ". to $100 x-r ucre in Oregon
and Washington. The price to Ix- paid
the farmer in the bill passed by tin
atate ol Washington j .i ) r ton, an-1
the same provision should Ix- inxt-rted
in the Oregon bill.
There i lot of room for factoriex in
Washington ami Oregon. Upwards o
12,000,000 leave these xtate ahiniallv
for sugar. Just think what thix woul-l
mean, keeping that vast amount ol
money at homo!
The following ix tin- Wa-higntoii l.iu
in full:
An act granting a Ixiunty for the en
couraging of the prediction and inauii
fiieture of augar in the Htatu of Wash
ington: Section 1. fher shall li paid out
of the xtate treasury to any sts.hi, linn
or corsiration engaged in the
ture of Hiigar in thix xtate from I Is,
aorghutn or other sugar-yielding cano
or plant grown in Washington, tin
Hum of 1 rent x-r xmml upon each and
every pound of augar ho inaunfaeture i
under the condition and restrictions o:
thix act.
Sec. 2. o iHiunty shall Ix' paid upon
augur not containing ut least nil h i
cent of cryxtulied sugar, and only iism
augar produced from Ix-ctx that foi
which ax much as f.'i sr ton has Ix-cn
paid to the prislueer. The quaiitilv
and ipialily iixu which said Ixiunty ir
claimed shall be determined by tin
president of the xtate agricultural col
lege, with whom ull claimants shall,
from time to time, tile verilied state
ment allowing the quantity ami qual
ity of augar manufactured by them nmli
the price paid the prislueer for hccl
and the amount of migar manufactured
ii m ii which Haiil bounty i claimed.
The president of the agricultural col
lege xhall, without unnecessary dclav,
visit or cause to Ih visitiil by such Hr
aona ax he shall designate in writing as
iiiXx'ctorx, the fai'tory where said xugai
ha been produced and iiianulHctured,
and insK'et the sugar so manufactured,
and take sue h evidence by sworn testi
mony of the oilleerx or employes of suel,
factory or others ux to the amount and
quality of sugar so uuiuufactured and
the price paid for the Is-eis, ux to him
or the person designated by him shall
appear satisfactory ami com lu-ne.
Sir. !). Whi'ii uny claim arising un
der thix uct i tiled, M'l ilied mid proven
to the satisfaction of the president ol
the agricultural college, a herein pro
vided, he xhall certify the xanie to tin
auditor of the state, who xhall draw n
warrunt iixm the xtate treasurer for tin
umouiit due thereon, payable to tin
party or parties to whom the x.iid sun:
or oitii are due.
Set", i. F.very person, linn or cor
point ion manufacturing sugar puiu
ant to the provisions of this act shal'
keep full and complete hixkx of ae
count, which shall show the quality
ami kind of sugar-producing plants re
ceivtsl by xtich pcrxon, firm or corpora
tion, from any rsoii, tirni or corKia
tiou, the iipproximate per cent of sac
chaiinc matter contained in such plants
the name of the grower and the pl.ici
w here the same wax gronu, also tin
quantity of sugar manufactured fiou
Hiich plant, mid the price per ton pair
Thrift, Thrift. Htiratlut to the producer of the plant.
Modexto, Feb. 8. Mis Hehecca K. Sin ft. The benelitx of thix act
McMatinux to. lay attended her sister's shall accrue to uuy hisoiix, firm or cor
funeral, and on returning from the xiration thai ahull erect and complex
cemetery wax married to Henry II. a sugar manufactory or inannfactoi toi
II ay ex. The biide ix 15 year old and I within the xtate prior to Novcmlvr I.
the groom 35. lloth live in Oakdale ! l!''.h and the Isuintv herein tuov
Proposed Cuban Reforms Re
ceives Royal Sanction.
M...ura to Ha AcllvatT lrf br
.(...rr fonr-ttix Vola Could fopullala.
Si Ha Mu.irr.n. : The jI((it pbx tion bill U a tnfarare oi
Tl,.. loir.t a-.-mhly of the Oreg..,, ,i,iri.,te imix.rtaiifie that will IxS FOUf Schedules
Mature for the of electing iJo , B,.,iT(.iy ujx,n the attention 01
til T
s could
it. S
!.:. to
Tha llafurma C'ao.UI In tha I rllou of
Ani,Mf I" Bx t alien i"a
rira at Hall I. alia.
