The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 07, 1896, Image 6

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    Ml DAY, OCTOBER 80.
Wheat is sgulu udvuiiclng nil ulong
the lino.
Ell Bangs returned from Florence
lual evening.
Tin- CVcude liN'kit will I opened
Noveiiilar 0th.
Charlie Evans returned buluy from
a vlrii in Jlarrlsburg.
E C Lki was passenger Tor Har
rlstniig mis forenoon.
Hon J E Msgnrs.of Ysiuhillcouuty,
spent lut oighl lu Engeue.
The spirit of thieving seems to be
predominant In Eugeuejuslat present.
Hmi S M Yurun went to Junction
Cliy this morning where lie eks
till afternoon.
MU MtI Shelly of Pleasant II ill,
ho hu Leen visiting relatives la ths
city, relumed home thin afternoon.
Alloriiey J H Wyall, of Albany, ar
rlvoil on Mil afternoon' train to at
tend In some ca-e In circuit court.
Three or four umbrellas were stolen
from the entrance of the Congrega
tional church during the prayer meet
ing last ulght.
Al Fairow, of Lake county, arrived
on the afternoon train from Hale.n
and will make a abort visit with rel
atives in Eugene before leaving for
Dn Malarkoy and Johu Cavenuagb
woo nr to H-ak at the ora house
tonight, and the Union Quartet, who
ar n furnish iiiuhIo, arrived from
I'orll.uid on tho afternoon train.
- The funeral of the late J E Cart
wright, editor of Ihe Hsrrlsburg Be
vies, was held ut llsrrlaburg yeater
day Hlternoon. The Review will not
be l-i-ut .1 thl week and probably not
until wild to some one.
Messrs Flail 4 Ruffe, formerly of
thl city, urn no located at Halt
Luke City, Utuh. They write to
friends here that If Utah could have
free silver, 10 000 men and teams
would be act to woik within ten
May lluud.Uold Tories!
Illy Jiiln Miller, ihe l'ot ot UiaBlerrai, tn
H V Klainliier )
My country, Iihm it come to pass
That British greed and British gold
Have won where aword and blazing
Won not In during day of old?
Dure Wall-street Arnold walk abroad
Wherestandsold Wall-street1! Wash
ington, And luuut un? In the tiame ot Ood,
What hiive we done? What have
we done?
Wliu t have we done but toll and bleed
And battle down the border land
An ' whieu worlds for Wall-street if reed
With dauntless heart and horny
I think Ihe time ha come to ay,
Slay haml, you Torie. Arnold, atay.
Hhiy hand, stay tongue, atay brazen
An If brave Itrltalu I more dear
To Torie there than I'atrlot here,
W hy, Torli-s, Traitor, take the boat.
Who made thl luud? Who hewed the
From Allegheny'! lony steeps
To where Sierra's pine-tops play,
Alid plunged to Balboa' bound 'us
Why, silvered heroe, men who kuow
Huuh daring as shall never die;
Such daring a the dauntless few
Who ainole your Britlh hip and
thigh. , , ,
While you, you nut and gathered sold
(ir punned your cunning year abroad,
And, taunting, entering, bought and
The very blood t hat drenched our ami.
My (lod! Aud now what more would
Thileu Judas, Arnold, nomad Jew?
Your hand from otr the Nation's
And we will raise (lod aongs of praiae
And gratitude for fairer days,
Nor miH you in a single note.
You have your gold. Be satisfied,
And tempt not fate too far today.
Take up your gold. The world Is wide;
till ti'iaiiria liuro ami liera to atav.
You want our silver? Want our lands?
Want Hrltlsli law ana uniisii spoil,
While we in chain, bound feel and
Toll ou aud on as peasants toll?
rt'i.u lB.jl ! l'r.Ailfiiii'a limit for aval
Free land! Free silver! Aud FREE
Ii'nui mini urlm ito not fear to die.
Free men have died, and may again!
And if, by eitanee your goui ua wou,
Mowurct I ne war ua uuv ueguu.
The war of ballots for the grace
To coin our money, keep our laws,
To clip old England's reaching paws,
And laugh her llou in the face.
El. Doha I hi, Cul., Oct. 24, 1890.
Pally Guard, October SO.
