The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 29, 1897, Image 2

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I. I OAMFSELL, fftfritUr.
Am luUr llng l ullrrtlna of Itmiii fron
lUm Tu Hin.Uplir I'raMl.t-id
III i amlnrd Kurm.
lllitlnrt nt "prug
th nl.
Eoa of Ills Thr ! p-li Al
i lh I Bltal Kill.
Agent W. It. Knssell, of Pacific
rt Kh-vator Ouypany, of Moscow,
Malm, ha purchased over 80,000 bush
el of win-lit nt 70 cent. The last largo
iiurehaso an 8.000 Wlii-lii. Pome
wheat in that wi-tion is being- held as
high UK "5 ociits.
Another attempt ha b-en made to
(fi t tho stranded (llcnmorag off from
tho cm. In of North Ih-iwIi. Thin triul
proved unsuccessful like tho" previous
utt.mpt mi l it in now thought tint
(ilciimorag will be abandoned to the
mercies of the wave.
Wry K' V. Tho. J. Conaty, D. D.,
ha Ih-i-ii installed an rector of the
Catholic univi-riity of Aui;ri-a in
Washington, I. !. H a notable
i-vrnt in tin) history of the iiiMtitution,
and iln-w together a distinguished as
semblage of rhnrclnncii and educator.
While limiting iii-iir Klk 1'oint, H.
I).. W. J. Murphy. 17, b.-iune
h. ;irnt''l from lux companion ami was
frozen to death. When lirst missed ho
Wil HllpIM --. 1 tl) llHVI) returned llOIIII-,
and not until some time lut-r did
arching parties start after him. Jim
ly HUH fc.llll.l.
Jam.- Stephens, who in said to havo
Hurled several incendiary lire in Wullii
Walla during the summer of 1X11(1, ha
U. ii cinivii'ti-. of arMiii in the HiiH-rior
i-oiirt lor sotting lire to the Hamilton
Poiirkc warehouse, January 0, I H'.MS.
Tin- defense hud Very little evidence to
offer, uinl the jury, after Is-ing out one
hour, returiie.l a verdict of guilty.
In digging " Well lit yuileene.WilMh.,
lit the base of the Olympic) range of
mountain, a vein of real wan discov
ered. It in thought It in a g'Mnl Vein,
iiiul It is ! h ut 1 within one mile of the
port Towiinond Southern railway.
Within the pant thn-e yearn over 100,
1100 h lit Im-i-ii spent ill prosn-ting for in thin county, ami thin in the lirt
foul )el discovered.
All eiiithiiiake occurred on the iHlaml
of Kinhma, in the Persian gulf, attend
ed by enoiiiioiiH loHHof life. Kishma in
Hear the entrance of the Persian gulf
iiml in the largest IhIiiihI in that body
of u tter, lx-i UK surrounded hy iiiiiny
Hiiialler ihlainln. llH length In seventy
in ila-H ami it average lireii'ltli twelve
mile. The Nipuhitiou in estimated at
fi.onii, chiefly iirul'H.
Tu iK-ople were seriously injured
ii ii. I a mine of ami hat an the result of a rcar-cml collision
of two tiniiiH in the Oakland yard.
Instead of holding the llerkley local
train ax usual, the signalman allowed it
to pro-cel on the main track, just ax
the sunset limited wax approaching.
Ilefore the latter train could Ui xtoppeil
it crashed into the rear car of the lo
cal, completely demolishing it.
The Hcnato committee on tlHheriex
have listened to an argument hy Pro
fi PMir Elliott in ii'lvix-acy of the hill
iinviiliiii; for u new international agree
ment for the protection of fur-hearing
iieiilx. l'lnfi'Kxor Elliott exhihiti'-l a
lari-e n mi 1 1 M-r of chaitx, xhow inn the
I nil n ( M of Hcalx. He colitemle.1 that
from an ivouomio ami humane oiiit of
view, it woiiM lo far hetler for the
I'niteil Slatex to kill all the remaiiiiiiK
. iealx outright than to ix-rmit the
hnuhtir to continue under prcxciit
The Kiixt National hank, of New
)Miit, Ky., hax cloxeil itx iIihuh. Heavy
invetuii-ntx in real extate ix xai.l to he
the CiiilKe.
An HilinK arrangement
Inix hei'ii hroiiKht tilxiul N't ween the
Alai-k.i rackcix' AxxiN-iatiiiii ami the
Alai-ka liiipiovement Company that
will materially affect the xaluion in
iluxtry iu Northern wateix ami the
Price nf iiinne-l xaluion in the country
next xeawin. It ix xaiil that the entire
linxluct of the itmiliiK xeaxon w ill lm
pHile. anil nun Wet. s at uniform ratcx.
Untix t'oiitcncin, chevalier of the
crow ii of Italy, former prexiilent of the
Italian chamber of commerce in New
Yotk, ami foimrcly Italy ' eonxul -jfen-i-ial
to the two Siciliex, tlietl at hix
home iu New Yoik. lie hail Ihm-ii one
of the uioM prominent Italian iu thii
count ry ami wax a man of niarkisl abil
ity, to which Italy frequently paid
liouoiahle tribute.
