The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 28, 1896, Image 7

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Henderson, ucntlat.
J. J. Wulton, attorney-at-law.
Money to loun on form. Enquire of
Judge Wultou.
Oliver gang plow t'U 00
F L Chamler.
Dr. O. W. Riddle may be found at
Mm rvalilfiifo on Olive atreei between
Fifth and Sixth streets, one I 'lock west
of tlif Minnesota hotel. He U pre
pared to 1 all dental work in the best
Wall I'Hr, lime ami cement.
r U t lumber.
A good wok stove $0 00.
V L Chamber.
O P or O 4i umy refer t plow, but
never to mi Oh ver plow or no extra.
It -,t I lh f'lll ll'i'll on lll.i plow or
ixtra tin full name In on every piece.
All i.lher ure Imitations of Hie Oliver
1'low Work.
Julio Davie. Die Ninili street tailor,
Im jUHl rec-lved a Hie lice of the
lutest styles of fill and winter good.
Snii mailt at Hie lowest prices, and
vim il li"l li:iVfl" pick from sample.
Oliver plows both Hteel and chilled
with I lie "iiine old guarantee warrant
ed to mixir.
K L Chambers, ante a Kent.
Farms for Sad-.
! :.i-tv flue fiinni in the
1'. - l"i' ile The
ii..i ..i o ! vtirn ty in Hizeand
1-. i i'i itIjiIioii list, address
(IKO. M. Millkb,
Wilkiu Block, Eugene, Or.
iiiii iieU' trutra .s.ih.
tin' ii-i; r-'i:.'j in world for
l': 'l?e". Sorts. ('Its , !tt
? er S- ie. Tt'ter. i'hep-d
.. ti.'. I l)i '.iJs i .-. i orns, and all Skin
i i,.- a-, i .nit' eiyctics Piles,!
, . . , , r ...ii'.-d. it 1 leeil
(.. si 0. r,'i-t lit-m-Uoti i f momy
re it-.'!' I. I'iU St e-ut (r Uix.
K.r d .., il.-i).iir-uj I.lon.
l.V'.' i.rv anxInU" to do it little youd In
t!i s wi rld nod can il In'i of no 'I'.'uk
mier or better V ay 10 do it than by
ei iioiiiieiiilint; (): e i.iiiliU (.'ough
1 1. it u 11 1'ie.eiilive if pneuujoiila,
iMii.hiituptiou and other KeriouM Iuhk
irolH'le- that follow lie-in ted coldl.
OHliuro A DeLano.
AfifU 1"""' -' .' ' r ii.XUA.
When tUa waa a OiiU, h crtml fer ContorU.
When the bfnm Miia, ha clunj to CMtoria.
A-hen stu bul Chiiara,ilie gwntLam CMoria
When we o itmlder that thelntea
tlinn are alKiut five ti'iiea a long at
the body, we -an realize the Intense
Midi-ruin eXerieneed when they are
infiittned. DeW'itt's Colicand t holera
Cure auliduett inflammation at once
hut! completely reinovea tha diftlculty
OsbukN & DeI.ano.
Judite Bruiiautth ay-: "lJefor a
r turn to ood lliue can In the nat
U Hlaud ordinary chum of events be
el!, cud, I tielleve that mankind at
lii'ite will he confronted by a Crisis In
p .iniiMrixou with which oar recent
Uimncial perplexity and distress will
wane into liisiijniHcauce."
We might tell you mora about One
Mii uie t'ougti Cure, but you probably
know that it cuns a cough. Every
one doe who haa used It. It ia a pei
feci remedy for cougliH, colds, boarae-
nen. It Is an especlul favorite for
children, being pleanaiil to laae ami
lulck In curing.
Osburn k DbLa.ia,
A wauerwHS made on Oregon going
for Mclvimey by over 2o00, which Is
heintr ,li.miuietl The dilleretice be.
t vee the loaest McKinley elector and
toe binhe-4 Bryan Is 120 but the
uveraire n about 2070. The average
!i!uld win.
Wanthi ()iKon (irape Koot. Ap
ply l W iS mders. Eugene, Oregon.
Oarkn' Kure Cure is a positive sped He
in nil dlsea.'S or the iiiver and Kid
neys. By removing the uric acid lu
ill hliHid Huurea Rheumatlmn. B. B
Hi iford, of Cart hoge. 8. Dakota, s-iys:
"I c! Purtf Sure Curt excels all
i t er ln.-dHne lor Hlieouia'ism n l
1', 'O-iry liwrditr " Kohl by A Wit
t i ii
The wife of Mr Lwnard Well', of
Ess: Brtiufleld, Mas., Ind been sutler
liiir from neuralgia for two daya, not
tieiug able to sleep of hardly keep still,
leo Mrlloldeii the merchant there
sent her a bottie of ChAii berlain's Iain
liilm, and asked that she Hive it a
horouidi trial. On meeting Mr Wells
tho next day he was told that she was
ail light, he pain had left her with
i'lwo hour, and iha the liotile of
IV.iii Bslm was woitb $o.K) If It wwld
11 he had for less. F"r "ale at 50
tt' mi l er lioltle by Ostium & Delano.
