The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 09, 1897, Image 4

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City CJuard.
Mit. .voir, UK kaiu.
S.ilotn Jnuriiiil: "In tin Ore
pmian of J.inu.iry lili i-t u -oijr:li-in:;
.irnti!iiii"iit of the f.e system
in Oregon, mil an uuil, tho w liolo
fyhtcm in ina 1 t' ci;nt r over the
liuul of Secretary Kim-niil, !!) in
tin- only nho U malo a tar
get for fpceilio elrtrg' H, unl there in
11 conuiicunu f-ilence ahoiit all
other oflicialx. Mr. Kineaid in
charged with cnlliy-ting all kimls
of hi h that he never tolleetn, and
thita biiiijilu adheri'in'e ti truth
-ould bUow he d ii.-H not receive. If
.ilr.Veott's jmper woul I he fair
uTo'Jt thief things it would Lave
far moro inllueneo with the
ei)jili', an 1 help hring out a reform
tho Hooner.
"Such a campaign of reform can
only have one reiult. It will gath
er all the e-u;irt"M of the fen iy-
Itfin in the liihlalure arouii'l .Mr
kineml, and, in jiMti-etin him
a' ain-t a niali voh'iit n rMti il u(
tick, they uill that untiling
slrill he dune ( aim i -i the fee sys
t"in that dui.ri not include the gov
crnor, irci'iunr, school BUjienn
t"iident, i lerk of the supreme court
the e;tiremo court, etc., etc., and all
c in ro that nothing will coino ol
it, find the liij fee.ralherH will es
i i it . . . .
cane, mum narvey cott Iiiih
wreaked hi.i perHnnal si.ite on iic
man he lines dot like.
llm r ;; ui;i n ri representative
i-oum lo have iiietructioi,B to di(
uj) all he can t make the iccrclary
o'leneive t the people, nml
(silent ahotil all the other abuses
1 crhapH that h why never a word
app-ard ah mt tho uneonotiiuijoii
.. . i . i . . . . i
u nary an-i pcriUlHiieH nl llio RlV
crnor an 1 tr asurer, and yet th
sit on all the hoards that Kineaii
iloeH.ind each drawn identically the
naino pay that Kincaid ilues. And
m on through the liet. Harvey
Scott'u nephew in private, secretary
to tho governor, and gets in addi
turn to Imlarg.) salary of .floOOa
year, pay as clerk of half a dozen
hoard, and $10 a month for mere
ly certifying to a bill for the elec
. i i . ... .
inu iigniH. inn no one id mean
enough to ay any of theno gentle
men collect their pay and mlaric
dishonestly or with any diaholica
intention ti oppress tin people,
J hey pimply take what the law
gives them, and tho law won
Ji.ltKe.1 liy legislatures completely
dominated hy Jou Simon, Harvey
Scott, ami their repuhlican mitcl
I . r . . .
uics, lor tne pust twenty years
I he men who can hold up their
hands and uay with Tlioinas Jcller-
eon, they never lined their ollicial
position for private profit are scarce
in theeo da H."
Human rift.
Poverty I no crime, bat tho filthy
way ami filthy liven of many people are
criminal, ana this inti-rnretittlou shoull
U put npou the wholesale disregard of
liyglcuh) surrounilliifr by tho authori
tie Tho man who throw a dead anl
ixal into tho alley lit held aueuaMe to
tho lawH of I ho land, whilo tho woman
who Jets all M.rtn ,f filth accumulate
witliln her houso in protected by the
dour or Iter house. IJut slio should not be.
Wo will not approach the jiolnt of
riulleatiiijr ulseimes which are cradicv
bhi until wo u at the work at tho riant
nd and in tho riKht inamier, There aro
Imiiiaii jf k. and tin y aro nut no scarce
us to excite wonder either. Theso must
lie handled hy the nsiml means of ahut
Itijr imi.aiiccis and if tho healthy well
beliiK of a coiiiiiiuuity diTMiida upon
hoiw-clcailiijf liy the strong arm of the
Jaw, why, in Kodii-' name, i:t it ouiuo
to that I
'J'ln ro h a trreat problem that our tutu
U not likely to with', and it relate to
tho welfare of the Kxir, for they aro
with u always. Toverty stalks abroad
in the land, and to relievo it caJhi for a
new deal sninew le ru. This eut ques
tion tlm w io men who niako our law
will settle to their own but not to their
neiKhlnrs' halli-faction. But tho one
f.u t remains iiiiiliproviil, and that is
that cleanlliii es is letui eijc iihIvo than
quarantine. Ir. John A. do Armand
In Mistical liullctin.
