EUGENE CITY GUARD. - - M I. L. OAMFBELL, rrrl.tor. t in j i m- a.-. ZUQENC CITY ORKGOS EVENTS OF THE DAY Am Intaraatlni f'nllai t Ion of llama from th Two nanilapharn I'raiautad In m t'owtauaril Form. The i amor Carann, from Hotter dam, In r"jiirtHil lust off ("up Abjoa. Fix nit-iiiIxti (if the crow wer laved ud 11 f K en are uiiaaing. l' Officer liratlon wu badly lint while trying tu capture two bur glar! in a itore in Tacoma. He tired lit one burglar, when another, who win watching, opened fire ami ahoi Prattou twice in the back of the bead. 11a will probalby die. Kddie Chandler, about 11 year old, wai drowned In Pnrtneuf river, in Po catello, Idaho. JIh throw bla bat on the ice and tried to get the dug to get It, and, failing In this, be went on the ice and broke through into deep water. The river waa dragged and the body found tu about an hour. One of the last official acta of Major Kailer of l.oa Angelc, Cal., will be to attain hie signature to an ordinance making expectoration! upon tho lido walk of public itreet, rntiaiicei to puhlio building or the Hoon of ulrwl ran a misdemeanor, punishable by either fine or imprisonment, or both. Chief Hazen of the lecret wrvioe at Vaihliigtou, baa Issued a circular warning UK" I iit a new counterfeit I0 tiaiional banknote ou the Union Na tional bank of Detroit The iiote ia the product of the aame band which produced the recent counterfeit on the National Hunk of Commerce of New York One distinguishable feature ia that the back of the note la upaide down. Maa Celia Btrahin wai killed ly her brother-in-law, F.lilen Hurnker, at Illxle, eighteen In I lei welt of Walla Walla. Mum Stnibm win vlatlng the family, and after the family bad re tired ahe went out of the door, and upon returning tbu inline awakened llurok'T, who drew a piatnl from under kia pillow aud ahut Miaa Htrahm. lie mistook bur for an enemy, whom be had beard waa intent ou doing biin barm. Japan hua a larger carrying trade on the I'auillo thau the United Stale, ami AmerloHiii who are near enough to watoh tho shifting annuel lu thla new and rapidly developing oonteat for com mercial luprcmacy find little matter for pride in preaent teudenoiea. I'll ia) ia the atatemeiit of United States Consul Hull, of Sydney, oolitiiinud In bla report to the atate department upon the opening- of the new Japaneau ateamahlp line between Yokohama and Australia. The president baa extended the civil service rulea ao aa loincluda all ottloori and employe lit the federal peniten tiary at Fort Ie.aveuworth, Kail., though it ia to apply to all audi gov ernment Institution and to all pent teiitlarie) hereafter cieuted Immediately upon their establishment. Attorney llciicral Harmon ia mhjoctiiig the re cent civil lervloe ichcdiila aa affecting the department of Juki Ice to a rigid scrutiny. Tb) present amemlineiit ia to overcome a defect in tha rulea pro mulgated and further amendment ou aiiullar liuea may be ei pec ted. Kadlcal change lu tha procedure of tho pension oIllcH bavo been inadii. All claim for increase, save In exlraordl liary easel, hereafter w ill be unit direct to the medical division of the bureau, without having to be paasod upon by the board of review. Thla action ia taken ou tho ground that the bulk of Increase case involve only medical ac tion, Hereafter there will be no no reaaity for raaea lafore the board of re view lc inn panned upon by three or four eiaininor I'ominiaalouer Mur phy baa (lied the number of examiner, who mint review each claim at once. The Me j lea u government, rooogni. iiill the increasing importance of tta weat coaat commerce, la di'tcriiiiued to Improve the bar hoi. Arrangement have been made to raiao a uoiialdcrahlo an in for thla woik. lu addition to tha ts.000.000 for thti improvement of Ci aUaooalooi ami Salnia I 'run, the eaaleru and v. eater n terinliii of the Te buautpeo road. The move to Improve the liartmra ia also caused, it iiaaid, by the rapidity of rallioud building to ward the Meiican I'acilto coast, w hich will open fcitile country and develop a large commerce through, the porta lav low Maiallau. A atrike inatltuled at (loorgotown, Maaa. , baa thrown out of work 100 men, and promiaca to embrace the en tire tit ahoe factorica of the town. A threatened cut lu wait' waa tho cauae of the atrike. The oonatructora of the Siberian rail road have undet taken to build a hue through Mautchuria, starting from a point ou the river where the Silurian road j'Una the Iraiia-tlaikvlia line and terminating at Mikolakaya, Kuaaia. The uiiulaterial preaa of St- Peter burn poluia out that thia line will make Uuaaia the intermediary of peace ful civilnaliou bctwevu F.urope and Ana. Notice baa boou pmted at all the 1'biladelpbia A Heading ooal ami irou collieiiea, nuuilveriiig forty, and alao at a uumber of individual .vlllerio, that work wonbl be suspended for a week. Twenty thousaiul men