The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 09, 1897, Image 1

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t .
NO. s.
(i U A K. I ),
ti.-iiMoK srilSCIlli'Tl JN:
I lids
. Mgntht.
Wising rates m-uo
on appiicakiwii.
J.-.l !
:.I-Sl lotlc-it
I .60.
known j
to (ll'AKI), .
'id 1! v. Y l:
I ..e
di:ali:h in
kj dVatcnes, Wia'M. Jewelry, Etc.
jjj-lHUory Varrnlr4."tl
j. W. BROWN, M. D.
U Ml
If me over ptutulfice.
t J t.i i t V I', ui.
"!- I. ft h,.( ,t
I'll ! 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 4
tr ui riv, ,)
l . (' i .
I h.i
1 .i;.u
Ik-.min Hint New I'rici'i III Foii-Ibm Slid
.ut-Hitr M-trMi' asi'l Uranlto, Molllinioliu
, .i.i.u.' hikI Cemetery work of
II kli"N for 'V.
ALL WOlilv lil AKAX TKKU !
Lai-tlr Street. n"'ir remilllfu. tiigenu, ur
ii i -one hull I'i-K'k south of I'hrliinnn
eieral Banking Business Transacted.
Mttlluwcil mi lime tlopotlW.
....... , iour care wm rocoivc
T I N. E. Marklkt,
insey & Markley.
.iminiul mi l IWmti- Hulnps a Byrne
v in ('liriMimn Mot-It.
Vice President.
'ugene, - Oregon.
CTOHS-D. v. j, B. Harris,
iiK H Ii. l',iin... w. K. Ur.iwii, J. K,
-tobiiMwi, K. W . Osbiirn.
J. K
9.B. Kaik. Jr..
National Bank
Ot Eugene.
J up (as!) lanital s5n n;ni
mm and Profits sun iwwi
.-' ' "II lijf VVUUUV
fgene - - Oregon.
i!r'' '' ' ? '"wlneiw on reasou-
''Afio v .'." ". '"."P" ":.
.," .'v-li'i!ii't to check or oertlS-
v 1 1 1 j ( m r n
(etKbUslieil lu
Tirr. -
en'l Banking business
Ranches transacted on
"We terms.
J')I;AHIiAM.S, CnHhter."
A n-nuliir tx tlu.v.
linn It'ii.t cin.v is mi i:
Til" lllllv.-IMl Hil.
Tlliiv li;iiiUs f.,:l, , j
Hfitj mi. J
city t"i!av.
( J.-i.ri. Im.Iut v .ii. ,1 J u ... , n
liixt t-vt-ii i ii u .
A W l
(ilillil'il l'ii.
Till- Infill I rii I : I Win m'
ill' t Ii iil't. rn.i.iii.
Jil'lu"' A II 1' i-k I,, ,j.
till.' lifter in ii hi 1 1 :i i ii .
hriiuinr fiiTi I ii 1 1,
lii tills Hltcnuiuii.
K"V Kallirr I!!:u k , .
wrilVf II IM lllHT Hlilll.
Hi. II S II Fill -1 1 1 1 V u:w u
ti) .S.ilciii tills fniviiii.iii.
MIi-h (it rtiuilu Wlilu.i r :,rriyt
I'riini Salt in I his iiln rii miii.
'1 lie intt.Tl.rr of IIi' . V
iiruu Unti' is U'in.' ficv,,. ,.
Mr ami Mr., S M I nns n lmn,,
frmn tlicir Albany vi-il Siitnbiv.
Arlhlir Cniiii'ys, S I' n.iT:iliir, u s
trHMsfiTrcil flnlu t'uiiil.ii-ks lii Mivi-l.
lull tiuliiy.
A ilcliuliiful tiny. Tin- lb man i, r
r.-niHlorril (in il. m s ibis uiim.i ,t
t'irt'e o'clock
Sniiiitnr Muc!i-:i will n i ii Ins h. n .
iririiT in Dr. M .'i-i U'lllani. ii.', S -li'in
.Mih V, , Lyon i.f I'm i l iml is viit
liiK ill lllis l ily, tin- iii'.r i.f .r ti; ,
Mm 1'irry l i nk.
