The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 12, 1896, Image 7

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. ... 1st.
IHlcr"", -
Wultoii, uttoriu-y-ut-lHw.
1 . . i ..... n fun iii. Kiiutilieof
Money i" " -
fc"1 r . ..i ...... li in
oil i
iii " -
i I itt ii t M-r.
I found lit
llu may
; Ill Iff NiriH'l, U'tUISlI
Mr'" u i.Mlt 4. Oil ll'.ll l't
''"... ..i.i Iwtinl lit Id nr-
..ii. i riAto "' . . " .
ur t.. lo nil
' . .T.t.l work h. the best
Mull paper, ; ; ;
I li...... a. swl SliaMiMIlt
J ... n in nmv refer to plows, lull
,-r I., all Oliver plow ".r nil i-Jtlni.
C ... .1... full name oil tin plow or
k.. it.- full name is on every piece.
M.. ' i...ii, nf tlm Oliver
,1 lltilllTB niu - -
plow Mrhs.
I Farms for Nub-.
rliave now tlilrty Hue farm In the
.iMii .,....ii va toy ir miu'. mese
-- - i,. i,,.
(urm IlielU'ie eveijr .". '
'"r !w. M. Mi 1 1. Kit.
Wliklns Block, Eugene, Or.
VfANTKii. Oregon (lruo Root. Ac
v'to W Sanders, Eugene, Oregon.
(Jiwr 1 1 w 4 both steel hiiJ chilled
. i . ....LI irllu Pit II l....u' II rpi lit .
Wl Hi l'1!- ,M fS
ej Hi scour
F L Cham'iers, nolo agent.
wifeol Mr D Robinson, h prom-
I ue!
it lunilx rittUD luau oi uanwics,
. ... . tt ....... I. .1-
, was Hick with rheumatism for
moiitliM. In speaking of it Mr
liimnii says: unatuueriaiue ram
Jjuni is ilieouiy thing that. gave her
rent from pain. For the relief of
it cannot be beat." Many very
case of rheuinut Mil have been
I by it. For sale a! CO cents per
!e by Unburn & Delano.
iliirkleu's Arnica Salve.
h Itt'Mt Sulvo in the world for
Bruises. Sores, Lkvr. halt
nun, j-ever wires, leuer, ciihhnhi
Fever Hores. 'letter, C'IihpinhI
nN. t'lillbliilim. C'oriiH, and all kiu
iimtioiiH. ami positively cures ruex,
.. in..
int 1'iiy reUlred. It U guaranteed
ti kive iierrvct uatlHractlon or money
r finiliil. Prltw i ceiitH per box.
gale by lleiultTHon A Linn.
' irn MIT wMskk,' aio..
V( i- o li u a ClillJ, sli erio.1 f . r Cwurla.
in lie bwnw !L, Uo cluns l CrMorla.
mwn the IiaJ Odldrro.ihe givoU-om UMurU
Kli Hill, Lumber City, Pa., writes
liave been sufTerlng' from pile for
years and thought my case incura
. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was
onimended to me as a pile cure, so 1
Umriit n Imix and it nerforine'l a per
m,.i,i.i,i rurc." This is only one of
ihiuiHiiiiiiM of sliiiilnr cures. Kezema,
ion-xancl nkin dlbeuw-s yield quickly
Wbell it is used.
h'lie man who U anxious, and able to
wmk. tliouuli he may not b? able to
iiurelt, is not a tramp. In every
etiiiiiiunity there are a few men who
arn not working simply because it la
ap absolute inipnH'ibiiiiy for them to
cure any, yet they are none the leas
tttetmed for their predicament. It It
H e class of lazy loa ers who would
ikther stumble over a stick In their
DHtli than go to the trouble of remov-
Uitf it, that should be forced to know
S . Paul's Injunction: "If any will not
fork Deilher shall lieeul."
Major C T Picton is manager of the
ute hotel, and Deuioon, Texas, which
flie traveling nitiu say is one of the
l hotels lu that section. In speak
titf of Cliiimberltiln's folio, Cholera
nd Diarrhoea Itemedy Major Pictou
la: "I have used it myHeiranu in
iiy family for several years, and take
lra-ure in saying that I consider it
ii iiifulliulo euro for diarrhoea and
yx'iitery. I always recommend It,
uil have frequently administered It to
iy KiieMs in the hotel, and in every
use it lias proven Itself worthy of un-
fuaiiiieii endorsement." torsaie oy
burn & DeLauo.