Petty Tiiikvks. Petty thieves
look advantage of ths opportunity to
carry away whatever they could get
their haml on at the tire Wedueadny
night. It I now evident that ft large
amount of laundry which was saved
from tho fire w as stolen. Soap was
carried away In large ipiuutllle from
iIihmohd factory and yesterday per
nous visited the ruin and openly car
ried awav cakes of that article. One
woman, who wanted soft soap, weut
wlthalarue bucket which she filled
from a barrel In the presence of the
proprietor and others with as little
concern as If the sono bulonirud to her,
Last nluht a barrel containing about
oOu nounda of raustlo soda was stolen
bv omo one. It wss rolled away and
hiddvu by a barn but was round to
Tiik ('AMriiKia, CA8K. I he Dalles
T-M: "I'lrcult court at 1'rlnevllle
olosid hmt (Saturday, aud Judge Brad
abaw and District Attorney J syne
arrived trout that place last night.
There wa but one criminal case tried
durlnii the term, that of the date vs J
II Campbell, indicted lor murder,
who wa convicted In the second de-
grve and sentenced to life Imprison
A Ht'ST ANI Dinner, At Its meet
ing last night the I B Kudeavor do-
odedtoiriv ft hunt, followed oy
illnner about Thanksgiving. Hunter
will be sent Into the country, aud the
game procured, together with domes
tin towls ami the delicacies or the sea
son, will he served at a public dinner
at a nominal price.
Ail uruggism leiunu ins money i oiaia bit)
Good duck weather.
Junction City holdsunelcclluii Mon
The river ha mined about three
O 1 Hoii'ciiiim.' up f'"i Irving this
afternoon. (
Aio-ni L G Adair retimed from
Portland thin nigh'.
Mr and Ml '-'ii Lullvr 'turned
from Portland tod iy.
Al Holdeii weiil to 1 (urrUburg to-
ilay ou a hop buying nip.
niatiicl Attorney V'.it rturueil
home to Corvaliis l-i-luy.
Two cur n( hon4 Mere loud'd ut the
Friendly warehouse toiluy.
Chaa Turin r went t Drain 1 1 1 1 - nf-
teruoon to vlit it few duys.
MImmas t'ulit, LihiiiiIm u lit Jeitll old
arrived homo on tlie ii'tei noon I r.:i
A heavy rain y.-tterly und la-t
night. The lr nn-i emi plow now.
Prof Mile t.'niirII mid Wi Agnea
iKrvlln were ur rict til A.lilun I lin.1
nuiliiirlo IhH arveie atorill of lukl
night the Cunrrgatlcnal -Hi I waa
Hot largely utienurti.
deiipral elecli'i i lUV. TUilnV. TSo-
vnilier 3. I a Iil'uI holl lav. (Secllo i
VA'l, Hill'! code).
Hportarv i,t Klule II It Kincaiil
came up from ria em tod iy t'i ap-ud
Hunday at home.
Dan Malarkey and John Cm v. nuuli
aud the niember of the Union Q'larli t
returned to Portland.
AllnriiDV HImIIV allil 1 I JollfM. who
nt.u. j j :
liava wn HttHinlioif court, returned to
Cottage Orove thU a:ternoou.
A marriage liceiiao was 'oday grant
ed to Morrl Ma'iKy Line, of The
Dalle, and MU Uttiv A hits -It of
Cottage Orove.
Elder O P Bailey, who ha travelled
all over Crook c muly lutely has will-
ton ft letter to n r.ugcne irien i saying
that Bryan will carry that county
Tim f.lnn ooinitv era I id luiv re
turned "not a true bllT'ln the caic of
El la Thompson charged with ehooting
Edward Farwell.her lover, for refualng
to marry her.
C fl I.n Ima I iff n rctuined
a pator if the Corvalli church for
one year, rie win preaun mere inrce
Huudsys each mouth aud at Muddy
station oue Hunday esuh month.
Why la It tliHl so nialiv political
speakers drink freouently of water
whlta tslklnir. Publio speaker of
other classes do pot seem to be so
Dotloeably addicted to this habit.
Marshal Dav has his bay-window
beautifully decorated with lliitf und
bunting also containing a crayon por
trait or Wtu J Jiryau. .Many oiuer
have also their reldeuces decorated.
Medford Mail: J B Hakell, of Eu
gene, has otieued a shooin.g gntiery
In the building aiijoiuiug ttiu vine
lloru. aiilimn llila week. It la unite a
drawing card to the gun eulhuaiaats.
Bishop and Mr E B Kephart of
Maryland, at rived Mils afternoon truln
from Philomath aud will remain In
the city over Sunday. The BMmp
will preach ut the unneo J.reinreii
Church tomorinw.
Comtnii (llolie' Mini Dnlav (Vden.
of Pendleton, w ho ha been visiting at
f ossil ror severui wreas, ia lying ni
the point of death with lung trouble.
