The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 26, 1896, Image 7

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    Hty and county.
TiieiiiUrwm, oentlMt.
I, j, Walton, attorney-aMaw.
Moiif.v to loan on farm. Enquire of
fVliat I" Tl" Hrltl" Exchange.'
I Farms for Hal.
I ,., ...w thirty Hue farm- In th
tllll.iu.'tte valley for sale. I hew
? , . iii.'lu.le every variety In alze and
r?T For description lUt, address
price. rofue (Ihq. M. Millkh.
Wllklus Block, Eugene, Or.
n- n W. Biddle may be found at
Vr;iTdental work In th. Ut
Ituckleu's Arnlc Salve.
f ll.A sV... fill tmla
The I1 M,ve 1,1 '
It rheum, fever
bruises, , , "
L tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
cJruJ and klu "upllonn, and
poaiti'vvly cures piles, or no pay re
tired. It is guaranteed lo give per
fect satisfaction or money refunded.
....f Knr Male bv
Price ,cl lUB . ,
F II...,. ll.kM tm I 1WM
fwateb forThelhtrgaln & Exchange.
L.vvi.isu. - Albany Democrat: A
bowling content his beeu begun in the
alleys this week that promises to be
ojDi. Interesting. It In to conaUt of 25
Miumnf 10 frame. Mr O T Porter
i.iw lead with an average of 04 for 1
giiiie. F Patterson and O W Watts
art a little Mow forty after five or six
Ciuie. A Eugene paper gave the
Ifkrthwest record as 73. F M French
oflblaclty has miule 78 und C W
tfstls 77. T Wundel and Miunle
inters have both made 4 in nve
i liabr in U k, we (taro '" CaOA
tn aha ea CbUJ, ato criwl fur Caetoria.
fli.o iha became MH ehe e'""? to Csatoria.
flMo tha btJ Children, she garetLem Caatorl.
Ell Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes:
"f have been suffering from piles for
CSyearsand thought my caselncura
b. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was
racotuiueuded to me as a pile cure, so I
boiittlit a box aud It performed a per
Bueiit cure." ThW Is only one of
thnimnmlu llf ulll) 1 IlLT CUTCS. ECZCma.
son-sand skin discuses yield quickly
Wieii ll is used.
Turkey, 5,000 at Ouce.
llil'liest cash price paid. They ore
Ftrlli from 8 to 10 i-etits today ; don't
bedeceived by other telling you they
will pay you as much as I will. I
hid, others follow. Bring you turkeys
tame on Souih Willamette street, oue
din rami Hi of Green & Son, aud le
cdve the highest cash price.
JA8. F. Nixon.
iVbeo we consider that theintes
esare alMut Ave times as long as
t'jfbody, we can realize the Intense
eUfftrlng experienced when they are
Inflamed. DeWitt's Colloand Cholera
are subdue iiiriummiitinu at once
leW complete v removes Lha dlfllcultv
Osburn A DeLano.
!RAUl'ATKD is Medicine. Waldo
LW Chesher. formerly of this cllv.
jrVlualed from the Cooper Medical
Ullfge, of San Francisco, December 8.
TIs class contained 87 members. Mr
CVsher is now at Fruitvale, Califor
nia. !
Sirs Kate Morgan has returned to
jirst National Bank,
U EUL'elle. ill 11 w. K(,.ta n.,nn
jthe close of business, Deo. 17, 1890:
jZ," auounui Ill I, (KM 07
u i, V' "Mllre'1 n'' un-aoursd. 4.737 M
jL" . 0", w "'cure circulation. . .
miumaoa U S b,md
nit houae, furniture, and hx-
'tVrT"1. ti'"1l bau'k'a (not itV
romatata lanka andbanice'r.'.
Iinhd approved twm acnU.
&Mlth? CMh it"n
p,UP.PtrCUrre,":, "ick,,U
12,r00 00
1,000 00
5,581 It
9,307 25
15,418 26
21,a 18
6.202 38
29.7H3 84
0,073 24
20 00
43 11
iT-V W.237 45
1Um. , , 64,24145
fund with U. S. Tr.
"lI'llttt'"n)--....... 662 JO
k'v rtt,,-"Dl,t",n f'liid. . . . 300 00
. a. mini i a lulpliia 3U w
ToUl 278,874 07
it.ii. l , ...
