im KST1BL1SI1ED fllR TOE BlMEimTIO!! OP DEJJOCRATin PWVIIPlel. AND TO K1RX IN DONEtT LlTl?ig BT TDK SWEAT OP Ol'R BROW ML 28 EUGENE, Oil., 8ATUK1MY, DECEMBER 'I'. 1800. NO. 52- nn 1 "fi" "fit ys (1 1f Y G L U PI A ill i h WEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. I L. CAMPBELL. PUBLISHER. OXKU'K -E't ll'lo of Willamette fcTOHb and Eighth Hlrt-c't,, TERM OK Sl'B-KKU'TION': On Yter. : ; i : In Month!, tsrea Monlhi, : : : i btwJ I 1200. 1.00. .60. Advertising rates mads known on application. i,!dras U builii.'M letteri lo UL'AKD, Iucu. Oregon. t o t TTnin.w fir DEALER IN Ay, Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. REPAIRING PROM IT LY DONE, faT-ailWerk Wrrod.-U3 L. W. BROWN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. llltici Mid residence over pm to dice. Hours; 7 to 9 a. ni,; U to 2, 6 to 9 p. ni. 3EJ. O. Xj1.2'SZZ3. CRAHITE AND MARBLE WORKS. New Peiicni aud New Prloee In Forelun and Doineatlo Marble and (Jretille, Monument.. Headstones and Cemetery work of all kinds for 18A ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! R'lllaaette street, near Pot to (Hp. Eugene, Or L C. WOODCOCK, Attorncf-at-Luw. Orrica One-half block south of Chrbimen't Block, KUGF.NK, ORKUOS. 0. W. KlNBIY X. E, MAKKLIY. Kinsey & Markley, Attorneys-at-Law. Commercial and Probate Eminent a 8eo- il". ... Otttce In Chrltman Block. W I. dROWN, p. D. PSInc. F.w.usnunn. ... n i j a flka rretletnt. lice rrsaioeni. v..,,. THE time Loan and Savings BANK, Of "iunene, .i'Tiim-n A Paine. J. B. Ilarrlt, J. It itavls, B. 1). Paine. W. K. Brown, 1. 1. Robinton, P. W. Osburn. Fall Up Capital. : : : Eeieral Banking Business Transacted, Inoteiat allowed on time deposits. Colls illon entrusted, to our car will receive pro sit attention. O.UlNPUICKS, 1'reaidcnt. Cwhier hi National Bank 01 Eugene. Paid ud Usli fanltal 50.000 o an V.. Ax 1WW1 surplus anu iroiiis,?u.uin; Eugene - Oregon. A teneral bankluir bual.:aa done ou reason able terms. Sight drafts on NEW YOKK, CHICAGO, SAN FKANCI3CO and F0KT- HM), UKEUllN. milt of exchange sold on loreign wuuin Deposits received tubieot to check or oertin. cat of depnai t All collectioni sntruatol W Ul wiu recess prompt attention. Lane County Bank. (Established In M81) EUGENE, OREGON. A general Banking business all branches transacted on favorable terms. A. O. HOVEY, President. J. M. AURA M3, Cashier. A. O. HOVEY, JR.. Asst. Casbr. - a J. L. PAGE, -DEALER IS- ROC ERICS Having a Large and Complete stock of 8taple and Fancy Groceries bought in the beat markets, EXCLUSIVELY FOB CASH, fan ofler the public belter prices han any other house in Eugeue. Pr-iice of ill naiJ tatsa it Market men MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3". Firemen's election one week fr m to dev. w.w. today. Williams unit to Portland Two A O U ceiniier. W assessments for IX- The club dunce Saturday night was success, ti ... I iw.y iturna returned froru Oakland i (his morning. As we go to press the ever-welcome rum is lulling. Dr Hull iMiua down from Cot tao Urove yeterday. UlitiiIMoiiira' cur lliee'a Wedl.ic duy 1ivinUt 8. I'eo w f'l.-kett inadit a kliort visit n juiiiinm city 1. J amen llotlman went to Ibe ranch near Junction yesterday. A lare iiumlier of akatrri vltlted me Mowell jionds ajjaln today. S II friendly lifppe.I a car load of nop to Jew 1 ork thia morning. Win MHre, foroinun of tlie (Juahd, paid Harrhburg u aliort vlnlt yester day. Ml Lulu Hurnelt, of CorvaUll, If me uu'ki or Mrauil Air Frank A brum Powell. M IWIiibIcIi), reprehenlii'g Half m r, OnUirle .St Co of Poitland. w aa In lliia city today. Prof J V Jidinaon returned yetler day afterrimiu from a vaort visit to hi farm near iiarriaburK. fScjivtary of State II R Kincald re turned to ISalt'iu today, after hit usual Sunday vUlt at home. Mix Templeton, a atudent of tint U of O who apeiil TtiunkH((l vine at home In Linn county, returned today. MraJ 11 Chambers left tills morulng for Port Townsend, Wiialilntoti. to viait her partMitu, wtu are both sick. J E Huker. formerly ot this citv, Is a canrti'iate for cltv iiiarshal of Halem. The election will occur Dtcemlier 7th. Attorney W W Cardwell of R.ise burk? passed tlirougli yesterday euroute to Portland to attend to legal business. X H Robinson, formerly a resident of Eugene and quite populat here, Is now a loan broker at Kockford, Illinois. Dr C W Lowe came dowu from Roeeburg yesterday and will remain In Eugene a few weeks. Mrs. Loue is