The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 09, 1897, Image 7

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    ll'V AND OOtTNTY.j
... JAM' All Y 9.
ii.n.l. rw'ii. ilfiillht.
j j. Walton, ntiorucy-ut-law.
,!,,. Walton.
Jhiius fur NmI".
, . ,. nv I'.lillV Mil" farilH III the
in., ii.- ' 'l;,'.v rr Hul'- The.
" v..rl.-lv in size and
It''"1" ..rin'lillll list. !llilr..S
ur- Gko. M. .Mi I.I.Kit.
Wil!.in HI'h'c, Fugoiie, Or.
... ; V. Riddle ll4' f"ii"l t
r.-. ileii' ' '" ii i
".It.idoall w",k '" fM-Mt 1
Jim. n, 'n;.
vlr K.t It'"''.. "r F'-C"'". vm In
1r.M F. K-l anli and D -m
ii li. i j- Saiuiiluy f..r Phil...
, pi l III' I 'I"' 1 :""".
m,... I V..-IU II. laud has K'in io
fLia b lake iVii'lK-rivurro in
i,. imriiKil
Mr. Mi l'ir! in'' Ii'" 11 M''t
I.,,,.! "ii N"l.i '' -' r ul"' " ''Ulltlilig
!. ,l,in "ii i
i; ( .;i..i-.l. and Rrccliug vis
I i:,i,;.l..'.l'l"ly.
il. Mil. Ill pa-s"d ill-re Oil 1 1 In
I" l"A,' '"' u ""I'l'''1'"
fit l!ie camp.
1; v SilackA.-ll's pulpit win ll!U'l by
WllllH.I MllldaV.
Tlie nwl' v.-iy ilii-i winter
mo .mil "f '"
n .mi-
Kir J I) Nit. ".'ill'-' limn i'K' ho
J,lri.'il-i i.-..-!"':iiftl, li'liVil'( 111.-"
fwi.ih', Ii " 11 "I' '" IVii'Ili'lon.
lluikiiii'n i ii U a s.iivi'.
fl'lic lt :iK'' in rlil fur i-iiIh,
bliii-i"., iilri-i, milt rlirtlin, ft'Vi-r
ify, I. t't-r, i-liiipl'i-.l lniM'ln, chill, liilim,
ir.m, mi'l nil Miin triiil!cniH, mid i tm iiiU'-, or no imy re-
i( timl. It i mi itutil.-f'l lo (,'ivo M-r-U
i siitirfj.-ti 'n or inotiry nfuin!i'l.
f iit ivnN M-r lx. For fule ly
a:il Hill, I.iiinU-r City, l'u., write:
Ikivo to n Mill', i inn frinn ili' for
vi-uri. inn! tlioiilii my ciii-c iiictiru-
lVVitt' Wiii-li llazi l Salve vun
Miiiiiii'iiili il tu me in- u pile i-bic, ho
utfl.t a box -it "I i! iH-ifornit"! a r
iii'iil i-ur.' " Tlii- I only one of
u!iinl nf nimiliir ciiri-H. Ki-zrinii,
t-suml skin ili-i-aws yiclil iiiiii'kly
en it i iix-il.
in KN .t I)i;I,AN ).
Fariii fur'i
0 iicriv. nf laii.l fur salt- clu'Rli nt
m (iriiiii', :'l mill i wi'.-t of Kilgi-lio.
lari-s in i-ulliva'l 'ii iiihI '20 om-H
af wail In-pi n-i il in ciiliiviitloii itt
S ill rxH'iit-. (iiiml ri.iik-uc.', darn
i nutlinu-is. uImi a full Hue of mi).
im-ry us-.l mi a lirt f.n in. l.j
ml ufitm-H mnl sum,' young cuttle,
oSlirail of tg, cliii-ki-ni, etc.
S'h iiroiK-rty w ill he noM i ntiio for
R'(0. I wo, ml'i'iol nt one time
iMJfwrilu. lan.l, Tnli U n greiit
iwiii. Iiml imyi'M mo Invited to
ciieiii loi.k nvi-i- Hie iltu-e.
II K.N lit'Sll.
Blalf i-ostnili.-t-, l.mie county, Ore.
I'tUV-V v v, . '. . t-t '..i r '....', r.C.'. !. : i-rl -,l f,.r I'tt-.torla.,. 'i,i. Kin. oiiinif t'i iVyt.irla.
Jl tb, UJ (.-Uil.Ir.o, ' gvu C4rlik.
sH'i'ial Sflioul Meeting.
r'')liis!ivr,'nv irlveii (n llu. Wal
rffS,'lui,, disirk't X, 4, of Lrn.e
4ny, mate of Oregon, Unit a upeeiiil
Jf oliiiwtiiiKof ,.iid Uintrlet will lie
"I I at tla t'imrt huumj hi Kugcne,
Wu, on the liih day of January,
T i oein .it In (he nfternoon, for
Tfg,wi'igi.ljeet8: To levy a ta:
V': me IlliU tilediies-i of the (lis-
'TlUll illterent t!l.r..i..l n,i. I t.i run
fittest; v,i i......
Clinirn.uii 11 .t,r, of D.r.rtniH.