and boyi V ill las Idle. The executive committee of the monetary confervuoe with beadijuratera lu ludlauaptdia, lud., ara acudlug out call to all commercial ornatiiiatioin who iutend to aend delegate to the tvii ferttuoe. It It now Iwliuved that about COO delegate! will be lu attendance, A aerioua riot occurred at AcjutMuct, four mi lea from rVhenectady, N. Y., oo the Krie canal, whera 300 Italtaiia are employed on the caual Improve Uieuta. A body of about K'O men frun HolieiKHtady, who are unemployed, marvhed down with gum, kutvea, oluba, plckaxea, eta, carrying red flag, and compelled the men to atop woiking. Tbeaheiiff aud large force of deputiel quelled tlie riot aud arreted the ringleadera Tbe uiob relumed later aud attempted to burn ehauty where fifty workmen alept. hmali pay and eioeaaive prloea for food are ( ihi oauae of tbe trouble. A SALOON RIOT. Tare I'ollramaa Naarlv Killed While llulng Thalr Uuly, (Irand Haplda, Jan. 4. Two po llceiueu were pounded half to death by a crowd today, and two of thrir aiil a nt a were ahot. The trouble waa the rcault of a crunade, which the police have been waging againit talooU' keeperi, who have been violating tbe law. Today 1'atrolinen Viergivcr aud Har rington found the aaloon of Hommura V Treadwell doing a thriving backdoor bualne.i. Aa tho officer) entered the air waa filled with clul-a, bottle and glaaara. Olllcer Vierglver wil atruck on tlx- head and filled with a club. He waa drawing bla revolver aa be full, aud a be fell be pulled the trigger, bcvnal )iot were fired from the crowd aud Harrington managed to get bia revolver out and pulled it upon Treadwell, who waa pounding hi in ou the head with a bottle. The neit mo ment llarringt'iu went to the floor. A great crowd bad gathered in front of tbe aaloon, and the f iciteineut wai HI tenae. One olllcer outaide guarded the door aud neut for tbu patrol wagon. A uad of eighteen policemen responded, w ith order to a r rent every one In tho place, but moat of the crowd bad man uged to dip away. Officer Vn rgive bad an arm broken In two place, a finger broken, bla uoae diao!uied and an awful guahacroaa the aealu. Ilia injuriea are not ueci-aaarily fuial. ottb-er Harrington waa cut with broken glaaa. He baa a aevere acalp wouml and aorinua bodily in juriea. Treadwell waa ihot in tho right lung. Au MHiiiinallou late to night allowed that he ia Buffering aovere hemorrhage. He ia uul likely to re cover. Tli Mearaigiiai Canal. Washington, Jan. 4. One of the rim in ohjecta of the formation of a uew (i renter Kepubliu of Central America ia uid lo bu the completion of tbe Nic aragua canal heuor KoderiHuez, re cently recegnized aa the diplomatic n pica, illative of the new country 111 lie l ulled Mate, i aniil to be charged Wi h the duty of intereatiug thia gov er incut in tbu enleiprlae. 1 bia an) to the project couiea at a timu when it ia needed. The aupport er of the meaaure ou both aidea at the capital have hoa that the great puli lleii wnt to Speaker Heed, aaking that time bu givuu for diacuaaion of the bill after the funding meaaure la diapoaud of, will la heeded, and at leaat two da) a ao allowed. '1 hure am enough frlenda of the plan ou the aemitii aidu lo bring It up if there la any hope of getting in a fuw hourr while tbe funding dubute ia on ill the upper houae. Trallia Wrecked hy llohhara. Austin, Tux., Jan. 4. Au interna tional ,V Ureal Northern freight train wa w recked four mile! eoutli of here Una morning, presumably by traiuroh bera lying In wait for the passenger tirtln. A brakemiin, Fred Joynaon, wa killed, and Kngiueer Smith arri oualy injured. A switch wai left opeii and rocka piled ou the track. ltuletgb, N. V., Jan. 4. Fireman Alexander Overby and Kngiueer John Knl erlai ii weie seriously injured iu a wreck v.i i ly thia morning on the Ka lelgh ,V Augusta division of tho Sea board Air Line, Juat eaal of here. A rail had been displaced by train w recker. IHoodlioiiuda have been put upon the trail. Una Mall llohliarv- New Yolk, Jan. 4. The poatnlflcu tiiapcclor have arretted William H. 1'oat, aged ii'J. a mail wagon drivel, ou a charge of mail robbery. A iuaulily of incoming mail from the Weat wa atoleii on licci'tnU'r 'JO. Many rltled packagea Were found oil llecember 'J J ill the water olf Hrightoii la-auli. The key to tbu mail poucbea are aaid to havu been found on I'ost, aud amall article, probably Christina present, ill hi room. 