The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 26, 1896, Image 4

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    Kugcnc City Guard.
A viil pen picture of the man
who U charged with the terrible
responbibility of mippresning the
Cuban insurrection waa written by
Mr Ilapplcye, an American cor
"My journey through the foreat
of gold lace terminated before the
cloeed door of General Weyler'a
official abode. There an adjutant
more bedizened than the rest of the
dazzling multitude, trod aoftly to
the portico, grntly opened the way,
retired again without aaying a
word, and we were alone in the
presence of the man.
"And what a picture! A little
man. Au apparition cf black
black eyes, black beard
dark, exceedingly dark complexion;
plain, black attire. Ilia ryea, far
apart, bright, alrt, and utriking,
took me ii at a glance. Ilia face
aetuied to run to chin, bin lower
jaw protruded far beyond any onli
nary indication of fi.-uineM, jkt
nislenco or will power. Hi fore
head io neither high nor receding;
neither is it of a thoughtful or
philosophical man. His ears are
set Ut back; and what is called the
region of intellect, in which are
those mental attributes that are
defined as powers of observation,
calculation, judgment and execu
tion, is strongly developed. Weyler
is lean, diminutive, shriveled, am
bitious for immortality irrespective
of its odor, a master of diplomacy,
the slave of Spain for the glory of
sitting at the right of her throne,
unlovable, unloving, exalted."
It is reiwrtod that Myrtlo Creek
in oon to have a newspaper, Thur
man Chancy and Chas. Uice hav
ing purchuscd tho plant of the do
fund Cunvonvillo paper and
moved it there.
Koseburg Review: Tho only
marked return of conliucnco we
notice in Oregon since tho election
is among tho safe crackers, who
aro unusually octivo in their opera
tions. They have tho discretion,
however, to attack only postofl'ice
safes, knowing that those of busi
liens men would bo found, as i
rule, very empty.
l'ortland Tribune: Russell A
Alger will not be in the cabinet.
There are several reasons why.
One is that after "the tour of tho
cenerals." which was ono of the
most elfoctivo foaturea of tho cam
paign, and which was supposed to
lie (ion. Alger's contribution to tho
caus3 of sound money and good
government, the republican nation
al commit too was called upon to
pay a bill of 147,000.
A Dalles woman lias a unique
idea for encouraging girls to culti
vato housekeeping arts. She will
form a physical culture club, thu
girls to wear bloomers and blouse
waists, and will call every kitchen
duty an "exercise." Dish washing
will be "Kxercise No. 1, for tho
Development of the Wrist
Muscles." and will appear three
times a day on the program
Kweetiiiis is an "Kxercise to De-
velop the Forearm," scrubbing, an
"Kxercise to Prevent Knee Sullen
ing," etc. Her class, to begin
with, consists of three daughters.
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet at the
nge of o(5, Mid at that age Byron
had ceased his great literary labors
and gone hence. At 30 Clive had
conquered India, and at S3 Alex
ander had conquered the world and
was in eternal peace. Napoleon
was a geneial at 27, and at 30" was
master of Kurope. At 32 Jefferson
wrote the Declaration of Independ
ence, and Webster was the ieer of
the greatest in the land. At 27
Hamilton was the leading finan
cier and statesman of the new
world. Pitt and Fox ere leaders
in Kngland al the age of 23.
Chaucer did his work while a boy,
liryant wrote Thanatopi at IS,
and Bryan ran for president at
the age of 30.
Tiik FiNWT-IVrfumee In the world
r tlia Losihin Cmovvn. W have
tli following leader: Maidi-kit.,
Will. It KoK, VlOlKITK 1K 1'AHMA,
fAU.NK autl t'HAIUI'Fi.K 11.UHM.
Alo a lint of odor f the Iwat Anier
loan perfume. Do not t deceived by
cheap prices oo perfuuiaa. They r a
delusion and a anarw. A good Bus of
other toilet uoveltiee.
VKKiKQTOM'a 9th St. Drugstore.
Oikl Waktkd. To work lu the
dlnlug room of Xlluneaola hotel.
"I gin fur the ("" 'I'l tlaja."
Now In iifmrn ma tlwo In vsg,
Wie nun cniiMM oar wajra,
Ttllio ua ll g'iu wrung.
04 book tha othrt night
Tallin 'IjuuI uld fuklonixl nun.
Start. In with kun di-iiKht
fur Ut trm Uiolr lui too-la tlwo.
Taturad llrrllii. mr- ry ik
Yallrr Willi ll atain of frtrt.
"TbU," I. "will !.) an '
Uiin tin n ws n't Do cliaoua tor"
bVarmlj fit rhit r r-vl
fur 11 aturtad In Ut praise
Onljr lblnii tint tin n tiu.1 Sl
Luogln lur tiH r"' '''
Wellington fctar.
"Who and what m hef"
I u aland In if In tlic churchyard of
small town on the Uinlifa of outh fctaf
lordnblra one brlKht Hunday afternoon Id
April not many yinra airo.
I in a at run it In that port of the
country and wan pomlng through tho plnca
In tliMiirB c.r a l'iti woit irxm umiw
(fi-r adj.'ioetit town lo wlil'.h my liiwlwita
had taken Din tlw iLijr l-fnro.
'llnteitenalvo niliiltiif oprrntloiu t thu
Lut 1J nr 15 Tours hml alli'rtol tli iinpro-
tcnillng plaro mnUTlally, and, thonii.'i th
ijualnt old churi li mid sino Piuk nii'l l'iw
liulMlliirt. infiftlvi!if fariiia and li'imo
tiil, still rUilridnn air ut tMr. slin
tillflty, thi-y w-rn Mt Kriwlimlly ul
srilMl, tllO lw lt lf B-.pljUtlrv.tlil liy tlm
f.irnml ro' f pliiliiimd iifily U-iM iiii-iiH,
liullt MprwiBly fr thu mini"" ix'nili'iii,
whli h mory )ir was Uxomlnn mom and
iiiuni iiumur'iiiB.
