im ,1 1 w 1 fi i n 1 uu 11 o SST1BLIS0ER MB TOE BIMEMUTIO OH D2WRITIC'U. M T,i f'.Af.N H nnU'XT LI .INC HT TBH VA'KIT OH R I K(1V KUGENK, OU., SATURDAY, JAXUAKY Mi. !M7. NO. 0, E (jUAB 1 in I IE FKLY EU3ENE Bjmj. L. CAnPSELL, PUBLISHER. uyfl,'E -Knit l I "' WiHhum-U-i li t-fi. L.H.1 nJ K,; "reel,. n-f.4.i? sriH'li.liTliN: )it Teir. 1.00 so. jvertising rates maae Known on application. bii-lii" lftium I" (il'Ai'.I), 1,.,.(lrp4""j J S. LUCKE DEALEH IX hoAi., wn:ns. Jewelry, tic j-Jsll W'orU W rraucil.-01 Jj. VV. JjXwU vv xj. ! ...I..,, .,,,,! SiiiiMOM.i ny . ... lfHc nl ri m'J i hi.; 1 .M-i, ! HI! 11 iin-s: i'l tn '. I'. Hi. ! , tm , 23. O. 2-2213- j iRAXiTE AM MAH2LE VCKK3. i i t l"- KU1 "I'l I'rico la FiircUii inn! I Donifjilc Mnrl'Io :nl lir.iiilU1, Mi'imi.n.'im. Ili-a l-l"!!' 1 1 : r I I'linolcry wmk nf n'i k;:,,l fur lv.i). ALL N'olUC (il'AUANTEEl) ! illtartusirivt, Hear ri-ntnllice. hii-in.', r 1. C. WOODCOCK, I f .ltlOi'IlCV-at-JillV. iirru e-on,' :iul( lilni' souili J0, of I'lirivitniu's KfilKNK. OltKiiKN". vv. KlKY , M AIIKI.KY. Kinsey & Markley, Attorneys-at-Law. I'mnin-TclHl u 1 IVnl'iiU' Ull-ilit'is fi..C- !v. litli'i. In rliriMiinii IM, i, k. E. dROWM. "fesident. B. 0. PAINE. F.W.OSHURN. Vict PresiilsPt. C:i:i:er. 'J'HIC woe wail am BANK f iygenG, - Oregon. H'TilRs-P. A. l'slne, J. II. Harris. J. K D"i.H. i. I'Kiiie, IV. K. liroivii, J. l' Rotiiusuu, V. IV. Oilmrn. I Ml Dj Cijiiai. : : : $50,000. fisiera! B:nki-g Business Transacted. ltwt,'tt a',lo-,,, on time ilepoBlti. o.ii. ' emruste I to our euro will rocoivo 1 1 ' I lUvliUi.ii. Lane County Bank. (K-tRtilbhi'il 111 ls-J.) EUGENE, OREGON. ; A general Banking business! h H branches transacted on ' Jorable terms. I A. t. HOVKY, President. J.M. AKUAMS, Chicr. A. U. HOVEV.Jr., Aiwt.Cuslir.j, 8, it. KAgis, Jit., W lion w, . priori ; 0i Eugene. P.U ... . hi up tosj, (:a,3iU s5o,(;!;o ."lirniii: , .. ,.r, .cm "UifPrir r-. 0--.V- - - urcfun ifIll!r I,,. ... 1(un '"i'.., h,isii:t ss nti r-'un-ni Hli'iT'7, '.''" 'H-iu mi M-.'.v ni:k b7(VFKANl'-l!'n)aadPul IT- .'U '') ' t- :-'ck ... .-..nit fVr.i,' .,. "'' t ' ' 'I'll v. lli .. c -li i ,51, ... .. - -"-a..,,.j L. PAGE, , I'tAI.KR IN Groceries r'vit,,, , i .. . I s - -' jc ..,f r ,i,.,.t,. st. k .if X'- '"IK i (ii.-'.ri.-i.eiM '' " ' -l ii , l i-'s. aj'-ysivar m gssh. tiiX''"'r ""' lM'llir I""-"- '' VK' "t;.er n ii- ;, ;;! .:, ! :Ji:H!.l;!n st'iiri:: rn::s i TL'KSDAY, JAM'AHY 12. Hllsh. !ui weather for elks. Howard Rowland is at Kaletn. Tho kiiihII i,v I tAlf U toll jwsj viiia uiuru A (; Woodcock Sulciii. lias returned frtu ' . UoldHinith of Portlmid U tho citv. la Miss IMim Dunn urrived I artcrnoou. lotiie this V TChrNiiian, of Cottage Urov li ill this city. The niiow extends iui far south at Itust-hurtr. The vUifuik; Klks .rn u jolly set of (ieo O Knowles, editor of the For. em Wist, is in Eugene. KM Ihiy did LusltieM at Juiutlou My loduv for a few hours. nios i.iveiiey and Julius Pitcus, I'ltrMiiml I..... I... t . ' ""I' uuyrrs, nrt ill liecltf. vnorney Milowortli sftanrUil fn , ""ie