Fait Lake, F. b. 8 Fire lat night j
destroyed the Seott-Auerbuch building, :
on Main street, entailing a loss of
loxa, there Were xeverxl liccidentx that
narrow ly exeaM-d Ixdlig fatalitie. Klec !
triciun Vail, of the fire department,
came in contact with a live wire and
fell from the third story window of the
building, but fortunately came in con
tact with a network of wire, which
broke hia fall, and though he dropx-.
to the pavement with feurful violence, :
it wa with lessened force. Misa
Smith, a riximer in the building, wua
rescued by Axaixtiuit ('hicf Donovan,
from the rxf, whither she had been
driven by the pursuing smoke. j
Tlia Hubonla riaaua. I
Calcutta, Feb. 8. The India conn-
cil hai Just passed a hill hxiking to the ,
U-tter prevention of dangi-ronx cpi- j
denica. The main provixiona of thix i
bill call for the detention of vchscI un- j
til au inspection ia made, the system
atic ('lamination of railway passengers
and the creation of camps ami hospital
for the isolation of diseased 'ranna.
Dulrng the course of thu dixcussion
Juhu Woodburn, the revenue mem
ber, auid that Hiirgeon-Oeneral t'leg
hurn would inform the Venice confer
ence tbat the bulxinii; plague wu en
tirely due to local condition, urn! that
it waa not directly insect ioua or con
tagious. Itruwnrd Whlla Rkallng.
Nebraska I'ity, Neb., Feb. 8. Five
children, in age ranging from ft to 10
yeaia, broke through the ice while
kating on a xmd on the Iowa side
across from thia city last night and
Were drowued. Three Ixiyx belonge.l
to the family of (i. W. (libxon; one
hoy to the family of I'Iiimuux (libson,
and a girl to J Mcilvanc. The
children failing to reach their home
at thu accustomed hour, search wax
inatituted and their hut found flout -lug
on the edge of the si., where u
mall bole had been broken through
the km. The IxHlic were found close
together, all having gone down at
once. The parents me prominent
fannen in thia section.
Two Inillaus llrowiiit.
The Dulles, Or., Feb. 8. John Wib
liauia and Jim Water, two Indians,
who were fishing for sturgeon in the Co
lumbia river, drowned ut II o'clis k
this morning. The accident ix-currcd
at the narrow, three mile above here,
where the current i very swift. An
Immense stingeoii got hold of their
line and swung the boat across the
current. The boat wu upset and the
whirling witter soon carried them dow n.
A 9 year-old Ihiv who wa with them
munuged to reach shore with the aid of
thu oar from the boat, and told the
story. The Ixxliea have not been recovered.
Ilia llaail Waa I'riishail.
San Francisco, Feb. 8. A horrible
accident iH'curred today in Smith's cash
tore, on Market street. John Tropp,
a carpenter, wu instantly killed, hi
head being almost torn ofT. Tropp wit
working between the second and third
floor on a projivtion. A the elevator
wu descending from the llfth Hixn
Tropp lliiuxt hia head into the shaft.
At that moment the counterbalance
came up und struck Tropp iu the face
crushing h im iu a frightful niumier nud
Heal ly dirapitatiiig hint.
aine. a
scheme i
tirute deei
Pages of t
.1 i'i f"
,c l-le
I . Olio II ef Aitiiillii'TxIl"".
Ilid, Feh. X. T1,C :eeM regent
reform" in ' 'uba. 1 he
liuunrou-' and elab
I ill -ei y st-veial
,,1 gletf.
'I'I... r.-f. .r ii, - c..,-l-t c n.-tly 111 U.e
creation of an ..--.-ii. i .1 y t" be calle l
the enuuel of a l;inni-t ration, com
)sed of thirty-flv" n,e:ul..'i , of whom
twenty oii,- a-e f !" e. .-t.-d by tic i-o-phi
it ii I s.x by '!.i!eient coipoiatu.i,.
The rema.ri'l'-r will I '"' m.i.'i-l i.ite,
one urn v. r- t v pioie-.-or, one arelil.i-hop
und live f..rne r -e,.,'oi- ,.r depute-.
The ei,i,i,. il "f a liiiiin-tr.itioii is i-m-
JXlWered. l.r-!l.V. to piep.lie a I lldget;
secondly, to examine n to tin- Un.-s of
official iipi'.in'- ': thud, tle-y make
may a t.intl. -.bjeet to the condition
that .-p.ii.i-h rnl-'it" will h ive the ad-
VUIlt.'l'e o, r the gelieial tariff.
