The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 13, 1897, Image 10

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lk'lllllUMill lli'UH.
( i-lieu It. ins
for Infants ond Children.
vmiiMiil It MmjjK-rlr.r toimjr prist rljitl.ii
r h to mf." jr. A. A H' lii ii, M. 1' ,
111 1 1 , Hr.-okV't. V.
mo ff i""vt.i! Ii " huIiitaI ai.1
i i.ciiltf o V 11 lri"wri 1 Ii.aL it k-'ii ll work'itl..ii tn ii't'Tw It. in-nrc tl,..
vwUlfHit faiiiHifi Im d'i la-t las p Cwt-ilo
.lUiin -uy r..u li .'
C'-iuD UiurY, Ii. I'.,
y.,rk City.
('tirrla '-tr. r..!.-, f.'"nITtl"fi.
.,i,r ; '..iiiicli, Ii:irr!i'i",' ttitln.
fc.iii Worn.-, (,!. p, ttJ.J J '
j'. stl..n,
V.'it hi". I Irjurl.ttui iro-!l.-t Ion.
'l'"r -uY"llll 1 linni rt-rt.flifli'--
j.n.r ' l i t.,ii.,,' uii'l alwn t..i.lit
m i. ll I..J I'liurUlI inluwl Leu. i-r-.!,,lt-t."
ri,i r. I'ismc, m. r.,
I-V.h llir.s.-t ui.'J Till Avti., New York ( .'
Till Cl!Ti roi'4T, '
.Mi-rimy rinnrr, r Y'.m fir
Villi Jl fTLmrjrvm'l Ti,
Mre MrKinlf-y lutn rc'tici-teil that
no wino be "served ut tlm iiiinc'iiral
ball. Jn tliat ciim- tlicm will '
many of the urti:i :tii In wlm will
lmve to go out to ewi n man.
S)nin promin H rcfuruiH fur Culni.
Tlio only reform that will bt-
to tlii cutiiitry in hm- ibn
ing the ih1uii1 riixlcr tint M ar nw
ntri''H, cbe i" coni.iii hr iulc
jicndi'iiie. Tho li'uiHlaturo innv yet t-.ccuro- a
1 n or ii in l-efore tlm 'inl ol the
nion. Yi'Hk'nluy .IS were present
at tho joint convention, eiulit hort
of a majority, a fairi nf ono nine"
tho irct(linn day.
A prominent J.unr county n
jiublican, who clainm to Iiiivh r
cently rctirctl from iiftivf politii-n,
in doing n great (b'al of iravelinu t'f
late. Thin uin'Xihiinahl action
on Win jiart followcil by hi- myn
terioyw uiovoincntH in regarded a
very ntranni by bin fricudn,
I'ho h t to of Ortivm in paying
tho billn for n h (it-laturo that in
lightilip oviT tin- dinjiofal of a
United States ncimloridiip thereby
nogloi!tiii( neeiMiary buinlation.
Tho pnlty iiinbitioiiH of a few impi
rants are roHionniblt! for tlii-t oi
dition of alhiirn in our Hint') botn-e-hold
Tho hldien ol Chicago, nt least
Bomo of them, continue to wear
liigh huts at theatren rcgardlcr of
law. Kemalo deoorationn, or l.iek
of Mich, aro nlwvo tho law. Man
may ropoHu regulationn but in
powcrlehU to enforce. The tlu-ky
iiello of minny Africa, with u notice
able luck nml Hcantinenn of apparel,
or tlm flylih girl ot our t wn, may
bo relied on to have her own rwei t
way when millinery in the mbject
under diHoiiM'ioii.
Albany I Vmocrat: There n.isn
big dincu!ion in the 1' S Senate
this week over the bill to exclude
tho nalo of liquor from the capitol
building at WiiHliington. It
tibould eertainl v nann. The idea of
pormitting tlnnale of liiUorn in tho
capitol building in n ridiculoim on e,
oven if it hint been permitted for
years. Somo of the greiiteht din
gracen in the hintory of l)iit;i'i'-n
havo renulted from tho too che
proximity of the capitol bur.
Oregon hens nrt outdoing tie in
koIvcb juht now iilno the niarki '.
and fggn have dropped to 1" n ntn
per dozen at retail. Thin in not
oncouriiginp to t.u poultrym in,
but tho man who liken i-gg" '"r bin
brukfast each morning in happy.
Eggs usually retail at from to
150 cents per dozen ut thin sea-.01 1 f
tho year. The low prices will only
bo temporary, however, uf the in
creased demand which in sine to
follow w ill soon absorb the surplus.
Tli'? i';opt ofltne c.ointy, re
gartlleH uf parly iiHiliations. regret
the unjust and uncjtll"d hr attack
mad" ly Senator Driver on l'n-i-dent
of the Senate Simon .i-t Driver i- iiliiiost in Ion
dotage and really in not P'spon-ildc
at tiinen, for bin words and action.
Ourpeople ure still wondering how
Driver W.IH elected over the gentle
men who opposed him. In the
eanv.ins h k ivo ttinplo promise of
what could be expected of him in tho
event of his election. I ifllthinen of
the senate, do not take tho uianii I
erinn of the old man nerioisly,
but make due allowance for bin
mental infirmities. IK; must talk
ami is liable to be guilty of alii.ot
any lingual indiscretion.
In (disconnection we may state
Lane county is represented by olio
Hcnalor, lloii John II McCIiiiic, in
whom the people have confidence,
and for whose judgment they inter
tain the highest respect. Members
of all partie-i n sieet hiio for bin
I'airncM ami impartiality, and
unite in upholding his hands in
nutters of desired legislation.
Jiele un not by the accident
ovolvcd bv a warm political con
test in v. hieh a -i I i- tie wan al
lowed to play a very
sum id K luxisnmi:.
The extraordinary complaint
comes from New; shire that
there are not enough l.iWlcl III the
lejdslalure of lint state to till the
places on com mil ti ei ic pi i ring the
service of inn 1 1 1 iri - I'l the bar.
