The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 26, 1896, Image 6

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    HlVCKSSFl'L lSYlNDM-.l!s.
L Waktku.-To work lu
. r rinti,'ota hotel.
hud ay, i)i..Mi;Kn:.
Itv Iflacl.
icluiiicd fiu.ii l'r II iiijl
KdlU.r Whitney of the Albany 1 1, r
Id la in Him city.
Active work I under wnyiivuiu in
the Astnilu railroad.
II. II. Dunlnp, of Junction City, liii
buaiuea III Kugcne today.
H. It. lytkln, oasliii-roi tin I'lr.t Nt
tinual dank, la visiting In J'ort.iiiid.
'l'h Kugenti Mill and i:i-vrit.r '"in
pany klill u cm load of.ll'iur to .""ii
Francisco Uxlay.
Will McOee d-fl "ii id (n.rlv li.iin
thla morning on a (rip south. If'- w ill
go a far aa Aadland.
Hermann, tint magd-hm, l l"'l at
Itoclicstcr, N Y., yesterday In In
private car, from heart disi-nso.
ilia fiviu i iiriijf an niMi)ii mia
afternoon collecting fiunU fur it (limit-
tfl.. Ik. ..1.1 I .. .... ..v....... I tl.l..' .
lute family In the riori Ii wti rii por
tion of l lie city.
Tlie Halvatlon Army nlilc-r who
have htssii ipinrti ml in Ihl city went
tn ltow.durg today, wln-re llcy mil
have charge of thu darno k.
Mia Maud lliiriiinltt, of Molina k
Willi IH la-ell IfHl llillK School lit I.'lklil
Crewk, arrived on the afternoon train, j
llIT UTIII III School ImVillg cliitf'l.
Judge Potter I attending Hi county
Judge' isuivcntinii In 1'orlhitid
pri'iu'iili i n resolution rconniineii'liiig
tliv i-d-clion of county attorney and
ntoi ImIiI itar grand June uii'l the ollde
of iliolrlcl ntlomi-y. 'Huh li con, rt
ami should pa.
I. ii Uranidi ( 'liMiilrli-: A ( diiiainuii
wlin wita employed lit tli" Mi ii'-haui
dining hull died Salunl.ty from inli
tinal trundle. It I lllti"i thill the de
ceased llllt Ik!! II f.illllflll lli dusted
employe of Mr. Mnnru, coiitiuuou-ly
(luring the past ti n ymi.
To all who a-i-twd In making "iir
ftlr a success, anil rpi -cwlly lojului'
Its'lou for the use of hit duildiiig Hut
Ladies L'ninii of iIih M I'.cdureli ! 1 1
toelti nd their inimt rorilitl uud hi u
0"rn thank. II ond-i of ei.iiiiiiiltee.
Tint Lodge dill hut iit, i t,u I'. S.
Senate. Il will pr-veni lliu liiiiulgin
Hull of Illiterate, foreigner. An edu
cational tent It requited. Allen tnu-l
d alilu to read ii 1 1 I w litu our eiuialilu
Hull III tlmlr hinguago, Cuhiin ix
oeptod. Only two week am Irft of li yrm,
anil if the yi.unit linln aure nuiiiii-lu
Hie fact, tlm uiarrliiKi'iilil.i yonnn iimu
who art not willing to d Ii, I lolly
liiMli'a alliir w ill duv to tiilu- to tint
winhIm. Thla It tlm li-t i liiinri' tlm
Klrla will Iikvh to lakit thu IiiIIImIivi
dffoie l'.Mjl.
The "(looil lliiaila Coiivi ntlon" l In
nation In rortliiiiil. ll It ntti'inli'il l,y
a mimlivr of citlnt from 1 1 It', rrul
Hrlluiia of tin ktiitu. Tin I, nun
county (h'li'Kntut urn I'n'tl -lent t'luii
man ami JinltiH I'otl- r, thu .riu r il,.
llvcriiiK an inllrctt jvnii-nliiy to tin
oon vtintion. Hit iliotu iiiviiit in to
day 'a (r'Knliiu,
Tndraiir iilvaiireini nt Clnh.
The followIn Mildlll il toplt hu e
beau UHtlKinil lor diti-uvdnii dy mi-m-beniol
the Advance iin-nt chid:
1, Keactlon timet. Ilv
l. C.
'i. Koruiatloii
of COIII'l'ltt.
H. What It miiid.'
4. What do the m-iiM-t coiitilliiitt
to our know litln? Co. S. honl .supt.
6. Aiiatotny of Ilia drain and
lierve. lr. T. W. llnrrit.
tl ltiiirniliii'tli)ii of coiuvjjIh. 1 r
Alice Mall Cliuimaii.
7. Memory. I'rof. Youmr.
h. Iniiinlniilloti. I'rof. I.eli-her.
. Aier(Vitioii. I'rof. ('on, Ion,
III. II Vilint!iii. lti-v. (lilliert
II. rrodlli'lloil of dellef. S. M,
12 Origin of ancecli. Mra. timr:
M. Mlllr.
18. The moral fiH-litii;t. ;,v.
111. ok.
H. Origin of lint anrlul fi-ellnut
Iter. How.
15. The w ill, lr. Driver.
1(1. On what Kroundt mnv it iii.-in
U Jntllv del I retHiniili,t foi-dit ac
IliiUa? Mra. Coiidmi.