The g,,veiii,,r-geier:d will o pi nt
the I, nine government, and have the
right to nominate ol!i, ial- who shall he
Cuban-, or Spai.i-h w ho have n-nh-l
two year in Cuba. Never 1 1 . -1.--he
may freely nominate hi.'li function
uries, such as Inagi-tr.ite-, pi, feet-, etc.
lit her decree concern the organisa
tion of provisional muni' i a I it ie- w l. icii
are to be liberally iepn-ei,tat i e. The
municipal council' iu t''-i;eial w 111 b
eniKiwered to cha t their -l ---l-l.-nt and
have exclusive colitod oi the uhlic
According to another decree tin- gov
ernment reserve to it-. lf extr.'.oi Mi
liary powers iu the event of ai y dis
turbance of the public older, and Cubt
Will continue to elect .i-naloi ;,l. i dep
uties to the cortex a- at pre-, i t.
Altogether the lefollll a!" Ill'l'll
broader ill the direction oide, , i, tial. na
tion than tho.e granted to 1'.,, to lin o.
The xiwers of the governor g. n r il aic
much extended, While the council of
itdministratioii i fail ly ii pn v ii' ttivo
of all parties and iutoiv-t-. The pan
isb government will continue to vo:.
the budget and treatu .'ortre 'ol
onies. Spani-li pro Iu. t-, accoi.hng tu
the reform scheme, will b-all"idil
rebate of 40 per cent of the ( ub.ui larilf
compared with other iius,it-.
I'liited Mate senator at noon vi.-iiies-
to naught. lies .mioo.,.
only g-t forty no'iiihi rs to
that It .oUl'I te nu-
f,,rty-ix, the rc-
d niwiiher, a roc.- w.n taken un
:j0 iu the evening, hut the liU'ht
M-sioti i.'Ve!"pe'l ln cnange.
S naior l: 1 tried to g.-t a state
ment f'"" Chairman Hiowiiell us to
which house wa participating in the
n-emhly. lirownoll woiil 1 not say
and Ih-ed walked out of the room, leav
ing only thirty-nine preotit. Of the
l;, noii "lioii-e Lake was absent.
The seii-atioii of the convention wax
the action of Senator lla-h-tine, who
w.ts c,,i., -l.-r.-l one of Mitchell' warm,
i-t mpport.'i. ll i-h tinu wan present
when roll was called. lie did not
iin-wer to hi name, and the chair
a-k- I him if he wi-hed to be recorded
a pi''-"iit. IIaeltiiie said:
".Mr. i'je-i lent, there i no quel ion
in my mini as to the illegality of the
vote ye. ter. lay, it Ti -1 I tlicleiorc decline
to Colli'.' ill lit pre-et.''
K.ailltlun Iu l.tnis nr Ih-. I.utf of
San Francisco, Feb. S. The schooner
II. C. Walhutg, which, dm in,- the re
cent Hawaiian revolution, .ul,d out of
thi xirt for the Hawaiian i-lan l w ith
it car go of arm-and jiuiunn 1 1 nui for t lie
rebels, has been sold t-, ,-nt !y, and I
lining out for a more p. ,ic. ml ci mu.
When the Smith-, mi. in I n -t it ut ion
decided to send a n epe. it ion to explore
tht'Hiilfof C.ilitoiiua and it shore,
arrangement wen- i oininenced to pur
chase the lor the lle of the ex
plorer. The schooner i now titling
out for thi eiuic. I'io; r An
thony, of San Mien, will he in ch.nge,
and with hint will he Piole-,ir Mc
(iregor, of Stanford university, a bot
anist, and llcniv II. Ke.idmg, an
The cxpi'ditiou will be in the gulf
about six luoulli. and in that time the
explorers intend to vi-it Tihurn island,
that has fn-ipietii ly been reported to be
inhabited bv cannibal.
II on t In k M'lllnlrawa.
Ilepii-eiitativ,' Huntington, of Wa
co, on Thui-lay, gave notice that he
woiill withdraw ftoin further participa
tion. Thi i the lirt defection, and
now h ave but lb i rtv-eigh t meiiilxT
willing to elect a I'nitod Mates senator
by means of a joint a-scmbly. After
the roll-call Huntington arose and said
he de-ircd to explain his .ition. lie
thoiighl the lleii-oii hoii-e wa legally
ar'au;.ed, and accordingly he had
Voted last Tile-lay for u t'niled States
senator. lb-considered it his duty to do
so. The joint us-einbly h.i I now met
,ir the third ti , the roll had heeli
called ami no aniiouivnieiit of the result
had been ma le tioui the chair. lie
had voted for a senator on Tuesday, but
hi candidate wax not that of the bal
ance of theolg.llli.atioil. This COIIVell.
tiou wa being held in the interest of a
single candidate.
In vim of the situation he felt it his
duty to withdraw. He did not approve
of tin- iiietlnsls used in preventing the
o'gani. at ion of the house or delaying;
the Vote mi senator.
l;. j,r ntative Lake ha introduced
in the boii-e a bill to provide for the
appointment by the governor of u state
veierinaiy Wild of live, who shall ex
amine applicants for license iu much
the same manner as the medical boanl.