A WiiHliiiiK'tuti xixi'ial xayx the a.l
ininintrutmn ix ileteriniinsl that l'ertt
xhiitl pay the claim for f .'OO.OOO row
iui! out of the outriiK'e iMininittiil in
uimn V. II
Waxhint'ton, Jan. 25. The nexi-lon
of tho w-nate tixlay ii-velox-l three ilix
tinct wnxatioiiii. The moxt inirtatit
of thi-xe wax the prexetitation by Sher
man of a letter from Minlfti-r lcri
iniex, the reprex-ntative of the Greater
Kepublicof (Vntral America (iticluil
iiiK Nicaraifua), in fffwt proteKtinn
HKainxt the execution of the Nicaragua
canal iirol
ih-r the concexxioiix iriinted in 1 'S7 to
the Nicaragua Canal (Company. Ax
the bill for thix purrxiw wax alxiut to
1h- vote.) on by the xctiale, the pPfcn
tut bin rif the letter ereate.l ronxterna
tion amoiiir itx frleiiiix. Mornan, itx
chief nupporter, at once ilecrel the
letter wax umpired by (Ireat llrltain,
who xoinrht to drive the Uliitl StateH
from the ixthmux by uxiiiK the Central
Amerlcanx ax a catHpaw. He axxerW-'l
that Minixter Kixleriirnei hiel come
here to execute nucli a plan, ami that it
wax ii n oiicn threat auainxt Ainerii-an
control of the canal. The debate wax llr''
very earnext, and the letter made a
orofouud iuitirexHion on the xenatorx.
Senator Vihix declurel it xtruck the
deuth-hlow to the canal project ax pro
h ii-c. I by thi) X'inlinK bill.
Earlier in the day the xenute unei
pectedly found itxelf dixcuHxin the new
AiiKlo-Auierican treaty. While the
treaty itxelf hax Ix-en releaxed, all dix
cnxcicin of it ix rextrictnl to executive
xeHnioii. Notw ithxtandini; thix rule,
the exprexxionx were free and full lnn
Sherman, dray, Cullom, LxhIko, Hour
and other. The xtatemeiitx of thexc-
Hi-iiator wen- uniformly lavoralile to
the liich principle of the treaty, the
only qualification lx-in that it should
receive mature ami dixpaxxionate con-
Shortly after the Kcxxion Ixvnn, Tur-
pie i iiuHcd a preliminary flurry bycriti-
cixinK the reMirted iinreement Ix-tween
Olney and Sherman, by which no ac
tion wan to lie taken ax to t uba before
March 4. Sherman emphatically tie-
WaM.intfton, Jan. M.-TI.e xenate I Ql(TVT1sm(l Will StttU VUk ,y r
wax on ine yithi- m u. .ru r,
and for a tinie.thero wi th f.rx-et-, nf j Bankrupt Roftfl.
a protracti-d text S iTebiralice, extend- j
in) the w-xxion late into the iiiw'ht. j
Mortran. in charge ()f tlio Nic arHna ' .huuittfK'.S (il'AKASTEE
canal bill, wax d. termii.el to ccur a i THE lU"ln"'
time for a final vote. Thix wax rit- I
el, however, iiy nirjue aim iiiw. .... H.j
n i . i
!.. f'..:...l .... I 1 Ill'milHln. iiiiiunir
nuillil urp in. r. ... n. ....
bill, rcmaiiiitiK in ontiniiotix x-xeioii
until a vote wax forced. Thix evoked
xharp crilicixtn. Vila finally made a
dilatory motion, which, on roll-call,
dixi'toM-d the iiIm-iicc of a quorum, and
Morgan wax ohliu'-d to itive up hix plan,
for today, although he exiioctx to exo
cute it, if an agreement for a vote ix
not reached.
Torpie concluded hix hmi-cIi arainxt
the Nicarauira canal bill, the third day
bcInK a continuation of the former bit
ter invective directed aainKt the meax-
During the day, ('handler pren-ritel
i I v.-. l.llt avnillrKt Hill
lie ; -
Amount r.u.l t Orlflu.i o.
I'arinni Alrlf !
New York, Jan. 25. -The anr n- e-
merit ix made by tie- I'nmn l'actli.- r-
tliat It mii
clu-e itx
linex, iiiclu-i ve
nii-d that any Bin h agreement had Ix-en
made, ami addeil that he had not had a
word with (llm-y in that direction.
Thexe three iiicideiitH relatiuK to cur
rent foreign ipicxt ioiix made the day's
xcHxion one of the moxt eventful in
Washington, Jan. 52. Thix wax
plivate bill day ill the limine, and luoxt
of the time wax consumed with Kinall
liillx. The bill to provide for holding
termx of the I'liited State court for
the Eastern d indict of Texas at the town
of licaumoiit was passed over the presi
dent's veto by a vote of 144 to (IS. In
cidental to the discussion, CiHipcr of
Texas, declared the president vetoed the
bill through mispprc hcusion, ami that
he had vainly tried to pi an audience
with Mr. Cleveland to explain the
mctixtirt). (irosveiior sjsike Harcantically
of the president's i-iintom of refusing to
see coiiKressmen, unless hi private sec
retary approved of their errand. Some
minor hill were passed. After the
night icnnioti vession, the house ad
! the credentials of John Edward Ad-
! dicks, claimiiiK the vacant seat as sena
1 tor from Delaware. The claim of
! Henry A. Duimnt for the same seat has ,
1 already been presented. !
I III the course of adixcunxion over lay- '
liK electric conduits in the Waxhinyton
streets, Hill xmke against trusts and
imiiiopolie in eueral, as a m-rioux
j uietiace to the public welfare.
j Washington, Jan. 2-'J. After a two
days' debate, in the course of which
i oonsiderable partisan passion was
aroused and an ineffectual attempt
mode to filibuster for the purpose of
gaining time, the house today decided
the contested election caw- of Yost V. ,
Tucker, from tlx? tenth Virginia di
I trict, by denying the sat to Mr. Yunt
' and confirming Mr. Tin-ker'n title
I thereto. The Hepiiblilcan were badly
divided, fifty-four of them joining with
! the Democrat and xnpportiiiH. the
i claims of the Di-iniH-ratie contesteo.