How "Shekikf" is Spelled.
ppuiy ShtrifT (J L Scott has been
ktx-plng u list of the difTerent ways
fc hen (r Is spelled on envelopes ad
llreiiwd to the Lane county sheriff's
nice and so far has gotten 22 iliflere-1
rs of spelling the word, 21 of
fliioh, of course are Incorrect. The
't in as follows: Sheriff, sherefl,
ftwaif, slierlf, sheilfle. shlrf, shrlf,
licridir, nherrifl, sherief, sherrff. shlr-
pu, Kiieritl, sharef. slieraf, sherr, Blier
liirifl, shirofT. sheirfT, scherrif,
A ItEHGiouu Monthly. Volume
li Number 1. ol the "Helping Hand,"
f"urpge religious monthly publlstud
a' Pliilomatli In the the Interest of tha
college of that city and the Oregon
wnfersiice of the United Brethren
church, hm reached this ofllee. Rev
C C Bell of Portlaud, presiding elder,
' alitor and pioprietor, and KevJR
Pwkerof Philomath, Is editor oftba
Colle department. It Is a bright
Pllyor, DeoemDer 10.
""AKtspEAHB ULUB.-The Shakes
Pfe club met on Tuesday eveulng
ith Prof and Mrs F L VYashburn aed
continued liitir reading and study of
jmiieliiiv! as far as Act III Scemi V.
I ,r a larger attendance tnd all
Interest ing and animated dlscuwlor.s of
the .hy. The club a.ljourned to meet
eit Tuesday, December 15th, with
r ami Mrs Jams Ribliison, on L.w
""K street.
L...I . -
rK lugh Syrup cuiea Coughs,
ana t:onsumptlon. Mrs. Cath
"joe Hluck of Le IWy, N. V., says: "I
ft'1""' iH.ttle of Parks' Cough Syrup.
u acted ....t '..
bold i hJ I a,u Perfectly well now.''
" " A. I ERINaTON.
Combs' Post Office grocery.
A ftw stcond baud lnuLs now at F
L Chamber'.
See change In Friendly' ad today.
IU Is ail vvi lining Iiom.
CoiuinlxHlotieni' court Jput In the
time today ullowiug bills.
We sell the famou Soap I'uam
uimhini poder Hall 4 holt.
A not lii r full our loud of Oliver lows
at F. L. Ciiamukhs'.
l.'hrihtnius eve two week from this
Everything at Post OlUce groce-y.
Hoe Cake wrappers are worth 1 cent
apiece Ak f..r the premium look.
Hall it .S.ii.
Hear faced Clmi ley, one of the Mo
doo Indians died near Kansas City,
Mo., yesterday.
A good cook stove l).00.
K L Chamber.
Soup Foam sitv the slteiigth for
other dulleit, mid saves the clothe.
II Al l. A Hon.
A iiuetlug of Hie Kuxene Fire De
part mi nt was held last night. Itut
little business was transacted,
Clcanext uiid strongest;
quick shot shelln.
The Central Rchixil 11. ig pole Lroke
at the M.lictd joint this forenoon
and fell. The flag was to heavy for It.
Another full carload of Oliver plows
at F L Chamber's.
Everybody knows Charier Oak cook
loves. FL Chambers wants every
body to kuow that he Is selling them
at half pi ice now.
The ladies of the Christian church
will give a fair on the 11th and I2th of
December. Uo there to get your
t'hrl-tiiKis prcsuuts.
Soup Foam excels all other Hashing
compounds. Hall A Son.
Qiiick shot shotgun cartridges at
F L Chamber's only.
The lire boys hail a little joliflcstlon
at the city lull lost evening over the
result of the department election.
The 150 Oliver plow Is leader of all
favorites. See It at F L Chambe s.
The wreck of the Ellison buildings
ou north Willamette street, rceei.tiy,
destroyed by Are, are bciug torn away.
Pure blood meaus good health. De-
Witt's Barrapaillla purifies tho b'ood
cures eruptions, eczema, scrofula and
all diseases arising from Impure blood.
Os m KN A DkLa.Ni).
Fresh grass seed of all kinds.