'ot deiiiea robbing tint mail. It la tad loved bu threw tbu rilled letter into North river from tbu ferryboat, lie ha been held lu $3,000 ball. Half of lh lularesl. Waabiiigtoll, Jan. 4. The Crow-Creek-Sioux delcgatiou ot South I'akota Indiana have not gamed their an nounced object, of accurlng a per capita cash payment of s?,H00 less about (I, SHOO for expenses, now to their credit in the tieaaury, but they have aivuied a payment of about ft or $5 per capita, representing half of tho ac crued interest ou the money. I'al.t lulrrral Willi I'oflVa, Hamburg, Jan. 4 There wai au impoilaiit sale here yesterday of il4,0l0 bag ot lraillau tfctlco ou board steamer now tu thia harbor. Tbu oofTeo I believed to lie a consignment of the Uraiillan government, iu lieu ot bill to pay interest on the Uraiillan debt. The ivtVee wa consigned to the Uothachilda, of Loudon, who aold it here. Ituaala'a Held aianitanl aehama, SI 1'eterslHirg, Jan. 4. Moat au thoritative iiuartei deny that M. 1V Will gold atandard project baa leeu abandoned, aa waa reported from here. It will be diacuaaud at tbe council of the empiiror lu March, after the ttatu tea of tbe hank bavo undergone the necessary revision to bring thciu iulo harmony w ith the itateiiieiii. A i'lil III V age. Waltbam, Mas., Jan. 4 A gen eral cut in wage lu the mm foundry of liavia V Faruuiii. of tin city, went into effect today. The out range from a to ii5 wnt aud affivt over A00 meu. Tho fact that the largo foundries tu reuusylvauia and the Weal bavo com menced to do their own amall work, makliix It impoaaiblo for thla firm to compete, ii given a the cause. Japan ha forty-one cilie of over 10,000 tuhabitauta. To tlull.l a Ut Hugar t'avlury. Omaha, Jau. 4 The Commercial Club today determined that loinorrviw they will orgaune a company to build ud operate a big Nt't sugar factory tu or near t ti 1st city. The propo,! factory ii to have a capacity of 300 tom of hoot per day. Il li vaiiiuated the plant wfll coal iu the ueiglitioriiiKHl of .00,6oO, which la to K raiainl by st.vk aubaorlptloii Tbe fact iy ti to be lu opraliou by S. pti inN-r I ticxl. Spaiu and Turkey were oiu-e great uatloiis. Iloilt aro t day ou the verge of utter oollai aii A STRATEGIC POINT Colombia Striving to Corn Island. Get MCAUAUl'A BKSISTS THE M0VK Head a Ilrla. hiuanl ot Troup to lie luforra Ilia liarrlaun lhira-D. rluu Trouble May Kullnw. Managua, Nicaragua, Jan. 4. With j little beating of drum or blowing of trumpet, a warlike move upon the part of the republio of Coluuiiba ia now bu- licived to nave been checkmated by the ' republio of Nicaragua, although further 1 new from the objective poiul, Corn ialand, ia anxioualy eijiected here. I About a mouth ago tiie government of Nicaragua waa Informed unofficially that Colombia bad plinned to make a lauding ou Coru ialuud, a valuable trategio point aitu.itud about thirty an mile off the MoauitJ coaat, bo longing to Nicaragua, whoae fUg waa to be hauled down aud the euaign of Colombia ubtituted for it. It waa alleged that Nicaragua waa overtaxing Corn ialuud, aud that tbe inhabitant, numbering a few hundred, bad appealed to Colombia for redren, on the grouud that territory aouiu five milea long, which formerly belonged to Colombia, i waa unlawfully held by Nicaragua. , It waa further atatod that the pre ect : ;if r-itu Andnz, Colombia, had aaaeiu blud a military force, ami waa only 1 waiting for tho arrival of a Colombian gunboat in order to embark troop and to proceed to Corn inland and aeouro aud fortify it agaiuat the poaaibility of recapture. That auch a plan wai (In- cuaaed there ia no reaaou to doubt, but I'reaident Zelaya, of Nicaragua, took prompt atep to meet thia move upou the part of tho neighboring republio. Very quietly detachment of Nicara- guan troop were aaaemblcd here and at (irannda, and when all wa ready they were aeut iu amall partiea through l.nko Nicaragua and down tbe Sail .luuii river to (ircytown aud llluefluldi. lly thia time tho loldiera of Nicaragua are believed to bu in poaaeaaion of lilg aud Little Cum island, for there aro two of them, and tliu work of erecting a lining fort should bo progressing, Tbu troop took all tho beat gun avail able, and a mpply of ammunition and other aopplie. Storehouse aro to be constructed at Coru island. Of course, if tho Colombia expedition started earlier thau expected inn) reached Cor;: island before tho Nica ragua troops, fiwhtliiir iniiv bavo oo- curreil before thia, and, it ao, tho mat ter may Lad to a general upheaval in Central America, for Colombia waa warned, diplomatically aud through i llu) preaa, last luoiitn that Her eel.iiro of Coru laland might lead to a warlike combination of the republica ot Salva dor and llonduraa in aupport of Nlca I ragua against her. Colombia waa also ; advised, if alio still maintained that : aim bad right over Corn island, to sub I in 1 1 them to tho arbitratlou of a diaiu i tcrcHtcd republio. To thi'Mi threat! aud suggestions Hp i patently no attention wa paid, for it ; wa announced tloit the Colombia gun boat were being fitted out for tho transporting of Colombian troop to Corn island. It la hoped hero tlu.t the Nicaragua force reached there in advanco of the Colombiau detachments, j Somo year ago, when work wa be gluing ou the maritime canal, it wa reported that Ureal llritniu waa con i teinpliiting laying hand