The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 24, 1896, Image 6

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    Commissioners Court,
" Oct 8
I3lu ford Deadmond viewer road
No SJ9.
2 SO
8 20
2 feO
J M HiKiriit viewer road No 2W...
S K Kbbert
A If lionnet chalnman road No
209 3 00
A V Hornet clialutnaii road No
209 2 00
James llemenway deputy nliorilf 11 76
Fred C Hean deputy sberlir. 10 00
C V t'roner hauling lax notice
to Krasler&'sadditlon
to Kugene 60
A K Wheeler Justice of tlm peace
state va Doe and Moe t 3 &
A K Whieler Justice of the peace
state vs Abbotts 0 10
A K Wheeler Justice of the peace
atate va Wooda et al 3 .U
Hlilnoy Hoott constable state vs
IKieandMoe 2 00
Hldney Bcott constable atate va
AblsitU C 70
It M I'ratt witness state vslJeo
W and Wui Abbott 1 00
A Hehnelder wit new atate va Geo
V and Wm Abbott 1 00
Florence Abbott wittier statu v
(ieo V and Win Abbott 1 60
Chaa Mayhew witness atate vs
Uoo W and Wm Abltott 1 00
J Ii teller witness atate vi Geo
W and Win Abbott 1 CO
I, GAdnlr witness staevsUeo
W and Wm Abbott 1 0
E Htawart wltneM atate va Mil-
llnglon 1 (10
J J Itutler wltnew atate va W F
Abernatby 6 GO
E A Favy witness atate va W 1
Aliertmlhy 29 30
J II Miller wilncsssstate va W F
Abernatby 3 SO
W 1) Yates Justleo of the peace
state vs 1'eunlugton 10 35
J K Martin constable atate va
l'ennlngton 8 00
Harsh Doty witness Mate vs l'en
nlngton 2 10
William Doty witness atate va
FenninKton 2 10
Myrtle Doty witness atate va
Pennington 2 10
John Dity witness state va Pen
nington 2 10
Wesley FennliiKtou witness state
v FennliiKtou 2 10
Susie FenninKton witness state
vs IVnulngton 2 10
John Maxwell witness state vs
FenninKton 1 70
Wiley Maxwell witness state vs
Pennington 1 70
John l'ennlngton witness atate
vs FenninKton 2 10
F M Ned Juror state vs Penning-
ton . 1 00
lions Wlsby juror state vs Fen
ninKton 1 00
A W Bond Juror atate vs Fen
ninKton 1 00
Wlllurd Hapinglleld witness state
vs FennliiKtou 1 00
Thomas Mowers witness Hate vs
FenninKton 1 00
John Marlon Juror sta'e vs Fen
ninKton 1 00
D F lturton assessor September
10 to October 1 4S 60
D W Coolldgo deputy assessor
for 2.5 days 02 50
J M lterkshire, repair road tools.. 2 25
At this time It was ordered by the
court that the gravel pit In the lane
oil the Hponoer place in section 35,
township 15 south, range 4 west, be
closed and all persons are hereby for
bidden fioin taking gravel from said
public road.
In the matter oMssuing duplicate
certificate of tax salo. Al this time
8 II Friendly prewmted his petition
alleging that certificate of tax sale No
122 Issued by J K Noland sheriff on
the 20th day of July, 1M4, had bee n
lost and praying that the court author
I r.e A J Johnson, present shurlll, to
Issue dupitcAto ccrtlllcate No 122 of
1HU4 sales In favor of the said H II
Friendly, the owner of said certificate.
It Is therefore ordered by the court
that the said A J Johnson, siierm, ie
and be Is hereby authorized to Issue to
the said H II Friendly a duplicate of
said certificate No 122 which has been
At this time it waa ordered by the
court that the dullunuent xll tax nnd
costs of T A Myars for 1SD3 bo cancelled
on the roll, he having produced a r
celpt for the samedated June 0, h3,
from F J MoFheison, assessor of Lune
county, Oregon, at that time.
Oct 9.