the Pallcs Chronicle suggests
that the legislature, ly way of re
form, do away with the supremo
court sessions at IVndletoii. It
says the term was only established
there by the legislature to dodgo
tho requirements of the constitu
tion and pay the supreme judges
$1501) per voar tnoro than the sal
ary allowed them under ti e con
stitution. The decision of the
supreme court that all state iusti
luuous ue locaieii at Miiem may
pjisibly apply to tho sjprciuo
Tho Dalles T.-M.: Jonathan
It Hirno will bo fairly in tho swim
when tho legislature convenes ntxt
week. Not satisfied with estab
lishing himself in one of tho Huest
residences in the state capital, he
has rented ten rooms in the Kl
dridno block wher. ho will open
headquarter during tho session.
Hut Jonathan is just enough of a
p ilitician to krp his own council,
mid iiokhly knows what methods
will bo pursued in those elegint
"Pon't expect prosperity to come
back with a jump,'' says Major Me
Kinley'a personal organ over in
Chicago. "We w .n't" says the
Kansas City Times. "If she enters
with a glide, or a thrcc-oVlock in-the-morning
stagger; if she looses
in on one leg; nay, if she even
chassei backwards on her surcin
gle, or waltzes gently forward on
her car, we'll welcome hr and
brush tho dust oil' tho best scat in
tho house for her to sit on. It
don't in nko one dif of bitterance
how she comes, but the whenncss
of her coming is a matter of great
JUvival. Hkkvick. The nutor,
Key. J C Aobett, awlste.1 by Kev T II
i-'ord, presiding elJer for this district,
Is conducting a rtvlval servlc at the
M E church each evenlug.
lli Htnrmleat llglun.
Ill rejily to tho qnery of which is tho
stormlcht region of tho ocean Pearson's
Weekly says: "TakhiK the question in
tho ordinary scneo of tho words, this
evil distinction must bo kWcii to tho
region lyin alxait Capo Horn, or Cape
Smoke, us it is aptly and with good
reasou called liy mariners. It is true
that no storms so violent as the hurri
canes of the West Indies, tho cycloDe
of tho North American At hint lo coast
or tho typhoons of tho China seas aro to
bo nu t with hern.
"Hut, on thoothir hand, tho waters
of ('iim Horn have never been unvisittsl
by storms for more than a ws k or two
it a stretch within the memory of man.
StiuuliiiK on tho otiljmHt of tho worlil,
Capo Horn is tho imt'tiligplaevof ocean
currents of very different teiiirraturs
from the icy cold waters of the Antaretio
drift to the warmth of tho Ilrazil and Pe
ruvian return currents. The prevailing
winds aro from tho northwest and west,
and tlicKc coming from tho warm regions
of thel'iu'illuei.deiiMiiutotliofogs which
sailors call 'Capo Horn blankets' and
which are the sure forerunners of storms.
Tlio extremely low level to which tho
glaciers of Terra del Fiii'KO dcsccuil,
tho M'rietiial coim'i hitioiiof tho subsoil,
tho meeting of eoutlictiii wimls of very
different teuiieratiiriA are all dins-tor
Indirect caiiM'S eomhiiiing to make this
tho moftt coiihtautly stormy region of tho
Ink eliilim unit Iron met nrmilly ni
iiiiivid liy riilitiliiK Willi uilUof Iriimii and
dliiliiK tlm iiuiirrlul In but water alter
liuinly uiiill (lie luirn J(Miiininru(l.
"Snliii'llinin llm Inuulur miisiiii ilium
than llm plural," e ijH Alien Itulllim. "It U
In, Hit lo tin n Wiiiiiiiii u( lii rvn limn
wniiinii of lii rvim."
A mitt elntli, wet III nlcolml, In iixullnt
for wIpltiK off Kreiah pluto ulnm ami mlr
Clranltu ware is good but the :iew
white puree luln is cleaner and more
durable. See it at K I, Chambers.
itrnvs rn.K scei-osiroKY.