icgai iiusiiiess at Junction City Aurcllus Tod, I am! fumlly. formerly or t ottacc Grove. arn now lcMt.i i i. i... , . . ... oi rnersnurK, t lorlila. Htrei t Commissioner Doyle hut Wn l(cit t.iuy today scraping the s low from cro.Hint'niiud ildswaiiis. NYulter Jackson, the annular ilmo.. r is in th city. lie will hs shown the mysteries ,.f Klkdum this after noon. In the nmtwr of E Mathews, an In " purwm, a (ictltion 1ms t eeu lllsd ill tllM ir,.hula ,,, f,m K A I - I l'- ivji I U. Illume C)I Kiiiinlitn. County Clark A C Jonnlngs yet-tur-I day afternoon irranted a murri ie ; license to Herliert Serwill and M:ss j Wintiie .Smith. (,'ottHL'e (irove Loader: V Uarn ! that J I Jones' aw mill started up aliout ten days iitjo and that the out look for the sale of lumber is uoiut. Hupt Lawler of the Anidem qimrt. inins I in London and a very rich vein of ird and silrerore is rsoortwl to have heen atria-k since h toil lays. NYlien in the poHtnfflce yesterday voniiiK, J 11 Ellison had a Ktroks of parnK-Ms and was conveyed U his Iioiiih in a rarriuiw. Mh seems to be rostiii' l)Httr today, hut is confined to HIS licit. It Is a warm, bright day for the liuiittry population of Haleni, but over the rt of the stnte a cloud has sell led down that will not lift for hist 40, i unirss ne areas or low and higu pres sure uliift about unlike their usual ! wont. ! Salem Journal: "Moorhead of Lne was the Masonic candidate for chief I clerk of the senate. Mr Kasmus, who ! will make the best rending clerk ever , in the senate, had the K P hoys be liiu d li i in." Those who are Interested in orgatdz ; ine it ladies auxilliary to the Knights of the Maccabees helJ a niefting fop lowed by a social lust night. Miss .Smith, state organizer, is in the t py and expects to soon complete the or ganization. Blue, Red, All All wool KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT. ( Jenuine Foster Glove, Kegular $1.2') for89cts. Kskav, Worth $1.50 for S1.E5. Biarittz. .Sizes l to worth $1.00 forSOcts. SILK DEPARTMENT. l'rint.M.l Indias formerly Si. 25 now 50c t. Dark printed Indias formerly li ( ts now 10 ctr-. Ilcavv liirured, price t;2.50 to $2.00 nowl-OU. And maiiv others in proportion. Eua rene s THE I'LKlM.i: IX KffcKNK. The " Kent People on Euitli" Oigan-! he In Tins t Ity loulglit . Psiljr O'.mra. Jmcitry l: At hut a Iniliie o' Elks, Ihe ' reopie Un Earth," s m be ..i-mi,., in mis city. All piehminary ar ante iiieius mive been iromplttcd, a lur r. .....I.... .. ..I .1 . : .. - c. .,ui(iuri in I'.IKS ailil llie III- stallii g ollhvrs arried todr th,. work ol initiation hi-gaii in MuM.iiic tempi at o'clock :his afternoon. The baby lode s;urt- out with 41 chartr memtH-rs. The Iniiinlion ingni iim tHjen ex ensivcly arrnnncl for without limit to cost and a irnnn i.i.i... ....... i . . . .... . ""' win ihj nan. ine hainiuet which will tie one of the finest ever serveo i i nils clly will be spread in the Uisilou tiuildinif on Ninth Mrevt The tiui'ditiK has be -n beautifullv d.c orated for the occasion. The work of initiation ,ekMii at 3 y vhiuh irns aiiemoon ami will the iiauquet will consume nearly hours Tlia iniliiilli... i.l...'