Produce Market.
Wheat $ W
Chickens old I..
Chicken young
TurKeys per poqnd ,
D-ieks per dolell
lj ese er dozen
II p
. 800
. 500
. 2-5
to 40
25 to 40
. 121
to 11
Mrs ,. s. Huwkin, of Chattanooga
'-un., my: "Sliilo's V'lwIUer '8eJ
ly Llid .' I fiiiMlder 't the best reme
for debilitated eystern I tiei
"d." F'ur Dysiwpsia, Liver or Kld
i"" trouble It excel. Prloe 75 cent.
!id by Henderson A lop.
Rorx. In this city November 23,
I "5. to the wife of Jihn ' Oray, eon.
! t t-s r a ? ...... I . m M M M MMn eMMMMMM MlMMMIHMMiMMMM4
cua cuta: 2. .in . i . --
Cold eights and cold d iys.
Combs' Post Oflloe groa-ry.
Old papers for sale at this oftke.
The gobbler's hut day on earti .
The bicycle law Is violated ditily.
Miss Anna Soveru it vlnitin
A fw second bsnd Imcki now at V
L Chambers'.
Dr Oglel,y came up fr un Jul ctloti
City this nfternoou.
The l'iit Is the U-t lever h.irrow
made. F L Chainler, At.
If you need gliiMies wi.ll ftT l)r
Lowe. He will arrive soon.
Mrs X IC Fia-r is vMiing her home
In this city for a few days.
Oeuuliie Oliver plow extrimonly to
ladai F I, CliuinU Tt
St'iialor-eleet I D Driver a pa,
setiger to Albany this morning.
A full grown cook stuve ('100.
F L Chiniihers.
FE Dunn and family went to Port
land on the football excursion to lny.
Tomorrow being a lui;al holiday iihmI
of the ollb es of ihe county olhYi ii
will remain cloned.
Fresh grass seed of all kindx.
F L I'll AM III l!H.
Heversl of our tilmrotls will take
adv-tutBgeoflhe holiday tomorrow to
go gunutii for the hniiker.
Arilnir Coiiietn , i to Wo n burn
t'xUy to relieve 1 lie S P op,.r.i or at
tliat place for a few days.
A nomer lull cartonil i.ruuvei 1.1 a
at F. L. ('II OH.Hi'.
While riding yrstrrlay itiornir j a
home fell with Str.iiid Long, bmliy
spraiulag hl left link e.
Hoe Cake a -rapper are aorth 1 t: ut
apleir Ak for tin pri loiu n immU.
Hull & fcSou. !
Do Toil lack faith Mid I -iVe lie ill I. ' I
lil t us establish your faith mil
your health with DcWitl's us.i inl
la. Osnrr.N A Dk La '.'.
MrsST McFad Un if Po tland ar
rived on tlio afternoon train and will
visit with relatives in this c tv.
K pres. tit indication Count for ny -
thing, Wehfooleia will eat Tlni.ks
giviug turkey tomorrcw under a .lea
Attorney X E Markley is now doiiiic
California. When last heard from llo
01 her day he was lu Modesto.
Everybody knows Charter Oak ;ool.
loves, b L Chambers wants every
body to know that he Is selling tliein
at half price now.
Soap Foam aaves the aticngtli for
other duties, and saves the clothes.
Hali.iS: Si n.
Chicago Record: "Undo Simon.
why does all the world love a lover'."'
"Because they know he will be sp-.-ml
lug motiey as long as he can raise h
Puck: Friend lias your son Warn
ed much at college? Father-rile baa
learned bow to spend 10 times as much
money as he'll ever have.
"Wake up, Jacob, the day is bteak-
Ing!" bo said DeWltt's Little harly
Risers to the man who had taken
them to arouse his slugdsli liver.
Ushuru & DeLuno.
Good advice: Xever leave home on
a Journey without a bottle ot Cham
berlaln's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. For sale by Oburne A De
Lano, druggists.
Imitations are numerous, and "only
good things are imita ed," but the
genuine Oliver chilled plow can only
he bought of F L Cnnmbers.
Persons who have a coughing spell
every night, on account of a tickll'i
seusallon In the throat, may overcome
Itatouoe by a duse of One Minute
Cough Cure.