Father Brioidy wa summnnrd Irnm
Hoppner to viaii per ami ua passeu
through here yesterday.
Pulpits In Christian churches will
liia nommlnil hv I ll Dl'IIII Ullll Students
of the Eugene Divinity school tomor
row as follows: Wondbtiru. l an E C
Hsuderson; Muddy, O O EeMasters;
Fern HldKe, John iiniuisaKcr; vor
vallis, F E Billlngtou; Harrisburg, L
U Marllu.
Persons writing to have their news
paper addreaaes changed ahould state
.tlltt ami iiImIiiIv ttitdr nivaoiir. luiat-
otllce addreas aud the address to which
they wish their paper changed. If
you do not do this the publisher can
mil flint tniir nniiiu on his book and
of course cannot comply with your le-
Dallas Itemlser: John Walling of
Lino dp sold I0U bale or hop al b)
cents, for another 100 he got 8J and
has since bceu ottered 10 cents ror his
remalnluit nlnty alx balea. Ou Baa-
sett has sold S3 bales of hops at 8
cent. Judge Burch sold K7 hides at 10
and J F droves sold 1 1 :) bales at 10
cents, which about cleans out our sea
sons output.
The late Mr Carlwrlght, editor or
IV, llarrlalairir llfi'lew. una a meinlaT
of the Workmen, Woodmen and Mno-
csIh'cs and carried a j,ww policy in
each company, payable to ins nioiuer.
Mr mi. I Mia IVrtwrlitbt had been
married lea than s vear and while he
fitsiucullv remarked that he Intended
to have ttio pnTicic cnatigeu ami
make his wile ttie tieuetlclary, he fail
ed to do so. The funeral was held
Thurs lay at I o'clock under the aus
plce of A O U W aud wna attended
by a large coiicoui-m? of friends and
ITiiiIkf Dm nrvacnt av-teni of ballot
ing the sUo of the bsllii'.s will be enor
mous In many stales, and the number
of tho names on them will tie corres-
noiidiiiulv ctiufuaiiiir. to the leas Inn-Ill
irent volera. Thev are prentirlnii for
a tremendous allair In Illinois aud
ulim ii ril,. Wialern klatea. Ill San
Francisco the nutnber of ollUt's be
Rlluil liv iioiiiilnr vote la fit Tliev
don't know yet how many name are
to be on the ballot, but over 'JoO have
already brcp received. This arUs
from the number of pew parties, and
the extent of ladling the old onei. It
will t ri quire teasonatily brluiit
man to ndsold ml-takia ii, audi a
multitude, at:d It will be no alight tadc
to count tho vote. The Auatrallou
system baa Its luconvlencvs, und there
Is rtMiiii lo improve it In the way of
simplicity, but it has beon a bbs-lng
to honest and Independent voting In
thU country.
Pally ioi iM. iH".otr 31.
A LKAK. The opera house sprung
ft leak ut the political meeting last
night during the storm. The water
soaked through the roof, but was held
by the lining and paper of the celling
until Its accumulated weight caused It
tosuddeuly bursl through aud deluged
the audience below. A commotion
was created aud laughter iudulid lu
by those who did uot get a oaklu.
arj I who ilbl mm for il,..ip in...
8lealau Ouifit mid Phski-s iilnmlf
tlir For a t'atlnllc Priest.
ImI! cuiird, OctotM;r:w.
A specimen of hobotsin has been
"rolling them high" for the past cou
ple of flay. He stole a orient's narb,
arrayed fiinnlf in it and went forth
to pay u fatherly visit to an Imaginary
sufferer ou a death bed, but got drunk
Instead mid I now landed Ouinnu me
bars at one of the way stations on the
quick road to the penitentiary.
A week or two aito an Individual
piwessln the appearance ot rather
iimm Miik'i tliH unril deitreu of intelli
gence and decency of the average lio-
mi element called fit me reaiueucc ui
Kvv Father J II Black, Catholic
inle.tlu thl city, and requested aid
and employment. Thinking perhaps
the man might be one of the very few
ap.iimeiis of lll-lreuled humanity who
soiiu tliiiea, though seldom ever, nave
a ruocollilntf, quatliy.Puincr uiaca uwi
ciiipuhlon mi the traveler and tooK
him under ciitlter. ine mau a
given certain ilulb slo perform about
the houe und 'was sllowed the free
dom of the place. Wednesday Father
B ack went t i Ihe on a
vinlt lliut teou red his absence for a
lay or two. He left the "(rusty" in
charge of the premise. Be lure goiug
be purchased a new sun oi ciomea
which ho left with his other ward
robe lu the house.
