The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 06, 1897, Image 6

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    HtlDW, JAfcl.'AhY).
Couticlhiiait U.-u Fisher Is in Port
land. The weUbtir li i umJuiated miiJ is
a'ulu ! i K i i W .
.Mia I, Jc-ul of Salt-in, U vlalllng
h lilt fin-iola 111 tint city.
Harney Paine wont In I. lull citjnty
today mi loinl ing (rip.
A J Pn-kurd unit lo ileiitoil :u my
today li pl'iill.e entile.
A ri-li i lic.i-oti of ('s fi-a l
Vli-l ' 1 friend in Kugeue.
I)r Chipniall w.n a panc-UgT 0:1 ifi-!
ll-w-liur,f I". :il Him f iriMw.iri.
(' I' ( 'vi-r!uiiili, uiiit of (liu U It A
N Co, Wis in Eugi ne today.
II N ! kvrliiii! la home ftoui a
liijaliii-rs tnp tlowu Hie valley.
AI ir An Muilianu of Full Creek
l ii 1 1 1 x ri-lKiivci in tlila city.
I'miniy (Icik Jen n 1 1! today
grunteil iiiuiii.tge license to J 1
JVi Mi r an N A limntoii.
A II i' i of Portland, ip-ncnl
nji-iit ol il- (iii'iit N i r l li'-r . t railway,
guv t lila i Iliee u ri. 1 1 .y.
Mia F 11 I nin ii wriii In "nli'Ui il.,a
lureiini',1 in v I i t n few ilnja wnh In r
Mm, Prof 1 fi'l J u i ii , unit fmiiil,v.
Tin; ati-anib iitt a o.i Hi.: iVlii.tiii'-t'u
1 1 I-r have in.iil.i I. uf.' I. .ll ili-i.H in
Hi-fu lht rinm Im-i 4 ii'.i I'm i:anl ami ,
I lurn-imrg.
.s-iiu'nr D.iv r iintfl ncr n,i l.i-tt
nighl'a limn. Ifi' ik of tin' iin.iii
tliit 'il la laekltig ul Nail III.
'In i, ll.Tlnr.
We an- auiry to Irani tliHt Senator
J II M I lllllK In ilit SlCi Ik' .M llill
Willi 1. 1 gupp. J toward II i iiiii'l la,
ill ll''lljl'1.1 liii. .11 him.
Salt-in Imiipc limit: "Thi-rare not
yi'i wttuiy --lliil e renamrhil clerks, l.ut
tlii'Ti-anon will in- if the legislature
goes oil. What nil earth tliii-a IlllviT
unlit with three fi 1 1 1 't 1 clciks'."' '
John llig,ins well! In I'olk cnuiily !
Una nioriiiii. in niwr t i liii:iirli :
conVc n tin' 'il l intallieiice that his
III it'iu r li. it ul I lilt' place luat f veiling. ,
H 1.1 I I'M I Ii III t i or three ilay a. i
Lyman J ;, prvai li nt of 1 1 , o
1 II' I .N.ltl.M.lll iMIlk of Chicago Ima
licceptt'l the .. i clul.vlili of Tieasiiry i
uii'lrr Pit -hli-nt cli-cl .McKinh-y mo. I
w ill alien i ilJillii U Cur 1 1 -hi. II"
for (:: vt'luiiil iii ls l, titiil U n'l yrrna!
(f ii.. ;.
Aii Ait'.rl. n aiii'irunli'iir 1.-rtt-l
b'.lwi i ll Iwn il.. haling cteilitois i
lii' linn. A i 'ii ioim relic, a!", I
win lugu sign l.r l.a.l nlwaya ilia
ihiyi in lna window, Mint which!
now li ia ui ii I li .l meaning. It reads:!
' I U".: l. I tl i.tlma follow who cali."i
'I'.nluv'a Salem MiuU-Miian: It i filial
In look now ha if tin in wo Hit he nn let;
lalloii of miy ilrn.1 lil ion not even the
pausing o! tin- appropriation
I. in Tiii.iluv' f ir viillni fur I'nil.fil
Mlit.l ! ..I.M Oil Tllri:iy Hill) tl.JU',11
LOW III li..K'1'l hlIU-!i; Why til J VillH
almillil I n', I i' liiki'U (HI Unit iluy. It
Il U 1. 1. will l'; tuken lithir
j'lli nlH or W I illiri;iy.
Wi'itin vl:i 'a !'t Uilli'loii 'I'rhiune:
Hr.tlnlill'i Muurii of Mi ncliaiii m. fail
llir.u'i l n. Ill I'M lr,l rvniiii mi
Inr wuy t i I'm il. in. I, when' ln' will
H'riiil a li'w iliiva .lra Minim if-
oili il lliul the thrl liioiiii tvr rivlnti'lml
JS ili i;ii i'a hi'liiw Zrru t'l-atenlny llioril
lii, liiui Hint tlii'iu w a no I'liniiklii il
the Ull.irllltllln UlllU IK ally II
t humoliT I'niiiia nottv liili ovir In
Wnahiii .Inn. A Vitilliitx
Inn nil il lip il i tor of Ilia llinai fur
Jl'ilKiO ihiluii;ra ilui.o tin- rcvrraml
,iiilriiin l.y the iulilli'atlnti of mi ar
licni i'i ilirioii'K h .rin mi ili llvi-Kil hy
liiuihiil July. Tlx I'liiinlill la Kv.
Tlrkiior, u m'lil lionitu w liu ir an thor
oughly ti nt liv aii'a liltln or
Until 1 1 ruiKl on I lna aiilit of 1 1 if W'Klcr
cxt'ci't I'l-ihiipa II v i u til ha tin' porki't
i liNKiiii of n country nlltor ainimiitliiiE
tn t i.ihuI. J ntcr fliei Jury (jv h
ioriili'1 tin nrwaiiiiM'r iiimi fur hla
i'..U. I ' w a h I liihlaoiia wnllt't.