.Member of the Ward are given per
In lil, and expense.
Kepn-ciitat ive Soiuers has intro
duced U hill in ill" house amending the
pie-eiit luiv relative to the fencing of
railroad. It is designed to make it
nunc convenient for cattle to pass at
in thi county,
otllciatcd at the
The same minister j
funeral mid the wed-
Mlue HaguUtloit Hal Ailils.
Viincouv.-r, II. C, Feb. 8. The full
iMiirt of Hiitish Columbiii dis'idtsl to
day that the iMal mine regulation act
of I S',10 was constitulioiiiil. The object
of the act i to prevent the employment
of Chinese und other Asiatic under
ground in mine. Cp to the picsent
time this net ha been u dead-letter
law, the mineowiicr contending that
the act wa ultra vnes.
Illuou lii Atom.
snail ix pa hi Hani x'rsou, tirm or cor
ixirutiou for n criod of live year fron
the time such factories shall have been
completed uml in operation. This act
shall Ik taken mid considered to Iv t
contract and irrcvia'ublf w ith all suel
persons, linn or corporation as shal
complete the erection of such inainifa,'
tory or muiiufuctorie prior to Novcin
her 1, I MVHl.
Makta Mlrtlug a I'rtmn.
Jefferson City, Mo., Feb.
bill which wu intnvluctsl iu the
tislay bivome a law u ni.tme
w ho i convicted of intldclitv t.
-If I
I null'
War I-
Auburn, Cab, Feb. S. Word come ! '" Wlf'' h by it term
here of a terrible accident yestcrduv at
the fainou pioutvr gravel mine near
latunA'u. this county, formerly the
pioperty of the late Senator Fair. The
accident was caused by a blast, uml Su
Niiitciident Sullivan wax blown to
atoma and another miller killed.
I lah'a Naw Hanator.
Salt Lake. FeU 8. The deadlm'k
haa Wi'U broken, ami J. I- Kawlins
waa chs'tisl I'uitisl State senator on
the 5:d ballot. Thia close one of the
moat exciting political contest ever
held in the state.
Troubla at Johaunaahurg.
Umdou, Feb. 8. The Wtohc this if
termsMi say a rumor t current in the
city that H-riou disinrbaiufa have
taken place at Johannesburg.
Captain Thoina 11. ltiowu die. I at
ti home just south of Ashland, Or.,
agsl aWut e.t ye.tra. Mr. ldvwn waa
Well known in Washington, where he
w a I'uitisl Stati' nurahai during the
llarrixon administration.
There died at the reivlving hospital
in Sun Francisco a mini who claimed
to have Imvii of royal birth. He gave
the Hume of Kngeno de Dcauharuaiaj,
nd cluluied to have tsen a dicendent
of Kin pre Josephine, the first wifa of
.'iio)'eon. Ho also claluuvl to have
Veil au oClcvOio tha CoiifeJeraW !
Uarjf. i
tlra al Sa J a. t
a San Joe, Feb. 8. Fir thi morn-
ing gutttsl nearly a bnx k iu China- '
town, causing a losa of f lO.tHHl. It is
not known how the the originated but
It wa probably due to the New Tear'
cclebratlou. The building were owed
by U. Ileiiileu, and fully insunsl, Ins :
loa Ixlng I'l.lHlO to 10. 000. The
Chtm-ae men hunt lost heavily, and
generally there wa no insurance. I
Loudon, Feb. 8 A dispatch from i
kWuibay aaya the plague haa insje it ,
apix alamv a far north a auJ
M far south a Ujrilorv. 1
live year iniprisoiiineiit. Uenresenta
live IohhI has intrixluccd byreipiest .
bill which maki-s dining with fcmal.
iHisscnger on trains by conductors an.
brukeiilen a mis,lciue.irior and the i.ul
nad iMiporation will have to pay a tin,
of .'5 for each conviction.
Mauibar of a Xulclda I lub.
San Francisco. FeK 8. Hill Winkle.
once chief of pilice of Mai vsville, hit
terly a water-front employe, joimsl
hKMl suicide club la'jly and diew a
black ball, which Wuitd liim to column
suicide within three uiontli. lb- killol
himself lust night by asphv xiatmn.
Aa Klghl Vaar-Oltl l umlri.
Frankfort, Ky., FeK S .lames o,
Siiiletou, an S-yeur-old colousl ls,v,
wax nnviveil ut the pciiltentiaiy thi
inornlng, to nerve one year's scuwiicc.
Maw Anirlaa Sigurd.