50,000 00
laL.ju e Z.S4100
U Ir "' Winding, ll,' 00
juck ucln""M aubjct to
i-.i run ei
., , 0
,n" f.Vi,74 UT
I, n u 1 0l !,1T or Lac M
.Wk.D: f-4""'. Caihier ut tlm iibova
.,.. . "l'Bnly awer that the b..v
""list 10 lt f wj knywle-lge
f Sult . 8. B. Eaxis, Caahier.
J J It-1 ,w"rn to betor me thia 23J
Gio. F. Cbaw.
- No'ry Public
J , "V""x-t,attt.
I L 8.
a u ' HA1""R. Diretora.
v K. CHaiMMAM, j
The sultry ahownpenN tomoriow.
Where Is 'The Ihirgnli, & Eiclunge.'
Judge It Scott was In the city today.
J P Che.her returned b 8MUvllle
Club dance tonight. The ludi,
have choice.
Attorney J M William is at Cottage
The streets are lively with opi
tHlny pursuing hultable Chrittinaa
Chas Sylvester, of Ja-per, wan In
Eugene toduy.
F armers k.t-p your eve open for "The
Bargain A ExuhaLge.''
Creed Hammond Is now working In
a restaurant In Omaha.
W D McLean, of Camp Creek, paid
Eugene a business visit toduy.
A boys' tool dies', Is year- of pleas,
ure. S F L Cliptuhers' low prices
for Xmus.
Next week "Tin Hurgain & Ex
change" will tell y u souielbing good.
John West and I I. Itrii-tow, of
Pleasant Hill, were In Hie city toduy.
Thus Cain has relumed from a two
weeks' visit to liU Mohawk home,
The funeral of tht lute Mrs. Stephen
Jenkius occurred HiU morning tit 9
Mr and Mm C M Young went to
Portland toduy to visit during I lie
holidays with Mrs Young's people.
Special b.irgnlns in men's aud youth
clothing until Jan I at
Howu & Rick.
A large uuni'erof studeuU, who re
side at a distance, left this morning for
their homes to spi'iid the holiduys.
HIIILOH'SCUUK, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is In greut demand.
Pocket size contains twenty-live doses
only Sic. Children love ! Sold by
HuudcMon & Linn.
A set of rlre clay cooking vessels will
make the most useful kitchen additiou
you can find. 0 pieces lor (l.oO.
F L Ciiamiikks.
Mr and Mrs S M Titus went to Al
bany toduy to visit during the holi
days. John Hauilsaker expects to devour a
good share of Christmas turkey with
nlatlvesat Jasper.
Frank Close and Marion Callcway
left this morning for Panther to spend
a few days on their claims.
You can buy men's and youth't nil
wool suits cheaper from now intil
Jt u. 1 at Howe & Itice's than ever be-t-e.
J B Harris Is confined to the l ouse
with a revere illness. His cond tiou
is now somewhat improved.
Charles McClure, who is atten ling
the medical departn ent of the univer
sity of Oregou lit Portland, urivtilon
the afternoon train to spend Clirl urns
at home.
Do you lack faith and love heidlh?
Let us establish yon.' fuilh and redore
your health with DcWitt's tarsnpsnl
la. Osni'KN & DkLao.
Roseburg Ilevlew: A deluchment
of the Salvation Army from Eugene'
have opened headquarters in Hoe'jurg
iu the barrucks formerly occupied iy
God's Regular Army.
Persons who have a coughing pell
every night, on account of a tickling
eii-ulioti In tlie throat, may overcome
Hut once by a don- of OneMIuuto
Cough Cure.
Okhukn i DeLano.
You can buy men and youths' all
wool suits cheaper from now until
Jan. 1 than ever before at
Mown & Hu e's.
Albany Democrat: "Tho Al tuny
Juvenile fool hull team lmv? two
game ahead, one with Sale i and the
other with Eugene. In these games
no player of over 140 pounds weight
can play." This Is news to us.
Mrs I'. S. Hawkins, of Clinttunooga
Tenn., says: "Shih.'s 'Saved
My Lif6.' I consider "t the beKt reme
dy for - debilitated system I over
used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid
ney trouble It excels. Trice 75 cenls
Sold by Henderson A Linn.