In the matter of the Millings road of
publio easement. Now comes J W
liilllngs and tiles herein hlsswori pe
tition from which It appears to the
court that said J W Milling resides In
the southeast of suction 20, township
17 south, range 2 west, and that hU
residence Is not reached by any con
venient public road heretofore pro.
vlded for by law, and that It Is neces
sary that the public and said J W
Hilling have egress to and from the
said residence and that the persons
through whose lauds said road must
necessarily paw are DC llindman, F
L Urav and John Dlsher. It Is there
fore ordered thatO A MoMahan, M V
llec and O Green be and they are
hereby appointed viewers, and the
said viewers are hereby ordered to
meet on Monday, Oetolier l'.i, lSOrt,
and view out and locate a county road,
80 feet wide, from the roddence of the
said J W Hillings to some other public
road according to the application of
the said J W Millings and to assess the
damages sustained thereby, and that
a copy of this order be served on the
said D K llindman, F li Gray and
John Dlsher wlthlu four days from this
Oct. 10.
At this time It was ordered by the
court that the assessor tie. and he is
hereby allowed until November 7,lS!Ht,
to complete the lWHl assessment. It is
further ordered that the levy for taxes
for the year ISisi bo continued until
Novemlier 7, 1890.
Whereupon the court adjourned
until Monday morning, October 12, at
9 o'clock, and In the laterlin to visit
road improvements near Junction
Oct. U
Court met pursuant to adjournment.
Present full board, a on Haturday, and
proceeded to business.
At this time tho court procured con
veyance aud proceeded to Thurston to
make arrangements for care cf paupers
for ensuing year.
Whereupon the court adjourned un
til tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Mauhikii. In the Catholic church
In this city at 9 a m today, by Kev.
Father Hlaek, Mr. Thomas Fulling
ton and Miss Morton, both of Monroe,
ltonton county.
1 ' " " " rri ivnR 1.11 TO JURIS LEY.
- . " I . . It;..,..,.., Ill"
Matched lor Tuaukniflrlutf. Morse man a lyrum.
loll diiar.l, Octutr, 1!.
Today's Oregoiilan: J F Frlck, of fame, who Is now couching
the Kugene. team, waa in town yester.
day, and at a conference with Man
ager F O Murckhardt and Captain C E
McDonell, of the Multnomah eleven,
arranged the preliminaries for the
Thatiksi'lvliig-duy mutch, to be played
at Multiiomuli Held by the cluli and
'varsity teams. Frlck is very en
thusiuallo over the Kugene team, aud,
while It will be a Utile lighter than
last year's eleven, he thinks It will put
up a stronger game. Mpeaklug or trie
team yesterday, he suid:
"The eleven has now been in active
training fur a Utile over a week, prac
ticing dally. The majority of the
ulnver are new. but they ure taking
hold remarkably well and evincing a
very great aptitude for the game, i'he
tram has already developed exception
ally good team work, aud Indvldually
It Includes a number of good men.
"Of last year's team there are Itlsliop
and r leiiilclon at Hair, coiemun
and Travis at end, and ilerbold at
tackle. Of the new men, Hmitli at
iruard. C Templeton and Davidson at
fullback, and McClanahan and Kuy-
kendall at nuarter, are doing splendid
ly, taking hold of the game in an un
usual niuimer tor new men, aim be
fore the games begin they will be ut
least the efmals of last year's men."
Frlck Is coaching the Kugene team
to play much the same style of games
as that of lost year's Itellance team,
which closely follows tho style of
Yale's team. Tho men have a min
ing table, and practice every evening,
and, as tl ere Is considerable enthu
siasm among the students, the nun
have every encouragement to work
Self Exphiuntory.
PoUT!.ASI, Or., Oct. 17,1890.
I'. ofO. llryan Club: Gentlemen:
Was very torry I could not bo with you
Haturday evening. I went to Astoria
with Gov. Pcniioyer and could not
make the connection to get back to
Eugene. You may bill me for a speech
on the 2.'ird at which time the Govern
or 111 be with you. We had a big
meeting In Astoria 900 voters in line
for llryan and free silver. The pro
cession was one mile long.
Yours very truly,
M A Mll.I.Kli.
Circuit Court Casx-n.