Ht'IlillorJ If Md linii; vi,t iS
It-Ill tliU iiioi nliii; lu , cure r in . r
i lie ii iHiiiinc ... ..inn
Jiifk 1'iiluifr ninl ( lias Kv-iih i ..
ttirneil tins iill.riiiK.n linin ii slm i
viit to Juiit'tioii t'ily.
Mn. 10 It Liiii-bci ry, wlin ii;is I .. n
vi.illn Willi iu iii ;, l.u.ani.n,
retiirin-il to Kulcih- tnl.i.v.
MrnZiife I'avis ninl iliiMi.n, ,i
liuve been viniiin :il I la i f.--tu
rued I. nine llii. a'l. in.M.i..
(1 U Cliri. until, ytslenlay, ..n cliin. !
of tlm II irjt.rle estate ti) ai res of hin t
lit private naif fur tile .11111 of j lijil.
The N.irlliiiji A Suiin ('oiiiiiny ,
a Ool)iiralinli, liiisi'.iiiii.i. nc. i r.i.t i i
tut circuit court niinst (.' li Mm-y i
recover iiil.Uii.
A Oil valiis s:i.i iii kceier i uui" I
Ui'ii Walilt was lined iS linn week . r
rtellinir ii.iiior to iiiinors. Tin? Im t
were hIho iincslcd mid llucil.
I tins Matliewy, who Las just eon
pleled a term nl's liunl in Hit- Moliau
district, is vlsilinn nt the lioine of I.-,
pureuts in (hid city lur.i few days.
Chris Marx, Jr, citrr is Ids lett an i
ilia cliiiL', ( lie ii'sult of liitNiiiL' t
Heverelv inasheil bv I fallinir tier.
which lit had chopped down.
I'll Lewis, Portland's lust knuuii
business niaii, died in Unit city vc-
terday tifiertioou from puralysi.., ned I
.0 ycurs. Hi? was tespt cled bv till bo
ever bad any dealings wlih hini.
The baniiilct tendered Hit S iinfi.r I ;
C'lnb wiis uivim by our liberal l.earlc I i
citizen, II. in S II Frieinllv. JI.'
cheered several limes bv llie viidi.. I
und Hie L' of O tmvs f ir his ib.lalllx.
Mr. Jit D.iimlas, one if Abanvs;
I'llteriiii.-in card. -ncrs, bus re -eived i I
$)0 pri.i? from an ca o n .'cl li' in, f.r j
Illy qii ilily ol prie a Inker onio i
wliruli liu Sent llieiu f .Mil hi- hii-e
Hie Jennings, ni j.uncnc
who I in ve been vi.ilinat Mr and Mn
Itlchard H.ibinson's, west of living,
returned home Siindiv. Tliey wer-
Hccoitipanied by Mns Kiln I Sp. ny of.
ileppner, who will Vi-il Willi tlieni
for a week or so. I
II C Henry, of S.-tittl , the u.idioii- j
aire contractor, has secured the cm-(
tract to build llie iii il.iiiclus o I be.'
(Jrtat Niutlicrii railroad's t tin tu I
tbroiijli llie Cascades. It will re. pur
nix tiioiiths to do the wi 1 1;. The luni.i I
will be 'Jl miles Inns and will icbl ".
the alt il tide of I he road In M f. c!.
James Turner Inn siilbu d cmi,!. i
able Irom the fiei.e that t ill, d f i
many fruit trees, s.iys ihe We. Ion
Leader, lie lost J.) pinch tree., of i
nleiidid variety, tit bis place l .o.
Weston, liis apple, prune and npiiu i
trees were moie or lcs uauiiii;i o, a
though not flit ii fly killed. Mr Tumi r;
ok psirtleular prnie in his peai n tin ...