In liikmnlrril lo i nn' I'il.'l at n.1 ruiiallixtliin
ir iuoii, y r. lnii.l, .1 :ji ivula it ln. h .ii,
iwii lani,a l.,r rlmilar aiel Kri- Sainelv lo
M Ml I IV It I I . V . IIikIii, rrl I'tiarniacUI.Uiiiaa
l r, I'a, No l',,Ti. Anxikii. Kuruletx all
llivt rlaoi ilrumtlNlR ivirvwliirii. an.l In Ki vna
Ori'iimi hy Onlmrii ,li DkIjiiiu
Klita rroctor Otis will star next year
Irving and Terry will come back to
America in
Henry Gay Carltton is to write a play
for J una Marlowe.
Msiftfiel J sayi be will go in bearily for
new plays next season.
Alexander .Kalvini's tour baa been ex,
tended until late in May.
Thomas W. Keene is preparing "King
John" for next season tour.
Robert Edeson will Join the New York
Empire stock company next season.
Virginia Ilaraed baa taken Julia Ar
thur's place in A. M. Palmer's company.
Eugene Ormonde will leave Daniel
Frohinan's company at the close of th
William Gillette and Robert Frasci
are working on a new pantonine mnsical
"An Arabian Night" is being played
nnder the exhilarating title of "Hrandy
and Soda."
Henry Miller and Viola Allen have re
newed contracts for next season with the
New York Empire theater company.
Ernesto Rossi makes more with "Ham
let" and "Othello" in Italy than with any
Italian or French play, ancient or mod
"His Grace of Grainruont," the new
play which Otis Hklnnsr will produce
next season, deals with the picturesque
period of Charles II.
Mrs. Agues Roliertson Doucicault lain
the cast of "The Cotton King," a sensa
tional drama recently produced in Lon
don at the Adelphi by Charles Warner.
The new silver toast racks indicate
that toast is iu fashion.
Mustard pots of red glass set in perfo
rated silver, with a silver cover, are new.
New letter racks have been produced
mado of graded circles in rained work
mounted on an inclined stundard and
supported like a photograph frame.
Harneiis describes some of the decora
tions for Ixsliees. One such is made of
fin dead gold chains strung together
with crosspieces. Ail the isilnts of inter
section are fastened by huge pearls.
Worth, the modiste, baa introduced a
new ornament in jewelry which bids fair
to be a favorite. It is a diamond trian
gle, with a flower or monogram in the
center, ami may be worn as a buckle, a
brooch or a din-oratiou for the hair.
Convenient and pretty receptacle
have been brought out for holding the
matutinal orange. They are on a low
standard, tip tilted, polished with a
raised and broken edge, and have a rack
at the back for supporting the pointed
sjioon. Jewelers' Circular.
Jt will bo our earnest
endeavor to give you
better Hoots arxl Shoes
this year than last.
If you hail a pair in '00
you will know what
this means a wo sold
better shoes for tho
money in ' than any
one in Iuigenc.
Jive us a trial.
Yoran & Son,
The Shoe Dealers.
Every civilized language may be heard
iu tho streets of San Francisco.
In London there is a fur company
which was eNtabliehed during the reign
of Henry VIII.
Hani plcturin with copinT wire, for t
is mothproof nnd wivirs for yearn, nor is
them nny ilimtrer of It brtviklritr, a mnl
will do, with ik.
Parks' Sure Cure Is a punitive specific
In all dlwanesof the Liver and Kid
neys, liy removing the urle acid in
the blond It eures Kheuinatimn. K. It
ltaiford, of Carthage, H. Dakota, savs:
"I believe Parks' Sure Cure excel all
other medicine for ItheiiinatiHiii ami
Urinary disorder)." Kohl by A. Ym-
Hoap Foam excels all other washing
compounds. Hall A Son.
Arrangement aru aleiut complete
for the lustallatiuii in ottlee of Uovern-
or-lect Rogers, of Washington. I he
ceremony will take pluc January 1.),
and will be followed by a public re
ception, bntiipiet and ball.
'i'ld lilis: Mm Henry Peck uvhoe
mother Iiud been vleitiiig tliem for over
four inoutliHi I don't know what to
buy tool her for a Chrittma ire-ut
do you? Jk-nry Peck Yis! liny her
a tiaveling bag.