There aie but time 1 .twjers in the
senate, and only nine in ti e hoti-e
of representative ith So" incui-
hein. It ban liccii eustntnary to
have 111 or I'J l.iwxers up -it the
judiciary coniuiitlec, w here a tridi
nical knotilidge of the law in
stipposod to be necessiry, and oth
ers arc also uecdol on the commit
tee on the revisions of tin' Matties
and on the election committee.
Kven if eery member of the bar
who in al.. a member of the legis
latureis appointed there will not
he enough to go around.
W are imiiinc very mild weulher
,en- emtipureil In Unit in tin vhlley i
unci wlin ve reiul of l ln lerrllile
turiiis I Ji y ure Ijuvihk in tlm I.usti in i
lil, II iiiiiki us uli'l to kii'iv nml
wu un so will locitteil livn; In ins
ImikI f lliv gruxt Biel tlm evergreen.
W III Ih lliey ure awing ie, us ure snw
Inn liili( with u linok ami line; ui.'l
wliilt iiiaiiy ot llii'tn M-ein to I and
ii i w imMiU to ileiitll there, llieie tit
itny number of iMMreo Kiting Imre
fi.oleil in till i kttil. Uu enu iil-o
Knllier home ll'iwers, wljil everything,
iliero U Hiiniiiiig nml crui'king with
eiill. An Oregon ian eniiiint riiilie
whul it Im t nut in the col'l, cnM
orlil, until h set hiuilf (low n in
the Ilnsl when It is twmly-three tie
gi-e U-low y.iTo nml gels ttliii'k last.
It uus said. "When McKinley in
elteleil you will sin nil the nmiiofa"-
I'irie-, niiW Hill It. loK'Og euutps, elc,
shirlsil nml gnoil linii'H " J in t Mhsre
nrt thou imw, l'rnifrily . NkihI.v
nil the ii 1 1 1 It irr stiuiiliiikr "lis, lh log-
gli g i-U II 1 1 ih 1 1 live (put w ith HIM' exee'
l ii'ii, mnl evi u eoinunr lite ri'HOs Imve
ii 'Hil.
i hi dug, HUppiKnl ly snine to he
wii'l il'i', have Ikhii Iishi I rniiniiii;
Uk'jMi Iii ll vicinity of Alli. Ahoiil
Hie mnil vll'setiv law tn (.r. vi-li t nili
niug ih-er w ith (!',' nml Ml I he least
exoetue to the ci.uiily wniihl Into
nllrr hiiiiiity on dug ieiil. for such
ii n ion ileer. Vt (In not hnvi itny nit
Ji et loim to a mill tliisitiiig it (h-er for
trlng lo rill llie ItUlloiiH nil ol iiis
Two men from th upter sstilcinen'.
mi )iailwniii liiiiosi'il In live in
rfivc Iherenltouta uii'l iiicknaiiit 'I
Sniiiiig met I'ivauii eiiniH (low o thi
creek with the regulation ktep ami
blo'iil ill I he rye" u few iliiy Mgo, nml
they nil one siile nt I he creek
nm( one ut Ihe nhji-eU of tlielr fury on
I he iilll-r, nliu of them (tlllleil i ll hi
(out, nnil un hi' Ii it ii t m. nml slung
some wry (pliocene hingiingr ui ro- the
tunny wutrrat his neivmis iielghluir hi urtlier putleil It! Ill nil the
Imek. the liervnlM mull, slipiiiniin;
the water tisi ileep to he wie..,
iwlggrd Ills lingers eniiiiitiliieioii-iy in I ( , i,ni:i:i
llirt inner HII'l iti II I 111 I w et'HM' it i'l
there If he Witnteil tn light, ami went
on about hit work. I'rcwiilly one of
the Stiitug niitllt euine running up
Isnikliiig Unit he was a pri.u Mulih r
nml telling the nervous Hum maliv
lime Ikiw he win going tn make linn
liNtli how he hint Jlll enine out of
I lirft. uniiw mIIiIah mill ftliM 1v!iII4hmcv-
clnnu In. I ut llilx cnl Ic:. I iiiiinivnt ! in.; It
Kfh 4, ISO.
httlf -Hi n I e
el. Ann'. Win-
Wo shall never more icspcct Lark
rtilycu'n lighting ipinlities if he
allows that unjustiliahle ns.iault
in. id'' upon him in the Sundry
Oregonian of ymlerday to pass
unpunished. The great paper pub
lishes w hat purports to lie a pic'.uie
of l.ark'n physiognomy, with ges
tures thrown in, the latter proba
bly intended to render the insult
more unendurable to our laithiul
I. line county representative. An
instill id this sort can be atoned
for only by ivrporcal punishment.
We propone a duel, prw.' ring en
counter, or a contest with the
King's Knglinh for weapons, to
avenge the deadly insult. I. tine
county, to a man, w ill stand to the
back of her favorite egh lator. We
would oiler the rviccs of the
til AKIi'n editor for a second if he
had not got married and ban oth r
business to attend to, and his Wile
might object to his taking chancm
ol getting hit by a ntray bullet.
In any event any cell' re-ipecting
citicu i'f this county would not
object to standing by Mr lliheu
while he wan getting satisfaction
out of the reckless journalist.
l'ongre.sinen gel curious leliers,
and probably the most cur'tou id
recent date is that just received by
MrMct'iill, of Massachusetts fiom
ono uf his constituents, asking him
to "send tit once one good, healli.x
initio baby." !ut congrcssnu u are
not the only persons sulij to
freak iniuirics. The secrctai y d'
tho Chicago board of trade re. eiv.d
a letter uwhilo ago from a Kansas
man, who wrote: 'Th ase sei ; me
at once all news and facts i at
Chicago." Anithcr WY-'.i i t,er
wrote to Hay thai be had forwanl .1
n carload of jiu krahbits. and ol ! I:
"Sell them at once and forwuid i;,e
the money, as I need il right an i ,"
l.allrande t'hronicle: On c
month from hist Thursday l! !.
will be a change ot occupants
tho White 1 louso and in anti a
tion of this tin re in already a c :i
erul packing of the personal din ts
uf rrcsident Cleveland and his fam
ily. Them tire being made ready
for thiptuent to his newly pur
chased home in Princeton, N J.
