The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 09, 1897, Image 3

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    "the boiler exploded.
rmlly Scaldad atlha M.dlcal Oownlnj.
I. as Asylum.
.. ...n, a Luke. Wash
fil.-k tbi. morning thi. town w.
h.ken br a heavy explclon, whio i
- i,v ninny thought to be tbe shock
an eartniruuao. -
1 ... ..isr.ntiblv larred. and their
vtere very "",.-,.. u ,. nnt
I-inilllWS Mil""'
,,i after daylight that tbe cause w
u ' .11, known, when it wm found
k'(D" .. .., boiler at the hospital
I were"-. ...... ,, u
.team '"' ni-nii"M ir -!
,,i , brick house at tbe rear cf
Hutklut A Co. 'a
Trail a.
Itavlcw il
uuv t,A iilodi.d. There
i ;e mmo" ,, :
l 1 . . .ii..-- In iimi ifitniTitlW fur
ooio n i o
i.iH of these boiler hait cxploumi
I the
tn nHorlv demolish
wi" oiitd lii Mcnrv fitrnn-
tnr' a l" rge sctiou of it wan driven
Inward 'against the he'i(1o, neof
...r Will HI I"" """
rear .,.),,. flrmn
I'.ill 1 IIPI1UIU
li.m near the boiler at
Im-iit of the explosion
1 ulimu with the
LllOWO , l.,.il.,, limWa
Iflt-I " ... i i i;f.. d .la.ii.ul roil nf
lr Injured Uihi nis " -i ;
I. r Tt ewrvthtujc was in IP hBpe
Li.h the buib'M. aud ho cannot account
fur tl.e M1, ,
will have I" eimtf.j- .
Unwiuing boilew rewt on tl.,ir fou.ida-
I tioua.
81 At ' The wheat market bai willed down
Into one of a holiday chariioter. aud
eutiment which freqiifUtl.T doniinntu
prioei it lurgcly Mont of the
pit trader! have become cotmticed that
every time the price fur May gi-t.
alxive 80o It i a lafu tale for a calp,
aud when It break below that figure
it ii a pnrchaM for 'u to lo advauce.
The inability tf the bulla to niuiii.
tain the adYiuitiiKe with the new gen
(rally in their favor h.n made trailers
rather keitu!al ai to the proapecta of a
material advance before thu clone of
the year, and there but been a Ri'iieial
takiug of profit by .mall holders,
while a few of thu larye ones h:ive
either bn out of the market entirely
or are trading in email hue.. The
market ia without leader on either
ide, and the trade ia diiftlng with the
idea that there can be no permauent
good in tho maiket until after the
holiday. The Argentine aituntion ia
aa much of a puzzle a ever. Kupplift
in tbil country are decreuaing, und tho
flour tarde ia irregular.
The Korthwextem mill report a
large Weatern demand, and l'llisbury
auuouucea that they will grind on an
average of 40,000 barrel per day for
aoine time.
Tbe market is in a position where
buying ia more etuctitml to atc.iily
price than an abundance of bull uewa.
Water and Frosted Kalla Trap the j
Animal null Kcntli Kotlowa, i
What la by lonn oddj the bent huut
(nil Hiury of llio aeaami conu-a fruui St.
rii'Kla. and the aoctlun foremau. Nela
'riiompauii, who lix.Ua after the Snake
track nl that place, la the hero. It la
prulutMy the Ilr.t enae of lta kind oo
record, aud estntdlhhe nn Interesting
prc'fMc-.t In the klllln of wild rata.
Thenn vnru.lnia Imve heretofore K'en
puiwlilered tit vlctltiia for any menu
of extermination, however unsporta
manlike It might be. They have been
aliof. trapped, poisoned and drowned,
'it Nela Thi'inpooii ban Introduced ft
new ineihodof dolnirawny with the cata
whoae only drawback la the fact that
It can mn or ho generally Introduced,
How l'oullrr Mar Us uJ Far
Two l'otalo Cropa In mc leunM
l aca of the Aldrr llu.ta-Full flow
lug of Pod li round.
Muklng rutiltrr !'.
Just why somo ciiuuot make tho poul
try yard a paying Inhtltnilon Is quite
plain, l.lko i-vei-ytlilug oUe. It all lie
with tho man and how he coca about
it. Olio fellow goea at It. llo has road
considerable about it. lie builds larco
and completely lit tod up Iioum In tho
i butcher would like lo buy n be f or a I
number of them from tho fannirn In
Ills mluliliorhood. but be Is ri'siialned
by fear, lie cannot got enough to sup
ply himself tlirniii;li tho year. Indeed,
tho fanner generally only cares to mar
ket his fatlened htooU In cold weather.
So the WoMern shipper extorts from
his cusioiuein an Ironclad agreement
to buy meat only as sent by him. Yd
wo think If farmers would buy or raie
young stock and fatten It. they could
make a market eelling beef or mutton
by the quarter, or dividing It still
farther for tho accommodation of their
customers. No law to restrain this
light can be valid, as has Peon repeated
ly decided by very high auihorlili-s. -American
Cold iit In r. whether damp or dry, will
proilm r, i i ti U' we are e t n iiul v can I ill,
Sllildetl "ri ne and t nlne I In- I i III lis
nn I inn-. li s. I'lii-ii linn h mi inn lo sud
den ili.ii .-.! of uiv I'r.uii aw.inn
r i:l.i .nit di...r uir. fold emit r.nis an. I
w.iiiu'.li i- , amis or r. l.i ami
this ri .i.oi t w lien our is s,.re
1 1 , .i 1 1 -I..I I. n e..M. I lie iipi'Ui
ul.s i i)t l.rni::s nuiiii ili.ite
i In t, as 0 L-nis w.ituith alio
i lll
it i- I - r I
oie anil -I'.u
.Hi.. ii i if M .