1 had bhiu-mI inj-m ir liy ! -ipr' rur
vino of the liistrlpiliiiirt .n tlm nn-
tunni. well iiIkIi uliliti-mtiil liy thu li-
cr Btulm and the ni"" that tlnm Ii.mI Mif
P-nxl Ui find ronf li-. M In tlm li'ilinH n
tho li-tt-rlnu. wlii-n a limn, pn-minmhly a
miner, In thu MiiHlny rlntlii - iiliur ti
that class, rarrytiiu a llttl" i lilld 'if -' nr 3
ri-nrs. anil fullnw-il liy nii'itlu-r bhiih-wIii.i
oldi-r, wtl hi in" If a "' Htoim mid
dp-nil a cunvi-rsiUliiii.
A liVllly Spoki ll Ii llnw l-li'iu(ii, iiMiiiKH
With tho liliiiiiith ft' ii-iil of !' I 'limln.
1 ruullly lu-'i-pn d tin' liivlt.itiiiii Iniof-ft-rwl,
and warlmttnl pl.-numtly.
lie had kimwn tin- phu-o nmtiy jmiri, Im
ti,l,l mil n)ri, Ihiik ln-forn It luul imwii In
to tlm town it now whi n It win until
Inn lint a liiiinl lu llhi". ami whi n thu
ImiK Knujur rlmiilin(r'irii Imwi-d ltn Ik.mI
t tho wind on tho ki t whi-ro tho mi
BlKhtly viikIiiii Iikiim.' anil Uill, ntl rhlinm y
now sti k m1. and hi-rw tho ln-'ips of lilarf
and rlndi-r luarkiil tin- Imsy lifo of tlm
tulli'II In thu ivirth Ix-liitv.
'Jhat hninlxiiiio inmlilii iiHiiiiiineiit, Im
told mi), ili-linli-il thu nlli'K plii'H"f
tlm lutu nvtur, iiinl this hiun-im- iln of
Itrmiltii was tlm Iniiili of a r i it lo-ul
niiilrt'. iHiiiularlv ku; n iw" i" lin k, "
who, It sivimil, .i. iiim li i;u u t i ln-rsu
rm-liiK, i LIlalitH'K a"1' M" " mni'-u
iHirtii. and who. IIuk a -mI "m-'i-r ihi
Wi-ll,"a thiitiiihtl'--, r.vUl. f -!!iuv, Imt
withal K'khI and -. H"'" :.
IM mu ll iP'lilry imt niitn ini-iil ly nr.-, Iln
most iN.puLir iiii ihIk r of hn I.iioily
As my IH'W if 1 11 iliil-oi"' poin'i' l out
thiwo olijw-ts niul "tin r will-ii im iii hihiii,
I mipiMMK, would Inli-n-l ln' l'' had ri-i-n
fnim his wit, and ui hud sipilhtl tliroiii,'li
tho rhiirt hyunl.
It was InniiiriM rand rutin-' I" Imllmv
that, Ixfnnia hun.l l n il of unvt hnf
and divkwl with tlm pn iiy : "i Ih.w.-r,
inn fully plaint In Urn form of iTim, ho
Imtli, as of mm no mil, uin. !. It Ii it I imt
any iraMxtonn, only a hi " v.ini l,
siiiiiHirtnl Iit two nl.ort npriuliK t m 1 1n
was roiixlily rurt'd, aslf null p rl.i-t
klilfB, thri two w ,il.: ' KL'hl liiti .1. . "
" 1'liat Is n Klrmirfii In ripllmi ti put
over a man's Kr-ir " ' s-'ld ami : mhl
l, "W hn ami .i In-;"
Tho mail wati-.l hlui-i lf on a tim i Iomi
Iit and was slh-nt for a frw nimiiiU.
Ho had wt down tlm rhlld h' liail U-n
oarrrliiK, mid tlm two Huh rhlhln n, at
tnu tod liy III" hrii lit ll.iwi'm, had f nind
thulr Way to 111" niinind and wri iilmut lo
gathur tin-in.
"Ilciv, yon inn-it ut loin It thriu How
rrs," ho said, and taklnn a hau l of rai-li
lit! thriu away
"WVll, innlr," ln tlirn wrnt oil to i-a.tii
mo tn rvply lo my niir-tloii, " I il m I right
ly hi' wa llowasil
trnoynr down h -tr. mil in-ltln r im' nor
mvmai.4 Bun i . 1 1 , 1 if i . 1 1 .- ,
from oi wlni lie sv
"Vthiu this lino pit- I ntoii a pil, u
roll It was find worktil, wu had hut h iv
hands hrrualioiits. and ini-ii nsruulil wmU
had no call lo wait lonit for u J . I' mid ii.'t
fisl ivaifS as wrll. Mint of 1 1 a- li.unU
worn fnnii MallonUhliu, lull m m-vi-r
kiiowiil whrru Joo oaino from, aiul I don't
know as ivn aakml, and p'raps ho wmihlu't
ham told us If WB had.