expected tomorrow. The liiimlcratiou of the while owl proitilnes to be very general. The sagaitloua bird seems to be a good Judge of winter climate. The thermometer regintered 40 de grees above zero at 2:30 this afternoon. This Is quite a rise above the temper ature of the paat few days. The First Xatlonal linnk will close at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon out of respect to the memory of the late Mrs Eakln, who died last ul lit. Judge J C Fullertou cume down from ltoseburg thin morning fo hold a short adjourned term of circuit court He returned on tho afternoon traiu. The open seaso.i for killing pheas ants ami grouse expires today. birds will now have a rest from the hunters until tho lint of next Septem ber. D Coolidge went to Salem tod iy. He Is a candidate for the secretaryship of the state board of titiali7.atiou which meet In that city tomorrow. Miaa Grace St Ilelleu, a student of the Monmouth elate normal school, who has been visiting with friends In this city since Thanksgiving, rt turned home today. Corvallls Times: Brady Burnett went lo Portland yeste day. He goes to attend the I'ulvemlty Law School. This is a brancli school of theUofO located at Eugene. Florence West: Hon 8 II FrWndiy, of Eugene, who waa largely Instru mental In bringing about iUo plnnlltig of oysters at YaquTna, is now making efforts to h ve terrapins Introduced o i the coast; may his efforts be nuccrs'ful. Prluevllle Mouitor: MrZM Brown, of Portland, la again on our Htrets, Ha is here looking after his stock In terests In this country, lie will feed about 200 head of young cattle at The Tullles, having purchased Mr H Palruei'a entire crop ol hay at that place. Knr moo tha the editors of Oreiron have been doing an amount of political writing as dlstrcwiug to tliem as it was to mauy of their readers. Now, the battle Is over they can return villi renewed vigor to the lalior of building up the state aud Improvement of locul couuiliotis, Ml.s Fannie D Spicer ordering the Ouard sent to heraddre , w rites un der date of Nov 20th: "It is snowing very hard here this morning, and I am going fifty miles Into Colorado to a cattle ranch ow..ed by my cousin, S F Spicer. I expect I will wish myself back lu Oregon before this winter Is over." Harrlsburg Review: Of 2o acres of potatoes grown on the bottom lands of Dr H A Davis' farmed by Mr inskl fully oue-third were swept away and scattered through the river bottom by the late flood. Estimating from the yield of what was not disturbed In the same field, the anounl washed away will reach 600 bushels, and a prohible loss of 400 to 500 bushels besides to occur from damage by water standing too long ou the extreme low grouuu since the water commenced to re ode. Will Travel. Mr C A Ituslinsll who has had charge of the Winter Photo gallery lor the past few months, has accepted a position as traveling agent for the American Aristotyoe Comnany, of Jamestown, New York, ftIt will assume hi. .!.;.. m about January 1. Mr Bushmill will travel through Oregon, Washington, I Idaho and Montana, and w ! m ra- I j . loiln method of finish lor inui-e uic P'"1"---. .....t. . , photographs. I a ...1 n.t u i e Mr s a vary BushneU's friends regret to eee him leave Engine, yet they wish turn sut-" Pail Guard, btie nber l. Excursionists Home. The foot- , .11 rrtveI llOUie fmin limn r Portland In their special car on this morning's overland train. The hoys are considerably disheartened becau-e tloy did n t win tlie came and '" to think that they could have done o if they had put up the beat gamo they were capable of playing. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1. ! December 1st. Collection "day. Stephen Sueed, of Camp Creek, is In Lugene. Dr T B Ford this morning. returned to Kugeue The state board of equalliullou nut at Sulom today. Miss Anna OalsNhy, of Juuctiou Cl'.y, is visiting in Eugene. It is still snowing and sleeting in Poitland, so we are informed. The ) R & X It R trains are block aded by snow near Bonneville. (Vie Bryan elector Is elected In Cal ifornia ami eight for McKiiiley. J W Shumate and wlfr of Walter vllle, spent last evening and today In Eugene. W K, the San Francisco wheat buyer, was In the city over last ulglit. MrsDrOW Lowe ww an arrival by this morning's traiu from Rose burg. Hugh Melinite, J P Jones and John D Daly, all of i'ortlaud, are lu the city this afternoon. Tha victims of the gymptum poison ing have about recovered. Their