Do you luck fuitb and love health?
IaI us establish your faith and restore
your health with DeWltt'a
Osbi'kn 4 DeLan .
The town council of Condon has de
cided to douate 1C a month tow irds
pa ing a teacher for the braiS bund.
To is is hODiethiug new.
Special bargains in men's and youth
oKiiiiing until Jan I at
Howe & Rice.
Tais the good word along the line.
Files can I e quickly cured without an
0'ieratioii by simply applying Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Osbihn A DkLan i.
Oliver steel plows warranted to S'.-our
any w here by F L Chambei s.
Monroe item In Corvallls Times:
Prof ER McElroy has had a uew
mioke house erected on his farm west
of town. He had a lock placed oi It
In case of an emerge cy,
Persons who have a coughing fpell
every night, on account of a tickling
setisaliou lu the throat, may overcame
Italonce by a dosa of One Minute
Cough Cure.
You can buy men' and youth'a all
iv itn I m i Ik c ieaner from now until
Jtu. 1 at Howe A RiJe's lhau ever be-
fha rumor that ihe great Cuban
ira. eral. Antonio Maceo, had been
sla d in battle Is generally discredited.
and is believed to have been a Spanish
"fake" for the jurposs of influencing
"Wake up, Jacob, the day Is break-
!" so said DeWltt's Little tarty
Risers to the man who nau laaeu
.hem to arouse his sluggish liver.
Osburu A DeLauo.
If th old saying that "as are the
Irat threa days of December so will
the winter be" proves true, we win
have au unusually mild winter. Tha
weather so lar during December has
beeu more like spring than winter.
Somcrvllle Journal; First Pliila
ielphlan Who did you vote for Tues
day? Seoond Pblladalplilaii Audrew
Jackson. Who did you vote foi? First
hiludelphlau-Why, Abraham Llu-
blD, of course.
I When we cjusider thut thoiiites-
tilesare aUiut five ti'i.. s as long as
tlii body, wecau reallzj the Intense
sutVring experience J when they are
liilained. DeWltt's Colic and Cholera
Ciie sulidues InUammutlou at once
aijl completely removes the diftlrulty
Isrrlsburg correspondcfi c, Dec Clb:
.. a i... 'i iiwl.iv snd
Lie Uypsy eum t
paWd on up the river ii
iti .,u.t liftut was sunk u:i.l too on
board all the machlnerv ..f value or
saue which whs purelii- .1 by psrtles
Ve might tell you wore about One
Miute Cough Cure, but you pro! ably
kmwtliat it currs a cough, ivery
onj does who has used it. It is per
fel remedy for coughs, colds, ht arse
nel. It Is an especial favorite for
chiliren, being pleasant to taki aud
qu(ik In curing.
Osbirs A DbLa.JO.
rifvWur blood, clear yourcompleilon
ivrlt,. vour bowels and makes your
head as clear as a bell. 25c, 50c
1,W. Henderson A Llun.
, and
II W Wesco, representing the North
west Hoard of Immigration, will take
a flash light picture of Laurean hall
during the session of the society next
Friday uight.
We are anxious to do a little good lu
this world and can think of no pleas
auter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
trout. lit thai follow ueglected colds.
Osburu A DeLauo.
This is a day of autl-thls aud ami
that, but what people used most nowa
days Is, the antl-billous medicine,
Simmons Liver Regulator, the king
of liver medicines, and better than
pills. "I have used no other autl
bilious remedy for six years and kuow
from experience that for ladies of
Poimtiimtail Imhlt lifitlilliL? piiiim! If
, - n -
Laura V Craig, Eileubury, Flu.
It would tie hard to convince a man
suffering from bilious colic that his
agony Is due to a microbe with au uu
proiiouucable name. But one dose of
DeWltt's Colic and Cholera C ure will
convince him of Its power to afford
Instant relief. It kills palu.
Osbjk.n A DeLano.
When most needed It Is not unusual
for your family phjelolau to be away
from home such wai the experience of
Mr J Y Hchenck, elltor of the Caddo,
lud. Ttr. , Banner, vheu his little gill
two years of age wits threatened with
a severe attack of croup. He suys my
wife Insisted (hat I go for the doctor,
but a our family physician was out of
town I purchased a bottle of Chamber-
Iain's Iouku lleiiiedv, which relieved
tier Immediately. I will not tie with
out it in the future." 25 and 60 cent
bottles for sale by O.iburn A Delano.
a m9mmm m mm
DtilT UusrJ, Hecenibor 10.