Wednesday eveiilnif the "trusty"
l ft to the solitude of his own company
proceeded to prepare for a good time.
He arrayed himself in Futlier Black's
new suit of clothes, fastened on Ihe
Catholic collar, donned the Rev
Father's 110 silk tile, which bad b.en
presented to him, equipped hlruseir
with the cross, ubo'.tle of Holy water
and other attlcles and tallied forth a
full Hedged priest, in bis own estima
tion. Ho bud no money Put succeeded
very well In deceiving those wit li
whom he hud dealings and "rolled
theiu high" during the evening.
Everyone trusted hltu becau h was
a priest who was 'topping with Father
and auid that Father Black was out of
town and had all the money with
Ho continued to have a "good
titiio" until the arrival of the itfDovei
hind train, which ho boarded, Intend
log to go to Cottage Orove. He hud
no ticket or money otul tried to
Conductor Coiiscr to pa hin on the
strength of his calling as a pi lest, but
hi llllle scheme wouldn't woi k sou
he was dropped oil" the train at Hen-d-TSoti.
Ooltiir to Springfield he
showed a check for $100, drawn in his
favor, and procured li team to convey
him to 1 oltuge Orove.
At Cottage Orove he informed
several persons with whom he conveis
si that ho had come to that city
In answer to a teletaoi culling 111 i ii to
see a sulkier ou the defilh bed, but
Hint ho had found the dying man
greatly Improved and not needing his
Somehow be managed to get liquor
and was soon in a drunken condition.
When Fattier Black arrived home last
evening he discovered his loss tun!
notified' the nlllci ra. The man was
suspected by the pnlbfo Wtduesday
nlglit, but they bad no evidence upon
w hich to arrest film. An Investiga
tion at Father Black's house proved
II to be locked ond npnarently things
were unmolested.
It was learned th'it tho would-be
priest had gone to Cottage (irove, und
a warrant was issued and a telegram
sent to Constable J H Webs of that
city to arrest him. He was brought
tothlscitv on this morning's over
land train', hiving been met at Crcs
well by Constable. Scott who placed
him In jail. This morning he plead
t'llllt v tothu charge of larceny before
justice Wild ler and bound over In
the sum of f't'H). He wns Indicted by
the grand Jury this afternoon for bur
glary Kill larceny.
Daily Oiir.rd.Oclberal.
U OK O McKinmcy Ci.rn Mkictinci.
John Cavenuugh and Dan Malurkey,
of Portland, graduates of the law de
partment of the University of Oregon,
addressed a political meeting at the
opera house last night unde' the aus
pices of the U of O McKlnley club.
Sir Fred Tvmtilcton, president of the
club, presided, und the Union Quartet
of Portland, furnl.-hed music for tho
occasion. Tho I ouso whs packed.
Mr Caviiiaiigh was Introduced first
and niadea short address, after which
Mr Malarkey was Introduced aud
spoke for over two hours. Neither of
the speakers entered Into a real discus
sion of the Issues, but simply skimmed
along on the surface. MrMa'arkey
gave expression to many witty say
lugs which kept his audience In good
Pail)- liuaril, October St.
Miss Dorethu Dale entertained tnctn
bcis and friends of the Y P S U E of
the Christian church lust night al the
home of her parents, Dr and Mrs J S
Dale, at Fourteenth and Pearl str,cts.
The occasion wa the regular monthly
bihilue.-i meeting of that Sis'lety. After
the u.suul business was trausacU'd the
guests were delightfully entertained
by tho charming .voting liostisi -until
quite lute This meeting was one of
the most stU'cesslul, socially considered,
that has ever been held by the society.
There was about forty young ptople
Daily uuarn, fctotr 31.
Pkksonai.. Ashland R -cord: ' Dr
B F 1 1 Hindi, a well known democrat
of I.tmu county, was lu Ashland Tues
day wriiring u b!j Palmer and Buck
ne'r bottou and tainting up the faith
ful. He diilu'i ;lnd one in Ashland
aud undoubtedly met the same fate In
other Jackson co inty towns." Jack
snuvllle Time: "Dr Hamell of Eu
gene, a Mclvinli ' emissary who poses
as a gold democrat spent a few hours
i.. ........I.... ti.. . a .1...
I in iu ii . waj . or iiuiiiu 111c
I atmosphere nf Juckson county quite
i Icy, and, r.s ne was the only Painter
! man In Jacksonville at the time, he
must have iVlt cry lonesome."
