The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 07, 1896, Image 1

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    i lirintiiiiiiWiifcij
M - .-U-
Jjjluq IT
NO. 48.
t IW.I'U
r . Itlohth HtriivU.
lint. :. :
0, ((ilhl. 1
12 00.
: : : : :
: : : i .60.
rate 3 mads known
1 on application.
Lira bul"
m lotto. M (il'A'It),
batches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
IPAHii1 1'KUMi hji iwri.
l f-til Work Warranted. -"OS
hyiclanani Surgeon.
Offici sml resl.b-nce over p wt.iltic. Hmn;
; to V. "-S ,:! 10 2' 0 1,1 9 I' "'
X3. C. JLm A.3E2!5IS.
i w Deiltfu sud Kew Iriee In I'ureiKii and
iMnMile Marble and Omult-s Mniiuuieiitii.
Hredatones and Cemetery ururk of
all kinds fur TO'..
'lllltlftts Street, near Postiifflt'o. Kniseiie, r
Orrici-Oue halt bluck smith of l"liri .imu'a
EL'OKNK, : on :(:.
V K. Mai.klky.
linsey & Markley,
I Attorneys-at-Law.
Commercial and Probate HuhIiicm a 8so
11 tr.
OiUce In ChrUman Block.
( resident.
F. W. 0S3URN.
Vict President.
Loan iioii Savings
f tugene,
UTOR9-D. A. Palim. J B. Harris. J. K
Javls, B. U. Paine. W. K. Brown, J. r.
Robinson, K. W. Oaburn.
Uli Ud Capital. : : :
Gsieral Banking Business Transacted.
Ineterit allowod on time dcponiw.
Colle Hlon enlriuted to our care will receive
roifl attention.
Lane County Bank.
(Katabllahvd In IXSJ.)
A (naral Banking business
h all branches transacted on
ffavorabla terms.
A. G. HOVKY. I'rident.
J. M. A BRA MS, Cusliier.
A. U. HOVKY, Jll- At-( ,hr
T. Q.UkMiinicxa,
3,B. Rariw,
Ot Eugeao,
Paid up lasb CspUa! 50. 000
Surplus and Profits. $60,000
Eugene - - Orepon.
A general banking buaiu- J'n '
able terma. 8iKht drafU on N LW YU'tK,
l,VN'D,ORE(ON. , .
Bills of axahanrfK wild on form.;- -
OeposiU foelvl subject to cL...k i -H"
fate of dnosit,
All oollLitl.iiu antrusved tu .
UI wee!"
lirompt attenUoa
-DEALlt IN '
Hsving a Larre and Complete sto. k of
Otapie and Fancy uroceric u.uft".
in the best markets,
can ofler the public better prices
than any other house In Eugene.
PraSw ol ill Kiilitakn it Martet Prices.
. ... rt 1 ... !...,, .lit
First llai
A ij ilf t election.
Wheat In slowly raising again.
Jiiiiciiiiii In-Ill bo election yesterday,
(ietse are uriivlug In large numbers.
H CHuddlcsiou returned from New.
port tiNliiv.
Huir(' K cney, of Jusper was In
CllgClie IOI1IIV.
Minn Llmm Holt arrived home on
the afternoon train.
Seiinlor-elect I D DrluT arrived
llolue home this afternoon.
W IRchl uud wile and MUe Emma
Hceht of Chicago are in the city.
A representative of Gtsl's Regular
Army has leu in the city for the past j
few iluya.
It ia rumored thut a $10O bet waa
iiitnle on tli election thin aflurnou at
Junction City.
! J'llni M Sluvi returned from a trip
to .Mnutuiiii l liia morning. He reporn
I lliin-s good In tlittt hi iite.
I Rev X It Alley, who Inu lieen em
1 ployed in ti planing mill atVictr)a,
I II (', during the summer, arrived home
t tills morning.
' Couiity School Siieriutendent Hunt
la iirrnniiiiiif for a local teacher In.
htilule lo be held at Spriuglleld the
hitler part nf thia month.
An untl goaalp society has tieen or
gtiuigcd ly Mix youmr ludles of I'einlle-
ton, who agree never to aay anything
lint iileii'.aiil tlitnga or tieop e. Kiev
ill proliably ko to the other extreme
There it it golden mean.
Jm k nlilili him very numerous and
destructive in King iMUiity, Cal. In
oi v cue tint i Ml cleaned up about
two of corn, and alao attached
pumpkin and watermel ns, doing
gieat ilumage.
t '(fiiiiicrfi-'l coIiih of the deiiomlna
lion of tl mill fiO ct ntH, have leen
imarei' on aeverul buaineas men of Sa
lem wilhiu the punt few davs. The
ilollnrn bur the date of 18711, and the
Inilf ilollaii. that or Wi.
