nn r i (P " II) 1 ill fjlUffilli lo KST1BMMIER FOR TOE OlUEimTlOX OF DEXOC&ATin rBl.lC.im AM TO E1RX IX INUKsTLIVISO BY TUB SWEAT HP 01 R BROW VOL 2D n EUGENE, OK., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12. 18 NO. l. WEEKLY EU5ENE mii I. L. CAHPBOLL, 'PUBLISHI OFKH'K -E"' ,le of Wlllatn. tlu dvvculh .nil Eighth EtrutU. TERMS OF SI HSCIUrrDK On. Year. : : s : SU Monlhi. I 1 are. Month., J i t AHertlslna rates mado tes mads kigi plication. i St loll'- 1,(1 on application. En'". Ores"'1- j i - 14 y .! j S.LUCKEY $ ;!.,! DEALER IN Cbtki. Watcties, Chains. Jewalry; I REPAIRING PROMITLY DO C-jtll Worn Warraae.-"j( L. W. BROWN, M. ti Hhyslclati ntid Sur9$ Olliu ml reilt nu over po.lorlius. 7 to Da. n,; W to 2, 0 to 9 p. u. 3 DEL O. rEE:E3 GRANITE AND MARBLE WOB New Design, and New Price. In Foreign ' Domc.lio Marble and Oraulte, Mommies Headstone, anil Cemetery work of all kind, (or KA. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Wlllanetle Street, near Porto -"ce. Kugei 0r d. C. WOODOOCC Attorncy-at-Luw rimes Block, -Onu-lialf block south of Chrti11 El'liEXK, OltEOOX. 0. W. Kinky N. E. MiU-t Kinsey & Markty Attorneys-at-Law. Commercial and Trobalc nnitluesS tfls'O t"' ... Office In Clirlxman Block. W.E. dROwN, rVeiident. B. 0. PAINE. F.W.0SU1N. Vic. President. tllu.r, THI2 Loan and Savhss BANK, Of 'upe, - - Orqun. .OTOKs D. A. Paine, J. D. llarriij. K i)vls. B. 1. I'aino, W. K. II row n, J. I Koblnson, K. W. Unburn. laid Ud Caattal. : : : $50,011, i Geieral Banking Business Transsted. Inctni allowed on time deposit. Colin -lion entrusted to our care will retire pro t t attention, j T. Q.IUxnmcus, President. 3. 1). Kaklv, Ju, Cable i fetial hi v Oi Eugene J i Paid ud lash fcnllftl Surplus and Profits, mm Eugene - - Oregon. A general banking buibies. done on eeuni. NeWmi. sight drafts on NEW YlilK. i vr.AU0' SAS FJtANL'ISOO and PtT Bill. o( excli&n,;e jold on foreign couttiaa, "poit reoeiv! rihjeot to li:k or eetifi et of ctei-mit. . ri1i0"Ktion on'-ru-td 1 to an will fecit, Pxn attention i lane County Bail (Establlihid tu mi EUGENE, OREGON, A fleneral Banking businets n branches traisac'i ,yorble terms. A. O. HOVEY. President tn A. u. HOVEY, Asst. Cblr, J- L. PAGE), -DEALER IN j GROCERIES v j viioetries uuugnt ' the best markets, , npjsiKii FOrt CASH, " public better price. ,l'"tbr bouse in Eugiie. MONDAY, DECEMRER7. Clroiili iMiirt couveik-il ill II iscburg ( liv c u u II niisU nn,. rtvek fr.mi iil!it. Tin- Or-xmi Ui-Iutute iin. U In .St fill Jlllllliiry II, Yornn & S mi imvMi n it I in lo ')' (ir.MIK II I, I II. I Mill-ill m,, I Ail.aiiv II' X' holding liJIIH-l,:il fli'i'tliiim ,,,v A ,iirl,.n, i,f ii,iti'I,uii,I ni rive J "111 I .MM. Ill, I l ; I1KII llll.). ri... , . . i,v i ,,i.ii i Miu i:,r opt-rii iiiiiisi- w in 'roiiiliMini, , H will, out Kro.in ',. Tin' Voil,in iM j.,.0 will mti rinhi ii' ini,fiiir itii-cjiiijmi iw in t l lii'Xt I'll. lay ill,. !,t. U U .i. kI. r mi, v,., I into the MviKiiif II, w ufu-rii,iiiii. Tlio tn-lil lie i,,t'iiei to tl . ,u;,it. ohu 11. .1.1 week M nn ioiiioi row. , The river rai il M'Ver,il f-.-ct Sttur ,'dny . lining tu. ,..y h, iil-ht, Hiiut- llii( till tin- water power ill tin city. Tin. riv.r Ml ii 'uiii y ,;ir, !iv mi,i I i,t ninlit. All oll C,.lUcii.U W IH ill I I Vll fi.it yMiiy in., I iiik-Iih-iI u lib vi-le tit ltur- tei'.f.ir his (Jm,;!iler. Toe Joiinn til.VMlli get to uu it ulioul in xt June. ' K'l HiUtow, our illkieiit usn!ht:uit ! muster, in iri.nrii'i; to move Into tlie Kuileile Ikhihc, fioiin rlv KTiipi l hy Ui-hop Mills' family, 'jt, fc,i, rry MreetM. h I lliorp lnis eolil liU hiilf Inti-ioHt In Hie Mvrtle l'olnt EulerpriMt to hm partiur W i: Conui-r. Mr Tliorp will dev. He IiIm entire lime ninl Htleiitinn i tli" I.ei ler, of Co t.uo (irove-Leiiiiitl. II' HI J'lllll H.'l'-'l'l ille'.l at I,) on,., in At,iiiu ye-tenlay. iid rna. Ife win one nf I tit- us,-, led piomia of Oregon hihI a waiiii perxmnl M' inl of tlie writer. He c:iiue t-i tl,e ctiit,- in I SU. I'orvulliii Tunes: Corvnlli will onn lie ft yanie preserve if wlM nnl- iiiiiIh do not refrain from neent liuliil. Thtre wnsu (Kvr hunt lew weekn iiijo In the MtK'et. J.i'in Wi-IIh lut Siinilfiy i'tt,ttireJ n wild eat in ti e miliurbn ufier a lively ila'!it. A Peiiilletoti lionse linn a four ihil-c ulvertieinenl in t lie E (. There is noiue Biip to Hint. It In not neee-mry to have four i'ik ailf, Lut the live bilsinenH limn unlet keep IiIm name fore the public ami the only way to ilo It is tlir'Mi ijtit the newspaper. TheTinie tives the following iu caiiili late.H for ihe Corvallis poatoilkv: Kilpll DavUnn, TIioh Cooper, W V liriMow, (J F Eglin, Miss Welker, Mrs Minnie Lee unit Editor JoIiihoii or' the (Juy. 