C A .'Jauer, tho crayon artist spent
la-t nlg'it lu the city.
D E Iiristo returned to Cot. age
Drove tins afternoon.
Hon S 11 Friendly Is confined to his
room with sickness today.
W L Hammond, recently from the
East, bus leased tha Sladden fruit
W W Haines of the Eugene tan
nery went to Corvallls today to pur
chase hidei.
Slock Inspeetor.U M Yoang went to
Creswell this afternoon to inspect a
band of sheep.
A Yerrln&ton returned last uight
from Portlaud. where he had been to
attend a meeting of the state board of
J M Dick, of Carrp Creek, left this
morning on a visit to Albrerqueque,
New Mexico. He went via the Union
Pacific route.
President II B Miller, of the Oregon
Agricultural College, at Corvallls, was
shaking bunds with Eugene frleuds to
day. He will return to Corvallls to
morrow. Mrs Allie I law ley t f Cottage Grove
who has been visiting with her par
ent, Mr and Mrs J E P Withers, near
this city, returned home tills after
noon. Tom Murphey, driver of Baugs' Siu
sluw stage is laying off for a few days
on accouu. or un auacn oi tne grip.
His place is supplied by Frank
John P Burger, munsgpr of the Or
egon State Journal, arrived home this
morning from a three days' hunt near
Cobuig. He aud his dug together
succeeded In bagging two teal ducks.
U II T Shaw, consulting engineer of
the Salinas, Cal., irrigating company,
hus beeu visiting his old friend Dr C E
Loomls in this city and left for his
home lu Illinois today. He lutends
going to South America soon to start
a coffee plantation.
Mr E B E Isoti, one of tho well
know msmbers of 11m large cattle firm
of Edson Bros, of Oa'.elle, Cal., is vis
iting with Dr 0 E Loomls, in this
city. It Is Mr Edum's lutentiou to
purohsso a train load or cattle and
hsep In Laue county, or rather to
contract for them with one of our
local buyers.
Unity Items.
Dec. 9th.
after the cold
The weather is
Mi J I Barbra visited Eugene Sat
urday. Mr J N B Fuller of Eugene Lumber
Compai y, Is In this vicinity looking
after their logging Interests.
The teveral committees have been
elected for the purpose of a Christmas
entertainment. A good time is antici
pated. Mr J D Neet has mysteriously dixap
peari d. It Is iiimorcd that he went
down the river In a boat.
Messrs Joseph aud Mack Maleson
vlfited Egypt over Sunday, They
pretended to be on a hnnting trip,
but they took uo guns you know.
Mr Barber Is preparing his logglna
camp at It C Edward's place. He
will commence banking soon.
Sunday chool at 10 a m. Every
beily Invited.
Bev Blackwsll occupied the pulpit
lat Sunday. Rev Miller will proch
next Sunday.
We are glad lo say that MIhs Mary
Cox Is Improving fast.
It C Edwards visited the big ridge
.iv. i..r some coiiinlaliit that the
.it ."-.
... ... 1
Col J
weather damaged wheal on me ,
wet laud
SHILOH'M CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is in great demand.
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
only li'iC. Children love It. Sold by
Henderson A Linn.
Turkey, 5,000 a! Ouce.
Highest cash price paid. They are
worth from S to 10 cents today; don't
lie deceived by others telling you they
w ill pay you as much as I will. I
lead, others follow. Bring you turkeys
tomeouSouih Willamette street, one
door south of OreeuASon, and re
ceive the highest cash price.
J as. F. Nixon.
G Vf
Stayer, of Portland, Dies Suil-
den'j la That City.
Bpecllll 10 Iht liCABD.
Poktland, Or., 3:35 p m. O W
Staver dropped dead at his place ot
business, trout and Saluiou streets
this afternoon.
He was a well known citizen of
Oregon, and was formerly of the firm
of Tu Slaver and Walker Co, dealeis
In agricultural machinery. Mr Walker
was killed a few years ago near Mc
Kenzie Bridge, being mistaken for a
Dixter Items.
Deo 9,
Typical webfoot weathi r.