.. . . . - . "Ulwr ' ' 'H" olien, or lortli.iKl Lodne o ML', j.-rsiid repre- .-m.iiY.f mr ureu'nu wno will lie as- T. r'l","' HI) (irillln Ki.,1 tmvy also tf Portland Imlye S i.,,.o l .n i.i.i and exalted ruins and esquires fr i I'.i.d it. tsglem and Itoselmrij; lodges. j A larire delegation ot visiting I:I!;h! Im i 1 1 i are in tl e city and vill ait in the , In ).;. i:. :ii organization aud fi-stlvities toniylitJ 'oliow Snim-.l Portland, Saleiu and Koevbiirg Indues - rn .-!,n ; V t; are well rtpresented. and numl! l.n.l..... .h.I ..I . . ...... - '. ,iSrniiiinii iiini i cuarui ran tie seen on all hand this afternoon. There nte about oi vmiinrs In the citv, 20 havim; come from the south this mornicir and :(() from the norlli this afternoon. The Portland anil caluin delegations came in a special car. VISITIXO KI.KS. Portland No 14.'-(1 K Iiol,eri...n Jos McKei, J A Wai'dle, V J Wilson. 1) Wolis lohen, Ivl'vin Storia. It W Mitchell. Delos D Ncer. Al HornicU II L Hatch, II D Until i. tsaleni K V Pattoi . S M Utoek. T ( ' Smith Jr, Ed N Eden, A T Stevens, A li lirown, line llolinan. (' !' I.uii.iinr A II fUaw, Chas 11 Hindis, Win Faher, C Hemphill, F T Wri-htmaii, l U . . nto. !' 15 outhwuk, P 11 U'Arcy, J A iwlnti. ltoieliurg No 3W-C U Cameron, ueo M Krown, A M Stanton. II C Slocum, Ad Harmon, Douirlas Waite, Peter Nelson. Fred Paite 'I uslin, Her man Marks. Dr F li Cotlman, A W Zleglcr, J M Hansbrough, V II Jame son, Willis Krauer, Frank Hlotnsr, A T Thompson, A Salman, Simon Caro. Jiaker City C!eo Ctiandler. Self Explanatory. The Dam.ks, Or., Jan 11, 1SH7. I am very happy to inform my friends that somebody made a mis take when they reported that I have consumption. It Is .ny liver itmtcsd of my lungs that is bothering me. If you don't lieliuve my lungs are alright come up and I will slug voti a hI.i us loud as any lady in The balles. I nm Improving nicely sime Dr Knul, my ma, has come. Plcuss publish. MKS. A. I). SK Adli.S. Our informant U a warm friend of thu family and we are glad the news wns wroi g. Print and Calico Department. 20 yds for figured, 20 yds for Black, mourning, 20 yds for I CO Dress Goods Department. All wool 34 in 2." e nl wool serge. 50-ccnt serge P. i hi si: iii! ni! : ;i. Jul, : Ku'.'crtun's bn'x h.iriicil: 1'KUIHll, l.-c-ll 1,1 l;, '.'".'ll. i: -T H j i ii.-i... Hi - i , I p u II. c I 1 1 ' i i I i n il. I. I'V :nori;i'i illcMllill's I'.v l! c. 1 , : c t. 'IT w I ' :i 1 1 1 1 lon.nji I . '"I' II' '.it 4 o'iI.icL Jit, I o I line 1 . ! 1 1 -,. ;i v, ,1 Sliril ! p. H ion n!' mV' 1. . r i "i- . ni. ilu n c I, iiii'ii.dn t lie llli'hl , I, ;.,; own- I li hulnf t 1)1 i; illl.. V di tin c,!. T lc lio'l- t j, . U i'.l tn ' ' in-uruiiiM- i i "' ' u lnlc tlu unit. I ! c-ille ol' t, ; i iiu, ,1, l lit 'icii li. 1 1 !.; ; JinU.- 1'iiMcii ' liml.c t. m .I ,j. ; I so lire 1 4 ii. 't it was c, r: a : -. is t:,a: a ii ..i, I , vie t I II, III, ll ic I ,lt ; . ' ,v v ,', 'linen a f the n i.