'lte. 'I be latter I willing It sli UM coii'.iutiH to be PostiiiiiMer J ilinoii. Ex: rnrre'ary of Stale Kiuenid In of the opinion that the state lax le-y t be made early in January will be eon elderably lower than Hint made la-t year, which was 4 8 inilli. ll in thought prot'tiiile that t lit; rate lliia yeir will not be ovi r 3 nulls. Helmet Lmlii Kni;hl.sor Pythian of thin city in nrrungii K for nn eniertain uient in the near luture. which w l'l ullord more getiiiUid fun than any thing ever before seen In thin oily. Only members of the order and Jiuh fuin'iliea or lady friends will be ad mitted. Albany HialJ: On Tu,m,I i.v, I)" ember '1, President U 11 Chiipman, of the 1'iilvendty of Ori son, and Preni dent P L CamplH ll, of the rotate .Sor mal School of Monmouth, will de liver addresses before iho pnnlic sohooU nf Albany. The schools will close on Wednesday, Deceuiher 23, for the Christmas holidays. The Dalles T-M, Dec. Cih: The Columbia river at this place wis a grand sikibt this inurnino;. It wan covered with ico that is from a foot to 10 feet in thickness ahd the iie of the waterdiad bulged the Ice up in the center of the river some three or four feet, making It have the nppi araii.-e of a nimintaiti io the middle, sloping nil gradually to either side. Portland Dispatch IVe 3: There was n riimoi on the stm t yesterday that the 8 F Exnniiiier hud leased a business block In this city and Intend ed to establish ft dally puperln revenue for Harvey Scott's vile attack upon the women of California. It was alno retwrted that Culifornians would buck any enterprise to establish nn op;Mi tlon ivaner to the Oreirouiun. We give the rumors fur what they tiro worth. A new card is displayed in the grocery establishments or J U Rhiui'httrt, C I Combs & lo,, J M lUirg and J L Zijiler saying, "save your money, I low? lly di nu ng Colloleue." Also a neat circular has lieeii placed In every n ouse ir. .. a , about this line mw hcnUl. Hi .sutme for collee. It iftve yot'r uu. ... Is one-half cheaper than collee. 10, a naekuae of the above groces and I e couvlni-ed of Its merits. . MifS Clara Evans olid ft i.iotise, the ; one a teacher In H:iltim re pt.bhe scliool and the other a rem lent o. the , same building, collided while tr.ivern. Ing their respective orhii-, one ih'.v this week, and bo starllin,' were the, noises which ensued IKU. a panic j .... .i I, ,1.1,-.. i, or lit was the among uc V..-.W. lev rusiieu i", down stairs in wildest terror, ami liu- zens who saw them insli tiiinuin cus'y im.iu utreat nroti.lll.T lumen mn, " ' ' ,,,,1 fire alarm from the nearest box. V"1" theeugims urrived cntir n,!lifMj I.orlwu.,1 was tilled wil l and mothers; but finally Miss Evans managed to explain trouble, anil lhe l'"J that nobody had been likely M be. So r.jt h semblcl tuxpayeis at 1 ' several hours afierwar I them that to call out I entails mi the city an i . Ing to about f 1'iu. 11, 01 uie v.iS (let idutl 1 -irt or whs .1 v.-le .1 e us 1 11, t for 1 it occir t'l ;lre ei'gl-U's .e aiuo'ii.t Chkisimas Donations The loard ofoiicctoistif the Eugene schooi d, 1.1... ordered" that Chr.sUniM do- he made lo lhe poor agaii. this nations) year, by tl . scIkh'I Priueii and 01, mot n The doiiallons are emm .is n e ami galliereii up or 1..- Iiildren under lhe direction "f , I Reid and his corps oftea'iheis , C hristmas day are cnsirinuw , lie poor. tiany oua-.i. 1' : KKUKIi-l' J Mrley 1 ul , ,,, 1 toirveXtiU t ' a -1 'ii W aliguuii at l ol 1 ,i.,.e f c.-i da ,i.-g V' I, I, I III I," Dim I viven fl t II U.fl 1, j . 11'g hon-e, ami was discharged. TUESDAY, t'F.CEMBEU . A beautiful day. Coiiftrent Is In session. Win U Walker was In Eugene tMlay II E Morris of HarrUburg Is iu the cny. 1 J O Johnson, 8 P roadmaster was lu the city today. ' TheSP pilV driver laid over Id this city la! night. City Marshal II J Day returned from Cle-well last night. 'leo Hill, man.gr of Belknap .