Dlxtriet I'lerk.
I tit it lill'Ol llf
'"'Idiinil,.,!,.,! win, CiiamlieihiinV
' "oiiih,,,! ,, (lVir thu wH,
""I'lin. mii i i i.
14 - - ni.'i mi i . v imcit
,T th- i.i!t,.r. will ailonl
J'Pl relief. Tl.iH U .Kpeeiully val-
j ,lt.,0 lhu (U1 NcBU(W.d
''' therein tcndeiiey to
TM'i'iun.ii,,. For .le t.y
Oiburn & Ih I.iu.ii.
,e T-tia my heart,
"Ml-eet t .;..
f ''wuMhunar,,
" i .Man.-:
.vou',1 ........ . .
' lulrer lie
I , ;:'iilw;,y,,Herarks' Tea
1 "rrov. ii,,.,,, you wIIIm
m istt'.-.l I. . '
r y A- ykicinoto.v.
?'1-VKi, I, . . .
Ii,:e.u In thu Astnrlun's
1 1 Mi,,.,' K'i'e h-twi ihe
j ' ,i,v , ' --toria mi.) the Fort
; ,.. ""r' it I'ontHiim th f..l..w
1 ..,..1..
.. ..u.iut, i, WHICH JMIM-
Mr I. ,.
". ...i , 1 ,u" "le lie w uo
t. Hi( n,,v t.,lle ,ow ,1.
u'i I II
fU." j.."' shi, f,.r alMiut 4')
UeU i,'"1"""1 'I'll" Moll the
i iw ij.
Mure flue Weather.
Cninniisslnner' con t iii s, . !,.
Mr Perry Frank I. improving.
Tim I -gi.latuie meets next Mond ,y,
t.(y"""l"h,i',l"'r NV T UMf In the
The bowling alley are doing a good
I Si Vi.l.Milin e'sday falls on Sun.l tv
t as y. i.r.
H W l: ia hiii.l I. a t.,v f,,, wi.-ii.
l!u. Kiu-a-, ..
w" "'I 11"' n S.n, K.mni
:iinii4 .ii uii r II..
i A l'--w cherry I r. cs ;
ii it
iboiil town ur
I I'II'I'Iiiil' I. HI.
j li ir 111 i uviii i i CntinK . (ir, Vl
liii fn-r ii.
I HiJI'l , i,.
IM.'e ,y,
Mrs A I l!i I, i
land loday i v;-i
" Uht llullic I, .t ill
' HI .M ilt I I
Willi fli.-.i..
li!iin cut an 1 .i,t m r.
F I. 'hltlllliflS
(ieorge Ito'n i !.otl, '..i i.,i,, U in
l-.ilvjen.'. We nek now .. -dge a ph-iiMnnl
call. 1
The lialtl i(; i,.,, j,, .H f r.
loioii, . -in., , l,y - vili'li w .ik liorl'i of
iii" a niiniln-r of new -tiiilctit n "
ii-t.-r.-l i.i the i: nf o r.l iv u.M
ll..e I'ulie urnppi-rt aie nrtli 1 cent
apiece A-u f r ll.e n niiii.n tuink.
Mull Son.
Mt- X K F.:i. r h:. i. tin I hunt
afler u moiiiliH vi-i' wiih her l.ilhir
U.i Hi- M. K. . :.'.
Mr uiel Mil ii .o.-il Sin iioii ur vi-i-illi
u lehilue-, in i;u-e ... Mr -iielloll
funnel ly I. i li d lu ie.
Air 'i'lulit ilt!i'.ei, nil ij luliih.i,
yxi.1, hclii r, h-'.-l See I In III at
I'' 1, lllllllhl'lH.
The Or.i;oiiii,n viiliiilly hlpjiur.s
i inline nil th m;,i,, I'mv". riily a;.,
p'opiiall. ii ill to lay's U-ne.
Ciniit v cli ik Jen liiuy. -t, ul-, ,-.
evenini; uralil.-.l a m iiiiaire "ije.iise in
H F Howard i, n t I. X, w ,,,
S..:.p l'"..lil x.iv s l.e ..llelieth f ,r
ot hi r il'Hi"., an I sav. i, the iotl,e.
1 1 A l.l. ilc Son.
Join. Il uv r w ill g to Salem on lin
eally tram loiiciinw nn.niii.g to lal t
U poiilioil ill tile .-Wile house.
The g ale.' of .1 i;n e:iiiloyed hy th
S I' l'u lo work on tins) Heel ion wore
only fioiii four In live tiayst each eel;.
Jnhnathvi r.oiiriie i- uiaUiiig u gr. i t
llghl for lhu spiak. ihii in the ligU
Inline. Me is a linn believer in ilvei
Mailin Kmt ley, a prominent Snletti
L'cnlh ina-i, .Iii d in that cily yeiierduy
frmii heart failure, lie was oil
Thalilis In Secretary of Slate 1- local I
for painphleN sin. tfini; the pmceeii
ins of the nt Slate lioi.rd of
(ieorue Fiissell, nf Mi Kerie Jtridge,
in ill tile I'll y. lie has his new lintel
huililiil, whii-li in l'7x"il feet, lwi
Mor:-H iiiuli iH'!i-!eil. Il is t uiltof
The last Wednesday iii January l'rof
Fred hiiiiii. of U illai'ui tie Fiiiverniiv
Vt ill h i;ill ii i-nlllse of led nr. K 111 Salem
on th - "Sevi n Wonders of ll.e
Woll ."