IIIT lilltnl. l(Vlllli, I Is
An AtvilKM'.-Tlie couiily
n ar A I) Itiirton'a ..i,-ii Ii-ih nnld rn.l
trniii wnvliing ly tlie t n t r ..r -, , i il
yeara and hut dm-mnii tii 1 n.uiou
l.Htt livening Oi'iirKc t Hiiiilt-;i, iic. d :il
Veara, w hile driving hoiue fioiu , Inn, h
III adlltiK.V, Wilt l tlii:il,y 1 1 'III I it
dy tlie vehicle ovel tin uln' iit 'llu
point and diiini'liii; dun on the rvl.s
lii'lnw. He It lllititile to li-e one i'l In
d'K today hut llo doliet are dl'oi n
The IiiikkV Wat mii'i-ln .1 li.elly uml
tlm horwa weie hurt koiiim. ' It I:
( ampt ell aaya he w ill tue I he cotinl v
for ilainatrca, and that he hud pivvinii
ly liotirlid the Colin of thu ilinn-i inut
condition tif the highway. i
. . i
1)-Kll. J Hint li.ll t'lly TllllfHi III (hit
city lKuvtutu-r M. lvn,' I'lioiiia Kh'cii,
Hated 7:t year lftt-ated Halved in the
Mexican war and a- our of theemly
California pioneer. He lived in Hi,'
goil for aiiuiuU r of yeart, It ll he
liinviut to Watltliiijtiin, where ho re
adied for ttome alxlit'll yeitiH. A few
veara ago he returned tn'lliv.m. He
leavtta a wife and one mm, Tlinuiu,
w hone wherx-aUuita are nnknow n, hut
eil'xed , e til CalitornU. I'he
remaliia want taken to OnMifU l'ltur
day 'r Intermcut.
Pally titianl, I've, uil . r 1'
Ilk'AVV U M Al If -A collte-t
III heavy gymnm-hc lor a silver uie.lal
waa held at tho in.ueisit v g mn-i-iuni
thla aftertliMin, A lueidil I clxen an
niully dy J It Weatdeiliy, phy-lcal
director of the unlverlty. I't,,- lollmv.
lug roii entered'a conte!:
tile Slrraasll, Harry Send. in. V I.
Carrol, I'errv Overton and l l.tiie II
loughtiy. rtteiMiilr-t w aa divided In
favor of Mr Carrol, who had l'i point
ahead of Mr Wlldnighdy and Mr
Overton who tied for aecond pdnv,
trlit mt nnsii.aikirr.
ItiiHKHi ku, lr. Uv. i: In tlo
Ca- of the Htate Vt Ned Sul del Iin. for
killing Henry Itruso, at t akUn.l. Sep
toinder In, tde ttry at o'eloc
Una evening t.rouglu In a verdict of
the I
or not, and with a I k s Iu hla eye
had uevor Iwn knowu to mat defortv
S VICIiLAY. I WI-: MIS 1 .11 12
. I hum ii noli' r o! lurinrri
in town
N 1 1 ill if Mi .mill in I
to !:v.
it M lluhhuril, of I'oitiancl, la ill tlie
u.i -vnin.
Att i'm v W'i-i !' fk hut returned
fmiii 1'i.ri ImhI
' ir ih mi 1 Ji . hi'1 H l ' i-r,
ot i' litln id no- in II. i i-iiy
'di.t l.ul'i I' ni; i- i.i-ovi-iiih; from a
f i v i.lioid fi-vcr.
irowi u li-n i '"t In Utwwn
i I,, i no k- ::i I'M- i.i r di put. !
is.-, t M.ll.r to I'leawu.t Hill'
l, fi -rt.oo.i to over .H,Uy. :
. , ,. .. , , ...
I he moon It full H.ii., a id tl.e e i
r,.Uu miri.ta wl,, n not cloudy. ,
-vi-nil ttii-l-iitt Ii i iikuv ior no ir
,JV -
to nn-l i liri.timit tiii' - -
I I,,. tl.i rni ti-r i-toi'l kI lM)dej;ra
thi . iilii-riio.oi ll d'Jt li-ii a In mill -
ri ,.,v.
V v I. o.f I ,h hrn.U.
wii. rfor the I. mid approach nf the
I- .'it-nc tulilx-.
ii W Miii key, the .hi.ti-iriipier li ft
to lay for oi vull.t w I t ie l.u w ill oj u
it di inch ')'
A very In mi. ifol puintiii of Crler
I,.1-.- It on extiidit i'ii in Oihnt-ii iV
II- I,:iiii' w iii-lntv.
Ji jiiii Mild r, foi iin rly n Kiiii.-ne uml
S limn, lill I ri-iuoVi d t i lilt old Imme lit
iillrry, Aikuimui".
Hi- llr-t !-,ir i-la-t of tlie univi rity
In I I a very . 'in-. nit cIiikh party in the
If y in i i-i 1 'J Dl ImhI nilil.
There wi te no el'tpet on tlie fee
h ink In the Coim'y clrik'a nllh'e via
t'-iday. Thit rarely occur.
It- d-i) I) Ni-idy returned fnun
I'ort and toiluy. II' wk iiccouipuiiied
dy Itev I ; rof Hiilein.
II C Veatch uml wife, of Cottage
tinve, are vl-iiin with their urni,
('oiiiluctor Vi-ntcli, of IU)'-biir).
Amoiiu; tl'" tiriHitlt on the after
ii ion I nun wen1 Kolit NIb, ofHiiicui,
a id Wm Wcdhi r of J ii m.-in hi ( Ity.
A unl'l wiiteh mlll-d olf at the
Monogram ciirur Ktur. ln-t iiiuhl wim
won dv J W vYitlirotv on a thuke of
A I OtVlt, ulio Mil lllleil (J.) a
li-.v ino'illi-i iij,"i (or 1 1. m I ii 1 1 n dit-i in
tlm w. .-trill p ut of the c unity, paid
lilt line ye-tciihiy.