vision is slightly affected, however. Regular Oregon weather prevailing now. i ii people generally were re. Joiced to have las cold weather depart The First Xatlonal Bunk remained closed this afternoon out of respect to the lute Mra.S B Eakln, Sr., whose funeral occurred at 2 p an. Button & Oil bert. the Xlntli street secoud-haud men, have leased the store room formerly occupied by C C (loldamith and will move Into it In a few days. Horace McKluley was held In IX) bonds to answer to the charge of gam bling before the Portland grand jury. He gave the required bonds without trouble, so we are informed. In response to the request made In theOt'AKUby "Harry" a numherof ladies removed their hats during the rendering of the operetta, " Fiiiiuiph of Love," at llie opera bouse last night. The supreme court has granted John R Stockman, tho Albany warehouse- n an, convicted h mietime since on ac count of shortage of grain, a new triul. Me will likely be iicoiiltted anil then willoiien up another warehouse for con lid I tig formers to patronize. It ap pear that the farmers always get the worst or every decixion hy the courts. Salem Journal: The first of a series of lectures nn "Mttholngy" will tie given by Prof FS Dunn in Willamette L'ulversitv chnpel next Wednesday evening, December 1, commencing at S o'clock, The htudeuts of the uni versity are especially Invited to at tend Iheoe lectures which will be de livered throughout the winter in the university chapel. An linltutloti Is also extended to the public to attend the let-lutes. Prof Dunn's subject for Wednesday evening Is " The Auropor lis." OittitioN on Tor. The Examiner devotes oveM hrve psges to the Stau-ford-Berkley foat ball game played on Thanksgiving. It Is an interesting fuel thut an Oregon boy carried off the honors. On article is headed: "Mail to Murphy, hero of Palo Alto. Long will the r'uus he made be famed lu football ng and story. Murphy, all bail. HulN oil to the king of the football Held. Crown him with laurel fetch ft I in witli niauna, give meat and salt, strew roses lu his path, shout hosssuuns In his praise, lift him ou high for the multitude to gaze upon, honor him, put him nn the back. Long will those runs nf Murphy'a be famed In Die Mng and story of the football Held. He is of Stanford Is Murphy, and in the dawk- shades of Palo Alto hU name will lie revered for all time to come. For Murphy Is the star of b0." But;erworth, Berkley's ooaoh Mtid: "All lu all he played the beat game for Stanford." Fisher, of The Dulles, was also one of the atar players. Murphy Is from Salem and played with the Wlllamettes last year In the match game in this city ou Thanks Hiving. Kills" Himself. SpooV. to the (ifiau 1'oitTt.AND, Or., Dec 1. William O Hill, was found dead in Ilia printing ollloe tiiis morning, with a pistol wound In right car. lis was a single nis i, aged 3tl years. His parents re- m I'rnviiieutnil. Alass. inquest i ti.ts ,rteriioon aud a verdict of suicido was rendered. A woman was the cnusc ot the rash deed. Itlly Ouard, b.cembsr I. Foil Larceny of Tooi-s.-The rase of the state vs Bert Lemon, for larceny of tools, was tried before Justice Wheeler today. The following Jury wa-drawn: WF Martin, RUarri son, L R Llvermore, J II Lamsoti, W L Utllhim and J H Ham. The tools were stolen from Win (Jsrdner a few weeks sgo and sold at Winter's second bund store. Complaint Is made that tools are frequently "'"le" and that they generally show up st second baml stores, having been said by boys. The jury returned a verdict or guilty .. oiiarad. Sentence 1ms not been oastcd yet. Dai: Ouant,Nveniler.'i0 Exin.I.KNT Hie tTiVi Skates were In demand .vest' 1 b'.v. Two or three hundred pc pie visit-d M-Hnu s puk and the Sl.iwell ponds. I lie lee was firm and the bating excellent. Lovers of this sport hav- hud an excellent op portunity tusutlsfy their des 1 res III thut direction, pail, O.isr I, ! u.!r. 1. 12 Above. Thu tlo rue uieter n g isteivd 12 a' zero yesterday morning, a rd.ngt.; the university Iherm .meter, being the coldest weath er recorded this wilder. llouds gathered lu the sky yesterday and la. night the thermometer only went down to the 20 degree mark. bal l uarl. Dreinlr 1. Dim HAKiiFli.-J D Craig was ex- inornilig on tne i-na-- , ; di -barged, 'lhe iiutit to knl an i te-timotiv inti slu.'sl it,. ,si.,'e us here:ofofi praeili' ti'ii-ii.