on Corn . Island, which, situated at a convenient distance fioni the Atluiilij entrance to tbe canal, would have been ronverted into another chain of Uritiab fottsotr tbu American coast, mid would have enabled her to bu practically m com mand of tbu eastern entrance of the waterway which is iu time to join tho Atlantic and the Taenia. Therefore, Nicaragua, acting upon the suggestion of the president of the United States, took possession of both llig und Little Corn Islands, hoisting tho Nicaragua!! Mag over thciu with much cercmonv, and giving diplomatic notice of the n.i in ii. The Itiitish claim to Corn island ia understood t bu bused on her former pretension, amen given up, to a pro tectorato over the Mosointo territory and because Colombia, which originally owned Corn island, ceded the island to iviiiir itiioikie. i i i,i i.u-.. chieftain, under Hiitish auspice, of the Mosquito reservation. Colombia, however, insist that Corn island wa only ceded to King (icorge ou llie con dition that it was to be returned when ever renin sted. llu) I layr.l With Hit ll,,. Oakland, Cl , Jan. 4 Yesterday tho reman of John Coiilou wore found itrown along the railroad track in Oakland. lUillel hole tu the face led to the belief that the man bad been murdered, and In body placed on the track to conceal the ctuue. Today do. tivtive learned that uoctiine bad Ihh it committed. Some small boy who w ere practicing with an air gun found what they thought wu a piive of meat. It wa a portion of Conlon' face, and they bung it on a post and used it a a target. After ahootiug it full of hole they threw it on the track again. It I now nppaod that Conlon wa ruu dowu by one of the bval train. A family A.h) lUt,, New York. Jan. 4 John Lynchteu Nrg. a oabinei maker, In wif..', l.ine, and their two children. Willis v'j month old, and Jacob, li week old. wore asphyxiated in their homo today! Kaitilu In a li.i.ila.i I'r.nUi.r. SI Petersburg, ,l.,n. 4 A famine ii prevailing m the province of Kher aou. It is estimated thai 7 .'.0.000 ruble will be rvsiuirod for the rvluf of the ullerer Oril.iaitr fer ort sir.r.i.. Waalntigion, Jan. 4 The ordnance bureau of Ilia war deparliuein hi,,. lug prvparatioua for the further carry lug out of the ova. defense of the l'. aitto Au orler hai Nnut issu,,) tor iho abipmetii of one leu inch ru'.r canon. weighing upward of thirty I -u. M Port Winneld S.-ott i Port mt . Cal. There will alo las ahtpvd. within a slicrl tune, to Pert Stevens' Or. at the mouth of the Columbia' Ihiee leii tnch rirted oauon ot loUj weight ot 100 tou. with thrve diun. peanng cartlagea for the ui. weigh- lug about eoo.voo pouudi. - - , . fo cjo: I VflDTIHVIXT I'DL'VlTir'- M?!H " :Lt UH05 Al JUAILA zzrz. ""iw Tbe HU l.oula Killtor rll Ttum Hucoiid aiorjr Window. Kt. Lonii, Jan. 4. .Iopeb B. Mo Cullagh. editor of the St. Loui (ilobe- Democrat, and one of the b't-known newapaper men in the country, i dead, ; a the reaalt of a fall of twenty-five feet from a aecoud-atory window of hi apartment! at the resilience of hi "i" ter-iu-law, Mr. Kate M.iuioii, of Si.;" , Weat I'ine boulevard. There aeemi to l. a difT. ien-e of opinion a to whether Mr. McCulbih'b'i death wai due to an accident or wb the reault of hi own a t. The latter atory la a-outcd by the dead mau'a friendi. The body, which wa cold in duath and clad only in a nightgown, wu (liacovertd by Mr. Mamou' colored mMii-Htrvaiit about 7 o'clock thla morning. Water, tho coloied aervaut, without touching the body, run frightened into tho houae, where b told the cook of tin' dn -ovcry Sho Immediately call, d Mr. M.ini who bad not yet aria -u, and told her that Mr. McCull igh bad "fallen out of the window and killed him If." Imme diately up on being u .tilled by tho aer vaut, Mn. Maiiion diipttched her coachman to auminoii I'r. V. II. Hughea, who r-aide, in the neighbor hood, and who wnt Mr. McCullagh'l phyaiciau during h:i laat illuoaa. llu hiifteiit'd to too bouH', and, after ex amining the body ordered It removed to the huuau. PERPETUAL MOTION. Tha llrirr Urtlia o a lllinie.ula St. l'aul, Jan. Mankato, Minn., 4 .1 Inn . Kaller. of applied for a patent for au invention winch ho a.ij will take the place of atcuiu engine nd electric motor. The device i called a hydraulic motor, anil the'principle npoii which it work in the natural one which cause lighter auhataiicea than water to raise to the. aurface. Au endlesa chain of mall air-tight tanks i placid over two iprocket w heel in such a manner that ou onu aidu it will pass upward through a largo tank of r. Aa each air tank eut r the watei- tank from below through a water tight valve, it will bo forced to the aurface by thoauperior weight of the water ami in this way the chain will be iu per- petual motion, revolving tho sprocket wheel to which abaft are attiicli'.d. Thus, if the claim of the inventor aru true, the motor w ill run ou