-. , 1 1 in thi ."iii, lav I', ' fnnt-il le ti--,:i Ci. M',f 0 . i.t ati.l trie limn 1 "'1 1 l-t loll siiii'ilti.l li. n u' t: . . pli.iril in on,. , n is I liui-,t ''Mill ll "I Jl!,.,i lli'l I 'Hi i :t -i .m li ner Irmn 1 1 ! t i."x-h: hit , I.;, I I,,,, ai I ;: l I. I'll 1 rv - in-t :;! .itih'si us n venule: N II, L II I. !' K-vs: i c, S I. I . ii .a in wall ; I '.ui run m i : V I'r., i k I i, .1 -i 'irseTi; I, .v l: V (i. J P.ushnell: l.uii.l. ; li S S, S M J i: 'ai; (Mi, J I li.ui.l: I ikus i hlctol'. I 'I iv X I'.nn I; l: s" W W (-, I' Mill. r; l.liVll, T.I Mar in: I. S S .'iar ii,: i it, imm.i aek; i hapiaiu, lohi, lu:alc. W V ( lie-nii!in nl Spri miii'l.t aeied as iti-taiiiuv! uillr t. Ah uu I , im mi., is oi S; ii.vr P.'.n led,' i iviti' i:i ; ! i .'ii,.- and r,'(,.nt liavnu ha l an cx ri cnt nine. An c!cLi nt tiii nr was i rvi d diliiii,; the ' nin.'. I (. 1 A.N All'.,;si llnoll hi I VI I en I I o'clock .M s N I lllllll 'r of or limn i on N,-;' la;!, fi. 1 1 1 1 i. i, M I ll 1 li,,-,' I, i,,:, I. J,,'. lis I'l -This uflrr ic I, oils of H and .1 , I' . : r i ii ti i t ni m il ii 1 el v fi icinls (it hi t i I'l'iul t-iuct. Tea, he- will i !;e were i -iil iveie; ,li dallies er, lli I Ulns, Master- Aiik-'iiy Wbe son, ri f , I! ' 1 ,,,-,, on, II O'Dell, I n-1 iler noil, vcu, 1: t 11 1- hi..,i lllle-ol, Met lung, t 'oiidon, ei..te, i Mm ii, .Mci lure, Walton,! i:!l in, I. M Mioci uinl hel:oii. , Pn.l.vijl i:n l T.vxi s - Slim ill 'John son's books show I In ili ln,i)iieli I taxi s fur the four veils eliding January I, IMC, In lie n foil. : 'll.'! ti X. ! .17; til I'J (ax. :.h"7.'i.S7; ax, JMJ.7I; ':i'. aiimniil ilelin , : 'i'.'i 1 i. The II u III lie colt- l! ' re in lllile o:i .hi in and tax. 4tl. T ilal iMi"lt fin- past four t-i on (he 1 ii "i I snli r ihly minced j i-t a an ui mum lo I e i 'ii'1 i inliel wise. The slinwin I1- '1 ." tspcciall y gnnd. r the car I a 1 1 y i, i, nr.:, J.. La Mi' Exi i.nni:!.'. WHS CIHIltl d ill I'.ln1'- la-t I iilhl by the exph ini'i --( o -is! i In ili: I II 11 1 ll III i; alley a kelo- ! by a s inie 'loll ol Selie imp, cnli.-cd In I cm" In", Ini'li acid ball. Ti e smothered out bv tlu- pii'-eiit they did any mtIoiis .laiiiiiye. I I'fole S 1 (10 I v)l) 20 Ladies S3 Shoes for SI. 50 Misses S2.50 Shoes for 50 Ladies Iiiiii rs for Ik mill lo i. I'ill afl'l 1a Cihi 0111' 11(11 n;i JUL IU OiJl, LINEN DEPARTHENT. Tahlu liiK.-n.-. I all linen 2i'et.r. 1 fancy rolurud 2et. 1 iice llf-avy ''ernian tahle linen wnrth 5(i;:t fir :;s't-'. 1 jiiiici'- lii.'' t'.uny Idcaclied worth for 7"n-t-. 1 jiicci' Hi:' l.n -y worth $1.75 fur . 1 .25. Heavy ll'.ieli TnAcl- 12. ccnti Heavy 1 1 in -1 1 'i'lvcls .('.) cents. 'otinii Tnv.r!' i'nr .('5 cent. 'ra-h Im! li t,,.', i'!s .05 wni. I'iln.' III:'.' '1 i t'lV.'cl--, AVul'tll 55i; for 'J ic. I 1 a '. To ,'. ' i'l.'.' (linen) for Cotton To',1, eiii'i'j 25 yd.- for $l.'Hi. Nai'l; in :. I'ini.' I i i j i : i' N ipkins woii. Sd kiii. v ' ! : li 75i'U for. :;rVi .. k ISlUS 1 V III. iUMl ili I I. ' A lie, 1 Miiln i..irli 1 .i.l : ; i- I uii,Im' mrlcpfd .ipr. ft. f I I I e (Mil mt i! r I rio cui:! cVi lilll," ti 'i ; . I . c i I !i rr.'w f.ii; w f r . r:i!.'