-iie i. ll,o ilefeue was out I Oi.o B Dorrls. lucUl by Bon Urifi. I 1 me apologle to Hie t-liry st ti t lie nun. son exhihiiion last week tor the bene it of good literature In tht name of Urn Circulating library for some of the rut her unintelligible thii gs said about t lia.-iii in Drift. A word often undergoes M.rillng transformations In the myslerio is process of hoi 113 "set up" aud consequently canuot always lie counted upon to appear in print as It was written. However I tun glad of ; an excu-e to mention the clirysautlie-1 mum show agulu aud to say that as "a thing of beauty" It was a glow ing sticivss. It was lu the I nature of an experiment on thei purt of the originators and they were somew hat surprised and very na'turullr pleased when the exK-rlment re-! eoleved I'.self into suelt a large and beautiful experience. It Is to be hotx-d that they huve established a prts-edelit mat win not mn to ne regarded. 1 Is delightful to look into the future and ceulciiiplaio the pusllde results of this Initial (lower show. Think of the enjoyment to tie de rived from such an exhibition under still more favoiahle clrcumttancva. 1110 one iiung lacking was space; mere was not room for all the plants that tteie otlered. Suppoee the ladies nan pleasant ciun rooms which could be used for this purix ' whut wondeiful color schemes could be worked out In arranging the exhibits. list enchanting vistas of gorgeous bloom! Then there might be musio it would need to be bright and light and gay 10 liiiimonlze w ith the bril liant scene and if there were a few gaideu chairs and benches judiciously placed where one could sit aud look and listen and revel In tho riot of splendid color ! Well we shall have many things when our club house becomes a reality that are as yet but dreams, and when the chrysanthe mum show has been a long established feature of Thanksgiving week we will hold iu irrateful remembrance those members of the Fortnightly club who were brave enough to venture au ex periment. A two mile walk under the stars In the keen frost-laden air Is exercise of the most exhilf nillng nature. Oue'a feet feel winged and motion becomes a j"y- . itui lie nam no music in nissoul who would not willingly walk twice two miles through mud and rain to hear Mrs Brooks sing and to listen to Prof Barlghi's "Andre a Del Sarto" and "Queen Calherlue." Brow ning himself could have found no fault with Miss Bnright'a Interpre tutiou of hia lines. The artist In all his weakness, his valu longings and his inl.-pluivd allVctlon, was there tie fore us, and we loved while we pitied him, and admirrd while despising for the man who is noble enough and clenr-slghU'd enough to recognize and acknowledge his own fuilure and Its ource cannot fail to kindle some feel ing of admiration. Whatit'it Latince lot snys lu answer to Lavalne? "In me there dwells No i reutt ois rave It be some far-eff touch Of gr-. allies to know well I am not so great." Mrs Brooks sang 'with her usual sweetness. Her voice is bird-like in its musical clearness. One Is reminded ol sunshine aud (lowers bir I-hoiius and rippling waters, when she slugs. this kpring-lldu quality in iier notes were imrlicularly noliuenhlo lu one l umber Friday evening. The title has slipped my memory but the ell'eot of the melody remains. It was a light tripping air, like tho call of a meadow link, aud theuilauo took up the theme and lepeuted it when the singer left on. Mrs Delano's playing Is always np. predated by our inuslo loving) public and she added very delightfully to the program Friday evening. There seems to be a good deal of doubt at to whether Xordica will sing In Portland after all. There tins been an effort made to secure her epiiearance there and rvalue aud lacnma claim to have already arranged for tier. A bit nf professional Jealousy is given as the reason why Xordica is singing In concert this this winter Instead of taking her usual place lu the gallaxy of stars that glorifies grand opera In America. And of course it la Calve who is at the bottom of the trouble; It always is Calve, the passionate queen of song, Calve who will have her own way In all tilings, Calve whose storms of temper no manager can withstand and whom magnillclent voice Is sup plemented by a dramatic power sel dom seen uiein the oieratlc stage. Xordica, Fmina Euiiies, Meiba and the rest can sing till you wonder If the floor of heaven has fallen out and all the angels are winging earthward; but it Is only Calve w lio can act and sing too. e Wilson Barrett's