U. ul IV ShIai.. Unhurt I.ixlija,
Nil Kuiithta nf l'ytlilna,;iif thla city,
hrM it -..nil Mai.i'lll I. (. (. hall
t-.iuiulny iiikilit lor thn hrnrlU -if ini'in
uf tin. I ll. fir fainilra. A limit fill of
iiu kiitshl i wi'io I'li'aciit w ith tlialr
ivlii', ihuii;lili'ia or liuiy Int'inla. At
S IM u'rlnrii t l.r K of I' iUirtultn aanu
u .i i'r ninl i'i I'lii'oru.l. Vli'o I'lmii
c'llni l V. Vmaii. then took the alae.
niiil.lni; ii frw iriiuirUa conctTiiini;
ll' liiii l I " I Nii.1'1, h ml Ilia niiliT of
Kni;lita ol I'yllilia. 11 n I'lovil hy il
li.i.iiii'lni: llm fi-utuiaa ol tin) I'VcnliiK,
whli h rnniati-i nf faroi" tr jj r-a work,
f.. iwi'il hy ii hiiijnr. Tlio f.iiisi ila
.. wnik oii'ihutlM' nf jjrt'lit
u'l.ii rilirl.l ii' il U'.ijliti'l nil tlli flirt of
III;, nilrala Uhlrlliilil lint III till) leful
i. .in. t.v thrir ni.i nil's fur tin1 1'ii'gmit
H I ' 1 1' I I M llii'll IIM'llli'il tlli'tllj III llll
4 Ha 1 1 1 1 1 : hull, lit il to which they illil
nuili.i Jiivih ! i.l In o'i'liu U. I'lu re
niinn i' r i( lln- fvi-ti i n u waa un lit In
ilm luv' iuin' h. a.u'lul imiiii,ii', eti', In
tin. In i hull, l lm Kuiiilit tiK tx
I'llii'U i ii t r i i u i lu i Hint Hi In hikt aiH'lal
alio i "i "I I ln'iia wlllhii l.iiij; ri'luoui
IhtviI hy nil who wi'ic .U'aiMit.
Pu:n. - Mv liiit'iinii I. Willi.iuia,
iii il ran, ilu'.l of nhl ki' .it her
hoiin' iii l.oil Viilli'.v yoalorilay, Jnun
Hr is, vT. 1 vc ti-x l win ii wlilow
I tly, In r l.iuli.Unl, l inn WilllHilia,
luivii it i!lnl iiImhiI tliivi Vi'ara m; ul
thi.. iMreiiiv iii;i' of t'l yoara. Shi
Uav vvrii rhililrrii -live lmy$ mul
lw",' l' 1imh.'iI oii4m'iI IIh-v'nlna
(nun OliM l.i Oivkoii in I iu aprinif of
'Ml, lilnl I., lonil.i'l loth" pl'lievr rlila
iImhIiI- Tim fill mil will l hrlil
tmiioir. ffniii I'.' tn I o'cliK'k, Hliil tlia
Irii.aii a i. icriril III 1 1 0 riv,inl Mill
can ,i'i i v
Pl-t' 1 1. il -Tho lli'l'l'iiiir (ini tt
in Ila Willi' Ml' of l lie I nail I II I lull of tin'
l'.M.a li iln al Ihrt l:iii' I'lihllahaa the
f.iKnu In,: il.t iili h iniMVcil frciu Hie
l'.um in- loi!i'i; "Ik (t Kiigeuc, lr.,
.Inn '.'7.- I" S.iha t'olipu: 1v.iv!mi
l.i il;' , w hi. '' -iltMlua Ita mijirtty hy
the I n t ti of Hi purr l.oiL'r., wmla ita
aliuvri' i'i.i(i' Ml ninl lolia h t''a ii'v
' J. 1. I'AlIK, K ll."
A Ni:iv Ito i r. - l''nreiii Weal:
"S"inelhlii: of i curl. "Ity lii the laiat
hi. ll.ler. heie l a m a h 'at r cttama
rniijuot 1'iitlt hv A -v!isU. n'f Ataw.
1 1 i an I..-r.'tt i I . ..l,r Kmw t:wiir
M il wlit in. I ii --I kaWtf a-Jvaa-tneiifii
U Hint K cm k mIw- (nil a
1 1 nil ami li.. .1 fnr m!ii(l a Ka awaur
can l-pn airtil l,r t :ii4 ba
iiitiiutftmiy liuie."
tasHi KM x l'El.AXO. lai't'iit. Kt civic. tte.
He ''tyeitor Hi! Nut km
Ifaulnir Main
Pln-rial li, D.t lif
.") il.KM. Ki n I; 3.1 j i in. l iu- aou
a! ! lni.y t.i.ltv on rnulinc Wnru.
I liv rrm .I in Hi li'i'i-i: tial.iy waa
l:ire Kvey h vullalil" iiji-Ii nf apace
waa lakl o helnre . n i'i'H'K. It Dt
K t !i iJ that ni'iirlhlir.V'H "f Uih reg
nlur or.. r wmiM oiTiir, on', u prnvuil ' he H"iiin Iniiiiu pro-I'l-eilfil
In routiiiD uoiU uiol llT'i riiiii'il
aiHiii ili.i.iuri !.
K.IIIU' pieilii't lliiit l . 1 1 1 ' r r ' a- nil! a-e
i -1 1 a 1 1 n in llm aiui itl'in, hut r. la liu
1 p lbli: l.i f. ne ait hiiyliiin.
Mr M'Kinuy '- h.
I'. ii.l'i liili IC (; "N"a oi tin- ilratlt
of M ra . Klnl iy, wlni,fliw liinrw
A Mi'Kiohty, in" Ist-r h'liiiit In Hull at ,
N'i 4 hi, I'i.i ituict ra'iiH In IVnilli'toii
I'li'luy Mfti m i ni. I'!m intelligence
uiiw il very ('i-:ii ml aurmw in IVinlli-.
ton, w tirti. Mra McK'iiluy uml hi r
f.iiuily Iiiivb 1 1 1 1 1 ui-n u a fneii la. Hi r
Ii ul Ii oi i n ufler u (K-rhal nf i!lni-a
.nvi'iiii a hijI mniitliK.
"Mr McKiiioiy wua the iluuhler i f
Iir i'uli ii, who iuiiiIiii'Iii.I mi H.' in v
ul Oii'nnu, Iniliana, whcri- tim It'
Mr Mi Kiuluy win ii al i lmt ami later
a lem'lii'r, Tlitru lliey niuriiwl, ill'.,
in iifiar yvai", ri-inovvil in tin.- a ml! ,
li ui'l.lliK III at'li'aiU f ii the iMlnle-l ieo
plu in l.ouiniiia. Ihoy Hla.i livi ! in
Mliaoiiil. I'liirticii yeura nun Hie
l imit' In ( Irtviin, living lUal ll iltlllii l
uml coiiiliiciin ntt ncuiicniy. Mr lie
Kiuluy went in Ivi.iiiu from there,
Hinlwua pnrli r f .r four yeuiH, ati'l
nfn rwnT'la ha l chuin of u i liiircliul
Hi'llWoxi. iieiir rortlnii'l. lV-iniiriii.i
w na next lln ir plurc nf reli)i'iiei .