On Saturday evening tbu lifrleiw
body of William Powers was found
ly I otr iu the mad near La Grande
I'uwel whs euljrct to fainting siiells
Slid il Is mippoanl one of tlienu atlacks
wax Hie caiiMor Ills death.
The Weeton normal school bus sub
mitted II financial report for I tin paet
lew year to Cover n ir Lord. The ri
nor! atateii Hint the regular appropria
tion for the i-eliool. fpl,0m, Iiiih Iweu
expended and a deficiency of VA .W
Is creuilxil, wnicn win ue reporiea lo
the legislalure.
The American Iteauiy nwin her pres
tige more to a clear complexion than
to any other atti Unite. A cup of
Parka' Tea w III enable anyone to xs
sess this. It clears the skin and re
move pimple and that sallow, mud
dy look. Parks' Tea in used bv thoua-
anils of ladies for the complexion.
Without Mil a cathartic ilcures con
stipation. rSold by A. Ykkinoton. i ti
Many merchants are well aware that
their customer are their beat friends
and take pleaaure in supplying them
with the U-et good obtainable. As an
Instance we mention Perry A Came
ron, prominent druggist of Flushing,
Michigan. They say: "We have no
hesitation u recommending Cham
berlain's Cough remedy to our cus
tnmerx, n it the best cough med
icine we have ever sold, and always
give satifaction." For sale at "'
and CO cents pel' bottle by
Oshurii & DcLaun.
Nkw Coi.i.khk Papkk. A move
nieiit Is on foot siuongthe student of
the University of Oregon to start a
monthly college paper to take th
place of the present University Rulle
tiu. The iiiestinii will U cousideretl
at assembly tomorrow.
The governorahip of Trinidad Is
worth lia.OOO a year aud I going to I e
given to Hlr Frsncls Fleming, now
governor of the Leeward Islauds. The
latter pee Is worth 13,000 a ysar.
Fruest H Fuukdieil suddenly iu a
saloon at Auburn, Wali., last mgni
of what a physician proiiouuced heart
. .. ..i. .1 i .t lu.vtuir tvilll
Isiiure. rrusiiu u"" .-...
a Irieiid, and was removing hi gloves,
rn forward uihui
the floor, and ben lifted up was found
to be urad.
Indianapolis JU''ial: Mr Watts
Theldeaof a pastor getting up t th
cloe of thechuroh fall and saying that
bewasdeply toushed! Mrs WalU
And why should'ut he say o? "Be
cause he was the only man there who
hadn't been; that's why?''
According to a isceiit order of the
secretary of war, the dimensions of the
standard United States Sags aie 5 feet
8 inches by 4 feet Inch. The order
alio provides for the new colors to be
isued to all infantry ami artillery regi
ments and the battalion of engineers,
anJ also to all regliiieuts of cavalry.
Another Ore.-on man is iu luck. A
dispatch from Union tells about It.
"William Dobbs, of this city, has Just
receivMi! the Mini prlzn fir raising the
laruest table bet for 1S W. The con
test wssom-ii to all groweisiti the Uni
ted Klaies and Canada. The prize
consisted o; a f-5) draft. The best
Weighed 17 pounds."
It i said to lie an actual f tcl that an
American millionaire' daughter was
recently no more aud no Use than sold
to a foreign prince. The father sup
posed he was going to give the mousy
to his daughter, but when the prince
found this out he cs If d a halt, and
hi lawyer Informed the millionaire
that the money must be paid directly
to the prince or the ileal would be off.
The father came to the prmee' term
and intekly paid him th money. If
this was not a clear bargain and kale,
what was il? Of course the only con
sideration received was an empty title,
hut some American snobs are w illing
tu pay viiy deaily for even this.
Albany IVinocrat: The lowest bid
for limns for the insane asylum was
that of Kurkhart k I-ee, of Albany.