You din'l have to wall for anyone
now to have your vision corrected.
You have a first elusi optician lure in
your city who will save you in iney
and give you satlsfncllou. Call on
. Pure blood means good health. De
Witt's Barraparilla purifies the blood
cures eruptions, tczct in, scrofula and
all diseases arising from Inr.iiire blood
Oribl 1 N A Di.Lam.
Today's O.vgon mi: Bennett
Ti.nmiMonaud Harn Wright, emu-
milled to the state re.'orm k.IiooI from
Oregon City and Kiusliw, risjs'Ctively,
escaped today. The former is in year
old and the latter IS. At l ie time of
their disappearance, tl.ey w-re haulliiir
wihkI, and left the tearu stiiMiling.
Hmalliu size, but gicnt in rult.
DeWitt' I in lie Early Riser net
gently but thoroughly, cirltig indi
gestion, dysiep-l' auu Cebs.ipsiion.
Small pill, safe pill, lt pill.
Os.11 k.n x DkLami
M LCornellu, the Montsna ci.ljle
man, who purcha-ed coup e uf Halo
loads of stock here last winter, is In
lhcity. Jack Davis, who has been
working for Hit gentleman a I summer
in shipping cattle from Moi.taiii
points to Chicago, returned liume with
Ell Hill. Lumber CU), Pa., a rllei:
"I have been suffering fimu piles fur
25 years aud thought my ease incura
ble. DeWllfif Wilch Hn.-1 Salve w
recommended to me as u pile cure, to I
bought a box and It performed a per
mire." Thi I only ""
thousands of similar cures, rema
sore and skin diseaacs yield quickl)
when ll i used. , ..,.,
Mr J W Brown, editor of the Miner
al Age, Warrior aays: "After a trial
of Blmmous Liver regulator I And 11
in" excellent remedy for zpelllnt.
malaria from tl.e systtni; and '
remedy for disease In Incipient stab
..cannot be excelled, snd no fui.l'y
ihould be without If" Ibis u .
.iroiW Indorsement torSlmn...... Liver
Ilgulator, but none too much o.
A beautiful day.
Crockery at Post Offlee grocery.
NoGi'ARD tomorrow evening.
Everything at Post Oftl.s grocery.
In Snleti! 11 cent are being offered
for Imp.
Vacation ut thi university Thursday
aud Friday.
Where will yu talis Thanksgiving
turkey tomorrow?
'ulck ithot shotgun cm trill." at
F L Chaml"-' on v.
The ('hrlniiuu building was photo
griudicd this afternoon,
Ve sell the r.tnioti. Soap
washing po,er Hull A .-,,11.
Jay Kriie, taxidermist, has
lx Arctic owl for inountiiij;.
olllll 1
I'lireil ,
Mr Addikon Ililley Is a eaunldate fur
rueiecuoii as llian-liu! or ialein.
ClIaKKCiit and put Into order.
F L Chambers.
An elForl U lieing uisde to reorganize
tli- "ll.iar's Nest" in this city.
Dr Lowe, Hie well know n oculiM
will arrive noon. The M ine a III wait
for hiin.
f.V0 buys a flue 0 room cottaite X W
corner Second and Lawrence streets.
Cleanest and stroncint;
quick shot shelln.
Hoe cake U the only soap on the
market made under patent formula.
Hal' A S in.
I tec I )
tonight on
f'eali 111."
i river lectures in Albany
"Development Theory of
Salem dry good e?tab-
All of tie
hs'iiutnt wi.l
rr noil 11 closed all tlnv
t'HU if ''O
Il'iver lit I til.uv
s w iirmnts'd I" scour
F L Chainlets.
a'iy where ny
Pin k: "J en o me
fVI." -T!i l's
it?" "No; 1'lll ilr;.t, . n't
'' H as"
Stoves .ti naif lice.
F 1. Chamber.
Plii'i to heir Mrs Brook and Prof
liarlglit evening. See pn.
rittu t lsv A'ht-re.
Deputy Slicrill'Seott Is moving Into
t:ie J 11 MiK'lung house on Seventh
9 .ret t near Wilhtuictie.
Another full unload of Oliver plows
.11 c 1. 1 number .
The banks will remain closed to
morrow. Every leading busluess
house should do hkewis.i.
Don't let the cat lick the ilisliei;
you can wash them cleaner wilhSoiip
Editor S L Monr.-lica I, of the Juno
lion Times, wants to be chief clerk
of the luxl Statu Senate.
Fresh gum std.
V. L. Cham 11 1. its.
It y Stearns, a student of t he U of O
li ft oil the aflei noon local for bis home
ut Oakland to spend Thanksgiving.
The HA) Oliver plow is leader of all
favorites. See il at F li Chambers.