-.).. uis, is in ine cny. i J llanlleld and slater will leave : r.ir ( rant's Pass toi,lKht I J M Howe ret ut tied from Grant'. : I'.iss on the early train this morning. Frank Goodman left today on a I vMt to Portland and Spokane. Wash- I Iniitou. I The U oft) footba'l team will prob- stiir lay t no Aslilunil team Christ inns day. Attorneys E It SUpworth and J M Williuiiis are at Junction City on legal husinos. J M Dick, of I'tinp Creek, will leave tomorrow nn a visit to Albrequenpue, ew .vexico. Andrew I.ytln acd family left this inoriiiug for Salem, where they will reside In future. m Dunn or raiem, is acting as n lu lit oiH-rator temporarily for the H 1 conipnny lu this city. TIip Kiiifene Mill & Elevator Com pany Is loading a car of Hour for the an Frauciwo market. Albany yesterday held an exciting election and P.it (12(1 votes. Eugene Is eonsidrinbly the larger city of the two. The linudMiiuo parlor rug made by Mrs Silckimy was won In a drawing by Mi K iv IeLnuo. Thirteen was the lucky iiuinbur. Mrs L Nstimayer left on the early train this niorniiig for Woodland, California, w here she will nut oa the npersita ''Triumph of Love." Mr lining and family, who have been residing on the Kind, Ion farm, left this morning for Nebraska, where tin y w ill rw.liJo lu the future. President V II Chapman of the uni versity wi tit to Corvallis today and will deliver an aiMre before the ShakesHnrecluliof that oily tonight Fliegetide Hla"te,, 'T'i.1 i,i come out well ot ir examination.'."' "Didn't I, lh. mi? All the professors wanted mo fr a . 'ii-iu-law right away." Lake county hs 'ho dintinctlou of beins: the only Oregon county In which not a single prohibition vote was cast during the recent presidential election. Town Topics: Temperance Lecturer my L'ood man, why don't you saend vourt'.me snmew'here else than aout this shIooii? Jag-on 'Cos It's the only one iu town. O P (iriflln, ssnlo" member of the (iriflln Hardware Company, was wheeled up town on his chair this after noon. Th is is the second time lie has ventured out fir over a mouth. Mis Laura Fsrrow left this morning for Portland. From there she will go ina few days to Maisachusetts, where he wl 1 enter a school to prepare her self foi missionary work. U A P.rodie of the Tillamook llght hniise is in tlie city visit lug relatives and friends. We acknowledge a ideas ant call from the cnt!rmBn. He is glad tn get on land for a few weeks. Journal AmusaiH: Hanker No I'm afraid I can't 1st you have the money. You nte too much Indebted to the Institution across the way. Hroker No sir; your mistaken. They hold me for nothing-they've got only my word. Kiddle Mite: Rid j'.e Is a great prune growing center. In this little valley 4 miles by ' miles are at least 40,0)0 prune trees, which will yield a train load of evaporated prunes next year. Myrtle Creek and Canyonvllle will be up even with with us on this, and If a good price Is realized It will be better than n good mine for us. Ex: At a London Salvation Army meeting recently, a lervent Salvation ist pi a"d, with all the Intensity of hi faith, that Ood would break the Sultan's heart, with a view of course to the conversion of the barbarous iiit Tim nrnver was Interrupted in-an additional netltion from one of the devout company, and it ran thus: "Oh, Ood, break his neck." iiinatrntod American: The banker "iimssis in bis checks," the cashier in bU last account." the mug wump loins the great majority," Hit cobbler 'breathes li s last," the saloon b r "seeks the snlrit land," the .,,,. i Ur hlnillles oft." the stableman kicks tlie bucket," the spiritualistic medium nlves up the ghost." the ao enii..tnnt "c'h-s to his lomr reckoning," but i.cc-irding to the newspapers very f,.w inonle simply "die." ti,.. melancholy davs are here, the y.i,l,l,.st of our time: when chlllv blasts i.i to blow from far nfl northern The wood sitiirs. tlie coal bin ,'.ro..nt! the tree doth moan with sor row ihe nun shines bright and warm i,i,v lolirht snow like blazes tomor- r in We irlaillv think of times to . . 1r1 .wiftly soar, . . , ,1K!P ,,le ,kie, and night ,i ,!..,.. en, I Bloiosc i-ac ies ga- ll'tl'O UN". " lor(. subscriliers who are one year . back, should to the sanctum stroll arid ft., ito.ou tt-itif.il atirtM v 11 v Liic rtir torial chair. Ex. I'ally Gu.rd, D.cvmbvr s. M HoWAKD Akmciss. J M How- 1 ,.r.t 11,.. loneiioii C tv merciiani tinu 'i fartnsi has made an assignment to W 1 s ,ec ! (,f his of Junction City, for the bcniii! creditors Mr Howard's lit- bilitien-n-.s tt.'- ' 1 fS 4"-"i Tin re ate a large number or orr- fit'ii . I'H Wadham Jc Company of pnitlan-i are the heaviest, their claim being 2V'0. The assignee lias given bonds In the tim of 2(i,0tXJ. ii,t m.ard. jcBiii,ier . H tsi.SAWtD.-Hsrve Little while i...,i..ii., ihe traction engine saw I . afte rnoon J)sdthr.