Here I he pirlnrahlp of thn l'ri-hjrlerla I
I'liuri li uil'l llm princip tlahli of Hie
l'i mill 1. hi in'ii'li'iuy win Hi.' vin
which biik':ii;ei lili ul ii'ii' inn. In I'urt
Ini't the Mi-Uiuluya liuvi- hvi'il amcj
liitvlux 1'elnlii ton.'
"In ul I thin woili Lira McKiuluv
lo..k un ui'live pint, uml win n v.Ti'
111 'li-iil hi'lp.T nf h. r ll uli ui'l. Sir;
nnau of ex e.lunl cil'ic.ilimi,
p.eain n uii'iitiil I'm which plucc I
tn KTcut :t atr.tln un lu r poll
era, whi.'li weru hut ali'il. I;i I'atl
illehui, iiieinorj of Mr .McKinluy will
in. I an in fa. I. i l.-r pine in r.-1 1 n i. m i
wni K uml im I II III" wilt mo) Ii ii'ti
w.ia lint e;iay In till. Her ililllltllie
niuoiiK yn nui pi-upla eipccinlly wm
umrkeil, mi l, w it Ii everyone, h.-r ln'l
clinracter rcit ieetl ileacrvv-i iithnowi
eiljjnini'iit." KcllVill Mi'clli.K.
llev M I, iviva in utiinji
uru MiiN'Uii w un 4 1 nl atictv-a. Alrvmiy
L'I have uuitwil Willi tun church The
intrnat la ilinly in n r.ain.
"Snuipmu'a Knl'llai" it' .'I o'clock
yetlcrtlny In men only w.ia it i;rcat aim
ocra. 'l'hn Iiuiim' w.n pitcketl with
alaiwnrl men either In Ihn yiepi I
iiriH'lnluii'il III ita unctuht ainiplicily.
llm ll'iii ili.l jualicn tn Ininsell uml tn
tint uieal trutha I'oiituliiail tn Ilia auh
led. At 7 o'clot'K hla aillject wua
''t'nn ii Man ha Saved hy M nalily."
Ataiut il:.w the niiilitiiee Uc'in to iir
riva nml hy 7 u'cluck Hie hoiiie
wua nil". I until tlitre w hs tint hIuiiiIiiik
room left, lis look up Hie cuv nl
Corncliua Mel show cil that hia
ohnrneler w in na Komi na it la piisiil.:n
for any lunu'a In lie, ninl el it wita not
aililleienl In auvo him. 1'iuil he lutil
In iiuiUit I ho ounfaHalon Hint Jeaua
I'hrlHt la the. anil of lin.l nml he hap
tl.ail In nnter In he riivetl un the teriua
nf the Ko.tpel. 1 hare'ora iiiorulily
wotihl not nivu luon, hut linn nil iiiuat
neeriit t!is teruts ol t!m na
ll It lliey wnlllil he k lVf l.
At the ciiiii'IimIoii of the iTdi 'ii .s
'nil were ui It It'tl in tne church.
Thn ailhjei't InllU'hl i "Mow Shrill
Kiiutv that Wa nre Siivoil." I'ume
anrly ml Icm n what ll.e acrlpttiri auiiy
un tlila ennt autijrt't
Au "llur Aci'nUllt.
I'm vullia tia.elte: Junius t!,c iu
.tle went tn preaa, mi exclthn; nller
cut I. 'ii iK-i'ii r I il nu Mum hliiit h
tweeu II It Miller. prc-nleiit nf M e
Ai;rii",ilHiiiil louche, it in I J Kieil
Valva, nnv of the It inlinj t'mv.tllia lit
1 1 1 1 1 1 T a ll raeuia Uml Miller htlliltil
lip. Mi iilt' tliw 1 1 1 1 t ii 1 1 1 uml it'.
CUi'i I'Ull nf clltlllillli cct'iul v.
li Uta'niy l i Miller'a cl.:ii tct' i.
Vnlea ol Miller hit million
ly I'T iniiklii audi ii.-i-ii-n I ma. 1 1 e
liitlei ut trt itec.iiii'il tn lmv the i i
liiiiii.'itlnii nml llfnilly -,u.l he tlnl m l
knew. ,
"Ni-v, I r. Millar ," ani.l Mr. Yiih a
"il l ,ii (in a i'11,1 t.i c mho I i inn ili .l
tUiilmrnl ly hccu-o un In my fin e .f
niiaicproaeiillin; you, miiIhiui heini;
nhle In nive nny ail ll'.u'lni v jjriiinil
lur the nccuaitlliiu',' IV! in u liu ,il .1
yntl I Illiarepiea.'UU' I ynil, ami i villi
Kit tu Ii i ii i ritiht ii. w.''
Tll.e.tiKer:tl.i:i it'W mare fxeitu,!
ant Miller t.ihl Vntea " lire li
liui'!'' Yalea prmiiplly knncke'l (I e
presiiliuit over. In f:iiuk', In- j;r.ip
ple.l Yiit.M mi l tu. lw,i it'll in II e
atreel. Y'lU'i UrnKii l.i. j itu.l cn:itii,
IIV'I !ua npp i ieiil until . p.t
r.ite l hy frivn.U.
Mr 11 alt'., Ilia jeive'er, who wl;
llee I in.i nlt'ili', Malea t'la' III.' al. ive
nee. mul ia e irre.".. Mr c 'U .l
lint li ae:i hy tne r.'i TV, r,
Vitoi a il.! he ro rut toil tin iitVuir lu
eerely. 1'i.ti tjitl'.u'ily n.i of h
aet'klu.-, 'i l he leit caite I up.i, t. m.
e:it llm Ill-nil oll 'ii'.l. Mr. V 'e h ia
the rep ita'.ma - f heln h
gentle. mm, an. I the o.t i.: ta .if t'.irv-iiiia
With. i. li iXi'epii.Mi, teiislihr Hint he
v i- Jui itleil in lilavi ' tr. atiiient.
liKii.'-Tntty' (iivii 'iiinii: "At her
reaiilenc, lUHativel, V, iilv.
Mra Julia MfKliili'v, wife of U v i,
A ili'K'iiley, In the 4;i;h cr of hei
I' ineial frmn li-ne :il lUM a 111.
Sai ichiv, Jan. S . Iv? Krie nl- invite-!,
lutcruuiit in Kan vi--'' c uc
tary. rrinte."
hal'f t.u-il. .' ii -i
IttiMi Kixni .tr ,.;.' -Juice j r
Filllerton tialay I'lin-tl an r h r a. I
iillttiiK K K l.V.'tia tn I ail n.i fllllisa
ImiiiiI In :he atim nf $iii. l.vnna
lichl In the county Jail on V heiuli
I SnHa Wnrlt
JI'iMui.t J: iwla:ii i. home frmu Sa
h in.