! When the HUpporterx of Yost's couten
tion found they were defeated by a
I narrow margin of eight votes (the vote
being 11U to 127 against him), they iu
i uugurated a filibuster iu the hos of
I gaining time, and for two hours there
wax a succession of roll-calls, but they
were filially overniwered and tho roxo
lutionx confirming Tin ker's title to hix
seat were adopted. Yost ix a member
elect of the next house, and Tucker,
who ix a son of Randolph Tucker, ha
been a member of the last four con
grcHses. He declined a ri-nomiuatioli
because he did not agree w ith his party
oil the money question.
organization commit!
to an ii.'r.-. n,. n! w no n-
in accordance with wnicn ue
,axlxv"in pn-cliiigi to for
. . . t -.. 1 ..-i lie
len n'ii un- i
,f the Kansas 1'aciii'-
Ii.... Tl... r.N.iL-.iin.itloll comiiimc.-
: guarantees a minim im hid of souie
i thing over Il5.doo.oou for the govern
1 incut' claim ut-m the railroad, aiel
1 for the governne i.t I'nioii r.n ilic sink
I ing fund, and h;. d. -,-ii.Hl l.-'o" .'"'
: as earnest le-v. Kuhn, Isn b & o.,
i bankers, f-.r the reorganisation cm
' mittee, have a-iin d the coinliilttee ol
funds ripiir.-l I" carry it- agreement
i with the government into effect.
People Well informed on the Union
; Pacilh- situation intimate that, in order
to limit tie- pr t irue of first inort-
gage bund-of tT5.0ii0.00u, which. lt
' appears, in the intention, some junior
i.HlleSof bonds W ill have to receive len
than it was at lir-t intended to give
them. It is urnlerMiiod that Kaii-as
' 1'aciii.: con-ols and tie- sinking fund
boielH will Is- modnii d a- to terms lm
fore the plan Ix-eomes operative.
...t ; Jan. J2 -Tl.eiM.nat..
""'' '. - . ., . ..ration
cd nn 'o
i i :ll T.irnle con-
wiu t" . ii-
tlie xenai'ii .
In as tl.eofl'eterIu-,k. J "
II ask M have a tune n -
1 iirpie cio-'t.
....I -ill
rr . .fIVe .- IOI.
di.ial ai'l'ropriation
r,mmat..y M.OOO.duO,
durilix the day. . .
.. .. critli l
J-etl!g.e - V , ,.
Mative unthoritlex I T co. '"
Vwier.el, l-iuml ,ry a,'ree,e,it. wh.,1
,e sai l, w. a cetnplete surrender of
V,,,cZ,...Uto.r,Ml!riain. His re-o-
l,,in callus on the ;m
f.,r information wa-referred to the Mr
ig,, relations committee. nammou
ensentw. ured l-r taking up the
bill for an international monetary con
ference on Tuesday m xt.
. . i,.n 21 One of the
T HaKhallen
,h: .. rexsel wa Off tl.0
Hpl.xle.1 M " j ,-)Und from
pMiuhonre for H"" " ... .
, ftrensim nd one en-
g ill w U
filial vote as smiii as
bill, carriyng up-
.d the 1- g-
. i. ;. tti.
the itonerx - .nbision Or
gi.,.r "''"'J ,, The chief
. A , " I... Orient yesterday,
. ..tul s III toe iw.."'-
Government's Part ln pt
Railway Rforganizatio.
Bit Dis:.
Conforcneoi Ooliig on fi
i -t a-K.,nble.l in the ''" ' yernnient and ft. C
- . . an I acini: i.-o..ii.iaiion
dinner, when there
I'lllM.Prf 1 .
j been delayed.
w ax a
wvre ' P"re, w hich uro to make iie
steamer i'-v r n.iui,,
case Was
to the
Kipurlmrut Mall
vruor'i lalaiol.
New York, Jan. 2.1. Lieutenant
Hugh O. Wise, of the Ninth infantry
on (luvernor's inland, hax just made the
first kite ascension ever successfully at
tempted in America. For six months
the lieutenant, entirely on hi own re
sponsibility, has liccii studying ami ex
perimenting with kite a a means of
assisting armies in warfare. The tan
dem system of Xsn-ially constructed
kite ix Intended to supplant the use "of
balloons, which cannot live in gale.
The lieutenant' kite are cellular.
They consist of rectangular frame of
spruce. Cotton string ami cotton cloth
in strip are stretched around the end
of the frame, leaving ''th end of the
rectangular framework open, and also
an o-n strip in the center. Thux four
lifting xufrace and four guiding sur
face are presented to the wind.
When the breeze freshened to a live-mile-an
hour, the lieutenant was hoist
ed fifty two feet So that he could see
ever the eaves of the ntHi-crs' quarter
and down the bay. llie force repre
sented by the pulling of the four kites
is estimated at 400 Hiuudx.