Slice and Lenlher Ri-porter: A
rhiludeliihla clergyman rwviitly ex-
horled hia heareis: "Vote aa you
pray." Before he 0 included his ser
mon he counseCeJ them to "pray
linen. nuuiim . ina. m , w a . 1 1 k .
The llarr s'itiri; Review wa pub-
IhIii'iI ii tii-u il thia week. Mrs ('art-
riuhl in a card aaya: For the publica
tion of till Isemenf the Review, I inn
iiiihliltd to the akill and ability of
Me-ri Dnllrnille and Milloy of A!
htiny, w ho mi kindly reopmided lolhe
n ve-'i'v. In regard t cintinuing
the iilillciition of llm Review there is
no definite nrrangements at this time,
however it can le said that there is an
ellort bring nuide, with a reasonable
probability of succeas to have the paper
Ckkamkhv Stautkd. Junction
City Time: "Wallaces cieamery
Ktaitid up thia week with between
twenty-live and thirty pntrona, which
ubout eipuil to the patronage of the
Eugene creamery It Is the Intention
to operate the creamery four days it)
eneli week nild aliould the fUPply f
milk lot-ream', the creamery will run
on ful1 lime. The w hole milk system
will he iHt'd and the milk will be
btaight direct, a creamery check wlP
be given to each patron for each pur
cIiiim', Ihe checks to be paid at the first
of each month after November 1. It is
to be hoped that tin trouble will be ex
perienced in aecuriug aulllcietit tnllx
to keep the creamery churning at leaat
four duva In each week, a the pur
chase of thia milk will be the means of
supplying the pnlmni with ready
caah and therebv kwping several hun
dred dollars In circulation. Give the
creamery your lutluence and patron
age." Nkw Snao Ro at on a Trial
Tint'. Oregoiilnn: The new govern
ment unniiboal built by captain V L
Fiik, United Stales engineer, for uf
on the rivera in this region, and which
was launched days slnw, was
out for a trial trip yesterday. The
dial waa very sitliafucioiy, she having
run from the steel bridge to the lower
dock at at Ht Johns, a distance of six
miles, lu 81 minutes, or at a rate ut
little over HI mile per baur. She has
been named " "Mathloma," whcll Is
siiid to have been the name given to
the Willamette river or a portion of It
by a trlla) of Indians which once lived
I., ii, u nmu.r nart of the valley. She
Is 1 teet In length. Is 33 feet In width
mitlthhip and four feel depth of bold.
Slielsstrongly built, has Ave longl
luiliual bulk head, a frame 35 feet
high, Htcaui capstans and, UdWUng en
gines, 10x12 d.iulde cylinder, and,
when she takes hold or a snag, It has
to come or the bottom will be pulled
out of the rivei.
DailT Guard, November, S.
Fi.KtTioN of 1st Lieutenant.
Company "C, O N O. of this city last
right at the armory lield an election
lor the purpose of electing Aral ami
second lieutenants, the terms of Lleu
ttmiints J M Wllllanis and J S Me
........ i i.,., ovniiwit. t.leuteuaut r
L Chamber served as Inspector or
.i l.... i'.irnnrill 11 a UUBluu wik.
elected Awt lieutenant. No .nmlta
.1 r,,r second l eutenant
lions writ , , . , .
and the election was declared closed
' i ... ... .111 il, ul nlll -e. Mr Huston
w . .V'"" i3 trst lieutenant. Is a
no nan -
, u l,n has served hi
vers in the company. . H'l P"!'"1"
:,",i cniilile. and wil tt.h "0,,
iiii Guard. Noveml.r V
Tikhtkks RUN. -This mornlnK W
OTrluedrovetlietwo trotiers, Bes-
, Whllaa n-lurn 111 00 ftlllUiLVI
became frightened at a tract on en.
g,ne in Fairmount and started to run
hniriinir ui the neck yoke 01
and Hie tongue
OUf who rr 1 Araot
iropttedto the ?rn - 7
run V or in- ' - -
I , .. t.nirLFV. Air inn'
rom llii! (-"UK- " , ,,,-,h the
Ul out of .be .buggy and thro ugh the
...h; r ' . fln,fy itopped
without serious damage,
the runaways
H'KAK.N(..-n" Knot, fy
,,f Eugene, now employed In the C
M A Si V R R "mt'' "l T
ma several public speeches
that so tion in favor of Br) an.
"... Portland. Oregon, N"
2 "v.;,;,.. the wife of Frank Airtnn.
I.... ErH., and
Mrs A says II is a aiciyu.-j
Elecliou over.
Fish horn plentiful.
Pay your election beta.
Road i are getting muddy again.
Circuit court convened thin forenoon
Potatoes are now retailing at 30
cent per bushel.