an.l sure re
ri -! .i .it i. hi lo
I Hit :e .1 lulls, !.- uln ni.iKi-s stii.i.u- I lie
and i r.iinpi d hiul's. Willi a mmimiis
.nig wtili lliis riiiirilyforp.ini;
in in 1 1 1 ii lli r w itli son lu -s and i itl,
' n, -sin. .re lh. ma very short time. II is
I is.,-, i.illy t 1 10 hest rellli dv for suit, nil,'
i win ri-ho roiiiire a prompt i lire, ami 11 Is
1 .am. ular.y I lie I"'-! beciiu-r its run saie
i I luallr ul .
no i
na nie conditions urnler which It I 1 most practical way,
operative do not exist In every locality ' thoroughbred fowls
whro wildcat nro found. To auciHn
fully carry out the Thompson method
It Is necessary to have a cold day, a
deep stream and a railroad track ruu
nlng close hy it.
One morning recently aa Thompson
and Ida ganj of atnrdy Scandinavian
were pumping tlirlr handcar along the
track on the way to their work, which
that day wn alotia t!u clay bluff caat
of St. RelM, they wore aoiuewhat etar
tleil tiy the nngry snarling of a wildcat
ahead of them. They slowed up the
far as they rounded the bluff and a
strange sight greeted their eyes. The
morning was bitter cold and a fringe
The trade ha tired of Hie combined of ' bordered the banks of the St.
rehash of the report about small re- Kegts Ulver, which rushed along Just
ceipts, the probable ecarcityof supplies, I below the track, ltroken Ice aud a wet
it..rair Tinier liar
WoiiiS'i Hi'"" .. .
, llHlUl M""""
vo Haven. Oonu., Deo. 31. Ella
vLr wh.we body, fjru and dinuwm.
bertd'v.a found on the road of the
shore Liue iu this city, committed sui
cide by throwing herself under the
wheels of the locoimuivo won... m,
bmbuud, Kngiuerr Fred K.gcr. was
ruuuiug. The coupio nan quiu.riD
weeks before and had separated.
llbe wife grew umody over her mibfor
1 . i ..... .1. 1. or sav that she
tune, nun i"" ""ft" - ' - -
often remarked that sue wibiieu uc
were dead.
At 0 o'clock in tho evaniug Biie pui
on her things und went out. Mio went
i the station and her buhuana. naw ner
I there jtit he hud come oil for duty,
ready to make his ruu to Now London.
He did not appear anxiuni io see um
I wife, aud it i supposed tliat Air.
Ver. noticing his lndinerenoe, ne-
came desperato aud reaohedou suicide.
Tha woman walked away iroui mo
I depot aud followed a route along the
railroad track. 11-r husband' train
started at 0:55. At that hour alio
. i i .... i.n
was ( lew uuuiireu ynrua iruiu mo
depot The train came on with in
creasing spied and achieved lapid mo
mentum when it came to Mrs. Miger.
To carry out her resolve waa the work
lot au iust.iut."
After being killed her body wa car
ried along for 1.U00 yard wheu it waa
caught in a frog of the track and
tbruw-u to one side. The husband sped
I .way on his engine, little thinking of
what tho uiaohiuery under his foot had
the dependence of European countries
upon America, aud tbe continued talk
about wheat going to f 1. Something
now ia necessary to stimulate trade.
Tbe situation is all right, but inure
speculation i necessary. The short
interest, although the largest in sixty
days, is easily scared, and au advance
trail up the bank showed that the cat
had Just swam through the Icy stream
and axplalued his present predicament.
For he certainly waa In the gravest pre
dlcameut In which over wildcat found
himself, lie wa fastened firmly to
one of the steel rails by one fore foot.
The supposition la that tho cat had
buys high priced
aud starts In to
make It go. It takes blich n man about
one hcasoii to learn that he knows little
and needs experience. This Is bought
from a Miiall beginning and with sev
eral years' actual work wlih them,
r.ranchlng out largely at first Is sel
dom done by a prudent or practical per
on. Anvbody can feed and perhaps
rear a brood of chicks. To keep a few
hens for private use where l hoy live
Upon the refuse of your table Is olio
kind of chicken business, but when you
nro In It for your bread and butter,'
with hundreds, and perhaps thousands,
under your care. It is quite another mat- j
tor. It can and Is paying live workers,
but never drones, pon't goat It unless'
you have patience, laei ami lols of am-'
bltion. These are very osseiillal points
of value lo any man who hopes lo huc- ;
coed. I
Weed out the flocks, disusing of leal- j
ly old stock and the undesirable young.
A few good bens, well cared for, will
raise more chickens next summer than I
if II great flock is crowded together 111
unhealthy coops.
Kulra for MIIMiltf.
Turf, farm and Homo gives the fol
low lug rules for milking:
First-Work rapidly; slowness causes
o.s of cream.
Second Milk thoroughly to the last
drop, because the last milk Is the l-t.
Third Milk nl the same time every
Fourth - Milk cro.sw ise, that Is to
say, one foro teat on tho right and a
hind teat on 'ho left, and vice versa:
the milk thus flows more copiously
than by parallel milking.
Fifth Milk with four lingers and not
with index and thumb, a fault too com
mon with milkers.