' Ho was nuh't and loimtyllkK mid said
Imt lltllr llial Is, w hrll In' win all rlht
hut whru hi' d had a drop of ilrlnk, as
maylwof a Sunday iilttht, w Inn lo' had
Kottrn his nac". i f all Ilm h.uuU 1 rii-r
ti swivir, ) . ii 1 his inoiu y or tllit tln rn
wasn't oii llkr I'l (litlnit .loo. "
"And hninv I. Is nana', 1 snp.s't" I
askrd. " And. of iMiirsa, ItUthonKI Btory
annln drink. . .,.i irrl and a lolcut
lloatjl, tli"li)Tl I ' '"1 uudi t-land In that
raw tho t'Mdr ' i in that Is iK'il'iwrd oil
tho poor fi'llnv. i ill, sui'h as It Is. "
"No, sir," thr in in Mid itravrlv, iiltrra
monirnt's p.iu.1'. ' Not ipilui all that. A
Tlllll'llt lllMllll, ' , . 'll Blll'll illicit It as 1
Itll M lit pray tin I i lii' rr hap'il to thii
worst of us, hut It wnni t drink, nor a
quarrtd, nor a l'i('l with uiiollirr mini,
that hrotiiiht hlui to It. It was iiioru tlm
ulhr way, poor lad inotv tlmolhrr way I"
Tho l"Ull follow U-ohls mo hild this
with a "iiiliMn.iiof loiio n ml inn im. r Hint
was iillli-lsiillr out of kvi'i'iiirf Willi his
uppmraiioe to cvlto bhiiib ilimtw of run.
oslty, and 1 told him I should llku to
luur of tho tton-.
"It's not iiiiii-li as Biiiha you lultfhl
rare for," tho nuin rvpllnl.
"Hon-," ho said, liiriiliid to tho lltllo
oiiob, who wotw mrai li'ii towil tho ;rs'ti
luoillid Bk'nln, "you imiHin't toin-li tlii-nl
IhwIos, thou kimivt. tio and K''l s.uii of
thorn." And he jrrkod a sinsll plivv of imh!
lio hail In his html toward w In tv somo
ilnUu-s mid il.ind' '.l-.ns wi-ro nr" inrf In
iiioiik tho rank Kr-iHs.
"lio workid lu rriiloii s pit alour of
lni and. t IhmikIi " urior had .int:ry orxls,
tunny anil many ad . wmld .,aaiul iu-1
thor hlui nor mo wauld ik II.-
ijiiU'k, as I said, iiutl w I rn I .' I inlii I I ml
drink w ould kii p In 'lf to I i- lf 1 h.-rv
waa a II i Iiik In t'ow l- n ia tln-n. a' d
K'lk'htlli;t Job III I ' d '( li. r t ihoi I
know that ho hail . vl in.i. i lo In r. l-ul
WB rould s ho was ul ot r f u.l of I !
Imhiii lad could wi ll U- I l,'i " t .it.
for luotlu r w n l.i ii K tin m. iiud t .1-4
would iilleti N Uuiivu lur h. u i mid
"ll nvins Dial oi o I ., !o i ' - it
lilluhl ls J. I' i 'i. "..r.ii ii : '
hflT how fotld 1:0 W... of l.i'l and a.ktt li
to hcooiiio his wifo ho told luullior this
Hunt saino ntiiht. Wrll, tt mvtus !io said
that Jts) intuitu 1 1 k for that, for sho waa
alroady promlaid and was nolii to I
at ViulUiintldo. W hrii sho t"ld Jis tkt.
ha naavr said aw -nl, Imt Im iirvw rry
whll.t In tiH' f.i.xi and luriitd ipilrtly aw ay.
" 1 h tint day lw ixl to work Issldo
tlia vory man wlm was 'iidisd to t-o
Uaa ho loved, Wrll, lin y had lu ll at wt
for Boine IIiimi hrti J.s-s iiisir, lurii.i'if
round ! s hold of a shortrr pi. k tli.t
Was lyliiK lirar. sits hlui nMndliiK Is'htud
him with his arm mi.aI and !ir pn k lu
tits lutnd. as If lu it. nil. I wlirthrr io strika
or not, and with a look lu his oyra as lus
had Dorvr Uvn known K woar hofurw
' iua Iws Mtra Usikirl at ono an-tths-r
wltiiout njjr iklinj l"t uwhlla till Jis; kod,
'lsl f ,rl. luu!' ami tumid away, and
from that ihiy Ihry iievrr wirkod sido hy
slilo iiiin. 1 don't know how it waa, hut
wo uil to think Jis krpt away on pur
j4j' I n onii so as not t bo In tlio way to
Btrllio tho otlu roew. That would 1st a nmt
U:t of thnw or four months l:fore the lira "
"What firrf" I askod.
"What fin" throthiTnis-ati-dln a tnna
of f tonlshiniTit "Why, I'enuin'spll. Jid
you i.rii-rhiar of tho 11 ro In Ki-iitoii'ipit;-"
".N i," I n-pllud. "Vou knuw, I am a
Blrainr1 ' ln-ro."
"Ah, you in u t Is;, I nhould think," tha
man ai.dsomi-whatroiiiyhly, "if you never
hivixd t 11 of that."
Ho ti '.k outastnnll hlai krned pipe fnin
Ids i ki-t and lllh-d tha lswl In a imv
chatilral way, fur his thoiiifht wt-ro evl
dmitly fur away, and his faru Isnama aad
dumsl u :id al mint ti-ndi-r lu Its expriawlon
undor t.R-lr Inlluniine.
lis rrniainod allrnt bo lnnj( that I said,
"1 should llko to bistr shout that Uro If
you don't mind tolling me."
"Waa you ever down In a pit, matrf" ho
I told him no, hut had often tlioulit I
hoiild llko to ut) one
"Ili-ttr-r Uiy wl.uro joil uro," tha man
aim im -ml.