The President ai d Mrs f hvchind
will follow the usual custoin of in
viting tho pr s'dent elect and his
wile to be their guests ut d.uucr
at the executive mansion on tin
e wiling of the ord of March. I'n s
ident ll.rrison eutcrtaincil Puis
dent and Mrs Cleveland in this way
bejpro the late change of adminis
tration. The luncheon u-u.!ly
given In th White louse by a re
tiring president in honor ol his
nuceesiior initneduiUdy nfier his
formal inauguration will be omitted
at theconiing inauguration to avoid The 1. gisl.iture in Mill hung up
delay in the movement of th. prO, hy he rival republican factions,
cesaion following the an monies at I It may lie for the U st. Too little
the capitol. igishitn n is O t r tl an tfti u uch.
It is inliiuatc.l, savs the Kaunas
City .''tar, that President Cleveland
.: is the latest great man to yield lo
," I temptations oll'cred by inagaine
publishers. Tho immense circula
j tion and great advertising receipts
of the most sueccsstul weekly and
i iiuintlil v publications in this conn-
! I re t'li'lliti. I ht.m I i inv t. I r i. it . 1 1 .
i : ' i -
i nary prices lor articles w ith
' li.ltnes ntt.ichtd to them. Kx-Prcs-
dent Harrison has been a regular
contributor to one j tirii'il for man v
months. Another has announced
' a scries of articles troin the pen ol
Thomas I! lhv.l. The ii -me of the
i publication which has put ,t baited
trap in tho path of Prc-dent
i !i v. lai d h;i n it In n ai. i.i utn l
Kugiiic nnd Lane couuiy are
anxious that the State I'mvi rsity
shall not sutler from inimical leg
islation. Would it l ot bo adiis
alOi to place a inur!e on en.ii.r
Driver uiUq any such r is
pacd? Vis, and Icive tho iiiur
tie on afterwards.
.Mrs I; K Kecn-v ami
viiilmg wiih her in ale
iii.) Davis, of CieiA. ll.
Mis (irrtii; .Stii'hwortll nf Cnltage
(Jrove ii visiting fn- inli an I relative.
Ill (ioshi-Il.
Mitt Lueimla P.-rssliirc, who lu
t i ii spt-inliiig the last It w month" in
JVI griti- relllllit il hollie la-t Week.
.Mr. Mini M-i-li r el pt.rllnnil
v.itiit( with le-r'tr, .Mis V i
Malhrwn of this piaet.
J K Kernry is vi.Hiiitf I'ri'iiiiU iil.uiit
I'ii'Ntant Kill uliJ D'Xler.
Mm Horiiei- II a ni ton w h i hits l.-fii
siill.-ring from a
inatisin m rapl'liv '
I Sen Keeiit y n -n
bis pluei' jlli I'l.!, I .'
Is httw prepMii i.' I '
hlid his wilt' l;a.
ponl 'l tliell ittti-it.if
Isurulurs ci,i. r. i '.
tills place I !' - II. 'I
opeii the fuel ii '.
It lull!'. IimiiI t'l 0 :
kl(M mill Jt'M . I- v.
muleil ut ulio it 1
The llllli-!.ii
KliiuliU nf the .'! i
pllhill! W Ith a leel' le I
.ri-mu ( 'iniiiii He r .1
1 'or I III IH I . Uii'l as II I
nii'mhris wen- ii i :- i i
mmiy othru
loin in Ihe i.
t. 1 i
t . !.
I .
I,..!.' :
,l,.,.:t t
1, r
.. 1 1' ''
. ' r
.I. J ...
t k
lid !
fait y Kiaiux. ! Junction City : Milling Company,
a. ...... - .FLOUK.-.
I L-.-tf
,s we c i j i i in..'.. sri'itv i ii in1; L
.i', . r i -Mil ilrap en h"l
v-.T'it-i M'.r-'
..p.-! tVi i" .a w!ci
t r ,:i I i.r; -'i ci ' " 'W
ituck ol rlieii-
. i!'l 1't ai res il
l hi .iii ;i in.. I
I ii;::ii.i. IL
. ilii.n Iv ..
. . . i : ! I ;'. 0 I II.
llm- -lor.' ai
u lit l y pr ii .'
.t'V llitele Ipllle
.it.;., el. .11. in;'.
Is l-"ll
' Ai
In,' I '
r '
t:. ,t V
I.I I.
s.:i Ii h i
ti-i. ') .a t
i :-t I 'ni l
.i.i ti.
.I i. Is hiiti'ils
! t:
V. i t.i
I I 1, '
ii l.'i.i
t, il
I I.
a I
o I'lll.
;,. nf the ,
... I ,v..ifi the I
, i, .'iiy ,-u-I
I, .Mrel.ell. i'l
nil I'tiir lie- I
, ih- er-li-r I'lel I
I their in'eiil j
I Ol!. !
il all
ic; 'I,
I, I-.
, ,1 I
: 1 1-
I.I I 1 .tc
I. on r vM
:s ni'.ro
s .. I,, r no It:-:.-
a la;t
. ;.!. .'-I -Il
. ti. 'I ii,. ii ly
, !,: ,-v. nml
,- !i.a- Vary
Ha l fi'iirf.illy
I I... I
. t,y r. ii
i.nil a- i. 'I
ii.' I think
I t li'ii I :jht
I l.lght.