The l Kiavel!l; nt tha ik
pot i Mna fivefed ov'c Willi iltcnui
p'KC'J eranl'u.
Jttv l'ailn-r IJUck 'vent tu Coltitic
firove (hia ufttriioon.
MraS Heller waa a pa-v.- n:er hi
SliethN thla riinriilnj,'.
Mia FJtlu Ia-vi la Mill iiiite sicli ill
lior Inline In Harris. iiir.
MuS I laml-aki r, wunt I
t i lay tn vial t w Hli frluridi.
I N IMHnr.lanf Juncth-ii pieeiiiet,
la U : ill witli lun fevvr.
Cien il A Aleef, of Mlchicin,
'e-fitiil lh war p.iMf.ili.i in .Me-
Klllley'n l :ih!lt-t.
K-v ' il I.eMasii r nni l i Muiy
In lay, win tj '.vl!l O 'll l'i H M-rvii.-t-a
I'lfiiil'-lil t." M I 'ln.liiiiali il
iv tri
ton mhlrei-s iH-'iire ii teacher-' iiiitltllle
McMiiinvill" lai-t I'Vi-nln
A no' !i -r vicinl iliiui 'i wn eu rn in
I.Hiie'a hull Inat nlcht. Next 1'ii'hiy a
ma-ijuitrinle hall will lie t'ivi n.
li H Ki", ailiit rillleinlaii' nf til S
I' eoiiipuiiy'a iim;a in ()res- iii, .i- 'l
t!ir..ij'li on thi, iimriiiiiu'ii I " i'-
Mli" 1 "i 1 1 1 . i J 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 v iy of the
Jiliii-li.iii 1'ily i-lioul cunt- iii lhi
Hfi'-iiioiiii viii'. i.l h.iri,' (,v-.-r S in
ilay. .Mra Miry Sln-j.j.i t.f Mtniihi.n;.
whn luiahieu v i . . 1 u i i,-,:i'iv.s in tin-
city fur a i. lie tune, r- IllI'Mail hone to-
I".ilieiiii In i A- hn In ilnMlnl on
liaiuhtii iii tow -ia -Unit nre fur lea-
nhl" In aii . n I n i m.i liiuu Imiavlf--fof
hn -I ii.nait;.
naii.r li'iver 1. e'lii-rHuiiitu' I lie
auiail toy on tl.elree!a In-laV wi ll a
lilatury of Ihv Krval '"!'. In- Irial.ieii
Jierfnrnilui; at .-.:;i.
M.- Krunk ( raw , of Al:i.i:, y. arrive 1
on til- afternoon tiaiu ami wiil viail a
couple of wi-!;i W illi her ui cl, I ieor'.'
l i iiV In !!. i cily.
I'f'UVa-tur 1'' 1. Wt. in ir i uml t'h ii
I'Vi lcl w e it In J u in I i iu ( 'it t to ulleiel
I h" lenel.nri' I ' '. 1 1 il . u w ., len i . 1 n -
amil ill (hut fi: V tu lie.
A u i ii her of f.i-'u- i nf I. . un- c hi iiiy
w III lll'.ut al t.i; cr.iri houa.; Ill thi'i.
I'll y oil' Weoii Ir i 'i t . Uv ti invin
, i
n ! ariin-i I'liiteciive . -."cialioii.
Mi S K, of .' Ii-.-.cli im phi i '
liu'in'.', arrive I on He, afluriioon
xii.iiiiiiii w ui v. an w iin inn 'ruigiiier
M I I Wltkill-. of I he I' i f I ) iii irii! I lore.
1 ...1. i.,. ii. I., ii. n W. -i Am- I'l l-'..
i'l'.. .. ... . .." :. ; . . . ' .
'J," i.iei-, i.iiin- iiunn . toe;
Until I'll- stl.iv ni sruintr iitel i: vi.itii: ',
for few il.iya in i na n inil v of Mnn
iii. nitli, I. nliiii ul;. r - mi- . f hia hiM-Ill-aJ
ilih leit-.
I IlilnpeUilMli e Wi-l Sl.le: Ml- tt'nl
Mra !' 10 I iotitlurin re ii'in-il frnni Imi-
Ki-Iik .Mmitlay a lerii i in, where
they apelit n hiitf hridal tour i-ltiiie
relnllvea uml fi i.-u l-i. Tm-y havore-lurui-d
In Iml'-peiiil -in ft ".! l eln
hicia kuepiui; in cin'ua faa'.tiou rilmie
wilh the ml ul ila ui iiiie l pi. pie.
(''!. J lUM.Iy ha- taken c lih trial
control of Hie K ii ira l",niiii..-alr.
Mr Kihlv ia un uSle i-t-tkaphiivr man
ami Ii eanerally ics u ie l hy Hie mam
hra nf hia prniiai,in. M iy Hi I'luln
ilou'.er Nucci rd lliiancially nnd other-
vilai iiniicr ma in;ii.n. mtnt la Hia
wi-h i f tlu-lil'.vlili.
A Sileiii il.ap.iU'h aay-: (i.ivei nor
leilil hita hot hcen in hit i ill -.i ailiee
.il;i ilay iifitrmioli, on uco-itii.t of
aickne-a. Mo ia iilll:cll null llm
crip, which ia ciiniuinn htm, ami
laiml worse ii! -tit lliuu al nnv
linn' aini'o hia illness hcgaii, huiv ia
nu ii!uiu.-tl!y liro uuuihrr on ll.e
sick lit in S.iltln jtltt lunv. I lie ca-ei
Ini'lii lclheeiij,, inal.'.rial ami tvph.ii.l
I lie heart of t!i,i htiui-r in KaaU'ru
Uiei,'iiu mi l r.ailern Wathtut.iu ia
iniile f hut hy ihii hitatli nl ieal win
h r. I he i aky Istlle f,piiircl has hem
lu. uhl'.ne t.vt r the umiii lh-hU, inulii
i.lyin ami i nltni; M-eil niaiu a tlnnieh
lie llniuulil wnrni ilaya wnjl, in ve
iv tae mul lu'iv, in tlila iiippin.- cniil,
im w in cm i up ami iito, ami rv t w i ,
he Hie rejoicing tlierent. !
l un.'itily Aoailetuj 1 I Se,,e.. j
I'teuiiil' in. Hi'!. !y n.M-tiiU ,,f u,, I
Aeii.laniv win held nil Saluiil.iv even- :
m I i-l, nl which tn. i un 1i1f.1r111.1l i
din'il-tM ni u a-. ,i.;, on the pavaiim1
It'll. leiieifa of j'u'ilif npliiinn in iik. ;
l nile.l Males Ir.un nn eilii
p'.liit of View. l'hn iIivmihi.