"Ah!" I-" mldid ufti-r nnolln-r puu-o,
"It's straiiifo how wo mlnliiif ssiph: dir.
Hut H i stranu"1' how wo live."
"How do you nu-au 1 nskisl.
"I've workisl in thu pit for mnrr nor U'J
yanrs," im ri pln-il, lint I novrr koiiohii
III tho rnii! now tun 'al , sunt' that nun.' 1
jHiak on Imt 1 think 1 may Isj Kolnif ti
inr irravn Wluit Willi thr rinlnx of wnt. r,
or thu full of thu null, or thr I'lmko damp
that ini'uns drnlh, thu lives as -irh as us
ain't worth iniwh. Hut nil thr-m put to-
iX' tln r ulu't nothliiK to a pit on lln-.
"Whrli thucsd Is hurtlnoiit with hint
and tlm hravy mn-iN'S of turth fall down,
ru-hlnif or l.iinln tin ni that raii't (f t out
of thr wny wIm-ii thr rry Is, 'Kvrry man
for hlinsi lf and ti'sl almvu for us nil'
whru falntliiK and UniKllnif thry think
for a inoini iit of wlfu and iliildrru, and
thru thry fall mid dlu!
"Wrll, that was tho sort of flro 1 -ak
of, and all of lli"" at work In tlm pit that
day ruthisl for tho lift that inlifht rarry
thriu up away from tho plai-o w In-ro thr
lluturs wrro rourlnx mid runhintf with tin)
nulm of a irnat wind.
"Wrll, l-'l.-htlii Jimi was thu last mall
In tha lift, us thry thought, Imt Jut ns
thry wrro ls-tclniilnu to inovii thry Inanl a
loud cry for In-lp, mid lin y saw that othrr
ono hliuwho had marrlisl Jisi's siviit-In-art
makliiK for tho lift and lr::lnn
thrill, for li st s aakr, not to hvivr hlui Im
hind "Writ, Ml t. II you, tlm lift was nvrrfnll
thru, hut, lis) i.pniiif from it and m-l.d
hold of thu olli. r ono, villi tho lalp of
thorn) Insldr, haulisl hllll In, and all wo
hi-ard hlui nay was, 'Trll In-r 1 did It, mid
(iod I .li l llnv. miitr!'
' Tlirn wo In-nrd tho Mar of thr llann s,
mid kii tirvi-r saw J's nirilu. "
'I ho man sat iiili-tly for u wrondor two,
and, thouKli Ids v.. no did not falirr, ho
adilisl lu a Boft. r loinv
"Hut tlm nrxl day, w In n tho llio h.ul
liu rti 'I lim'lf out, I wasnimof tinni that
wriit dow u into tho pit.
" l ln rr was a rrowd of inlnrr.-t' uiirii
and rhlhln n Hlandiiiii at tho pit inoui li,
lilnl wh ll wo i-alini up airilu wr laid a
ln.ily irnlly on tho imuhiI. and tlm mm
took i oir Ihrlr i-.-ips ami Mhl nr'i-r n word,
M lilln thr wnmrii rriiil. iiu-.l many of tln-in
silil-il nl. mil. It w as hlai'kriiid mal
liuriiiil, mid, hut for whi rr tlm pitman s
J.n-I.rt mvtsl him, It InlKht havr li-ii no
mom than tlm r.irih it was IiIiik on.
"ilut as wo tooil trndi-rly lo ralr and
i-airytl r lusly away tho Jn ki t fi ll oil,
and I lore, on that part w In rr oliiv Unl a
trim luurt, was a . k of woman's hair.
" 'llr hud ln'iorrd It of In-r,' sho Kild, 'o
oflon sho had not tho In-nrl lo ii-fuv hii.i,'
and lio 1 only knows, iiialo, what romf ut
poor J'Ki 1 1 I h-1 1 1 havo fi ll lu wrarliiK ll l..r
tn-r Nil.o.
"Wo l.uriiil him with thai llitlr mil Ii '
liuroii his lin-a-l, mid, w llh many a Ii
mid many a 'liisl I. Iris tlui', Jtor lad" wo
lowrritl him lo Ids r. st.
"Wr plantrd thriu llitlr II. OM-rs, and It
Bis'iin d to mo ai If thry unuviil l.nlil. r
on hU toiiih than miyivhrro i-l-r. "
lln utiiMil nitaln, mid as I nl-.l.-a l.-ok
at 1 1 1 in I saw two larp' trars ndlliii; down
his hard faro,
Ho was a lltllo emliarrnsd at my oli
Hrriluir thriu, 1 think, for ho nald:
"Hun t think tlm wnrs' of inr, inalr, !
raiiM' I'm irlvlnir away a Id', hut I am t
IH OI l-"' ai'l-il " Sjt.ii Monn'til-
W liu Was Trior's I IiI.h-.'
Sprint', 111 Ills mnvilolrs, aiM-rti that slni
Win a Woman of thr lowr-d i lass. tllln is
nay sho was hlcal. "1 know thr roliiran . '
n.iys .lohti Wi'Mlry, an uurwplioiial'h' w it
lirss. "1 havo luviril my rldrst hrotln-r .iy
hrr liamo wits Mlis 1 at lor; that ho kurw
lmr Wrll, and that shr omv i-aiur to hlui 111
lawn's yard, Wo-.tnilm-irr. ptirposrly to
ask liNinhh-v. him (old hlui: 'Mr, 1 kmuv
tiot what to do. Mr 1'rlor uiakrs laro
profrsMlons of his loir, hut ho nrvrr mlrrs
mo luarrlaito 1 My hrothi r luil hrr la
lirlim tho maltrr to a point nt oinv. ln'
wont dlnvtly to Mr. Trior and! him
plainly, ' lo you Inlrnd to marry lur or
Hot" llr Mild many soft mid ptvtiy things,
on wlili h sho mild: 'Sir, in rvfuiliiK to
iiiiswrr, you do auswor. I will sv you no
uioro.' And nho did sot hlui no iuoiv to
tho day of his doath. Hut nftrrwanl sho
BH'iit many hoiu-s laiulinn mid wt 'pliirf
nt hint. unli lu W rsimliisirr aliU-y. " 1 In-ro
lot hrr Ktund, o lliipilsillio irill.-, ilni
truol'hloo ns wo would fain ( Iriurv Inr!
