The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 26, 1896, Image 2

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I. L. OAMrBRLL, PrrUtor.
Aa littnillif CalleelloB f I la nil from
th Tw MnUphr PraU4
la a Casdans rarak
M. I'hllllpe Eugene, radical
deputy fur the Ont division of Laen,
Franc, is dead.
A It iuf n dispatch says the French
steamer Maria Fanny li t'.tal ,
c(T the inlund of A Idernry. The cap
tain was saved. Fourteen uifiulx ri o
the craw wire drowned.
Ernest l'lm, of Detroit, Mich., eat
the throat of till wife, anil with the
same wrapou out hi own throat from
ear to rar (nil fell dead beside her.
The tragedy wn the climax of a life
of unhappliiei.
Alexander Salvlni, lull of Toinsao
Hail villi, the great ItHlian actor, died
iu Florence, Italy. He died of inti
filial tuhrrciiloai. The Italian newi
paperi publish eulogiatio obituuriel of
the deceased actor.
C H. Jackson, of 1'endletun, t r. , hat
started a popular subscription to help
the Cuban. Mr. Jackwrn ay he baa
lieiu asked by proiuinent citleua of
Oiegou to head the uiovemeut. Lo
cally, there haa already been offered
hearty aupport.
The London New hat diapatcb
from Herlln with reference to minora
of reprisal against American pe'.ro
luuin. It says llint Gorman consumers
are likely to sutler more by thia move
than Americau ei port or a, Kuaaia being
scarcely able to supply Germauy.
Governor MoGraw, of Washington,
baa offered a reward of tj-ifiO fur the ar
teat and conviction of the porion or
person who placed dynamite or other
explosive under the building occupied
by L. A. 1'laiit and lirother, at Prairie,
In Skagit county. T'liia ia in addition
to the row ri of f 'M) otlered by the
commissioner of Unit county.
The oh mil lire lima mi the Pacific
coast which haa marked thla year ovi r
lta) iinmrdlHlo prcdect-sanr continued
laat month to oompeiiautu fur the full
ing olf iu pieiniiiiiia. For tint entire
count the amount waa only J64,UHH,
mmle up of fin, 107 oil bull lings and
1 1 lid, mil on their content. The Ins
fur NoTeiiilM.r In Imio was f VJd.SH,
and in 1 nut ;,;i5,IU5.
Kcprcsoiitatlvo F.llia, of Oregon, ha
introduced a lull citcniling until Juiiu
ary 1, I him, the tune Iu which aetilen
uj in furft'ited rMllruail land can make
payment. The hard timea have uiiulii
it ililllcult for settler to make their
payment, ami Mr. Kill baa I n ,
asked to aeuuru au extension. There
ought to be mi objection to the bill,
ami u win no noutu paaa, ir time cau
be obtained fur it coimidc ratiuu.
Heiiutur Kitiiri, of Waahington, haa
pn pmed an iniiendiiieiit which ho in
tend otTerlng to the aunilry civil ap
propriation bill, directing the lecietuiy
of the intei iur to apply ij.'fi.t 111 upon
the uinteiiti.iry at WalU Wiillu. Thia
Is the amount that anil remain nnei
peinled of the appropr ImHoii of IllU.tiOU
in ndii by coiigriMi for the purpoau of
building a penitentiary iu Waahington.
It i the Intention to have the balance
lined to oonntruot a w ing ou the peni
tentiary. Hun. A. (I. lUalr, Canadian minlater
of nillwHj and eanala, and Culunel
Jamil llouiTllIn, nieinlK-r of parliament,
were In Seattle recently and while
there Mr. Utalr recited the re u lta of
bia iiiviatigntioii of flow' Neat I'ara
railway iu llrilixli Culumbta. lie uy
the country I undoubtedly audi that it
will deuiHiid better railway facllltle.
C lonel liumville, ouo of the leading
llbcralm iu the Duiiiiiiiuu, lav guv
erninent aid ahuuld be extended to the
Crow' Neat 1'aaa railway. Ml idea
ia to run it a a public, highway.
Tho net remit of the eiperiment of
the board which I tiiveatlgutlng the
battlealiip ateel haa mulled Iu the ion
deiniiatluu (if marly the whole amount
now atacked up III iho Newport Newa
hhip-lluilding Company 'a yard. hu
out of twelve tent plisea, which aliould
have been folded back on the Veaaela
without breaking, either broke ahurt olt
a readily a cant iron, or tore apart
with lent biiltlchenn, but none the leaa
certainty of failing to meet contract rn
HUireiiienta. Theae illm-loauie will
lead the tmard to ritend their
gationi much further than auticlpaled.
The Medf.ird, tr., diatillery, which
bat Ihi'H in lltiguticii for the punt year,
ha liecu told at auction by the receiver,
for J.iMO. Tb a original coat of the
plant wa 1 10,000.
The heavy ralna of the pant few day
, I avo agaiti cauaed Mill creek, tn Saleiii,
t J rue and overllow it batik, In con
tvueiice of which Oiurvh and Mai loo
atrwta 44 aJjaiH'M frirty m
hi 1'ierre, a IV, iu the iiiaudamu
varae te puiupel the imuaace of oertttl
cute to Hepubliciiu eltvloi ou a par
tial cauvaa, the onurl haa hold that the
Vrtwrd ha a rlhl to adjourn and secure
comalete returns. This give t vio
tsry to the Iiryan elector.