Tho most popular Hour in tho market. So!, ,y
Icailin j:i'(K'i'i's.
it t. : t
..It n
I I",
a. in!
i II. - tl.r.l!-
I. : lie
'I I l0 g'lllC
Ii",' " r.'!
il. It ti.iuM !' Just
, t...' Jir-t l.'it,'' In
I-nil III II. il i'' His.
I lic oil'
Vli v l'i .
Ilai r ami
I'll I'.itlcls ,
Mr A I'
iT-tl i:alii,iy Is
ei.iiil i f Mr
- . I". '!
I-.V Is
Wn.ia V
l'n Is'lll
I. Illih
t II
i ;
i ii. piov ii -g very i
.'I'l .'.II '.' I T
la. I
li -v C A Wnolcv i.rpiii l,. , la
i Veiling. A gnnil nllcn. lance.
Mrs A .1 ( liiipnian h ii nilopteil the
young clolil i. f M r lv!n, vilnw wife
llle.l II f"'.V il.lV llo, nf ciililllllplliill
Mi J I! I
lh nervniif man run hi huml ihot u
ilcep Into hi meki't ninl Hniilug tin. k
fnr ( he ererk In Hiieh Imslc thut un tin
leu. I hi null (mapped, the roar
mniii'thiug like Hint of il huml of ll.s
escuplng. Mriking the Htnriuy w liter
if Itenilwnotl, Inn pnl, Kmoik, pullcl
him nut iihnlit three liiliiilreil yar.U
helnw. The liurvnun liuin pilllnl nut
the ll he wm griilihing for, kinseil II,
mnl now lint It prvservc.l in ulcnlml.
So wo nro Infnnueil. 'I'll ii t-mleil
what it 1 1 j.' 1 1 1 Iiiivu l.imii it liliioil t' ting-i-ily
In h rrc'ir.leil ngitiiinl Ihe Fa r
inline nf 1 f a, I u noil.
I'm I..
MhUiiicii'. In tliu Km iii 1st nl l.aiif
I.i okm:, tnu: , 1 ill. lo, Kit.
tSi Vi-rul umnina iign Hie Hour nulls
ulglllllril IhullDH'lvil inlo h null colli
tunc uinl iigu-eil liiilruptlie iiuiiiIhi
nl piuuula nl Until un loll Im in I any
tt-l I'lislivl In llility-M. veil uinl one
Irnlf. Ihis wu Im Iii in Ui lll'JUSl
l lils Ik initllllf ilt-.i l y mi iii.iny nl
ytiur iiuinliur hauling ynur giisi i.i
.Mniilne mnl t Jasper. I Ins.- nui.s
glt the lolly poilliils; w nil thul the
lalllll'H wiu willing In lest.
Mute thai t'omltiue, liuiliT nf I hit
lillll el nf '.hlicnuiily mv Un- m-iessily
nl nigulil.llig l!ntiiiscli' into a
"litlliiem' 1'inteetive Anoi'iiilinii."
Thlii nneiely l Iml iiigiililnil In lireuk
ilow n nllii l I'llslln'ss, hul In pr.ileel
tin insi lvi-s ugaliiitt ether inns
II. at lliey livlivvo to lo linnici-ssai ily
I, list .s-alunliiv, l ilt, ilia nth, a lew
Imiliei met III llitcnuil hulls III tills
city mnl nigaul.eil llieiiisi lvc into it
"I miuera' I'lntcctive AsMiiclaiiou."
Alter wlecting nlticeri, there tming lull
lew nut, they mljouriit'il to meet again
.stuuUy Inienniiii, March ihe litn, at
ten ii'ilock nl the com I linusu In lac
1'hrae liit'vtiugi me open In ull; nml
now, lu i ii hi si. if you li-lu've mien mi
nigiilntloil to It- lii'Cinaiy, collie lo
thai mei'tiug. If ynil eoiue, we will
U'lif ve ymi memi lueuueM.
A prnpomlloii In now l.t loie Hit to III
cluilethe lillll grower lu the tugam-
1 1 It'll. Hoping .tills Will he slllll
eunily expinintlory, weleaNeil.
J. I . Kli UAiii'.sti.v, t'liainn in.
'. Ii i; l.t in 1 nf II iff
. ('A Wnoley.
Ill lias aeecp'V'l II
pll-lll III
, Ii I" I
I I.
ill I'.arr liies .V. t I in I i -i y
We w isli him 'i .
Ii- v 1'iaiik )ay, nl' I ci ei
tie1 pulpit helf S imluv evciii
llev A I ' Wm. I. y it turn
fmtii I 'iillnu'e (Iriive nil Un-
yesifi.l y mnrninir.
Mi I'.'i' eli l-'i-h.-r. nf Kne...
last I'Velillig W I'll II i-l!.l- In le.
I;, in. nil fi Ihe fii : t-r I ai 1 1 1: ii !
ha'l the 'J it li.
.vl l-.VK.
I tiuiliilssiiiin-l's ( iiiiri.
in. I
I "lit
nt Ih.'
1 1 1 I'.ni tun usc
Frank ( 'iniilini
ilistriet Nil 'ai
.1 A Mei care
..- s' liir
IK" !
IO I'l
1 I I II i
!c r flaunt ,1
i Hllloililn I'rvst Aisnt'iiiut'ii.
'l int II i vm In is of ti e I'll Ifoi 'iia l'lens
Hsmicliiilnn, nt U meetilig nf the ex
ecutivit eouunitlee lust Krhlay nighl,
tleteriultititl lo liohl the iiiiuuiil vxcur
lon .in June , 'till, tn last right days,
th nhjeellve point heing Victoria. It
in proposed In leave ."-an I'taiicisin
on June .'ith, arriving I i 1'eillaiul en
the Till, remaining over one ihiv. 'I he
parly will lln-n pmci'.l to lacniua nml
Sent tie, stopping nvvr lor it few hours,
l-'iiuu Scuttle Ihe pm ly w ill take steam
er to Victoria, remaining llieie nne
I'lie excursion will he nude hy rail
hath ways, In Pullinaii cais, nml prolt
ahlv hy a sprcil train. Ilia itinerary
of llm i'M'tiiloii will Include nil nvail
nhle oints ef InU'iest In Oregon
Wash Ington.