"I do not rrinruils r, " rruiai knl tl.o
i-alilillsil kluK as ho iln w nway from tlm
tal'lo altrr uiolilriilnx thr lips of l.w lln
Uris In tl.o llii)f.T Is.wl. "1 do not irHiiia
ta r that I otor ato a niorrdrlli lukiihmI
"1 am so h lad you llkil It. slrr, " n-pihl
tho imitrful rhrf. "That was a a wool Kill
IfRulyi'tialtv" I ittuhurit I'liMtiU-lo lolo-
.1. .. It, mid ll..lH.T. ,
A goiitli'lliatl just trtlirnril to Luinl. ll
from tlio r.n ills' and ollirr frstivitirs lit
Caniirs calls my iittilition to A mh .i1
font uro of thr royal ijayrlirs m tln .i(
fortnight whit h will lo i f uptvial iuu r
i't to Amrrii-aiis. ihiri f kr liitn is
rf thr rniKf of Walt-s mi Ins a. rival at
tho Kit i:i was to makr a ts-r-oi.a) t a'l
upon a privalr fiturti of thr I'lii!,,!
Stairs. Two days lal.-r tlio priin-o itivit
fil him to luiii li, an invitation win, 1; the
Allirrii aii w as unahlr t.i aii i pi, Kvaua
liohtm-s If w.i Unit day -n'.i-rt.ijii'.iu x
I'tnpros riiK'riur. tiraiid Dukr Muln l
nd otti. r ro al i;urpls. It is a fai t '.1
known in all ivurt.s im,l salons m tlio
tviilint'i-.t that no uniitlrd I'.k'.'.vi.UiuI in
Sl laiivi' is o oi ril Lilly wiUvlr.rd iu
tlw ni': i-s,i'Hiio i m li s i f r.'ja'.iv and
Sllst.i r ti-y mi '.Ins laau. His ti.imo is
J.iin.s ti'-rl. n V -!;ji.-t;. Now York
Sim's I., lulo n l-
Ilaih.r AWard.
Thr t':V . s v, w l.u-ls rrrucV . 1
In Hi'', il 1. -! i" '- w l.o take t!,c hvt
of tin tr w i. -' 1 . 1" ' -..liu tuui-a ti)
w kw a: I I, . -!.,. . 1 y ttv li.t-.ty piUM,
An c.i.l .. ky .'.a.' i Ma. r t .tirniij tUr
win.!, w i f ;
h. r 1 -I'u: :
llln lu ; r ill
the I" .-! 's ,., !
rt-vclt. r w .
tiU, t. o . "
1)- Wr'ti ,' i
fivh.'i. ! t ; i
l.t tu ut: i "v"
ir i f a I.i lv whom
..).. t.
.I Tin- ni.tsvr of
I i alt. iit !.;U rf
in llr r.'.'.'d a
1 1
i. ' r.r.d a! t'."
i.. -;i!.d had
1 h-t Is crv
-v I- hl'.l t'f
II uil,
,. hi -I linos
loll lo U'lVr
l.i l! .ll air
, a r i. : ii it-
Uss'ful ..
lnl. A airol I'. s
or Slipprr- ill I-' "! I'1'"
liuted us n, o li as u K'-lil
watch. Ut- l air a II,'
Tl Willi
thn w. im ii I ' " . 1 ' ' '
orr hrlpi. s Pi i . r ..f
Tin y I.. i 1 1 - ..'.-. 'i--.
nuiM.-s ti,,- u-:'i- I . : i
limtaiit II ! o .-.
lllll-t l-h.i-r I'"' I il I ' '
uiairrl i.s in. -I H.I..IIS-..
Ihla Mills inr. .Maria- ' a 'i
In pnthi-iln np"il t a f. '
".Maria." n oiti-n as u i. !..
worth hi-arlni, la,i
"No,' a. Ih- ni-. t : r I .
11.. j 1 1 .it...
.; ai, ll
I or I. , ,::t
. in. 11 ;i,i- ll
..-,"V.-" or
!:.:.. .1 hv
iiri-jinli'-i-. 1. 1' old 1'.
I Hi- 1-
1 "
tonal ilt-liUr f ir n i i-r: . .
III -. :i o of thr Ilia' ' -
iUi-tl i ns t i w in I .-r - :
ults tn-r Mini! I ii i- !
of ihs-iili- j. I shoiil !n I I
iay. "I ''" Hot l!k.- n .1. "
thai! V -i li-r In law 1. .'I
llkr ll. an ' i i '-ry in a. In,:-.
w-'iat I. - . I' T ' r "
sa.'ily -a.; ' lor allot hrr.
" .Maria -," iitlni Is t!:"
Iiii-anii.' w .man w l.o Is -
tilings. l.owi'Vi-r hl'l.ou-.