Chicago Tribune: "Talking about
.. i . .i i -
green unristmases, onsercu .,n
Bllius, who wus accompanying nis
wife on a holiday shopping expedi
tion, "I never could see that the color
made much difference. Any sort of
Christmas usunlly docs my pocket-
book up brown.
I've a secret In my heart,
Sweet Marie,
A tale I would Impart,
Swet Marie:
If you'd even fulrer be
You must always use Parks' Tea
The Improvement you will k'P,
Sweet Murlc.
Sold by A. Ykkinotov
We are anxious toil . Mttle good in
this world aud can h m k of no b us
anter or better way to do it tin n by
recommending One Minute Ough
Cure as a preventive of pneum nlu,
consumption and other w rious lung
trouble that follow neglrcb-d colds.
Osbori. V DeLa to.
The wife ot Mr D H-l.; 1 ". I
Incut lumberman iuk'1 !' Hart uck,
NY., was sick with ib Hi.ialisri for
five months. In s i of it Mr
Robiuson says: 'Cli...b .liin's 1'"'"
n..l, I. iheoulv ti'iog that guve her
any rett from pain. For the relief of
i it uunnol bebeut " UnV very
' ,ad of rheuioat nil have been
Hired by it. For sale at SJ cell s I.
, Is.ille by Osburn A Delano.
We might n il you more abou One
Mii.-ule Cough Cure, but you pro ubi,
know that it cuns a cough. Every
one does who has ud It. It is i pet
feel remedy for coughs, co ds, h -ars,-nens.
Il is an t-peclal lavorl e for
chilJreo, bilng pl-usaut f tak' and
luick lu curing. .
1 Oshikn DkLan.).
Cotiimlssloiier Court.
Dec II.
At this time the court was In
formed ly A J Johnson, sherilt, that
he hud appointed O W Martin, Wei by
Stevens and J 8 Stiles special deputy
sheriil'i, f,r Lane comity; the appoint-
nieni ot w eitiy Meveus to cease Jan
uary I, 1S07.
liil; allowed:
X Winters witness state vs Lem
on 1 mile 1 ito
Fied Foster witness Mate vs
Lemon l 70
E X Filer witness stute vs
Lemon 1 70
L Simons witueae state vs Iiuon 1 00
James Lemou wituess state vs
Lemon 2 in
Margtret Crawford wituess state
vs Lemon 2 10
F Bailey witness state vs Lemon 1 00
Charles Evans witness state vs
Lemon 1 CO
H Uarrison juror stute vs Lemon I 00
L U Llvermore juror stute vs
Lei. ion 1 00
W F Mirtln Juror state vs
L-iiitin 1 no
W L Ciillimu ju'or state vs
Lemon 1 00
J S Hum juror stat vs Lemon... 1 00
J H Lumpson " " " ... 1 00
Fred Fisk wituess state vs Craig 1 00
It M Pratt " " " 1 00
John M Whitney wituess state
v Ciaig 1 (iO
A (J .Mathews witness state vs
Craig 1 00
L Simons w itness statu vs CrHlg 1 00
E Anderson " " " 1 00
C F Landreth wit less stute vs
ruig 1 00
C E Stiles witnuss state vs Craig 1 00
Wesley Ames " " 1 0i
John I'uvN " " 1 iW
Joe Hy nun " " l 00
A II Ki'k " 1 00
James Vaylor juror stute " 1 On
J M Ed nunson " " 1 00
.Martin Foster " " 1 U0
The Ureal Coyote Hunt.
May 1st, lSiiT; Embracing the terri
tory commencing where the stute road
forms a Junction with Urn Eugene road
north of I)uk Zumwiill's; thence up
the north fork of the Coyote, crossing
oer Into Fox Hollow, nndon across to
Camus Swule, and an north to the
Willamette liver; thence on down the
river to tho railroad; following the
railroad to E'igene; (hence 011 out west
to the Canlrel lane; theme on across
to the Coyote; thence on to the place
of commencement.
Wo the undersigned agree to lie on
hand, rain or shine, providing there
are 250 names or mere enrolled, on or
before the 10th of April ISt7. The
(iUAK'j w ill notify from time to time.
Ifsuid'JoO mimes ure not enrolled by
the 101 It of April, lKiiT, said hunt will
be declured off. There will b a com
mittee appointed to select grounds to
drive to.
Proceeds will le disbursed according
to the vote of the crowd.