. i iJ. I Ui .s j :irt ot m illiven Srtsr lst ive hi, i i t' e iii-autlful Mil I s is' 1,111 this III , c i.t I Im iir,.. c.'irl v t i I -jiyr'-cl In lln t ert y i t in u c!.,U nl' clilcr d.'tt I), c I I ii.--'; mi n pml.i l ill, C ! I I ill: l e t.t'vllln'r ho iiii'Mili.; : ! i ; i i ft 1 1 I 1 : y his III : 1 1 1 1; y iic led i.:. .! ti.o U'.tll Il.o ltlil.1T p'llt of ' lUrd i;tim ci the dav i er ur j Pii'sils tltiters j t"ii, injt hs , d n 'I ; I tiii , f, iilh.'i V I i'io: y lir.-ath s rmm (In- ii, nth ami 1..CS ol I he (HI t o an I i:P n it ii i. I ite ... it, ,ii.' r i ' 1! 11 J'' 1 i ut. i iW'rll:ii'e r 'i hsr . A lie-cy i inisnf (isr'.i en- i t i pr-.l i.t ci. tn lsii'1cii.. niil pie ri,',.,l l.n I n"ini'.f.l S':d j ' k l'.,ei gur.-'.' I, i n I- ii., 1 th mhl j sii l t ill r I rf I le tunes l ine, i;o W h:i 1 " " " 'i""'l Wol.-e. 1 'I lie sum I hn was liappv willi de- Ulit. I 1 1? lllil. h f Ulit. Ill- III, I ii. s eve I iiiKleil I. a I'lin,1 a j !.!; 1 1 :' i," :itn a c I pun er mj, ,; s : l 'in it ' , i- I'd i.le! I n er.l l f h si x ) haudfuil of the mpai t firm of the I 1 1 1 1 1 e i 1 , 1 1 1 is to v r, morn some in- to", when sioit whlr'li.-a I ii lopcr angle Ihrotii-h ti, e lisr al uioilieie. li as a in- nii,,ii an I i 1, ill, i. ill, ,n tn tln un ; riispecl,i in i,,V limhlun to he ahl n p! ! 1 1! lie.) w li t 'o O'l her way to colli'itti S id Inn hsr pr- Ity fuce un llero a Cllcl lll',t,illg ,,,i'KS hich el!. mi .illy I-, in ived all Unit ii'i i i Mural p .1 all c.'l.ii ini, Icivitn; ill lis iili-nl a hi rbtr hue. ll uws Itrv.n'to I,,. ,,,,j,li dignity of the lln i v. i-li v i I,:, tn I e .'hid by his ! sporty feiln v c'lnlinl ninl hsvn 1 1 m ' well e.uiihi', f Hull plat a'l knocked .nut of , i i h 'i s living, loo, to have to tnk Pill Ie 'i la's method of j I, living ( i loimlo u hell loll bad a ! ' i. et car t elvel In imir poikil; but these are oi iv a lev of the uccoiiipan- i n- ill- of it (now Mm Ml. I lie groin ! uiiiurv w h-n the stiow In nan tn , the tenipeiiitiirt' ban re iiu.liii'il ilov li a id the limn lets stuid mi pretty nil tiihiy and lias coii iiiilicd to fa I n ost oi the lime, lull lias not rum lied a duotli nl' unmi llian a couple of iclis. Im It dusiJ. .isinisry ie. M , l Ai-.i : Ai xii.iauy. Mr. i Smii h, oign iit r of ihe lleeliive, la , i!ii s nnxilia y In l lie Knihis ' I the i Maciiii'iis, is in tins city for the pur- oi se of oi liimr a iticblve. A met I- iinr was I el, ; in Inn Miiccahee Ii . II this altei noon t) ii 1 1 : ; 1 1 : ' pn l.iiiiiuirii", ( luile u nun I i r of li. ln m have alieady n.adi uppiii itimi for i)ieiiiheihhi;i. l'lrllMNf I. - I he Op. ll Si -..I, III all- I'oiiiie, d to I s giia n ivilunlav lilhl next I'V lb III. i I Lodge, K id P, lor Iiiciii' els aid ll'elr ladles has been I .is' pom I t in iv ks, and will licgh' on tiiefien ng of Jauuaiy .".0. A n i n "i i.rn I n the case of Les ter ll Jin oh ' vs I lolly C Jai nhy, suit f, f ill Voi ce, he lel.'i. limit hi.slil-d nil ausii or Mi d prays for Costs uiiil dif- I UIM'llll'lltS if sllil. Muslin Yuit of the I.invii, 1 - ii.iis.lnl.