Di- W Iviit i.i mlall l.l in in-1 thu
nfiei noon fioin .S ill-in, where he lia I
Imm ii lo deliver a lecture Im fnre tie
uinlieal tic, 'ailment of Willnuelte
',n. k up, in. I down;
Look oiii, not in;
I, ink font nr.!, iioi Inn k;
Lend a ha'i l "
('.'Uipliiint is made th.nt cot s nil I
hoi -t iiTe ullnweil to run lit lare i l
the ea-l. ru pail of the city. I Ins is
In violation of the city laws and nerds
invt'stig 1 1 ion l.y t lie'authoritiei
We are iin.xluiis to tin a little good in
this uoilil mid can think of no pleas
miter or In Iter way lo ilo it than by
r.'i'oiiiineiiioin.' One Mioiite Coiig!i
(.'urc as n plevel.tive of piiell.iiolilit,
consiiiupiioii iiinl other serious Iiiiij;
trouhlei- that follow neglected colds.
Osbliru A Iel.mio.
Seereti.ry him issued an or
der suspend i ii g i ntries alter January I ,
on loileited i ail mad grants, which
w ill prevent contests on lands wheie
sett I. rs failed to make payment, us
required. This suspension will be hi
force until congress can pass a bill ex
tending l he lime in which pnyineliln
can be made.
It would be bard to convince n man
HuH'eriug from bllloii colic Unit his
agony is due to a microbe with an uii
pronoiiuciilile name, lint one .lose of
DcWilt's t'ollc aii.l Cholera I lire will
convince him of its power toall'orl
instant relief. It kills pain.
Omiii kn & DkI. vno.
Mis. .1, M W. II y, last 1'ilday
nt Woodburn while goiiiir ahniit her
work, slipiied hack n few Inchts and
her weight was thrown upon her right
foot and leg. The, leg broke between
the ankle 'iiinl the km o, making a
noise like n pisiol shot. Mrs llonney
tlid not fall until after tlif break. Th-;
garnet ay Mrs Jai o'i Ojle fell and broke
her arin'w hilx getting out ol n bath
tuli. We n, 'ght tell you more about One
Mii-ute Cough ' 'ure, but you probably
know that it i-un s a cough. Kvery
one tines w ho has Used it. It if a pel
feel remedy for coughs, col.N,
ness. ll Is mi cfptcinl favoilte f r
chiblreii, leini: pleasant t talienii)
iliiek in curiliv.
CSIil KN it IH:LvM.
Wiiliiini II Shme-i a il.-st iter from
the regular army, tutiiictl ai F rt
Sheridan, Idaho, cave him elf up t
Chief nf I 111 Albany, Mltm-
tint, having bet e tired of traiui'inii
Hewn placed under arrest a id h
olllcerswere notifm!. He w ill be ht-l I
until a de-achineiit nf soldiers arrive
for I. Im.
ill,,,,,- 1 1,. m, eral: The r curler'
report shows that the t x enditure if
Albanv for Is:"! wi re J i i-'. more t in )
t In' rel-elllls
Allolher lllleli sin ui.i of
(.,!.., In Is.lT s 1 ll, to hring t 16
neiisea lielott' the re
.-it '
Il .1 lie., vi lllnn i!s i' e .'ll". I I' it
i plea-hk- t" i'"t 'I''1' A 1 al'-'
it ling elo-er toil, thai' lie-: al-y 'i'
in U-.VOU. .1 iti f.r Inst line ru i
a i mil! i IT,1 in I 'eh i ml ke t year.
' The I! 's, burg riain.l 'al- r sits tin-J
, attt-r ll.'h llii nian .s.-i p.d fm u ju'l
!,st U,-ol,.r, he stalled to Ci " I'ic-t
lloeivehiin-elf up up m H'l" r''"'1 '
ini.'ii.l-.iion..f l-isattoti-ey; lull ''-at
; did in.i inicioi i" ' uii.-'1 'i 1 "'
-lierilt, however, III.' .1 iinoeii"''
W -!'i"l w li'i'i-ifT g
ll mi n'l urn and
wail for lliinieiii i
Illlo C'
m- m-'l t" lav I i
,r im n II i
; 1 1 1 It 1 1 c inn- along
,n, I Ihe .1 -piill-i
i i i i i. i,,.r... iii I. lie. l 'u
j ,..'ie became frightened, turiifd and
1 O
ran, and Hinicnn rhaugetl hi mind
aUiut mirremlerliiif.
Kvi-rytlilnu ft Post Ofllce wwry.
Hoe cake Is the only aoap on the
market niado under patent formula
Hall it Son.
A net of lire clay cooking vessel will
make the niot useful kitchen athlitiou
you can fiud. 0 pleiv for f 1.50.