J (I l'ni-1., who the I' of it
footditll ti-ain th p't-t neavin, i l.ovv
i-on, -l i ti kC an i lhli'lii' i hid titiiii hi
I I'. iii, alifnriii t
Mr and M i J ' lnoditle, of ( 'i.hurg,
w i re In the i ! y lliit Hftrrnooii. Mr
(i lad- Iiiin hilly n coVi-red linin her
n-' i ut t-t rnk- of nariil) nit.
( hit Cluy, of WadiiiiKhin, I) ',
C S haul; ex iininer, ex i'iilnml tlie
wiiiUIhl; of tde I Ir t .N kI lolllil I'.HIl k
i-tiiljy. I le lo' i ml every tin litf latit
I ii-toiy.
Ko-.nilC ilorr, the wi-l! known
n piiolli-in
I'l iion 'hi.
yeait. II
i .iniiiivn oiiitnr died
N J, yi-Hterd i, nn-il
in idi- two cuinpalunt
( ir x"ii.
I'.i.i Alo.ii- D-.ii i.' w.-tiiU to
know if you ' I'.-el the eiieioin tpirit
that fhouhl pi'evinle the hollduy h
i.i'i, tin n Hle, hill Ilrt let juM, and
P iv your ih-nt''."
All any I iin'.'iat : A lii-ar lit (he
1 ii iiii i-ral i nn Ii arn Mr Miller it at
t n.lniu' In dl diitit' fiiilhfully a
prr-i d iil of the O A C, tlrvnl iii hit
i nine in, i ii'h to the M'h nil
llev I." M i-fti and liev llillliurtoii,
of Hie I i v 1 1 1 1 1 ' i'Iiihi, went ri Hpei
tiv. ly to C ii viiIIim and Join-lion rity
t"'l i , w In .'i- tin y will pieiieli iutlie
( hi i 1 1. 1 ll co ill i'l ii-t U'liini low,
A hiiyrii-t iiinl a il; cnllhliid ut
Matlock' corner tint luoriiliu;. i'lie
ctchil took a hiailer into the mud
on Willaui t" xtrcet, while the iloj
ncootcd for home. Neither one hurt.
Halm 1 l.-n. . r: Kev It K lloui ell,
u ho had id en led to leave here I lit tiit
of the ycni, hue Urn prevailed tipnn
to ulthiliiiw hi iininniitioii and re
main In cinirD of the Chrialiau church
Html her j car.
A d ctiiiti mi Spain aecumpitiiivd dy
at ei i opt if iti I iew will de k I veil in the
1 1 1 1 1 v v i i-ii v uy uiiiiiiIiiiii citily in J mi -da.
v, innlf r tde niiaplct a of t lie colletje
Y M C A, I iy I'rof Wiihlmrn, who
l a trttveli-.l in that country,
Mr I'm ni ('"inloii, who It Icai'h
ln,i :n the f"ll' i;c at I on-M ( iroVe, ar
t. dun ! 'ic itt'f i train to upend
tic linhil i'. at Inline. Sliun'Hae-
mi i :i ii ii . I hv iter Hitler, Mr Jude Ii
S le mi and fhil.lieii, ol Salem.
The fi. idi.itiy of n-fins', wltleli
lu'ci-' uii'iilhly at the tiiilv omit r, Is
in iaio'iiiat mi fiaUirate proK'rani for the
annual i'i,'c(:iu-, wlili li w ill It' held
soon. The annual uivetiug wlllmaik
tin- fli -e el tho llit yeiir't work nf the
in-. idt my,
John t' Mn-durjr, a I'nrtlaiid variety
t'n, -it re iiiiii.njfr da ili-faninvd and fini lovi tatinot Mud hint.
He If It I hat city ahniil two year ago
under hiiiiIIiii' cTrciuiittuuiva" hut re
timed It a few mouth. llowNnt
one linn-eiikiat!! d in the grocery hum
t ex In ' hi city ,
Hat i i 'iirjs K'lvicw: The g.ivan,.
i n ut -ii k i"'.'i(. Mitthloiiiii, mad, a
hi ty tiiji t
tlie pntp.'-i'
S. Cn(:in' i r
I- In i i .1 k'i
nn; ( 1 1 ii"!
i tin place yeaterday for
of lauding Asllau't V.
Chat le F. Frtvinau, who
of the woik of impmv-
..r I-.1-..P I-U..I..I.. lle.l.
.'.., .. i,,i,,i iinieit
l cow e'ltplov ai clrsring the
ah nil four iiillca tvlow town,
A g ...
M a c e e
O'llpll! -I
hav ti.e
III'' ''
i i .
l u.tnv are wondering hotv
- p.",,ou., I he ti iturnl I ot.lit davs.
ion inakes the n long and Tl,.. it." ... i ... . ,
. ti..- ii. -t we.',' , : '. r wv:'HuU,
it. -nit- on
as -h
no. ",.',i.'i'.in
i . .
' -l ke n Cu .
the lli-t y Untile, M a. nn.)
- mil' -"iiiid it tins In "Mar
i Hi -ii the word Willi
if!-. M i the o. I'hls i tlie
on .1 pronunciation l'he
g n . -i
I n i."
"the '.
O ' I V
( 'I. I Hll
uncial who t'!ti the name
Ucii kilhd seven turns, and it it
lii '.l t lie name Iv spoken with
I'm t t'Uf I, I'. ' 'tiih, t 1 i
I'l l 1 VK Sllll-I'MV - lite i
ofpni'try w it loaded
tr load
d-r J II
Mai u-, w a stnppi-'t l y
Cle-M . II till nltci nivn
i .pret t,t
Some moie
IHiiiiiiy win iv piatV'i in tlie carat
lli 'i i -c and it wid lo -dl'v,l to
San .Vaiei- on '.oil gdt'a ovetland
I ruin.
i t
. I
tlJOK KhmIv Sertir il Ly
Y'iuui; Hiin.
a S n. u ili
. .