J I Junes came down from Cottage
Grove ttiia rnoroing.
A carload of sugar arrived from San
Francisco this morning.
Election returns are coming in Iroiu
the comity preclncta right along.
Bryan wen are around picking up
the buttons thrown away last night
A marriage license w as granted last
evening toGraut Allen and Miss Mag
gie Carey.
The election supper by the ladies of
me M r. cliurch waa one ot ttie attrac
tions laiit night.
District Attorney Yates, of Corvallis,
pit-setl through Eugene this afternoon
eu route lo Rnaeburg
The street Militlciau'8 Job la gone.
Wonder If he haa s:ivcd enough out
of It to carry him through Hie winter?
Mias Ida Houston, of Mohawk, who
has been visiting friends in Eugene
for the past two weeks, returned home
The Bryan men retired eaily lust
evening. Il Is a pity that thcnftlcc
are not more pk-ntirul so, both sides
could win.
tee change in Bang's hIbkc line ad.
Beirinning with this week stages w
be iuii only twice a week InMcad of
tri-weekly a heretofore
Judge J C Fullerton arrived from
Roseburg on the morning train and
reopened circuit court. He returned
to RiHtehurg this alter noon.
Chas McClure. who la attending the
law department of the University of
Ureifou at rortianu, reiuiiien 10 ins
studies today after a short visit at
Owing lo the fact thai the 2:07 of
Chehalis was rejected by the Ameri
can Trotting R-gisler AsiK.-lhtion.
Del Norte. 2.118, Is now the fastest per
former sired by Altamoiit.
New York Herald: Bingo How ia
the new cook doing? Mr Bingo
Splendidly. Why. she has only lieeii
here three days, und she can alreudy
ride my wheel quite nicely.
Seven thousand cords of wood have
been cut for the Virtue Mining Com
pany in Baker c.Hinty in the course of
the lut-t three months. One hundred
men were employed getting out the
I harks J Welke-. who was shot re
cently on the Lake county sheep range
by V J Sherlock, as a result ofa dill
culty or dispute about the range, diet)
at Silver Lake on the 29th. He was
aged 31 years.
The demand for lumber In laeoma,
Wash., from all quarters Is on the In
crease. Eight vessels are now In the
harlMir loading lumber for rsouui
Africa, Tahiti, Shanghai, Australia
and California.
Indianapolis Journal: She Talk
about wmiiej talking! ir tuey are
any worse than ynu meu are when
there is a campilgu, then I don't
know a thing. He Rut you must
bear In mind that we ouly get that
way onco in four years.
An Oklahoma editor expresses his
thanks for a basket of oranges thus:
"We have received a basket of or
anges from our Mend, Gus Bradley,
for which he will pleas.- accept our
oonipllmenta, some of which are near
ly six Inches in diameter,"
uurirr cot bt.
pally Gusrd, November.
IS Mary A Leighton vs Amos
Richardson and A Richardson, et ul;
OonUrmat;on. Sale con Armed.
a'j Kale Moores vs E 11 Sherman;
foreclosure. Default, Judgment and
dreMichael E lU illy va D W Fleet
and Lillian Fleet; to recover money.
DeMU, Judgment and decree.
ClirlBllaU WOHiejri e ....i.....
Dotnever; divorce. Divorce granted.
4.1 The JSew t-.ngiauti mungnKc
cuilty Company, a pr vale oorpn
thin, vs ElUaU-tU J Hill and J B Hill,
et al; foreclosure. Default, judgment
and decree auo nuuauy iee.
4tl Wm V Lord, governor of the
state of Oregon, etal, a tbe Umrd of
commissioners for Hie " "', "''";
....1 ....luorulis Iniitls. et nl. vs John 1
Calloway and Sushii Calloway, ins
111. u.i, .v.". - -. . tt
wife, and A v retero: luiwiwuir, 1
fault, Judgment and decree.
60 Ida namiuoo -
Hamilton; divorce. Referred to A C
Woodcock to report testimony.
60 Aurellua Todd v J I Jones; to
rt-oovir money, eruici ior rt.j.
74 Hatlle A Heer vs "
divorce Divorce gran teu.
7tt Charlea tsohu, uoing ousiu, u..
.1 ... ,t.D ftr.r, nni of Chas Kohn a,
Company va Joseph (Wring, et alj to
rvcover money. Betiled anddlsmtssed.
05 Valentine uimmei vs
Kimmehdivoroe. Divorce granted.