The following new new cases have
been tiled with the couuty clerk:
W M Itenshaw vsJ W Owen; suit
to recover .'!23 110.
J II Akers, et al, vs H May und T A
Million); suit to recover f 15WI.
Frank Wickhuni vs J C Goodule;
suit to recover -(.
Valentino Kiiiiniell vs Annie Kim
mell; suit for divorce. The complaint
alleges cruel, Inhuman and abusive
I rent men t of pliiintitl by defendant.
The couple were niurrled in I.nne
couutv April 17, IWtt.
The Gkai'K Exhiiiit. Speikiug of
the of grano at the slate fair
the Kural Northwest says: "Ills un
fortunate that a line collection of for
eign varieties of grapes were entered us
AmerL'an varieties. ()ing to this
blunder the tlrst premium for the best
collection of not lu-s than six varieties
of American grains was awarded to a
collection of foreign varieties. Mr I W
Coolidge of Eugene nnule the Oiiest
dlspliiy of grapes which we have ever
seeu made by a single exhibitor in Ore
ton. His collection included the fol
lowing varieties: White Sylvaniim,
Ked ltiirguiidy, Violet Hose, liluek
Malvoise, 1'hasselas Nelli-chalel, liluek
July, Hlack Murid, Swiel water, Wood
mil lied, Agawam, Wordeu, NiagMrs,
Moore's Diamond, t'ouiNird. Mr Cool
idge was awarded the tint premium
for the II nest collection of foreign
grapes. He was undoubtedly entitled
to the flrxt premium for the iluest col
lection ol American grapes.
TilHY lU'Nui.KnTuiNds. The name
ol the republican vice presidential
nominee will appear on the ticket in
Orgon as J G Hohart, whereas his
Initials are G A. It is all due lo the
bungling of Geo II Williams, once at
torney general of the U S, president ol
tho stale convention, and 8 H Eakiu,
secretary. In each of lour separate
certificate they certified that his
name was J G Hohart, not only that
hut that the election would occur on
Monday, November 2. These mistakes
are Immaterial, the public voting
merely for tho electors.
Dully (lurJ,OotoNT Hi.
Christian Oiritcn. The Chris
tian church was crowded yesterday as
usual and at the morning services" Im
mediately precceding the sermon by
the pastor a quartet rendered "My
Faith looks up to Theo1' to the great
delight of the audience, At the even
ing service Mr Gardner sung a tenor
solo aud Elder H F. Hurnett
a former pastor, preached a very Inter
esting sermon which was greatly en
Joyed by the large audience. A num-U-r
were received Into the fellowship
of the church, which Indicates the
giowth of this organization. K.
I. est In lit Itoarburg; Mrs.
KosKHUHO, Oet. IS. W. T. Oris
wold, of tho United States geologieal
survey, lost a team, wagon, stationery,
draughting Instruments, noteliisiks,
etc., In last night's livery stable tire.
Professor Diller, of the survey, also lost
several cases, contents uuknown.
There was H00 Insurance on the
stable and contents. F. H. Wait lost
1000 tons of hay stored In the barn.
Private Individuals lost horses and
carriages kept In the stable.
Hknkkit kok Fi'nus. The benefit
given In the gymnasium of the uni
versity Saturday night by the' college
Christian associations for the purpose,
of raising funds with which to fur
nish a room for the asxocistiotis was
attended by a Urge crowd cf students
and others. A program was rendered,
lefreshiuents were served and a social
lime had. The benefit was successful
both socially and financially.
ATKAVKl.lNG Sl.llTKR. A ladies'
euivass sllpiier It. on exhibition at
Wells Fargo & Company's expre.-s
I'lllce In this citv. The slipner was
Urted out of San FranclsiM and has
gotten this far ou a Journev around the
country. His already loaded down
Willi tags rrom tne diiicretit olllccs
through which It lias iased.
. ! ... . . Hull inM'IIIK'-u"-
Portland Welcome: "The nwUl
tnoniul experience of Mrs Itelle Taylor
was one, according to her statements,
that was far from pleasant. Hix years
of continuous suflerlug, tho result of
her husband's cruel and Inhuman
treatment, was her lot, and imar he Is
applying to the divorce court for relief
lu the shape or tho severance of her
matrimonial bonds.