; Thiirhdaj 'a Alduuy IKmooiai. a
youti man oi eioniieiu u'i'-' -
cauiu in AIDUIIV laa
lof.klnu arouinl for a fiirm
lie mid
lie WHa miikI blt Xutt-il I" "ir
riiMl at.d want1 a place In On-foii.
He llmilly hettlf'l tifum the tnu
ovvm-d hv Mr. uml Ir-). A. ?i Ktix,
of hall jw--, California, locateJ at
Splc.-r, coiialttluK of .'i 1 H. 7 j cri- line
Uml. lie inii'U a f tHi man m-i".
rli-, vlcltwl Mr. KM Iouhteii, the
icntcr, who l-inn U) J anxious m 118
ilioiiKht he would Mi'J''
rnddenlally he r.a, n-l wit a
rc-ul mt ate nuvul and admit ic-lut a
liullie. f;irif fr ,. ,,riltl:W, w ho
'.J, ( ,u ,e
,. ,ry .1irt (,f J uy le went, to "i Al
:,y Adttract Co. and reiH.rUd tlial
1 1 e had made arrai.H'-ineii'i to pur-
irlmnj ti e fur u and mid want an ud-
1 o:' the turn; Irj aluo had a ile'd
I m ido dv Mr. Itudd to a.-nd to San Ji
I I'T III ailflllilliriH ll
Mr. and M'h.
He wat a tool young man
win) ac-ined to Ut l.i no liurry, aim
when 'l e deed came and could not I
ret ordiil on acc iunt of the m-rolls l
lug h it oil, ItHtt-med lomuke no dif-
Ifereiice to dim; de took (lie deed and
l.ietetul d to He ml It tin k to .un jone
tu h I'orici-ti'd. On J ily 13 de went
Willi M.-. Hindi to the olllfe of C. (e
Ihirkda t, agent f .r (he Alliance ' unpuiiy Hud np;illt-d for a loan
oriljno on the property, pivitig par
tlculara a to Improvement ho in
tended to inaKe. The loun wa
grunied, tint mortgi,: properly (in
euUd, and the deil diia hu dean cor
re. till, in July 'Jnthe deed and mo rt
gtgn with doth placid on record, Mr.
liiiggt receiving lilt tiaiO. Why I.e
did not a-k for la firunge, mi he
could a eniily duve at iiired it on tde
farm, which It valued at $1U,im) at
ii iiat. Mr. llrlgk-t shortly after diiup
piared. lti'ciitly Mr Knox wrote to Weatl er
ford & Wyatl to lxU after thu ret tal
ullaira of tin) farm, when inveHiig.-tt.on
ruvmtled tde fact lint the entire ir.vm
aetloii win a graiol w indie, the nig in
turet In the (lit tl deintr a forgery. 'I he
ih i"l purported to de i xei-uted on Ji ly
7. On July 3 Mr ai d Mra Knox left
Sun Joi-e for the ca aide and did not
letui ii until Ootoi er. On the day he
Ml lie received a Utter from II C
It.iL'Lj-int 1'i.rt Uml nklni if lie would
tinle It in place mar Alhany for mm
in ar l't I iatoH, ( ii 1 1 r tu in, hut paid no
:,:ti'iiiiiui to it a, all. Ilrlgjt evith ut
ly knew of the trip.
1 he witiieNHea to t'ui deed ale (I W
Taylor and K 1" lilai l,, two San J"e
nn ii, lmth forgeriet; he name of thu
imtary it K C lalk: hut there it no
-m il iiimi in Sua Ji rc, though one
r. -cnihliiig thu iiamo ilnd there tmee
y -ai ago. Thu Heal in freali and uaa
uii'loutitedly Hindu for the nccanlon.
Tlie aignaturot do not retulndle t.'ica '
nf Mr ami Mr Knox, though tint' of
the latter i a good I mi at Ion of it la ly'
Tlie mini clalinid to du 37 yea nf
riU'i gii du 'hut in dl iipplioatioti for
I lie loan, i-u l li t ui Hiuglu I'litex
t. ..tfl In he linn lied w hen ho would
locate on the place piohuhly not lor a
year, lie wa wed d rticd, nice lHk
lug w ith large drnw ii uiUHlnche a id
i ii-y until tier.
Thia morning Wenthcrfoid it Wyatl
attorney! for Mr uud Mr Knox illed
it i mi i I' ltiut with llin clerk, against
IIC Itrigg n (i l the A .linnce I'rutt Co.
it-king lor a do-r e of i he court ilcclnr
lug and ailjinlgii g that the defend. u t
have ini i nlittif or intuteht or ll. n what
ev. r in i r to Hiild lain ninl pr-ni.t'-a,
the title of plaiu'.llt h good and aiii
ahV; that find idt-d, lereiu ahova tie
tci itied, he ailjiidgctl a forgery and vi id
and that the fcitld uinrlt-tii;eii'it!i, Hnd
void and that the Mtii iitf.l and n.nri
gae he cancelled by it tlecrao of Idi
coin I .
Aa it a plain cam it in d Hihlfil il
auv tlcfeti.te la madu to the complaint.
The en hi- o ie i t the hrigdt
ct lulling op 'ralloi uver renin U tl,
one care ully anaiigetl and carried out
w ith rciuarkadlr nerv.; ami cihiIi.m,.
It i Hidd the nt'iio Hi lieina waa oper
atetl u..'ivfully in Tex.ta aeveml
yeart ag .
Fuater'a Koreca.-l.
Thu l.tit duld'Hu gave foieeit! nf
the atom w.tvo to the continent
from the lt.tli to LUth Hi.d Id next
will le.tch the I'aclilc 1-0111 ahout l'h i.
cii tin wet of ltoil.i,. (-"Unti v hv
one ol :;lt, groat cent tal vxlicn
to -4th, lata em Htate "itli.