Court adjourned until Monday, .No
rember 23U.
tiallv Gusrd, November3.
t . McCTiNO.-The laat meeting
1.. ...i ..110 r tlm nresldentlal cam
paign of was held In the con. t
1"""" . , , . ... ,wBt llrvi, n
muse lasi nigm vj "-
.i..uT TI,o .....iliiir was addressed by
President Dorris, Mayor Mallwk ami
Attorney fillyeu. The sneakers re
Xwed the course .,f the oampain,.
vii 1 v . ... .... i,u tA-i.rbC
lust closing, summeu um
J.u v .. .7. ...,n hkidv to lie oh-
Ulned fr(Vi It and urgi-il untlr.inr
vlallsnca and wora on uic -
Bryan men at the ik.IIs t.slay. The
moling closed with three m'--t
cheers fur Bryau.
pHy Gusrd, November 3.
f,n at Home. Dr D A Paine,
r.W" TavPhaMUIeraiHW
. . .M,.r.,ni or tneasyiuin,
1 1 ADIBIUKi e"" w . .
me to Eugene U cast th. r
in the r home precinct". v.-w
III ,,,. . . . Un Minn to
fiSKur, Kine,d returned to ha.ein
train tomorrow.
A full grown cook slove t.0.
f thambera.
ti A M K Willi 1. UK
TI))' Heine I'.-hiii Will llucU I
slty uf a-liiiigt in tli. S;i!
dav Ktillowiiig lliiiuks.
g Ing-titlier
I Malinger Travis has n-.-eiv ,1
, egraiii from the maniigt r of 1 1 I n.
versny in vtulilliglnii loot l ull lr;iin
guaruiitiTing two liiiotlieil 1 . : i.ns !
a game to be played In Se i: l the Sai
urtlay nfier the riuiuksivi:; U:mic in
This will l-e the sca-on's M-lmhre:
I" of O vs Corvallis at Eiutiu- Nov 7
" " " " Corviilhs N, v I I
Winner vs Salem at Kugi n-- Nov Jl
This will ilccid,' Oregon h:inii"h -ship.
U of O Vs Miiltnoinnli's :ii I'oiilnnl
Thaiiksgivi'ig, Nov
U of O vs I V lit Scuttle Nov 2
The V nl O t.uui Is -iii - lv i:i n llii-.
year. Coach Frick i- si well l;timii
that he gives ns an typoi in.nty to
piny hall with the l,e-t te.i,iis iu'll.e
If nil games of the M-atoii me won
the I7 of O will Ic llu- I'iia'iipious o
the Nor;hwi-t coast
An ( xeiir-ion f r the Th.-iiiksulviiiv
gittuti will I,,- run to 1'oit I. it , I, to leuve
Eugene on Wt ilni - In 's l -al mid to
return on Fi iihi ' I, ,eil 1 ; mi m I t j I j
ft.ftO. Tickets on -ile ;il li, ucou's. il
I desired that tickets should be or
dered at once, so Unit m I' hr, nielli
can be made lo iici-ninnod iti' all ulm
ish to go. The side of I, chits clos.s
Nov 'Ji
I'll tint i- no acjun-t O A C next
Salunlav. 11 illi It iiui- will do nil in
their power to shine up m II.
Our boys arc hunt ul umU. 1 i it 1;
is a much stroiuer nun on nlleiisi .e
game than Benson. IIi nue is j
strictly sciciitilU' itiol our gums this
year will be oltcncr uml than
last year. Tlic people til' Kuei.e
shoiilil turn out S.ilur hiy.' Would it
be asking loo much for the business
men to permit their einploxis to at
tend the gium'.' Eneenc's foot bull
will tit. more inlveili-iiig tl:is year
than hundreds of ilollns spent in
other ways. The In iii:i:;ni;ciil bus pin
ell red lor ibis city two g.imca tilt tf,
three ill the lulercollcgiute It'iigd'1 and
Eugene i holihl sliow Us n picciatitm. j
The home bund will bt taken to the'
Thaiiksglviir' game If tin" sale of'
tickets warrant the tiKc-saiy cmicii-:
ditore. 1
Hie Ciuversity nl Wusluogton w on
the intercollegiate chainpiniisliip of
Washington last ynu.
Ab.itit the Duiikits.
El.MIKA, Oct L".
I'.DlTiilt (ilMHli:-Will you please
have patience with Hi" i little lis I
wish lo give a history about the IH111
kers. 1 imticdl In the (Ip.vnti Ocio
ber 24th a short sketch or history of
the Dunkers, which in purl, is very
Incorrect. I will i-u d ymi a uiupIiUt
Which will give yi 11 a cori.ct state
ment of tin ir fait h and number w hich
it stale to be about UMMKHiat that liu.e
(seveiul years ago) and If your cor
respondent wishes to inform liinisell
nufre fully co .ccrning the Danker
let him write me and I can show him
Unit the Dunkers have not l eeu on
the decline very mateiiully since that
little book u na printed. Since that
time there huve been churches started
in many phuvs tu tho United States
and foreign lands. They have also
established another college in Sninh
eru California and also large fruit
farms there that they devote tlm en
tire profits to the missionary cause and
also a large chur h In the eitv of Los
Angeles, California, uml also a coni
modiou mcettiig-hous.' on Mohawk
where wu lately hail u very pleasant
meeting and took In 17 members,
nearly half of them old people, ui d
he can II ml Dtinki-rs strung along fnuu
Portland to Southern (h-egon.