Several of the more iiolu-liioiis i...s
about town me wiser and more can
tious I linn they were brl'oie tliey
exterminate a olciipiue, i Ir.c i
they discovered when looking' lor
(oniethilig to in id to the mciiil i I I bei.'
hiistmas ilinner, says llie i,:ii.eviev
Ixiiiiiiner. Their ciiuc.-tiess to devnu ,
liiui must have elninj.iil itieatly, in ,
tbev eaiiie trottniL' borne witli lln ir
liosis abbeil lull tl loolli iickh.
porcupine went on his way, w
"nevcr-tmifli-iiie" expression.
Asliland Tiiiinus: C W Kahl
tiled a replevin suit, the Tiding
rnied. to recover tne i
remove. I from the Times I
iiiK at Jacksonville early i'lni..l
nuis iiioriiintf. us nolid ii l.i-t
isue. Mr. Xickell sit up llie flail l
ilmi Mr Kuliler never bad a lien o i
the properly In r ue.-lioii, but was di
sin. us ot Keltli'tf "lie
!'.:Nv Wl.L'lll. of Salem Iota
'.o ..I mm I rtiHi I'.mjeti piople for sev
etal j.-iir. and il w ill In with surprise
Hint our pen-lie lead lh. following
llolll (lie ,,.,.l,,i ,,,) 1(.Nj.
lam y ib ii il Is n iieve I; but wu jtive
il II. pill. n, t,y ii,ut pM.r:
The . - iniiiliiielit to llie In-line mv-Imn-.f
Mis Lvdit Wri-ht. ofthiscitV,
w hicli .j. .-line I on l lnir day, the I nl
day nf I he old ear, Inn at traded eon
Id. t it le iiMelilioi.. Mr Wilcjil'
eoluiiillnielit win the i exult of infor
iiia'i.m furui.hid mid a complaint i, ui ,v .r hmbaiid, best known
'T'," Hilly U'liht. The nu
ll. I'm. ale w..ii.:iii t ber eveik-hl
"er a y . ,r :-it nod since tbeu has mi invalid. It s aliened by
in. inl ets i I I . r liimily thai ber bus
band h i. -aid once or twice that be
wo il, I nv .r i.oniin.lte I, as h-r
m niriiMit. l wo kiou i- sons
"I tin- I., in I . v, 1 . tiy an I S.iui, fought
the pr-m ..ill., ii in they coiislder. il
their iiioi I it's million i.ot to he sin h
n Pi wai r. ni sn. 'i a i . line, but f i j r
inu'llu lr : I -ence I he l iiln r carried
out bis plain. I 'rev io is to the e.iii
iiiilun lit the hii-hand i. iieeii.ed by
llelitl l ers of Iciviui; choked his wife
into jinelnil ility and ili.lievel. d ber
luiir and cl.ilb- s i;i -mlcr to wive Per
tin-Mlpp-:ir l-l. l a d.-nt -liled per.oil.
It i-ill.. i ibali;..! thai a short lime
hl'.i Mr V ivjit I ioiilI t a eirl from
: Albany f -r lh,- puipo.e of havinc un
' ibie hit in : cy w iih b. , k.epink' ,. r
1 in his h'.lll -. Tim. -i ( .mis -, was tbe
eau-e o,' r. ih in t li-Iioiii -, mid lb--
iii in it tlx- il followed m a result.
! I'ei ry mid Sam. lb- erown sons ar-
.Ie. rilllll.'d In Ink" I heir II. ol ber out i.f
Ih.-asylun ninl me pu pni i ti( a home
f-.r her in Ail any, w beie I'eiiy In., a
! ( pi .it i i ; i in the woolen mill. The
lie Mil i i s o' v. -al .' cr. l bet . liciary
I orders to w hi. -h Mr ml Mis Wilch't
. b-loii-. hi,.' l-itv'ti Un- in itter in liand
; ami w ill u al.e a Ihi.r.u.jli invesiia
. tion nf (be nw f it chary- s iifliinst Hie
ncicant Innbaiid
I hi re tr the l iiluckr Haj! In
l lie old yeni of lKs0 lias come and
K"iie, and with lu deput lure mis the
lin I leap year for two (plandrenuiales.