Sixth - Po not employ any kind of
milking machines.
Seventh -To milk young, restive
cows, raise one of the foro feet.
Flghth -Always keep the hands clean
aud also tho cow's udder, and all dairy
Ninth - Purlug milking avoid dis
tracting or disturbing the cow.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which viintli Is-fore prot'rf
forts - gentle i-fTorts pleiiMint otTorta
i.o,i. tie .liieeteil. There is comfort in
is generally supposed. It Is no doutil i ,lt. know lode;o, that m many forms of
Mind ami
The mental condition lias far more
Influence Uon the bodily health lhau
of a few cents drives most of them in. conit through the river and leaped up
Tbe bull on the whole have also grown 1 tho track embankment. Uln last Jump
more timid, aud a decline, of ".e shake' brought one of his wot forefeet upon
out those who buy whenever the mar'
ket gets strong. At present there i
little in the market except a scalp.
s si
i! 10
iy the
1 w'ln
i gii'd
soa 'n
s tlidr
as tbt
w It
Is ufr
i Club
ulty I"
t oeulJ
g to !
rs. Fl-
ii bulU
will N
f riunc-
e feet
,h1. TM
:i also
h In
lie oia
t -M
io tw
the rent
no fa
wo f
l ,rf
i a nil' "
leg" '
. den'"
.1.1 1 bJrt
;:Uth- 1
i. a-
, ti
Aiurrli-Mii rrlmiiirr In aixlro C'IhIiiin
t lie a Virion nf I oiis.lraey.
San Diego, Cal., Deo. 81. Ameri
can throughout Mexico are watching
with great interest the movements of
the authorities in the case of Carlo
A. Miller, au American citizen and
resident of Cuajiuicuihipau, state of
Guerrero. Ho is iu lielima prison,
City of Mexico, charged with the mur
der of a Mexican engineer named K lu
srdo Zepeila, at Uinetepeoou OotoberO.
Miller claimed from the first that the
officers at Oaictepeo and in his own
town with the unpronounceable name
bad conspired to bring a murder charge
against him aud eucompasa li id ruin
and death if possilbo. Ho claims he
kiiows the identity of the murderers,
and offers, if released under guard, to
famish evidence of a wholesale con
spiracy iu the state of tluerrero nut
only to do away with him, but to de
fraud the government out of a lame
amount Keputable peoplo of the state
forwarded to the government state
ments Betting forth that Miller ia all
fight, and is the iutuudod victim of
enemies in publio affair.
Chlraio HllMr ami f'1tVtlt4.lttl fi ttfl
Hill share the I loner.
Chicago. Deo. 81. When M.iior Mo-
Kinley takes the oath of oflice March
hit personal escort will bo formed
' the Chicago hussar squadron aud
toe Cleveland Grays, Cleveland's crack
Mganizatiou. The hussars were asked
al promised last night in a big meet
"t at the Hreat Northern hotel to ao
MPt the huuor of the escort.
inn matter was considered early by
tteiideut elect McKinley. Uoth of
Ii1" bodies otlored their service.
ri"lly the (1 rava warn i.lnntnit The
GrTi deliberated, and then decided it
-unm be the nice thing to invite the
"UMars to sharw thn nntr with thorn.
AU the members of thsoscort will be
tinted on black bnr.o. ami thev
"n' 00 making an effective display.
."'"ISSarS Will Btnn nv nn th wnv
0 It 'o. V...I. i J
iniK niruuouiiv nuu ioi-
0,P give a fancvbuii
Poini.ANi), Or,, Jan. 1, 1S;7.
Fi.oi'R I'ortland, Salem, Cascadia
and 1 ay ton , M AO; Kenton county ami
While l.ily, f l.-iO; graham, H.76; su
perline, - 6tl per barrel.
Win: at Walla Walla, 81i.'S2c; Val
ley, HiiSiic per bushel.
U.ats Choice w bile, -lOtci 42c per bush
el: choice giny, o8ni 4l)c.
Hay Timothy, $l:i.lH) nerttn: clover.
M.t'O'uU.OO; out, 8.utV10; wheat, $Hy
10 per ton.
Bablsy Feed barley, $21.00 per on;
brewing, $22.
Mil lhti'kfs Bran. 115.00; shorts,
$1)1.60; middlings, )23.O0.
Bdtteh h ancv creamery i quoted at
4oc; fancy dairy, 3.'c; fair to good.
20n 22c.
1'otatuks. Oregon Burbauks, SOi'i
7-c; Ciarnet Chiles, 70(5f80cj Karly Hose,
b'.iyiaj per eack; California river Hur
LiankB, ooc per cental; sweets, $l.2Va2
percental for Merced, $2.6J for Jeieey
Onions 8.V per sack.
Poultry Chickens, mixed. $2.00 4
3.00; broilers, $UaM2 00; geese. i.00 :
tin keys, live, 12c; duck, $34.50
per dozen.
Euoa Oregon, 32'a'c per dozen.
Ciikksk Oregou, 11c; Young Ameri
ca, 12c per pound.
Tallow Prime, per pound, 2 ' u i a 3e ;
No. 2 and greace, 2((f2;o.
Wool Vallev. 10c, per pound; East
ern Oregon, Ota 8c.
I lorn New crop, IK'' 10c.
Buar Gross, ton Bteers, $2.75; cow,
$2.iK)(fe2.25; dressed beef, 46,0 pel
i M otton Gross, best sheep, wethers.
$2.75; ewes, $2.75; dressed mutton, 6c
per pound.
Vbal Net, small, 6c; large, 4.V
per pound.