iudeti- nitely without teul. He claim that the first cot w ill be less than of a s!i am engine, while tho operating cxpciiM will be so small that all other motive power will be driven out of use. Hydraulic motors to furnish horsepower required cm bo structed. any con- A MINISTER DEPOSED. Ilia l-'altll Cure llni'trlliea ihinoI III ('iiiixit-gnlliiii. Monmouth, 111 , .Ian. 4 At a incit ing of the Monmouth presbytiry of the United rreshyterian church, Key. J. O. Stewart, of tins city, win deposed from the ministry membership. and also from church Owing to the peculiar leaiurea in coiiik cuon wuii tin ca ', much interest hua bet n manifested m church circle us t..its final disposition. About two years ho Mr. Stewart w as a prominent divine f the United l'res byteriau faith, doing service a tin evangelist. Suddenly he espoused the cause of faith cure, healing through player. The church reprimanded mid admonished in vain. Several trials en- lued, resulting in Ins sn-peiisiou from against Jacobo w ith a good force of in tho ministry. Last fall he made aonli- fantrv. cavalry no, I ,.n ,,r t,,.. u,i,.... cation before tho Illinois synod for re- instatcuieiit. That body referred the case back to the Monmouth presbytery, which was unanimous for expulsion. ror tho past year Stewart has been engaged in ilm mn of what i knowu aa the Full Hible cbuich, which adviK'atca Ins peculiar doctrine. He ha organized a church at St. Loui and one In tin city. He ha also aeut out auveral unssioiiarie. 1'eil.lieil In a Mine. City of Mexico, Jan. 4.. terrible disaster ha occurred in tho Santa Her trui mine at l'acbuca. one of the most fauioua silver mines m the country. For acme cause not known tiro broke out iu a level of the old southern work. ings yesterday, shutiing otf ,he cut of i ii,!....,, i.,k.. the outside went to woik to try to put out the tire and save the men One Kiiglishtimn named Kicbardson, an ex- perienced tinner, went dowu in cbanre ci nn reacue operation, nut perished from,.. Ill .1... . ...... . , .,.xu.a. Sir ... "T11" , 0!,U", "r fr,,,,, curuiiig. me nouns tiave net vet been recovered. Tin. .a?.;. . . , " n greai r.viiriui iii, ns ii is one oi tin. worst accident in the history of 1'achuca. Tim Otll. ui Vm. Chicago. Jan. 4. The official can- vas oi itie vote or Maryland for presi dent wai completed t. day. Marylaud wa the last stale to report. The total vote of the United State was lS,,. ;ti.V The vote was cast a fellows: McKniley, 7,101,401; Kryan, f.,-1 ;o line; rainier. UI.V.l.Mi; Lev. hibitioni. no :..,, Ii i... . v .... . E . II W l.r. i .sn.l.Miai , n. .M.-t.-nette iivlalisti, 8;t.;,;i.. McKinl.y a plurality waa f.3o, 74., aiid hi m.ijoiity 810,,Ssi;i. Ki.xli.u lu a I' Mill. Xeiii.i. (V. Jau 4 A null beKn'c lug to the Miami Powder Company, bl'Hli'd rtt 11..... ft-.. ....1.. .. .... . ' , "ouiici tins o.ty. vM lcded ,.. aflcrucon. killing Jacob Kreit.r uist.imly and fatally ...juucg ,,. p Happing. Kroit.V bavo a f imily. Happing WM1 Uo, married. The os is I. . f-u, no, generally known ,ha, .here waaatunnel uud.r the KuPhrat w.u the wall of ancont Haby.ou. Kl, 1,1.1 . Aahrl. I'lij,!. . llncagi, Jan. 4 H. r.ylor. of i;,o. arrived from San 1 rancisoo t May lu charge of the aaho of the late Kate Field He delivered them to M, Whiting. . (riend of Ml.. Field, who will convey then, nvey thorn to P eaten. Th, I. a. i,, ,akl. Vouiigstown, O., Jau. 4 Mr. Mr. J.w-ph Ibt-i and child fouud dead in tv.Vat Strutl er. O morning, aud four hoarder wore and wore this iu a iviuatoaat cvudnioii, all having ben asphyxiated by gas from a cwk Hove. O Dr. Rizal, a Revolutist, Pub licly Shot. VJOOKOl'.S KKPKKSSIOX I'OLICV lllal Wa Ilia Author of Ilia loualHu lieu of Ilia l lillll'l'lua l.aagua A Sum -ouihalaul. London, Jan. 1. Tho Madrid corre- rmiideiit cf the Staudind aava: ' a The government autlioru-s (ieneral 'olavi jl, " g"lieral of t'ne l'inl 4 .. .. i ... . 1 1 ,. .,. .1, ! . ippnifs, to torrow aeveuu iinm" Ian from the banki at Manil.l and II .ng Koiig, to continue the campaign until the colli llu eta. Hr. I' was shot at .Manila loony in the pre-eni .J if au imuieilse crowd, llo Wi.S SelltelKed ulldi.r tielieral 1'ola- v.o,i new policy of vi.orou repies hion and auiiimary carrying out of sen tem es. (iein ral I'ol iv.