-e. if the lingers ,.f hisrlel.t band c-msldersbly mang le!. S IimiI I m;. Accord- I M : 1: 1. A.I'.t.K .' ..... lU..-.. 1 .1 .-kiurdsv s.X '..I!, .., I i.,go.mr.l, ,not.l g' "'' . ,0 iwo shot I. lhtn Is a t e ,'niarkable shooting st'T.v Died. At Junction City, Oregon, on the! morning of lHc. 6th, I'M, Alexander Nail, aged S'J years and ten months, attor a lingering illness from ceucer of the stomach. He was born In East Tennes.ee in Itowan county and in emigrated : with his father to Arkansas, where he 1 llvtd until IS.VJ when be started fori Oregon and reached the Willamette valley In OetoUr, and settled where Ml' ton ltohins hi now liven A in lies west nf Junction City, and after living there 2 years, bought a claim 1) miles west ol llrst claim and lived theie un til 5 years since, when lie moved tu Junction City, While crossing the plains he lost his wife from cholera near Salmon Ful a on Snake river. He brouitht w ith him to Oregon f ur sous and three dauirtitvrs, of whom one son and one daughter are di ad. In March, lstii, be inarrrled Miss Per tnella Skeun, with whoui he lived un til Ills death and by whom he left nil issue. For the psat 20 years lie bad been a member of the itaptlnt church and lived III tills fititll and died Irimlillg ill the saving love of Christ. His neUh burs all loved and esteemed IiIm f,r hi. manliness and charity to all. He never refused to do a favor to any one and at his burial they showed' their love for him by the large ciowd iu at tendance. Another of Oregon's old pioneers has passed the great divide to ,itu those who have gone before and every day their number is lessoning and In a few years more there will be no more to lay claim to the title "Old Pioneer of Oregon." May their ashes test la pone. K1RF.MES-S ELEt THN. Htn flayer Elected Chief and Thomas Jenkins Assistant. Dally (iuam. Iieevintwr s The firemen of Eugene held quite au exclt'ng election yesterday after noon at the City hall. The vote as canvassed resulted as follows: FOR tHIKF ENdlNKtlt. Win Maver 62 Win Hixles 41 Mayer's majority FOR AtsSI'ANS. Thus Jenkins 40 40 M Vo'ii .. Jenkiu'a plurality 0 Total vote cast t'ti After the announcement of there suit, Messrs Mayer and Jenkins pro vided the tire laddies with plenty or cigars, etc, and a pleasant evening was spent. A MUKIiKHtil'S Snao. Corvallis Times: A tremendous snag, leaning from tlie river batik out into the river, smashed several windows and ripped ot! a piece of roof on the steamer Al bany Wednesday nigiil on ner trip up the river between Albany and Corval lis. The damage to the boat ty the accident was not so serious asthedam age to the nerves of Al Cummins, the purser. It was a rrigiittuiiy nam night, and Al stood near the bow of the boat. The boat was making fast time, when the big snag suddenly loomed up out of the darkness Just abend of A I apparently approaching him at lightning speed. He didn't wall to take a second look. I here was murder iu that snag, and he lit out for the stern of the boat, or any other plats, of safety as fast as his legs could carry him. He managed to elude Ihe danger, as did all of the passengers aboard. Dally Uuard, Pecrniber s. A Studknts' Hand. Eugene is without a baud and is very much In need of one. In view of this fact tlie enterprising students of the university who are musicians nave uet-iucu m organize a baud. The faculty has the inattei under supervision ami nan ap noliited Prof N L Nar recall musical director nl the band and Earl Stevens has keen chosen leader. 1 lie llrst practice meeting will lie held tonight. Each menilier will bo allowed one cretPt a week for tbo time spent In band practice. The band starts out Willi 13 pieces. Paily Uuard, December 8. Will Phaitick. The Cyclone hose cmntiHiiy has rented Lane s nan on Eighth street and llieir luoiuau lenm will commence, practicing there lo nbrbt. Sawdust lias bsen hauled and spread on the floor to prevent Injury to ttie players wuue praet icing. LATER Since the above was put In type the msnairersof the two teams have con suited and decided to declare the holi day game otr, as suits cannot I oh- turned wlllioui paying ouv 'ii ""'. w hich Is more funds than the compan ies care to expend for that purpose. Dally Guard, December 7. DiPMtssKii. Iii the matter of the case of WC Newburn, for whom a search warrant was Issued Frltbiy, at the Instigation of Deputy Fish and (iuiiit) Warden Wilkin-, the deer hides which were taken from Mr Newburn s , . - t,.,lnv l,V Coll nuue wL-ie iui,,,,'v .j -v stable S(itt nev filed a The 1 efiMii all' s allor- motion tills morning to , dismiss the case, ami as jM-putv At- torney Harris tiled no (injection o me motion It was grunted by Justice, Wheeler. There was 110 evidence 01 a; crime. M.VANC KMENT Cl.l H.