Pally tfu.inl, October SI.
Clanahati todir shlpixsl two pairs of
j Chim se pheaT.
' ..i. ..i. . i i . i.
to ll l'cunell at
, for pmpo'-atlng pur
!cClanhati a few dav
' easants t W W Wat
;, California, for the
v iienans, iino
' purposes. Mr
! ao ahlpped '22
ersou at Bis!.
1 same purpose.
Klr8t d Sccoiijl Teu.n.Uue lp
l.n Ou.rJ. October :.
't he II rat and let-olid teams or t jf
contc-t on a munu, ; n1L. public
.. . ..nii'iiiu iranii) for tut I 1 ,
Hnot largely attended.
. A. .ew departure and
have been a. iu,iv
more favorable weal"" V
otlldaK wBh presided om - ItoW.
daft In rubber b.Kits and s
The ofllcer were as follows. U
plre, Theresa Frlendlj-; referee B an h
LtnlRht; llnewomen. : nuto M
and llen'rletta Lauer; time
Flov Watkins. Peggy Lndiwoo
ind I)ode Cooper acted as gate ke-pcr
and Llllie Baker sold ticket.
The teams linen up aa n,uo.
2nd team.
1st team.
V Tetnpleton
r guard
1 iruard
L Etnnunsoii
r tackle
I tackle
r half
I half
(j back
r end
1 end
full back
C Telllpleton
Case, Wat-
Linn Holman. Pellk-ra. all WlllKle,
Adams, Ziegler, Wagner, McPherson,
McFaddcn and Narregan. ...,,
The game resulted: First half, i to
0, favor 1st team.
Second half, to 4, favor 1st team.
Buiglurs Penetrate V. M. Validity lie's
Safe at t'olmrg, but lirt
pally Guard, Octotr II.
Win M Vandtiyne's safe In his gen
oral store at Coburg was cracked by
buiglars last nlglit. There was no
money In the safe and tho burglars got
notliin. .,, , ,
Trucks about the building indicate
Unit the died was committed by two
men. An entrance to the store was
effected by removing two pane of
glass Iroui'lhe sasli In one of the tear
door, 'fools were procured from J C
(Joodulu's blacksmith shop with
which a hole was drilled through the
outer uor of tho safo and the combi
nation broken. The lock on the In
side door wits broken ami access was
gained to the safe without the usi! of
Mr Vauduyu had left no money
in the side and tho burglars got
nothing for their trouble. They re
moved the l ooks to an adjoining room
aud tore up some papers, but so far as
can lie ascertained did not molest any
thing else in thj store. A partially
rolled cigarette was left in the build
imr. There is no definite clue to tho
would bo burglars, though the stoto
and sufi) were doubtless broken Into
by local talent.
Pally Quant. October SO.
Tomorrow nlirht is Halloween, and
It would bo well for our citizens to
make sure that their gates are immov
Hallow-even, or hallowceu, the
name popularly given to tho eve or
vigil of All Hallows, or festival of All
Saints, which being tho first of No
vember, Halloween is the evening of
the 31st of October. Iu England It
was long customary to eruek nuts,
duck for apples in a tub of water, and
perform other harmless fireside revel
ries. While the same thing can be
said of Scotland, the Hallow ten cere
monies partook more of a superstitious
chni'ucter; taking, among rustics, the
form of a charm to discover who
should be his or her partner for life.
Of these now almost exploded cus
turns, the best summary is that con
tiiined in Bums' well-known poetn
Anotiikr Oun Ai-ci dent. June
lion City Tinios: "Oscar Brown, the
sixteen year old son of Chas W Brown
of Franklin, came near losing his life
Friday evcuiug. He and Ted Leniley
were going to Franklin iu a cart and
tiscur curried a gun. W hou near
Burnham H .viand's, hestruck a match
to light a cigarette, when tho guu
slipped and dropped between the sluts
lu the cart, the hammer striking on
the side and discharged the shell. The
contents weut through the fleshy part
ofhisarmund entered his neck and
ranging upward went through back
oftheear. Ho was taken into Hy
laud's und medical aid sent for. llo
oieu proiuseiy and while he had a
very close call, the wound is not con
sidered dangerous. This is the second
time Oscar met with a gun accident.
aooui a year ago no was tanen lor a
deer and shot at, The ball cut a gash
throuirh ids scalp. That is shooting
around nrcttv close tn where lin livna "
Pally Uuard, October 111.