-js absented himself duiing the execution. precaution were taken to prevent H popular ileinoii-trati u. Dr. Kiz-1 recon i ibd himself with the church of Koiue. aud begged bard to be allowed to take part in a civil marriage with bis unstress. Hi re (jiii t wa refused, a well tta the peti tion of hi relatives to bu allowed to take charge i f the body, left the fun ei.ilsboull be made a pretext fur a demonstration. On his trial by couit-iinirtinl, I'r. Kizal admitted ho was tho author of the coustituiom of the Philippine League, the. object of which was revo lutionary, but denied that be had taken any active part iu the rebellion. BUSINESS AND PATRIOTISM. ( alirrnU AiltrrlUlna Anil at the In auguration ef ! hlnler. Stockton, Cub, Jan. 1. Colonel Henry Shaw, of this city, has au origi nal idea for paying a delicate tribute to the olli -e of president of the United State, ami at tbu same timu advertis ing iu an artistic and etfective manner the resources of California. Colonel Shaw's novel project toward the cost of which ho has already raised nearly f juu, i tbe erection of n California elms an ii on one of tho principal ave nues of Washington. The design pruvidea that tho col umns, four iu number, shall be com pletely en vi-h pod by orange aud lem ons. Tho base are to be faced with California onyx aud marble. Tho arch itself is to be of dressed California red wood, trimmed with other California wood, such us laurel, orange and tam arack. ( u top, ou either side, will be exhibited full bearing orange aud lem on trees, aud iu the center u California grizzly bear, rampant. Suspended from the arch will bo a number of crystal globes, to be filled with different vaneties of California wine. Iu each of these au incandes cent light will illuminate the wine. 1 'ill ma and pampas plume are also tc bu used for decorative purposes. UPRISING IN PERU. ICrlialllnu Natltra Exterminated In a loittle. San Diego, Jan. 1. South American paper reccievd here today say that the Indian uprising iu 1'eru lias been quel led. Tho government sent Colonel rami, mi cxnorii need ludi.ui tiuln..r guns. In small parties tho soldiers penetrated into the mountains in pur suit of the savages, whom tllev ctK-oun- tered iu several camps. ittle was given by the Indians ncainst the sm .ll force of soldiers, with tlu result that the tiattlliga so depleted the rebel ranks that old Jacobo, their chief, wna hunted dowu with a few hundred braves. Colonel 1'ara united Ins com maud iu such position aa to r.iko the camp, and thus practically the entire Indian population taking part in the uprising was exterminated. The revolution in Urugay is reported as critical. The government troops have not only been worsted in their en counter with the rebels, but there ii I'residci,, llorda and iabi Z l 2Tt It afr.ltKt tu ....a, ... a . & " ... Fro in Mexico twien s,, umvir.itc. the state of Vera Cruz, in come news of bitterness be- psinsh residcuts and Mexicans and l,.d, un the latter beitiir stroin? partisan. f c.ha Cl A , ' . . . . . "... . voinepec, re- centiy a priest raised a Cuban flair on 1US M U1 -"Urds ,,,,1 " ed to tear if .1 nu n TI... a. t . ... . - . '. u was a iree ngnt, lu which mam hetida broken and ono Spaniard" was nearly anion, llio flag was uot removed. An Alaliaum lOiua lain. Hiniiiiigham, Ala., Jan. l The Commercial bank, of Solma, Ala failed to open today. It wa estab lished in ls-,0. ha. a paid-up capital ot l.bjo.000. and undivided prolits of 50 -WO. The New York correspondent is . - .,..,,.1,,, cicnango .National, aud llll, I lli' ii.... ... 1... .. ... v 5U irt --nio'uill. it, .M. ,.l lson. nrfsid...ii ., the Commercial, baa f,,r TMr, .,., prominent m tiuaucial cir de. He considered a ccuscrvativo banker. Irrtamt Ovrrlaxr.l. There was a large meeting in Dub- . ' I, irciano. rresi, ...I over by the lord mayor, to protest against the m,,, ..on of Ireland, a. diicUe, hV royal commission on the finaiici 1 1 U..,.. between Kngland am eUa ''a report read at the meeting ahowe t ih.i h.-u.,.! - that ied to the amount yZ TtS' thmi miiu',,, r. ,ne y a' 'he ov" Ireland iu la m , .r ?M Jam. la aa,. SI,,-, Mrrll Montr, it 1... , , he a.tress. w bo w i, J I ' 7 turn here last wn-k i H. of Mnxwell ' v L yUx' givicg UluMrahul V""' h Mat. theater . ' 7. I t. '.n ' theater, ma. d. ... . . u v ""si- 7 "OT frieiul. Xhey met for a uumlvr tf the first tin,.. Monday. It ii -id Maxwell bai l,f, for i'llt.imr.. .i, l New V,; u' 'or Il is, y Sevouty-two ra.v i,.v,.. w about 1,000 religion. i nmn ouuii Apply tr linaranee l'ier. Wa.hiugton, Jan. l.-For the flnt time liuce the present itruggle In Cuba began this government bin H " P'" mission to cuatoms ollicial to clear for Cuba a vessel loaded, according to muuifeat, with munition of war, pre sumably for the insurgent army. Yesterday the secretary of the treas ury received a telegram from the own ers of the DauutUs at Jacksonville, stating that they would apply to tho collector of customs at Jackouvillu for a clearance to a Cuban port with a tarjio of urins, but tho oath required by the litatutes would not be taken. whether under these circum-tances paper, would bo; issu.d Later a teb giam wai received , from the collector at Jacksonville sun- ill" an HPllilCllllou lo cie.ii me m. 1. s for Neuviu. Cuba, with a cargo of arms, bad bctu uuide, and asking iii-trii-'ti' ii. Tlli tuoinllig tna aocreiury iciuico substanri.illr as follow: "if tho master of tho vessel and the owners, hit pen and consigners of tho cargo comply fully with tho bwi aud regulations colli'criung me inaunuoi and take the oaths n .