Wm J lirynn wa recorded a loyal
reception 1.1 Di liver. Col., yesterday.
He is greater In defeat than vlctiey.
Y. II Iiigliam id the Ninth stret I dr
piirimeiil store tisik advantage of tl.e
football excursion rates to go to I'or
lalid today.
rify your blood, deal youreviiiplcxion,
regulate your bowels and makes your
bend u clear as a hell. 2rc, Wlc, and
fl.UO. Henderson & Linn.
Puss the giHid word along the line.
Pile can lequiekly :urcd without an
operutlon by simply aiilying De
Wilt's Wltoli Hiuel Salve.
Ostii KN A DkLano.
Miss draco St Hellen of Portland, a
student of tl.e Monmouth Normal
school, ai rived on the nfternoou train
and will visit at the boms of M. O
Wilkin over Thanksgiving
Drain item in ltosehnrg Review:
"Dr Kuykemlall came up from F:u
gene Friday evening and wl.l visit
here a few days h.-loro g'ing oil to
(Jrant's Pass to visit his mother."
The FhilmVglan society of the
university has challenged (he Lun an
soc!i ly for a Joint debate. The ehal.
leiige has not been accepted ye', but
will he considered at Friday niglil's
1111 -etlug.
Amos J Cumming and Win,
tw radical free-silver men, wire ;
elected to coi.gits imm w 1 om ,
citv districts. All oilier camnuaic
hebd lu thecmpiro state were gold
s'an.lard .
Saturday la-t Hon J W Cowles, ;
president of the McMinnville National
Dank, seiutehcd hi right html be-,
iw.eti III" lliiiuih nod Hist linger, on a !
. ieCt-of baling wire. Blood poison- :
i'.. ...1 to 11111I he died Wednc-diiV ,
In (.p. , .king -t elect ric Ihdit plan'
yesterday It whs stated that the 01 e
in the Haines' lanneiy was the second
one pul in by Mr Fraz-r. It should
liave said the third one, a Ihe plant
in the university gymim-him was also
put in ly him
'Ml any Dcimcrut: That big tint
fsctory Mr Lord was to I'nrt in Mar
,n county Incase the election went
-ntir,icto,ily to her sh ell I to. le
started. ItV.s in give emflovmci.t
,.,0,10 ivr s. That will he a line
thing for Marlon county- hen it l
Tl.e Astoria Hmtgel tin out 10
way: "Astoria I st.s f'd in . ' :lic.
(..Ink' enbT into everyihim: -the
,-il V lillsilless, tl.e S'H-U-tV, the
,,;, Rre-ide an I the ihurc .es.
Ma-ked b.iul'.rs, seething crap
,hootert, strap g-oemampulalor ami
I I, 1 st.'rer sro i-
-u. m.-s
"I -We i"
A-t-rm !"'
eo 1, p-ir-d with oiu"
,,, al.d an- far l
; -"y-"
, . II .11 ill v I IV Til II I V llll I lt'
..... ........... , iii.i r I IfV-r.l
1 .
I A Jtiili Hiiliijf ef tlw Man v t olnrill
Varn tt (,f the Mst ul;'iy
PiW OiimM, Noti ui'tr
I'aliy '1 mill, SoiitnVr : . The I' oft) football te III! Hill the
A fasciii-iting ilikpluy of mituri'H iil i iul.iiit I'.meny coiitiiitteut left on
niort beauufiil tint un.l shailm ofj iKo 11 'Jo a 111 train today for Portland,
i-olorraii be m.ii i'i the Titm huild iir ' l l.e eli leu go. s (o in or lose in the
on Ninth xlieit. I'.verWi.ih 1 vih ' g-uue with the eleven of the MA A
lloet-th,. leiuiiifii!, delii-Hte, tend, r I'mif Poril uiil tomorrow aftiriioon,
I'lanN, iilwny miL'g. tii k' h'e Midland th utti'iidlug emit ingelit Kas
li.eri v ami evervhudy l. 'il!d In in to ' aloiit; to eneonr.nii' lie 111 on to victory.
enci'ii ni;,'l,ieari of .ul' ire tl.ut ,l,
I'lodire the iiio.t I'li i-i, rmiil'.
Ullloll ; tlouerr, TI ;l' 1 lo y. :il 1 In IllUtll,
with lt 11 any rliiulm of colo, ni!. In
I iii'I'V niowih which i:iv( vt 11
t.iirdihoii.l that 1 1 tin I it t 1 t o ive
ami l l. oni in the o 1 n 1 . 1 ut u mm
soli 'f the t ar In 11 i ihi r il eriru '
' I'lanN survue oulv In l!i. I, l hou.e.
attain an ti 1 cation u glto It
a dt sei veil popularity.