When we are inclined to grumble at
our recent unseasonable cold snap, let
us consider the weather in the East
with the thermometer 25 or 35 degrees
Mow zero, and at Silver Lake right
litre lu Oregon at 82 degrees below.
Some people would kick If they were
going to be hung.
Fd is scarce In this section and a
severe winter would be very rough ou
A a enjoyable party was hud at
Hofia Parvin's last Friday evening
by the young people.
Joseph Parker will commence the
erection of a new dwelling this week.
In a recent letter, T Howard writes
that he will remain in Alaska this
winter. He was expected home about
Fied Parker lias a new shop and Is
ready to do any kind of work, either
la or out of his line. Oive him a cull.
J R Carter has beeu seriously sick
for the past few days.
Messrs James and Loreu '.Scrlmer
went to Eugene Monday returning
School closed iu the upper district
Mrlliggiiifand family visited on
Fall Creek the tlrist of the week.
Clifl Parker is staying with his
brother Al, aud is learning to ruu the
Dock Woods Is iu tho Valley again
after a long stay i n California.
Floy Gutlwy is still very low with
fever having shown uo signs of im
Adam Ritchie was in these parts
Tuesday Bulling fruit trees.
The great wave of returning proe-
peilty that was to be has not yet
struck these diggins aud we are afraid
It never will. "Its hard to draw
blood from a turnip," has been wel
and truthfully said.
A Sanitarium.
Dr Chas Band, originally from Phil
adelphia, out rei'eutly from Nebraska,
who is putting In a drug store in the
Titus building on Niuth street, has
purchased the Whipple 20 -acre tract
of land, formerly belonging to the
Sladden fruit traeU It is Dr Baud's
purpose to establish a sanitarium ou
the tract. The tract Is very favorably
located being just In the suburbs of the
city. It extends from the Willamette
river on the north to Hie Southern
Pacific railroad track on the South.
Thedoetor will Improve ,tho grounds
throughout and will establish a dance
pavilion, summer bouses, aibor aud
resorts lor amusements. Refreshments
will be allowed on the grounds, but no
liquors of auy kind will be permitted.
In Die course of time the doctor
will ereel buildings especially for
a sa litarlum aud will receive all sorts
of c ironic cases for treatment. Dr
Band has had 30 years' experience as
a practicing physician aud comes well
Long, Aoo. Salem States
man: Twenty years ago nim nepiem
ber u carpet was put dowu In the sen
ate chamber of the state house and the
wear aud tear of leu legislatures,
twenty summers and an equal num
ber of winters have lelt their mark up
on It until In many places the once
bright carpet is now worn smooth and
threadbare. Secretary Kincald Is now
replacing the old and worn out tap
estry with a modest colored carpet of
modern pattern and simple deslgu.
Tills long-needed purchase necessary
for the comfort and health of the sen
ators Is already bringing upon the
secretary a shower of abuse (or so-called
"extravagance." The last six sen
ates have pointed out the need or a
new carjiet, tnd it Is a pleasure to con
template It now as a reality.
I'Blarrli t'annol bs Curt 4
with lorn.1 spptletllnni, th7 rsnnot rwh
. h. ...i ..I tii iiiii-iw. tarrh In a blsxl or
cuiimltu'iutisl diM-nM-, sin! In outer lo curs It uiuit ulm luirritsl riMiiw-lw. Hall's
i.'ttsrrli Cum U lii iiimiimny, snu ri ui.
rwtif on the mihmi sii'i mumui R.jnw hk.i
( urrh Curs l mil utck median. Itu
pn-wriU! t-I ,u" pur,lel" 10
thl country for yean, ami la a rnruiar pia
rrlntluli It It compoatil of tha lat tolilw
k'nowu, oonMiiad with thf t-t Mood puritlrra,
actum dirwllj on the iiiucoua anrfatwa The
ptrfwi couililnatloii ol the two timrsdientt la
a hat priHluosa audi wouderlul raaulta Incur-
I... A.i.rfh H.-iiil Inr teatlinoinaJa. Ires
j. r caisirr & Co, Toiedo, Ohio.
gold by Drum it:, i.e.