Ki'Treasurer tJ. ft. 1 ,, of Ta
coma. I i.' a in I jail le teat city, he
having surrender.! liiiavelf to the slier
ItT al r-pviane. Hogg'i atturuey are
preparing to petitlcn theuime court
for a rehearing of his case.
The Newaukuiu river, tu Wishing
ton, t booming shim the niviu rams,
and ha done oolitldeiablo damage to
pr perty. The dam at the lumber mill
of htoue A Sona, uear Chehall. has
beeu washed out aud It t ween i,000
and a, 000 worth of damage to their
property ha resulted.
The purchasing ignu f the Valley
railroad, who live al Cleveland, O ,
announce that 70,000 (nmple vinted
McKlnley during tli rtn-ent rampatgu.
He further states in hi n,ttuiste that
the men who visited McKiuUy ald
the railroad euuipauie an average of
more than fl each. This ludicnte
that the railway riwipts were cKsm to
11,000,000. Another Important Item
waa that the railroad ran eicursiou
from every poiut iu Miasourl to Can
ton for 1 1, to for the round trip.
The railway of the world carry over
40,000,000 paeaeugerf weekly. i
Sixth day Senator Morgan, of Ala
buna, held the attention of the aenate
and well-filled galleries for an hour to
day by hi earnest advocacy of a strong
and decisive policy In dealing with the
Cuban question. The prominence of
oriran in theCubau debate of laat "
tiou, when he hud charge of the Cuban
reiolutiotia repotted from the commit
' tee on foreign relatiotn, gave eapeclal
interest to hi speech today. Ha p ke
in dispassionate style, although hi
word had a dullness and seventy iu
picturing the horror existing in Cuba
uch a I seldom heard in the aenate.
Mr. Morgan apoke freely of the possi
bllille of war, welcoming it if neces
sary to guarantee the protection of
American citizen. Hi) aaaerted that
Spain- bankruptcy would prevent the
colliictioti of any indemnity for wrong.
The o-nutor. (jin-stnned the wiadom of
the preaideiit' J"itiou, that granting
of belligorout right would be "un
timely."' Seventh day The eion of the en
ate developed the rnoat eventful and
exciting debate that either branch of
emigres ha heard 10 a long time. It
brought forward the recognized leaden
of the various p.irtle and dementi, in
cluding audi conapluuoD figure aa
Hherniitu, Frve, Teller, Gorman, Veat,
Aldnoh. I'iult, Mitchell of Oregon,
Chandler. Halo and Alien, in notable
atiiti'tncijt on thn leading queationa
which hate ciigagcd the attention of
the country of late. Not ouly waa the
line I. iid down on tarilT and finance,
but the debute partook of all the pent
up feeling renultHiit from the national
content. It wna drainutia in it iulen
lily, and ut all time abaorbingly in
terfiling to the crowded gallerie and
body of aenatur. The debate c.tine on
eipectedly when Veat Called up the
Allen riaolutiou for conalderiitloii of
thn lunacy bill, Iu order to make re
nmrka on it. hut it reiiiHiued fur hher
mini to firiiially anuouiiee that the
iJingley bill win dead. Ilo aaid he
could not alwaja iieak for hi aaio
Cliitea, but, in View of what had be. u
aid on the floor, he felt that he oould
aiifely Hiimiumm now that the Dingley
bill could not be pa-d, and that it wa
urn lex to wait" futher lime on IL
Kighth ilny The aenato today paaaed
thn Immigration bill, known aa the
Lodge bill, with a new aertiun provid
ing that the ciclunloii ahull not apply
to pervitin arriving from Cuba during
the continuance of the prnaeut dlaor
dera there. The atn-iigth of the bill
wa renter than hud Imi ii eipected,
the litial vole being 6.' to 10. A
punned, the bill amenda the immigra
tion lnwa an aa to eicludu from admia
aiou to the I'nited St.iten all peraon
over Itl yi-ai (dil who ciinnot rend Mild
write the hingUHgn of their mitive
cutintiy or luiue other language, but an
i I m I nii 1, In iiiimigrHiit over the ago of
ID may bring In with him, or aend fur
hia wife or patent or grandparent or
miiiur t hil In u or grandchildren, not-
w ithrttunding their Inability to read or
write. The ''uhuii ictlou added to
thu bill pruvld. a that the act ahall not
apply to peraona arriving in the United
States from any port or place in thu
teUud of Cuba during the continuance
of the picM-nt disorder s there; provided
sii-h perauua have here lofuru U-eu in
bubit.iiit of that llind. The house
Miio'iidinciita to the bill concerning
lands of the Atlantic - TaciHo Hall
road Coiupiiiiy were uuuuuiicurred Iu
and II II, I'ln it and Clark named a
i natu conferees.
i limine.
' Sixth day Tim houae today entered
Open colialileriilion of the Loud bill to
mucin! the law relating to the transmis
sion of accuud clur.s mall mutter. The
! bill baa hem widely diacunaed 111 the
public pieni. and met with tho tuoal in
ti iimi opposition fimii certain quarter.