.ilii.l'ul j
II ... I, .! .III. I I.l I... II,..,' I ... I . I
I " " ll'l "II. 1. 1:1 I I lll I
usual nhl,', Inter,'. Iiuh' nml cm, 1 Ii, ,
1111:1m r. S.' in -nilu r l.vik p ,u 1
111 Hie ilehate, ami all in all, t!. 1
si 'li prnvtil ,t he oil" nf it,. i'. v,'t,. '
an. I interest to nil pleat nl. ' ' j
I i.H Ivine th close of Hie a
" "i- in-' 1 win it.Uivrt wer-
'l t" a.liuliiis'er the altair 01 t(,e K
s'Malin 1 (-,f ih misuini; veai: l'r,.f
I'-'l'ir Mi'l'hira, pri; ' l',-., y j.
w u.l II M.', vice pn -i.h ,',
'"inf N h Narren.iu, denn, ,eeri"-f -v'
mi'l tiens'.irei-. ih,,,,. rem a-utt u are
i.i. in- tiieuiiieia 01 uiu C.Valil.'ali
and will pr ,ve ellU'i.;i;l Ininaeets.
A Nkw I..
II Meiiler of
M.l.h .1 ami
I Lt V i inroMia
ocn.uimler. of tm Kni-lu.a of u.
M tecalicta, jp..t Snnl.-iv in lvi.oi.e
I hey have lvl i h-.l.tin,; "l''r.vernai
h'vival M.vt.n" at lVttaKa tiinv.
ilurni,: ine p.i .ki i',u (lUli ,,.
lir-.v, I. -.i.ler .11 s.,.. -iiamjitf tho e,.?,.
lICI.i'U -jt yt. 111 V It 1 40 till I 111 lUtl 111.
Hue teul of Hot Mte nheei lieiv nml
'Micel to ivuipK,. orKaioallmi hv
Momlty i.ulit Mini , tilo u.,.,
' aiis ft, 1. 1- j,., a, livo
the work."
jxilt in 1
Jt'liii.itii .in ki la -a
J'HIN i, Wa,!, , j.u, si The
l'..r im.1 ,t Tr.i.ler-1 : ltli f Jolni,ni
I as 1',.. .1 1;, ,!,,,,,.. (vlrary in il.a
u- 1..I privitlcit, ot-.v j.jii,,, aml
ilep 'Jilor h is It-en uni. I :.. r..n 1 ...1.
Clf t lis
1 -.. 1..11 ti
nesa -
" nasjii for fliiiin tha
My l.i,
ly to
rs l -
ll, n' i.11i.i't.i:.,i.t-i
' I
.1, 1
"li'lo's Viialiier 'Save'l
..ti.ler t the U'tt rcme
i ll if '. s, s!."l I
I'Y-ia ; 1. I. u ... ,.r 1. 1.
uey iMoMe it tv!s IVi.-e ;, V.,N
Sddl'V lle-i.l. rv .,, ,s ,it(
U. Lb a
"of ;':,i) urili ol Ij ""Ji
l':l) I. Ki-''r':'. I .
Iirih tin: pnrl f w tn- ntli -r t SI
B!,,re, in l.uho ctinty have larvli I-mt tAM llm-vta el.lcre.l
lionev Ufa. iciieral m-rcl, amliatf al'Tv
at (..'allien nml tarrlnl nay
w rili at leii-l 2V i, f,,n,i.tii'!; of apirU.
ilun worth of r.l.ta-Mi, 1 pair "f
men' ilitfiwn ..., au pair of la.lie.
ah.v-i hiiiclri-r., (."uil'ii. llir.a.l. I
l.oll of otllilU lltl.liel, p'Ckel Kin w a,
Jc-wolrv, aha-Win. af'tv "'
.r..'l il,r..n,l. They .-nivre.! the
alor: hv pryii ll'i- fr'"'t
A lamp wiei ii!ite.t uml Howu oil.
A in nii-y ilrawer u na prietl epeii mi'l
llm c uit'etit, nl out out- (l.illnr in " -liie.
were taken. Tlif.v ' J i ' "! ''"llitr
til pott nloi'e, whir-liia i'l tliu "aine
rnoii. .
i'he .Mroia. J', iriei oiler f Z rewnnl
for any one icluriiiri Hie yi'ila alia
1 fur" the arn-a; uti'l i.i'iivii-li'Hi of the
ll, lcve.
'1 hia iniikea live tliie tli'a Hura ha-
htc'i ruhheil ilurin the 'iit tivaycar-.
,V (tmil I rump Moiy.
A hllllinrnUa ClliZ-ll nf IVlllll'loll
civa the Kat Or'ir' .liiall Uil"'"! trallip
story in tin- following laiik'nnne:
; A'tiitllip calle l at !i ct-rlaili h"Ue in
the city, ye-ler l iy. iili.l u-Ue.l n haml
out. (Vi Uiiii; iiiiiti.l In wit-Id thu
axr f.u a while, to ifive him nu iipju
tile, he r-u' 1 1 1 v c.mii!ieil, aii'l split up
u n. i' pile nf wo "I, 1 1 . : e i up all the
. won.! Iii..i - a:el t::i li thu eo-ik K't n'a'.' -i'l' el '" f."" him-
.'ii.:i- li ;ii,i lii.n-u:f up, i.. ,'iiil In-kin-w
n y . e.r nnt'.i w liu uppliiil for
aninr'.lilli '." Vlil, Ill '1 ttaa It-kfJ t l
-phi nin- n'-.'i.l. lln'.'il.ii e,.iu;,!i,-.
and I.-1 1. i.'i' riil . l.iiel u,. In- tin
it-ii- 1 l.y ll.e y i i:i! lad., t . e :m
aaiii. ile ili'l -i ami tl.w vm,' holy
! In'. I lllm s;tt h i l -mill- hllil (! Mltlll
'li t -: i ;l Ti - i 11 j 11- J 1 1 -t'. e'h' 1 In cle'ill
i up I. if .--Ii-i waiil'-il a c. li:i
i i. ill. II.- pp.. f.le.l tn l.'i1!. I a eahin.
j Tne ! : 1 1 I I.- ic c't iii"., th" i"t!.i:i
I I'-lilt, the v I - ly aai'l -i.e wanted
a nu-. Mini. l.,t- wtt u.iiriieil,
1 mul I.e.-iioi-li e in-e-l pn 'll'ir e"J'le
: in the ' iw n. Ih- w .i. 1 1 e., l i i
! Te , :ili 1 I .li i' I t the (lli' i'i !-'l!-i- ,
. lui". in . He y liVfl i,:ippy i ver al'lei -,
w ul I
A I'.li.lil
I. mil. lay ii
( i.i.i'ipa-luii-I
u:ii of Iv..;
i rv eiij iviih
I'. i. l . A -iirpn-t.
w:ii von Mr Win
; his I., nup, 1 1 1 r e" tuih a
.', I- i i l-.y, .Ian. LlM. A
even t"t aia-nl in
piiiyiii.; t,.t lui nii'il
lie lmiir, wlifn
!an i
kMllt hen
I w aa s-ci V. il, coiiairl
ilie, .tmluii-iit-a
iiu "i 'i". i
i n i .-:
ri I.: wer;: Mia
I i in 1 1. ,.-1 ,.i
! M.ny ni. I l',.n i
I l iniiiri WH'.t i -!