Hons Gross, choice, heavy, $3.2.) $
3.50; light aud feeders, $2.60; dressed,
$3.60j4.25 per cwt.
; Pkath.k, Wash., Jan. 1, 1S!I".
Floub tJohbing) Patent excellent,
$5.25; Novelty A, $4.75, California
brands $5.00; I'akotu, $5.50; patent,
$li.25; buckwheat Hour, $0.60; per cwt,
$3.50; graham, $150 per hbl; 10-lb
sacks, $2.50 per cwt; rye flour, $').IMJ
per bbl; 10-11) Bucks, $2.50 per cwt; rye
meal, $4.50 per bbl; per cwt, $2.40;
roliedouts, $5.75y'i per bbl; hominy,
$2.50 per cwt; cracked wheat, $3.25;
rolled heat, $5.25 per bbl ; whole rolled
wiieat Hour, $2.50 per cwt; pearl bailey,
per 100 lb sacks, $.i.o0; split peas, 4V;
1 table corumeal, yellow, $1.0.) per cwt in
10-lb sacks; 60s, $1.60; white, 10s, $l..a;
1 50s, $1.05; Haked liominv, 2.6ll per keg.
j Whkat Chicken feed, $27.00 per ton.
' Oats Choice, $24i':5 per ton.
Baulky KolleU or gruuud, $22.00 pel
wu. . . . . i
Cons whole, per ion; cravaeu i
123: feed meal, -.
MiLLSTiFKs-Brau. $10.00 per ton;
shorts. $10.00.
FkKU-Chopped feed, $10.00 per ton,
middlings, $24; oilcake meal, $28.
Hay I'uget sound, per tou, $'.IJ1U;
Eastern Washington, $13.
Bdqab Golden C in bbl, 4V per lb;
extra C in bbl, 4',c; dry granulated iu
bbl, 6c; cube, OV; powdered, o c
spot cash. , . .
Bcttkb Fancy native creamery.bnck
2tic; select, 2.ic; tubs 21c; ranch, is.-.
Chkksk. Native N ashington.lOci U .
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hers, 7m 8c ; dressed, Hm 1 lc ; ducks, $2J
8.60; dressed turkeys, I3i15c.
Eoos Fresh ranch, 30j?o2c; Kin-tern,
2'UkSh UATs-Choice iireesed beef,
Bteers, 6c; cows, 4'yc; mutton, sliei p, 6e
per pound: lamb, Pc; pork, 5c per
, pound; veal, small, Oc.
tho rail and. according to the familiar
principle of physics. It froze to the
steel. There he wn, held as fast as If
In the Jnws of a trap. The ground
allowed that he hud at niggled to free
himself, but hi efforts had been In
A the handcar approached, the cat
swung around to face the Intruders,
and In doing no another foot struck tho '
rail and wns held firmly. A few more ;
struggles, a strong brace to free the
captive feet aud the two free pedal ex-:
trcmttlen touched the rail. Snarling and
with flashing eyes, the captive creature
watched the section men alight from
tho handcar, but he was Incapable of
riMlstunee. A blow from a crowbar
cracked his fikull and the victim of cold
water waa dead. It required a strong
pull to detach the froiteu feet from the
rail, and when they did come patches
of skin still adhered to the steel. Ana
conda Standard.
Some old Joke.
The Cornhlll Magazine publishes cer
tain extract from an old French Jeat
book which prove at least that Joke
are not very much changed, for sum
of these are dull aa tho pleasautry of
our own day. They are comprised
under the hiding Menngiana, and ar
extracts from the conversations which
took place at the house of Gllles Men
age, a student and writer of the net-en-teenlli
century. He waa the author of
much literature, both poetry aud criti
cal prose, and was considered a wit;
but whether be and his frtenda actual
ly sparkled at their Wednesday gath
erings may be guessed from a few sam
ples of the conversation there:
"I had taken the uaml or Maunme i-e
p . When she drew It away Mu.
Tollitler eold to me, 'That Is the most
beautiful work which baa ever gouo
out of your hands!' "
"Assume, sir," said a gentleman In a
business argument with another, "that
you owe me tcu thousand crown."
'Tray, sir," said the other, Interrupt
ing hli'n, "have the goodness to make
nine other hypothesis!"
Above a flreplnco were two figures,
Justice and Peace, kissing each other.
"Look I" said some one. "They are
toying 'Adieu.' never to meet again."
The Archdeacon of Auxere, who wa
in the habit of screaming In the pulpit,
said of Bourdaloiie, "lie preaches fort
blen, and 1 bleu fort."
The Mnrqii! Iel Carplo. Viceroy of
wonim was going Into a church nt
Madrid, and saw n lady entering at tho
Two I'otato ( riiia in One Kcason.
Last fall I bought u few bushels of nn
early red potato out of the cellar-t'hl- ,
cago Market, Knehester Hose, or sonic
thing olso-and laid them In u place
on the roof of a low Micd to start their .
hprouts, thinking to forward the crop
Iu this way. After a while 1 planted,
inosl of them, but a few still lay on the
risif until July 14. when part of tho i
garden patch having boon dug for new
potatoes, I planted forty hills to soo
what they would do right In the old
hills. I'.y this time they wore sun-
burned, black as coal almost, and their
etiibby sprouts, oovoivd with tiny
green leaves, were two Inches long.
The weather was dry and hot, the earth
dry as ashes, and nothing wns seen of
them till a light shower brought them
up July 21. From this their growth
was rapid, and there was a larger
growth of vines than the first crop had.