J A J Crow, M C (ioodenow, Chas
I lad ley, D Own, C II Varney, W L
Mitchell, W C Inuiuii, L It llu Itoti,
F Hiolley, II A Vincent.
The roll for signatures will be found
at the county clerk's olllee, Eugene,
Okdkk ik Ei.ks. A preliminary
muetingnf tht charter members of the
hxlgunf Elk to he institu'ed in this
cily, Tmsduy evening, Januury i. '.nOT, ,
VV;i held in .Miisuiiic Temple lut even- 1
ing. Hon L Hilyeu wus elected chair
man and L T llar is, secretary. A
ii'otion was carried to appoint an
executive committee of live, to have
power to appoint all sub committees
and to have general supervision of the
whole mutter. The committee named
wus us follows: S II Friendly, J L
Page, A C Woodcock, L X Honey and
I L Cumpbell.
Two Fkkt Amittatku. Prineville
Review: Lust wetk we gave utl ac
count of the freezing of Fisher Logan's
feet at the Walker cabin on the desert
between Hampton ituttes and Silver
Lake. All hopes i'f saving bis feet
were given up, ami lust Friday his
parents brought the young man to this
ei '111(1 on Saturday Dr Helkuap, re
moved a purl of : he left foot, removing
itut tlu tarsometatarsal articulation.
On furl icr examination it wus found
mcessaiy to remove the great toe aud
the one 'next lo il on the right foal.
Pally UuhnI, Piceinlicr JJ.
Pai.v.'INO Sol. I The puintlng of
Cinter Luke by Mrs Fountain, of Ash
lau I, ills ilayed in tin window of
O.-bi.rn & l'lfLaoo's drug-tore, bus
been sold to Dr Fiuley und Mr ltusli
nel1 for t'Si. A numlH'rof photographic
vit us ure ulso displayed in the window
the pr.ycrty of il X Cockerline.
nil; (iiiard, Iiecenitvr J
CllhlTMVS (iHAI'KS. Rev I) E
Loveliilye, n ctor of St Mary's palish,
today presented the (iCAI:l) Willi a
basket I'f fine Chi Mums gr ins. The
fruil wus tr"ul1 01. Itev Loveridge's
viniyur I e:it of Iom 11 The grapes,
thou:'! I hey have been picked from
the v i".' f"r Mime time, retain their
ueliei'.us Ihivor.
Pnilj' liuanl. Ih'cemlwf
CKAMAl'MONK Entkrtainmkst.
(irumu; 'toiie euteituiuuieiit given at
the Chrislian church last evening wus
(juito well attended. The ' phone"
did very well though many ol its
rei.(!iti"N were not Inlelleuilile to most
of the uudieniv. It miik-red lliuaio
very will, but would get slightly
Hilled on Its ilecliiUKitioioi, addresses,
pally , ..itnl. I i.-i'tniU-r I.
Cl.M.-tl) loll Hol.lliAl s 1 he iinl
veisit. ),-) for the holidays today.
The s b"Hil will rw.s-n i'ues,liiy Jan
ui, rv 'Hi The public school fli"Hfd
l-!,ril iv and w ill reopen January 4th.
Pan ouani, Is-ei iiil-.T -t
Maukiauk Ll'KNxi. Marriage
licens a wire Jester lay t-veliil'g griiut
,., by the entity to J H Mulk. y
at: l M I Adkins, ail to U Franklin
Hendricks and Miss Liv.le May IU.s.
Pally Guard, Pceemmrr
Combs' Post Olllee grocery.
Only oue day until Christunu).
Poultry show opens tomorrow.
Several marriages ure on the tapis
What Is 'The Iturguin & Exchange.'
Leap year Is now getting in its deud
ly woik.
Everything at Post Oflhv gnnyry.
oial siiit:ible and useful Xmus pris
eu's at F I. (.'hamleis.
Several O A C boys pussed through
on the afternoon train.
We s!l the famous Snap Foam
washing piiAiler. Hall A Son.
Air Tight lleateia, all qualities,
good, better, best. See them at
V L Chambers.
Soap Foam excel all other washing
compounds. Hall A Son.
The Dulles will probably have a
woolen mill in t lie ueur future.
Hoe Cuke w nippers are worth 1 cent
apiece Ak for the premium book.