I.i','J, rarric I
, Mr- ,i 1 1 1 1 - .i.'lle",
V.. Ill ::, Ik-aaie Ilay,
Alum llarktr. Mue
1'iall l):ivi.,
'I I.l falef, Minnie
M irlliii. My ia, a
llarl.nv, I i it A
s, .iiu:a lull.spie.
Millie mul Mary Nia-'cri-in, hettie ii: tl
."Vine Smith; I'eiiy Cnune;!, I lack
Arm iti;e. fu'.line' uini ri C.-ilel,
l-'inn'.; Marlon, M-.rci'Uis .M.tser-nn,
l.'l .yeia, .M i reel in h 1 1 ' I V.ailel di!
ll 'pie, li-iree aiii rs, h
ence Tal!ey, tieurk-r-
Aid, t'
I nnii,h..ll 1
l.nii li.i.iilpa Mm, l-'urchee.
lil-l.llilUN AMI (IK Tl'Al
Ke'i.nv is a li-t nf tin.- (hv- m acn-
ii'.tir.a, wiin a st Uim.-Lt nf un-ir re
lit'i""i ami tin ir I'rofe.-ai iiis:
liales, nn church; lni.-incM inan.
r-roivne!l, no ciitivt li ; hnvver.
I'.iilirtutli, no clttiri'li : n!ivi,.;.tn
tiner, .Mi--;u!i:irv
1 ;
aji'.irt; far-
l'-ny, id elnirch; 1 1 v sician.
1iwk,iii, noeiitireh; farmer.
!river, Metlnnlist; ,rt'.uli(..r.
Ihifur, tin church; at tt. nicy,
'iner, 1,0 eiiureli; i-tigineer.
i"w:iii, in) el.tireh; attorney.
iiaiui.'ii iHU'inireh; omintv
al'o teni'luT.
ll'i'itlini, Mttliuili
lt; mirelKUit
ll'.ilisiin. 1,1 ,.. ,.-,1
''Hi, 1..1 eliiireh: im rehinf
l hut. im emu
I "hll-Vu
m ui.
Kin.'. I..
in nn.
ne cit
I'm i'1'iireh; farmer.
. I' Ull'l, l'rea; tl'.ljiness
niivi.; ! uvy it.
! -! 'V 1 1 f,.ii, ;
;l inner-
.. !
id- r.'
iii h'tycr,
1 'V IT.
in' churcl:;
1 1, . vni. i.r i; n i-r Iir 'Hi i
line! I'.HltTs,.
.eii.iit'!,: u;
t W
I'rur , f
1 1 1
Kec,!, ,
si re li: :i:i rch.iiit
h!'! hlerelKU'.t.
:i:i;!i. !:
It', I,
I''U l l'Wer.
'' einir-'i: tncr. 1, un.
e'..lir,'h; incr.-Jiant
einirc:,; i.uvvi r.
ITf.-'Dt ie.'
si ')
Hi cmr.
I v
liie first ni... t.i : 1
' llietleawr,.;. '-,v,-r
o: I' ;-' ! .-a.. :. -s , ; t.u.
""t 11 ll.e lion
1 1... I
i!i. .11
ia ere Tt
'" l.R.i he
-1 '.V Kelly ;.
t ie :,
"... I.' ! s tor
i' e u tt i -'
ll'o 'lem.j- '
gn-ernnr, ur.t)
'? Li I r.,. ,, ;
I.' :'. I'ioi, ;
to,.r.' :
'11. 'V l.t n it :
'"' lit ii.i'i'r,,!-.
'I 'le.'till) it.
!',r i'v -ri'.or !
l-'.' e.,;. i
;t'l... , :os..uf ;L,
! i'! U.....1
; '.'' Id a
1 t'-0:lliv iss t'.e
; Tiif rev. j 011 4;i
!'!;: !
; U'.-itHl
"t v'ltk
c 'Utity re- I
I'!.? i..;u-
';Uvirutn a' '
i'e I t. coi !
MRiic.l ;,1 ttonl ,,,,,
'Vr.iN hi'l ti,.i
tw i-t!i.r,ls reouir.-.l 1',.
ever 1.
1. .1
... ti ,-n
1 t-.v ii t, , I
eiit hotr.e. nr.!
in it a n,l
t'U;t'.HS ltl!,j ,
' 1 i"l al'tt r i'..e I
I ' A tu . j
I -'
w.i not
1 il
I ' Ill ""11
von .
?,S Sh. ,..:- vt h tutor, li
M B.ri. . Uat Jk, will old, lll
w. - . a. Ti-T would have lien Pr 1-ad
o 'I'd I. m m mreful with I.l cuh M o
- ' h ita hwr. Su-n Mul did not
oil !J M 'l-t lat heaven
"jV1 1U-: .1 in front of tljo
ul. wlikl. I-1 the north, and .he knew
ha flowtra her Uuyo w hen t hey
L!-.smtal tMT uk-.vny turned their lieada
' " fScffi I tlia fl..wtM her cMldicn, gave
tried to
tVmwnrer wlif-n mo " ,"
u .i ,i.,i LoLt thu wei'da
.t !- t.l.-'.-Ml thu Let one
j.ter. i.a. r.. ,. - ..
i'A tL. i:i. r.'T l.ari.'nia iium""
Whenever a-'.o ""'U
....i ..l Mho-fhl-luk," that
tii'.'r r.U'-t li!-d comfort In tho purtlni.
..t. i',.,,.rt i:l j5i:en M.d have nuli,"
tv.s.1 at tho market nld. "Tury know
lervi.lo ai.d hvr t m -h, nnd when they
j lnti eiriMf -' lands tlicy (lroP tlieir
l.t.u'.i and tile " ,
Hut .-ueii l f 'ld they only wanted
wut' r. .