-, 1-1 lo,(, 1-1 ' 'oluiuliia I- lin.wn, 1-1 '.'abot W, 1-1 :;o ccnls. U'Alilll HU 0 J.UW $1.75 for $1.10 ::.5o for :: 10 J..".o i '..r I .'.i:i o ::."o for' L',75 .'10 P V ? L i " (11Y 1 tdlSLA I OR. I'.U, I'oilliOll Ins ci.t May. 'i I'.sher, Day, t i: s . Mln itfs of api.roifd. i, lur I. .Isn'Mry 1 '. 111 rs'iilr session, l'res, I'oiliii'lluicli llnudursiiii, Dunn and hint uii'itihir and I' l:i!inC" I'otnuiitiec lis'ial nuu.l sr of bills reported on the .ir, ttotii Mio committee on s'nels, irported a ll ll m liur of side is.ll;s Imili ninl sti, : improvemniil Mi I'av from cnmmitlee on tiro and water, to Imiii was referred the mat I ii r of a j lition regarding the use of - flleni' ii's lis! I, reported as follows ' We ii commend that It bo the order I or I tie coiiiiill that the east room o: i these id liner of the citv ball be us--, I I y me 1 1 1 u cniupaiiles fl meeting pt'i I'.'ics noli , except by iiermissinii 'ofti.s 'I nor, and that the name be In charge of t In liitiitor." ' In llie ma ter of petition for the lu , (slahluhment ol an arc light at 1 'It ll nnii jnutiBon mrreu, pwiiiinii 1101 L i nilted. Mr Ihiy fioin romniittie on fire and waier rske.l further time to report on en rr nil sunt li sine m pulillo suilaro lit ! oi t at viewers mid protest to Ihe res: I street sewer ue resd. Mr Hell n mnvsd to ml,, pi the repnit of ihe viewrts. .ilr tiny moved that the report Iik amended liy placing the costs for the streuts and allies on tiie oily. Amsiiiliiieiit curried After in formal diteussioii Mr Dav moved to leconsldar llie vote amending the le psjit of the viewers. Carriial. The origins! moil. ii to adopt the report of ( Im viewers Mas rsrilnl. lVlitlon for arc light on 1.1th and High streets iias rusd. Mr Day moved that piayer of petitioners be granted, ami culled f ir ys mid nays. Yeas: DiivhiiiI !', slier; Nays: Duuil, liray till .1 I irlidcrsoll. MrtirsT moved that the sum of l l.'iHO be allow ed monthly to (loo K roiiur ss spaclal iilgtitwatchman iiuiil the same is disroiilinued by the council, private cltl.eas having sub kcribed the Hiiioiiin of $'-7.i hi monthly for ihe nm e (auso. Motion carried. City Atiornsr E It bklpworth, stated medsd cbaiiRei to the city char ter. I le us Instructed to frame pro tposeil Miiitiidiiii iils and submit tliem n the Couniiil at ii subsequent meet ink'. Hills rsxl aud referred to finance rnuimittse. Tiie fulloivlng resolution was Intro duced by Mr Day, aud unanimously cnriliil: Krsiii.vLii, That the thanks of this coiiuctl he extenilwd to the scholars of the public schools for their work In putting up the names and numbers of the streets of Eugene at Intersection of all streets of the city, ami that the city attorney be ordered to ptepaie n ordinance making ll an olleiice against t lie city of Eugene for any one to deface or tear down any of tin- said names or numbers. Dial I he city recorder he and he Is huiehy instructed to furniili Ihe prin cipal of the publlo reboots with copies ol this resolution to be read before the scholars of said schools. ( Mi motion adjourned. The I'l rst National lts.nk of this city has re-elected its board of direct ois and officers. Department. 