New York. Feb. 8. New artic'.es m
place jaf tlnwe tlcatroytsl Julian h.t.
Iwit and sigiuM, which
that the big tight Coris'tt and
Flti-siinnion i for a purc of flJ.ooc
and a side N't of t.ViHKi a side Tin
new iiivutuciit ulxo stipulate that tl
f j.AOO which Fltij-iiiimoiix svt-. wnb
Al Smith some months ago w i to ,.
cotisidentt ' tirst, i
.sind of .'..'hh.i mut I
noi utter man rehiu.iry I ;. the
fulling to foifctt the uioiny now
Uk holder ' ban (g)
Arblli kiIiiii Trrxtr to io On-r In tt
Hmtloii nf i'liiigrans.
Chicago, Feb. s.. Tlines-I braid
spi'cial from Wa-hingtoii says:
The iimlei standing among senators at the general arbit i a! iou
treaty will come to a vote at this ej
sion of congress ,, ,. doubt that
it will be debated, but the opposition
. makes no seciet of n- intention to con
sume so much tunc in ,!i-l ussiou that
il vote cannot he rcn bed.
It will be an easy matter to do thi,
us the business of the senate i fa-i
reaching that stage in which there will
lx a great IMjglo for piec.-den
Already tl ie ti lend of the N icarajua
canal bill, the imtuigiation bill. tln
bankruptcy bill and other measures
are lighting for time. In a short time
the regular appropriation bills will
have to be taken up and they will di
place almost allothei business. I'uder
such ciicinustan, e it will b,- compara
tively easy to ciowd the treaty into the
background. Tin- sentiment of the
ate is generally against an open debate
on the treaty.
Tlura Kills.l In a ('1,.,
IVstnct. . D , Feb. . , mixed
train stand. i g eri a ,(.r a,
toil last evening w i- i m , .v .u,
gine going we-t. i !Ul t,,r i,i,tf.
.b'llll Lot'tUX
killed. Three
ton, Itrakciuan II, .-I
and Mr. Harrison
passenger. W. ,..
U lAiftns, of New II.,
H. tiritVmg, of IV snie
The aivideut Was the
cua; W.
. and S.
.1 dense
T.i.oiu.l. Feb. S A W 1.
stiotu, a fanner, Iu i:.g on .; ;,.
'-'.and. came home late .
a tit of anger tis'k .low u a : . ,
blew out the hum of ;, ,.
smi. When he saw ti e t. : i ,1
he had aci vniiplisli.-d. he ; ;,s ,
iii'.iile of toe gun o hi K
out b'.s own bra. lis. T... :,.
sai l to have staM.-l tr,. , ,,
causes. Corotn r lok.i h i-
sect c, and fin tie r ai u,'u!.,i-obtainable.
id r
1. li,
ie deel
"d the
11 1 blew
il'.'e 1.
in -Into
;e not
luillMtlva anit I left, re nil urn.
The following is the text of Senator
King's proposed amendment to the con
stitution the initiative and referen
dum: "Seel ion 1. The right to upprove,
leject and repeal state law s, or to re
ject or approve propo-ed state law,
shall n-t w ith a majority of the legal
Voter of the state.
"Sec. The right to proxie, reject
or upptovc. a the case may be, laws of
the state, shall, in addition to being
exercised by the legislative assembly,
re-t with a number of the legal voter
of the state equal to (and not less than)
? per cent of the vote cast at the last
piei i'dilig general election, held for the
election of the elliccrs of the statu und
count ics.
"Sec. :l. After th filing of Ftich
'titioii, the secretary of state shall
designate a date for the holding of an
l ie, Hon to vote thereon, which shall
not be earlier than ten months after
the adjournment of the last preceding
session of the legislative assembly, nor
later than one year thereafter; and no
law, or proposed law, shall be voted
upon at sucti election unless the peti
tion therefor shall have been tiled at
least ninety days before the date fixed
for such election. No election shall be
held for such uihiscs oftetier than
once in every two ye ns, at w hich time
all hills shall be voted upon that have
been petitioned for, and petition tiled,
w ithin the time reipiircd herein.
"Sec, 4. No net passed by the legis
lative a ibly shall become a law un
til six month after its approval by the
governor, except in a case of emer
gency, in which event the facts consti
tuting the emergency shall be stated iu
the act and the bill shall receive u
two-thirds vote of the members elected
to Kith blanche of the legislative us
scuibly; and within six mouth after
its approval a petition shall have been
tiled, as repined in sections S und 8
heiein, im election shall he ordered as
rcpiircd in section 'i for the accept
ance, rejection or approval of such law,
or propo-ed law; and if at such election
a in ijority of the legal votes be in favor
h law, the same shall then (and
'ecome of full force and
le-s than a inaioritv I...
in f uor thereof, the same shall b'oc'ome
void, provided, that if the petition
fed by the lcgisla-
been t, resent.
expiration of the six
nter the approval of the act bv
r. Ill the In. inner herein
'pined, siu h a, t shall not take ..T....
tvfoie the date of such election.