-Prnf HrtW- j tborne reatl a iiist on KiMtcllvo ieriiis;tne riicim: .xirtnw cm noongi, '...1 i,i ,,,e i,t his noilils by I lioard of Portland. A large numlier of etiM-rlments on the nieml ers of the I. t. . . ... .,u,la ItV audience. lU'inarss snc i,''," -.' 1 lr,,r f 'mi, nil. lir ( 'Inn inan and lev 1 Uri. 'k". IT ' ii:"" "' ; """ ". . . .. 1.1 1 mn.r next we-i. and M'-s ' "" drs McClung d I''1"1 dl"' "-'"1' on "Menial trails and experiences 1.1 reformers." IlKHF.K a It Sn u I. -The Ri-bekali .,.inl eiven in our nan mu., tilght was well alieiicnm m"' ....re t,i,olar sllslr. Several ... 1 ...1 w un a pnes were given for various Which the ti lie was -lil until a late hour. f,at, after In dancing Fo If 1 v 1 ' d .V OAMFlLINd , -,lli,liiitl --E .ii b V ef'-P I-'.b rl whs Ju.ilc" J I .t'.Vl .: ,m ' I -,'IU'I .00 I i ' ; 11. ,1,1 V I ,1 11 II- hi,,: I' ill) Dormitory loot ball. An interesting gams of football was played between the north and south ends of the dormitory on iturdav Afternoon last follow : s if i n I'XIl, Stalker Laiicks Mcl'lierson Currieo lire, I S perry Van W inkle Hi.'e,itin ZlcgllT Honey man Whittlesey The line up was is Xul.lll KM'. Dim! I It llinger 1 1'llinati I'.aktr ( I'lllIM ll..r llmid Wat kins I.", nn I, Case. Howell c r g U r t I t r e I e r h 1 h 'I f I, The North end had the Mi k IV Mini In less than n minutes inn, le a touch down. The goal was kicked by Howell and the score -t,',, ti to (i. During the remainder of the ll.-st half the Soul h end siieeeetled ill pushing the ball up to the N'oitli'n cat, but did in, t scire. I n the si cm, d hail' tlie South end sucivu.lcd in nnikini; a touch down but failed to kick the goal. 'I lie Soul h b ivn tried ill vain to make a second ton, li down, thus to maintain the honor of the South cud. The vetcrnns of the North, ns lu the late war were too much for the Southerns and when time was called at the end of llio second half, the score stood tl to 4 iu f.ivnr of the North. Excellent plavs were made by lliu giu, Howell,' Whittlesey and Wat kins. The championship mime will lie played next Saturday, when ft charge of ill it-IiIm n,l'i'l-M,i!i will be collected ntllif gates. Pern lis who fail to see this n'unc will certainly miss the game of the si noon. Ueiiiembcr the dale, 2::in, text Si.tii"'.iy uftenioou, ad mission .) cents Kki 'I WO Mil. . ' The Kn-flii,. Plaitidealui , i. day sa s: , "The circuit court tor the second Judiciul ttintiict which convened today has before it the prospect of ipiite a protracted session The civil disc- aio Hot looie liiuii;i,inn limn Qsit'tl mortt thiimsMiiiaiy cn. nut the; ,. two) crlnini ! cases IIibm i'l dim J oteupy consldertll !', llllti! ill sevi.r;,.. s and .niilug testliiiouv. "The due of Sft- ( Oregon James Nixon t, from the array v of legal talent on eilhcl wl.le, ItHUiiiug lu huge proportion. The district lip III- torney, W I'. Yates, has for his as-ist ant, L llilyeti, of Eugene, a lawyer of conslileral'ile prominence as one of the leading allot nevs of I lie state. While on the part ot the defense Me-srs J W Hamilton and L l.tiughary of this oily and J K Caplcs of Portland have been retained. The three, men limned on the part of the defense are old and experienced lawyers of high renule, am conscientious men who will do their Inst to free their client whom they doubtless consider Innocent as lo the charge of murder. They all thoroughly understand tho nature ol the case iu ham! -know the testimony they have uud lis reliability mid woilh. The prosecution aro also able lawyers ami will do their full duty on buhalf the state. "The ease of the state vs Ed Suther lin, another criminal case, will no (ioubt occupy much tlui, iititl call out high legal talent on both side. "These cases uro lint It similar, In this: The killing in each was witness ed by bystanders and there will be no (Imputing or (lout, ling an lo who were killed, the time, itiitl place, ami w ho did the killing. A pica of Jiislillable homicide will lie, doubtless, the only line of defense lu both cases." Company "C." At a recent busi ness meeting the company voted a siilllelent sum out of their private funds to di-colato the Armory and pro vide much needed furnishings mid In tend to