It deiiiea tho right of serial novels to
admission to the mall at the new-pitiw-r
rate of one cent per pound; de
nies to in wnpapers the sample-copy
privilege; piolubit the return of un
sold publication al the pound rate and
makea some other change In the pre
cut law. designed to correct existing
Seveiilh day Huib y f Tejaa, creat
ed a ripplu of excitement Iu the house
today by Hsklng Immediate conaldera
llou of the lesolullon to tnvtstigato the
construction uf the battle ship Tenia.
I) ngley of Maine, thought tho resolu
tion ought to lo considered I y the com
imttee on naval alluia befuie Ix'ing
acted upon; be therefore objected. Ou
motion of Chuiiuiau Hull of the com
mittieoii military altalis, the house
went into committee of the whole for
t consideration uf tlia army appro
pi ul Ion bill. Several amendments
looking to the abandonment f the
army and navy hospital at Hot Spring,
Aik , and the surrender and transfer
of the icscrvaiton to tho interior de
partment wero offered.
Kighth day The houae today passed
the third of iho regular appropriation
bills (that for thn support of the army),
and entered upon consideration of the
legislative, exivuliv.i and Judicial bill.
The 1 titer bill cairie 1 1 1 ,tltiil.3iltf, or
'.111, Him mure than the law for the cur
n ut year. Fair progress was made to
day. It is expected thin bill aud the
military academy appropriation bill
w ill be passed before the holiday re
cesi. 'Hie army bill, as passed, tuakoi
no provision for the army and navy
't'spital at 11 't Springs, Ark.
Secretary iMney ha received cable
grama from the Culled Stale legatiou
at I'ftropotia, llraul, aiinounciug that
llias'l ha aiveidisl the rule for till
prrvi ntioii of colltaloiis at lea, framed
t the muinime tMiiferrii.-e held at
Washington. The chief maritime lis
lioua of the world have uow given
iiwent to the international rules, am!
tiny will go Into effect July 1, nexj
year, a humane end that has beru
reached only after protracted negotia
tions. Jls Aiareul 1'r ut'allua.
John IV Hols -a iu, IS year old, th
i l lest sou of Kuul and Ko m
beam, county hospital ciutractor, liv
ing one loi.e east of Jacksonville, lj.,
returned from Medford the other eveu
lug, and, without apparent caus ot
prorivation, bo K-huyler Hammond,
an emploje of the pr farm, who had
le u s nt out to care of the team
dnvi-u by ti-uiig le KoNvam. Th
ball lis k ettivi in lUmmond'a tight
arm, below the ellMW. Vouug 1 Ko
1 o,iu has Iwn arrestisl and placed in
all to await actiou by the grand jury. '
Burglars Made a Clean Sweep
In Oregon City.
Hrolta Open Mare and Out Hlampa and
(anli Amounting to About Iwanljr
Klght lluuilrad liollara,
Oregon City, t;r., Deo. 21. When
I'oiitiiiiiner S. K. (Jreen opened the
(.onti.llloe a little before 7 o'clock thi
iii'irning he found that aomnlxidy bud
been there before hiia. The dixir lead
lug from the poatofllce proper into the
front corridor waa ajar. The rear
door waa alao open, though the iron
hutterhad been puahed together
that a casual inspection from the out'
ride would not show anything wrong.
This led to more careful scrutiny, aud
the outside door of the aafe wa found
to be open. Upon iwiuging the lunei
door back, the postmaster discovered
that the safe hud been robbed of every
thing of value postage stamps, cash,
lid even hil private papers, including
three uotei amounting to ab3ut f.'j'JO.
A few pennies had Iweu left in the till
it the stamp window, aud these wero
lao taken. L'pou checking up the
bunnies of the office thil afternoon,
It wai ascertained that stamp! of the
raluu of f J.IO'J.C'J and 'i;M.UJ in cash
were missing. The registered pack
igei were mostly notices lent out from
the laud olflo here, and contained
nothing of negotiable value. Two of
them had been torn open and their
"haracter ascertained, aud the remain
der wero unmolested In addition to
tho J,7HI l above mentioned, f'J be
longing to Mis (iray, the assistant
postmaster, was also missing. A gold
tilled watch and chain that were In the
registered mail were left.
Kuirance through the back door of
the postolllce wa ell uc ted by prying
open with a jimmy the atrong iron
bur that guard the outside of the door.
So much force wa uaed that the bur
lintt fasten the door inside wa
greatly bent, and the doora born dis
tinct mark of the iron instrument.
Thu inner door seem to have been
ipeued with a skeleton key. The
but gluri bored two hole iu the outer
door of the safe, one Just missing the
combination, and thu other being juat
right to expose the tumbler. A match
tiled sufficient light through the bolo
to enable the tumbler to be watched
4 the dial knob wa turned, aud thu
the ib air wa opened without further
violence. The tuner door, however,
bear mark allowing that a considera
ble t Unit must have becu made before
it yielded. A rugged hole, about eight
niche iu diameter, was made iu the
lower part of the door with a cold
jliistd or some similar instrument, and
through the hole the luck inside could
be released. That dune, the uonteut
if the safe were entirely exposed to the
Thn indication are that two men
were engaged in the active work of the
burgl try, with a third aa a lookout.
Them i no evidence that auythiugwa
uirriedly done.
.'unite liiitroteiiient Cantracla Awarded
ti A invrli-aii CllUena.
