The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 12, 1896, Image 8

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Am I.tsnatlag Coll.Mloa MUm Fro
Ik Tw H.iuliph.r.a rriDU4
la C.ndsM.4 lVrm.
The fighting cruiser lirooklyu, th
newest addition to the L'ulted btatei
nary, bm been tested and accepted by
tbe government
John Abel, a workman at the N'elion
Morris dressed beef wurki, Hi. Louis,
Mo., waa borrlbly burned while it
work. The flesh on the rluht leu wn
parboiled. Abel tripped od the greasy
Boor la tba rendering-room, and fell
Into a vat of boiling greaae.
Jane Hbelly, the 14-year-old daugh
ter of Joseph Shelly, farmer living
nine miles aoutb of Olympla, Wath.,
waa reach I iik for some object ou thr
mantloplcce, when her clothes caught
fire from the fire In the Are-place. She
waa terribly burned and died after a
few daya of suffering.
Delbort Crawford, a young man 10
yean old, win found twelve mile
from 1'endloton, dead beimath an over
turned loaded wagon. He wai hauling
grain to the city, and the wagon ran
off the grade into a canyon. Ilia four
borae team atood all night bitched to
the wagon, and were fouud the next
morning corered with mow.
T. J. Henry, living on the Apple
gate, near Jacksonville, Or. , on Novein
ber 33 Ian! went over to one of the min
ing oainpa to look for a Job oooking for
the miner. He ttarted borne over the
Walk ini trail. A atorin atarted op
and he wandered about la the moun
tain and frose to death. The whole
community turned out to aearch for
him, and auomded in HndiiiK bia body.
He bad orawled Into a broab pile and
waa frozen to death. 11a leavea a
widow aud all children practically des
titute. Jennie Ward, a well-dresaed young
woman, created a aematlou ty walk
ing along Wabash avenue, Chicago,
amoking. 1'eople turned aud atared at
the woman, but the paid no attention
to tbeui, and ooutinued to swud blue
cloud of imike heavenward. Hhe
waa planed uuder a r rent by Defectives
Wool ridge and Hchulwrt and locked up
at the Harritou-atreet tatiou, charged
with diaonlerly conduct, and when hui
case waa called for trial In Justice
Kichardaon'a court aha failed to apear.
"Till I aomethlng terrible. aald the
oourt, "and aa a warning I will fine
thia wouiau 1 for amoking. It ii ter
rible." A freight train of thirty car loaded
with lumber and ahlngle from the
Went got beyond control on heavy
grade east of Mullen tunnel, on the
Northern Paciflo road, and ran away.
Tweuty-aU oar were eoattered along a
distance of eight ml let, when the en
gine left the track. Ed Jatbeau, heart
brakeniHil, wa killed. Firemau Young
had bia oollar bone brokuu, and En
gineer John Flunn's leg waa broken,
beside internal injuries Conductor
John Mclteau' thigh wai brokuu, and
bia back wrenched. It la the worl
wreck the Northern Pacific baa ever
bad from the point of damage to track
aud rolling atock.
Thirteen prlaonor escaped from a
lull lu Wyaudotte, Kan. Throe have
been captured and the ofllovra are ill
punult of the other.
Kev. K M. Hill, formerly a mlailou
ary to China, wa atricken with imraly-
aia while delivering a aeruinn at hi
church iu lleutonvillo, Ark. He oauuol
George W. Hill, a well-known
printer and itatloner, of Portland, dr.,
ahot and killed htmaelf. He waa of a
doapondtmt uature, aud about Ova year
ago attempted lulolde by taklutf mor
phine. Farmer iu tho vicinity of Taconia
have lout many tluiuaandi of tuahela
of potatote because of the cold One
farmer had 0,000 buahel stored lu hi
barn, aud nearly the wohle lot waa de
atroyad. The primmer lu lledford, Ind., made
a deaM'iate effort to escape by setting
fire to the jail. Hut for the timely
discovery of the fire by theiherlff, aome
of them would have escaped, aud other
would have beeu cremated.
Fifteen-year-old Emma Taylor, au
orphau, ha beeu held a au important
wituea against four meu who. ou
Thanksgiving utght, attempted to rob
a car full of passengers lu Kansaa I'ity.
The young girl say that inn made
the mask for the robber aud know
heir plana It I believed by tha po
lice that the girl wa seised by the gang
aud made to do their bidding.
Advice received at Tampa, Kla.,
from Havana are that Weyler will aoou
laaue another IoIuuhh) order prohibiting
the riportatiou of remudlo tobao
from the lalands of Cuba. This wa
uot included iu hi other order, aud a
great deal ha been exported. Havana
manufacturer have petitioned Weyler
to close the Cuban porta to tin to
bacco, at Northern and Eastern manu
facturer were buying all of It for ei
. por tatiou to tin country.
Due of the boldest robberies ever
perpetrated occurred lu Alameda, Cal.
Two unkuowu meu called Charlie '
Kerry from hi house and relieved him
of (15 In gold Merry weul home late
and wa followed by the robber, but
did not know It at the time. He waa '
called to the door by repeated kuook- ,
lug, aud upon opeuiug it he waa
grabbed by the men. Hi mouth waa i
closed by one aud the entire pocket out !
by the other form bl pant, lu which
be carried the money. The meu theu
made their escape lu the darkness.