Prlr I rem hii Hregouiaii i-
ii in. .ii
, pnny
iif t"i-
iy ....
..-i a.-
.el .
"I'lie Oregiiiilmi of Vinlenhy carica 1
tore Semilor Oliver, giving time'
pultun ol 'view, 1
l lm central one uliow s nut M-ualor '
with iniiMVeietl hed iiiclinlng In.
pemoa lo tin m tnr, on w hid, cmiuIIi
niv I'Uiiiing, w Mch lieait on one panel I
llm iltcr '!" nnd mi a Imtt r panel '
the Ii ncriplien 'iiiiicr." AUtvei
tin m U'th is dig .M Hie iitiini '
tutted would ciint rue Una tn Insinnii'e
that our ein ladle enittor is ruth tr
"Hick" on himself,
Ani'lhi r ifw t.ui fcil.iw in, .in
hcri taking it prep ut i ti r mater j
through n umgnityiiig glas 1 ,. 1
eXtlt'lllelv I'llmiMM- l.l mil' .Mlii- ;
C'lii.ty pride, ti i i is pictmct!
only ittKiut fix inchis I ,11, imi.lini; '
mill tahle, hi Ii s:'moii .;l nlsait '
It ItHikli.g d.t.i n tai Hie il.iti'i ii',,,.
lU'iiic llimug'i inc i,,,g: i r n,L. k
I he i l her ient n-l.ta'i'M n.nw. ,n.r
entitt'r htsti'iniii; nltt't . !,,-(
w ith liphtlc nun. mi I Ii i, in ,u.,
Is held hi li in Im v-1 ,t, ut if lalkl
liiioself In, , i,
1 he On i; man ih n.. revh.-.Q
Ihe hu.-aid.i. ii.itiiin.f hi, ,,,,g
ti -ling when Ihe none I , I v pl.le nr
wl.iit tie I. sell would Ue
'M t'AKIs W Kl Kl I'lie Kug, lv
Si .ip Im t... v i now making ,,, ,,
RM-iAgr I. lo IL' , Ulllut it til,
1 S.'t,l
i ciiii.i iic r
! leinle r.oii ,e I. in
!! Schw 'o.f iol'l
laigeiie l.iht !
for Jan
A S Pain i...
S I. Long !' puns .,
W Ku.v kend.iil M I
Jlienli S.'hliifl. r in- o
I. K 1 lai i is ! ii y i.i-; i
In v siiud' V a-e- .
K I'k in ice M 0 .'-;i
Jacnh S. hi.'cl i In-, iii"
J W Hants euro. i. r examination
K P IllOlp llnfM.fll
J II Whiteakei- hall rent f..r N.i
Velllher elect i'lll
1 1 li K 1 1 1 :i I ' I p mill .' ih.llnt d
K.oO allowed
A .1 Johlis'in I'o'iid for piis.i ,is
I I' Bill toll .lamia' v i I Vices
lolls allow ed .
II Martin, viewerjoii sliellev and
West nnd Mitchell road."
J l Wilson, 1 1. wu- on Shelley
nnd est and M .'. In II
W I. Win eh I i, , r on Shell y
and West ami M ucln II load '.
John West, chaiunian in Slicliev
ami Wi'l nml Much I load
III, Milelicll, I -unman lifl,i v
and West and Mitchell load.!,
lieorge 'I'eeler, e hainmaii on
Shelley ami ami Mitchell
I M t oilier, mi: .
ami Wist ami M.
O M I 'oilier, .un,,
t'omliay road .
It J N oder, icw
('niiilray I a I
V I' Ka, ser, lew
t'omliay i.m I
A M ltiui mail, i i"W , r
t'nndtay nad
O V l illll Ulan, ehaiiiniuu
and niidmv i :, l
W 'I' Cornelius, cViininan
and Coinl'av i, ad ... .
W M Voder, m ii I,, r I'av
t'ondray i :i . i
I icorge I 'ay, vn- 1 1 r I.omh.t
nn I hi'tidore Kelis'.iaw . truer 1.
! laid road
,iame Slewart, viewer
Thlllslon titNd':stlll'f, . ;,.,i;.
I.oinl ai.l roa.l
A l..'iiil'ard, chaiuuiaii I.
l ai I road
Jam. . 1- liix-ediug, imu krr I .
far I road
lii'i'U'' marker I. "tin
r.'-i I
t ' M i oliiei , siirv t-vor I. mh
ivad '
' M fi-Plel, Mil-try or
I! '.sin. on,
load ,
li W Martin,
r. ad
M l' Valitt II,
r a. I
, i !...! i. ,r I I I n
ili.T ,..ii t y ct tl.i
a. n I I i let linn La
,.-.,; -' d.
" V ci i.rc -o i l.l f tsiiioiic I. '1 II -re,
l'i ,i . ffl. il. I.i-i's e.i .hi. What would
y ,a li 'i-.i' ll.iri Id il . when liinliseiivera che
Inlet Itilll "
Ahv 1 (I ci't l.n.iiv. Tl.l-i w mid he
Ml!.' r nil c: I.ct him take her Ii in I and
Kty. -My p cr giil, i! i ynti, t io. havo tn
sni!. anil I to' In r without aniitlier
tvnrtl. .-nal t'i-r. very itny take tho steaiuer
f.,r K oi cic.'i.a ' r liiuhiiktu."
" How '-i-i' :'y awful!" exclaiiaeil the
(.rl. "Un j.ii redly iiii'.in m i-ay ynu
w.i.M.-rt luiie liiei take lier In his iiriiiHiii
kl i In r or anything:' 1 Inv.-frightfully cold
1 I... .t .1 ' '
" lint In r lu:i,af,(l," lie imteteil.