Okvki. I p-iii u.
iioi.ii-i i' l.iikion (dim.
I wo lligti w inru Hon li ru
tin I nl aiu'Ki.
Ai.iiANV, Or., Nov :i -T'liis moiu-
lug about 10 o'clock A II Kro.hel, 1 f
the firm of Kroshel Bros, grocers of
this city, started to walk to the f.iim
of his father, three mlh s west of Al
bany, in Benton county. He w as held
upon the way by two highwaymen
and robbed of 1 1 000. Kroshel says he
owed a neighbor of his fv her uml cur
ried the money, mostly in gold, m his
pi cket. At a seclud'-d portion of the
mm! he met two men: who 11-ked for
the price ofa meal Winn I.c reached
into his pocket for a quarter one of the
highwaymen thrust a revolver a tin .1
his head and thu other demanded bis
money, which he wax compelled to
yield up. Tlie ( -'' a'nount luken
was f 1010. One of the robbers wu
tall, moderately well dre-seil, and
worea blue, suit of ololl.esj the other
.....imri .hhii. When th'y dis
appeared Kroshel Vr""r,-,1 " ''"r'
and r lo to this city, where upos-o
was formed nnd startul nller the lngh
way urn.
(lleer Kb'Cll'ill U l". j
I., St Helens, ).-., il r , ,- A h- I
ami R S llatt ui It " " ' , li"n
Mgrecineot that if M -Kinley l' eli-t;t' d, 1
Italian will wear a pair of convict's
.hackle all '' K i'.rvau Is elected.!
Allen I to wear t lie slnckb-. It Is 1
agreed that if llm loing party n f l-t s j
to comply with tlm stipulations, ilu
other may summon aid and by force
pompel (smiplhmei' with the ngr-v- '
ment. In New Whatcom, Wash., J ,
H Miller, a populist I I-t. I"" ,'"t
his donkey erglne aain.t a cllln
worth tl-Vl, tl"'1 l!r"" Wl" heelu-teJ.
Even the cousolulioii of a swell lull
tral will liedeuiel Mr Miller
e;. i i i".N.
P. .'Me Alt'
iiii' t )' Aw
r.,.: ,.
111 III J
h nl I n i; mitt
; Hie U'-siilis.
. l.;l. r 1
llie uifult st ul.,1
I. ,1 c i'ii'UU:i s
an eii i' ns has
toil IV the volt s
Ti.i- ci, , I of fl.e of
III," t si ...ih.'l'.ll . o.;!
ever I.iiom n Anu ii
iilav il lo a clorc u",l
me h. in;; which li I c to decide
w ho si. a, i.,. t victors in tins war ol
wonls and ballots for the lushest
honor l hat t lie nation can i;lc. Ill
ail I't'ohahiliiy 1,1,,'lhil L'l bonis Will
liaetohl w Ini the next prc-ldcM is In
he, ami the siisju nsc of 11 inulily nil
tion w ill he ut tin end. I hie side will
will III ,1 llie ollal' wi.l It se; though
both si. ics aif l.o-.v claiming the Vie
boy. l.ocaHy the election li t,l pas-ctl i ll
wry quietly up In I nis aftei noon, lty
virtue of the law the saloons have lat-li
el,,-, d ,,il day aii'l will remain elowd
until il n'ch't U tins evening. There
itle no ilruiiUs. 110 I'ulils, iilol but few
, j'lril: els Duly oai'cMiu oll,-t r Is nil
duly. Very hl'ilc ehalli'iigin.: Is being
done, 1 1 1 . 1 1 o ! 1 botli s- i . 1 . s 11I0 keeping
1 close w nti h.
The national colors, ami pictures of
'.lie 1 ai.did.iti s nrc di.-il ctl ill var
ious places Hi roti.;lioiit the city. Car
1 s hn e bei 11 111 ployed by McKlu
l. i -u j,,oi li i s to convey voters to t lie
,i,,IU. As liu:i ns live c.ii'l'iagi's are 1
1 1 1 1 1 't. - - I from one stable, besides a
1 u i 1 1 h , -r ot private caniagc. The
Ihyaii .-uppoi lei's have 110 carilages
The polling places ami the judges
and clei ks of ch clioii arc the Mini'.1 ns
.it the June clet tion.