Viceroy LI Hung Chang la again lu i
disgrace. He entered the Imperial '
park aud hunting ground without :
aauottou. Tbe punishment for the
offence la to be deprived of all bia
rank aud doooratiou, but the emperor
merely deprived him of a year' salary. ;
amounting to 116,000 taela. Tbe oount,
it la believed, will ask to be allowed to '
retire to bia native province ou the
plea of ill-health, at he ha been die
appointed In obtaining a position of in-
fluenoa in tbe I'eklng government.
Bhould tbe efforts of the empreaa dow
ager in bia behalf auooeed, ha will
become floeroy of Chin It
Death In th
A Pari disptach ay that a terrible
disaster ha occurred In the Pyreuen
A score of Hpauitirila, i rushing on foot,
bad reached Gavaruie, Iu France.wheni
they related with apparent remorse
that they had left a woman, unable to
prooceed, with her husband and bro
ther, two hour distant. Guides bur-
back to the rescue and beard call
help, when a audden avalauche
blocked the mountain puna ) that the
guide were obliged to return to Oav
arnle and wait there for two day.
When they Anally reached the Ill-fated
trio, two of them were dead and the
third wai dying.
Ths JntJ llldn'l Nr-a Him
John Tlilel, who wa aupposed to
hare filed the ahot that entered the
head of a young girl at a wedding party
In Kitzville, Vali., ha been acquitted
by a jury. It waa proved that be bur
rowed the pun, and that the ahot waa
"rl 'r" but "'
, u" " Jur7 mscnargeii
ratal Kiidliig nf Kul.
A fight between old man Harrison
aud hi two ion and Morgan and bi
two sou, Tom and Caleb, cccurred iu
one of the mountain oount lis of Ken
tucky. The cider Morgmi 1 dead.
Iloth son aru dying, lioth the Har
rison boy are also dead.
Hlrurk liy an Kl.rlrlo ar.
In Denver an electric car struc k a
carriage containing .Mrs. John C. Mout
goinnry, wife of a prominotit Denver
; capital!!, and two other ladle. The
carriage wa wrecked and Mr. Mont
gomery wa ao badly Injured that the
cannot recover.
killed l.f I'uarhars.
Count Flnicki'inteln, an intimate
friend of Emperor William, of Ger
many, ha been mortally wounded ou
bl estate. It i supposed he Vas shot
by poacher. He was one of the
wealthiest landowner iu tier many.
MaMarrtfl by Hunts.
A Conatuntinoplo diipatch say that
under the pretest of revenging an old
grievance, 10,000 Kuril raided the
province of Mamoiiiel ul Axis, where
they burned ami pillaged the villages
aud mas4acred tlio Inhabitant.
frani-h IV mil. I Kit-lmls Our I'ork.
At a mas meeting held in l'aria,
France, of thu organized Farmers'
L'ulon, the dealer iu suit meat adopt
ed a resolution iu favor of the exclusion
of American pork products, lu view of
the fall lu thu price of iwiiin.
Jumpril Fr.iiii m lluli-l IVIimI.iw.
Mrs. Eliiit CuiiimingH, aged r5, a
wealthy womau of Hillaboro, ., com
mitted suicide iu New York by jump
ing from a third-story window of a ho
tel. llluwn t p by Natural r iloaliiu.
A natural gas explosion at Moumls
vllle, W. V. . followed by tire totally
Ic.troyei the 10,000 dwelling of M.
V. A. Weaver. The sensational feature
wa the fact that thu person in the
house when ita root wa lifted in the air
ud it four wall were blown out, all
escaped with slight injuries. Mrs.
Weaver, her 0 months-old babe and 4
year old son were throwu from a sec-und-itory
window into thu front yard,
with no barm to the babe. The ser
vant girl at the back kitchen door was
blown across a lot, and the pluiutier,
whose carelcsNtiena caused the explosion,
came ulf with a few scratches.
Japan lleiuMinens a treaty 4 twnae.
I'nitcd State Minister Dcnby, at
I'eklng, has informed the department
of state that tho Japanese government,
ha nlilolully and formally renounced
that part of the treaty hetweou China
and Japan, inn do at thu clom of the re
cent war, which provides Hint all ar
ticle manufactured by Japanese sub
jects in China shall stand upon tht ,
same footing aa those imported by Jap
anese luhjccta into China.
...... j
Th rilialMiiiKina-Nharher Ml. i
Robert Fit'isimmoiis mid Tom Shar- 1
key fought for a purse of fill. 000 in 1
San Francisco befoto tho National
Club. The contest wa to be ten,
round, but Sharkey wa knocked out
in thu eighth round. The referee, j
however, gave thu fight to Sharkey,
claiming that Fitsslmmoua deliln ratcly
fouled Sharkey by striking him below
the belt.
A Christmas t'reielil for Hajaril.
The I .on don Telegraph announces
the donation of 4'iOO a the opening of
a national uh4cription to present to
Mr. l'ayard, the Tinted Stale em bat
ador, a ChrtMma farewell gift of re
SMol aud good w ill. The paper has an
editorial if uimtlutid eulogy of Mr.