A frost cut them down Sept. 22, but
they were nearly ripe. The first crop
did not ripen, but they would have
grown little, If any, more. Mr. Waldo
F. Brown, who has croon corn by the
time mine Is fairly up- not more than a
foot high at the most could raise two
crops In this way with all enso, and
so could any one who has a degree or
two less latitude (42 degrees HO min
utes). The potatoes you lay out on the
boards must be recut; then they will
keep until It Is time for the second
planting. Two crops of potatoes is nei
ter than lhe crop of fall weeds we see
en often where garden isitalocs have
been dug. New York Tribune.
Punar from Itrcta.
Al the Norfolk (Neb.l sugar factory,
Hon tons of beets dally are now being
made Into granulated sugar. That sin
gle factory o pools to turn out IH.inh.
Ihki pounds of sugar this season, paying
to fanners In and around that locality
about .f;!iMi.(Mni for boots, to say noth
ing of lhe Immense amount paid for
lalHir. limestone, fuel, coke, lubrleilllng
oils, oto. Tho crop Is excellent and
farmers enthusiastic, as s o of them
are reeolviug $50 to $12."i per aero for
tho crop, while tho townspeople nro
prosperous ami happy with money clr
culaling freely, laiud there Is renting
from $s to $Ui per acre for boot culture.
Much tho same state of uffalrs exist al
Grand Island, Nob. Large nuniliors or
farmers all over Nebraska and neigh
boring States are visiting those sonar
factories, and Intense Interest Is being
aroused In tho effort lo vastly develop
the Industry In ibis country.- Agricul
turist. A Home f uiil of Vlnrsior.
IHirlng the past twenty yours the
writer has made no older, yet our older
vluemir kegs are always holding out
III... the willow's cruse of oil. How Is
It done? We buy some sweet older
from a neighbor and add it gradually
to the twenty gallon kegs that have
bad pure vinegar In thein so long that
they have had several sots of Iron
lumps. As they have stood on lhe cel
lar bottom, full or partly full or strong
vinegar for twenty years, we conclude
that vinegar preserves wood, ns the
staves are still sound.- It Is always pos
slblo to got pure, sweet elder In the fall,
lioiice tho vinegar keg or barrel once
slarted Is good, for aught wo know, for
u hundred years.- Kxohiingo.
true that ailments of the muly c.-ui
depressing and morbid conditions o
the inlnd. but It Is no less true that '
sorrowful and disagreeable euiotloin j
produce disease In persons who. uiiln j
llituiiced by them, would be In sound .
health; or. If disease Is ii.H produced,1
tho functions are disordered. j
Agreeable emotions act In mot'.ou
nervous current which stimulate
blood, brain, and every part of the sys.
tern Into healthful activity; while
grief, disappointment of feeling, and
brooding over irsent sorrows or past
mistakes depress all the vital forces.
To be pliys'.oally well one must, in gen
oral, be happy. The reverse Is not al
ways true; one may be happy and
cheerful, aud yot bo a constant sufferer
iu bodj'i.
Termites ttenro Ct)1e.
The French Academy of Sciences was
Informed last summer of the dostruc-
tlon of an eWtrlo cable In Ton-iuln by
! the attacks of termite. The cable cross-
; ed a marshy tract and was euclosed In
I a tube of load. The Insects bonil bole
i Iu the tube nnd completely destroyed
j the Insulation of the cable. It bns been
' proposed to guard tho cable against
I future attack by enclosing It In an en
velope of cotton and Jute Impregnated
with sulphate of copper, which, It I
believed, would prove a fatal polaou to
the Insects.
sicUncss lire linliliio lo uuy acriiui ois
oaso, but himplv to It constipated condi
tion of the s;slcm, which the pleasant
fainilv laxative, vrupnf Figs, prompt
ly remove. 'Mint is why it is the only
r'cmeilv with inillioiisof fnmilirs, audi "f
evory where esteemed so highly by all
who'value gissl health. Its beneflciul.
effects are due to tho fact, tbut it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which It acts. It Is therefor
all important, iu order to got its bene
llclul effects, to note when you pur
chase. Unit you have the pcuuiue arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup t o. only und sold by
ull reputable lb uggists.
If in thu enjoyment of pood health,
and the system is regular, luxativesor
other remedies ore then not nooded. If
afflicted with any nctniil disease, one
may bo commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
w-oll-inlorinoii every w-norr, r. i
Viirsstands highest and is most largely
V-d uud gives most general satisfaction.
'Jut Don't FmI Wall,"
tu th On 1 hint tow
Only On for n Do
fftil I t IniatjiBai t9o.
(Umplr tnatlml fre AddrfM
Or. btitanko Mtd. U. I'hU. 1.
Ui lwllw.i I itu it. s-l-.ruU
lura. DS. J.L.STkPHlHS.LI BASON.oaia,
v y-iti -fit i 1 1--" - -1 in i-i i y . -. iv -
i:ara nf the Abler Hush.
The common sweet alder bush, or
elderberry bush, as It Is often called, Is
regarded by neat farmers as a nuisance,
to be destroyed as quickly as possible.
Vet it baa many uses, and some farm
ers' wives especially, have learned to
turn It to ptvllt. Us fruit when dried
iimkes very fair Dies If some neld Is
mixed with It. We have known It to be
used with grapes, the latter liclng extra
1 sour and without something to temper
j them requiring too much sugar. The
juice of elderberries with sugar makes
tho standard heavy wine which old
1 fashioned people used always to keep In
' the house to use when sickness made It
necessary. Finally the blossoms nro nn
excellent febrifuge, and some should al
I ways be put up to use when fever from
unknowu causes attacks nny of the
I nrmrr Fhoiitri Grow Hest Peril.