1 ;..! 1
a 1 -1
M III f.-hloll. Ih-r k.
wrr-lln f. i-!.;y Willi t!ir t ii
rny, hy t!,r -'Id of a hi i ; d
nnr. to talk I'ii in In!" a:
arrrpt tin- il:-" urn of I '. i v .
out lirlii'' k' i 'it ! ; i i o I
forni-tl il i .'. .1 tl.i ir aiivi-.-
ml 1' i
of I Will
'I !r 1
::. Willi
on 1:.
.. r. I 1
ti ni ! ::y
'1 '!'d'.'1ii.
ii iii v-nifii"
tlm so!,- ;
r-ui h v.o,.,
irnotl . '. !
Hlld slim!.,
tiin-rs i ri ,
Il'll. U! I'.
Iniikll u Ii
f . I. ,n
..... of i,r.',.i
.. .. 1. il I . v..
-i.'l---.i.r I :.:
I. - I
and !
" of I.:
If I .o
11 ll r mark. 1.
.. r.i
II w
:- .t I
r.-l, i
'I n I
p:y t . ohlip
etolv. d
1 I is' ft i;
Tho In-1 : .' w!
-. il... 11 i;'
linili-r th . i-.n I.. -i ii:- i; lit r, ttl.l.-h
prrilll'li il ' ' .-' in I:.- :... ..!-. I r in-f-oriltnj
I" I i - 1 ivii 1 1 ii ' :i ,1 ;..n f..r I li-- - i ,. '
of mail-' i . . : il: . . :. in t! : i ...
and " t ..- I . . r i n p.. . "a a r- it i: v
of ti.. will, of t, . Ind , I... Mi IS. ..'
was of liir v. .i. jiioi. -i.. -I -h- i -!..-rn
il. i In' i'.. loin. u law La. 1.M1I1 1 ! .. I .-
'in.-! hinix I., tt. r. and w.":u ii i f I. ,,;!.. r
i-har.ii 1. r i.-.w r. i'.Mi in "or I:- m - a : 1
train tlm ilnMr.i- I 11! f- j 1 1 - - f Loild
typisa:.' Ifl. iin.l I1, ,r h: a :.--.'. 11 Im-i
flillly 1 ill- I a w Hr .y 1 -.ii.-l. I- 11011:1.
I'olnlll'.tl :.M. rl.-il I a I hr ra -iliil
lirss luul I "' !i - ii:i n arr I in-ta
nchrs lo I ! ,i..,-. and 1. 1
their ow u I. ind-.
In man i i.- i'n- i--- .
nflon yh I I nnlii - !
I III' Mil II. o of I
roliirs t I-r tot al :-l -"t i ' :
Ire and Imp", in iki. r
lhplrd i n al'irr ln-i .
till thr i.l h, r l.ntnl. a l
which Very liln-ly r. ,
a family j ir. 1 hi- i. t
Ihi or not to !,.-' U I o
a illk-nill. l -i, mil i- i i..
I ho I s I'lo.ii- ll w 'II I ,.
Im ' li ii ....ii i -
In i !' I- i .
ll," l..o,,,v -. I ,. -.ill
tdll.tlll.l III lln- ' I I.. T
folllnl this I hoilfe'lit i ii '
lln. r.-iiii-dy in
o ir .' In a. I w II
t-. i-n lo I
c. inaii.l. TTo-ti
. f will an. I il
v, :l- a - lrii lrs,
f aw .niati. i r,
i..,l I. i ikci.
- ' C-id.-i-alilr of
I-.. I. hat If "to
-I .. I In- mi n. r
1 1 i- l.ciii r am!
I. i I to i;iiarri.
t i
ii .
. ii i.i t ii k l.i. i i
Lot no oil,, con
a rn-Mr.. ilr-lru
tu havr his or In r
of this Is alwai.
ili'iini'd. lY.u-1' :
". ii way." The r.-..t
and to li, con
t. l I if .:. liv III fainilv
Ufa aii w ort Ii oi , r .
or honor. t'hl. io
Mcii'h llnr plu-h
! 10
: i
rpt prltietpii'
I' r, '-'
il i k. l
$8 50. irio'lLv,: '"; - " ' ' ' ,;PV " $7-00.
- : af..'T.'i' 4 j i,. "
l I V !'. I : " I'M .'. o-.v
,.:'i .. $7.50. " '.'."ti
V:i!rli for Ti. J.ars-alii Si Kli'liaiige.
;i -s . ut and put in I" "rJt'r-
j.' L fhamhers.
(ira.uir ware-is K'"d hut the Sew
lv,l,j.e porrrljin is t' ami umre;
duratih'. .-ro
It ut r 1. iIi!iiiiimt. i
Kino I ru'liis,
ti-lliiloi l k-uro i
fraiin s 1 .'iinitB s.'rfuiiii'
l.-nl lor ( 'hristinas pirsriit
air i xi't-l-St-
..-roii tSc I. inn's tn-v.rtiii. tit h- fore
Miss I lia Tliollipsoii, who hn t'en ;
aUnnliiiif tin- stale liormul fthool tot
. . . 1 ..I.. Iruin I
Monmouth, arnvni on inr imuj
litis iiiorniiiK and will hpi'iid the h" I-
da ut hoiiit.
Thi r is notliiinf that csusit om-n
n-stt-r di-eoiiifurt aDd mlacry than
the c'onsunily recurring headache.
Men sullrr U with btadache. "My
wife's health was very ludifferent,
hsviti l.ead.-n he cotitinuully, and J'JMt
two im kuiis of .-iiiiiiinns I. her H.-KU-litor
r.ha-i.l lur Irom till heuda.he
ami ,ave tour ami vi'or to her whole
-v. inn. I havr never regretted its
u,e." M I! Ivll 't'l, Mt Veruoli, Ky.