CapU! d Sveeney U. S. A., Ban Di
ego, Cal., says: "Shllo'a Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any
good." Price 00c. Henderson &
Thcroii ('Crawfoids "Modern Fairy
I ale" lu tao O.'cemn -r numl., r of the
CoMiiopolitan is liiliicFiiiih' I t tuuiiy
reapon. Ho selected as his heroine
a woman whoso history is so tsWi and
so widely known in all its details Unit
it is iiiipos.-lble not tti rec.'iil,i in her
a real permniagc. Mrs John Mm key's
private life autl uncial Career have so
long Ikvii the property ot the pre,
of two continents thut she- probably
doe no' nl j-ct to "pointing a moral"
In this very cntcrt;uiiiiii story. For
alas! she is "killed oil" becntie she
has lienlcclt'tl the "personal conation
of the affections." But then she dies
gracefully, and ou ttie icy height of
her "social slice'' and that limy be
ample compensation, it is usual h. n
a writer takes 1 is characters from the
woild of the real to so enfold them in
fiction that the reader is oulv al io to
dimly identify them, lint Mr Craw
ford has sparetl himself this troiihlt
The thin disguipe of rictlti us name Is
all he permits himself In thin port i aval
of Mrs Mackey and her iluiirliier.
True lie substitutes a wicked limwhm
prince for the equally wicked Italhm
and he U kind el ough '.o give to give
the American prineem an Oregon emu
plexlou. "It is nil re, wit'.i a tleotli of
tone and delicacy rarely pr.tdti.vd In
any oilier climate." Ho Is evidently
uecqifaiiited with the Oregon irl and
it is only simple justice to say ho d.HS
uot over rute her complexion.
"Eugene can beast of having nmie
beautiful girls than any town of its
size in the world," I onco heard it
said and If I had ever been inclined to
doubt the assertion I should have
ceased to do so nfier lut Friday even
ing at the opera liouso. And I wan1
to say, just hero Unit our young wo
muii are so graciously endowed by na
ture as to require little ail from the
"make up" box. Rouge and carmine
are supertluoiis and may be loft to pro
fessionals aud to those unfortunate
who really need retouching; amatuers
In Eugene, rarely do.
There was one young woman In
"The Triumph of Love" who Is call
ed to mind not be 'auso she carried her
part so well 1 do not now remember
that site did an thing but help to
swell the choruses and till out the
complement of tlieipieen's attendants
but because sho was socrfectly sat
isfactory to tho eye. "Divinely tall
and most divinely fair;" her severely
classic costume was worn with the
grace of a Cireek goddess and she
might have walked wit li Pallas on Mt
Ida bad she lived in those fur gulden
Taking it all in all "The Triumph of
Lovo" was ouo of tho Is'st iimattier
performances ever put upon tho stage
in Eugene ai'd proves coiiclu-dvcly
two tilings. First: We huva un
abundance of musical and dramatic
talent. S'cnnd: We must luvo an
oiera house.
So much lius already been said in
praise of the (jiieen of Lovo and her
subjects that any word from mo is
uncalled for but I shall long remember
the pleasure It gave.
The Oregon State Journal, it Is said
has iucreused its reportorlul force.
Tiiere Is a marked Improvement in tiie
local columns of Into.
Eugene Is fairly well provided Willi
newspaper now, or will bo when the
new republican organ Is started. By
the way, Tho Register suems to till
that field very ably but I suppose
"there is always room for one more,"
even when it comes to newspapers.
Though I oiico heard our secretary of
state, Mr Klncnld of the Journal, say
something decidedly to tho contrary.
L. M. M.
Tell It Oul.
Don't sit down ami wait for trade,
'Taint tho way,
( lot a hustle, niuk ) her show,
Push your business make tier go,
Don't sit down and wult for trudo,
1 faint tho way,
'Taint tho way.
If you've something to soli,
Toll It about,
Lot your neighbors seo you're "fly,"
(let iip "liarif nl un," don't say die,
If you've unvthlng to sell,
Tell It out,
Tell it out.
Folks don't know if you don't
Keep tlilligs inovlu' every day,
Tain about it; that's tho way,
Folks won't know you If you don't
Letter List.
Deo 10, ISM.
Smith, Mies Clara,
Severs, J W,
Shelley, Chas W,
Kimiii, L I),
Jackson, M A,
Lee, Mrs Kiiimu,
Reldmau Mrs A,
Smith Mis A,
ArharKtot one rent will he tnn!e on a
letien glvuii out. ivrmnt c.iIiiiiij lor lettc
will nleami IU) wliuu m.lvi.rils.-il.