No garden or Held seed Is more easily
grown than the beet. Select si th
specimens of moderate size out of the
heai) nnd plant them In early spring.
EHT with a big n. mack wall's Oeuulue null
liurlisiu Is niacins l)jr lUsir. lou win mm
rnioKiu Intlila esi-b two ounes bag.auJ two
pons lusltlo ecb (our ouuoa Uif uf
enuine Durham
Smoking Tobacco
lluv aliHiinf tills retrlinitwl tnliacco ami rami llio smpon
nli'lchgl'DSsltstof valuable proauuU aud Uowlogntlheiu.
. -f- '.! ."
isiwwioialk tit -i H-
V r l. ,T' V sA- i
. HK n n AvIrAMlolff . II .l. .....t-L- ll.r.v tii..ii1 la 1,, I'llll flu. fill.
ame moment wun won.- " nl, iMC
beautiful diamond on a very ugly hand, tivat-.r between the rows, which should
"I should prefer the ring to the hnnd," i i. wide enough for that purpose. If
snld he with no expectation of being this Is done two or three times, the
heard- but she Immediately touched , spreading branches will cover the
the collar of his order, which he wa I 8llc.s between the rows and will keep
. .I-i,, nd said, "I should prefer the down most of tl.e weeds. The s 1 Is
,..--n .... . .,H i.v ,.fr ll.a.ui. lil-n II, li,.M
gauiereii o. ....
I and spreading on cloths or bung up In
HIM) it ka l)l mi. I (iheds either having a tight tloororhav-
- - .... 1 1..- .1... I
me i nn e otns spreini iiiiih-i nn- iiiiiikiiii.
baiter to tho donkey!'
I'roprr lolls to Knise.
The fanner who att pts to brood
speed alone stands no more chance to
make a liiiancial strike than u Isiy In a
pin lottery without any ticket. Hut ut
the same time, be should not lose sight
of the fact that he who buys for road
iiiriHisos calls for not only a good sized
horse, but one oven gaited, and quite
speedy. I believe I hero Is more money
In raising the right kind of cults, und
preparing them for the market than any
other kind of stock on the farm. The
llrst thing to bo considered by the farm
er la what strain and what cross will
come lion rest to tilling tho bill of public
ilomiind. "Like produces like." Is nn
old adage, nnd quite true-National
(eriiilrallns Nut.
The sn ss of germinating nuts In
tho spring depends upon the condition
of ripeness and the method of keeping
thorn during lhe winter. Nuts should
not be allowed to been too dry before
burying In sand. When gathered too
early the kernels shrivel up and have
but little germinating power, hence
they should not bo gathered until the
kernel Is full and plump. If there Is
any danger of mice getting Into the
boxes where they are burled during the
winter, wire netting should be milled
over them.-Exchange.
Cheapest Power.
Rebuilt Gas nnd
.Gasoline Engines.
i-i II. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline.
1-2 II. P. Ilm-tilcs, Gas or Gasoline,
i-i 1. P. RcK,iti, Gas or Gasoline,
i j II. P. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 II. P. Otto, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 II. P. Pacific, Gati or Gasoline.
1-6 II. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline.
mo II. P. HcicuIch, Gas or Gasoliue.
Stale Your H'ans and Write for Prices
Hercules Gas
....Engine Works
iOS-7 Sansome Street
San Francisco, Cal...
Qaa, Gasoline and Oil Eiigiuoi, 1 to 200 II. F.
Ymi run roiet a Imwy nuiel i lil'l'.y
ll-liHIiri- Wllll'illl nun
.1-11. H 111 lull. Iii i"
hi the lumeHm iu-
,,ii.iifrrrTr.tspe'tir r. .irv.-l 'V 1 '
, . iirs. i .mi .. 1 1.
The KM'M sl.lmleliM' M"'l III' mi"r ir 11 Hi it i in "
tin- sort nf riilililelisni
SlnlllHi Ii I'lll'-r-
' ill "ii.- V.k ami He.-- " with Iliac
ll.ia i,l the iiii'iniB't-ii -r.
The lord mayor of Loudon wear a
badge of office which contain diamond
valued at t!00,000.
brunches to catch the seed as It falls,
When beet seed la ripe It
easllv. The seed Is easily
therefore cheap, but every farmer can
easily rulse what he wants for his owu
Form t'oinforla.
If the farmer will take a philosophi
cal view of the situation, he will llnd
himself Inn much better condition to so-
shells very j ruw fl),. hmK,.r 11IH 1,1s family the lie
grown and , f.1MUii.i,. Ui,i i-oinfoiis of life than any
other Industrial classes, to say nothing
lilsiut the degree of happiness within
his reach. I.ewlstou Journal.
Pii. Dec. 31. There ia an exhi
"nonatthe Volney Club of 100 real
"no Panting of Napoleon Russian
npign by Varestchagin, being a ter
th.!! and impressive lesson of
Horrors of war. Yarestchagin had
Wred a catalogue passiug severe
'b "vut npon Napoleon' enterprise,
crt .i comuliee of the club prohibit-
.u "I the catalogue. Varest-
Jr BiM'isi o, Jan. 1, lRt'7.
otatok - Unmet Chile, 40,. .Vic;
alina. M.rba.iks, iChmI: h.r y lse,
frwoetB, 1. 1.S0 per cental.