Kayard, "who." It savs, "like bis
Illustrious iMiuevake, ha been
peur el au reprm-he ' "
A lltulal Murtler.
Intense excilemeiit prevails in East
St. l.oul over tho brutal murder of
Christopher l.udw Ig, aged A'J, by liarrr
Schmeltser, ged SS. Schmeltcr it tuck
I.udwlg ou the head with an ax, kill
ing him instantly. Tho murderer e
OS pet 1, but 1 being pursued by a pos-o.
Mliisr Crti.lir.t at Murray.
At Murray, Idaho, a cave lu of the
Small Hope inme. killed tins Holmes.
Holme wa woikmg In a slope and
Bred a blast which prch-tbly cauaed the
MM Trrrll.l Ksattis.
Two firemen met death while righting
flame iu the St. Monica Koiuan Cath
olic church at Chelsea. N. J. They ran
Into Hie bunring church with the hose,
lid did uot heed the warning if the
chief. The wall fell iu burying them
lu the ruins.
Murlr HUH tin. On.
A Constantinople dispatch say a
massacre hs occurred at Evock, in
which 100 Armenians are reported to
bsv been killed.
t prl.lug at Maitisu.
New ha been received by the Italian
consul in '.aniibar that the captain of
the Itallau warships Volturuo and
StslTeU aud slH'ut six other officer
have becu killrnl by the Somslis at
Msgsdoxo, ou the coast, aud 100 meu
have beeu wounded.
Tug K,lllh Huras.1.
The tug Edith, of Seattle, burned
near Dofflemeycr's point, and 1 prac
tically a U t il loss. The lug wa act
ing a a tender l a drvgder aud wa
on ber way to Seattle.
Annual Report of the Secre
tary of Interior.
Nut gssls Ouvsrumsnt Itstaln Possession
ul l-auila nt Honil-Alilsd l(uals
I mil l)lls in Nsttlsd.
Wasbingtou, Deo. 7. The annual re
port of Secretary of the Interior Franci
wa made public today. It deal with
all the various tranche of the Interior
department during the paat year, aud
make a number of important recom
mendation. It propose a solution of
the vexed problem of the bond-aided
railroad, deal exhaustively with the
pi-union administration, review the
progre of the Llawea oo-niulssiou ne
gotiation, and touchei upon various
matter of especial aignlQcanoe in the
We l.
Tho report opena with a discussion
of the public domain. It show the
total Hum Iter of acre disposed of Dp t j
( June 30 last to be HI, 000,000, leaving
the public domain still vacant estimat
ed at 1100,000,000, uot including the
dihtrict of Alaska, with an area of over
H'lu.OOO.OOO ur.tM.
Secretary Fraud urge upon con
great the necessity for legislation for
reclamation aud disposal of laud with
iu the arid region. Utiles the Carey
( act could be amended ao a to give the
state power to pledge laud for their
reclamation, he ayi, it would be bet-
' tor to place the laud under the direc
tion of the state, only au far a may
be neccsNiiry t secure their reclamation
for the hcuotlt of actual settler.
The total amount paid by the govern-
: meiit on pension and cort of di.tiihut-
. lug the same, for thu last thirty-one
year, ia f .03i.M 7,76'J. The present
nuinUr of pcusioiior,whi':h 1 UTO.tiiS,
is greater by i.llilH than iu 101), when
the maximum annual cost wa readied,
and is greater than ever before.
'1 hi ia due to the deuth of old ol
titer and thu continued payment of al
lowance to their heir, while the
; amount paid 1 decreased through the
deatli of Invalid pensioner leaving un
Increase from S to fll per month
I lecoiiiinended for all wholly disabled
and destitute Mexican war lurvivor.
1 Uuder the bead of Indian affairs,
, the stcrelary repeat the recommenda-
, lion of hi predeci'snor for a oomiuission
of three, one of whom snail beau army
olllcer, to take thu place of the commis
sioner. , Under the head of bond aided rail-
'. rotnla thu secretary say he ha com
plied with thu joint resolution of June
10, IS'.iil, requiring biin to continue the
issuu of putu:iH to bona tidti purchaser
of lauds ol I by Uiud aided railroads,
; but ay he declined to lnuo patent to
all surveyed laud ou application of the
Central I'licillc. He says:
I "The representative of the Central
I'acillo further contend that their road
I not in default to the government,
i and that if it were, tha lands are not
, covered by the government mortgage,
and cannot lie held to lecure the same.
1 do not agree with either of these
statemi tits. Thu table presented clear-
: ly show the Central J'acilij road 1 iu
default to the government.
"In my judgment, it la much better
for tin government In accept a lump
urn lu cash for ita claim against theie
roads, if by so doing that claim can be
. settled and the connection between tho I
i government and thu ouly road it ha I
: ever aided by direct subsidy be. effect
I unlly severed. Such a solution of thia
vexed iiieMtou would meet the hearty
, approval of the people generally, and
relieve the legislator and all branches
of the government of a troublesome
problem and a trying rospouaibiltty.''
I llrath of Majur .(ixil.
New ork, IVo. 7. A special from
tluinitiro, Cainagucy, give the follow
ing details of the death of Major Dana
llngood the football player who com
manded a Cuban battery during the re
cent aeigd of the town of liulmaro
Mcncral tlarcia ordered Major Ongood
to ipeii ilro upon tho Spanish forts.