new play, "The Sign of the Crois," Is pronounced by the critic one of the noblest love smiles ever put upon the stage. It Isa play of romance, religion and renun ciation and to witness It the critics say Is to make one believe lu one's Bible. Has it come to this that the stage Is neing turned Into pulpit? Verily the world It progressing. Now II Fanny Daveiqiort could be surprised, we might fancy the millenium In sight behind the footlights. "(iod bless the woman who pins a bum h of violets In her hair sod calls it an evening iKiunet," said the man on the right. And lbs woman who don't," replied the man on the left as he tried to get a glimpse of the stage I over tne ion oi io i"nim nn.- feathers, llowers and velvet on in held of tin- woman lu fruit or lilm. I m fiilvd t i ueconiplMi the f at Lc-c.iu-i! he wus not constructed after the manner "f the giiutl". So lie crouched dow o in bis seat and attenii"d lo peep thro igh llweeii the wide bat brim and 'I e shoulder of the wearer; but als,-' where the drooping plumes left off a tli 7y Irt-rlbbotied Marlborough ruche legs- . Then he made an eflort to prsi i. round the outer edge but with out snecp-s for the big bat nodded this way n 1 1 I thut and Muttered Its tine feathers triumphantly 111 Ids face till he gave 'ip In despair and settled down to a ste.idy contemplation of lbs aggregated munlll'ViK-e. Of (yiurae ,e would never have p-lid tWenty-llve ,...,,! r .r lesson ill mililnery hut it ,ll lint oil much g sid nevertheless, f. rio tiiutlie has found out what .,u mtities of things go to the niakiog of one big hat, he will never expect - his wife ilf he should have one) to ask hi in for less than forty dollars when she wants a new bonnet. Assessment Hull for 111 '.Mi. As-cssor Burton today furnishes us wl;li a summary of the assessment of Lane county for 1S90 which he hits Jiit completed: Sl'MM ART r'OR lSDtl. Acres tillable land llS,4!KO0 Acres uncultivated land 87d,UtS2.0n I Miles of telegraph and tele phone lines 114.1.S Mil, of railroad bed 69.3U No of horses aud mules 7,tst0 No cattle M.72H No sheep and goats LH.71H1 No swine t,718 TOTAL VALffc Cultivated land f l.MVi 900 Uncultivated Und 1,811,5HA Inipiovenients and deeded lauds 444,410 Town and city lots... WiS.OOO Improvement on same 072, 4:15 Improvements on laud not deeded or patented (10,700 Telegraph and telephone Hues 7,7 Railroad rolling stock 1,) Railroad lied 270.. MS Merchandise 2o4,4;H) rnrmlns- ininlriiients. was- ons, eto 120,0.10 FUcauiboats. atalionary en gines, etc n2,1!ft Money WtJM Notes and accounts 01-1,0' Shares nf stock 25,610 Household furniture, lewel- ry, eto 03,415 Horses aud mules l.VS 7.V Cattle lS7,4trt Sheep and goats 21,170 Swine 211,610 (inms value $ 7.13H,6n." Exemptions 730,1 HO Total taxable properly f fl.40S.41S Number of polls 3,235 Note. Improved land was assessed at au average value of f 12.70 per acre and uncultivated at 12 07. Horses and mules at 20.08 per head, cattle $10 per head, sheep and goats at fl.ui and swine at f 2.01. For comparison, we print the 8 I'M MARY FOR l.W. Acres cultivated land 1 10,025 Acres uncultivated land 845,011 Miles of telegraph and telephone lints 114 Miles of railroad bed 58 S5-I00 Number horses and mules 7,Htll Number of cattle IH,2.'0 Sheep 20.4IK) swine ,tH- TOTAL VALUE. Acres cultivated land $ l.Oa.lSO Acres uncultivated laud l.RH.l') Improvements 427,120 Kolllug stock .7,1U Miles of telegraph and tele liliuue linns 8,100 Town lots 611.010 Improved lots 065,040 Improvement on undeetlod land M.fiOO Railroad road bed 274.320 Merchandise SDli.llO Money .V,420 Notes and aocotints ()H3,S65 shares of stock 100,1x0 lines, hold furniture, eto ... 260,KII5 I lots, s 73,305 faille 11, 145 Sheep 10,010 Hwlue 20,235 Oross valus t 7,3.54,410 Exemptions 682,060 Total taxable I 0,072,350 Number Polls 2,901 "Triumph of Lots." Dal It Guard, December 1 . This bright and sparkling operetta was preaented!to a packed bouse by am aleurs;iiist night. Almost for the first time In the history of the opera house every teat was disposed ol In the ad vance sales, and many who delayed until the last to purchase tickets were competed to remain away. Ho phen omenal was the success of this mlna lure opera that It will lie ptoduced again next Friday night for the bene fit of those who could not see It last night. The composition of the plot of "Triumph of Love" Is the work of Mrs L Neumayer, who has reserved the copyright aud