Hull A Sin.
The Eugene Divinity school closed
this inoriiin,' for the holidays, It will
reopen January 5.
Hoe cake i- t he only soap 011 ths
market made under patent formula
Hal' V Son.
A number of fowls for the ou!try
show arrived by the express this after
iiik 11.
Pumps repaired and plumbing doue.
Leave your orders w ith
F 1. Chambers.
Prices AO ami 7" cents for Stauford
tilee and Mandolin clubs. Tickets at
Henderson & Linn's drug store.
Fresh French candies at Combs'.
!ot your wife that cook stove for
Xii.hs. Only 4n 111, .re of those J price
stm es h it ul F I. Chambers.
The departing students gave the U
of ( yell us the (ruin pulled out this
A pocket knife or pair of scissors is
alw ivs acceptable at Xmas. Full stock
at F L Chambers.
The Christmas ilonuilous In the
Pickett building weie viewed by
by many visitors lust evening and to
day. The State W C T U will ask the
fortiicoiuing legi-lutuiv to prohibit the
nun. ufa lure und s:ile of cigarettes in
Puss t ho good word along the Hue.
Piles can leipiii kly aired without an
operation by simply applying De
Witt's Witch Hael Salve.
o.-iit uN & DeLano.
Soup Foam saves (lie sttength for
other duties, und saves the clothes.
Hall & Son.
A It isehurg dispatch of Dec 2-d says:
A special truiuaiif 2d curs tf cattle went
south tonight. Tlie train was made
up between Eugene and Roseburg.
ISrouklyn Life: Sum Siiiglc'nan
Do you honestly mean to say that you
mend less money since you married?
ISeiiny DIclus-My dear fellow, I have
rify your blood, clear your complexion,
regulate your bowels and makes your
head us clear as a bell. 25c, 60c, and
$1.01). Henderson t Linn.
"Wake up, Jacob, the day is break
ing!'1 so said DeWitt's Little Early
Risers to the man who hud taken
them to amuse his sluggish liver.
(isbliltl & Uul.uuo.
Parks' 'lea clears the complexion
Mrs. X. M. yelte, of Le Roy, X. Y.,
says: "I have used Purks' Tea and find
it the la-st remedy I have ever tried.
Sold by A. Ykkimitox.
What is 'The liurguin & Exchange.'
The Albany Herald says concerning
President Cliiipman'M address to the
puhlic m'Iio ils In that city yesterday:
"President Chapman gave u very in
teresting and valuable uddiess to the
Pure blood nit ans good health. De
Witt's SarMipaiilla purifies the blood
cures eruptions, eczema, scrofula and
all diseases arising from Impure blood.
OsnrKN &
L mis Wolir. of Tacoma, a pioneer of
S years' residence on Puget Hound,
died Monday in San Francisco, of
pan lysis, aged 00 years. He leaves a
foriuiieof lluu.lsiO.
In all philosophy there Is nothing
trtii r or more to be commended than
tlie spiiit of this couplet:
Woiildst know the joy of living?
L.-uru the art of freely giving.
Snail in size, but gieat in results.
DcWittN l.'ttle Early Risers act
gently but thoroughly, curing Indi
gestion, dyspepsit und constipation.
Small pill, safe pill, best pill.
is' rn.N ,V DkLano
I irks' Sun; Cure Is a sisjtivesHicinc
in til diseases of the Liver and Kid
neys. Ity removing the 'uric acid In
the blood il cures Rheumatism. U. It
liusford, of ( 'art huge, S. Dakota, says:
"I believe Parks' Sure Cure excels all
other medicine for Rheumatism and
Urinary disorders." Sold by A. Ykr-
I:::t achieved
ted i'ermanently
S 4 IJ I HI II I or Opcratio
Treatment Absolutely PaialesS
From Th'eo to Six Weeks.
Cirriera: l:t:n ' .Vr.(iiin BullJIns,
It Wns Done Hy the Pnblle Schcel
thl'dreu at au Outlay ot Not
Another progressive step towards
metropolitanism was eomplpted by ihe
public school children. Every street
In the cily has bee 11 numbered by them
and the cost will not exceed f I 60 in
money and tho work was coutributsd
A small army of active workers made
tills task practicable at to small a cost.