Two hour later a large fort, kuowu as
Fort Moiifau, located on a lull 700
yards from tho town, wa abandoned
by Ita defenders, who took refuge in
the town.
Un the second day of tho seige, Ma
jor Osgood, under heavy tt re from the
Span iatds, was training one of Ins piece
on the forta. A Mauser bull struck
him in the forehead. Ho uttered the
word "Well," and, bending forward
on his cannon, hugged it and breathe !
bia last lu behalf of Cuban liUrty.
Tbe new of Ins death deeply impressed
I'lesidcnl Cluero and the command
ing otTic-'i. all of whom had great re
gaid for the American olllcer.
Itilui .1. Iliighr-a.
Woodburn, Or., Deo. 7, Jehu J
Hughes, an old and highly respectable
pioneer, died at hi home iu Hubbard,
Tuesday morning. He was born iu
Ohio. September D7, I v.' 7. lu lx.VJ be
eroised the plain to Oregon, and iu
thi state be made bis home until ho
died. In early day bo followed min
ing, and for niiictceu year ho lived
near Kuttcville, wheie he carried ou a
tiumcry business.
llmniU. lk Klllrd.
New Kirk, O. T., IVo. 7 Dyna
mite Dick, a noturiou territory out
law, over whoso head hangs a reward
of $ J00, was shot and killed in a tight
with deputy sheritt sixteen mile west
of thi city thu morniug. Dau t'ra
vent, a member of Dick' band, for
whoso arrest a reward of f 300 l out
wa badly wounded aud captured.
A slock company hs been formed iu
Springlel l, Mass., to manufacture uiu
Jioal instrument of aluuuuuui.
Interfered Vtilh Nulillvr's I'vualuaa.
Do Moiiik, L., Deo. 7.Kelerl
officer of the southern dutricl of low
will next week arrest tho officer aud
Iruateoa of the soldier' homo, at Mar
'.lalltowu, for committing a misde
uioauor against the federal goveru
liietil by interfering wjth the peulou
of soldier who are Inmate of the home.
Alexandria, Deo. 7 Tho court of
appeal today issued a division con
demuiug the Egyptian goveruiueut to
repay tne luud. advauotsl by caisse for
I,. .. .U- ... . ..
Mti. r.Viv "T 10 I'Uan ex-
far I He tos.t fish Placed
W stars.
Washington. Dec. 7. Under tht
direction of Commimioner Urice, a
large number of I'acifio coait tslraon
ire to be planted iu Eastern water. A
fish car, cutaiuing 6,000,000 ejg, U
now on the way east, and the egg will
be planted in tbe Kennebec, l'euobscut,
Mi.-rrimao, Hudson, Delaware and tin
qui hanua river. Already 8,000 year
ling have b'fcn turned loose iu the
l'eiiob-cot. The cjininisMon i gra ti
tled with ita work ou the I'acillo coast
thi year. Thi year 30,000,000 egg
have been hatched, three time a many
a were batched in any previous year.
Of theie, 20.000,000 were hatched at
the new station at liattle creek, a trib
utary of the Sacramento river in Cali
fornia. The commissioner secured a
site which belong! d to the California
commission, and ha built xu addition
al hatchery there. It is now regarded
a one of the best stations in tbe Unit
"d State. Nut the least important ac
tion of tho nh c .inmisMoii is the trans
fer of teel bead trout from the Faclfic
to the Atlantic coast, where a
number have been planted.
Mumlrcila iif Wniiinled Sianlarils Taksu
to Hataiia.
Cincinnati, Dec. 7. A special to tbe
Commercial Tribune from Key West,
Ha., ays:
Passenger by steamer from Havana
tonight say that a train with 5U0
wounded Spanish soldiers arrived there
today. It was said ill st of them came
from the vicinity of Han Cristobal
and Caiidelaria. No definite statement
could be had a to what battle-field
they came from. Humors prevailed
on their arrival that Weyler had sus
tained anotlit r defeat. Counter state
iiimts were also made that the van
guird of Maceo'i army had beeu dt
Lilted. wa announced
that Weyler i on the eve of attempting
to stoim some of tho hill tops where
Maceo ia entrenched, and this has
rai-ed great einctatlons iu llavani
Several American coi respondents al
Havana have hud friendly warning
that Weyler is contemplating deporting
some of thu more outspoken ones be
aufe their reports do not please him.
ML.inirl Him li.r Will Iiitii ulats fill
Ktrrjr llliraa.
Columbia, Mo., Dec. 7. Dr. Thouia
I'owill, of Columbia, seems to have
learned how to inoculate a uiau'i sya
lem so aa to render it imprvioustodis
eare germ. A vaccination prevents
smallpox, so this discovery will ward
oil icatbt fever, consumption, dip
llieria and every other disease caused
by germs. So confident is Dr. I'uwell
of the truth of bis discovery that he
has written largely for scientific journ
al on thu subject, aud has tested it
practically by exposing himself to a'l
manlier of diseases. He entered this
week into au agreement with California
capitalists by which he is to be paid 1
f 0,000 for one-third interim iu thu dis
covery. A santaiiuui will be erected
in Los Angeles and experiments begun.