New Orleans, Deo. 21. Kduurdo
, laluro, of llluetlel la, general admlnis
rutor of the ciistoin houso of the Nic-
iruugaii republic, who has arrived
; icre, giie hii interesting account of
:1m contracts awarded to Americans
iu Nicaragua and the struggle between
American Interests,
"The contract for a telephone ser
vice iu HiuetllciU wa awarded to
American, us well us the contract for
the construction of the charity hospi
tal; the paving of streety; the con
struction of an electric-light service
and the deepening of the channel be
tween Pearl lagoon and llluelleld buy.
Thu moat important contract ia for the
construction of a telephone overland
from ltltic Hold to Managua, which
will place the formei port in direct
,'iibln communication with the I'nited
Senor Taluro declared that President
Zeluyu is especially favorable to Amer
icans, but he ia much hampered and
opposed by Minister Luctuuo (lomei,
who ia very hostile to American and
fuvoiuble to the extension uf Herman
commercial interests. The probabili
ties ure there will be a split between
.i lava ami l Ionics, who la backed in
his policy by the cousctvative party of
Nic iragua.
Kro.eii suit n airlah,
si .1 it... v i- i.
.11 uiiueiuwu, i., wee. si. rcrcv
Miditlchrook, Frank Hoe aud Patrick
Powers, sons of prominent citizens of
Florida, t.Kik a ride in a sleigh lust
night, returning at midnight Kim and
Powers attempted to assist Mwhllebrook
from the sleigh, but found he wa
fn i.'ii si i If.
ttrtxll In pin lti(iin Imlla.
Ibmibav, l.y. 31. Advice from
Uoaj lloa. Portuguese ludta, say that
tne Insurgent Kane have attacked
Periiem, and have burned and sacked
the treasury A force of e00 Portu
guese troops were sent against the
Ktne and altered them, killing aov
eral ot their uumbcr.
Killed ljr n Kali.
San Francisco, Cal., lVe. 21. Frank
Prown, foremau of the carientcrn em
ployed at the uew ferry depot, fell
sixty feet today. He struck iron gird
er iu falling, and received injuries
w hich caused dcuth.
W heal fthortaae
In New M.iulh mr.
syduey, N. S.
W, Deo. ill. The
government statistician estimates that
the wheat yield of New South Wales
i 7. Sot, 000 bushels, which M I.J.e.i,.
000 bushel below the local w -aauts,
A 'ry Itu.htu.l'a a
Oakland. Cal.. D.v. II. M .vo
tiou to a erases! hustvaud uetrlyc t
Mr. Nellie Walsh her life la. I iiight.
She bad a desperate battle with Fraucis
Walsh her iuaaue husband, who rushed
ttilo her bedroom while she slept aud
throttled her while she struggled
agaiuwt his furiout attack. How Mrs.
Walsh escaped she is unable to explaiu
She believe be ceased the aau'.t.
thinking he had killed her Mrs
Walsb summoned the p, lic
afterward aud ber husband was ukm
in charge, lie will be sent 0 N,,,
enate tonunltir Agrrd tu Krport
Caiiierun Kemlutlon.
Waahignton, Ix-o. 21 Tho meeting
of the d.-uate committee of foreign re
lation waa important in two reaped.
It reauked in an agreement to report
the Cameron resolution for the recogni
tion of Cuban independence, and it de
veloped, through the atateuient of sec
retary (Jluey, the adminintrat on'a pol
icy in regurd to the inaurrejtiou in
Cuba. The eretiiry occupied the
greater part of the time of the meeting
aunwering qoehtiuu and auggeatiotii
made by the committee. He and Sen
ator Morgan engaged iu n-vtral apint
ed colloijuiei. Mr. Jili'-y inada two
p)inta ugaliiat the Camiruii reaolution,
a lolluwn:
Firat That the C'ulj.m iiisurgenta
have eatiibllahed no govrirui nt.
8econd That the rilit to recogui7.e
a Dew itate renti with the tin anient,
o t independent of cougreioiial action.
He contended, iu elaboration of the
llrat point, that the pretended govern
ment of the island was w ithout habita
tion. "Suppone you recognize the in
dependence of the Hand," said he,
"what are you going to do with it':"
The aecretury said the story which
bad beeu very industriously circulated
that Coniul-tieiieral Lee had provided
the state, department wall ail elaborate
report on the e n lute n of atlairs in
Cuba, wui untrue.
"It is not true," ho mid. "(
Lee ha mado no gi n-ral writn-u re
port at hII. Hu has made reports on
several special case, but not on the
lituatiou a a whole.
It io developed during the examina
tion that the government hud made no
demand iu the case of tho Competitor
prisoners, aud iu other cases of a H '.Hi
lar characL-r, beyond request for .in
formation. All the member of thu foreign rela
tion committee were prtmut today,
except (iray and Daniel.
The meeting wa held for tho ex
press purpose of com inuing tho discis
sion of thu policy ou the Cuban ques
tion to bo recommended by the com
mittee. The meeting was strictly pii
vate, Olney la-ing the only person not
a member who wus admitted.
The committee chungm! the Cameron
' resolution so us lo make it inolu em
phatic. The title wus changed to
read: "A joint resolution acknowl
edging the independence of the repub
lic of Cuba," the words, "tho rt pub
liu" being inserted. Instead of declar
ing the I'niO'd States "should use its
fiieudly olllivs," tho resolution was
' made to read that the L'uited State
"will" do ).