"Wake up, Jacob, Ihe day la break
ing!" si said Ik'Wi t'a Little Karlv
Kisers to the man who had taken
tin in to arouse his sill jgisli liver.
Ostium ii DeLano.
At CorvHllis, S.ttunl iy night aUiut
II o'clock, Hal h lVrri-ll, who U
atteinliiig the O A I! ws Imhl un ami
l. "I'bi d nf about J1S. He w as walking
the hlreit leatliug up to lln College
w hen two fellows accosted hlill, one
with a nidol, ami ilen.aniletl his I note
change; they got it. His watch Wan
nut innles-eil. He it the hoii of county
Judge (i 1' Terrell, of Salem.
The seed nf n maple is provided with
a coiitiiv.iiice like Urn tail of a llsh or
the i miner of u khip. When this seed
Is sepaiati il from the tree, particularly
if I he I, it t .e is blow ing, the ru lilcr
imparls totheseed a revolving motion,
soiiiew hat similar lo that for the pro
peiler nfa ship, and the g. rm of the
future t.ij is linn ttaiispiirled often
biili.lieds of ftet from ti e parent (dock.
llarptr's Mrs. Smith
llhnughlf, am afraid 1 khall
hate to flop giving Hobby that tonic
the doclor left for him. Mr Smith
(un xi uis yl Why, isn' lie any bettur?
Mis Sini.b Oh, tt-k! lint he him slid
'low ii tin- banister six times this moin
lug, brol-eii lhu ball lamp, two vasts,
a pitcher and a lookn g-glnsi, ami I
don't feel as if 1 could hand much
Sill I.OH'S CL'KK, thu great Cough
iiml Croup Cure, is in great demand.
I'-.-'kel si.e t ontailis t welily-ftvc tloses
only i"ic. Children love i' Sold by
lleinh tmiu Linn.
Small in -i", but gleat in results.
DeWitt's ..i He Larly Kisers act
gently hut Ih'.ronehly, curing iiuli
gcslion, tlycpep-i i ami constipation.
Small pill, sale pill, !est pill.
i si i us it IkLano
During.) Ihunderstoriii in Marsh.
Held, last Wednesday, lhu Ihhtniiig
rang up the telephone t.t tho olllee. Aa
thu bells tvt-re a littln confusiug, thu
operator eoni luded thai there must be
a new operator thnt ii below.
Mrs t..-.. Hawkins, of Chattanooga
Tenn., sa,-: "Shiln's 'Savetl
My Liii.' I '-"iisidi r 't the best reine
ily for ilebilitated system I evei
usetl." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kitl
ney troiil le it excels. Price 75 cents
Sokl by Henderson A- Linn.
I'hilatlt Iphia Xorlh American: Mar
libone Isn't that h punish oftlcer
rather da ker than usuid? Pratt Um
ys. Hut you see, bin face la battle
bliickeiietl. He hiisjuM returned from
one of Weyler's faiuoi h ink campaigns
against the Cuban insurgents.
When we c insider that the intes
tines are nbnut live limes as long as
the body, we can real...' the intense
sull'i rlng i xjierieiieed when tliey are
inllainetl. HeWitt's CV licaiiil Cholera
Cure Mil. lues iiillaiim.atinii at once
ami en m .1- tcly removts the dilllculty
O.sni u.s & DkLaxo.
The kpring-liko weather of the part
few tlnys has caused a frfw eaily var
ieties of fi uit to coiiiinence to bud and
it is feare.l that if much of this warm
wiatlu-r continue Iree' will bud to
cniisiileialili extent and b killed by
late fr.wls, cnus ng another khoitage
nf the fruit crop again this season.
There are two reasonable thirgs,
evrybody should do: take good care of
one's health; ami if lost regain it quick
ly, mid to this everybody will agree.
And there are a great, multitude of
people w in) are agreed that for both
purposes Sin. moos Liver Kegulator Is
the bent helper. I am tioublctl with
torpitl liver ami nothing gives relief so
quick like Simmons Liver Kegulator."
It. II. Strange, Lake City, Fla.
Not a few who reail what Mr Robert
Row Is, ol Holland, Va., has to say be
low, w ill remember their own exper
ience under like circumstance? : "Last
winter I Imd la grippe which left me
in a low state of health. I tried num
erous remedies, none of which did me
any good, until I wai induced to try
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. I w as enabled to attund to m.V
work, and the second botlle ellected a
cure." For sale at 'S and 60 cent
per botlle by Ostium it Delano, i
Tut: lit thin Fad.--I have heeu ap
pointed agent for the Photo button,
ninl will lib ail order promptly. Send
single photo, bust preftrretl, and tile
and receive i: buttons, 0 for GO.; or 1
do. 1 1. HO. Work guaranteed or money
refunded Photo returned. Older and
be llrst.
Kugelie, Ore.