The warm wave w ill croti the we-i
f ltnclil t contitrv admit iMth ,.ro,i
central Utllvya i'Jd, l jiMern tati il.l.
Tlie cool wave will ere. tin wit of
U 'cliict country adoiu greut cen
tral vitllcya i'lih, Lattrrn tatet DTth
Teniperaiure of the week ending
luth w ill average noruml ituii
rainfall adove. When reference it
made In any of tdee dullrtiin to pre
cipilatiot), snow It alwav Iiulinled
w ltd rain.
The foreeaett for Nonitl" r w .re t.
way pertect up lo ami Incln .M:,,
I heii the revernul came in, w lu, : ,, i
though warning had deon pul'li-h , !
that they were couilng. lame t-.irl er !
man exvectii turning tha -,t f ir
tdty of Novcmder weather wr.ui" i h
very aerloua mUtukti had
nihiie iu ina lorecanta alii-e Ih
January IvHi. The foiecuHt rr
f .r
It '.' I
the la.-t or rleedava in X
. ....
' '"'.' "'nouieii. i-oor 1
leuls-ted tdecoldest day. f,,r ad,
'anil leaving o i t he ait four .'
; .... ,...' , ,!' I,'"r..'
i"."." ac.-.Hinrce
I mtii it tin e.'
.at- pr ne correi ., m,.
chin t!, ti.ild h.i i. .
l"h to l.sth, giv.t
r aiioui i;, ,:.,
cold wave atili. i;n
Aft'T hat date and
r' reu ar or .huct
s art e.vpected
s OIVll a', out
IllO'd raie We:
and '.'.". I i
and '.'.' !i
tlintigli .1.
wi ather
A vol ii
k Al l v.- v IV
pri tor of
l driman
ior i nil m ,. miry ! ;
l u id. lie. I lillilini-
allot her -In.;
thixe alley
new alley 1
on-kid hat.
iu its const r
aliey, . Inch wi.l in
i i
i e
tsralid dy him. 1'
li-llikT tun I .!"lv f
exciy tiinlvr isei
i la liki-il.
Mr Hon'
tiani, it no.
lltl'te, Mi",
i'h o' the V ot O
in a id coach n. iho
fiH' eleven,
li'.l i f
A I'.KKillT
u j
. i ...i.:. iiiinllill
I M ii )
i iii:y
(, tncomliu M ''"' "I1
(vt,.r, u tit
d 11
It til'"
mid Chrl-tinii" j.ur-
c i:i-et t y (teaieia -. . .
ril;,eii will amount to ..e..rl.v .
wi,iii?u j .,,..i,u
f.-w dillidred.
our I truiei m a
more Interett In thia pm
,M LllVf lilll-
lie-, yc-ariy.
Thlngt are iltlimg ai
:. ... T'.llro ...IH till 111 .-tit" IU"'"
erator car at this city and' """J''
m,,rr-ofdrrHed P'-fry o, .
Francl.;o tna.ket. Ho wl I loud twiH.
tdlrd of Us capacity Iht totnnrrow
m ,.iu; than 'it will l take.
trewelldn the local tram and the
rennh.d.r loaded and ll wdd te .. -tai
hed'o the next mnith hound oyer
laud. The ge.itleuitu inform. u
Ingtlie IliHiik-giviiigand at
trade he wilt have shiiK.-d over iJ.UJi
pounda of driwl poultry, paylti for
the same and a few sldpiuiruta In Of-lolt-r
marly VtXCJ.
Jat. F. .Mon will have lii..l to
thu l'o tland and Sound trade from
Novemher Ut to Ieceii,h. r --H-1 "Vet
:jij,non p inndt of dn-cd pnuliry, for
which I. eliua paid to tlie ral-era adout
ilenid thetthove two tleaicra some
of our rci-ideiit have hlilp.ed consider
adle, at lea.-t UJ' worth, diuigiu
the total Up to tl'J,i.toO.
IlllportUUt Cit-e.
Trlda-'j Albany Dftuocrat: "An
liuportatit Itijuncliou euil watdegun
iu Alhany lat evening. It 1 enti'lid
Moore, f'trguon & Co. tigt W 1' I'm
dy, Aldimy Kariuer Co. and Oregon
Central iVKa-tern railroad. A coord -ing
to the coli.plaiiil deivte-'ll Octuher
17 and .Novemlfi d the phtinliiU neiit
9,(joU to tlie di feiidaiit Mr Crothy to
t'uy wheat. That de until il .'or tlie
purpose excepting H'll'i.that Mr Cn-hy
purchatcd of tbe Alhany Farm -r Co.
I) ton of heat and placed it in three
car on the O fit I'.., dtit tailed .oaelid
to tha pi'ilnlilt' the dill "I lad. I g, and
rifuifl to tlo ho, and It wa allegid
would thip it to older parlies or older
u'tc tlUpoH- of It although doiight
with plainlill" money. The . ui it l ill"
thi-relore auks for a decree lint the
wheat it 'l:tintlll and that the de
fendant have no right to it, that tlie
I'll! of tiding he delivered to nlalut
ill and tiiu ilefc niditit di restrained
from delivering the Mine to anyone
hut the plalnliir.
A teuiporary Injunction wa grand d
dy Judge llarton pending the il.-po-al
oftheet-e. II C Watou appear a
attorney for the pi liutllN
The case w ill undnuhttiilly de con
tested, tde iidove U-ing only one side
of it. 'llieru-ult will dewatihed with
Lii.j i.imi'l, lii-'i niU-r 1.'