"In her complaint Mrs Taylor suys
that she and her husband, W W Tay
lor, were married In Goshen, Oregon,
January 1. 1SS7. That Is the only
happy New Year she has had since.
Immediately after the marriage, her
husband, so she says, lagan abusing
her and rendering her life burdensome.
His III treatment lie kept up until
April 22, 1S93, w hen they separated.
"At various times while they lived
together, ho would curse and abuse
her and lu the presence of their child
would call her the most obscene names.
He also taught the child to call its
mother vile names, aud in other ways
ba disrespectful toward her. He also
accused her of criminal Intimacy with
other men, although she claims she
has never been guilty of iuipror con
duct. "Ever since tho separation he has
not contributed toward the support of
herself or child, and now In addition
lo the divorce she asks for Hit custody
of their child, which Is about 5 years
of age."
These parlies formerly resided lu
Tlliinuuaud the Oregoulun.
The following from the Tribune In
dicates it la sufu for small fry papers to
hit Tillman all they plsase:
"What's the matter with the Ore
ironinii?" veiled a vounz man who was
snugly enscouceu liigu up ou a icie-
graph pole.
"Well," re
piled the senator, "to you
eople out Here mat paM-r may oe
Jome pumpkins,' but I never heard
of it before noon today, when I ot
. i ... i .
"Head what Harvey Scott says
about you and reply lo it," yelled an
other. "Oh, no!'' was tho answer, "that
man Is too small a potato for nm to
waste iny time roasting."
Wkkk Left Off. F McKercher of
Portlaud, chairnmn or the state pro
hibition convention has written to the
dillerent county clerks asking them to
add the names or the prohibition can
didates Joshua Levering of Mary
land and Hale Johnson of Illiuois-to
the presidential ticket before having
them printed. For some cause the
names or the prohibition candidates for
president and vice president weie not
tiled with the secretary (r state. The
secretary was afterward asked to add
these in lu -s, which the olllcers or the
prohibition convention said had bceu
fit out or their certificate by mistake.
However the secretary bud already
sent the ballots to the various county
clerks and it was too lato for him to
make the correction. Mr Kmcaid has
written to the couuty clerks instruct
theiii to correct the initials or Hohart,
the republican candidate for vice pres
ident which were wrong, and Chair
man McKercher acting upon the
suggestion of Mr Kiucaid has written
asking that the names of his can
didates be added.
Hatikhay Niuiir's Mef.tixo. A
E Kennies, of Portland, and K K Ku ti
ll, of Jacksonville, spoke on the silver
iUcs'ion ut the opera house Saturday
nigh under the auspices or tho U or O
Hryau club Mr lvalues was formerly
a student or the University or Oregon
and Mr Kubli is a graduate or that
institution, lioth an also graduates
of Eastern colleges. Mr was
Introduced first by Chairman Travis of
the U oro Hryau cluti and spoke for
an hour and thirty minutes. Head
dressed himst ir particularly to students
and confined his arguments to a scicn-
titlc discussion of the issues. He held
the large audience with the greatest of
interest to the close of his discount'.
Mr Kubll was then ii.troduivd and
spoke (or thirty minutes. He han
dled the various political ipiestions
briefly ami ably. I lie Kugene baud
furnished musio for the occasion.
IUy Ousnl, October .i
A Difficult Ofkration. Dr J F
Cropp of Walla Walla, Washington,
assisted by Dr O W Thomas of Uma
tilla county and ors J Harris and
FW Prentice, of this city, iierforined
a very dilllcult operation at H o'clock
Ibis morning on ine person otMlts
Amanda Hlchardson, aged 22 years, of
this city for double ovariotomy. Hut
20 minutes weio required ror the oper
ation, which the young lady stood
splendidly. The physicaus now u -
sure iter complete recovery to neaitii.
She has been sufleriug from the dis
ease ror the past year and a hair. A
ease or double ovariotomy U ratelv
found, but when It makes its appearance
physical and mental destruction of the
patient are sure to follow uu!ci-s the
cause can be removed.