Alhuiiy I1.111 1 rat: "A V Moore,
(lieex-liii IV l:-;iilnr Army tint 11 has
hern in thr i-iiy n.viiii tryitijr to hi Ik
p.-opr uitli nnr of hi. us'.isl suhsi-rip-i
inn ptprrs. l'oi V'ull' this 1111111 mr
pa. s all rolnpi.-t.tors." This ealue ill
dividual h ft a milliner of unpaid hills
III this elt y. lie should he flVellu "h
mi soine city rock pile under the va
iir uit art.
t'orvallis Tinits: Sua ('use, well
know n in i'.eiitoii I'ouii'.y, w here for
many years he tip' rulrd, has Isftl
"lli'linpe.l," us they cull it, hy ftU ill
diiiunt, hut apparently onery line
luiii'l. un i. now a Kueiit. I urher.
MifsA'hiti Islnui is s lin In the
ri ill ts in T.iioiiiii to havr hot inaiiiell
name 1. Vol.. to In r. She
s.n-, in her 1 o:ii.'ailit, that March
li'1-', -': was hired into 11
eiiulrtict 111 1: rao w itli A A llooth, 11
i.teiun;rapl:i-r in Hi'.' olll 'e of the flute
Ian. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 , in Olyiiiplii.
Tlieodoro l'ti. hint; was m-nti-iiced hy
.Iinlr I'.ui k, in S'.okaur, Momhiy, to
10 years nt haul lalr ill the Wiilla
( Wniln pi nili iili.i! y for killing his i.irul
Miall. This w as r.i.iilli;s' second trial,
nr"' Hoe tho jury lroiitlit In a
venliel of n.uril. 1 in the second ili'Kne,
and thr "emnd liii.e of tniilitlaUirhter.
Tlir ."an I'latii-i-. i) t'lironiclo of I).' 10th Con: mis 11 wood cut of
llradv Horin-tt. A v-ry line write 11 11
j iiivoiiip-ttiirs t!,i. cut in which lirinly
i I" l"b 11 ot :i a pheroinriial long-
dis itiu-r nitim r !-. I is ifiveii full credit
lor I, is p--i I'm in. inn.- wi!h the Mult
lioiii'ili'. iliinui; thr sporiiiid year
w lilrli Ii i-ju-t a--. .1. J'.radi w ill i;o
loMaiil'i.:il I'lHV! r-ity eiirly ill the
-pun- tin. I Ii mi I In- t Iirot 'irlr's in-.
count ll -.pi i ai-thr taiif n.l lur II nr
!ook!i u t"i' at. I to I ; i ;4 I - ti- a yivat
up "( I" l.i' it itllih-lic It-. mi.
i' '. U t'.r'i ! ''s L)"ce Liters m
E'tii-i mers. I.' r '.Vil. .nul tli st.
J 111 :I1 J! J Jill W - X V
1 Toys of Nearly Ali Kinds.
s A Kandssms Line of Dolls.
r A 1 1 the Latest Things in Dolls
" and Toys at Very Low Prices.
m i'm sets so: m up.
Xmas Pen Knives and Ra-
Sweaters Leaoinos and
bporting ooods of All
llr kind emuit'li
I i c til and i;ie
Mir ti ..liar., of your p .'
j Ymir.,
i if ir
ri 7a
Ladies and Misses a
12c per pair.
Gents 1-2 Hose
2hc per pair.
See Window Display.
Ifl I III 'Tf II BUT' I JTITMs Fnntoni nmoily enrra qmckir, PtmiTri
lilT.4lrl1iTl--Jll'?llTi'l1tl lli-ailucl j. Vukt)luii.t.. tMt llalltr. Kiuilf E
fey." V"" Z, 1 iOtiT." .".". eill tlrv irus. liupoli'orr ainl wssluis Ul)a d h
IrAfS TS fT v.nil.'iilr'T'''" .ikii, Cul.llumoiala. I. a nrrtr bi,
ll 'ifC'i VrV.1 U.-ylmA.m'Ka'r'inrn.iiiTanlrorvi:mrvTtUir'Ud. W tlio o..ft,
f. w.. i Zll.-Al "TZ-Jmrillrnl b.Mik. .1-1 plain wm.s-r. wllh O-tlil,..!,'..!.,!
rialglatuii-iii',orij.,l.r llt.NObllMJM A
Trodiicp llarket.
Wheat $ To lo 77 J
Outs .Id to 40
t'liirlien 1 50 to 1 75
Turkey. per pound 00 t'l 10
Ducks -r ilo.i'ii .50
tires h r doen 3 00 to 3 00
Ktr- 23 to 27
Ihittir 2-5 to 40
Maine OS to 121
Mioul'iiTH 03 to 13
Sides W to OS
Hops OS to ll
A Ort-nt lurrraM- in I rime anil limtltutltia
1iu- to liiilii.trlal iN-pri-sslon.
Advices from Australia hy tliettrauii.r
W'Brriinoo llllw un uliiruiini,' increase iu
aMiii'.u. , crimes and actito diftrefn.
Thejolicis inr iintihk' to co;e with des
ji'Tiite h.'usrbieaki m, who r-warui in the
l.irc i-itii 8. A ft vv that have hecti ar
rented f;ive as. nu t-xcuso tlmt fHUiine
drove them to deeds of violence. Several
vf the policeuieu attacked hy hurglarsat
l-ytiu. y are dying. The tnrnvors have
l- en promoted and given houuses by Sir
lieorgr Uihhs.