Tiik Kivn. After iiiuking the re
ported Ilnd of n Infant In the ll-fil Ku
gene n few day ago putihe. the
III Aim lit' I I: i il piteuili d iiieulioniug
the tli-agreeal'le mtject again, I tit the
umt'er na- Ueell ili-crcitilttl hy tome,
and later tic velopnu-ut incf-itnte a
furl la-r explanation of tde mutter,
l'he tory wh eiven to the (it'AKD ill
good talth thiTtly defore pte- time
la.-t Moiiday and wat puhlisded.
Since then it l:n H-cuicd clouded ill
myttery, etcryone claimim: to know
lioihliig uliout it. Ilcteiinini'd to get
at the tacts in the cum,, ii reporter has
teen working In coiijuiu'ion with
Coroner llama on 1 lit ca-e, An inter
view dy the coroner yt surdity witli
one, Mr. Hewitt, w ho wiu employed
in cleaning the hotel, ex duins "the
whole all'air. She atated i tint while
denning In nn ipjx r room of the ho
tel it package was found. Tho pack
age Hppiarcd to contain some annual
sul.ttitnre, and siuellad very dadly.
It wit tint examined, dut was placed
in it luic iet with aoine trn-h uud car
riud to u stove doluw where it was
hurtled. Tlie peculiarity of the pack
age HUg;etcd a iitiiuderof thing and
the niii MiMiion that it contained an
Inlatit a only it conjecture, which,
however, wa given to the (Ii ahu ,
a fact.
HotNd a (hinn HiMxcts.-lu a
write up of reiullctoii .uiiieM nuu
theTrlhune Int. tlii: "K. K. f leaver
Cleavar llrothora-Our trade shoWS at!
increase if id pi-r cent over lust vear at
tin tiint. During the lu-t two months
we have dy all odd .ln the dlggeM
t'.i-iu.;- we ever did. Our du.-lne-s
lint lull da .,en all that e could
hand.. We have gone right along
I'U- Oir out side or mailing order
diitine- ha t'teti Increasing mpidlv
e have no complaint at all to l,v.C'',
If we Inut had ruhher go,, , nni,
wo could eHMly have sold In fin. lunntU
what we audi in litre., month .t.t
. A''.' i,:lt '' a little
"f that. We are now full v Mm-ded tin
with eve y thing again." "
t ' Jljll:l-,t, l',i'vl, i
l.u u u' m Ci. isi.n..Mr, I.uo a i.
i.lton, state organler an I luttj,,,, ,
Hirer lor the Won.....'. . i.
prj.iee fi.i'.n. elosed her s rie- if two
i citir's in ti.e M ei iir..i, I..., ..i o . i
j Mis Adilito,, wa-l, hv go, Lo,,,,'.
I '"'"' mgl'.t. Thur-.t'tv oi.,!,,
-poke on "Christian Citi.'-i-hn. ' .lu.i
't iiisht t.n "Law bl j,, p;'. fr,t.l
. ' i -bullion took a vm
,',UW,!"':l ,v!,'tt"1 ,,f l' subjects, '.vhiel
v' " . ' l '''' be. eti,,',
i p., 1 "'UIIV. She i'V. .null. r,o
"tii". .'11 .till! Toll l,i..L.
ig at
" nrd. 1", , ;', :
"'HI'. -While I'Oit 11
A Jln.ii
a.l. y r.,utM1:v
M ...e ( i.ltrv scored 71 i
!... i . i - . i
huso., cek. ,
"." . I ne llU!ivt
gltue 1- '.l
Know ii m;,
'e-fure in thi
I t.le highest
' t:.e - at" i
' lu.tdj tiy u
'.ir- of lIiiv.
' ' ':. h Was
I'f 1 ; ;:t, ,,i tyrr.
ion i.s- iHi'n
:..,i"l:'' t raise tin.
'" " I""lits. 1 l-t......
IHV lit.
tittit Muelv strike.
- Klll7 1 Is .1 fen
yiKi'-Ofa.HMilexy. Si; ral,U ,, ;
' ,, 1 :1k'ed yeurs. Mr i'.i.
"Kl":" " re-id'-i't , i ii
I. tlie isiflile :.. . . . ' "S ut
.1 I.. . .. 1 . . ' .'.
" "ii'is to tii,.,-,,n u i
.. i er Ci i,..,! ' .
made hi home in San Jo
year- h..
.. ii. .
a wiie aidtwo da,t..r- ' MV;
OI I .ll, .tO.. ll. . .
f s Jv
tie Cut. i. :
Vl'.hirJ hall rt
Tdu .royr:i!ii
'uhvav intifiKi"'!--
Wilt nun-"-'".)
. . ..r.u II I Tit "
'"'. . .' The K-IeO-
Ui.u in""; .. rv
llm.a, d r
tine. Mi'
1 1 if Uio-l y .' -i ,
.tarred Maty
uctcifc-. play
SiUarl I" run"'"' "
de.ervea lilfth I''"18
. I l.'11.ihet 1
Min Maun
,u,, ?.r..iV..r Ti k
,a,e mai sin- , - - hvi.mI
upon than u.-v portrait of the yirgll
(1Len" wouhf warrant- "
Hv that hoc
wa more
.JS? i.e "org.,.; Builder-' ....