"nv. a. The lcigslative asj-ioiiLl..
of the state of Oregon, in
provided, may huve the
powei to provide by law lor more ctTect-
u i nil,- om an uie nrov s ons
the legislature. H lll e muiu-
pinned bv the Populist, and theydilir
its passage more r.erhiipii than any
other bill. It has been indorsed by the
Populist partv throughout the state.
The proislsed act relates to the ap-mintim-nt
of judp by county courti.
Its ,,licy is to provide for representa
tion by the three leading" partie on
election boards, und it i made obli
gatory upon the county judge to deaig
nate the p-rson recommended hy the
chairman of the respective centrul com
mittee. The clerk are to be appoint
ed in similar manner from the two lead
ing parties. The ap"intment ahull
be made on the first Saturday in May.
instead of in January, u ut preaent
The important section of the act fol-
l""'1 , .
"Sec. 3. On the Crt Saturday In
Mav preceding each regular general
election, the county judge ill each coun
ty in thi state shall appoint in each
pie. inct in thia county three judge of
election possessing thu qualification! of
elector. In every county the chair
man ami secretary of the county central
committee of thu three (xditical par
tics, which ca-t the largest, the second
large-t, and the third large number of
votes, resss'tively, ut the hist general
election iu tliu state for justice of the
supreme court shall each have the right
and are hereby authorized to proixwe
and recommend to thu county jurtgo of
auch county, in writing, the name of
one qualified elector to serve in judge
of election in each precinct in said
county, uml the county judge must and
shall apjHiint the elector so recom
moiled. In each county of thi state
the clniirinuti of the two political par-
tic casting the greatest number of votes
for thu justice of the supreme court, 1
ami the second greatest nuiiilier, re- :
s'ctivcly, ut tho last preceding general
election iu this state, may ulso on the
lirst Saturday in May preceding each
regular general election promise and
recommend to the county judge of such ,
county, in writing, thu name of one
qualified elector to serve us clerk of the
election board in each precinct in said
county, uml the county judges
ami shall appoint thu qualified electors
so recommended, if uny county chair
man ami secretary, as alxive provided,
shall fail to file with the county judge, 1
beforu the first Saturday in May imme
diately preceding each regular general i
election, thu name of the qualified
elector they recommend for judges and
clerk of election iu uny precinct or j
precincts in uny county in this state,
the county judge of such county shall
upix'iut said otlicers on his ow n motion.
The statu senate on Tuesday, by s
vote of 10 to 12, refused to proceed to ,
the election of a United States senator. I
The lienson house, with thirty mem- .
bius present, took a ballot, mid cast 29 ,
vote for John H. Mitchell and 1 for
tteorge II. William, of Portland. The
one vote camo from Huntington, of
01 th
Have Been Compiett
Practical! m Ea-EnaetnuM
MeKlnUjr Law-lheiulca, -au
rottarj and Ulaaa
Senator Carter has by request pre
sented tho following hill relating to the
free ferry ut ('orvallis:
"That tho county court of Benton
county, Or., is hereby authorized und
empowered to establish uml maintain a
. free ferry across the Willamette, rivor,
ut Corvallis, Or., and to accomplish
that end shall have the jxjwcr to buy,
I buil l or lease a ferry, grounds and
equipments therefor, or may in the die
' fiction of said court hire or employ
, other persons to furnish such ferry,
groundxaiid equipment and run the
same a a free ferry at ull reasonable
j hours; provided, that in conducting
said ferry it shall bo law ful for said
county court to prescribe rates of fcrri-
age to be charged customers for cross
, ing said ferry during the hours Ix'tween
8 o'clock in the evening and 0 oVliU'k
in the morning. Said county court ia
hereby authorized to do everything
j necessary to maintain said ferry ua
completely;! u natural person could do."
Here is a bill by Senator Harmon
that w ill be of interest to many:
i "Section 1. Any person r'iding or
driving any vehicle, whether such
vehicle is draw n or propelled by animal I
; or "tlier power, using any of the publio I
roads in the state of Oregon, when met '
by any other vehicle shall keep to the -right,
nud, when overtaken by any ,
other vehicle, he shall likewise k.-i.
right, allowing such rider or driver I
Washington, Fub. 8.T1,, i
.1... i I o
I -einiuicari8 (,j
mm means coinmutcc, which
, in I""!""-" some u,.l
I i. .1. . .U.. . itm . ...
i nrougin mu lariu lull, w,j(..