"1 have studied the system of Pro
fessor ljmgle.v, of the Smithsonian in
stitution; Professor Markluim of the
weather bureau, and Civil Engineer
Chanute, of Chicago, who are making
special cxs'rinients, in aerial naviga
tion with aeroplanes," said Lieutenant
"The cxpeiiuient shows that kites
are serviceable iu a gale which would
tear a balloon to pieces where it is de
sired to observe the surrounding count
er i.n.l iiiHoct the niiiitciivcrx of an
! eiicniv. 1 attribute my success to a
i . ... ... .i i . i . i . i .
close view in iqe inciiiinis in muse w ho : grow weaker am
McCotd, a consul of ! have the subj.vt, rather than oonie, no bread,
t'Dnatiiral llauulttrr Al!uwil llr
rather lo hill llliiiaalf.
Oakland, Cal., Jan. 25. Knowing
that her aged father had taken poison
with riiii. ii lul intent, Nellie Currau, 2;l
year old, went to lied without calling
a physician, and a lone thix morning at
the usual hour to find the old mall
dead. Thulium Currau was 51 year
old, and has for year been employed
by the railorad company. He lived at
1HI14 Atlantic street, and Nellie Cnr
ran, bis daughter, kept house for him.
For the pats few months the old gentle
man has Is-eu iu Jsmr healt h, and about
three weeks a.'o tmik a large quantity
of laudanum to end his troubles. I'hv-
sicians saved his life on that occa-ion,
but bis desire to end hin life never left
him. Lust night Cm ran came home at
the regular hour, lie secured a Imttle
of chloroform during thed.iy, ami, after
taking it, bade his daughter good bye
and told her his troubles would soon
end. His lifeless wan found thi
morning and removed to the morgue.
"This is a peculiar ease," nui.l Coro
ner Italdw in. "This old man's daugh
ter told my deputy thin morning, when
he visited the house, that she knew her
father had taken pol-on, but did not
call a physician liecnuse she thought it
too late, ami then her father wanted to
die, anyhow. "
The young woman will be given a
chance to tell her story to a coroner's
to uiy ow n effort.
the I' States. A cable dispatch
has just been sent to Mr. McKemie,
the 1'nited Slates minister stationed at
Lima, directing hlin to inform the
Peruvian government that tho canri
lnu lm settled w ithout delay. A Com
iniiuication reivivetl from the minister
a few days ago stated that Peru ilesinsl
to investigate the S.s-retary
Olney at einv advised Mr. McKcnaio
that IV hi had had more than ten year
to investigate, ami the time was quite
The MunicnoU State Saving bank,
of St. Paul, has closed and tiled a deed
of assignment.
V .1 11. ..L !.-,... K-s.ll I.
, , .. v -I i ...L ..I W h.vling. which w iped out nearlv the
clo.t the tieriuan National bank, ot 1 .- .
, . . ... .e. . i ..1, i. ,, ., entire business portion of that indus-
Ix.umvi e, Kv. I h bank I an old , . . .
, . . .ii .. .,i trial town. At 3 o chvk thix morning
one, but for some tune ha Nv rcgarvt- "
nine lioiis.-p mei ihtii iii-suvtei, (tie.
the property hs in t-stiiiiatisl at .'0,-Oi'O.
Iiinlti That Haul t'lara fell.
Madrid, Jan. IS. An emphatic de
nial has Ihvii issuol from otllcial cin-lex
of the report that Santa Clara, the cap
ital of the Cuban province of that
inline, has livn captured by the insur
gents. It i further statist that the
only recent Insurgent attack in the
piovince has l-ccn at Uuena Vista, is said, the insurgent were
lrtrtyl bjr Fir.
Wheeling. W. Va., Jan. 35. Short
ly after midnight lire start. si in Mingo
Junction, O., a few mite north ol
ed an unsafe.
A bitter tight i King in
Cleveland, O., U-twecn the ArhucMo
Coffin Company and the sugar trust
ri' the price of coffee. Cut af
ter cut is U'ing met.
Ail eiubaigo i threatencl on Indiana
whiskeietle and "w indbieaker" by
Jim Keevc. an Au.lerson UirU-r, who
has prepanil bill and is endeavoring
to get xonie rcprvseiiativo or m-nator
in the ptesout ax-inhly to father it.
peeves is quite in earnest aUuit it, and
givm as a ground for it presentation
that it would restore pn-ieiity to bar
tier and at tho mime time I tho meant
of raising the pubiio debt. Tho bill
ol fin
No receptacle has ever been made
strong enough to resist tlie power of
freciiug water.
Kull of IMlttlUB.
ft. Umis. Jan. 21 William K.
June, formerly manager of Havlin't
theater, in tin city, committi-d xui
id le here last night at the Kidgeway
hotel by shooting himself in the head.
Jones wa a well known man Kmt
town, ami l the time of hU death held
a position at Itagan't o-ra hous.
lVxiiiilency resulting from diminution
ix a the cause for the suicide.
Att.lltit for til N'fl.ily, but Nu Olli. lo
lllali lliulr Tliem.
Chicago, Jan. 25. Men, women and
children are starving in Chicago in
sight of relief, Ivcausc the county com
missioners, blind and deaf, do not al
low the county agent enough help to
distribute supplies. The county trean- :
ury is rich iu its surplus, and there are
an ai-outuulalion of appeal limn huti-
gry families. Ilundieds of these up
plications are more than two weeks
old. The heads ol the families were
discouraged then, and as a la t resort
appealed to the county for aid. They
nave seen ineir wives ami children
colder, and no aid ha
no coal. These men
are tlespi rate now.
The county agent in helpless to save
these famine stricken men, women and.
babies. He has lelief on hand, hut im
way to distribute it, Kvauc the com.
inissioneis have tied his hands, and are.
deaf to the cries of the hungry.