Xow uotues IMC, the yenr which all
llie pnninoslicaiors and esiiiil.ts anil
misouy nisu mid cynic (icii.-ia ly say
w ill In- one as black Hsnny in the his
tory of the world, forbolli lis lint and
lint dijs are Friday, the unlucky.
There me fifty-three FrldavH in .'i.
January, April, July, Mctofn-r and lie
eemliei have live Fliilnvs. This makes
Ibe eleventh time this ciiluud ir
I'syncrmy Inn appeared dtnintr the
pl.-.enl celiliiry. l'he Veals both I
t'lniiiiik.' and cudiiiK w ith the liuliickv
Inv were Istl.'. lsl.'t, ISIS, ls-ii, s!
.., im,:i, .N7,j ntlil irvst,. Ihen.
win rot be another until Hi'i, i:
years Pence.
The lopla t i. al r..iul us usual, pre
di. tin:: till n. ut i. er f illre falaini'ies,
liolHbly hiiii'I'c which is tl... Ilnal
win.l up, the i-iidiiiir of ull thine ma
lerial hich is billed to reneh here on
Ml. lay the t-evi nth day of May.
Mill many f.-cl iliat tins is miiiiit to
'"'" pros his year not marked bv
any ol lh.. sanu'iliuiiiv ilntiirniinccs
thai eem to need but a spnrk to touch
i n llie world, ami thai, llniiiks to llie
"iniioeuoiis .1, suetu.le" of Mark Han
nits commence i.storcil," congress
may i-e uuiuecil to l.eslir Itselt mid
pns m-inures which will restore the
w bile inelnl (o Ii. riflilful place, and
thus open the av. lines of (rail. and
llinke Ibe year lv7 one nf une.pliill.'d
pti s eiity tbroti:houl (lie whole land.
NVus it Ai'i'lil.ut or .Mulder.
I'KilV .tHiinrtiy
The SprinKllel. ( nriip, N... .71 Wood
men oi' the World, have wctired a
i."W hall in (he second II, sir of the
Wilinol bull.liiit', w hich llu-v will ded
icate toi.ii.lit. They will also Install
new olllcers loiiicbt hs follows: '. .',
I. 10 Thompson; adviser. V It ltieh:
Ok I .-. vi. !''. ii:. - A too.l one is'l"s. J A lioi.eri-; bunker, K S An
lold on .1 - liol in-oii, ncietarv of be , der.; iscoit, (' t' How mini ; senlrv.
FiiL'eiie Fieri tie I.i(:bt (oniiiiiv, by ! J I' 1'o-vers; watchman, Chan Morton.
o::e of our i ll eis. A pimp iplile p.-'i- i
tllar with tie yi.llin; Io ks is one eon-' l'nr nusn i, Jsnnnrir S.
sislim: in pr pouiidim,' and ainw.-r- i A HitlKK H.inkvm. ion. Lester 1)
ini; ipieslio is ol an hotorical nature. . Jaeoby mid Doliie t' Taliufuro, Isitli of
A (jioiip of rl.iliircn weretnked the Jasper pr.-cincl, were iniirr ed leceni
other day win. i 11 v.- 1 1 t-t I Ibe t leelrie j ber 'J4. Yesterday the newly married
liebt. One brii;lii j ivniile promptly j bu.baiid tiled a suit wiili the county
ainweied. "Jim leinitison." Auolher clei k playing for a decree of the circuit
little tot, w ho alien. Is S'.inilav school I cot. rt d.-elariint the liiarriinio contract
regularly, when ink". I !m hive led I now iik between plainllir and de
I he s cainhnal replied that Xoah did. i feinlant forever dissolved. ,
Tlicie is a ileei.ivd .liilcrenco of oplu
l.n In ref. rci ce to the cause of the
death ol .la nes F-Jin lit Coivallis
SatUlday ino-ninir. When Fylin left
Albany about i o'clock he is re,i.iied
to have been In a very intoxicated
condition. Hilly William of the
H". I in stables was also in ibe city mid
went back In another Ihicl-v hi
I ho same time. Two sisieis," Mix '
suiilli und M-s t o.ptr, well know in
Albany, who had intended to (to In I
Corvullis on it boat, lode with them'
oi.e villi inch. They ch.iui that on
reaching the subui I is of t 'oivalhs both
of I hem rode the lest of the way with
Williams, and Fulin proci cdeil alone.