"Well. vh it i f l.i'i:? KverylK'iIy kriuw-f
sin. ii -! iiuiri.iil hiia tnkcoptlie liu.rtgagti
I t ... I; line frnlll I eillg fiirtrlil.-ltl lillll tti
sa.i he- i i,,;i,i r s n a-nn."
"1 ilttii't a: e why sli" had to l luiirritsj,
a . iv "
" : l.ii. t I. '.'- C" "i'r t ; nit iiain. I
thn'i-'ht we lia, rt'ltleil It i lice f .r nil."
I.i-.t wntdil ynu lix it, tlieii, ymi lm
lie r il y iiiiij 1',-rs-iii.-"
1 il I. lie Imu mi , after a few t rvlitnl
I'll : . . f i mil se, 'let ll, at least l.aMl nne
h.i.; . il .y I ge'.h'T I . f .reive part lorever,'
r iionl- in elli vt. And then I d Ii.ivb
liini I er ilmvii t.i a l'tvi ly hay witli
v.,, a j in-' we t!s ei'iiiin,; iluwn t the
lei'. I ti -j.:.,'lit It win ti ItiliiNcw
V,.r '
"U.'i. well, we rnlilll CI .I.a'-O t!. at Home
w:.v. 1... y li.iciit le s; citliii a f. iv il ays
niiiii .viit r. ! -. You lo mi ili.l'l i-d ar
ti' lii'.!,!,w V"ii mustn't interrupt
n. . It n. a'.. . mi- l. rgi t what I ion ttuing
to s..y. V '.1. liieii. on the In a.-li lacy hud
a tali! i at (.ml lliey i.-.-t In atal sail nut tn
wnrd Die ..i-.-aii. wnli tl:e hri ee in their
fa, . an I ti e low, w hit,- lo.riiriftingiluwn
uroiual them, aail tli n-.-i;:ulN niviinpiiig
il. .wm en all ill.-.. A ml he li, s nt lu r feet,
acl .'.' Mil"..' :i ! I., t :,i.-k, taw ii v hair awav
ft. mi 1. 1- f. r.-h. .nl. ai.d li" holds h. mtlie'r
iia nl, inal e. ry uiov an,! naain he ral.t'S it
l.l n: i I,
t Hii-,
at w
if t
s lo !
.s HI
'J ll'l 1
I im;
in Is ic-ii. c-h'.;
i !". '. ir.-d with
i- w c. .1 v:.. in 1
ti n h it!" tho
mi air i f it.ter
. tr fa -ct. tiiev d
..i!--. 1
..: .! l i.
II ..v I, -Ti
' I
l.t in. t all the
; 'I it 1.1 he as praeti
; il as y- a are "
y ,t.. out -"
-- n.idiiiftlit nryway,
! la . t nun urn 1 1
, ivc a L'e-scil thing to
h...i her creator,
11 TO
i.i on ,
tS on j
, I My
I Vx
lu l!cy
1 I'll
1 ) I j
i: no I
. :o i
' . M' col.' ., I ! an
.1 "..i!--. I d I 'M, I,
.iiiii :i
r ihi tin
He lit
V. II l.M .IV t'.iS is ll,
I 1 i ' ". r."
!- 1 i! 'tl t ta y !. iv
If i- ii'iia . t .
-a i t !n;ii::.y. '
" l.i..e ( 1, il, do inn liii an: " In an uwe
sll'll"!; .'i. e.
"No; hie'veii Vnii'r.j h:-r ercat ir." ho
aiis.u red, with a laugh
"till, no! nf e.iiir.n I'd let liieiu liavi)
. inietliiin' to cat. It wo, lid he part of tho
li.n. I h. y land 111 a liule cave mill Humid
carri. I er :.-!:. i" i- i tliat idm tveti't get
la r 1, - I wet, and lie can't resist kissing
In r, t'lungli he kiiiiw-sj la' might lu;t to,
A lai t ',c i 1 oi e ,es In a hallow pht 'i' aiming
la.' ro ks anil linn ;s nut. a lialig up lunch.
c nl. '
"What tl i.i l!i,y Inv.:-"
"('ciiiiiia;.!... and all .sorts- nf good
thin c-arti Imia's e nia-d in the way we
I. id t.. em the ntlicr niht lit tho lh.iulilw,
for . '-C,"
"liiain't l Yea i.:iil VYI'd Tal
c' !t c'l pic d the (!--!i. l!y tlio way, ynu
- s u ed to 1 e having an iineomiiiniily jolly
time in your enrt cr. "
"W. u-crc. Ihi was telling mo iihnut
Alice's engagement. 1).. you knmv, ho
si; s the men ut the iluh kiv that Mr.
Muni ill iliiliculty in getting tntho
!' .lit. and that she hi ij'c.l him out; hut I
il n'l 1 . lien. it. She's a really nleo girl
and she v.oiihln t ii,i anything sn dread
ful." 'Talc ilt's a regular gn.-sip."
"He's lots if fun. He uhvavs knows
tnerythim.. that's going en. Pr'nnNo mui
won't It 11 if 1 tell you something'-"
" Wi-li I may die if 1 do. "
"Well, he ,,,n u. s,.,w y.ning Mrs. Ar
nold luneh with J.ihri Hugh, s In a
littl- I:. restaurant tl.. other day. I
I i.'iichr there was s. met huig lid y a'lsuit
her. . ii kn nv i lay ..iy lets nieti kl.s
her hands. I am let g. lug to return her
i i-i call I c.-n t pc
'": a-
I '
;; -in ti
nt Virc
"pie who do iiiuxT
1 1 and Har.1,1;' u
1 ha;'
It ! '
!. I;'.
m 1 1 1 :
it ,
ids 1 ,
I'.dTereut." sho exclaimed.
i-; -,!' : "There Wi ta-enil-"
tliat la-t Mvno
a i a ke Virgltd i n-e ex-
.l.n g a dead set' ami he
.' and she iimsk rdt liko
i!s ilrvaittully vui,ar. I
ea the margin. "
,.n jawi.. il a- I nr. tchud
1. en, r
Wlieei. i
Wl.e.l, r
lav . '
r l.iei, .