(iiired, you may , .1 ... I'hIvI gram a c.e.rao.e ... - -", Oath must be takeu and subscribed in ' I . i . Mil" nrliiii. hsreoinred by section 4 1'J i . 4111s. Hint 4 JH0 of the revised statutei. The port named a tho distillation is on the noitheru const of Cuba and is occupied by Spanish forces. Treas ury ollicial therefore are of the opinion that tho oath required will not be taken. Late this uftcruoon the collector of custom at J icks.nivillo wired the sec retary of the treaury that the steamer Commodore had applied for clearance papers upon pra. tically the same state ment of facts a iu the case of tho Dauntless. In response the secretary i wired permission to issue papers to the ' Commodore iu substantially the same 1 terms as were named in the former I case. Up to the hour of closing the i department uo information had been received as to the movements of cither vessel, or whether the couditicui im i posed had been accepted. j FIFTY YEARS IN OFFICE. The Long ler.l.e of a rut.iuiter. rniiiaylvaiila riiiliiiklphiii, Jan. I. Joseph Strode, of Millliu county, is the oldest pjst master iu the United States; that is to say, the oldest iu continuous service, for he has held the position of postmas ter at Strode' Mills since 1K45, despite changri of administrations, political upheavals, the war aud the silver agi tatiou, Strode'a Mills is a pretty little vil lage in the central portion of the state, surrounded by rich farming lands aud valuable ore auil sand mines. Joseph Strode is iu his b'.'d year, aud it is believed be will hold the Job until he is too old to till it. He is the pride and joy of the postofllce department in Washington, which placed his picture in the government display at the world's fair. The Strode are an old uoble family. They eamo from Lnglaud in Itir.O aud settled iu tho valley of Virginia. In 1 7 7 S Joseph Strode, the present post muster's gntiidfathi r, came to Peumyl vimia nud settled in the viciuity of Wbal 14 now'a Millu The oldest postmaster is a Kcpub- lican aud has never missed voting since he was allowed to. Ha bus never been ill, and is pos sessed of all his facultie. Ho was ap pointed during the administration of 1'rcsidcut lVlk. A Village ItHiik St. Louis, Jan. 1. A special to the Post-Dispatch from !). Moines, Ia., says: Word comes from Sully, a small Own near Newton, that robbers looted the tit that place last night. The bank whs incorporated iu with a capital of fi.ouo. The deposit! were about $17,1)1)1). A. S. Smiih ii president and L. A. Slnriiniu cashier. Details of the robbery aro hard to ob tain, because the town has no telo-graphic- connection. It is reported the robbers entered the bank, blew open the safe with dynamite and carried away an amount of cash estimated at from $.".,000 to $30,000. hilled an Salem, Intl., liiniicaut Man. Jan. L D.tecfiva Sexton and Deputy Jailer lirown. of Louisville. Ky., received Information that Hichiird Urooks, an escaped pris oner from Louisville, was at the home of Mellaril Laud, four miles from here aud went to the house. Land, seeing the party wai armed, ordered his hired ' man. John Kippey. to get a BUu nud repel the attack. At this the othceri opened bre and killed Kippey. The r...,w. k,c tuoinseivt'i up and are iu j..... uiuvm was not at the homo. Land .'auaul liiaanlly, an Francisco, .!.,. l.Fft;d L ood a convict in San uontiii pria- I. 0.000 from the estate ot his father, a Uncago nnll,aire, U insane Ho became violent iu his cell Monday "KM. aud had to be forcibly removed o the receiving ho5pit;ll. VR f recent good fortune, together with the coiistraint attendant upon bis con tinenieu. m the penitentiary, i, cause of hi insanity. Taking atrlLrra' riact Leadville, Colo., Jan. l.-Two loaos of Missouri mi,,.., oi .Missouri minora arrived t ia. to take the place f strik'ra car- nil Ut a. The newcoaier . . in i iii in .-eniieii Au occult temple win beljuU Haucisco by tl.oos, phis, au , Wve already boon subscub d in San fuudi Willi " ,U1"" Iterate riot ocenrred at J riy .hi. .(toruoou, wbf fu;:ub"r! " the fatal shooting ;vv ,, t9U1!,ed dthe.erUn h , ?r- ,5 'V'"1 lJ''r M".u. Cbarleatil v.r , thall and ,.y'r,i , ) tharl Wf'1' i.e pohd t 'al ; 1,l,r9' of Tolvrra and clu' a. t! kulTt. re- wifm. but th. ,i , Pl'llre wer Tom Marone by battle followesi ' u . . iixtiniiiiBa m - P.,lInsii n Clftn.l.. tviusuvs i uicouy s-r0W'H ana enterprise. ITEMS OF GENERAL " "' or All tl am tf'lllaa. .....I .. iiinviug nittr MntfS -Orfgoii, Tho John Uiy flouriiiR mill, baTi f-r tu till tin u 1 1 IliM u.'htit it ; i now idle. Marion county1! assessment for has already coat 17,000, and tatetl ""i " nmieamim. n uwioiij ui milium poonle am : b-ave that stuto in March or April n settlo iu the southern part of Yamhill county aud tho gouthuru partcfpjj couiny i Kred k'ellllli r. of I'endUl ,., ,.l H crtVUlje at , rj,m tUo Mm '( , . ( . k , itioriainal wnL. ... tri.Ht(,.j him (or takiug tlla c J his bauds. Kngineir Dillman, of the Aitoru railway, inyi that there are 4u0 mZ ...,... .... , ., ;..B"' H sll. ueni ASiUUI.