Williams came back, I , i: t not se.-im;
liiui went Io Ibe stab!.', and then out
ii(iain on a hunl for bi n. The luic-y
was smashed, but there Were appear
ntices that il had been driven under a
low shetl al the electric buhl station
for I bo purpose. The tuc, on Un weio Io ipe. I up, proving (hal widi the
"iicny. .-.oii.e iniiiK l.iilin wlnlg in
Oi l'isi l. M. in tiik C. St. Al
bany liemncrnt: A dispatch in tln
OrtC'niau ycntclday front Philadel
phia, a-. el Inl that Josepli Siro.b- el
.Ml 111 i n county , wa tlm oldest post -nunlcr
in the l iiited Slate In con
lintlons s.-i vi.'i', baviinf htell in olllce
siiici- ISI-'i. That Is a loiitf time, bill
lioswell Hear.lsley, of Xorlh Lansing,
Tompkins county, X. Y., beat this 17
veins, having been iiostmaster of that
(on ii cotninuoinlv since ls-s, when he
1'ioK lim olllce at Hie ne or 1!) vears
.Mr. ( oura.l ol this cily came Iroin lh
same place and is personally at'
itiainled w ith him. A paper In hi verifies the laet.
toxieale.l walked oil' in the river, oth
ers are comment that he was strucK
on til-- head n-i. I murdered and tlra'
(led into the river. The mailer is cer
tainly very mysterious, mid it Is doubt
fill if llie cornet version is ever si-cured
of it.
A Htronir opinion in foivallis mob
ably is that Kjlin was miiidered, and
niispieion poi us very siroii-s'iv 'o a
certain parly.
Some iieoplr Hull!; -.Miii was not
drowned al al., but that he is perhaps
alive now.
The river bin been drat-ced without
his body beim; fotilid.
Wl II, CtiNlisr. Salem Statesman:
J Huntley, of cold Heacli, I'urrv
county, w ho v. us Iho rcpubl cau can-
liilate for olnt reiiresenlaf ive from
Coos ami Curry countie al the June
lection, and was tl, baled, bv WW
X.ii-ler, the candidate of the People's
pally Is in Ibi- cily I'm the purpose of
contest im; Mr Nosier seal on the i
k'roiintls that t'ie sti. t-i ssful candidal.-
was liol a resi lent w hen elected. It
Is rumored that both
changed their poli ,-s nip r
campaign Mr N'o.ler suppni tinn Me
K i n ley ami Mr Iliintly espoiisim; Hi
cause of the 'hoy oritur of the Platte.' "
ComlonUiole: A IViidlcloii school
teacher whom one of his pupils ac
costed on lhe street w ith "Hello" com
pelled him local a cuke of soap us a
punishment. The lad's father yot
even by compelling Hie teacher Io sw al
low a towel lhe next day.