Hoi NorES.-Suleiii Statesmau: M
S Skill was In nervals yesterday
aftcrnoou for the purpose of making
a delivery of the 30,000, m of hops
held under contract by tho firm of
Win Brow n A Co., of this city. Of this
amount 20,000 lbs, went at 13 ceuts per
pouud as per contract ninde three
yeais ago nud Ihe remaining 10,0(10
pounds were taKen at 7 ceuts In ac
cordance with an agreement effected
durlug the past summer. Mr Brown
attended to the receiving of the hops
aud pionounced them the choicest lot
he ever bundled. Thev were grown
on the larm of Skiff & Smith, a few
miles fmm Ciervals. These growers
have 30,000 pounds of their lS'.HJ crop
yet to dispose of aud recently they re
fused utl oiler of 11 cents for them.
Pally (Juanl, Octulur :ll.
Is Police Covkt.-S M Garrison
aud Frank Goodman engaged lu an
altercation near the Journal office ou
Ninth street this morning. Doth men
were m rested aud arraigned before Re
corder Dorris this afternoon. Tii
charge against Goodman was dis
missed. Garrison was held and stood
trial and w ns fined So and costs.
IxcoKiMitAii'.ii. Aitldts of incor
poration of the United Brethieu in
Christ, of Irving, have liecii llled with
the county clerk. The trustees are
JoLu Brig,', J it YaUs, Allen Bond
UIKI 1, lioiul.
. i 1.. i. ii'eac I SUCII peruioi,
Jnilweln ho First Prcsby.
i.i.i lti sjiiiiiiuv u inau iiiun
scaled he ii'B"1" ... r tUft
unclouded s.g ii ' "iiT,i Kinerson
s A
inub ox". --
,ll.,iurae Worthy ft
tou.Mio. t llnlu, runa
S1T iksnMlveVt..d hrougj,
,r it as one listen lor tli re-.M-'curceut
note lu "at o .era-that plaintive Uiys
L loi si" to ti'' 'I t0.ucb? auK
ilnalr at that persistent cry which
i;;' toUvolce tile wo. of humanity
.. . i (i.a to be In ft nappy
mil ii "ou v..-..--- - - ,-,
....)d It Is as a sliver uuuiiki. v- .
iilorious ac uevemeu-,.. f, -
' . ft at. ! T11IIHII1
hath its lii ss ou " "
bears s hanueu uowu um
tut to return to that seruiou which
. .. lz-nllafl It Is UDUSUal tO
heargixKl sermons fioni the pulpit of
S. . . . .. ...... nn lliillVin.
First I'resuyieriaii cuuiuu ...
trury, we are In the habit of listening
to sweet, pure, orthodox teachlug.
each Sunday. But tin scrmou was uofc
orlliodox. I- WW niimiitj,,"
sermon, oru Methmllst. or ft llar-ttat
seruiou; but il was Christian ip the
hlulicst aud broadest interpretation or
ihe term. And it appealed to me no
less because 1 fancied I recognized the
fountain-head from which the doctor
drew bis Inspiration.
The senior reception Saturday even
ing was a delight to the eyes, a Joy to
the senses. Music, light and flower;
harmonious blending of color, happy
i.,iii.iiier. iraee and voutii and beauty
nmdeuiiuscene which must have as
tonished the grey shadows that some
times walk In Villard Hall. oung
feet kept time to guy music, and while
the student danced, the guesU
of the evening aud the fuculty with
possible exception!, looked ou ap
provingly. Under the ausplcci of the
class of '17 lias been ushered in a new
era. Saturday night witnessed the
Introduction of a novel social exper
ience In the history ot the university.
Verily: we are udvanclng.
A dainty ud becoming evening
irown lends, even to the plainest
vooiu' woman, snm.-tblng akin to
iiuioitv nud inuite a nrettv girl ten
tlniea nretiier. There was no lack of
liMwIli'liinir continues ou this occasion
nod the nrettv ulrl well she must
have left her plain sister at home (if
she chanced to have one) for I fulled to
lind her 111 Villard Hall.
Xot tlm leant eniovablo part of the
evetiiiiL' whs the nroirrnill. Miss Bft-
righl's rendering of the "Rhyme of
The Duchess May" was full or power
and pathos and her eucore was a de
licious bit of voice work, of word
Miss Hendricks and Miss Lolta
Ji linston sang with grace and sweet
ness and the annuls of the class were
received with evident appreciation. It
ii. n eelf evidcut fact that the class of
'1)7 is auything but "slow."