A warning has been given that the
di-seiving sMr are Ivromiug dangerous
and that hunger in likely to drive theiu
to deeds in which their cry will U
"bread." Men who give this warning
know whereof they .sjn-ak. They nee
gaunt hunger at its woit. ! glasv
eye of a strong man who hears the cry
ol bin wife and babies for btead and
warmth and is powertesn to give it to
them. The men tell an appalling xtorv,
but noKsly on earth can tell of tha
misery an it exists iu Chicago tislay.
The steamer EN.i, which from
New Oilcan in NoxeinU-r with a ).iitv
bound for lVltero, Colombia, wa
wrecked on the Colorado reefs, on the
western cvtivnuty of CuKi. January tf.
All hands were
II Loolti I.Ik . hlllr.
Tha Allornr-li.rrl'x Hllsii.nt.
Washington, Jan. 25. Attorney
(ietieral Harmon to-lay gave out the
follnwing statement of an agreement
with the reorganization committee of
the Union Pacilic railway.
Tmti the defeat of the funding hill
ill the house, tho president directed
the attorney-general to commence fore
closure pr.needingn against the Union
Pacific Hallway Company, fir-t making
the Inst arrangements obblainable for
the protection of the government's in
terest, following the lines indicated in
hix la-t ren.rt. The attorney -general
Is-gan negotiations with the reorganiza
tion committee. Thursday, an iigr
incut wan made which will result in
immediate steps toward fore. Insure.
The chief subject of the negotiations
wan the protection of the government
against the risk of s.u rcfice of Its
claim hy sale at a price which would
h ave nothing substantial after paving
the prior lien. This protection ix now
assured hy a guarantee that the govern
ment shall receive for its lien on the
aided sirtiotis of the Union P.u ilic and
Kansas Pacific lines, including the
sinking fund, not less than f 15, 751,-;
000. The sale will In' public, so the
government w ill r ive the U nelit of
any higher bids up to the full amount
of its claim, principal and interest.
The sum of f 1.500. dou cash was on
Thursday doiniMte 1 with the United I
States Trust Company, of New York,
by tlcneral Lew i Fitgcrald, chairman
of the committee, an security, accord
ing to the term of the agieeiiient. The
committee agreed to hid par for the
sinking fund, if it in desired to sell it
at any time In fore the foieclonure sale.
"liill- iu equity have been,
signed l.y tin attorney general and Hon.
tieorge lloadlev, s,e,ial counsel, and
forwarded to M Umin, w hero they
will tie pr.-entid to Judge Sanborn,
who has jurisdiction in that district,
and whose con-ent to their tiling is
necessary, l-cau-e the receivers in
charge of the property are made parties
defendant. They are original bill,
and not cms. hills in the pending suits.
Whether they will orococd a inde
pendent bills or tie ordered to stand as
cross hills in the pending suits will 1'
determined by the judge, but iu either
event the result will U practically the
same, viz: the sale of the pro'rlv
under the goeiiiiiieiil's lien, us well
as under that of the fust mortgage.
; The lulls will he tiled in the district
i of Iowa, Nebi.iska, Woyiuing, Colo
rado and Utah.
"Separate bills for the foreclosure of
the lien en the Kansas Pacific are iu
course of pre ai it ion. These will In'
tiled in Mismuui and Kansas.
"The proposed arrangement was sub to the government directors tv
fore it wan do., d. They all recom
mended its adoption."
In Ins llout.
Wa-liington, Jan. 22.-U.-for.!
Yost-Tinker election
s. .i.- i..nfli Virginia distric
iroiu mi
called in the house today there wa- a
call of committees. A bill wa" passed
,,.l tl... lawn relating to the gen-
ii i ..n;..- so us tu reduce fees to were
i-rai liiiei on.' . .
i i.aried for taking testimony from burned.
r,r,.... t.. ten cents i r hundred wor
i,ii- i hi. nrivil.-ge of
Illi'l mi' I ,
f-'S now allowml at land offices west
of the K.s-ky mountains.
The contested election case w:is
called up byMcCallof Massachusetts,
chairman of the coinmitt.-e on election,
at 12:0 P. M., and the house spent
the day debating it. Much interest
was manifested in the case, owing to
the fad that the lb-publicans on the
committee which reported th" cane
were divided, four siding with Henry
St. (i.n.rge Tucker, the DeiiHs-rat. and
fitting m.-iiiln-r, and but two, Walker
of In' liana and Thomas of Michigan,
with the K.-puldicaii contestant, Yo-t.
The latter is a lueinher-cleet of the
next house, and Tin ker ix one of the :
most prominent and n.pu!ar Demm-ratn ;
on the fl.x.r. Tucker had HU2 plurality
on the f.i'-e of the returns, but several ,
iinp.-rfect ballot were rej.-cted under
the then exinting Walton law of Vir
ginia, which, the contestant claimed,
if, would liave reverseu me
result. Yost himself w
,f id tdTanUg.on. t.111.
Ill uovcrniurni', Cug
Chicngo, Jan. 22. -f
Washington Hja-cial says:
Settlement of the Pacini- mm.
1 j i.....i...u.a !. f-: i... ' 1
The iV i.i. iHiij- His., ,.:
.1. ol lilt' tui-.e-t' i . . ... -
give lilt-
,;, ri',H,rt. like that of a cannon.
d.,.k beam were torn up, irratltii-M
i t . ........ tit fcltlTII. . "
tretntilcd irom so ... . j . i tho prexideiit, Secretary ('art..
When the . ' -Ml , hi oflicial udvixerx are m
men w-.-re ent M..w to th- . , , wiUl tl. Blwr.(1t , .