StupptNa to Cai.ifoksia. Salem
Journal: J C Goodalc, the Col.urir
lumberman, returued home this morn
ing after a short business visit lu Sa
lem. Mr Goodalo reports business as
being quite rushing. An order has
been received recently rrom Marys
ville, Cal., tor 1,000,000 reet ot lumber
to use in the mines and lu construct
ing homes ror the miners. The mill
isbsiiiK run with a full force that the
order may bo filled as soon as possible.
The order Is being tilled at the rate of
two car loads daily. Custom coming
from such a distance certainly speaks
well for the Cobug mills, whose rep.
utatlon ror furnishing the lust of lum
ber is widely known.
Pslly (.iusrJ, Octolr 17.
F.M.toT St'KAKS. T J Elliot, of
Camp Creek, the well known populist,
held forth at the court house this after
noon to a small audience on the money
question from a told standpoint. Tom
Elliot is one or the few populists who
disagree with their party on the silver
Issue. The meeting this aPernoon
hail not been previously advertised,
hence was not largely attended.
A MlsTAKK. The Item clipped from
the Axhlaud Tidings that Charles
Niekell bad made an assignment, we
are leliably iufi.rnied, Is a mistake Mid
dins the geutlemau au InJuMiiv. Mr.
Nickell Is one or the solid
men or Jacksou county.
Vulcntine Locwe'a latest hop report
as publUliH in hi- "Prices Current"
nt.XS;ere,t this week has
,d abroad. h- l ' f
omes odvhes of contmu.,1 octive uy -r"ditl
probable that more th'
lto dealers' hands. 1 he bulk of the
..Vm u-,.m at 5U..II c. but lately
U" T K ' " - . .
have advanced lit some section
prices nine . , u ' PetUtT mane lo ucmv.i.' -"J
hifa rrrifothe l,e!idecy-N!w York, New
",u'ri ' 7. "r . i e total
yield mi the ' coust was only Tj.ouO
bales. Tliemos' reliable estimates are I
clo-e to lOO.unu in i.-....-
Ian llOO .,d 111 IIIH4 HLIHC i
the buying has not necn large, i.
nerlor.i.Hlityorthu WeMen. hops at-lia-ilng
the llrsl attention of dealers.
The of quality Is Very gen
eral In most sections, and we believe it
III prove a verv poor crop or hups,;
mainly rrom lack or proper cultiva
tion. An exporter paid better than tfc
for one or two lots, but the business
re.H.rted has Is-eii in range of 0U Sc.
The unfavorable weather at the lime
the German crop was lieing picked
undoubtedly lessened thequantity and
injured lliu quality; ut present the
mark Is there ure quite strong. Eng
land Is stcudv but rather slow. Our
local market has dragged along in
about the same condition that it lias
been lu since the opening of tho new
season. Some confidence is felt In
hops and there are res- rved tdlerings
of such, but It Is dilllcult to get anyone
interested III other grades."
Krviseil Statutes r the United States
-Second Ktlltioll, Cliupter VII.
See. .Vi07 Everv person who pre
vents, hinders, controls or intimidates
ii 1 1 v one rrom exercising, or in exer
cisiug tlie riwht of suffrage by means or
bribery or threats or depriving such
person or eniployiue t or occupation,
or or ejecting such person rrom a relit
ed house, lands or other property or by
threats of violence to liiiiise'lf r fami
ly, shall be fined not less that live
hundred dollars or be imprisoned not
less than one mouth nor more man
one year, or I c punished by both such
tine and in. prison. nent.
Barklcy und lloefer tln Speakers
o liaruecue.
Ji'mtio.n City, Oct 17 It is es
timated that at least 20LO visitors are
in (he city taking part lu the Hryau
tally. Tho barbecue ror some reason
will not be curried out. Tlie Junction
City baud is furnishing music for tlie
occasion. The se:ikers lor the occa
sion, Kev 11 L I tar k Icy and E lloefer
arrived u lUid south bound train.