I!k Cahkki i. A word to the wis
Is sullb-leiit. F.V'-ry one should be
very caielu-about bolting their doors
before retiring at night, as them ure
many desperate tramps around who
would ri.le a bnusu if they thought
there was anything ol value lo he got
ten , LoNu Tkioi.-TIiU will be a long
term of ti e commission 'in curt, as at
thin se-slnn many road vip.-rviir' re
port w ill !' pissed on and new su
p.ivnois v. pointed d then much
o-hi-r aiiiiu il woik most Is.- done at
t ,. H'-ii II-
ol .tli-ml.rr.
pi I lii' K", J m I) f-enator Win H
,.Isoii w ill not be a member of Preki M.-ICililey's cut.iliet. The
,,,,.,'orno itiino'inced tonight while
pa-. ng thr 'U'h "ii his '' to W'uh
iiigh'H. liia.KN ll iK -Fisher A Walkins
now pr pined to fjriiish green hone
fr.-hly groi.i.d It Is guaranteed to
make "hi I lay- P-")' "'"' B,1(l lry "'
TH V R?IA Y , J A X I'A R Y 7.
l'rtsli French cautliesat I'oiuls'.
The ilays are growing ptr.-eptibly
Coinmisloucrs' court has been w ork
ing on roads and allowing bills today.
The music box given away by J (
Watts In a drawing was won by Mrs
S K Rrowu.
Pumps repaired and plumbing done.
Leave your orders with
F I. Cliaiubels.
The county clerk today granted a
marriage license lo Charles Pitcher and
Mis Dura Iturni tt.
Pius the good word along the line.
Piles can It- quickly mud w it limit an
operation by simply applying De
Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve.
O.siifllN A I)i-:Lanii.
"ink" Unit of California, w ho is in
t lit' city Is said to be the hist all
around cow boy on the Pacitlc coast.
Regular meeting of the W C T ' at
Reading Room, Jan. 1,'ltli, id .1 p. tit.:
Subject: "Temperance Training in
the Home," by Mr. Haniia.
Pure blood mi mis good heallli. IV-
WillV Sarrapatilla purities the blood
cures eruptions, eczema, scrofula and
all diseases arising from Impure bliHitl.
OslU'KN A DkI. VNi.
Tin le nr.- 1 1:;.' patients in the insane
asylui.i, ami it cnt J14,.Vi!).S.'i to keep
them during December, besides the ex
pelie .follicials.
rify your blood, clear ourcomplexioii,
regulate your bow i Is ami makes your
head as clear a-a I t il. ilc, oOf, and
tl.(X). HeiideiM.ii ,v I. inn.
Do you lack faith and love health?
Let u establish vniir faith and restore
your health wiih DeWitt's Saraapunl
la. Usui kn A DkLano,
Afur charging -Jocr uis for a shave
for "1 years Jes-e Spencer of Corvalli
bus rii.uet d the pi ire lo 10 cents and
15 ft.r a hair cut.
Person who have a coughing spell
every night, on account of a tickling
sensation in the throat, may overcome
it at once by a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure.
osiu kn A DkLano.
l'.l tii:i:, Or , Jan. 5, 1SU7.
To tin: Fahmkiis in-- LaskCocnty:
You are respectively requested to
meet at the court lioiiso in F.ugene,
Fen. Rili, lv.i", at 1 o'clot k p in, for
the pin pose of organizing a Farmers'
Protective Association, All are in
vited to be present on the above date.
J C Kll ll AKIISilN.
John W'kht.
Air light
Well yes. 1 have usetl at home mi
"air tieht" heating stove for 2 years
and I would not for my own use ex
change it for any cast iron heating
stove on the face of the earth today.
F L CliambeiH.
Climatic Kkkkcls. Heppner Oa-
zette: Xot long since Mr O M Harris,
a druggist of Dayton, Oregon, ami Miss
Maud Cochran, who lived Hear Monu
ment, were milled In the holy bonds
of wrdloek at the Palace hotel In this
city, hi d ihe following day departed
for their new Imiiie at Dayton. How
ever, in a very few days the wife re
turned lo her Kasteru Oregon home,
claiiuii g that the Willamette valley
climate did not agree with her. Now
comes Mr Harris, the said party of
the first part, with a notice in
the Long Cleek Eagle to the t-IIect
that he will not be responsible fur any
tluhts cieated by his wife. This is an
other living testimonial of (l.tgon's
very prolille climate, of which we all
so much delight to tell our eastern
friends. Torpid livers, bilious attacks
and divorce suits abound here under
tho great climate of our only Oregon.
Dkaiiis. William Mauzey died at
his home ut West Union, Washington
county, Tuesday, at the age of 78 years.
Mr. Mauzey was one of the earliest
pioneers of Washington county, hav
ing settled there In 1843. Ribert Im-
brle, aged 05 years, a pioneer of hS-V),
and a prominent citizen of Washing
ton county, died at the home of hi
son, James Imbrie, at Hlllsboro, Tues
day afternoon. Mr. Imbrie had been
in poor health for the pint three
lloti'a III Ik
WonflVr One lliunlre.l IxilUm l.i-mtnt (or
mijr i nsr el i utitrrti that t mi li'.l bv cured l.y
llkii'fl t nlKrrli fur,'.