If successful, Dr. I'owell' fortune is
I.iimlirr anil Tarlir.
Tacoma, Deo. 7. An important con
ference, in which l'acitlu ooast lumber
men are taking great interest, will Iih
held at Cincinnati, December l.", isyi',.
The call was issued last month by Chi
cago lumbermen. The luinlier associa
tion iu tho country have beeu invited
to send representatives, the object be
ing to determine upon some action that
will result iu lumber being given great
er reeoguiiton iu the tariff laws to be
enacted during th next four years The
l'aoifio Fine Lumber Compauy, of Cali
fornia, and the Manufacturer's Asso
ciation of the Northwest will each
scud representatives.
Illg l ira 111 tlllaH.
Ottawa. Deo. 7.-A terribly destruc
re tiro broke ou, in Mrlrll.
tivo tiro broke out in Mr. Turner's cm
feetionery establishment ou Sparks
street today, aud extended to McDon
ald' furnishing store aud to the store
of G. M. Holbrooke, a clothier.
building as well as Turner's aud Mc
Donald 'a were gutted, everything be
ing consumed. On the top floor of this
building wa the Scottish Kite hall.
All its paraphernalia i lost. From
Holbrooke's the tiro continued to the
largo dry good establishment of G.
Hose -Co. Only a part of tho frout
wall i staudmg. The loss is about
1 100,000.
Nad a Narrow K.iai.
Astoria, Or.. Dec. 7. Charlea liver,
an employe of tho water commission,
had a narrow escape from death this
morning. With a number of others,
ho waa engaged iu retiuihhiiig au old
pipe by dipping it iu hot tar. Ho ws
landing ou a length of pipe that rolled
from under him, and he wa thrown
head first toward the huge cauldron iu
which the tar wa boiling. Dyer kept
hi prvseuce of unud and grasped the
side of the vessel, but could not pre
vent hi feel and legs from beiug badly
burned. Hi iujurie are not such as
will result iu permaueutly disabhua
Wouieu make poor captains, but the
very best of lieuteuaut.
Arlington, Or., Deo, 7. E. U. Com
fort, aged SJ, died here last uight from
a paralytic stroke. Ho crossed the
plain with au ox team aud settled iu
the Willamette valley iu isis. He
wa also a pioneer of Gilliam county,
having Nen in the mercantile business
in tin towu sixteen year ago, aud wa
one of the firtt six resident. Mr.
Comfort wa esteemed for hi strut
business integrity aud uprightness of
character. He wa the firl postmaster
of 1'ortlaud.
Th. Turk U Afraid of I s.
Loudon. IVv. 7. The Constauti
nople corrostHiudent of the Mail hear
that the pttrto ha divided to dechue
tne payment of all claim for indent-
uily for masaicres, except those ad
vauced by Auiericaus.
A.itralia'a W h.t Short...
r .. . . .
uA'nuou. Liec 7. A lime dispatch
from Melbourne ay thai on acwuut nf
the crop deficiency. Australia ro.Uire.
" " """l VlU ton ol wbtal and flour frtt
America, and that bait of that quau
May Yfct Move Congress
Interfere in Cuba.
So lllnlts Information as to I
c-Uluu fur Mors hiiiiiinary Action
by tlis AdiiiliiUtralluu.
iF.Aimiinn Dec. 4. KennrtB wen
that the Llilteo Piaies " -
"Danish government, courteously oui
i..,..,, ti.ut the Cuban
rebellion wi-t le crushed within threi
mouth, or the Lintea emus wou...
c.miK-lled to intervene to tp hostih
.. . , . i.i w
tie. Jt was sari mai a prowium. ..v
publican senator had bien tho authot
of thi report. Tbe reports, iu their
general feature, were similar to rumorf
nrevalent about a niuutli ago, and era-
. : r
nhatically denied at the time by ofii-
ciul of the goveruun nf, aud ulso at
Madrid. No couflrmatK u or the lateBt
! report could be obtained inofficial ur-
i cl(.(
Senators who have been active in for-
eign affairs and have consulted the
,! state department officials on the Cuban
situation expressed theopiuiju that the
bad not made any ran
ical change in it attitude, but a num
ber of them gave it a their personal
opinion that congress would adopt vig
orous measures to end the present state
of affairs. It is said that the president
will take early occasion to end to con
grew the report which Conul-Guuoral has submitted to the secretary oi
state ou the result of his obscrvatioui
iu Cuba.