Many Eugene people ure present tak
ing pari In tlie gathering. Junction
City Kryuii meu say tliat tliey will
poll a la'rge uuijority. A parade will
take place this evening.
psllj liusnl, OeioVcr in
Sll AKKM'F.AKK Cl.t n. The Shakes
peare cluii met Wednesday evening
with Miss Carson aud organized for
another ear's work, by electing the
following officers: President, Miss
Curson: vice president, Miss Hariglit;
treasurer. Kev V S Gilbert; secretary
Pror J D Letcher. As W'udnesday
night Interfcrred with the enuage
nieiitsof s.nneof the members, Tues
day ut 7.4-j n in was fixed us the date
of meeting for the ensuing year. The
Winter's Tule was selected as the first
play to be read. There was a large
attendance, and much interest shown
in mapping out the work. It was de
cided to continue the old plan of meet
ing at the homes of the dill'ereiit
members each week. The next meet
ing will be held with Mrs Minnie,
Wa-hburtie at the limine of Mr Waller
Eakiu on Lawrence street, on Tuesday
next, Oct 20th at 7:-J' p m sharp.
I'lly jurl, (VtoiH-r 1".
A PolTLAIt EXTtllTA I NM h'NT. The
McKinley eiiteita.unient given in
looser hall lust evening under the
auspices ur the ladies auxiliary to the I
Mclvluley club, was largely attended
the house be. tig packed to its utmost
capacity. The hull was decorated
with bunting and Chinese lanterns
and a number or pictures of noted re
publicans hung on the walls An ex
cellent program or both ioxtrumental
and vocal iiiumc, and recitations was
rendered. Tlie address of the evening
was delivered by Hon W M Uimuuh
of Portland. After the program hbt
lefreshinents were served. A great
deal of enthui-iusi.i wusiiis played dur
the evening, und the ludies of the
auxiliary McKinley club are to be
congratulated upon their success In
getting up u popular entertainment.
Crook County Journal gives tne fol
lowing account or a tr.iiiaction that
occurred in tlie South Fork country in
Grant county: "Some sheep from the
Mitchell country, moved In on terri
tory which the cattlemen say shall not
be herded by shot p. One day last
week, Harmed .net. visited this tres
passing band or sheep u.-.d one nt the
party, who was masked, relieved the
herder or hlsgun, at the same time
giving him some p .inters us to tho ad
visability of his remaining in that sec
tion or the country ir he placed any
valuation on bis lire. The whole
party then tired Into tho bond or
sheep, killing and wounding from 200
to 250 head, burned the camp outfit
and departed; promising to return
again U the sheep were iu that locality
at a g.veu lime."
Thanks. Dr. Loveridge, who owns
the tine vineyard this si eorSpring
Ileld, has placed yo i-dltor under obli
gations for a couple of baskets of tl-ie
grapes. He has raised this year over
teu tons of as tine grapes as ever grew
and or a number or varieties. He
thoroughly understands the business
and gives it his perfonal supervision.
Very little trouble is found 111 selling
all of this fruit that ho raises.
K KiUinr wna arrvMel In IVmUi"
oldlvoy. It is alleged he took apiece
o. scanning tour leet long and beat the
little boy until bis tmdv was a nia. ,.r
bni;, ..;..l, i..- ..:.. VI
neglects bis chiUren and thi saV fn V0 8l,,n' Pce is t-0 Valu
they will take steps to have them rJ- a le 10 r,,l"'ikt '0"ever; hence the
m.ivid from Ins home and given Into I t'ommunication was given over to
better catx. j ihe waste basket.
The Xew York World, although
opposed to Bryan and free coinage,
and favoring McKinley because of
hid attitude on the money question,
addresses the latter thuBly in an
editorial article in a recent issue:
"We call Mr McKinley'a atten
tion to three groups of states, all of
which lie must carry. The first
tho three states that to
gether make the democratic key
.d Connecticut. These are states. They can be
,-.ed f0-McKinley only br the
vntol democrats. Ine secona
group contains iour
o i . . . if:
ware, Maryland, nest nrjiuissuu
kVntnckv." These are also demo
cratic states necessary to McKinley
Third erouD Illinois, inaiaoa
and Wisconsin was carried by Mr
Mr McKinley hopes to get these
t n
states, lie relies upon ine
public conscience of their demo
cratic voters, lie has said mat ne
adioirci these conscientious demo-
... s .i i .1 a.
cnts. Hut what nas ne uone iu
show that he appreciates their sac
rifices? Do they not deserve seme consid
eration? They show the highest publio
spirit, tlie noblest self-sacrifice.