I r t. .
ov;. in'i
.', I re
U' l'xo hail I:'..
I.i t s M tn
he i-gj '.!. d.
ami 1 .iii e
f f
t ir ",
t tn
g to
M ui.liy i.oap t .it i tit, k,
of it gnnd tpmlit v s tn,.
riiclemitl limi
in, i k.t,
. o
ts si linp.'l led
aie on tl,,-
Capitvin Genbral,
hi olhcr popular fcra.ids cl ci;::s :l
Ju'ius Goldsigth's.
l ull I. inc of Tob'iiA'o anJ Caiiv.
lgadquarlQif for the Eugene
Soda Oorks.
AI I..
P. i s i.i a
I ixipie.
Hir firli-lii mid W'l.ut Slimy Tliem j
Mimi. I
"The IJ'is an- ahovu tliu -Maci. " j
This was one cl tlm old sayin;; with j
ivlii.!i (iriu faction ton nfteu tauiitud an ,
ctln-r 1 ut it is only true in tlio sen.-o
tiiat tho O'.i were Jtr-st on tho ground.
Until mean the halm that i.-i, "(ai ot"
cr'-if tin. hiiu-ecf." us Vo in Krencli
nnd Spanish, Van in Dutch and A or Ap
in Welsh and old ICnglish. Smuo Scutch-
mil', however, claim that Mac is fr
the Kimu root ns tlm Latin inagnus, and
tin r.f.iie im .ins' Vr-at." As there were
no n.rnain. s h. fore tlm tenth century,
many a family or clan took the naiim uf
its chief er founder, as tlm llv-XiaJ,
ami later (t'.Veil from tlm gnat Nial.
Naari w;w old Celtic fnr hero," ami
the MacNaaris xvire his follow! rs.
gutvn .Madia gava iiamn to Ar-niacha,
or Armagh. Owvii Mir xvas "Owen
tho (treat." Coriiiao L'lla was "Long
Heard," tint it is hardly tlm rano that nil
tlio McC'orinacks aro his iltscendatits.
Laighairo was lliu monarch who pro
tcct 'd St. 1'atrick, and ly fcl"' irnxlitl
rations tho liaino lias tiecome Leary. All
tho kings of the tixtb nnd seventh rcn
turi.'B xvero of the lly-Nial race, bo tho
O'Neils nro an csteiritive fiunily. Tho
Scotch Dearitiid mid Irii-h Deriuid
rhangoil naturally to Di rinott, uml the
ilaiismen added tho .Mac. lu like man
ner King Hugh jrohahly gave origin to
tho great u pt of tho Hughes.
Tho Danes left us a few nanx s all
thoso old names (luting in "Surd,"
ehiirly names of places, as Wiaford,
Waterfnrd, etc. Arming tlieir opiumeuti
nppear the great llrian nud Melagliliii,
or MaUichy, w ell icpreet:tictl in Irinh
names of today. Sixm nftr tho Danish
war began wo lind such numc9for titles
(tsCiluu-duhh, or "lilaek Kirc;" Sltrick
and Ivur tho liiet clearly Duaiisb, but
tho MaoJTors are (oml lriali. Crodfrld,
Fori of hitriedc. xras the first Danish
chief to proclaim himself a Christian,
but ns ho did this in a year of clLsastcr,
nnd when ho hnd gathered power again
destroyed all the churches of Kast Meath
IA. D. '.il'.U and burned I. ",(l people in the
oratory at Drumvee, we must doubt his
convt rsinti.
The Nounan eomiucst brought in a
great, T.i-.inty of names and titles, and
thereafter all had surnames. The prcllx
"Fit," in, ailing "son." kooii abounded
in In.di name., as Vitmy, Fit.lnirn, rahi, ite. 'J'ho lie Durglios trarrs
fornii il a in pt, and half the lighlang men
of (ia'.way In came la.iki s. Utle r fmiml-
rs i f Irisli Xiirmaii Inuiscs xverit the
De ( laics, Do Cngans, Do Lacys, Do
Cour -ys, I.e I'm rs and the great Mau
rice l'ir.geraJd, common anm .-tor of the
i ii ralilines of Dt saion I ami Ixihlaie.
Later came Mich purely English fami
lies as .laeksoti, Lee, etc., nnd last of all
llie Han. tvirtiians, ami so there we nro
a mixed N t ns to nanu s, hut all Iri.-h
l y time, and soon, it is to he hoped, to
bo united lri.-hmt'ii indeed.
"Udll hltrdiati,,,,.
The dniiiutlu Bterlliatl'tii f
Iwlling It now milch praetirtd in ,m
housi'il It U apt to ho liieir. ,-tiv,. t'
count of the dlirercnco of t. n:". r ;ti.r,
the 11 ii Ul in the upper and t: . I ,H,r.,J
linns of tho vessel In which It h.,ij
tho Usiiul liiethnd of sti rill, -lajj
cooking It III a riH t-ptaelt) 1 1
lug water a lai In marie, In f.,,..-."
fniilld that tlm temperature ..( ,,,,1
tho npis r pnrtioii (,f tlio v I ns, ,, ,
more rapidly than thut ut the I ' t!,:, V
i-xperlmcnts ri'cnrded In ii.e lirlij.;,
leal .Inui nal, 111 mui Instance i: ("
that after tho milk had I ., a (,n tj(
for 1 1 lainutcs tho t "iitneraii.i i,t ux7
was IliO ilegnv 1'., wlillo at ti.e l itd ij
was idily la:i de.'r sn !'. In ,ui ,t:.,.rff
perlment, Willi a siroii-.-. r llaine. ti.x.r'
fcretiees xvero less marked. 'lM, h,.