Tin' slorins have abated uml it lias
nt 1. 11 -1 b, en dry overhead, giving
t ho-c w li reside lit a distance a chance
tonath the poles without risk of a
The election has been tmo of the
piictcst ever held ill tins city. The
June election for stale anil county
otlh'crs was considered it quiet one,
but the election today is lunch more
so, (.pccially cons'iili ring its much
grc.iiiT Impoi l:nc to the people.
Everything seems to have ptcvioiisly
hi 111 done that could be (bum and ill,
people art' tpiictly votiii;! awaiting llie
the li-siills.
I here Me ( videiiccs nf til least two
or three cases of illegal voting in this
fit , mid tin. "ix have hicii lalkctl of
thoiuh lie
have been 1 1 1 lido yet.
N, i ll Km;, i c No I ..
N-.i'th Kul-. i.c No 2....
is -tit t Km-, c No I....
Son.h Kug i,c No
l.l libNK'.S von:.
1 '.ugciie
inside t In
!, iii the four prcciucls
nl y limits 1
1 as follows
nl 4::su: '
North I'.ueeui
North l-iiiget'c No
South 1 '.ugelie N o I
South Kug' ne No
t u:t iMly Culled Upon.
E; 1 Pitt tit'tmi; Thcgiowlug lu
ll icucc of the I niM isity of t begun ill
the state is well illustrated by the (If
111 and w liieli bus )u-I been Hindu by
the U S lish eoinuilssioiu r for the ser
vices nf professor Wushburne lo assist
in planting out the cur loud of oysters
which Is now 011 its way from the East
to (Pcgon. Regent S il Friend, y has
received a Icttci Ironi Governor Lord
asking for this si rvice from the unl
versily ami prompt incasurcs have
been taken to make il possible for
professor Wushbiiin to leave his clas-es
ns long as limy be necessary lor the
purpose. Gov Lord in his letter com-
diluents the well known public spirit
ol Mr l-'rlemlly ami explains the great
beiieilt which this new industry win
lie to the rtatc.
Il will be rcmctiibcied thai Professor
Washburne s cut some lime lust sum
mer in milking investigations us to
the practibility of making oysters
tlomisli 011 the coast of Oregon uml
Iberc Is mi doubt thai his favulble ri-
ports h ive decithtl llie lisll col Is-
sioner's action in Ihu matter. Oregon
should be proud to rcinomhci that it
h s a Htiite university interested In the
glial Industries of the commonwealth
ami 1 lust the professors In the univer
sity are nhlu to take up and curry out
successfully tin se Important lines of
imhistiinl invi siigution. All the work
(ilthe nnlvctsily is btlielltiill to the
th e slate, but mutters like the
propagnlion of oysters will iipieal
in iirt ctly lo the iitilltiirlun mind
1 1 1 it 1 1 nunc purely Intellectual kinds ol
worn. It is 110 cxnggcru'iim to say that
Ihesliite university, even in b In
fancy, saves to the state many thous
ands n dollars uuiiuully.
Filstern Oysters.
Mr S II Friendly bus received a
letter from Gov Lord requesting thul
he executive comiiiittct' of. tlm Board
of Kcgeiits allow Mr Washburne, the
bioh,gi-t of tin- university, m superui
leinl in coiilunetloli With Flail Cnm-
ini-s,,iicr MeGuire, the planting of the
i-lgnmeiit of La tern oyster III (ire-
gon wu'ers.
Mr Washburn sp, nt Inst sum
mer in slii'hlng lh" condition pre
vailing 011 our const ami w ill shortly
niiblisli a 1, iiort of his work As soon
as wold rcai lies here that the oysti rs
hav,-a.rivi I Mr Wiishhiirno will pro-
is . 'I to Yu.piimi.
Mt'.t-i- Ihu :. Tinsilay's Salem
Journal: J A Morrison, a local hop
tuner, w us in Woodhuru this moru
in.', Mr .Morri i-c.i r. polls the Imp mar
kid 'us b-mvci v M 'l'-t but ..-w i.lcs
1,. 11, 10 rl-. A g-c-il growers
nr. ' ' t'i tr ! i" aiilicipnt ion
,.! . . v ia the pric thcieof,
11... 1. ,., 1 1 vi, 1 eii'''. coon c hoiis
triii.' 1". cents while the product of
an Inf. : ior quality conunali'M tt
price and a slower sain
I,.,.!;- ,, ..!!. I' 1. :''-' '
M(ltl--l.HV Tbe ma
ch'liiei'V for th- Palace l.uiintlry Com
panv's'lit -w tte.ini l iundiy has arrived
a oi ls i icg 1 lu' -I in po-ltioii in the
n , w building on I.ighin street. Ihe
vta.h, r has a copai-iiv for i shirts at
atino- wiUi K.-ciiiiipayiiit! .ooo-,
P.., us -Near this city, Oct. al, BW
to the wife of W T" Putllsoii, a sou.
licjiuWii'jDS Nut Disturbed by Jones'
ten us. nionPLKic,
Mj.rcml lo Ilia bl tRIi l,J AMoelslt'd Press.