V1..C..,. of the Lancar tlreineli lay " ! ..' ...... ,.,,. J
" ' .. . . ... .1 lined Ihi IT. -I'llQ Wire,
' . , . ;.(, iheir te
or writhing at tm- him gas,., -flesh
piirlmiled by the terr.lic bath of
"iirheated steam in which the exp o
xion had plrniM them. The chh f
stoker, a Frenchman, wa among tl.erti.
He died in the most frightful agony a
few moments after he had Is-en
dm-k. The other ureuieu . v
the stakehohl Were oaui
Four of them died during the
ds night following the explosion.
a 1-lu. hy Vounf llnntr of 00
tool 117-
Marshfield, Or., Jan. 21.-Edwanl
Tower, son of Dr. C W. Tower, shot
Lit right arm off this aft.-rn.s.n, while
duck hunting. He was accoiiipanl. d
by William lteicliart and Harry Nas
burg, and tho accident occurred alsiut
three miles from town. The boy weie
in a small boat and Tower was picking
i up his gun to lire at a flock of duck,
when tho gun was accidentally din
charge. I. The charge of No. 2 shot
t.sik effect above the ells.w, shattering
the iMineand severing tlie anerj. j
Ktray shot uUn struck Nasburg in the
forehead, inilx-.lding itself iu the mill p.
Tower showed great presence of
mind, and ordered his companion to
tie a bandage nl've the wound to stop
the flow of bliHi.1, and then they started
" ' . . 1 to null to town. When they readied
is aeeorin-ii me T ...
M .ruhiield Tower was very weak from
! Ion of bl.Hul, but he was very gritty.
! On examination, it was found neee.v
nrivileire of addressing the house in hi
own In-half. He wa very sarcastic in
In reference to the ix-lms rauc . , .
Dominiim 1 I
tion oflicial of the Oil
state, characterizing them as "chival
rous Virginian, who assaultnl the
mentally weak and unarmed and robln-d
them of their rights."
He concluded w ith an elinpient up-jn-al
to the house for justice.
"The stigma of foul elections," said
he, " and dcbaiichml the
South for years; its deadly influence
liiralvz.n the public conscience; but
above tho elbow.
Indiana flcnalor'a S.rrh In
to III I r.ijrct.
Washington, Jan. 21. The session
of tho senate was without incident.
Senator Turpie against the Nica
ragua canal bill, and the reading of tho
now , thank Oml, in Virginia, at least, legislative appropriation bill wa com
the slun k of this ballot broke the stupor. I pletcd, w ith the exception of section
The fear of the negro rule disappeared, j making provisions for the congressional
Put, lashed by the scourge of public ' library, which were passed over tem
opinion, the guilty trickster still dare porarily in the absence of senator in
to bring infamy to the of con- j terested iu tho subject,
gross. If you accept their maehiiia- I
tion. y.ui approve tlu-ir inetlimU and (
give them fresh license." j
Cannon Una a I'lan.
Washington, Jan. 22. Senator Can- j
nou, of Utah, ha introduced the fol
low ing as a substitute for the Repub
lican national conference bill: I
"Within ninety day after March 4.
1M'7, the president of the United
State shall invite the leading com- '
liiercial nations of the world to
representatives to an international
monetary conference to convene on or
before October 1, 1V7, at such place in !
the city of Washington as the president 1
may designate, ami also within said
ninety day after March 4, 1MI7, the !
president shall appoint live commission- ;
er to represent the United States at '
such conference; the duty of which
United States commissioner shall he ,
to urge the adoption by said conference
of a plan for the free and unlimited !
coinage of silver and gold at some ratio 1
ranging Ix-tween 15 and 111 to 1' be-j
twceii the nation represented at such i
The old soldier had n field day in
the house today. Under il special or
der adopted yesterday, the whole day
wax devoted to the consideration of
private pension hills. Of the 000 on
the calendar, fifty-two Weie disposed of
during the live hours' -ssion.
irri Mu. i h rni.
Taenia. Wa-h., Jan. 25. United
Slides Judge liillvrt gave a decision
here today that the Northern P.i. itio
Railroad Company must pay a draft for
T 1.200, cashed hy the late Paul Sehulz.e,
at the IihmI London Ar San Francisco
bank, just Is fore hin suicide. The
draft Wiinon New York, and payment
was stoptn-d tnvaiise Sehulze Used the
proceeds for personal purposes. The
case was tried in Pert land.
Ju.lgi.iriil Agnlmi th Forrlt VI hrel.
Chicago, .tan. 25 A judgment f,,r
sj.O00 in faior of the World's CoHiin
hi.iu Exnisuion Company w.m entered
t.hlay in Judge Ibuke's court against
the Ferris Wheel Company. The judg
ment is for the World's Fair Com
pany's share of the gate receipts during
the exposition.
Iluremi nf Mlnrt
Washington. Jan. 22. Senator Per
kins, uf California, today introduced a
bill which is intended to pave the way
to the establishment of a bureau or de
partment of the government to he de
Voted to the mining industry. The
resolution recites, by way of preamble,
that the mining- interests of the United
States have no clear representation in
tin- organization of the government, ami
it provides for a commission, to be com
posed of the commissioner of the gen
cral land office, commissioner of lalnir
and director of the geological nurvev,
"whose duty it shall In- to determine
the In-st method of ascertaining all
facts of general iitinirtance relating to
mine and mining within the Unit, nl
An India ltllef ('awn.