A chrysanthemum is hilng
k'iveli ill the litin t tl.e
auspices of the Imlit I the -iriMilating
lihrur. The show i londuclcd by
Mr Chapman and Mi- Taeu
!y even exhihltors have eliteu d plants
ami over liKI varirt .vt im.y be een.
Some of the leading vai it-tics a e the
Y. '.low "ll-ti ifh Plume," the white
"N 'Vliu," the fink and white ' (lotnl
G: .'ioin," the hugo ' l: 1) Adams,"
s.v eof vthic'.i bio a foot across, aud
the ' Kate Patten. 11," a tl 10 yellow
st'c 1 lug uf reec nt loi:.l ! oduclloii.
All .ill'.-, a'ld si -ml of Co' .r 111:1V he
seen. Ti.em ale 11! Ii a'. '. shade of
! ye!l..-.e
11 of 1 i ik, and nil tl.e I
sham of
hello; rope 1
be rn.
Tl.e e
.leii!:.-r, K
1.1m rniote.
Kny l-.i inl.ii
n. i'rleii..l
llir-:, r
whit., wi.ile the orsinje, j
itid 11.11. y oil, 1 1 ctili al-o
hitors are: Mcsili.111" ,
I'Sniih, V.M.if, (iIIIkiI,
I' -ei 11. t, Patterson, Slu.w, I
. Siodgrasii, (leo 11 Dm-,
-. I'.i.iisch. Cuiiich, Morr!, I
'i ii.
t.'-sttir la ckw ilh, I
it F I'oiils, Ware,!
L.ii.siu Alley and
Adair, 1'ieM- 1,
IteckWitil, l.ii.H'i'
Miss Chase.
Premiums to tho amount of j'J 00
will be given an follow: For I est gen
eral coleclioii, ?J; f,r s'cond U'sl,l;
for best plant, JJ; second lest
single nlaiit, fl; for best collection of
cut chrysanthemums, $J; second bint
collection, I.
Mrsdeo It Dorris, Mrs Dr M for
nack alio Mrs 1) E I.nvcridge have
been retained as judge. Their decis
ions will be made at 12 o'clock tomor
row and the award announced to the
public tomorrow ufteriionn.
The show was opened to Ihu public
this afternoon and w ill he Continued
until toiuoirow night. It a ill lie
open until hitu tonight. The chrysan
themums are artistically arranged
shout the room so as to produce the
beHt ctr-et. Ferns, evergreens ami
ivy art ust-d ill the decorations.
Tomorrow afternoon nod evening
tli ladies will serve Co lice, whipped
cream and cake for 10 cents.
Hiatkoi inn.', City or TuLk'm,"
l.l l is I OI NTV. t
Knoll. .1. I'lu'iie) iii.ik. s tuMi 1I1 tl lis Is tlu
4-iit.ii pitrti.iT e( 1I1- linn el K J 1 -i
1 1 . il-nl.M lri.;lif In (Ii, ell)' uf 'l .i i'-I-i. e.e oi
ly 1.11. 1 inc.. sliiri-rtlil. nil. I 1iMtii.l l.r.n will
I i.t : ll.e -.1111 01 I l.K III N I. Mi bol.t. III. l..r
i'h.'.i sc. I ,-vi-r l's... el I'lttiinll tleil c.iiiiiul Is.
Culi'il I.)' l!iu 11.U til llsl.'s l s'.oili I I. U
Stvi.rii to Infers an. I 'i!.-e II,. . I 111 my
(in M'Uie, Un 1.1I1 U.ty o( lnei inl'i r, A I" , ls.
A rt . ol.x ts-on
TAII Nutiry Culillf.
hull's 1st. inh Turu is litl.'ti liiti'i unlly anil
m i. ihri'.-ily mi Hie sn.l neieuiis .nr-Im-l'il
ut Itie J.lfni. -i-li.t ur i innilUL, Iri-o.
f . .1. I HI..NKY A I'll, lulnlu, lllilo.
fgr.Sulil hy Imimmi.T 't,
An Acjiuci.-ltuhai. Cotust:. On
Jan lary II u short coin so In agricul
ture and horticulturo will begin ai
the (). A. C. at Corvullis and will close
on February 8. It w ill cos' tiotuhlou,
The lectures somo of w liich w ill be
illustrated will be well worth the
thin' spent. A wide Held will 1 e cov
ered, one that w ill he of practical Use.
I'aily uusro, Noveni' it
rlii(." license was toilay gimiled by the
county clerk to F'.lmer A .achaiy and
Mar.'aiet May Wigle,
Abo to W X Robhcrsou and Alls
Minnie MuCiibbin, and to I-vi Castle
man and Miss Clara M WaHice.