Small toys searched every nook and
corner In the city tor old cant and
pieces of waste tin. These old tins
were out In'o stripe of suitable
ice upon whloh to place atreet names
and numbers, The stripe were then
painted over with white paint, and
afterwards the name or numbers of
the streets were painted on them In
black letters. The, work Is very
neatly done, and; would not have
looked better had the city hired It
The work was all done by the school
children under the direction of Super
intendent Rebl aud his corps of teach
ers, and the only expense was for the
paint used, which did not exceed a
cost of flM.
The object of the school Inputting
up street names and numbers was to
facilitate the worn of distributing the
Christmas donations for the poor to
morrow. When a needy family Is re
ported to the management the streets
will be taken and the address placed
ou the donation. This will enable
the boys who deliver to go directly to
the houses.
Ihe Grandest Reined.
Mr R II (Jreuve, merchant, of Chll-
howle, Va., certifies that he had con
sumption, was given up to die, sought
all medical treatment that money
could procure, tried all cough remedies
he could hsar, but got no relief; spent
many nights slttiug up In a chair; was
Induced to try Dr King's New Dis
covery, and was cured by use of two
bottles. For past three years h as been
attending to business, and says Dr
King's New Discovery Is the grandest
remedy ever made, a It bos done so
much for him aud also for others In his
couimuuity. Dr King's New Discov
ery is guaranteed for coughs, colds and
consumption. It don't fail. Trial
Domes irco at Henderson A I. Inn's
drug store.
Row River Items.
Dec 22d.
Elmer Iirooks is back on Row river
ouce moru.
Elmer Doolltlle came down from the
mines last Friday.
J II Stewart has been laid up for
several days with a fellou on his right
Grant Rales, who has been very sick
for some time, Is recovering.
Chas Teeters and family have gone
t3 Pleasant Hill to spoud Xmas.
Oeorge Teeters aud wife are vlsitlug
with J II Teeters.
Elmer ltrooks la building a bridge
across the river for Kentoer A Wicks.
Zip Yarnell Is slashing brush for
B Stewart.
Chas Smilh went to Cottage Grove
There will be a Xmas tree at the
Star school bouse Xmas eve, also oue
at the Red Rock school home. There
will be a grand supprr at. ihe letter
Jim IUdford and Jim I-aud visited
Cottage Grove today.
Catarrh Canaal s Cure
w ith local appllfatlone, as thry cannot rtach
the H'al ol the clI.eaM). Calarili la a lilixsl or a
ciiiintllutional dlaeaae, and lu onlur to enroll
you muat lake Internal rinnolt'a. Jiau e
Catarrh (.'uro la taken lularnalljr, and aela ill
riTtlr on tho blood and miicotin iirlaece. Hall e
( ntnrrh ('tiro la not a quack medlelue. It was
lireacniMsi vj one 01 tne neat pnyaiciane in
thla country for voare. and le a reaular bi-
rrliitton. It la ooinMial ol the boat ton lea
Known, comiiinea wnn ine mat inooa purinora,
acting directly on the mucoua anrlaere The
perlwl combination ol the two lul rndlenta la
what nrislucee euch wonderful rvaulu lu cur
ing catarrh. Rend lor h-atlinontale. Ire.
j. r 1 hihii at 1.0, loieuo, umo.
Bold bj Druggleta, 7.'.
Dell (iuard, December 11.
Catti.k BuiPi'KD.-Edson Urolhers,
who own a lame slock ranch at Ga
zelle, California, shipped 237 head of
cattle by a stieclal train of eight cars
from Ibis station this afternoon. The
cattle are three-year-old feeders and
were purchased In this vicinity. 1 iiey
are being salpd to Gazelle.
It would be hard to convince a man
suffering from bilious collo that his
agony Is due to a microbe with an un
pronouncable name. But one dose of
DeWitt's Collo and Cholera Cure will
convince him of Its power to afford
Instant relief. It kills pain.
Osburn & DeLano.
Notick. If the parties who lost the
potatoes last Moaday will call at this
olllee, prove property, and pay for this
notice, they may recover same.
UailT Guard, December 23.