SH-sklug of It the Statesman says:
"In the case of drugs t) J Fry, of this
city, submitted a bid but w ithdrew it
later on account of the lioard receiv
ing a bid from Hurkliart & Lee of Al
biiiy, after the hour advertised for
opening 2:30 p. in. The Albany bid
had been forwarded by regis ered mail
on Saturday, but It was not received at
tbecapitol until yesterday afternoon
after 3 o'clock However the bid of
Mr Fry would have fated all rluht if it
had been left in, as it was flS.OJ lower
than the Albany bid." As the Fry
bid Whs not opened it is not known ;
bow low It was. The Albany bid was I
Ladies and Misses
2hc per
Gents 1-2 Hose a
12hc per
See Window
TJThU rmnmlErmri)Fnir q'HHr. PntintM!fii
liiiuftt'b0. WrUu.'Ulltvn. 1-sMi ImlltV. fWhil.i.
Mtina, vtii urHiii, impDisMicr ana wa(iiif ui ckum s.
ynuthhiltrrut r rie, f t, CiiUtiinoo'lat. In rrr ttT
nnd hlfMMl btilMrr. iikPsilheimlitsn irMinyaf-.inifstMibiiM
KiMrrrrl'imt (f.M k. ;.rlMii; O f.r.. Mram
iml'1. icifh wrttttn irwr.wtrt itrmmiry tviiti-ici. Vntu,ftw
inrdlfiil hook, Mnitl pliiln wrfppT. w!1h tstlriM.Rl m
nnnnrtl -lttn-"riir. Airfcir.-' f-rr-tttnittii font. kl'u ,ut
m wI. ssjusi, mi. mssi. twni. buMurACau.irWtirt).'v ' r'-lsaM
I'IJ.'J!1J4 UV'J-m'fl'l-l
Utter List.
Jan. 7, 1S! 7.
French, Allen. Finn, Kugene.
Hall, Mrs Sarah McDavit, 11 W
iSchrviber, Jno Wood. Mr Frank A.
A charK of one rent will t ma Ir nil nil
ti-tcera siven out. IVrsnna t',illins fur U-tterk
will uiraMi sin in wluu a'lvertlbt'il.
T. J. C'saiii V M.
Part of our 1897 WALL PAPER
JlflfXow is the time to luiv while pi ices
are low at OVERTON'S Kighth
street. Three doors west of F. O. 1
n... . u i ii , ,
udta. nenuerson, '.incen.iKers j.'!
tmbaimers. Lor Wit. i ti, t,
-Fon Tin:-
For Sals tj til On:!s.
We have Barpims.
Come and See Us.
Hindlai IS cents.
Cor on Bloock South
I Court Houit
6nscent a doe,, rOfl
-l: Ji.'..
It la aold on a KUi.ri.nt'.-o hf sit riruje
ItUta. It cur.-i Iucip.ent Consumption
odisUie beat Coueh kq.1 Croup Cure. -
Ko',,1 l.y lleiiilvrKin A Linn.
j KXKtU'J'OKS .Will K
I in il r uiniu-r m .hit rwoiw. 'i A.riv
N'lii, ileifaneil,
Notiiv in hrrvby iivi n llmt tlir m ilrniif
, (I 1 Maya, li. hrta duly l nirtil neo, '
i "f tilt) lllKt will Di ll trvtlllliei t i.l il I ( lt(
I tnte of Alt-Xaiiilur Nail, iIi-i-iiim,1. ly irlit
I the cimiitv tnurt of I. mi i, m ii, Oit,"i
ami all Dniona laving l..iin.
ette are liert liy lntitiil nil i.inirli
lircM-nt the miiiie duly vcrilinl t" -nul unie
! at the liiw itthf of I.. I lil v u in i
nitron, will.iu aix nun. llm f r, in the i!tlt
thin iiutice. i.t KiU'eiie thin l!l li of Diot
ler, Ism;.
1 1. I'. M.OS
Kxtcutnr of Ih.i estutu of vcltr
I l'.n.vre,
Tuesday, January 12
Continuing for 30 dais
bvery article in the house
With a few excentinns.
DrOOO finnrlc In emnants anci Off-Colorings mill be
I U00 OUUllO Sold for 40 cents on the $1.00.
ImOO In 0dds and Encls We Pat the Knife
IIUUO Through and Sell for Half.
All new Merchandise and
. Ml 1 , ,
wiriunms wilJ oe sold at
seen a Sale
has never
Is coming: from NEW YORK.
expect to TWhirc
, be none equal this side of Portland for Beauty and Cheapness
There will be
F. E. DUIl.