K J I '11 KN I. Y Ji I'D, Props, T il. lr, o.
h till. utliltTMlinied. hnv.- klimili K J I'linney
f-T tile Iiml l'i Tesrs. unit I..-1 n-ve him mtI.tII
hoM.mlili In ail bintlm- true -set lon kiitl fln-
itn.-ially alili-tu t-any mit m ) uMii;uluii
hy it rin
w i-in v iruax. w n'Me-ii.,' i irt'lfisis. iiiit-iin,
, Vtal'lunr, Klnuaii ,e Mtnui, Whulesali-
priiKifisIs, ',1,-'m, a il, iii.
Hall i aiarrli t ure Is '.km n iM.-rnai iy, ai-iunj
llrii'lly hi .on I lie lln,sl aiel ma "ii kiirfa't) l
tin- sysu itl I'rli-e 7- l'l l r l.ullle. huM l.y
all Pnitfklsl'. 'I esuinoiiia, Irei-
M AKlllKti. In the pari ir of the Ho
tel Fugene ut i! o'clock '.his afternoon,
hy County Clerk A C Jenning, Mr
Cbas. Pitcher and MiM Dora Rurnett,
both of Cottage Grove.
Instantly Relieved
4 Uil Permanently
WbCljr Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Thrco to Six Weoks.
ofi i i i i ' ' ' ' ;t-(ti.i'. i'-..: in.,
po:;tla;d. o:vi3GON.
A Man is h A hy a t'ulleti Tree.
Coroner J W Harris of Ihiscltyre
ct i vtd the ijllowlng tilegramat 1:15
o clock this afternoon:
Ji'M'I'ton CtTV, Jan 7
J W 1 1 a it tin. Coroner,
Kugcne, Or.
.My i ruine" w as killed today l.y a
falling tree. Come down.
JI C SiiKkris,
T'.c coroiu r thi s not Consider Hint
his presence s necessary, so w ill not
make the trl, to Junction City.
Sill Filed Twhijr.
Pull . tin ,rl, January ;.
J Wheeler ha Instituted suit against
!: H Whitetl to recover f73.CS.
M F McLtr d has coinmenccd suit
against her I Unhand, J nines McLcihI
lor a divorce The complaint alleges
cruel ami iul iimaii treatment of plain-.
till by tlefcui ant, and pray for (he
custody of t im' iiilnnr chihlren and
one-half of ll e procrty. The proper
ty Is valued nt $070. The couple were
married Scnhtmhcr JI, 171, and have
lice n resident! of Lane county ever
since that tine.
Vkhsion o.-- tiik Tim us. The Cor
va'lis Times n a long account of the
tlisnppearauc of Janie Fglln, afler
carefully and candidly looking at all
sides of the n attei and going Into all
the di-talls, cunt to Hie conclusion
that James l-glin was not foully dealt
with, as is commonly believed ill Al
bany, but tin t, while Intoxicated he
wandered and fell down the bank and
into the rivei, where be is lying now.
The tracks U liiud the horses leading
to Ihe electric light station were his,
and weie hlei tilled by his wife. Hi
father, Thus. F.gliu, Is satlslled hi
death was an accident. Mrs. Cospcr,
who rode wit!) him from Albany say
bu tlraiik sev rul times on the way,
ami could rot drive straight, and
hence she go. into the other buggy
lliis side of Ct rvallis, and when they
left li i in he w i,s lighting his ple,
w hich was u terwartls found on the
river bank, a id thu hat was found
where he wailitsl seen. Search for
the body w lib h il was thought fell Into
an eddy has I m unavailing. It is to
bu hoped tin above version proves
true, as It Is more satisfactory than
that he was ft ully deklt.with.
The. True Reinrdy.
WM liepin', editor Tiskllwa, III.,
"Chief," says: "We won't keep house
without Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
(Experimented w ilh many others, hut
never got tin trim remedy until we
used Dr. King' New Discovery. No
other mnedy ?au take its place in our
home, as in It we have a certain and
Hiiro cuie for '.'oughs, Colds, Whoop
log Cough, el " It Is Itlle lo experi
ment w ith oil er remedies, evuu If they
are urged on on as just as good a Dr.
King's New I iscovery. They are not
as good, been ise this remedy has a
record of cure i and besides Is guaran
teed. It neve falls to satisfy. Trial
bottles free, at Henderson & Linn'
Drug store.
Produce Market.
$ 60 to 81
.... 36 to 4l)
.... 1 25 to I 75
.... 08 to 01)
.... 3 00 to 8 60
.... 3 60 to 4 00
.... 20 to 22
.... 20 to 40
.... 08 to 12
.... 05 to 07
.... 07 to 08
.... 08 to 0
Turkeys per noiintl.
Ducks K-r di zen
(ieese per do. '.en
I'm: Ri'TToN Fad. Tho latest lu
the button fad contains your photo-
gtaph. The fad was started by wear
ing campaign buttons, hut when the
campaign eudud the fad continued and
buttons of every description and style
were substltutod for those worn during
the presidential fight. Instead of a
button with X cKinlcy or Dryau'a pic
ture on it you can now have one with
your own photo pasted on Its outer sur
face. Tills Is i ccmiipliahcd by sending
your photo and 20 cents to some East
ern firm and i ) duo time you will re
ceive by mail two of the miniature
buttons containing your likeness. The
fad is likely to become quite 'popular.