Polit'l.ANIi, Nov 4; 8 p m. Re
turns very Incomplete ami do not
materially change result as already
t'ltlilornU I claimed by both palles.
Senator Jones, chairman of the Na
tional ltfiuocratlc Committee sent the
following telegram to Win J Bryan
at II a m:
Ciui Aoo, Nov 4; 11 a m. "We all
nlong claimed fur you the Southern
states with Ki0 vote, states west ol
Missouri river with til votes, leaving
necessary to succeed seven votes. I
counted 'Indiana, Michigan, Minneso
ta. We have no Information except
pres dispatches Indicating we have
lost any of these states. On contrary we
lire positively assured of all South ex
cept Maryland and that we have not
heard from. West far as heard from
Is safe.
California, Oregon, Washington.
Wyoming ami Minnesota, are reported
by our friends to bo all right. If we
carry either these states, Minnesota,
Michigan and Indiana, we certainly
win ami all reports are favorable from
them. Martin, chairman Indiana
w ires at 2 o'clock till morning that
we have Indiana. All reports from
Michigan show Immense gains and
T'nwiif, Minnesota, says fie carried hi
district. Kcpubllcniis (luim It. Re
ports Irom our friend everywhere
slpiw press reports to be partisan and
crossly iinolHclal.
"Press bulletins glvo Kentucky to
McKlnley, while Summer, chairman
stale committee wires mo 112 counties
out of 110 give Bryan 2l,ri32 majority."
lines ftol tilve It up.
( iiii AOti, Nov 4; 12 p m. The dem
ocrips have not give up tlm light. At
12 o'clock, n 'on, Senator Jones said:
"Indication are that wu have car
ried 1 11 it tit 1 us. If we havo Bryan Is
clecled. We . have curried Tennessee
mid Kentucky nnd best advices from
Minnesota urn that Towne Is elected.
I huve Just received a telegram from
llryuii In which ho says ho will carry
his statu Uy 10,000."
Ilt-publlcniia Think Otherwise.
Payne, at republic in headquarters,
is not disturbed by Jones' prediction,
"Itesull whs kiio n lajit night," he
said, "and us then announced Is sub
stantially correct. Indiana, Minnesota
and California ure safely tn republican
column. Mr Hirsch, i-lialrman state
cnmmlttco advises me from Portland,
'McKlnley curries Oregon by 3500.' "
rout Um J Hry art.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 4; 4 pin. In
an Interview, Win J Bryan says the
situation looks much more enoourag
lug. He does not claim Ids election
LoiUHViM.K, Nov 4; 4 p m-Deiuo-cruts
claim statu by 2000 plurality.
Inpianapoi.ih, Nov 4; 4:30 p m
Lurgo democratic gains are reported
in Hunt In rti Indiana. Ht 111 republi
cans cliiini the state. .
PoinxANii, Nov 4. Roth parties
claim llie slate. The republicans uy
.'i-'iuo and tho Bryan men tiyzim
n.Hiiilrr's Klectless Claims
PniiTl.ANli. Nov. 4. Hoi Hirsch,
cbiilt mini of the state republican com
mittee, claim McKlnley is eiecteu
and will have 215 electoral votes.
Han Fiiancihcu. Nov 4. In two-
third of the state McKlnley hat 8000
Election Arrests.
Psilr (lusrd, November 1
John Province and John Winkle,
two boys each aged about 15 years,
were arrested yesterday aftern jon by
Policeman Crouer. The boys had
gotten possession of some alcohol and
w hisky ami were drinking It.
Martin Hollmnn was arrested this
forenoon for ls-lng drunk and disor
derly, and a hobo was also arrested for
('omnillineiit papers are being Is
sued uml the two boys will lie sent to
the slate reform school at Hale in.
Th bntm irnve his name as Joseph
Gorman. He wus sentenced to live
days In Jail.
Formerly of I.aue ('canty.
Mr Laura A Cannon, (lied at home
on upis-r Ml" ereeK asco couuiv,
Kridnv fieni(sin. Oct With. She was
in v r mk Mrs Cannon waa
himwi or Lane roiintv having crossed
th plains from Missouri when a little
child. She wus married to W M
Kel-ay In 1jii county In 110. Left
a widow In 1S73. She was married lo
dm same county to J K Cannon. The
family then moved to Grant county
nnd from there to Wasco county In
December 1HS2. She leaves two child
ren by her llrt husband and seven by
the second. Mrs Cannon was a slster
lu law to Mrs S llainlsnker of this
Pally Uasid, November it.