The agreement to repoit tho resolu
tion was reached immediately after
Olney left. without a division or an ex
pressed ttill"n uce of i pinion.
One member of tho committee said:
"Of course Spaiu will light, bul
there is no danger of other countries
getting in our way. No other Euro
I peun nation wants to fight us, mid we
would wind up tho wur with tpaiu m
short order. "
The opinion was expressed
Cleveland would veto the joint rest lu
tiou. Another member of the commit
tee said he believed that in case the
president should ve:o the resolution, it
would pass over the veto, as more than
two-thirds of both the sinatcand house
favored it.
Senator Cameron's report to hccoiii
' puny tho resolution deals ut length
with prece 'eiits in the mattirof loo g
tntiou of independence and interven
tion, beginning with the lireek revolu
tiou aud coming duw u to the pit-. cut
line. The iciiHt who he. rd there
port say it gin a uvi r the r uiie ground.
Tho Ciini-ron n s. lute n, as lnodiliid
and agreed upon by the committee, is
as follows:
"Kesolved, Hy the sen ito and house
of representatives, iu eongivsi assem
bled, th it the independence of t'le re
public of Cuba be and the same ia here
by acknowledged by the I'mted State
of America.
'-section 2 -Tin t the Ci I ed Stat
will use its friendly ollices with the
government of Spain to bung ton close
the war between Spun and Cuba."
New. Allen,i iull(,
PiulTalo. N. Y., D.-c. 21. Inim-gia
tiou Inspector lbi Harry has r veive l
from Washington notice of a new rul
ing by the secretaiv of the treasury on
tho alien labor liw. The ruling is on
the question that was raised in this
cuy two years ago us t. whether the
Canadian trained nurses who come to
this country to work iu hospitals do c
in violation of the law Wncn the
question was raised lefore, it was
held that they could not be interfered
with, as they weie semi profi ssional
persons. Now, the secietary of the
treasury has ruled that these nurses
call be deported. Mr. Do Hurry sud
that all of these iuires would Iv de
poned. Inspector Estell, of Ogdeus
burg, is now at Danville, where he
went to deport live Canadian nurses
who are vuiplucd in a sanitarium
The t'aclllr limlriMil Hill.
Washington, IW. 21.-The IVifi'.
funding railroad bill will be the first
business iu the house after the holiday
nvess The committee on rules decid
ed to give the railroad committee the
three days Chairman Powers asked for
to debate the bill. The debate will be
giu January a or (1.
Hie e Imllan ( iilililila.lnn.
Washington, D,v. Jl The house
committee on Indian affair today au
thorised a favorable report on a bill to
abolish, the office of commissioner and
assistant commissioner of Indiati
affsirs. and create in their stead a
board of ludiau commissioner of three
In Germany and Frauce twenty. live
per cent of the suicide are woineu;
in Japan the portiov- i thirtv-rigbt
for curt.
Farkcrshurg. W. Ya . Deo. ji.
Hon. M. K Duly, prominent lawver.
was murdered iu his office at IVniis
tvro, by Cad Collin, yesterday after
uovu About ;. o'clock IWnton Tonia
a client of Duly 's. callesl on busuiens.'
Toinas had Nvn tn Duly soffi a short
time wheu Collins, a well knowu oil
man, entered and begau to abuse him
Duly ordered Colin,, to leave the office
whereupon the latter rushed at DuW
with a b ug knife and cut htm. Duly
received three ttuthe across the abdo
men and on over the liver, aud was c
badly wouulej that he died shortlv
iy )i.ui:d is alive
Sensational Rumors
in Havana.
rcntitillri la the
Celelirtl Hi
All He"
Ke Writ. Fla.. D c 1 Paisea
iers 'arriving here tonight from Ha
raua report that Antonio
.live and well, aud is in the
Maceo II
Tue pusM iigi rs say that all of the
fc-.tiv.tic that wre g )iug on iu Ha
rami to celebrate bis dtata have been
jrdeied stopped, since it has become
known that he is alive.
Advicti from Havana tonight by the
simmer Olivette fitato that the alleged
deutli of Maceo is Mill shrouded In myi
tery, an 1 u inajoiity of the Cubuu re-fu-e
to believe that the f.reat chief il
dead. The body has nut bei u discovered
ml contradictory itatemeut mude by
npamarda b ud tho Cuban to believe
Mace) is still alive Even the people
win live at Puuta L'ruva, wheio Maceo
i. said to have been killed, do not credit
the story. Dr. Zeituchu continues t)
make coiiliictiiig itatenieut.i. Ho layi
uow that the kmfo which the Spaniard
have belonged to young Gomez, and
not to Maceo. Thiy say tin jrivei
eithr that Maceo is still Hlive or that
if he is dead, his death will n.t injurs
the rebelliou.
There ia a multiplicity of theories
current in regard to Macao. One re
port iu lhvana is that the Spanish
officer ut Cabezaa, province of Mutan
zas, has informed the llivana authori
ses that Maceo passed that place re
cently with a largo force. Then, too,
it is claimed that a letter has been re
jcivel iu Havana from Aguirre, the In.
urgent leader, dated D -comber 11, ill
winch no mention I mado of Maceo'i
Weyler is uow in a quarrel with the
murine authorities because of the
charge that Maceo passed the trocba io
a boat. The marine authorities deny
the itory positively, aud have cabled
the facts to Spain. All these contra
dictory statements render it difficult to
believe that Maceo is really dead.