A proniim nt member of the senate
committee on f ireign relations said to
day that it would uot lie possible for
the pie i lent to scud a
message to congress, in view ol tne re
port which Consul General Lee has
madu to Secretary Olmy. Speaking
generally of the view of General Lee,
the senator said they were well enough
kuowu to make it clear bii report
would not be favorable to the Spanish
con tent ion c
It is known that the report which
General Lee made shows a very grave,
not to Bay horrifying, erudition of
affairs in Cuba. One of the conditions
he describes is that of tho situation of
noii-cuuibatants, peaceable citizens,
who have no interest iu the war except
to see it euded. These people, whether
within the Spanish lines or the Cuban
hues, are sufferers. If withiu the Cu
ban lines, they plaut thtir crops to ob
tain a living, only t ) have t it-ir terri- 1
tory occupied by tho Spanish forces,
who immediately destroy crops, burn
the houses and other property of the
planters, and upon the slightest pre
text, it is alleged, put the men to death
or imprisonment The report of Geu- .
eral, besides showing what diffi
cultiet uoii-cuiiibatants have to contend
with in the matter of securing enough,
food to sustain life, also points out
huw they arc ofteu hurrried to prisons
and coudemtied without trial. Amcri- (
cans are accustomed to see justice given
to persons charged with offenses. It
is kuowu that General Lee's report
shows that cruelly is practiced on both
sides, but, it is said, it states that
cases have come to his knowledge of
wrongs ou the part the Spanish.
A very conservative member of the
enato committee ou forcing relation
said today conditions in Cuba were
such that intervention by the United
Slates in the cause of humanity was
demanded, aud he had no doubt that
cougress would early take a ht.iud in
the matter. j
Inriitiiatliin I' HI I vv n Tal I. I
New York, Dec. 4 Willatn 8. j
Wood, 55 years old, who was a pros-1
perous and wealthy man, happily mar-1
ricd and enjoying a large inherited for
tune w hen he met Mary M. Kellard, :
eight years ago, is lucked ut on a
7 7," "K" lwM Up oa a
? ''"I""?. . 1,9 .""!" of "
.urs. irginiu wood, ol
this eitv. to
two promissory notes for $10,000 each, i
The story of Wood's downfall is a
pathetio one. His infatuation for Miss
Kellard caused his separation from his
wife, ami after that his money began !
to go rapidly. It is estimated that since
his acquaint nice with Miss Kellard he
has spent $J.-0,000, much of which was
used for expenses incurred by her. Dur-!
ing the early years of their friendship, I
Miss Kellard purchased 30.01)0 worth
of goods from oue firm, which he paid
for. P W
I'erlstird lu the IHIii,l.
liisuiarck. N. D.. Dec. report
reached here today from Williumsport
Ktnnious county, that a Russian fa ml
llV, COIIMStilltf of ,. if , i
three children, perished iu the terrible
blizzard Thanksgiving day. It is ex-
pect h1 a number of people were frozen
to death, whose deaths have not been
reported. Cattle that were not pro-
toc.ed nearly all perished.
ti,. a.f. wasVioVno,.,,,
Omaha. IVo. 4 -Kxiert era,. '
t'Wthe big safe op u' ,, wTv
tore of H,rschburghL m and
"t 13.000 iu diamond, ,nd ca,n hl "N",
cent was left. The report of the'ex-
P dynamic was not heard The
place is
iu the heart of tint 1....1
Valuahl. HUmoiul. M,.
St Louis. IVc 4 -Au $sJ0 diamond
robbery occurred at the Planters' hotel
Mr. J. W. Han.ra,,h.w,feof,hegen:
oral pass, nger and freight agent of the
lineman ml tV lJret vlW,i. ' ',
Pi" n.l ring
m ' , .T,..rr rvlu her absence.
, ,i";..,Jl h-H-r- the
- "v ii inn
, , " ""'''. reported to
I- .or iai ni.nt that her diamond
at fi.tioo. disapp.are,
I nitsteh-
Hit, .... ...
uie a lie
as eauug diu-.ter at
the hotel.
t'ut ftrirhnln. In th, ,ir
Harvard. III.. IVo. I.-W.n,,.
I, . " ""il Sllv
Itarrv. farmers
Ulll' uth of tin cltT
iu the !an.
01 "'ir mother
decided In a .
lney fouud a san... .t.
len 0 . " " COU-
. uoi snowinu
mv'u. auil II tell i. .. . I
....niuiuenau ren mixed with
j ""'V ,u MtS. Two hire,!
men snl a ni.. . ..
, J"'uea tneui at din
, , a,,""rwd alt we taken
'',leu,'-T H. nd it i. probable that
" " oie.
l-rlnc KmrTrr.. ..
ftoth water and veeut.ou on Jb m J "
Old Olorr Trampl.d I poo by Toralsh
New York, I)w 7.-A letter from aa
r,,.,ican missionary for nearly twenty
tO American missionary for nearly twenty
yean a reaident of Conitantinople baa
been received by Kev. Dr. Strong, aeo-,
! retary of the American t-vangcuca.
i League, which confirm tbe recent
atatement of Kev. Dr. Cyru Humlm ,
ith relatjon t0 the tHtQ1 0( Ameri-
nam onn the American flag in Turkey, I
especially with legard to the occasion ,
when the flag wa torn and trampled .
upon in au Armenian village The ,
letter U dated September 80, and ay:
"Tbe rascally police omcer,
i u Iran Hm
mg tne massacre, n.n. -r
obtained from the Armenian on nil
promise to lave their live, and whom
. i i k.n..,.vinint.l nivnn nnrnfiPHtn
e uau irra.. -y-;
Everybody 1 asking whether Mr. Icr-
rill u-ill doanvth ng to vindicate tne
honor of our flag, but a yet we hear ol
nothing being done.'