-r null lue I lltL i , . .... ...... , ... , " v,u kanic, and that two big drtdgeri in ociug ruu uigni nun any. Henry Uuccholz, a prominent cltim of Tamarack, Uamtilln county, ia bnij. mg cliaicoal. ii takes five dayi burn a pit. aim no uas to watch a nay ami ingnr, anu camps Ly the pit Iho Wallow A etage wai wrecks l ist week by an Accident on Wallon ; hill. There were three passengers th day, but they got out to walk just t. fore the stage started down tbe hill, that nobody wai injured. I (1. W. JIcKinnoy, of llruwnivilli last week butchered a hog that drencj U.'il pounds, from which he render; 150 pounds of lard, aud the llrowu. villo Times asks if any Willametii farmer can beat the record. Mrs. J.iuii'i Crosby, of Motmioutl, Or., has a family liible, iriuted ii Kdiuburgh, Scotland, that hsi bet banded down iu the family fur levert! generations; crossed the ocean k America, mid now lies ou the cento table of Mrs. Crosby. It is prized very highly, aud is still iu a state of god preservation. The body of a white man wasM ashore on tho beach about half a mill Fouth of tho mouth of Hunter's crttk, iu Curry county recently. Tbe coro ner's jury was unable to identify tit body, mid found a verdict ot death bj drow ning. The body was that of i man about six feet t ill, with vj small hands and feet, and weighisj about ISO pounds. During tbe storm in November, Ont Kuhler shipped 8,rU0 sheep from Ha Dalles to Columbus, Neb., and srrirsl there in duo time, losing culy fen sln-cp ou the trip. Mr. Kuhler writa back that lie is fuelling his sheep il tho farm of Nio ltlazcr, au uiicltjf John Blazer, of Tha Dalles, near Co lumbus, w here ho gets shelled corn for twelve cents a bushel, and other fed Ht corresponding low prices. Washington, Jit be Cowlcs, an old citizen ut Oirk county, died at his home near Wood- ! '"!,t t,K' ' Tn8 KHi'il'urg city council tut made a reduction in the salaries ot city otliciala that will amount to 130. Tho Spokane street car company! receipts during the year have avernH $30 a day more than lust year, Mjitit Spokane Chronicle. A farmer of Cow City lcstLOOO bushels of potatoes by the Norembrt freeze, mid a Toledo man lost 1,000 bushels. There soonia to have beeai heavy loss nil over Lewis county. Llucklcg ia making its iippeiiraiioi among the cattle in Kittitas county. Mr. Otis Hyer, stockman Hud farmer, says that three of his neighbor! bm lost from six to ten head of cattle, caused by this disease. The state treasurer ha9 issui'ilieaU for state warrants ou tho general fund, numbered 13, l!tl to 13,733 iuclini". amounting iu tho aggregate to file tiul.40. Interest ou these Vt'iirrnati will cease aftir January 7, IM'7. Tho Washington State Historical So ciety at Taoomu has filed art idea o! in corporation. Their purpose is the col lection and preservation in aubswiitul form of objects of traditional aud nil torical interest to the state. Their main headiiiiHtera will be in Tacomi. Alfred Snyder, 70 yean of age, nl one of Seattle'! pioneer resident, died tha other uight at Port Ulakel.'. where he went louie time agotoaf hi tallyman at the big mill. Snyder has always been held in ni1 esteem by the older resident kuow him well, aud bia death is niu.'l regretted. Hurry Purlin, a brakeman on tbe 0. H. N., was taken to the hospital Walla Wal'a last week, lufferiug fn' a icalp wound inflicted by a coupling pin. llo was standing beside the dr' head when the cars came together i iuch a manner as to throw the pin" the ir with great force. The Vs "truck him a glancing blow ca h"ad, and bounded ten fiet hi!n Had it struck him iqunroly it prolsiW would have killed him iustuutly. Secretary Cuss, of the state board's horticulture, is authority tor the staf limit il. . ia . . s M'jih' 7 ' ' 1,10 HClu,u aim9 u' " i '"Kton orchards from the extreme weatner or the early part of the in- id n..... .... ... U Vt rv itliL'ht Tho recent shipment of four mm ore from the Keco miue uetteJ ti owner .'0,7'JS.50, says the Spot1" Spokesman Heview. Two car ' M,ouo. This is uotkthe first derful shipment from the K-iM. uumber ot shipments have boon m which ran iuto the thousands of dolUr The Uouring milli of Ppokauedcf lag the year have run steadily f twelve months, with scarcely a W In that time thev have inaiuifaotun" 610,000 barrel of wheat ti nr. & 'ides this, about 40,000 barrel Hour, rolled oiits.wheat ni.-ni rye flour, millfeed and barley have been made, aud a large auu'"3' of bran, etc. This ii au increa lust year of probably 100.000 barrf' Tbe average price of the flour ha tJ-25 per barrel. Tbe value of Hoor made in Spokane iu 1M'-. 'ore, hai Wn l.tioT.SOO. Mil'' bi Terageio per uu.