(iiioii Ti m k lioseburif rialndealer
Mr Lewis of Hie 11 rut of Allen A Lewi
.f Portland, il was reported Siindav
w as al lhe point of death. Hi son
Inland, who I enyacul in miniuc
iiierc, w as w i ret i to eome. homo Im
' Iialely, as hi falhcr wan dvinc
Mr Lewis, Jr . Immediately chartered
an engine and started for Portland
Amvim; I" this cily he iot miolher
cncini and pulled out In cliarce of
l .nciueer onnolly ami reached Fu
C'ue i ) miles u.utli lu Iwo hour. Al
Albany llie engine lirolie down ami
itnolber I'linin.' was procured and he
proceeded, arriving at Portland ill six
hours alter leaving Koseburg
1'ikty at Ikvimi Mr and Mr H
l.-il.insoii euterluiiied a uumln-r ol
friends, Friday evening at their home
in IrviiiL', in honor of Mis Kthcl
Speiry ol Ileppner. The evening
was siietit lu playing gatnvs, after
which liTreshliieiit were nerved
I ho.e presiint were: Mr and Mr
u ibiinon; Miss Flhcl Spt-rrv of Hepp
her, Misses Delia llagan, Flla Kitclien,
Helen, iii-ssie ami let tit Jennings,
I -ta l.upi r, I'.tla Taylor and Hessie
Hill; Messrs Henry Dudley, (lilllam
Kitclien, Hunks Hill, Charley Kouipp,
Josh way Yules, Tnon I lagan, lly run
Spencer and (ieorge lioblnson.
Pully u isrrt, Jniiunry I.
Htivitn Mki.IINii. The hoard of lire
delegates met in firemen's hall lust
night. The old hoard completed it
...... i i .. i ' . .
....... i no. i toe new oouru organized tiy
. Illt-'I .. I,..., ,, r ,.m....... ... ..n
Ihil Inn,. I - .'...'in nn kiikihh;
President, M S llulible; vice president,
m t ampnell; secreturv, j-red Her
hold; treasurer, I Intact) Hurnctt.
Two more way f Hielling sheritl,
.lien-fund shcrlo, have been added to
Heputy Slieriir Seotl'a t. Jt, now
has a lisl ofi!l diU'erelit way of spell
ing the word, taken from i-iiviIohi
addressed to the Lane county sherlir
f ? -m Tit
k- r , jKx-r:- .-it Ti'-j
:'-- ir-,rvk-"'5'---.'.v-a'';!
h Simmon
t;r,: 1 1.) 1 1
ni-.J Hi.- sv.!
t!l- ;:.vii-.i
Ma!: it. I
t.Mll. V
; I ivp? rrt ixator-Jon't
. ' it. I li--1 i., r get sluggish
int. .'. 1 . t h'.ir all nattirn.
' t b i u . iioki J ud bw
I ' 1 . l itnc-t nn
-r ; : ! A.!.' ;'. Vi-i:ma-II
.' ft t i v. ...Im.- P:i vonr I Wt
! i:l ! si'.i't .-ii t.ike SIMMONS
( iv':..,fl Aiou I ) do it. It also
:. . I isi -:.-v; it i-r-'prrlv at
wIk.i vt r k 1 v ill Ye tuc fmm
pel..''! .iti.l Pit' wll-'t:' ! - v i ix-ii'nratcj.
Vnu t'l'ili: HiXl' Ll.OOllhen
your svtei!i k i:i Al t-ninii', anj that
will only pf wlfii tlie l.ivir i- U-pt attlve.
Irv a Liver (,nce and note th
tinier 'llie. Hut I ., . p!y SIMMONS
I IVI l InCld A f. ii' - it js SIMMONS
1 IVI.U KLtil;l.-ri l( uhi. 'i mil.-., th.
dilleirn.c. I aUe it in pov. J.-r or in li.iulj
already prop.ireJ, or in ike a tea ot th
powder; but take SlMMONSl IVt-R KliGU-
la i uk. mu ll IiiiJ the ILU Z on ev
pjLK.igo. look lor it.
J. U. A-lllu Co., rUIUtlelphU, !
W. S. Jiuiipk, of Porlluiiil. MiontK
llliiistiif mill u l'liiol.
Annual Cash
ocAT A. V. PETERS'osoo
.oi..! t. tlm .;c mi))
PnlU I.ANK. Or.. Jan. tl. William M.
James, a prominent teiiinerauce
worker, and alone time at the Lead
f the (il'llnl Lmlctf of liooil T. ninhirs
In Oregon, was found dead in hi room
thi morning He hud been dead two
ays When found. He Mint himself
ith a pistol, it being a case of sulfide,
inaiielal trouble caused I bo ilee.l.
lie leave a daughter.
i Ait I III BY
This will be a Genuine Sale of Goods at COST and in many instances be
low cost, comprising my entire stock of merchandise without reserve.