Massui htitelt, the In
f. rum us, hu chosen a colored man,
It iae 11 Allen, for one of it 1 governor's
councillors. Tin brings In attention
jliur fc H ire of the Massachusetts j
a pit
ys'em. li -il Ii s
the Usual stale
executive council
olilci'is, tin 1 j is all
- f, jKi,t M,enii ers, ai nually elected by
I who receive a salury of 1 10O
j h,,1,.m, H (,rtf. The Massa'
,.,,,,., i.'.gmlsluto I c omposed of 411 ,
senators urn! 21) rctiriweiilu'.ivcs.
There will br OIUV live, or six
..rat. in 11.1 senate and only 37 in the
Tliuiik'Slvin tide.
Come, ye thankful nple,
Raise the song of harvest-Home;
All Is safely gather'd in
'I'.ri! the winter storm beglu.
SIM I.oH'S CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, I In great demand.
Pocket si.c contain twenty-five doses
only 'Sc. Children love it. 6old by
Henderson A Lion.
I'" RE
. ir.'ly V.tieved
Treatment Akolu' !y Piiulesa
Ffom Tire:; to Sx VVco'ks.
v;niTr. n.'
thf. n. ; : u
I... ..lone.
Crri.rt: I
t out bull.ata I.fft far I'wrtlaud un
i the 1 1:-'0 I ram.
A 1. mi d a large cro-. w ms at the tle
pt to hid the departing team c,nod
link. Only one excursion car was
iiiKeu. The number of excursion
li. kels Hi llml.e I to (.'). At the lat
Ha re were ipnte a nu.nhi r ho u ish
eil to p irchiise II krts but none cuild
he sold and coiie.('ienlly many weit
d.H.ip 1. lilted. The enr was iln'or.iltd
with the college color, lein.-n yellow,
and the excursionist wore yellow
cliiVMinthemums and libhou
The gaum tomorrow is expeeted to
be very close, neither side being eon
lldcnt of success. It will te (he 11 rut
game ever played by the II of O team
with any o'her tn.m a college one.
Many predict defeat for the home team,
but the game Itself will tell the story.
I INK l l".
The teams w ill hue up as follows:
M. A. a f
i:.l Hall
IV K-rrest
f. UF O.
tauter dllliland
r g (dipt 1 lMmiiiisoii
r 1
1 1
I h
r e
Her'. old
Temp let on
l-'ei hh. liner
McDonald leapt l ) b McClanuhaii
Holi'iiH.k fb Davidson
The substitute lor M A AC are
lageit, sub ipiarler; ami Pralt, Nash,
Hamilton, Clint Hall, Ned Barrett and
Joe Smith.
I lie substitutes for U of O are C
Travis, Davl, Day, D Kuykeudall,
The game will be uuiplred by lloo I
w In of Seattle.
How to Prevent ( roup.
Some reading that will prove Inter
esting to young mothers. How to
guard against the disease.
Croup Is a terror to young mother
and to post them concerning the
cans.', Hrnt sj iiiptnins and treatment
is theobjict of this Item. Tho origin
of croup is a common cold. Children
who are subjict to it take cold very
easily and croup is almost sure to fol
low. The II 1 at syuip'.oui Is hoai se
ll es; this is simiii followed by a iecullar
rough cough, wliich Is easily re
coguiieii ami will never be forgot ti n
by any one who ha heard it. The
time to act Is when the child 111 at
Income bourse. II ChauiU'rlaln's
Cough Remedy 1 fieely given all ten
dency to croup will soou disappear,
even after the croupy cough has do
Vfloci It will prevent the attack.
I Im-ik I ini danger III giving this
remedy for it contains nothing injur
ious. 'Formic by Osburn A DcLaun,
Wixi. Paiiv An interesting elec
tion a uger was paid by a dinner In
Oregon City by R A Miller to Fred R
Chiiriiian. Col Appcrnn and J d
Pillsbury and ('barman attended the
dinner given by Mr Miller, and got
ten up by Mrs Miller. Following was
the menu:
Bryan soup, brown bread and but
ter, celery, suited almonds, olives,
roast duck a la McKlnley, potatoes,
high turlll, protection caull Mower,
green peas 10 to 1, jelly, shrimp salad,
fusiou dressing, plum pudding a la
White flolise, Mark llaiinu dressing,
Watson crackers, Sewcll cheese, sound
money cake, victory eache, nuts
and raisins, black colics a la dmo
emtio outlook,
Tho following orlglual veise appear
ed on tlie menu cards:
"For aye must our motto
Stand fronting the sun,
I'lurlbus Uuum',
Though many we're one."