Il is proof of Uudvard Kipling's
virility tlie manner In which he per
vades modern literature of almost
every description. Ono fluds him
everywhere. In prose and In poetry, in
llction and in the more solid matter.
In fact It seems next to impossible to
write an essay or a poem or to ten ft
story and not allude to Kipling either
dtiectly or Indirectly. He lias become
a household word. To the child who
has become acquainted witli the
"folk" lu hi jungle books he Is ft sort
of deity. I do not believe there ever
was or ever will be auything written
equal to the jungle stories In power
and purity and all compelling interest,
I well remember when these stories
were appearing in the magazines the
intense and healthful pltnsnre they
afforded the children. How tbey
wondered and ventured wise spec
ulations as to where, how and when
"Mnwgli got his knife." and then
the wild excitement that prevailed
wheu the secret of its possession was
dlscovejcd. One little flve-year-old
coniuieu to me mat sue nuea "uroy
Brother" more than all the jungle
folk and when I asked why I was In
formed that it was "just because he
was so faithful to Mowgli."
Thr Okecion Corn Crop. The
Oregon com crop is unusually good
this Beason, the warm, open fall en
abling it to ripen In good condition.
The area planted to corn Is Increasing
each year and in some parts ot the
Wlllutnetto valley it is getting to be
an important crop with the farmers.
In the vicinity of Sllvertou there are
several fine fields, that of Chus Booth,
so the Appeal states, yeildlng 60 bush
els to the acre, which woultf be a fair
yield in Illinois or Iowa. With ;the
development of seed that is acclimated
uud more careful methods of cultiva
tion together with the intelligent use
of fertilizers lit Is possible for the
Willamette valley to produce all the
corn required for home consumption.
An Old Relic An old rello In
the shape of n beaver trap wis recently
found tiy William Blachley on Lake
creek and Is now on exhibition in
Horn & Paine's guu store. The trap
evidently was lost or left along the
banks of Lake creek by some trapper
in the ear'y days possibly by an em
ploye of the Hudson Bay Company in
the days before this state was settled
by white meu. That the trap has
been lost for many years Is evidenced
by the fact that parts of It aro almost
rusted away. The springs are rusted
as thin as paper and ure broken. The
frame aud the bit are also rusted very
Pally Guard, October 30.
Lko Broken. While on his way
home lust Thursday Mr John 8
Wright, of Mound, fell under his
wagon, hitaking one of bis legs and
three ribs. He is getting uloug as well
as could be expected.
Pally Guard, October 30.
New Si-its Filed. B Goldsmith
vs J H Kay. et al; foreclosure of
mortgage. F L Chambers vs Lavertv
Olds: to recover H'i b.".
tlUCL'lT COLTtl.
Pally Uusrt, October H
V 4J ril'V VS l4 F I'roW! dlvnr
Ai.ll..,l Mini Ullltm I In., l """Ml
18 Itebccca Parker v William Par
keri divorce. Default. Iteferred i
Chas Klssenger to take testimony m0
vorce granted. ul
29 Mitchell Lewis Htaver Compane
a corporation vs B A DeVauey auj ,1
H DeVaney; to recover money n,
fault and Judgment aud order of sVu
of attached property. 9
47 Lucy Jane Hheriuan v V.m
(I Sherman; divorce. Defuult. li!.
ferred to E U Lousbury to report Usi
tlmony. Divorce granted.
7 llallle A Bpeer vs W H fit,.,
divorce and ftllmony. Defaulu iu.
ferred to II D Norton to report te
78 D V Buughman V! L Lurch and
J B Rouse; to recover money.
The following Jury was diawn in
the above case Thursday monitor
Johu Flint, E J Crow, F M Putker V
Stevenson, J D Wilson, Keulieu Job
A II Beagle, Jasper Wllklus. J h
Honlg, A O Bogart, Wm Intuan, Ed
ward Bailey.
Jury want out at 1:30 thii afternoon
Came In at 4 p m with a verdict of
$11150 for plaintiff, and awarded the
defendant the logs.
Notice or a motion ror new trial wM
made by defendant's) attorneys.
81 ai r cook, i ai, vs u v tuok. t
al; to partition property. Dif1Ut.
II D Norton appointed guardian td
litem for minor defendant. Itefmed
to GO Millet, James lemplebiii a,,,!
JeweHovern to partition the land.
87 Eliza J Munkers vs W illlnu B
tr..ntrAPii I I tfme T.,i(mi1 n
illUUKCiD ui'vivv. viimuii, Xw
ferred to E B Lousbury to take tes
timony. Divorce granted.