Following are a few of the special offers we make you.
Ladies' and Misses' Shoes.
I . a 1 it'.
I. in lif-Midi's
I'llli.' KM SI UK'S lit
I l. avy nil ..m- al
lhni'iat SI. I, i'-V, 7"h yv
I K';i vv Lrr at
5ii.t;-, rcj; si.-.-)
!.:", 1.1-"), iMV.
. SI. (."), S'Jile, 7:.c, rp- !:, 1,10, 7-V
Dress Goods.
li ;
in all wuol sfi'c at...
in :ill wonl sorf at
in all wool st r-i' at
in l.ii.xtd o()(ls at ....
.H"m! n Sl.(M)
.. (ioc ri'f; .8
. 'Mn i cl' ..r)0
...19c ri'L' .25
Come early and get first choice.
Men's Boots and Shoes.
"0 Kiin.' Calf slnics now at
1. -lo Kino I ti II slmcs now at
2. -"i'i I Icavv liocts now at
:'..U0 ( Ir.iin and Ki nmv at.
... l.'JO
... l.'Jo
Now is your opportunity. Don't missit.
.r I Pit
is in -.pel
t v
Our men's and boy's heavy shoes are
cheaper than ever.
ai d the .s le pur
pose of bis early iimriiii tciimv il win
to pr. Ut his p'lopt H.V v. hich c uld in t
I .-" i
Men's and Boy's Hats.
l.ini I Hack ami
.rowti at
. 1.03
. 1.20
. .85
way. lln'
-cat ion ul. I
-l'HAUR IN -
his p:
r'niey Grotvrie bought
10 'I k-.t aiarketd,
r ti,
"' -I.
' publie lietter pritvi
-r hoiis.- in Eugene.
8 til t:i:s t5k-i it Karkst Price J
i nr. tecte. Ill It II V oil. "I
Tlnus is set up in its now l"c
doing busiiie-s us usii il.
A voiiiil' mull living w ith
enls i. ot very reiiiole from P.Hi mil
1'atleisou blrtets, mid wlio ruviiil.
attuiiifd bis inajoiily, was il.e r.-cip
ant a few dut's ago, Imm I'e Moiii. -.
Jowa, of whitl en
bryo pair of "pants'' Ix'i im In- ( '
si.e, made by a y.mcj ':..! Mb: t
city, whose uniilvi r.aiy '1 ur I " t i
Wiu on llie same dale. 1 ;.!.-! ..ulie
hip of said uunnelit w as nn inch i,ii:.i.
of sand pup-r. mid Un- l.-ilowing pa
thetic line: "I'leiisetisi nn-fort rutcb
ag matches, Hini savt y ..iir.-.H fr.'i.i
wearing patflies."
- -
A V.. i v. i Th'K Ill- It. .l.-m Slat' -
man: (ieorg- Victor Lvam, t
..,,o. ,le is In- vo'llig' -st I ' I -"il HI
o n.. ' l...l,liiuf ii c. rllib le I
cl I. He nil.1 I an, I i i
I he exainin.P i 'li tc ! i I ' '
.-m-IiisiI Sui.eill. lend' ni J"-" ' '"'
glnt. Ill" tell' 'al ''
is-rc-nt. He I a ,f M
Our assortment is complete and now is
your time to get a bargain.
Underware and Hosiery.
50 c heavy cotton, white vest, now
HO c heavy cotton, white vest, now
25 c wool ami cotton hosiery now
17 c (k'ooti) cotton hosoiinw
Children's and Misses' Hosiery will re
ceive the same reduction.
Table Linen.
lii lien now at
. .05
. .(15
. .11
Napkins, Towels, Crash and in fact
every article in my store will
share the same slaughter.
Kid Gloves.
:1.5U I,alii'si Kill Olovt.'n now,
1.J0 " " " " ,
i .'-
Remember this sale will only continue for 30 days, so don't wait too long
and miss a good opportunity.