Dim M'irii'.ng. J'Ht M fhu had finished, a
y.i.u.i; anei; J nt tho K'ltu-
' I) . y iu a-'H 0 nvors: " he u-kod.
"Vea, li.ror.ihh sir." Andsholwvcd
j.jiv, f .r s.'-o knew hy hla dress that Lo wua
0 ii: ui i f r..:.k.
' I want 1 1 huy aomo of vcu."
. e t ) k th' h i.-ket to lilm and lnM It
nut tV.t l;e liiluht I e ase l.lmaelf. Jlo took
1 in; 11 .wi-r. Then frmn tho pur.wat Ms
1 .'It he I : .'.ijht out a coin whlth hodn p; cd
iut i In t hand. It .n n Itm plero of yel-
,w i:. v.l shaped llko n kuife. l'p"H It
ver. .. . irv'tcM which Suen Mol wuld nut
t;::l r,;.i!.d.
:tlt o l'.r.i' h." fho Mid llko a child
taut i t.i'.ji.'ut.;.
I (.'he It t.i you hi e-iuso you luvo ynnr
C iw. . - i.t; J nt? fc'K d tj Cifin," answered
.-: e w 4. ! t l him r'ir.ui-!yu:i ho walked, i.i. l l!.. n si,.' l iokt I lit tho coin.
Yi'i, ,i she v. . i.t Into tho li'iil.-e, eho showed
p. t ' I.' r .r i.ts.
-I: is vry nr.elei;:." wild lur father.
"H.-tj U i im I.I.e It In tho museum at
Ti.!. :..!:.'
'T: ub l l." Kil l her lii'.thiT. "If wo
ha I tlitiM li. .p', wi hh'jiild I o rich."
T ... iiojt ni' rr.lntj tho ntniniter c.imo
i.- !;i.. Jlo ci ine over t'l where Sucn M'1
w..s c .t ii -rl i: K 1'. huts itl'.d f.iltl tn her:
".-;:e:i Mol, Suen r hi, fivo mo a liow-
"I h.ivj ih l.e.l the beat Oi.c f.,r yoii,"
f'.io'ri'j l.lU'
"Why l.avo you J,;kkul tho btstcinu?"
ho uw d.
"Hiciii-o I kr. 'iv you l'jv,' U jv.'cu t ju,"
she ntij'.vt rid.
"Do j. u knew you mo it llnwi-rt" lm
!.ohun head. No Clio had ever
sp'il;. :i IiUj thla t i her htfura
" Vmi nn; in beautiful 119 tho Dowers,"
he f.iIJ. heart la ptiro nnd sweot.
1 1..VD you as ynu J.) tho fl iwers."
"Ti.o slrain-i r r no ii nt tho pito talking
to," s.ild tho father tu hlj wife.
"I wonder If ho will ilvo her another
1 ' F " " 'swi'r''i. I'tTuaps no wants
Yeu aro llko trio who lnuUa at tho
lieavena from tho hottom of 11 well," lio
Aa ho spoko sho woiit to the door.
'Sho la I rlnulnij 1.1m In," bIij Enid
sharply. "Wo ahull bo lilaxraecd."
r-ueii M-l entered with lur busker Tho
stranger (..llnwiitl. The old couple kneeled
nnd knorketl their lieada on tho ikair 1:0
causo tli. y could easily aeo that ho was a
man of rank.
' I luvoconio to announce my betrothal
to your il.iunbtor," ho raid. "You uro not
to ,end lmr to tho market plaoo to Fell
Hewers. You nro to Uml n sln-shanji, who
will teach those things which sho ought to
Ho took from bis bolt an emliMlilerod
rursonud laid it en tho table. Then ho
wu.t out, whllo tho old woman bpyan
countltiK tiie eelns.
Kvery day ho ciiino nt Riinrim) and stood
nt tho K ite, whllo fiuen Mul plucked ono
violet for him. Ono day sho asked him:
" W hero do you livo. honnrnblo elr"
"In tho Tomplo of tho Seven Genii,"
mid ho pointed toward Fuhchna. "My
homo In in U10 temple, but becuuso yoii
havo n-k.'d mo the question I must po
away. Vhrn tho moou tihlnes bright and
round n4raln, I will return."
llo walked down tho nnd with this vio
let 111 his hand, while Sue-i Mul walked
sorrowfully Into tho hotiso.
For three days sho grlci od. Tho HoweM
viaiel) (jrew lu tho enrtlcn turned their
faces t nv.trd Hit'donr, nslf looklnKfor her,
hut sho did ict cuiiio to them.
Tho blai-k inotistcr had laid his hand
npi'ii tho villa,;,.. Tho curse . f smallpox
ra.d. It crept like n thkf thnniBh tho
Itatoiind i:pthti.ath between the flower
beds ,,( , Mu, lt ftole lllt ,lir t
nnd laid Its h ind uron her ,,...i..,.i
and I'halr.wl ,er to couch. Tho fever
I at T "V .'0l t:'cn ,!'t'sitsnI,pcar,,l
and, b-t of all, tho marks of tho nion.stor's
j 'Iawa- J "lowers Intheir arden know and
hutitr their heads In somuv
In her tk-llrium Sncn Mol found her lv
j " Ho had returntd, and al.o w, search
1 lur lower to plvo him. l)ut ,!h.v
I flrtipped their heads. So sho raved "
;(iupiourlR,,, 1)on.iyoulsnow
I tohlmaKl UU' L"''V hii Uuu;o- S1"rned
"Wi ,n!f'(a:1 J.. '' " 0 said.
w Is ,vu:ir name .'
Tho LUi.ii sisjuied t j cmo over her faco
loiiuiSoshow-.tSbiilJ.butiCwas o.Jy th9
"'in'tt C;'nnYl",8.-'Hw,'retl.
ors,''0 UB'U0 l" fosodefflo.
"I niu , that ono," was tho rei lv
Lutthouienorycf nil this ,-aWsd fwm
Tho black nien.ti r 1;
(nn ...1 . . .
-ut, so 11 is continuously
' Searching fur
Uicir tears on. Lut a.ihe.oul pa sdd own
tr., ... r . '-
' . -., t no n.'ld returne.1
ner.s the d.vr. Then n t rs . lu lluln
tin, .ll'-wnlked"1"0 0W
th.oUn''" tasked of
Exotan nlghf-
A 11. n r.i
A V J'ettra v. cut lo 1'oitluhd today.
J'oaUllatler Jt')lKy W1 III Kiiin,
Attorii'-v MedVy illd l'iism-, n
Eugeno tddiiy.
Two AO U V osseaiimcuta for t'iC
month of February.
flor Wlilteaker atiUoniM llni,iai
vinitod Irving today.