1. J. csaI'I, I'. M.
Hie finest od i rs In tho world are tl e
Londou Crown. Yerlngton will have
a full Hue this week. Ladles Humplc,
K. -'
J J I T H ft I 1 I
Kr.if'j or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeks.
THE 0. P. l !.!
r-n nn
OrritT.s : 1 .
.1 1 u:: hi;.
Commissi. inert Court.
luc !.
Court met iu regular session. Pre
out Judge K O potter, Clerk A C Jen
nings, and Commlsaltiiicrs J T Calll
on and W T Bailey. The following
business was transacted:
lu the matter of (iates and Mitchell
roud lu township IS south, range 5
Meet. At Ibia timv this li'iiltvr ciiine
on to lie licurd ou the petition ol Jacob
tiates, W I. Mitchell and Until, is for
county loud said petition and pilpelr
Uillg III proper fil 111, It is liereby or
dered by the court that J II Prutl and
Zach Flsk aud S K Mct'luio bo and
they are liereby appointed to view and
C M Collier to survey said proposed
road to meet at tho beginning point
ou .
In the matter of the SoderqtlUt road
in township IS south, range 5 west
At Ibis time this matter came to bo
beard ou I lie petition of It C Ross and
I'.i others for county road; said petition
and papers Mug In proper order. It
is lu rcby ordered by the court that J
II Prutl, Zach Flsk and S K McClure
la) and they are hereby appointed
viewers ami C M Collier surveyor of
said proposed roud, to meet at tho be
ginning place ou .
In the mutter of tha Florence road
In township IS smith, range 10 west.
At this I lino this ma' tar came ou to
Is- heard ou the petition of M Huriley
mid 81 others for county read extend
ing from present terminus of i-abl
county roatl to Florence; said elilloii
and all paper being in proper order, It
is hereby oulered by the court that W
W Neeley, 1 L Taylor and C B Mor
gan Ih appointed viewers and C M
Collier surveyor to meet at tho Ik
glliniiig place on .
The lUscoverv Saved His Life.
Mr (1 Caillonet'.o, druggist, Beavers
vllle, III, says: "To Dr King' New
Discovery I owe my lifo. Was taken
with lu grlpi aud tried ail tho phy
sicians for miles about, but of uo avail,
aud was given up and told I could not
live. Having Dr King's New Dis
covery hi my store, I sent for a bottle
and begun Its use and from the Ural
dose began to get better, and after
using 3 lil ties was up and about again.
Ill worth its weight ill gold. We
won't keep store or liouso without It."
(let a freo tliul bottle lit Henderson A
Linn's drug store.
Pall; (luar.l, Persia tier 10.
Will Movk. J L Zlegler will re
move bis stock of groceries, etc, from
tho Walton building Into the room
formerly occupied by tho bar of the
Hotel Euguno tho first of next week.
Tho same room will bo iissd as the
suits room for the Chicago bakery and
MrZlegler will have charge of the
bakery in connection with his grocer
election of officer of Ivauhoe Com
mandery, Knights Templur, Monday
evening, the following was tho result :
Dr 0 K Loomls, Eminent Com
mander; Dr W V Henderson, general
issimo; (Jeo T Hull, captain general;
S M Yoruu ex-prelant; Win l'reaton,
S W; O P Hoff. J W; J C Church,
treasurer; J F Robinson, Rcc; Howard
Davis, Warder.
Pkttiion Iu tho matter of
Perry Mattesnn, an Insane person,
Hurry Mattesou, of Thurston has filed
a elitloii willi the county clerk pray
ing to be appointed guardian. Mat
tesou has boon Insano for the past two
years and Dr B F Russell of tliecouuty
poor lurin at Thurston Is his guardian
at present. Mattesou' estate Is given
ut 1500.
Arbuckcl'a Coffoo, per lb 20c
(Jool Shoulder Meat Sc
10 lb lard pails 10o
5 lb lard pails 7
1 steel spring clothes wringer $1.75
Extra handles Mrs. Vott.V irons 15o
Ono pair men's heavy tap solo wood
pegged shoes, all solid, greatest value on
earth for tho money ...Sfl.50
On account of tho poor health of our family we aro compelled to
close our store unit leave Eugelie.muoh to tho regret of ourselves
ami family. Rut as the health of our family demands it, we
shall commence on
SATURDAY, JUNE, 13, '96,
Our o (Jreat o lo$ir$ o Out o .$al.