places the produc tion before tht public herself. She has managed several hundred perform ances herself of her operetta. Tho musio Is selected and appropriate. There are In all 100 performers, who acquitted themselves admirably well last night. The downfall of mortal man who was drsgged to the very lowest depths of perdition by the Imps and dtvils of vloe only to be tenderly lifted again to tho sphere ol purity aud goodness by the fulrles and goddesses of love, mercy, hope, repeated again and again, brought tho moral of the story most vividly to the mind. It was full of rich gems.brlght and spark ling throughout, containing only that which Is sugesilve of purity and good ness. The csitunies were rare and beautiful, and the glimpses Into the Infernal regions and again Into fairy land Inspired the audience with new Ideas and clear conceptions of those places. The performers all did splend idly. There wero many who sleserve special mention, but the large number of performers aud the limited space In this column will not permit of Indi vidual mention. Htatk Imhtitutk. A state teachers Institute will taj held lu Salem Decem ber 28, 2t and 30. We nntloe the fol lowing Lane county educatore on the "Itevlew and Examina tion; the Tee and Abuae of," Prof D V H lUdd, Lugene; "rKMeiice 111 tne com mon Schools." Prof Frledell, Eugene; bltes. I'n-sldent V, II Chapman, Eu- Superintendent Hunt Is one of the members of the executive com uilttee. - Wixiumrx Electiox. Pleasant Hill Camp No 271, at their last meet ing In November sleeted the following ntlWrs for the ensuing year: RE Calllson, counsellor oommander; J K McKenzie, advisory lieutenant; w r. Ilrlstow. clerk: C W Rycharrt. banker; V A Parker, escort; A E Bartre, watchman; James Parker, entry; E It Parker, director. ic'intviii v'a An. Be certain and rnvi It. ladles. It contains Items of iniraat for vou which you should take advantage of at this time. Hauk Yaufhu'i Career. The San Frsncisco Examiner of Nov, 27 contains a long sketch of the life of Hank Vaughn, most fatuous of Ore gon's bad men, and a native of this valley and of this county. He was born in IMS. His life was full of ad ventures. Ho agreed to Join the army wltli tils rather, ana got the old gentle men to qualify llrst, then ho refused His famous ll-ht w lien 17 years of age nun Mienti .Muiuiock ol rendietou and his deputy, In which the latter was killed, Is well known. He spent elglityeaisa Salem, being pardoned on a pennon tigne.l by Mlierlil Mud dock, who afterwards died from the cited s of wounds received lu the fight witn auglin. The inoel thrilling- event In his life oceurrd at l'rliievillo, and Is graph! callv told by the writer st follows: The great eplsodo In Vaughn's lifo bapMsiied in l rineville, i rook county where bad people did sometimee con gregate, and wlteru lie met Charley t nariey l.otig; was a pad man Itisi as bad a man as Vaughn and each one was srral.l that the public at largo would think that the other was worse than he was). Vaughn had always boasted that when lie met Long he would cnupsjl hlmtotukea drink with lilm. Ho, oneeveulng they were all gathered In the principal saloon of the town, and Vaughn In vited all hands to drink. Ing did not so much as turn his head, aud, seeing It, Vaughn silently aoccptod It as a challenge to fight. Not a word pasted ltween theru. Each man understood that Long's silence and re fusal meant light, ami tight to death, so long as either of them could handle a guu or draw a bead. Yes four words did pass lietweun litem. aughn pulled out his handkerchief aud huld it forward, aud said. "Take hold f this." Long grasped. It and Instantly nut was whipped Iwo revolvers and the tiring began, isu one) in tne saloon pretended to Interfere. Any one otter ing to do that would have been shot dowu as quickly by the crowd as by the principals In the tragedy which was being enacted. It was nut a few seconds before Vaughn mid Long both dropped to the 11. sir, each one almost mortally wounded. Hut each had still a little strength left aud they con tinued to tire until tneir pistols were empty. The men lay at the. point of dsath for many weeks. During this lime the Walla Walla "Statesman" con tained an artics In which the editor, now Deputy United Hlates Marshal I'arker, expressed ins opinion mat it would a better for the community at laige if Vaughn was to die from the e fleets of his wounds. This called for attention from the bad