cniiliiiun to Improve their quarters until It shall be its convenient an can lis matie. i lie company is talking of giving monthly entertain ments or otherwise providing social evenings for tho public ut their quar ters. The receptions heretofore given by the company have bsi'ii very success ful and enjoyable to the many friends taking advantage of them. The com pany has various plans for tho better ment of themselves ami are piejiurlng to enter upon a vigorous campaign lor the highest standard as a military body and to win favor ss entertainers. Their aim w ill bo to excel and that they shall retain the feuling of pride that Eugene I, as always shown to (hem and win new laurels. A mem ber nf the company now holds th inedul for the licit rillelliau 111 the O N (i, won uliotlt two yiars a'o, but It lias to be Html. won threo times before it is Paily (I lanl. Prci'inber s. CITY Ei.KtTln.v. In Oregon City yesterday, the nun pailisati ticket was elected; Salem wan carried by the re publicans; Pendleton, uon-pnitinann won; in Independence tlie iicoplo's democratic ticket swept tho day, A J (linidinnn, formerly of Eugene, being Heeled mavnr; Lebanon was carried by the fies silvtr ticket; III Altmliv the (illiet s were divided between I be ileum criits and republicans, the main fight lie ug oil marshal, t; i l.ee, inrmeuy of Lane county w as elected by 10.5 majority. . Pally Uuspl, I 're, -in 1 er s. Wll.I.AMKTrn SIKKI.T PHUT') fiKAlMIKIi. YYTIiHMietle street was nhotiiL'riinli. tl at 1;'1U o'clock this id- teriioon by II W Wt sco, representing of learns and Uile a crow, I u-..t.. ll... .!,.,.,. lit the of people time the 1 lias se- .... ..... n. ........ view was taken. Mr " cured n Urge iiuinli r 1.1 '. o w n ri l.u gei: - They wi, I be unci In a'lvcrllH ing Oregon in the East, principally by nn nun of su-ieoptic'iii view necoin punled bj lectliles. D.iit (juard, i" '.'. ni-s-r s Si'KKFT Ci.Ka.Mnci. A force of men niitl teniua are at work today cleaning upsml hauling oil tho 11, ud from the business portion of Ninth street. The biislne-s portions of Willamette nml Eighth streets will receive similar treatment. The street committee I. deserving ol the thanks nf all for till. Improve tm-til. MaIM.HH- Al I l.olu vmII... Oregmi, Veci Ih'm- Mb, I-."', I.v Rev N It All. v, tr l"l n I'.iicgs 1.1 'I Miss Nal'iae 1 lUe-s, nil of I.m, nntv, Oregon. Additional List of Subjects fur Ad vancement i lut). 1. Mental traits and exnerioiicei of . reformers. 2. Kcisous why evils r,t i an ; rslsl- , i in in i ne w orni. lit asons w by m irsttlt) iiotc: 1 Vaived by legislation. , 4. Kensoiis w by Iiia sre r:"'rt , enforced nn, I sometime i.'l. 5. Reasons why moral efforts lane , the form of waves; aro such moral w ave,) beneltcial? ti. kca-ons why all good men In the community do not unite against j evils. I ' 7. Proposed plans for uniting the foicesofgood ill (ho community. Reasons why people lu general tin imt take more Vital and lutelligent intciest in the public school.. '.i. Is it true that no reforms can be accomplished except by the .low pro ! cess of education? 1 In. Projects for replacing saloons by oll'sr ii-oits of various kinds. II. The ediicniloual value of clean streets, beautiful front yards ami other picitsaiii sin roun, lings in a town. 12. The 'iioiicy value of beauty inn town. I.'i. Ought Party politics Iihvo uny place iu fit v elections. 1 1. What alms ami motives should lull, i, nice a mail In voting at a city election. 1 i. I low far ought tho public schools ma town logo in educating pupim. in. The city high school its a moral initiieuce on the young men ot a town. 17. Wind ought (o bo tho relations between tlie university ami the t ill .elm ot the town where it In located.' IS. What ought to bo the relations between the university and the other public schools of tho town w here It Is located? in. Is It true that a younj man is beiiflltcd by having to earn money to pay for his education? If so in w bat ways Is he benefited? AMeat on the Ice. The Dillss TOT, rjs-nir "CiipUm .li. en,.- ol .''e ferty boat, hud a tbrllli: ex ri"4iC" nnsve river i .