Cincinnati, Dec. IH. A Commercial
Tribune sptcial from4Key West sayi:
The warships Iialeigh aud Newark
same iu ut noon, having failed to find
the Three Friends. The steamer City
of Key West was overhauled by the
Kitlcigh us she wus creeping along near
tho shore, but the warship let her
alone as 8'iou a she was identified.
The Spanish consul here has beer
frantically wiring Havana about send
ing vessels to intercept the exqpedition,
but it is said by the Cubans that the
llermuda and Three Friends can take
cute of themselves.
The spongers comiug in today aay
that Spanish waiahips are numerous
in tho straits between hete and Hav
ana, three war vessels and six launches
having been sighted.
Heveral Men Klllier killed nr MahucSJ
In n 1'olurailii Town.
Denver, Deo. IS A News special
from Ked Cliff, Colo., says:
Five men either killed outright or
terribly maimed, with one other badly
wouuded, is the probable result of a
premature; explosion of giimt powder
in the Molly tunnel at Holy Cross,
fifteen uiiles from here, today. C. A.
Trow, bookkeeper for Cross Gold
Mining A- Milling Company, arrived
in lied Cliff by team from the coin
p my's works, bringing very unsatis
factory accounts of the accident.
Meveii o'clock in the moruing is
about the hour ut which the day shift
i f Iho tunnel tins the first round ol
boles in t' e breast. Tho heavy cou
mission was heard ou the surface at
about schedule time, and shortly after
ward a iiiuu with his face aud head
ti-rnbly cut mi l bruised, aud one eye
closed, groped his way out of the tun
nel and managed to say that a preinu.
tin- explosion hud uvurred at tho
b.i-ast, and that u mini ber of men were
other dead or fughtfully mangled.
It is known th'it about tight holes,
loaded with from live to seven pounds
of giant powder each, are fired at a
mum!, machine drills bOcg used ou
the bote. Tiow did not wait to ascer
tain the extent of the disaster, but or
di ied one of tbe teamsters to drive him
M li d I 'LiT iu haste. Ho was fori man
i f the shaft. No farther details are
ti iw obtainable, and prolubly uoue will
ce known until tomorrow.
X Miiileiil I'm Hu lhn.Ht.
Nu'hville, IVc. ls.-Todnv about II
o'clock men. Sterling Turner, of the
junior class of Vanderbilt university,
committed suicide by cutting his throat
with a rax r in his room, but the body
was not discovered until 8 o'clock by
me of bis companions, who went to
h s mom. and. falling to get iu, forced
au entranc. tindiug him deal in . ....!
., n ....i ii - i
,,. wn suiiermg from
edicts of oveistudv.
Fully oue thitd of the land in Great
iuna:u is oen,l liy
House i t 1 rds.
member of th
Hie Maleh t selory V , .,.
M .oica, !.,. isTne U of lif.
tor i xilo-im which d.stroved the
.n Kramer ,.. factory at Aschaf
fcnbnrg was much greater than pre ,,M. Fifteen-women and
oris employed , , maiQ buiM
re kiled rtI1d many pers, n, in ,h"
a-'j-r.'ing t u'lhng fat.u.y ,UJUreJ-
Klici ,-v H d, ,g womferful work.
an ! ,hMw''l--v P"11''' ""Ihons.
sndth. re coinmeiicirg to draw Peo
po' f.,c-s wuh ,he telegraph.
Pahna. Maud of M n e... r
n,- i ' " v- "
1 .HU VI 1 '.'111 Hfii una ii
'all stcauishin I . .
I aiermo. ha ail.t t - .... .
win re the will take co.,1 I
for America.
Wa.hirgton. Uv. IS. Th), .
'""'' ein, nt by cable t -a, ,he n,
.1... n, .1. . 1..-.. . . .v,,vrU
a had .:.,
from Palermo f ,r
- mrevuy
intra lar di.. ...
K-iug ner way ,o ,!,e harNir of Valen-
s -; great Satisfaction fc, .....
to the offl
who feared
Ir o
be cauaed i.
a aN ut
a !:niit,-d that
-- .
as A n. -.. .
he l-uradahad ....... """"
. - ' ii io eutr
i'mh p-n lu tJaie of
0in to the
OIT In the !
San Francisco, Dec. 81. Tbe
and costly sealskin seem to be some
what out of fashion. Tbe tale of a
falling demand in the product of De-bring
sea and the Paciflo has Just been
told by tbe yearly sale at Lampsou s,
London. Telegrams have been re
ceived in this city, stating that the
price for the Aliskan fur was 1(1 per
cent less than that of last yeur; that of
Copper island (Kussia) furs 1 '' per
rent, aud that of Coast furs, including
California and Japan, 20 percent lower
than in l'.'.V
This new comes as a surpirse to Io
eal tradesmen, for the catch of thn
year was much lower than that of lStf.'i.