man, and as soon as Vaughn bad regained his strength hn went oor to Walla Walla, accompaiued by Hugh I toby, his step son, and made an assault witn a pistol on Editor Frank Parker. Parker and his printers proceeded to throw Vaughn and Roby out of the ollloe, and Vaughn was bound over to keep the peace, which lie kept about two hours.. Perhaps ho thought that lawvera would he easier game, At any rate, he went up to the law office of Messrs Cox eV Minor, gentlemen who are now eminent attorneys lu Portland, but who were then practic ing lu Pendleton. He was aecom- ? allied on bis trip by Hie same Hugh toby, aud together they oflured to aud the lives of Messrs Cox & Minor forth with. These two ynuiiir luwyers were of good old Virginia sUx-k and afraid of nothing. Cntitenuently Mr Cox took charge or Mr Natighu ana Air Mluor of Mr Roby. and they were soon both obeying the laws of gravita tion when they lilt the aidewalK be low the ofllce. Onsnluht In a saloon In Pendluton, the writer saw Vaughn ataiidlngon a billiard tabls facing a crowd of fifty men In which were two or three dep. uty sheriffs, iwo policemen and two constables, all armed. There had beeti a succession of eight or ten fights that ulirht. and Vaughn Hail personally superintended all of them, carrying bla revolver In tils hand una prevent ing Interference on the part of any onw. There Is a story poorly authenticated which says that Just after being takeu to the Transfer Hotiao ho requested that his boots be pulled off, giving as a reason that his fa tin r had always said he would die with hit boots ou, and hs wanted to fool the old gentleman. Just before his death there) came Into his room, a tall handsome woman, stylishly dressed and greatly agitated. r. ..... t . I'... ..I ..,...,,..... lb was nisi iiira biiiii ui unj.. woman who, perhaps, nan never oeaeed to love him aud who now came for last Interview. Pallf Uuaru. Hecemnr2. May Lkahb Hotbi.. An agreement has nearly been reached which If It materializes will result In the leasing of the Hotel Eugene by V U Zlegler of the Chicago restaurant and bakery. Tho only thing mat lias neen in ins way ol the leasing oi me ouiiumg una ,un 1 1, suU or tha furniture and terms for It haTe now been agreed up on by Pom parinsi ooncerneu. ii me hotel is leasea oy nr ieigier, ne win move the bakery Into the rear of tho hotel building and run It In coiinoctlnn with the hotel aud will take possession on the 16th Inst. The room In the hotel formerly used as a bar room will li nuail lliu baker aalea room. Mr Xelglerbas attained great popularity proprietor oi tne imcago n-aiauranv and will no doutil mi-ei witn success as landlord of the Hotel Eugene. pane Ouard, December I . ..... IVit-vu t!ATiff'nl (1m, O and Will Yoran. "Deanou" Davis aud Mntara Beanies and Morris received a cold water bath while skating on the Slowell pond last evening. 1 hey were . .....I... ii, a mn,. Miinov" whea their combined weight broke the Ice precipitating me wnoiecrowu nuoiour or five feet of freezing water. The ... . .. ii,.. Ar.UsbaH near one au oilier in their ellorts to reach shore Is said to nave been very amusing. Hall fiii.n, llMMinlr 'I. v.......nn 1-I.a 1'i,..a,ia f'nrriAt lyinuaur-u. uw - n.twt al tta meetlnir last nlirht agreed i,. disband. The Instruments were divided up among the members last .,l,.l. .,,lll,a affairs of the) band Will .11 u.iliv.1 nn In a few ilavs. The band's lease on the opera house ex pired yesterday. According' to pre vious ariangemeius me oanu i" 'j .1.- ...I . I.,. I n,.,f v(,h tor iiio .,"riu.i- . im.j ie- hi ... I . ........ b. .... I . . nn.,,.1.. Will W m-v I I" ii..". J ' , . will have f I earing the band, at least under us preseui orgauizattuu. ."V--,: -,'' t 'X'-.'; K? f. -' J (4flMMmTs'V-.i Wt -"-ep-sf -"U . I..-..',' J tl- ..V..V-,iA.-vrv-. THE t!SST SPRING MEDICINE It Simmons I iver Rrr.uLATOR-don't forget to take it. 1 he Liver gets sluggish (Jurltir tits Winter, Ju.t like sll nature, anJ tits system beorncs choked up by ths aocumulativl waste, whl.h brings on Malatls, l r and Ague anJ Kheuma turn. You want to wake tip your Liver now, bid hs sure you take SIMMONS I.IVLR KliGULArOK to d.) It. It also rrguUtM t!t Llver--le-i It rr-Terlyat work, wiirn your svsU-m will be free from poison anJ the vhl- hlv Invigorated. You get TI 1 1 : II, :.ST H I.OOI when your svsttin Is In Al conJitinn, and that will on:y he when the Liver Is kept active. 