1 7 cents 7 " (U " 5 " 4 " 5i " MACKINTOSHES. Ladies gray all wool lino Macintoshes formerly $20.00 now for $0.00. Kim; gray formerly sold for $14.00 now $5.00. Ladies fun wool Meintoshes formerly 0.CO for $1.50. I.ii.lio, Mackintosdics worth $1.00 for $2.1)0. 1 adies (iopsimers worth $2.50 fo DO. o o o l I '. .Jll- l t Y.w. s.-t sv- - .-j I : , " v esT . ri j-v- 'v, . r- i nut SPRING MEDICINE USlM.MONS I.IVC? Rl'C.ULATOR ilon't 1,;, t tn r. 1 Uf I Kit gets tlugzlsh iliir.u; tiie White-, put like all nature, f'J ti i sv-: M It iiics choked up by th ,i inti"! i' I w.i.f, wliLh brlniJ on Mi'. ; . Ic,,r and A i:e and Rhtuma t; . ii j"t 1 1 wake up your Llvsr ! . , t t ii sire y hi t.iks Simmons I iv i -t i aio;-! to do It. ll also it,'ui.d?i the Liver kesps it properly at t:., v. .im yi ur system will be free from p. j. j t - wh 'j K1v Invigorated. V i 1 1 1';; HKMT lHAOI)whea V"iir -M-i'i is In Al condition, and that u, i . .ilv wh. n t!ie Liver is kept active. Ity i l.i..r KeiiicJy once and note the i! i i.'. Hut take only SIMMONS l ! ; I'T -,i lATtm- it is Simmons I ui'; lwaioi.Ar'.'N which makes the Jiticu'.i. o. i .ike li in powder or In liquid iiiro.tJy rrp.t:cJ, or make a tea of the pjwdcr; but t.ikc Simmons Liver regu Un w. You'll hnj the RhU Z on every FJil.i .c. Look for it. J. li. ZviUii & Co., rhlUdolplda, luiljr l hunt, JsnusrT in. Tiik rsivERsnv Paper. The matter of the new 1'iiiversity paper, to he issued under the auspices of the seveial hlghsr classes of the University of On ton, was considered at assembly this morning and a committe of seven students was appointed to diaft a con etutlou and by laws, which they are to report iiextThursday evening. The new paper, while publish!) by the studenis. will be under the jurlsdlc thin of the faculty and will supplant tho present Pulletin which is Issued once a month by the faculty. Psllj Uuartl, January 11. Fi.MiKit Aui'VTaTKD. Dr W Kuy kendall this morning performed an oera'ion, removing the first finger of the left baud for Mrs Caluf, who resides across tho rlvor north of town. The amputation was made, necessary because of a feloneous growth, the nature of which necessitated the tak iug oirthe finger at tho wrist joint. Uslly llusril, Jsniisry 11. Call Acckitku. Her Robert Lea he of Portland yesterday accepted a call from the membership of the I! sp lint church of this city to become the iiermaueut pastor of the church. Mr .eslle went to Portland today and will remove Ida family to this city. He will enter at once upon his duties as pastor. Pally (niarij, January l'J. Window Dihplavs. F E Dunn, 8 II Friendly and the Honbonlere had handsome window displays today ap nroprlatuly designed In honor of the Elks. tore