Tho entire citch of the Canadian seal
ers iu Japmiose wafers and IHiring
sr-a amounted to .'..," seals. lu
lMi:, the catch of the Ciiuadinus
amounted to 74,121. and l'i'J4 to 117,
4 74 skius. The catch of the American
pelagic sealers entered at this port
amounted to only 5,0 10 seals, as
ngainst 16,000 in IMC. To tho former
number, Ii0,0il7 ikius are added aa the
catch of the North American Com
mercial Company on the seal islands.
.iHiuesionu, t ill , Hail No .Means of
Hglillna; fire.
Soiioru, Cal.. Dec. 21 The little
town of Jamestown, located right iu
the heart of tho mother lode's richest
section, was visited by a costly tire this
morning. Tho tire originated in u
bakery, and the whole business section
was at the flumes' mercy, and the disor
ganized backet brigade fought furious
ly but feebly against odds. Wheu it
was seen that the volunteers were uu
albe to successfully copo wit'.i the ure,
telegrams wre sent for assistance to
near-by towns, and many persons re-sponib'-l.
Giant powder was used to
check and confine the fire wheu tho
limited water supply aud crude uieaiia
of getting it on the fire failed. Nine
buildings, nil on the north side of the
strctt, were consumed with almost the
entire coutciiti. The loss is $10,000,
with barely f.j,000 iusurauoe. A favor
able breeze saved the town from com
plete destruction.
Iturket of xVater Thrnun lu Fare of
a Woman anil Child.
Chillicothe, U., Dec. 21. There is
great excitement at liethel, a small
town three miles south of Kingston,
this county, occasioned by a horrible
atrocity which occurred this afternoon.
Two married woineu named Moon and
Shell got into a quarrel over a trivial
matter, which resulted iu the Shell
wouiau throwing a bucket of strong
lye water iuto tho fuco of Mrs. Mouu
aud her iufuut daughter. Both have
their eyes burns 1 out aud their heads
mill faces were also horribly burned.
The baby died iu a short time, aud the
mother is in terrible agony, her death .
being looked for at auy moment.
Mrs. Shell made ber escape, but is
beiug pursued by several hundred men
mid boys, ussisted by dogs, aud if cap
tured a lynching will follow. The po
lice of this city have been suiuuiuujd to
the eccue.
Herrmann, the Mag-lolaa, llcail.
Kochester, N. Y., Dec. 21. Hor
uiaiiii, the magician, died today of
heart disease iu his piivate car at
Great Valley, near Salamanca, on hia
way to liradford. His remains will be
forwarded to New York, llcrmauu
complited his engagement at the Ly
ceum theater iu this city last night,
mid later was entertained at the Gene
see Valley Club.
(Professor H rmiinu, whose father
wui a sleight-of baud performer, mado
his debut as a magician when he was
but H years old. He bas traveled all
over F.uropa aud America and bus
amassed a great fortune. Of late years
he has made New York his borne. Ho
spoke seven differeut languages fluent
ly, aud had traveled arouud the world
three times. Ha was naturalized iu
Huston in 18T0.)
I'liritoneil hy Cleveland.
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 21. Today
Sheriff Vau do Vanter, of this county,
received notification from Washington
D. C, that Mrs. Margaret Morrison, a
young woman of Port Townsend, had
been grauted a conditional pardon by
Presideut Cleveland. she was sen
tenced to eight mouths imprisonment
and fined 00 aud costs for smuggling
opium from Victoria. She has uow
becu iu jail five mouths, aud her little
daughter has been permitted to share
the same cell. Presideut Cleveland
grauts tne pardon ou ooudition that the
fine and costs are paid. They now
amouut to over 100. but the tnouey
will be subscribed by sympathizers.
Attempted tu lllnw I p a Houae.
Stockton, Cal., Dec. 21. An at
tempt was made at 3 o'clock this after
noon to blow up a house iu Hunter
street, near the heart of the city, oc-'
cupied by two Japauese women. A
bomb containing two pounds of gun
powder ami a stick of giaut powder
was thrown through the window. The
fuse was trampeled out before the ex
plosion could occur. It is supposed to
have been thrown by a highbinder.
Placerville. Cal., Dec. 21 The
st.ige rnuuiug between Auburn aud
Georgetown was stopped at 4 o'clock
this afternoon between Penobscott aud
Greenwood iu this county, bvone man
and relieved of the Wells-Fargo ex
pto.i box. The highwayman i. de
scribed as being about j feet 8 inches
high, aud weighs about 150 pound
""i1 hat and dark-colored
pantaloon. He was masked with a
barley sack aud carried a muzzle-load-ing
ttiilit t ar KulitxTa.
Sedal.a Mo., Dw. 31. While the
Missouri. Kansas - Texas flvcr wa,aD.
proacihiig Seanlia early this moruiug
three men commenced to rob the
.ger, on the chair car of watohe.
'r""f "J money. Som i
Tiaseiiv, - ra n..t.. ..i
t, rar Ut'Ll
- . "am auu tne Women
c - V TC ' ,PVW00. ' Finue-
'"'V " " "u lot
ui watch,
me iimepuve fr
cm one of rhA
ro'jtH-rs. Other
pnsiiger came to
II ipewood
s assistant .... u . A.
fought .v,. : --." mieves
ortn and
.u ou as I- tram was
tue city and escaped. q
Evidence ot Steady Growth
and Enterprise.
From All tbe Cltla and Towns uf BI
Thriving Dialer MaUa
Tbe shcop inspector of Benton coon,
ty says there are very few scabby ibwp
iu that couuty.