I .. I tv..f..r.i ll,u ..
, " w " ongri.(i t.
where the character of the niej,
no soiiit-wiiuv giiiigen uml ilerv
oi uie inosi iinxirtant s,-,,i.
.I..lill..lir ...! I. .1 ,
j ......... an ini-ir
up to huh wecK, tlie turiff-m,',
( neuu largely Willi tlie gea.ri
teristic of the Schedules u-i,,
have hud under consideration
, voted themselves to sifting t
massea oi ugures, letters an,
presented to them. K,11Jr J
have been fairly completed,'
i ical, agricultural, wine ami-,,.
.i ...i ....i ..i I'-
, lilt? t-uiuii-ii uimi giussware ifc-Jjp,
I Today' meeting was the &
jKirtani oi me series, lor it r
the f ram ing of the agricultural r
which was ninde a re-eiiactmra.
iiicmiuuy law, wiin lew cha-
cept on uiiimixirtaiit prodiicti
most iraiMiriint step In cuiinwii
this schedule was the -tahliah-
rate or fa a neuu on cattle nu,
l year oui, ami oi -'a per cem
oreni on cuttle valued ut tnorstl
i . . -
a nea, i.
The McKinley rates on otf,f,
stiH.'k, including the rate of t
tie of 1 Tear old or lex ... .'
. ' -1 rr..
The Wilson rates u-cr.. Ii, ..
... .-i
vaioreiu on iivesiiK'K, and,
new duty of $5 on cuttle loet
the McKinley figure of $10 w
more iiuin i year old, tt ii tl
with the ud valorem on them
uble grades, it will prove ad.
shut out Mexican cuttle. It ii
the Mexican stock that the ir
particularly desired, on the ret-
tions of WeKtein cattlemen tL
businesH lias been ruined by tL
tutloii Ironi .Mexico under tlie
law, which amounted to mot
200,000 head.
Much interest centered upuu
which the committee put bi
McKinley duty of 30 cents a bjt,
cause the farmers contended t
Wilson tariff had turned over t)
ket into the hands of the IV..
while the maltsters, who hart
using Cunmlian barley, have rJ
hard light aguinst any increase.
The McKinley rates have h
stored on fruitB and bcrriej, r
for the lienclit of the fruitgrw
the Pacific coast. The fruit eic
of the country had prepared i c'
of rates below tho McKinley hi
ulxjve tliu Wilson rates, ultWI
did not succeed in having theixJ
adopt oil. i
Among the products in thfri
turul schedule which are nt:
the McKinley rate nre brwJst!
rice, itairy productH, mu
starch, castor beans and flaisml
and incut pnsliicts, and poultrr
tuhles and salt.
The ileiiiiiiid of the fanners
McKinley rate of 4 a ton on
stead of the Wilson rate off
granted. Chicory is placed at I
pound, in accordance w ith the
of the growers in the central
w ho believe they can capture tin
market with protection.
to pass
Tba I'rohlbltlonlata Stlitsd I'ttM
of Banator Hill
Washington, Feb. . Tliew
the senate today was one of una?
tivity, with sharp colloquies as-i
ous siK'oches, which drew Urye
in the galleries. The ball wu
ing early in the day when Mor
deavorotl to pas the bill pre!
the use of intoxicating drink?
cupitol building. This arouse! i
IHisition of Hill, who ih'iioun
husylHvlii's and niischicf-nuk'
spiring this class of legislate
senator snoke for fu est filters
individual liberty consistent
common good. The spitvh '
only notable for the vigor li
threw into it, but also for it
prolonging the debute until U
when tho bill was displace!
ot s
t. but if
io pas ii un to the lctt, so us in both
lases io permit such vehicles
free ami uninterrupted.
N'c. 2. Any person who shall vln.
late uny of the urnvisionx ,.f i.; .. i Nienrnon,. liili TV... imiiiiiTi',:
.-..u ... mis oefc I f.- "i... .v p-
I was committed to conference,
j in charge of the measure,
I thi course asa result of urgent '
: for u modification of the bill.
this was done, however, a W-
soniil uml iHilitical collixpiy
! between Ltnlge and I harniiw.
! hand and tlorman on the other.
1 added another ihiv to his sii'h
i the Xieiiruo-iiii ,,iiinl hill. ani-
concludcd when the senate !
against any law pa
' asseiui'iv snail liavc
cd before tl.