They are attached to their party.
Thcv believe in its principles, in
i-.H usefulness. Yet they help into
power not only an odious party,
hut also a leader of that party who,
as the extreme champion of an odi
ous system of taxation, is in their
eyes not without blame for the
growth of tariff rings and mo
nopolies. In return for this they
nsk no offices, no patronage, no po
litical honors. They make one
simple condition.
And what is this condition?
Merely a guarantee that McKinley
shall stand for real popular sell
government. Merely that he will
enforce the laws already on the
statute books; that he will resist
the aggressions of those powerful
and oppressive combinations, the
corrupt trusts, syndicates, pools
and monopolies.
Could they
conscientiously ask
Is it not palpably just? Isit not
for the benefit of the whole peo
pie? Is it not in the interest of
good government? Is it not vital
to the republic itself? Is it too
much to ask of Mr McKinley an
assurance such as Mr Bryan gives
when lie says: "If by the suffra
ges of my countrymen I am placed
in the highest position in the gift
of any people in the world, every
law xh.tll be enforced against the
great as well as aginst the Bmall?"
What do YOU think about the
fc?ieak out, Mr McKinley!
(iiyen t the Marlborough Hotel,
N V, April 20, 1896: "lam afraid
the democrat party will make con-
ceeMoii to the silver men in the
pi itform adopted at the next na-
t:onal convention. If it does, de
fiptte all past mistakes, it will
sweep tho country like wildfire,
I think the result of the Denver
conference will be to make the re
publican party realize fully the
gravity of the situation, and may
lead to its adopting a more liberal
policy toward silver at the next
Republican National convention,"
n-.isehurg Review: "Railroad
Commissioner J B Eddy, who tor
nearly four years has been drawing
$2,500 annually of the taxpayer's
money, n neglecting his duties
while campaigning iu Southern
Oregon, though he is still on the
state pay roll. However, he never
did give any return for his salary,
hence so far as his services to the
state are concerned, nothing is lost
except his $8 a day." We suppoie
hi has not heard of the recent raise
ol freight rates in this sec ion
.-1 1...
nuriiMiy our poor larmers are
cinched to pay the S P Ii li as
ses-tnent to the McKinlev cam
ptign fund.
Colii l' Huntington, president of
the IS I li li is reported to have
given ifoO.OOO to the McKinbv
campaign fund. Now he raises the
tretghtrate in this section of Ore
...... it.- r
B"n. !!! uiui, me iarmer must pay
it. Great is Collii. He knows his
bcnelactor. If McKinley is elected
he will never pay the money he
owes the government.
call' you "suckers." Will you vote
tor ma ugonir
. ' "v-" -IIowe recently sent to
'""'"e bait column of oties
1 uw hnM . 1 .
. uBereu lime
AT ALliiiv
Over flow People to tlr
Tillman. M'
Albany, Or., October 17 .
mated that 8noo visitors J7Il,l.
to hear Henator TlKn'rt
ternoon. Linn county win , lhuJ
10 to 15(10 mojorlty ror U
True Badness of Autos.,.
1 tk""1 'l're '""a" they n,..,.
Who wept to see the flower, r '
TJeneatb the breath oUutS',
No sympathy Is In my breast "
lor (irlcvlngs vain o'er falL 1
Which every autu.UR post wS.
Tha frosty jeason never brought
One throb or honest sorrow t( .
Shirt waists were added to ti,,ii
ui wveiy ibingstherrwtm
Lftter Llau
Oct, IS. t
Flint. Fred E, Gray, MIhV
Keiley, MraDnllle lin,I?on7
Prutman, Mra E Snyder, Job,,,
Achsrgeof one cent will Isi mn, !