Prbmlut'Ut men in Ileppuer say thn
they will build a telephone line frcro
Heppuer to Loug Creek, lu (irsut
county, if they can arrange for a ith
factory bonns.
', Tbe legal complicatioui that Lave so
long arrested the operations of th
Divilbiss quartz mill ia Coos county
have finally beeu satisfactorily adjuii'.
ed, and the miner ot the Jolnuoo
creek district will now have free ut
of the mill.
Superintendent Morrison, of thi
Wcstoren Union construction ib part,
ment, hu finished receiving and Cor
ing at Flavt-1 2, OUO poles for the tusio
telegraph line bc-twenu Astoria aud
Poitiuud. It required two acres or,
which to stuck this material.
While leveling of! tho grounds abog)
tho house ou bia lilind Slough raucb,
iu Clatsop, Martiu Impu fouud buiried
two feet iu the earth au Indian eoos
weapon, shaped like a ship's ruurlin
spike, having a Lt 1 j borod through th
l'", which had evideuily been
made by a stoue implement, says tbe
Some very old residents claim that
Kogue river waa np where the Grunt's
Pass depot now stands iu 1802. Th
river bed haa deepened ami widwd
very much since then, and there it
very littlo probability thut it will tv
overflow its left bauk Hgaiu. The
wiuter of '02 made gullies and gulches
whue all was level before.
Fully 100 tue a are bard at work
along the Alderbrook water front cut
tiug wood for their wiuter'i use, says
the Astoriau. Duriug the recent
freshet huudreds of cords of wood, and
about 2,000 ehiugle bolts from the
Cowlitz river were thrown upon the
beach. It was au iutetostiug sight to
seo thcHo uii'u cutting huge logs Iuto
stove-wood leugths, aud rolling them
tip the beach to their borne'. They used
a large instrument like a pair of ice
tongs with which to drag tho log
Fisher aud William Logan, brothers,
were caught out iu the cold suap of last
mouth iu Crook couuty, while driving
cuttle. They left their cuttle aud tried
to reach tho cabiu thut waa their des
tination, but, thinking tboy could not
find it, they built a tire under a rlm
rock mid remained there all night II
was the coldest night, aud others who
wero out say it waa thirty-four degree
below zero. Tbe men made them
selves as comfortable as they oould,
They hud no blankets, aud while sit
ting arouud tho tire both foil asleep,
and after awhile young Logan wn
awiikened by hia clothos oatchiugon
fire. On waking up be found that
both of his feet were frozen. Tbey
also discovered when daylight cams
that they were iu sight of the cabin.
There nre said to be fully 500 cases ti
measles reported and unreported U)
Wull.i Walla.
Tho Northern Puoiflo Railway Com
pany paid 'J,008.00 tales iuto ths
Lewis couuty treasury last week.
Hurglars attempted to open the sh
in the cilice of ludiau Ageut Erwin, al
Fort Simooe, one night last week, but
failed tJ get awuy with anything of
The United states revenue cutw
Hear bas been taken to Quartermaster
harbor to be put ou the drydock for re
pairs to her hull. A 3,000 contract
has beeu lot, and extensive repairs ars
to be made.
Work will bo resumed at the Cowee
umu shingle mill, iu Cowlitz oounty, as
soou us the water recedes sufficiently to
permit of it Attorney FiBk will haw
charge of tho plant. It is the inten
tion of the company to pay off all
claims us soou as possible.
A uiiiiid.tmus sued out to compel tb
commbssioueia of Jefferson oonuty to
luuko a speciul levy to pay certain road
warrants was quashed lust Saturday al
Port Tow useud. The etleot of the de
cision is thought to be to invalidate ths
rod warrants issued under the law of
March 7, 1SU0.
It is estimated that to build the tele
poluio liue from Eastern Washington
to Puget sound puiuts it will take 16,
000 poles, 1.8S4 miles of No. 10 bard
drawn copper wire, 15,000 cross-arai
aud braces and 82,000 pins aud wen'
lutors. The estimated cost of material
and labor is f72,000.
The Washington Mining Covawi
has been incorporated for f 1,000, 000.
Tho stock is divided into a million
shares of the par value of f 1 each. Tbs
trust es for the first si x months are J
Lynch Montgomery, of New York;
K ilph L. Claike aud T. E. Jefferson,
of Spokiiue, aud John L. Ketallack, of
The last season's work at Hall
Itishop's logging camp, in Clallam
county, is one to be proud of. At th
beginning of the year two miles of rail
road were put down, and since then
the loggers have been busy getting ont
logs. The season's cut amounted to 7,
000,000 feet, most of which was towed
to Hadlock, aud from there was dis
tributed to different points on the
sound and British Columbia. Forty
ineu were employed in the camp
throughout the year, at an average of
2-50 per day.
Mrs. Swenyer, of Ashfnrd, in Lew'1
county, who recently cut tbe throats of
three of her children and then tried W
kill herself, is improving very rapid'?'
After she was removed to the house of
neighbor, a note was found in ths
room where she bad tried to kill n
children and herself, which she b1
written before she bad commenced the
horrible work. In that, after statin
her iutentions, she asked to be buried
"iu the spot that looked the most U'
Tbe Deschute is rising
swollen by the heavy rains.