08 estate of Oregon vs John Hull;
assault with ft daugerous weapon, In
dictment found Thursday, Oct 29.
Took day to plead. Pisa of guilty
Friday, r ineu iu, which was paid.
100 fitate of Oregon vs Jacob F
Sharp; burglary. Iudlctment found
Thursday, Oct 29; arraigned same day.
EBSklpworth oppoluted to defend.
Dismissed by the state.
102 HUte of Oregon v J F Sharp;
larceny of some harness. Indictment
found Oct 80: arraigned same dav.
It Sklpworth appointed to defend.
Plea of guilty.
Sentenced to oue year In the peni
tentiary at I o'clock Friday afternoon.
105 State of Oregon vs James Mo
Graw burglary and larceny. The
grand Jury indicted defendant on
each charge this afternoon. E K
Sklpworth appointed to defeud.
Pally Gu-ird Octobers
94 Frank WlckhamvsJ C Gooilsle;
to recover money.
The following Jury was drawn In tin
case Saturday morning: Wm Ionian,
Henry Tllton, F M Wilklns, J J
Thomas, J D Thomas, Edward llalley,
W E Brown, J H Hawley, Benjamin
Cleek, Hardy Crow, C Stevenson,
Stephen Hmeed.
On trial.
102 State of Oregon vs J F Slurp;
larceny. Plea of guilty. F'ineofta
103 State of Oregon vs James Mo
Graw; larceny In a tailor shop. In
dictment found. E It Sklpworth ap
pointed to defend. Plea or guilty
entered. Sentenced to one year in
the penitentiary.
104 State of Oregou vs James Mc
Orow. burglary. Grand Jury rcporttd
ft true bill. Dismissed on motion of
The petty Jury was discharged tlili
afteruoou with tho exception oftso
Court will adjourn this afternoon un
til Wednesday forenoon.
16 Minnie M Schneider vs Orvill
F liolirer, and Mary A Bohrer his wife
and W Banders; foreclosure. Dis
missed on plalutlll'a motion.
20 EL Smith vs N B Tallafcro,
Gentry Tftllafero and Arthur Tslis
rer; Injunction. Referred toM O Wil
klns to report testimony.
88 L W Brown vs Ina Bell Paxton;
to recover money. Dismissed.
41 J 8 Ferguson vs m P Nail, W
B Peaoook, U A Davl! and Hamilton
Swager; foreclosure. Decreo aud
judgment for f5,002.03 and f 400 atty
43 James F Moode, Thomas Kne
beland O V Washburue vs Sarah
Howard Harold and Owen Bowen; to
nulflt title. SO davs to reply. In
ferred to E R Sklpworth to rcpoit tes-
68nt? E Knapp vs M Svarverud, H
Svarverud and G M Svarverud, to re
cover money. Judgment against ae-.
fendants M and O M Svarverud.
61 Pauline Webber vs Adopn
Webber; divorce. Referred to MO
Wllkini to report the evidence
82 0 A Davla vs Henry Siultn,
foreclosure. Default. Judgment sua
decree of foreclosure. .
95 Volentlne Klmmel vs Annie
Kimmel; divorco. Default. Boferrwl
to II D Norton to report tho testi
mony. T ,.
96 State of Oregon vs James Leatn
erman; adultery. Grand Jury reported
"Not a true bill." , '
97 State of Oregon vs A E l""'
adultery. Grand Jury reported "Nota
true bill." , , ,,.
98 State of Oregon vs Jon"ul'i
assault with deadly weapon. 1 J .
guilty to simple assault entered. : rioi
99 State of Oregon vs E E Lyoiwi
larceny of publio fuDds. Grand jury
reported a true bill. v
101 State of Oregou vs George w
Abbott aud William Abbott; assa it
with a dangerous weapon. L'ra
Jury reported "N?t a true bill.
Card of Thankj.
To the nelghboTTand W",s11!i'
so kindly administered to the n"
of our little oue, both before aud niter
of our publio school for their kiuu'y
remembrance! in the wayofll"1'
and words of sympathy, we wi"' ,u
extend our most sincere thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cukssman.
Springfield, Or., Oct 20, BM
Pally Guard, Octoler 31. .
To the Pen. James McCiraw aiw
tIllt IT a.illliJliml
terday by Judge Fullerton to one ye
In the penitentiary, were !kl",v
Salem by Sherifl Johnson, assisted
John Withrow, today.
Born.-Iii this city October 30, "'
to the wife of E R Frank, a so"-