Wahmer Weather. The weather
bureau makes the following pre
dictions; Tonight and Thursday,
fair; followed Thursday night by rain
and warmer.
la guaranterd Ui euro Files and Couetlllou
or money reluudrd. M eenla wt boa. hi: ml
two taiune lor circular and Vree Sample to
SIAKI l.N KI'bY, Heglilered Fharmaciit.Unraa-U-r,
i'a. No I'ohtaui Asawaaar,. Pot aale by all
flret clasa drupglaie ryrrjt here, and lu Eugene
Oregon by Otburn A IIjiiio
Mujor C T Plcton Is manager of the
state hotel, and Deulsoo, Texas, w hich
ihe traveling man say la oue of the
best hotels In that section, la speak
Ing of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy Major Plcton
says: "I have used It myself and In
my family for several years, and take
pleasure In saying that I consider It
an infallible cure for diarrhoea and
dysentery. I always recommend It,
and have frequently administered It to
my gueitts In the hotel, and In every
case It lias proven lUelf worthy or un
(luulltk-d endorsement." For sale by
Gsburo 4 lelJtno.
Probably lirouiicd.
Tuesday's Albany Democrat: W F
Rooket, ulght-watch on the Gypsy,
running betwecu Salem and Harris
burg, Is 'Hissing and Is probably lu tho
Wlllauii tte river drowned. Saturday
the Gyp y went up tht) rlvur and tied
up at tu 1 wharf at Corvallls for tho
night. Late in tho evening Mr
Rockett weut up to CorvalKa to look
around. About 2 o'clock Sunday
morning he was seen by the night
watch at Cor vail is to go towards tho
Gypsy. Since then he hits uol been
seen, aud there is little doubt that in
going upon the boat he fell Into the
river and was drowned. The cunent
Is swift aud his body would be carried
rapidly down stream. The boat Sun
day morning went to Harrlsburg. It
was supposed that Rockett had gone
to bed. When he did not appear later
It was thought that he had missed the
bust at Corvallls and would gut 011 as
the boat came back; but when the
Gypsy arrived at Corvallls yesterday i
nothing was known of hi in except as
stated. Tills forenoon tho Gypsy I
went to Sitlcui, and the particulars as I
given were learned. There Is little
doubt among the crew that he was
Rockett was about 30 years of age
and Icr.ves a wile und child In Port
laud. I'eily Uuatd, Pivemtier
DiKn. Mrs. Carrie Mount, w ile of
Judge Wallace Mount, of Spokunu,
Wash., died In Spokanu yesterday
morning of consumption, aged thirty-
four years and nine months. Mr-.
Mount graduated from the I'niversity
of Oregon in tho class of '8.1, and in
February, 1S87, was married to Judgs
Mount, who is also an alumnus of the
university. SI10 was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walker, of Cres
well, aud was well known in this city.
She leaves a husband, two children
and numerous friends aud relatives to
mourn her death.
When most needed It Is not uutiHiial
for your family physician to be away
from home such was tho experience, of
Mr J Y Kehmick, editor of the Caddo,
lnd. Tor., Runner, when his Utl lo girl
two years of age was threatened with
a severe attack of croup. He says my
wife insisted that I go for the doctor,
but as our lumlly physlu'an was out of
town I purchased a bottloof Cliumbcr-
luin's Colli h ICeinody, w hich relieved
her Immediately, i will not lie. with
out It In th-j future." !'5 and M cent
bottles for wile by Osburn & Delano.
I'ally (iuard, UoecmU-r it.
Poultry Show. Rirds are already
arriving for. the poultry show to be
held in this city commencing tomor
row. A Adamson, of llurrlsburg, has
ou exhlbl Ion two coops of chickens,
and one i.tch of turkeys and ducks.
They are rcry flue.
Hli.ce tl e above was written a num
ber of othor coops of poultry have ar
rived. Tho Guard will give a full
account ol the show tomorrow even
ing. Won't Aiteit. The following Is
from a Roseburg paper: "H Rust, one
of the board of trustees of tho Oregon
Soldiers' home says that (his term of
office expires this year) ho will not ao
copta re-appoiiituiout. So Governor
Lord will have to look clsuwhero for
Mr Rust's successor."
Rank Statrmgmt. Iu another
column will bv found the regular
qusrlsily statmeut of the First Nation
al Rank of thiecily. The bauk Is iu a
highly prosperous condition and shows
an increase of business over the last
Born. At Dexter, Lano county,
Oregon, December 21', 1800, to tho wife
of J W Gulley, a son.
Prize Contest.