Bombay, Jan. 21. A correspondent
of the Associated Press, w ho has lioiun
a tour of the famine district of India,
telegraphs from Surutora, south of
PiHimi, an imKirtant section of the Deo
can, having an area of 4S.000 square,
miles, and inhabited by 1,250,000 per
Hoiis, saying that the famine is lcsa
severe there than in other parts of tho
Deccan. The first relief camp estiili
lished at Nunsil, on tlie Poona-Biingh ro
road, in the middle of Novemlx'r, and
there are now live camps in that vicin
ity. The people are lmlgiug in mat
hut, containing parents and children
or three single adults. They work
from sunrise until noon, and from 2 P.
M. to sunset at stone-breaking. Tho
people are contented and have sufll
cient food and blankets. The corre
BK)ndent (lid not notice any distress
from the cases of destitution. No gen
eral emaciation was observed, nnr wero
the iH-oplo. dying by the roadside. Tho
situation in that distirct is taken, on
the whole, to be satisfactory.
It appears that the government
trie liiuuro oi ine ininimg , j.
xelf in the position of ttn cj",
an insolvent company, or ut trr
in the position of any of tho ji;,
with secured, lien agaiiint t)
aided road. It confront!, ,:,
other creditors of the lino, tie,j.
of being a party to the forHwas,
i-eedings, or a party to a n-orjuj
arrangement. It is tneri-fiWr:
apparently, the comparatirc
the two courses of action, in ir
xpoetive promises of return to,
eminent for it outlay in tli,
ono important respect, 1101.
government tins an advantiv
other creditor interests, partij.,
son of the failure of the I'm,, .
ing bill. The governiueiit'ii ,
is now all that could In- limit
less tho president i absoluti-S
fled that the government will i
protected under foreclosure hf
obliged to foreclose, uinl the firr
gage bondholder will In.- pmvr
sell the road, on account nf uV
elgnty of tho government. Ui:
isting law tho government y
ceive more than it would m.v
Powers pronisitioii. But the
bility of tho government H
partnership with the roads i it
on all sides, and, if the prtffe
an opportunity of doing tliimt,-
vantageous condition, as Imtni
tic information he will, tlie di
would undoubtedly lie Wi-Ioom:
a few ilavs the position of the r
tnent ha changed from tlmt of i
pliant to that of a practical di
Before tho bill wa dcfcutel th.
eminent was in the attitiiile ol i-
the roads to return. New tlie
liu-lit, through the presiikt, if
to them, "You must give tlw f
inent w hat it will deem a to n
On the other hand, it t ck
the administration has Invn
w ith the Union Pacilic nmrir.
committee, and an agreement
reached w ith that organizatui
comprising or dispensing w
closure proceedings. In reorgi
scheme the various creditor
come together and agree un
hution of the insolvent cniiijur
sets. In the present case, for
nle. the first-mortgage hoUer-
have . to receive ilollur for A
thev would receive it under I'
of their mortgage. Otlu-r o
including the government, "'
in for n pro rata share of tin'
Villl.O of their liens, basml "
gregate on tho earning -iipa ity
property involved, and in w
uiHin the degree of Hill"irdiii7
resnective claims.
Indications are that t!'
IU ltll litt. t.l to .inter into 11 re'-
tinn agreonient that i-onteiupls"
closure and sale, with ivrtait
ranged results, nnd that '
Clevehui.l will he able tosiviif
governnient an inleiptate return
loan to the Pacilic railroad
Ho is now said to have iissiirath
two syndicate that if the run
under foreclosure iimccc'ling? '"
made will be far enough in
the first mortgage lien totfoV
ernment u fair return for the
i out through its pecuniary
to the comnauies. As si-ms1
snninces are niade formal.
w ill be in a short time
tho l'
under tho authority given
Kobtixry In Salem.
Salem, Or., Jan. 21. Three masked
men entered the Salem Laln.r Ex
change, in North Salem, tilxmt 10
o'clock tonight, and demanded that
Manager Hoye, nt the point of a pistol,
o(H-n tho safe. Hoye demurred and was
assaulted by the men. He was linally
made to open the safe, nnd then th
men renewed their assault.
The manager was cut through thn
........ ....,.., ... ooning onreaii, a i iiatid witli a knife, and also received
.."'" - ..on iiuniiig, a com-I two bad wounds in the back of
nussioiier of mines, or a commission, head. The me.. .1,..,, i
to rc,s, m ,he secretary of the inter- The sheriff was notiiied anil went to
, . .1.., or securing tno scene, Put he cou rt find no c.tia.
..'.-.-nil limn 1 1 lit I hi 11 I'lMlCiTIll ur I i.'turr r.i. .a ,,f i
o;, i " .i.... i.. , : , "! "'" " inugs.
11 1. .iett lUllUSirieS Hi Till. I KM(ltutd..r1 to l,..,..t
1 Mates."
amount of money
They aro
secured only a small
i,rnvi.l. for a tax of tlO a year
every man rMwin chin whisker, or
"side l'gei." It '" provide for m 1 Ir. Pom het say that xome form of
tux on gSat-eii. MomUche r fnnfj , bacteri w ill i"Vive an oMeal of 400
frow U Ui il.ou. O dn-i of hca
tgli'no Utah. Jan. 2.V- Franci
Schlatter, or bin double, is in the eitv
J.ul ill a pnvarious condition tiixing
attelll tis suicide List mgl.t. Almut
7:45 he went int.. the of the
Union Pacilic hotel, drat.k a cup of
coffee and went out on the platform.