TwKUt.v-lliffe iliiyn of llm so-cail,-,:
k'KlHlnture have passed.
Mian Edythe Hoirmmi lias recovertd
rum her recent illnesa.
E II Lauor, of Portland, vlsikd with
his jiariiiits in thin city over .Sunday.
(iratid Lecturer D C Iferriti, of the .
) L' NV, of Thu Dalles, Is In the city.
Senator Driver and Howard Itow
land returned to Salem thla lunrnlnr.
Mrs. JV Withrow went In SaU-m
this tnoriiii'g lo visit relallvea a fe
The I'ltiueih? Lumber Company ,
1118111111,' ear of lumber fnr llio l.H-t.
em iiiaiket,
Two prisoners broke out of thu Jack
(.on comity jail yesterday. They were
held fur burglary.
Miss Learned will go lo Hun Frm,.
ciaeo In a few days to purchase a atoek
efrprihrf millinery.
Ilai ney May of Harrisliiir, ha ac
cepted a position with thu ti r 111 of M
teller & Co, of Tot Hand.
Mrs l!oiivef Cn'awell, of i.l im
coiiulv, Is .visiting with Mrs . K
Fiazif in thi- city lor a few days.
If ynu havo a friend victim you
from a ilUtiiin't' let llm r.ict le Uiiom ii
ut this 1. lliee. Such ill ins of new a are
always deireil.
-Mraliinre Oslitirn airived in Ku
i:oiie frmn Salem this iifteruonii ami
w ill vi.-it lur sister, MrtCJ Ilntvanl
for a lew days.
Mrs L I'.ilveu returned to her heme
In this city yesterday liiornilnf. hhe
will imai 11 leave for .Nuem toinotrow
iiiomiii).' to. join her liuahaud.
Mr'S II l'riiinill.v and her duticjitcrs
Mi.t-iea Carrie and Jiorallo, will arrive
Imnie from a two tiinntha' visit to fiat)
I'laiieieeo, tomorrow morning.
Lieutenant Milton Davis, I'mirth
Cavalry, stationed at Sun l-'ianci-in,
has hi Jn oidcrcd lo appear liol'nro hii
txaiiiinaliiin himrd for promotion.
There aro "1 men In (irnnl's l'.,
who average 2(1 pounds. Thu hoys
nre gattini: up a com puny lo go to
Cuha and lliey won't accept tinyoue
who weiylis le'ss than 200.
The Iduho legislature hnsjust eL't't-
e l a common larmar for U ri atfin'or
a great hie, enterprising farmer. He II
get loiiesouio union tr the crowd of cor
poration lawyers in the senate.
.School district No "I In Llnu coun
ty Willi a ta of 50 mills is certniul
entitled to t lie sympathy of every Oro
gnnlaii. Add 111 mills cjunty tax to It
iiinj you havo 03 mills, perhaps tli In the United Stutt-f.
The first Icgi.-liituro of Oregon im. '
Mar 1st, la.sttd three iluysatul eiuutt I
laws enough to amply provide for tai
ryli.g on the Inisinets of thu country.
The nietuhers voted themselves t'.-'
per day and board, and the entire, ex
penses of the sesjioii were. ;07.50.
A 'lispute over thu ownership (fa
b.ll.t im hell ivaullftl in n athnntiiiK
scrap between lvl Thayer and Jael;
Irwin near Corvallis a few days ago.
Chickens must bo chicken down in
Beuton county when two lueu will
sikK to kill each other over tho pos
session of one poor little lantnni.
rrliieville Keview: Wo understand
that Messrs Ueisler llros., Circle it
Cough-ton, Noble llros., .Mrs. Htipin,
M 11 Stone and others, of Heaver creel;,
sold their beef entile to A Arnelt, get
ting ij-lS for 2-year old steers, and 23.5)
and j 24 for 3 and 4-year old steers.
Tliis sale is u little in the rise of the
prices pnid by Mr Mebiek.
Condon tilobe: Mr Geo W liine
hart met with a serious accident yu
tetday morning. Whilo driving a
hoise out of his livery stnblo corral the
brute kicked him on IheJorehuud, cut
ling a frightful gash utid knocked lilin
senseless. Tho doctor ne wed up the
wound uud he is up and around again.
Cirvallis 'films: Mrs. David (s
I'Urue, who was reported to be In a
dying condition a short tune ago with
tn morrluco of thu lungs nnd con
sumption ia much Improved and ie
eovury is assured. Tills Is a remarka
ble case in some respects as she was s
low nt o::o time that she was expect d
10 expire it'iimmt at any moment.
Spcakin; of t lie place where the linM
up o.-curvd the Kiiidlo Mitu says'.
Shady Point is nu Ideal place for a
hold up a dark curve with a rocky
hill side on one hand uud the tw ill
I'mptiua on tho other, with n deep
rock cut mar. There is a small dairy
and residence in the curve, but it inol
known whether any ono lives there at
Ts HaniUaker, willing from Di
M. lints, iimler dale of Jan iilll just a
week rtgo today ftays: "It is a little
chilly today, "U to 2o below zero nt 4
0 clock this morning, so they say,
1 wasn't up to ee. 1 think
of all the thing 1 ever had the meas'.e
are t lie most "nieasli'v." The ecoml
day I was broko out I felt like I win
sent for and couhl'iit go. Tub fclinol
boy are all very kind and auxinm
do ail they cau for me."
Jiuuti'.m City items.
Times, Jan HO.
harry Milliurn now chief clerk ut
Howard's store. IIo will give general
atisractii.n and is will ..ualilied for
the posilloil.
The case in justice com t of Johnson
vs J-.i wards relating to the horse trad -,
tn. U' ion of which was made, last week,
was uecided in favor ot Johusou.
A t nil 11 load of 2J cars of cattle wt 1 j
"hipped from this place today for Cal--ioru,a.
II ii rurnnn bciug the owmr
and smppcr. Vi0 rel0 uud Hsrtv
huts itccoiiipaiiied t),B lrai,i capac
t "f c it tie punchers.
J A l'.lew lias secured a job with
mercantile firm In Grants Pas an I
,o v?..for ,U:'' P'nce Sunday nigli .
1 St ' Will im f...... . ... ,r - p.
.. 11,1111 m ro tvt.,1 recon -
n.ended ami will not disappoint I) s
employer fn ability to do his duty.
IM'II.I. AT I.AKHK. Tlieri.hhcrs th' t
' up Me i.veilainl train are still st
hirge all ,oUij H is elV(i llV ,1.
8 1 f f.. tl - ' 1. .
"flh in cupiure 01 eacu n