-.rd-iv loreu'ivst. ' ITr'y 'n the '.., ; . wmt aciosn . u I fe fee-to , . i I t sl,lB t,, ai'i'r8 for low , . .o c! 1 Hi which this fyrrv I ,,, . (. stsrteu bnell alxlUt 10 o'clock . i,. wan appnretllly solid, but when b. n ci. the mititiiu or the river in. i. 1 w .1, moving. There was no ultei'im. . ' ; him but to kiHip straight ahead. in had on long snow shorn, and with their aid he was uhlo to keep on top of the moving body, thougli It w.in a most dangerous undertaking. Every step had lo be guarded with tho great est precaution, for tiio least slip would have let him down through tbo inov lug mans. For luiif an hour the cap tain wended his perilous journey, w hile hundreds of spectators watched him from the shore, expecting every minute tn see him go down. He reached the, ferry on this sltlo safely, ami it w as Indeed a relief to those who had been watching him, as well as to the captain." Another St ntner fur Yaciulntt. Corvallin Times: "Anotlier steam ship Is, for the present to bo put oil the Yaipiins route, She Is to lai lhe Hom er, loriuerly lu the same trailn, ami ac cording to u ilinpntch received liy Man ager Stone yesterday afternoon alio sails from San Francisco for Yaiiiiina Sat unlay. "Additional steamer facilities 011 the Ya,iiina route have been made 1 1 accessary on account of large freight otlerlngs. More than a hundred cars, united with wheal, oats, hour, teen, 'loneer s'.ono and miscellaneous mer chandise, are now standing on side tracks along the O C & E, wailing for their contents to be tranntcrrod lo tho ships. The Farallon continues on the route ami the two vessels ll is expected w ill speedily clear away the jam." mode ICrply. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 7 A represen tative of tho Associated l'ress called uponWJ Itiyan today and showed bliiiacopy ol 1 resident Cleveiaiiii s message. "Mr ( leveland's message," said Rryan, "Is too Important a docu ment either lo be commented upon 111 plecuineal or brleliy as a whol'i. I do not cine to express myself upon tho message until I have hud an opportu nity lo curefully reatl ami digest it." Pally (iuard, Pc-,'uiIk.t '.I. Ditkuminf.i) To Plat. Tlie foot ball enthusiasts of Cyclone Hose team are determined to get a game for tho holidays ir ponslble. 1 he managers 01 the Cyclone and Rescue Uams, who had uVrungsd for u game Christmas day, got together yesterday and de clared the game olfowing lo the tlif llcully of gelling suits. ,Tho conclu sion Is not quite satisfactory to tlie members of Cyclone tcum uud they will probably Issue another challenge to the Rescue leani, who now hold the championship of tho Eugene Fire Deiiiirtmeiit. If Rescue refuse to accept the second challenge, Cyclones will iben challenge tin Held and if they cannot get a game will claim the championship. Tlie Cyclone team begun practicing last night. Dally (iiisrd. December 7. Dif.d.- At tho family residence near Siiiiiigtleld thin morning at 4 o'clock Hinraii Illness of three weeks from ty phoid fever, Cleveland Morton, ugcil 12 years, son of Hon AD Rurton. Four more members of the same family are lu a precarious condition from this (liviul dl( ane. Tlie funeral of the de ceased will occur tomorrow afternoon. Dally Uuard, December ;i. ItrHiNFiNH Mki:ttn'o. Oregon hose comiiuuv held a regular business meet- leg 111 r ircmeu s iiijii nisi iiiguv, ni Msyer. foreman, w ho has lust leen . , . 1 . ... 1, ...... . ti.... elected chief of tho Eugene Eire De partment, tendered his resignation, alnl C M Young wan elects, I to III! the vacancy. Drew Orltllu, Arcli Rice and C I) Edwards were eluuted tiium beis of the board ot lire delegates. A SPi.KNidi) Roaii. A couple of days since wo had occasion to drive to Sp'ringlleld. This Is now one of the iieni roads in the rounty, in tact ll fully equals tho best streets In Eu gene Last winter it was nearly lin-pi.s-ahle. This proves conclusively that we can have good thorc ugfares iu every direction If Intelligent woilc is cxH.-ndtd on tliein. yf. z? ii)i a u rsvo r;. -v.- TH5 BEST SPRING KEBiCINE Is Simmons Live? r-Tnn.ATOR-jnn't forcct to talis It. 1 h- I r. cr gets slugjljh t!jiim; tlis Winter, ju t lii.e all nature, anj ;hj jyit : l., ::;k5 i!i..!;ej up by tl e .n:cuniiil.;!.J v. rj", wl,i,li hrlnns on V.j!.:ri.i, I -ever it- 1 A.uo and Khcuma t.ssii. Y'.".i w.;nt l v. ake t:p your liver nun-, l if b su:. yon V.',.i SIAtMONS I.IVLU K;::,1.'I.a;, k u d) t. it also teul;tles the LK v; -I. cops it priperly at w.'ik, v hr.i your y-..i,-ni will be free from poison ,i.,J tiia v'-. 1 b'-,!' Invigorated. Youtrt'i'iiC. iW.S'i' !ii.