During tlii sale everything will be sold at Auction Prices,
von wish to buv irnod Clieao now Is your opp irtutilty. Co
voii wish to buv good Cheap
early la-fore the stock Is broken. Nothing reserved. Lvery
thing lu our store goes.
".in Art Museum."
I'nill biianl, l'rrciiitwr :.).
Mr and Mr Douglas Coolidire enter
tained a number of friend at tbelr
homo lnt nlelit In honor of Mrs
Coolidge's cousin Mrs Frank Todd of
Tlui feature of the evening was what
they termed an art iim-eum, which
as as follow: After tin guests lind
nil arrived, ach was piescnted with a
card on which were II numbers. ,Tlio
guests were then invited Into the sit
ting room where, mi a table before
llieui were 14 Hrtlcin), some of which
wi le lis follows: No. 1, wus two bones
across a swinish rind Willi tho label,
"An histoilcat event;" Interpreted, it
was "Bonaparte crossing the Rhlue."
Another number uus u ,ut labeled
"A product of the farm," which Inter
preted wu "Country Butler." The
two hardest one to guess was a pic
ture of u prlo fight retting on a bunch
f silk (loss, and labeled "A standard
work of fiction," which Interpreted
was "Mill ou the Floss." The other
was au ear of corn labeled, "A famous
Artists' Masterpiece,,' which was "Tho
Horse I'a I r (fare)." Mrs R C Brooks
was the only ouo guessing tho latter
ami President Chapman the former.
Au hour was given ami then the cards
weii' taken up and marked out of a
possible 1 Id point. Mrs McMurphey
seoied the largest No. 105 taking the
first prl.e, a Volume of selected poetry.
By n straiigo coincidence Mr McMur
phey took the boot y which was a Urge
head of cabbage. Refreshments were
served and all pronounced the even
ing's entertainment most enjoyablo.
Those present were: Mrs Todd, Mr
autl Mrs l W Cisilltlge, Mr and Mrs
Pres Chapman, Rev and Mrs R C
Brooks, Mr ami Mrs A E Wheeler,
Mr ami Mrs W C Yorau, Mr and Mrs
P E Suodgruss, Mr ami Mrs Oe.i A
iMrris, Mr ami Mrs W DeLano, Mr
ami Mrs Robt McMurphey aud Mr W
W Moore.
Florence Items:.
The West, Doo 5th.
Tho RobaMs returned from Coos
bay Sunday bringing back one of the
government scows that were built
TheSiusluw Lumber Company ha
loadetl four schooner witli lumber
since the election, autl still there is
more to follow.
The iH'tltlou for a road from Maplo-
ton to the beach will bo presented to
the county court at F.ugetio next
The Kohurt went to Coos November
lith. with u curgo of canned salmon,
and having the two large scows In
The Florence Canning Co., are mak
ing a general clean up after the sea
son's fishing. The ruu was extremely
light this year.
1 lit i:hs Facinu. A new waterproof
dress lacing Is what F K Dunn Is ad
vertising In today's Daily Hoard.
Notice his space top of last page. Ho
also Ims a big ail In the Wkkklt
(iL Aiui, which will appear tomorrow,
lu which ho quotes prices on Oregon
blankets, rubber Wonts, moll's under
wear, and offers bargains on holiday
goods. It will pay you to watch for
his announcements.
Don't ii k in UahtkTo buy your
Christinas present until you have at
tended the bazar and festival of (ha
seasons to bo givon by tho Ladles'
Union of the M E church, on the 15th
and loth of December. The arrange
ment will be unique, and the list of
artlolea will Include both the useful
and the ornamental.
la guaranteed o euro ltlet snd fonttlpallon
or muiiey reliimliul. Ml rents per box. Mend
two .dunlin lor rlroular and Vrs hample lo
MAKI'IN KI'liV, KraUlered l'harinai'lt,Unct
ter, I'a No I'oaTtLs Answkrsii. Poraalehr all
rlrt rlasa driiKiilsta everywhere, and In Kugen
Oregon j Uthuru it DoLatio
now Is your opportunity. Come