Sum after he oin-n,s a p,vk.-i knife
and cut bis thnat, s,eri;.g the m..
pipe and most of the at but mis,
lug the jugular, lie s remoiml to
the jail an t a phwei m Th
man the .L. tor to let him alone,
j he wanted to die-
Alnhlp i I u.ll.
Lnli, Cal.. Jan. 25 The airship
craze has been reviled here hy the ap
pearance of an aerial navigator in ,.iv
light. Many people in Aciti.po, three
miles north of hen-, saw it the ether
afternoon sailing oxer as plain as the
sun. It seemed im big an a small
house, and l.niki-J like it wan built of
canvas. went southeast. Some
tanner also saw it the same dav in
here. The ship seemed to lv
in-rftn t control.
New York, Jan. 25 A Jacksonville to the ? orld says: The lV.,Utit
less was roued tonight and lil-eled.
The bind alleges; First, th,. Bl.t (
sail-.a 0"0i tins nrt with illegal
intent; second, cruising en the ovn
s--.i without regular p-nn-rn, and then
and there mounting certain guns with
O'-i-nt to cruise against and commit
hostile acts for a certain people called
the insurgents, or the CiiKin rvvolu
tl"iii"tn, ag.iiiiseVlie jn-a.v, dignity, etc.,
of Spain, a friendly nation, and with
tiring said gun against a v.-ssel of said
friendly nation. The libel ask thai
the iw K condemned.
UriiUli rrem ri.l.igiin.
Belfast. Jan. 22. At a hampiet. the
Karl of Ciidogiin said he was ghid that
the financial relations of Ireland had
Ueu referred to expert, but he repudi
atcd the idea that the r.vent commis.
sion wan a one. The th.n.rv
that home rule was Miitnl the agita
tion was merely trotted out us a hug
In nr.
s: i i
' itch has been r..,...i.'...i I ' lennil dispatch to tn
nat (.teneral Wevh.r 1,..
cit ien
average death rate in
in i;.(l per 1,000. and
Istncts 1.1.7 per 1,000.
English I
ill the
Wylrr Uur ia Mxet (
! New- Yoik, Tan. 21. A Herald
pei on iroiu Jacksonville, Fla., xavs
yi iiiiiu u;..i
: from llavar.-. '
I xgaill l.-n tl(ac -nv with i x ,.ol... ...
tho Held. ri,-.a time the captain-gen-cral in the direction l)f ,ho
: border of and Lis Villa.
j .a-ru Max: mo Gomez issup.sed to be.
Astronomers say that there in every
reason to U-lievo that human life on
o in uiueii use 11 18
n.-t ..f 1T u ill enter II" ali
for the government i" ll"
proceedings began by the lirsl
bondholders, and nn order H
of the nrmu.rtv will be llhta'"
According to the treasury
l, in .1... iiiiinunt
vuiomij tv, hid ... .. .
l-.,it.,.i c .!., I... tin. liend-al"''
v. imi-ii iiitun tj
after dwlucting the aim""'"
on account of triilisi'rtat.',n '
121,810,876, the original I""
.ii.,i. .n ft-i:t 5! '. 1
mm 11 tin -e,
t.i th.. moonlit for whi
obliged to the United Stat' tin, lor authority T
congress, issued bonds :iv
IU, (113,000, which have t
of congress become a liist '"'
. . .... (..itti'
lliere is (I scheme "i , y
.1... . nx I
power to ui" s ...
from the peat beds nine n"
from tin
owned by Boston men.
. Flrr.l 'f
London, Jan. 22. It i"1"'
V II!1-
ln n ufriL-ii riit 111 -T'"
ow.lrr Moulin Hn.l,n. I
Ala., Jan. 22 Th.. ti;;.. I
1 Lining in. 11 has Ihvii d.-st roved l,v
tire. Sparks from the lire cau,s a
trein. ndoiis explosion at the eitv niaga
line near by. and several person,
seriously hurt. At the time of the ex
plosion there were 50.0i,l j.mnds ( and 3io'.s f thiiami,,.
ston-.! in the magazine. The air in
the vicinity was wiUi riving
bricks, and a numln-r . f .mttagi-s ii. re
blown t pi.niii by the terruic exi-,
siou, which was' tliMm, tly -.,rd at
Spiing, Hill, m.-veu u.iUn, wci of U,
on this earth.
Th.... AIIM, .,,,,
fc,l;1,ri,,1',;T'l,V. 21-T1' Heraldo as-
rtthat thelnu.slstate hits refu.mnl
to Continue ii.H....;,.; . u.-n-.
i . """"" restore tn-aca
v una on ,e gron,i tll!lt tm.,.
, such a lliovelilent I,... ....-
oWal cin-le. however, it iVVe oV,,
that such negotiatiotii-OneveriiisU:
L-mdon. Jan 21,A V,7,Miu 9
-iministra,,,,, T-'J
gendarmes fired upon tin' sit
ing eight persons. -i
v;...,.,.. ,lwteh to tl"-
,he A""
.nil iwciiiii-i. ...
The wives of the strikers
nent in the riot, m"1
,. ,i. t-;il...l and uU-
f (till 'llVt II V -
military are held in r'
renewai of the trouble is
'5-i' 1T r
Svlvanite, Idaho, .i.i"
to tiie fact that the state-U-tween
Montana am'
settlml, and that this territory, Dan
of the Fitzsiiiuiioiis-C'
corresin.ndence with
ascertain if the light
ce.lM '
off here without intern
White tar is one of the
(i.tttd ..r .li ..Verii-S. P I"
it will not Isn-onie soft
tayi in any cliuiate.