Tho new coiumltteo of tho Young
Men's Christian Association of the
University to ake charge nf the gen
eral canves fo: funds with which to
erect a bulldin j for the use of the two
associations hi. been chosen and the
members Lava signified their formal
acceptance of ihe trust. The commit
tee consists oi' Hon TO Hutidrlck,
Fugene, from the Hoard of Regents;
Profl.ucllaC Carson, Portland, from
the faculty; Ur F, P Oeary, Medford,
from the Al'innl; Sluart II Hanua,
member ex ofhcio, president of the as
sociation, and John Ilandsaker, mem
ber from the s udent membership.
Hkakd Fik m. L W (lay; a former
resl lent of La le county, renewing his
Hubscriplioii, writes us follows, from
Kellogg, Idah , under date of January
4, 1S!)7: "Timi are quiet in this coun
try and wo do not look for much of a
change unlll sunn thing Is done for
k'lvi i. vVe in te hud a pleasant w inti r
thus far; no si ow to speak of ami very
lit tin cold w. atlier. Christina day
put me lu mit d of a May day In old
Wi bf.sit, but i expect we had a little
more mow an und us than you have."
Tiik Tkck Rkahon. The ilt-tm r
Oypay has quit running to Harrlsburg
on account of lack of business,
says '.he company. The true rea
son Is tint the railroads and
the liver steamers have made a combi
nation and everybody is therefore pat
ronizing the railroads.
I'ally Uusnt, January 7.
JS Bush of San Francisco, I in the
F L Chambers received a load of til
ing today.
I Newton Greene of Camp Creek Is
lu the city.
Representative Palm spent last
night In Fugene.
Miss Mary lturtou of Sprlngtlcld,
visited Fugene today.
Hon F. P Coleman and wife s-nt
last night In Fugene.
J A Ham I lyin(j at the point of
dentil al his home on High street.
1 A Sachs, the gnu work man, Is
quite ill at the Wald House on Olive
l reel.
Mis llertrude Wldmerof the V of
O, Claa '1)7 ha returned from a visit
to Salem.
II Mitchell, J Kelly, I Rarclay, and
J II West, all or Plcmaut Hill, were in
the city today.
Wil aud Frank Owen returned to
the ranch today, after sficndlng a few
week at home.
C W Parton, ex-ectioit loreinau on
this division, Is removing to Oakland
with his family.
J M Jones, a cattle buyer from San
Francisco, Is in tho city. He Is ac
companied by "ink" Holt.
(Iraut Applegateof Yoncolla, is vis-
Itlng at the home of his mother, Mrs
N J Applngatc, lu this cily.
M la Rose Coleman Is quite 111 with
the typhoid fever In Salem. Her sis.
ter, Mis Laura, is in attendance upon
RepriSstiMtlve Hilyeu will go to
Salem Sai unlay. He has several Im
portant lulls which he will Introduce
early In the session.
(irant'a Pasa Courier: 8 Y Abbott,
a brother of John, has been visiting lu
Grant's Pass and looking over Jose
phine mining powdblll'lc for the past
month. He 1 from Fugene. His
daughter, Miss Kthwl, returned home
Tuesday night,
A Harrlsburg correspondent writes
the Albany Democrat a follows:
"Chas Kvans, of Kuge-ie, brother of
Mix Kvam of tho public schools, ami
Mr Palmer of the Fugeiio Register
were In town Tuesday with a view of
purchasing the Review."
Powell Smith la In Fugene. He wa
upondold Hill, In the Ulue River
mines the oilier day locating a claim,
At the "bar" he found 4 J feet of snow.
A oouplu of mon are working at the
Urowntvllle claim, and John Dowuer
Is placer inluliig ou the creek.
Thu Urvatiesi sianarch
la a Al itihjeet lor inly l( he la tmublutl with
tlyK'ls, while hla pooriut aukjeet who illm-nu
properly may wall bevnvlisl hy a i.rliiee thus
allllrUsl. The tlyHitlo ol ever? cllmo ami
nation owe a debt nl sratllmlo tu lloatetter'a
Slnmarh Hilton, which ri-ieui-i til. in Imm oiin
mum mom oiiiiinato ami Iroulilruim.i poin
.lalnla an si mi alnoh misdeal nktll la U Irwin!,
tin llila rniitliieiii, In Kurs) ami Iho iroiilo,
Hill Stirling renicily la pre niilni'iilly ami Juil
Iy popular, mil only aa a toinat-hle, but all i ai
iiiiana of plfTunllii anil cnrlnii malaria,
rliauiuallo, kltlimy, killona anil n.-rrous Uimr.
ili-n. It Improtn-a appollle ami alrap, liailrni
ooiiTHli-Kvnt and lh i-,iililtliiu ol vluor alli-r
t'xhauatltiir malaillna, ami ciunili.nti'U the lie
flrmll Irani axit A wlnt-glaiiafiil taki'ii before
mlrliin has a'iitiy to prom.ilu Iran, pill,
healthy yielding ih-vp, a boon mui'h covvltsl hy
nt-iTom persona.
Pally uuata, January 7.