Another letter from Constantinople
dated September 80, only five dayi
ter the occurrence, ay:
"Hasseky. tbe bouse which Mil
Uleaaon and air. Dteieve occupiou,
wai looted and the ervaut left in
1 charge doubtles lost hi life. Men
wearing nuiform headed the mob
which attacked the house and pulled
down and tore to ihred the United
Btatel flag that bad been hung out."
Hlshwaviiien Loot lb Office of a
Louis Hrsnlng Company.
St. Louis, Deo. 7. Three highway
men, with drawn revolvers, entered
tbe ollice of tbe Home Brewing Com
pany, at 8 o'clock thia afternoon, and
held up the cashier, Kobert Haver
kamp, forcing bira to baud over $100,
aud then, not being satisfied with the
amount, went behind the counter, loot
ed tho money drawers aud secured from
foOO to S00 additional.
s den tne hold-up occurred, there
were present in tho office the cashier,
a bait dozen clerks and several custom
ers. Two of the robbers held the oc
cupants of the office in line while the
other went through the safe and money
When the desperadoes had taken all
the money, they produced ropes and
bound, baud and foot, everyone in the
office This required nearly ten uiiu
otej, and it seems marvelous that they
were uot discovered.
Having bound their victims, the rob
ber warned them against making a
noise under pain of instant death.
Y nun the thieves bad gouo out, one
of the clerks managed to free himself
aud then liberated the others. The
police were at once uutitied by tele
phone. Upon leaving the office, the robbers
mouufed a North Broadway car and
went south when they left the car and
went toward the river. The brewery
employes were unable to give the police
good descriptions of the men.
I'lui-ky Act nf a Woman Who round a
.Man In Iter Hi i.
Portland, Or.. Dec. 7. Mrs. E. E.
Liddy of this city, made a plucky cap
ture at 1:30 o'clock this morning of au
aged sueakthief, who was in the act of
breaking into her house. She was
eating lunch upstairs with a woman,
when she thought she heard a window
raised in oue of the side rooms, down
stairs, aud, rushing dowu, ehj opened
a door just in time to see a mau, who
was half-inside au open window, make
a hurried exit.
The street door was near at bund,
and Mrs. Liddy, who is a muscular
woman, ran out just iu time to see the
thief running up the street. The
woman ran after him aud caught him.
"What d'yer want?" exclaimed the
thief, at the same time trying to break
away from the woman, who had hold
of bis collar. "I want you," answered
Mrs. Liddy, as she took a firmer hold
aud began walking her prisouer back
to the house.
A woman hi the house telephoned
the police eution. and when the patrol
wagon arrived, Mrs. Liddy turued her
prisoner over to Officer Nicolai.
roiift,t . ntehed Haiti. In a California
Angel's Camp, Cul., Deo. 7. A
pitched battle was fought on the streets
8 ? " eVe,,i" 'ww
t,wo ollice" nd Kolrt Hinman, the
.! huu who is warned at Kosebura
Or fm- I,;.... j :i . .
or.ior breaking jail and shooting a
deputy sheriff. Uefore the constable
had an opportunity to prepare for Hiu-
-unu o mim, ne urogo awar m.,,i
UD the street wki..t. ...... ..n' . .
T1,e offlui" followed him, firing t evl
"7 "top. Hinman turued and took a
8not 1,1 ei,cl his pursuers, but with-
0Qt eflw'- The officers' a nmuni ion
" exhausted, and they .rc
obliged to give up the pursuii
r WHU dmPPred ia the darkness.
-PT WH' orKuwl na sent in pur-
7 'V Xm h" h h "
Lr. tCh. U I hUht b ,he
tllHt "ly oneof the shots.
SP8in h" wer daily paper, tllHn
0,ber Klan country, and i.
nl" of those she !.. ... ,
J uftirews.
llurnrd to ll.atlt. j
Washington, Deo. 7. A soivi-l Ai. 1
thi. m.i' ;rie. "or'"!
laughter were burned , , T u . hU
Blaine escaned Til "Ib: Mr-
npsair,to ,rvehi. e..:1:,,pla,a
- - ,'
Moreaa, the eminnn v... u .
"UM; "'at persistent dreamim? 1
Ue Ot the most inr..,..u. "
of insauitv
it. ,, a,,.,,,,,, (
scrmento. Dec 7 x .n.
n named Nellie Heaih,
3f a iewlnr in .1.;.
the daughti: eth, . ":CU committi
-"'n the left brea.r exp red
ew minute UtM, u. fPred
i . . ""uk. uavin
01J l believed th. 1 . 1
old ii i- . w 18
PMdeot over her r,inl-"..
LiB "'Ppled conditio).
LoKn. Utah, Deo -on
Jame. were buried i . '
ftnoou tn UtJ, "..'
th.' PA1 ""If.but
wt both killed.
Ev,d f Stea, Q
, auy growth
and Enterprise.
rroin au hi citlss Towns of thi
Tlirlvlng Hl.tsr Htate
Apples have iold for lower prie i
r.keTiow tbli tM fhun - .
a uuuoreu
A single bean plant of tbe navy v.
rlety, grown on the farm of W. L.
Curtia, near Foreat Grove, yielded 611
beaug weighiua 4 l-R ouueea.