Isttengivea out. lvrxmn rnin.l?
will plesss suit whou savsuM L 'a
T. J. cruW .t a
Heavy BiTTiNoMallieurfj.,-,
W E Leea and Hilly Jones h.
a bet of $100 on tho election
atate of Oregon, the former tbat It .j
go for Bryan and the ltttt.rf 5?
Kinley. The niouey Is o0 ,t
handsof JN Fell
Jouessaid he would put UDllomn
more on the same i-roposiilori Z
hearlug which Mr Lees said liJ.iS
put put up 1500 or his ownnlw?
and could get $10,0CO morelnaS
to cover that amount 011 tb
Froposltlon. Aslsnli gentleruenw,
responsible, and ueitlier is in ih habit
of talking through his hut, tbm.
liable to be some blooded ipeeulitlnt
the next time they meet. 1
Not Enough Confidents is hu
ria,w)wiur..-A proinintut toqm
minister of this citv nm ian,ifL.
minister or this city was atandlnr 1
close proximity to two young mtn u
the speaking this afternoon, when b,
siiddeulv missed his niiMa h.hii.
jumping to the conclusion tbat t(i
yuuiiK meu nnu pieavu 1119 p0CKeU,hl
eiezed both or them aud cail
ed to Marshal Doy who wu nv
at hand. The young men were toktn
to headquarters but objected to bcln
senrclied. Marshal bay retaloed
the young men In custody while tbe
minister went home lo st-e i f a search
would reveal his purse there. 11
found It iu another puir or jsaus.
A New Conductok. Sslem John
nal: Ham Veutch, who has forwvenl
months been conductor on the talein
local, has lieen transferred to tin
"south end run" or the California
overland, between Roseburg sad Asb
land.totake the place of Conductor
Wall, who was discharged as a result
or the serious Roseburg col Union, two
weeks since Commencing last even
ing, Ed Klder, the well-kuown rail
road man, will act as conductor on
the Salem cauuon ball.
Ilors. Salem (Statesman: Tbe lo
cal hop market is very active and tbe
indications are that prices will have
an upward tendency. Huyeissreoot
quoting the choicest stock ut 7 Ir li
cents, and one or two lots arc reported
as having brought bJ cents. Bruk'i
geuerally are not buying many hop at
the higher llgures, however, but con
tent themselves iu taking in thw
crops which were contracted fur early
la tbe season.
Daily Gutrd October 1
Used a Knife. A cutting acrape
took place at a dauce in the "Tar
Flat" district last night. Two young
men engaged in an altercation and one
of them used a knife, slashing tbe
other acrrss the hips. No arresiebavt
been iuds.
The Dalles T-M: Instead of
tramping or rather riding on free
posscB, advocating the election of
McKinley, why is not Railroad
Commissioner Eddy attending to
his official duties, "endeavoring to
protect tho wheat farmers of Lane
county from the extortions of th
Southern Pacific railroad,
The other day the Orrgonian
published an article as to the opin
ion of tho Omaha World-Herald in
1892, speaking of it as Mr Bryan a
opinion. Mr Bryan hud no con
nection with the "Omaha papertill
after he left congress, March 4, 9G;
but a little discrepancy like that
doesn't phase Scott in a campaign
of lying.
Rev. I. D. Driver states every
day that he knows that silver waa
never demonetized, and says that
he cannot be mistaken, that be
never was mistaken, that he is the
personification of all that is gw
Now in contravention to the great
and onlv Driver we quote from
speech o"f Ex-Secretary of Treasury
Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell, delivered in
Boston Out. 14th:
"My part in the preparation of
the mint bill of 1S73 was very
considerable. The bill was the re
salt in no small measure of recom
mendations which I make to con
gress after careful consideration 01
the currency system when I a
appointed to the office of secretary
of the treasury. The bill contain
ed 71 sections, one of which caliw
for the demonetization of silver. H
lam asked the pertinent q"eel)
of why I sought a change in tw
financial system, I will answer
that I had come to believe it
best for every nati-m of the worm
to recognize and miintain the go'
standard." . ,
But this will prove rutlnng w
I. D. as he will now taro
against Mr. Boutwelland call mm
a fool and ignoramus.