pruvo lhat tin inert) stahliii nf .
hrluglng tho niitsiilo wan r to ti.o hii,. ,
point Is qulle inadeiillalo to .', rihfcn,.,.
culaiis milk. Tn liistmi c:;. -tno tt.
it Is necessary that Ihe h. -aili.jj
shall lei t'liiitlnued lililll n uinji riu
peralurt) thriaiwhout tin) l, ,
milk has arii-eii from I'.m ili.'n, f
l'j.s iii urec F. This will r. iiiire n
jn -i-tiro ton lirlsU prt! nr at lea-i st i
Utes. Ill order tn lit) pcrlcf-ily ,
ever, It Is rceiililliieliileil tli .1 eMtrvjl
of inlllc treatcil lu tills r a-lii ei U-,,-,
for half an hour that Is, I t or, ;
minutes after tho waler In t.,e nuter;,
has begun to boll.
VVarrlnr, lirtnr I Helmut.
Ti e tivn old soldiers, whn had f.iught
on iipi'.'-ltn sides at the hattlonf Mi-sioii
l-ldiic, had im l hy clianeo and were stroll
Ini! over Ui'i hatllegrimtid mill cxi iiang
lug cxperti'iiccs.
"litis reminds me," said tho Vank,
eastially pit Mug up a nut that lay at tliu
root of a tree and boring a hole into it with
his knife, "thut I was down hero mice lie
fnre cracking nut colonels. "
" That 'mill right, " responded the Johnny
lteli, stoophijj to pick up fragment e'f
rusty iron nml sjuddtu. his head crlmly,
"hut you played u shell name, mi them." I
n Hereupon no nf t Iio grizzled warrinrs
pMiluci'd arauteen froiu his hip pocket and
both tonka round shot at tho grape. Chi
cago Tribune. In "Iliiuili't."
1 1 em Is a story iihotit Jo-e; Ii lit-:
tho actor author, xxitli a mural: Wi.t-s.
wasii young man, ho Juine.l ae in;
In tho wild west to tako the (i irt i.f 1
l'ir-t tirateillgner lu "Ilamli t " IKd:
when he went to dress tliat ti e i ,..t it.
ho was to wear was ton big for lam. t
put nil two vests tn pad l.lnisell
lie f in nil tliat the inulieiiee
lltely itraveillger, with plcnry nf l.n
it, at d ho fount), ton, that when
l ino discovert d I'uiit alter ri'tii'.xiiig
vest there was another under itl.i'jr;
good laugh.
Urn next iiicht ho put mi a (I ,cn wi
H'lilt'li I.e print', di d tn reiuoi,. m.e l,y
trill lis each , st was taken t.'.ca .J: :
uared. IlerlsTt th"U-;ht ! had i:ai
a bit, mail nun night, when lal.'i s
of hhedding tliedllTeri'lit la. r.ul i,-t
turiiei! a round and discowTi ,: tlul ti,,.-,
oml Cravoiligger was pattii r tinu . n .
fast as he discarded them.
It was tho S s-otid lirave,'.i. ii'?iu .
getting tin) laugh; hellcu th ' IWnww. I
Untie.. Now Yoi ii Ihr.ild.
Tin- las,l,iu I ltiw. r.
The passim llnwer Is n tl.-ri.ali.
death. In tl.u various parts 1 1
iiiarlal.!j hlnssniii i la re may le
f.tiit i fill rceiiihlalii es tn thenrti !r
lloiiidln llie aciount uf then..
Tin) cross, the hammer, the I, .
iniivn nf thorns, tho sj carina! ti.
nf blond are all detected by lin'iu'a!t
A Wonili-r.
J hat policeman mi our he it is a r l
UiTfnt man."
"How's that:-"
"lie's on duty all night anilinvtr-
a wink lu daytime. "Detroit Ktvl'.-
IL S. Land Cc:;:n:;s: icner.
Bertha What! That hnrrhl linl,. aim-.
SuiKliman had the luiiiidoiicetomakit v,;u
un titlcrf What imxt." ' I
Clymene Hut thut wasn't tho wor t of i
It, iny dear. Tho rutstv little w retell t' dn'i 1
put ft sr-tmpon tlio letter, nnd I had to pay
iwepcuoo for It. Lniidtm lit lilts.
S n
.Iol'l V;iri liavil)
liuiiit.'il 1'. S. Ciiviii
('oiiiiitif-siiiiRT fur tl.i
ut Orruim, is now
lo make IIumkstkaii
I'l N A I. I'l'dors, uinl t;
tililuiiy ill CoNTIs-T
I laving liad thirty yt
prrii-tici- in this liin-.
li'tiaratitir satisfac;
t'voiy case. Olliir
Fi'llous' 1 ii i l I i i i irT
...I. i-v
1SI ii, ACilin- .. .
;ik'.' '
'ill's ,
in ('
I. a: :
trKtlmti" t.,:ii ,
IlllllBt'l- a ti,
ouul. lie-ia.i .
) rn vel I
s f T a i
I Ir
'.. as I:,
Firty Years Ago.
No theory of cermt to chill
Aticm.-n', t.uddinst.',.,lt lover took Hleit fili
No Bucte'js, on their kiset.
"ow "-Try th.y were not to know
The serm.faa-ji, ycut .Ko.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
and lunj diseases. Ic not a
P tive, and i3 not therefore
Put up m smrJlche,p bottles!
or the household. They cos
oro but euro noro.
Fad3 eomo and go but no
.aeorr or fad can overthrow
"W I'. V. .
jt it'?''
"lo I: ' a la i a m
Wits a a,... ai
.-'i A '
v-k; i. ... t . :
i3 Aycr'a
- uisi'li;
Cherry IVctcrai
ir 1
" .
oi, a, ,. , -
Nvw n i spoii.Oi y ;..0,,
-!lVears of CuPcs.
o o
r.J 1