Maivaiikeh Mect. A very luteiest
Ing meeting of Fugene Tent No 62,
Knight of Maccabees, was held last
evening and the new officers for the
ensuing year Installed. All the Sir
Knight In the county wero Invited
and after the work of Installation was
finished, a program was rendered and
an elegant banquet spread. Blxteeu
ladle signed applications for mem-
burehlp to the liee Hive and a soou a
25 name can he secured a lotlgo of
thlsauxllllary will be Instituted.
Prize Contest.
EN DOLLARS In Gold will he given on Feb.
1, lbl)7, to the persons under sixteen years of age
who will write and send to us before that date
the best essay ou
saino not to exceed 4' Mi words.
THRF.F disinterested persons (teachers or professors) may he
chosen by the writers, each one sending his or her vote
w ilh the essay, who shall decide ou Feb. 1st or as soon
thereafter a possible, who shall receive the first prio
of $5, the second of $3, aud the third off.', In coiu.
Write only on oiio side of paper. Wrllo your ago only
on essay. Knclose your name w -1 tit essay ou be pa rale,
piece of paper. Vote for one Judge only on separate
paper. It costs you nothing to w rite.
We want an essay from every child under M years of ugc.
On account of the poor health of our family we are compelled to
close our store anil leave Fugcuc,iiiuch to the regret of ourselves
and family. Rut as the health of our family iVemauds It, we
shall commence on
SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, '96,
Our o (Jreat o o o Out o 5al?.
During this sale everything will bu sold at Auction Prices. It
you wish to i buy goods Cheap now Is your opportunity. Come
early beforeHhe stock la broken. Nothing reserved. Fvery
thing In our store goes.
A New Veur JJt vet .
"llackwartl, turn backward, Oh
time In your Highl; mak me a boy
again Just for tonight, (live uio tho
bliss of that rapturous time, w hen I
would go swimming, say, half of the
tune. Give me th blister that follow
e.l the bliss on tho part of my neck
that the mill didn't ini.s; Klvt. U10 the
belting thut followed it then, make me
a Jubilant urchin again, liackward,
turn hack ward, oil time in your flight;
give me one chance al the teacher who
larruped luesUlmie a day -Oil give
me a chance at thai teacher say.
And kivu the woodpilt) as big as a hill;
let the pltasiire of splitting it cheer ine
and thrill, w bile the boys gaily Jeer mo
from over lh fence. Hi, give me that
bli again, darn Ihe expense! The
small reservation Just over the hill,
where the thought of the Imclng
would give me a chill; the cow that
caressed me I'Mch etc w ilh her tail as I
tried to tlraw iniik for a twenty-quart
pail, the hens that forever are wanting
to set, the pig w ith a stomach man
ne.ver 111 led yet, measles that hit me,
the colicky p-tlu -Oli, give me the
bliss of my Isivhooil again! If you'd
llll mo w ith ranturc mid cheerful ile
ft. backward, backward Oh time in
you llight."
Ci'MIN.lTO FiiiKNK. Wo are in
formed that Misi Sue Dorr! content
platis opening a photo gallery In this
city In a few weeks. Miss Dorr Is has
had several years experience lu the
leading galleries of 1'orllaud and Is
aid to be one of the best artist In the
Hate. Vfu feel certain that she will
not only siiiveed, but that her gallery
wlllb,' a substantial addition to our
business interests ami will reflect credit
on the (own.
llnllv tilliinl, January ;,
Al'i ur t I at kd Ght.-J M Whit
ney, Wells, Fmgo A Company's popu
lar agent, in this cily, yesterday io
cuivtd from the company as a gift, a
haiiilsome solid gohl w atch charm, of
maltose cross design, having one side:
"From ocean to ocean; 12; Wells,
Fargo Co," and on the other the
Knights of Pythias insignia of w hich
he Is a member.
Mend Kids.
Wanted, .'11)0 cords Mr wood In not
less than 100 cord lots.
All bid to bo lu before Jan. 20, 1897.
The company reserves tho right to
reject any or all bid.
Cokkkct. La Grande Chroulcle:
"If il could lie arranged so that every
licwsaHT editor In Oregon could ho
ti ineiuU-r of the legislature what a
grand thing it would lie for the state.
All useless commissions would he
abolished hiHlanter, a United States
senator would tie eluded on the first
ballot, oppressive law would bu ru
M'aleil, and all needed legislation
uould be passed in a few day. Tho
only 'slicker' would be the Portland
charter bill, ami that might prolong
the hi. Ion to it full allotted time."
Pally liuar.l, January 7.
To Vh.-1'okia. Rev N li Alloy, who
has been spending a portion of thu
winter at home In this city, will re
turn to Victoria, Ilrltlsh Columbia,
on tomorrow morning's early tutu.
He goes to assist his sou, Frank, lu a
ash and door factory, the latter hav
ing purchased his partner's Interest.
Rev Alley will be accompanied by
Mra Win Churchill of Cottage Grove,
w ho goes lo visit w ith her daughter,
Mr Frank Alb-y.
Rokn. At Trent, Or., Jan. 6th, 'U7,
to the wlfo of Henry How aril, a tlaugh.