,v'.L,-.Mii,(ic nersack for yellow.
Eons More, iiU'oci rautli,
ducks, ..' per dozen.
BtTTkK raney creamery,
econd. 2ihtf--'lCi fancy uairy,
seconds, 1 7 l-c.
Cuiksk ranry, nu-u
o'c ;
Wlih l.or.M. API M
r,.h Hi- "si "' 11
1 1 or e..!"i..
rure o in'i-i
I H IM 1 1 1. ' ut" i"
T,,-t;v I'M tlir I... I '
I m.orli ( 'io- "
.r. ' :l'-"l I' !
...,n,irv f,.r VHl
It, ,ii It i- ' '
,-,,ll,l,lli. '! i'
ilir.i ill !! ti
Al !i i'f, h tin v i iiliii"!
, ,h-. n-i-. ' ii'nrrii is
1 n-r, nn. I in or-lrr to
nn i: i i. in. H -Ut
ii,!. rl Kl', anil n l' 'll-
niis-iirrie '. Il-il -
l m. l n-i t,. ll ai
,, ii . in ' p, "i' mn ill tli:
i. n-i I . a r. K-'lliir r. .rr 1 1-
I Hi'.
,- l . -l
'. ,1 1 'i
Kir .l.-lllil
,.i s I nil.
rn'.-rs, i
1 i,i- l- r i . I
lit,, i il, ,it
(.., is In rurnof
I-,,,,,.., Tol.'l'i, .
Fall Plowing Foil Oroiind.
Wherever there Is a heavy growth of
! coarse grass left on the land In fall It Is
i i. in i, l.m It In lhe fall If It Is
i Intended to use It for ciiltlvntod cropa1 II'" Journal, and points
! next year. Most of this coarse gruss,
1 that lias small nutrition, has very vigor
ous roots and needs to be turned under
: rs long aa iosslble Is-rore the crop Is
..!... ....i ti,.. noileli of i oarse crass oil
.i... ...rf... will nrcvont the s.hI from Into close contact with the human body
...'.., i ,, o- Uy ,i....i,h- ms It oiiL'ht. In fact. Is fro light with tho greatest phy
when the ground Is mostly covered with
Ilogaand I'cinlnlne Afteelloii.
Edward W. ltok writes of "Iogs and
Folnllillio Affection" I" the Ladies'
nut the
dangers of caressing a dog, however
well on rod for It may be. "The mo it
eminent physicians," ho asserts, "have
conclusively shown Unit the prm-ilo.!
of allowing the Isxly of a dog to eiiino
ij I-i.
ill i UJD mnen irritated, ana ne mim.- . - Ameuca.
u.,s,21iic Der pound for new.
Woo,, -San Joasii.n ami .itherr
coast, poor, 4.5; do good, ;
heavv.tioi 7c l do. choice, H s'.c
em. choice, lO i'Ilc p- r -o, ',.'.
oat. 7-i 10; oat. iiS liariey, ' .
.. .. -v . r, .In HHCoIl'l
... . ,n 1,1 IT . fi ' " -
O ul'j unvun. w i - ' .
crop. .-i..V'inii.jO; clover, I'-l
4..r0'rf" f: r ton.
l ITl. i s r hi ii : . .,i . i,
6.o0; California lemons. i ' .
f,l to choice, 11.60 -iW)i '"l-v' -w
iii :t.W) per box. o ,,.) ui Kai-.r-Ifanana a-W
, per bunch; uiueapplea. I-J-O0'i-W.
I kte'V. ti"
Curr t'-r i '
Au .ll';c. M
li, y I'tf w is sum
..iin.pli'iii. - John
Inf. ui, A .'I, 1
.1 bv Pi-.
A.' Mi ilr
Murilfrert at naklanit.
'-"ilinrl 11 r. n. n ,
entint i 1
w .J b(ll7 of a n",u Wt,re ,oum,
tliitm da,ll(,'n Pacific tracks for a
4, a UI thousand yaril today.
ViU . Wiis thought some tramp had
ini br"kebeam and had been
., but finjll- .. I , ..
SHl n uiuii iii i;.-,
trm I youuK nn". was found hiar
Mh, ' h ha'1 Wn ill1'e'1 itn
H,or !A' D(1 the unpp isition !s t!:at
h been com-nitted and the
aT? ou the ,rs ,lt to hi,,e tiie
i4fsi, ln', da-t,ir:lly crime in
lltction cf year.
, North
wheat an!
to k,
t:t..r)0 "
Go to any grocer and
ask for Scluttng's Hest tea:
I-inan. linjlish Drcakhst,
0jlonb'. Ceylon, or
lie will ray 'ou
money back if you
snow In winter the heavy mulched soil
may searcely Is- frozen at all. Hut
when, turned over In the fall and the
furrow Is left rough ns possible, It Is ,
Hiiro to bo a train and again, bay- j
Ing the surface soil In very tine tilth. If i
the sod be June grass or nuiick many ,
of thn pmiLs will Is- killed by freezing ;
dry In the upturned furrow on or Hear
surface. Though Micro is some
waste of fertility by washing and plow-!
lug of fall plowed land. It Is none the
b-ss g'CHl practice where hood eroi
that ni-eil an early no-How seed In-d are
. i .. ... i ,i... r. ll.. ,. i,,., -
to Is- sown or piaium no.- .....'.
Winter Kattnln of Mock.