()UI)wh(i your strui is i.i Al f-mdiiion, and that y 'll cnly be whci t'.ic l.iva is kpt activs. I ry a Liver Ice.iiedy cr.ee and note the dilierciKC. Hut ti'.c only SlAV.WONS LlVliK l-Ttit I.AT'iK it is SlAtMONS I.IVLK KUi.iUI.ATuK whk't nuikes tha differena-. l'.iive it in powder or in liquid alrcaJy prepared, or make a tea nf tlx rjwdcr; but take SlMMUNS I.IVKR HEOU' ATOR. You'll linj the Ik;L) Z on evsry package. Look for It. J. li. Zctliu & Co., ITiUadclpbla, Pa. TO PI LL SN VUS. A Sew llont a Kew Name, and Latter lias u History. the Corvallis Times: The new snag bout, "Matliloina," arrived up the Willamette Saturday, and until Mon day afternoon, was moored at theO. C. & E. dock, Corvallis. Tho name lu gold letters on the pilot house Is a queer one, but It is none tlie lets np prouiate lor all that. ll was before the i.lo face trod the valley of the Willamette that in the " vicinity of Kuga.c there nourished a tribe; of Indiana. Over the beautiful ! 'v of the Willamette these red skin i ' and hunted, at,j un and . uowij inn 11 rinj'i!in.si., v-i "iii-u-uiiia ( esoiK-s glided Thev heaTH-.' y'nd .... titer r l-', . notions, '"a..," 1 ......... 41... IT-.II . .-, . 1J. l.ln.l.hh.L ki.u.K.a " - rv ' ntgnt iney playen ..'.U 1 ..I'tln- ; n-inxvies or chanted vvj-ini . -"' to iw'lginal tieitles. The tribe has long . luce s.-at lered to the four winds, ami all the monument left of their existence is tad gold letters Unit describe, th name of the new snagboat. "Matliloina" Is the name the extinct Indian tribe gave to the Willamette river, and as III" name of the powerful craft that Is to steam up and dowu th river's bosom it Is exceedingly appropriate. The new bout Is magnificent craft nf her type, and both otlhtirs and men are proud of her. She is 131 feet long and .'U feet wide. Her engines are capablu of developing 400 liorso power, ami she liss a hoisting engine of 150 horse power. She Is built as strongly as n warship, and can stand many a hard knock from swift currents, snugs uud drifts, as she proceeds with her wurk ol clearing obstructions out or ttie river. HI10 has a bow almost as square us that of a scow, and half the way back she is perfectly tint 011 th bot tom. Sihe has hot and cold baths, and her apartments, kept as neat aa In, aro roomy and comfortable. Th "Matliloina" carries a crew of thirteen men, but she has accommoda tions lor twenty. Captain Hurt llatc'i, formerly of the Corvallis and the Hoag, Is her master, and O tlal brulth Is llrst olllccr. Jell' Owlnn, formerly of the Corvnllls and of the I long h clilet engineer, and Millard lis, yes, of Corvallis Is one of the fire men ami machinists. Heals tho "stolen" Jewelry l)odgo. Tho approach of winter always brings what might be called an ava lanche of street beggars. A Dew dodge Is for soiiii) young man to ap- pioiich you 011 the street with four pennies in his hand ami ask for another to make llvo to gel u cup of collee, for ho has hint nothing to t at since morn ing. No person outside of a mlsurcan hardly rofuso such a request, and so the beggar gels lots or coppers ana nickels, loo, for a person who has no coprs will say: "Here's a nickel," ami would scorn to ask for tlie eliang. It is said that one beggar reaps an easy harvest of about (1 u night in this way. Tiik Dixon Cask. Monday Roso- burg Review : "Iu which James Dixon Is charged with the murder of Charles Rice, will be culled at o o'clocK tomor row morning. H promises to bo a hotly contested trial, Jj Hilyetl conduc ting the prosecution assisted by DIs trie, Attorney Yates. J W Hamilton In leading counsel lor I lie, aulouse snu Judge J V Copies will assist him. Other lawyers retained uv tlie ucieiise are Judge I l.ougliary, W W Card well and Albert Abraham. Several days will probubly be consumed by the trial of this cane." Caktoon Wohic. Tho Evening Telt grain of New York City Isotleriug pri.es for tho best production of ama teur cartoon work. Henry F Hollen beck, formerly ot this city but now temporarily Ineuted lu New Y'ork City, Is one of the competitors. His sketch is reproduced by the Telegram as one of the best mat lias bee 11 aeut in. lU:cKivFi Kakly. Tim Guard Af.;il last J - - t,jLijakLatiUl hereby acknowledges therecelpt from U n Senator Jonn ll Jlltcheii or one big package of beans, one of beeta lloesano Extra Early, one nf cucumber long Urvcn Turkey, one of Acme To mato, and one of Wetherstiele Large Red Onion. Uackkt' KtoRk An. The Racket store is advert Isitig boys' suits for sale at cost for 30 days. They will mail substantial Christmas presents. See cut In their ad today. Mauhikh. At the residence of Marlon Wallace- at Natron, November 20, ls'.st, by liiiuiel Vaughan, Iih'uI deacon, Mr l.uvt Caslteiiitiu and Mis Clara M Wnllvcv.