$75 IltT H II Edwards and E
Stewnrt thl morning made an even bet
r nr. on the m'ticral election. Thl I
(ia of the largest bets made lo this
"J.'' '
l Simmons Liver FCGUUTOk-doni
forget to Uke It The I.lvcr get sluggish
during the Winter, just like all naturt,
and the system becomes choked up by
ths accumulated wast.', v. Iiich brings on
Malarl.., l ever and Ague and Hlieuma
tism. You want to w.ike up your Live
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver ki-gulatok to do it. It also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be fres from
poison anJ the whole body Invigorated.
You get Till: II EST IlLOODwhen
your system is In Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver kemedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver KrauuTOR it is Simmons
Liver KbUULATOR which makes the
difterence. Take It In powder or In liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
tuwderj but take Simmons Liver Regu
ATOR. You'll find the KfcU Z on every
pckage. Look for It
J, IL ZcUln Otk, Philadelphia, Pa.
lh y Showed Republican ualni and
the MeKinieyitea aepi op
a Cuntliiuil Up
roar. Pally (Juard, November i.
The election returns from the larger
Eastern cities began to arrive atiout 6
o'clock Inst evening. The returns
were received at the McKlnley head
quarters and In J W Wllhrow's aa-
The returns from the start allowed
big republican gain In the East that
caused McKlnleyltes to go about tell
ing the good news Willi broad smiles
on their coiiuieuances, wtiue me
Bryan men began to look glum.
I.a'er reluiiis from me interior or
the Eastern states and from some of
the Southern states continued to show
republican gain. McKlnley men
claimed the election and Rryan sup
porters reluctantly conceded It to
Bv 8 o'clock McKlnley forces were
out In large numbers, Including men,
women ami children. iiuuuren
marched and counter-marched through
the streets beating drums, blowing tin
horns mul cheering lustily for the gold
standard man. Such an exhibition or
excitement and noise was never before
seen or heard In this city not even
after a big football game. Most or the
noise wus made bv student, wno
thronged the streets In large numbers,
boll) sexes being well represented.
The McKlnley headuuarters was
thronged with large crowds- eager to
learn the latest news. As fust a the
Western Union bulletins arrived they
were rend to the crowd, and as they
were favorable to McKlnley, were fol
lowed by loud cheeriug. The bulle
tins went received until about 2
o'clock this morning, when the crowds
dispersed. Nearly everyiuing up to
that time was for McKlnley. Only
two or three precincts outside of Eu
gene were heard from last night, and
It waa not anown now me couoiv
vote would go. Very few points In
the 1 tate were heard from outside of
Totlav has been tiulet. though
large numbers of people have been on
the streets and are watching the re
turns which have .been coming In all
day. Today's returns are mora au
ihuntln than those of last night and
are more .favorable to Bryan, though
McKlnley 'selection aooncUU.
Price Oone Up to F.leven Cents and
bint uoiug.
Th boo market of 'Ofl Is a most pecu
liar one, ami la aa much or a surprise to
brewers and dealers aa growers, says
the Oregon City Press. Six weeks ago
50,000 bales oould have been secured In
Oregon at 5 to 0 cents, but ths brewers
refused to advance picauig mousy auu
hops were left unpicked. The same
same thing hanpeued In Washington,
California and New York, resuiuug id
the American crop being reduced to
about 170,000 bale or 100,000 tiaiea
short of a full crop. The amount re
quired for borne consumption Is 200,000
bales, wnicil leaves su naiu j
age, but here Is where the olds and old
olds must be figured In, and they are
variously estimated at irom oo.uw w
100,000 bales. ,
1,'nuhtiul'a crnn Is estimated at 8o0,-
000, which Is 150,000 bales short or ber
requirements auu bu,uw suor ut u
average crop.
The continental ;cnip win u
large this year. The Austro-Hungar-Ian
yield will be heavy, but In many
of the Herman states only half or two
third of a crop Is expected.
In past years England has drawn
ber Imports from Belgium and Hol
land principally but will have to coma
to America this year.
To sum up these reports, whloh are
more or less speculative, we flud a con
dition that will require about all the
the hos In the world aud leave a oleaa
sheet for next year's buslnes.
The price Is gradunlly rising and all
kinds of goods are being picked up at
from S to 11 cents. Un
fortunately there are very few hope left
In the hands of the growers.
Pally Uuard, November t.
Weatiikh Pohhibimtiio. Yester
day was a good day for an election
from a weather clerlt'e point of view,
but today has been another steady
.in-iir of rain. It Is said that the
elements are doing the weeping for the
Bryau men.
Pally Guard, November .
Bryan Mkn Smiled. Bryan men
smiled for the Orst time since the die
patches began to errlvn when a tele
gram arrived at 8:30 thia afternoon
saying California aud Kentucky had
gone for Bryan. This gave htm a
chance of election.