EN DOLLARS In 0),J w"l ,,e K,vc" on Feb.
1, lhU7, to the persons under sixteen years of ago
who will write and scud to us before that date
the best essay on
sume not to exceed 400 words.
THREE disinterested persons (teachers or professors) may be
chosen by the writers, each one sending his or her vole
with the eacay, who shall decide on Feb. 1st or as soon
thereafter as sHalble, who shall receive the llrst prize
of $5, the second of (3, and the third of (!', In colli.
Write only on 0110 side of paper. Write your age only
on essay. Enclose your name with essay on separate
piece of paper. Vole for one Judge only on separate
paper. It costs you nothing to write.
We want au essay from every child under 10 years of age.
On account of the poor health of our family we are compelled to
close our store and leave Eugene.much to tho regret of ourselves
a id family. Rut as the health of our lumlly demands It, we .
s'tall commence on
SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, '96,
Our o (jreat o toyi) o Out o 5a,?-
During this sulu everything will bo sold at Auctiou Prices. It
you wish lo buy goods Cheap now is your opportunity. Come
early before the stock Is brokeu. Nothing reserved. Every
thing In our store goes.
Juror Dies in Portland Sudtleuly.
Special to the uciiti)
Pi.RTi.AXH, Or., Dec M.-FM Rlack,
a Juror in the case of the state of Ore
gon vs Mrs Nellio E Jones, charged
with lieitig a pickpocket and causing
tiltca sensation lu this city as the
lady moved In respectable society, and
was a regular attendant upon the
Taylor street M E church, and also
associated somewhat prominently
with the work of iiuxilliiiry church
organization ,dicd today fiotn apoplexy.
This will cause a new trial of the en
tire matter.
I he ludy's photograph appeared la
today's Oregonlan.
Special Meettug.
A fpeclal meeting of Eugene Lodge
No II, A F A A M will bo held Satur
day evening, Dec 20, ut 7 o'clock p m.
Installation of ollloers and lecture by
Past Grand Master Philip S Malcolm,
3:1 degree. All members and visiting
brethren aro earnestly reipiested to be
present. I'll Master Malcolm is one
of the U'st posted Masons lu the
country and the craft will enjoy an In
tellectual treat.
Jas. L. Pauk,
W. M.
St a 11 hud University ami Cardlual
robirs ut the Maniuaiu
Tlie Oteoiilan fays: The Manpiam
Grand was in gala attire last night,
hung in university colors In honor of
the llrst appearance lu this city of the
college clubs. Society was out In full
force, ami enthtisiam prevailed from
the rise of the curtain throughout the
entire programme. The Stanford Man
dolin Club brought down the house
and received repeated encores, "The
Polish Dance" by tho Mandolin club,
proved a higher conception of muslo
than that usually uttcmpted by ama
teur organizations.
A Uvat rail.
RosroN, Dsc. 21 John L. Sullivan,
the pugilist, sat iu the poor debtor's
session of the municipal court today
to explain why ho had failed to settle
a llorisl's bill. The caso will be fur
ther heard on January I lth.
A Cokkkctkin. In reporting the
II t of taxpayers who pay on (10,000
and upwards, two mistakes were
made. F L Chambers who pays on
(10,750 was left off of the list and John
Whlleaker who pays ou (13,000 was
(pioteil as J H Whitcaker.
bally (luaril, Pccuinrr, it.
Skvkrki.v Hurt. F M Rlalr was
kicked by a horse (his forenoon ou his
left leg butweeu tho knee and thigh.
It will be several duye before ho will
bo able to resume work.
Pally Uuard, December :J.
Marrikii.-R Franklin Hendricks
and Miss Ll.zlu May Rees were mar
ried today by Rev N R Alley, of this
city, ut the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr and Mrs Martiu Rues, at
Pendleton Tribune: Charley Fra
zlvr on Saturday night dropped a
nickel in one of the .many card ma
chines! that aro now to be fetiud In
this city, and got live kings. The
fifth king must have got Into the box
hy mistake, as 110 provision Is made
for a prize for live caidiof a kind.
Don't go Eust until you l.uve seeu
the undersigned, who can quote you
tho lowest rates, furulsh you your
through tickets, sleeping ear berths,
and arrange for a pleasant trip via the
Union Paclllc system. EJ McClana
lian, agent, Eugeiio, Ore.