I.KTTbll OF AlCKlTANtB. A rising
young pollllclan at Clatskauie recently
sked a girl to marry him, and though
she had Is-cn sitting up nights wlih
ti 1 111 for six weeks, she replied that
',B would notify I. I'll of her answer
hv mull. After siieiidlng a week
In suspense he received a letter
from her, 8,000 words In length.
In this she explained her posi
tion on the tobacco question, and
the uouuty seat queetloil, stated what
she bail always aovocaieii as ine uest
1. 1 . I . 1 ... I. 1 .... ......... I. llrrx l.ur
,,.,-!m"i "'K rs"..'., .'i .......,
I U as with a f."ling of deep gratitude
thut she accepted hi oiler and hoped
that she would alwuy faithfully pre-s.-ive
the trudltlons of gisid house
keeping. Ho wu nearly dead with
exhaustion when he reached the uit
script which read as follows. ''You
are so full of Hilitics 1 thought It
might please you lo be aceepunl like
Die candidate accept their presiden
tial Humiliation." -Review.
On Tiik Rivkk. Albany Democrat:
The steamer Modoo I to ruu between
Salem and Harrlshuig and left Salem
thiseveiilmj. The dyiy bus ban
placed on the McMiiilivllle-Porlland
route. Ihe Rumniiu, A I ton a, Ruth
and Elmore re running between
Sih in and Porllaiid. Tlie ( C A E
j bout Albany Is doing huslncr on the
I river as ll l presented without a
'schedule. No CotuS'lltloii; llidesnd-
ent boat Is yet In slgiil.
Fingkk MaaHKU O It Cbrlsman
uiiderhHik to perlerm a piece of lubor
tisluy. While bundling some heavy
riH k lie allowed one of them to fall on
his left hand, budly masiilng tie
second llugcr from ihe second John
do a u.
Slov rcptilr, any piece of any
conking stove or healer furnished or
put in to order.
F L Chamber.
The JU KI ilry (iumMlug Caee.
Tuesday's Portland Telegram: "The
rxamiiistloti of H McKlnley on the
charge of gambling was commenced In
Justice Mcleviif court this morning
but had not piiK'feded far when Attor
iieyJohuF, Logan, representing the
defendant, callsd a bait In the oro
eeediugs through some new proposi
tion of law. He objected to the In
troduction a vldeuca of the com
plaint, l:i which Mi'Kinley tseks to
recover double the amount of his loss
from Frank lletlcn, in the latter s
gsuihliug house. In t'.il complaint
Mclviulry avers that he lost the mouey
in gambling. The state by Introduc -
lug thi document III evidence en -
deavored "o establish the defendant's
guilt ly hi own sworn coufesslou.
Attorney l.ogsn objected to the Intro
duction of this pier on the ground
thut it did Hot allege a crime, and con
snpieiitly could not be used as evi
dence in a criminal proceeding. lie
contended thut ll alleged only the loss
of money 011 the part of McKlnley,
and the maintenance of a gambling
house on the part of Helleli, who was
not on trial.
"Mr Logan also took exception to
the law under which the prosecution
Is brought, that the case at Issue did
not come ulthlu It province. 11
contended that under thi law ouly
the owner and employes of gambling
house could be prosecuted. Deputy
District Aitorniy I'it.gerald took Issue
with the counsel for the defense on
the construction of tho law, and pre
sented the construction that ha been
obtained In the court of till slate In
prosecution of a similar nature for
years pssl. For the purpose of satis
fying himself 011 the hair splitting
points, the court took the objections
raised under advisement until tomor
row. A motion for a dismissal of the
action will lie in order If the decision
mi the latter point of law Is raised In
favor of the defense. If not th ex
amination will t coullnued and the
case tried on Its merit."
Kulghts ef Maccabees.
The slate commander write us from
Lincoln, Nebraska, a follow: "After
trying other medicine for what seem
ed to be a very obstinate cough lu our
two children wq tried Dr King's Xew
Discovery and ut the end of two days
the cough entirely left them. We will
not be w ithout It hereafter, as our ex-i-e
rh'nee proves that It cure where all
other reined let. fall. "-Signed W F
Steven, State Com, Why not give
thi great medicine a trial, a It I
guaranteed and trial Imllles are free at
Henderson & I, inn's drugstore. Reg
ular size .V)o and (1.
Dsllr Uusnl, Nereinuef ZV
erldge, rector of St Mary' parish, to
day presented this nflloe with a baskst
of lino grapes. The grapes are of the
luinrR anil wiini urnnril nn
Rev Loverldge' fruit farm east of I
town. Though It Is quite late In the
season Rev Loverldge yet has an
abundance of grspe on hand which,
If possible, are Improved in flavor by
the frost.