Uie govern
mini oe uoemeii guilty f a niiwle
meatior, uml, upon conviction, shall ba
fined not less than if 1 0 nor more than
f 'O, or imprisonment in the county
jail not more than twenty-live duvs."
The senate committee on assessment
und taxation has under consideration
something like twenty-live bills, cover
i"g all phases of the subject. It meets
"l'"st daily for the of con
sidel ing thorn. Several of the bills pro
vide au entirely new assessment of law:
but Chairman Hii-hca thinks ti i. '
i has so far progressed that if will
idvisablo to attemnt to .. .
T-rr! U.W" A" ""''"I't.will prob-
-. ' ' " p-'w a special
ucsigue.1 io corrtvt the
Iiient code.
ion h:
present assess-
.t the ,-oph
the manner
I intent of this
total aplironriation f,,. I....:.i
... - .. ois a-
j eM ues u, ye.i,s since w us j5.
1 he r.enson 11(
at 2:30 Ma
Senator King's second unieiidment t
the toiiMittition provide fr the adop.
tion ot an"..!u,eis by the legis'ature
ai'.d their submission to the people. ,
a, so ).',, i.b- for the in. inner of siihnut.
tn a n. w coi. -minion to the n-icreu-
louse was called to ord.u-
""day, iiursunot . .
. i . .. .-eerai bills
' '"' I ana read.
i were in-
The Davi houw held a brief ..!.
i ' "","1' A usual ni.thim.w-a.
A ItoTliill.irT It til tia.l .
t.unii. X. Y.. Feb. v The u.v'.
loiiultoiv of the ti, ue-ee cs'iev'an
seiiiiua'y, a biuk luiild
was burnisi this motning. X!n loii Uiys in the btul ling
live Were lost. Hue student
junsl. A valuable library was
ed. Tic loss is f.'.O.ooO.
concurrent nsolu-
ui bv
re were
I tit IK.
was in-!es;rov. ,1
!e up in th,
HI :ha
I rmatura t. l,luu.
Towles. Cal , Keb. v A pieni.iture
explosion of a bla-t in i),0 1'ior , er
mine t.slay re.uU,s in the b.iih of
J. i-ullivau and Kdwaid IImuis.:,
. -
Sni.itor Mulk,
. on 1(,r in.K ;,
of the Cascade reserve
senate t inirsduv f,,r
ii j .,
' ll"-' -ift amendment for the
.Ac,,,,,,,,, of. M.t.000 a.-'m andiib,,,,,
OPlH'sed thef-fcii,.,;,;,,,.,., ,,, "
linal'ty nioVisl th it i' ..
a conimitt.H. ..
i... ... i . v x'
oo S.IOUI1 jli;
Two r.,6-
to ts-at the 1 .
Voiet u. Il af..
r.-sol (5. hi U' r. f, ri,-d to
I t to call lb.. .... ,
t"iT v f. ; , T;1 ,0 l'a.v uny at-
...,-v sou or u ... , ,
A Mhlnyard Hurufd
Glasgow. Feb. 8. The Mr
the Fuirlield Phiphuilding Ce
Dover, near here, has been si""'
pletely doHtroyed by tire. Toe
is estimntfil at $2oO,OHO.
Sand iH-rmois urn thrown 0"' '
I'url.r Arrsi.l' H
AVashini'ton. Feb. S. Tla'f'
I cut delegation this nioniitn! f
1 telegram from.?. Addison l'"'
Canton, formally advising tl"'
he hud 1kh.ii offered the jn.sitior
vate siHTotury by McKinley,
Official l'lafiis lUtora
Homhay, Feb. 8. A,voni"' ;
oflicial returns, there have 1J
date, 5,000 cases of plague
Tha tiun Hurt.
Iiosehurg. Or., Feb. v-""
lil-iii io.. tt-itt. n severe iici i'l''11 .
ing (Has, vftsenhiv. He
a Winchester cartridge with
powder as an exivriinetn-
shot the mrtridge. the gun
liH'If. x..i-.,rMl niece of IU'
'. lin
ed to re-
?!::iU Lot
n roii.i-i:. nr,- ,
Il,,ri r.s or I V.
twenty-four heura m
'il g to try
lead a.
A pin
-'0 a:i 1
n .i:.y a
at oue tiuio.
I'lVmiSM nm
otherwise bo im.
... ., " " T tllrn out
V,,;;::1 f"'"e Tories hay,
piece ol in
L , m . ..... .a.H-C l "
nun in tlie i ace. i "" (.
in the corner of the 1. tt
sight of that eye ,m ay l,n
Iu LiHiking Gla'S T
Cniw's iaw was dislocate"
being n
1 w-hiK
tempt was
' hia teeth.
1. :