1 ry a Liver kemedy once and note ths dittereiKf. But tike only SIMMONS LivtR Ktc.ixATou it is Simmons LlvtK Raiui-ATOR which makes tha diftcren.f. lake It in powder or in liquid slrr.-Jy prepared, or nuke a tea of the fjwderj but take SIMMONS LlVLR REGU ATOR. You'll find the KtL) L on evtry pckag. Look lor It XL ZelUa A Co FkUadolphU, Pa. I.ASS t'Ot STY POULTRY SHOW. Will be Held In Eugene, Deecmbrr S4, 25 and 20. Messrs Amos Wllklns aud Geo Fisher are today making the preliminary ar rangements for a free poultry show to be held In this city Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dcii-mUr 24 , 23 and 20. it is tno purpose or the originators of this show lo haveau annual exhi bition lu this city. I lie people or the county and state are urgently requested to bring In their pure bred fowls, a pair, trio or more as the case may be. This is olio of the Important industries of the state, aud I It a gentlemen having the matter I n baud have only one object, I. e. Ths better ment of imultry breeding. Win liyslnirer. of Bosebtirir. will show a number of pure bred Indian chickens. (1U Belts and Douglas Waasom. of Linn county, have agreed to exhibits, tiumbcr of coops of bronzed turkeys. Amos wilklnt, Alvin Taylor. W K Wilcox and Murray Vaughan, of Co burg will exhibit at least 75 birds. duo Usher will exhibit his line col lection nf game chickens. llrceiler at tloshen, I reswell, Cot tage drove and Junction City havo also guaranteed to niako exhibition. ft. very citizen Is Invited to do all In his power to make the show a suo- vsa. llrlng your flue chickens, ducks, goese, turkeys, pigeons, rubblts, etc., and thereby help lo swell the display. J'atcii exhibitor Is requested to bring Miuitry lu a proper coop ready for ex ilhltlon. A Judge to pass on tho awards will be brought from Poitland or Salem. A building on one of the prominent business stieets will be secured for tho show, and It will be kept opeu day and bight. I'hatnpiou-hlp (iame. Tho game for the football champion ship of the Eugene publlo schools which was played last Saturday be tween the Ueary and Central school teams, resulted In a score of 10 to 0 In favor of the Oeary eleven. The gamo was hard fought all the way through. It was witnessed by about 200 people who seemed deeply Interested. The first hair resulted lu a score or 8 to 0 a touchdown and a goal Tho second half resulted In a score of 10 to 0 two touchdowns and a safety. Tho hall railed to go over the goal in the last two kicks, thus leaving ths total score 10 for the Deary team and 0 for the Central team. Star plays on the (leary team were made by Wiley, Wllloughby and Johnson. Ou the Central team by Matlock, Howe and Eastland. The teams lined up as follows: OKARY POHITIOM CENTRAL Ernest M'Oulru Bill Prllchelt O R O L ( K T Henry Oray Walter Wilson Bert Eastland Joe Matlock Jack Uelshaw Chaa Miller Harvey Joneo Claude Oray Sol Rautu Roy King Fey Howe Cole MuElroy Carl Martin Clark Turner L T Albert Applegato R E Orvllle Waller L K Ray Wllloughby R II (.oris Johnsou L II Pete Burr 0 B Bert Wiley F H pell, UuarO, Peceiuber Rady Party. Master Charles II Crouer entertained a number of his little friends at an afternoon tea today. After several hours spent in amuse ment, delicious refreshments wero served and enjoyed by all. Those present were: Misses l.arella Young, llcctrle) Y'oran, Merle Mayhew. Maa tara Johnnie Ollbert. Ivan Goldsmith. and Charles Croner, Mes.laiuea W Gil bert, Julius Goldsmith, Charles May hew, Darwin Yoran, C M Y'oung, Miss Maggie iroDer aua oirs u r Cronsr. PaMf Uuara, Ptcember i, (iiTi'iirn Tha two bova ul... .u-.ilpJ fi.iv wmIii airo from tha ttute reform sch.xd at Salem were cap tured yesterday nv a rtnaer wu atteiidunl of the reform school, atl tba residence of Mr Wright, tho father of one of the boys, who resides on Wolf creek. Mr Striker had a great diffi culty In capturing the boys, as It seems they anticipated his coming and had 1 1,. hsrrlrade.t. TheV Were brought Into this city last evening, be ing clialmd togetner. mis is me fourth lime they havo escaped from the school. Tiiev Workkd Albany Democrat: Nine Idlo men wero t ut to work this mruiiiiiir. and njoolo btvun at once to comment upon the return of prosper- Ity. fourteen were puv in o cim booee lust night. This niorulu(T they were Informed that If they wanted their breakfast they must work for It. Of the font teen, nine wcut to work. The others were too arisirocrauc r.uu left the city.