. oou-
ine cannery sioogn and Ion boom
near the mouth of Cooa river, it fllled
with drift It looks aa though it would
be an expensive undertaking to cleat
me jam.
Another body was found floating fa
the lower bay near Marsbfleld Is it
week, aud ia supposed to be that of ou
of the firemen of the Arago. This is
the sixth body found.
Artio owls are being seen in all parti
of the coast counties. A live one wai
captured ou Pouey slough, Coos coun
ty. The bird was a beautiful specimen
aud was nut in any way injured.
Captain E. II. Hansen, the builder ol
the schoouer General Siglin, baa nearly
completed the three-masted schooner
on the Siuslaw. Her length is lis
feet; width of beam, 83 feet; with a
capacity of 174 tons.
A six-point elk was recently killed
ou the west fork of Cow creek, in the
southwestern part of Douglas county.
Tbe carcas weighed 1,200 pounds. The
huuter used tbe meat to bait bear trapt
aud says be caught three bears and ex
pucti to catch more.
A Coquille man says that a great
in my logs went to aea during tbe late
ficshet, notwithstanding the fact that
it was stated they bad been caught
in tbe boom at Fuikersburg. He sayi
comparatively few logs were saved, and
tatimutca the loss at between 600 and
A spruce log was sawed at Himpel &
Wheeler's mill, which, when rolled
on the carriage, bad to be bewu off on
the upper sido to allow it to pass undei
tho timbers which support the roof of
tbe mill, says the Nehalem Times.
Unfortunately tbe height of tbe roof
support is not given.
Over 40,000 head of beef cattle from
Malheur and Harney counties have
been sold thi season, according to the
estimates of those who have hired pas
tures to tbe drovera. Thia represent!
more than $1,000,000, or a little iu ex
cess of f 12 per capita for every man,
womau aud childin both of these coun-
A car weighing 64,000 pounds, aud
carrying a moustrons gun carriage,
weighiug 85,100 pounds, destined for
Fort Stevens, at tbe mouth of tbe Co
lumbia river, was coupled to tbe west
bound freight train which passed
through Pendleton Saturday. Tbe cat
was specially constructed for ita heavy
load. It had eight pairs of wheels.
The woods at the headquarters of tbe
Vislikah river are said to be infested
by a large number of big gray wolves.
The high price of wheat is enabling
any farmers to pay off their mortgage
indebtedness, and aa a result release
ire being filed in unprecedented nuui
Wr with tbe couuty auditor of Colfax
The total receipts of tbe second an
lual exhibition of tbe Washington
late fair, held at Xorth Yakima, from
Sietember 23 to October 8, 1806, were
$.943.1)5; the disbursements were
$ J-'U.IO, leaving $21.85 cash on hand.
The Watervillo Big Heud Empire
siys: "Evidently there is more likely
tc be a deficiency than a surplus of
wieat in Douglas couuty next spring,
aid the mills may find difficulty in ob
t&uiug the ueoossary supply. There is
giod reason to look for fair prices all
of next year."
Mrs. Kose Zettler, of Taoouia, con
voted iu the Pierce couuty superior
ccurt of the crime of grand larceny aud
seiteuord to 18 mouths in the peniten
tiary at hard labor, will have to servo
btr term, the supreme court having
alirmed the decision of the superior
Ciurt for refusiug a uew tiral.
The EllenBburg orearaery, from Feb
riary 1, 1896, to October 80, 1806, rau
it'4 days; the milk of 600 cow waf
ced and 1,713,700 pounds of milk
vcre worked; 21,280 pounds of cream
vnre bought, aud 76,631 pounds of but
ter made; the average price a pound
fir butter was 20'4 cents, and for
btterfat31,' cents. Customers were
clarged Sxt cents a pouud for making
- Official returns from all oounties ex
cept Skamania, show tbe vote on presi
dential electors in Washington to have
Heen: McKiuley, SU. 122: Urvan 61-
'47; Palmer, 1,450; Leveriug, 733.
iryau's plurality, 12,553. Corrected
eturna show the Btanding of the legis
lature to be: "Senate, Kepublicans, 13;
opposition, 21; hcrne, Kepublicans, 13,
opposition, 61; with one distiict a tie.
Oue day last week, aa the l'oit
Towuseud Southern express was bend
ing toward Port Towusend a fire was
noticed in the residence of George
Cooper of Lelaud. The train was
8topPed and U handi incladlng half .
noaen passenger were soon at the scene
extinguishing the blaze which at the
time was gaining much head war. The
fire oriirinutert from . Hufontira Hu.
A ,ar8e Potion of the roof of the dwell
in j rri . j ,
Ing was destroyed. The damago
i amounted to about 1 100. No insurance
was carried.
! "Bud" Smith, a half breed of Chop
valley brought to Taooma last wetk
five deer, which he says he shot iu one
band. He used a single shot non
; repeating Winchester rifle. He found
! tbe deer lying down and. as they did
no bim. be drormed them oue
after another. It i a fact, says tbe
Ledger, that frequently a band of deer
or antelope can all be killed before
runciug away if found lying down or
quietly feeding, providing the hunter
kre . out of siijht. After each killing"
'he . tin rs rei-m to become so excited
""I ftvii 1-,'rel that they ouly circle
a:ouu t'icir dead companions.