n untied that gave promise ot
i.., u-ork to coino. Slio lias
. full rich
capa' lo of the highest .''i1!'";
,t j!.h..toira "le-''-' h f "
l.Ullll Jo. .-v .. - -
ttata dilllcilll piece oi -Ut.ued
tttid Ilou'ur Keeny wm K0.J.1 to
,,.k at "s w ell as to liateD
Utur I'.ul it is not lair to d(cr!ml-
mi1- However, I failed to arrive Iu
tune to hear the tlrt iiumhers on the
or.igrain, hut thu vuug inati who
recited "William Tell" ought to have
Lad a r.-call. It carried me hack to
mvchlldh.Mid days and the little un
pu'inud achool-hoin where the chid
icnsjt on high denches U-hlnd atlll
higher d'-t-k. It iuu.1t have deeti
yetrt mid yeart ago; so man v that I
dare not count them, hut I well re
nn ii.der the llltlo hoy, who ul ays
crl.-d when he had to "sx-ak h p'ccc,
and he invarialily sohU-d out sotue
th'i.gahot't Wihiam Tell" aud that
ui'ti.ical apple. I could never quite
e'i it allUcuusu he cried an and had
to do sent to stand In the corner hefore
lie readied ll-e ( lid of Lit tearlul ss
lectioii. 1 ui-d to think he had a very
Under heart, that little tow-headed,
dare-foot hov. to be so w rought up
uver the story of Tell and his ton, hut
the teacher aaid ho only wept U-eauae
he (idjecled to "speaking his piece."
Tdat leacher was not ayinpathetic.
,-de dad no sentiment, no patience
with the children who were "easily
touched to tear," at Col Iugerioll has
The last meeting of the W ',' T U
wat reiiuii kuhle for suveral thing. A
certain resolution taken there may
produce reaiilts. Mrs Addilou'i leo
tuie have dee n the event of the week
with temperance people. wish to
call the iitteutiou of all W C T U
wuineti to the rtcent editorial para
graph iu the (il'AKU relating to the
law winch prohidits tho use of U
docco in any form dy iiiinurH. Is that
law enforced in Kugene? Is there a
unman in our local Union, who if
-ho saw il violated would take active
measures toward having the offenders
putii-hed'.' 1 ask for information on
thin HUhject.
Letter nrMiM Francis H VTlllard
the I'rcss.
Castile, X Y, Deo 11. IS'.KI.
Iienr Mother and Sisters of America:
My heart is dot-ply stirred dy tho sit
en d initii-try to the Implers little or
phan of Armenia. Anything more
pile his than their condition il would
tie dnpo-silile to cniicelvo, and 1 pray
with all my mhiI that our good and
true people, White Uiddoners and
evi rydody i-l-e, tnnv give their Christ
ina money not to U!l llieatookingsof a
otiiiii temi'-riy HielUred In a (. hrlstiau
dome, dut to put atooki.ijj on the
dloeding little feet cfpitltill Christian,
children w ho have no roof dut theaky,
and no food dut the ground mota, ex
cept at wo who are surrounded dy
every comfort reach out hands of help
towards them aud their dnkn-heart-ed
mothers. Let tiseiiadle and enlarge
the hearts of our little ones by showing
Iheii) how they can on this loved day
curry out the Christ spirit. What we
do must he done quickly. One dollar
will feed, tdieller and euro for an or
pdan for a month. Twelve dollars for
a whole year.
The adove suggestion U equally ap
propriate for Xew Year's gifts.
S lid coiitridutlotis for this odject to
Itrown Urns Co., M Wall street
ev oik, marked "For the Orphan
fund of the Xatlonal Armuuiau Uelief
I sometimes feel Ut I plend too
long, so I will make this short hut none
the less earnest, devoted and Uvder.
Ood hle you oue and all, make your
Cliristiuass sweet iu the happy homes
that He ha. given you; ami, better
still, may it he hallowed hv the know
letlge down deep in your 'souls, thtit
y..u have touched the keva of power
that are vihrating In striclien Armeula
so (hat the foraken little children
have food, clothing uml nhclter from
the winter's cold. Let us remember
(hi. word of the Mater, how He said:'
'luicmiucli as yo did unto the least of ye did it unto me."
hope UU PVir Wi"' brillt(!,llrlK
Your Christian Sister,
I'al'.jr liuarO, Ivoemher 19.
et'v)Vl" .,!KH,1US T,,E OKKdON."-
here Ho the llr.n,i"'i i .
V - ! T'1' wliUiMI of the
i . . . . "" is tur biiu
: ""s "legonian
nf l'..f1 1
I. ing tiewspaivr of the Pacitlo
i 1 1 i t i l'-,'tlm Is devoted
pi tlctilnrly lo the opening of the Cas-
t"d:. 1 he first two and last two
p ices are colored llthonraphlo work
n;i UivesviewsoftheColulndia river,'
1 aciUe ocean, Willamette river, the
''," l 'f theColumdla, tho Cascade.
;,l,""i "' tde industrial Intewu of
regon and Washingto,,. A view t
given of IH i'i,..,.i ..lw '
far a. LeuTt..n . ?i... 'en?,n
-isiv.iiu,,., .... . :: ...' ,' nane and
,"P h,u, Sod,oror
c"ninind.idlo pnd
l'wiii'.K'r 1.'.
liAlTlsr Sift i i -l-i. . . .I
'''t church eavT'' .'?lV''Spft!'
I, ......
I I ' LI I 4.T l 11 ' . .
se It SOOIa Rt M,i
nieiihi were i. , fotresh-
at it ,.i,i i r .- "
"ere linhi!g,, in the , V '"n'," e,c'
evening U "e " ' V , , I 'r,,Kr of the
s-'l!i ..u.rl,s:,,f4",, in
hlT.6r. p,t,t",
"U hii aaio
I'ut.'ij rln-lorlc.U :.i
j'.hcy Si ll for l.luuii ami (;,
AWiijf vunia "Uie.
The .Milton I'.iilo sny.t:
Lust wi-i-R two alcck looking -)i.
vldtiuls with voltlhlu tongue vUlted
goodly nn tuber of tho residencea of tj.,
city in tolllni; a patent gloss for Qh
They claimed to I reprvsuiitaivesnf
Old ii K1"K. H'O largo l'ortliunj ,r...
goods II nu hut thoso who Lit uu.,4
shurprs' llttlo halt, with the u,Uh
earnest endeavor to secure a great dial
for a very small exixmdlture hav,
every leasou to believe tho men were
bilks and that they have paid a
dollar for au article which in i,uiy
Is not worth lOceuta.