I'u one day lust week at Sydney, bo
I drs a score of ju tty robberies, the city
ho.pital was robbed of all its valuables
hy imr-es. Mereredie & Drew, mnnu
fucturers, were robbed tf fiO.OOO by em
iloyirs. F. Coxon, merchant, was robbed
l.y an employee of n lurye Etim. Three
young women cucc'ceded In passing a
nnmiier of counterfeit diecks. Charle
(.iriitimn. a js.stoftlra d-rk, emhr.?lfd
I'.'IH) fl'UU ti po-tofllce.
The soverniifiit's ciaini is that the un
employed problem is too complicated to
8olvt. In Sydney f'i(n) each meek is
"pent in uidim; fmo families. Five thou
sand tm-n in South Australia have asked
the governor to call a special sensionof
parliament to discuss means to aid them.
The governor refused. Then they waited
on Premier Kingston, bnt the premier
would promise nothing. lie told them
that tliou'h thry were in want of food
tin y had irfiiM-d to break U yards of
rock per week for rations, and he conld
do no more. The delegation said they
would not break rock for food alone.
Thousands are bleeping In the open air,
and several have starved to death. At
iV urke, Afghans and Europeans qnar-r.-lcl
over a division of labor, and a
hi. ..dy row occurred. The most tragic
suicide out of ji$ in one week, directly
thr result of hard times, are: F. W. Wil
son, tho biscuit manufacturer of Bris
bane, shut himself; William O'Connor,
lodger in the European hotel, Melbourne,
jumped from the fourth story and dashed
las brains out on the pavement; Kate
Brooks, a pretty English girl, etarving,
got drunk and killed herself with poisou;
Joseph Bancroft, a miner out of work,
wid goodby to his family and eiploded
a cartridge in his mouth. San Francis
co Chronicle-.
Anli,trrv.llB( .1i,.tin tl Ijiml Ofllca,
ami the lining Woman Wlna,
T'ne final decision of the secrctarr of
the mt, dor in the land Cae of Francis
U Iix and Jerry Damnum against Jessie
-u Sim-lair has hem received. The case
was tried i the K-al land ofliee in 1S01.
lhe ...vis-.on was in fav..r cf Mi Sin
lour, llox and Pammon npix-aled, and
U.e cimms-iomr of the general land
'o.rr i.flinu.-d the .l.-cision ,-f the local
f;; ' - r-.,h def'sted
s rti'sn.a-.nt.ij, .l.-l to tl. 8e(.,eiHrr,
ho has now co.if.nacl the commission'
r s lUvi.Mn m favor of Miss su-.clair
It is .scl.'.m,, ti re i4 ,i,1!pof
H -.talindoric,.,,,, TiateilinZ
Duran.l w-asasclnsiiteiuher. lierafTec
n I:..1N,.,.',1..,, hy.w, rtltvyomig
. .s term:ned to d . 1., r i art In
1:11 . pnr;s.s, ,hr s.,,Ud
. ' wt,r r'.-rvr n,rrv.
-u. .i ,u ,,; ,. ThM ;
0 s fn. ,,i.s w,,llR.; .
k.. place future. sreUrr;,vul. U
N(-vars. Kugene Fhoto Co.
t!r rsrrl.lln n.-l p.M-lo-t. til wrl"xi ft for St.1. Mr
l.y..n,iiuDyusui. - a iwi.,u.i,
Air Tight
Well yes, 1 have used at home r.
"air tight" heating stove for 2 vein
and I would not for my own usen.
change it for any cast Iron hetlit)
stove ou the face of the earth today.
F L Chaiubeii
Where Is 'The Bargain A Lxchai p.'
The American Beauty owes herpm-
tige more to a clear complexion thu
to any other attiihute. A cup if
i'arks' Tea will enable anyone to p
scs this, ll clears the skin and fc
nioV'-s pimples and that willow, mini.
dy look. Barks' Tea is used hy tlm
anils of ladies for the coiniileiiit
Without U-Ing a cuthurtlo it cures cr
Ntipittion. Nul by A. 1 kkimiton.
Tart of our 1897 WALL PAPER
teff-Xnw Is the time to buy while pi l
nrd iow ai UVlKTUN O rJK"
street, i niee Uoors wesil el I .
Itia aold cn a ruivnintoo by all ri"1'
Rtata. It ours Iiicip ent Consut'.rt
audiatha beat CoomU KodLVonp cur
Sold by Henderson 4 Linn.
For Sale by All Druggists.
In il ........... .. u.. I I'.im.!''
r u iu ii ei tr ravjiT.r i "
N i. iit i.
N it. is rrel r ilvni - hi ' tli nr "'-'
l 1' Msj., ,,, i ,. n ,. m (.i.i.. ."
I In- v II .1 I -..r . ..Ill '-t 1 "
' " f A i. ill V I a mi. I"
th ni It piinr, rt I .... ....ii, it. i ii.
ll.l.. I. , , M,,. ' !'.
an- hrr .. ii. t hr.1 ami r- '
pr. ui th- anni- .lult vnti. il lo m il "' u
i iU la ..Hi. ..I ' U I iiy." I 1 ' "J
" ". in, in m in . i., ii it di no
this tiott.s.
Kat-H u Kuirena Ihia 19 b da) t. I
. SI...
1 1. I . .' ' . ,
Vs.-,,,... . I .L i tl...,., ,r "
USk - Su.ts
nJxL. cost
(W! R ackat
j Store,
i A E ugens
7 OregcD
1 50cu and Nltl? V
$Looik.!Sij 03 ii a Ttl j4
I One cnt a Arm. V-g, afyJLUaJ
. ... . . ., mrp iH i, tTm' -
CtYCliaril. 1. 1 ILMI-,