I've a secret in my heart,
Sweet Mario,
A tale I would Impart,
Hweet Marie:
If you'd even fairer be
V'ou must alwuy use Park' Tea
The Improvement you will see, '
Sweet Marie.
Sold by A. YkkinTO!.
Is Husrantwil to mro l'lln and Cnnillpstlon
or money rsiiinoisi. mi ovum ".r doi.
two si. tuns fur firaiilsr sun
tempi to
MAIUIN kl hY, FlisrmoUl,lAiirs
ler, l's. No I'orm.s Asuwir.m. Furulsbr sll
Itiil rliM d ruennn story wlisrt, Slid III Kuus
Orvnou by Osbtirs dl DelAUu
Times will soon be here. Look
out for CHRISTMAS display next
On account of the poor health of our f.uully we are compelled to
o ".mr .Ure and leave Eugene much to t he rogre of ouraelyei
and family. But as the health of our family demand it, we
shall commence on
Our o Qreat o ?lo5ir? o Out o 5a(?.
J.rlyTfl.rethe'.i.Kjk Is broken. Nothing reserved. Every
thing In our store goes.
aiarita Tba Ubiili,
Cottaoe Okovb, Or., Nov. 24 Tb
Noonday Mlulng Company started
the wheel of their 20-stamp mill turn
ing today. Tho Hammond Manufao
luring Company began putting up the
mill several mouths ago, and has just
finished. The mill Is of a modern
design as any on the Pacific coast,
having nil the necessary Improvement
for handling dlllerent kind of ores.
By the tramway running from the
mine to the mill, a dUtuuce of 2S00
feet, ore Is conveyed In large buckets,
of which there are 21. There Is also
j telephone line connecting the mill and
1 mine. A large amount of ore 1 aa
j already been taken out, aud the mill
1 will be kept running all winter,
I The Champion mill wa shut down
yesterday, on account of not having
sudlclent ore to keep the mill running.
The company w ill keep a crew of men
wcrklng In the tunnels and doing de
velopment work this wluter, and will
start the mill again early In the spring.
Springfield Items.
Nov 28, I860.
Xo more case of scarlet fever.
Teachers' Institute will be held In
thi place Saturday Nov 28, 1SS6.
Most all the hunters are back again.
Xot very many deer.
Miss All!; Whitney wa In this
place Monday.
Turkey and crow will have to
utler Thursday, Nov 20,
Mis Renlfe Foimo was over 8uu
day afternoon and paid thi place ft
TiiANKstiiviMi iv El'ufne. Yes
terday was typical Thanksvivlng day
In l'.iigeiie, and was uulvervally ob
served. Colon services were held at
Congregational church, Rev J O
Abbett, pastor of the M Fl church
preaching the sermon. Services were
also behi at the Catholic and the
Fpl-eopal churches. The latter half
ol the day waa spent principally In
the home, the place of busluess all
being chsted.
Foot Ball. The football contest at
Port laud wa won by the Mulluo
uiab. Score: Portland 12, Eugeue 9.
A cup of Porks' Tea at night niovea
the bowels In the morning without
pal u or dlicomfort. It la a great
health giver aud blood purifier. Sold
by A. Ykkimiton.
iKm'tgoEust until you l ave seen
the undoislgned. who can quote you
the lowest rates, furnish you your
through tickets, sleeping car berth,
and arrange for a pleasant trip via the
Colon Pacific system. E J McClana
han, agent, Flugeue, Ore.
Fine Presents
. . AND ..
Are those that will teach and instruct
a well aa amuve aud that 1 Just what
either of the following gamoa w ill do.
It ins tlist will sinuae snylxxlr sndsipM
tally Vuii li I'mide Slid will lesiili more In una
nk ihsii s lltsrary ux-luly will In two month
hw.tisti you hYs siss-ss lu ll t ysry cvkiiIiis ol
llirss Inns wlbtor iiIkIiU. Fifty itsnls amain
psuixl by linlruclluiu aud Kulti ol Ord( ooia
rlw III Hams.
Cask lrseals
Oltsn lo the csttenwri ol this saint, ttsnd
Iirusj of gsme and snler lltl: or lsuii lor par
iculsrs. l'KICIi-i illyer or 90c tlsmin.
IWsUtn Arlthmstlo lo Usrh ohlldrtn la Add,
Huhirset, Mullliily snd Illfldi".
Young snd old, It will brlstilra your silndt;
elssr your and Disk hunting r.lculslur
out ol you. I'HICK lis) itsuips or Mud lua
llYtr tud 10 ns.uss snd ddrtMstvof young Po
i.ln and you will reosiv a siu WUKTU O
( SN ls aaywhsre.
aod tlaiup lor olroulsrs.
tugtnt, Orsts.