They represented that the two Luxes
of gloss Klvou were really worth the
dollar hut iu addition would (leliwrtt
anuie latter period which was stueiilni
a set of linger llros, triplu plated til.
ver spoons or knives and forks, or if
the gullible customer preferred tlu-y
would give a certain niuiLur of piv,
of Chlua ware. Upward of thirty
denlzetis of this town assisted the
mtii in transferring upward of thirty
shining silver dollars from thtir
pockets Into ttie pouKeis or me suav
sharpers, but although the time set flir
delivery of the silverware premiums
promised ban long passed they never
came back.
Tho gloss Is nothing but au ordinary
quality of common parallne and there
is prodadly live ceut worth of tlis
article In tho two boxes. Other puptn
iu this state should give the swindlers
the notoriety they deserve.
These swindlers operated 111 Baker
City one day and about f 40 or re
warded their tllovta.
JaHjn-r Ileitis.
The Infant daughter of .Mr and Mrs
Philip Sylvester of Mounluiu Uieu It
quite 111 with spiual inclilngitis.
Mrs Lena Jloorea, formerly of tlil
place but for the last two years a reti.
nent of Astoria has returned. We ate
glad to welcome her back again.
Mr L II MorehoiiHO lias concludt"i
to leave the state nf single bh-asi-d-uiaud
resolved to take unto him
self a wife.
Married at Eugene, Oregon, Decern
her 19, lOW, Mr L II Morehouse, f
Xortli Shore, Washington, and Mi.t
Arettle ilapey, of Fall Creek, Ore
gon. We extend congratulations.
The school will close January 1, 1M'7,
It Is progressing finely under thu utile
management of Miss Luella Brewster
of Eugene.
There will be a Christmas tree at
this place Christmas eve; also a basket
supH-r. A program Is being prepartd
far the eveulng. Everybody invited,
1. adits requested lo bring well lilted
Laurean Note.
lull! Guard, Pcccmbor l'J.
The regular meeting of the Ltttir.-aii
society was held last evening In t'.e
society hull. Mr Wesco was prcm-iii
again and took another Hash ligh pic
ture of the society.
A largc'dulegution of young ladies
from the Eutaxlau society chaperoned
by Mrs McKinley honored us with
their presence and wero photographed
along with the Latireatis.
The visit of the Eutaxluu's was very
mush appreciated and wo hope they
attend oftcu. Tho society continues u
grow and nt each meeting applications
for membership come iu. Two nume
wero added to tho membership roll
last night.
The program hist ulght consisted nf
an Extemporaneous address by Mrl)
V Kuykeudall on the subject "Popu
lism," a prepared address by Mr J
McFaddeu ou the subject '"Should the
State Support Higher Fducatlon," and
a debate ou the subject: "Resolved that
the United States should luterfere lu
the present Cuban trouble." The do
bate was decided Id favor of the ittllr
niatlve. Mr Richards, Mr Barker and
Mr Kuykeudall eupported the iilllr
mative and Mr Evans and Mr Loouiis
the negative Next F'rlday evening
the society will debate tho question
"Should there be a national lucome
tax." The publlo is cordially invited
to attend.
They Were Married.
The Corvallli Times gives the foi
lowluir account of how a T.inn county
young couple were made happy:
"Hugh Cummlngs, of Halsey, Linn
.ni". ... i ... , . i...
vi'uui., is u marrieu man, out, m
looked for a timo hist Tuesday as
thomrh he wa ilnninml lo llvn In sin-
glo blessedness. The young limn is
loss thau twenty one years of age and
When linniniin I.. f'Ari'..lll aro.r nll
... .. v.i.-jv iv. vm tuiiio mm..
cenjseto wetl a Benton county girl ho
not nrnied with the usual 'pnr-
Pnt' PAtlMitrtl fm 41, ,k iia,, rt thi
' ' ' U I IV i V IIU U'lU V a
couuty cleric. The frieud along with
hill! Il.llli1li'r nntatuiit.
tive groom was of lawful age, and all
omul mere was ft neap or irouuie.
Finally the telegraph wan resorted to.
A dlapatch was sent to tho parouts at
Halsey, and afler a period of waiting
meuieu yearn to ine anxious
VOtirll Ilia n. - I l.l. I,
iUD nuiitcreniue, ami witii n
icense was quickly odtaincd Up
Into the county judge's olllce the
couple hasteued, and in a few solemn
words Judge Hutlord pave the world
a uewly wedded cnnnln. The bride
was Mlis Ada
Uazette: "The insult otlered Prueidotit
H 11 .Miller of tho Afrricultural College
is deeply regretted. While tho citizen
and the press ot Corvallis protested
v gorously against the selection of Mr
Miller as president of the Institution,
Olll of tutt.l a- i . . M A".t
"- -Raii iui its reputitiiun oi'"
etllcd?ncy, they have accorded him all
possible aid In making his manage
ruent a success. They have known for
some time that he has not succeeded,
but did not desire to embarrass him by
criticism. The aflalr of the ting ami
etngy while finding a seemlug exctt c
In existing conditions, was evidently
simply the work of spiteful hoodlum
or objectless smart alecks."
Daily GuatJ, Ptcentber, in.
The Modf.ratok. The Moderator
an eight page Sunday morning paper,
was ii led from the ofllee of the d"
V..";, Iroaii Ase this afternoon by H.
Hosa. Tle Moderator is presented
to the public aa a continuation of tin
paper recently published at CottiiU''
'rove by Mr IM. Vc wls, it sue-