1 1
Il If '
XT TSlprp
V . JL
State 1'ies.i (ipinlnipi.
The Pendleton Tribune hope the
next legislature will have more, men
who w ill wear n muzzle.
The Oram's Pass Courier don't want
the next senator from Oregon to bo a
"black-horse nonentity."
Thu Pendleton Tribune, a f ran lie up
country echo of thu Oregonlan, wants
a legislature caucus un everything.
The, Statu press seems to bo of the
opinion that the. legislature should le
duct) lhe legal rale of Interest In Ors-
The Yamhill Independent thinks H
H Miller didn't gel Iho soft snap he
expectud when ha became president of
tlio Agricultural college.
The Hoseburg I'laindenler says Si
mon and Kiddle will preside, over tho
two houses of the legislature unless
other candidates for speaker combine
against them.
In t lie Police t'ourt.
Pithy (Instil, Jinniarr tl.
"Hilly Jap," a Japanese employed in
doing section work by the H 1' com
pany wa today lined f by Kccorder
liorris. J ti lly has not been very long
In the rnltMil States and ditl not know
it was against lhe city laws to lire a
gun inside the city's Incorporate,
limits. He has been practicing shoot
ing In tho vicinity of the 8 1' depot,
hence hi arrest and line,
J W Clark, a hobo was today sen
tenced to four days in the city jail for
being drunk ami begging on the street.
A.NOT1IKK Co NT It A 0T. Salem
Statesman: 10 M Crolsan, James
I il n ii and Kusscll Collin have entered
into a Joint conduct with the llorst &
Lachmuud Co., to fiirnlsli tho latter
with L'o.INK) pounds uf hops to bo har
vested by them during llie current
year; the consideration is ID certs H-r
pound. The hops are to be delivered
between Kfpluuiber ii'illi and October
loin. A portion of the agreement is
us follows: "The party of the second
part agrees to ay the paitits of the
llrst part, by cheek or lu currency, or
In United Slate coin, at the rate of 10
cents per pound therefor, In tho inuii
nur following to wit: (I at the tlmo
of signing thereof, fLlJt) on or about
April 1, 1Y.I7, and fSM to be paid at or
during picking lime, upon ten days'
written uotice served upon party of lhe
second part at them at Portland and
tho balance, less interest on advances.
at ID per cent per annum, when said
hops are delivered and accepted.
Oi.n Snau Hoat. Corvallis Times:
"The Uypsy went to Portland Satur
day and it is rumored by sumo that
she goes tn the bone yard, while others
have It Hint she Is going on Hi ways
to be repaired No mutter which is
correct, she had on board the ma
chinery of (ho old sunglsiat Corvallis,
which was wrecked last spring a num
ber of miles atiove here. This Is the
lust chapter of history of the old snag
puller. Just what will become ol the
machinery is not known beyond the
fact that il was brought by Portland
Tub Km. in Disaiteakanck.
Tuesday's Albany iMnocrat: A gen
tleman from Corvulll today says the
opinion Is increasing there thut Jas.
l'.glin was murdered this side of the
city. The whip and socket aud part
of a bunch of cigarettes were found
and evidence of a struggle shown.
Mrs Smith ami Mrs Cooper Instead of
coin I m; to Albuny on Friday as re
ported, came here 1 hursday, and Mr.
Smith passed through here on horse-
buck ML lay evening on Ids way from
Hueua Vista. Williams' account of
tho mutter isiald to be very conflicting.
27i Mokk Kkkt. The (ii'ARO made
mention a few days ago of live feet of
a tape worm Mug removed from a
gentleman in this city. Siuce that
time 11" i feet more of the worm have
been retuoviQ, making In all the worm
32 feet and H iliche-i lu length. As thu
intestines are only about "5 feet
long the worm mini have doubled In
place.. The lurgest part of lis body is
over i bf an Inch In width. Hie worm
Is now preserved In l)r J V Harris'.
wlio rt-i-Ls f.utb oi
.. . in.