TI olulietltlull of Western dressed
the greatest physli ul
evils. The cloaiiest dog In tho wor'd
Is not Without this objection. It . lUiln.t
be. A dog's Hose should never bo al
lowed to touch any part of the human
skin. The most casual observance of n
dog's habits will show the reasons for
this. In fad, from whatever st.m I
polnt one chooses to look at the mat
tor from that "f oh nnllm-ss, health or
bodily danger- the practice of petting
His Lip Gone.
M. M. Nicholson, who lives at the
corner of Curran and Anderson St.. At
lanta, Ga., had a cancer for years.
It first appeared on his lip and resem
bird a fever blister, but spread rapidly
and aoou began to destroy the llcsh.
Ilia futhcr and uncle hud died from
Cancer, and he sought the best medical
aid in didcrent cities, but it seemed im
possible to check the disease. Several
operations were performed but the can
cer always returned. This continued
for. years uutil th. partition iu bis nose
Biol ma i-iiuic ii'-
Iln llulprul.
Help ever the helploia, bo It a drown
ing fly or a brother floundering through
the dltllcultlis of life' tint tank. It
need not valines of rinourca, or x
tout of power to mlulster uch heart
help aa the tnie-bearted can render. I
aoc you the frlt-nd of the frteudleaa,
the ungrateful, and ungracious; th
raiser of the fallen, tbouia perchance,
only perversely to fall again; tho cheer
or of the eheerlDss, though It may bt
they droop agalu when your bright
prissonrn has passed nway.
'iV.'W.i'i few bottles afford
J fj'i -;77V --i;--?ra.l some relief; thus
I Mvjv -?'Xff encouritj;e.l I con
I W7t - :t'a !'nnueir it. and
per Up
were eaten
All treat-
nient bavim; proved
futile, lie looked
upon death as the
only relief.
"Some one re
commended S.S.S."
he savs. "and
Mko iniiiiry lT sua-
ri-ssiiil iprrumtiiiii In
l liUHKn. We Imy ami
Mil Hlll'Nt Uiitb nil
liinik'lii.' Korniiirs Iihvv ix'i'ii ni'i -insii
l Kiioinot l.v UhiIihk In liiiiin-s. Wrlle (.it
lull ,iirlii'iilnr. Ilisl ut rr iirrni B illvru. Sv
roil inns' i xi-i-rlrhri" nil Ihr I hlrnKii Heri nl
1, Hint K llmrnllKll k now Irils"' ( the ui-
i s. 1 1, .ii i. nn. II, .. kins .k i n., i hli uno Hoard
nl I'r.'.i rs. dlluvi III I'utllaml, ongull,
ami .-i,.kalie, W nsh.
j th.
it was not long be
fore the progress ol
the disease seem
icrsevered ' in its
use. and remarkable as it may seem, I
am completely cured, and feel like I
IlllVM 11, U life S.S.S. is the most re-
in.irkiiblo reiiirdv iu the world, and
ed checked. I pi
dogs with close embiucos of any sort U evtrvone wjn n(?rce that the cure was a
n positive wrong, vvoiiieu hiiiiiiu oo nonilerlul one.--
too careful about this, either as thu! a "P-t T3tnr.4 DJtr
nraetlco affects them or, If they are 1 Keil DlOOa IVCITieay.
mothers, their children. Wo run be Cancer is iu the blood and it
fund of our dogs -many or iiiem no- iurirni i''imih'iii'
wrvo liumnn iiffootlon-but wo should
is folly
(guaranteed putflv vegetable) ia a real
...i- f lm.HH v.llh a little care- u.-.s. .
im n t. n ..." ll, t. ,1, tt n n 1 I nil
fill regard for common m-iiso.
bef und of Western mutton, poultry, point, or an ohhts, nune-i o.- o... .
.. n refr c.-ra or fn v renuri isi ine imi- siioum in-..-.
like it.
41 tart
ii ud other iin-ats sliiiiie.
curs fas made It very hard for Eastern
farmers to k.-.-p up the old practice of
buying or raising for fattening aoine
kilij of stock every winter. The city ,
Is- brought Into close coinaei wun a
dog. A sense of cleanliness alone
should forbid this, even If positive
dauger did not lurk In tbe practice."
Irct; addrrss
Swilt Specific
Co., Atlanta,
,,w'5!?1l Incubator trt-
JV m i""t-"- w prot-
ry 1 in-!'1" ii-iuivif
'Kit. 1 b.yihMtiirMhU'npr
traid lltui' Ut R'ieM numrwi
9ot fitforout CblekoM.
i rtt. IncubatDr fftni lit) uu
FutaluttiM Inmbator Co. ytluw. Ol-
In wi arlUK iiiallllriarsniiiiir'--e1iaetiilly
nu t laiUoir itu Imiiid nl anir other hraml '
Irnm Annual OIH. lfT TIIK tlKMIINB.
K. lit SA I K H V ()KK()N AND
anil Hualeri (i-iiurallr.
Knr InirliiK nil li -ailna iinlil or silvrr
ir.lnst nr lii,lli'iitri-iisioi'i. -si. o. iu-
I . II, lh... i.1" s.nilliuiBliili, I null.
I) fl'TI It K anil I'll.KS riirnl ; no pay nntll
r.ire.l: s t Inr tmnk. low. Mashmslo ik
l, Ms Markul San Kranuiit-o,
I Ii.l. 1UMIU Ixavofl
. tm. Iff tMMU MM,
lriri t Hii fi
tn ti.- ma r jl r4 P'M
l jBvt lAua BjruB. TmikUixI. V f 1
M In I' -a. siliminiiiiM !
N. P. N. U. No. 0SJ.-8. F. N. U. No. 700